#Event Management in Georgia
reminiscingtonight · 2 months
Imaginary (Girl)Friend
Leah Williamson x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
[WOSO Masterlist]
You never talk about Leah. 
She’s your best friend, your better half, the first person you think to tell anything to. But you still never talk about Leah. 
You don’t talk about the fact that the two of you grew up together. Or that she prefers the crust cut off her plain ham sandwiches. Or how she stays up late just to call you even after playing a late night game away from home. 
You never talk about Leah because no one knew who she was. To you, she’s the most amazing person you know, the only person you’ll ever give your heart to. To everyone else, she’s simply another nameless face on another football team. 
And then the Euros happened.
The Euros happened, England won, and everyone started noticing Leah.
It’s hard at first. To watch your normally shy girlfriend have to shoulder the constant attention from both fans and media alike, to go from unknown to stopped every five seconds for a picture. Where Leah once held your hand while strolling on Sunday walks now became group outlettings lest you manage to secure an indoor date somewhere secluded.
Leah didn’t want you being dragged to national attention with her, and after watching the toll it took on her, you meekly agreed. While Leah became a professional footballer, you went to college, got a job, and now work a normal 9 to 5. Being famous for any reason, let alone dating someone famous, was something you never had an interest in.
So no, you don’t talk about Leah the footballer.
Leah the girlfriend however… you talk about her quite too much. 
But your friends always let you gush your heart out about the girl who’s had your heart since you were teenagers.
It’s friends like these that you treasure. They never push too hard, understanding when you skirt around bringing your girlfriend out to public events with large crowds. A couple of them are newer to the group, friends from work, but still respectful all the same.
Some of you even formed a recreational futsal team, just something to do after work once a week. It’s fun, getting to use some of those football skills you’ve acquired through your childhood playing on youth teams. 
Today’s one of those days. After wrapping up the last of your paperwork, you all pile into a car and make your way to the community center. 
The first half goes by quickly, not really memorable in any way.  
You’re taking a quick water break during half-time when one of your friends suddenly stiffens. 
“Holy shit.”
You look up to see her eyes widen at a spot over your shoulder. 
“What?” you ask, alarmed, trying to see what she’s looking at. But two hands on your shoulder stops you quickly, jerking you right back to face her.
“Don’t look, but I think a couple of the Lionesses are sitting in the bleachers, watching our game.”
You almost trip ripping yourself out of her grip, doing the exact opposite of what she just said.
Sure enough, you can spot the Three Best Friends huddled near the back of the bleachers, baseball caps and hoodies on as if that combo would actually help someone go incognito.
Almost as if she can feel your gaze, Leah’s face brightens, resting scowl turning into a grin as she waves at you. Before you can so much as react, a hand on your arm spins you back around.
“Oh my god, what are we going to do? I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of the Leah Williamson, Keira Walsh, and Georgia Stanway!”
You snort, gently shaking her hands off. “First off, it’s just rec futsal. If we lose it’s nothing that life ending. Also, we can always blame it on the court if we play poorly.”
She doesn’t look convinced, but the whistle from the ref calls before you can convince her some more. 
Taking your spot on the court again, you can’t help but feel a bit giddy. With the constant attention and numerous commitments clogging up your girlfriend’s schedule, it’s been a while since Leah’s come to one of your games. 
And so what if you end up showing off a little bit? Your girlfriend is here watching and you’re only human.
By the time the game ends, your team is up by six, four scored by you.
“God damn, we should try to invite the Lionesses out every week if you’re going to ball out like that when they’re here,” Riley jokingly complains, laughing when you shove her back playfully.
“Speaking of the Lionesses…”
Spinning around you see your girlfriend and her friends starting their descent down to the court. You skip to meet them halfway, ignoring the awestruck looks coming from all around. 
Leah gives you a quick hug before pulling back, mindful of prying eyes. 
“Leah! What are you doing here?”
“Just wanted to surprise my girl,” she mumbles, cheeks burning bright red as she instinctively pulls her cap down tighter on her head. “That’s okay right? I just haven’t seen you play live in a while and I--”
“Of course it’s fine.” Your cheeks are starting to hurt a bit by how wide you’re smiling.
You turn quickly to her two friends by her side. 
“Happy to see you guys too! Thanks for coming out.”
Georgia and Keira exchange devilish grins before each throwing an arm around your shoulders. 
“We would’ve come out to a match sooner if lovergirl over here hadn’t gatekeeped when your games were.”
Keira nods dramatically. “It was like pulling teeth with this one, trying to convince her to let us tag along today. You’d almost think she wanted us to forget she had a girlfriend.”
Leah rolls her eyes at the accusations. “A). I wasn’t gatekeeping. B). It was like pulling teeth today --- you wouldn’t give me a moment of peace until I agreed. And C). If I wanted you to forget I had a girlfriend, we wouldn’t be here having this conversation.”
“Pshh, as if you could make us forget our favorite Milton Keynes native. We’d choose her in the divorce,” Georgia quips, ignoring the eyebrow Leah raises her way.
Before the three of them can get in a shoving match, you suddenly remember your friends that you’ve left behind.
“Wait, let me introduce you guys to my teammates.”
Your friends look shell-shocked, eyes darting between you and the little posse of professional footballers you’ve amassed around you when you return. 
“Guys, this is my girlfriend Leah and her two friends.”
There’s a moment of stunned silence. Then a whispered, “why are you introducing three Lionesses to us as if you have dinner together on the regular?” Riley honestly looks like she’s about to pass out, but you decide to humor her a bit.
“Because I do? Keira and G come down sometimes during breaks, and I do live with Leah. So…” 
Your explanation seems pretty straightforward to you, but if anything, it only makes things more confusing for your friends.  
They exchange looks with each other before Riley cautiously asks, “You were being serious about that?”
It’s your turn to be confused, face scrunching up. “What do you mean?”
“Well you kept talking about your mysterious girlfriend Leah without ever introducing us to her…”
“Or showing us a picture,” another voice adds on, trying to be helpful.
“We just kinda assumed Leah wasn’t real,” Riley finishes off lamely.
You roll your eyes, elbowing your girlfriend when you feel Leah snort next to you.
She recovers quickly, giving your friends a smile. “Well rest assured, the girlfriend is very much real. It’s nice to meet you guys, I’m Leah.”
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etherealstar-writes · 8 months
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pairings: lionesses x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: seven
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
the REAL karate kid
good afternoon losers
and y/n <3
the imposter
good afternoon you dumbass
and hello to you too y/n
the REAL karate kid
how are you y/n?
the imposter
eh i'm doing fine i guess
is everything alright
the imposter
i got fired from work today 😔
what happened?
if you don't mind me asking
the imposter
so i told ya what i do for work yeah?
well i've worked for this company for the past
whole year as their main solo media manager
and then my boss found out that his good old
friend's son was looking for a job and he's also
a photographer and social media manager so he
decided to fire me and hire him instead to
keep his relationship strong with his old friend
the REAL karate kid
that really sucks
your boss sounds like a terrible person
the imposter
yeah he was a really difficult person
i am kinda glad tho ngl
i don't have to see his annoying face ever again
but back to job hunting again 😔
if it makes you feel better
leah got head-shotted in the head
by lessi during training
the imposter
i really hope someone got proof of it
i gotcha
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got K.O-ed lol
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this isn't funny
i got a full on concussion
i'll get you back russo
the REAL karate kid
not my fault you're a terrible defender 🤷‍♀️
the imposter
them calves 😮‍💨
has anyone ever asked you
to step on them?
um y/n is there something you'd
like to share with the group ...
weirdly enough yeah
i have been asked that
it was actually just y/n asking
on a secret account
the imposter
don't expose me like that 😩
every time i open this group chat
i get deeply concerned for you all again
i don't even know who y/n is and i feel like
i should be concerned about her as well
the imposter
i thought we were getting along well 😔
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well if meado is concerned then
i guess she's offering to pay for
our therapy so let's go gang
the imposter
why do guys always train and
play football together?
oh you know
we just like to play football together at times
it's fun
the imposter
okay ....
who am i to judge
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
so guys
i have done something
oh no
that is never a good sign
le tissier
okay i'm intrigued
this is gonna be bad
the fact that she's using the group chat
without y/n is not a good sign
is she about to introduce her new wife
to us or something? did you like run away
and get married in vegas or something?
we literally saw her yesterday georgia
so if she had then that would be
insanely impressive
is that why you weren't at training today?
ella looked very lost today
it was worrying
i ran away with y/n and we got married
not yet anyway 😏
but back to the point
leah was also in on this
oh like that's any better
excuse me??
here we go
you know how y/n's looking for a job yeah?
well leah and i thought we'd put in a
good word for her in our media admin so
that you know .... maybe she can get
offered a job here and you know we can
actually meet her and get to know her irl ....
that is actually ....
the most decent idea i've heard from ya
yeah fr
oh my god y'all are such simps
shut up
i do wonder when y/n will find out about
who we are or if she ever will
nah she's got to find out soon with
the euros starting next week?
i reckon we tell her after the euros
well that shall be eventful
part eight here
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woso-dreamzzz · 10 months
Travel Day
Wonze x Child!Reader
Summary: Travelling with you is always eventful
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If there was one thing that Keira hated, it was travelling with you.
It was always hit or miss if you behaved or not. Sometimes, you were just so full of wiggly energy that you were incapable of sitting still.
"Alright," She says as the plane levels off," What do you want to do, peanut?"
The flight from Barcelona to London only took two and a half hours so putting on a movie wasn't really on the cards to keep you entertained - you also despise wearing earphones so it was already out.
You blink at her, bottom lip still poking out in a pout since she wouldn't let you get the model plane at the shop in the airport. You huff, arms crossed over your little chest.
"No, Mummy," You say, shaking your head.
"No? You don't want to do anything?"
You stick your tongue out at her and your Mum, sitting on your other side says in warning," Peanut, put your tongue back in your mouth. You're being rude."
You huff again but do as you're told. "Mummy being mean," You tell Lucy.
"She's not being mean," Lucy replies, trying to not laugh at the look of offence on Keira's face," You're being mean. She asked you a question, peanut. What do you want to do?"
"Okay. Now, what do you want to play?"
"Run." You reach for your seatbelt and try to unbuckle it yourself.
"We can't run around on the plane," Keira tries to tell you but you're too preoccupied with pulling off your shoes.
You get the first one off easily but Mum has tied your laces a bit tighter on your other one so you just kind of try to blunt force wrench it off your foot.
Keira and Lucy let you do it but Lucy makes sure that her hand keeps you in your seat when you finally work out how to unclip your seatbelt.
"Why?" You whine as you try to get her off you.
"Because you can't run in a plane," Keira says again.
You're wriggling around and trying to throw your Mum off but Lucy soon grows bored of your fighting and lifts you onto her lap.
Keira digs around in your backpack, bringing out one of your story books and plush bunny. "This should keep her occupied."
You want to whine that it won't but you're already distracted by Mum putting on a silly voice and reading. You grumpily settle in her arms and rub your bunny over your face as you glare at Mummy.
Keira just lets you be, happy to relax back in her seat as she reads over some paperwork sent over by her manager.
It's tough travelling on flights with you now that you're older. When you all arrived in Barcelona, you were only little and didn't have nearly as much attitude as you do now. All you wanted to do now was run around and kick the ball and play with Keira and Lucy's teammates, which was all well and good at the training centre but not as fun when the three of you were trapped on an aircraft.
Lucy manages to keep you mostly entertained for almost all of the flight until you fall asleep in the last half an hour - completely dead weight on her lap until you wake up as the plane descends with your ears popping which sends you into a fresh wave of tears.
Keira kind of assumed this would happen, you crying at some point today, and expertly takes you into her arms, tucking your sobbing face into her neck and covering you with a blanket.
You're still a little whiney and tearful when they get through customs and you hide away in your little blanket tent as Keira and Lucy wait around for their bags.
"Keira! Lucy! Where's the baby?!"
Georgia skids through customs to baggage claim, uncaring of the strange looks she's receiving from other people. You peek your head out from your blanket tent.
"Peanut! Hey!"
Aunt Georgia is always like this, loud and crazy and you're tired so you manage a wave before tucking yourself back under your blanket.
"What have you done to her? She's all sad!"
"She's tired," Lucy explains," We got up early. She had a late night. She was napping and her ears popped. It'll take her a bit to get used to being awake again."
"Poor baby," Georgia coos and you feel her hand rub at your head even though you're hidden away," She'll perk up though, right?"
"She'll perk up," Keira confirms, bouncing you lightly," Isn't that right, peanut?"
You grunt and kick your legs a bit in answer.
You hear Mum laugh slightly and then Mummy's moving again. It goes quiet for a bit before really loud when you all step outside and then quiet again when you slip into the taxi.
You're transferred from one set of arms to another and you recognise Mum's grip instantly. You sag against her and finally emerge from your cocoon of warmth.
Aunt Georgia smiles at you when she catches your eyes and you smile back.
"Hey, peanut," Mum says as the driver heads towards St George's Park," You feeling better now?"
"Little bit," You reply though your ears are still achy and you're fighting through a cloud of exhaustion.
"I'm sorry, peanut," Mum says, rubbing your back," But, hey, we're nearly there and then we'll have a proper cuddle and some food. Won't that be good?"
You grunt neither approval nor disapproval and just stare at Aunt Georgia, your face smooshed against Mum's shoulder.
"She's grumpy," Georgia laughs as you grip at Lucy's shirt like a lifeline.
"She's just a bit moody today," Keira replies as she digs around in her backpack for your bunny, passing it to you quickly and watching how you immediately release Lucy.
You don't speak (or make any noise at all) when the car finally pulls up at St George's Park. It's with practised ease that your mothers get everything out and ready and, by this point, you've perked up significantly.
You're happy to hold Aunt Georgia's hand as she leads you up the ramp to the main entrance.
The silly social media man is filming as you approach.
"Last camp of the year," He says.
Georgia laughs. "I know. I'll have to fly out to Barcelona to get my monthly peanut fix." She looks down pointedly at you.
"Good morning, y/n," The silly man says and you smile.
"Hi! Mum and Mummy are slow." You stop and turn to see where they're lagging behind.
"They are," He confirms.
"I'm not," You boast," I'm super speedy."
Mummy has finally caught up and she swings you up to sit on her suitcase as Mum talks with the silly man.
"Alright," She says," Naptime for you, peanut."
You pull a face. "Not tired."
She laughs. "Yes, you are."
"Want to run."
"Peanut, you can't-"
"Oh, let her run," Mum says," She can run off that energy and she'll crash in a bit."
"We've got training soon," Mummy replies but she's already tying your shoes again and setting you on your feet.
You're vibrating in excitement as you see more of the girls milling around.
"Even better. She can nap while we train. Come on, Keira. There's so many of us, it's not like she's going to disappear."
Mummy sighs and she crouches down next to you, helping you take off your coat and straightening out the bunches in your hair. "You need to stay where someone can see you, okay?"
"Uh-huh." You nod even though you're only half listening, focussing on the way that Ella and Alessia are none the wiser about your arrival, meaning you can run up and scare them.
"And if you get tired or thirsty, you come straight back."
"Yes, Mummy."
"Alright. Off you go, run wild."
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muffinpink02 · 6 months
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Leah and Lucy have never got on. An event they both attend brings them a little bit closer. Do they start to see things eye to eye? God I hate summary's.
Chapters 1 of 4 part 2 here
Warnings - Smut, all the good stuff
Lucy is a friendly person, she gets on with most people she meets. She’s easy going, she isn’t an in your face kind of person, she keeps herself to herself. She’s respectful to others, and even if she didn’t agree with something, she would still be able to get along with the person in a friendly manner.
But there was one person Lucy didn’t get on with, and her name is Leah Williamson.
Lucy and Leah’s dislike for each other started a couple years back. The hatred started when they first played against each other in Leah’s first over 21’s game.
The girls had never officially met prior to the game. Though Leah had already heard about Lucy, she was becoming a known name within women’s football. Lucy had a couple years on Leah, and if Leah was honest she was a bit nervous to play against her. She had heard how good she was and how hard she was to get past on the pitch.
It had gone half time and the game was getting to Leah. She had barely touched the ball and when she did, the defender was always hot on her heels. Lucys team was up by 3.
7 minutes into the second half and Leah finally had possession of the ball. She was clear, nobody was in her way. She could see the goal keeper trying to work out where she was going to shoot. She could practically taste the goal, until she felt a strong body next to hers. Lucy was able to get the ball back with no issue, she hardly even touched the blonde. Lucy cleared the ball away, and Leah lost it. She didn’t think about what she was doing. She tackled Lucy, hard. She knew the ball was gone. She could have easily stopped herself, but her anger got the better of her. She went in hard with her right foot, against the defender’s shin.
As soon as she heard the brunette cry out she regretted it. Lucy was rolling on the floor, holding her leg, she could see the pain in her face. She knew it was a stupid thing to do. The ref blew her whistle and held up a red card.
She heard the boo’s from the crowd. She then felt someone shove her, it was Jordan Nobbs. “What are you playing at?” She was in Leah’s face now, pure anger in her voice.
Her own teammates got in-between them. The ref came over and told Leah to leave the pitch. It all happened so fast. She could feel the dread in her stomach. She looked again at the brunette. She saw tears in the defenders eyes, the medics were beside her in seconds.
Lucy had to miss two games because of the injury. And she never got an apology from the girl. Leah was suspended for 3 games.
After the game Leah’s manager didn’t hold back. She told her how stupid it was, how it affects the team, even how she could have ruined the other players life with an injury, and everything else to make her feel bad. Even a few of her team mates made a few comments. Lucy had played with these girls in previous teams so they probably had some kind of friendship with her.
Since then they couldn’t stand each other. For Lucy it was the sheer lack of respect Leah had for her. Leah knew she did wrong that day. The shame of what she did turned into embarrassment, that then turned into anger and resentment towards the defender.
Over the years it always got heated on the pitch when they played against each other. There would be a pull of the shirt here, and stepping on an ankle there. It was a known fact that they couldn’t stand each other. Some people joked that they needed to have it out in the boxing ring.
“Yeah the green looks good!” Georgia was on Lucy’s phone screen, the girls decided to FaceTime each other to get the approval of what they were wearing for the charity event.
Lucy and many other players had been invited to a charity event in London. It was a charity to help children get into sports all over the world. A lot of big names were going to be at the event, so she wanted to look good. Thankfully some of the England squad were going, it was always easier at these things when you knew a few faces. She messaged Georgia, Ella, Alessia and Keira to see what they were wearing. And that’s how she came to have Georgias face on her phone.
Lucy stood in her floor length mirror, looking at herself. She knew she could rock a suit, but dahm she looked good in this one. “Yeah I think I’ll go with this one.” She pushed her glasses back up her nose and smiled at herself.
She took a few photos and sent them to the group chat with Georgia, Keira, Alessia and Ella. She got responses quickly.
Ella - Yessss Bronze!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 FITTT
Georgia - 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 DRIP
Keira - Nice!! 👌 ❤️
Alessia - Love it Lucy!!! You look good 😍😍
Lucy was happy to get the approval from her friends. They also sent their outfits photos, to which they all looked good, and Lucy hyped them up just the same.
A few hours later Lucy was in her home gym. The brunette was working out a sweat on her punch bag. Thats when she got a call from her agent. She pulled off one of her gloves straps with her teeth. She answered it, loud speaker on.
“Hey Lucy! Can you talk? Is it a bad time?”
Lucy breathed hard, wiping the sweat from her four head with her arm. “Hi Lisa, no, all good, I’m just working out. What’s up?”
Lisa sounded weird, like she was excited but there was a slight off tone to it. “Oh, great. Well I was just calling to let you know the organisers at the charity event wants you to announce one of the awards.” 
Lucy wasn’t surprised by the request, she was an ambassador for a charity herself.
“Yeah, sounds good. It’s not a long speech is it?”
“No, no. Just a quick award, the usual..”
Lucy could hear there was something else in Lisa voice, she had heard it before when giving Lucy bad news. “What’s wrong Lisa?”
Lisa waited a few seconds before answering. “They want you to present the award with someone.”
Lucy scrunched her face in confusion, why would that be a problem?
“Right, that’s fine? Isn’t that what happens most of the time? Who’s it with?”
Lisa once again fell silent. “….They want you to do the award with Leah Williamson.”
Lucy stopped mid stretch.
“Are you serious? Please tell me you’re joking? Why would they do that?”
Lisa scoffed, “Probably to make it seem like even they can bring two mortal enemies together with the power of charity.” Lucy could hear the sarcasm in Lisa’s voice.
The brunette shut her eyes in frustration and took a deep breath through her nose. “Well I’m just gong to have to do it, I don’t need to talk to the girl.”
Lisa sounded relieved. “Thank god. I’ll tell them you’ll do it. It’ll be fine, you don’t need to be best friends. Anyways, I’ll let you go, I’ll send you more details once I have them.”
Lucy started to fit the boxing glove back to her left hand. “Okay, sounds good. Talk to you later.”
Lisa ended the call. Lucy went back to her boxing bag. At least she’ll have something to focus her anger while boxing now.
2 weeks had passed and tonight was the charity event. Lucy was getting ready in her room. She had gone for light natural make up and was rocking her green suit with a clean white vest top that showed off her abs through the thin fabric and a pair of white Nike air max to finish it off. Her hair in her signature bun.
She was trying not to think about the fact that she was going to have to share the stage with Leah tonight. The last 2 weeks the her teammates had joked about the situation. They even had bets on who would win in a fight, Lucy was more than pissed that 4 of the girls on the team actually picked Leah.
She was interrupted from her thoughts when a text came through.
Alessia - outside x
Lucy had a car picking her up for the event, luckily Alessia lived close by so they were able to go to the event together. Lucy took one more look in her mirror and made her way outside. She was more than relieved to have Alessia with her. She opened the door to see the striker in a beautiful gold dress.
“Hey Luce! Oh my god, you look even better in real life! I love the suit.”
Lucy smiled, she loved it when Alessia hyped her up, it always seemed so genuine.
“Thanks Russo. You look stunning, gold really suits you.”
Alessia smiled at the compliment, she actually seemed shy from the comment. “Thank you Luce. I’m looking forward to tonight, there’s going to be an after party!”
Lucy smiled at her teammate, she loved how enthusiastic she was being, it made her think tonight wasn’t going to be too bad. They chatted all the way to the event, even taking some selfies. They arrived to a sea of photographers, flashing lights everywhere. Lucy would never get used to this part of the job. Photo shoots she could live with, but this was always a whole other world. She was just thankful to have someone with her.
She felt Alessia touch her back. A gentle reminder that she wasn’t alone. They made their way through the sea of flashing lights. They finally caught up with their teammates. They grabbed a sofa area before they could sit at their assigned seats.
Ella was sitting next to Lucy on the sofa, she nudged Lucy with her elbow. Lucy turned to see why Ella was bugging her. She smirked at Lucy and nodded her head to the direction in front of her.
“Eh up, it’s your co-host Bronze. Wow, she looks hot.”
Lucy looked in the direction Ella had nodded to, and she was right. There stood Leah, she was chatting to a TV host Lucy recognised but couldn’t tell you the name of. Lucy screwed up her face at the ‘hot’ comment. “Oi, whose side are you on? You can’t say she’s hot.”
Ella laughed and looked back at the blonde “Na sorry Luce, she does look hot, you have eyes, you can’t say she doesn’t look good.” The other girls had now taken interest in the conversation and looked around to see for themselves.
Keira was first to comment. “Oh yeah, she does look good. I knew she was fit but wow.” Lucy curled up her lip in disbelief. “Erm, sorry did we forget we don’t like her?” A smile crept of her face and the girls and Lucy laughed.
She did take a look at the blonde herself and the girls weren’t wrong, she did look good, Lucy could easily admit that. Leah was wearing a black dress that hugged her at the best bits, a high opening at the top of her thigh, exposing a bit of skin, and gold heels to finish it off. Her hair was down and straight. Lucy couldn’t take her eyes off her.
They were finally able to sit at their assigned seats. All the girls were together, with a few other names on their table. Ella was making small talk about football with Rylan Clarke and Lucy and the others stayed on their phones. They had been to events like this before and they could be a little boring, so no one judged you for having a scroll through your phone.
Lucy had a few glasses of Prosecco to give her some Dutch courage. It’s not like she was shaking in her seat with nerves but it always made it easier having a few bubbles in you, she also wasn’t sure how this was going to go with Leah. They hadn’t even acknowledged each other since they arrived.
Half an hour later a member of staff came to collect Lucy. The girls wished her luck. She was feeling fine, the alcohol was definitely helping, she wasn’t drunk but felt warm and light. She was ushered back stage where she found Leah already waiting. The blonde gave her a tight smile and nod, Lucy returned it. She couldn’t help but notice how good the blonde looked. They had at least 5 minutes before they had to walk on stage. Lucy was listening to the other presenters on stage, trying not to make it anymore awkward than it already was.
“I can’t do it.”
Lucy turned around to a pale looking Leah. She looked like a deer in headlights
“I can’t do this, I’m freaking out. God I knew I should have just said no.” Leah was starting to panic, she could feel her hands shaking.
She bent forward hands on her knees the girl looked liked she was about to be sick. Lucy gingerly stepped forward to Leah, she put her hand out to touch Leah’s back but thought better of it.
Leah wanted the floor to swallow her whole, she couldn’t believe she was having a breakdown in front of Lucy. Of all people.
Lucy wasn’t really sure what to do. She didn’t know Leah, she didn’t have the best relationship with the girl. Now she was having a meltdown, moments before they were meant to be on live television. She would be more than happy to go out alone if she needed to.
Leah stood up she looked like she was about to cry. For some reason seeing Leah close to tears stirred something inside of the brunette. She didn’t like the girl but she didn’t want to see her like this either.
Leah could feel her eyes watering, she was in full panic now.
“Leah it’s okay. You can do this, you’ve had bigger audiences than this, this is nothing for you.” Lucy was sure that would be enough.
Leah puffed out her cheeks, a tear falling from her eye. “God, sorry, I can’t believe I’m crying in front of you.” Lucy couldn’t believe Leah was this nervous. Their history was pushed aside for a moment.
Lucy took Leah by the shoulders. Leah was clearly taken aback by the touch and tensed up under Lucy’s hands. “Hey, look, I know this isn’t the easiest of things, I get it. I hated doing things like this before. But you are Leah fucking Williamson, one of the best football players out there, what do you have to be nervous about?”
Leah wiped her eye and chuckled. “Wow, I did not ever expect to hear those words come out of your mouth.” She could feel Lucy’s strong hands on her bare skin. She was close enough to smell her perfume. It smelt like a perfume Leah had of her own. The touch distracted her for a split second from her worries. She also couldn’t believe Lucy had said she thought she was a good football player.
Lucy smiled, she was happy to see she got the girl to laugh, Lucy once again couldn’t help but notice just how beautiful the girl was up close. She felt her tension leave her shoulders.
“Yeah, well don’t get used to it. Look, if you want I can do all the talking, you can read out the winner? Or you can just come out? I’m easy.” Lucy stepped back, letting go of the blonde.
Leah sniffled and took a deep breath, dabbing the corners of her eyes lightly, trying not to mess up her make up. “Could you maybe do the talking, and we read out the winner together?…If thats okay?” Lucy couldn’t help but notice how weak her voice sounded.
“No, that’s all good with me. Don’t worry you’ll be fine. Just breathe through it.” Lucy gave her a small smile.
Leah gave her a genuine smile back. Before any more could be said a young girl from the stage crew came over, with a headset on. “Hey ladies, okay, your cues will be in front of you on the projector with your names. Make sure to smile and no swearing.” She smiled and ushered them over to the side of the stage. She looked to be listening to someone in her ear. “I have Lucy and Leah now, they are clear to go.” Lucy then heard their names being called out on the speakers by a pre recorded voice, the lady smiled and gestured for them to go on stage.
Lucy started to walk, she could hear the audience clapping. She then felt a hand hook around her arm. Lucy looked around to see Leah attached to her. Leah smiled at her almost pleading her not move her arm away, she clearly needed the support.
Leah didn’t realise she had reached out to Lucy. She needed to feel something close to her, she needed something to ground her. Lucy smiled and carried on walking, she pulled Leah closer to her without thinking twice. As soon as Lucy pulled the girl closer, Leah felt like she could breathe again.
Lucy read out all the script, like she said she would, still feeling Leah attached to her arm. They read out the winner together, still noticing how small Leah’s voice was. They congratulated the winner and walked off the stage, Leah walking close by her side.
Another crew member came over, with a headset on his head. “Well done guys, could you follow me please.” They followed the young boy back stage and back down to the floor. Lucy was first to get to her table, and before she could do or say anything, the boy ushered Leah back to her own table. Leah looked like she was about to say something but was quickly rushed by the crew member.
Lucy stood with her back to the table, she watched Leah go to her own table. She turned to see her teammates were staring at her like she had grown two heads.
“What?…is there something on my face?” Panic set in thinking she had done something embarrassing. She slowly sat down, eyes still on her, but no one was talking.
“What’s wrong? What did I do? Did I say the names wrong?”
Ella spoke first. “What was that about?” She nodded her head towards Leah’s table. Ella smiled. “Are you two best friends now?”
Realisation kicked in. Lucy laughed. How was she going to explain this? She wasn’t going to go into detail about Leah’s meltdown, friends or not she wasn’t someone who would talk about someone else behind their back. “She just needed a bit of help. No big deal.” The girls looked at each other, a few smiles and lost looks on their faces.
Georgia laughed. “Well, you looked good together.” The girls all laughed, Lucy laughed with them.
For a split second the comment had Lucy’s mind wonder to what it would be like to be with Leah in more ways than one.
She was interrupted by her thoughts when Keira jumped in. “You did well up there Lucy.” Keira smiled a genuine smile at her and raised her glass. Alessia was pouring Lucy a new glass to drink. The girls all raised their glasses. “To Lucy!” Shouted Ella. They all cheersed and took a drink from their glasses.
“Awww thanks guys.” The girls went into their own conversations. Lucy looked around the room, spotting a few famous faces she recognised, another part of the job she still hadn’t gotten used to. She turned to the right of her, and caught a pair blue eyes watching her. Leah’s blue eyes.
Leah quickly looked away, trying her hardest to act like she hadn’t just been caught in 4k.
Lucy looked back at her drink, smiling to herself as she took a sip of her Prosecco.
Leah kicked herself internally. She had been watching Lucy for a while, and she knew she should have stoped after the first 5 minutes, but she couldn’t help it. When Leah first saw Lucy tonight, she had to pick her mouth up from the ground. Lucy looked really fucking good in her green suit. Leah could see Lucy’s 6 pack through her fitted white t shirt she could have sworn she dribbled. Then seeing her up close backstage didn’t help, she made her more nervous than she already was.
She felt like she could still feel Lucy’s hands on her shoulders, she made her feel so relaxed, just the touch alone calmed her breathing. Don't get her wrong, she knew Lucy didn’t like her or even looked at her in any other way than an enemy. But Leah could still appreciate a good looking woman when she saw one, and she thought that every time she had the pleasure of seeing Lucy. On or off the pitch.
The awards finished and the girls made their way to the after party all in one car. It wasn’t far from the first event. They pulled up to a bar that had a night club underground. They jumped out of the car and were escorted straight in. The DJ was already playing the right kind of music to get you dancing. They were escorted to a reserved table with a few different bottles of drink in ice. They poured what they wanted and made themselves comfy.
More people started drifting in from the charity event and the bar become full. There were a few other girls from different teams on the dance floor. It was mostly athletes at this event as it was a sports charity, so Lucy could spot a few of the other girls out. She also spotted a certain blonde in the middle of the dance floor. Looking a lot more calmer than she did earlier. Ella and Georgia decided they wanted to dance, they made their way to dance floor but not without dragging Lucy down with them.
The girls laughed at Lucy pretending to not want to go, but Lucy didn’t put up a fight, she was the first the start dancing once they got to the dance floor. The other two joined them and all 5 of them were dancing under the strobe lights. After a half hour Lucy made her way to the toilets. She felt the effects of the alcohol hitting her a bit more, after leaving the hot room of bodies.
As she left the toilet stall she was met with Leah’s blue eyes staring back at her in the mirror. She stoped in her tracks for a quick second and made her way to the sink. Leah seemed to be doing something with her make up. She gave a small smile to the girl, and received a tight lipped smile back from Leah, it looked like it hurt her to do it.
Leah nearly dropped her lipgloss when she saw Lucy in the mirror. Lucy was making Leah nervous anytime she was close, she didn’t even have to be talking to her. Just her presence alone was enough.
Lucy wasn’t sure if she should really say anything, it felt more awkward than ever, she preferred it when there was a mutual hatred. The thing is Lucy didn’t hate Leah, she thought she was rude, a bit of a show off but she never hated her. She respected her as a football player, she was being honest when she told Leah she thought she was one of the best. However, if Leah was still going to be cold towards Lucy, even after earlier then she could simply fuck off.
Leah’s brain was in over drive trying to think of something to say. Her mouth became completely dry. She kept glancing at the brunette. Hoping to strike up any conversation.
Lucy gave herself a once over in the mirror before finishing up, and made her way towards the door.
Lucy’s paused in her tracks, hand on the door. Did she just hear that right? She turned to see Leah facing her. Lucy raised her eyebrows. She heard Leah but she wanted her to say it again. “Pardon?”
Leah looked at her shoes, clearly finding it hard to resist an eye roll. Lucy smiled internally. Leah looked back up at the defender and took a big breath. “Thank you for earlier. I’m - I’m not the best with all that stuff. Sorry you had to do it all.”
Lucy was shocked, she didn’t think she was going to get a thank you from the girl. She knew that must have taken a lot for Leah, she wasn’t going to gloat or be a dick about it. She smiled at the blonde in front of her. “That’s okay, I could see it was bothering you, it’s nothing.”
Lucy’s smile was becoming a big weakness for Leah.
Leah looked like she relaxed a little, and looked back at Lucy. “Also, sorry for holding on to you. I don’t really know what happened there.”
Lucy smiled her brilliant toothy smile, almost verging on flirty. “Ah that’s okay, don’t apologise for that, I didn’t mind.”
Leah smiled at Lucy with a shy smile, Lucy once again noticing how naturally beautiful the girl was. An awkward silence fell over them. Leah pushed her hair back behind her ear, looking around the room. Lucy was about to do them both a favour and wish Leah a good night but Leah wanted to keep talking.
“I like your suit by the way. Green really suits you. It goes with your eyes.”
Fuck, fuck. Fuck….why did you say that.
Lucy didn’t expect that, and she must have made that clear on her face. Leah looked like she wanted the floor to swallow her whole. In one way Lucy liked seeing Leah squirm, it wasn’t something you saw often on Leah, it was just fun seeing her little pretty face go into panic mode. She’d seen Leah pull a few of these new faces tonight, and she was secretly loving it.
Lucy smirked, and she made sure it was flirty this time. She looked Leah up and down with just enough tease in her eyes. “Erm, thank you. I didn’t know you were looking at me so hard.”
And for the second time that night Leah was a deer in headlights. “Erm - I - I -, sorry, I just like your suit…and I saw your eyes were green, and - and… yeah, wow.” Leah looked like she was about combust. Lucy couldn’t watch her crumble anymore.
Lucy gave out a low chuckle. “Chill Leah, I’m joking. Thank you. You look really, really nice tonight, that dress is beautiful on you.” Lucy knew what she was doing, and was loving what it was doing to Leah.
Leah gave a small laugh, clearly feeling a little shy, from Lucy’s comment and her own comments. She pushed her hair back once more behind her ear. “Thank you.”
Silence fell over them again, Leah grabbed her bag and pointed towards the door. “I better go, the girls are probably wondering where I am.”
She walked towards the door and Lucy opened it for her. She could smell Leah’s sandalwood perfume, a lot like the one Lucy where’s. Lucy watched as the girl walked past her.
“Oh thanks.” Leah smiled shyly up at Lucy.
Lucy smiled back. “No worries.”
She watched the blonde go past and couldn’t help but have a cheeky look at her arse. She knew Leah had a good arse, but she only ever saw it before in football shorts, the dress was doing wonders.
The night went on. Lucy was with her small squad, all the girls was having a good time, many pictures were taken. Lucy posted a few to her story. She posted a picture of her alone, pouring a drink. Her abs were noticeable even through her white T-shirt. She knew she looked good, she knew her stomach looked good and yeah, she wanted to show it off.
Lucy would be lying if she wasn’t trying to look for a certain blonde in the crowd, but she hadn’t seen her since their toilet encounter. To say Lucy wasn’t a bit confused with the night would be an understatement. To be honest she didn’t hate the change in dynamics, she didn’t really like the rivalry between her and Leah. She hated that the press would even make it a topic to write about.
The night got later and the guest started to leave. The girls also called it a night. They had a car waiting for them outside. The event team had booked rooms for the girls at the hotel back where the charity event was held. It was 2 girls per room and Lucy got the long straw of having her own room.
On the way back to the hotel Lucy scrolled through her insta. She noticed a new name on her notifications. She smiled at her phone, seeing Leah Williamson name pop up. She had liked her latest post.
“Aye up, who’s got you smiling?” Georgia was sat opposite Lucy in their taxi.
Lucy looked up at Georgia, she really was like an annoying little sister sometimes. She closed her screen phone, but Keira had already seen what she was smiling at. Lucy smiled and shock her head. “Nothing, just a funny meme.”
Georgia wouldn’t drop it though. “Oh what a liar! Who is it then?”
“Erm you have a cheek.” Keira jumped in. “Wasn’t you flirting with that netball player all night? Shall we talk about that?”
Georgia smirked, and suddenly the view outside was more interesting than the conversation. All the girls laughed including Georgia.
“Mate, you are so red.” Ella laughed at Georgia. The girls started talking about the night and events that happened, questioning Georgia on her affairs.
Lucy caught eyes with Keira and thanked her with a smile. She loved the girls but they could definitely be relentless sometimes.
They finally arrived at the hotel. The girls got in the lift giggling at something Alessia said. They were all a little drunk, nothing too crazy but the drunk kind, when the most stupid thing is the more hilarious thing.
“Right, this is me. I’ll see you guys in the morning for breakfast.”
Lucy was on the floor below her teammates.
“Noooo, let’s keep this going. Drinks in my room.” Georgia pleaded.
“Night Luce, see you tomorrow.” Keira looked stressed to be sharing a room with Georgia.
“No way, I’m off. Good luck Keira. Night all.”
The doors shut on Georgia’s protest.
Lucy walked the hallway to her room, she turned the corner to see a woman standing with her back to her. As she turned around she was met with those blue eyes again. Once again those blue eyes were in a state of shock.
“Oh my god, what are you doing here?”
Leah couldn’t believe her luck. Katie decided to bring a girl back to their shared hotel room. She saw the sock on the door and nearly lost her shit. She couldn’t complain too hard though, she had done the same thing 2 months ago to Katie and she didn’t complain.
Seeing Lucy in front of her was a bit of a shock. She seemed to bump into the girl a lot tonight. Seeing Lucy made her feel lots of different things, she couldn’t put her finger on just one. But excited was definitely the first word she could think of, but why was she here?
“Going to my room?” Lucy said it with a tone of sarcasm. Lucy wasn’t that shocked to see Leah, most of the hotel was booked for the events guest tonight.
“What are you doing here? Why you standing in the hallway?”
Lucy walked towards her room. Leah was clearly stressed about something, she nodded towards a door down from Lucy’s. It had a sock on the door nob.
Lucy raised her eyebrows. “Oh. I see, who you sharing with?”
Leah put her arms around herself. “McCabe.”
Lucy nodded her head. “I haven’t seen that in a while.”
Leah pulled out her phone. “I’ll just have to book somewhere else. I can’t be asked to get into anything with her.”
The next words out of Lucy’s mouth wasn’t thought through, they came out before she even realised she said it.
“You can stay with me?”
Leah was the one to raise her eye brows this time. She clearly wasn’t expecting that from Lucy. She didn’t want to assume anything either. Lucy doesn’t like her like that, she was just trying to be nice. She probably just felt bad. But she could still feel the butterflies in her stomach.
It felt like a lifetime of silence before Leah replied. Lucy never had so many silent conversations in her life before tonight.
“No, god. I don’t want to put you out. I’ll just wait in reception or something.” Leah put her hand on her forehead and closed her eyes, clearly annoyed at the thought of waiting around.
Lucy once again feeling bad for the blonde in front of her tonight, this was becoming a habit.
“No, come on. Why would you do that. I’m sure there’s a pull out sofa in there. You can go to your room when she’s done.”
Leah looked at Lucy. The brunette couldn’t work out the thoughts going through her head. She opened the door with the key card. “Come on, I won’t bite. Unless you like that kind of thing.” She winked at Leah and gave her one of her flirty smiles. She couldn’t help it.
Fuck, Leah nearly lost her legs. Lucy flirting was not something she thought she’d ever be in the presence of. The wink alone made her squirm.
Leah finally laughed. She rolled her eyes and walked toward the now open door. Lucy held it open for her. Lucy was having deja vu once again tonight.
It was a nice room, it had a king size bed and wall length windows that was over looking London. Lucy’s suitcase was in the middle of the room. Lisa would have got that there for her.
Lucy walked towards the windows, she loved the city at night. She turned around to see Leah standing in the middle of the room, looking lost.
Lucy cleared her throat. “So, how was your night?” She sat on the sofa near the window. She didn’t really know what to do with herself. A couple of hours ago Lucy was dreading having to share the stage with Leah, now she was standing in front of her in her hotel room. She seemed to have shared a lot of different moments with Leah tonight.
Leah played her with fingers. “Erm, yeah, bit of a weird one. But, it was good. Yours?”
Lucy chuckled, she had a feeling Leah was referring to all of their encounter’s tonight.
“Yeah, weird is one way of putting it.”
Silence fell over them once more. Lucy didn’t really understand it. Leah was so vocal on the pitch. She had seen her in action plenty of times. Even after matches, in her interviews she was confident and wanted to talk about her thoughts on the game. But the women in front of her seemed, scared.
“Shall we see what the mini bar is offering?”
Leah let out a breath. “Please.”
“Good, something we can agree on. Do you want to sit, get comfy.” She watched the girl take off her leather jacket and sat on the opposite side of the small round table.
She found a few bottles of small spirits and plenty of mixers. Even 4 bottles of small Prosecco. Thank god.
“Okay we have, spice rum, vodka, gin and some Prosecco, what do you fancy?”
Leah was looking out the window. “Oh erm, rums good for me. Thank you.”
“I’ll join you with the rum I think.”
Lucy started making their drinks. Just as she was finishing up, music started playing in her ears. She was confused, she looked over at Leah who had a timid smile on her face.
“Sorry, I connected my phone to the speakers. Do you mind?”
Lucy carried the drinks over to the table. “Oh no, not at all. We’re having our own little party.” She sat down opposite Leah, handing her, her drink. Leah took it, her fingers touching Lucy’s quickly. She thanked her with a small voice.
“So, please tell me this is as awkward for you as it is for me.” It was probably the drink in her system that allowed Lucy to have the word vomit, like she did earlier when she asked Leah to stay the night.
Leah laughed loudly. A genuine belly laugh, Lucy once again noticing the girls beauty was, especially when she laughed or smiled. Lucy smiled, she was glad the girl was laughing and not throwing hands.
“Yeah. Don’t worry, I’m feeling it too.” Leah pushed her hair back behind her ear and took a sip of her drink.
“Look, I know we’re not the best of friends but you can chill. I’m not going to start having a got at you or anything.”
Leah’s a confident person, she’s confident in her football, she’s confident speaking her mind, she’s very confident with flirting and getting what or who she wanted. However Leah wasn’t great at public speaking but, when her agent told her who she’d be presenting with she changed her tune quickly.
For a while Leah has had a crush on the brunette, well since she kind of laid eyes on her. She wasn’t in love with the girl, she had eyes she could appreciate a good looking woman. She also respected Lucy a lot, as a person and footballer. But she never made it obvious, she kept the angry front up as it was much easier than being turned down by Lucy. For some reason Lucy made her nervous and tonight it really showed. She didn’t expect Lucy to be anything but cold towards her as that’s how it had always been. So when the girl was being kind to her back stage it threw her completely off, she couldn’t keep up the coldness towards her, she just nervous instead.
Leah took another sip of her drink, watching Lucy over the rim of her glass. It was the first time Lucy felt like the deer in head lights.
Leah cleared her throat and sat back in her seat a small smile on her face. “Yeah, sorry. I’ve been on a bit of edge today.”
Lucy nodded her head. She could understand, these kind of event days could be a lot. Press, photographers meeting so many people.
“Yeah I get it, you don’t have to explain yourself.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
Lucy wasn’t expecting that question.
“Not that I’m complaining, but we’ve never got on. You hate me, but you’ve been nothing but nice to me. I don’t get it.”
“Firstly, I don’t hate you Leah. Yeah we’ve never got on, but that’s because our first introduction to each other wasn’t great.”
Leah winced at that. Lucy wasn’t saying it in a harsh tone but what she was saying was true.
“I don’t know if you even remember but I never got an apology from you and it’s just kind of been tense since then. But I don’t hate you. I really respect you as a footballer and what you do for your club.”
Lucy took a long swig of her drink.
Leah’s shoulders slumped, she looked down at the floor, Lucy could see she felt bad.
“Well, I know it’s been a while since our first game but would you accept my apology now?”
Lucy smiled. “Yeah. Yeah I would.”
Leah smiled an easy smile back. “Lucy, I’m genuinely really sorry for how I acted on that first game. In all honesty I was terrified to play against you. I lost my temper that day and I was childish and stupid. I have regretted everyday since then that I didn’t apologise to you sooner.” She sat forward in her chair and put her hand on Lucy’s thigh. “I am truly sorry for how I acted that day, and every match we’ve had together since. I really am sorry.” She finished with a deep breath.
Leah took a long swig of her glass, finishing her drink.
Lucy was shocked at the sincereness of Leah, she could tell the girl meant it.
Lucy smiled her famous smile and raised her glass towards Leah.
“To new beginnings.”
The blonde smiled back, more tension looked liked it left her shoulders. She raised her glass.
“To new beginnings.”
They clinked their glasses together.
Lucy took a drink from her glass, looking at Leah over the rim of her glass. Leah looking right back at her. It became quiet again but it didn’t feel awkward. “Hang on, you need another drink.”
“I do. It’s okay I’ll make them. Same again?”
Lucy handed Leah her glass. Fingers touching once again. “Please.”
An hour later and 3 more drinks in. The room was worm. Leah’s music was still playing. It felt like an intimate party between the pair of them. The girls were a lot more comfortable now. Lucy had taken off her suit jacket. Leah had taken off her heels. They were now sitting on the small sofa together. Their knees kept knocking and touching one another but nobody moved to give the other space. Both girls belly laughing over something Lucy said.
“And that’s why I don’t eat pickles anymore.”
Leah wiped a tear from her eye, and put her hand on Lucy’s thigh. “Oh my god. I can’t believe it. That’s so funny.”
For the 100th time that night, Lucy caught herself staring at Leah. She couldn’t believe this time 12 hours ago she was dreading being near the girl, and now she was cracking jokes with her.
“God, I can’t believe I’m actually sitting in Lucy Bronze’s hotel room at 1 in the morning.”
Lucy put her hand to her own chest and faked a gasp. “Sorry? What’s so wrong with being in my hotel room?”
Leah laughed. Her hand still on Lucy’s thigh. “No, not like that. I know a lot of girls that would kill to be me right now.”
Lucy snorted. “Nope, you’ve hurt me Leah. I’ve done nothing but help you today and this is what I get.”
Leah squeezed Lucy’s thigh, laughing. “No. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right now. I swear.”
Lucy couldn’t help herself, her flirty smile came out to play. “Oh is that so? So you do want to be in my hotel room at 1 in the morning, are you one of the girls you’re talking about?” Lucy took a sip of her drink laughing in her glass.
“Maybe.” Leah bit her lower lip, before raising her own glass to her mouth, still giggling.
The girls were tipsy at this point, but not drunk. They knew what they were saying was dangerous but not enough to get them in trouble.
Lucy wasn’t going to stop the flirting, she liked this new dynamic between them. Lucy had been checking Leah out all night, and Leah wasn’t innocent either.
“I bet McCabe isn’t even in there. I bet you put that sock there. You just wanted to be in my room.” Lucy laughed.
Leah now faked a fake gasp. “Right, I’ll go then you clearly don’t want me in your room. I’ll see if she’s done.”
Leah went to sit up but Lucy grabbed her by her waist pulling her back down. “No, don’t go.”
She fell half on Lucy’s lap, half on the sofa, face on, half straddling Lucy’s thigh.
Both girls laughter slowed down. Lucy still had her arm around Leah. She slowly looked up, face to face with the blonde. She no longer looked like a deer in headlights but more like a cat that got its milk. The air became thick. They had been playing on the fine line of flirting most of the night and now she had Leah sitting in her lap.
Leah was the first one to lean forward. Lucy kept her eyes on Leah’s blue ones, and slowly lowered her eyes on Leah’s glossed lips. Licking her own subconsciously. The only other time Lucy had been this close to Leah’s face was at a match when things got heated. Now that took a whole other meaning.
Leah looked at Lucy for any kind of sign to stop. Lucy could feel it. She gave Leah the smallest of nods. The blonde closed the gap between their mouths slowly.
Leah’s mouth tasted like vanilla and mint, Lucy instantly loved the flavour. Leah’s lips felt so much softer than Lucy could have imagined, and she had imagined them a lot tonight. She let Leah control the pace of their movements. The younger girl moved back slightly, just inches away from Lucy’s mouth. “Is this okay? Are you drunk?”
“No, I’m fine, are you? Do you want to stop?”
“No, not drunk and I definitely don’t want to stop.
Lucy nodded, and leaned in to Leah’s lips, she was already missing the feeling of them. The blonde girl shifted her body so she could straddle Lucy properly.
Lucy snaked her hands up Leah’s now bare thighs, her dressed had hitched up to her waist, giving Lucy all the access she wanted.
Leah pushed herself forward and placed her hands behind Lucy’s head, pinning her to the sofa. The brunette squeezed Leah’s thighs causing her to gasp. Lucy took the opportunity to push her tongue deep into Leah’s mouth causing the younger girl to moan.
Lucy could feel Leah smiling into the kiss. Lucy had kissed a few girls in her time but there was something about kissing Leah that made her head spin, every move she made was perfect. She felt her tongue caressing her bottom lip, sucking it into her own mouth. Lucy could feel herself getting wet.
Leah had control over their movements with the position she was in. She started to grind her hips into Lucy’s, this time Lucy was the one to gasp. Leah began to kiss down the brunette's neck, Lucy was more than willing to let Leah take her as she pleased. She slowly kissed every inch of Lucy’s neck before she moved to her throat, sucking hard on one spot. Lucy’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, pleasure taking over her.
“Fuck, Leah.”
If Leah’s tongue felt this good on her neck imagine the other places she would feel better at. When Leah was happy with the mark she left on Lucy’s tanned skin she took one long lick, gliding her wet tongue up Lucy’s neck, gliding to her ear. Lucy’s hands squeezed Leah’s thighs again, not being able to control her movements.
Leah was loving the control she had over Lucy, Seeing the older girl melt for her just over her kissing was making her ego grow ten times over. Leah gasped from Lucy’s touch once again, her strong hands close to where she needed her most. She moved her hands from the sofa into Lucy’s dark hair, pulling her head back with a gentle tug. Giving her full access to her mouth.
Lucy easily let Leah control her. The blonde took the opportunity to lick into Lucy’s mouth. Lucy loved the movements Leah was doing with her tongue. Her hips grinded up into the blonde, Leah smiled down devilishly at Lucy.
Leah was dominating the kissing, Lucy’s head was spinning. She started to rub her thumbs dangerously close to Leah’s very wet underwear. Leah released Lucy’s hair and started to grind with more purpose, though she had nothing to grind on. Lucy could tell she was becoming frustrated, she glided her right hand up to Leah’s toned thigh. She felt the fabric of Leah’s underwear, she could tell it was lace straight away. Her personal favourite.
She lowered her hand right where Leah needed her, she could feel the heated damp patch between her legs. Leah let out a moan from the first touch. Lucy studied Leah’s face, she was even more beautiful up close. Leah started to grind on Lucy’s hand, trying to get any friction that she could find.
Lucy didn’t want to waste anymore time, she wanted to feel Leah, she pulled her underwear to the side and glided her fingers through Leah’s soaking wet lips. The younger girl let out a glorious moan, her hips grinding harder. Lucy couldn’t believe how wet Leah was already, it made her head grow 5 times the size. She glided her finger up to Leah’s clit, and gently back down, wanting to explore the girl above. “Someone’s wet.” Lucy’s voice was low and cocky.
Leah whimpered, hearing Lucy talk in her like this was sinful, hearing the teasing in her tone. Feeling Lucy touching every part of her sensitive flesh was driving her mad. Leah didn’t want to lose the control over their rhythm, she wanted to be the one in charge but that was slowly slipping.
“Tell me what you want.” Lucy was kissing Leah’s neck as her fingers kept playing with her velvet lips, slowly circling her clit every few seconds.
“I want you inside, fuck me. Please.”
Lucy’s fingers were soaked with Leah’s own juices. She slid a single finger in with no resistance. Fuck she felt good.
Leah moaned low into Lucy’s ear, the brunette was loving every second of hearing the girls moan. She added a second finger. Leah was tight, she could feel her pussy walls pulling her in. She started to pump, moving with Leah’s hips. It wasn’t the best position but she would make it work. The blonde was panting hard into her neck. Lucy thought Leah was beautiful before, but seeing her like this was something completely different. She looked like a work of art, a work of art getting fucked.
“Do you know how good you look Leah?”
She kept pumping. Leah lifted her head looking down at Lucy. Her muscular arms were on show, watching her flex from each stroke made Leah’s pussy walls flex, and Lucy could feet it.
Lucy snaked her other hand up to Leah’s thigh, moving past her thongs and straight to her swollen clit, making small circle motions. Leah’s mouth gapped open, Lucy couldn't but stare at the girl above in awe.
“Oh my god Lucy, don’t stop. You feel amazing. Don’t stop.”
Lucy didn’t once take her eyes off of Leah, she was mesmerised by the sight. She took a quick bite of Leah’s neck, causing Leah to whimper. “I got you Leah, I won’t stop. You feel so good, you’re so fucking tight.”
Leah loved Lucy’s words, she could feel her own legs shaking. She could feel she was close. She leaned down and kissed Lucy hard. She wanted to feel her lips when she came.
“Kiss me Luce, don’t stop kissing me.”
Lucy didn’t complain. She kissed Leah back just like she asked, she could feel Leah getting close, she didn’t once stop her movements.
Leah was feeling the glorious coil in her stomach. Lucy’s tongue was deep in her mouth, sucking on her tongue. Leah felt like she couldn’t breathe in the best way possible, she was surrounded by Lucy. She started to make short little gasps, her climax was just on the cusp. Leah took control of the kissing and sucked in Lucy’s tongue, causing the girl to moan in her mouth. It pushed her over the ledge she’d been sitting on all day.
Leah moaned loud as she came. Her pussy flexed against Lucy’s fingers, her body shook hard. Her mouth was still attached to Lucy’s lips. Lucy watched Leah like a hawk, making sure to follow every movement to help guide her orgasm.
Leah’s eyes were closed, she leaned her four head against Lucy’s, breathing hard. When she finally opened her eyes, she was met with dark green ones staring back at her. A shy smile crept on Leah’s face. Did that really just happen?
Lucy slowly pulled out of Leah, the blonde groaned from the loss. She sat back, on Lucy’s legs.
But Leah wasn’t done there. She took Lucy’s hand that had been in-between her legs, she saw her two fingers glistening with her juices. She slowly raised Lucy’s hand to her lips, gently kissing them with her swollen kissed lips. Lucy’s breathing quickened, she knew what Leah was going to do and she could feel herself getting wet.
Leah gently licked Lucy’s wet fingers, gliding her tongue, making sure Lucy could see every inch of what her tongue could do. Lucy didn’t blink. She didn’t want to miss a second of this. Watching Leah’s long tongue glide across her skin was magical.
“Fuck…” Lucy breathed out.
Leah slowly sucked in Lucy’s fingers, she was showing off for Lucy, she wanted to be the one in control. She was loving that Lucy looked like she was about to melt on the floor. She looked down at the brunette, she looked so fucking good, her once neat her was now tussled, her white vest top had ridden up just a bit so you could see the bottom of her abs. You could see her muscular stomach through the white vest top as she breathed. Leah was in a trance looking at the brunette.
She released Lucy’s fingers with a loud pop. She slowly climbed off her thighs and stepped back. She unclipped the back of her black dress, it fell to the floor around her feet.
Lucy’s mouth gapped open.
The brunette had seen glimpses of Leah’s stomach when on the pitch. She knew she had a stunning body but she’s always wondered what the rest of her looked like. The thing is Lucy had a little secret. She had crushed on Leah for a little while. It was a weird feeling to crush on your ‘enemy’ she brought out the best and worst parts of Lucy on the pitch, and it had caused Lucy to want to know the girl more. In many different ways. But to have Leah Williamson standing in front of you, in nothing but a pair of laced black thongs and a a see through bra to match, was breathtaking.
Leah sunk to her knees, in-between Lucy’s spread legs. She reached for Lucy’s trousers unbuttoning them, bitting her bottom lip. She tugged at Lucy’s trousers, trying to make a point that she needed them off. Lucy’s brain finally caught up. She stood up to remove her bottoms but Leah got there first. She slowly dragged her suit trousers down to her ankles, her girl boxers following right behind.
Lucy was wet.
Leah was proud.
She had Lucy Bronze, a woman that so many players looked up to. So many players were intimidated by, standing in front of her, soaking wet for her. Her chest swelled. She gently started kissing Lucy’s thighs, she could hear Lucy breathing above her. She guided Lucy to sit back on the sofa, she got herself comfortable in-between Lucy’s legs.
Lucy couldn’t believe the sight in front of her. Leah Williamson, on her knees for her. She was about to burst, she could feel her stomach tensing from anticipation. She had definitely imagined Leah like this a few times.
Leah kissed Lucy’s thighs some more, wanting to tease her just a little bit. She looked up to see Lucy looking flustered. Just what she wanted. Though, she was just as excited as Lucy for this moment, she didn’t want to wait anymore. Leah stroked her tongue right up to the crease at Lucy’s thigh. Lucy’s body jumped at the touch.
Leah leaned forward to Lucy’s lips, she could see her lips were coated in her juices. Leah’s own mouth watered.
Lucy could feel Leah breathing on her. The younger girl took a long, slow lick into Lucy’s cunt. She moaned at the taste. Her new favourite flavour. Lucys head fell back on the sofa. She was painfully turned on, her pussy was throbbing.
Lucy was more wet than Leah realised. Her tongue was met with her honey like juices. She swallowed the mouthful that gathered on her tongue. She couldn’t get over how good she tasted.
Leah lapped her up, wanting to feel every bit of Lucy on her tongue. The brunette was in heaven, it felt like Leah was on every inch of her. Caressing every spot.
Leah leaned back on her heels, Lucy’s juices still attached to her mouth, creating wet string between both Leah’s lips and Lucy’s lower lips. The blonde stuck out her tongue, greedily tasting Lucy’s juices, breaking the wet string attached to her wet mouth.
“You taste so good Luce. I could eat you out all night.”
Lucy could have came from the site alone, she hoped the image would burn in her brain.
Lucy let out a low chuckle, she brought her hands up to the blondes hair, she gently pushed some of her hair behind her ear. Leah couldn’t believe how delicate Lucy was being towards her, even in this position.
“I would gladly have you in-between my legs all night. Leah, you don’t know how good you like right now. On your knees for me. Do you know how beautiful you are?” Lucy’s voice was low and full of lust, but also sounded so loving.
Leah smiled at Lucy. She felt more bare than when she stripped. She kept her eyes on Lucy’s as she went back to her pussy. She traced her tongue into Lucy’s folds, she could feel the brunette getting wetter. Lucy slowly laced her hands into Leah’s hair. Leah moaned at the contact, she wanted to please Lucy so badly. She captured Lucy’s swollen clit into her mouth sucking it gently.
Lucy hissed in pleasure from the action. She wasn’t going to last long but she was shocked that she even got to this far. Her hips started to grind into Leah’s mouth, she gripped tighter onto Leah’s hair.
Leah was more than willing to let Lucy take control to reach her climax. Lucy’s breathing become rough, her hips kept grinding into Leah’s mouth. Her legs began to shake.
“Leah, ….Leah, I’m so close. Don’t stop. Your tongue feels so, so good!” Lucy nearly shouted the last words. She pushed Leah’s face deeper into her pussy, needing her exactly where she wanted her. Leah wasn’t going to stop, she would go all night if she could, well if Lucy would let her. She sucked and licked Lucy’s clit, loving every sound she pulled from the brunette.
“Fuuuck, I’m coming. Don’t stop!”
She came hard onto Leah’s tongue. Her head fell back against the sofa. Eyes closed. Leah continued her movements, she could feel Lucy’s juices flowing into her mouth. She never stopped.
She was still grinding into Leah’s mouth, ridding out her orgasm as much as she could. She could feel Leah’s tongue all over her cunt. She loved how good Leah was making her feel. She stopped her movements and slowly took her hands out of Leah’s hair she looked down at the girl in-between her legs. She had Lucy’s juices dripping down her chin. Her hair was disheveled. She looked beautiful.
Lucy leaned forward, cupping Leah’s chin. She couldn’t help but smile at her.
“That was amazing. You are amazing. Fuck.”
Leah felt herself blush. Lucy’s words did something to her.
“Thank you, you’re not too bad yourself.”
Lucy chuckled. She brought her hand from Leah’s chin into her hair and guided her to her mouth. She kissed Leah deeply, her tongue roaming hers. The kiss made Leah’s pussy throb.
“I’m gonna shower, do you wanna join me?”
Lucy voice was low.
“Yeah. That would be nice. Oh but I haven’t got any clothes to change into.”
Lucy gave Leah a lustful smile. “You won’t need any.”
Leah was definitely dripping now. She got up quickly and dragged Lucy towards the bathroom stripping off her remaining clothes as she did.
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judebelle · 10 months
Comforting gavi bc of his injury 🥹
it'll be okay - p.g. x reader
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a/n : couldn't find a gif of him in the spain vs georgia match but gavi get well soon!
cw : fluff, angst, pablo in pain, injury, poor medical references, me using my limited knowledge of acl injuries lmao, reader not knowing how to comfort him, swearing, barely edited
wc : 1.6k
pairing : pablo gavi x fem!reader
the one game.
the one game you couldn't make it to was the one game that you needed to be at the most.
your boyfriend, pablo gavi, was playing for spain in a euro qualifier. you had an exam that day, so you couldn't be there to support him.
"no te preocupes, baby. good luck on your exam." (don't worry, baby. good luck on your exam.)
that was the last text your boyfriend sent you after you apologized again for not being there for him, even though you were already right outside your exam room.
with his reassurance, you stepped into the room and tried your best on the exam.
you weren't sure as to why pablo had to start for this match. spain had already qualified and he was already overworked as it was, but you didn't question his coach and managers and just brushed it under the rug.
unbeknownst to you, pablo had suffered an injury during the match. as you completed your exam, unaware of the events unfolding on the field, pablo battled through the game with determination. eventually, the fatigue took its toll, and he found himself nursing an injury that would later reveal itself as a full tear of his acl as well as an associated injury to his lateral meniscus.
your absence from the game meant that the news of his injury remained hidden from you, leaving you unsuspecting of the challenges he faced without your support.
you exited the exam hall, confident that your relentless studying had paid off. you opened your phone, intending to message pablo about your exam. you completely forgot about his match until you saw a ridiculous amount of notifications on your lock screen. as you scrolled, your heart sank upon discovering the news. shock and concern shook you as you read the details of your boyfriend's injury.
many reports outlined the severity of the situation, describing how pablo had most likely torn his acl during the match. a wave of guilt and empathy washed over you as you absorbed the gravity of the news. instantly, you dialed pablo's number, desperate to speak with him.
your heart sank at the monotone beeps that met your ear. stupid idea, he wasn't going to pick up the phone when his whole fucking knee was messed up. you realized that you were too far from the stadium to rush over there, so you sent him a few texts notifying him of your knowledge of the situation and made your way to your shared home.
you knew that there was not much you could do in terms of helping with the injury. all you knew was that pablo will be gutted when he gets back. you weren't an expert, but you saw the clip of the injury and the tears that spilled from his eyes. this was a serious injury and he would have to sacrifice a good chunk of the season recovering.
that's when a guilty feeling settled in your chest. you would've no doubt, skipped your exam to be there had you miraculously known what was in store for him. maybe if you were in the stands, you would've been able to see if he was okay and talk to him.
as you entered the house, you hurriedly kicked off your shoes and washed your hands, getting the house as comfortable for him as possible. you fixed up the bed, put a few ice packs in the freezer, and started making his comfort foods.
being an athlete means that pablo is always on a pretty strict diet, but you snuck in a few treats in his bed side drawer because you knew he'd need them.
after what seemed like an eternity of waiting and anxious preparing, you finally heard buzzing from your phone.
"hello? pablo?"
you heard a pained grunt and some shuffling before he strained out,
"oh, thank god you're okay! what's happening? any updates yet? when are you coming home?"
pablo interrupted your rambling with a soft laugh, almost forced, before speaking. "despacio, mi amor," (slowly, my love.)
you pause your tangent, freezing in place and waiting for him to say something. you're about to start speaking again when you hear the front door start to open pablo's voice on the phone.
"i'm home."
two men walked beside him in case he needed assistance walking through the front door, but he was more than capable on his crutches. you dropped the phone from your hand as you saw pablo walking in from your place in the kitchen. you rushed over and he sent you a tight lipped smile. he told the two men that they're good to leave, and they did.
you finally walked closer to him, wanting to throw yourself onto him but stopping once you remembered his condition. you huffed in annoyance before ultimately pushing your lips against his fiercely, but not too hard.
he kissed back, but couldn't wrap his arms around you as he needed to hold his crutches to stand. you broke away and looked down at his knee. he was wearing a grey tracksuit, but you could see something under his pants on his left knee, most likely a brace of some sort.
"pablo, you have no idea how confused i am.. what happened? tell me everything!" you led him to the kitchen while walking beside him incase he needed help. he begins to fill you in on how he was challenged during the match and he didn't quite turn right, and his knee was already hurting from the beginning of the match, but they told him to play on.
"they ran some tests. i don't know what the results are yet, but they're quite sure that i completely tore my acl and injured my meniscus. if they're right.. i could be out for around nine months. my season is done.."
you had no idea what exact muscles and tissues and bones pablo was naming, but yo knew that acl injuries were no joke, and needed to be taken seriously. also knowing pablo, he plays passionately and has had a great season so far. the fact that it's being cut short is not fair to him.
nothing is.
"ai.." you hissed sympathetically "well, i don't know much about acl's, but i do know that you need to rest properly. and you being the stubborn man that you are, i will be here to make sure you do exactly that, okay?"
you didn't give him time to respond before placing some plates and bowls on a tray and taking them upstairs, telling pablo to stay put. you hurried back downstairs before helping up the stairs, letting him use the crutches as well.
after a few minutes, he was upstairs and into bed. you sat beside him on the bed, his head turning when he felt it dip.
"i smell food.." he smiles sheepishly as you giggled. he must've been hungry after the match. you lifted the tray from the table beside you and placed it beside him. you placed a pillow under his head, making sure he was sitting slightly upright.
you sat crisscrossed beside him and took a spoonful of a soup you made him, blowing lightly as you smiled at him. he was waiting patiently while looking up at you. you brought the spoon to his lips and tilted so he could sip. you did this until the bowl was empty.
pablo, once again being the stubborn man he is, tried to tell you that he didn't need all the fuss, and that you could relax. well, you were even more stubborn. you let him sip water through a straw before turning on his favorite show on low volume on the tv.
"baby, i don't need all this-"
"shh, just relax, cariño. let me take care of you.."
you layed beside him and moved his head to lay slightly on your chest, his eyes still fixed on the sreen.
you had propped up his right leg, under a spare pillow, making sure to keep an eye on it. the doctors would be doing frequent visits and you were determined to make his healing process as smooth as possible.
"you really are an angel, you know that, y/n?" he looked up at you, the glare from the tv shining in his brown eyes.
"you've only told me that a hundred times, guapo." you leaned down to place a soft kiss on his forehead.
he hummed softly at the contact, needing the relief.
"i just... i wish i didn't have to miss the whole season. i was doing really well.. it's not fair."
"i know it isn't, pablo. if you ask me, you shouldn't have been starting that match. you need your rest, you're still young."
he huffed in annoyance, letting out all his frustration.
the room fell silent, the faint sounds of the show you had turned on filling the air.
"y/n..?" he whispered gently. he sounded nervous.
you hummed in response.
"what if - when i return - i'm not in the same shape that i was.. what if i can't play well anymore?"
his words broke your heart. he shouldn't have to worry about this at his age. you sighed softly, your hand running through his soft locks. his eyes fluttered shut. he always liked when you did that.
"you won't have to worry, baby. as long as you rest properly, and take it easy, you will be fine. the more you worry, the worse it will get. just.. just let me take care of you. everything will be okay. it will fall into place."
his lips stretched into a soft smile, your words calming him. your hand was still running through his hair, making pablo's adam's apple bob up and down.
"i love you." he whispered, his eyes opening to look into your eyes as he said it.
you bit your lip and smiled softly.
he looked so cute.
"i love you too."
you pressed your lips to his again before leaning into each others warmth.
you both drifted off to sleep.
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the-gimmick-archive · 4 months
Pinned post. (Will update.)
This is a shared blog made to archive important things that happen in the gimmickverse.
The current mods are: @justazebra (admin), @i-dont-know-how-to-name-this.
If we make a mistake, please tell us.
Please @ us if you see an important event happen, especially wars.
Send us an ask if you want to know about a certain event, we’ll do our best to find it.
If you have the link to something important that we didn't archive yet (especially if it happened before this blog started existing), please send it to us.
List of arcs and events:
The color war:
Earliest point in the arc we could find. The purple revolution begins. Green joins the revolution.
That time when figuratively everyone got possessed:
Earliest point in the arc we could find.
The UwU revolution:
Earliest point in the arc we could find.
Sealand dying and being revived:
Death. Revival. Death again, but this time they become death's assistant.
IKEA-Party City War:
Earliest point in the arc.
Goose god vs. Waste management war:
Earliest point. Waste management also declaring war. Goose god and waste management making an alliance to stop @/france-unofficial from attacking bean and making Bean sad.
New Zealand vs. Australia war:
Earliest point. New Zealand changing targets to England instead.
Bean getting kidnapped:
Earliest point.
Bean getting kidnapped again (by gimmick nose thief this time.):
Earliest point. Waste management selling their soul so they can see bean again. Molossia scratching and paralyzing Sealand. Sealand getting their souls stolen by gimmick nose thief.
List of gimmick blogs (copied from @/gimmick-simp, @/antarcitica-official, and @/celestial-same-picverse, and then added some missing ones):
@totally-official-gmail @totally-amazon @pizza-hut-official @spotify-official @truly-jcjenson
@bigbasket-notreally @discorddotcum-official @homedepot @im-pandora-i-promise @femboy-totally-bing
@kahoot-official @100percent-shell-oil @assistant-to-the-shell @truly-bath-and-body-works @definitely-tiktok-trust
@unofficially-joann-fabric @its-sanrio-official @the-real-gmail @apple-unofficial @jack-in-the-box-official
@official-arbys @officialtinder @realgoogleslides @reallytimhortons @officially-ikea
@claires-unofficial @barnes-and-noble-official @realgoogleclassroom @real-sephora @pizza-hut-unofficial
@google-news-official @totally-official-gmail @bingle-official @basically-bumble @def-bjs-guys
@official-opera-gx @official-firefox-nightly @the-mcdonalds @realgoogledocs @mcdonalds-official
@totally-bing @operagxreal @official-fedex @firehouse-subs-fr @k-f-c-official
@the-real-google @totally-ikea @taco-bell-unofficial @spotify-kids-real @the-real-victorias-secret
@subway-official @big-mayo-official @/realsafari @incognito-mode-official @burgerking-official
@definitely-wikipedia @the-one-and-only-pornhub @the-one-and-only-duckduckgo @its-target-official @yes-im-youtube-kids
@walmart-the-official @duothelingo @firefox-official @femboy-hooters-real @fedex-official
@yamaha-official @youtubefr @actually-x @reality-official
@femboy-google-news-official @50percent-shell-oil @yahooo-official @totally-airbus @the-official-spirit-airlines
@100percent-chipotle @unofficialvine
@totally-brazil @totally-italy @very-real-australia @the-province-of-nova-scotia-real @official-new-zealand
@russia-totallyofficial @quebec-official @india-official @india-reblogs @telangana-official
@denmark-official @pakistan-official @definitely-brasil @non-tyrannical-usa @antarcitica-official
@spain-unofficial @definitely-canada @france-unofficial @the-state-of-georgia-official @official-denmark
@denmark-forreal @official-ireland @texas-real @massachusetts-official @new-york-for-real
@definitelytherepublicofireland @true-blue-straya @totally-germany @official-the-united-states @totally-france
@forever-scotland @germany-official @sovereign-state-of-alaska @guatemala-official @republic-of-molossia
@actually-alberta @the-principality-of-sealand @totally-oregon @yugoslavia-official
@the-chill-planet-uranus @the-serene-moon-luna @earth-fan @deimos-moon-of-terror @officially-capricorn
@the-radiant-sun @the-ringed-planet-saturn @the-red-planet-mars @the-real-uranus @celestial-same-picverse
@officially-taurus @the-lovely-planet-earth @posts-with-10000-notes-in-spirit @/i-hesitantly-say-ok
@i-say-not-ok @i-say-ok @the-us-navy-offical
@woo-in-different-lengths @official-garlic-bread @shakespeare-official-reblogs @gimmick-thief @hold-my-dr-pepper
@oscar-wilde-official-account @the-real-illinois @i-say-grape @the-kingdom-of-norway @denmarklandia-official
@i-say-bean @sweden-official @antarcitica-official @gimmick-nose-thief @gimmick-thief-thief
@tamil-nadu-official @tamilnadu-official @anti-totally-bing @antiquitian-empire @rocks-anon
@tagswoman @actual-aspec-military @pansexual-spaceforce @the-aplatonic-cavalry @the-pointing-anon
@bi-poly-space-station @bisexual-airforce @aro-sp-ace-force @nonbinary-coastguard @demi-demolitions
@queer-military-authorities @queer-military-treasury @the-missiles-guy @the-official-goose-god @the-official-gemini
@actual-transgender-navy @genderfluid-marine-corp @real-australian-army @real-hottopic
@same-pic-of-venus-everyday @same-pic-of-the-earth-everyday @same-pic-of-the-moon-everyday @same-pic-of-mars-everyday @same-pic-of-jupiter-everyday
@same-pic-of-saturn-everyday @the-real-uranus @same-pic-of-neptune-everyday @steve-not-anon @metal-frisbee
@earth-fan @not-10-salmon-in-a-png @same-pic-of-halleys-comet @same-pic-of-callisto-everyday @same-pic-of-eris-everyday @same-pic-of-kepler-186f-everyday
@same-pic-of-haumea-everyday @same-image-of-7-iris @book-nonsie-not-anon @celestial-same-picverse @same-pic-of-pluto-everyday
@same-pic-of-juno-everyday @same-pic-of-polaris-everyday @tomblrmartian @same-pic-of-a-blackhole-everyday @same-pic-of-the-stars-everyday
@alpha-centauri-everyday @same-cosmic-cliffs-pic-every-day @rose-nebula-always @same-pic-of-makemake-everyday @same-picture-of-europa
@same-pic-of-the-lagoon-nebula @star-that-eats-the-sun @jupiter-fan
@same-pic-of-triton-everyday @pq-anon @same-pic-of-ceres-everyday @same-pic-of-wolftopia-everyday
@same-pic-of-mars-everyday @same-pic-of-tres2b-everyday @samepicofthewowsignaleveryday @same-pic-of-the-blue-moon @same-image-of-hr8799e-every-day
@samepictureofsednadaily @moon-of-fear-phobos @totally-neptune-official @corvus-the-constellation @official-nissan
@hollowknight-reference @microsoft-edge-official @arethosewordsinthebible @the-gimmick-doctor @i-say-doot-doot
@i-say-ok @discord-marriage-bot-real @literally-leo @literally-luxembourg
@/same-pic-of-a-dictionary-daily @/same-pic-of-mercury-everyday @/hateful-daystar @//court-artist-under-the-stars @/samepicofproximacentaurieveryday @/same-pic-of-the-sun-everyday @/same-pic-of-the-blood-moon @/same-pic-of-uranus-everyday @/same-pic-of-venus-every-day @/same-pic-of-trans-jupiter @/ton-618-real @/same-pic-of-alpha-centaur-24-7 @/same-pic-of-andromeda-everyday @/same-pic-of-a-bagel-everyday @/same-pic-of-titan-every-day
@putting-iris-in-places @communist-usa-real
(Sorry if you didn't want to get tagged.)
142 notes · View notes
grimesgirll · 6 months
rick has to be the most possessive man you know.
you love him, but you also love daryl.
so that complicates things. it confuses you even more the number of times both of the men managed to have you bent over between them. being as jealous as rick is, it’s hard to believe that he could even think to share you. daryl’s his brother however, and you’re an individual, you can make your own decisions, rick guesses.
he can’t fault you for your obsession with his best friend. daryl’s a moral man, a provider, good looking enough that you can’t help but run your hands through his hair every chance you get. sometimes it takes rick some deep breaths and a moment of grounding to contain his jealousy. he loves you too much to not see red every time you’re swooning for someone who isn’t him. he even loves daryl but he can’t help it, not when it’s you.
so rick will never stand between you and daryl, not when you show no signs of ever dropping your infatuation with either man, especially not the sheriff. everyday when he comes home and plops down on the sofa after a day of his enduring constable’s duties, you’re on top of him in his lap. you don’t even have to be horny to make yourself at home with your head against his chest.
adoring his deep blue eyes, you straddle him every opportunity you get for the time to lock eyes, hands on his shoulders and his on your hips as you talk about your days. after a long day out in the community, it doesn’t take long for rick’s dick to tent in his jeans and you to feel a pressure against your clothed slit.
it isn’t uncommon for daryl or rick to come home and find you curled up with the other on the sofa. so rick has to endure the empathy exercise that is not dragging you from the sofa, tossing you over his shoulder and retiring to the bedroom for the night.
plush lips parted with only your breath coming through, you just melt into them whenever you have the opportunity. one look and you’re a puddle.
how can he not be jealous when you’re this fucking sweet?
he tries to extend daryl the same courtesy of enjoying you without the drama but rick is still getting used to the dynamic - more than the group is at this point.
the three of you were an unusual case but the group had gotten used to it after long enough. it only took a few weeks for them not to take a second glance at rick’s hands on your waist or how daryl’s crossbow could almost always be found somewhere around your sleeping situation.
that’s why it’s not awkward when carl knocks on the door in the mornings to hand judith off to his father and you and daryl are snoozing away in the background. you do your best to keep the pda to a minimum but the neighborhood doesn’t mind, so rick often doesn’t.
you think back to gabriel's church in georgia; you'd been hiding with the members of your group that had stayed while the others went out to do in the cannibals once and for all. your plan had went off without a hitch but that didn't mean that the event hadn't shaken you to the core.
one of the savages whose name you couldn't be bothered to remember had graphically described how specifically delicious your parts would be.
rick slashed his throat.
the entire series of events had rick on edge but even after the bloodbath, rick couldn’t stand to have you out of his sight.
“what’re you doin’ all the way over here?”
you tensed up.
“rick, i-,”
“why the fuck were you wandering off?”
you paused, recognizing the ire in rick’s voice when you hear it. you almost wanted to say nothing to avoid what you know will be a fight regardless but you know you’ll be accused of not speaking up.
“i didn’t mean to. i was stretching my legs. i’ll stay closer.”
“yeah, you will.”
the group’s known about how rick feels for you for a while.
it’s why you’re wrapped up in rick’s arms while you watch your newly assimilated group and the alexandrians trying their hands at the compound bows hanging around the makeshift archery range.
daryl’s leaving everyone in the dust of course.
“show off,” you whisper to rick who snickers in agreement.
this is nice; quaint and tranquil, just like the suburbs out to be. you never imagined ending up essentially married with two husbands and two children, shacked up in a gated community in a nearly million dollar house with the dead being a greater issue than a mortgage or getting the kids into college but you’re content with it.
you’d rather watch as daryl does trick shots - going as far to pull out the old splitting the arrow in half trick, which you almost whistle at. are they going to put an apple on the windmill next? you chuckle at the thought.
“when are you going up?” maggie calling your name snaps you out of your musings about daryl.
you scoff at her playfully. “you know i’m a bad shot, maggie.”
the redhead shrugs. “don’t think you’re as bad as you say you are. c’mon, even the kids are trying it.”
she’s not wrong - even sam is picking up a bow and giving it a try with some encouraging from ron.
“sure,” accepting the challenge, you untwist yourself from rick; not before indulging in one last full lipped kiss, a “good luck” on rick’s lips as you head to the picnic table to gear up.
you select a familiar looking compound bow and join daryl at the shooting line. he frowns when he catches sight of your arm.
“wait, baby, you’re not even wearin’ your armband right.”
you shrug. “it’s been a while.”
he’s in you; fixing the nearly sideways arm shield. muttering about you never taking safety too seriously. you’d beg to differ but you’re too bewitched by his striking blue eyes up close. the man slides the band in place before dropping his hand back to your rear, letting a hand fall down your cargos as he gently shoves you towards the cylinder full of arrows at the spray painted shooting line.
the delight is all over your face when you knock your arrow with no notes from the bowman observing your practice.
archery isn’t your strong suit but you’d come into contact with it at summer camps in your youth and in gym class. your form is fantastic - or at least it always starts that way. the arrow that flies flies flawlessly and suddenly you’re beaming at the cheers once you notice your arrow a mere inch from where a bullseye should be.
maggie’s awestruck face and rick’s grin are enough for you to start knocking another arrow, sending daryl a cocky look.
the problems start when you reload and tilt your bow upright. you’re drawing your arrow back like your boyfriend showed you all of those times before, but something makes the auburn haired man stop and correct your form, saying, “here,” softly and moving your left arm long.
he steadies a hand on your hip as he helps to steady your aim. despite being momentarily tucked in daryl’s steel embrace, you feel eyes boring into it.
rick is striding over, not caring about glenn approaching the other end of the shooting line to give it a go or even your almost perfect bullseye.
“i think you would’ve gotten that one is daryl would’ve given you some space.”
an eye roll is sneaking out of daryl and rick still has his arms crossed. you shake your head to signify that it’s all a misunderstanding. “rick, i’m shit at archery because i’m shit at archery - not because daryl has his hands on me.”
rick grunts. “that’s not what i saw.”
you smile sweetly at the constable. “he’s just helping me learn to shoot, babe.”
“yeah, let her learn. might come a day when we’re out of bullets,” daryl backs you up, citing an obvious concern now that scavenging was growing riskier and riskier.
“might come a day when you stop drooling over every touch.” rick jabs.
an eyebrow shoots up. “you don’t seem to have a problem with me drooling over you.” you counter. “just wait until later. you’ll be changing your tune about all of this,” you gesture to daryl.
rick’s eyes are alight with something stronger than irritation, more personal than just being annoyed. he looks like he almost wants to bend you over his lap and you’re sure he’s about to say something just as embarrassing until a voice interrupts his thought before it comes out.
you and daryl seize your getaway when rick is summoned up onto deanna’s porch to try some of her famous peanut butter buckeyes. “proudly from ohio,” she’d proclaimed of the recipe.
midwestern sweets are the perfect cover for you and your archer to stowaway in the barn, somewhere it would take rick a long time to look. daryl has you next to him on a hay bale in an empty horse stall before you can even count how many horses are actually around. not that it matters with the stall dividers giving you more than enough cover.
the finger screwing you open has you screaming your face with pleasure. this is what you’d been wanting rick to do at the archery range. you would’ve done whatever he said for him to whisk you away and take care of that specific need right there and then.
“real quick? just to hold you over until later?” he’s massaging your worked up insides like he’s aware of every tension that’s been brewing in you all day long.
“dare’,” your ability to keep it together is slipping.
“you want me to fill you up with a finger now, baby?” daryl toys, middle finger joining his pointer in your pulsing cunt.
you say everything but no when daryl embarks between your thighs.
deanna’s buckeyes were delicious.
not as great as his mom’s peach cobbler but enough of a sign that this place is where the group should lay down there roots. where you three should put down your roots.
rick doesn’t want to be the overbearing boyfriend, not when you and daryl are on the other end of it. the idea of sharing you is still just so foreign. in bed, it mostly goes off without a hitch but during the daytime is another story.
jealousy manifests in all kinds of inappropriate ways - like spoiling your moment with daryl after you shot so well, rusty as you were not having picked up a bow in god knows how long. rick wants to apologize. the thought’s on his mind but the way his body moves, searching for you and his friend, he’s more of a predator than a man. moved almost as if by the primal need to be close to you. to know where you are.
so when he finally finds and daryl in the stable, he thinks his head might explode.
“the fuck are you two doin’ in this stall?”
your climax is put on pause as daryl freezes his tongue over your clit. despite your frivolous wrenching of his auburn waves, your efforts to at least enjoy a release before rick starts on his lecture prove to be futile. daryl’s not just abandoning ship but pulling up your underwear.
“and the fuck are you whimperin’ about?”
you stop; a deer in the headlights. “what?” you mumble through swollen lips.
“move the fuck over, daryl,” before you know it, rick is doing the unexpected and taking your lover’s spot sucking your clit.
rick doesn’t give you anytime at all to mentally or physically adjust to him just jumping in and slurping you up.
the lack of warning has you coming on his tongue and daryl’s eyes widening. none of you can be surprised by the fact that rick isn’t stopping. you’re fine with that; you can’t face his “i told you so” looks right now anyways.
rick rarely gets to eat you out as often as he wants to. usually it’s daryl torturing your sensitive cunt without abandon. the scene before you: rick, with a tongue treating you like the last popsicle in the hell, tongue fucking you even as you grip as his hair.
“rick,” you say starry eyed.
“he’s busy, baby,” daryl explains and settles into the spot next to you against the hay bale.
“rick, rick!” you’re stirring up straw around you as rick adds a finger to his artful invasion of your pussy. the tongue isn’t enough, no, he needs to penetrate you with a finger as well. it doesn’t matter that his nose is shiny with your slick or that you’re begging for a break. you’re gonna overload all over his face like the good little slut he knows you are for him.
at least that’s what he tells you after he holds you down and tag teams you with daryl to incur a whirlwind of pleasure from your sensitive pebbled flesh to your slippery entrance. your kicking legs don’t phase him, much less than tsunami of pleasure that washes over you and coats his mouth.
the intense breakdown from inside your core has your mind completely wiped. you’re so fucked out, you’re begging for rick to do the dirtiest things to you on this hay strewn floor.
“you need me to smack your pussy baby?”
“yes, rick!”
the light sting that flushes your cunt has you gasping into daryl’s mouth when he leans over to lock puffy lips with you. another swat or two is more than enough to have you even wetter than you were when rick interrupted you and daryl. the stretch you’re expecting comes more as a squelch for the first few inches.
rick has gotten used to you over time but as daryl props you up on his lap, you grit your teeth. the older man is hitting that marianna trench deep angle with his horsecock fitting for the stable that’s on the verge of battering your cervix.
kudos to daryl, you think. how supportive of your fucking antics. you know why that is.
daryl will let rick go as far as he does because he knows it’ll end up with the three of you right here. right on top of each other, gliding into position wordlessly. the tent in his pants has been freed and by the way he’s palming himself, you can tell he’s not saving that thing for your mouth.
the massive cock splitting you up and imprinting some kind of shape, begins to pulse. you’re ready to come all over him when you feel an intrusion at your sopping hole.
“what the-,”
“relax, it’s a finger.”
“you’re cutting in here already?”
daryl raises an eyebrow at his brother. “you’re tellin’ me that you don’t wanna double stuff her?”
you clench around rick at the younger man’s words.
rick laughs, wrapping his arms around you before starting to roll over, “well, when you put it that way.”
and he sends his tongue down your throat as soon as the second dexterous finger struggles inside of you. the pressure ebbs and flows from pain to pleasure. regardless, the pain is dull enough that the hold rick’s maintaining on your sides is enough to distract you.
you’re draped on top of rick, snug against him but he still starts to run his cocky mouth.
“i thought the bigger dude’s supposed to be on top. isn’t that what that magazine you guys found said?”
daryl raises a tawny eyebrow, not bothering to slow the pace of his fingers. “you’re really gonna brag about your dick right now?”
rick pistons his hips upwards, squeezing a cry out of you and proving his point.
“you’re an asshole,” you’re muttering as you endure another pointed thrust.
rick gets his recompense when daryl finally feeds his own impressive cock, centimeter by centimeter at first - eyeballing it and checking in on you and rick as you both start to squirm.
daryl’s struggling to not give it one heroic thrust and dive balls deep but he knows that would probably tear you in two. theres no way you can handle anything other than slow right now. rick is the same with a matching flustered expression. he accepts your hand when you grasp his much larger palm in yours.
the once cocky constable is now absolutely being shut up by your all encompassing, air tight walls and daryl’s cock edging you two as he edges further inside of you.
daryl’s fingers were pipe cleaners in comparison to his meaty cock cramming into you as if you weren’t meant for only one. it doesn’t matter though. no one would hear you complaining. this isn’t the first one they’ve stretched you on both of their cocks and it won’t be the last - not if you have anything to do with it.
once the man above you is a bit more firmly entrapped in your tight warmth, you start to move your hips back. rick is smirking beneath you when daryl warns you with a spank not to squirm too much - not if you want both of them to come in you. the conditions have you settling your hips and clinging onto rick, stilling with the close contact as daryl sandwiches you into him.
rick has no reason to complain, not with the sunlight coming through just the right panes of the barn’s skylights and painting your face and your hair a delicious shade of golden hour. daryl’s disposition is made only more chiseled and picturesque with the waning daylight.
neither of them are lasting long with the way the day’s gone.
you don’t make it a piece of cake holding on regardless. wound up since rick first pulled you into his arms back at the range, you have no patience for the men overfilling your walls. your hips can’t wait to thrash and jerk just like daryl’s. the archer is rasping in your ear to calm down but with the blush bringing, brain fogging pressure that two cocks in your entrance brings, you barely listen.
your constable comes first of course. he’s the one that sets off the real showstopper of a release that wrings a cry so loud out of you that one of the horses sighs in the background.
the warmth of his come fills you from his position buried deep in your pussy. it’s slipping out of you with each erratic propel of daryl into you, fucking the two of you straight through your orgasms.
come floods from your womb and out of your entrance, spilling down your thighs once daryl finally pulls out. he whistles and gestures for rick to check it out but the man is too worn out to look between your sticky thighs. instead, you’re flush against his chest and he’s calling daryl down with the two of you.
tangled together in the hay, you can’t think of a better way to spend this idyllic day.
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bronz3y · 9 months
~ 𝚖 𝚢 𝚗 𝚎 𝚎 𝚍 𝚢 𝚐 𝚒 𝚛 𝚕 ~ georgia stanway
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( 18+)
warnings - smut, swearing
A/N hope you like this short, smutty georgia story lol , it was a request from an anonymous user,
Warm rays of morning sunshine scatter the room, landing right on your face, you let out a small annoyed groan and reach down to pull the covers over your face.
You then feel the arms around your waist tighten and feel small breaths of air from her nose making the hairs on your neck slightly stick up. You smile to yourself at the warm feeling of waking up in your girlfriend's arms. You then turn your body around in her arms, now facing her freckle filled face, her eyes still closed and her eyebrows slightly scrunched up.
you and georgia has been together for 6 months now, you met her through a mutual friend, Leah Williamson who introduced you to eachother at an event she invited the both of you to, as from then you exchanged numbers and after a few months of talking she finaly decided to ask you to be fer girlfriend.
You lift your hand and begin to trace the small dots on her face, you feel her start to wake up at the touch, you're then met with pools of honey coloured eyes staring right back at yours. 
“morning baby“  you whisper, your thumb now gently rubbing her cheek.
“Morning love” Georgia  answers groggily, placing her hand on your waist, rubbing on the soft exposed skin from your top being slightly lifted up, you feel a shiver through your body at the feeling of her soft fingers on your skin.
Georgia then rests her forehead on the crook of your neck, inhaling your familiar scent. You begin to sit up, ready to begin the day when Georgia's arms pull you back down, 
“ Geeeee, i need to get breakfast started love” you whined as her arms locked around your body.
“i want ya close to me” she whispered, you smiled at your girlfriends needy behaviour, secretly loving it.
“ Is my girl needy today?” you teased poking her cheek she opened her looking at you in annoyance 
“ Babe, i haven't seen ya for a week, give me a break” she whined, it was true, georgia was away with the lionesses for international break back in england, she got home yesterday night and had pulled you right to bed with her.
After a few minutes of Georgia's whining you manage to get out of bed, slip your slippers on and make your way to the kitchen.You put your phone on the kitchen counter,put on your local radio channel and begin getting the ingredients needed to make some scrambled eggs on toast along with some freshly squeezed orange juice, Georgia's favourite.
In the middle of making the scrambled eggs and humming along to the music playing on the radio, you hear the bed creak followed by the soft sound of feet walking on the tiled floor, you then feel a pair of arms slither around your waist and a chin on your shoulder.
“Look who finally decided to leave the bed” you giggled and turned your head to give Georgia a kiss on her temple.
“You're making my favourite” she says softly, giving you a kiss on your shoulder, you smile and reply with a happy hum.
You then feel Georgia's hands move slowly upwards, under your top and onto your warm skin, her fingers tracing your stomach softly, her small pecks on your neck becoming slightly open mouthed kisses, you feel her warm tongue glazing your skin leaving the shiny residue of her saliva. You feel your legs buckle at the sudden change of affection.
“Georgia” you say breathily as her hand cups your breast, massaging it softly as her mouth moves further up your neck, your hands let go of the spatula and grab onto the side of the kitchen counter.
“Georgia the eggs” you tell her, she responds by turning you to face her, she then grabs your hand and places it on the inside of her thigh, your heart thumps in your ears at your girlfriends boldness.
“I need your touch so bad baby girl” she whispers in your ear, nipping your earlobe as she moves your hand to encourage you to rub the inside of her jogger covered thigh.
You let out a shaky sigh, normally Georgia was in charge, this change of position wasn't new to you, but it had been a while since you last got the upper hand, with a sudden boost of confidence, you start gently sliding your fingers on the inside of her thigh ,forward and back again , repeating the motion again and again avoiding the spot where she needed you the most.  you then start hearing tiny breathy moans in your ear, it was definitely working. 
You hear her whine as you remove your hands from her thigh, before she could protest you switched off the stove, the eggs could wait, you then interlock your fingers and guide her to your living room, opening the door and closing it again, you turn to face her , her eyes full of lust.
“Lie down for me baby” you whisper gently, she nods and walks over to the sofa, lying down on the long side. You walk towards the sofa, placing yourself over her, using your elbows as support. You smiled down at her
“my needy girl“ you whisper, she then disconnects your eyes and turns her head in embarrassment, you frown, mentally telling yourself off for making her embarrassed of being comfortable expressing herself to you. 
“Hey” you whisper, grabbing her chin and softly turning her head to face you again. 
“Tell me what you need baby” you say, tucking a loose hair behind her ear. She once again grabs your hand, and guides it right onto her jogger covered core. You use the tips of two fingers to apply a bit of pressure onto where her covered clit is. You head her inhale and she bites her lip.
“Is this what you want?” , she nods, not being able to look at you directly.
“Baby, you don't need to hide from me, i want to make you feel good love, use your words for me” You frown at how self conscious she is from just wanting your touch, you feel her body relax at your words.
“could you maybe move them slowly?” she whispered looking at your hand between her legs. You begin rubbing her clit softly over her clothes, you feel her shiver at the touch.
“ i need you under my clothes " she says, you nod and grab the waistline of her joggers, slowly pulling them down and throwing them to the side to leave her in her boxers,
"take them off, please" she says despirately, you nod and pull them down, throwing them next to her joggers.
you then look down at her pussy glistening with arousal, her clit slightly swolen from your touch.
"fuck baby, your soaked" you say proudly, "all this for me?" you look up at her, she nods.
" i havent been able to get mi self off without ya'" she confesses, your own pussy pulses at the thought of her getting off at england camp.
with that being said, you drag a finger between her folds, Georgia lets out a small moan.
" y/n/n, your toungue" she whines, you immedietly move down so your head is between her thighs, you feel her hands in your hair, slightly pushing you toward her core, you smile to yourself at your girlfriends eagerness. finally, your toungue begins swiping between her folds, loud moans escape her mouth as your lips attach to her swolen clit, lightly sucking on it, you feel her pull on your hair, making you groan onto her clit, sending small vibrations to her bundle of nerves.
"fuck baby, just like that do- mmm dont stop, fuck" Georgias breathy moans fill your ears, you look up and see her eyes shut, her mouth slightly open and her eyebrows furrowed. you almost came by just looking at her.
you spent an hour and a half making her cum, as many times as her needy heart desired, the room became hot, it smelt of sex and sweat, with a hint of vanilla. unholy words, phrases and noises coming out of your mouths.
when you were done, you climed up beside her ans she snuggled into your side, her head on your chest, feeling your heartbeat.
"i love it when your my needy girl Gee, you whisper to her, she smiled and let out a giggle.
" thank you for talking to me, i want to know what you like so i can make you feel good" you explain, she smiles and nods on your chest. after a few minuites you her small snores coming from her nose, you smile and kiss her hairline.
closing your own eyes, even if it was still the afternoon, after the events of today you both needed a nap.
~A/N ~ wow this was a smutty first chap lol, anwyas lmk if u guys liked my first ever story on here, feel free to send me requests!
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100percent-shell-oil · 5 months
Time table of the bullshit
I have decided to make a timeline of events in the gimmickverse after I joined, as far as I know them.
-Before my existence. I will call this the dark ages because I have an ego.
-I exist!
-I, wanting friends, say I can officiate the wedding of Microsoft edge and google news. This is the beginning of an era
-I officiate more weddings, including the wedding of the blogs that will one day be my parents.
-The Sealand-Britain war is accidentally started by me
-Illinois becomes their own country
-Femboy epidemic, creating the majority of the femboy blogs, is started
-I get a femboy who is now my child
-I start shipping France and Italy, who absolutely hate each other. They say they will never get together.
-My assistant comes into existence
-I ask France and Georgia for islands, now I have my own country
-I start a zombie apocalypse
-I get arrested :(
-My Assistant grounds me for starting a zombie apocalypse
-I marry the US
-Somehow i adopt firehouse as my grandchild
-The pinkpocalypse is started and I instantly join because I like pink
-Apple gets amnesia. Is now less of an asshole
-The Color war begins
-I get adopted by gibberish and join the pink sparkle family.
-Yahoo and Target are acting…weird
-It turns out they were possessed and have possessed France
-France possesses Sealand who is sent to the void
-I get possessed by August and am now trapped in the void
-Sealand loses our UNO cards and it is a miracle they are still alive now
-Back in the real world, August, the dumbass that she is, has somehow managed to possess several people.
-August possesses Italy on the order of France. Italy nicknames the event “The Panic”
-The Panic is ended, some people are still possessed but have learned to live with their demons. Some apparently were fucking married to their demons. I adopted mine.
-Apparently everyone is in their villain era. I wonder how I can spin this my way as I’m already evil.
-I join up with the gimmick blog predator to Benedict Arnold my way to success. Everyone now hates me for trying to get them all killed.
-France and Italy wedding preparations are currently happening.
-I start a campaign to get Johnathan John Johnson elected as God.
-The Micronation Revolution is started. I join as I own a country.
-Micronation revolution has been disbanded until they stop trying to kill each other
-Sealand is rotting. They’ve died before so they’ll probably be fine
-Goose-waste management war is started
-Bean (my favorite child) comes into existence
-Bean Protection squad is started
-War against Australia has been started
-Bean gets kidnapped for the first time
-Bean Protection squad is changed to Bean aegis movement because BAM sounds cool
-We get bean back. They get kidnapped again
-Bean is kidnapped a third time
-My kid gives their soul to bean’s kidnapper
-I get arrested again :(
-Sealand fucking loses xir soul
-I decide nope I’m hiding
That’s it for now!
This will be updated as events happen
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(DNI: Thumb people, if you’re not wanted on most people’s blogs you’re probably not wanted here, batfam haters i love them too much)
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sgiandubh · 11 months
He was clearly with Georgia Ellenwood in Germany during the filming of Couples movie. So not that long. But yeah, nothing other than her.
Dear Ellenwood Anon,
The reason I gave you time and space in here is that you are so impressively dumb, you managed to make me snort on my Coke. Not a pretty pic.
I have no intention to be welcoming and polite with Anons like you who are probably a) 12 and b) in dire, dire need of a real life, with real people in it. We do not make it in that category, Anon: to you, I am a hostile handful of pixels and that's about all.
So I swiftly redirect you to one of my first posts on this blog: https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/720582190177665024/a-matter-of-optics?source=share.
That was completely, transparently alluding to both the NYC bistro spotting (?) by Marple and the Georgia Ellenwood shite you people peddled until you got bored. In just another collective shout to FIX IT JESUS and make it sound like regular (man whore) business, for just another Summer of Innuendo.
As in June, I stand by those words. And I am not even sorry S did not give your dirty fanfic the traction it needed, forcing your exhausted neuron to turn towards the other pile of crap you ventilate with gusto. You know perfectly well I am speaking about the Gay Thing, as you know perfectly well I know who started it in here and when and why.
Sharing a bench at a sports event - FUCKING! MARRIT! MARRAPAZ!
You're such an eyeroll. And still unable to spell ad nauseam or unaware that Sun Tzu is not a Chinese philosopher (that's Confucius, you geniuses!), but the most brilliant military strategist that ever lived East of Suez (map! quick!), btw.
I am done with you. Next time, you're blocked. Let's see how long you're willing to play this scanty arm wrestling with me.
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richincolor · 8 months
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Happy Black History Month!
This Black History Month I'd like to celebrate the genre that makes us jump at every unknown noise, brings us nightmares, and has us up late turning the page in anticipation of what will happen next - Black Thriller & Horror! There has been a lovely uptick in the publishing of Black Thrillers and Horror in the past few years where Black protagonists are solving complex mysteries, fighting against all forms of supernatural beings, and sometimes a combination of both. I've had so much fun reading all of these novels and am greatly looking forward to what 2024 has to bring. 
When creating a list of Black Thriller/Horror writers I must begin with the queen, Tiffany D. Jackson. Her first book "Monday's Not Coming" was a perfectly written thriller with a plot twist that hit with a gut punch that I'm still recovering from. Since then she's been on a streak with hit after hit after hit. Her latest, The Weight of Blood, is a book you cannot miss.
The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D. Jackson
When Springville residents—at least the ones still alive—are questioned about what happened on prom night, they all have the same explanation … Maddy did it. An outcast at her small-town Georgia high school, Madison Washington has always been a teasing target for bullies. And she's dealt with it because she has more pressing problems to manage. Until the morning a surprise rainstorm reveals her most closely kept Maddy is biracial. She has been passing for white her entire life at the behest of her fanatical white father, Thomas Washington. After a viral bullying video pulls back the curtain on Springville High's racist roots, student leaders come up with a plan to change their host the school's first integrated prom as a show of unity. The popular white class president convinces her Black superstar quarterback boyfriend to ask Maddy to be his date, leaving Maddy wondering if it's possible to have a normal life. But some of her classmates aren't done with her just yet. And what they don't know is that Maddy still has another secret … one that will cost them all their lives. 
2023 also gave us two amazing debut thrillers and I, for one, cannot wait to see what these two authors cook up next. 
Their Vicious Games by Joelle Wellington
You must work twice as hard to get half as much. Adina Walker has known this the entire time she’s been on scholarship at the prestigious Edgewater Academy—a school for the rich (and mostly white) upper class of New England. It’s why she works so hard to be perfect and above reproach, no matter what she must force beneath the surface. Even one slip can cost you everything. And it does. One fight, one moment of lost control, leaves Adina blacklisted from her top choice Ivy League college and any other. Her only chance to regain the future she’s sacrificed everything for is the Finish, a high-stakes contest sponsored by Edgewater’s founding family in which twelve young, ambitious women with exceptional promise are selected to compete in three mysterious events: the Ride, the Raid, and the Royale. The winner will be granted entry into the fold of the Remington family, whose wealth and power can open any door. But when she arrives at the Finish, Adina quickly gets the feeling that something isn’t quite right with both the Remingtons and her competition, and soon it becomes clear that this larger-than-life prize can only come at an even greater cost. Because the Finish’s stakes aren’t just make or break… they’re life and death. Adina knows the deck is stacked against her—it always has been—so maybe the only way to survive their vicious games is for her to change the rules.
I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me by Jamison Shea
Laure Mesny is a perfectionist with an axe to grind. Despite being constantly overlooked in the elite and cutthroat world of the Parisian ballet, she will do anything to prove that a Black girl can take center stage. To level the playing field, Laure ventures deep into the depths of the Catacombs and strikes a deal with a pulsating river of blood. The primordial power Laure gains promises influence and adoration, everything she’s dreamed of and worked toward. With retribution on her mind, she surpasses her bitter and privileged peers, leaving broken bodies behind her on her climb to stardom. But even as undeniable as she is, Laure is not the only monster around. And her vicious desires make her a perfect target for slaughter. As she descends into madness and the mystifying underworld beneath her, she is faced with the ultimate choice: continue to break herself for scraps of validation or succumb to the darkness that wants her exactly as she is—monstrous heart and all. That is, if the god-killer doesn’t catch her first. From debut author Jamison Shea comes I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me, a slow-burn horror that lifts a veil on the institutions that profit on exclusion and the toll of giving everything to a world that will never love you back.
And to round out this list, we also gotta point out the fellas who are also killing it with the Thriller/Horror genre. 
Promise Boys by Nick Brooks
The prestigious Urban Promise Prep school might look pristine on the outside, but deadly secrets lurk within. When the principal ends up murdered on school premises and the cops come sniffing around, a trio of students―J.B., Ramón, and Trey―emerge as the prime suspects. They had the means, they had the motive . . . and they may have had the murder weapon. But with all three maintaining their innocence, they must band together to track down the real killer before they are arrested. Or is the true culprit hiding among them?
The Getaway by Lamar Giles
Welcome to the funnest spot around . . . Jay is living his best life at Karloff Country, one of the world’s most famous resorts. He’s got his family, his crew, and an incredible after-school job at the property’s main theme park. Life isn’t so great for the rest of the world, but when people come here to vacation, it’s to get away from all that. As things outside get worse, trouble starts seeping into Karloff. First, Jay’s friend Connie and her family disappear in the middle of the night and no one will talk about it. Then the richest and most powerful families start arriving, only... they aren’t leaving. Unknown to the employees, the resort has been selling shares in an end-of-the-world oasis. The best of the best at the end of days. And in order to deliver the top-notch customer service the wealthy clientele paid for, the employees will be at their total beck and call. Whether they like it or not. Yet Karloff Country didn’t count on Jay and his crew--and just how far they’ll go to find out the truth and save themselves. But what’s more dangerous: the monster you know in your home or the unknown nightmare outside the walls?
The Forest Demands Its Due by Kosoko Jackson
Regent Academy has a long and storied history in Winslow, Vermont, as does the forest that surrounds it. The school is known for molding teens into leaders, but its history is far more nefarious. Seventeen-year-old Douglas Jones wants nothing to do with Regent's king-making; he’s just trying to survive. But then a student is murdered and, for some reason, by the next day no one remembers him having ever existed, except for Douglas and the groundskeeper's son, Everett Everley. In his determination to uncover the truth, Douglas awakens a horror hidden within the forest, unearthing secrets that have been buried for centuries. A vengeful creature wants blood as payment for a debt more than 300 years in the making—or it will swallow all of Winslow in darkness. And for the first time in his life, Douglas might have a chance to grasp the one thing he’s always felt was power. But if he’s not careful, he will find out that power has a tendency to corrupt absolutely everything.
If you are a fan of murder mysteries, supernatural thrillers, or just like to get scared, get thee to a bookstore (or library) and support your Black Thriller/Horror writer.
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Dean Obeidallah at The Dean's Report:
Earlier this week, current Trump top advisor Boris Epshteyn and former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis plead not guilty to the nine felony charges each was charged with in connection with helping Donald Trump attempt to overturn the 2020 election in Arizona. Given all the pleas entered by Trump’s criminal associates over the past year, we should just refer to this event as: “Tuesday.” When I read about these latest criminal developments by Trump’s allies, though, for some reason what popped into my head was Trump’s past comments calling numerous scandals “bigger” and “worse” than Watergate because he believed it helped him politically to say that.  In fact, Trump said that about everything from Hillary’s emails to his false claim that the FBI had engaged in surveillance of one of his then 2016 campaign advisor, George Papadopoulos.
The Watergate scandal was huge and it did send more people to jail than many may recall. As a quick refresher, like Trump’s 2020 illegal scheme, the goal of Watergate was to illegally impact a presidential campaign to help the incumbent Republican President win re-election. The Watergate scandal began on June 17, 1972, when several burglars connected to President Richard Nixon’s reelection campaign were arrested in the office of the Democratic National Committee. They had been caught wiretapping phones and stealing documents.
From there, a sprawling cover up involving President Nixon and top aides was launched ranging from providing hundreds of thousands of dollars in “hush money” to the “Watergate burglars” to a plan to instruct the CIA to impede the FBI’s investigation of the crime. By the time the criminal prosecutions came to an end, more than 40 people were charged with crimes relating to the Watergate scandal--—including high ranking Nixon administration and campaign officials.
Some of the best known include Nixon’s Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman who served 18 months for conspiracy and obstruction of justice, former U.S. Attorney General and reelection campaign manager John Mitchell who was found guilty of conspiracy, perjury, and obstruction of justice and served 19 months in prison, and top domestic policy adviser John Ehrlichman, convicted of conspiracy to obstruct justice and perjury. Others who went to prison included Nixon’s White House Counsel John Dean, legal counsel to the Nixon campaign G. Gordon Liddy, White House aide Jeb Magruder and more. Nixon would’ve been charged with crimes if he had not been pardoned by Gerald Ford—a point former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks has made on my SiriusXM show.
In the case of convicted felon Trump, though, what he and his criminal conspirators did was far, far worse both in terms of the potential impact on our Republic and the sheer number of people involved. Trump attempted to remain in power despite losing the 2020 election. And while Nixon lacked any ethics or morals, only Trump incited a terrorist attack on our Capitol on Jan 6 as part of his scheme to remain in power. Plus—very importantly—the scope of Trump’s scheme involved both the federal government and various GOP state officials as well. Trump corrupted not just his White House associates but in essence the entire GOP across the nation—with few exceptions. Even Nixon didn’t do that!
For example, the most sprawling criminal case involving Trump and “All the President’s Men” is the one in Fulton County, Georgia, where 19 people have been charged with illegally interfering in the state’s 2020 election. The defendants include Trump and prominent Trump allies like Rudy Giuliani, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, Trump lawyers John Eastman, Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro and more.  But also charged were numerous local GOP officials such as the former chair of Georgia’s Republican Party, a sitting GOP State Senator and the former head of the Coffee County Republicans. Then there are the fraudulent elector charges brought against Trump allies in five states: Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan. While Trump has not been charged in these cases, all the crimes were committed by Trump’s advisors, lawyers and local GOP officials in an effort to help Trump overturn the election results in their respective states so he could remain in power as President despite losing.
[...] Yes, we are witnessing something actually far “bigger’ and “worse” than Watergate. And it’s the crime spree of convicted felon Trump and his allies. This is the person the GOP chose to be their 2024 presidential nominee knowing full well this very history. Again, this reminds us of how dangerous today’s lawless and anti-democratic GOP is and why we must politically crush them this November in order to save our democratic Republic.
Dean Obeidallah has yet another banger post: The GOP’s fake electors plot to attempt to steal the 2020 elections for Donald Trump in multiple close states was worse than Watergate ever was.
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saltygilmores · 8 months
Meanwhile, in Boston, the GG's arrive at Creepy Sherry's baby shower. Although Lorelai only intended to drop Rory off and skedaddle to do some shopping, Creepy Sherry lures Lorelai into the affair with the offer of free food and booze. The first half of the event is fairly unremarkable. Sherry isn't exhibiting the same alarmingly weird behavior around Rory as she did the first time she met her (YET). Crusty's incoming spawn will be named Georgia “GiGi”. As far as which Gilmore Girls infant’s life is more fucked just by virtue of being born, Gigi or Doula, at least Gigi has a slight positive advantage by having a normal name. Crusty's apartment is way too nice for a human cockroach to be living in. Sherry claims Christopher doesn't care whether his child is a boy or girl and why would he it's not like he's going to be spending any time with it whether it be boy girl or four eyed purple martian.
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Sherry.... ran over a bunch of people with her car and her friend helped her cover it up? The tone in this woman's voice and Sherry’s non response to this accusation are way too netural to tell if she's kidding or not. I tried Googling whether or not this was a reference to some current event of the day (did some celebrity run down a bunch of people with a car in the early 2000s?) but it was inconclusive. Edit: thank you @katereads for confirming that there was indeed a publicist who rammed her car into a group of people in the early 2000s and this is likely what CreepySherry's friend is referencing. It made big headlines at the time and Lizzie Grubman was a household name and late night talk show fodder. I knew I wasn't dreaming that.
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I'm sexually attracted to painstakingly alphabetized collections of things and I hate that this beauty resides in Crusty's home.
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Women are always cleaning up after useless men on this show.
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I beg to differ.
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The party continues with little incident as the ladies play silly baby shower games. Lorelai and Rory are uncomfortable because they're quirky and Not Like The Other Basics and Rory kinda looks she has been swallowed alive by social anxiety nearly to the point of tears and Lorelai's pop culture references & jokes don't land causing awkward silences (again). Rory performs some truly ear-splitting karaeoke. Lorelai provides Sherry with her special brand of very helpful commentary.
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Okay "I have to childbirth at 5pm" is hilarious. No ine is asking the important question. How did Crusty manage to land this intelligent, beautiful and ambitious over achiever? She claims to live less than 3 miles from Harvard University, yet Crusty is the best man the entire city of Boston has to offer?
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Says Sherry as Christopher's first baby that she's at least somewhat aware he had no contact with for 16 years sits feet away from her. Pregnancy hormones have scrambled her brains and she's talking complete nonsense. (but she's clearly already lost her marbles long ago seeing as she had sex with Christopher to begin with).
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That is...a thing someone wrote.
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This is the distance Sherry claims she lives from Harvard. How utterly convenient. Some very casual and not scientific Googling where I could very well be wrong tells me that the distances between the closest points in Boston proper to Harvard are a lot further than this, more like 5+ miles, but okay. Fine. It's close enough. It's tv. Sherry and Crusty might also live in a Boston-adjacent area and everyone is like eh close enough, let's call it Boston anyway, like Dean saying he's from Chicago the city but he was actually raised in Chicago's sewers. Honestly I just wanted an excuse to go on a side quest to determine if AmyShermanPalladino pulls these numbers completely out of her ass or if there's some research behind it. Like where 22.8 miles from Yale lands you on a map. Sherry claims she doesn't like children and never planned to get pregnant but Crusty got her pregnant anyway, quelle surprise. Hooo boy! Creepy Sherry's about to turn up the Over Familiarity to Eleven.
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I cannot be the only person who finds this woman's strange behavior toward Rory alarming. Why do you always want to get so close to Rory, creepy lady? Worry about your own CrustySpawn now. Dial it back. Creepy Sherry is just chock full of presumptions ain't she. Among her wild presumptions are: 1) that Rory will get accepted to Harvard/ that she won't end up at another school entirely 2) that she actually cares about having a half sister 3) that she actually wants to spend every minute of her free time in college with Crusty and an unfamiliar infant 4) that Crusty will still be around when the baby is born 5) that Rory in any way shape or form consented to any of these plans 6) that Rory's visible extreme discomfort upon hearing these ideas is just something to be ignored 7) (as Lorelai points out a moment later) that given the choice she will prefer to spend her weekends with Crusty and Sherry instead of with her own mother who is she is extremely close to. The only assumption that Sherry has correct is that Rory is going to have virtually no life in college besides academics and couldn't use "I'm too busy" as an excuse to escape forced after-school bonding with her father, creepy stepmother and emotionally neglected half-sister.
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This...doesn't make a molecule of sense. Lorelai's nephew is Jess, lol. Ain't that grand. I wish Luke and Lorelai had gotten married a lot earlier for no other reason than Jess could start calling her Auntie as soon as possible and call her that all the time. Just to fucking piss her off.
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Another round of applause for the prop food on this show. Incredible.
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I am of the belief that Crusty has a sniper perched on a rooftop with a red laser dot aimed at Sherry's head and she has to praise him at all times to anyone who will listen, even though everything she says is about how great he is is complete baloney, or it's lights out. Well, this was originally my conspiracy theory as to why Lorelai feels the need to constantly praise Dean and I'm carrying it over. Besides blackmail, hypnosis, a voodoo curse, or brainwashing, there's really no other explanation in either of these cases. Sherry continues that Crusty's supposed attentiveness which is totally a real thing that's happening right now comes as a shock to her because she initially thought Christopher was going to leave her to become a single mother. Now where would she ever get that idea? It was apparently something Lorelai did or said that inspired him to return to Sherry when she would have been better off raising the kid alone like Lorelai did. What did Lorelai do exactly? They did the horizontal mambo at her friend's wedding and then he skedaddled. Please, fill me in Creepy Sherry.
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We know what happened. Please don't make me relive it in my memory. There's no way that 1 and a half minutes of boinking between Lorelai and Christopher was THAT good. If you blink, you'll miss Sherry admitting to Lorelai that she almost had an abortion.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Rebecca Welton's F*** You, Ted Tour
I have literally no idea where this came from. It stated out as a lighthearted homage to Hannah Waddingham's fantastic social life but it grew just a little bit bigger and a bit more angsty! Ahh well there's a happy ending at least!
Rebecca Welton and friends having fun in the VIP area at Glastonbury watching Elton John. 
Cowboy boots. She was wearing fucking Cowboy boots and shorts. With glittery face paint across her cheekbone and Keeley Jones under her arm. She looked free, unburdened, wild. Ted felt all of his blood rush south. Fortunately he was in his car. And alone. 
A week later, another sighting. 
Rebecca Welton attends the Men's European Under-21 Championship Final at the Adjarabet Arena, Georgia. Ms Welton saw the England team beat Spain and is no doubt looking at potential players to join AFC Richmond.
Seeing her at a football match, Higgins by her side was like being at home again. He pushed the thought away. 
Another week later, a veritable flurry of sightings. 
Saturday: Rebecca Welton attends Wimbledon with friends. She's pictured here with the AFC Richmond Captain, Isaac McAdoo and his sister.
God, that white sundress was something else. He scrolled through picture after picture of her laughing and pulling faces until his vision swam and he couldn't see any more. 
Sunday: Rebecca Welton attends the British Formula 1 Grand Prix at Silverstone with her Goddaughter. 
Formula 1? Formula fucking 1? He had no idea that she was even a fan of the sport until she was interviewed on the track and he had to hear her voice, hear her laugh. And goddammit if she didn't suddenly spill stats from her gorgeous mouth. 
"Are you having fun Ms Welton?"
"I am. Looking forward to a fantastic race and hopefully a British winner on the podium."
"And are you ready for the new season in a couple of weeks? When do you plan to announce the new gaffer?"
"Ready and raring to go. New manager will be announced next week."
She was then pictured giving Pep Guardiola a warm hug and the pair posed for a photograph together. She knew exactly what she was doing. 
Sunday: Rebecca Welton attends Bruce Springsteen at BST Hyde Park with AFC Richmond Coach, Roy Kent and Head of KBPR, Keeley Jones.
How the heck did she go from Formula 1 to Bruce Springsteen in the space of an afternoon?! She was with Keeley again, and Roy. The women pictured with hands in the air, dancing wildly and singing along. One of his biggest regrets was not asking her to dance more. 
Apart from anything else, she must be exhausted. He hadn't really noticed her in the media much when he’d lived in the UK, but now, she seemed to be everywhere. Every weekend a different sporting event or gig. In light of his departure, Ted had taken it upon himself to avoid contact as much as possible. To put up the fences around his heart - he learned it from the best. But here she was, week in and week out making it impossible. 
She was on the 'Rebecca Welton Fuck You, Ted Tour'. 
He could have made life easier on himself, sure. Turned off the Google alerts for her name (former married name, and maiden name). Maybe uninstalled Instagram. But that all seemed a bit extreme. He could do this. He could go cold turkey. He definitely, absolutely did not need to look at every single notification. And the phantom notifications as well when he was so sure he'd heard his phone ping (it hadn't). He'd then have to check the volume was up on his phone - wouldn't want to miss a call or message from Henry (he never did). The worst bit was that Henry was seeing the same posts and articles.
“Dad! Are you kidding me - we could have seen Elton John?!”
“Dad, dad, dad! She went to a FINAL and the England team WON and we could have been there!”
“Fast. Cars. Dad. I could have had such a badass summer, instead I’m still in boring Kansas!” Ted had explained his reasoning for coming home to both Henry and Michelle but both seemed so… disappointed in him. Certainly more disappointed than Dottie had been during her visit - and that was really saying something. 
“We were just so excited for a really fun summer, Ted. That’s all. I’d booked an AirB&B between Richmond and the city, Henry and I were picking out shows to go and watch. I’d signed up for pre-release Wimbledon tickets - turns out I didn’t need to, I could have just asked Rebecca! We had so much planned.”
“Oh? Oh, you move over 4000 miles back to the US without consulting me and all I get is ‘oh’?”
“I didn’t realise I had to consult my ex wife in order to move closer to my son.”
“You know that’s not what I mean. Don’t twist my words because you’re angry with yourself for leaving and angry with Rebecca for daring to live her life.” He looked up, shocked. “I’ve seen her out and about the last few weeks - having fun. Bit of a contrast to when I last spoke to her, when I could barely understand what she was saying she was crying so hard.”
“I’m sorry, what? When did you speak to her?”
“I shouldn’t have-”
“Michelle, when?” He stressed.
“You were on the flight back here. She said she was at the airport and she wanted to apologise to me. She said she’d tried so hard to make things work for you in both countries. She asked me to look out for you once you got back. Wanted me to really make sure that you’d be ok. She was worried about you, she was… heartbroken, Ted. Utterly heartbroken.” Ted managed to find a kitchen chair before his legs gave out. “You foolish man. Did you really not have a clue?” He shook his head. “And now you’re torturing yourself every time she’s photographed leaving the house.”
“I had no idea she’d called you.”
“She didn’t want you to know. She just wanted to be certain that you’d have someone here to check in on you. I guess she knew you’d struggle with being away from the club. She clearly knows you better than you know yourself.” He gave an empty laugh. “But she’s not ok, Ted.”
“She looks it, she looks incre-. Never mind, she looks fine.”
“You were right the first time, she does look incredible. She’s also still heartbroken. Look at the pictures of her, Ted. Really look at her. That smile never reaches her eyes, she’s hanging by a thread.” She patted him on the shoulder and left him alone. He reached for his phone and scrolled back through. Michelle was right, he really concentrated, noted the tension in her shoulders, the dullness in her eyes, the automated smiles, and made a decision. 
“Chelle, I need to-”
“Yes you do, Ted. You need to get on that 'Fuck You, Ted Tour' before the tickets sell out.” He looked incredulous. “What? That’s what she’s doing! Hoping that keeping busy and mentally saying ‘fuck you’ to you will heal her. Now pull yourself together and book a damn flight.”
“What about Henry, what about you?”
“We’re fine, we’ll figure it out. I’ll book something to join you next week and we’ll work it out once your brain is not completely at capacity.”
“My mom?”
“Should never have made you feel the way she did. The only person who can confirm what kind of dad you are, is Henry and guess what? He loves you, he’s happy and he wants you to be happy. That’s all there is, your mom’s opinion on this counts for nothing.”
He was at the airport before Henry was out of school.
From his flight, he arranged a place to stay and let Beard know of his impromptu visit. It took what felt like forever for a reply to come through. Eventually, he responded with a to the point: The boss is at a Bon Voyage party this afternoon for the Lionesses before they travel to Australia for the World Cup. It’s being held at the Sky Gardens. Keeley has called them up and added you to the guest list. Helpfully, Beard had also included a link with the location. Ted hadn’t specified a return date, and Beard didn’t ask. He stared at the invite email, which had just landed in his inbox. Go get her. The follow-up message arrived, interrupting his pensive freaking-out. He landed at Heathrow in jeans and a button-down shirt. Hardly the right attire for a red carpet event for women’s football. He sent a vaguely panicked message to the Diamond Dogs message thread and received a reply from Trent: It’s not about the clothes, it’s about the man. Stop stalling and go. So he did. Straight onto the train, straight into the city and then, following the directions on his phone to the looming skyscraper, which appeared to lean down to look at him. With the Sky Garden closed for the event, there was no queue, so he made his way to the front desk and handed them his phone with the invite on screen. They cross checked his information with their list and he was directed to the elevators with an “I’m sorry sir, the event has already started but you’re welcome to go straight up to join the attendees.”
The view was spectacular. Not the view across the Thames of the Shard, though that was impressive. The view of the who’s who of women’s football. England Lionesses milled around talking to club owners, managers and other players. Sponsors and executives filled the gaps and servers held trays of champagne aloft. He could already see Rebecca through the crowd, he could always see her. She hadn’t seen him yet. He made his way through the sea of people until he was spotted by the person she was speaking with. He had no idea who they were, but they knew him.
“Coach Lasso! What a pleasant surprise!” Rebecca, who still had her back to him, spun around so fast that the heel of her shoe twisted underneath her, sending her slipping backwards. He dashed out an arm to catch her at the waist and used his other hand to pull her up to standing. He could feel her trembling in his hands, she let go as soon as she was upright and able to, her eyes not moving from him.
“Well, I just had to see off the Lionesses and wish them luck for the World Cup.”
“I’m so glad you came. Rebecca, we’ll catch up later.” The woman patted her arm gently and left them alone. As alone as they could be in a room of a couple of hundred people. Rebecca grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and chugged it. 
“Crushed it, boss.” He murmured just loud enough for her to hear.
“What. The fuck. Are you doing here?” She hissed. He hesitated.
“I’m not entirely sure. Can we go somewhere? Can we talk?”
“You can talk here. I’m busy.”
“I noticed. You’ve had a stacked out few weeks. Tennis, Formula 1, gigs.”
“Keeping tabs on me? I had a husband who did that once upon a time.”
“I’m worried about you.”
“You don’t need to be. I’m on my 'Fuck You, Ted' pity party where I go around and live my life like you didn’t leave a big gaping fucking hole in it.”
“I’ve been refering to it as the 'Rebecca Welton Fuck You, Ted Tour'.” He shrugged, she stared. “I’m worried about you,” he repeated. “Your smile ain’t the same, you’re tense.”
“Fuck you, Ted. These things happen when the person you love decides to walk away without even trying. Without even considering other options."
"I didn't have another option."
"Yes, Ted, you did. But you were so hellbent on being right that you chose not to see it. So now you have to live with the consequence of being wrong and seeing the truth. It's the shitty equivalent of having your cake and eating it."
"God, I love it when you talk like this. You're incredible."
"Do you know what, Ted? I know I am. It's taken a lot for me to see it, and at first, you were the biggest help in doing that. Then you fucked off back to America and I had to start all over again. So again, for what feels like the millionth time, fuck you. I'm not going to let you switch me on and off like a sodding light bulb. Excuse me, I have people to speak to here." She brushed past him. He caught her hand just in time, but she tugged it away from him and stepped outside onto the large viewing platform. He watched as she shook her hands and body out, trying to loosen up and relax, but it wasn't long before she clutched her chest, panic creeping across her face. He was pushing through the doors before she'd even had a chance to turn towards the window to seek him out. He maneuvered them to a corner of the terrace. The terror in her eyes broke his heart. He took one of her hands and placed it on his chest and then did the same with his own hand. Her heart pounded against his palm. 
"Breath like me, baby. Nice and slowly in…." her free hand fisted at his shirt, anchoring her to him, "and out, slowly now, baby, I got you. Slowly, Becca, sweetheart." It took a couple of cycles before she was breathing regularly enough to let go of him, and another couple before she was able to speak. "I'll get you some water." He whispered once he was sure she was OK to leave for a moment. He kissed her forehead and let her rest. When he returned, he had water in one hand and champagne in the other. "Pick your poison, sweetheart." She took and downed the water and then took the champagne. He accepted a couple of chairs from a porter and guided her into the seat. 
"Thank you. I can usually… I can usually stop them in time. I was just so angry, I couldn't focus." He took her hand and looked out at the view. "Why are you here, Ted?" Her voice cracked. 
"Because I love you. And I'm sorry I wasn't brave enough to tell you before I left. Thank you for being the brave one."
"Fuck you for leaving. And thank you for coming home." She smiled over the edge of her glass, her heart rate recovering.
"Will you call off the 'Fuck You, Ted tour'?" She leaned in towards him, her eyes flicking down to his lips. 
"Depends, will you call off being an oblivious fool?"
"Think I can probably work on that, yeah," he chuckled before wrapping a gentle hand around the back of her neck and pulling her into a kiss. 
Rebecca Welton and Ted Lasso enjoyed the view at the Sky Gardens today at a leaving party for the Lionesses before they travel to Australia for the World Cup.
"Mom, look!" Henry pushed the article into Michelle's hands. 
"It's about time, huh buddy?" She smiled. 
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slapshotsandscones · 1 year
I've always headcannoned Jack as autistic, but like, diagnosed later in life??
Because I can just imagine him getting diagnosed in his twenties in the off season and having some Big Feelings and Realizations. Like, realizing how he'd partially used alcohol to put a damper on overstimulation at parties when he was younger, and understanding why he had always had so much trouble figuring our how to interact with people (and therefore why he'd had so few friends growing up), so on and so forth.
And he'd tell a few trusted people, probably Bitty and Lardo and Shitty and Tater, because he understands himself better now, and he wants the people he loves to understand him better too. And they all start reading up on autism and accommodations, and Bitty talks to Jack about having ADHD and they grow even closer through their shared experiences with neurodivergency. In the end, though, it's Tater who goes above and beyond.
He's very careful not to out Jack to the team before Jack's ready, but Tater devises a plan. He convinced Georgia that the Falconers should do some outreach with a local Autistic Children Support Group, raising money and inviting the kids to practice. And then he not so subtly suggests to the rest of the team that they should get educated on Autism as well.
And the thing about accommodations is that they benefit everyone, so while the Falconers are researching they find accommodations to implement at the rink, to both help any potential autistic people on the staff or team, but also because they just generally sound nice. So they get permission from management, and they add light dimmers in the locker rooms so its not glaringly bright. They designate an unused office as a quiet room, filling it with pillows, blankets, and sensory toys to help with anxiety before games and cool down afterwards. Thirdy reads about info-dumping, and he thinks the idea of sharing information you love is super cool, so he sets up some optional team bonding power-point nights (some for serious power-points, some for silly ones).
And Jack comes back for training and hears Snowy talking about how they need to make sure that the merch they give the autistic kids in the upcoming event is sensory-sensitivity friendly. And he sees all the accommodations that have been built into the rink over the summer. And he feels so goddamn seen, even if the Falconers don't know that he's autistic as well. (He tells most of them pretty quickly after that. He knows he doesn't half to, but seeing how accepting they are makes him feel safe enough.)
Idk, just. Radically inclusive Falconers crushing hockey stereotypes one at a time. That is all :D
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morbidology · 1 year
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Lena Baker, a determined single mother, resorted to any available job to provide for her three children in Cuthbert, Georgia, United States. In the 1940s, she found employment as a maid and caregiver for Ernest Knight, a white grist mill owner recovering from a broken hip. However, this seemingly hopeful opportunity quickly turned into a harrowing ordeal for Lena, as Knight subjected her to abuse and confinement.
The climactic turn of events transpired on April 30, 1944, when Knight imprisoned Lena within the grist mill and attempted to force himself upon her. In a desperate act of self-defense, Lena seized Knight's gun after he brandished a metal pipe and brutally attacked her. The confrontation ended with Knight being killed. Lena managed to escape and immediately reported the incident to the authorities.
Nevertheless, justice was marred by the backdrop of racial segregation and the suppression of African American rights prevalent in 1940s Georgia. Despite Lena's plea of self-defence, an all-white, all-male jury deemed her guilty, delivering a verdict that condemned her to death. 
On February 23, 1945, she entered the execution chamber. Her final words were: “What I done, I did in self-defense, or I would have been killed myself. Where I was I could not overcome it. God has forgiven me. I have nothing against anyone. I picked cotton for Mr. Pritchett, and he has been good to me. I am ready to go. I am one in the number. I am ready to meet my God. I have a very strong conscience.”
The passage of time eventually cast a critical eye on the circumstances surrounding Lena's execution. In 2005, a momentous decision was reached, acknowledging the inherent injustice that had transpired. Lena Baker was posthumously granted a pardon, a full six decades after she was unjustly put to death.
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