#Even if it’s a little messy I finally drew his hair right after 3 years
alterego14 · 1 year
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I forgot it was Tanji’s birthday and I been planning on drawing for a while, but I have a bunch of homework so this was the best I can do.
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
Hey man Yknow what I’m actually kinda curious about what the basic plot of Roseverse is ngl. I mean from what I’ve seen habit is a big ol Grumpus muppet kinda fellow(BASED AS HELL BTW) soo ermmm, lore. Plz? *Looks at you with big ol eyes*
Okay I was gonna reply to this with a whole comic but it's taking a wHILE and I don't wanna keep you waiting THAT long so. Here's an answer in text for now!!
Roseverse didnt start out as an AU. It was a bunch of loose ideas all the way back in late 2021 for an idea I was struck with like when that Greek dude with the bathtub and the gold cried EUREKA! Except, you know, instead of making a huge scientific discovery I just made a bunch of nerd shit instead. Which is SOOO Haiderrrr /lh /affectionate
The idea was " What if Habit and Kamal were childhood friends"? ( Plaintext: What if Habit and Kamal were childhood friends? ) And so I worked off that basic premise. I took Habits diary pages, analysed them, and drew and thought out what he'd be going through and looked like at the time, with Kamal as well to mutually play off of each other. I did this ALL with my very good friend @prrusten 's help, hell we didn't even mean to make something so big, we were just talking and having fun and hitting it off!
But yeah. Here we are...Almost 3 years later! And now it's become a whole AU called Roseverse, after its Flower Kid sona/insert, Rose T. Flower. But it's not actually about him HwjjskHAKSJSJ--and its branched out beyond just Habismal though TBH Gillis is still the MOST underdeveloped character in the whole thing LOL I'll think of ideas for you one day someday muscleman. It's changed a lot too. There was a phase with Mad Scientist Kamal and everything. I don't think I'll ever post everything aha! But I will surely share content while I can.
Infact one of the changes is Habit's design...! You've seen some ofthe newer refs as opposed to Grumpus looking Habit, he looks more like a marionette. I still dearly love the old design...but messy stuff just happened and I feel immensely wrong using it again for newer art now. So I needed a specific revamp to indicate change for me. I don't really wanna get into every detail but I'll make a appropriate post about it one day or like update my pinned when I'm ready and know.
Here's a little drawing for you in the meantime Sharko! An old one but I think it still carries the spirit of the whole thing:
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[ ID: Simple styled and digital colored art of Dr Habit and Kamal Bora from Smile For Me. It is in mostly dulled purple and pink tones. Habits hair gives a burst of rose and pink against the other tones.
He is closing his eyes and has caught Kamal in a hug from behind, leaning into his head. He looks worried. Kamal looks back at him, visibly tired, but there is a spark in his eye. Here his hair is long and falling down.
Whitish-purple text reads ‘’We’re in this together.’’ Then more transparent, ‘’Not Alone’’ and finally in bold clear text, ‘’Dont forget.’’ end ID]
And a song I more newly associate with Roseverse vibes...
[Thumbnail ID: A screencap from the anime Clannad. A man kneels on the ground to tightly clutch a little girl who hugs back. The background is sheer white snow. End ID]
[ VD: The music sounds melancholic, with twinkling noises throughout, and a slowly played track with echoing ambience. End VD ]
Morning edit: Aw Sharko.. I'm sorry this happened right after I told you about it but I've decided Roseverse will be shutting down and I shall post no further content of it for the time being. I will still continue like, using this blog for S4M stuff and make fanart in the Canon style sometime later but yeah man... :") (teary smile emote)
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kaylawritesfics · 2 years
can you write some headcanons where you're johnathans twin sister or something and your dating Steve?
Dating Steve Harrington and Being Jonathan’s Twin Sister
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summary: what it’s like to date steve “the hair” harrington while being a byers kid
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader (byers!reader)
WARNINGS: mentions of canon typical violence, plot inconsistencies bc i have the memory of a goldfish
note: gonna try not to make this one as annoyingly long as my steve x henderson!reader but we will see !! this has no spoilers for stranger things 4 bc truthfully i don’t remember it enough to write the plot out
You and Steve definitely did not get off on the right foot at first. “King Steve” and his obnoxious friends relentlessly tormented your brother, going as far as breaking his camera.
Tommy H and Carol teased you sometimes, as well, but your friendship with Nancy Wheeler protected you from receiving the same torment that your brother received.
When you found out your younger brother, Will, had gone missing, you and Jonathan found comfort in each other, both of you recognizing the horrible and frankly, insane state your mother was in.
Steve had even (reluctantly) brought over a casserole, which he claimed was from his mother, but in reality, he and Nancy spent hours looking for recipes and had multiple trial casseroles waiting at home to be eaten.
After seeing how caring and sweet Steve really was, your feelings for him began to change. You really appreciated his help and support while things were going to hell in Hawkins.
After Will was finally home and things were relatively back to normal, you and Steve had even started a small friendship, much to your brother’s distaste. However, even Jonathan didn’t hold much of a grudge against Steve after they reconciled.
You were especially thankful the following year, when Steve had taken the party under his wing, protecting them when things started to go to hell again.
Around the same time, Steve and Nancy’s relationship came to an end. You noticed Jonathan and Nancy had been spending more time together as well.
While Will was possessed by the Mind Flayer, Steve became a support system for you. While Jonathan was seeking comfort from Nancy, you found yourself frequently wrapped in Steve’s arms.
Obviously, in a purely platonic way. Steve was a great friend, a fantastic friend, even.
These new relationships greatly confused you and Jonathan.
“What’s up with you and Nancy?” “What’s up with you and Steve?”
Even though the situation is a little confusing, Jonathan is the biggest Y/N and Steve supporter. No matter how many times you explain that your relationship with Steve is completely platonic, Jonathan still doesn’t believe it.
“Yeah, right. You don’t see the way you look at him.” “Jonathan, I swear to god”
Even Will joins in, teasing you about your “nonexistent” crush on Steve.
“I drew this picture for you. There’s you, me, and Jonathan, and then over here is Steveholdingyourhand” The words rushed out of his mouth and he held back a laugh as you grumbled but still took the drawing.
Steve loves coming over to your house. His house is so quiet and cold. He thinks your house feels more like a home. Even though it’s small and sometimes a little messy, he thinks it’s cozy and warm.
He also loves Joyce and Will. Joyce has this need to take care of any kid who walks into her house and Steve is absolutely at the top of the list. His mother isn’t like that at all so he definitely basks in the attention.
Will makes Steve wish he had a younger sibling. He tries to spend as much time as he can with Will. Next to Dustin, Will is the kid in the party that Steve is closest to. Will loves Steve and appreciates that Steve listens to him and lets him ramble on about DnD, his favorite TV shows, etc.
The next summer, Steve takes a job at the new Starcourt Mall. You like to visit him at work, coming to order ice cream at least 3 times a week. Sometimes, you take Will with you.
Robin bugs Steve about you for weeks, encouraging him to ask you out.
Of course, right when he finally builds up the courage, things start to get bad in Hawkins again.
You and Steve don’t reunite again until after the Battle of Starcourt. While the Scoops Troop were infiltrating secret Russian bases, you and the party were focused on whatever the hell was going on with Billy Hargrove.
You’re sitting outside the burning mall when Steve approaches you. Your mom, Will, and Jonathan are all okay and everything feels like it could relatively go back to normal.
You notice the cuts and bruises littering his face and the bags around his eyes. His hair is falling in front of his face and you tenderly push it back for him. His arms wrap around your waist and he pulls you in for a hug that lasts suspiciously longer than usual.
“I love you.” He spits out quickly before his adrenaline rush wears off. He’s frozen and it feels like it takes centuries for you to respond.
“I love you, too” He releases a breath, leaning down to kiss you softly.
A few feet away, Will nudges Jonathan, pointing to the scene in front of them. Jonathan groans, squinting his face up in disgust at the sight of his sister locking lips with Steve Harrington.
“You owe me $20.” “Yeah, yeah, I know” Will smiles proudly, glad that at least something good came out of this disaster.
Jonathan and Steve weirdly become pretty good friends after this. While Jonathan is still fiercely protective of his baby sister (who, in reality, is only 3 minutes younger than him) and would kick Steve’s ass for a second time if he had to, they find out that they actually have a lot in common.
Steve fits right in with your family. He’s very respectful and kind and they all love him so much.
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thefreakymunson · 2 years
Hey! I saw you were taking requests for Eddie!
I was wondering if you could write a fem reader where they either go to school together and/or works at a record store he frequents and they maybe hook up but Eddie is a complete virgin cause let’s be real, he is.
Sorry this took me a bit to work on!! Hope you enjoy and it was worth your wait! <3 This is not my best work but I'm still getting warmed up to the smut game lol
It was January 28th, 1986 as you sat at the front desk of the store you worked at. Underdog Records had been your home away from home after school for two years now. You loved everything about this place. The warm air blew over your back as you sat in the chair, flipping through the latest magazine.
The bell on the door alarmed, drawing you out of your magazine, as the sound of sneakers rushed the the front desk. You knew who it was by the rushed running. Eddie Munson stared at you from the other side of the desk with wide brown eyes. He didn't even have to ask you. You knew what he was here for. He had been here every day this week so far.
You sat your magazine down with a grin and reached down beside of you, pulling up a black plastic bag.
A wide grin drew across his handsome face as he bounced excitedly.
"It's finally here?" He clapped, "Oh fuck yes, I've been waiting for so fuckin' long. How much?"
"Don't worry about it." You shook your head, watching as he bounced around in front of the register, "It's on the house."
"What? No. I've got to be able to pay you something." He shook his head, digging in the bag that you had sat in front of him.
Black Sabbath's album Seventh Star had been something he had hunted down for days now. You were so excited for the both of you when you finally got it in stock. And the look on his face was priceless as he studied the cover from the front to the back.
"I'm sure we can think of something," you smirked, "You still got that stereo in your van?"
"Pft. Of course I do." He waved his hand in the air, "Do you not realize who you're speaking to?"
"Want to listen to it together?" You chewed on your bottom lip as you closed your magazine, "I haven't listened to it yet either."
"Now?" He asked, brown eyes connecing to yours.
"Yeah. I can take a break." You nodded.
"Shit...right on." He nodded, unbeknownst to you just how sweaty his palms had gotten all of a sudden. Up until today, he's never been alone with a girl in his van before. The implications where there.
Holy shit he thought to himself as he watched you walk over to the door and flip the sign from open to closed.
"Eddie?" You called out, snapping him back to reality, "You ready?"
He grabbed the bag off the counter and walked out after you, watching as you locked the door.
You were thankful he had parked at the back of the parking lot in the spot surrounded by trees. No one would suspect a thing as the two of you stepped inside of his van and he slid the door closed behind him.
The van was messy, but it was full of cassettes and band posters. A bench adorned the otherside of the backseat and you sat down on the edge of it happily, watching as he kneeled down and slid the cassette in. He pressed play and moved to sit beside of you, stretching his legs out in front of him, as the heavy drums filled the air around you two. "In For The Kill" started playing and Eddie threw his head back in pure euphoria, the grin on his face wide as he looked over at you.
"It's already so good," he said, loud enough for you to hear him, "Holy shit."
You were no longer interested in listening to the album once you realized just how close the two of you were sitting. His leg rubbed against yours as he bounced his knee to the beat of the song, lost in his own little world that the music had stolen him away to.
You have had a crush on this goofy wild haired metalhead for the better part of a year now and you were getting tired of watching him fumble around with girls who never treated him right. He seemed to see right through you.
"Not anymore," you said softly to yourself as you leaned forward and cupped his chin, his eyes opening just in time to see you leaning in for a kiss.
He was startled at first, but he recovered when he realized what was happening. He was a great kisser, but the awkward angle had you two a fumbling, teeth clanking mess.
You pulled back for a moment, your eyes roving over his face to check that he was okay.
"Can uh...can we do that again?" He asked, his tongue darting over his teeth as he looked at you in awe.
You didn't even answer him verbally. Instead, you settled for crawling over and straddling his lap, sitting directly over his crotch. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush against him as he leaned up and kissed you, a lot easier this time, and less teeth.
Your fingers threaded through his long hair, bunching at the back of his head as your tongues flicked against each others.
"Touch me," you panted against his lips as you slowly rocked yourself against him, "Please."
"Wha-" His train of thought was cut off as your hand grobed his bulge easily, "Holy shit...this is finally happening...okay."
You were stunned by his comment and you leaned back from him a bit, "What do you mean 'finally', Eddie?"
"I um..." He groaned in frustration and leaned his head back against the tin wall, "I'm a virgin."
"Oh," your eyes widened as you looked down at him, "Shit...I...I'm sorry. I didn't know...I...do you want to stop?"
"What? No, no, please...don't stop." He snorted and shook his head, "I just didn't...didn't realize you were into me, and on top of everything...I'm getting ready to lose my virginity to you...I've had the biggest fuckin' crush on you for a few months now."
A sly grin spread across your face as you stroked his cheek, feeling him practically melt into your touch.
"You like me?" You bit back a smirk, "You're not just saying that?"
"There's no way I would come into Underdog Records every day if it weren't for you. I sure as hell am not coming in for the low prices." He snorted, leaning forward a bit more, "Truth is...I've liked you since high school, actually. I just...never had the guts to admit it. You seen right through me anyway."
"I didn't know you then," you said, moving down to cup his chin, pressing a soft kiss against the corner of his mouth.
He let out a soft moan as your hand drifted back down to his jean covered cock, fingers tracing the rigid outline of him.
"So...you really want to do this?" You quirked an eyebrow at him, "For real?"
"For real," he said, panting softly as he felt the warmth of your hand through his jeans, " Fuck...please, Y/N."
You never would've pinned him as a beggar, but hearing him practically whine your name was enough to make you realize just how bad he needed this - needed you.
He watched as you stood up to the best of your abilities in the van, stripping yourself down of your shirt and jeans, leaving you in only your black bra and matching panties.
"Fuck" he breathed out as he watched you, big brown eyes completely awestruck.
"Your turn," you grinned, nodding towards his clothes, "Can't have only me naked in here."
You watched as his hands fumbled with his belt buckle, trembling from what was either excitement or fear.
"Here," you offered quitely, "Can I?"
"Yeah," he nodded, his eyes shifting between your face and your hands that had gently pushed his away from his belt.
"You don't have to be nervous, you know?" You chewed on your bottom lip as you slipped his belt loose, "Although it's kinda cute."
"Easy enough for you to say," he snorted, "You're not the virgin in this scenario, Y/N."
You smirked to yourself as he lifted his hips up, helping you slide his jeans and boxers down his legs. His erection sprang against his lower stomach, thighs spreading a bit wider as your fingers ghosted over the insides of them.
"I'm not," you said calmly, "But I'm also not going to judge you for being a virgin."
He watched as you dipped your head, tongue flattening against the vein on the underside of his cock, causing a soft moan to escape his lips.
"Fuck, Y/N" Eddie's voice was filled with need and you decided then and there it was your favorite sound.
The hand placed on the back of your head was gentle yet firm, silently asking you for more as you sucked the tip of him inside your warm mouth. You looked up to see his big brown eyes slowly slipping closed as his head fell back against the van.
His cock was thick and heavy even in your hands as you used your free hand to stroke him, feeling him already pulse in your hand. Virgins never lasted long anyway.
Rings clicked against the metal bench as he gripped the seat, needing something - anything to grasp onto as you slid your mouth down as far as you could around him.
"Jesus fuckin' christ," he grumbled as he watched you, mouth stretched around him as you begin to bob your head.
"Stop stop stop," he said breathlessly, using your hair as a restraint, "I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that shit, Y/N."
Wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, you managed to stand up long enough for his fingers to thread themselves inside the waist of your panties and pull them down your legs.
"Can I touch you?"he asked, eyes flicking up to your face.
"Yes...please, yes." You said, your face burning red at how badly you needed it.
He watched as you removed your bra and he followed suit, tossing his vest and shirt down on the ground.
"C'mere," you grinned, laying down on the pile of clothes.
He watched almost breathlessly as you stretched your body out on the floor of the van, legs spread just enough to expose your soaked slit to him.
Moving to settle himself between your legs , his fingers slid themselves over your cunt, gathering your wetness before slowly sinking two fingers inside of you.
A needy moan escaped your lips as your legs spread wider, giving him access to all of you. A gasp escaped your lips as you felt something warm and wet on your core. You looked down to see his face buried in your cunt, tongue swirling over your clit.
"Eddie," you panted, fingers threading through his messy hair as your legs clamped around his head.
He was uncoordinated and a little sloppy, but his eagerness made it all better. He didn't even hesitate as he slid another finger inside of you, kind of unsure what to do with them as he curled them upwards. He was getting the hang og things based off of your moans alone, learning your body as he went.
"Eddie-" you panted, gently pushing his head away from your core. He looked up at you with worry in his eyes as if he had done something wrong.
"What? You okay?" He asked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, no." You grinned, "More than fine, actually...uh...can we - can we get to the actual sex part, though? Don't get me wrong, what you're doing...feels fantastic...I don't want to rush this, but I've got to get back into the store."
"Oh shit, yeah...sorry." He said sheepishly, "My bad."
You watched as he leaned back against the side of the van, his legs stretched out infront of him. You bit your bottom lip at the implications. He was silently asking you to be on top. Beginners nerves, you quipped.
You lowered yourself into his lap, his hands coming up to grip your waist and steady you. He surprised you by kissing your lips, holding the sides of your face as you lined him up and sunk down around his cock, feeling him moan into your mouth as your tongues swiped against each others.
"Jesus...fuck, Y/N" he panted, lips agape as you nuzzled your nose against his, feeling him stretch you open.
"I know," you whispered back, a small smile playing across your lips, slowly grinding yourself down around him.
He pressed his forehead against yours as his eyes watching as his cock disappeared inside of your body, almost not believing this was actually happening to him.
His kisses became sloppy as his fingers dug themselves into your hips - sure to leave bruises the next day. And you hoped they did. You wanted to remember this moment for forever.
He was a mess of moans and curse words strewn together as he thrust himself up into you, trying to get even deeper, as you clenched yourself around him. He was gone within minutes, tumbling over the edge as his cum filled you. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you tighter against him as he moaned your name so loud you were sure anyone within a mile vicinity knew what you were doing.
"Jesus H. Christ," he panted, face buried in your neck as you stroked his hair.
Being a virgin, he didn't last long. But that was completely fine in your eyes. At the end of the day, you had Eddie "The Freak" Munson's virginity. That was a win in your book.
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bailey-whalieee · 3 years
Things Are Different Now
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(So sorry this took so long, I had major writers block and graduation and goodness life got in the way, it’s been a mess, but I am back!! Look out for regular updates!)
A week had passed and still the DA and the investigation officer had absolutely nothing on the shooting or why it happened. Meanwhile, Steve and Bucky decided to pull Maggie from school for a few weeks to help her process what happened and her anxieties.
Maggie’s nightmares from the night of the party progressed into night terrors and her dad’s would awake to her screams and pleas. It was another reason why Steve and Bucky made the executive order to pull her out of school.
Steve and Bucky laid awake at 3:45 am, awaiting the heart wrenching screams that would soon emit from just down the hall. “Buck, you still awake?”
A sarcastic chuckle fell from his lips, “of course I am, punk.”
His hand intertwined with Bucky’s metal one, seeking comfort from the man. The nightly routine completely broke the men and it made them relive the first months after adopting their sweet girl.
Like clockwork, her screams echoed down the hallway and the two men rushed out of bed. Bucky and Steve felt as though there was something missing. It didn’t make any sense to them why her nightmares were so vivid and petrifying.
Her bed covers were tossed on the floor and Maggie thrashed violently on her mattress, pillowcase stained with tears.
“Maggie, sweetheart, hey, wake up. You’re okay, shh..”
The whimpers didn’t seem to want to stop and neither did the panicked breathing. Her own hands fought theirs as Steve and Bucky tried to wake her, fragments of sentences fell from her lips.
With a choking gasp, Maggie flinching away from the figures before realizing it was only her father’s.
“Hey, hey, doll.. Just breathe,” Bucky reassured, seeing the terrified glint in her eyes.
She locked eyes with Steve and immediately her bottom lip trembled and tears spilled down the red flushed cheeks. “Maggs, darling, what is going on? Honey, you haven’t had nightmares this bad since you were young. Are we missing something? You gotta start talking to us about this,” he coaxed, sitting on the messy bed.
She drew a blank.. Not only did she have to make up another lie about the nightmares, but now she was just lying. “I don’t know.. Just scared okay?” she shrugged, her doe eyes irritated and puffy.
Bucky wanted to call her bluff.. He knew his daughter especially when she was hiding something, but it was four in the morning and the tiredness showed in her eyes. Maybe she needed to be pulled from school indefinitely, he thought..
“Okay honey.. Just get some sleep,” Steve sighed, smoothing down the mess of blonde curls.
As the two men turned to leave, Maggie whispered, “dad, papa, I’m sorry..”
Puzzled, they both turned around confused with the girl.
“For what maggs?”
“For being like this.. I know you guys are tired, and that you guys never asked for this,” she softly murmured out.
Steve and Bucky paused, before they sat back down on her bed. “Maggie, sweetheart, you are our daughter. Nothing is ever going to stop that from being true. We are here till the end of the line even if it means being here at four in the morning reminding you that whatever is going on in that pretty little head of yours isn’t true,” Steve spoke gently, wiping the fallen tears off her face.
“Plus, your father had to deal with me when we were younger. This ain't nothing, doll,” Bucky chuckled, kissing the top of forehead.
“Get some sleep kiddo, we are going to go do something special today,” Steve winked, ruffling her hair once more.
Confused, she bid her goodnights and tried to lay back down, but the nightmare had reminded her of all the things she never used to be scared of.
The morning came rather quickly and so did the smell of a familiar scent of something Maggie remembered from her childhood.
Bacon & chocolate chip pancakes.
The soft sound of 1920’s music played from the record player in the living room and her two father’s chuckling softly as they flipped pancakes and bacon. Stretching, Maggie made her appearance in the kitchen.
“What’s the occasion?” she yawned, finding her seat on the island.
Huffing, Bucky pointed the wooden spatula at his daughter accusingly, “can two loving father’s make their daughter her favorite breakfast without there being a catch?”
Rolling her eyes, she snickered, “oh may we not forget the time you made this breakfast when my fish died, or the time you guys made it when I failed the spelling bee. Or the time I broke my arm and you guys were trying to cheer me up.”
“Buck, she’s got a point..”
“Okay fine, we are going to take you to the botanical garden,” he smirked.
Maggie’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened, “wait seriously??”
“Yes Maggs, go do your thing and breakfast will be ready by the time you're done,” Steve chuckled, watching his daughter race back upstairs with a squeal.
Shaking their heads, Buck had one thought, “Stevie, I think we won’t have to worry about our daughter having children.. I think we are going to have to worry about her being a plant mom for the rest of her life.”
“I’m just glad she’s not interested in boys,” Steve laughed, “one less ass I have to kick.”
“Agreed, Stevie, agreed.”
Meanwhile, Maggie had decided on her outfit, settling on her all time favorite pants and a butterfly shirt she got for christmas one year. Steve often said her pants reminded him of a hippie and she would roll her eyes.
Practically, running back down stairs she skidded through the threshold of the kitchen excitement beaming from her body. Bucky and Steve’s face both held grins as they took in her outfit.
The yellow socks peaked through her cuffed jeans, a vivid reminder of sunshine and sunny days. They hadn’t seen her smile like this in weeks and to be honest, they never wanted to see it go away.
After breakfast, and lots of hippie jokes from Steve and Bucky, they finally decided to pile into the large Ford Expedition. In all honesty, Maggie had forgotten about the horrors that had happened over the past couple weeks and the weight of it all disappeared for just a moment.
“So, does this mean I get to buy plants while we are here father’s?” she asked wiggling her eyebrow as they all stepped out of the vehicle.
Taking a long sarcastic breath, Bucky sighed, “I suppose so, doll.. If you really need them.”
“Rookie mistake, Buck.. Now she is going to say she needs them all,” Steve chuckled, shaking his head at the man.
Maggie ignored their bickering and awe took over her features as she walked around the planted sanctuary.
Bucky and Steve smiled watching their normally tense daughter return back to her calm self. “Maggs look at this long leafy thing,” Buck pointed, inspecting the plant.
Turning on her heels, she examined what seemed to be a spider plant and spilled the useless information about plants and she gushed about the types of spider plants and how they are useful.
A cold feeling washed over her body when she caught out of the corner of her eye, the same military style boots from that night. Stopping mid sentence, Maggie froze. All of the air expelled from her lungs and both of the super-soldiers noticed the shift in the air.
Not again.  
“I’ll be right back,” Maggie breathed, not wasting a second before practically running to the bathroom. She could hear Steve and Bucky calling out her name, but she ignored them, only allowing her feet to carry her faster.
Steve and Bucky looked at each other with confusion, how odd?
Her breaths came out rushed and rugged as she entered the bathroom, not knowing exactly if he was actually there or if she had just imagined the combat boots.
She had to calm down. It may not even be him? Maggie couldn’t help, but think about all the what if’s that could happen. Her phone buzzed in her back pocket alarming the already shaken up women.
you ought to be more careful. you never know who is lurking about.
1:26 pm
A chill ran up her spine as she sat in the bathroom stall, tears begging to be set free. She couldn’t just sit in the bathroom stall, knowing full well that Steve and Bucky would burst through the door not giving two shits about it being a women’s bathroom if she tried.
Gathering herself back together, she wiped the smeared mascara off her cheeks and took a deep breath.
Gods, why couldn’t this just be over?
‘Should I confess? Maybe I should tell them..’ she thought to herself exiting the bathroom searching for two pairs of familiar blue eyes.
Finally she spotted her two fathers, leaned up against a metal pole admiring the pond with bountiful amounts of fish. Making a beeline for them, she wrapped her arms around Bucky taking in his cologne.
He shot a glance at Steve, raising an eyebrow but nonetheless returning the hug back to his daughter. “Maggs? You okay, darlin’?” he asked, concerned with the surprise hug.
Sighing, she gave him a small smile, “just needed a hug.”
She turned to her other father wrapping her arms around him, and Steve chuckled shaking his head at her antics.
“Papa's, can we just go home and watch a movie or something, there’s a lot of people here?” she asked, knowing that it wasn’t the people it was just one person who might be lurking closer than she wanted.
Steve’s face scrunched up at her announcement, “I think you have been spending too much time with your father.”
“Hey now punk,” Bucky jokingly warned, “c’mon Maggs we will leave pop’s to his own devices since he doesn’t want to hang with us.”
Letting out a laugh, she shook her head at their jests at one another pulling on Bucky’s gloved hand as a sign it was time to go.
Staying high alert, she almost searched for the boots hoping that maybe she would have the courage to go after him. Deep down she wasn’t ready to face what was waiting for her on the other side of those damn combat boots and she knew it.
maggie, we need to talk asap.
1:41 pm
Furrowing her eyebrow, Maggie’s stomach almost dropped just by looking at the text. It felt like she couldn’t escape that feeling anymore.
meet me at my house in ten.
1:43 pm
Clicking out of iMessage, she sighed trying not to allow her anxious thoughts to take over. Gods, she prayed that it was anything, but the shooting or related to the shooting. Maggie had bit off more than she could chew of this damn accident.
“Maggs, you okay? Look a lil’ bummed out, doll?” Bucky looked up into the rearview mirror the vehicle.
She smiled tightly, “yeah, Em is coming over. It’s an emergency.”
Steve turned around from the passenger seat looking concerned, “everything okay?”
Nodding, she shrunk more into the leather seat hoping to just disappear before shortly saying, “boy problems.”
Bucky and Steve almost choked on the air they were breathing. “W-what? Boy problems? Doll, you're not talking to boys yet, right? I mean, don’t get me wrong.. Papa and I won’t stop you, but they really do suck and…”
At this point, Maggie zoned out not even listening to anything Bucky panickingly stuttered out. Emma’s text burnt itself in the back of her mind and the thoughts were relentless.
‘Gods please let this be a boy problem… please.’
When they arrived back, Emma’s car parked itself by their mailbox and she practically darted out of the car and into the house. Maggie knew exactly where she would find Emma.. Either curled up on her bed under the mounds of pillows or on her carpeted floor.
Pushing the bedroom door open, Maggie found Emma holding several envelopes and swollen red eyes.
Emma’s eyes were sunken in like she hadn’t slept very much and her face flushed a deep red. “Em..?”
She shoved the envelopes into Maggie’s hands, before a new wave of tears overtook the girl. Not knowing what to do, she opened the already torn envelopes wordlessly. Countless photos of her best friend, laid in her hands with several letters all written with the same message in fancy red ink.
‘This isn’t over Emma Anderson, this is only the beginning. - black wolf’
“Em, who is this?” Maggie uttered, speechless.
She looked at Maggie absolutely floored by her question, “are you fucking kidding me, Maggie? Do I know who this is? No, Maggie. I don’t fucking know who the hell it is. I’m going to guess it was that little prick who almost killed us, and thanks to you, I can’t tell anyone.”
“Emma, I didn’t know-”
“You know what Maggie Rogers-Barnes, how about you take care of this? Since you wanna be like your daddies and save the fucking world, fix it. You’re going to end up just like those kids. Dead. Fuck you for getting me into this mess and not letting the cops do their jobs.”
Every word hit Maggie like a slap in the face and her jaw went slack.
“You know what Maggie, just forget it. You’ll never be that hero you told me about, cause you’re too much of a damn coward to tell anyone about what happened at that damn party. Don’t text me again. Fuck you, fuck this friendship,” and with that, Emma walked out of her bedroom and back to her car.
Breathing harshly, she allowed the tears to freely fall down her face. This could not be happening. No, the one thing she wanted to keep until she died just walked out of her life.
Hearing the loud footsteps rushing up the stairs, Maggie hid the envelopes under her laptop trying to cover up her tears.
“Hey babydoll, everything okay? We heard some yelling and then Emma just left,” Steve furrowed his eyebrow noticing the wetness of her cheeks.
Clearing her throat, “yeah, just a little fight over something stupid. Can I ask you guys an irrelevant question?”
“Of course doll.”
“Shoot, honey.”
“You guys always told me that I should stand up for what I believe in and that I should fight for something even if it is hard, right? Because, I am so scared that people will be mad if I do,” she ended, feeling tears prick in the back of her eyes.
“Maggs, one of the hardest fights will always be following everyone else or you can take the hard path that won’t be easy and do what it is right,” Bucky spoke, watching his conflicted daughter.
“When I didn’t sign the Sokovia Accords, it was the hardest thing I had done, but Maggie I stood up for what I believed in and I did it. I fought a lot of pissed off people and faced criminal offenses, but it was so worth it. Don’t let anybody tell you what is right or wrong. Figure that out on your own,” Steve concluded with a soft smile, “besides, I got your dad through the deal.”
Bucky rolled his eyes, shoving him lightly.
Smiling gently, she mumbled a small, “thanks dad’s.”
And with that, Maggie formulated a plan in her mind.
She would fix this no matter what it took even if it meant her own life. She screwed it up. It didn’t matter if it took hell freezing over to make amends, Maggie made the decision that night that it was time to fix it.
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Choose Me Instead II Draco Malfoy x Reader II Chapter 14 of 27: Reality
Summary: Pretending to be in a relationship with Draco Malfoy to get back at your ex might have not been the smartest idea you ever had. Especially during your last year of Hogwarts where you should be focusing on exams and your future plans. However, you were just pretending. There was no way in hell you could actually catch feelings for someone like Malfoy. … Right?
A/N: Uff, I’m so excited what you think about this chapter. However, I’m here to explain their ages in case some of you were confused: Due to the time that has passed since the war, Draco is 19 years old in this story. Y/N is 18. Have fun with the chapter! <3
Words: 3k Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader, post-war Warnings: smut - seriously, shameless smut. lol. If you feel uncomfortable reading, read until the first “ *** ”. And then scroll down until you see the next “ *** “. The texts in those passages are safe and clean and relevant to the plot.
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“To change the situation.”
You blinked. Slowly, very slowly, did you begin to process the four words and their meaning, your mouth suddenly feeling very dry. You suppressed the urge to lick over your lips.
The Slytherin didn’t look insecure or nervous. No, his grey eyes suddenly seemed to be a few shades darker (or maybe it was just the dim light in the hall?). His gaze bored into yours, right into your soul. It was impossible to escape and caused you to swallow. His lips were parted slightly as he leaned against the doorframe. He was still wearing his shirt from dinner and the tie hung loosely from his neck.
Draco waited for your reply.
Seeing him like this, you realized that you weren’t the slightest bit surprised that he had knocked on your door. Even though you had refused to believe for weeks that something could ever happen between the two you, it had never been a question of “if”. It had always been “when”. And apparently, “when” was tonight.
Your name rolled off his tongue like honey; his voice was low and husky. A shiver ran down your spine.
This is wrong, the thought crossed your mind. All the acting and pretending, the soft touches in hallways and classrooms that were born out of lies, the moments of vulnerability the two of you shared – it had clouded your judgment. It made you believe that there was something between the two you. This isn’t real.
But … maybe you didn’t need it to be real. Because ‘real’ meant heartbreak and loss and pain and both of you had experienced enough of that for a lifetime. Maybe, just for a little while, you wanted exactly this. A dream, a fantasy, magic that would vanish as soon as you stepped foot in Hogwarts again.
You didn’t need ‘real’. Not tonight.
You blinked again. Draco still waited for an answer. Then you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and when he saw the look in your eyes, his mouth twitched, fighting the smirk. So this was Draco Malfoy, you thought, the one who caused even Gryffindors hearts to flutter.
When you spoke, your voice was low and steady:
“Change it then.”
Now, Draco didn’t hide the smirk anymore. There was a sparkle in his eyes as he took a step forward. You didn’t back away, keeping your gaze fixated on him. He rested his hand on your hip and only the thin fabric of your robe separated him from your skin. It made your heart beat faster and your breath started to tremble.
His pupils were dilated now and the smirk widened when he noticed how you reacted to him. Draco closed the door behind him with his foot and you swallowed when it fell shut. It was only dimly lit in the small hotel room and suddenly you realized – this was happening.
“Tell me to leave and I will,” Draco must have seen your eyes flickering towards the door.
You shook your head. “I don’t want you to leave.” It was the truth. There was nothing in this world that could possibly made you want him to go right now.
You didn’t need this to be real. Not tonight.
“Good,” Draco whispered, his voice hoarse. His fingers tightened on your hips and you drew a sharp breath of air when he suddenly pushed you against the wall. He chuckled at your reaction.
“Stop being so cocky, Malfoy,” you hissed to which he only grinned. He was so close now, so damn close – the smell of mint and his cologne made you feel dizzy. It reminded you of the night in the storage room and you licked over your lips absently. Your eyes dropped towards his lips. Draco simply looked at you. Why didn’t he do anything? What took him so long? Frustration began to dwell up inside you as the tension around you was now so thick, you could probably cut right through it with a kitchen knife.
“Damnit, Malfoy,” you groaned. Without thinking about it any longer, you leaned forward and kissed him.
It was the third kiss the two of you shared – but the first one that happened solely because the two of you wanted it. Right now. In that moment. In the years before you knew Draco personally, you had often wondered why so many girls felt drawn towards him and couldn’t stop gushing about the mean Slytherin. Now, that you felt his lips on yours, the answer seemed crystal clear.
The kiss was rough and demanding. You pulled him even closer by his tie, as he pressed you up against the wall. You could feel every inch of his body against yours and your breath hitched. One of his hands found its way to your hair, grabbing it tightly as his tongue slipped in your mouth. He was possessive and leading and just the way you expected him to be.
You moaned softly and the grip in your hair tightened. He whispered your name and began kissing down your neck, sucking on the soft skin. A heavy sigh escaped your lips but then you hit against his shoulders when you noticed that it would probably leave marks in the mornings. He cursed under his breath.
“I want to touch you,” he mumbled.
Instead of a reply, you take his hand and lead it towards the belt of the robe. Draco understood and with a quick movement, your robe was open.
“Fuck, Y/N.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his reaction. “Well … I just had a shower.”
The first time with a new person, letting them see you naked, it was nothing that came easily to you. Normally. However, you were amazed at how Draco managed to make you feel like the most beautiful woman on earth by the way he gazed at your body with nothing but admiration in his eyes.
Draco groaned and leaned forward again, pulling you into another kiss. Your lips moved against his and soon his hands started to travel up and down your body, his fingertips softly exploring your delicate skin. You gasped when he shifted. He kissed your neck and collarbone, wandering further down.
You moaned and let your head rest against the wall, eyes closed. You buried your hand in his blond hair and felt him smiling against your skin, when another sound escaped your mouth.
“Bed,” you whispered. Suddenly this wasn’t enough anymore. You wanted to feel his skin too. You craved to touch it, kiss it, needed to explore every inch of it. Draco made no effort to stop what he was currently doing and so with more force (and frustration), you repeated yourself: “Bed. Now.”
Finally, he moved. With messy hair and a smirk on his lips, he licked over them, before taking your hand and pulling you towards the bed. Between hasty kisses and longing touches, the robe fell to the ground on the way; his shirt and tie followed quickly. Draco pushed you onto the covers and followed quickly behind. You weren’t sure whether it was the cold metal from his belt or the way he bit your lip that caused you to buckle your hips. He groaned and now you could feel him against your thighs and it made your mouth water.
The moments that followed were a blur. His lips on yours, hands all over your bodies in the desperate attempt to be even closer to the other. You couldn’t tell if you stayed like this for seconds, minutes or hours. Eventually, you grabbed his belt, opening it, letting out soft whimpers as he bit and sucked on your skin. When the pants finally freed his cock, the sight of it made you shudder. It was hard and dripping for you and you reached for it, enclosing it, slowly moving your hand up and down.
Draco’s eyes fluttered shut and his breath quickened. A tingling sensation appeared in your lower body when he gripped the sheets. You watched him with pure lust and your hands moved faster with every stroke, until he suddenly groaned. “Stop, wait.” He took your hand and put it above your head, staring at you with dark eyes. “Tease,” he mumbled and your insides twirled at the sound of his voice.
“I need you,” it burst out of you and to emphasize your words, you pressed your hips up against him.
Draco smirked. “You’ll have me. Soon.” Your eyes widened when he suddenly moved down again after getting rid of his remaining clothes. He didn’t take it slow, didn’t tease you – in one second you felt his hot breath on your sensitive skin and then there was nothing but his tongue.
“Fuck!”, you cursed loudly and let your head fall back against the pillow. More curses left your mouth as he let his tongue circle over your clit. Looking back, you didn’t know what he did. Whatever it was though – he was amazing at it. Pleasure took over you, making you forget the world and everything around you. There was only Draco and the way he grabbed your thighs. You moaned loudly as the heat in your body grew stronger and then a wave of pure bliss hit you. With his name on your lips, you came, hips buckling up, tearing at the white sheets of the bed.
Draco didn’t give you time to ride out your orgasm. Before you knew what was happening, he came up and slipped inside of you. You clenched your muscles around his shaft, gasping in surprise. He stretched you so far, it bordered on pain – and yet it felt so delicious; every fiber of your body wanted him.
“You’re so fucking tight,” Draco moaned breathlessly.
You pulled him in for another kiss, swallowing more curses from his lips. The moment he started moving, another wave of pleasure overcomes you and it was almost too much to take. The two of you panted heavily, groans from him and whimpers from you filling the dark hotel room.
Suddenly Draco slowed down his pace. It was torture and your hips bucked up, begging him not to stop. When you opened your eyes, he watched you with an almost sheepish smile and you giggled when you realized why he wasn’t moving faster.
“You drive me crazy,” he admitted.
“I want you so much,” you replied simply and the smile on his face vanished. He began to thrust into you faster again.
It didn’t take long and the familiar heat started arousing in your body again. Spots appeared in front of your eyes. You scratched his back and he moaned.
“Oh fuck,”, he panted and you all of a sudden, you felt him lose all control. Every thrust was harder than the one before as he fucked you closer to the edge.
“I’m … I’m …,” you didn’t get anything more out.
“Come for me, beautiful,” Draco panted – and you did as he said. Repeating his name over and over again, your legs started shaking and then you come all over his cock, muscles clenching around him. You clung unto him desperately, pleasure taking over your body and mind and then you hear him moaning your name as he followed shortly after, cursing and releasing himself inside of you.
He collapsed on top of you and you could feel him panting against the soft skin of your breasts. Your breath trembled as the last waves of the orgasm passed and you softly stroked his hair, eyes closed and a satisfied smile on your face.
The two of you remained like this for a few more minutes – it was precious, laying like this. Nothing but complete happiness filled your bodies and souls as you listened to one anothers heartbeats.
When he felt too heavy on top of you, you softly pushed against his shoulders. He sat up slowly and – oh, he was a sight for all the muggle gods out there. A content smile on his face, messy hair, red and swollen lips – you suppressed the urge to pull him down for a kiss. Never in your wildest dreams would you have guessed that you’d ever see Draco Malfoy like this.
You reached over to the nightstand for your wand and with a simple flick, the both of you were clean again. Then you got up, planting a soft kiss on his lips and disappearing into the bathroom. When you came back, Draco still sat on the edge of the bed.
He looked at you and for the first time tonight, you saw a hint of uncertainty in his eyes.
“Everything okay?”, you asked with a smile.
He nodded. “Can I … May I sleep here tonight?”
You chuckled. “As if I’d let you go after that.”
And then the uncertainty on his eyes was gone and replaced with the all too familiar smirk. You shook your head in disbelief. Your legs were still a bit shaky from when he made you come. Twice. Fuck, where did he learn that?!
You slipped back under the covers and scooted over to make room for Draco. The Slytherin came up from behind, putting an arm around you and pulling you close. By the time, your head hit the pillow, your eyes were already heavy with sleep and you had trouble keeping them open.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N,” he whispered against your hair.
“Mhhh,” you made, already half dreaming. “Good night, Draco.”
“Good night.”
The night was peaceful and calm. For the first time in months, you didn’t dream. There was just blackness surrounding you, making you wonder if you ever had a sleep that good. You woke up when it was almost time for lunch. Sunbeams were shining directly on your face and you groaned in frustration when you turned away from the windows.
A chuckle caused your eyes to flutter open.
Draco Malfoy sat next to you, leaning against the headboard, shirtless and with a book of yours in his hands. He watched you from the corners of his eyes. Suddenly you were wide awake and the events from last night came rushing back to you.
Oh, Merlin.
That actually happened, you realized. You slept … with Draco Malfoy. Oh, fuck. I don’t need it to be real, you remembered your thoughts from last night. Well, damnit, now it was real and you had to deal with it. How did you even come up with this bullshit?
“Good morning,” Draco said and lowered the book.
“Morning,” you replied and propped yourself up on your elbow. “What time is it?”, you asked and yawned.
“Way too late for breakfast,” he replied.
You sighed and rubbed over your eyes. “You’re already awake.”
“Mhh,” he nodded. “Not long though. Don’t know about you but I had an excellent sleep.” The innuendo in his voice, caused your cheeks to grow hot. You lowered your gaze.
You looked up and saw Draco frown. “Is something wrong?” He paused briefly. “Do you regret what happened?”
Did you? No. No, the night was beautiful and, fuck, you’d give everything to experience it again. Everything. But … you knew, it couldn’t be.
“No,” you shook your head. “It just makes everything so much more complicated.”
He thought for a moment. “Does it though?”
“Doesn’t it?”
He shrugged. “Doesn’t have to.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“Sex doesn’t have to mean anything if we don’t want it to,” he stated.
Oh. He was right. Then why did it hurt to hear him say that? You sighed and let yourself fall back into your pillow. “Okay,” you finally mumbled. “Okay, let’s just forget this. It was a one-time thing.”
“Yeah,” Draco cleared his throat. Was it just your imagination or did he sound a little hurt by that as well? But why would he? After all, it was his idea in the first place. “Consider it your Christmas present.”
You snorted at his words and playfully hit his shoulders. “What the fuck, Malfoy.”
He chuckled and you too laughed a little. “But I mean … honestly, who taught you?”
“Excuse me?”, Draco asked and raised his eyebrow.
“You heard me,” you grinned.
Draco started laughing again, before he answered: “I guess, Daphne. Mostly.”
You stared at him in disbelief. “Does Astoria know?”
He nodded.
Your eyes widened. What the hell was going on in that Slytherin common room?! “Well, at least it stays in the family.”
“Oh, shut up, Y/L/N,” Draco exclaimed and rolled his eyes. He couldn’t hide the smile on his face though.
You giggled. “Make me.”
“With pleasure,” Draco replied and threw the book away. In the next second, he was on top of you.
The kiss that followed was soft and gentle. So different to the ones you shared in the night before and yet just as beautiful. You smiled when he pulled away. “Why don’t we stay in bed today?”
Draco cupped your cheek with one hand and you leaned into the touch. “It’s Christmas. Won’t your parents miss us?”, he pondered.
“Nah”, you shook your head, “It’ll be enough if we show up for dinner.”
To your confusion, he didn’t react the way you hoped. Instead, he furrowed his brows. “And you think it’s a good idea?”
You sighed and carefully thought about your next words. “Well … let’s make it a two-time thing.”
“Or three.”
“You’re awfully confident.”
Both of you started to laugh again. It was so beautiful seeing him like this. He seemed like a completely different person and you for a second you wished that you’d meet him like this sooner.
“So, we’ll deal with the confusion later?”, he suddenly asked, all serious now.
“What confusion?”, you tilted your head and ran your fingers through his hair. “We’re … releasing tension, so to speak. I don’t know. But you said it doesn’t have to mean anything and so, when we’re back in school, it’ll all be forgotten.”
For a brief moment, something flickered in his eyes. An emotion you were unable to identify. Then Draco blinked and it was gone. “Right,” he whispered. “I said that.” With that, he leaned down again and all your confusion and doubts were drowned out by the feeling of his lips against yours.
You didn’t need it to be real. Not today.
A/N: I hope you liked it, my loves! I look forward to your feedback <33 Have an awesome day/night/whatever <33 (For some reason, some of the tags didn’t work. I’m sorry for that!)
Choose Me Instead Masterlist HP Masterlist
Tag List:  @writerdee1701, @youareinllve, @sjmahoney, @detroitobsessed, @takura-rin, @jadam268, @wynterwind, @mina672, @renaissance-confiance, @harpoon999, @doitforthevine67, @rinasrights, @flowerpowerpixie, @gold-flowing, @starkssnarks, @bookcornerkins, @harpersmariano, @markedsweetly, @iraniq, @pointlesscoconut, @hvrcruxes, @pillowjj, @idkatee, @jungjxxhyun,   @magicwithaknife, @graystherapy, @sophia-gwendolyn, @nxstalgicnxbxdy, @sunsetsofanemoia, @s4dthrills, @tommy-holland, @lordfxxker, @streetfighterrichie, @awaken-the-sirens, @destiels-assbutt13, @pockitparks, @just-addicted-to-bangtan, @cuddlykoala101, @zpandaqueen, @marvelpeters, @natsiboo, @jjjmaybank, @justmesadgirl, @books-and-tings, @slytherinprincedracom, @katiaw2, @saintkore, @nctnight, @lifestragedy, @obxmxybxnk, @spideydobik , @ladylizzieofdarbyshire, @aspiring-ginger, @dracomalfoyswifey, @jpow345, @realistic-breadstick, @h-annahayy, @abbs-is-tired, @alwaysbeanunknownfan, @niallsarmveinstho, @is-this-a-febreze-commercial, @acciowilltolive, @spideysmcu, @sexytholland, @faangirl101, @donttellany1iusetumbler, @mendesmuffinsss, @lilxnvm, @kill-the-teen-memories, @darkusangelus, @p0gue420, @itsbebeyyy, @hesaidimcrazy, @jenniweaslee, @hpxpjo, @brisbubble, @xomaymay, @shitnstuffillregret, @serialkillme, @angel-tears15, @panicattheeverywherekid, @obsssedwithjustaboutanything, @africana , @disgraceisonfire, @nobleking​, @tashii-blr​, @ddaeing​, @randogirlo-fando-main​, @sadgirlnumber92899​, @captivateing​, @bitchyegirl​, @smiithys​, @ninipoo1​, @intheawks​, @cherrylita, @nothanksnyla, @calpal-4ever​, @dracosathenaeum​, @belsandthings​, @lifeasdreamgirl , @kiwi-sloan​, @xdmx​, @lexi-ravenclawdracomalfoy​, @kvyenxay​, @live-awkward​, @babebenhardy​, @bitchysweets-blog​, @cravingmusic​, @frau-moon​, @ohissandhalasta​, @noravirginia1994, @broken-but-beautiful-cassie​, @lil-black-heart​, @obsssedwithjustaboutanything​, @vminenthusiastt​, @dracos-slut​, @ohbabycal​, @saucysuazo​, @fuzzzwald​, @matsuno-nadeshiko​, @amber-arsenault​ , @virtuallawyergardenbailiff, @loveableasshole​, @thehippyprepster​, @spideycures​, @echpr​, @shiningstar-byulxx​, @profoundmoneyprofessoralmond, @twinklebug2282​, @bloodiedroses​, @klthmef​, @ostorian​ ,  @bi-chai-tea​, @maddieisnotok​, @amandaluvssupernatural​, @makeoutwithstiles​, @kelly182001, @holyranchgoopjudge,  @i-am-addicted-to-tea​, @tenclouds​, @lovingdracomalfoy​, @lannaax​, @dr-bitch-bby​, @lunardragon616, @fallinallinmendes​, @suckerforparker​, @runninglownad​, @piercinghorizons​, @dosicas​, @sarashuu, @yanaaaaaaa​, @desertdwellerwitch, @bittersweetthoughts--ofinsanity, @akzer300500​, @bbeautyybbx, @hoseokslily​, @dracofeltonmalfoy​, @emilianamason​, @tothemoonwithclifford​, @gcldreinhart​
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
a/n: drabble dump for our boy kuroo -- i love him loads and think about him endlessly. i also apologize beforehand for the awkward ending bc i’m terrible at ending things. hope you all enjoy! gonna go knock back a melatonin and sleep my wooziness away
w/c: ~2.4k; some angst, fluff, mentions of alcohol
you’re avoiding tetsurou, and he’s keen on figuring out why. college!au, friends to lovers.
“you’re not as slick as you think, y’know.”
instantly, a shiver creeps up your spine, electrifying you in quick, tiny bursts. those eight, nine words were more than enough to let you know who was standing behind you, peering over your shoulder in an effort to catch your gaze. his voice made your heart clench and lungs fight for oxygen – you begin to curse the high, intellectual level of tetsurou’s observational skills. you just wanted to make it another day without seeing his face outside of class, opting more for longer walks and just looking back to see the back of his stylishly mussed hair in the far distance. it frustrates you how much you’ve used the word ‘infuriating’ when it comes to him, but there’s no other better word you can think of without having to consult the thesaurus.
you have a few seconds to dart your eyes around, desperately searching for a way to escape. your productivity typically thrives within the library, but he’s always there, so with lots of pleading and promises of baked goods and decent coffee, you were able to borrow a close friend’s ID, a graduate student, and access the graduate resource room in a less traveled hallway. and in the expanse of that area, you’ve tucked yourself away into the back corner behind some shelves where almost no one visits. but it leaves you cornered and vulnerable – no matter which direction, in combination with his long legs, tetsurou would catch up to you in a heartbeat. you thought you had finally found a way to permanently escape his grasp, but apparently not.
much like you, he’s not supposed to be able to access this area. after all, you’re both senior undergrads so –
“how did you get in here?” you quietly hiss. you’re pretty sure you’d be booted out if you made any sound above 15 decibels, and you’re not about to let tetsurou ruin this haven for you.
there’s a rustle of clothing, a hand that rests on the back of your seat, and the hairs on the nape of your neck spike, before a delicate whisper informs, “you’re not the only one with grad student friends, love.”
if you weren’t so focused on keeping yourself rigid, body absolutely understanding of the effect that this man has on you, you definitely would’ve shivered from the proximity. but the gentleness in his tone sends you back to three weeks ago – you’re no longer under a fluorescent light tucked between cream-colored walls, but rather basked in a somewhat garish hue of crimson. your veins were tinged with alcohol, the substance leaving you feeling like you were on clouds, a silly smile breaking across your face uncontrollably. other bodies surrounded you but the only one you were focused on was the one in front of you, following your swaying movements to the beat of the music coming through someone’s speakers. even in the warmth of the house, tetsurou’s hands on your waist seared your skin, branding the feeling on you for eternity. his eyes twinkled with apparent affection, unbridled and screaming at you for you to understand the line he wanted to so desperately cross, that the alcohol pushed it behind his efforts to deny himself the one thing he’s been searching for in all these years.  
“i’m a little drunk, but fuck, you have no idea how bad i wanna kiss you,” he had murmured just loud enough into your ear, then ghosting his lips over the shell of it. everything around you dissolved into a blur as you could only focus on his breaths and the tightening of his grasp on you. his confession wasn’t completely unwarranted – not at all.
tetsurou and you had met in the quantitative analysis lab freshman year, having been assigned as partners for the semester just by how the ta’s drew the seating chart. he was a friendly, kind soul – had saved your ass multiple times from overshooting your titrations, prevented multiple beakers and graduated cylinders from falling over, always down to compare numbers to help ensure that neither of you were fucking up too hard.
coincidentally, the two of you were registered to the same ochem lab the next year and immediately gravitated towards each other, grateful to find some familiarity in all the anxiety. he witnessed your breakdown mid-lab, did his best to comfort you and salvage your sample so there was enough for recrystallization because you somehow got landed with a shitty, leaking separatory funnel, and stayed back with you when you had fallen behind in the cleanup process. from then on, it was a weekly habit to study together and work on your lab journals and reports together, not taking long to become close friends.
tetsurou did his best to keep his growing feelings at bay, knowing that you had explicitly mentioned swearing off relationships as you tried to figure out your future first. he wasn’t oblivious enough to think that you didn’t feel anything for him whatsoever – you were stubborn and tenacious at best. the house party at miya atsumu’s was simply a suggestion for the both of you to relax after a brutal midterm in your inorganic chemistry course, to let loose and treat yourself. he really hadn’t meant to say what he said, but just looked so good, so lovely and beautiful and enthralling, and you were looking at him like he hung the stars and moon in the sky – he knows he’s sent that same look to you multiple times when you weren’t looking, completely sober and unfazed.
he couldn’t stop himself from leaning close into you that night and you hadn’t stopped in – he knows he should’ve resisted, but feeling your soft lips against his was easily one of the top ten highlights of his college career, and his love for you only surged beyond his hold, overwhelming him to the point where all he could think about was nothing but holding your cheek in the palm of his hand so he could get a better angle and let himself indulge just this once.
that’s all it was – kissing and kissing in the middle of the makeshift dancefloor until there was no more oxygen left in either of your lungs. like a decent human being, he dropped you off at your apartment and bid you goodnight, hoping that you wouldn’t forget all the events that had transpired. and maybe, just maybe, he wished that you would let it happen again, that you could make him the exception in your plans.
evidently, you did remember it, because suddenly your responses to his texts were delayed and dry. you were picking up extra shifts, showing up to class at the very last minute, and leaving as soon as the professor dismissed you, allowing practically no room for him to make small talk. and while he would usually pass you in the halls of the chem building at some point, you were always too far from him and scurrying away in a different direction. tetsurou did his best to give you your space, but the less he saw of you, the more nervous and frustrated he grew. there was a wrench thrown into his daily routine, and your presence had always managed to bring some peace to him. so when he realized that you had truly abandoned your usual study spot in the library a week and a half later, he set himself on a mission to find out exactly where you were hiding.
it honestly had been sheer luck that he saw your figure ducking around into a hallway he’s never bothered to go down, and by the time he caught up, the door to the graduate resource room had just closed on your and there was no way he could get in without some help. luckily, his mentor who had stayed at the university for their phd was pretty nonchalant about letting him borrow it for a few days, preferring to study at home or in a coffee shop off-campus themselves.
he knew that since you were hiding, you were probably going to be in the most inconspicuous spot possible. so while there was some time dedicated to navigating the new maze of an area, he immediately felt a sense of relief when he saw your back hunched over your notes, hair tied up into a messy bun, and your laptop open with a spotify playlist.
after you’re done reminiscing, you begin to pack your stuff up, opting to just nor respond to tetsurou and ignoring the pleasant sensation that his term of endearment for you brought. he pulls back and stands straight to give you some room, but the tapping of his foot against the tile floor speaks to his blooming agitation at your silence. you’re still wordless as you weave between the shelves to the exit, knowing that the man plaguing your dreams is not far behind. the game of ‘follow the leader’ (or is it ‘cat and mouse’?) continues until you both have exited the main door, and right before you can walk down the granite steps, tetsurou seizes the opportunity to run ahead of you and stand in your way.
“tetsu, please,” you sigh, avoiding his piercing stare by fiddling with the sleeves of your jacket. “is there something you need?”
“you can’t play coy with me,” he chastises, bending down slightly in hopes that you’ll finally look at him. “you know why i’m here.”
it’s a bad habit of yours to nibble on the inside of your lips when you’re searching for the right things to say. tetsurou only picked up on it just last year – the action itself is very subtle to the outside viewer, and he hadn’t been paying close enough attention back then. “don’t bullshit me right now.”
“do we have to do this now?” you whine a bit.
“yes, or else i’m never gonna get you to talk to me. come on, you don’t do this, love.”
“what do you mean?”
“you’re running away. that’s pretty cowardly, don’t you think? you’ve had 3 weeks—”
you start to walk forward and around his tall, lanky figure. “i’m not humoring you with this—”
“with what—”
“—you’re doing that provoking thing, you’re trying to get me to think that i’m wrong in avoiding you—”
“so you have been avoiding me—”
“i said not now!” you protest in a raised voice, path once again blocked. tears of frustration are beginning to build in the corners of your eyes, and you’re cursing yourself for feeling so weak in this moment. part of you wants nothing more than to run into his arms.
it’s dead quiet for a few seconds – the ambient noise of the wind and the occasional passing car this late at night fail to make themselves known over the pounding of blood in your ears. only tetsurou’s first knuckle underneath your chin to raise you up grounds you, and you can no longer avoid his gaze. small crests of guilt wash over you as you recognize the uncharacteristic brokenness in his eyes – the last three weeks must’ve been much harder on him than you thought.
“just hear me out for a few minutes, okay? you can make your decision then.”
he takes your nod as a signal to continue, but also softening a bit at how nervous you look.
“i’m in love with you,” he softly confesses, a smile of defeat gracing his complexion. “and i have been for a while. i don’t think i’m bullshitting when i say i think you feel something for me, too, but i knew it wasn’t in your plans. didn’t wanna push or force you into making a decision when you weren’t ready. so i held back – but i couldn’t help it at the party, and…i’m sorry, love. i really am.”
tetsurou doesn’t miss the flash of hurt that crosses your eyes. “so does that mean you regret it?” you bite out, nails clenching and digging into the fabric of your jacket sleeves. he shakes his head.
“i don’t regret kissing you at all – it’s all i’ve wanted to do for the last two and a half years. but i’m just sorry that i did it without your explicit, sober permission. i went against your wishes in a time of vulnerability, and that’s pretty shitty of me – i’m not gonna excuse myself either just because i was a little drunk, so i hope you’re able to forgive me.”
he watches you sniffle and fight the grin that’s trying to creep across your face. “someone had their shot of respect women juice this morning, didn’t they?” you chokingly tease.
“five shots directly injected into my veins, every morning,” he jokes back, thumb sweeping over to catch your falling tears. “but i mean it though – i’m really sorry.”
“you’re forgiven, and i appreciate that more than you know. but if i’m being honest…it was something i’ve wanted to do for a while, too. i was just really scared because it was so unexpected and i wasn’t sure if i was ready for our relationship to change, or like if i would be emotionally available enough for you, y’know?” you blubber, hand reaching up to rest against his on your cheek.
“i really want this to work out.” tetsurou can hear your voice shake, and he’s sure you’re almost trembling. “you’re one of my best friends – i can’t lose you, tetsu. and what about grad school? what if we end up too far away from each other and video calls aren’t enough? what if you get tired of me or—”
“i know you hate it when i interrupt, but honestly (y/n), you couldn’t get rid of me if you tried. i’m gonna do everything i can to make this work, too, mmk?”
“okay,” you whisper. “okay.”
his thumb gently sweeps back and forth against your cheek for a little bit before speaking up again. “not to ruin the moment, but do i have permission to kiss you now?” his eyes shine despite the midnight sky, and you can’t help the small chuckle that leaves your chest.
tetsurou swears up and down that your kiss in response is much, much sweeter than the one at the party, and he can’t wait to see what the future holds for you two.
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nessaxc · 3 years
Part 3
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After a few minutes he led you into his apartment and shut the door behind him quietly.
He slowly moved forwards you so that he was behind you. “So, you liked me back then too, hm?” Chifuyu asked, his voice was low and thick, almost a growl that permeated through your entire body like a heatwave.
You turned slowly, where not a single part of your bodies touched. Your lips were so close that they shared breaths and yet they didn’t touch.
“Yes,” you whispered, your eyes locked with his.
“I guess we should both be happy that this reunion took place.” Chifuyu rasped, his voice thick with ardour.
You drew your thumb over his lower lip, splaying it under a little pressure as you tugged it down toward his chin before it sprung back up and Chifuyu wet it with a single stroke of his tongue.
And then you kissed it. It was barely more than a graze of hungry lips against wet ones. Like a playful breeze that danced across his lips with promises unspoken and desires unreleased. It was a feather. His one lip encased between your two until you started to pull away.
Chifuyu’s hands latched around your back and you smiled back into the kiss. It pressed deeper, laced with more fervour and licentious need. He turned you and your shoes skated across the dark polished wood. You both stumbled backwards, blindly engrossed in a war of lips and tongues until your thighs hit the hall table, toppling a few picture frames he had there.
His hands gripped your waist like he was going to lift you before they travelled up your sides, the tips of his fingers grazing against your naked skin.
“Let’s head to the bedroom,” Chifuyu spoke with a husky voice before his teeth nipped at your lower lip.
You didn’t hesitate to nip him back before you shifted from against the hall table and Chifuyu began to ascend the stairwell. He didn’t need to check you were following him because your fingers reached out and touched just the fringes of yours.
Chifuyu stopped at the second door along the landing and even though you couldn’t see his face you imagined his lips on yours again. When he opened the door and passed over the threshold of his room.
You hadn’t bothered to ask but you saw no signs of him living with a woman, or a man – you wouldn’t judge – but you were fairly certain Chifuyu slept alone in that bed, that impressively large bed with a grey headboard.
All the drawers on his dresser were closed as was the double mirrored wardrobe doors.
The next thing you knew your body was perched on the edge of his dresser. The chill of his hands careened up your spine and you soon realised that your skirt was now pushed almost all the way up your thighs. Chifuyu was stood between your legs, the width of your hips pushing them further apart and making your skirt rise even more indecently. But you didn't stop it, you didn't want to.
You grabbed his hair, letting his surprisingly messy hair touch the soft skin between your fingers before you tugged, hard.
Chifuyu responded with a bite to your lower lip, snatching it briefly between his teeth before soothing it with the edge of his tongue. You released some of the tension you had wound up in his hair but it made no difference.
He bit your lip a second time, a little harder than the first, before he again ran the tip of his tongue over it like a salve seconds later. You relinquished your grip in his hair completely, letting his dark hair float through your spread fingers instead. It was soft, ridiculously soft. Impossibly soft. Chifuyu clamped your lip a third time and they fell open on the verge of rebuking him when his tongue swarmed your mouth.
That was what he had been waiting for.
He tasted like alcohol, or maybe you did? His tongue was strong and thick and it made itself at home inside your mouth, sliding down the inside of your cheek and coiling around your tongue.
You knew that you might be a touch inebriated, but you also knew for a fact that absolutely no one has ever kissed you like this. So hungry, so carnal, so...primal. Your lips closed in around his tongue and Chifuyu growled. He actually growled. Not angry or annoyed but guttural and animalistic.
Fact. You just made Chifuyu growl. And it felt amazing reverberating through his tongue onto yours. Your hands were scattered and disorganised, eager to touch everything Matsuno Chifuyu had on offer. One skimmed his jaw with the pads of your fingers while the other disappeared under his shirt, racking manicured nails over abs. They were hot and your breasts ached to be rubbed across them.
You tore the shirt up his chest and pulled it freely from his body without any resistance from him. Your eyes feasted on him as you wet your lips, tasting his kiss still bled into the lines there. Your body shifted and arched toward him, desperate to feel some friction that this position just didn't allow for. It didn't matter how you moved, angled or how close you pulled him, you found no relief from the desperation between your legs. You wanted friction, delicious, delirious friction. Those jeans, you wanted the rough denim of them to rub against your perfectly practical black panties, like two sticks in the hands of a boy scout desperate for his fire starting merit badge.
But this position didn't afford you that and you were left with a hollow feeling and painful ache and then his hands, those beautiful hands, hitched under your skirt and sunk into the flesh of your ass, lifting you from your seat.
You gasped when the change finally blessed you with what you craved – friction. Your heat now scolding against those delectable abs. The sweat from his bare skin permeated your panties mixing with the fresh arousal that dripped between your folds. It was sinful like you were the Preacher's Daughter keening for more. More. More. Your hips bucked against him, rampant and determined to feel each ridge his stomach had to offer you. You were so focused on your primal need that you didn't even notice Chifuyu was carrying you across the room.
But your mouth grew lonely. You didn't know when or why you both had stopped kissing but within seconds of the realisation, you kissed him again. There was nothing fragile or timid about it. It was a kiss that spoke to the frantic need that was consuming, controlling and spurring you.
You nipped his top lip but your adoption of this new way of asking for entrance found you biting him much harder then you had intended and his whole body shook with a low growl. However his lips parted regardless and you dove your tongue between them to discover all realms of his mouth – his teeth, roof, tongue, cheeks – you wanted them all.
Your tongues wrestled, fighting for position and dominance, each one giving and taking but neither fully relinquishing the war. You startled against him causing his grip on your ass to tighten in compensation. You would wear bruises on the flesh of your ass tomorrow, but tonight with your veins coursing with liquid courage and adrenaline, you didn't feel a thing other than pleasure. Then his hands retreated and you dropped a few inches onto the firm mattress below. You shuffled closer to the centre as Chifuyu crawled over the top of you like a lion studying his prey seconds before he devours it.
You soon realised that his pause was for another, non-predatory reason when his eyes showed just a fleck of hesitation twitched at the corner. He was waiting for you consent to be devoured. You pushed yourself up onto your elbows, gaining enough height to press you lips to his before you folded one arm around his neck.
He followed in kind, snaking a strong arm around the small of your back before he lifted you fluidly without breaking free from your lip entanglement. His body rocked back as you came up, moving together like a seesaw that found you perched on the edge of his lap, finally feeling that denim verses silk friction you had lustfully sought. Your skirt rose completely and became a belt around your waist but you had no mind to fix it. You pulled your crop top up your body and over your head.
Chifuyu still holding you balanced on the edge of his knees, the moment Chifuyu sat right on his feet your fingers attacked the fly of his jeans. You wanted to stay in this moment, this moment where you didn't think about consequences or pros and cons.
You wanted something foolish and crazy.
You wanted Chifuyu.
You wanted him so bad.
You wanted to know all about him. You wanted to know what he is doing in his free time after this ten fucking years.
Part four here -> 4
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ELEVENTH DOCTOR x READER: “Things change.”
prompt #17 -- requested
pairing: eleventh doctor x reader
description: when the doctor gets his timings wrong again, he finds a heartbroken you in your living room, years after he last left you at home. 
warnings: mega angsty. oops !
words: 1,600
Initially, you believed that whenever you next heard the sound of the TARDIS landing, you’d be ecstatic.
You’d expected to go running into the Doctor’s arms, swept away on some adventure or another that you’d remember forever. You pictured yourself content and excited and happy.
But that was then, and time had passed.
The last time the Doctor had dropped you off had been three years ago now. The man you loved had dropped you off to take Amy and Rory away somewhere ‘just for them’ for a day... But three years had gone by with no sign of them returning.
You’d spent at least the first six months locked away in your room, wallowing and crying in fear that he didn’t want to see you again.
But now that so much time had passed, you’d become too furious with the Doctor to want to see him again either. How could he just leave you here, forgetting about you entirely?
He’d told you he loved you -- had that truly meant nothing?
You were currently curled up on your sofa, a pot of ice cream in your hands and surrounded by a bundle of blankets. Your hair was unkempt, your loungewear the same you’d been wearing for a good few days now. Truth be told, you were in a mess.
Despite your infuriation, you’d never quite managed to fall out of love with the Doctor. That madman in the police box who’d whisked you away to places you’d never even imagined. He’d been your world, your safe place, and yet he’d been your breaking point too that moment he left you.
Right now you were reeling from yet another unsuccessful attempt at moving on. Another unsuccessful blind date, another failure to feel anything but apathy for any man who wasn’t the Doctor. Your Doctor. Why couldn’t you just move on?
And so when the TARDIS engine sounded, materialising right in front of you in your very living room, the fury coursing through your every vein was almost unbearable. Tugging your blankets tighter around your frame, you pretended to be unaware of the giant blue box blocking your view of another romantic comedy that only fuelled your sadness.
The sound of his voice sent chills rippling through your body, but you didn’t dare look up. It would be real then, you’d have to face the fact that he’d left you but all of a sudden was back.
“Oh Y/N! What’s the matter sweetheart?” he ambled towards you, pushing the blanket fortress you’d assembled out of his way. His head cocked to the side confusedly -- you’d changed. A lot. Had he gotten his timing wrong again?
The word sweetheart made butterflies flit in your stomach, but it was bittersweet to hear it again from his lips, and so all you could bring yourself to do was scoff.
His fingers reached up for a strand of your hair -- you’d dyed it in a feeble attempt to stop recognising yourself the way you did when you were with him -- twirling it around his finger as he tried desperately to make you meet his gaze.
“How long has it been?” his voice was barely above a whisper as he knew your answer couldn’t be good.
“Three years.”
Your words dripped with venom, your eyes harsh and your face set in a scowl as you finally made eye contact with him.
The Doctor felt his world shatter around him at that, the very fact that he’d let you down -- the most important person in his life and he’d let you down.
“Oh darling I’m so sorry,” he cooed, cupping your face in his palms and lowering his head to be closer to yours, “I promise that wasn’t ever my intention. It’s been a day... well, a week... but it was only because things got a bit hectic. I came straight back as soon as I could. You didn’t think I’d abandon you?”
You drew in a sharp breath, struggling to fathom the words to tell him just how you felt. Honestly, a small part of you was still ridiculously happy to see him again, especially knowing he’d never intended to leave you for so long. But he had, he had been gone so long, and you weren’t sure you could forgive that.
“Three years,” you repeated, as though trying to come to terms with it all over again yourself, “Three years without you, Doctor.”
He pulled you to his chest, almost knocking your ice cream from your hands as he did so with such urgency. He kissed the top of your head, your stomach doing flips as you felt so close to him again. But you were still fuming, and you couldn’t let it go.
“I’d never have left you alone for so long, Y/N. You know I’d never do that, surely.” he frowned.
“I thought I did,” you mumbled, before clearing your throat to speak more confidently. “I thought I knew. But it’s been three years, Doctor. Things change. I’ve changed. I’m not the naive girl you left in this room, struggling while you fawned over Rory and Amy.”
“What do you mean?”
“Even after you told me you loved me, Rory and Amy always seemed to come first. I feared being second -- well third -- best and then you unintentionally made that clear anyway.”
“Y/N, I love you, you know that,” he soothed, hands caressing your hair as he held you close, “I’ve thought about you every minute I’ve been gone.”
You shook your head, “That’s the problem, Doctor. So have I.”
There was silence for a moment, both of you too consumed with sadness to say anything. He couldn’t stand the notion of quite how badly he’d hurt you, and you couldn’t stand that though you were still angry and upset, you were relieved to be in his arms again, held by the man you adored.
“I-- three years,” he uttered, more to himself, still shocked, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I know I’ll never be able to make up that time, but I want to try. I’ll never leave you behind again, darling. I can’t live without you.”
“I’ve had to learn to live without you, Doctor. I spent so long believing that it had been an accident but even now that I know that’s true it hurts. I love you, I’ll never be able to stop loving you, but I’m just-- this is so difficult.” you fought back tears.
The Doctor pressed a soft kiss to your temple, “I’ll never let anything like this happen again, Y/N. I promise. I’ll never let you out of my sight I’l--” 
You shook your head, pulling back a little to stare deeply into his eyes, mesmerised as always by their emerald twinkle, “I’ve tried so hard to forget you Doctor. And I never could. But I-- It’s made me realise that people spend their entire lives at your side and it’ll always mean more to us than it does to you.”
“That’s not true, Y/N. Not one person who I have travelled with has ever been unimportant to me, I’ve cared about every single one of them, always.” his voice was stern now, and you could tell you had hit a nerve, “And it’s different with you, Y/N. Everything is different with you. In hundreds of years I’ve never cared about anyone like I care about you. I’ve never loved anyone like I love you.”
You gulped, “But that’s the point -- you’ve had hundreds of years to try, to explore and to find someone. I only get one short silly little human lifetime, Doctor. It terrifies me that I know I’ll never love anyone like I love you, you’re the love of my life. But I’ll be like a... like a blip in your timeline when I’m gone.”
“Never,” He clutched your balled fists, pulling them to his lips and kissing the backs of them gently, “Everyone has a lasting impression on me, everyone matters. But you... Y/N, you’re absolutely everything to me. You say I’m the love of your life like that doesn’t matter to me. You’re the love of my life, darling. Surely you understand that.”
His words weighed heavy on your shoulders as you tried to digest them, even heavier as you tried to understand them.
“The love of your life?”
“Of course. The love of my life.”
He laughed, capturing your face in his palms and pulling you towards him to kiss you. His lips were soft and warm, just as you remembered them, and you couldn’t help but melt immediately into the kiss as you felt all of your anger dissipate.
That was the thing, no matter how much he’d unintentionally hurt you, everything felt okay with the Doctor. No matter what, the Doctor’s very presence had always been enough for you. You were just grateful to have him back.
“I love you, Doctor. Please don’t leave me behind again.” your voice cracked.
“Never, Y/N,” he kissed the corner of your lips again gently, “I love you too, more than you’ll ever know.”
You suddenly felt conscious of your current outfit, your loungewear and messy hair glaringly embarrassing to you despite the fact that the Doctor wasn’t remotely phased by it.
“I-- uh,” you began nervously, “I would say where shall we go but, well I look like this...” the Doctor furrowed his brows as you blushed, before rolling his eyes as you continued, “But I just want to spend time with you anyway. Movie night? Like old times?”
“Absolutely, sweetheart. Absolutely.”
eeee i hope you enjoyed this! sorry if it wasn’t amazing, i lost track partway through and tried my hardest to finish it... let me know what you thought. now that i’m back, requests are back open and my (updated) prompt list is here if you’d like ideas. also, my masterlist is here if you’d like to take a look!
thanks for reading <3
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stardancerluv · 3 years
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Stormy Weather
Part 3
Summary: Roman takes care of business while reader is just her sweet self….remembering other times with Roman.
Notes: It’s a long chapter…decided to not split it up. This is very early in their relationship. Possibly the first year.
Warning: Torture, implied torture, Roman being Roman! Also…mentions of something that could be blood…being sadistic, daddy!kink, small bit of disrobing but no nudity.
It had been a long three weeks, but Roman finally found out who had poisoned you. He pulled his gloves on nice and tight.
Brushing his sleeve aside a moment, he glanced at the time. An idea came to him. Reaching to his phone he decided to call your number.
He smiled, he loved your voice in his ear. “Baby,” He purred. “Tell me. Can you be in the penthouse in say an hour?”
He could hear you inhale, it made him smile even broader. “Is everything ok?”
He chuckled. “Yes, things have been falling into place for me today.”
“Oh good.”
“So answer me, is an hour good?”
“Well, I was working on that one project.” He could practically see you chew your bottom lip. “But yes, yes…” He could also see the smile. “I can be over.”
“Wear something pretty for me?”
“Yes.” He smirked. “I want my baby to look good.”
A soft giggle came from you. “I can do that.”
“Good. See you soon.”
You were left fluttery. You had been terribly bored working on this new project. You had created something similar for Gordon’s office before. You adored the man, but his taste was horrifically boring. Stretching, you sighed. An hour. You didn’t have much time but you could certainly pull a look together.
Reaching into his pocket he took out his small bag of knives. Usually he loved to delegate. Why dirty his hands. Zsasz could and always worked wonders. But today he would land the first cuts.
Poisoning his girl. Seriously, in what world did they think they would get away with this. He took out two of his favorites and tucked them away.
Roman had taken you to one of his favorite boutiques. There he had pampered you with a slew of perfumes and lotions. He wanted only the best going on your body.
Janus Inc. was decent you remembered him saying, but he didn’t care to support his father. So instead he took you to a place where he bought his own aftershave and skin care items. They had a lovely line for women as well.
Stripping out of your clothes and after freshening up a little, you smoothed on some cream and layered with some delicate perfume. You eyed your hair. He loved it down, so you took the pins holding it in a soft messy bun.
When his rolls stopped just outside his niche at the docks, Roman stepped out and tucked away his sunglasses. The acrid smell of the docks assaulted his nose once his driver opened the door.
The gravel crunched under his shoes as he walked over. He idly wondered how you chose to get ready.
For a passing thought, he’d love to have you here. He wanted you to see what he’d do for you. Have you curled up to his side, his arm tightly around that waist of yours while he considered what to do to these assholes.
The three in question, who plotted and then carried out the poisoning were waiting for him. Zsasz told him they were hanging and wriggling from the rafters. He smirked.
Feeling sentimental you decided you would wear a wrap dress. Though which one was really the tough choice to make.
You had some really lovely ones. You considered the blue one, then there was the pink one. However right now the sleeves were a bit much. Smiling, you pulled out the black one with the flowers. You had found it while in Paris. You had yet to wear it for Roman, he was going to love it.
The docks were silent. Before entering the crumbling structure, a loud caw came from a seagull. Looking up he watched as it glided past in the clear blue sky. His imagination of having you by his side flew away with the seagull.
Focusing, he could hear muffled sounds that were held in place by a well placed piece of duct tape. Sure enough the sight was before him, it made a smirk curl his lips.
The muffled sounds grew as their movements made the metal hooks clank. He rose his eyebrows.
“Hello.” His smile widened. “Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?”
You twirled in front of the mirror loving how the dress laid on your body. After fluffing your hair a final time, grabbing your overnight bag you headed out
Walking over to the one who’s eyes burned when they met his, he grabbed them by their hair. He could feel as they winced. “Hate me all you want, but why go after my girl?” He looked past the man.
“Zsasz, hold him a moment will you?”
“Certainly boss.” Zsasz came up behind him, stilling him when he attempted to struggle.
He bent forward. “Struggle but you’re not going anywhere.”
He reached into his pocket and took knife number one out.
“Oh you’re starting with that one?”
Roman nodded. “I am.”
The elevator dinged and your heels clicked as you walked into the penthouse.
“Romy, Roman?” You called out. “I’m here.”
When silence was the only reply, you brought your overnight bag to where you usually kept it.
Not really sure what to do, you went to his office, the scent of his cologne made sure to tickle your nose. It caused a few little knots to form in your stomach. He always smelled so good. It made you smile. Eyeing the sofa and his desk, you chose his desk.
You hopped onto it.
“I’m on your desk, Roman!” You giggled. His office was usually off limits. It was his space. So you felt delightfully naughty.
Warmth splattered his face as the scream that followed was muffled by the tape. He tilted his head. “I want to hear this.” He was feeling exceptionally dark for what they did you.
“Take the fucking tape off.”
He met the fear filled eyes now. They were no longer defiant.
They barely made a noise.
He pressed his lips together and rose an eyebrow. “Didn’t that hurt?”
The person only whimpered and whispered a plea.
You managed to come to rest on your stomach on his desk. The cool wood felt good. Resting a hand on your palm, you looked around. So this was where he ruled his portion of Gotham. It made you giggle.
Roman tucked the one knife away.
He gestured to the air with flair. “Your turn to have some fun, Zsasz.”
He pulled his gloves off and toss them over his shoulder as be began to walk away. Sharper sounds of fear and pain bounced off the concrete as he made his way back to the rolls. They had paid for what they did to you.
You had better been a good girl for him and was either on your way or already there. He was feeling good.
You picked up the frame on his desk. You knew he had the picture from Halloween framed of the two of you, but that little Polaroid shot. You never knew he could be so sentimental. You were ruffled, he was ruffled and suddenly he had decided to take out the camera.
Of what the two of you really looked like he had said. You did notice a glow and flush. At least he had let you keep the sheet around you.
He could have sworn he smelled a hint of your perfume but he couldn’t be sure. He stopped just short of entering his office when he saw you on his desk. He walked a few steps back.
You could have sworn you saw something from the corner of your eye. You looked around, must have been your imagination. Putting the frame back, you grabbed a fountain pen. A smile spread across your face seeing he had his initials on that as well.
Grabbing a piece of scrap paper you scrawled a heart and in a nice script you placed your own initials. You put it down and rolled onto your back and stretched. You hoped Roman would get there.
Straightening his cuffs, he then silently walked into his office. He watched as you rolled over onto your back and stretched. Seeing you there on his desk did something to him. It had been a while.
Grateful you didn’t hear him as he came in, he wrapped his fingers around your ankles and he pulled you close. Some part of him enjoyed seeing how he had managed to startle you. Once your legs were over the edge of his desk, he stopped. Your heels fell to the floor beside him. He licked his bottom lip, watching as you regained yourself from the fright.
“Baby, don’t you look the sight.” You had not even struggled. He placed a hand on either side of your thighs. “I didn’t scare you too badly, did I?” He rose his eyebrows.
“Maybe a little bit.” You managed, still breathless. You rose yourself onto your elbows.
He smiled even wider. “Good. You are in my office after all.”
A shadow fell over your eyes.
He pressed his lips together. “Damn. I knew I should have cleaned up.” He went to pull his hands away but yours were over his before he could move. Normally that would have made him feel caged in, but it was different with you.
“It’s all right.” You swallowed, your eyes hesitantly met his eyes. “If you grab the Seltzer from the bar, I can take care of it.”
He shrugged. “All right.” Rolling his wrists he grabbed yours. “But what drew you to my office.” He drew close, he could feel as you breathed but what he liked was that you didn’t flinch despite what his face must look like.
“Missing you.”
“Oh, my sweet girl.” A part of him wanted to tell you to not go in here without him. But seeing you on his desk like he had, well that had been too enjoyable to behold.
You knew you just wandered into it without him around. You hoped he wasn’t mad. It wasn’t as if you went snooping.
You don’t know what it was exactly. But the goatee that he had been keeping well trimmed, the splatter of scarlet and how he pulled you down the length of his desk made your heart pick up speed in ways that only he had ever managed to do.
You moved to sit a little more demurely as he retrieved the Seltzer. “Do you like my dress?”
He glanced over from the bar. “You know how much I love you in those kinds of dresses.” He remarked before you watched him kneel down to get the Seltzer.
“That’s why when I saw it when I was in Europe, I had to get it and wear it especially for you.”
“Good girl.” But his voice dropped as his eyes fell on how you had moved your legs.
“Sorry, daddy.” You said looking down without thinking, happily you opened your legs so once again he could stand between them.
He brought your chin up. “You are always quite the lady. It’s all right,” A smile spread across his face. “But right now this is where I belong.”
You nodded, and took from him the cloth and the bottle. “You didn’t get any in your goatee.” You told him as you wet the cloth.
“Good.” His face grew still.
There wasn’t much and it came off easily. Moments later, you smiled proud of yourself. He was handsome and clean faced once again.
“All clean, daddy.”
He moved his face from side to side. “Really?”
You nodded.
Taking the cloth from you, he tossed it in the bin. He leaned in close. “Daddy kept his baby safe today.”
“Did he?” You happily drew close to him.
“The information was on point. And they have since regretted their actions.”
“Daddy!” You practically launched yourself at him. He stood back and took all of you. A deep chuckle came from him. You pulled back smiling and hugged him again.
“I couldn't very well let them get away with what they did to you.” You felt him sigh as he nestled close, his goatee tickled your throat. “You smell so good.” He whispered close.
“Thank you, daddy.” You giggled as you felt a tug on where you tied your dress. You gasped as it came undone. Bringing up a hand, you tried to hold it in place.
“Daddy wants to see you.”
You let him take your hand away. The fabric of the dress parted, as you shifted and soon it opened more, delicately revealing the bra and panties underneath. One of his hands moved up your side.
“Just like the first time.” He whispered.
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Warnings: nonconsent sex, violence.
This is dark!Steve and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You and Steve come to a breaking point but he’s not ready to let you go.
Note: My current kink is Steve Rogers being a bad motherfucker with a hint of insanity. Like he really coming in hot here. Oh and he got a touch of breeding kink. Enjoy <3
Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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You had come a long way since you were a naive SHIELD agent mooning over the one and only Steve Rogers. You were no longer an agent, you had married Steve Rogers, and now you were divorcing Steve Rogers. Five years went by in a flash and yet it felt like an eternity. It was like you were starting over again.
New job, new house, new you. Just you. Alone.
It was a breath of fresh air. You had spent so long in denial that acceptance felt like freedom. In the two years of wedded misery you spent with Steve, you had convinced yourself it was bliss. Something about that ring had changed him and he had expected you to change too.
Well you did, just not how he wanted. 
It was subtle at first. He was still sweet and your honeymoon was immaculate. When you got home, back in the thick of things, he started to grow irritable. At home, on missions, in bed. First, it started with a breakfast you failed to cook. Then he didn’t think you should be working so much as he was eager to start a family. The revelation that you were in no such hurry, further agitated him. And when it came to intimacy…
When you were just dating, he was doting, gentle, diligent. He worshipped you and made you feel beautiful. Then he turned relentless. Foreplay dwindled to a slap on the ass and a growled order. On nights you denied him, for a headache or some report you had to read, he slept on the couch. And when you didn’t reject him, it was as if he was intent upon hurting you. Punishing you for daring to defy him.
And when you tried to talk it out, there was nothing to talk about. He grew silent and restless. He didn’t have the patience to stay and delve into whatever had turned him so cruel. He had work to do or at least, something better. 
And he attended a single counseling session before he stormed out and declared it nonsense. In his day, couples made it work, through thick and thin. Well, in his day, husbands also got away with slapping around their wives and children. You liked to think that the new century had improved upon the formula.
Then his missions grew longer and he started going out with the boys a little too often. Sam and Bucky liked to have a beer now and then but you’d never known them to keep fratboy hours. You couldn’t disprove Steve’s plans but you also couldn’t be certain of them. You guessed he was cheating but you didn’t need the excuse to get out. You were already done.
So you went to Stark and Fury and discussed your departure. They agreed not to tell Steve while you figured things out. Then you went to a lawyer and drew up the papers. You didn’t want anything, just out. And, you suspected, Steve didn’t want you anymore either. 
You waited until you got a position as head of security at a government office downtown. Well-paying and respectable. Fury’s referral had gone a long way. A desk job was a dream after years of fieldwork. It was all going to be different and you were finally ready for the change.
Steve was due home from his latest mission at four. It was already seven and the boxes had already been packed up and taken to your new condo. You would let him keep the furniture. Still, the house looked empty… well, it had for a while now.
You paced across the front room for another hour and at last you heard his car. A month ago, you’d be ready to tear into him. Ready to rant and rave until your head hurt. Not anymore. You had no energy left for this relationship.
He came in quietly. He stopped short as he entered the living room. He looked around and sighed. His hands went to his hips. The Captain stance. His eyes turned deadly as he looked at you. You quit your pacing and crossed to the coffee table. You took the large envelope and went to him. You held it out.
“Everything is yours,” You said as he stared at the envelope. “Clean break. I don’t want anything. Just out.”
“What?” He brushed past the envelope and walked the perimeter of the room. “You can’t be serious.”
“Steve, you know this isn’t working.” You followed him. “We’re both miserable.”
“No, you’re miserable,” He turned on you. “I’ve only been trying to help you and you just sit there and sulk. And now you’re-- you’re trying to divorce me.”
“I am divorcing you,” You pushed the envelope to his chest. “This doesn’t have to be difficult.”
“You made a vow--”
“Jesus, Steve, this isn’t 1366,” You huffed. “I can’t live like this anymore. I won’t.”
He was silent as his jaw ticked. He backed away and crossed his arms.
“You know I still love you right,” He said quietly.
“And? Love can’t fix whatever this is,” You insisted. “Steve, come on, this doesn’t have to be difficult. You sign and it’s done. Take it to a lawyer, you’ll see it’s a good break. You get the house, the furniture, everything. We leave with what we came with; you get more than that.”
He spun back. He had the grace to look hurt.
“Think about this, please,” He pleaded, “You don’t want to do this.”
“Steve, you won’t talk to me, you won’t listen to me, what is there left to think about?” You asked. “It’s done. We’re done. You think I haven’t been thinking about this for months?”
He nodded and his jaw squared. His brows drew together and he tilted his head as he stared at the envelope in your hand.
“Fine,” He conceded. “I’ll take it to my lawyer…”
“I’m sorry, Steve,” You tried to near him and he turned his back on you again. You set it on the coffee table instead. “It’s just here, okay?”
“If you were sorry, you would try,” He growled. “Oh, and let me tell you, this will not be easy.” He peered over his shoulder, “I’ll make sure of that.”
The anger in his voice startled you. You swallowed and backed away from the table. You took your purse and your jacket in the deathly lull that followed. Steve didn’t move as he stared at the artificial fireplace.
“Goodbye, Steve,” You said as you hovered in the doorway.
“Get out,” He sneered. “Trust me, this isn’t goodbye.”
Your last day at Stark Tower was the same day you served Steve the papers. You had planned it so delicately but you knew now he would not go along with it. Not peacefully. You spent your weekend unpacking and on Monday began your new position in the city. 
You were only a block away from the Tower but you avoided the area. Tony and Fury promised not to tell Steve where you were working. You suspected that wouldn’t go well for them but you trusted them. They’d faced much worse than a bitter Steve Rogers.
Coming home to your new place was no different than before. What was different was that you could breath. There was no oppressive shadow hovering over you. You opened a bottle of wine and turned on the series that Steve always complained was too vapid. He couldn’t say anything now. He could sit and watch his dry war documentaries as he preened over any mention of himself. He sure was up his own ass.
You fell asleep on the couch. You woke and repeated the same day. It all became routine and you slipped easily into the single life. Single and unwilling to mingle. 
Woven into your newly found serenity, was a thread of insecurity. Steve’s promise echoed in your head as you closed your eyes at night. “This will not be easy”. You found yourself staring at your phone as you waited for the call from your lawyer. It didn’t come for a whole month. Steve wanted a deposition. It was to be scheduled for the next week.
You set your phone down and sighed. Of course. You knew it. He wanted to be messy and surely he knew the extra lawyer fees wouldn’t make this any easier. You couldn’t fathom, however, what else he could want from you. Your settlement had swayed heavily in his favour. Well, you could guess he wanted the final word. A final victory.
Captain America never failed.
You’d have to book the day off and only a month into the job. You were sure they’d understand. Your superiors were few and your team was competent. It only annoyed you how even now, Steve could get in the way of your work.
Well, better to get it done and over with. Maybe when it was all signed and sealed, you could leave New York. It would be terribly difficult to find another job and the city had grown dull. These were his streets, his people. You would just be the woman who walked out on the first Avenger.
You sat in the stiff plastic chair and stared through the clear glass wall of the deposition room. The court reporter was within, readying for the meeting. Your lawyer, Donald Calliers, was beside you and tried to calm you down with assurances that it was nothing more than a formality. There was no reason for this to go beyond a single day and he didn’t suspect much would change in the settlement.
Steve arrived ten minutes before the meeting was to begin. You peeked at him, hoping he wouldn’t catch you. He had grown out his beard and his hair was getting long. He looked very much unlike the man you’d married, albeit he was well-kempt and put together for the occasion. He was accompanied by three lawyers. That made your stomach drop.
“Three lawyers?” You whispered to Donald. “Is that bad?”
“It’s a show. Trust me. I run depositions in my sleep. No one needs that amount of representation at these things. Quality over quantity.” He said under his breath.
“I hope your right,” You replied. “I don’t think I can afford three of you.”
“Good thing there’s only one of me,” He kidded. “One of a kind.”
You forced a small laugh and tried not to fidget. You had barely been able to keep still before Steve showed up, and now you felt as if your entire body was shaking. You could feel his eyes on you and hear his own low whispers to his lawyers.
The door opened and saved you from sinking into doubt. Steve and his team stood and waited for you to enter first. You sat on the far side of the table and they took the seats across from you. The court reporter took the chair at the head of the table and cleared his throat. He swore each of you in and signalled the beginning of the deposition. Steve’s lawyers allowed no delay.
“Mrs. Rogers,” The tall blonde woman with the square jaw, Ms. Lauer, began.  “We’ll start with your monthly expenses.”
Donald shuffled through his folder and slid over the copies of your statements. The lawyers read over them and nodded as they made notes.
“And on average, thinking of only you, how often do you travel throughout the year for pleasure?” Another lawyer asked. This one a bald man called Mr. Harin.
“Once, maybe. I tend to work more than I vacation,” You answered.
“And how often do you dine out?” The third asked; Mr. Pollard.
“Couple times a month, maybe,” You avoided Steve’s gaze as it never wavered. He seemed not to even hear the questions or your answers.
“And your debt? You have any credit card debt? And outstanding loans owing?”
“I have a card I am currently paying off but it’s only a couple hundred owing,” You replied evenly. This was ridiculous. Was he really going to try to fleece you? He still made more than you did.
“And you cited irreconcilable differences on your papers,” Harin said. “We would ask what exactly these differences are?”
You looked at Steve and the angles of his face hardened.
“It’s not much of a marriage when you never see each other and when you do, you don’t talk,” You said. “And when you do communicate, it is nothing short of hostile.”
“Oh, and would you classify this hostility as abuse?” Pollard asked.
“No, not really,” You answered. “Just unhealthy and unbearable.”
“So you would file on the grounds of irretrievable breakdown but as our client would state, any such breakdown has not been evident for the required period.” Harin intoned. “In fact, he say you’ve surprised him with such a claim and you would cite no other valid grounds for the divorce.”
“Our marriage has been little more than a shell for the last year,” You said. “As I’ve been informed, it is only six months required to make a claim.”
“But you never made such a claim to your husband, thus how could he recognize and try to reconcile these differences?” Lauer prodded.
“I did. I have a statement from a counselour that confirms that were seeking help nine months ago,” You insisted. 
“We have seen that but you did not attend further after that instance.” Harin argued.
“And… he wouldn’t go,” You accused. “He wouldn’t try any sort of reconciliation.”
“And do you have proof of his refusal?” Lauer asked.
You looked to Donald who shifted in his chair. “It is not required to have proof of this claim,” He said. “She did recognize that the relationship was declining and she made a visible effort to amend that.”
“Once in two years,” Harin countered. “And she would not claim abuse or inhumane cruelty and we’ve heard no mention of adultery.”
“It does not invalidate her claims of irreconcilable differences. You might refer to their schedules and the amount of time they spent apart.” Donald retorted.
“Occupational absence does not account for personal neglect,” Pollard said.
“So…” You looked along the line of lawyers.
“This settlement you’ve offered is completely invalid. There are no grounds for it.” Lauer stated.
“We cannot allow our client to sign these papers knowing them to be of such questionable validity thus we ask that you withdraw the claim.” Pollard declared. “We have faith that your lawyer is competent enough to agree with us.”
Donald frowned and turned to you. You spun your chair around as he leaned over and whispered quietly. “They’re right.”
“But they can’t disprove my claims,” You hissed.
“Sure but that’s not their job. If we went before a judge, we’d be overruled easily.” He explained. “You’ll have to sign a separation first and wait a year. If it was uncontested, sure, I’d have you out by the end of the week but he’s putting up a fight.”
“A year?” You shook your head.
“Separated. You just have to live apart for a year. No contact required but you have to maintain residency in the state.” 
“We can probably get it signed today, I’m sure,” Donald assured. “It’s the best we can hope for.”
“Fine. If it’s a means to and end.”
You turned back and Donald reached for his briefcase and shuffled around.
“My client proposes that instead of the settlement, that an order of separation might be more appropriate for the circumstance.” Donald said. “Would your client agree?”
Steve looked to Harin and gave a single nod. He wasn’t happy.
“Alright, we’ll have it drawn up and faxed over to your offices to be signed by the end of the week.” Donald said. “Is that agreeable?”
“It is,” Lauer accepted. “In the meantime, we would ask that your client prepares a full statement of her expenses over the next year and we would also require a report of her personal activities within the last year of her marriage.”
“Personal activities?” You said.
“Our client has his own accounted for. We only wish to cover our bases.”
You shrugged and Donald agreed to it. You couldn’t look at Steve. You knew what he was implying. He thought you were unfaithful or was at least petty enough to raise the accusation.
“Are we done here?” You whispered.
Another month and even more wine. Your days had grown endless. When you were at work, you could forget about your legal connection to the asshole who chose to make your nights a living hell. Ever since your failed deposition, he had broken his silence.
It started with a text. Sweet, even. ‘I miss you, we should think this through.’ That was until the separation was finalized. Then they turned nasty; ‘you won’t get away that easily’; ‘we’ll see if you last a year’. Then you changed your number and deleted his. 
That was when it all caught up to you. Your marriage had failed, you’d had to flip your entire life because of him, and now you were all alone in a condo that was way too big for just you. And you couldn’t leave the state until this was all over.
You were awoken one night by the chiming of your phone. You could still the acrid wine on your tongue as you reached for it. A video call? You answered in your sleepy haze and were stunned by the image that met you. The loud slapping that rose from the speakers and the low purr of some unknown woman. Her wavy auburn hair spilled over her shoulders as her round ass clapped against a pelvis. You recognized the hand that gripped her hip.
“This should be you,” Steve said from behind the camera. “Fuck, I wish it was.”
You hung up and fumbled with the phone. It fell onto the floor as you sat up. You turned on the lamp and pressed your palms to the side of your head. What the fuck was that? You let out a grunt of frustration as you heard the phone ringing again. You picked it up and declined the call. You couldn’t block the private number.
You silenced your phone and shoved it in your dresser. You went to the kitchen and got a glass of water. You felt sick to your stomach. You knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep. Not after that. So you went to the couch and turned on Netflix. It would be a long day at work.
You slept for about an hour before your alarm blared from the other room. You stumbled off the couch to slap the clock and retrieved your phone from the drawer. You gather your clothes for the day and made your coffee. You sat with the steaming mug and unlocked your phone. He’d sent a video. It played automatically. It showed him coming down the woman’s thigh. You deleted it and grumbled at your coffee. 
What the fuck was wrong with him?
You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and forced yourself to get dressed. If he called again, you wouldn’t answer. You’d have to change your number; again.
The office was quiet. Thankfully. You had another coffee as you went over logistics and kept an eye on the screen mounted in the corner that showed you every camera in the building. You liked having the view. An alert went up for the bank down the street and you keyed in the response measures. It was a faulty trip.
You looked back to the cameras and your chair almost rolled out from under you. It couldn’t be. You got up and walked to the screen. Steve was just down the hall by the receptionist's desk. Several of your employees were gathered around him. You could hear their voices through your door.
“Fuck,” You swore and thought of locking your office. 
You slipped out into the hall and sneaked down to the bathroom instead. You listened against the door as fragments floated through the air. ‘THE Captain America?’ ‘So honoured to meet you’...
You waited twenty minutes before it all died down. The silence that followed was eerie and you slowly cracked open the door to peer down at your office. You didn’t see anyone. You let out a long breath and stepped out. You tiptoed along and peered down towards the receptionist. All had gone back to their work but chattered here and there about their visitor.
You opened your office door and he was there. He sat in your chair as he swung the seat back and forth. He smirked at you. You blinked and let the door fall closed behind you.
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
“Just wanted to see the new gig,” He said. “Must be boring pent up in here all day.”
“Not at all,” You crossed your arms. “Steve, leave.”
“Come on, don’t you miss it?” He ignored you. “You remember how it used to be in the field? You remember when I fucked you on the jet? Or maybe at that little party where we were supposed to be posing as arms dealers. Tight space but we made it work.”
“What is wrong with you?” You marched over to your desk and leaned on it as you glared at him. “You need to go. Now. This is my job.”
“Wouldn’t mind having a go here,” He put his foot up on your desk and crossed his other leg over. “Bend you over. You think you could keep quiet?”
“Steve.” You hissed. “I mean it, go. I work in security. Don’t make me call them.”
“I’m sure they’re all too eager to escort me out,” He taunted. “You really think they would? After I signed their mugs and ridiculous posters.”
“I’ll call the police then,” You said.
“False reports can get you a hefty fine, even some time,” He leaned back in your chair. “Unless you truly think they’ll listen to you?”
“Why are you doing this?” You asked.
“Because you still think you’re going to get away,” He said. “And I assure you that last night was just a taste of what I have planned for you.”
“Steve,” He mimicked breathily, “’Oh, Steve, harder, harder’… I miss that.”
“Well, I don’t,” You sneered. “Last night was disgusting. You are disgusting.” You stared at him. “What happened to you?”
“What happened to us?” He pulled his feet from the desk and sat up. “You said you would be with me forever. You are my wife.”
“Not for much longer, Steve,” You said. “Stop making this worse for yourself.”
“Oh, I’m having a hell of a time,” He stood slowly. “And let me tell you this, that girl, meant nothing. A toy to me. You… oh, I’ll make sure you have something to remember me by.” He rounded the desk. “I’ll make sure you’re never rid of me.”
You reached around blindly as you turned to him and grabbed your stapler. You hit the release as he got closer and held it up shakily.
“Don’t come near me,” You said. “Go.”
“Or what?” He took another step.
“Steve,” You warned.
“Oh, I just want a little fun. How about--”
He tried to grab you and you lunged at him. You hit the stapler as it met his chest and he barely flinched. You pulled it back and held it by the bottom and swung it again. This time, you smacked him in the shoulder and his jaw ticked.
“You’re getting rusty,” He laughed as he knocked the stapler from your hands. 
“Steve,” You backed away and he stopped suddenly.
He looked you up and down and pulled out his phone. He lifted a brow and tucked it away.
“Damn, looks like I’m already running late,” He sighed. “Tony’s not gonna be too pleased but… I’ll let him know you say hi.” He headed for the door as you watched him in terror. “Oh, and… I did mean it. Til death do us part.”
You didn’t see Steve again. A whole week passed and the only hint of his existence were the texts you didn’t read. Ten and a half months to go. You could do it. He was just playing with you. Trying to change your mind. He would admit defeat as soon as the final paper was signed. He had to.
You got home and uncorked your Friday night wine. You’d been abstaining for a while as you didn’t want to make it a habit but you were so on edge, you needed to just chill. You poured a healthy glass and pulled a throw over your shoulders as you sank into the couch. You really didn’t mind living alone.
You almost finished the bottle and laid back on the sofa. You were cozy in the heat of the wine and the fuzzy blanket. You dozed off as soon as the theme of the next episode stopped playing. You floated in a haze and your eyes opened only as a shadow passed on the other side.
You sat up dizzily and glanced around. You gripped your spinning head as you stood and clumsily walked around your front room. It was likely just the television. You shook your head and told yourself it was nothing. You were drunk and falling asleep in front of a screen often left you restless.
You fell back down onto the couch and leaned into it. You skipped the episode back, suddenly awake. Slowly, the alcohol dragged you down and you began to slump against the cushions. Your head began to loll and you felt a warmth brush over your cheek.
“A place like this must get lonely,” Steve’s voice startled you as his breath tickled your skin.
You tried to jump up and caught you below your arms and pulled you back over the couch. You wrestled with him as your vision wobbled. You flailed and kicked as his arm slipped up and he wrapped it around your neck. He squeezed until a weight settled in your limbs and he slowly lowered you to the floor.
“It’s okay, honey,” He slithered as the void welcomed you. “You won’t be lonely anymore.”
You awoke slowly. Your head was heavy from excess. You knew the place but it wasn’t your condo. You laid in the bed you once shared with Steve. You groaned as you stretched your arm across the mattress. It was just you. You sat up and found Steve watching you.
He stood from the chair near the window and you quickly rolled to the other edge of the bed. He jumped across and caught you before you could take another step. He pulled you back and turned so that you were pinned beneath him. You screamed and he covered your mouth.
“I’ve done a lot since you left. A lot of time to think,” He said. “Soundproofing, renovations, redecorating.”
You mumbled into his palm and he rolled his hips against you. 
“All for you.” He snarled. “I’ve waited too long.”
You tried to peel his hand away from your lips and he only clung tighter.
“I got the nursery done though. It’s nice. I think you’ll like it,” He continued. “The only thing I haven’t done is thought of names.”
You finally pried his hand down to your chin and gasped. “Steve, please…”
“I think this might just be the reconciliation we need,” He said. “Don’t you?”
“No,” You begged. “No, Steve, get off--”
“I don’t think you were meant to be a wife. You were meant to be a mommy,” He nuzzled your head. 
“Steve, stop. Get off of me right now. Or--”
“Or what? Doesn’t look good when the soon-to-be ex-wife breaks into her spouse’s house.” He growled. “Something like that, that could lose you your job and it definitely wouldn’t look could in a deposition.”
“Steve,” You sobbed. “You’re hurting me.”
“You hurt me!” He snapped. “You understand?! You hurt me and you’re not going to take my life from me.” 
He pushed himself off you roughly and grabbed the back of your neck as he pulled you up after him. He turned you to him and gripped your head between his large hands.
“You’ll find someone else. Someone who can give you that life, Steve,” You begged. “It’s just not me.”
“It is you.” He sneered. “Only you.”
“Please, don’t--”
“Shut up,” He shouted. “I’m done talking with you. You never listened to me. Ever.” He shoved you away. “So you’re going to listen now.”
You glanced at the door and he caught your chin and turned you back to him.
“You think you can get out of this room? Think you can get past me?” He challenged.
You stared at him and your heart sank. Fight as you might, you could never beat the Captain. He was always one step ahead; in the field and off.
“Answer me,” He rescinded his hand and slapped you across the cheek. “Now.”
You were stunned by the force of the strike. You stumbled back and tears rose in your eyes.
“St-Steve…” You stammered but his eyes were distant. “No, I can’t.” You admitted weakly. “You know I can’t.”
“Finally talking some sense,” He smirked. “Now, we’ll start easy.”
Your lips parted but you didn’t know what else to say. You hung your head. A silent surrender.
“I didn’t hear you,” He mocked. You looked up at him confused. “That’s a ‘yes, husband’.”
You blinked at him. Your lip trembled as you forced the words out and he shuddered in delight.
“Now, you can undress me first.” He said.
You uttered another ‘yes, husband’ and crossed to him. You lifted his tee and he bent to help you sweep it over his head. His eyes never left you. You shakily undid his jeans and you gulped back a sob. It felt like the first time again, except you were shaking from excitement. This was fear.
When at last you bared him of his briefs, he was hard. He stroked himself without shame and rubbed the tip against your shirt. 
“Your turn,” He said.
You stripped a piece at a time. It was mechanical, instinctual. You didn’t think as you dropped your clothes on the floor. You stood before him entirely vulnerable. Naked. You had loved this man once, but you weren’t sure he had ever loved you. Only wanted what he could get out of you. Be it his pleasure, some reassurance of his insecurities, or the life he’d romanticized for so long.
“Turn around,” He commanded and you obeyed with a ‘yes, husband’. He hummed at that. He pushed on your shoulders until you bent. “Grab your ankles… and stay like that.”
He went to the closet and returned. He held straps you’d never seen before. Your sex had never been bland but he’d never gone beyond the usual. Never wanted toys or lube; just you. He secured your wrists to your ankles. He lifted your chin and looked into your eyes.
“I’m gonna fuck you like never before. For all those times I slept on that goddamn couch,” He pushed his mouth against yours. “I’m done holding back.”
He stood and rounded you. He slapped your ass and you almost fell. He steadied you and pushed your feet apart as far as they could go. You were entirely imbalanced, barely able to keep yourself up. His hands slipped down your thighs and back up and he gripped your hips.
He pressed against you and wiggled his hips as his cock rubbed against your ass. 
“It didn’t have to be like this,” He growled. “You made it this way.”
You shook your head and stayed silent. He was too far gone. Whatever you said would only anger him further.
He reached between you and pushed his cock down to your cunt. He eased into you an inch at a time. Your walls resisted him as you were unprepared for the intrusion. As he got further in, it hurt more and more. You whined and he cursed as he slapped your ass so hard it stung.
“Come on, honey,” He bucked his hips and filled you entirely. You cried out at the pain. “I know you can take it.”
He thrust against and you shook. He rocked his hips until your body reacted. Each delve inside grew easier as your arousal leaked from your core. He kept you moving steadily along his cock as his groans swirled around you. His pelvis clapped against your ass.
“Yeah, yeah, this is what I wanted,” He breathed. “This is what I imagined. Only you…”
He moved you against him as his grunts grew deeper and deeper. Your legs trembled and he held your waist tighter as he slammed you back against him. His thrusts turned slower but sharper. He inched your foot forward with his and then the other. He walked you over to the bed until your faced was pressed to the mattress.
He rutted into you harder. You yelped into the bed and seemed riled from the sound.
“Louder! Louder!” He demanded, speeding up until you cried out again and again. “Oh fuck, honey, I missed us so much.” He kneaded your ass hungrily. “Maybe if you had let me fuck you like this before, you never would’ve made such a stupid mistake.”
He sank into you completely and stopped. He pulled out of you but only to flip you onto the bed. You landed on your back awkwardly and bent your legs as they remained bound to your wrist. He climbed up swiftly and was upon you in a moment. He entered you easily and snaked his arms around your thighs as he caught his rhythm.
You bit your lip as you felt your core swelling. He reached down and pressed his thumb against your clit. You squeaked in surprise and his hips moved faster. You mewled as he swirled around your bud and gritted your teeth against the rise.
“Cum for me,” He said. “I know you can, honey.”
You grunted as you couldn’t help but climax. Your walls pulsed around his cock and you quivered violently. Your muscles ached terribly from how you were tangled beneath him and he sped up once more. He curled your back as he raised himself on his knees and lifted your ass off the bed. You felt as if you fold in on yourself.
“Fuck, fuck, you’re going to look so good…” His hand crawled up and spread over your stomach. “With my baby inside of you.”
You closed your eyes and turned your head away.
“Here it comes, honey,” He rasped. “I’m gonna cum… I’m gonna fill you up.”
He exclaimed and you felt his release as it seeped into you. His hips moved spasmodically against you as he slowly lowered your ass and leaned back on his heels as he stilled. He let out a deep snarl and squeezed your thigh.
“Mmmm, I can’t wait…”” He hummed and rubbed your stomach. “I can’t wait to see you grow.”
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spooky-z · 4 years
[1/3]Bombshell Dupain-Cheng: YSSMIAC
Masterlist  Maribat by @ozmav​
Bombshell: The AU // 0, 1, 2, 3
Ships: Lukadaminette, Jondrien, Chlolix, Feligami, Kimax
Warnings: Language
Chapter title: you should see me in a crown
You should see me in a crown Your silence is my favorite sound Watch me make 'em bow One by, one by one 
Here's: Marinette and Kagami didn't expect the transformation to be so outrageously obvious.
Of course, Diana had warned the teenagers that it could happen, but- again, they didn't think it would be so drastic. The growing pains had been, well, a pain. A brutal one.
If Marinette was being bitter, she would blame Tikki for this happening to her and her miraculous partners, but she knew for a fact that it was not the fault of the kwamis for this lack of information.
It was the first time since the world was created, that the miraculous were given to literal children. So, for that reason the side effects were something unknown. But they believed that they had already discovered all the effects after five years wielding the jewelry.
Diana was able to destroy any idea they had about it, since none of them noticed the biggest and most obvious side effect of the miraculous:
They were trapped in underdeveloped bodies for seventeen/eighteen-year-olds teenagers. And that wasn't just because their genetics made them look more youthful, no. The active use of Ladybug’s cure was slowing the aging journey of the other heroes, as they were the hardest hit by healing magic.
So, when Diana - Wonder Woman - invited the miraculous female team to Themyscira to correct this problem with the Amazons, Marinette, Kagami, Chloe and Alix did not hesitate to accept.
The men's team had already been invited by Arthur Curry - Aquaman - because men were not allowed on Themyscira, but also because training with Arthur would be more ideal for them than that of the Amazons.
Zatanna encouraging and assuring the heroes that she would maintain a blocking spell throughout Paris to prevent Hawkmoth from acting.
They left their homes with an excuse to travel the world. Adrien was a little more difficult to get out of Gabriel's claws, but in the end, with Bruce Wayne's call, Adrien was able to leave Paris alone with friends. They were ready.
That's when Marinette suffered.
Starting with all the miraculous having to be resigned in order for the effect of magic to expunge faster, the box being kept safe in Themyscira. And then with the infernal training that the Amazons put them through.
Before, Marinette and Kagami prided themselves on being the most agile and sharp in the fights against akumas, but being in Themyscira showed that they did not even reach the feet of the youngest warriors in the island.
So, it was already clear that if Kagami and Marinette were having problems, Chloe and Alix felt death touching their souls with affection.
(The boys also suffered in those months in Atlantis. Arthur was not at all merciful in teaching them.)
Anyway, when the two and a half month mark reached, the physical changes were simply too glaring to go through a simple growth spurt.
Marinette never envied Chloe and Alix so much for not being predisposed to be tall naturally.
Of all four, Marinette grew the most in height without the influence of the miraculous. She may or may not have cried when she reached 5'11” with Kagami and Hippolyta said she would still grow a few inches.
She didn't care much for stretch marks on her joints, but she complained about the growing pains. Kagami was not very vocal, but the grimaces of pain she let out did not let anyone be fooled.
But even with the pain, the teachings and the struggles, Marinette was happy that they were finally having the right mentoring to guide them. Fu had left very early, much of his knowledge was not passed on.
After almost struggling to free Marinette from Chloe, they left the blonde sleeping on the brunette's bed while she showered.
Alix ate a croissant, Damian and Luka talked about strategies against Hawkmoth and Plume.
"I already talked to Zatanna and she will release the blocking barrier in three days, just so Hawkmoth doesn't suspect anything." Damian looked at Alix, attracting the young woman's attention. "It would be very suspicious if the barrier was broken just on the same day that Dupont's classes returned."
Alix nodded in agreement. "Did she say anything about tracking the miraculous?"
Luka sighed despondently. "No. She will probably only make it when they are active, meaning- “
"We will have to wait for Plume and Hawkmoth to attack again to get any leads."
Marinette came into the room, fully dressed - a black skater dress with the pattern of delicate cherry blossoms, reaching a few inches above the knee, v-neck and short sleeves; white liner socks - and dry hair stuck in a messy bun, leaving the bangs framing the pretty face.
Luka and Damian swallowed at the glorious sight. She managed to be strong and cute at the same time. And it destroyed them so good.
"He should attack as soon as he feels the barrier is gone." Alix replied and it took both of them out of inappropriate thoughts. Marinette's knowing look showed that she knew exactly where the boyfriends' minds ran.
"And that is why we will be making a war council in half an hour." She reached for the pair of white sneakers on the shoe rack and tucked them in her feet, the laces already tied. “Everyone has already been warned. I will be delivering the miraculous and we will make plans on how to take down Hawkmoth for good.”
"... But first we have to wake Chloe." Luka points. "Who's going to be the unlucky one?"
After managing to wake Chloe without resulting in a murder, they were quick to leave Marinette's home for Fu's massage parlor, the current headquarters of the miraculous team and where Zatanna had lived for three months when they were away.
"We are here, losers!" Alix announced pompously.
Upon arriving, they found Adrien talking to Jon in a corner; Max, Tim and Barbara on the computer browsing documents that appeared to be important; Félix and Kagami sat at the big table - which Adrien insisted on calling the round table and Marinette found it unnecessary - analyzing a detailed hologram of the streets of Paris.
No sign of Kim or Zatanna yet.
The entry of the five drew everyone's attention; Tim and Felix's eyes doubled in size as they focused on Marinette.
"What the hell, Mari?!" Tim choked on his words.
"This is what I call transformation." Barbara commented amusedly.
“Everyone has undergone drastic changes, Drake. I'm sure you didn't react that way when you saw the others.” Marinette replied.
"Of course not! Nobody came here looking like an Amazon.”
Kagami coughed against the fist, eyebrow raised.
"Okay, I take back what I said." Tim raises his hands in surrender. "But you have to agree with me, Marinette is the most surprising change here."
Adrien nodded frantically in agreement. “When you showed up at school earlier, everyone was shocked. I hardly recognized you.”
Max and Felix scoffed. "Yes, we noticed the warm looks you were shooting at Mari." Max pointed out causing Adrien to choke in embarrassment.
“Oh, is that so? Interesting." Damian murmured, a frankly murderous look on his face. He had already taken the seat next to Felix.
"What? No! You got it wrong.” Adrien stammered, his cheeks red.
“Okay, Adrien. I'm not jealous." Luka said. The malicious curve in the corner of his mouth making it clear that the musician was loving seeing the model turn into a hot mess in front of everyone.
"Luka!" Adrien groaned painfully and turned to Jon. “You know it's not true, right? Everyone knows that I only have eyes for you.” He pouted.
The brunette put his arm around the blonde's waist, bringing him a little closer. “Of course, I know dear. I totally trust my charm.” He winked seductively; Adrien's blush only growing in intensity.
The two of them seeming to forget that their friends were there.
"Ugh, nobody deserves to watch these two making out with their eyes." Chloe moaned on the chair, still drowsy and irritated at being woken up.
"Think on the bright side!" Marinette said happily.
"What would it be...?"
"At least this time they are dressed and aware that there are other people in the room." Kim replied upon entering.
"... I think we better split them up before they really forget we're here." Kagami pointed a finger at the two boys who had started a kiss in a way that, in her opinion, should be inappropriate for people under fifty.
"Does anyone have a spray bottle?" Damian asked.
And Marinette stopped to analyze the physical changes in her team.
So, the fact was: yes, Marinette was the person with the greatest physical change among the miraculous group. Because in addition to the height, she got muscles (which she didn't have before). It wasn't something like a body builder would be, but it also made it clear that she had a pretty intense exercise routine.
Kagami had also grown a lot, losing to Mari by just a few inches. Even before wielding the dragon's miraculous, she had already developed some muscle due to the intense fencing routine; so, the only things that had changed was the increase in body mass around the shoulders, biceps and calves.
Alix didn't grow much, just two inches from what she was before, and the muscles in her body hadn't been developed as visibly as the two asian girls. She had a better definition, elasticity and mobility had improved dramatically.
Chloe was the only one of the four parisian heroines who had no visible change. She remained thin and flexible, with no pronounced hard muscles. Diana had said that the blonde's body was the type that hid her power. The deceptive, fragile type, but who was agile and fatal. Which suited Chloe.
Of the boys, the shock had been Damian. Damian, who, like Marinette, was one of the smallest on the team - followed by Alix and Max - reached his desired height of 6’3”; surpassing both Bruce and Jason, the tallest in the Wayne family.
But that didn't surprise Marinette or Tim, since Damian's parents were both quite tall. They hoped that eventually Damian would start to grow like a weed.
Anyway. While Damian did not grow muscle mass like a brick house like Jason, his shoulders grew broad and powerful, biceps pronounced, muscles lean and defined. He achieved a perfect match between raw power and agility.
Luka surprisingly hasn't changed much. He put a few inches more - taller than Marinette by just an inch, but smaller than Damian by four - but his muscles didn't grow. They just became more defined. And Marinette understood that.
Among all of them, Luka, Alix and Max were the ones who least physically attacked akumas; sometimes they even stayed out of the fight, as their powers were only for a very critical situation.
Adrien somehow still had room to grow. You see, it wasn't like he was short before; for a twelve-year-old boy - before wielding the ring - he was already quite tall, so even with the magic interfering, he still had a decent height for a teenager.
Then discover that there was still room for him to reach Damian? That was surprising.
Unlike Luka, Adrien gained muscle mass. The blonde, over the years, showed that there was no mercy when it came to eating. He never refused food, always chewing what he could as if there was no tomorrow, since at home, his diet was strict. But even with that, he never gained weight.
Always the same skinny boy as always. So skinny that Sabine had made it her life's mission to fatten the Agreste boy. (Which did not work, but it did not diminish the determination of the Chinese woman.)
Then, without the interference of magic, Adrien grew up.
The boy who was once skin and bone, now looked like the blonde version with green eyes of Kim. He didn't get uncomfortably muscular, but the muscle tone he got was insane. Even wearing a hoodie that was supposed to be 2x bigger than its ideal size, it was possible to see that some corners of the seams were stretched on the shoulders and chest.
Gabriel probably burst a vein when he saw his son's transformation. The more youthful Adrien looked, the better it was for him to sell the image of "teenage prince".
Kim was the least surprised, as he was already big even for a teenager. In addition to his shoulders - which became broader - he grew a few inches, bumping head-on with Marinette and Luka. The chest remained strong and his body seemed to have no problem staying flexible.
Félix followed the same path as Luka - which Marinette secretly thanked, since finding a bodybuilder Félix would be beyond strange -, remaining tall and elegant. Lean, well-defined muscles. He remembered Chloe's changes. Silent, but fatal.
He was also in the race for whoever got higher with Adrien and Damian.
Max, on the other hand, must not have grown more than five inches. His muscle tone did not grow at an alarming rate either, remaining mostly thin, but looking agile. Like a person who runs five miles every morning without losing his breath or sweating.
Which was good, since Max was never a fitness person and everyone knew it. If he appeared like a damn monster truck out of nowhere - like Marinette, Kagami and Adrien - it would make people ask even more and they didn't want to attract more attention than they were already getting.
All of this, of course, without pointing out the other obvious changes that puberty brought.
The lack of baby fat, sharp jaws, developed curves, deep voices... Marinette managed to get used to her new height, but was not finding peace of mind with the new weight of her chest.
She clapped her hands to get everyone's attention and smiled.
"Let's start?"
And everyone, including the two lovebirds, sat around the table.
They would only leave with a solid plan against Hawkmoth.
"Wow, did you see how some of Ms. Bustier's and Ms. Mendeleiev's students looked different?" Lila heard extra #1 gossip with extra #2.
"I saw it, girl!" Extra #2 responded. "Everyone is saying that they joined a gang."
"Oho, do you believe that?!"
"Well, won't you say that you didn't find Agreste's new appearance strange?"
Lila jumped when she heard the name of one of her enemies. She moved closer to the two girls to hear the conversation better.
It could be something she could use against the ice king.
“Did you see Dupain-Cheng?! That was insane!”
The Italian bristled when she heard Maribrat's name. Still confused about what the two girls were talking about.
She had decided not to go on the first day of school to make a flashy comeback, so what had happened, she didn't know.
"And Adrien?!"
"I know!"
And that was it! Lila needed to know in detail what was going on.
"Excuse me, girls..." She sweetened her voice as much as she could. The two girls looked at her confused. "I wanted to first apologize for listening to your conversation and also to ask what you were talking about..." The ‘poor woman’ expression stuck to her face.
The two girls were even more confused. "Didn't you come yesterday?"
"No. My flight from Achu took longer than expected and I just arrived today.”
"Ah..." Extra #2 waved. “Is that- Ah! In fact, just look back and you will understand!” She said hastily.
Extra #1 looked over Lila's shoulder with a haunted expression. Waving violently.
And when Lila turned... What the fuck was that.
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[tag list]
@nightstarblue​ @dreamykitty25​  @phantomroseo3​ @avengerthewarrior​  @guessmyname17​ @luveverything12​ @wannajointhecrabcult​ @chocolate1721​ @polyvirnl​ @enchanted-nerd​ @sandraf0612​ @multi-fandom-freak0221​ @rosalineandrosemary​ @jessigurl-design​ @saays-bitch​ @xxmdsxx​ @nicknnie​ @iamablinkmarvelarmy​ @damianette-is-life​ 
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catharrington · 4 years
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Strawberry Seeds and Love Potions. (T, 2.4K words)
@harringroveweekoflove day 2: LOVE POTION && MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURES. Also including: witch Robin, post season 3 recovering Billy, flustered but giving it his best Steve, and cat boys. Or cat men? No, cat boys.
The coffee mug clicked onto the table with an otherworldly menace. Steve’s brown eyes darted to it, then back up to Robin. He furrowed his brows in a question. But before he could open his mouth, she held up her hand.
“It’s not poison,” she explained.
“Could have fooled me, Robs,” Steve hissed.
“It’s called a potion, dingus. It’s going to help!” She pushed the cup farther down the bar. The diner around them was mostly closed, and Robin was the only waitress in the place. Her peach colored apron brought out the green of her wide, devious eyes.
“Potion... poison... that’s like one letter different,” Steve leaned back in his stool away from the mug.
“Wow, so you know how to spell. What other skills will you showcase, The Amazing Harrington?” Robin’s lips curled up in an evil grin, leaning her body over the bar to dig the insult farther.
Steve just scoffed. Putting his elbow up on the bar and shielding himself as he tried to get back to the open College text book he was supposed to be reading. All the words were rushing together in swirls of black and white. He pushed his thumb into his curved bottom lip to try and force himself to focus, chewed on the pad of it, but he could swear the mug was mocking him.
Could swear he could smell that strawberry pink liquid Robin had poured for him when he ordered a simple black coffee.
“Drink it,” Robin snapped.
“No,” Steve growled.
“Are you going to grow a backbone and actually confess then?” She quirked one brow up.
Her face was so condescending. So smug. Steve hated how much he knew that look, how it made him sort of fond for her.
“I mean,” he sighed. His walls crumbling in defeat. His fingers coming up to join in worrying his bottom lip. “I mean I might?”
“It’s been a year Steve. A year of following him around like a little stray kitten! A year of ‘Oh Billy, I’ll give you a ride!’ ‘Oh Billy, how was physical therapy?’ ‘Oh Billy, pay attention to me!’—“
“I get it, I get it!” Steve turned towards her again to motion with his hand to keep it down. Waving his wide palm around until Robin’s pursed face cracked into a giggle. “Just keep it down, would you?”
And he turns over his shoulder to survey the empty diner before he’s got enough courage to look at her again.
“Yeah, okay. I’ve got a fat, stupid crush on Billy. And I know that I’m the most embarrassing and dumb guy you know. But...,” he trails off. Eyes wandering back down to the coffee cup. “It’s not the same as Nancy Wheeler or even Tammy Thompson. So much can— no, so much has gone wrong. If I... confessed right now, It would just make everything too much for him.”
His fingers nervously tick across the mint green bar. Wishing like hell he could cross them in front of his chest and make a barrier.
Robin takes a step forward. Her own fingers an inch away from his. She twitches like she can’t make up her mind if she wants to grab them. Like someone worrying their bottom lip if they are going to pick the last slice of pie in the diner’s glass container. But she does, reaching out to lay her skinny fingers and their chipping black nail polish over his own.
“Dingus,” she starts lovingly, “you don’t know any of that.”
Steve scoffs, rolls his eyes like he’s going to turn away, but Robin holds his hand tightly.
“You don’t know if it’s too much for him, or what he wants. And you don’t,” Robin took a second before continuing, her breath hitching, “you don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow.”
Hawkins, Indiana is the poster town for unknown tomorrow’s. Steve knows way too well about that. The tunnels crawling with slime and vines that play host to the monsters of the world.
But Billy, he surely knows better than anyone. It’s been a whole year but noone’s going to ever forget what he did. What happened to him under the control of a creature called The Mind Flayer. How Billy used himself like a human shield and died to try to make up for it. Just to come back with an electric jolt to his tattered heart.
They had to stitch new lungs inside his chest. He called himself Zombie Boy now. Called the patchwork scars heavy metal.
Steve just smiled. Nodded his head as he watched Billy climb out the crumbled wreckage of his shell. Climb out a new man, a man Steve caught himself falling head over heels for.
“You’re right, Robs,” Steve exhales.
“Oh, what was that?” Robin giggled, leaning in to hear better.
Steve pushed her away by their joint hands. Wiggling his fingers afterwards as if cursed.
His breath quipped and held tight in his chest as he turned back to the coffee mug. It sat waiting for him. The light red liquid swimming with foam and black seeds at the top. As if no matter how long it sat, it was always freshly prepared.
Steve gripped the handle of the white mug hard. Thought about how quick Billy’s body hit the ground when he died. How quick it all felt to Steve who had to helplessly stand back and watch it all.
He lifted the mug to his lips and drank in desperate, greedy gulps.
And as he finished it and slammed the ceramic back down on the bar, he didn’t immediately feel different. His mouth felt strange, the red juice had a powdery after-taste and much more seeds than his gag reflex was expecting. But as he screwed up his face from the flavor, he didn’t feel changed. Or empowered. Or whatever Robin was trying out with this magic spell.
“I don’t—,” Steve started, but his voice stopped just as it started. His head pounded like a drum was beating right next to his ears.
Doubling over in his stool, he gripped at the sides of his head in a panic. His whole skull felt like it was vibrating. Shifting around even, his scalp moving at the top of his head as if something were to burst out.
Steve grabbed two fist fulls of his hair and groaned through the wave of pain. Burying his chin in his chest to try and stop the noises before they came. It was so painful, but somehow only lasted a second.
As sudden as it came, he felt fine again.
Steve jerked his head up to scream at Robin , when he noticed her eyes wandering to the top of his head.
He followed them with hesitant fingers, slowly running up his now messy head of quaffed brown locks under his fingertips brushed something new.
Giving an undignified yelp, he drew his hand backwards as if burnt. His eyes were wide and pleading with Robin. But she watched him right back with the same face. As if she didn’t make this, as if it wasn’t her poison potion that created this.
Steve timidly touched the new addition to his head again. This time he didn’t finch as his fingertips sank into hair that felt soft as fur. Following it up to a point, and then feeling as it curved inwards to softer peach fuzz.
He could feel something, as his fingers moved, he could feel them as easily as if he were touching the lobes of his ears.
Because he was touching his ears.
A quick glance to a dingy mirror hanging at the back of the bar confirmed it for him. There was a pretty pair of brown cat ears sprung from the top of his head.
“Robin,” he breathed. Unable to fully grasp how he felt. “What was that drink exactly?”
She blinked at him, gathering her thoughts before she cleared her throat. “It’s um, it’s supposed to be a charm. An aid, like-like an enhancer. It said it would bring out the traits that the person you craft the potion for desires the most.”
Then she stopped to laugh, her red lips caught between gaping open or turning up on the corners in a mocking laugh. “I didn’t— wow! I thought worst case scenario would be you’ll turn into an asshole like you were in high school. B-But this?”
Steve looked from her back to the mirror. Wrapping one hand around the pointed triangle of his ear. Pushing it down just to watch it perk back up again.
“I’m... I’m a cat boy?” Steve stutters out a gasping breath.
“Well, more like a cat man, really,” Robin tries to help. “Come on, you’re almost old enough to buy beer.”
“Really helpful, Robs, thanks so much for the curse and now the insults!” He shouts.
Holding up her hands in defense, her smile doesn’t drop. Even in her shoulders Steve can see she’s quivering with laugher.
He feels along the base of his new ears. How the fur is the same color and melts almost perfectly into his own silky hair. How it feels good, actually, to scratch his blunt nails there just like how a house cat would enjoy it.
“This isn’t some trait. Or some, something that Billy would find attractive in me.” Steve groans. “This is some freaky kink!”
Robin finally clasps her hand over her mouth to dam up the waterfall of laugher. It hits against her palm in a muffled, annoying, cruel noise. She shakes her head as if she wanted to argue but couldn’t get past how funny she found it.
“You must have mixed up the wrong stuff, Robin! Put the wrong magical thing in the mixture!” Steve tried to shake his head out to unstick his thoughts.
He runs his hands through his hair as he does when he gets flustered, and now his cat ears bend with the motion so they don’t get tugged on. Folding neatly onto his head before bouncing back up to attention.
It felt so weird, but somehow it didn’t feel very different at all. They acted as if they’ve always been there.
“Yeah, okay, that’s it,” Steve nodded to himself. “You gave me the wrong potion. It’s okay, it happens! Just whip up a new one that’s for reversing cat ears. That’s in your witch book right?”
Robin kept her hand over her mouth and kept shaking her head. She wasn’t replying to anything Steve said. And it was honestly making him more mad than the new ears on top of his head.
“Hey, is it really funny enough for all that?” he mused.
Then Steve looked back up at the mirror. He turned his head side to side to admire the way his ears moved with him. How they were his hair color on the outside then a flushed pink in the very middle. How there were strands of lighter brown between that and those reminded him of how highlighted his hair gets in the summer sun.
“I don’t know. I think they... I think they sort of suit me?” He shrugged.
Robin dropped her hands and her laugher was louder without it, but she managed to catch her breath to finally reply. “Oh, they suit you alright. You’re a natural at this stuff, Garfield.”
Steve furrowed his eye brows. Cat ears folding down on his head in defense. “I’m not orange,” he hissed back.
Robin opened her mouth with likely more insults and no actual help from the aspiring witch who caused all this mess, when she was interrupted. The bell above the entrance letting out a loud ding.
The front door, painted in matching mint green like the bar, swung open. And like he was summoned, like his ears were simply ringing so much from being talked about he hunted down the source, in walked Billy.
He was wearing a grey hoodie. One of many that he collected once he got discharged out of his hospital. This one Steve was familiar with, because it was his. Handed down with a coat and a couple other winter items as Steve feigned indifference over concern about Billy’s California blood staying warm. An old Hawkins High baseball league logo sitting right in the middle. It’s fading green and orange design still bright enough to make Steve’s breath catch in his throat.
“Hey, Harrington,” Billy greeted. He lifted his big, scarred hand to wipe the hood down from his head. Letting loose the wild mess of short curls that are regrowing on his head.
“Hey, Billy,” Steve croaked out. His voice was awkward. His face, he knew, must be blushing bright red.
He turned to seek help from Robin, but the swinging door that lead into the kitchen was rocking back and forth on its hinges. She must have run away as soon as Billy came in. And Steve was too busy watching his entrance to even notice.
Cursing under his breath, Steve racked his brain with an excuse. Some logical way to explain why he had sprouted two new fluffy ears off his head.
He felt like he was playing a pinball machine in his head. Flashing lights and jingling noises were going off. But nothing was coming to him. He couldn’t find any words to offer at all to Billy.
So he whipped his head to the side, watched as Billy stopped glancing around the empty diner to finally settle on Steve.
And he watches as Billy’s gorgeous, totally unfair pretty blue eyes lift to see the cat ears on his head.
“Woah, Harrington,” Billy exhales like he’s blowing a mouth full of cigarette smoke. “That’s really—,”
“I know, Billy, okay! It’s um, um?” Steve waves his hands around as if that can turn the wheels of his thinking some more. But he can’t think. Not well anyway, when Billy’s standing here looking so handsome, so warm, and so alive right in front of him.
“Yeah, okay, I can totally explain this—,”
Billy cuts him off with a soft chuckle. Just under his breath. Steve closes his mouth quick enough to make his teeth click.
“I don’t know, Steve. Ya don’t have to explain it. It’s kinda cute, actually,” Billy drawls out his words low and soft. And then smiles at him.
A second ticks by. Billy’s boots skid on the tile as he steps even closer. All the way until he’s right next to Steve. Grabbing the back of a stool right next to him.
And Billy hasn’t taken his eyes off Steve’s ears once. And he’s got a little sparkle in them like the first time Billy got a point over him during basket ball practice back in high school. And oh, oh.
“Cute?” Steve parrots back.
“Yeah, super cute,” Billy confesses.
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drawlfoy · 4 years
Detention, Retention, and Draco Being a Lying Shit -- Halloweek Day 2!
catch up on part 1 on my masterlist
request guidelines (in case you were thinking of it ;))
want to be tagged?
pairing: draco x reader
request?  nope
summary: 2 months of detention with Draco Malfoy might be a pain for Y/N, but Harry has other plans.
warnings: swearing, underage drinking (of course not endorsed by me...of course)
a/n: soooo things in my life have gotten a little crazy in the past 48 hours. you may have been wondering where part 2 was yesterday and while this post sums it up best, i’ll take a crack at explaining it here. my relationship got pretty messy and things have been a roller coaster ever since monday night my time. i try and be someone who can separate her emotions from her work but these past two days have made me realize how much my mood impacts everything :/ it isn’t my intention to lead you guys on at all and i want to keep writing this piece, but i apologize in advance if this doesn’t finish itself by friday. anyways, enough blather on my behalf. thanks to anyone who made it through this--you guys mean so much more to me than you know. i hope you enjoy.
tags! @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @straightzoinked @imintoodeeptostop @naomimoonshard @jejegu @ophelia-enthusiast @shadyrose66622 @alwaysbeanunknownfan
word count: 1.3k
The plan they laid out over the remainder of the day was ambitious but at least do-able. Each week was split into different subtasks, the end goal being a somewhat tentative friendship between the two. 
“If you can flirt with him and get him to have a crush on you without scaring him off, you’d be in the best possible position,” Hermione told her as they walked back from the Quidditch pitch among the screaming Gryffindor fans. They’d won--yet again. “Obviously I don’t foresee that being likely, but if you pull it off somehow he’d probably be willing to tell you anything. The fact that you’re a pureblood is going to carry you through this whole ordeal. He’ll at least be accepting of your existence in the wizarding community.”
The bitter edge in Hermione’s tone made Y/N’s blood boil. There was no reason for Malfoy to be as prejudiced as he was--he’d spent his adolescence in Hermione’s academic dust. She was obviously smarter than him. 
“You got it, ‘Mione,” she said. Her voice barely carried over the cheers of her peers as they ascended the steps to the common room. “We’ll take this little ferret down. I can’t wait.”
“Don’t get too cocky, now.”
The Gryffindor after-party was crazy...per usual. The charmed self-filling goblets, the blasted playlist of Wizpop pumping through the air, and the buzzing energy of the room was giving Y/N a giant headache. She stood with Hermione and Harry by the edge of the crowd, watching Ron get hoisted up on the shoulders of the chasers. 
“No wonder the Slytherins think we’re Neanderthals,” Y/N mused. For once, Hermione didn’t respond. “Hermione? Is everything okay?”
The second she turned away to look at her best friend, gasps and whistles filled the room. She whipped back just in time to see Lavender Brown, a sweet but slightly ditzy girl in their year, pull away from a kiss with Ron.
“Oh shi--Hermione!”
Harry and Y/N shared a glance before darting after the witch--who had impressively already made it to the door. 
“Hermione, wait!” Y/N called as they jogged after her, throwing open the common room entrance and finding her sat by the tapestry on the other side of the hall, knees to her chest.
“‘Mione, what’s wrong?” asked Harry.
“Don’t be daft, Harry,” said Y/N. “You saw exactly what the rest of us did.”
“I don’t understa--”
“Harry.” Her voice was taut. “I know you’re just trying to help, but I think that it might be best if you let us be. Go back and enjoy the party.”
He gave her a tight, grateful smile before darting back through the door. Y/N wasted no more time in walking over to Hermione and throwing her arms around her shoulders.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, hugging her tight. Hermione made no move to detach them, so she continued. “Ron is an idiot. You deserve so much better--your first kiss was Viktor fucking Krum, after all. You’re hot stuff and this place is just unfortunately running dry of men who are impressive enough for you. Once you’re out of here and working in the Ministry, you’re gonna have the time of your life with men actually in your league.”
Hermione managed a sniffly laugh as she wiped her eyes with her sleeve. “It’s just so fucking embarrassing, you know. Like, I have a crush on him because I think he understands me and I smelled him in my Amortentia and I thought he’d like me back, but…” She hiccuped. “Then he goes off and kisses Lavender Brown, of all people. There’s nothing particularly wrong with her or anything, but she’s so different...I’m so bookish, and she’s so girly and everything I’m not…”
Y/N took the opportunity to tuck a lock of Hermione’s hair behind her ear as she listened.
“And it can’t help but make me think--was I ever anything to him but a friend? If the girl he ends up choosing is the opposite of me?”
“Girly, don’t think like that,” murmured Y/N. “He’s a teenage boy. They don’t think of love the way that we do--to them it’s a game of availability, not of choice. At least for Ronald. You intimidate him, and by extension, you’re not available.”
“That shouldn’t matter!”
“You’re right. It shouldn’t.” Y/N drew a long breath. “So you should find someone who always has you as their first choice--someone who isn’t intimidated by your intellect. They’re out there. I promise.”
Hermione managed a shaky smile. “Thanks, Y/N. I mean it. Do you mind if I have some alone time? I don’t think I’m ready to go back to the party but I just want some quiet.”
“Of course. Let me know if you need me,” she said, brushing herself off and making to walk down the hall.
“You’re not going back to the party?”
“Nah. It hurts my head and I want fresh air. If I’m not back here in a half hour, assume that I’ve been kidnapped.”
With that, she started her walk. She wasn’t planning on going on a long stroll--there was a small balcony that she often went to when she needed to clear her head. It was beautiful, especially on a snowy night like this.
But the walk was creepy.
There was only one way in and out--a narrow, damp hallway that had absolutely no light fixtures. If Y/N really wanted to, she could cast a quick lumos, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to see what lived on the walls. The stairs were steep, too, but she managed to bound up all 40 of them in record time. 
“Who’s there?”
The sudden voice ripped a scream out of Y/N’s throat as she reached the top, catching a glimpse of the shadowy figure at the edge of the balcony that spoke. She clasped her hand over her mouth and she crept forward to the opening, getting a better look at the person that was in her secret spot.
The clouds shifted in the sky to allow more moonlight to cast a soft glow on Malfoy’s face, hardened with irritation.
“Malfoy?” Y/N asked, rather dumbly.
“What stellar observational skills,” he drawled. 
She felt her cheeks grow hot. “What are you doing here? This is part of the Gryffindor tower. Shouldn’t you be...I don’t know...playing hide and seek with the sewer rats in the dungeons?”
“Very funny.” His flat tone exposed the fact that he did not, in fact, find it very funny. “There’s no rule barring me from coming up here.”
“But why? This is my spot!”
“Because I wanted to get out. Now, I was here first, so unless you want your detention extended, I suggest you leave.”
Y/N bit the fiery comebacks on the tip of her tongue as the memories of her plan with Hermione began floating back to her. 
Week 1 -- Hold one neutral, civil conversation with Malfoy.
“I’ll be quiet. You won’t even know I’m here,” Y/N decided upon. leaning up against the balcony. The rogue snowflakes that made it past the overhanging roof melted on her cheeks. 
“That isn’t a suggestion,” said Malfoy. “I’m demanding you leave.”
“Beautiful night, isn’t it?” Y/N asked, pointedly ignoring his words. “I’ve always loved the snow. It’s so quiet.”
“And it would be even quieter if you left.”
“Aren’t you the conversationalist?” said Y/N.
“If you don’t leave, I will hex you,” Malfoy told her through gritted teeth. 
“I just love how the moonlight reflects off of the snow,” continued Y/N. “It’s so...pure.”
“Please leave.”
On her walk back down the dank stairwell, she allowed herself a little smile. 
Task 1? Technically done.
final a/n: haven’t done one of these in a while! anyways, i hope you guys enjoyed! i have a luttle more written for part 3 so hopefully i’ll have that out tomorrow too :) let me know what you thought! do you guys think that, even if this is a draco x reader pairing, he’ll ever really tell her what his 6th year task is? i’m curius >:)
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brinconvenient · 3 years
Green Egg and Fam
You know what? I'm just gonna go ahead and do this...
So a few years back, I was talking to another trans woman who is very familiar with the DC Universe and we were trying to figure out who is Actually An Egg, and after a few suggestions back and forth, I galaxy-brained the answer. She heartily agreed and we talked about it a bit: 1. Artsy 2. Serial Monogamist who is a Relationship Disaster (Big "Do I want to Be With Her, or Be Her?" energy) 3. Becomes best friends with every ex-girlfriend 4. Noted Respecter of Women in Very Terrible and Awkward Ways 5. Chronically allergic to self-reflection and introspection, but also addicted to it in much the same way lactose intolerant people talk about how they can't give up cheese. 6. Just a complete and Utter Messy Agent of Chaos. 7. All too willing to adopt Other People's Expectations and internalize them as a Sacred Duty. 8. Just constantly Marked By Tragedy - both external and self-created.
It's Kyle Rayner, kids.
Honor Lantern,
Erstwhile Ion/avatar of the power of will
Kyle "I will be the Last of the Green Lanterns and yet keep trying to ressurect this entire Corps of Space Cops that I didn't even know existed until some Blue Dude showed up to give me jewelry and I guess marry me into the Corps? Because I guess that's just my job now and that will become my whole personality" Rayner.
After the conversation, this - the only fanfic I have literally ever written popped out of my head fully formed. It's intended to really be Chapter 1 of Several which are basically conversations between Kyle and one Ex-Girlfriend per chapter as Kyle finally accepts herself and transitions.
Eventually she reveals that the name "Ion" comes from her real name "ImOgeN" because she read Nevada and Was Impacted and she's just that extra.
But, honestly, despite getting started on the Alex chapter ages ago, I never have drawn the energy to go back and finish and/or write more, so I'm just gonna share the first chapter of what I am calling:
"Green Egg and Fam"
Putting the actual content behind the Read More because I've already rambled too long.
“It’s just exhausting, you know? Every few years it seems like I have to pick up the pieces of my life, my memory, my self and figure out who the hell I am! Every time I get a handle on things, someone or something comes along and shakes up the snow globe,y’know? I’ve tried to talk to Diana about it and, like, she’s compassionate and cares and offers sympathy, but most of the time, my whole relationship with her is just one more flake in the globe and I never know who we’re going to be to each other. Somehow, though, you’re always my favorite ex-boyfriend. It’s weird, right?”
Kyle patted Donna’s arm reassuringly. He glanced from Donna’s face to the view over Lake Michigan. There was no more beautiful view of the lakeshore than the roof of the John Hancock Building. He could just about make out the lights of the small shore towns across the lake in Michigan, and he could see the industrial Indiana towns along the round tip of the lake.
“I’m not positive I like that descriptor of our relationship, but I am happy to be some kind of constant for you,” he said with a rueful smile. “Donna, you are one of my dearest friends and I always want to be here for you. I know you didn’t need my help with Dr. Psycho here, but I’m glad I was Earthside to help you out anyway.”
They’d taken the diminutive psychic menace to the Chicago Special Crimes Unit, who had training and facilities for telepaths and telekinetics. They found this perch when Donna said she just needed a little bit to settle down before heading back to the Titans Tower in New York.
“No, I had him just about handled - a Lasso of Persuasion is pretty useful, after all - but I’m glad you swung through, all the same,” Donna said. “I’m glad to have a friend here. Psycho was really messing with my head this time. He kept dredging through my memory, pulling out bits and pieces of lives lived and people lost. He made me relive the loss of Terry and Robert and Jenny, over and over, replayed the tortures of Dark Angel, dragged me through that whole mess with the Titans of Myth, and I’m actually not sure which of any of those actually happened in this reality anymore.”
Donna’s breath was getting ragged and tears were falling down her face, twinkling in the moonlight.
“You told me about Terry and the kids when we were dating, so since I still remember them, they must still have existed and they still loved you and you still got to love them. I’m a little fuzzy on the Titans of Myth, so I can’t be sure about that stuff. But you’re here now and that’s what’s important right now. Just take a sec to enjoy this moment, this view, this night and see how you feel, ok?” he said.
They sat in the quiet, next to each other, watching the waves reflect and distort the moonbeams. Donna’s breathing calmed down and she straightened her back, half a head taller than Kyle even while sitting.
“Thank you, Kyle. I’ll be ok now, I think. I appreciate you listening. You have a good heart. If you’d only learn to actually fight without that ring, you’d make a pretty decent Amazon. Well … if you weren’t a man, of course.”
Kyle coughed and thanked the stars that Donna couldn’t see him blush. Suddenly Kyle felt like there was lava beneath his skin and he couldn’t sit comfortably.
He didn’t want Donna to catch on, so he stifled his squirming and whipped up a quick construct of a miniature green Kyle in an Amazonian uniform, breastplate, Spartan skirt and calf boots. For added effect he made sure to widen his shoulders and used Hal Jordan as a reference for a jaw far more square than Kyle’s real life chin.
“I’m not sure I can pull off the uniform. Guess I’ll stick with green and black for now. Ha!” he said. He hoped it didn't sound as forced as it felt.
“Oh I don’t know. You’ve got great legs, Kyle! Maybe you should start wearing shorts when in uniform. Besides, you had those over-the-knee boots for the longest time. I think you’d be just fine!” Donna said, laughing.
“Give me a hug, Dick just texted me to meet him in Blüdhaven. Take care and fly safe back to Oa!” she said.
After a quick, warm embrace, she turned eastward and flew off over the lake. Kyle watched her fly out of sight. He looked down and saw little Amazon Kyle, slowly spinning in the air. He drew the construct up to eye level and returned the shoulders and jaw back to his more slender and softer reality. It didn’t look that bad actually.
He’d been trying to make Donna smile, and deflect from … something before, so he exaggerated those features to highlight the incongruence, but he didn’t hate this more realistic image.
He continue to finesse the construct’s features. Like most artists, he never really considered a piece finished, he just stopped working on it. He smoothed the musculature, narrowed the shoulders a little further, pulled the hips out just a bit more, and left the waist alone. The ersatz Kyle’s face got softer still, the brow less pronounced, the nose narrower, the chin just a bit more rounded. He watched the chest muscles soften and breasts form to fill out the breastplate better.
Finally, he lengthened the construct’s hair to shoulder length, adding some wave and curls like Donna’s somehow-always-perfect hair.
And there she was. The woman who’d been haunting Kyle’s dreams as long as he could remember. Slowly spinning in the air was a woman who could easily have been Kyle’s sister, wearing Amazonian garb (or at least what he remembered from seeing Donna’s while they were dating so many years ago).
He didn’t know how much time had passed since he started fiddling with the image, and he didn’t know how long he’d spent staring at the final form. Sister. Yeah, right.
With an angry wave he flashed his hand through the construct, dissolving and dispersing the light particles that he’d given form. He hastily looked around the roof to make sure no one had seen him or, specifically, seen the construct. The burning sensation of shame returned instantly and he immediately flew into the sky until the buildings looked like so many light-speckled building blocks.
He took himself through a calming exercise he learned from Kilowog to help him center himself and sling his ring “like he wasn’t a complete Poozer and deserved to wear it.” Kilowog had no appreciation for just how hard it was for other people to feel calm when he was around. Still, Kyle found it helped when the pink giant wasn’t breathing down his neck.
“My will is strong enough to carry the torch for the entire Green Lantern Corps, I can stop these feelings. I can make all of these thoughts go away. I can stop this. I’ve got too much responsibility to keep indulging this … this nonsense” he thought, trying to ignore the sting of the tears fighting their way free to fall down his face, ignore the pain in his heart.
“I don’t want to lose my friends - what would Donna say? Would she think I was a pervert, or making fun of her somehow? I definitely don’t want to lose Hal’s and the guys’ respect. I don’t want to lose my whole life just because I’m some kind of freak. Get it together, Rayner. No one else is feeling sorry for themselves because they don’t fit in.”
He pulled a hand down his face and pointed his right fist with it’s gaudy, shining green ring on the middle finger toward the Milky Way and flew into space. He hoped the cold solitude of the transluminal conduits would help him regain his composure before he faced Guy, Hal, John and Kilowog for the Honor Lantern meeting. For the millionth time, he wished he could just be more like them, have just a sliver of their easy and effortless masculinity. They made it look so simple.
“Bet they don’t spend half their life trying to figure out what is wrong with them,” he thought. He tried so hard not to envy them, but it was really hard sometimes.
Especially nights like tonight where his resolve had failed him yet again and he gave in to his most hidden thoughts. He entered the transluminal conduit between Saturn and Jupiter and closed his eyes.
He traveled faster than light, but it still took time to reach Oa, so he tried to sleep and hoped that his dreams wouldn’t betray him again.
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hange-zone · 3 years
Can I please have more eremin? The way you write down armin's thought is just *chef kiss* hopefully canon since I am feeling so emotional for the end.
mild snk 139 spoilers!
In the moments after Mikasa had disappeared into the titan’s mouth, its body had stilled and collapsed against his. Armin pulled himself out, tearing away the red tendrils from his steaming skin, and skimmed across the mass of sinew and flesh, down the neck and arms of his titan, right to where Eren was. As he approached there was a low, resonating sound that washed all over the cavern of the Founder’s chest, and the moment his hands grasped its exposed bone he felt the wind knocked out of him and everything went black.
The first thing he noticed when he came to was that the roaring sound had grown louder. It was all around him now, and as he opened his eyes he realised it was the crashing of waves along a moonlit beach. Eren was waiting for him in the pale light, his features softened in its glow and long hair blowing gently in the salty breeze. He was sitting among the waves as they rolled in and out along the shore, legs splayed out in front of him and leaning on his hands.  The waves curled back and the rivulets of receding water were drawing his outline across the sand. He looked small and stark, an ink-stain against the white expanse of the sandy beach.
When he saw Armin he merely tilted his head to the side, motioning at the space beside him. The other boy sat down wordlessly in the shallow water.  The foam-tipped waves snuck past his ankles and up his legs, soaking his clothes. He felt his skin chill as the water drew back, and then after a breath it was flooding him again, drawing up and around him, around them, as they sat together among the waves.
Eren was the first to speak.
“I’ve done terrible things,” he said, voice wavering. “I can’t go back —”
“No,” Armin said, even if he knew it was a lie.
The other boy shook his head wordlessly.
Then, almost to himself, very quietly:  “But this is what I wanted, wasn’t it? I said: When I heard about the people beyond the walls I was disappointed…” he faltered, “…I thought I wanted freedom for its own sake-”
And then he stopped in surprise, because Armin had reached over and laced their fingers together. Then, the other boy’s blue eyes urging him on, he continued: “But that wasn’t freedom - no, not for its own sake,  I wanted freedom to - to do things with it. To live a long life with friends, find love, give love…”
At his words Armin tightened his fingers around the other boy’s and he felt Eren grip his hand harder, his own fingers curling into the back of Armin’s soft palms.
“And seeing everything - the past and future and standing in the stream of time? I could only watch myself. I don’t know if I chose, not properly. But I’m choosing again now. That this is how it ends. I’m not asking you to forgive me - and it’s a mess and I’m sorry you and Mikasa are always left cleaning that up. I just hope you make the best of this. That…you make my death mean something. Can you do that for me?”
He bit his lip, hard, and looked out to meaningfully to the dark water. Armin could see that his eyes were also dark and wet. The endless expanse of water with its rolling waves was reflected in them.
Armin took a long, slow breath as he thought over what exactly the boy was asking. “Yes,” he said finally, and felt Eren relax just a little in his hands, even if both of them were trembling.
And they talked: about everything, about what it was like to be children again, what they imagined the lands of fire and ice to be like, what they were going to tell Mikasa and Jean and Connie and Levi and all the ones who were left. Their words blended into the night and it was like old times again, under the shade and sprawling branches of the rain tree behind their houses. Lying in the warm afternoon sun and speaking about the future. Speaking about anything they wanted.
Soon the edges of the ocean were beginning to light up, the first rays of dawn peeking over the horizon.
Eren flicked his gaze to the shimmering waves and then to Armin’s.
“It’s time to go,” he said, and Armin nodded.
Eren stood up first, pulling the other boy to his feet, still holding his hand like he had so many times, so many years ago, and lead him deeper into the water’s embrace. The rhythm of rolling tide matched the even rise and fall of their chests as it drew close around them.
The waves had been calm before, but as they stepped deeper the water began to get choppier. Still they walked on, hand in hand, slowly, until it was right at their chests, until it was dark and churning, washing over their faces and they were left gasping in between breaths. Armin licked his lips and wiped the back of his palm across his face with his loose hand. His eyes were wet and stinging, and he couldn’t tell if the salty wetness against his skin was the ocean or his tears.
Amidst the currents he felt Eren give his hand a hard squeeze, before loosening his grip. But Armin was the first to let go, and the other boy copied his motions, warm touch lingering for a second before the cold water ran between his fingers. He watched Eren took another step away, watched as a dark wave rolled by and swallowed him up, a mop of brown hair and familiar grey-green shirt lost among the swirling, inky waves.
Armin took a big breath, careful not to inhale the seawater, and stepped backward slowly to shore, gaze fixed on horizon. He looked on as Eren’s tiny form drifted further and further out until he couldn’t spot it anymore, lost among the roiling waves.
When his feet found the sand the waters were calm again, the ocean wavering and caught up in the gentle light of dawn. He threw himself back onto the sandy shore, chest heaving, and drew his knees to his chest. Armin closed his eyes, focusing on the roaring and crashing of the waves which seemed to swell and consume him.
When he opened them again, his knees were still curled against his chest but the ground was mud and firm underneath him. His eyes were wet as he let his gaze trail up, along the forms of the titans - their titans - before him, taking slow breaths as he looked at the scene in front of him.
Rising above the mist were two smouldering colossi. Once locked in combat, they were now slumped against each other in an embrace.
hello anon - thanks for this and you’re too kind...i’m glad i do him justice, he’s my favourite:”) here you go & i put it on ao3 - which is a bit better bc you can contextualise it, but anyway if not i recommend it goes with this.
and I was thinking about this last night so thanks for giving me an excuse to indulge in this. Also my comprehension sucks I thought you meant eremin for the end lol so…this was made…and (bad) excuses on my part again but this is not exactly canon...but it is a loose interpretation of or riff on canon events and it is personally how i’d like to see it end? More thoughts under the cut bc i’m sure you’d appreciate being spared more messy snk discourse:”) 
Their entire conversation’s hard…would love to flesh it out more but that requires more emotional energy I currently don’t have, just know that I think of this scene as 1) armin doesn’t condone what the other boy’s done, it’s a terrible thing, just that it’s now happened and he has to work with that. And 2) this is eren saying sorry he was not the leader, he was small and scared the whole time, and 3) his act of going into the sea is that of relinquishing control, but in that moment it’s a truly free choice as well when he lets armin let him go. just wanted to clarify bc I think negotiating the ending is hard! And I don’t want it to be misinterpreted because these are similar problems from what I’ve heard about the canon ending. Anyway, hope that suffices. I’m such a sucker for metaphors and the like, and I’m personally very excited by the idea of the ocean and what people have done with it :) 
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