imsoreddieforbyler · 5 years
oh yeah and i'm scared to go back to school tomorrow lmao rip
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imsoreddieforbyler · 5 years
all of this new byler fanart is making me so soft 🥺🥺
i remember looking at the same like 10 fanarts for almost 2 years wishing more people shipped byler and made more fanart but i still squealed everytime i saw those 10 fanarts 🥺
now, the byler fandom has grown so much and there are so many new fanfics and fanarts and like- my heart y'all 🥺💕
i got a lil emotional there 😳✨
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imsoreddieforbyler · 5 years
and will has the biggest crush on mike wheeler
mike has the biggest crush on will byers
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imsoreddieforbyler · 5 years
damn, mike loves will so much...
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imsoreddieforbyler · 5 years
modern day mike could not do a tik tok dance to save his life
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imsoreddieforbyler · 5 years
Listen guys, I love Finn Wolfhard and he's an amazing actor and all, but let's all admit he's the actual personification of "no homo"
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imsoreddieforbyler · 5 years
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imsoreddieforbyler · 6 years
Imagine Will and Mike lying in the grass together one summer day and the wind is blowing Wills hair off of his forehead and Mike looks over at Will and smiles n brushes Wills hair off of his forehead and styles it to the side and is like “you look nice like that” and is blushing and smiling and Will blushes and looks away
And when Will gets ready the next morning to see the party he brushes his hair off of his face so he can see his eyes and his forehead and when he meets up with the party and Mike sees him he’s just BEAMING and Will is blushing sO HARD and holding back a smile and they may or may not have secretly linked pinkies when they walked behind the party
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imsoreddieforbyler · 6 years
YES i love this
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it + st hcs !! the crossover we have all been waiting for 
also,, karla (@bitchyskata on twitter) helped me make this <3
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imsoreddieforbyler · 6 years
sksks i love this
Spooky szn
A byler au that features an attention hungry Mike Wheeler
Warnings: cursing, spooky scary stuff
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Will always invited Mike over on Halloween night. It started when the boys had grown out of trick or treating and it has just grown from there. Will was worried that their tradition would stop when they began dating, but when the doorbell rang on Halloween night it was none other than Mike Wheeler, himself.
The two boys were laying on Will’s bed, doing nothing in particular, when Mike got bored and decided to attack his boyfriend with a pillow.
“What was that for?!” Will questioned, throwing the pillow right back at Mike. Mike rolled to dodge it and fell off the bed with a soft grunt.
“Help! I’m dying! It’s too spooky down here without you!” Mike dramatically rolled around on the ground. When he noticed that Will wasn’t paying any attention to him, Mike got up off the ground and draped himself over Will’s legs.
“You’re so unspooky, Will. What would you do if I got dragged into the skeleton war? You wouldn’t-”
In an attempt to quiet Mike down, Will pulled his hand over Mike’s mouth. It worked, until Mike decided to be gross and lick the palm of Will’s hand.
“You’re nasty.” Will groaned, sounding annoyed. Though, a slight giggle in his voice gave away his facade.
Mike rolled over Will’s legs and grabbed the pillow off the ground. His hair brushed against the static-y bed, making it look like he had rubbed a balloon on his head.
“Miiiike, what are you doing now!” Will whined
“I’m gonna build a fort so I can get away from my mean boyfriend.” Mike stuck out his tongue at Will and proceeded to get up off the bed and grab a blanket. Of course, Mike never has and never will think Will is a mean boyfriend, but he wasn’t about to tell him that.
The taller boy quickly threw together a fort, using Will’s desk chair and the edge of his bed. Mike could only actually fit in the fort if he folded himself into a ball. His knees were touching his chest and the top of his head still grazed the blanket roof.
“I can’t believe how nice it is in here! I’m so comfortable. You know, I’m definitely gonna survive the skeleton war in this baby. ”
“Mmhmm, I bet. I can tell it’s nice and roomy in there, perfect for waiting out the skeleton war.” While Mike was off building his so-called fort, Will had picked up ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ and started reading. Taking extra precautions to make sure that he paid no attention to his weird boyfriend.
Suddenly, Mike screeched like a banshee. Which startled Will, making him jump off his bed and drop his book. He quickly pulled the blanket off the fort. Only to reveal Mike still scrunched up.
“Hi, honey.” Mike calmly looked up at Will and smiled as if nothing had happened.
“What the fuck was that for!? I nearly had a seizure!” Will gave Mike a small slap on his shoulder and crossed his arms.
“Okay,okay i’m sorry!” Mike replied with chuckle, “ Will, I can’t believe you hurt me!” Mike said while fake crying.
“Oh, whatever shall I do to make it up to you?” Will’s voice was dripping with sarcasm.
“Um, can we cuddle for a little bit.” Mike looked down and fiddled with the hem of his sweater.
Will’s face softened. “Of course ya knucklehead.” Will grabbed Mike’s hands and pulled him up. They both laid down on Will’s bed.
Mike’s face had a slight flush to it. Will couldn’t figure out if it was from his earlier activities or the realization that if one of them were to lean just an inch forward their lips would be touching.
Will wrapped his arm around Mike’s waist. A gesture that only deepened the blush on Mike’s face. Will leaned towards Mike’s ear and brushed back any hair that was in the way. The feeling of Will’s hot breath on his ear gave Mike goosebumps all along his arms.
“Mike,” Will whispered
“You’ll never survive the skeleton war without me.”
(This is trash I’m sorry)
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imsoreddieforbyler · 6 years
oh my god this was adorable
Byler Headcanon / Fic Idea: Mike Accidentally Grabs Will’s Hand Instead of El’s and Will Is A Mess
So this is yet another fic idea that I had, and I have a LOT of things to write before I even start on this, but I wanted to share the cliff notes because I think it’s adorable.
So basically:
-Mike, Will, El, Max, Dustin and Lucas are out to get ice cream together - it’s a hot day and there’s a LONG line
-Mike is arguing nerd stuff with Lucas, who’s on his right - El is on his left, Will just slightly behind her, Dustin behind the group with Max.
-El steps away to talk to Max, and Will drifts forward to see something - he brushes Mike’s arm and Mike, not realizing the switch, mindlessly reaches down and grabs “El’s” hand - Will kind of freezes and wordlessly freaks out - he’s too shy to say anything and besides, he figures he may never get another chance like this again - so he just stays quiet
-Mike starts playing with Will’s fingers and rubbing his thumb over the back of his hand and Will thinks he might die
-It’s like. A solid 10 minutes. Before Mike realizes. He’s been arguing with Lucas very intently. El noticed but kind of shrugged and kept talking to Max (she’s not great at knowing social norms yet). Dustin is behind everyone and noticed immediately, and has been grinning to himself the whole time
-El steps forward a bit and pipes up, and Mike responds to her and then takes another like five seconds before doing a double take and looking down at the hand he’s holding
-Mike just cracks up - “Oh shit, sorry, Will!” - and Dustin bursts out in laughter with him - Will can’t help but break down into nervous giggles too - Dustin cackles, “You should have seen your faces!” and then everyone is laughing and Lucas is like, “Wait, what happened?” and Mike is laughing and sputtering and gesturing - “Wait, you all stood there all that time watching me and didn’t say anything?”
-Will says, “Sorry,” and tries to pull his hand away, but, to his surprise, Mike grips his hand a little tighter and laughs, “No, no, no, where do you think you’re going? There’s no escape, I’m committed now! You let me just stand there for ten minutes, now you face the consequences!” Will kind of breathes, “Oh?” and Mike pokes him teasingly with his free hand. “We gotta finish what we started now. I’m afraid I must carry out this ice cream date experience with you.” His joking expression turns serious for a second and he adds, “If you don’t mind.”
-Will’s face falls. “What about El?” They look over at El, who’s regarding the scene with amused interest - she thinks for a minute, gets a mischievous look in her eye, and grabs Max’s hand (she doesn’t understand social norms, remember?) - Max goes red and looks very pleased - Mike shrugs and looks back at Will, who stammers, “I-I don’t mind.”
-Mike holds onto Will’s hand the whole time and they all tease and laugh about it - Mike laughs at himself for not noticing, “I thought your hands were colder than usual, but it didn’t even register with me.” - and Mike keeps doing gentlemanly date things like paying for Will’s ice cream and holding the door for him and Will is a mess - there’s a glint of humor in Mike’s eyes, so Will knows this is all just a big joke to him, but even though that hurts a little he’s still giggly and giddy and happy because, even if it’s a joke, he’s on a date with Mike Wheeler, who’s holding his hand and telling him his shirt looks nice, and Will can just about die happy
-At some point Mike nudges Will and says, “If I get too obnoxious just push me off, I won’t mind. Promise.” and Will shakes his head and, again, says, “I don’t mind.”
-Mike trades ice cream cones with Will because Will likes the flavor Mike got better
-They’re about to head home, but El says she’s staying with Max, who offered to let her try her skateboard (which shocks the boys, because Max never lets anyone touch her skateboard for fear of death) - Max says something like, “I’ll get her back to Hop before dinner, don’t worry. Right, El? Who needs boys?” and El grins and repeats, “Who needs boys?” Mike scoffs and pretends to be offended.
-So the boys bike home on their own - Mike goes with Will all the way to his house (Will doesn’t like riding alone)
-Once at the front porch, Mike says, “That was fun. Thanks for humoring me.” His expression clouds. “I didn’t, like… embarass you or anything?”  Will shakes his head. “No. It was nice.” They stand in silence for a moment, in the warm summer evening air, and Will doesn’t quite mean to say it aloud but a thought comes out of his mouth: “Do you think there’s a parallel universe somewhere where it’s always like that?”
-Mike says, “Do you want there to be?” and Will, face burning, just shrugs and starts to go inside, but Mike says it’s not a proper date without a goodnight kiss - he pecks Will on the cheek and gets on his bike with a shout of, “See you tomorrow!” before Will can really react
-Will goes inside bubbly with happiness - Mike called it a proper date! And kissed his cheek!! - and gives a happy little twirl once the door is firmly closed behind him
-He spends the evening daydreaming about that parallel universe - a universe where what he is is the norm. Where Mike Wheeler takes him on dates and holds his hand and kisses him on the cheek and tells him he looks nice. And he wonders if, somewhere out there, there’s a Will Byers who lives in a world where boys have boyfriends and girls have girlfriends - a Will Byers who’s dating Mike Wheeler. And he envies that version of himself so, so much.
-He decides that this parallel universe will be the setting of most of his future daydreams - and he refuses to feel sad that it’s not real, because he got a date with his crush today. A proper date. And he’ll never forget it.
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imsoreddieforbyler · 6 years
this is what should’ve happened sigh
Stranger Things- Snowball 1984 Headcanons
Everyone is talking about the Snowball, like one month before it.
Nancy decides what Mike will wear but Mike dont like any of this, so she just gives him a black suit and a bow tie. ‘’Seriously Nancy? A bow tie!?’’
The boys found the bow tie funny but Eleven thought that it was cute. So he wore it. 
Nancy decides to go to Snowball with Jonathan… and Steve…
Will is the one who takes care on El’s hair. ‘’It HURTS Will’’, ‘’Yes, El of course iit hurts, because you move ALL the time!’’
Joyce goes to find a dress for Eleven. El actually dont like any of this but Joyce really wants to find something good for her so they buy a white fluffy dress.
Max wore a purple suit because she doesn’t care about anyone’s opinnion. I already love her tho.
While Will is doing El’s hair she asks him ‘’So… do you want to dance with Mike?’’ because poor Will doesn’t have anyone to dance with. Will feels really bad and embarassed. But El smiles and comforts him. ‘’You know you can dance with him if you want i don’t have a problem.’’ ‘’Really?’’ ‘’Sure Will.’’
Mike gives to Eleven a sunflower he found in his garden. She wear it in her hair. ‘’Still pretty?’’, ‘’Pretty… always pretty.’’
Lucas laughed when he saw Eleven with the dress ‘’The weirdo looks like a girl!’’ 
Max does a lot of copliments to El because GIRL SUPPORT!!
Dustin is actually late because he was buying some supplies (chocolate pudding)
The snowball starts and Lucas and Max are for sure the best couple of their class. They are dancing better than everyone else because Lucas wanted to pratice with Max, almost three weeks before the ball.
Also El and Mike are the power couple of the night because they are both stunning aff. 
Everyone is talking about that pretty girl they have never seen before, beside Mike. 
‘’You know it isn’t that bad to just stay and watch the others dancing. I think that Lucas looks so funny with this suit.’’ Dustin said to Will to cheer him up. But the other boy is in a really bad mood, with his face on his hands looking the rest of the school dancing. 
Mike and El get closer to the two boys. ‘’Dustin, come to dance with me!’’ El proposes closes her eye to Will and Dustin goes with her. 
‘‘So i guess we can dance?’‘ Mike asks with a goofy giggle and Will is really happy. 
Dustin is a really bad dancer, he steps in El’s toes like twenty times in the rest of the night.
Mike and Will are doing way better than El and Dustin. And it isn’t as awkward as they thought. 
Dustin and El are doing gestures to Will when Mike is not looking. Yup they are this kind of friends. 
Nancy is dancing one moment with Jonathan next with Steve. This girl needs to decide. 
Joyce and Hoper are in the ‘’parents area’’ and while Joyce is dancing with him she’s so happy to finally see her sons being so happy. 
They all eat cakes made of  rainbows and smiles and go home laughing.
Everyone is happy. Everyone is so so so happy. 
This is probably not going to happen but oh boy let me dream.
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imsoreddieforbyler · 6 years
ok but byler writing comic books together and mike writes the text and will illustrates and they’re REALLY good and get published after high school and married!byler owns a comic series hdbdjbdud
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imsoreddieforbyler · 6 years
thanks for coming to my show, in wich, i tell you my byeler headcanons.
ohh this is gonna be long.
lets go.
- mike allows will to borrow his sweaters and its fucking cute; 
 -mike would always get late if will is going to skip class so he could visit will before going to school; 
 -mike is scared that el could find out he is love with will so he just ask the others to grow a nice relationship with el so he could spend more time with will;
 -will would tell mike that hes gay before telling the whole party; 
 -mike would take will out to eat ice cream everytime will had another episode ((does he still have those on s3?? lets pretend)); 
 -if joyce didnt let will go outside, mike would bring a pot of ice cream; 
 -mike would just aleatory hold wills hand in public, he didnt care when or where. he just. would hold his hand; 
-will is always in constant need of a hug; 
 -and mike gives the softiest, the more comfortable hug ever; 
 - will has problems about giving mike surprises kisses because of height difference and so mike would always kiss him first; 
 -the party would always see the two being cute together and be like “are you guys dating??” and mike like “no???what??”
 -will already has a crush on mike, since the start of s2 
 -mike is currently developing his new crush on will,
 -max would be always supportive and that would cause mike to befriends with her.
thats it.
thanks for coming  
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imsoreddieforbyler · 6 years
Byler Theory! Love Triangle?
Okay, so I was sitting here and I realized; each season of Stranger Things brings a new love triangle to light. Season 1 introduced Steve, Jonathan and Nancy, while Season 2 introduced Max, Dustin and Lucas. Based on pattern, Season 3 will bring one in as well. The Mileven vs Byler love triangle is going to be the third! It makes the most sense plus it kind of already is a cannon love triangle- if you look in the script for episode 9 of Season 2, the fact that Will has a crush on Mike is confirmed there. Not to mention, according to the Jancy/Stancy love triangle, the second ship introduced comes out on top, meaning that if this theory were to come true, Byler would be the likely cannon to be endgame.
On top of that, homophobia has been a prevalent theme in the show, first with Will and then Billy. They wouldn’t add the lgbt struggle and then basically confirm “yes, Will has a huge crush on Mike and watches as he kissed Eleven” for no reason. They wouldn’t just add it and then let it sit, they’re gonna do something with that.
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imsoreddieforbyler · 6 years
hcs about how mike calms will after panic attacks / how mike found out will got them ??
Will was pretty confident in his ability to keep his panic attacks hidden from the party and his family
It’s not that he felt they wouldn’t care or that he didn’t trust them. Will felt like he’d put them all through so much heartache already. He hated being a burden
It happens at school of all places, right in the middle of the hallway
Will can feel eyes on him. It’s normal, familiar in a way that sends an ache through his chest. He’s never gonna be seen as normal again
He knows what they think when they look at him; abnormal, zombie boy, freak, weirdo, too quiet, crazy
but none of them know
none of them could ever understand the trauma, the quaking, sinking feeling, like he’s full and empty at the same time and oh god, he’s sinking again, helpless, unable to move
The bell rings, everyone files chaotically into their respective classrooms, completely oblivious to the 
Will sinks to the ground fingernails digging into his biceps, pulling, clawing, fighting desperately to ground himself, to feel something other than sinking
Mike is sitting in his algebra class, staring with growing worry at Will’s unoccupied seat. Will wasn’t one to skip classes, ever. Mike was on edge, wondering if something bad could have been happening. “Sir! May I go to the restroom?” 
Mike spots Will almost immediately, his small form curled up and shaking heavily. His breaths were concerningly loud and far-apart
Mike kneels next to him, trying to calm the panic setting in his brain. He needs to be there, for will’s sake
he pries Will’s hands from his arms, interlocking their fingers so will had something to dig his nails into other than his own skin.
he talks will down gently, “It’s mike” “I’m not gonna leave, im right here” “you’re okay, you’re just fine” “listen to my voice”
After making sure Will can hear him he breaths, coaxing Will to follow his breathing pattern until his breathing is more even
Mike wipes the tears from Will’s face, squeezing his hands and helping him breath until Will comes down from his panic attack
After a while, Will untangles their fingers before launching himself forwards, wrapping his arms around Mike’s shoulders and burying his face in his chest
“I’m sorry”
Mike pulls back, looks Will right in the face
“Don’t apologize. Please. Not for this”
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imsoreddieforbyler · 6 years
imagine byler having a tickle fight. just do it
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