#Evelyn: 'she's the spitting image of him'
opalescent-apples · 7 days
Need to talk about my latest SDV farmer
Coiriel (AKA: Koi)
She/They/He (doesn't know it yet)
Personality: Outgoing, Bold
I'm playing a combo of the Dwarven Expansion, Easy Scarp, Better Things, and Cape Stardew. I also added the "raising sea animals" and "legendary fish ponds".
Basically my farmer is an aquatic adventurer named Coiriel. She was an Undine, a water elemental, before she decided to do what her grandpa did and go on land.
To do this, they found the closest thing they could to a sea witch: a man in a starry black suit with skin bluer than the water and thick glasses, as well as a magnificent hat. Coiriel chose their human form to look like him, even if it meant sticking out.
Unfortunately being a human means you need to make a living, which meant a job at Joja corp. Eventually this made him so bored he remembered his grandpa's letter and fled to Stardew Valley. Much better! Living near the riverland, raising his favorite crabs and squid!
(They do not know they are nonbinary yet. Mr. Qi gave them so much gender envy but they still haven't realized it.)
Closest Friends:
Vanilla: Clint, Emily, Leah, Willy
Cape Stardew: Annetta, Jelli (haven't met them yet but I already love them)
East Scarp: Lexi (Best friend!), Nora, Goatherd, Rosa
Potential Spouses (Using the poly mod)
Vanilla: Abigail, Elliot, Krobus (roommate)
East Scarp: Luckiel, Sen, Jacob
Dwarven Expansion: Dwarf (Roommate)
Loved gifts:
Non-Food: "Hell yeah, free treasure! Thanks, friend!" (Married: thanks, love).
Food: "Ooh, you know all my favorite snacks! You're the sweetest!"
Crab, Crab Cakes, Treasure Chest, Diamond, Banana Pudding, Nautilus Shell, Seafoam Pudding, Purple Mushroom, Ginger Ale, All Water Jellies, All Universal Loves except Rabbits Foot (dislike)
(Modded items:
Cape Stardew: Green Tea Mochi, Uva Ursi, Totoro Plush
East Scarp: Rosa's Baklava, Bear Muffin, Summer Pink Lemonade
Dwarven Expansion: Infused Dwarven Spirits, Lava Eel Pie, Iridium Crab Egg, Sunlight Elixir, All Jewelry
Better Things: Blueberry Muffin, Onigiri)
Hated Gifts: "You have five seconds to get that thing away from me."
Kale Only: "This is the worst thing to come out of Stardew Valley."
Kale, Parsnip, Snow Yam, Roots Platter, Coral, Crayfish, Poppyseed Muffin, Shrimp Cocktail, Wild Horseradish, Oil of Garlic, Spiceberry, All Universal Hates (Except Broken Glasses and Broken CDs-liked, and Water Jellies-loved)
(Modded Items
Cape Stardew: Shavegrass Herb
East Scarp: Jelly Cheese Toast, Rosa's Spanakopita
Dwarven Expansion: Repulsive Tonic, Ore Dust
Better Things: Heart Fruit)
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dauntlessdiva · 1 year
I'd Know Those Doe Eyes Anywhere
For @steddieholidaydrabbles warm up prompt: High School/College AU
Rating: G
CWs: Implied/Referenced Transphobia
Tags: College au, Trans Steve Harrington, Coming Out, First Kiss, Bisexual Eddie Munson, Halloween Parties
Stevie had taken a few necessary years between high school graduation to finally starting her college education.
She used that time to save up some money through her minimum wage customer service jobs that she worked alongside her best friend and platonic soulmate, Robin Buckley.
With the money she squirrelled away in a savings account combined with the trust left to her by her grandparents, she finally moved out of Hawkins and into a small apartment in Indianapolis. With Robin as her roommate, obviously.
Now out from under her parents' thumbs, away from the watchful gaze that followed her everywhere in places where everyone knew each other, Stevie felt free to finally be herself in the anonymity of the big city.
And now that she'd fully made the social transition, and with her physical transition was under way, she felt that it was finally time to return to the world of academia. For better or for worse.
What she was not expecting was to run into an all too familiar face. Stevie couldn't recall exactly when Eddie Munson finally graduated from Hawkins High, but clearly he must have, or he wouldn't be squinting at her from the back of the class every Monday morning.
It would unnerve her if she thought he recognized her, but between the 'hot girl makeover' (Robin's words) and the fact that she'd changed her last name to her grandmother's name, she was fairly confident that he didn't know who Stevie Evelyn Marie even was.
Eddie didn't know what it was about that Stevie girl in his English class, but he showed up to his classes on Monday more often than any others before 12pm through the rest of the week.
Regardless of what was nagging at the back of his mind about her, Stevie was pretty. He still tended to lean more towards men than women, but he had eyes, and Stevie was easy to look at. She was shy and soft spoken, but she seemed to know the curriculum well and answered every question asked of her thoroughly and thoughtfully, but worded it in a way that even the dumbest of jocks could understand.
The thought of jocks had Steve Harrington coming to mind, and holy shit that's what it was! She looked like the spitting image of King Steve. If The Hair was a girl, he'd be Stevie Marie. But what if? No, it couldn't be. Unless? Steve did, famously, skip town with Robin Buckley of all people, and has yet to make a reappearance. Was this why? Not that he could blame them for leaving either way, Hawkins was a hell hole that he'd been more than happy to leave in his rear view.
Stevie hadn't planned on coming to the campus halloween, but now that she was here, she didn't want to be anywhere else. With Robin as her plus one, she felt confident enough to flirt with a few of her classmates, even going so far as to wink when she'd made eye contact with Eddie from across the room.
The next moment he was standing beside her, and just like that they were laughing and chatting like old school friends catching up and talking with a familiarity hitherto unknown (yes, hitherto, Stevie knew her vocab words).
So of course with everything going so well, Stevie's brain had to betray her. She could see Eddie lean in to kiss her and before she could think about it she was pushing him away with a muttered 'sorry' and rushing off to the nearest bathroom.
"Stevie? Are you in there?" Eddie called out before cautiously stepping into the communal bathroom. "Stevie, if this is about what I think it is, then you should know that I don't care what gender you are." Oh god, Eddie knew! How did he know? He knew he should've picked a different first name, damn Robin for reassuring him that Stevie was fine. "But if this is about something else then you need to tell me, okay? I can't fix it if I don't know what I did wrong."
That finally broke through the panic spiral. "Re-really?" She spoke hesitantly, unlocking the door and poking her head out from the stall she'd run to. Eddie's worried face greeted her in the main area of the bathroom near the sinks. "D'you really mean it? About the-" she paused to take a breath- "the gender thing?"
Eddie's face softened instantly, cautiously walking forwards as he spoke, "yeah, baby. I'd know those doe eyes anywhere, on the face of the sporty boy who made me face my own bisexuality, or the kindest and most well spoken young woman in the whole damn college."
"You recognized me by my eyes?" Stevie asked, leaning in to the touch as Eddie's hands came out to hold her face.
"How else would I recognize such beauty, darling?" He asked, a kind smile gracing his face. Stevie wanted to kiss that sweet smile right off his handsome face, and before she knew what she was doing, she'd pulled him in to do just that.
"Finally!" Robin called out, startling the pair out of their kiss, both turning to look at her before they all burst out in laughter.
Yeah, Stevie was glad she decided to wait a while before entering college.
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polyhexian · 1 year
Flapjacks death is horribly tragic but like. Imagine his narrative. Like from his perspective. Flapjack was- well, we don't know for sure if he was Caleb's or Evelyn's, but I feel strongly that he was elevyns.
So he's got a witch. Probably one who carved him herself. She visits the human realm and brings home a human she falls in love with. He's wonderful and joyous and loves wild magic and the beauty of this new world. It changes everything he knows and believes. She's pregnant! She's going to have a baby!
And then this awful jealous human bastard shows up and kills him. And now flapjacks witch has a fatherless child and a broken heart. And maybe she's got a sadness about her for the rest of her life that never goes away. And then at some point, maybe when Caleb dies, maybe when Evelyn dies, flapjack flies away and lives with the bat queen... For four huuuundreddddd yearssss. He doesn't take another witch... Until he meets hunter. And LOOK at hunter. He's the spitting image of the human his witch loved. Only he's a little boy. He's sixteen and in a cult and a soldiers uniform. He's a martlet in a cage. He's completely alone in the world. Nobody loves him. Everybody wants to hurt him including himself. And despite the fact this boy worships his evil cult emperor, that he helps him murder palismen en masse, that he doesn't want to escape, that he met flapjack while trying to deliver him to his death- he wants him. He wants to save hunter before anyone even knows he needs saving. He loves him. And he DOES save him.
He couldn't save Caleb from Philip four hundred years ago but he can save hunter from him now. He's had four hundred years to grieve and mourn and regret. When he does to save hunter he knows exactly what he's doing. He's had so much time to think about this exact scenario. What would he do if he could do it again. And he knows what he would do and he does it. Because it's worth it. He is four HUNDRED years old. He HAD his witch. Hes already had his life. He wants hunters.
Like... Flapjacks death was horrible. It's so tragic and unfair. And hunter deserved better. But I think flapjack like... He is four centuries old. He has had his life. He has lost a witch or two of you count Caleb. And he saw the aftermath and he knows exactly what saving Hunter is worth and it's worth it. "Thank you for finding me" is a perfect epitaph because it's not in grief. It's grateful but not grieving. Flapjacks death got to mean something... It's the perfect ending for him, in a way, getting to redo the worst day of his life and do it differently this time.
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bicarbonate-blues · 11 days
Alex x Farmer
feeing like a bad parent seeing your s/o spend time with your child when you feel too exhausted from farm work
just a little blurb!
Watching your son grow up before your eyes was surreal, beautiful, and utterly crushing. It seemed like just yesterday that you had taken some time off from the farm, leaning on Alex heavily to do work in your place so that your body could recuperate and you could bond with the new life you and your husband had welcomed into the world.
Alex himself had been in tears, whispering sweet nothings against your temple, his hand gripping yours so tightly you could feel the imprint of him days later as your infant son held the same spot with his much tinier fingers. You felt so whole.
Now, your six-month old was showing leaps and bounds in his development. He was still a little shy around George but cooed and babbled in pure excitement when he saw Evelyn walk through the door. They had been amazing in their Great Grandparent Duty. They loved watching over him when you couldn't get away from the farm and Alex was busy.
Even when the both of you could handle the infant, Evelyn and George still had open arms and you had no heart to turn them down. They could see through this life that Alex had truly blossomed into the young man that they knew he could be. To watch him grow as a father when he hated his own, feared becoming him, was soothing a wound they hadn't known they'd held since the death of their daughter.
You could understand their desire to be so close with your sweet boy. He was the spitting image of Alex too, but with your eyes and ears. You think you preferred it that way. Coming home, the both of them sleeping soundly was something you adored but it tugged at your heart painfully some nights.
When you would get home from the mines, nearing two in the morning, you realized that Alex must have dealt heavily with the baby's fussing and rolling about. Now, the baby slept nearly all the way through the night and you couldn't help agonizing over that too.
When you would spend the day tending to the crops only to come in for a quick lunch you would see Alex, splayed on the couch and dozing while Evelyn bounced the babe on her hip and hummed gently.
"Oh hello dear!" She'd cry happily, kissing your cheek and pressing lunch into your hands. "We have everything handled here so don't you worry, you can get right back to work with peace of mind."
You knew she didn't mean it as a dismissal. Evelyn was truly one of your greatest supports in this valley you called home . She was your number one cheerleader even before you and Alex had inevitably fallen for one another. He had seen how you loved his parental figures, and the rest was history.
However, you couldn't help but notice your son no longer reached for you first when you walked in a room. You noticed that he was content with his great grandmother and father and didn't want you at the moment, didn't need you.
With a tight smile, you had returned back to the farm and allowed a shaky breath from your lips. Your boy was growing up so fast and you were working. You loved the work, every day you felt contentment that you could have never imagined feeling in Zuzu City, stuck at a cubicle.
Yet, right now, you were discontent with the distance you felt with your son. You hated that every time you blinked he seemed to get bigger. Alex had even used the sewing machine to make some of the baby's smaller clothes into those appropriate for his growth. You had to admit, with no small amount of pride and simultaneous envy, that your son wanted for nothing because his father was more than enough.
That night, you had walked into the nursery, bones aching and fingers stiff. Watching your swaddled baby breathe softly into open air, some of the tightness in your chest left.
"Come to bed sweetheart, he'll sleep through the night," Alex spoke softly, arms winding around your waist and his chin falling atop your shoulder. You hadn't heard him approach but you sunk into him easily.
"I know," You croaked, spinning in your husbands arms so you could bury your face in his chest. You couldn't help the sudden emotion you felt. Alex seemed to notice the change immediately and with one last glance towards your son he led you quietly to your bedroom.
Sitting you on the bed, Alex knelt and carefully unlaced your boots. It was something he had done since you married. If he was awake when you arrived to bed he would carefully undress you and help you get ready for bed. His warm hands massaged your calves carefully and you couldn't help the tears that had begun in the nursery were falling now.
"He's so big Alex," Your voice was no more than a whisper, but it didn't need to be.
Alex answered with a squeeze and a gentle smile. "Of course, he's his father's son, he'll grow up strong just like me,"
You couldn't stop the way you bristled at his words. "He's my son too..."
"Of course he is!" Alex rushed to say, now sitting beside you on the bed. He had changed you carefully out of your boots and dirty trousers, as well as your soiled top. Now, he held you in your most insecure and intimate form and tried to comfort you. "What's bothering you?"
Alex could guess what turmoil you were experiencing but he found the two of you had far less misunderstandings if he asked you straightaway. He was determined to be nothing like the man he unfortunately shared blood with and three years into marriage with you, he was able to believe he was succeeding in that endeavor.
"It's been half a year and I feel like I really only spent the first month with him... I went back to work because we needed it and because I was growing restless but now I come home and I realize he doesn't need his mama like before. It's like he doesn't expect me to be around. What sort of mother am I?"
Alex caught your tears as they fell, brushing them away and kissing your forehead even if his heart tugged painfully at the sight of you weeping.
"A damn good one," He grunted out, voice thick with emotion. "I haven't told you this before, but I've been thinking it since you first went back to work after he was born. You remind me so much of my mother. She worked so hard to give me everything and make up for that son of a bitch that ruined our lives. Even when mom got sick she worked herself to the bone to provide for me. How is that not one of the purest forms of love?"
You whimpered against him at the sentiment. How could you express that his words were invaluable to you, but in this moment, you could only feel self hatred?
"I-I think I need more time with him. I will always provide for you two, I will always want to be strong and I know what it means to you to tell me that I resemble your mom. But Alex, I miss him. I miss you! I just.... I just need a bit of a break."
"Oh sweetheart..." Alex intoned, strong hands running up and down your back. "How long have you been feeling this way? All you need to do is say the word and I'll step in for you at the farm, however long you need. There's a reason I learned all of your tasks when we got married. This is our home and our family. We are in this together, you don't need to shoulder everything alone."
Looking into Alex's eyes you didn't detect a single ounce of judgement and even though your eyes had dried partway through his ramble, you nearly felt the need to cry again.
Nodding in affirmation, and offering a generous and appreciative kiss to Alex's waiting lips, you finally felt the discontent slide away from your body. Tense shoulders dropped, and animated eyes became heavy with sleep.
"Tomorrow, I'll take care of the farm, you stay home and be with our boy,"
Guilt abating, and love expanding, you fell asleep.
You truly had the best family. You weren't alone.
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Blended Family [Tom Glynn-Carney x Best Friend!Reader]
Previous chapter || Series masterlist || Other HOTD stories [requests open]
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Summary: Growing up, you and Tom had been the best of friends. It didn’t change when you ended up getting a boyfriend, although Tom expresses his distaste for him on a daily. As you were ready to pull the trigger and end your relationship, you found out you were pregnant. You gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and as she grew older, you realized the one you should be with is Tom….
Warnings in this chapter: None.
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🔥Part Five🔥
You groaned as you leaned your head against the cool bathroom wall, squeezing your eyes shut. It had been a couple of months since your one night stand with Tom and you had decided to move back home shortly afterwards. It wasn’t anything against him, yet you knew after that night you couldn’t stay.
You felt no guilt that night, even when you woke up the next morning to being bare in his bed and your arms wrapped around him. Tom treated you in a way that you never felt with Charlie…he made you feel loved.
“Are you sick again, mommy?” Evie pouted as she walked in.
You smiled lightly at your daughter and stroked back her hair when she walked closer to you. She was a spitting image of you, which you were thankful for.
“I’ll be okay,” You whispered out with furrowed brows. “Did daddy come home last night?” I’m
Evie shook her head as she wrapped her arms around you. “Does he have to come home?” She whispered out.
Your lips tugged into a frown at the question. A part of you wished that you would have left Charlie a long time ago, but it was hard. You realized though that it wasn’t good for Evelyn. You kept your daughter close and kissed the side of her head.
“How about we see if Tom can come over?” You offered after a moment, knowing he was on break at the moment.
Evie seemed to perk up at that. “Yeah!” She exclaimed while giggling.
You returned her smile and stood up slowly with her in your arms. You flushed the toilet and took a deep breath walking out with her.
You laid on the couch, smiling at how excited Evie got when she heard the doorbell and rushed to answer it.
“Tommy!” Evie exclaimed, swinging the door open.
“Evie!” Tom replied bending down and giving her a hug with a chuckle. He stood up with her in his arms and turned to see you laying on the couch. “You okay, love?” He asked with furrowed brows.
“Just tired,” You lied easily, wrapping the blanket around you.
“You’re not sick anymore?” Evie asked with furrowed brows.
“What?” Tom turned to look at you with a raised brow. “You’ve been sick.”
You let out a small groan as you laid back. “It’s only been a small stomach bug. Nothing to worry about.”
“She threw up this morning,” Evie spoke up innocently laying her head on the man’s shoulder.
“Evie!” You scolded.
“Mummy, you told me not to lie.”
Tom rubbed his face while frowning. He looked between Evie and you before shaking his head. “Get your stuff, we’re going to the hospital.”
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You took a deep breath while you sat in the hospital bed, Tom’s head in his hands. Tom had dropped Evie off at her grandma’s house so she wouldn’t panic with you being in the hospital. The doctor had given you the wonderful news of you expecting and you should be joyous.
“What am I going to tell Charlie?” You whispered, the tears in your eyes. You knew it wasn’t Charlie’s baby. He rarely touched you anymore, preferring his younger one night stands to you.
Tom shook his head while he reached over and took your hand in his. “You know how horrible he treats you and Evie….” He began.
“He doesn’t touch Evie,” You defended him while choking back a sob.
“He might not touch her but he hurts her in other ways,” Tom whispered, rubbing your knuckles lightly.
The tears continued to fall knowing he was right. There had been multiple occasions where your daughter hid from him because of his yelling, whether he was sober or not. It was rare however when she saw you getting hurt by her father which caused her to lock herself in her room. You only wanted the best for her and the best wasn’t staying with Charlie.
“I don’t know what to do, Tommy.” Your bottom lip quivered as you talked. Perhaps this was a sign that you needed to leave Charlie, yet you couldn’t do it alone.
Tom frowned while he stood up and sat in the bed with you, wrapping his arms around you pulling you close to him. He kissed the top of your head with a small frown on his lips.
“Let me help you,” He whispered in your ear. “Let’s go back to your place, pack up as much as we can for you and Evie, go get Evie, then move into my place.”
You sniffled a bit. “What if Charlie catches us?”
Tom smiled while he stroked back your hair. “Let me handle him.”
Your hands were a bit shaky as you unlocked your home, Tom following you inside. You looked around while frowning a bit. Charlie’s car was not in the driveway which gave you some relief.
“Only pack two backpacks worth. One for you and one for Evie,” Tom instructed. “I’ll pack another backpack of blankets and toys.”
You nodded a bit and turned to Tom, suddenly giving him a hug, the tears coming back to your eyes. “Thank you,” You choked out.
Tom wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed the top of your head. “I will do anything for you, love,” He said softly taking a deep breath as he released the hug.
You smiled a small smile up at him and leaned up kissing his cheek lightly before you headed towards the hallway closet. You grabbed two big backpacks, heading to your daughter’s room first glancing up when you heard the door open and your body froze.
“Y/N!” You heard Charlie shout. “Who’s fucking car is in my spot!”
Tom looked over at you and placed a hand over yours when you went to confront him. “Let me,” He whispered to you.
You sniffled and nodded slowly, looking up at Tom. “Be careful,” You said softly.
Tom smiled and kissed your cheek. “You don’t need to worry about me,” He told you softly.
Your heart dropped as you watched him walk out, your nerves skyrocketing through your body. You couldn’t help but think of the worst looking down at your hands as they shook. You only hoped that Tom could keep his word and save your life.
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{tagged readers: ✨ @mrsdaemontargaryen ✨ || @afro-hispwriter || @aphroditeisamilf || @chainsawsangel || @clairacassidy || @eddies-bat-tattoos || @namelesslosers || @xcharlottemikaelsonx }
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peachymilkandcream · 5 months
In the other half, that wants you to give into your temptation and make the ppd oneshot!!! 😅😅😅😅💙💙💙
The Hell Is Your Problem?
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(A/N: GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUTTTT!! Jk jk, I need an excuse to do this. We’ve had too much fluff for these guys time to go back to angst 😂 Hope you enjoy and thank you for the request! Also I wrote a portion of this while getting my hair done and IT DELETED! So I'm running through it again)
WARNINGS: implied noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, graphic depictions of violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
Ever since Evelyn had given birth she felt relief mixed with numbness. The relief was that her child was finally out of her but the numbness came when the gravity of the situation began to set in.
She had held out hope that the child would either be a girl or at least look like her. But no, a son who was the spitting image of his father. And that was the problem. When she was pregnant the baby was an unknown entity that was attached to her, now it was a living breathing thing, something that took from her both in childbirth and now after like a parasite. Conflicting her thoughts between disgust and love. This was her baby, but what would he become?
Evelyn was not fit to be a mother, she was too unstable, left to raise the child and he would come out weak and afraid of the world like her. A coward who allowed comfort and stability to allow madness into her life.
But Levi on the other hand would teach him to become a monster like his father. A violent man who believed women were tools and objects, a means to an end. To be controlled and manipulated.
How could she stop that? How could she live with herself if she messed up and doomed another woman to the fate she had? She could never live with herself.
She couldn't do this. Each time she fed Furlan she felt such a strong love and hate relationship that it took the air out of her lungs. She hated that he trapped her here, loved him because it wasn't his fault, hated that he looked like his father, loved him because he might become what he father wasn't. A kind man.
She just couldn't fucking do this.
Levi had been adjusting to the birth of his son nicely. With the government and the world gone to hell and rebuilding, he was served with a long paternity leave. His injury prolonged it, but with the progress he was making with physical therapy he figured when Furlan was old enough he could never tell that his dear Papa was a wounded soldier once. Levi would get to tell him and watch his little eyes go wide with wonder knowing that his father was so strong that he had walked off a serious injury like that.
But something was wrong. Evelyn was different. She wasn't happy, joyful, or fiery. Just a lump of nothingness. Rigorous checking of her temperature showed she had no fever but still he worried. Going so far as to send the midwife incase secretly his wife was bleeding to death internally.
He waited outside of the room patiently, making sure his useless questions didn't hinder her from ensuring Evelyn's wellness.
Finally the midwife comes out, quickly pacifying the nervous Captain.
"She's perfectly fine."
"What the hell do you mean she's fine!? Have you seen her behavior!? It's unnatural!"
"I'm afraid it's not Captain Ackerman, many women go through what we call post-partum depression. But it seems especially for your wife she's having a tough time of it, rejecting Furlan completely."
He takes a moment to process the words. "So what do I do about it?"
She shrugs. "Simply wait and be supportive. Eventually she'll come around and accept the boy, and she should return to herself in time."
Yeah, like he was going to allow her to throw this temper tantrum for that long. "Thank you. I'll figure out how to handle it."
Levi bursts into the room once the midwife leaves. "What the hell does she mean depressed?! You're that stubborn you reject your own son!? How dare you take the child that I so painstakingly gave you and treat it with such indifference!"
"Shut up! I don't want to hear one of your damn excuses. Not again. Your job is to be that boy's mother! And you can't even do that right! What is wrong with you!? The hell is your problem!? Do I need to take him away until you are fit to raise him!?"
"Please Levi don't- I'm begging you-" She starts to cry.
"Then act like a good mother."
"I don't know how-"
"You don't do you? Fine. I'll teach you."
Levi taught Evelyn how to be attentive to Furlan. Whenever she didn’t show enough attention she was met with a slap to the face until she learned to be better. He wouldn’t put up with this made up bullshit of depression. It wouldn’t come between his wife and son. She would be a good mother or die trying, there was no alternative.
He would have his perfect family.
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I know I should just be grateful he's dead, but I can't help but think Hunter should have been the one to kill Belos. Like, I know he abused everyone, but Hunter had to live with him. Plus, it would've been cool if while Hunter was stomping on him, Belos' vision kept flashing between seeing Hunter, Caleb, and the other Golden Guards as if Hunter was letting them all get a shot at revenge.
I’ve seen this argument and imma have ta disagree that Hunter should’ve been there. There’s several reasons as to why and I’m gonna try and keep it as short as I can (as I’m answering this during a lunch break at work).
1.) Luz and Belos are opposites in several ways, while they’re both humans they both approached the Boiling Isles in different ways. Belos sought to destroy all life on the Isles which when we see “the Savage Era” it’s actually pretty peaceful. Luz however embraced the Isles and wanted to be there because she felt like she belonged there whereas Belos wanted to go home after destroying everything. Luz also did what Belos was lying about the whole time after he started his Coven grift, Luz not only actually talked to the Titan but the Titan was talking to Luz through the glyphs and showing them to her freely, while Belos had to hunt down and force his way into finding the glyphs. At the end, Luz calls herself a human witch and Belos calls himself a human while he’s melting away as a pile of goop, a substance that he’s been for decades while pretending to still be human.
2.) Eda is very likely a descendant of Evelyn who was very likely a Clawthorne, which would make her Belos’ great great (insert how many needed) grand niece and from what little we say in Belos’ mind, Eda is the spitting image of Evelyn. King is the last Titan, the son of the Titan whom Belos claims to have been speaking to and tried to use to wipe out the Isles. And finally Raine is a non-binary witch bard (music was even banned by puritans in some parts), who not only was fighting Belos’ Coven system from within but later fought Belos when he tried to possess their toy-form. Those three curb-stomping Belos after Luz rejected Belos’ “plea” for help symbolizing all of the “evil” he tried to wipe out getting the last laugh.
3.) Hunter being the clone of Belos’ older brother Caleb who was a former Witch-Hunter could be nice to have there at the final fight but consider this instead. After Caleb met Evelyn and he learned that witches (real ones) are as evil as he was led to believe, he even fell in love with one and attempted to start a family with her, Caleb did what both Luz and Hunter was able to do. Hunter even breaking from his uncle’s chain through a similar way to Caleb in that firstly he met Luz, a human witch who was using Wild Magic to cast spells and unlike Belos who restricted magic and convinced Hunter that it’s only through the artificial magic that Hunter is strong, Luz is more than willing to teach others and share her knowledge of glyph magic to Hunter. Secondly, Flapjack becoming Hunter’s Palisman. It’s unknown if Flapjack was Caleb or Evelyn’s Palisman originally but either way he was there and remembers Caleb whom Hunter is a clone of. Hunter could’ve easily turned Flapjack over to Belos but instead he kept him around and they became friends, the creature that is made from Wild Magic and who’s essence sustains Belos’ form from the curse, Hunter decided to keep this illegal creature hidden from his uncle. Thirdly there’s Willow and Gus, Hunter’s first real friends (not including Flapjack) and it’s this friendship that he starts to see more of what Luz and Darius have been pushing for with Hunter, for him to learn that the Isles and it’s people aren’t evil and filled with backstabbers. Hunter found within Willow and Gus people whom he can trust without a doubt which is more than any of the Coven heads and Belos can claim.
4.) Hunter’s role in the finale was what Caleb was trying to do with Philip. Since we don’t know the full story behind Caleb and Philip (fuck you disney for canceling the show), we can only speculate on what happened and from what I saw is that Caleb grew up a hopeful Witch-Hunter alongside Philip, but when Caleb met Evelyn and saw the Demon Realm, he fell in love with not just the witch but it’s world and people. So much so that he started a family. Him trying to make peace with Philip was likely him trying to protect the Isles from Philip and other Witch-Hunters, t what do you think would happen had Evelyn not taken the portal and hid it after Caleb’s death? Philip would’ve brought back up and committed genocide of the Isles. Caleb however wanted to try and convince his little brother that the Isles and it’s people where also good. That’s a lesson that Hunter had to learn and him trying to get as many people as he could out of the falling Archive was what Caleb would’ve done in that situation, to save the Isles from evil people like Philip/Belos. The fact that there are so many former Golden Guards, so many attempts by Belos to remake his brother but having to kill each one shows that each new clone continued to try and protect the Isles and it’s people from Belos just as Caleb wanted to do against Philip. The difference is that Caleb/Hunter is willing to show mercy while Philip/Belos does not.
So now we have Hunter with his technically family carving Palismans and helping the people of the Isles. He’s living a good life which is more than enough to get back at Belos (tho’ I wouldn’t be surprised if Luz showed him the spot and Hunter took a few stomps)
Sorry, I tried to keep it short but I failed. I still have thoughts on this but my lunch break is over so that’s all I got so far.
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deceasedreese · 2 years
Predictions, Hopes, and Headcannons for Watching and Dreaming
Orgins of both The Collector and the Titans. I would love to know more about both of their species and about King's father
Caleb Wittebane AND Evelyn Clawthorne. I need to know what these two sound like. Even if its just for a second. Give me more reasons to feel sad that Caleb is gone, leaving Evelyn a widow and single parent.
Manny Noceda. Not sure how that would be integrated into the narrative. Maybe and unconcious Luz getting advice/motivation from her Papi?
Belos. Im a lover of angst, so I would love to see the entire process of him deciding he needed to kill Caleb.
Callback(s) to A Lying Witch and a Warden
"Do not underestimate me ______. For I am Luz Noceda, _______ ...Now eat this sucka!" Luz delivering the final blow.
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"And that's the end!" I could totally see the series ending with Luz retelling this entire story to her children. To witchlings, human children, etc. I think it would be cute!
Awesome animation!!
There are only two things I can think of that would get the majority of the animation budget.
A fight scene.
Luz reuniting with King and Eda. I will cry many, many tears.
Or...we get both 🤷🏻👀
Raine's possession
As I stated in a previous post, Eda is now the spitting image of Evelyn. I wouldn't be surprised is Belos tries to hurt her. I would like to think they would stop him before he is able to but idk...
I also like to think they'll prevent Belos from actually harming Eda, the kids, etc.
They'll be 'unpossessed' with the help of the Collector
However, I think the main people Belos will be aiming to hurt would be Luz, Eda, or Hunter. Yet, he might also hurt King, Willow, Amity, Gus, and/or Camila to hurt them.
I don't think Raine will walk out of this without a few scars. Specifically on their ear and cheek
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I NEED an "I love you." from Luz. Amity has been the one to initiate everything in their relationship. She asked Luz out, she always gives initiates physical affection, etc. I would love for Luz to initiate this one.
A call back to Good Witch Azura 2.
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Im sure there will be parallels of this entire scene alone, but I'll be awaiting the angst that is to come.
Future Lumity! I need to see these two older. Even as adults maybe. I live for this relationship due to it being such a revolutionary thing. A healthy, happy sapphic couple. Maybe they both subtlely got rings on their finger 👀
I dont think the plotline of Hunter being a grimwalker was resolved. I think Willow will pull him aside and talk to him about it. Saying what he is changes nothing about how she feels about him.
And then he'll say something about loving the person she is. How grateful he is for her, etc.
Luz, King, and Eda. I'll cry. Especially if it's something like this:
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Amity and Alador; Willow and Gilbert and Harvey; Gus and Perry; Lilith and Hooty; Clawthorne family reunion
All the Hexside kids with their parents
King and The Collector
I really feel like there will be a confrontation later that will go along the lines of:
The Collector: You betrayed me! If you don't ____, I'll-
King: Or you'll what? Kill me? Just like your people did to my dad? My entire species??
I think it would be cute if the Collector was integrated into the relationship King has with Luz. Unique sibling trio for the win!
King letting The Collector hold François
Luz having her quinceñera. All her friends and family are there. Eda, Camila, and Amity dance with her.
Or if they do flash-foward: Everyone just living their lives.
Hunter carving palismen and living his best life. Helping young witches carve their own. Maybe he'll even carve his own palisman when he's ready. I am certain it will be a bird.
Gus being an ambassador* of the human realm. *: wreaking havoc. Occasionally accompanied by Luz, Willow, and/or Hunter. I could also see him as an Illusionist instructor.
Willow being a coach for grugby at Hexside. Helping to lift up young witches confidence and self-esteem.
Amity not working for the family business at all. Maybe a teacher or as a librarian.
Maybe all of them just work at Hexside lol
Raeda being old gays. I will simply NOT accept either of them dying. That's a hate crime.
Lumity and Huntlow adults
An actual scene of people going to therapy. Maybe someone leaves and tags the next person in lol
A parallel to this scene:
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Luz has gone through a lot. But she made it through a better and wiser person witch. She can just be embracing what her life is now in TBI before flying back home to Amity and/or Eda and King.
Will likely add more later lol
Feel free to do it too!
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ace-for-eddie · 1 year
Part 5
After dinner, Eddie and Wayne went out on the porch and talked more about the details of the day. They’d had to wait until they had a moment away because they didn’t want Evelyn to overhear some parts of the conversation. While she was the spitting image of Eddie, they still needed to figure out what they may need to do legally.
Joyce helped get Evelyn a bath and in clean pajamas. She carried Evelyn back to Will’s bedroom where they’d determined to have Evelyn and Eddie stay for the night. Will was happy to give up his room for the night and stay over at Dustin’s.
“So uh… what do I need to do?” Eddie asked Joyce. “I don’t exactly have a lot of experience with how to put a kid to bed. Oh, right! Cough medicine from her bag.”
“Does she have a cough?” Joyce asked, scrunching up her nose a bit in confusion.
Eddie thought back, “Off and on earlier today. But I haven’t heard it since we’ve been here.”
“Hmmm… okay, I think we should wait on that and see if she needs it.” Joyce suggested.
“Her mom said she gives it to her to sleep?” Eddie scratched the back of his neck. “Is that normal?”
“She gives it to her to sleep?” Joyce’s mother bear instincts peaked.
“She was drugging this baby to sleep?” Joyce’s tone took a sharp turn. “No. That’s not normal.”
“I don’t know exactly, it was all kind of a blur.” Eddie shrugged. “But uh, she didn’t really seem like she was getting any nominations for mother of the year.”
He felt a sense of relief that Evie was with them and not her mother tonight. He hadn’t had time to process everything that happened in this whirlwind of a day. There was so much to think through and figure out. So much of it did not sit well with him. But he didn’t have much time to worry about that now.
In fact, he wouldn’t have to worry too much about all that at all, because the moment Joyce mentioned the additional details to Hopper, he was out the door and headed to the station to write a report. Eddie had no idea he’d even left.
Eddie sat down on the floor of Will’s bedroom and brushed Evie’s hair gently while she looked at the pages of a book that Joyce had saved in her hopes of sharing with her grandchildren. El helped him braid Evie’s soft hair. He was still learning, but starting to get the hang of it.
But as he turned around to say goodnight to Wayne who had just popped his head through the doorway, he felt a pull on his shirt. He turned around to Evelyn climbing her way into his lap.
“Uh…okay, make yourself at home, I guess.” He chuckled.
He shook his head, which caught the girl’s attention as she reached up for his long wavy hair.
“Pretty hair’” she whispered with a slight ‘w’ sound on each ‘r’. He smiled at how gentle she was with his wavy strands.
He looked down into her big brown eyes chuckling. Now it was his turn to melt.
“No, you have the pretty hair darling.” Darling? Where the hell did that come from? Wayne? Does Wayne say Darling? He heard a chuckle from the hallway as Wayne headed to the living room.
Eddie scooped up the little girl giving soft tickles, making her giggle loudly. Then he plopped them both down on the bed and began reading the book.
Evelyn fell asleep after they’d it read through twice. The second time making up a new story based solely on the pictures, wrong answers only.
But Eddie naturally toned down his voice as he noticed she started to settle down and her eyes got heavier. After she’d fallen asleep, Eddie stayed seated on the bed with his daughter laying across his chest.
When Joyce returned to the room from cleaning up the kitchen, she found the little one asleep on Eddie’s lap.
Eddie stuck out his bottom lip pouting.
“What do I do now? She’s asleep.” He whispered.
“She’ll probably stay asleep even if you move.”
“I don’t want to chance it.” Eddie said seriously, then groaned.
“But I do really need to pee.” He whimpered slightly.
Joyce smiled and chuckled, before reaching down to lift the girl slightly and tuck her under a blanket as Eddie extracted himself and went to the bathroom. He returned to the living room with El and Joyce.
“Where’s Hopper?” he asked.
Joyce paled at the question. “Just to the office for a bit.”
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confuzzled-crow77 · 2 years
For 👏🏼 The 👏🏼 Future
Okay, first of all, a good friend of mine recommended (and by that I mean bugged me until I caved) to watch the Owl House, and I half wished that they hadn’t. I now have a constant feeling of frustration and hatred toward Disney for canceling the show. Anyway…
Well, I’m here so might as well make the best of it. Random voice-acting bits that I ADORED: At the very beginning when King said, “goodbye” after the door exploded, and right after that when the Collector said, “I’m free, I’m free! I haven’t felt this good in forever and ever! It’s like the whole world is singing!” It’s just *chef’s kiss*
Also when Camila screamed after sitting down on the ground-eyeballs. It sounded so authentic and throat-ripping! (Should I be happy about that?)
Obviously there’s a lot more than that but I don’t feel like typing it out. Okay, but one more thing: I first watched it when I had by earbuds in, and I almost threw up when I heard Belos slooching and slawching around. It was disgusting and amazing.
I didn’t know that Huntlow was kind of a love-or-hate kind of thing in the fandom. I personally…llliiiiikkkeeeeee it. I get that Willow was one of the first people to show Hunter kindness and I love both of their characters but I just can’t get into it. Of course all characters and relationships are going to be rushed but at least Lumity had some semblance of development. Ugh, not their fault.
Eda and Lilith’s new hairstyles = yes. Raine’s new mullet = yes even though Belos is now currently eating away at their flesh.
I would feel bad that Odalia is a servant to the Collector but…it’s Odalia. Come now, let’s be real here.
Okay, I’ve seen numerous fanarts of how Flapjack’s powers could manifest in Hunter, and I love his teleportation ability but…red wings. RED WINGS PEOPLE!! *cough* anyway
Let’s address the elephant in the room. No, not Liz’s palisman. No, not Willow’s emotional scenes. No, not the Collector being a lonely, abandoned little guy. *deep intake of breath* MATT THOLOMULE PEOPLE WHAT THE SHI-
I will never spell it “Mat Tholomule.” Never. Steve is one of my favorite characters (he’s like my…sixth favorite), and I really want some scenes with him and Matty since they’re half-brothers and we were robbed of their backstory but it’s probably not important enough to include in the last episode. Steve Tholomule…
I adore Luz’s palisman, though I like the egg’s color scheme more. Hey, I’m not complaining though. I just have one problem…Stringbean brings up bad memories of expired baked beans that had been left in the sun too long. No hate, duh. Her lil’ kitten ears are so cute!
Boscha is a simp for Amity…
Kikimora isn’t dead…
My predictions for the last episode (*distant sobbing*): Raine is going to die, but the Collector is going to revive them. The dude has Belos eating away at them, and they doesn’t have a Flapjack. (…is that grammar?)
Owlbert, Lilith’s palisman, and the Bat Queen are going to fight for the Boiling Isles!! They’re nowhere to be seen, and they’re way too important to leave out.
The Collector and King are going to team up against Belos in a fight of Gods!! And the only way for the good guys to prevail will be the Owl Crew!
Caleb will talk and his voice will be Hunter’s. Maybe if/when Belos dies all the Golden Guards of the past and Caleb will come to thank Hunter or Caleb talks to Belos as he’s dying.
Belos will go berserk against Eda since with her new hairstyle, she’s the spitting image of Evelyn.
There will be a lot of crying involved, both for the characters and the audience.
My hopes and dreams:
Steve and Matt scene! (Highly unlikely)
Stringbean being OP as crap and using her snakeshifting ability in battle by stinging as a scorpion, blowing flames as a dragon, and flying as a bat. (Pretty likely)
A “some years in the future” scene/ a flash forward scene. (Dear GOD I HOPE SO)
okay thats it *owl house voice* byeeeeeeeeeeee
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maverick-bennett · 1 year
39.cis male.he/him.ryan gosling.
Maverick Bennett was born in Kismet Harbor, Oregon. He works as a mechanic at Extra Mile Mechanics. They have been back in kismet harbor since july 2023. written by dix.
Maverick was born in Kismet Harbor to his two parents, and he quickly learned that the world was not a safe place. His mother was kind and loved him with her whole heart, but even she couldn’t protect him from the man that she had married. His dad was a person who had no room for love in his heart, and instead filled it with rage. Neither him nor his mother could escape his violence. After walking on eggshells his entire childhood to try and avoid his dad’s anger, Maverick began lashing out. 
By the time he was a teenager, he had turned into a spitting image of his father. His relationship with his mom suffered, since he was so angry that she hadn’t protected him growing up, and he took his anger out on those around him. Maverick was not a pleasant person to be around, so he didn’t have many friends growing up. He was constantly skipping classes, smoking, drinking, and just causing trouble all around town. He even started getting tattoos when he was underage, and has continued adding more the older he gets and is now heavily covered in them. He barely graduated high school and started immediately working as a mechanic, and had no interest in pursuing higher education.
Anyone who has dated Maverick could tell you that he was a far from perfect partner. He was controlling, he was possessive- and sometimes he was just downright mean. The one thing that set him apart from his dad was that he never put his hands on any of his girlfriends. As much as he would scream and fight, Mav drew the line at physical violence. He has, however, cheated on every single person he has ever dated. This is what happened when he dated Sarah for a couple of years, and he ended up breaking up with her to be with the woman he had cheated on her with, Evelyn. 
Maverick and Evelyn ended up moving to New York City, away from their families and friends to start their lives. He continued to work as a mechanic, but he also made money for them living a life of crime. A couple years after moving to the city, Maverick was arrested for aggravated assault and robbery and sentenced to 8 years in prison, of which he only served 6.
Evelyn took the opportunity while he was incarcerated to escape their toxic relationship, but she got roped back into their mess upon his release. Despite the pain their relationship caused her, she loved him too much to ignore him once he started calling her again, and the two continued dating. Their rekindled romance only lasted a short amount of time, and before they knew it they were broken up for good.
What Maverick didn’t know was that Evelyn was pregnant when they broke up, and that she moved back home to Kismet Harbor with her family to raise their baby without him because she didn’t want him in the child’s life. It was only after Evelyn passed away tragically and her family called him to tell him that he had a daughter that he found out about any of it. 
After hearing the news of his daughter, Charlotte, he packed up all of his things and moved back home to Kismet Harbor so he could take care of her. He moved into a trailer in Happy Trails in Sutherland Park and moved his daughter in with him. Maverick is trying to turn his life around now to be a better man for his daughter, out of fear of ending up like his father. 
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liveshauntedmoved · 2 years
No one online? Good, I can put out an angsty thought. This does involve Eddie still dying. But, Lzzy ( the spitting image of Wayne's sister , her mother ) finding him to give her well wishes of Wayne finding Eddie, and Wayne calling her Evelyn and, Lzzy really doesn't want too - but she can't lie to him. So she tells him, 'Yeah, that's my mother's name. Evelyn Munson, or Evelyn Kingsley. I'm Lzzy, her daughter. Her eldest, I have a brother and sister. I... I'm sorry about Eddie, I wish I got to know him before all of this.' And like, him asking how his sister is and Lzzy just tearing up, bc not only has he potentially lost / has lost ( depending if Dustin has talked to him yet ) his nephew, and now Lzzy has to tell him, 'She... she died, 14 years ago. I didn't know how to reach out to you, and my father, went into a depression long before she passed, so he wasn't great help. I'm sorry.'
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You Did What?! | A Luke Windsor Companion Fic
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Note: Follow up to Unexpected Delivery
Summary:  Evelyn Hiddleston, Tom's daughter asks Luke to tell her a story. Luke tells her the story of the day she was born. Hilarity ensues.
Warnings: cursing
The little girl tugged on Luke’s pant leg. He smiled and reached down to pull the girl onto his lap.
“Who is this little ninja, sneaking around after her bedtime?” Luke ruffled her messy ginger curls.
“I still have ten minutes!” she announced as she leaned against Luke’s chest.
“You sound like your father.” Luke chuckled.
Evelyn Hiddleston was the spitting image of her dad. Her hair in impossible curls, sparkling blue eyes filled with mischief. And the fiery personality of both her parents. At only six years old, she was already a force to be reckoned with. Luke prayed that if she chose to be an actor, he would be retired from the business.
“Tell me a story!’ her voice squeaked, and she bounced on her knees in his lap.
“Which story would you like to hear? Cinderella? Or the Three Little Bears?”
Evelyn, or Evie as most called her, wrinkled her nose. “Not fairytales! A story. A real story!”
Luke smiled. “Have your Mum and Dad ever told you the story about when you were born?”
Her eyes grew as big as saucers. “No!” she whispered. “Please tell me Uncle Luke! Please!”
“Sure, Evie. Get comfortable.” Evelyn snuggled into the crook of Luke’s arm and Luke grabbed the blanket off the back of the chair to cover her.
“Well, it started right before Christmas about six years ago…”
Six Years Earlier
Luke woke that chilly December refreshed. One might say rejuvenated. While most stressed out during the holidays, it was one of the few times Luke had peace and quiet. Because Tom Hiddleston was on vacation.
And this year, not just any vacation, but a babymoon in the secluded mountains of the Scottish countryside. No paparazzi, no journalists, no scandals. And no chance for Tom to get himself into trouble.
The last several days Luke found himself smiling for no reason. And then he got the call.
“What is the official statement regarding Tom delivering his own daughter?” the voice asked.
“I beg your pardon?” Luke questioned. “Tom did no such thing.”
“There is a report from a hospital in Scotland that due to the snow Tom delivered his daughter on the floor of his private cabin.” The journalist continued.
“No comment.” Luke snapped before ending the call.
He rang the office. “Don’t answer questions about Tom. Get the number of the closest hospital to the cabin!” He bellowed.
He could hear the scrambling and scraping in the background before hanging up. Next he dialed up Tom.
“Luke!” Tom cheered into the phone.
“You wanker.” he responded cooly.
“Language, Uncle Luke!” Evelyn yelled. “Daddy says cursing is the sign of a feeble mind.” She wagged her little finger at him.
“He would, the tit.” Luke muttered under his breath.
“What’s that Uncle Luke?”
“I said your Daddy is quite right.”
She smiled, her toothy grin warming his heart.
“You stupid man!” Luke yelled into the phone.
He glanced down to see Evie giggling at the thought of her dad being called stupid.
“What are you going on about—oh,” Tom’s voice dropped. “Y/N had the baby!”
Tom hoped the good news would diffuse any anger directed towards him.
“Congratulations, Tom. Anything else?”
“A girl! Evelyn Rose.”
“That’s me!” Evie popped up.
“Am I telling the story or you?” Luke said with a wink. He booped her nose.
“Right. So enough from the peanut gallery.” Luke cleared his throat and opened his mouth. “Now—”
“What’s a peanut gallery?”
“A peanut gallery is…” Luke commented. “You know when your Mum is doing something and your Dad comments on how to do it better?”
“Oh, Mum calls that being a backseat driver.”
Luke pressed his forehead against hers. “Your mum is a wise woman. May I continue?”
Evie snuggled back into your spot.
“Anything else?”
“Errr….” Tom stalled.
“Something special about the delivery?”
“Healthy mom and baby?” Tom tested.
“Where was the baby born?”
Luke pinched his brow.
“Was this baby born on the floor of your cabin? Delivered by you of all people?”
“Ehehehe.” Tom laughed nervously. “No comment.”
“I was born on the floor?!” Her eyes wide again.
“You were.” he said with a no nonsense tone. “And your dad helped bring you into the world.”
“Wow…” she whispered. “What about Mummy?”
Luke giggled. “He worried your Mummy he might mess it up.”
“But Dad is the smartest guy there is. He told me so!”
“True right. And your Mummy is rather smart too.”
Evie leaned in with a glint in her eye. “Mum is smarter than Dad.” she whispered with a smile.
Luke bopped her nose. “Yes she is.”
She giggled.
“No comment is my line. Which I have had to in abundance over the last hour when a journalist called to confirm the story.”
“I’m truly sorry, mate. With everything going, you were last person I thought to call.”
“Which is precisely the wrong thing to say. I am your publicist and I should be the first call. Put Y/N on the phone.”
“Is that necessary? She just gave birth.”
“Put Y/N on the phone!” Luke insisted. “I need the reasonable one on the phone.”
“OOOOO!” Evie said. “Is Daddy in trouble?”
“Why would say that?” Luke furrowed his brow.
“Whenever I have to talk to Mum like that, I’m usually getting in trouble.”
Luke’s eyebrows raised in mock surprise. “What do you get trouble for? You are…” his kissed her forehead. “… an angel.”
“Talking in class.” her eyes dropped.
“Ah. I see. Well…” Luke started in. “… you should talk to Grandma Diana about your dad when he was in school.”
“Dad got in trouble for talking in school?!”
“Your dad still gets in trouble for talking.”
“With who?”
Luke pointed at his own chest.
“With you?!? What does he do?”
Luke chuckled. “I will tell you when you are older.”
Evelyn pouted. “Mum always say that.”
“Your mum is right, Now may I continue?”
She nodded.
“Y/N!” Luke chirped. “How are you? How’s the baby?”
“Fine.” you commented in a tired voice. “What do you want to know?”
“You know me so well. Did Tom actually deliver this baby?”
“Did you yell at him?”
“A lot.”
“Did he make any stupid remarks, such as ‘don’t worry I’m a doctor?’”
“Yes.” you groaned.
“And you set him straight?”
“Of course. I told him that was for a movie and Dr. Laing would not be delivering this child.”
“Good girl.”
“You taught me well.”
“When will you back in town?”
“A few days. Luke? Sorry about this.”
“No need to apologize. I’m just glad that everyone is happy and healthy.”
“And that is all about the day you were born.” Luke finished.
He spied Evelyn curled in a tight ball underneath the blanket, softly snoring.
“I distinctly remember a lot more cursing that day.” a voice boomed from the doorway.
Tom strolled over to look at Luke and Evie on the chair.
“Well, I can’t use that sort of language in front of your daughter. She’ll tell Y/N and then I will really be in hot water.”
“True enough. We can’t have both of us in the doghouse.”
The two men laughed.
“Now if you will excuse me.” Tom lifted Evie from her spot next to Luke. “It is way past this one’s bedtime.”
Evelyn’s eyes fluttered as she curled against Tom’s chest.
“Was I really born on the floor?” her sleepy voice muttered against Tom’s sweater.
He leaned down to kiss her ginger curls. “Yes, my love.”
She giggled in her sleep as Tom carried her up to bed.
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peachymilkandcream · 8 months
Break Me Slowly|Part 28|Yandere Levi x Evelyn
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(A/N: we're so close to the end of the series, it's so crazy that it's almost over after all this time, thank you so much for all the support you guys have given me and I hope you enjoyed the series. These last chapters might be shorter than normal, but I just end them where I think they should be ended.)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
The birth of his child was the catalyst for a new man to come out of Levi. This wasn't something he could take lightly like most fathers he knew. His wife, as willing as she was, was too stupid to raise this child correctly. Furlan would be the spitting image of his father, strong and above all with his beliefs and ideals. Evelyn had been willing, but that didn't mean he trusted her in the slightest, she would use that to try and escape again. Now the stakes were much higher, her word counted for more than his now, her sob story might actually carry some weight this time. She could be rid of him and take his son with her. A little spy to tell him of mother's plans is exactly what he needed to keep his sweet wife in line.
To Evelyn, the change in her husband was shocking to say the least, he was a loving husband and father, taking care of both their needs. He was always awake first for late night feedings, making sure she had the help she needed at all times. Whether it was guilt for everything he'd done or the common knowledge that he had to be a parent she wasn't sure, but the change was certainly welcome. He was how she always dreamed of her husband being, he acted like a man in love. Affection and time weren't withheld or had strings attached, she was given small amounts of freedom, able to walk out of the house with them and their new child. Every glance a man made wasn't followed by a burn of jealousy which she feared.
She felt comfortable around him again, so on their first night out as a married couple she had allowed herself to be a little too comfortable. Indulging in her husband's habit to drink, she felt her senses slowly dulling, Levi's flirtatious banter seeming more and more arousing.
Levi noticed the change in his wife, her eyes seemed to shimmer more, her posture more relaxed, pressing against him in a way that was driving him crazy. He never let her drink, his own habit was bad enough he knew, but should she become addicted it could be a dangerous path to cure post-partum depression. Just this once though, this once he had allowed her. Evelyn likely forgot, but it was a special occasion, the anniversary of the day he decided she would be his at all costs. The start of his obsession. Unbeknownst to her they celebrated every year, going out to dinner, going to their favorite spots, buying her a gift, all disguised as friends spending time together. Thirty years of watching from the sidelines as she considered him her friend and only a friend. Now, it had all paid off.
When she laughed so hard she fell out of the chair he knew she had enough. Alcohol poison was a fear in the back of his mind, she was clearly a lightweight and the last thing he needed was her getting seriously sick.
"Come on sweetheart, let's get you home."
He paid and left, taking her intoxicated state as an excuse to carry her home. She was so beautiful like this, totally at his mercy but totally trusting. All of the past few months had just solidified in his mind he did the right thing in tricking her into marriage. If he hadn't, Evelyn would never have considered him for a husband since she was so clueless to his advances. Now she had wealth, a home, a child, and a husband who adored everything about her. And while she had been stubborn originally, she was coming around, he was getting through to her. Just like he said he would.
"Alright lightweight, just lay back and try not to puke all over the sheets." Levi set her down gently on the bed, fighting with her like he did Furlan when changing his diaper to get her dress off since she was giggling too hard.
"Levi~" She whined with a pout. "Come here- hold me-"
He couldn't stop the soft laugh coming from him. "Okay okay, I'm coming." He slid into bed beside her, holding her close to him and waiting for her to fall asleep.
However within moments Evelyn put her face up and kissed him, then kissed him again a little sloppier.
Levi raised a brow, but that was enough consent for him. Quickly he climbed on top of her, plunging his cold fingers into her core and scissoring them in and out.
But after a minute of this he noticed the lack of reaction and searched her face, only to find her eyes closed and her breathing even.
"Seriously." He huffed with annoyance, debating waking her up. On one hand he was now aroused and had no one to take care of it for him, on the other many times she had let him sleep off one or two drinks before. "Fine. Sleep." His eyes glanced at his fingers coated in arousal. "But you did this to me so you should take care of it." A smirk lit up his face as he unbuttoned his pants.
When he finished, Levi cleaned up what he could, although ultimately gave up trying to wipe all of his cum off her body. Evelyn could survive until she woke up and had a bath, poor girl needed her rest clearly, and who was he to wake her up.
Satisfied, he pulls her closer, breathing in her scent mixed with the salty smell of sex in the air, one he'd come to get addicted to. The perfect mix of her and him, them.
"Goodnight my love, let's hope this time you won't be so stubborn and get pregnant again quicker."
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harmony88 · 3 years
Time Lord Thing
One of my very first stories ever, felt like posting on here too! You can also find more works on AO3 
The Doctor and Rose never separated, but seventeen years later their daughter changes the timeline and Rose falls into the parallel world. Now, the Doctor and his daughter must work to get Rose back.
Time is a fragile thing.
It’s a construct, her father would say. Time is relative, and time is pliable. It’s not linear, and the smallest action can recoil the already-set rings of time like a pebble being pulled out of the water.
She thought about this now as she opened her eyes, fear gripping her stomach. She wasn’t supposed to be here. The room she stood in was bleak, uninviting and cold. Her heart was beating rapidly against her chest and she couldn’t formulate words in her mind.
She had tried to help.
Her throat constricted as she suppressed the sob that threatened to escape her lips. Across the room from her, his hands pressed against a bare white wall, was her father. Well, he didn’t know he was her father. He didn’t know she was here at all.
She had tried to help.
She was hiding behind fallen debris, watching a younger version of her favorite person stand there coldly, his face like stone, as he listened desperately for any sign of a blonde woman she had seen falling to the Void at the time of her arrival.
She had tried to help. But the woman saw her appear and it startled her, and her grip loosened on the lever. She fell. A man appeared and grabbed her, his eyes meeting her father’s just for a moment as he watched them both disappear. She watched too.
The sob escaped, and she immediately threw her hand to her mouth in fear he would hear her. She wasn’t supposed to be here.
That woman was one she knew well; very well in fact. It was the woman she lived inside of for nine months; whose chest provided her her very first meal; whose warm embrace took away all pain and in whose eyes she found her strength.
It was her mother.
And the man that saved her was a man she did not know. But she assumed, based on the few features she saw, that it was Pete Tyler. Her grandfather, who she knew was trapped in a parallel universe her entire life.
She had tried to help. This wasn’t supposed to happen. This hadn’t happened before.
Time is a fragile thing.
She was sobbing uncontrollably now, her hands still covering her mouth as she desperately tried to stay quiet. But he heard her, and as his own hearts broke he ran toward the sound. It sounded like Rose crying, and he felt a flutter in his chest as he looked around, spotting a blonde head ducked behind metal barrels.
“Rose?” he asked. His voice was meek and timid. Desperate. She had never heard him so broken.
She always knew her parents were soul-mates. His voice now confirmed it.
She froze, her eyes red and cheeks stained with tears, as her heart thumped in her chest. Her brain swirled with all the lectures this man had given her about timelines and paradoxes and disturbances of both, but as she looked up and saw his chocolate swirls, relief flooded her more than she anticipated. He calmed her, like he always did.
He froze now, his mouth hanging open as he took in the figure that knelt on the ground before him. She was the spitting image of Rose, but there was something about her that felt…different. Familiar. Personal, even.
He couldn’t put his finger on it, but he knelt down next to her carefully as he took her in.
She knew she couldn’t tell him who she was. That would disturb the timeline of when her mother told him she was pregnant. She knew the story like the back of her hand. The story that was supposed to happen; where her mother nearly fell into the void but held on just long enough. Where they celebrated and her mother told him the news that changed his lonely life forever and started their journey in the stars as a family.
“You’re not Rose,” he finally said, whispering. She shook her head and bit her lip, and she saw him stiffen. She looked exactly like Rose. Especially then, “How old are you?”
“Sixteen,” she said, her voice sounded steadier than she felt, “I’m… um… Evelyn.”
Crap. She shouldn’t have told him her real name.
She winced just a little but recovered quickly - the Time Lord bit of her trying desperately to suppress her emotions. It was enough for him to notice.
“Are you in pain, Evelyn?” he asked slowly. He was confused, very confused, and his hearts were still shattering over the loss of Rose, but he knew whatever happened to this girl traumatized her and he had to help her first. To be honest, he welcomed it. A distraction.
“No,” she said.
Liar, she thought to herself. She just watched her mother disappear. She was NOT okay. And she was in pain.
Her brain started to overwork itself as he stood up and held out his hand to help her up. She paused, taking a deep breath and remembering to activate her defense shields on her mind as she gripped it, pulling herself up.
She felt a pang of sadness as she did this. She never put up those shields around her parents, but her father had taught her how in case they were ever in a situation where someone would try and access her mind. Not that he would try - he thought she was human after all, but they shared Time Lord DNA, and they were both in an emotional state. She knew their memories would fly between them like lightning. To her relief, her eleven years of memory defense training seemed to work as she grabbed his hand, both of their minds safe and untouched in their heads.
She detached her hand immediately and wiped her eyes. Her father was stiff. Everything she did reminded him of Rose.
For the first time, he felt tears begin to tug at his eyes but he pushed them down. He could cry later. With a curt nod he began to walk forward. Evelyn stood still as he turned around.
“You coming? I’ll help you call your parents,” he called. She took a deep breath.
“Yeah,” she answered. If you only knew, she thought. This was the only way to mend the timeline she had so terribly unraveled. To follow her father, who didn’t know he was her father, to the TARDIS.
He wasn’t walking next to her. She reminded him too much of Rose. But she was close, and he made sure she could see where he was going.
Her hand darted up to her neck, where the Time Jumper necklace she used to get her here calmly rested underneath her sweater. It was something she had found at an antique trade on the planet Barcelona, and Rose bought it for her as a birthday gift this year. It was out of power and would be for another 24 hours, otherwise she would jump back to the father who knew her for his help.
At least she told herself that is what she would do, but she also knew she desperately wanted to heal the pain she caused this younger version of her goofy Time Lord father. That, and she was terrified to return and find out her mother was lost forever. She had to fix this.
Her jaw clenched in the way that reminded her mother of her father. She may only be sixteen, but she also knew the timelines and what was at stake. The woman who just fell into an alternate universe was carrying her in her stomach, and they had to get her back into this universe before she was born. Otherwise, she would cease to exist in this world and be pulled into the Void herself.
Leaving her father with no one.
That was not going to happen.
She was pleased at how rational her thoughts were as she walked behind him. He would be proud of her, if he knew how clearly she was thinking about the timeline of their family and how desperate she was to fix it.
Her mother would be proud of her, too. She smiled to herself. Knowing Rose Tyler, she was probably in that alternate universe thinking the exact same thing. She could practically hear her mother’s protest - yelling to the skies that she was carrying the Doctor’s baby and she had to get back to see the ecstatic look on his face when she told him the news.
Take me back! She would be screaming.
If her mother was working on it, she needed to as well.
The Tyler women were very, very stubborn. And that would be good for both of them.
They approached the TARDIS and Evelyn bit her lip again. Was it different seventeen years ago? Would it know her? Would her father figure out who she was once she was on board?
They hadn’t discussed this particular scenario before in all her Time and Dimension courses he insisted on teaching her since she was four, and she rolled her lip in her mouth weighing her options.
Screw it. She thought. Her mother wasn’t an option to give up on.
He opened the door and walked in, leaving it open for Evelyn to follow.
“You can come in, if you’d like. Or stay out there. I’ll grab a phone for you to call your folks. Leave the door open,” he said.
Act surprised, she told herself when she crossed the threshold. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open, and she saw her father smirk.
They always did this, he mused to himself.
“It’s… er… big,” Evelyn said. Without thinking, she smiled at her father, her tongue creeping up to the corner of her mouth like her mother’s did. His face darkened.
“Where did you learn to do that?” he asked her quietly. Evelyn stiffened. She forgot. Her father called that the “Rose Smile”.
“Do what?” she asked innocently, choosing to ignore him as best she could and walk along the railing, her hand brushing against the TARDIS. The ship began to hum and Evelyn quickly pulled her hand back.
The Doctor was alert now. The TARDIS responded to her touch as if she knew her, and it all felt wrong. Like a sick joke the universe was playing - throwing this copycat Rose to him right after he lost her.
“Who are you?” he snapped. He was standing by the console now, his arm branded with his sonic screwdriver.
Evelyn knew this look. The Oncoming Storm was waking up. She had seen her father’s most protective state erupt a few times; when she or her mother were in danger, or when he had to make a gut-wrenching, universe saving, murderous decision. Rose tried to shield her from it as best she could, but she was part Time Lord and she could sense when her father was in this kind of agony no matter what her mother tried to do.
“Doctor -” she said, the word sounding foreign in her mouth. He was dad to her.
“I never told you my name,” he hissed, his arm inching closer as he adjusted his sonic screwdriver.
“Er….” Evelyn began, racking her brain for a way to fix this. “I - I, um…”
“Who. Are. You?” he said again, each word stabbing. She sighed.
“I’m Evelyn Tyler,” she said, her breath leaving her body as she looked down at her feet. “I’m your daughter.”
The Doctor dropped his sonic screwdriver.
Evelyn refused to make eye contact. She was kicking herself mentally for telling him this. Timelines were surely unraveling even more now, but he had cornered her and she had to tell him the truth.
“What?” he finally whispered after what felt like an eternity. “What did you say?”
Evelyn looked at him, her chocolate swirls a mirror of his as their eyes met. He saw it then, the piece of her that felt so familiar before; it was her eyes.
“Hi, Dad,” she whispered. The Doctor stood completely still, “Will you say something?”
“You….” he managed to croak out, still refusing to move. “You’re….”
“Yeah,” Evelyn said, biting her lip. “That’s all I can say. Timelines and whatnot.”
She grinned at him, hoping to make him laugh, but he just stiffened even more.
“How...are you here?” he whispered.
“Can’t say..” Evelyn replied. The less he knew, the better. “We just need to make sure we get Mu-… Rose, back,” she added.
The Doctor’s breath caught in his throat. He heard it, the word Evelyn tried to swallow. He could have guessed by her last name, and truly… he knew just from one glance who this girl’s mother was.
“Rose is -”
He stopped. His eyes were watering. He stepped closer to her now, terrified to touch her, as if she was a piece of glass he would surely break at the first chance he got. Evelyn didn’t say anything, but her silence told him all he needed to know.
“That’s not possible,” he said. “She’s human -”
Evelyn bit her lip. He knew so little. She knew, though, the fantastic story of Rose Tyler. How her DNA shifted when she absorbed the Time Vortex. It was a story this man had told her proudly.
Her mother. His wife.
The trace amounts of Time Lord DNA had allowed her to get pregnant after she and the Doctor declared their love for each other after Krop Tor. When she was carrying Evelyn, she absorbed a bit of her DNA as well, and Rose was the universe’s first and only impossible human. 100% human DNA with a Time Lord lifespan.
He would find all that out eventually, she knew. And she couldn’t tell him any of it now. The discovery of this knowledge were some of her parent’s happiest memories. So instead, she just continued to bite her lip and watched him.
“Dad?” she asked. His eyes snapped back to her, “Listen, um…”
“I don’t believe you,” he interrupted, his eyes dark. He had lost Rose today. His head and his hearts were at war and he felt tears threaten again, “This is cruel. This is so, so cruel.”
“Okay,” Evelyn said. It was a very Rose-like response, and she felt her mother’s ability to navigate her father’s mood swings taking over. They were both masters at it. Now, however, he was a bit moodier than she was used to, but she had to remember he was seventeen years younger and didn’t know the joys his life would be.
But she also knew him. And she knew what he would do. He would deflect. He would choose giddiness. Time Lord thing. She needed his help, and in order to get it, he had to believe.
“I guess a blood test in the Infirmary is needed. No problem,” she said, bouncing off to the hallway of the TARDIS. He stared at her, confused as she disappeared behind the wall. Grumbling, he closed the front door and followed her.
“You don’t even know where -”
“Second door on the left?” she asked, her blonde head poking out of the infirmary door. He sighed. She looked so much like Rose it physically hurt.
He knew, deep down, that she was right. But everything in his body protested and told him it was a trick. The universe did not work for him; it did not give him a happy ending. Today made that abundantly clear. One moment Rose was telling him she was never going to leave him, and the next she was sucked into a parallel world.
However, as he watched this girl prop herself up on the exam bed and swipe her skin atop her median cubital vein to prep for the needle she would have him use to draw a blood sample, he felt his hearts quicken. She looked like Rose but acted like him as she flashed him a smile, holding the sterile needle out in front of her.
“Ready!” she exclaimed. He took the needle from her, his hands shaking slightly. He moved to the sink and washed his hands, put gloves on, and returned to her side.
“You act like you’ve done this before,” he mused, watching her carefully.
“I was bitten by a radioactive snake droid when I was eleven. You took like… twenty samples to make sure I was okay,” she said laughing, but her smile quickly fell. Stop talking. Don’t tell him more. Timelines.
“Hm,” the Doctor said. If he had a daughter, that sounded like the kind of thing he would do. After a moment, the vial on the needle was full and he pulled it out of Evelyn’s arm, watching as she wrapped the site that was bleeding with gauze all on her own. She had done this before.
With bated breath he pulled his own DNA sample. He sighed.
“I… Rose,” he said, broken. Evelyn understood. He didn’t have anything with her DNA to compare.
“Just see what that says, first,” she offered, trying to nudge her father toward the machinery that would detect their bloodline. He sighed.
This was ludicrous. It was insane. He felt like an absolute idiot dropping this teenage girl’s blood down the tube, followed by his own. His brain just kept denying what his hearts already knew, until the results appeared on the screen.
She was his daughter.
He turned to her instantly, his mind reeling. She smiled at him, shrugging.
“Told ya,” she said.
He hugged her.
His daughter.
His and Rose Tyler’s.
His brain finally shut off and he acted from his hearts. He pulled back and looked at her with wide eyes, shaking his head.
“You shouldn’t be here,” he said, suddenly panicked. Evelyn looked at the ground.
“I know. You’re probably cursing the stars back home right now,” she whispered.
“So we’re… together? You and I? Which means…. Rose… she comes back?” he asked her. His voice was so hopeful and Evelyn groaned.
STOP. TALKING. EVELYN. She scolded herself.
“Don’t answer that,” the Doctor suddenly said, his face draining of all color. “Don’t. Don’t answer that. I…”
Evelyn saw the turmoil he was going through. She felt it through their blood bond. It brought tears to her eyes to see her father pine for her mother so openly; so desperately.
Soulmates. The Doctor and Rose were.
The Doctor’s brain was spinning.
“Dad?” Evelyn began, her eyes meeting his.
“Y-yeah?” he responded, choked up by the word and the events of the last two hours. He wanted Rose. He wanted her to meet their daughter, too.
In that moment, Evelyn felt herself begin to shake. This was spiraling out of control quickly and she needed her Dad to tell her what to do. But she was terrified; she felt her entire body crumble as she started to cry, the reality of how badly she screwed this up hitting her.
Her own existence was hanging in the balance. So were her parent’s entire lives together.
All because she wanted a picture of Jackie so her mum had something to remember her by.
All because she miscalculated her jump. And landed in the most pinnacle moment of her parent’s relationship.
“I… I know what I have to do. I have to fix this, but I… I… don’t know how to do that. I’m sixteen, this is well beyond what you’ve been able to teach me so far and... “ she trailed off, her face buried in her hands by the end.
“Evelyn,” he said seriously. “Timelines change all the time. Did… Rose, your mum, did… did she not-”
Evelyn shook her head. He understood. Before, she never fell into the void. Pete never came back. They were never separated.
He never felt this agonizing pain.
His breath quickened and he began to pace back and forth.
“Have we discussed fixed points in time?” he asked quickly. Evelyn nodded.
“Yeah. You said there are moments that cement timelines; a new piece of information or a shift in events. Changing those things disrupts the timeline they are in.” She responded. The Doctor grinned at her.
“Exactly. Clearly, something disrupted a fixed point today. Rose fell in, but all we need to do is create a new fixed point. If we do that, we can get her back,” he felt his hearts throbbing in his chest as he spoke, daring himself to see hope in the eyes of his sixteen year old daughter. She was here; she was real; which meant Rose once again defied the odds.
“I don’t know what in this situation is a fixed point and what isn’t,” Evelyn admitted, tears streaming down her face again. “I mean… I know some of them. But I’m so terrified I’m going to lose both of you because I mess one up again.”
The Doctor stopped and watched as Evelyn sobbed. He hugged her, his arms holding her and trying to convince her she would be safe, when suddenly their minds connected. Evelyn forgot to put up her defenses in the middle of all the tears, and the Doctor pulled away.
He didn’t stay long enough to see memories, but he could feel her sadness and fear. And it echoed his. Time Lord thing.
“Not possible,” he whispered.
“See?!” Evelyn cried. “How do I know that because that just happened I don’t mess up the first time we think the same thought later! It’s too much, it’s too hard!”
The Doctor saw the weight of the universe land on his daughter’s shoulders, and he stiffened. They had a Time Lord bond… He felt a new wave of composure wash over him. He would stop this. He would fix this. There was a future where he got to be with Rose and this perfect blend of the two of them, and he was not about to lose that.
“Evelyn, stop. Please,” He said, placing his hands on her shoulders. His eyes met hers and he smiled, and Evelyn noticed the lack of wrinkles around his eyes like she was used to. “Don’t worry about that.”
She bit her lip.
“No, seriously. Don’t. As long as you don’t tell me specifics about your childhood, I will still experience them as if they are the very first time. So will Rose. So will you. The only thing we need to worry about is undoing what happened today. Getting her back,” he said. His eyes were kind for the first time since they met, and she felt her stomach settle. These were the eyes of her father. The eyes that knew what to do.
“Okay,” she said. “Okay. That makes sense.”
“Good,” he said, smiling at her. “Come on, do you like chips? Your mum-”
“Loves chips, yeah,” Evelyn said, smiling. “I do. Love ‘em, too.”
The Doctor rambled on about how excited he was to meet her and how it’s going to make the moment he finds out she’s on the way even more exciting, now that he knew how wonderful she was. He placed some heated chips from the TARDIS kitchen in front of her and Evelyn smiled as she took a bite. He felt his breath hitch. SO much like Rose, she was.
“So… meeting me, it won’t change when Mum tells you about me for the first time?” she asked. The Doctor grinned so wide it looked like his mouth would fly away.
“Not at all. Not even a little bit. I’ll be even more excited,” he said seriously, stealing a chip from her plate.
Evelyn almost said something about how happy that made her, because her mum was probably so worried about not being able to tell him she was expecting at this exact moment, but she caught herself. That would disrupt the fixed point her parents adore so much. The moment her mother told him and her father kissed her belly and began to speak to her in Gallfriean. She rolled her eyes to herself as she ate her chips, wondering if other children know these kinds of details about their parents. Time Lord Thing.
They finished their chips and Evelyn yawned. The Doctor smiled.
“Past your bedtime?” he asked. Evelyn suppressed a snort very much like the ones her mother would give him.
“I’m sixteen, Dad. No more bedtimes. Plus, time is relative. What even is a bedtime?” she asked; a twinkle in her eye. He didn’t ask her this, but he suspected that was something he taught her. He also knew it probably drove Rose mad when their daughter was younger. “But… um… well, there’s a fixed point I know is supposed to happen soon, and…” she trailed off, looking at her father. He nodded.
He didn’t ask what it was. She didn’t tell him. But she knew one thing about time - it was relative. Which means they needed to get Rose back before she gave birth as soon as possible.
“We don’t have much time,” he said. Evelyn nodded.
“Does time move faster in parallel universes?” she asked carefully, afraid to reveal something she shouldn’t. Her father shrugged.
“Not sure. Depends on the universe. Where Rose is… it should be about the same, but we don’t want to risk that, it seems,” he said, “Alright. Drink something. Water, tea, whatever. Then we get to work. Allons-y Evelyn Tyler!”
Evelyn smiled. There was her father.
They exited the TARDIS and examined the floor at Canary Wharf that Rose disappeared from. The Doctor was desperately looking for a rift; something they might be able to cross into, pull Rose from, and bring her back. He was rambling to Evelyn about how the seal might not be completely closed now that she was here, too, but the longer they searched the more resigned they both came to the result that there was nothing they could do here.
“Do we… go back? Warn her?” Evelyn asked. “Tell her not to look up, to hold on, to ignore me?”
The Doctor frowned. “Is that what happened?” he asked, softly. Evelyn’s eyes widened. This was most definitely not a fixed point, she could feel that, since they were trying to undo this current state of events. She sighed, swallowing her tears.
“Yes. I… I used this,” she said, pulling the necklace out from around her neck. “I was trying to visit during Christmas, and was going to sneak a picture of Jackie for Mum. That part is the same in the future; Jackie and Pete living far away… I dunno, Mum has nothing’ to remember her Mum by and I just… she’s been really sad about it lately...” she broke off. She almost said too much again.
Because she knew a little secret. That Rose Tyler was pregnant again in her current timeline with her future baby brother. She was just three months, not even showing, but her hormones had been causing her lots of crying.
And her brother’s life depended on this undoing itself as well.
Don’t tell him that! Evelyn scolded herself.
The Doctor was still frowning, and he gently took the necklace from Evelyn’s hand; examining it. It was poorly made, complete rubbish in fact, but he could see that his daughter just wanted to do something nice for her mother. And he couldn’t be mad at her for that. Even though there was a gaping, visceral pain in his chest from being separated from Rose. Even though Evelyn could have been torn apart molecularly from this crapshoot of a time device.
Instead, he sighed and wrapped her in a hug as she began to cry into his lapel.
“Shhhh,” he said. He was surprised at how quickly his paternal instincts kicked in, and hoped that this confidence would last when she was baby again. He clenched his jaw; that would only happen if they succeeded. “That was… very Rose of you,” he whispered. She smiled. She wouldn’t tell him this, but those words were said to her often, especially as she got older.
“I’m sorry, Dad,” she whispered. “I know we’re doing what we can to change it back, but I just… I’m sorry.”
“I know. And to answer your question… no. We can’t go back and warn her. She’ll be too worried about it the entire battle and there are certain things… certain timelines that we need in tact,” he said, his mind drifting to the soar of his heart when he realized she truly meant forever with him. The look on Rose’s face when he let her stay. He needed those.
“So… what do we do?”
“There may not be a rift here, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one somewhere,” the Doctor answered. “Specifically one place, I just… need to know where....”
They walked back to the TARDIS, the Doctor asking Evelyn all about her favorite things. She was quite hesitant to answer him, but did after his assurance it wouldn’t affect anything.
Mint Ice Cream.
Action Packed Sci-Fi Movies
Her parents.
His smile was wide as can be when she said the last one. She looked at him very seriously, “I would literally do anything for both of you.”
“I have a very strong suspicion that feeling is mutual, Evelyn Tyler,” he said.
She nodded, taking a deep breath.
Her phone rang. She forgot she had that. Soniced with a signal ready to cross universes. And Timelines.
It was him. Future him.
She looked up and he raised his eyebrows - this ball was completely in her court. He was not about to get in the way of himself. He knew better.
Evelyn groaned and picked up the phone.
“Hi, Dad!” she said, a little over-excitedly. She glanced at her younger father who was rocking on the balls and toes of his feet, looking up and trying to focus on the ceiling tiles above the TARDIS.
“Evelyn!” she heard him say. “Where are you?! We went to wake you up and -”
“I’m okay, Dad. I’m so sorry… I…” She glanced over at the version of her father with her now, and he nodded. It would be okay.
“I’m actually with you. A younger you. Seventeen years ago younger,” she said.
The line was silent for a moment.
“Evelyn?” her father’s voice eventually asked, dark and heavy, “How did you get there?”
She bit her lip but told him everything, hoping the father she grew up with would be as forgiving as the one she just met. She heard him sigh.
“Can I talk to him?” her father asked. Evelyn bit her lip.
“Is that…. safe?” she began.
“I wouldn’t ask you if it wasn’t, just let me talk to him,” her father snapped, a little harsher than he meant it to, “I’m sorry. Your mother is still here. So, clearly we haven’t messed things up too badly yet.”
“She’s there?” Evelyn asked, her breath escaping her. Tears fell from her eyes and she saw her younger father’s eyes snap to her. His hearts were pounding. He took the phone from Evelyn as she tried to compose herself, his mind thinking the same thing his older self was.
“Hi,” he said seriously, wrapping an arm around Evelyn.
“She’s okay?” the older version asked himself, referring to Evelyn.
“Yes. She’s okay?” the younger version asked, referring to Rose.
“Yes,” he replied.
The younger Doctor let out a sigh. So did the older one. Then they started laughing like old chums. These women were going to be the death of them. Their impossible humans.
“There is a rift open now. I can feel it, I figured since Evelyn is here that -”
“Yes, yes. You need to find it. We’ll go back and try to grab Rose’s younger self before Pete does -”
“Right! Yes! Brilliant, then we can meet at the rift-”
“Yes exactly, and close it. Rose and Evelyn will switch -”
“Can never stay put, it seems -”
They were laughing, currently finding this entire situation hilarious. They had a plan, and they knew the plan would work. They just couldn’t fudge the timelines anymore than they already were. If they did, future Rose would disappear along with Evelyn. Suddenly, the younger Doctor’s face fell as a voice he didn’t expect to hear came ringing in his ears.
It was Rose. She had taken the phone from her husband and sounded very, very serious, clearly miffed that they were laughing about this situation.
“Hi,” he managed to squeak out. He missed her, he yearned for her. Hearing her voice made him want to run into the TARDIS and go find her. Now.
“Don’t let her out of your sight?” she asked. The Doctor’s eyes darted to Evelyn, who had managed to calm herself down a little.
“Not for a moment. Not till she’s with both of you,” he said very seriously. He would have his future with them, he could practically taste it.
“Thank you,” she said, “can you hand her the phone?”
The Doctor wanted to say so much more, but he could tell even through the phone that Rose was holding back. Most likely trying to keep some sort of timeline intact for them. But Rassalion, how we wanted to say three words to her he should have said ages back.
“Y-Yes. Rose?” he said, a little more desperate than he meant it to.
“Yeah?” she asked.
“See you soon,” he said, smiling. He could hear her grin through the phone, too.
“Not if I see you first,” she said, and his hearts soared, remembering the first time she’d said those words.
He suspected then, remembering the events that transpired after Krop Tor, that his current Rose may already be pregnant with this very lovely teenage girl sitting behind him as he handed her the phone. And he was giddy. And he suspected Evelyn knew this, and that the fixed point she was referring to was her birth. But he would never ask. He didn’t want to know now. He wanted that future memory intact.
Rose told Evelyn she loved her and to stay safe. And then they hung up.
What happened next happened quickly. The Doctor and Evelyn entered the Vortex, scanning and trying desperately to find the remaining rift.
The Doctor and Rose went back in time and waited. The TARDIS had a few upgrades in seventeen years, and luckily wouldn’t be able to be pulled into the Void. So, when Rose let go, the Doctor watched himself open the door to the TARDIS that suddenly appeared, wink at him, and pull Rose to safety. Then, they too entered the Vortex.
Normally, crossing his own timeline was a major risk, but the Doctor with Evelyn suddenly felt his brain swish, and a new memory was there. Rose was safe. It worked. There was suddenly a beautiful blend of the timeline in the Doctor’s head as his time stream now became the events of the last few hours. Meeting his daughter and working with her to get her mother back.
Not bad for a day in the life of a Time Lord.
He began to cry from happiness. For once the universe seemed to be on his side. Just then, the TARDIS located the final rift. A beach in Norway. Normally, he would have to use telepathy to tell Rose and the Doctor where to meet them, but Evelyn was a teenager from the future and he was able to borrow her cell phone. Human thing.
Evelyn got an idea. Her father told her what to do.
They all arrived at the rift at the same time. Both sets of the Doctor and Rose smiled when they realized where they were. Bad Wolf Bay. Of course.
Two perfect blue TARDIS’s, one slightly more dinged up than the other, materialized across from each other. The doors swung open, and Evelyn and a younger Rose both ran out. When they saw each other, it took both of their breath away.
Her daughter was four years younger than this current version of herself, and she looked back at her older self in shock. Rose nodded, smiling, and blew her younger self a kiss. She couldn’t touch her (she remembered the last time she touched her younger self), and the last thing they needed was a paradox, but Rose received the message. It’s going to be amazing.
It really was boggling all of their minds. They were practically twins, 20 year old Rose and her daughter. Except her eyes, which were very clearly the eyes of her favorite Time Lord.
They didn’t speak to each other, and also couldn’t touch, seeing as baby Evelyn was technically here, too. Rose absent-mindedly touched her belly. The Doctor, her Doctor, appeared in the doorway and saw, and his face broke out into a brilliant, brilliant smile. She was home.
She ran, as Evelyn watched in tears, at the perfect reunion of her parents. Her younger, more carefree, head over heels with a baby on the way in love parents. They kissed, he spun her around, and told her those three words he desperately needed to say. She said them back. He spoke to her belly. Evelyn felt her heart soar.
Suddenly, she felt two sets of arms crash into her.
Her parents.
Her older, still mostly carefree, head over heels with a baby on the way in love parents.
She sobbed. They sobbed. It felt like a blur in her mind.
“What were you thinking?!” Rose sighed, cupping her daughter’s face in her hands. “We got so lucky, Ev. But you don’t ever, ever, do that again, do you understand?”
Evelyn nodded. She wrapped her parents in a hug. The Doctor kissed her cheek, and looked over at his younger self with pride. This is what they created. This family.
There was an understanding between them as the younger Doctor held Rose to him; Evelyn no larger than a pea in her belly, and his older self, hugging his nearly full grown version of that same pea sized girl. Time was relative. It was pliable. It was fragile. And this - this incredible and unlikely turn of events, was nothing short of a miracle. And it was something they would all fight tooth and claw for for centuries to come.
Not that the younger Doctor or Rose knew that. But they would soon find out.
The Doctor kissed Rose, smiling into her lips, and walked over to his future family, his eyes asking silent permission from his future self and Rose to do one final thing before he left. They smiled, stepping back, as the Doctor hugged Evelyn.
“See you soon,” he whispered. She hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks as he pulled away.
“The one adventure I can never have, isn’t that what we said?” he asked himself, who grinned.
“Just you wait,” he replied.
The Doctor turned around and closed the door to the TARDIS, his life with Rose beginning.
The other Doctor sighed, wrapping his two favorite beings in the entire universe in his arms and holding them a little closer than he normally did.
I have a surprise for Mum. Evelyn thought. Only the Doctor heard the message and he nodded.
I remember. He said.
Five minutes. Evelyn promised.
Sure enough, five minutes later, they walked into the TARDIS and began to burn up a nearby sun to close the rift. Evelyn bit her lip as she pressed a button on the TARDIS and told her Mum to stand on a very specific spot on the grating. She did.
And when she looked up, she saw her mum. Jackie Tyler.
She was frozen; completely shocked. She looked over at Evelyn who made a gesture with her hands telling her to talk.
“Mum,” Rose said, her tears escaping their homes like wild waters.
“Sweetheart!” she said, “I love you! Where are you?”
“On the TARDIS. I love you, too, Mum. I - I’ve been wanting to tell you that for so long,” she said through her tears. Jackie smiled.
“How long has it been, love?” she asked.
Rose brought the Doctor and Evelyn onto the grating with her, showing them off. Silently showing her it had been quite a while in her timeline.
“Hello Jackie,” the Doctor said, smiling.
“You’re still around, then?” Jackie asked, half joking. He rolled his eyes and smiled, “Who is this?”
“I’m Evelyn. I’m your granddaughter.” She said, gripping her mother’s hand and she supported herself against her husband’s chest. The Doctor kissed Rose’s forehead, and he could feel her relief in her mind. This was better than a picture.
“Well. How bout that,” Jackie said, smiling. It was sad, but it’s also exactly what they both needed. Closure. They had about a minute left, and Rose told her Mum she was expecting another little one soon, and Jackie told her they were doing well in the parallel world. They had Tony, but she missed Rose more than words could describe. Rose said she felt the same, but she was glad they were happy. They said they loved each other again, and then it was over.
The sun was gone.
Rose collapsed on the grate as the Doctor held her, kissing her forehead again and whispering his love to her. Evelyn stood terrified. This backfired, this was not what was supposed to happen. It was supposed to make her happy. She was crying, blaming herself for this, when Rose looked up at her.
“Ev,” she said, smiling, “thank you.”
“W-what?” she asked, kneeling next to mother as she leaned against her father, “You aren’t…. mad?”
“Mad?” Rose asked, smiling brilliantly at her, “That was…the greatest gift. Getting to talk to her. To tell her a proper goodbye. I can’t tell you how much that’s weighed on me,” she whispered, pulling her daughter in for a hug. The Doctor smiled to himself.
“I love you, Mum,” Evelyn whispered, wrapping her arms tightly around her. “Dad. I love you,” She added as he put his arms on top of theirs. They stayed like this for a moment.
Turns out, she had helped after all.
The Doctor stepped back and smiled at them. Then held his hand out and helped Rose up, kissing her. He helped Evelyn up next, and she gave him a puzzled look when he kept his hand out after she was standing.
“Necklace, young lady,” he said. Evelyn smirked.
“Good idea,” she said, handing it to him. They approached the control panel as the Doctor tucked the Time Jumper in his pocket, and grinned wildly at each other.
“Allons-y!” they all shouted as the Doctor hit the lever to their next surprise destination. Time Lord Thing.
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hexbent · 3 years
Playing bodyguard was never Salem’s favorite thing to do, but when Farryn had asked him to keep an eye on her friend because of the suspicious aura that was steadily growing around her bakery, he’d felt it necessary to oblige her request. The white witch had taken him in and tended to his wounds, after all, be them self-inflicted or not, and so he owed her a favor. He was a bitter old cat that harbored more than his fair share of pent-up anger and resentment, but even he was capable of recognizing and appreciating kindness. Besides, he was hopeful that the young woman would be of use to him in the future and he wasn’t in the business of burning bridges.
There was only one customer ahead of him when he’d entered the bakery, Salem’s all-black wardrobe clashing heavily with the light, airy feel of the shop decor. He looked out of place, shopping for cute cupcakes and baked goods in a place like this, but it really hadn’t crossed his mind. He was simply going to place an order, ask a few questions, assess the situation, and then follow up with Farryn with his own opinion. Before he’d even made it to the first step in his plan, however, he was already being halted. His pale, grey-blue gaze fell upon the woman behind the counter as the customer in front of him moved out of his way, the jingle of the bell sounding behind her as she exited the shop with a box of sweets in her hands.
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Salem’s gaze locked onto the beautiful blue eyes that belonged to the familiar face before him, shifting only to trail through the soft maze of dark brown waves that cascaded down over her small shoulders. He felt his chest tighten with a strange feeling, completely foreign to him. It was a bizarre mix of intense sadness, joy, grief and utter disbelief, and he didn’t even know how to begin processing such a thing. It had been so long since he’d seen his darling Evelyn’s face, but he could never forget it. Especially not when it was looking right back at him...
‘Holy FUCK.’ Rosalie commented, finding herself equally as tongue-tied by the striking resemblance. This woman was the spitting image of the woman that Salem had been betrothed to so many years ago.
Without a single word, Salem finally managed to unfreeze himself from his spot in the bakery, turning on his heels and swiftly leaving the shop. He’d returned to Farryn shortly afterwards in the form of a black cat, clearly distraught but with no real explanation to his behavior. It wasn’t until much later that he’d gone back to visit Genevieve for the second time after suffering an intense mental breakdown and recollecting himself. This time, however, he approached her on four paws just as she was closing the store up for the day. He could only hope that she was a cat person, because the thought of having to converse with her was simply unbearable. Physically, he didn’t know if he’d be able to. Even looking at her now made him want to fall to his knees.
He started by meowing to get her attention, allowing her to pet him and even pick him up if she so pleased, and then he followed her all the way to her home with hopes that she would allow him to go inside with her. Incognito wasn’t how he’d expected this mission to go, but he supposed that the mission had changed anyways when the woman that he was supposed to be playing bodyguard for had turned out to look just like his late fiancé.
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