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Because of this woman, I will watch any play I know of, and honestly, every time it feels magical.

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Rhaenys and Meleys
This will be the last time... :(
#rhaenys#rhaenystargaryen#rhaenys targaryen#eve#evebest#eve best#meleys#redqueen#houseofthedragon#house of the dragon#hotd#hotds2#housetargaryen#house targaryen#targaryen#teamblack#team black#highqualitygif
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I haven't seen it anywhere so I did it myself cuz it's living in my head rent free.

#eve best#hotd#house of the dragon#evebest#rhaenys targaryen#stan lees lucky man#anna clayton#photo captures by evebest.org#it's the same picture
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So, a year ago today I sat on the couch unsure what to watch and I came across this show. Thought it would be something easy like the series I watched as a child.
And just as the name of the show, fate hit me when I first saw Eve Best as Farah. Immediately fell in love with her acting and wanted to find out more about her. What other roles she played and what else I could watch with her in it.
Always told myself not to let myself get sucked into the fandom too hard and just be watching some edits with her, but oh well. 😅
No need to say, that plan didn‘t work out AT ALL and my heart crushed multiple times seeing her endings in what feels like everything she did. (Thanks Maryland for healing these wounds 🙏🏼)
So, a year later, here I am, rewatching Fate (again) for this special day, got to know some really lovely girls from around the world just because of Eve and even been able to meet some of them! 🫶🏼 Was so close too meeting her, but filming schedule said no. Not giving up hope though 🤞🏼
Gifs are made by @evebestthinker, love all your works! ♥️ (Hope it‘s okay to repost these for this post)
So thank you Eve fandom for being such a kind and lovely bunch of people! Hope to see more of her soon (and please surviving some roles 🤞🏼)
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#gorgeous#eve best#farah dowling#house of the dragon#rhaenys targaryen#anna clayton#rhaenys velaryon#game of thrones#corlys velaryon#EveBest you are A QUEEN
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Finally! <3
I sincerely apologize to Eve's bees and olive trees (and her hair) for being so excited that HOTD has started filming again.
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#happybirthday #evebest #actress #RhaenysTargaryen #HouseoftheDragon #NurseJackie #AmericanExperience #TheHonourableWoman #TheKingsSpeech #PrimeSuspect #TheFinalAct #SomeoneYouLove #LieWithMe #LuckyMan #FateTheWinxSaga #Maryland #TheCrown #Macbeth #HeddaGabler #MuchAdoAboutNothing
#happybirthday#eve best#actress#rhaenys targaryen#house of the dragon#nurse jackie#american experience#thehonourablewoman#thekingsspeech#prime suspect#thefinalact#someoneyoulove#lie with me#lucky man#fate the winx saga#maryland#the crown#macbeth#hedda gabler#much ado about nothing
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Maryland (Mini-Serie 2023) #SuranneJones #EveBest #StockardChanning #HughQuarshie #GeorgeCostigan #DeanLennoxKelly Mehr auf:
Mini-Serie Jahr: 2023 Genre: Drama Hauptrollen: Suranne Jones, Eve Best, Stockard Channing, Hugh Quarshie, George Costigan, Dean Lennox Kelly, Andrew Knott, Rhiannon Clements, Yasmin Davies, Judy Clifton, Ben Addis, Dave Artus, Morgan Cranton-Jones, Connor Calland … Serienbeschreibung: Die zwei Schwestern Becca (Suranne Jones) und Rosaline (Eve Best) haben sich im Laufe der Jahre…

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【ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン】シーズン2第1話ネタバレ あらすじ解説 愛のある者と愛がない者の格差 感想 House Of The Dragon2-1
【ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン】シーズン2第1話ネタバレ あらすじ解説 愛のある者と愛がない者の格差 感想 House Of The Dragon2-1 クリックしてア��ゾンへ #HouseOfTheDragon #ハウスオブザドラゴン #EmmaDArcy #Targaryen #MattSmith #RhysIfans #SteveToussaint #EveBest
待ちに待った【House Of The Dragon ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン】シーズン2!「ありがたや〜」と見ているとついつい呟いてしまうくらい大好きなアイルランド〜イングランドの昔話のような舞台、セット、衣装、言い回しがお祭り状態なTVシリーズで嬉しくなってしまいます。 皆さんご存知でしょう…こちらの作品は、数々の賞を受賞した【Game Of Thrones ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ】のスピンオフ・ドラマになります。だからこのトラディショナルな雰囲気は当然のことなのですが、その中でもあの作品をただの王冠争奪戦ドラマではなく、より摩訶不思議な世界観にしている1番の要因でもあるダーガリアン家に焦点を当てた壮大なストーリーになっています。 そのシーズン2が放送開始になったので今日は、【ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン】シーズン2のあらすじや解説を致しましょう。 本家の【Game Of…

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#Emma D&039;Arcy#Eve Best#House Of The Dragon#House Of The Dragon recap#House Of The Dragon recap review#House Of The Dragon reviews#House Of The Dragon spoilers#House Of The Dragon story#House Of The Dragon ネタバレ あらすじ 感想#House Of The Dragon あらすじ 感想#House Of The Dragon ネタバレ#Lord Corlys Velaryon:#Matt Smith#Prince Daemon Targaryen:#Princess#Princess Rhaenys Targaryen:#Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen:#Remove term#rhys ifans#Ser Otto Hightower#Steve Toussaint#【ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン】シーズン2第1話ネタバレ あらすじ解説感想 House Of The Dragon2-1#ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン#ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン あらすじ#ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン ネタバレ#ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴンネタバレ
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Where are all the Rhaenys fics y'all????
I've seen nothing and I'm begging to just see a wave of rhaenys x fem readers 😭😭
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Hello everyone! It's me again. Long time no see cuz I haven't space in my head for this. but now I'm here and as I see I'm late to the party XD As always ^^' 'Such a lovely day' was available on youtube and of course I missed it </3 Is there anyone who can save me and know if it's somewhere still available to watch? Also I think that I finished reading all Farah/Reader ffs and because I haven't nothing to read I've started Farah/Bloom. And of course I started (have started?) one of the longest and few days ago I saw that there is no update from 11.2023 ;(((( SEND HELP
#eve best#evebest#farah dowling#such a lovely day#fate the winx saga#ao3 winx:fate hotd farah rhaenys ffs i need more fandom people in my life#ao3#fanfiction#ao#ao3 fanfic#farah x reader#Farah x Bloom
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📸 || Eve Best at the Edinburgh Festival em 2003.
#evebest #edinburghfestival #emilybest #pink
#eve best#farah dowling#house of the dragon#anna clayton#rhaenys targaryen#rhaenys velaryon#game of thrones
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That nose scrunch gets me every time 💜
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