#Eun's backstory
shinmiyovvi · 4 months
Really wanted to draw my usual Codz and TNMN ocs but I got stuck with making my F1 oc which is pretty much eating my brain already
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scarefox · 1 year
Imagine becoming (mainly) legally rich and successful out of spite and for revenge only. 
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poein · 11 months
* @ourcarvedsins … “  you talk in your sleep, ya know.  ”
yeah, he knows. some take it better than others --- but it's almost always mentioned. he's been assured it's never for long, nor is it anything particularly interesting ( if, indeed, they can keep up with what he's saying at all ), but it's still a habit he's been trying to kick. he's tried giving up caffeine after midday ; no smoking after seven pm ; no electronics after nine ; switching meds & changing doses . . . but to little success. there's a clattering from his kitchen, the thud of a toe colliding with something on the floor, a half-swallowed yelp & a strained fuck !, & austin appears, two cups in his hand. " yeah ? " he hands na-eun the cup closest, & takes a seat to sip his own. " did i say anything good ? "
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serendipitous-seven · 7 months
dad!bts series mlist | a serendipitous life
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welcome to my dad!bts series, a world i created with comfort in mind while we see how ot7 navigate through hardship and moments of bliss alongside their families. i started this series on my original blog moon-write, never expecting it to touch readers the way it did; i'm eager to bring it back. this series & my little families are very dear to my heart so i hope you'll treat it with kindess. find a cozy spot & stick around.
disclaimer: this series contains content that may be triggering, including but not limited to, pregnancies, medical emergencies, mental health, and occurrences that are emotional and distressing, please heed content warnings before proceeding. readers are nick-named & written in a female perspective.
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meet the readers | the hyung's wives, the maknae's wives a little bit of insight on each members' partner.
how you met | backstories a look into the members' pasts and how they came to meet their future s/o's.
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↳ reader: bell jeon | offspring: eun jung
before kids;
newborn - toddler years;
childhood years;
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↳ reader: luv kim | offspring: haneul
before kids;
newborn - toddler years;
childhood years;
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↳ reader: chick park | offspring: jiun & jinyeol
before kids;
newborn - toddler years;
childhood years;
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↳ reader: moon kim | offspring: iseul & eunjoo
before kids;
newborn - toddler years;
childhood years;
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↳ reader: sunny jung | offspring: huimang
before kids;
newborn - toddler years;
'i can hear him smile.' | hobi & sunny | family fluff | 1k + you aren't quite sure why hobi is so quiet since returning from tour.
childhood years;
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↳ reader: kitt min | offspring: dae
before kids;
newborn - toddler years;
childhood years;
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↳ reader: hart kim | offspring: gi, yun, & junsu
before kids;
newborn - toddler years;
childhood years;
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This is a work of fiction curated from my own imagination and written as a creative outlet for entertainment purposes only. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
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eunxhan · 8 months
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❝ Despite all the difficulties, I have grown to care about you in a way I never expected to. ❞
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Ꮺ 🗝️ Anon Requested ⨾ OHHMIGOSHSHHHHH HI!! i love your blog so far, and its just so cool!!/srs/gen i was wondering if u could write anything for masky? idk if u do marble hornets but i noticed u write 4 creepypasta!! IF YOU DONT YOU CAN DELETE THIS ASK!!!! if you would like me to be more specific, i was wondering about a male reader who is a proxy..? :3 hi this is the anon that asked for the masky w proxy reader!!! i ws wondering if i could go by 🗝️ anon? SORRY I FORGOT IN THE ASK
Ꮺ Eun Replies ⨾ I love how cheery you are and I appreciate the kind words, I've been trying my best ^^. Ah yes, I do write for Marble Hornets and i was planning on expanding for what fandoms i write in. I did have some errors because of how i wanted Masky to be Canon as much as possible. I apologize if i made him ooc, i barely remember the actual lore. I hope you do enjoy my works.
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Ꮺ Disclaimer — I do not condone this kind of behavior in real life situations. Might be out of character, I apologize it might be random. English is not my main!
Reader & Genre ⨾ MALE!PROXY!reader, can be romantic or platonic.
Words used ⨾ 10,000+ ( 27 headcanons )
Links ⨾ My Navigation and Mandates
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Masky from marble hornets encountered a new male proxy, he would likely react with extreme suspicion and caution.
Masky would have a very strong protective and possessive attachment to the current male he is bonded to, and would view anyone else as an unwelcome intruder and threat.
Masky's reaction would likely be more reserved and guarded towards the new proxy. He would still feel protective and possessive towards the current proxy, He would likely just observe the new proxy's behavior and attitude, and would attempt to get a read on their intentions before deciding what level of caution and suspicion he should have towards them.
He would likely have a more calm and neutral reaction. He would likely still be somewhat suspicious and cautious of the newcomer, but would not likely view them with much aggression or hostility. Masky would likely act cautiously and reserve judgement until he actually got to know the new proxy, and would not likely act aggressively or violently without reason.
Timothy's backstory has made him very guarded and paranoid, making it natural for him to be suspicious and cautious of other people's intentions. However, he has still developed some affection and fondness for the group, feeling somewhat close to them but still keeping some distance and mistrust towards them.
His initial reaction would be one of suspicion and distrust. He would likely sense there is something special, unique or different about this new male, and would feel wary and unsettled by this fact.
However, the new male's personality and friendly interactions would also likely intrigue Timothy and make him feel somewhat attracted to him. Over time, Timothy's suspicions and mistrust would likely lessen, and he would begin to develop an attachment and fondness for the new male. He would likely begin to feel protective and possessive over the new male as well.
If the two were forced to have a first interaction and to work together, it would likely be quite awkward and tense. Masky would likely be very reserved and guarded, and not be very willing to engage in any type of interactions or small talk. The new male proxy would likely find this interaction quite uncomfortable and awkward, and may feel frustrated and irritated at Masky's non-responsiveness and guardedness. This interaction would likely not go too well, with little communication between the two.
Masky might even try to convince the group to not include the new male proxy in their assignments or tasks, but would find it difficult to justify not having them join the group without revealing his true and possessive feelings towards the group. Overall, Masky would likely be quite distant and aloof towards the new male proxy, refusing to engage in any form of small talk or interaction.
If the new male proxy happens to be talkative, this would likely frustrate and irritate Masky even more than having to interact with a new person already would. Masky would likely feel overwhelmed and irritable at the new proxy's attempts at communication and small talk.
Outside, Masky and the new male proxy would probably mostly avoid each other.
Masky would try to keep to himself and not engage with the male proxy unless absolutely necessary. The male would likely find this attitude quite frustrating, feeling pushed away and ignored. Masky only responding to them with minimal replies and refusing to engage in any type of long conversations. The two would likely keep to themselves and avoid interaction with each other unless they had to work together again.
Masky would not trust the new proxy to watch his back or back him up in case of conflict while on missions or outside of them. He would rather stick to himself and rely solely on his own skills and abilities.
Masky would not be inclined to share his thoughts or feelings with the new proxy, seeing them as someone who he only has to work with and does not want to get close to on a personal level.
Little by little, the two would likely become somewhat used to the presence of each other. The new proxy would likely become used to Masky's aloofness and detached nature, and likely learn how to read his subtle cues and body language. Masky would also be somewhat familiarized with the new proxy's talkative and energetic nature, and would learn to anticipate and prepare mentally for the possibility of such interaction. Despite their one-sided conversations, the two would likely become used to each other's presence, though their conversations would still remain largely one-sided.
Masky would likely react with frustration and irritation to the male proxy acting as if he was just any normal person, despite having such a dangerous job under slenderman.
Masky would feel his own importance and role being diminished and not given the respect it deserves, and would probably be upset that the new proxy does not understand or recognize the challenges they face.
Masky would likely act in a dismissive and detached manner towards the new proxy, feeling frustrated and annoyed at his lack of understanding and respect for their situation.
People would likely feel intrigued and perhaps also a bit suspicious of the dynamic between Masky and the new male proxy. The others would likely notice how close Masky is to the male proxy, and would wonder why he is always right behind him or holding onto him in such a possessive manner.
Some would likely joke and make fun of Masky for seemingly needing to watch over and protect the male proxy, while others would feel slightly unnerved by the intensity of his protectiveness. Either way, their dynamic would likely raise some eyebrows and cause some speculations among people.
Masky would likely treat the male with somewhat indifference and detachment, though he would also be very territorial and protective of him, being constantly by his side and acting as his shield in case anyone tries to come near. Masky would likely only interact with the proxy if it was ABSOLUTELY necessary, and even then, he would keep his interactions short and to the point. He would not like forming any kind of friendship with the new male proxy despite having to work with them. He would see the man as just an associate and nothing more.
If the male proxy becomes comfortable around Masky by small things like sleeping on him and being in close physical proximity with him, Masky would likely feel slightly unsettled and uncomfortable. He would not be used to such closeness and familiarity with anyone outside of the core group, and would likely feel awkward and irritated by the man's actions. He would also not like the feelings of jealousy and possessiveness that the male proxy's closeness and intimacy would cause him to feel.
If others grab the new male's attention, Masky would likely show off his behavior by trying to constantly position himself between the male and others. He would likely make it a point to be as close with the male as possible, and would use his body as a shield to block or push away anyone who tries to approach the new male proxy.
Masky would likely try his best to not show it or act too aggressive about it. He would likely just make passive and casual remarks that would signal his frustration without revealing the full extent of his feelings. Some examples: "Oh, you're so popular" or "Everyone seems to be so interested in you".
Masky would likely find it irritating that the new male is not noticing or appreciating his efforts to shield the new male proxy from others. He'll probably start making slightly angrier and more aggressive remarks at the new male proxy, in an attempt to get them to focus their attention on him instead.
Masky and the new male proxy get closer, Masky's behavior towards the new male proxy would shift slightly. Starting to show a bit more warmth and friendliness towards the male proxy, as he starts to trust him more and feel more confident in their relationship.
Masky would also become more protective of the new male proxy and would be more likely to stand up for him or defend him against others. Masky would likely still be somewhat distant and aloof at times but would overall become more caring and considerate towards him.
Masky would also be very uneasy and distrustful if he catches the new male proxy being too friendly with other proxies or people outside the group.
Masky would feel slightly threatened if the new male proxy became close with other members of the group.
Masky and the new male get closer, Masky's behavior towards the new male proxy would shift slightly. He'll start showing a bit more warmth and friendliness towards the new male proxy, as he starts to trust him more and feel more confident in their relationship.
Masky would also become more protective of the male and would be more likely to stand up for him or defend him against others. He likely still be somewhat distant and aloof at times but would overall become more caring and considerate towards him.
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kateknowsdramas · 10 months
What Sweet Home Season 1 got right:
found family banding together to survive
character journeys - both good and bad - we understood what they wanted and what they were fighting for
character deaths that meant something both for their journeys and the story
a study in what it means to be human
What Sweet Home Season 2 got wrong:
threw everything that made season 1 good out the window
barely any of the original cast is in this season
they destroyed Yi Kyung's character
Song Kang who? where? a part of the story what?
what is happening????
characters who have no introduction or backstories making for a cluttered mess of people we're supposed to be invested in
I care about Jin Young's character but just because he's a cutie and we know he's a good guy - no idea about what makes him tick or his background
character deaths of S1 cast that come out of nowhere and serve no real purpose
again...what is going on??? I think there's a plot somewhere buried in there but I couldn't tell you what it is
Eun Yu keeps running around like a crazy person to look for her brother which is...stupid honestly
I don't care about these people at. all.
episodes 6-8 got mildly better but were still an incoherent mess
So, yeah...a huge disappointment, honestly. I really enjoyed season one for everything it was. Season 2 is just ridiculously muddled and doesn't allow the audience to care at all about what's happening. By the end, I got where they were going story-wise but I just don't care about how monsters are created. At least, I think that's what the plot was? It's literally just random things going on that don't tie together or move any kind of story forward. It's just a super weird, jumbled disaster.
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iris-sistibly · 6 months
Okay babes, episode 8 is nothing short of exciting!
📍Hae-in choosing to divorce Hyun-woo so he'd finally be free from all the bullshit her family put him up with, and Hyun-woo deciding to stay at Queens so he could prove his innocence and protect Hae-in. I feel sad that they actually divorced but again, it was necessary for them to "part ways" so they'd find their way back into each other, and I think the next episode will be about them slowly rekindling their romance and hopefully healing from the past. I am anticipating a more beautiful wedding than their first one.
📍Don't get me wrong, I still hate Eun-seong but now I'm becoming more and more interested in his backstory, so this bitch still has some ✨humanity✨ in him, judging from the way he reacted when he found out about Hae-in's illness. Him saving Hae-in from the dog attack when they were kids answered the question why he hates dogs. He's still trash, however I do have a feeling that he will have some character redemption somewhere and will basically help Hae-in find a cure, but we'll never know for sure.
📍Hong Man-dae is the biggest fucking idiot among the Hong family, I'm not saying he deserves what happened to him, I'm saying that he needs to learn the hard way and be slapped with the truth so hard that I want him to come down to his knees and beg his children for forgiveness. As much as I feel sorry for him, he was a terrible father to all of them when they got older...and trusting a fucking shaman? Really?
📍Speaking of which, I am actually glad that the Hong family is now broke af. They need to be humbled big time, especially Hae-in's mom, that bitch is such a poor judge of character. I want her to feel embarrassed and terrible about herself for constantly looking down at Hyun-woo and his family, these are the same people who'd willingly save and help their asses even if it meant getting dragged into this shit hole they dug themselves. Also, I saw a clip of the nosy old ladies who were making fun of her at the salon, I say...DESERVE! I hope she starts to change because honestly, I'm so fed up with her and her bullshit.
📍Soo-cheol maybe immature, but I have to admit that he's a good father. He just wanted his son to experience everything he never did, idk what Da-hye was up to. Maybe it was part of their plans? Perhaps she foresaw how messy it's going to be that's why she chose to run away, we'll never know for sure. I still have faith that she'll choose to do what's right for the sake of her son, after all, Soo-cheol treated her and their baby well.
📍Shout out to Song Joong-ki for his cameo. Hiring Vincenzo as a divorce lawyer is such a Hae-in move 😂
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ppeonppeonhan · 1 year
Korean GLs I'd Watch...
Let's try to manifest a world where some of the biggest Korean actresses were cast in major full-length GL kdramas.
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Esom (Because This Is My First Life) and Lee Da-hee (Search: WWW) play partners and besties, who both fall for their respective suspects for a crime spree against the patriarchy. (Think: Evening the pay gap at a major company; exposing scandals of sexist politicians; and chemically castrating sex offenders). Esom's love interest is Park Eun-bin (Extraordinary Attorney Woo), and Da-hee's love interest is Seo Yea-ji (It's Okay to Not Be Okay). It's a romantic crime thriller.
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Seol In-ah (Business Proposal) plays a new-money rich girl who hires a former old-money rich girl, played by Yoo In-na (Touch Your Heart), to be her personal assistant out of pity, but pretends she doesn't know her backstory. And Yoo helps Seol navigate rich society. Their conflict is that Seol's family bankrupted Yoo's family, and is getting the life Yoo was supposed to have, including the fiancee, the job, and the house. It's a sweet romantic comedy.
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Kim Ji-won (Fight My Way) starts a job at a family law firm and works hard to get one of the partners, played by Son Ye-jin (Crash Landing on You), to be her mentor, but only because she wants her job. She starts off as a frenemie before Ye-Jin's hard edges rub off, and Ji-won develops a crush. Their obstacles are that Ye-Jin is married and in the closet, and Ji-won might be too ambitious to let go of her goals. It's a slow-burn romantic legal drama.
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Park Shin-hye (Heirs & Pinocchio) plays a cold fashion house designer who hires an unlikely candidate to be her muse, played by Moon Ga-young (True Beauty). And what starts off as a toxic relationship blooms into a supportive one. Park Bo-young (Strong Girl Bong-soon) plays her head of design, who befriends Ga-young's bestie-turned-manager, played by Kim Seul-gi (Oh My Ghostess). They're the softer side couple. It's a romantic workplace dramedy.
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Seo Hyun-jin (Why Her?) and Gong Hyo-jin (When the Camellia Blooms) were friends in college, but they had a falling out after a misunderstanding about a guy. They have a tense reunion as adults when Hyo-jin is setting up her nuptials at the wedding hall Hyun-jin manages. It's a slowburn romantic drama.
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Shin Min-a (Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha) plays the wife of a very powerful and abusive man and Hwang Jung-eum (She Was Pretty) plays the maid who is secretly in love with her and helps her escape. They go to Jung-eum's hometown where everyone assumes she's bringing her girlfriend home for the first time, because she didn't have the heart to tell them she got dumped after running away to be with her. Min-a decides to pretend to be the woman to pay her back, and they fall in love. The conflict being when Jung-eum's ex, played by Park Min-young (What's Wrong with Secretary Kim), returns to get her back.
💜 Your move Kdrama world! 💜
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terrence-silver · 5 days
Am I the only one that thinks it weird that they are trying making Kim da eun redeemed like with her backstory and she felt all unsure about kreese teaching which is weird because in s5 she was full on made Tory punched through that stone and dgaf about her afterwards and also stepped on her broken hand and now in s6 they are making her have a sad backstory and making her be like not okay about kreese teaching
I mean we really don’t know anything about her character
Beside that little backstory with the whole her grandfather hitting her with the ruler I think it was a ruler and then choking her because she kicked him because kreese was getting beat up by him
Idk maybe I’m just thinking to much about it but I just seems weird to me how a character that was only here for like one season well two because s6 is like probably about to get a redemption arc
And god they probably make me her like fight terry or kreese something and win to show her redemption eventho realistic terry or John would win completely because Terry and John has been training way before she has
Everyone and their grandma's redeemed in this show by now, so meh.
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shinmiyovvi · 2 years
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💜「Oc Reference Sheet」💜
Finally finished Ji Eun's ref sheet while having a stuffy nose at the moment, anyways our babygirls are here 💖💖💖
Info about her
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kalena-henden · 11 months
Wow. I really enjoyed the first two episodes of Castaway Diva. The teen actors were fantastic setting up the heartbreaking backstory! I was 100% sold. Park Eun Bin shines as a fish out of water. Bringing joy to everyday circumstances and big moments as well as showing grief in her desire to find meaning in her stunted life.
As for the brothers, Woohak is giving total little brother vibes to Bogeol's annoyed responsible big brother vibes. Even though he's supposedly older, Woohak seems like a shadow to Bogeol: wearing matching clothes, working in the same field at the same company, wanting to be like him but also rebel when he feels like it. He's got that carefree baby of the family vibe. Whereas Bogeol seems like he's caring the weight of the world, helping with his family and diligent in his work but not letting himself stand out too much.
This makes sense if Bogeol is really Kiho because he would feel responsible for Mokha being lost at sea. It's interesting that Bogeol only sees a random girl hugging Woohak on the beach from a distance; then it cuts to all of them on the boat ride back. We never saw Bogeol's face when he finally saw her up close and introduced herself as Mokha. This is a huge omission. Bogeol is the one who regularly volunteers for trash cleaning on random deserted islands and knows how many of them exist in Korea. We see that Mokha is eating kimbap on the boat ride off the island. This is the exact meal that Kiho gave Mokha when they were waiting for the ferry ride. Did Bogoel give her the kimbap? While Bogeol cautiously keeps his distance from Mokha, he immediately buys her new shoes when they get off the boat. This hails back to the shoes Kiho gave Mokha when they ran away.
I think the guilt that he (Kiho/Bogeol) failed Mokha is what is making him keep his distance. Along with the fear of his father, not just for himself but for everyone he cares for if his identity is ever revealed that is keeping him from getting close to Mokha. However, Bogeol is also the one to suggest they use Ranjoo as their next variety show subject. It's like he just can't help himself. Deep down he desperately wants to be by Mokha's side.
As for Woohak's memory loss, it was the perfect cover to switch the brothers ages and give Kiho the new name of Bogeol. It wouldn't surprise me if the mother had already changed her name. Given the amount of memories that Kiho had of his mother before she ran away and the relative closeness of the brothers ages, they may not be related by blood. It is also possible that Kiho's dad found their new family and abused Woohak to the point that he was so badly beaten it caused the permanent memory loss. I wouldn't be surprised if their new family is under witness protection so Kiho's dad can't find them again. Man, that's dark.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to Mokha breaking down Bogeol's walls just like she did the first time around and helping Woohak when he discovers why he has memory loss. While the brothers support Mokha as she finally begins her journey to achieve her dreams.
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ranchthoughts · 1 year
The Eight Sense and missing pieces
(this is going to be long. I apologize in advance)
The Eighth Sense, from the cinematography to the narrative, is about what is missing, what isn’t shown, what we don’t see. The whole show feels like peering at the edges of a jigsaw puzzle: the uneven margin of tabs and blanks hinting that there is something missing, a broader picture, just beyond our line of sight.
I’ve talked about this before, but the filming style of The Eighth Sense leaves so much out. The backgrounds of shots are often so blurry we can’t see what is lurking out there, though sometimes we know there is something we are missing out on, something we can’t fully see. Other times, the shots are shaky and tight, leaving pieces we would generally consider important out of frame, like the filming of their ocean kiss in ep. 6.
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And then in the narrative, like @chaoticfandomthot and @asianmade mention in their posts (1, 2), there are so many things we don’t see or know.
There are large parts of Jaewon’s backstory missing to us (and to Jihyun) which are filled in a bit as the show continues, but not all the way. We never see Jaewon’s brother’s accident, or Jaewon’s dad. We don’t see the incident where the camera is broken, just flashes of it smashing on the ground and the aftermath. These are things Jaewon doesn’t even share with his friends - they don’t know about his home life, or his brother’s death, as @lurkingshan points out. Jaewon hides things from the people in his life just as the show hides them from us.
Though, like Jihyun, we the audience get closer than anyone has before. We step into Jaewon’s life, we see his therapist, we catch those occasional flashes like with the camera incident, we watch him open up to Jihyun, and like Jihyun we get many of the pieces of Jaewon and his story he hides from everyone else.
There are other scenes in the story missing from the show too. We never see Jihyun’s accident, or Jihyun in the hospital. We never even really hear what happens. We don’t see Jaewon reuniting with Eun Ji after the accident, or much of their relationship before the first breakup or the second. We do hear about what precipitated their first breakup in a rare moment of explicit explanation, but this comes after much of the show has gone by and we don’t see it, we just hear about it.
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"the hole they left inhabits the narrative more than their presence ever would have" - the show is about what we don't see. It’s about the trauma that haunts Jaewon, his home life, what he hides from others. It’s about Jaewon’s brother, who isn’t in the show except briefly in flashbacks, but has shaped Jaewon’s life and his relationships with others in innumerable ways. It’s about the trauma that Jihyun and Jaewon experience at the beach that isn’t shown, even to the audience.
@respectthepetty writes about how The Eighth Sense is all about tradition: Tae Hyung wants to continue the traditions of their seniors even though it caused him pain, Ae Ri wants to break with traditions she finds are stifling, much of Jaewon’s trauma comes from his family and familial expectations (the death of his brother, his desire to pursue a career in photography, etc.), and so on. But this “tradition” is in many ways curiously missing from the show. We don’t see the forces and people imposing tradition on Jaewon, like his time in the military, or his father, or his home life. We don’t see the club seniors or hazing Tae Hyung references, even in flashbacks. “Tradition” structures the characters and therefore the events of the show, but it is also more of a looming spectre, blurry in the background, just out of frame.
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Half the show we have to piece together - what happened on the beach? Is Jihyun really dead? What happened to the camera? Who did that? Things are missing, told out of order, fragmented... and the cinematography echoes that.
This style of storytelling and filming works so well for the characters. Many people, like @emotionallychargedtowel, have talked about how Jaewon is a survivor of trauma and how that affects how he acts and sees the world. He is depressed, he has been through horrible events, he hides from others - and the narrative and camera work of The Eighth Sense reflects that. The backgrounds are blurry and unfocused, the shots are shaky, the framing shows flashes but not always the full picture, sometimes the chronology of shots is unusual.
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@emotionallychargedtowel and @jjsanguine and many others offer (1, 2) that the filming style of The Eighth Sense, particularly at the end of ep.6 reflects/is caused by Jaewon’s mental state. He has just been through another traumatic event, which greatly resembles the one from his past, so consequently his recollection of events will be blurry, shaky, incomplete. Even the colouring gets darker and greyer. Jaewon’s mental state and emotions are so strong they are altering the form and the filming of the narrative. He is responsible for many of the conspicious absences in the show. We don’t see his brother’s accident or Jihyun’s accident or confrontations with his dad because we can’t - Jaewon can’t or won’t let himself remember them, at least not in their entirety.
The show also feels so queer because of this style. I talked about this in my other post, and @talistheintrovert​ talked about it in this post too, but the way the cinematography is fragmented into close up shots, shaky camera work, montages... the tension of being queer, not knowing if you crush likes you or could ever like you or if them knowing you like them is a threat to your safety, the dream-like safe bubble of two people loving one another amongst the outside world... Being queer, sizing up another person, it’s all about looking closely but not lingering, searching carefully for details that are hidden to most others. Like @jemmo​ says, “queerness can often hide in plain sight” - it’s the things broader society doesn’t see that hold the most significance for queer people. Of course a queer narrative wouldn’t be able to show things clearly, of course they must be hidden and hinted at but never explicitly said, never fully or clearly shown - eyes lingering in the shower, hands held for a moment and then released in the next shot, montages of an evening at the beach together.
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We see the edges of the pieces, and from that we can understand most of the picture. The Eighth Sense is about the holes, the absences, the lingering presences of characters and scenes and moments we don’t see. It is about what isn’t shown explicitly, what the character’s can’t remember clearly, what the characters are avoiding remembering, what the characters hide from themselves and others and even us, the audience. It is about paying attention to what isn’t there and why it isn’t there and how we know what is missing.
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captainjoongki · 6 months
Tell me why I went on SNS and saw people actively shipping Eun-Seong and Hae-In
because the very second a handsome man gets a sad trauma backstory and is in "love" with the FL, people feel the need to adopt him like a stray pet while excusing every fucked up thing he does as true love. like QOT has many grey characters but eunseong is just a freak and the drama presents him as a freak so........no frontal lobe development anywhere.
idek want to know what is going on in their heads, but this is the haein-hyunwoo show only and if you do not like haein-hyunwoo you simply need to leave this is not the place for you!!!!
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unknowablea · 5 months
people wanting a motive for seul hee's tenacity with the hongs......... beloved peers, i fear the answer is quite simple: that's the dumb rich grandpa she managed to hook and she has already spent more than a decade on this con, her reason is sunk cost and it doesn't matter that it's a fallacy. people often complain about the "met as kids" trope, which i'm not particularly fond of either, but when we get a plot that doesn't revolve around an extended backstory it's suddenly weak? everyone wants a female villain but when she's nasty from beginning to end with no good reason then it's too much?
the second thing bothering me is people being mad that eun seong's death was played as kinda sad and... what the hell? it's sad bc he was a victim that ended up perpetuating the cycles of abuse he suffered, i don't feel like they tried to portrait him as the victim but he certainly was a victim at some point and the fact that he chose to victimize other people to such an extreme instead of dealing with his issues is sad.
p.s.: send some love to park sung hoon who did an awesome job as eun seong and is getting hate for it??? his whole demeanor at the wrap up party when he asked people to hate the character and not him?? it broke my heart 😢
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msfbgraves · 3 months
Terry's backstory confuses me.
He's in Vietnam, but with his brains, and the implication that he comes from a wealthy family with his dad's business, why isn't he in a fancy Ivy League college? Or why couldn't his dad buy his way out of the draft, if Terry was drafted in the first place? But then Terry himself subtly implies in the parlor scene that he and his dad might not have the best relationship, so maybe Terry "drafted himself" to prove something to his dad, or his dad didn't care about him potentially dying?
And the other thing: how did Terry get into to special forces in Vietnam, and go on that mission that got Ponytail killed? He seems out of his element in Vietnam, very young and a little dorky and much more naïve and innocent than (the presumably older) Ponytail or Kreese. And physically Terry is still growing, and comes off as very young, 17 or 18 at the very most. (I headcanon his birthday to be 1950/1951).
He doesn't seem to be on the same level as Kreese or Ponytail either physically or mentally. Maybe Terry was chosen for his intelligence?
Only after "the cage" does Terry seem to grow up a bit, but then he's shown to still be under the thumb of his dad in the parlor scene.
The whole thing is a mess to me. That's why I don't care for the scene where Terry tells Kreese about the Sekai Tekai. They both look way too young for the era, and they both still come off a way too nice and normal. It clashes with how we see Kreese just a few years later in KK1, and Terry in KK3. Those are enormous and negative personality changes!
Yes, it is inconsistent writing - UNLESS
All these flashbacks are only through Kreese's eyes. Indeed, the Sekai Taikai scene especially makes no internal sense, except when you consider that Kreese may be an unreliable narrator, even to himself.
He sees himself as a sweet guy to his protegees Da Eun and Johnny. We know from the film that he demonstrably insn't, but that doesn't change his perception of himself. So how he sees Terry, as a scrawny, scared sidekick, has as little to do with reality as anything else. Often, in flashbacks, characters imagine their younger selves or other people as shorter, to symbolise immaturity. Kreese remembers this scrawny boy Twig, the sidekick he saved. But was Terry ever that insecure Twig of a man? Granted, Terry confirms the nickname in Cobra Kai. But this boy in Special Forces, the way Kreese sees him? No way. Did he play a weakling? Certainly could have been a strategy. It worked in the cage, didn't it? Got Kreese to take the fall? If people think you're weak they think you're less of a threat. Why did they shoot Ponytail? He SEEMED the more threatening one. Which gives Terry the element of surprise to work with. He does it in the fight with Chozen too. He seemed beaten, which made Chozen lower his guard - big mistake. He teaches Kenny this. Feign weakness, win. Use the fact people underestimate you as a weapon.
Definitely worked on Kreese!
And yes, why is he even there at 18 (can't have been much older with how young he looked in 1985. I would have never given him 35 there, let alone more than that). Why would anyone let a boy like that join a war that was known to be going poorly, casualty wise? He wasn't drafted. No way. Not with his smarts. He joined.
His father was likely a WW II vet, and if he fought in the Pacific and got his status from there... Terry will fight in Asia too. He clearly knows about the heroes of WWII and he is very jealous of their status and heroes' welcome. None of that for him, and we see that's a big wound. He risked his very life in a war to be like his father, to no avail. And the man likely didn't stop him joining. Terry needed to prove himself worthy in his eyes too, and it didn't work. He still has something to prove to his father after the war. John disdains that, that's why he remembers Terry, again, as a weakling. "I'll go where you lead, Terry"? It's certainly what Kreese expects, but even Kreese becomes aware that this is not how Terry acts now. And John feels that he only needs to pull rank to restore that dynamic, except that it never existed. Terry has always used feigning weakness as a trick, but when Kenny asks him: "What should I do?" He says: "I want you to stop asking me, or anyone, that question." Kreese simply has a warped view of Terry and himself, and Terry has used it against him, likely more than once. And that talent might have well gotten him into those special forces. The talent for trickery. Using the more obvious super soldiers as a smokescreen, even for the enemy. For all we know Terry speaks fluent Vietnamese. It's like the scene in Men In Black: who is the most dangerous foe? Everyone goes for the scary looking aliens, only the smartest one goes for the little girl among all the monsters. Terry is likely there to make them all look like regular draftees, when they're in fact anything but. And if he can make his comrades think he needs protection, he's far more likely to survive.
Indeed, he's the most dangerous one. If he had been forced to fight in the snake pit, he would have tricked his officer, the same way their officer messed with Kreese's head. Indeed that's what command may have seen in "Twig". Kreese simply never saw through it.
Now, in business as a ceo looking a weakling is not an advantage, so Terry changed his image (he does that). But by that point the way Kreese saw him was too deeply entrenched already.
His mistake.
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kateknowsdramas · 10 months
I'm already writing commentaries on Tell Me That You Love Me after Episode 2. I'm already in love with this show,
This scene at the end Episode 1 really tells the audience so much about this couple and what their relationship will be.
At first, the camera angle is such that they look much closer than they are. She begins to communicate in sign language to him. This is incredibly important. While Mo Eun and Jin Woo had a very intense shared experience, she didn't just forget about him. She not only engaged, but she decided that she wasn't going to settle for using the translator app on his phone to talk to him. She literally learns sign language so he doesn't have to feel the responsibility of 'hearing' her.
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And the impact it makes on him is incredible. He's spent his life accommodating others so that they don't feel the weight of trying to communicate with him. He uses notepads to write, his phone to translate - he tries to ensure those around him feel comfortable.
But when she shows up and tells him she's glad to see him, it's such a statement of the type of person she is. She's putting him first. When she saved him in Jeju, she was the only one to go and ensure he was safe. She's literally just a genuinely kind person.
And his smile when she says she's happy to see him again? I mean, come on. It made me so happy and broke my heart at the same time. He's got friends, but he's not honest about his feelings with them. Again, not wanting to be some kind of burden than he already feels he is - which he's absolutely not but he has so much trauma, it's how he copes.
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In most dramas, a couple who meets across the street is staring at each other and the audience is anticipating what will happen when they are able to talk to each other. But with Jin Woo and Mo Eun, they communicate with each other via sign language across this distance.
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So their intimacy can cross a large distance because they communicate differently than others. It's more powerful because they have to see each other in order to engage with each other.
I love that we have two people who are simply just good human beings. I imagine we will get backstory and some good old fashion melodrama but I hope Jin Woo and Mo Eun continue to be solid characters who communicate well.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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