#Ethernet ports
techdriveplay · 15 days
What Makes a Gaming Laptop Stand Out from Regular Laptops?
When it comes to choosing a laptop, many buyers face a crucial decision: should they invest in a gaming laptop or opt for a regular one? Understanding what makes a gaming laptop stand out from regular laptops is essential for making the right choice. Gaming laptops are designed with powerful hardware, unique features, and specific components tailored to provide an unparalleled gaming experience.…
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sylveonellie · 1 month
trans people get gender euphoria from wearing clothes or voice training, but as a trans robot i get gender euphoria from thinking about what kind of I/O ports i would have
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alphabetcompletionist · 8 months
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got the go-ahead from my roommate to finally do the inbox unboxing this wednesday. we're gonna start like half an hour after i wake up and keep going 'til there's nothing left to answer. could be upwards of eight hours even if i'm quick. come join me or don’t, it’s optional. (this post goes up at ~2PM EST if that gives you any idea)
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shinolavolume1 · 3 months
nintendo reallt loves giving their games the most utterly ass netcode imaginable and refusing to change. bc i guess they dont care that most of the world does not live the other town over from you like in japan. im so tired of this company man. i hate when they make good games because that means im stuck playing it on wimpy hardware
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paladincecil · 19 days
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Sometimes, I forget how stupid fast my internet is these days until I need to download something big on my laptop and switch to a wired connection.
10 minutes to download 50gb of monster hunter fun \o/
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arcadequeerz · 2 months
Guess whose laptops fucked up again ^_^
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computercuter · 9 months
Sometimes plugging stuff into bby gets kinda awkward because we do engage in a little bit of port-play (I have no idea if that's an actual term for this or something else but it's what I've taken to calling it) and that does involve tracing around her ports, trying to plug stuff in the wrong way, plugging stuff into the wrong ports, and the tricky thing is that these are also things that just, happen sometimes? Like I'll be struggling to find her usb port and then I'll accidentally try to plug it in the wrong way at first and I'll have to be like '-///- sorry sorry I wasn't trying to engage anything that time ^^; I'm just dumb'
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britcision · 2 years
We are living in a dystopian hell of printers that do not have USB ports (I have done everything except turn them all upside down) that insist they can only scan to computers connected by USB
I have touched every single surface, opened everything that opened, searched with a flashlight, on two different brands of printer
They’re both the liquid refills but otherwise completely unrelated models
There is no USB port
There is no way to scan without a USB port
The Canon printer community’s only response is a question the answer to which is “the printer doesn’t have a USB drive. The USB drive connects the printer to the computer, but there isn’t a USB drive
The boxes for both say “USB not included” and… yeah I can see why, there is not a USB port
I can connect the computer to printer to print, but the scanner will only save to the USB port that does not exist
There is an ethernet port
I cannot find an ethernet to USB connector cable
What. The. Fuck.
How did this fuck up so badly?
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absentmoon · 1 year
going off the grid while i try to figure this router out
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Got my motherboard all set up and shit finally
The ports don't work. I've narrowed down the problem and I think I have to buy a new PSU for my desktop -_-
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newfruits · 9 months
yay yay yay im homeeeee im so glad to be back in my apartment. staying with my family is tough and the house is bad too and then on top of it my brother and dad caught covid. so im very glad to be home and get to chill alone until i go to my partners house on new years eve for a party 🥳🎉
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arkon-z · 2 years
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cultreslut · 1 year
hello i am blogging from my dads old ass laptop
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dark-falz · 1 year
I just wanted to share with u guys since i update yinz the most on it
My mother board broke again LMAO
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
my mom's trying to buy me a new laptop now but like. its so hard to find any laptops that fit my needs that aren't a couple thousand bucks :(
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alteredbeast · 2 years
i really wish laptops had the same degree of customization as desktop computers. what i would give for a laptop that can handle heavy rendering work with as many ports as this decade-old thinkpad i'm using...
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