#Ethan hawke avatars
tplrs · 10 months
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ethan hawke (american actor / b. 1970)
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harleystuff · 2 years
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📷 Ethan Hawke by Charlie Gray
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creatreasurebox · 6 months
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elementary-graph · 1 year
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Credit © Watson if you use ♡
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behindfairytales · 2 years
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Ethan Hawke in The Northman (2022) as King Aurvandill
+10 on the source link
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ethanhoewke · 1 year
and they looked good doing it<3
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myhahnestopinion · 1 year
THE AARONS 2022 - Best Supporting Film Performance
But James Cameron, that’s my emotional support space whale! Here is The Aaron for Best Supporting Performance:
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WINNER: Colin Farrell as The Penguin - The Batman
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Turning the Riddler into a serial killer likely made fans question whether The Batman would have any sense of humor about itself. Then in slides The Penguin to put those fears on ice. Ferrell’s feral performance would be seen as transformative even without the extensive and expressive make-up job from artist Mike Marino and crew. The actor oozes an uneasy charm as the mobster, a demeanor always on the verge of slipping into frightening volatility. When that latent rage is finally unleashed though, it’s in a surprising, show-stealing scene of hysterical exasperation. Farrell finds laughs without forfeiting depth, suggesting that what he unveils of the Penguin here is only the tip of the iceberg.
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Ke Huy Quan as Waymond Wang - Everything Everywhere All at Once
Every bit as delightful on screen as he was decades ago, Quan reminds viewers of Everything why he’s a welcome presence anytime, anywhere.
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Steven Yeun as Ricky Park - Nope
Park should have been Nope’s central character, and Yeun’s skill as the showman of sorrowful stubbornness affirms that opinion.
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Ethan Hawke as The Grabber - The Black Phone
The tremendous terror of The Black Phone hangs on Hawke’s gripping performance as the masked murderer.
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Sigourney Weaver as Kiri - Avatar: The Way of Water
The sprightly actress weaves a layered performance in The Way of Water, convincingly capturing a more youthful spirit.
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Who I write for/Rules;
This is a list of fandoms and characters I write for (some may be missing) and some rules, if you’re curious about a fandom or character please message and I’ll let you know if it’s someone I’ll write for or not! If you’re looking for prompts please search the tag Lokittys prompt list
Please if you’re requesting use some manners, say please and thank don’t demand I write something from you
This blog is for all ages, do not be hostile towards any member of this blog as you will be told to remove yourself immediately and if you don’t I will remove you, hate will not be tolerated this is a safe space regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender/pronouns, disability and such
If you’re wondering about a request you have but you’re worried or confused if I’ll write it or not or you’re just curious please reach out through inbox or asks and I’ll let you know! I write both romantic and plutonic requests for a wide range of characters!
Some things I will NOT write include; teenage pregnancy, smut(or related themes), underage!reader x older characters (these will ALWAYS be plutonic either a parental or sibling relationship). If you’re wondering about anything else just message! 💜
Fate the winx saga
- Saul silva
- Farah Dowling
- Jake
- Neytiri
- Quaritch/ recom Quaritch
- Tony
- Gibbs
- McGee
- Ziva
- Ellie
- Nick
- Jack
Criminal minds
- Hotch
- Rossi
- Derek
- Spencer
- Jj
- Emily
- Garcia
The mentalist
- Patrick Jane
- Castle
- Beckett
Lucifer (Fox)
- Lucifer
- Maze
- Chloe
- Dan
Chicago med
- Will
- Connor
- Ethan
Greys anatomy
- George
- Alex
- Derek
- Mark
- Carlisle
- Esme
Harry Potter
- Sirius
- Remus
- Snape
- Tony
- Clint
- Bruce
- Natasha
- Thor
- Steve
- Loki
- Bucky
- Logan
- Wanda
- Pietro
- Maria
- Phil
- Carol Danvers
BBC Merlin
- Merlin
- Arthur
- Gwaine
- Leon
- Percival
- Lancelot
BBC Sherlock
- Sherlock
- John
- Moriarty
- Lestrade
- Mycroft
Black butler
- Sebastian
- William
- Undertaker
- Claude
- Sam
- Dean
- Castiel
- Gabriel
- Balthazar
- Chuck
- Crawley
- Lucifer
- Jack
The witcher
- Geralt
- Jaskier
Brooklyn nine nine
- Rosa
- Jake
- Amy
The good doctor
- Melendez
- Shaun
- Joey
- Rachel
- Ross
- chandler
- Monica
- Phoebe
Teen wolf
- Derek
- Peter
- Melissa (plutonic only)
- Chris
- Parrish
- Noah (plutonic only)
Doctor who
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- River
- Clara
- Rose
- Amy
- Rory
- Jack
Lord of the rings/the hobbit
- Bilbo
- Legolas
- Thranduil
- Elrond
- Lindir
- Thorin
- Fili
- Kili
- Aragorn
My hero academia
- Aizawa
- Mic
- Dabi
- Hawks
Blue exorcist
- Mephisto
- Amiamon
Demon slayer
- Rengoku
Tokyo ghoul
- Yomo
- Uta
- shizuo
- Vilkas
- Farkas
Ackley bridge
- Mr Evershed
- Mrs Carter (plutonic only)
- Mr Bell
The vampire diaries
- Damon
- Klaus
- Elijah
- Finn
the watcher
- Ryan
- Shane
- bobby
- Buck
- chim
- hen
- Athena
- Maddie
- Eddie
Downton Abbey
- Thomas Barrow
- Anna
- Tom Branson
- Mary
- Sybil
- Edith
- Mrs Hughes (plutonic only)
- Merlin
- Eggsy
- Harry
- Booth
- Brennan (bones)
- Hodgins
- Angela
- Sweets
Buffy the vampire slayer
- Angel
- Giles
The walking dead
- Rick
- Daryl
- Negan
- Glenn
- Rosita
- Carol (plutonic only)
- Gabriel
- Aaron
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cevans-is-classic · 8 months
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18+ only, please. First time, Ethan Hawke as a cult leader, sexual content and language.
My Ethan Hawke list
My Masterlist One and Two
It’s his eyes that keep you calm. 
You hold his gaze as he lowers you to the bed, as he runs his hands over your shoulder, the arms, down to your stomach. A smile ticks from the corner of his mouth and those eyes darken. 
“You are a gift, my dear.” His voice is soft. 
It makes you squirm, and he smiles wider when you do. He takes more time to explore you, his fingers mapping the path of your ribs. His thumb traces along your chest and rolls your nipple between his fingers. 
He’s stripped you bare, left nothing between you and his touch, yet he remains clothed. 
The red linen pants he wears leave goosebumps on your legs. His hips knock your knee and you rub against the soft fabric. 
This feels right. 
For Arthur to have the power while you lay at his mercy. 
You waited for this moment. 
“My Dear.” He returns. 
“I need to, uh, I’ve never-”
He shakes his head, leaning down to kiss your sternum, up your throat, resting his lips on your cheek. “You’ve never been with someone before.” 
You nod. 
“That’s okay. The inexperience does not matter — you being here with me. Allowing me to join you at this moment — it’s more than a man could ask for.” 
You close your eyes hoping he ignores the flush heating your cheeks, “I think I waited — that I didn’t — I think I knew-” You can’t finish the sentence. 
How do you explain that you’ve waited your whole life for this moment without even knowing Arthur existed?
Nothing ever felt right? 
No one mattered to you the way he does? 
You knew it would be him before you even knew him? 
“I believe,” He lifts, moving back to stand before the bed, “That Ammit guided you here. She knew were for me and I for you.” His shirt slides off without a sound. 
Your tongue glued itself to the roof of your mouth. 
There are scars across his skin, some dark while others are silver and fading. One curves his hip, thin and red where it peeks over his pants. 
Arthur follows your gaze. “Being an avatar for Konshu means you experience pain. I gave more than my soul for the god.” 
You blink, “He let you hurt like this?” 
“Konshu cared not what aches his avatar. He knew only that sacrifice I made. Our goddess shows she accepts our sacrifices and returns in kind.” 
You thought of the glass in his shoes and the way it crunches when he walks. This man gives himself in everything he does and still holds a smile and hand for those in need. 
He tilts his head, “Have your fill, my Dear.” He slides his pants down his legs. 
The first time you saw someone nude it’d be an accident. You’d walked into the wrong room at an old friend’s house and saw their brother.
You’d looked for a moment, took in the differences between the two of you then apologized. It’s been years and over time that moment has slipped from your mind into a distant memory. 
This moment will never be a distant memory. 
Seeing Arthur on display — the scars across his body, the line of his torso, and how steady he looks. 
The proof of his attraction. 
Ammit is the goddess that guides us down our path but Arthur?
Arthur is more.
You give him a shaky nod, biting the inside of your cheek and Arthur steps forward, dropping to the bed on his knees before leaning over your body. 
The first touch made you jump, his hand laying soft on your elbow, “My Dear,” his voice is low, soft, sweeping over your body, “No need to be scared.” 
“I’m not scared.” 
Arthur smiles, “Of course not, My Dear.” The press of his chest to yours has you shivering wanting to be even closer. Arthur’s lips trail over your jaw, and your cheek, guiding him to your own lips. 
You melt against him when he pulls you in for a kiss — arms moving to wrap around his neck and hold him close. 
Having Arthur this way? Knowing he’s chosen you of all those who follow Ammit and his hand — fuels a fire inside you. The power that lies beneath the surface, afraid to dive forward. Feeling his tongue fight with yours, his hands gripping you tighter and together, it lights you on fire. 
A gasp is torn from you when his hand tracks a path toward your heat. The spinning turns into a light-headed feeling as he follows his hands with his mouth, “Arthur-”
“This is to help, my dear.” He nips your chest, the curve along your ribs, and over your nipple. His tongue dips into your belly button as he draws closer and your legs shake around him. 
His nose moves through your hair but he pauses, eyes cutting up to look at you, “I believe you’ll enjoy this and I’d love to taste you, but if you do not wish me to-”
“It’s - Its-” Your voice breaks and you flush, “It’s okay. I want it.” 
He nuzzles his nose in your hair again, taking a deep breath before he swipes his tongue along you. 
"Oh my God." You jerk away for a beat, hands flying to his hair but Arthur keeps going. His tongue starts out careful until you settle down. When you start to gasp and squeeze his hair, Arthur changes tactics. 
It's excruciating in the best way. Your body doesn't know if it wants more or less and he seems to know himself. He'll slow down when you gasp and go deeper when you whimper. 
Your hands stay in his hair, scratching his scalp, fingers tightening then loosening. 
It’s overwhelming in the best ways. 
The slide of his finger inside you makes you knock your hips against his mouth. Arthur pulls his head back to shush you when you apologize. His finger is still moving little pushes in that speed up when his tongue joins again. 
There’s a tingle in your thighs, warm, buzzing as it climbs and climbs. It floods over your body and centers you where his tongue licks you open and his finger strokes you. 
“Arthur-” It’s building, building, going higher until you can’t seem to breathe and he doubles his efforts. Moving faster, deeper, closer — his head bobbing between your legs until you squeeze your eyes shut and shout. 
You keep moving with his finger, body twitching as he laps at you and coaxes you back down. 
“Good.” He hums, shifting until he’s leaning over you again. “That was beautiful, My Dear.” 
Your body trembles, your chest rising and falling with rapid breathing and you feel weightless. 
“That was-”
Arthur smiles, “I loved hearing you, the way you cried out my name? It was devastating.” 
You kiss him, rough, drawing him in as a hunger claws through you. Arthur is laughing into the kiss, the hand inside you moves to your hip to steady you. 
You’d absentmindedly pushed him backwards trying to climb over him
That thought stops the kissing, your face burning hot, but Arthur just shakes his head, “Later, Love. For now, for this, I want it to be easy. Safe.” 
He moves his hand to slide his finger back inside you, a second one joining it. “You feel amazing.” 
“Yeah?” You whisper. 
“Is-is it going to hurt?” You close your eyes as embarrassment floods you. “I heard it hurts.” 
Arthur shakes his head, “If I hurt you I’m not doing it correctly, my Dear.”
You looked at him, carefully, worried he’d change his mind, “I was told it hurts.” 
“Hmm.” He pushed his fingers in deeper, making you gasp, “It can, yes, but if done properly you should feel a mild discomfort — then, and hopefully, pleasure.” 
Arthur moves his fingers, opening you up while he kisses your jaw, your neck, back up to your mouth. The feeling was odd at first, a strange fullness that wasn’t full enough. 
You’re not sure how you feel about it — remembering stories you’ve heard of unbearable situations or ordinary first times. 
Your thought process came to a screeching halt when he pulls out and found your clit. 
“Oh.” Arthur broke the kiss to watch you, his fingers starting slow, feeling you out before speeding up.
It’s there again — that tingling feeling. 
Then it stops. 
You groan, shifting against him to get that feeling back. 
Arthur smiles, kissing you again before lifting to his knees, “The next time you fall apart, my Dear, I want it to be with me inside you.” 
His fingers wrap around his cock, his thumb resting over the slit, and you want him. 
Need him. 
Arthur nods once before pulling you closer. At the first press of him, you flinch, fear curling deep in your stomach but slows down. Pressing forward inch by inch until you’re relaxed around him and sighing at the feeling. 
“You’re beautiful.” He whispers then pushes in, filling you up. The heft of him felt immeasurable, different in ways you couldn’t explain.
A quick flash of pain tensed your body, but Arthur stayed gentle. He kept his movement slow, keeping beat with your own body as he fucks into you.
“Are you okay?” He dropped his forehead to rest against yours. 
“Any pain?” A little, but the longer he moves, the more his skin burns hot above yours, and the less you feel it. 
Arthur kisses you, pulling you in, taking your breath away as he moves faster, deeper, his hand holding you closer to him. 
Everything seems to stop and speed up all at once. You feel every movement he makes, he breathes, he sucks in, and the warm slide of him. Your legs tighten around his hip, hands pulling him closer. 
You want to feel him everywhere. 
Arthur shifts, tugs you with him, and fire burns your skin from the inside out. 
“Please-” the word slips out from one kiss to the next. 
He moves his lips to your chin, his hand reaching for your thigh to hold it higher. The angle changes something that sends sparks down your spine, through your fingertips until that tingle builds in your thighs again. 
“Yes.” You moved with him, “Yes, yes, please.” 
It all blends together. Time shifting to the connection between him and you. It feels unreal — explosive — a religion beneath the surface of your skin that etched his name into your heart. 
You know you’re babbling as the tingling feeling builds, and strengthens, your arms tightening around him wanting more, more, more, and Arthur gives it. He gives everything. 
Years ago, you gave your life and your soul to Ammit, but this — this man, this moment — is the true religion that brings you to life. 
The band inside you snaps. 
“Fuck.” Your vision goes gray, ears ringing, the distant feeling of him moving faster, snapping his hips in an uneven rhythm until he lifts to his knees and tilts you upwards. 
You can’t move. Your limbs feel heavy but weightless all at once. All you can do is watch him, the way his mouth falls open and his eyes lose focus, breathe harsh gusts of air. Your eyes follow the sweat that drips from his temples.
“Let go.” You beg. 
Arthur shouts, head thrown back, fingers digging into your hips. 
I’ll give you anything. The thought sneaks into your mind and you know it’s true. 
For Arthur, for this man, devotion is all you know. 
I do hope you enjoy this, dear @ethanhawkelover01
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deathmetalangel · 8 months
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this includes every character i write for and a link to their current personal master lists if i have works out for them (warnings may vary and minors dni)
this is in no particular order of character btw but my favorites will have a neat little asterisk
refer to what i don’t and do write in my separate post. also this is constantly being updated so don’t mind it much. you can always request a character if it’s not listed there’s no harm in asking :)
- marceline*
- princess bubblegum
- marshal lee*
- finn
- fiona
- esdeath*
- tatsumi
- akame
- kurome
- tate langdon*
- violet harmon
- kyle spencer
- nora montgomery
- moira o’hara
- bloodhound (no smut)
- wraith
- wattson
- octane
- loba
- revenant
- lifeline
- valkyrie
- crypto
- jake sulley*
- neytiri
- kiri
- neteyam*
- lo’ak
- aonung
- tsireya
- prince zuko*
- princess azula*
- sokka*
- katara
- aang
- suki
- yue
- ty lee
- mai
- judd birch*
- val bilzerian*
- connie
- mona
- izuku midoriya
- keigo takami
- touya todoroki
- shoto todoroki
- katsuki bakugo
- himeko toga
- tomura shigaraki
- tamaki amajiki
- simon ‘ghost’ riley
- john ‘soap’ mctavish
- könig
- valeria garza*
- alejandro vargas*
- robby keene
- miguel diaz*
- johnny lawrence
- daniel larusso
- tory nichols
- eli ‘hawk’ moskowitz*
- demetri alexopoulos
- zero two
- hiro
- mitsuru*
- ichigo
- misa amane
- light yagami
- l
- tanjiro kamado*
- nezuko kamado
- kyojuro rengoku*
- giyu tomioka*
- shinobu kocho
- sanemi shinazugawa*
- genya shinazugawa*
- zenitsu agatsuma
- inosuke hasibira*
- muichiro tokito
- mitsuri kanroji
- iguro obanai*
- tengen uzui
- alastor* (i fully respect his asexuality so no smut :3 since he’s not canon aro i still write for him)
- angel dust
- charlie morningstar
- vaggie
- loona
- millie
- moxxie
- verosika mayday
- stolas goetia
- barbie wire
- striker
- octavia goetia
- adam*
- lute
- lucifer morningstar*
- rosie
- the vees
- max dennison
- thackery binx
- sarah sanderson
- peter parker
- wanda maximoff
- pietro maximoff*
- tony stark
- natasha romanoff
- k'uk'ulkan*
- killmonger*
- miguel o’hara*
- ray*
- fuckshit
- fourth grade*
- ruben (no smut)
- stevie (no smut)
- jesse white
- sarah fox
- ethan morgan
- benny weir*
- rory keener
- erica jones
- naruto uzumaki
- sasuke uchiha*
- sakura haruno
- minato namikaze
- hinata hyuga
- neji hyuga
- itachi uchiha*
- shisui uchiha*
- kakashi hatake*
- haku yuki
- pain*
- konan
- sasori
- deidara
- arthur morgan*
- sadie adler
- dutch van der lide
- mary linton*
- john marston
- lenny summers
- javier escuella
- mary-beth gaskill
- ethan landry*
- billy loomis
- stu macher
- sydney prescott
- tatum riley
- alex*
- harvey
- haley*
- sam
- abigail
- emily
- shane
- sebastian
- elliott
- maru
- penny
- leah
- din djarin*
- anakin skywalker*
- padme amidala*
- poe dameron
- luke skywalker
- leia skywalker
- ahsoka tano*
- han solo
- bo katan kreze
- charlie conway*
- adam banks*
- guy germaine
- dean portman
- julie gaffney
- connie moreau
- luis mendoza
- conrad fisher*
- steven conklin*
- jeremiah fisher
- belly conklin*
- taylor jewel
- alice cullen
- jasper hale*
- rosalie hale
- edward cullen
- jacob black*
- paul lahote
- leah clearwater
- seth clearwater*
- bella swan
- alec volturi*
- jane volturi
- victoria
48 notes · View notes
mandowifey · 1 year
Character Masterlist.
Note: This list will be updated regularly when I get a new blorbo.
● ● ●
Ethan Hawke:
James Sandin (The Purge)
Russel Millings (Adopt a Highway)
Arthur Harrow (Moon Knight)
Edward Dalton (Daybreakers)
Ellison Oswalt (Sinister)
Albert Shaw/The Grabber (The Black Phone)
Ray Harris (Raymond and Ray)
Ernst Toller (First Reformed)
Lars Nystrom (Stockholm)
● ● ●
The Boys Universe:
William/Billy Butcher
Ben/Soldier Boy
● ● ●
Stephen Lang:
Norman Nordstrom/Blindman (Don't Breathe)
Commander Nathaniel Taylor (Tera Nova)
Colonel Miles Quaritch- Human & Na'vi (Avatar)
John Korver (Gridlocked)
● ● ●
Hamish Linklater:
Father Paul Hill/John Pruitt (Midnight Mass)
John Tyler (Tell Me Your Secrets)
● ● ●
Oscar Isaac:
Santiago "Pope" Garcia (Triple Frontier)
Marc/Steven/Jake (Moon Knight)
Kane Double (Annihilation 2018)
● ● ●
Pedro Pascal:
Din Djarin/Mando (The Mandalorian)
Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
Frankie 'Catfish' Morales (Triple Frontier)
Deiter Bravo (The Bubble)
Javi G (Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Max Phillips (Blood Sucking Bastards)
Maxwell Lord (Wonder Woman 88)
● ● ●
John Krasinski:
Lee Abbott (A Quiet Place)
● ● ●
Patrick Wilson:
Ed Warren (The Conjuring)
Orm Marius (Aquaman)
Josh Lambert (Insidious)
Daniel Dreiberg/Nite Owl (Watchmen)
● ● ●
Jensen Ackles:
Tom Hanniger (My Bloody Valentine)
Soldier Boy (The Boys)
● ● ●
Tony Dalton:
Lalo Salamanca (Better Call Saul)
Jack Duquesne (Hawkeye)
● ● ●
Michael Fassbender:
Erik Lehnsherr (X-Men)
David / Walter (Alien Covenant/Prometheus)
● ● ●
Karl Urban:
Commander Vaako (Riddick)
Billy Butcher (The Boys)
● ● ●
Jon Bernthal:
Frank Castle (The Punisher)
Shane Walsh (The Walking Dead)
● ● ●
Jason Bateman:
Marty Byrd (Ozark)
Michael Bluth (Arrested Development)
● ● ●
Patrick Fabian
Howard Hamlin (Better Call Saul)
Cotton Marcus (The Last Exorcism)
● ● ●
Peter B Parker
Miguel O'Hara
● ● ●
Jake Gyllenhaal
Detective Loki (Prisoners)
Quentin Beck/Mysterio (Spiderman: FFH)
Danny Sharp (Ambulance)
Other Chars (Unsorted)
● ● ●
Soldier 76/Jack
Hanzo Shimada
Genji Shimada
● ● ●
Critical Role (S1)
● ● ●
Baldur's Gate 3
Enver Gortash
Gale Dekarios
Cazador Szarr
● ● ●
Negan Smith (Walking Dead)
Rick Grimes (Walking Dead)
Daryl Dixon (Walking Dead)
Jamie Lannister (Game of Thrones)
Captain Rex (Star Wars)
Boba Fett (Star Wars)
Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill (BCS/BB)
Barry Berkman (Barry HBO)
77 notes · View notes
tplrs · 2 years
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ethan hawke (american actor / b. 1970)
36 notes · View notes
lowkeyrobin · 5 months
characters/people I write for!!
GenLoss! Ranboo
Freddie Badlinu
Niki Nihachu
Karl Jacobs
Foolish Gamers
Charlie Slimecicle
Philza Minecraft (Platonic)
Danny Bixler
Bridget Bixler
Beth Bixler
Ellie Bixler
Kassie Bixler (Platonic)
Stevie (Platonic)
Ruben (Platonic)
Ethan Morgan
Rory Keaner
Sarah Fox
Erica Jones
Trevor Spengler
Phoebe Spengler
Lucky Domingo
Jaeden Martell
Wyatt Oleff
Finn Wolfhard
Caleb McLaughlin
Sadie Sink
Morgan Davies
Aryan Simhadri
Charlie Bushnell
Walker Scobell
Leah Jeffries (platonic only)
JJ Maybank (OBX)
Pope Heyward (OBX)
Kie Cerrara (OBX)
Stanley Barber (IANOWT)
Ziggy Katz (WYFSTW)
Ben Starling (Paper Towns)
Ethan Daley (Euphoria)
Shawn Hunter (Boy Meets World)
Miguel Diaz (Cobra Kai)
Hawk Moskowitz (Cobra Kai)
Demetri Alexopoulos (Cobra Kai)
Elisia Brown (T@gged)
Rowan Fricks (T@gged)
Trevor Askill (T@gged)
Luke Castellan (PJO)
Percy Jackson (PJO) (Platonic)
Grover Underwood (PJO) (Platonic)
Annabeth Chase (PJO) (Platonic)
Nick Nelson (Heartstopper)
Tao Xu (Heartstopper)
Charlie Spring (Heartstopper)
Carl Gallagher (Shameless)
Kidblink (Newsies 1992)
Jack Kelly (Newsies 1992)
David Jacobs (Newsies 1992)
Koby (One Piece LA)
Luffy (One Piece LA)
Nami (One Piece LA)
Neteyam (Avatar)
Lo'ak (Avatar)
Kiri (Avatar)
Spider Socorro (Avatar)
Carl Grimes (TWD)
Ron Anderson (TWD)
Enid Rhee (TWD)
Henry Peletier (TWD)
Bill Kaulitz
Lydia Dixon (TWD)
Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Lucas Sinclair (Stranger Things)
Dustin Henderson (Stranger Things)
Max Mayfield (Stranger Things)
Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)
Tom Kaulitz
Georg Listing
Gustav Schafer
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creatreasurebox · 6 months
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ogradyfilm · 1 year
My Five Favorite Movie Villains of 2022
[The following list contains MAJOR SPOILERS; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]
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De Guiche (Cyrano): A pompous, foppish aristocrat that wields his wealth and influence like a blunt instrument, Ben Mendelsohn’s De Guiche adds a delicious complication to the love triangle that drives Cyrano’s conflict. As far as he’s concerned, romance doesn’t exist; sexual relationships are all about power and control. This philosophy essentially positions him as the witty, strong-willed Roxanne’s antithesis—making his lecherous obsession with her all the more unsettling. His show-stopping song, “What I Deserve”, is a chilling ode to male entitlement and toxic masculinity.
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Namor (Black Panther: Wakanda Forever): Regal. Machiavellian. Sexy as hell. Marvel’s original antihero is as complex and compelling on the big screen as he’s always been on the page: physically imposing yet deviously manipulative, temperamental yet sensitive, vindictive yet honorable. While he favors shock and awe tactics, absolutely devastating Wakanda’s forces in every skirmish, the leader of Talokan is also a cunning strategist and shrewd diplomat; even his eventual “defeat” ultimately benefits his empire—exactly as he orchestrated.
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Miles Quaritch (Avatar: The Way of Water): Gleefully sadistic and unabashedly egomaniacal, the resurrected Colonel Miles Quaritch is machismo and bravado incarnate—a brutish jarhead with delusions of grandeur. His quest to avenge his own death at the hands of Jake Sully and Neytiri is motivated primarily by wounded pride; indeed, when he learns that his hated foe managed to tame his flying mount without the aid of sedatives, he becomes determined to mimic the feat—an act of petty one-upmanship that reveals everything the audience needs to know about his character.
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AJ Gilbride (Barbarian): What makes Justin Long’s unrepentant rapist so disturbing is that there’s nothing especially remarkable about his particular brand of evil; he’s simply an enormous douchebag, selfish and utterly devoid of empathy. Worst of all, he’s completely self-aware, frequently apologizing for his morally repugnant behavior and promising to change his wicked ways. Whenever an opportunity for redemption arises, however, he consistently rejects it—which makes his grisly, gory demise delightfully cathartic.
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Miles Bron (Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery): The killer at the center of Benoit Blanc’s latest murder mystery could easily have been a shallow sendup of Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Steve Jobs; fortunately, Rian Johnson’s sharp script and Edward Norton’s savvy performance elevate the otherwise broad caricature. This New Age tech bro may be the dimmest bulb in any given room, but he’s charming, charismatic, and confident enough to inspire loyalty and obedience among his followers and hangers-on. He’s the personification of capitalism gone awry, living proof that you don’t need to be intelligent or industrious to become a billionaire—just conniving, manipulative, and ruthlessly pragmatic.
Honorable Mentions
Magenta (Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero): A scathing parody of author Akira Toriyama’s experiences with editorial interference—and a hilariously ineffectual antagonist to boot.
Corey Cunningham (Halloween Ends): A meditation on the cyclical, self-perpetuating nature of alienation and violence; this unjustly persecuted youth’s gradual corruption is heartbreakingly tragic.
The Grabber (The Black Phone): The perfect marriage between an iconic design (courtesy of Tom Savini) and a captivating performance (courtesy of Ethan Hawke); leaves an indelible impression with minimal screen time.
The Podestá (Pinocchio): The model conformist—unwaveringly jingoistic, mindlessly subservient, and incapable of independent thought. He'd be pitiful... were he not such an abusive, tyrannical, fascist piece of trash.
Colonel Tom Parker (Elvis): This Mephistophelian trickster enriches the rather predictable biopic surrounding him; I don’t know what the hell Tom Hanks is smoking nowadays, but it is imperative that Hollywood keeps him supplied.
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ethanhoewke · 1 year
I'll be posting ethan, slashers and avatar edits there😊
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