#Estimated time of completion
Unnecessary cellphones
Unnecessary communications devices
Reprogramming backlogs
Estimated time of completion
Return on investment
Devices too full of information related to devices' locations to perform additional functions
Devices too full of information to perform additional functions
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glass-warehouse · 8 months
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ok ok almost done. this baby is almost 9,000 words long btw
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nehezt · 9 months
What are the intervals when you release episodes, I can't wait!
Usually a chapter takes a month/a month and a half to make.
However these are estimates for the chapters in act 1, that had 32 pages maximum. From now on, in act 2, the chapters will get longer, with the next one (chapter 9) totaling 39 pages. Chapter 11 is 41 pages long. Will I still be able to make it in the same amount of time? I don't know. Hopefully! But I don't know.
If I can make it on the same amount of time, it should be out in the end of January or beggining of February. I frequently take a lot longer than I think I will though, maybe I get caught up on a particular environment (even the small ones that readers don't pay attention to take me hours) or maybe the character lighting takes longer. Chapter 8 was only 24 or so pages but the medical research and the specific aspects of the surgery took at least a week to settle, on top of the several hours I spent trying (and failing, I imagine) to draw the surgery scene correctly, on top of me having to completely re-do the paneling from scratch because of a decision I made in regards to where Tai Lung's character was going.
Anyways, sorry for this long answer to what is a very simple question, but the actual answer is: I don't know! I want to do it in a month, but I very frequently run into things that turn out to be complicated. Art's hard!
Overall, my biggest goals are to: 1) Be happy with the work I put out. I want a comic that will still be readable 5 or maybe 10 years from now. I want to look back and know I did the best I could with the abilities I have today and 2) Not allow myself to be burnt out. Getting burned out is quite literally the worst case scenario here, as I would associate this comic with negative feelings, which I don't want to do for obvious reasons.
I hope it doesn't feel like I'm scolding you! It's fine to ask, but I guess all this has been swirling in my brain lately. I won't rush updates and I won't stress myself too much about setting specific dates to release chapters. All I can give are estimates, in this case, if it all goes to plan: late January, early February. But don't trust this too much!
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thenothlng · 9 months
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i hope its us in the end detail shots below the cut.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
When ya'll told me I was crazy for saying s5 is gonna take up to a year to film and so I stayed quiet, but now it's low-key being confirmed:
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#byler#stranger things#i tried to tell you guys#even if they could finish filming it all in 7 months#they still aren't able to because of scheduling conflicts with the cast#if this was s1 and they had mostly unknown actors#they could get it done quicker#the problem is they're all a/b-listers now#meaning they are high in demand#meaning that they all have to negotiate and plan their scheduling so that they are able to film everything#this means that some actors could be unavailable to film a few months out of the total months allowed for filming#meaning that adding on a few extra months is going to accommodate a lot of those conflicts#and that's not even including unforeseen delays#more often than not they will take longer than they estimate bc it just happens#so if they said it would be early 2024 that filming would be complete#you could hope it's Jan 1st#but it's more likely to be April#and then even in that scenario you might as well shoot for May/June#the good news is that time goes by a lot fucking faster than we realize#and by the time filming is done early/mid 2024#they'll have a good 8+ months to do post production#i do think that it's likely March 21st 2025 is a big possibility after this new atlanta extra posting#that would mean filming ending in june/july 2024#and then i'd imagine they would be able to have it done by like January if they really wanted to#but why do that when they can get another 2 months of wiggle room and less sleepless nights with a March release#that release date would also be them acknowledging Will's birthday which is likely to be explored right away at the start of s5#march 21st would allow them to re-contextualize stuff from 4x01 that wasn't brought to light...#who knows for certain though!#we could see a vol 1 in late 2024 if they want to roll it out asap#but i just don't think they want to
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puppyeared · 9 months
40, 8?
40: any bad habits?
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8: any reoccurring dreams?
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send me a number!! 💌
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vyunok-obyknovenniy · 11 months
A little analysis of this part in the Odyssey:
Reading time: ~10 minutes
Book 23, The Great Rooted Bed, Fagles' tr-n There he sat, leaning against the great central column, eyes fixed on the ground, waiting, poised for whatever words his hardy wife might say when she caught sight of him. A long while she sat in silence … numbing wonder filled her heart as her eyes explored his face. One moment he seemed … Odysseus, to the life— the next, no, he was not the man she knew, a huddled mass of rags was all she saw.
“Oh mother,” Telemachus reproached her, “cruel mother, you with your hard heart! Why do you spurn my father so—why don’t you sit beside him, engage him, ask him questions? What other wife could have a spirit so unbending? Holding back from her husband, home at last for her after bearing twenty years of brutal struggle— your heart was always harder than a rock!” “My child,” Penelope, well-aware, explained, “I’m stunned with wonder, powerless. Cannot speak to him, ask him questions, look him in the eyes … But if he is truly Odysseus, home at last, make no mistake: we two will know each other, even better— we two have secret signs, known to us both but hidden from the world.”
Odysseus, long-enduring, broke into a smile and turned to his son with pointed, winging words: “Leave your mother here in the hall to test me as she will. She soon will know me better. Now because I am filthy, wear such grimy rags, she spurns me—your mother still can’t bring herself to believe I am her husband.<...>
Telemachus is a precious baby, we've established that.
But he does act a bit like a brat with Penelope a couple times. Of course I don't think that any of that is malicious or that he doesn't love her, but he's still being a bit of a brat.
They both suffered, their pain was similar, but also very different, their experiences and the way they processed it were different as well.
Moreover, at this moment Telemachus has already spent some time with Odysseus. They already had their meeting/reunion and they already cried it out (to an extent. I'm sure there's more crying they'll do afterwards). They even had a father-son bonding activity (a.k.a. the slaughter of the suitors). Telemachus got to know his father at least a little bit over the past couple of days and at this point he processed and accepted the idea of Odysseus being back.
Penelope, on the other hand, was told about it just a moment ago. She can't immediately go "oh, you're saying Odysseus is back? Wonderful, let me greet him", no. Odysseus wasn't away on a short hunting trip or something, he was away for two whole decades, half of that time he was pretty much thought to be dead by most people (the first half wasn't that much better, as he could've still died any time during the war, but at least he wasn't lost, Penelope knew where he was).
Now she needs time to wrap her head around what is happening. We even see her thoughts as she goes to meet Odysseus:
Penelope started down from her lofty room, her heart in turmoil, torn … should she keep her distance, probe her husband? Or rush up to the man at once and kiss his head and cling to both his hands?
She wants to reunite with him, she wants this to be true, but she can't be sure of anything now. They have been apar for longer than they knew each other. Does he still love her like he used to? Is he the man she loved? Is it even the real Odysseus in the first place? She needs to process everything, as well as confirm all the information herself, and Telemachus, at least at this moment, doesn't comprehend that. He's acting quite immature, scolding his mother for not immediately believing and accepting that Odysseus is back.
This is a very interesting detail. First it once again shows us that Telemachus still lacks a lot of maturity, despite having been on his coming of age trip. He's still very young.
Yes, he definitely grew a lot in that short time, but it would've been impossible for him to learn everything at once, he still has a lot of that immaturity left in him, there's still a lot of room to grow and that's completely understandable. We, as people, grow for our whole lives and Tele is doing remarkably well, especially considering his circumstances.
Another interesting thing about this part is that it shows Telemachus', perhaps a bit childish, impatience. He is a kid, who finally met his dad (and his biggest hero), he knows that his mother was suffering and grieving for pretty much his whole life (with things getting a lot worse over the past decade). From Telemachus' perspective Odysseus' return is supposed to solve all their problems, especially since their biggest problem, a.k.a. the suitors, was just taken care of and it wouldn't have happened without Odysseus.
Telemachus just wants a happy family. His dad is back and seems to love him, the suitors are gone, now his parents should reunite, his mother will stop grieving and everything will be perfect. This is something he dreamt of his whole life and it's finally so close, but his mother doesn't immediately believe him. She doesn't immediately accept Odysseus and Telemachus doesn't understand why. He is too preoccupied with wanting things finally to be okay, that he doesn't take time to think about what Penelope must be feeling. It doesn't even occur to him. Perhaps it's also partially the need to be believed and listened to, which is also something he lacked growing up around suitors and being treated as a child, but I'm not diving into that right now.
Odysseus, on the other hand, understands what's going on. He assures his son, that everything will be okay. He pretty much does a more adult version of "mom and dad will take care of this, you go play for a bit". Odysseus understands Penelope's reaction and goes from there. Of course he wants to be in her embrace as soon as possible, but considering everything she has been through, he definitely can't just suddenly grab her and do what he wants. This is his dearly beloved wife and he wants her to take on that role voluntarily, like she did before, he wants her to accept him as her dear husband, like she did before, and for that he has to let her do it at her own pace. He tries to meet her where she's at, to do this reunion on her terms, to assure her, that he is, who he says he is and who others tell her he is.
This is just so amazing and I love their relationship so much (T▿T)♡
I also love Penelope's reaction to Telemachus' words. She doesn't react negatively, she is remarkably calm and part of it is probably the shock from what's happening, but still, she is "well-aware". I think that she knows Telemachus really well, because even though he has surprised her with how much he matured, he's still the same boy, he's still her kid. She most likely understands where Telemachus' outburst is coming from and doesn't get angry, doesn't scold him for his impatience, she reassures him. She lets him know, that he doesn't need to be scared of things falling apart and that she isn't looking to reject Odysseus. She's looking for Odysseus and she hopes she can find him in that familiar and strange man before her. She just needs time, but she will be taking the effort to search for what she's looking for, now that she has a way (she wouldn't have been able to go searching for Odysseus at sea, but now he's, supposedly, right here and she will handle it like the queen that she is).
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designernishiki · 1 year
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noticed that the ps app now shows how many hours you’ve spent on a game if youve recently played it and uh. im clearly very normal about yakuza 0
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0xcoffeex0 · 5 months
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I remember I attempted to make an estimated calculation on when Fire Spirit was gonna be released, I got the date of June 14th ( of this year ) and I hope I’m right if I’m not i won’t be surprised 💀💀
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kahin · 11 months
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[ID: My side-view portrait of a brown person with long black hair, staring at the viewer blankly. The background is white, and my signature is placed on their shoulder, and it reads, "ميكائيل" (Michael in Arabic). end ID.]
Reference photo under the cut
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[ID: the reference photo used. The model shown is a brown person with long black hair and wearing large gold heart earrings with fish hook-ons. They stare blankly at the viewer. end ID.]
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prolibytherium · 7 months
Wild how I can whiplash between extremes of writing like 10k words in a couple days and 'well it's been 3 hours and I have completed a single sentence'
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lacomandante · 8 months
We had a power outage for almost 30 hours and I ended up just writing letters by candle light and reading by the fire. And I will say I have changed my mind about Sharpe's Rifles now that I've finished it: I actually thoroughly enjoyed it, and it's probably one of my favorite Sharpe books. Yes, there's a Teresa shaped hole in it, but even past that I loved the character development, I love how detailed it is, the action is really good, and Vivar is more interesting, I think, than we get in the films. My favorite bit was definitely the end because it throws you for a loop and has a surprise reveal that even shocked me bc I hadn't put two and two together which I really liked- it showed off Sharpe's cleverness and, though he struggled, his ability to lead men and go above and beyond to get the job done. I honestly think I like it more than Eagle, because Sharpe's already established as a good officer in that one, having earned the respect of his men, versus Rifles where there's danger on all sides and you get to see how he earned that respect. Plus I'm a sucker for partisans so I like seeing how Sharpe interacts with his environment and around others outside of the military.
Now I'm just waiting impatiently on the local bookstore to find their copies of Havoc, Fury, and Battle, and I can continue!
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wilting-fl0wer · 4 months
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been cooking up some Mia lore, i'm not anywhere near finished yet so have this meme i made in less than 2 minutes in the meanwhile
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and a lil sneak peek too
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calista-222 · 1 year
Hi! I know you said you had some ideas about part 2 of the rottmnt comic, and that you might not bc of your teeth stuff, but could you maybe let me know if you’ve stopped completely or planning to continue. It would be rlly helpful and it’s completely understandable if you don’t want to continue I’m just a sucker for rottmnt things that all heehheee! Anyway hope you can reply it would help a lot! :)
I have started part 2 but finishing it is the hardest part dsvgdf
The teeth stuff is still a problem, (I could only get an appointment for the wisdom teeth surgery in DECEMBER, so until then, ow), I'm managing to draw a bit though but I can't really control what I'm able to focus on :'), part two is still in my mind and I currently don't plan to give up on it, but it will probably take a while longer...
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peridots-pixiwolf · 1 year
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[Start ID. An ULTRAKILL screenshot of the end of level P-1: Soul Survivor, on standard difficulty. The screen displays that OP took 3 minutes and 5.18 seconds to complete it, got the required two kills, and ended with 9648 style points, not dying a single time. In other words, it's a perfect P-rank. End ID]
easy boss
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wheucto · 1 year
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the entirety of BFDI so far is 16:10:39 (hours, minutes, seconds). assuming the average sleep time is 8 hours, then that's a little more than typical waking hours
#wheucto#wheucto speaks#binging the entirety of BFDI in one sitting (from BFDI 1a to TPOT 6) is. possible. but barely#unless you like. stay up a long time_ later on this is just. going to be impossible#that is if you want to stay healthy sleep schedule-wise#and so far we only have 6 TPOT episodes. considering we have 35 (i think) contestants_ 2 contestants eliminated#if that stays true until. uhhhh. let's say an avg of 3 members per team for merge (or first merge)#3 * 6 = 18#that's almost half of 35. so it would take 17 or 18 episodes to get there if. i'm right which is unlikely#now if 1 contestant is eliminated after 1st merge that would take 15 for final three 16 for final two#if the same stays true (until final four/two) then it'd be 7ish for final four/three or 8 for final two#17 + 7 + 1 for the smallest estimate. that's 25.#each episode is about 25 minutes (assuming trends stay the same) so it'd be 625 minutes more (or 10 hours 25 minutes)#that is_ assuming that 1. tpot doesn't get canceled 2. 1st merge will happen when teams have 3 contestants avg#we'll need to wait about... 3 to 5 years (if the show gets completed) to see how many episodes (and how long they are) there'll be#(since assuming each episode comes in a month + half times that by 25 for a little over 3 years as the lower estimate and 5 as just. a vibe#- based guess)#if 625 mins is correct then it'd be over 26 hours long also known as more than a day. so. binge-watching all of bfdi is probably impossible#- when it all gets completed (assuming there isnt ANOTHER season after tpot. and who knows?)
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