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jor40 · 2 years ago
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Hoy se cumplen tres años del inicio del confinamiento por la crisis de la COVID-19. Un 14 de marzo el mundo y la vida se detuvieron abruptamente y ya nada volvió a ser igual; calles, fiestas, trabajo, todo se paró para combatir el virus, salvar vidas y nos encerraron en casa durante tres meses, nos quitaron la libertad en para “preservar” nuestra Salud y aún hoy nadie nos ha dicho la verdad del origen de la pandemia, bueno sí, nos la imaginamos pero preferimos mirar para otro lado. Espero no volver a vivir una experiencia como esta. ////////////////////////////////// Today marks the three-year anniversary of the start of the confinement due to the COVID-19 crisis. On March 14, the world and life stopped abruptly and nothing was the same again; streets, parties, work, everything stopped to fight the virus, save lives and they locked us up at home for three months, they took away our freedom in order to "preserve" our Health and even today no one has told us the truth about the origin of the pandemic , well yes, we imagine it but we prefer to look the other way. I hope I never have an experience like this again. #covid_19 #14march #2020 #estadodealarma #valencia #comunitatvalenciana #españa 🇪🇸 #gay #lgtb 🏳️‍🌈#gayman #gaymen #gaybear #gayboy #gaylife #gaylifestyle #gayspain🇪🇸 #gaylatino #pride 🌈#pride2022 🏳️‍🌈 #pridemonth 🏳️‍🌈#free #libre #libertad #orgullo #orgullomadrid (en Valencia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpxfiVIDTlA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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elkoko · 4 years ago
Preparándonos para la vuelta a la normalidad.
#Viñeta en @el.estafador
#Tinder #finestadodealarma📣 #humorgráfico
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bea214 · 5 years ago
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ponytailwke · 5 years ago
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Rojo sangre, paaasióoon!!, rojo puuutón!! 💄♥️. #laveneno. . Hoy estrenaban la serie de #veneno, ¿la habéis visto ya?, yo estoy deseando, y también que no me petéis internet 😬😂. . . . . #quedateencasa #mequedoencasa #covid19españa #yomequedoencasa #estadodealarma #yoelijoserresponsable #frenarlacurva #photography #nikonphotography #portrait https://www.instagram.com/p/B-VCSfOnaho/?igshid=1oi4f5p9j9d8j
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naimedsayarba · 5 years ago
Distancia social, al acoso policial.
N.S. 18.04.20
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chiemalaga · 5 years ago
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#strawberrymoon #満月 #lunallena #costadelsol * Alquirer un apartamento turístico para #vacaciones en #Fuengirola, 10 min. a la #playa por pie.Disponibilidad Jun.-Sep.2020. 2 dom. 2 baño, Terraza, piscinas y aparcamiento, max 4 personas↓ https://www.airbnb.jp/rooms/35702000?s=67&shared_item_type=1&sharer_id=14413587 * #gospain #malaga #españa #airbnb #costadelsol #holiday #holidayinspain #travelspain #fuengirola #coronavirus #vacaciones #nuevanormalidad #viaje #estadodealarma #salud #newnormality #cielo #sky #photo #playa #benalmádena #fase3 (Fuengirola, Málaga, Andalucía) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEQoKNHjfz/?igshid=hx0lu24gcvei
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bryonysimcox · 5 years ago
Cutting, calling, sticking, sitting, subtitling: Week 15, Spain
With future certainty and concrete plans nowhere in sight, this week’s blog post is in praise of the mundane. Seven days of everyday life.
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When prepping for this blog entry, I started panicking. What’s the overarching message? The big-picture mood of the week or the lesson I’ve learnt? Well this week, there isn’t one. It’s been seven days of everyday life and I reckon that’s worth celebrating too.
We’ve been pitching for some exciting work this week.
I can’t talk about the specifics, but it’s heartening to be actually planning and quoting for real-life projects that could bring in real-life money and real-life experience. We pretty much work on Broaden as a full-time venture anyway (regardless of if it makes us money), so when prospective clients reach out to Broaden to ask us to do more of what we love, then that’s a bonus.
I guess that’s the beauty of filmmaking, it’s so broad and its potential is so great that it can be valuable for a whole lot of people. I also think in the coming ‘new normal’ as countries, cities and communities come to adapt life around Covid-19, that the role of video and online streaming will shift, and perhaps become a more central element in our lives.
I’ve also been working away at editing the video we started filming last week about Economics for a more just and equitable world. It’s starting to take shape, though there is a lot of refinement needed (I’ve cut 150 minutes down to 30 minutes but still have a fair way to go!). Working on this video is also bringing about a newfound challenge of how we make videos like this visually stimulating, when they predominantly feature digital interviews and we can’t film footage out and about due to lockdown. It’s forcing us to get more creative with motion graphics, which is no bad thing.
In what is the culmination of a longstanding project, we also interviewed Rich Evans about The Foundations in New South Wales this week.
‘The Foundations’ is a truly extraordinary project/place in Portland, a tiny town about two-hours inland from Sydney. I first discovered the project when I worked in Australia, and the company I worked for, RobertsDay, was involved in a masterplanning process. Portland was established around a cementworks which went on to not only be the driving economic force behind the town, but also the backbone of the community. It was a source of civic pride (cement from Portland famously went to Sydney amid the building boom, coining it the phrase ‘The Town That Built Sydney’), and also helped establish social infrastructure like the swimming pool that is still a celebrated destination in the little town today. Sadly, as the cementworks decreased in scale and eventually closed in the nineties, it had a huge impact on the town.
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(images) Scenes from January 2019 when we started filming at The Foundations, Portland NSW.
Back at RobertsDay, I had the pleasure of working on the masterplan and placemaking work for the next chapter of the cementworks, and I immediately fell in love with the place. Not only was it this incredible place of industrial heritage, but the owners actually wanted to transform the site into something really special - a tourist destination, an asset to the community, and a revitalised part of the town. From its current state - fenced-off, closed, and perhaps even an eyesore, the owners wanted to introduce artwork, markets, community gardens, museum collections, fishing and camping, weddings, concerts and a whole host of other things.
It was obvious that there was a story about The Foundations that deserved to be told, and so in January 2019 George and I spent a weekend there, filming local residents, business owners, and the wonderful Rich Evans, ‘Chief Reactivation Officer’ from The Foundations. This was before we’d even launched Broaden, but we were passionate to use filmmaking to document the transformation that was taking place there. However, over the course of 2019, other things took centre stage in our lives and we never got around to editing the final film.
And so, in lockdown here in Spain, we decided it was finally time to close off this story. Just this week,we called Rich over Zoom and asked him all about how things have progressed since we last visited Portland. Rich is a larger-than-life character who had so much good stuff to report (an artist in residence, growing market attendee numbers, new custom-designed public furniture, and the renovation of a central historic building which involved the removal of 1000s of bees!).
In a strange way, I’d originally thought of this hiatus as a weakness for our film, but it now has added another facet to the story: giving Rich a chance to reflect on progress at The Foundations and show viewers how much is possible in the space of a year.
Making collages serves as respite for the mind.
I return to my collage practice as a meditative practice, and a restorative one too. It’s something I do when I want to clear my mind, and use a different part of my brain from the video-editing-zoom-calling-analytical-planning side of my brain.
That said, the last few paper collages I’ve made have felt like a bit of struggle, and I’ve felt rather uninspired. The collages are never meant to be a forced thing, but instead something visceral and playful, but in recent times they’d stopped being that.
Until this week! This week, inspired to make a collage for my mum’s birthday, I started getting my boxes of magazines and compiled sheets out, stuck my ‘Making Collage’ playlist on, and somehow just found my groove. Shapes and forms shouted out to me, and I was more preoccupied with the mood of the pieces than perfection and precision. I was drawn to more ambiguous textures and the way that they could be layered, and what started as one collage ended up being a series of three (the other two of which I’ll later publish this week).
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(image) The collage I made for my mum’s birthday, ‘Flirtatious Textures’.
Whilst I’ve feel as though I’ve found my swing with collage-making again (and have been also considering embarking on some critical writing about my creative process using academic texts for reference), this week I had a piece rejected. I’d made it to enter into a competition, and when the rejection email landed in my inbox this week, the usual heart-racing pangs of inadequacy entered my mind. Not only had I lost money on the entry fee, but my work was ‘unwanted’. I’ve spent some time facing those demons these last couple of days and reminding myself that I make my work for ME.
So if that’s the cutting and sticking, and the zoom interviews were the calling, what’s the sitting and subtitling this week’s post refers to?
We’ve been doing a lot of sitting. Sitting and staring, sitting and watching the sun set, sitting and reading books, sitting and checking Instagram, sitting and feeling guilt for sitting, sitting and swatting mosquitoes away (it’s rather hot all of a sudden), sitting and eating crisps, sitting and calling friends, sitting and laughing, smiling, frowning, thinking.
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(images, left to right) Everyday scenes from the cottage, cutting and sticking, and a lot of sitting (as demonstrated by George!)
It feels totally bonkers that as we face a global health pandemic, all I’m drawn to do (or able to do) is sit. And George and I have certainly discussed the guilt, lack of motivation, boredom and soul-searching that’s grown (and comes along with sitting!) in recent weeks. I’m not sure if there’s some grand benefit to all this sitting, but it has called for the enjoyment of many a good book, and also a good phonecall.
One of the most joyful moments (spent sitting!) this week was surely the video call I had for my Granny’s 80th birthday, between my mum, my brother, my aunt and my Granny herself. There were laughs and cheers, ridiculous filters used and lots of talk of birthday booze and plentiful cake. But after the call, there were also moments of reflection and of gratitude; that we are able to celebrate together (albeit digitally) for the momentous milestone that is my wonderful Granny’s eightieth birthday, as she sits alone in her house in Scotland, is a blessing. Of course, I would have loved to have seen her in person, but I am so bloody grateful that we can connect to her even if just through the airwaves.
Birthdays in May seem to be a common occurrence in my family, and this week saw my Mum’s birthday too. Again, there was a sense of loss that unsurprisingly, I couldn’t be with her due to coronavirus (a fact made worse by the fact I don’t think I’ve been with my Mum on her birthday for about five years), but we were also able to chat and videocall. And I was also able to go back through my photos, reflecting on wonderful times shared across the years.
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(images, left to right) Looking back at memories with mum - as a child in a sling, on our trip to Sri Lanka in 2018, and at the exhibition opening of ‘Talking Sense’ where one of her sculptures was displayed at the Portico Library last year.
Access to computers and the internet, free time to sit and chill, and family who are safe and sound is not a privilege everyone shares. And I am so aware of that.
I continue to think of the inequalities this pandemic is highlighting, and the gaps it is widening. Access to the fundamental elements for a just and equitable life are basic human rights, and yet as BBC newsnight’s Emily Maitlis reminded us, 'The disease is not a great leveller'. If while I’m sitting this week, I can at least read, watch, learn and share ideas about how we can tackle these gaping inequalities, my sitting was perhaps not in vain.
As our fifteenth week on the road drew to a close, and looked ever less like life actually ‘on the road’, I decided to take on the task of subtitling The Hundred Miler.
Initially, the only motivation to create comprehensive subtitles for Broaden’s thirty minute documentary was so that we could enter foreign film fests. And even then, we’d have had it professionally subtitled if we weren’t looking for ways to save money!
And so I naively embarked on what was to become a two-day odyssey involving Artificial Intelligence transcript detection, manually correcting the script, learning about timecodes, downloading .srt files and working to integrate them with YouTube.
The long and short of it is that The Hundred Miler (which also hit a whopping 100,000 views this week) now has complete ‘closed caption’ subtitles which you can use and enjoy on YouTube! But more than that, through conversations with others I realised the importance of subtitles from an accessibility perspective, as a critical tool to help deaf and hard-of-hearing people, as well as those for whom English isn’t their mother tongue. It was a refreshing reminder that we exclude people without meaning to, but that we can also actively include them if we take certain measures.
So that’s it, Week 15 in all its mundane glory. To those of you who are still here, reading my reflections on these strange and tumultuous times, thank you. Maybe this week you’ve been cutting, calling, sticking, sitting and subtitling too, and for that, I salute you. 
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d4cul8r · 5 years ago
Mark down the date where the first online manifestation took place
April the 8th it was the day that, in YouTube, the world first online manifestation happened. This piece of news has so many layers of depth that a whole essay could be written about it, although I will not do that for today. 
Is it really that difficult to realize how inaccurate a live stream video on YouTube is? I refuse to believe that it is the case. The manifestation happened at 19:00 CEST and it was presented by no other than Alias Almise, a twitter star who defamed the former mayor of Madrid Manuela Carmena in Twitter, claiming that she robbed and used a breathing machine from the public healthcare, to keep it into her house and use it since she was supposedly infected with COVID-19. This person is already sued by defamation, so it is a great way to start the streaming. The direct then was followed by a dialogue between two Vox supporters in the media, arguing how the government should be shut dow and taken by the army, to which I can only think how good that would be the the state of rights here in Spain. And later they had a woman who worked in the Community of Madrid’s government during the time prior to the pandemic. She said how helpless they were against the spread prior the emergency quarantine started, and how they did not have enough power to purchase medical material to help the infected people survive the disease. This is what I like to call a bunch of fallacies. 
Regarding now the value of a manifestation such as that, which they already call a success, I highly doubt they even know what success means. 458.000 People simultaneously connected in a YouTube live stream, considering how anticipated the event was and even considering that more than 70% of the population of Spain is not working not going out of their houses on a daily basis it is just ridiculous to call that a success. Not only that, but many people could log in with different devices, and many others may be logged in but just out of curiosity or to peek how of a comic event was held in internet. And the most devastating news is that people from all over the world can log in, yet not even half a million people are taking this manifestation seriously enough to just get in and leave a like or simply watch the whole thing. And all of this is not even considering that there might be bots implied into this aswell, as we already know from Vox in twitter who have an army of what used to be called Egg-accounts, recently created by middle eastern people who receive a payment by internet bot companies to create tens of accounts and give likes or retweets at will. 
However we have got to look at it with a little bit of humor and not be so harsh about it as I have been during all of the post. I personally remember some random person in the chat during the livestream, doing a Spanish Republic flag with colored hearts, but then immediately saying “Viva VOX, viva el Rey!” (”Hail Vox, hail the King!”) followed by crown emojis, that was just hilarious. 
In the end, as I intended to when writing the Heading of this post, I want everyone to Mark down the date where the first online manifestation took place, and remember it as the day that nothing but memes and laughs happened.
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marimoreh · 3 years ago
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Las escaleras antigua 😝😆😅👏☺️😛🤳 . . . . . . . . . . . #argentinosporelmundo #charlotteflair #venezolanosenpanama #spainlove #latinosenespaña #españainstagram #españaunida #andalucia_turismo #eeuuu #igersespaña #castillaleon #estadodealarma #españa #cataluña #рондароузи #venezolanosengalicia #musephoto #ig_muse #musers #museedorsay #muserindonesia #tamilmuser #naturalhistorymuseum #museumangkut #museudoamanha #louvremuseum #shihtzusofinstagramuse #museodelprado #museumlover #britishmuseumlondon (en Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeYznrYsJxw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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agustinisrael · 4 years ago
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Y saltaron las #rejas los #almonteños 🎼🎼🎼 hoy sería el día grande en el #rocío llegada la madrugada la #reinadelasmarismas saldría de su #ermita ante más de 800000 #romeros y visitaría las casas de hermandad bajo una lluvia de pétalos aunque este año desgraciadamente debido al #estadodealarma #covid19 no se podrá realizar. es por ello que traigo a colación este #procesión de #elrocio II con #capitotes #acrilico sobre papel couche 15x19cm . . . #art #artepop #arteemergente #artecontemporaneo #artcontemporary #design #intervenido #interiordesign #interiorisme #deco #romeria #doñana #popart #intervencionismo #capirote #lunaresycapirotes #agustinisrael #nazarenca 🔴 disfrútalo @trujiflautico (en Estudio De arte y Diseño De Agustin Israel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPOlpFTDZoT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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elkoko · 5 years ago
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sobre la llegada de turistas y los peligrosos que conlleva. #EstadoDeAlarma #NuevaNormalidad https://www.instagram.com/p/CBxPawPjaY5/?igshid=1j5os27pwv819
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entomelloso · 4 years ago
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Sánchez descarta cambios legales: las CCAA tienen herramientas Defiende que no se puede "bajar la guardia" tras las escenas vividas durante el fin de semana https://entomelloso.com/espana/sanchez-descarta-cambios-legales-las-ccaa-tienen-herramientas/?feed_id=24566&_unique_id=6099766a8021d
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ponytailwke · 5 years ago
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Hola!, como os va yendo la cuarentena?, yo la verdad que no lo llevo mal porque me gusta la soledad, pero me preocupa el estado en el que está el país, en la gente que está dando todo, sacrificando su vida por los demás, y en lo que le pueda pasar a mi familia, seres queridos y personas más débiles. Espero que esto se pase pronto y que los que no sabéis ni os lo hayáis planteado nunca, aprendáis a pensar y valorar mejor algunas cosas de la vida en soledad, ¡mucha fuerza!, y sobre todo... ¡SED RESPONSABLES COÑO!💪💋. . Esta foto es de cuando hice mi Proyecto Final de Serigrafía el año pasado, pero no es una mala idea de pasar el rato, bordando, yo no lo descarto, si os sirve, ahí va mi aportación... ¡Entreteneos mucho, divertíos, pasad el rato! 😘. . . . . #coronavirus #quedateencasa #mequedoencasa #covid19españa #yomequedoencasa #estadodealarma #yoelijoserresponsable #frenarlacurva #embroidery https://www.instagram.com/p/B9xF4OXK7jC/?igshid=19fvcmn2sa032
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chiemalaga · 5 years ago
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Buenos días hoy. * @costadelsol Piso de alquiler de #vacaciones en #Fuengirola, cerca de Mijas Pueblo. Tengo disponibilidad durante el #verano 2 dom. 2 baño, Terraza, piscinas y aparcamiento, max 4 personas↓ https://www.airbnb.jp/rooms/35702000?s=67&shared_item_type=1&sharer_id=14413587 ***** #gospain #malaga #españa #airbnb #costadelsol #holiday #holidayspain #travelspain #fuengirola #coronavirus #vacaciones #quedarencasa #viaje #estadodealarma #covid19 #stayhome #cielo #sky #photo #playa #reservar (Playa Carvajal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CArg2cFHdD_/?igshid=1pa5d8rinma4j
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bryonysimcox · 5 years ago
Looking Back to Look Forward: Week 12, Spain
It’s our twelfth week in mainland Europe and our fifth week in lockdown. And it’s the first week that I’ve finally caved in to breaking my weekly writing routine. So expect something a little different this week: less words, more pictures.
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Yes, you guessed it: we’re still under ‘State of Alarm’ here in Spain. While coronavirus cases plateau, extreme lockdown measures are still very much in place and the future remains completely unknown. As this week’s blog post became increasingly overdue, I realised I had little to report from the last seven days here in Catalunya.
So I’ve shifted my focus.
This week, instead of reflecting on what we’ve been up to at this little cottage in Spain (which is mainly going a little lockdown loco), I’ve looked back over the twelve weeks since we left the UK. The following ‘photo essay’ draws together the photos that didn’t quite make the cut the first time: often abstracted glimpses of the experiences we’ve had on the road. Contrary to my usual blogging format, these images aren’t chronological, nor labelled. I hope you enjoy them as fragments and flavours of the journey George and I have forged through France and Spain so far.
In pulling these together, I was reminded of how powerful reflection and gratitude can be. These images have helped me reframe my current situation: moving my focus away from a narrative about an adventure cut short due to a global pandemic to a story of an adventure made wilder and richer due to a temporary pause. An adventure which has been a real delight, and somehow, sometime, will continue.
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Thanks for stopping by, everyone. It’s been a pleasure drawing these photographs together and I hope they stirred some up some hope in these tumultuous times. 
In other news, on Saturday our documentary 'The Hundred Miler' live-premiered and we were delighted to have almost 400 people tune in from home to watch it go live for the first time.
Now, less than a week on, and we've hit 25,000 views which is pretty mind-blowing. Whilst we pinch ourselves at those kinda viewing figures, George and I are also reminded that each and every one of those views is another person, and each and every one of those mean a lot. If you haven’t already, you can watch The Hundred Miler on YouTube here.
Here’s to adventure.
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drvictorrodrigo · 4 years ago
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Se acaba el #estadodealarma . No es lo mismo que se acabe la #pandemia. Lo entenderá la gente? . Suerte para todos. . . #españa #españa🇪🇸 #alarma #sociedad #covid_19 #covid #covidespaña #buencomienzo #distancia #distanciamientosocial #distanciasocial #suerte #enfermedad #empatia #cuidado #prevencion #estadodealarmaespaña #alarma #recuperacion https://www.instagram.com/p/COpQT2oBI4J/?igshid=17clxu8lqio1r
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