#Especially since I’m sick-
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Silence In The City (2)
Don’t really know how to feel about this one but oh well the brainrot wanted it. This one is a little heartwarming though! (To me). So uhhh just enjoy another part of the kaiju stories :D
CW: Anxiety
Word Count: 4.4k
2- Devon
When I woke up this morning there were several people effortlessly getting me to my feet. I groaned, unaware of what was happening. Several people were talking as they shoved my forward but my legs didn’t want to move. They kept yelling commands at me as I groggily rubbed my eyes open. “Wha-” I barely choked the words out before being thrown onto an oddly familiar, hard metal floor. My arms were a little shaky trying to keep my body up. My vision was a little blurry, but as I looked around I could tell I was in an extremely dim room. I took deep breaths to calm down. To stop myself from overthinking. Where was I? I thought I was going home today. What was going on? Were they going to kill me? I bit the bottom of my lip, forcing my head up to take in my surroundings. There were huge metal walls, a mirror high above, something black moving… Wait…
My eyes widened once the black, scaly and spiky looking wall in front of me moved along the metal floor. I sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. This place made everything worse. My eyes felt red and puffy after crying myself to sleep last night, and not to mention how I spend almost every waking moment here anxious and scared. After the experience with Kieran I thought I would be able to go home… apparently not. After all, I was in the same room as him right now. I think. My hands turned into fist as what seemed like their tail lifted up, revealing tired eyes. I jumped, staring. It was Kieran all right. The same purple eyes as yesterday.
Kieran rolled his eyes, huffing through his nose and moving his tail over me. I placed my hands over my head, a little scared that he was going to crush me. I also had just woken up so my mind was everywhere but thinking about the way he treated me yesterday. Nice and some-what calmly and not the monster that they said he was. After a few seconds, when I realized that I wasn’t dead, I turned my head to see that their tail was surrounding me. Why? He didn’t really seem like he even wanted to be around anyone. Heck, I didn’t even know what time it was. Just early in the morning.
He stole a glance over at me, holding a silent staring contest. I sucked in a deep breath, rubbing my eyes and yawning. He blinked, doing the same but covering up his mouth. I stared down at the ground. I think I had an idea of why they would cover up their mouth but I wasn’t going to say anything. Even though I was still half asleep I’m sure I would pass out. I’m surprised I haven’t yet. Kieran glared at the mirror, making himself smaller and struggling with how small the room was for him. The horns on his head hitting the roof every now and then. He grumbled everytime, just burying his head into his knees. Was it really that hard just to raise the ceiling a little? It seemed annoying to him. How does he even stand up? I feel like it would cramp up my legs if I was forced to sit down all day. I doubt he could even stretch them out.
I started to lay down before there was a red light blaring above. Kieran turned to me, “You need to get up.” He whispered. His voice still hurt my ears but not nearly as much before. I forced myself back up, even standing on my feet. I was scared of not doing what he tells me to. Especially after thinking of how many times I could’ve died yesterday. Too many. Would today be like yesterday? Why was I here? I yawned again, rubbing my eyes.
Kieran studied me for a while before looking up at the ceiling, ignoring the flashing red lights. Eventually they went away but I had no idea what they were for. Was something about to happen? It was already hard enough to keep myself from having another anxiety attack. I didn’t have my pills either. I took a few seconds to just focus on something and clear my mind. That usually helps. I hadn’t realized Kieran looking at me confused before I turned back around, a little more calm. I played with my hands before one of the walls started opening, revealing an outside space that was still surrounded by walls that seemed to go on for forever. The sun shone brightly above, even though it was still morning. The place it shone on relished in the light with the many trees and overgrown weeds and bushes. It actually looked kind of beautiful in a way. I guess that answers my question of how he hasn’t just given up on life yet. Though this place kind of looks familiar. I knew this base I was in was by the ocean of course, but where? I shook my head, watching as Kieran crawled onto his hands and knees still somehow managing to bang the back of his head hard against the roof. He winced, groaning out frustration. If I were being honest it was a terrifying sight, chills ran down my spine, but there was no way he’d hurt me, right?
“Let him die and you’ll regret it.” There was a voice over a speaker that made the spikes on Kierans back flare up. Like he felt threatened. He was right to think that, even her voice made me terrified. Though that wasn’t hard to do. Kieran rolled his eyes, but I could tell that he was fine with letting me come along. He nudged his head outside, as if telling me to follow. I jumped, jogging and slowing down when I ran past one of his hands. This was going to be a lot of work for me. It was too early in the morning to be out exercising. I winced when I rolled my ankle, nearly tripping. I really was a sad excuse for a human. I caught myself, letting out a sigh of relief when I didn’t fall. Kieran tilted his head when I stopped, apparently not seeing how I almost tripped. To be honest I couldn’t be more grateful that he didn’t see. He seemed like the teasing type. Even if he was more alone and annoyed than anything.
I paused when Kieran started moving, lowering his head and squinting his eyes down at me. He let out a huff from his nose, “This is the last time I’m helping you.” I jumped, shutting my eyes closed and hearing some shuffling before everything seemed to stop. When I looked back, I saw his hand laid flat onto the ground, still huge and looked hard to even climb on to. I looked back up at him, his eyes reading ‘hurry up’. I hesitantly ran over to his hand, struggling to climb on. It was hard and it made me feel uneasy at just how huge he was compared to me. He seemed to grow impatient this way too, but I forced myself up, the muscles in my arms tired. As soon as I was on I rolled onto my back, sighing and looking up, only seeing the ceiling far above me.
This all felt so strange. This wasn’t my first time in his hand and yet, it felt so different. Instead of trying to keep me in a fist he just kept his palm up, fingers a little curled as if creating a border. My heart was racing. What was I thinking? The one time I’m not thinking and this is what happens. I’m completely at his mercy. He could drop me and not even know. Forget that I’m there. I heard my own heartbeat beat through my ears, my vision growing a little stretched out. I sighed, sitting up and taking long and deep slow breaths. They didn’t give me the chance to grab my pills… or even take them beforehand. I’d have to go through the day without any help.
Kieran tilted his head in confusion, not giving a warning before bringing his hand up, giving a small glance to make sure I was okay before crawling through the door. It was weird. I was high up, but I know he wasn’t standing up. Was it for me? There was no way. He seemed a little annoyed already that he had to help me again after saying he wouldn’t do so anymore yesterday. I still have no idea what that meant.
It would be crazy to say that I wasn’t terrified. Who wouldn’t be in this situation? Going to an unknown abandoned part of a city, only having a half-human half-kaiju looking out for you that had very hard emotions to read. Seriously, I couldn’t tell if he was happy that I was forced to be in here or just annoyed. My fate had seemed to be between his palm or a deadly fall. Not sure which I trusted more. Even though Kieran seemed to prove that he really wasn’t harmful at all. At least to me.
Kieran brought us both to an empty space that looked like he stayed here often with how everything was moved around for his convenience. We both turned to each other, as if he was trying to figure out what to do with me. My anxiousness couldn’t take it as I gripped the hem of my shirt and fidgeted with my shaky hands. What was he going to be doing with me? I hated how he waited so long before lowering his hand to the ground, slightly tilting it so it was easier to slide down. I stumbled off with a yelp before eating a mouthful of thankfully soft grass that broke my fall. I groaned slightly, hearing Kieran very softly laugh above me before apologizing, “Sorry.” It was unsettling that he could see me. Not even mention hear me. Like I wouldn’t be able to escape even if I could. He’d easily found me. Or… maybe that’s how he noticed me in danger? Besides seeing the Kaiju that was running through the streets, how would he have known I was trapped and needed help? I guess having good sight and hearing was a good thing. The pros outweigh the cons apparently.
He moved, the ground shaking slightly as he did and laid down in the clearing he had made for himself, a pair of arms being used as a headrest and the other two tucked away underneath his stomach. The sun was barely going to start rising, meaning it wasn’t even six in the morning yet. I rubbed my eyes, yawning before sitting up, cleaning the dirt off of my clothes. What was the purpose of me even being here? Should I ask Kieran? Would he know? He does word things a little weird. Like he’s not going to help me anymore? When would he have to after this? My parents would probably want to move away from the coast like they always have. I think the only reason we stayed was because I absolutely loved the beach. So was it my fault we were in this mess in the first place? I shook my head, trying to take my mind off of it. I can just ask my parents when I get home, right?
When I looked back up to Kieran, his eyes were closed, his breathing slow. Should I ask him now? While he’s not in such an anguished mood? Was it a bad idea? Would he do something if I bothered him? Would he try to scare me off again? A million thoughts raced through my head. It was hard to choose between which one, or the many outcomes. He might not even wake up! Should I raise my voice a little? Could I even manage that? It didn’t seem very likely if I were being honest.
“...Will I be g-g-going back home?” I nearly choked on my words, unhopeful of an answer. I was too quiet. Kieran had to be asleep- his head lifted up almost immediately. I couldn’t tell if he was shocked or just trying to catch my own reaction. He sighed, letting out a huff of air from his nose, ruffling my hair. “No. Probably not.” I didn’t know if it was just me, but I couldn’t help but catch the sad hint in his voice. The words hit me twice as hard then. I… Wouldn’t be going back home? Why? I thought they said I would be! I heard my heartbeat ring through my ears, my breathing seeming to slow down. I couldn’t cry here! It would be pathetic! Were the scientists watching?
“L-look,” He stuttered, “I didn’t mean to say it so harshly, but they’re probably not going to let you go back after doing what they asked you to. That’s why I tried to scare you off yesterday but… you’re very hard to be annoyed and mad at.” For once, I could read his emotions clearly. He was sad. Worried. Almost like it was directed for me. My lips quivered. So if I had run from him yesterday I would’ve been gone? Back home? Why did I have to be so stubborn? Why did I always make the wrong decision? I wanted so badly to run but I didn’t. I wiped away the incoming tears. He really wasn’t trying to be mean. He was just trying to save me. To send me back home. So why did he react that way? Why was it so hard to get mad at me? It seemed to be the complete opposite with other people.
“I-I’m sorry.” Maybe he didn’t want to be around me anyways. Was that an unspoken reason? I shouldn’t have even been outside that day. I should’ve just forced my way into the underground bunkers like my parents had done. Kieran shouldn’t have had to save me in the first place. Then I would’ve been fine and probably still living out my depressing life.
Another huff of air hit me, “I don’t know why you’re apologizing. It was my fault why you’re stuck here anyways,” He winced, propping his head up with one of his hands, “I should be the one sorry, and I am.” This was probably the most he’s ever talked to me. A little loud for my ears even though he was whispering, but there was nothing I could do about that. I stayed silent for a while. What else was there to do? I was here for Kieran! Heck, I didn’t even know why they brought me here. But another question popped into my mind.
“Why d-did you s-save me then?” I fidgeted with my hands. That kept the both of us quiet for a while. Neither of us knew what to say. Like even Kieran didn’t know why he saved me. I mean I’m extremely grateful that he did but if he knew that this would happen then why do it in the first place?
“You needed help. I saw you. And, well, I didn’t want you to die. So I just helped you out.” Kieran stared, his full attention on the next words that leave my mouth. What was I supposed to say? It was nice of him to help just because I was in danger but why did he emphasize that he didn’t want me to die? Were they telling him otherwise? I wouldn’t be shocked if that were the case. They didn’t seem to have any regard for anyone. What was one death going to do anyways when you could save millions of other people? I guess a lot of people thought the same way.
“Th-thank you.” I turned and looked away. I already said thank you, but it was all I could think of to say. Kieran rolled his eyes, though I could see the slight smile on his face,“Now it’s my turn,” His voice was a lot softer as he moved closer to me, though I instinctively moved a little bit away. He didn’t show any reaction to it, but I could tell he was going to say something.
“Why are you still here if you’re scared?” He pointed a finger out into the city, the sun rising above it finally. I flinched ever so slightly, but of course that caught his attention and made him frown just a tiny bit.
“U-um, it’s uh-” I didn’t actually have a reason for staying. Because I didn’t want to be alone? Because it was the right thing to do? It was a hard question to answer. I knew it was easy to see that I was afraid, but if I were being honest I’d rather take my chances with Kieran than going off somewhere else. Plus, I was still confused why the scientists said something about me dying. What did it mean? Was there something else in here? I was tempted to ask Kieran but it was their turn for questions, and I couldn’t even answer one.
“I just feel safer here. Even though you’re huge.” I move my hands out apart to explain my point, trying to calm my racing heart. Did I answer it right? Was that what he wanted to hear? Kieran stared with curious eyes, only to let out a playful huff through his nose, full on laughing. I had to cover my ears to make sure my eardrums wouldn’t bust, but I laughed lightly with him too. I admit it was funny, but to Kieran it might be for a different reason.
“Ah, sorry that was loud,” He apologized, quieting his voice to a whisper that was still a little loud for me, “You feel safer with someone you’re scared of? You’re just strange. But in a good way I guess.” A good way? What did that mean? Was there even a good version of being strange? In my book there wasn’t if people say you’re weird then you’re weird. That’s just how it worked. But I guess in a way Kieran knew things others didn’t. Obviously things I didn’t either.
Kieran sighed, seemingly focused on something that wasn’t here. I lowered my hands back from my ears and began playing with them. What should I do? I was terrified of going off on my own, but I also didn’t just want to stay there doing nothing. Then again, did I really have a choice? Ever since I’ve been here I haven’t been able to do what I’ve wanted to. I didn’t have time to grab my pills, I haven’t eaten in over a day, pretty much everything hurt, I’ve had several breakdowns and it hasn’t even been a full day here. I’d say things were going pretty bad.
“You know you don’t have to stay here. Just watch out for the small kaiju. They have them out.” Kieran explained. My eyes widened, my heart slightly beating faster. I could even hear it ring in my ears. Small kaiju? Like the ones that are as big as a large dog? I don’t even think I could handle those if I were being honest. I’ve never had to fight back against any kind of kaiju. Heck, I’m pretty sure I’d just pass out. It would be pathetic to say that to Kieran though. Even though he probably already thinks that about me. No surprise there really.
I stayed silent, even moving the slightest bit closer to Kieran despite my heart beating rapidly. He stared for a long while before sighing through his nose, ruffling my hair a bit, “Whatever you want.” He shrugged his shoulders, turning back towards whatever was going on. It was still early in the morning, and honestly I was tired and hungry but my anxiousness kept me distracted. There were kaiju in here that could kill me. Was that why they had said I could die? I thought they had just meant that Kieran would be the one to kill me, but apparently it was the complete opposite. He was the one protecting me.
I jumped when I heard something distant, like something falling and crashing. The Kaiju? Were they coming here? My heart rang faster through my ears as I turned around. There was nothing there, but there was no that whatever fell did on its own. “U-um, is that them?” I wasn’t sure he heard me, but he just sighed, “Annoying….” My eyes widened? Was I annoying? Should I stop talking? What was he going to do? Was I in trouble? I mean of course I was in trouble but that didn’t help figure out what he was going to do! I knew I was annoying but did it have to be now to say it? Right when I was already anxious?
Kieran held his head up with one of his hands, the other moving right in front of me, like he was waiting for something. I looked around, seeing that his arm was covering my last escape route. To go along with that, there was a not so small Kaiju rounding the corner. Okay, maybe small for Kieran but for me? It was twice the size of a bear, looked kind of like a really scaly dog. What really caught me off guard was the extremely sharp fangs. I jumped when it growled and charged towards me, baring its sharp teeth at me. My body was too terrified to move, let alone even scream. Kieran let out a huff through his nose and just simply moved his hand towards it, making them whine exactly like a dog would. I caught the smirk on Kieran’s face looking like he was pleased with himself.
I hadn’t realized that I was breathing fast until I felt the air in my lungs give out on me. I took a few seconds to calm down once again. This was way too hard without taking my pills for the day. Just the constant worry and stress was too much to handle while out here. Didn’t I tell them about it? So why was I forced to be here? Kieran side-eyed me, probably to make sure I was okay. I probably looked like it since he looked away almost immediately, but I most definitely was not. Was I really annoying to him? Or maybe he was talking about the kaiju? He hadn’t even done anything to that one and they ran off. Does he deal with them everyday? If they knew he didn’t like them near then why even go near him? None of it made sense at all, but I couldn’t be more grateful that I wasn’t the one he threatened and instead the one he saved. Multiple times I might add even after he said that he wouldn’t anymore yesterday.
“They’re annoying, not you. Don’t worry about it.” He explained. How did he know? Every. Single. Time. It’s like he could read how I felt or something. Like an empath. I couldn’t do that and I was freakishly good at reading people. How does he keep doing this?
“They stay away from you?” I forced myself to stand up on shaky legs, walking over to his hand that had scared the one from earlier. Somehow it was a lot easier to talk to Kieran now. Like I was growing used to it? Should I? If I’m not going home, is that a good thing? I had no idea.I tried my best to ignore the lingering fear of being this close to Kieran, hiding behind his hand while peeking out to look for more of those kaiju. Kieran had waited a long time to answer. Like he was nervous or something. Though I was patient, taking a few shaky steps back when I heard another one.
“Um, y-yeah,” He paused, his voice sounding a little nervous while moving his hand so I was hiding behind it again, “But you’re here so they kind of just want you.” His voice went back to being deep and short. Why did he sound nervous at first? I didn’t pay too much attention, too focused on the threat that minded its own business. Kieran sighed, “Kind of boring out here isn’t it?” My eyes widened. Was he actually starting a conversation with me? A mixture of emotions hit me. Excitement, a little bit of fear, but that didn’t stop me from replying like normal, “You mean besides the murderous dogs coming after me? Y-yeah I guess it is.” I tried to sound funny, and obviously it worked because we both started laughing, Kieran making sure to laugh quieter for me.
It made me feel happy for once that I could make someone laugh besides my parents from time to time. I haven’t really felt this way in a while, and it's strange that I’m sharing it with someone who’s only partly human. Kieran stopped laughing and started to hold himself up, placing both arms underneath him. The silence stretched between us before my stomach growled quietly. I tried to muffle the sound so Kieran wouldn’t hear, but it was pretty much useless. He extended a hand out, “Let me guess, they didn’t feed you?” I nervously backed up, clutching my stomach and nodding my head. What did he think of me now? Just a few seconds we were having a little laugh but of course I had to ruin everything.
“C’mon. They’ll probably give you something.” He waited for me to get onto his hand, a tired look on his face as always but there was something else that I couldn’t read. Why was he so confusing? Or maybe that wasn’t the right word.. Closed off? Maybe that was it. He didn’t make it easy to read any of his emotions at least.
I walked over to his hand, trying to climb on but failing miserably as usual. It was just hard since I couldn’t get my leg over, but eventually I got the hang of it. I rolled over onto my back, sitting up and catching my breath. I really was small to him. I couldn’t even get onto his hand without trouble. I sighed hopelessly, clutching my stomach in case it decided to make the most embarrassing noise ever again. I just laughed softly in the end though , “What happened to not helping me again?”
Kieran’s eyes shot open wide like he had forgotten his own promise. He huffed through his nose and rolled his eyes. For a second I thought he was actually mad at me before he laughed along, “I guess I changed my mind.”
How could these people have treated him so horribly? ——————
Again, don’t know how to feel about it and I think I mainly wrote this to satisfy my brainrot (I only want more now so that kind of backfired) But these two are definitely my favorite OC’s! Yes I am a still a little sick, but I’m working on editing all of the writing I did and will probably post them throughout the week!
Taglist: @da3dm @dav8530
If you would like to be added or removed please let me know!
#G/t#g/t writing#sfw g/t#giant/tiny#oc: Devon#Oc: Kieran#Okay gotta say idk how to feel about this one#But I’m working up to a really cute scene#It’s gonna be greatttt#And again my kaiju story brainrot is going through the roof#I will definitely post all of the other prompts and writing soon!#Thank you guys for being so patient with everything!#Especially since I’m sick-#love you guys ❤️
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i know, i know, jj is so fucking strong and she perseveres despite everything she’s gone through, i know, but fucking hell my heart is breaking over and over for her
the far away look in her eyes
the constant fidgeting to keep herself present
the way she only has the bare minimum amount of skin showing, even to where she’s covering her hands
my heart hurts for her so much and she’s forcing herself to deal with all of this alone
#even the way holly describes sydney’s troubles#and the camera focuses on jj when holly says she cries most nights#and it’s just fucking tearing me apart#that entire scene especially tore me apart#and i wonder how much of sydney’s emotions and reactions mirror jj’s own since finding out about baugate#this storyline is one of the most devastating ones in the show#second only to rosalyn and fucking 11 year old jj being the one to find her#jennifer jareau i want to put you in my pocket and protect you forever#if anyone comes at me for this#leave me be!!!#jj is so fucking strong she’s one of the strongest people on the team#both emotionally and physically#but fucking CHRIST she is SUFFERING so bad right now and it’s gut wrenching to see#i’m sick thinking about next episode#about how she’s forced to work face to face more with a man that violated her in one of the most horrific ways possible#and what happens when she finds out emily green lit that#i’m sick#SICK#jennifer jareau#jennifer jj jareau#emily prentiss#criminal minds#cme spoilers#criminal minds evolution spoilers#criminal minds spoilers#cm spoilers#criminal minds evolution#CME writers enough is enough!!!!#the jemily angst/hurt storyline is too much!!!!
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It deeply upsets me that there aren’t a lot of analysis posts off of Lesley, at least ones that don’t completely mischaracterize her. Often times Lesley is watered down to just being “Yellow’s Mom” by the fandom and nothing else. Lesley is tragic. She is not motherly, she’s a prisoner. A prisoner in a prison partially of her own design, but a prisoner nonetheless. matpat, and the david theory in general has rotted people’s brains. It’s fine to have an interpretation of a character, I could care less, but it’s an entirely different thing all together to completely miss the point of a character. Watching the line “you’re one of my favorites….” be brushed aside for what is otherwise a completely unserious line is infuriating. There’s no actual proof that Lesley is Yellow’s mother outside of theories. When she says “you’re not my real son” it’s more so in the way that she is the creator, and he is her creation, not that Lesley is actually an author, she just thinks she is. The trio represent parts of her, almost everything they do is by her hands. They’re miserable because Lesley is miserable. She believes herself to be an author, a creator, but she doesn’t hold any real power, just a small amount. Yellow didn’t scale the staircase on his own, everything was meticulously laid out by Lesley. Because, the truth is, he represents a part of Lesley that she has long since forgotten, the part of her that genuinely wants to change, to progress instead of regress. By giving yellow his batteries and bringing him up stairs, she is checking that she is still alive. That there is still that small part of her that can change.


But, as previously stated, she doesn’t have any real power, and she has no interest in truly changing. She has strings of her own, she can’t change even if she wanted to. Lesley has a tendency of setting up scenarios where the puppets are given a false sense of control. She does it with red in transport, and she does it again in electricity with yellow. In her mind she’s teaching them, teaching them that things cannot stray outside of what she has laid out for them. It’s her own twisted way of helping. Yellow, unlike red, possesses a genuine ability to question things and a natural curiosity. Lesley knows this. That’s precisely why his batteries are denied from him, unless Lesley hands them to him on a silver platter when convenient. Yellow has to pay the price of being constantly disoriented, to be in a constant state of confusion because if he isn’t then that would entail Lesley addressing what is pulling on her strings. The batteries are a threat to this cycle, hence why Lesley gifts him a book of false knowledge. A book of nothing. A red herring. She knows where that book is going, straight into the shredder as it always does. Where it should be. Because ever so slightly out of shot at the end of her room sits a door that creaks open every once in a while and she dare not question it. A door that she ignores as she continues on playing her piano as she always does. As it should be. No questions to be had. Just the keys of a piano echoing emptily in a dilapidated dollhouse, and the ghost of an artist who lost herself eons ago.


#dhmis#lesley dhmis#yellow guy dhmis#dhmis analysis#matpat has killed media literacy#in fact he’s one of the biggest reasons why media illiteracy is so rampant on the internet#this man has been tormenting the dhmis fandom since 2014 and i’m sick of it….#anyways lesley my beloved#i have so many thoughts on you…. so so many thoughts#this is just skimming the surface of my feelings on her as a character#she is one of the most brilliantly written characters of all time#and yet people constantly water her down and mischaracterize her#there’s nothing wrong with headcanoning her to be a mother#but like do it tastefully#not everyone has to agree with you#none of these things are concrete within the canon of the show#the david theory is god awful in my opinion#like its so bare bones and surface level it actually pisses me off#i wanna make a few posts solely off of lesley’s relationships or outlook on the trio but yellow especially#because its obvious that she has a soft spot for him specifically#so like its not completely out of the blue to label her as ‘motherly’ towards him but its not in a traditional sense#also i’m just not a fan of this interpretation in general#if she is motherly it’s in an extremely detached way#obviously.#anyways lesley is a loser lesbian author that sits in her attic all day projecting onto her silly little guys and i love that for her#we have that in common
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*small voice * It's a relatively old post but I agree with you on Wild being relatively religious
Well thank you, I appreciate knowing that :)
I think having Wild be religious in some regard (like not just surface level, he actually believes this stuff) would be a fascinating thing to explore, especially with all of Zelda’s past (present?) struggles in that regard. Have him and Sky connect about it! Have him want to hear about Sun! If Sun ever meets the boys, have Wild ask her about Zelda’s struggles!! There’s lots you can explore with this!!
And maybe it’s just me but I’d like a little more variety then “Sky loves Hylia and everyone else HATES THE GODDESSES!!1!!!!” because wow does that get old and also does not make any stinkin sense.
But yeah. I think Wild being religious in at least some manner would just be interesting. I mean you have to pray in the game, there’s at least something going on.
#answers from the floor#lovely alicewritingstories#I think I’m just sick of endless fics where people dump their religious frustrations on Zelda#especially since like. I’ve had similar struggles as her (not exactly the same obviously but similar)#idk#I guess I’d just like people to be less weird about religion in fandom but that’s probably not gonna happen lol
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yet again thinking abt how dunmeshi is helping me fix my relationship with food,,,,,,,, thank u lord for giving me a reason to enjoy food and enjoy eating and enjoy cooking so I can Normally take care of myself like a normal adult my age can
#kinda ventposting in tags my bad#yippee we’re solving my food problems#honestly main problem is my low appetite plus I don’t realize when I am hungry usually#and also I think food is gross like I think eating is gross#BUT. I am and have been putting in effort for years to try and fix this and I’m currently having a tough time#because I got sick and lost a lot of weight which like#losing weight isn’t inherently bad just like gaining weight isn’t bad#it’s just that I lost it bc I was sick so I’m sad abt the effort spent just to end up losing it#BUT BUT BUT I am eating regularly again and thinking abt the silly cooking show helps#especially since watching the episodes makes me hungry#dunmeshi#dungeon meshi
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people arguing about whether or not it’s problematic to ship ian and poppy, and whether or not it’s problematic for be vocally against shipping ian and poppy, in the main tag. meanwhile i am looking for crumbs of danarachel because the entire fanbase has decided they’re boring. but danarachel date night though. danarachel workplace conflict of interest. danarachel adopting a dog. so many beautiful things happening so far in season 4
#they low key are boring tbh 😔#i love them though and i love their chemistry#i think the writers decided to focus more on their own plot arcs (especially for dana) than their relationship#but while s1 is peak danarachel unresolved yearning — i do think they’re the most interesting they’ve ever been as characters by s4#and there’s so much potential for messiness in the work/life balance of their relationship that they’re setting up#we’ll see if there’s payoff!! (because there wasn’t that much payoff to the berkeley plot line……)#but i have faith in this season#tbh i do understand that some of the other sickos in this show have more fuel for fan engagement#especially like speculation and unresolved tension and toxicity etc#but sometimes istg people are just making excuses why they don’t care about lesbians as much as men tbqh#i will say it’s funny to see people in the tag defend poppy x ian because ‘if it were an mlm ship it would be so popular in the fandom’#and like. honestly true lol.#but i will say part of why i don’t like the idea of poppy x ian is bc i’m SICK of straight relationships everywhere all the time#in literally everything i watch m/f friendships devolve into romantic relationships#you’ve gotta take your fandom glasses off sometimes#i don’t think it’s Problematic in fact i think it’s interesting to think about OUTSIDE of canon#but i will be very disappointed if it happens in the show#anyway i’m not even putting this in the main tag bc it’s 4 am and idk if this even makes sense rn#but i will send it out into the void#i will post some danarachel shit when i have time since i have to do everything myself around here 🙄
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wait why don’t you like lily rose? idc im just curious all i know about her is that she was in that Idol show that got panned
To be perfectly honest, I’m just sickeningly jealous. I wish I was a 25 year old rich girl that was so emaciated that she could get away with dressing like a toddler. She’s pure ED fodder and she’s been gleefully acting the part for years now. I remember the brief moment where she was at a normal weight, but now we’re back in “body so skinny that the head looks twice as big as it should be” territory. So I avoid her best as I can.
Maybe once I’m healed from that I’ll just dislike her style and posing. I’ve seldom seen her look good, to make it short (and I’ve spent hours looking at her and her outfits). Her outfits (unless the red carpet people dress her of course) are usually a hot mess (to put it nicely) and I always get the feeling that she dresses like that to underline the fact that her good looks and skinny body will carry the look for her. It’s that “pretty girl dressing ugly” phenomenon. And if I have to see her weird Donald Duck “tits out ass out arched back stiff legs” pose one more time… girl how are you not embarrassed. Her whole thing is giving “kindergarten child who picks up random items on their dressing room floor, but sexy”. That would annoy me even if I wasn’t otherwise affected. But by the time that happens, she might’ve grown up. Here’s to hoping.
#I know I should feel bad for this sick girl#but unfortunately I’m too emotionally affected to have the proper reaction#like every time I see her I get a violent rush of desire to imitate her#it’s embarrassing for me to act like this at my age of course. I’m more than aware of that#especially since she’s so much younger#but I can’t help it. she appeals to the most annoying sickest parts of me haha#and I resent that#I try my best to be neutral about her and focus on the facts (bad style doubtful acting career) but in my head#I come back to her body most of the time#and girl to have both her and AG all over my tumblr IN WINTER. what is this.#do we want to start quoting the chic diet while we’re at it?!
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HOLY SHIT Say I’m the Best (Bow to Your Princess #1) reached 1,000 kudos, what the fuck,,, that’s so cool. I know not everyone who reads my fics is on tumblr, but to those who are, thank you so much <3 everything you guys do motivates me to create
#love you guys lots :3#shout out especially to ppl who don’t even really care ab kubosai and still like the fic. you own my heart#didn’t think I’d ever have the capacity to finish a fic but. my first complete long fic is all grown up now. sniffle#this disease actually isn’t that far behind now that I’m looking…sick#this will not save you from more Kusuo abuse =^•w•^=#saiki k#yeah sure why not. since that’s what the fic’s fandom is
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How do people with executive dysfunction take pills at a consistent time every day? I can have my phone scream at me that I need to take my pills, and my body will still be like “but…no…”
#I mean they’re just vitamins and allergy meds#so it’s not like i have to take prescription pills or anything#but still. it’s an issue.#especially since one of the pills tells me to take with food#(and I know from experience that it’ll make me sick if I don’t eat enough with it)#so my brain is just like ‘you’re telling me I have to eat AND take this stupid pill? fuck this.’#and I proceed to rot in bed for the next 3 hours#all the while my brain is also chastising me bc I have to take my vitamins and I have to do laundry and I really need to work on the#oneshots I said I’d do and haven’t done#like. it’s consistently caused issues in the past and now. and idk what I can do to just. force myself to do the thing#like how the fuck can I tell my mom that ‘hey I know I didn’t get laundry done but in my defense my body literally said no’#when I know she’ll say shit like ‘oh stop being lazy. just try harder. blah blah blah’#like!!!! I’m trying!!! but it’s like trying to catch the dog whenever she gets out. it’s extremely difficult for no fucking reason and I#hate it.#and I can’t even see a medical professional about it bc i unfortunately live in the us and can’t fucking afford to eat on my own let alone#pay a fucking medical bill like that.#sorry. just. sorry. I’ll shut up now. just. ignore me.
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Also it’s been like a week but I’m FINALLY starting to feel like a human being again. It sucked bc every time I thought I was getting better I’d get slapped with a new symptom and be back down for the next two days. I’ve finally beaten the cold 😭
#Shima speaks#I’ll be back to working on comms now since I’m finally able to sit at my computer for more than an hour without getting dizzy lol#Thanks to everyone for being so patient 🙏#Also I wanna do some kind of art challenge too…I haven’t drawn in what feels like ages I’m so rusty#(This is a lie I literally worked on charms over the weekend but it was in brief pieces)#I’ll prolly post some kind of poll soon#I think the coughing fits were the worst part of the sickness tbh. Especially since the next day I was SO sore#My ribs and my chest and everything just hurtttt#Bc I coughed so much 😭#And it was uncontrollable coughing too. The WORST!! EVER
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genuinely cannot explain how important the song “The Ballad of Hamantha” is to my version of Special One
#I really like to give characters “core songs” as in songs that I believe really explain who they are as a character#Coffins is “under my skin” by Jukebox the ghost#And Briefcases is “Heavens knows I’m miserable now” by the smiths#Especially the kinda religious aspects of the song even if they are minor#And all the lines about Hamantha wanting to be a star fits with my version since she’s a child actor#Oughhh Special one you make me so sick#:3#dhmis#dhmis special one#dhmis speshal one#coffinz inzane hourz of inzanity!!!
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Puppy is not feeling well, I’m worried :(
#he’s not doing bad but not great :(#my mom said he chocked this morning and vomit#and now he chocked again and it took a while to calm down#it seems better now but I’m scared it happen again and I’m alone for another 2 hours :(#i would bring outside to breath some air it helps sometimes#but he start doing that after going outside so I Don’t want to accidently make it start again since he’s okay now#i feel like staying a lot a long time yesterday messed up is heart a little especially since he was so excited before we left#cause he though he was going too :(#we took good care of him yesterday and he was fine so idk if it’s really that#alex.txt#tw sick pet
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I’ve been a Wof fan since the tender age of 10. I was also an internet kid, so I’ve been in this fandom a long time. So I’ll say it with my chest, this fandom has killed a lot of the pure wonder and love I once had, and try to still have, for this series.
No one is excited for anything. No one can enjoy anything. There’s no hype. There’s only complaining. Everything is wrong, and bad, and apparently horribly written even though Tui is clearly just having fun with her little dragon books yet y’all expect Cormac McCarthy level writing from her.
This is what some of y’all sound like:
“These characters suck! Those characters suck! Why? Well..because I said so?”
“Dark colored dragons are the villains (even though they are clearly based off of caucasian Nazi’s)?? This must be racist!!!”
“Tui made a (clearly unintentional) mistake when mentioning a character’s age? She’s a p!doph!le!! She groomed me!”
^^^(unfortunately, this is a real claim I’ve seen)
post: This book is horrible, let me tell you why…
Me: *nodding, actually excited to read this critical post, as I agree this particular book in the series is not the best*
Y’all: ACTUALLY, it sucks because it doesn’t affirm my headcannons, and doesn’t focus on the particular niche background characters I wished it focused on! Nye-hehehe!! Tui is the most illiterate writer!!!
Me: good heavens.
#this is a total vent post#learn to like something without coming to hate it#learn to have fun#learn to live a little#learn to not ruin everything you love#with your own unreasonable expectations#learn to take things namely children’s books lightly#I’m just so sick of the needlessly critical bashing#and just to make it clear#I LOVE deep genuine analysis and critique#especially of wof since it’s my fav series of all time#but I rarely ever see genuine critique#all I see is complaining complaining complaining#over and over about stupid things#especially with the guidebook#it’s like you guys can’t stand something just being a fun easy not groundbreaking read#y’all need it to be perfect#but even if it was perfect it still wouldn’t be good enough#not for y’all#wings of fire#wof#dragons#a guide to the dragon world
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When you decide to take the 4hr coach home instead of the 1.5hr train :,)
#it was the cheaper option#especially since the train was £50ish going and coming#however with the coach it was half that price#so idk what I’m going to do most likely watch a show and do some work#but I have a feeling I get car sick 😔#I guess coach sick in this case#gatherrambles#theunidiaries
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ohoho boy tomorrow is gonna be so bad but yanno what I’m gonna be a brave little guy and I’m gonna treat myself to back to back bath days so it’s all gonna be good in the end. Today was so bad today was fucking dreadful but there will be a way !!!!! I have to remember the small joys I have to stay strong
#I hate driving lessons. I’m sick of pretending that I don’t dread them every week. The guy who teaches me can tell and it pisses him off but#I HAVE to learn to drive I just have to and I WANT to be able to drive I just don’t wanna have to do it.#Plus idk what I’m gonna do bc it snowed today and if it’s still snowy out where I drive it’s gonna be cold asf and I’m gonna hate it !!!!#It’ll be fucking SCARY I’m already scared driving normally#And then I have psychology which isn’t even bad but I had a really bad consolidation task and ever since I haven’t been able to delete that#Connotation between the two in my brain.#I’m gonna create plans tho im gonna decide what im wearing for the next three days and a couple fun things that are going into my schedule#So I can look forward without worrying about offsetting the routine which is what ruined today (fuck snow)#I’m gonna try and read more and spend less money!!!!#Now I’m happy because I’ve got a bit of chill time tonight and then Friday’s horrors will fly pass effortlessly I’m sure and then before I#Know it it’ll be Saturday and the worries will be gone especially as now I know work bestie hasn’t like. Died (work bestie was like really#bad sick last week)
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It’s the way I’m in between of “I’m okay if getter gets zero no content this year even though it’s the 50th anniversary because dynapro bot wise it’s grendizer year which has been long overdue, plus getter could be having it worse compared to other mechas” and “please god if your gonna give us even a crumb make it a new spin off manga at least even if I’m probably not gonna read immediately or just a fucking figure that ISN’T shin getter”
#meg text#getter robo#if they make a “happy 50th” figure and it’s just a more pricier shin getter I’m going to sob#<this is likely going to happen#shin getter is a cool design but can we get figures for NEW. PLEASE#ITS TURNING 20 THIS YEAR TOO AND DOING SOMETHING ALSO IN FAVOR OF 50TH A GOOD ENOUGH EXCUSE#and I’m perfectly fine if it’s just getter one even if two and three are super neglected#new getter one is low key becoming my favorite getter one so if I could get a new-Hah-figure of it that be awesome#but also real talk the getter spin offs random but why did they suddenly die after devo??#esp because despite mix reception in the fandom it seems Japan wise they liked it enough to get in SRW#or maybe that was only bc it shared creators with Netflix ultraman and that’s why they could get it in#and just “people are gonna be sick of arma and we can’t add arc yet so former most recent thing will do”#but I think if we can’t get another new anime or animes consistently the spin offs should stay#especially now that they touched arc maybe we can get mangas actually getting to use the boys#still probably wouldn’t follow the anime but they deserve to be in aus#speaking of which can we ever get ova mangas? Like epilogues of what happens after each ova? Please?#that’s never gonna happen but I can DREAM since it’s just such untap potential
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