#Erster Advent
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omanatascha · 2 years ago
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herzensschoene · 2 years ago
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Einen schönen 1. Advent
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petra-kolossa · 1 year ago
Tradition ist Tradition
Und so ist es wohl auch mit dem ersten Advent. Er läutet die Vorweihnacht ein und wir alle lieben diese Zeit. Ich denke, es gibt keinen unter uns, der nicht von ganz klein auf mit dem Mythos der Weihnacht aufgewachsen ist. Denken wir an diese Zeit, strömen uns die köstlichsten Düfte in die Nase, Klänge von Weihnachtsmusik, Heimlichkeiten, Überraschungen. Auch Kälte und Schnee gehörten…
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phototagebuch · 2 years ago
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27.11.2022: Cryptogamae
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percygermany · 2 years ago
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desasterkreis · 1 year ago
Der erste Advent 2023
Ich hoffe, Ihr habt es ruhig Wie in jedem Jahr möchte ich Euch auch heute einen friedlichen ersten Advent wünschen. Wir alle wissen, wie schnell es geht, bis alle vier Kerzen auf dem Kranz angezündet sein werden und dann ist Weihnachten auch schon erreicht. Da in diesem Jahr der letzte Adventssonntag parallel auf Heiligabend fällt, ist der Advent kurz, aber das Weihnachtswochenende umso länger.  
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theodoreangelos · 1 year ago
First Sunday of Advent 🌲🌲 🕯️ 🌲🌲 The first candle is lit… La première bougie est allumée… Зажжена первая свеча… Die erste Kerze brennt��
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This year I made my own advent wreath. Usually I only have a decorative plate with four candles on but this year I got a straw ring and some fir branches and bound a traditionally one. It got surprisingly even for my first try and I really like how it turned out.
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als-aargauer-unterwegs · 2 years ago
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Fahrt an einem Eistag Vollständiger Bericht bei: https://agu.li/24X Nicht, dass die Strassen voller Eis gewesen wären, aber die Temperatur stieg heute nie über null Grad. Das GPS registrierte 34.3 KM und 244 Höhenmeter.
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daydreamervalchen · 6 days ago
Wünsch dir was! ⭐️ Gibt es mmffs, auf die du wartest? Ich meine nun keine spezifische mmff, auf deren Veröffentlichung du wartest. Gibt es eine Art von mmffs oder einfach Themen, “aesthetics”, Plotpoints, Guilty Pleasures etc. die du dir für eine mmff in Zukunft erhoffst oder wünschen würdest? :D
Danke für die Frage♡
Da ich primär im One Piece Fandom unterwegs bin, warte ich dato, ob es da mal wieder eine interessante MMFF gibt, in erster Linie weil ich einen OC habe, den ich gerne anbringen würde :'D
Aber um das Ganze etwas allgemeiner zu halten; ich bin immer ein sucker für found family trope with bunch of misfits learning to love each other🫂für Drama bin ich auch immer zu haben, gerne auch mit etwas Herzschmerz involviert🥹❤️‍🩹 Aber zum Ende des Jahres darf es gerne auch etwas (Advent) Fluff sein🧸
Auch fände ich mal MMFFs mit female x female oder poly ships (richtige poly ships, nicht das Beziehungs-Dreieck mit A x B oder A x C sondern A x B x C oder andere Konstellationen) sehr interessant, weil die meisten ship Optionen oft nur hetero oder male x male sind. Aber in welchen Fandom kann ich echt nicht sagen.
aesthetics/Themen über die ich mich sehr freue würde, wären Mythologien ✨, Märchen (Kunst- & Volksmärchen)🏰, dark academia 🐦‍⬛, steam punk (besonders mit Setting in der Victorian Era)⚙️.
(MM)FFs mit Fokus auf morally grey characters/heros oder (redeemed) villains wäre auch definitiv was für mich, weil die Tropes mein Guilty Pleasure sind😅 Oder MMFFs die alte Tropes aufbrechen wie...buh...keine Ahnung eine Gruppe Mütter, Väter oder Großeltern die ihre Helden-Kiddies retten müssen, nachdem die von einer Mission nicht zurückgekommen sind :'D
Teilweise aus reinen Nostalgiegründen MMFF zu Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Avatar-Herr der Elemente, Pokemon, das Lied von Eis und Feuer/GoT und weil ich gerade etwas versuche in das Fandom ausschere gerne mehr zu Percy Jackson/Die Werke von Rick Riordan🥰
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susen70 · 11 months ago
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Nachdem sich Familie Fröhlich in ihrem neuen Heim gut eingewöhnt hat, wird es nun auch langsam bei ihnen weihnachtlich. 😊
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Teppich-Set “Advent 2023“
Hinweise: Ich habe Sims 2-Super Deluxe und alle EP’s und Acc-Packs installiert. Damit die Teppiche im Spiel angezeigt werden, muss das EP “Vier Jahreszeiten” installiert sein. Die Teppiche findet ihr dann beim Originalteppich “Erster königlicher Ovalteppich”.
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Bitte meine TOU und die “ReadMe” in der Download-Datei beachten! Vielen Dank.
Ich wünsche einen schönen dritten Adventsonntag.
Happy simming!
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theodoreangelos · 2 years ago
First Sunday of Advent Pierwsza Niedziela Adwentu Первое воскресение Адвента Erster Sonntag im Advent Premier dimanche de l'Avent
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adwent 🕯️
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adito-lang · 11 months ago
Norwegian Christmas vocabulary and traditions
Førjulstid / Adventstid 🕯🍷✨
Mange markerer adventssøndagene med en lysestake med fire stearinlys. Første søndag i advent tennes det første lyset, og for hver adventssøndag tennes et nytt lys.
I ukene før jul er det vanlig at bedrifter, foreninger og vennegjenger har julebord. Det er en førjulsfest, et selskap eller restaurantbesøk der det blir servert tradisjonell julemat, ofte i form av en buffet. 
På de fleste julemarkeder kan man smake på gløgg (en varm, kryddet drikk som inneholder vanligvis rødvin), i tillegg til tradisjonelle julegodterier som brente mandler. Juleøl, et mørkt og krydret øl, kommer i butikkene i november og serveres ofte i I adventstiden.
Mange pynter huset med julepynt: kranser, nisser, engler, stjerner osv. Det er vanlig med juletre i stua som dekoreres med glitter og julekuler. 
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Jul og Romjul 🎁🌲🍽
Lille juleaften, 23. desember: mange familier har egne tradisjoner denne kvelden, som å pynte juletreet, lage pepperkakehus, og se på Grevinnen og hovmesteren på NRK.
Julaften, 24. desember, er høydepunktet i norsk julefeiring. De fleste spiser julemiddag hjemme eller hos slektninger. Tradisjonelle juleretter er ribbe, pinnekjøtt, julepølse, lutefisk, juletorsk, medisterkaker, og risgrøt/julegrøt. Det finnes en utbredt tradisjon om å putte en skåldet mandel i julegrøten som serveres på (lille) julaften. Den som finner mandelen får en liten gave. Og når vi snakker om gaver: julegavene er på forhånd lagt under juletreet, og pakkes ut på kvelden julaften.
Første juledag (25. desember) og andre juledag (26. desember) er offentlige fridager. De fleste har fri fra jobben, og dagene brukes gjerne til familieselskaper, å gå ut på tur i skogen og å kose seg med gaver, filmer osv.
Romjulen starter når andre juledag er over, det vil si fra og med 27. - 31. desember. Fra 27. desember er butikkene åpne og mange haster rundt for å bytte julegaver som de ikke vil ha eller å kjøpe det de vil i romjulssalg til redusert pris. Men den er ofte en rolig tid, og mange tar en hyttetur eller bruker romjulen til friluftsaktiviteter. Det fant en tradisjon med å gå julebukk. Barn kledde seg ut, gikk rundt på besøk til folk, ringte på dørene og sang julesanger for de som åpner, men denne skikken er ikke vanlig lenger.
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Norsk - Deutsch - English
lysestake (en) - der Kerzenhalter - candle holder
julebord (et) - die Weihnachtsfeier (für Angestellte/Mitglieder/Freunde) - Christmas banquet for employees/members/friends
julemarked (en) - der Weihnachtsmarkt - Christmas market
gløgg (en) - der Glühwein - mulled wine
brente mandler - gebrannte Mandeln - roasted almonds
juleøl (et) - das Weihnachtsbier - Christmas beer
julepynt (en) - die Weihnachtsdekoration - Christmas decoration
nisse (en) - der Nisse (Hausgeist) - nisse (folklore creature)
juletre (et) - der Weihnachtsbaum - Christmas tree
julekule (en) - die Weihnachtskugel - Christmas baubel
Lille juleaften - "Kleiner Heilig Abend" - "Little Christmas Eve"
pepperkakehus (et) - das Lebkuchenhaus - gingerbread house
Grevinnen og hovmesteren - Dinner for One
Julaften - der Heiligabend - Christmas Eve
julemiddag (en) - das Weihnachtsessen - Christmas dinner
julerett (en) - das Weihnachtsgericht - Christmas dish
ribbe (en/ei) - Schweinerippen - pork ribs
risgrøt (en) - der Reisbrei - rice porridge
julegave (en/ei) - das Weihnachtsgeschenkt - Christmas present
Første juledag - erster Weihnachtstag - Christmas Day
Andre juledag - zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag - Boxing Day
Romjul (en/ei) - zwischen den Jahren - period between Dec 27th-31st
romjulssalg (et) - der Weihnachtsverkauf - Christmas sale starting on Dec 27th
å gå julebukk - Weihnachtssingen gehen (Kinder verkleiden sich) - to go Christmas carolling (kids dress up in costumes)
julesang (en) - das Weihnachtslied - Christmas song
God jul og godt nytt år! 🎉❤️
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lepreuxchevalier · 7 months ago
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My latest retouch of the second illustration of some "Schwarze Reiter” that I have officially designed to feature the faction iconography of “Hohenrotbart Des Königreich Middenland" or "House Rotbart of The Kingdom of Middenland," one of the most iconic and prolific factions of my "homebrew" low-fantasy setting. Both this artwork and it's associated faction iconography were officially designed for a "homebrew" low-fantasy setting of my original conception with technology and material culture roughly equivalent to European History during the compounded advents of The Italian Renaissance, The Protestant Reformation, and The Discovery of America. Where formations of heavily armoured and mounted, aristocratic and noble knights in either suits of full plate armour or heavy coats of chainmail fight alongside professional regiments of pikemen and matchlock musketeers. Where medieval-style stone castles are gradually being outsourced in favour of lavish country estates and devoted military fortifications, or “bastions,” due to the technological advancements being made in gunpowder-based, siege artillery. And where fledgling nation-states in the form of both kingdoms and empires look beyond the great oceans and the terrestrial frontiers of “The Known World” in search of exotic riches and territory.
In context to the canon lore of my "homebrew" low-fantasy setting, “Hohenrotbart Des Königreich Middenland" or "House Rotbart of The Kingdom of Middenland" is loosely inspired by Medieval and Renaissance Prussia under The Theocracy of The Teutonic Knights as well as Ducal Prussia during the 16th and 17th centuries. “Friedrich I, Der erster und herrschend König von Middenland und Der Gründungschef von Hohenrotbart," with his legislative decree to formally convert to “The Luxembourgian Reformation” on behalf of both his dynastic household and his hereditary subjects being highly analogous to "Albrecht von Hohenzollern's" or "Albert von Preußen's" formal secularization of “The Monastic State of The Teutonic Knights” or “Des Deutschordenstaat” to The Lutheran, East Prussian Duchy as it's last effective grandmaster and it's first hereditary duke in the early 16th century.
Designated in my "homebrew" low-fantasy setting as “Shwarze Reiter” or “Black Riders,” the constituent “Bruderschaften” or “chapters” of “Der Schwarze Reiter” are the elite, pseudo-monastic, martial fraternities of aristocratic and noble heavy cavalry paying direct homage and military service to "Den Könige von Middenland" from "Hohenrotbart." "Die Brüderschaften" or "The Brotherhoods" as the constituent "chapters" of "Der Schwarze Reiter" drew manpower from a network of logistical and recruiting districts geographically situated within the frontiers of Des Königreich Middenland known as "cantons" each centered around "Eine Ordensburg" or "a chapter castle." Each “Brüderschaft” or “chapter” of "Der Schwarze Reiter" was assigned to the personal command and the direct supervision of “Ein Großmeister” or “a grandmaster,” who were each personally and individually charged for life by the persons of "Der Könige von Middenland" from "Hohenrotbart" to be given personal command and direct supervision over an individual "Brüderschaft" or "chapter" within "Die Schwarze Reiter." "Die Großmeister" or "The Grandmasters" of "Der Schwarze Reiter" were personally and individually appointed from "legitimate issues" or "dynastic scions" of Des Königreich Middenland's princely "great houses" of "junker" aristocrats and nobles in order to "bind" or otherwise "insure" both their hereditary, dynastic loyalties and their feudal homage to the feudal suzerainty of "Hohenrotbart Des Königreich Middenland. "Die Könige von Middenland" from "Hohenrotbart" are the traditionally hereditary holders for the technically appointed office of "Des Hochmeister Der Schwarze Reiter" or "The Supreme Grandmaster of All Schwarze Reiter." A military tradition meant to engender "Hohenrotbart Des Königreich Middenland's" dynastic traditions of martial discipline, martial professionalism, and crusading, warrior ethos of worthy of the commaders-in-chief to all the constituent "Brüderschaften" or "chapters" within "Die Schwarze Reiter." In order to "strengthen" or otherwise "reinforce" the bonds of professional loyalties and direct homage of the constituent "Brüderschaften" or "chapters" of "Der Schwarze Reiter" to “Den Könige von Middenland" from "Hohenrotbart" as the traditionally hereditary holders for the technically appointed office of “Des Hochmeister Der Schwarzen Reiter” or "The Supreme Grandmaster of All Schwarze Reiter." Both the personal livelihoods and the unit upkeep costs of the constituent “Brüderschaften” or "chapters" of "Der Schwarze Reiter" were funded through a combination of the seasonal land tax generated by “the demesne” or “the crownlands” under the direct administration of "Hohenrotbart Des Königreich Middenland" and their civil administrators, through any tariffs imposed on the commerce and the industry of Des König von Middenland’s charter companies and the local trade guilds, as well as through any tithes and benefices generated by the religious services of, donations to, and property owned by The Conservative Church of The New Gods in joint partnership with "Hohenrotbart Des Königreich Middenland" over the sovereign and legitimate rulership, the state administration, and the systematic, mass conversion of the autochthonous, apostate, Albic tribes religiously subscribed to the druidic, cult worship of “Erdøk,” "The Great Bastion," or ”The Great Forest” geographically situated directly beyond the easternmost fronters of “Das Selbst Kaiserreich Der Menschheit” or “The Empire of Mankind Proper.”
Alongside "Hohenbiermann Der Markgrafschaft Brannenborg," "Hohenrotbart Des Königreich Middenland" collectively forms "Die Sudkreuzritterstaaten," "Die Teutogenstaaten," or "Die Sudentscheidenstaaten." Essentially a "Teutogen" or "Southern Austere" cultural and linguistic bloc born of the subsequent and complimentary events of "The Southern Crusades" and "The Sudsiedlung." "The Southern Crusades" essentially being the religious warfare and the territorial conquests formally preached and prosecuted against the autochthonous, apostate, Albic tribes religiously subscribed to the druidic, cult worship of "Erdøk," "The Great Forest," or "The Great Bastion" geographically situated directly beyond the easternmost frontiers of "Des Zweiten Kaiserreich der Menschheit" or "The Empire of Mankind Secundus." While "The Sudsiedlung" generally denotes the gradual, mass migration and the effective resettlement of culturally and ethnically "Austere" or "Northern Imperial" settlers and immigrants hailing from "Das Selbst Kaiserreich der Menschheit" or "The Empire of Mankind Proper" alongside the systematic, mass conversion of the indigenous, apostate, Albic tribes back into the fold of The Conservative Church of The New Gods officially seated within The Holy Sept of Romulus, Cosmopoleis synonymous and complimentary with their thorough assimilation into the "Austere" or "Northern Imperial" culture and language of their feudal and ecclesiastical lords and masters using the religious services and the church schools officially sponsored by a culturally and ethnically "Austere" or "Northern Imperial" Conservative Clergy with their traditional monopolies over knowledge, learning, and education in general. The thorough and effective cultural assimilation of the autochthonous, apostate, Albic tribes of Des Königreich Middenland and Der Markgrafschaft Brannenborg being a practical necessity for their systematic, mass conversion back into the fold of The Conservative Church of The New Gods due to the practical realities associated with the inherent shortage and lack of any literate and formally educated indigenous Albic Clergy who could effectively and efficiently preach and proselytize the conservative liturgy of The Holy Canons of The New Gods to the pious masses in "Die Sudkreuzritterstaaten, "Die Teutogenstaaten," or "Die Sudentscheidenstaaten." With any autochthonous, apostate, Albic tribes who had both violently resisted and openly protested against the legislative marginalization of their religious liberties meant to encourage their systematic, mass conversion back into the fold of The Conservative Church of The New Gods traditionally seated within The Holy Sept of Classical Romulus facing mass genocide at the hands of the fledgling, yet brutally effective and efficient professional armies paying direct homage and military service to "Hohenrotbart Des Königreich Middenland" and "Hohenbiermann Der Markgrafscaft Brannenborg," or those of the feudal, aristocratic levies of knightly retinues and pike-and-shotte infantry regiments paying direct homage and military service to the aristocratic and noble "great houses" of "junker" princeps and magnates in either Das Königreich Middenland or Die Markgrafschaft Brannenborg. "Hohenrotbart Des Königreich Middenland," in particular, was born out of Bishop-Prince Friedrich Albrecht Von Rotbart's "Midlands Crusade" formally preached and prosecuted on behalf of "Archpatriarch Vexillarius IV, 299th and Reigning Bishop of Romulus and Current Head of The Conservative Church of The New Gods" against the autochthonous, apostate, Albic tribes geographically situated directly beyond the southernmost frontiers of "Des Zweiten Kaiserreich der Menschheit" or "The Empire of Mankind Secundus." With "The Midlands Crusade" finally concluding, in stunning and overwhelming triumph, in favour of Bishop-Prince Friedrich Albrecht Von Rotbart and the conquering, crusading host of "The Midlands Crusade" at the climactic "Battle of The Godswoods."
With the stunning and final conclusion of "The Midlands Crusade" formally and officially preached and prosecuted against the indigenous, apostate, Albic tribes religiously subscribed to the druidic, cult worship of "Erdøk" or "The Great Forest" by Friedrich I's far more prestigious, prolific, and illustrious older brother Friedrich Albrecht Von Rotbart, "Bishop-Prince of Elchingen," "ecclesiastical, invested Kurfürst Des Selbst Kaiserreich der Menschheit," and above all "The Archpatriarchal Legate" or "The Pontifical Representative" to "Vexillarius IV, 299th and Reigning Bishop of Romulus and Current Head of The Conservative Church of The New Gods" for "The Midlands Crusade" with the stunning and overwhelming victory for the sanctioned host of The Conservative Church of The New Gods at the climactic "Battle of The Godswoods." "The Godswoods" as the holiest shrine and the sacred grove to the autochthonous, apostate, Albic tribes geographically situated directly beyond the southernmost frontiers of "Das Selbst Kaiserreich der Menschheit" or "The Empire of Mankind Proper" was subsequently and consequently desecrated and demolished by the conquering, crusading knights of "The Midlands Crusade." With it's constituent lands being formally consecrated as the site of the new basilica town of Marienburg, where Friedrich Albrecht Von Rotbart would be invested, with The Bishop of Romulus' explicit blessing, the awesome and prestigious ecclesiastical office of "Bishop-Patriarch of Marienburg" in order to facilitate the systematic, mass conversion of the indigenous, apostate, Albic tribes back into the fold of The Conservative Church of The New Gods traditionally seated within The Holy Sept of Romulus. By sheer virtue of his fraternal ties to both "The Archpatriarchal Legate" or "The Pontifical Representative" to Vexillarius IV for "The Midlands Crusade" as well as the seminal and founding "Bishop-Patriarch of Marienburg," Friedrich Von Rotbart was naturally prioritized over all other prospective candidates for his formal coronation and anointment as "Friedrich I, Der erster und herrschend König von Middenland und Der Gründungschef von Hohenrotbart" as The Former Kingdom of The Midlands' first hereditary monarch and dynastic household since the extinction of the legitimate, male bloodline of The Late House Bartholemew almost an entire century ago. Using the awesome power, prestige, and authority inherently tied to the venerable and prestigious ecclesiastical office of Bishop-Patriarch of Marienburg, Friedrich-Albrecht Von Rotbart would use his ecclesiastical office within The Conservative Church of The New Gods to leverage the unanimous political and religious support of all the high ranking ecclesiastical and monastic offices of Conservative Clergy within Das Königreich Middenland.
Although having won the unanimous religious support and the political backing of the ecclesiastical and the monastic clergy of The Conservative Church of The New Gods in Das Königreich Middenland. Friedrich I's coronation as "Der erster und herrschend König von Middenland und Der Gründungschef von Hohenrotbart" was initially and generally received with both icy anticipation and subtle dread, in equal measure, by the newly established aristocratic and noble "great houses" of "junker" princeps and magnates who formed from the cream, core, and bulk of the conquering, crusading knights originally involved in Friedrich-Albrecht Von Rotbart's "Midlands Crusade." Many of whom felt personally that they were better suited towards, or otherwise felt that they were more entitled to the formal and official coronation for the hereditary, dynastic title of "Der erster und herrschend König von Middenland" due to the equal degree of suspicion and skepticism they generally held in regards to Friedrich Von Rotbart in most part due to his minor aristocratic and noble birth within the "Austere" or "Northern Imperial" cultural and linguistic hemisphere of "Des Zweiten Kaiserreich der Menschheit" or "The Empire of Mankind Secundus," as well as his professional background as a mercenary captain to pike-and-shotte infantry, as opposed to aristocratic and noble heavy cavalry due to the historical precedence of the militaristic traditions and the ideology of professional chivalry. To placate the residual and looming suspicion, skepticism, and subtle dread initially and generally expressed by Das Königreich Middenland's greater and lesser dynastic houses of "junker" aristocrats and nobles, while also further "entrenching" or otherwise "reinforcing" their feudal homage and their hereditary, dynastic loyalties to "Hohenrotbart Des Königreich Middenland." Friedrich I, with Bishop-Patriarch Friedrich-Albrecht Von Rotbart's explicit blessing, would award hereditary, dynastic enfeoffment over Das Königreich Middenland's most arable and lucrative lands, titles, and estates which had not been previously claimed as the legal property of The Conservative Church of The New Gods to the greater and lesser dynastic houses of "junker" aristocrats and nobles. Later on into the decades of his long, prolific, and illustrious reign as "Der erster und herrschend König von Middenland und Der Gründungschef von Hohenrotbart," Friedrich I would decree state legislation to award Das Königreich Middenland's greater and lesser dynastic houses of "junker" aristocrats and nobles the exclusive, feudal privilege for state appointments as judges and magistrates for the new, secular, "royal" law courts officially established by Friedrich I since the aftermath of "The Midlands Crusade" with his formal coronation as "Der erster und herrschend König von Middenland und Der Gründungschef von Hohenrotbart." The voluminous bodies of secular law codes, traditions, and customs governing the provincial jurisdiction of Friedrich I's "royal" law courts essentially being derivative works of those of "Die Freie Reichsstädte" or "The Imperial Free Cities" within the "Austere" or "Northern Imperial" cultural and linguistic hemisphere of "Des Zweiten Kaiserreich der Menschheit" or "The Empire of Mankind Secundus." With the exception of the provincial jurisdiction of the episcopal diocese of The Archbishopric of Marienburg, which was governed directly by the canon law courts answerable only to The Archpatriarch traditionally seated within The Holy Sept of Romulus.
In direct cooperation and in joint partnership with his far more prestigious, prolific, and illustrious older brother Bishop-Patriarch Friedrich-Albrecht Von Rotbart. "Friedrich I, Der erster und herrschend König von Middenland und Der Gründungschef von Hohenrotbart" worked in direct cooperation and in joint partnership with both the ecclesiastical and the monastic clergy of The Conservative Church of The New Gods over the sovereign and legitimate rulership, the state administration, and the systematic, mass conversion of Des Königreich Middenland's autochthonous, apostate, Albic tribes back into the fold of The Conservative Church of The New Gods officially seated within The Holy Sept of Classical Romulus. With any indigenous, apostate, Albic tribes who had both violently resisted and openly protested against the legislative marginalization of their religious liberties meant to encourage their systematic, mass conversion back into the fold of The Conservative Church of The New Gods facing mass genocide at the hands of either the fledgling, yet brutally efficient and effective professional army paying direct homage and military service to "Hohenrotbart Des Königreich Middenland," or those of the feudal, aristocratic levies of knightly retinues and pike-and-shotte infantry regiments paying direct homage and military service to Dem Königreich Middenland's aristocratic and noble "great houses" of "junker" princeps and magnates. The systematic, mass conversion efforts to bring the autochthonous, apostate, Albic tribes back into the fold of The Conservative Church of The New Gods was facilitated exclusively by a culturally and an ethnically "Austere" or "Northern Imperial" Conservative Clergy, who had maintained their traditional monopolies over knowledge, learning, and education in general. A practical necessity meant to compensate for the inherent shortage and lack of any literate and formally educated "autochthonous" or "indigenous" Albic Clergy who could effectively and efficiently preach and proselytize the conservative liturgy of The Holy Canons of The New Gods to the pious masses of Des Königreich Middenland. The systematic, mass conversion of Des Königreich Middenland's indigenous, apostate, Albic tribes necessitated the practicality of their thorough and effective assimilation into the culture and language of their "Austere" or "Northern Imperial" feudal and ecclesiastical lords and masters using the religious services and the church schools officially sponsored by a culturally and ethnically "Austere" or "Northern Imperial" Conservative Clergy.
In order to "revitalize" or otherwise "encourage" the growth of Das Königreich Middenland's internal economy, industrial base, and cultural and scholastic activity. Friedrich I's first and most enduring policy as "Der erster und herrschend König von Middenland und Der Gründungschef von Hohenrotbart" was to encourage both the mass immigration and the thorough and effective resettlement of skilled, educated, and moneyed commoners hailing from his native "Austere" or "Northern Imperial" cultural and linguistic hemisphere within "Das Selbst Kaiserreich der Menschheit" or "The Empire of Mankind Proper." Using the allure and the promise to permanently resettle, in free hold, within the newly established castles and fortified cities of Des Königreich Middenland, as well as the most lucrative and arable rural estates of their attached countryside. Friedrich I hopes to stimulate the growth of both the rising class of urban "burghers" or "bourgeoisie, merchants, professionals, and artisans," as well as the rising class of rural "kollmers" or "country gentlemen." In order to relieve the societal tension caused by the cultural and religious differences between the more-than-significant influx of culturally "Austere" or "Northern Imperial" settlers and immigrants with the indigenous, apostate Albic tribes. Friedrich I as "Der erster und herrschend König von Middenland und Der Gründungschef von Hohenrotbart," in direct partnership with the ecclesiastical clergy of The Conservative Church of The New Gods in Das Königreich Middenland, officially decreed state legislation to offer church-sponsored dowries to any autochthonous Albic families who had both openly and officially converted back into the fold of The Conservative Church of The New Gods in return for marrying off their daughters to any male settlers and immigrants hailing from the "Austere" or "Northern Imperial" cultural and linguistic hemisphere of "Des Zweiten Kaiserreich der Menschheit" or "The Empire of Mankind Secundus." By officially endorsing both a political and a religious campaign to encourage intermarriage between the daughters of any indigenous Albic families who had both openly and officially converted back into the fold of The Conservative Church of The New Gods with male settlers and immigrants hailing from the "Austere" or "Northern Imperial" cultural and linguistic hemisphere of "Des Zweiten Kaiserreich der Menschheit" or "The Empire of Mankind Secundus" using dowries officially sponsored by the ecclesiastical clergy of The Conservative Church of The New Gods in Dem Königreich Middenland. Friedrich I hopes to "stimulate" or otherwise "encourage" the rate and the efficiency of the systematic, mass conversion of Des Königreich Middenland's indigenous, apostate, Albic tribes while also placating any political and social instability agitated by the cultural and the religious friction between the more-than-significant influx of "Austere" or "Northern Imperial" settlers and immigrants with the Albic natives.
With the untimely passing away of Bishop-Patriarch Friedrich-Albrecht Von Rotbart as Friedrich I's far more prestigious, prolific, and illustrious older brother, "The Archpatriarchal Legate" or "The Pontifical Representative" to Vexillarius IV for "The Midlands Crusade," and the seminal and founding "Bishop-Patriarch of Marienburg" formally invested during the stunning conclusion and aftermath of "The Midlands Crusade" with the official consecration of the site of the basilica town of Marienburg over the lands of the former "Godswoods" as the holiest shrine and the sacred grove of the autochthonous, apostate, Albic tribes of "The Former Kingdom of The Midlands" since before it's untimely and final collapse with the extinction of the legitimate, male bloodline of "The Late House Bartholemew" and the subsequent and consequent warring and political feuding between The Former Kingdom of The Midlands' aristocratic and noble "great houses" of feudal princeps and magnates over the issue of legitimate succession to the then extinct, legitimate male bloodline of The Late House Bartholemew. The venerable and ailing Archpatriarch Vexillarius IV as "The 299th and Reigning Bishop of Romulus and The Current Head of The Conservative Church of The New Gods" formally and officially invested in, with his explicit blessing, "Wolfgang Amadeus Von Holswig-Schlestien, Bishop-Prince of Griffenheim and ecclesiastical, invested, Kurfürst Des Selbst Kaiserreich Der Menschheit" as the lawful and legitimate successor to the late Friedrich-Albrecht Von Rotbart for the venerable and prestigious ecclesiastical office of "Bishop-Patriarch of Marienburg." Unlike Bishop-Patriarch Friedrich-Albrecht Von Rotbart as his immediate predecessor and the seminal and founding Bishop-Patriarch of Marienburg, this new Bishop-Patriarch of Marienburg was particularly hellbent on both maximizing and prioritizing the spiritual, cultural, and moral power, authority, and influence of The Conservative Church of The New Gods formally seated within The Holy Sept of Romulus as the historic capital, civilizational kernel, and titular namesake of The Cosmopolitan, Classical Romulan Republic and "The Empire of Mankind Primus" at the expense of marginalizing the secular, worldly, and temporal power, authority, and influence of "Hohenrotbart Des Königreich Middenland" to a purely nominal level, in order to improve the rate and the efficiency of the systematic, mass conversion of Des Königreich Middenland's autochthonous, apostate Albic tribes religiously subscribed to the druidic, cult worship of "Erdøk" or "The Great Forest" geographically situated directly beyond the easternmost frontiers of "Das Zweiten Kaiserreich Der Menschheit" or "The Empire of Mankind Secundus," which he deemed as being facilitated "reluctantly" or otherwise "inadequately." Stating at one point during his brief and untimely tenure as The Second Bishop-Patriarch of Marienburg that "The Midlands Crusade was formally and officially preached and prosecuted against the autochthonous, apostate, Albic tribes in the name of The Canon Pantheon of The New Gods, not in the name of the selfish and conceited ambitions of prospective monarchs and aristocrats. And it was through their sheer grace and divinity that The Midlands Crusade had finally concluded, in stunning and overwhelming triumph, in favour of the sanctioned host of The Conservative Church."
"Friedrich I, Der erster und herrschend König von Middenland und Der Gründungschef von Hohenrotbart," in direct response to this seemingly existential threat to his sovereign and legitimate rule posed by this new Bishop-Patriarch of Marienburg and his clerical and lay administration, formally decreed state legislation as "Der erster und herrschend König von Middenland und Der Gründungschef von Hohenrotbart" to officially convert to "The Luxembourgian Reformation" to the religious establishment of, and the institutions of organized religion within The Conservative Church of The New Gods traditionally seated within The Holy Sept of Classical Romulus as the historic capital, the civilizational kernel, and the titular namesake of both The Cosmopolitan, Classical Romulan Republic and "The Empire of Mankind Primus" during "The Civilized World's" historic epoch of "Classical Antiquity" on behalf of both his dynastic household and his hereditary subjects. Karl Von Luxembourg essentially being a learned church doctor of theology from "Die Universität Wörtzburch" in "Das Herzogtum Solingen," a prestigious graduate of "The Imperial Academy" at "Nymphenburg," and the official head and the former heir apparent to "Hohenluxembourg Des Königreich Schönbrunn," the only hereditary monarchy within "Das Zweiten Kaiserreich der Menshheit" or "The Empire of Mankind Secundus" who is best known for his drafted and published thesis openly condemning the corruption, the abuses, and the worldly excesses of both the ecclesiastical and the monastic clergy of The Conservative Church of The New Gods and the appeal for a general, sweeping, and universal theological reformation to the religious establishment of, and the institutions of organized religion within The Conservative Church of The New Gods officially seated within The Holy Sept of Classical Romulus. In the process of decreeing state legislation to become the first hereditary, dynastic ruler in both the recorded histories and the geographic enormity of "The Known World" to officially convert to Karl Von Luxembourg's general, sweeping, and universal theological reformation of The Conservative Church of The New Gods, Friedrich I would enact "the formal assumption of supreme authority over matters of religion" as “The First Supreme Head of The Reformed Church of The New Gods in Das Königreich Middenland." Thus subsequently and consequently endowing himself with state investiture over new bishops and abbots for "The Reformed Church of The New Gods in Das Königreich Middenland," including state investiture over the venerable and prestigious ecclesiastical office of Bishop-Patriarch of Marienburg since the historic consecration and founding of the basilica town of Marienburg over the site of the former "Godswoods" in the aftermath of Friedrich-Albrecht Von Rotbart's "Midlands Crusade," with the formal investiture of his brother as the seminal and founding "Bishop-Patriarch of Marienburg" charged with the systematic, mass conversion of the indigenous, apostate, Albic tribes religiously subscribed to the druidic, cult worship of "Erdøk" or "The Great Forest." Friedrich I's formal assumption of supreme authority over matters of religion through his legislative decree to officially convert to "The Luxembourgian Reformation" on behalf of both his dynastic household and his hereditary subjects would naturally culminate in the systematic persecution, the legislative marginalization, and the confiscation of the lands, estates, and treasuries of any ecclesiastical and monastic clergy of The Conservative Church of The New Gods who had both openly and stubbornly refused to submit before, and openly protested against Friedrich I's formal renunciation of his spiritual, cultural, and moral ties of fealty to “The Archpatriarchs” or “The Bishops of Romulus” as “The Anointed, Acolytic, and Universal Heads of The Conservative Church of The New Gods.”
Friedrich I's first official policy as "The First Supreme Head of The Reformed Church of The New Gods in Das Königreich Middenland" was to decriminalize both the vernacular translations and the private ownership of "The Holy Canons of The New Gods" in direct accordance with Karl Von Luxembourg's essential and defining theological tenets of "sola fide" or "salvation by faith alone," "sola scriptura" or "salvation by scripture alone," and "sola gratia" or "salvation by the god-king alone." Which had always been traditionally codified in "Classical Cosmopolitan" or "Ecclesiastical Cosmopolitan" as the conservative liturgical language of The Conservative Church of The New Gods since the original composition, codification, and canonization of the most widely attested and popular oral mythologies of The Cosmopolitan and The Mycenean Pantheons into the canon theology of The Faith of The New Gods traditionally attributed to the theological reforms officially decreed under the reign of The Cosmopolitan, Classical Romulan Imperator of Mankind "Cassadorian the Great." While both the private ownership and the strict interpretation of The Holy Canons of The New Gods had remained the exclusive, legal reserve of the ecclesiastical and the monastic clergy of The Conservative Church of The New Gods since it's original institutionalization under The Cosmopolitan, Classical Romulan Imperator of Mankind "Demetrius Superbus" as an "administrative organ" or an "administrative body" within the civil magistracy of The Cosmopolitan, Classical Romulan "Empire of Mankind Primus," as well as the exclusive, feudal privilege of the hereditary, dynastic, greater and lesser houses of feudal aristocracy and nobility as both "the traditional" and "the preferential" source for aspiring and prospective clergymen. With Friedrich I's legislative decree to decriminalize both the vernacular translations and the private ownership of The Holy Canons of The New Gods officially opening both it's reading and it's strict interpretation to all social classes outside the ecclesiastical and the monastic clergy of The Reformed Church of The New Gods in Das Königreich Middenland as well as the greater and lesser hereditary, dynastic houses of "junker" aristocracy and nobility.
In order to effectively "bolster" or otherwise "reinforce" his legislative decree to open both the private ownership and the strict interpretation of the vernacular translations of The Holy Canons of The New Gods to all social classes outside the ecclesiastical and monastic clergy and the feudal aristocracy and nobility. Friedrich I had actively campaigned to proliferate both the spread and the growth of mass literacy within Das Königreich Middenland using the religious support and the political backing of any professional printers, missionaries, and church schools personally sympathetic to Karl Von Luxembourg and his general, sweeping, and universal reformation to the religious establishment of, and institutions of organized religion within The Conservative Church of The New Gods officially seated within The Holy Sept of Romulus as the historic capital, civilizational kernel, and titular namesake of The Cosmopolitan, Classical Romulan Republic and "The Empire of Mankind Primus." With Friedrich I's formal issuance of the deed of foundation for "The Collegium Fridericium" or "Die Universität Königsberg" to serve as both the earliest and the greatest official centre for the ideological proliferation of Karl Von Luxembourg's general, sweeping, and universal theological reformation of The Conservative Church of The New Gods, as well as a religious and cultural monument quite literally "set in stone" dedicated in homage to his equally timeless and enduring legacy and infamy as the first hereditary, dynastic ruler in both the recorded histories and the geographic enormity of "The Known World" to formally renounce his spiritual, cultural, and moral ties of fealty to The Holy Sept in Classical Romulus. In the process of formally issuing the deed of foundation for the levying of a new university at his historic capital and personal seat of power in "Königsberg." "The Collegium Fridericium" or "Die Universität Königsberg" would serve as a mighty bastion and stronghold of religious and cultural education explicitly founded with the intent of producing aspiring and prospective bishops and abbots formally schooled and educated in the intellectual framework and methodology of renaissance humanism most popular within the scholastic and academic communities and circles native to the "Frivolous" or "Southern Imperial" states of "L'Impero Secundo dell'Umanità" or "The Empire of Mankind Secundus" and charged with the clerical maintenance and the administration of religious orthodoxy within "The Reformed Church of The New Gods in Das Königreich Middenland," as well as literate and formally educated missionaries and preachers charged with the mission of preaching and proselytizing the theological reforms of Karl Von Luxembourg throughout and beyond the established frontiers of Das Königreich Middenland.
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except4bunnies · 2 years ago
How do you know it’s Erster Advent? When you wake up to the sound of your girlfriend laughing about some obscure Märchenfilm from the 60s she watches on TV in the living room.
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anaxanthas · 1 year ago
After Totensonntag and officially on Erster Advent or December 1st - depending on which comes first every year. It's important to have some weeks adjusting to Christmas Spirit before Nikolaustag on the 6th comes around. Obviously.
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percygermany · 2 years ago
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