#Erin is so autism you dont even know.
Jamie: "My girlfriend is wearing a fucking suit to her autism diagnosis appointment.."
Erin: "it's a special event!😁"
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bonefall · 4 months
i dont think people are upset that the erins "weren't creative" enough with Moonpaw, they're upset that she's just. not a chimera. thats just a longhaired tortie and they justified it with chimerism. which is extremely insensitive because chimerism is a real medical thing that can cause issues in every species, including humans for those that dont know, and thats like. a big thing.
like, yay some disability rep (depending on how they write it. it wont be good. ughh) but like. its not going to be considered a disability when it can be in some cases. they are just going to say "ohh shes so special!!" like some people say with autism in this age (the infantilization of it) and its gonna be. weirdddd
anyways. sorry for ranting in your inbox.
Hey. Woah. THIS is insensitive and I don't know where you're getting this from. NONE of the three types of natural chimerism are a disability and it is extremely rare that fusion chimerism leads to medical complications.
Do not spread misinformation about a genetic condition because you're annoyed about the writing team confusing a common tortie fur pattern with chimerism. THEIR mistake is ultimately harmless. What YOU'RE doing is stigmatizing.
Quite frankly, after seeing a bunch of posts and receiving several asks about this, I don't think half of the people who are getting mad actually know anything about chimeras. I sure as fuck hope it's just ignorance, and that you aren't out here trying to call the state of being intersex a disability.
But I can fix ignorance. No need to assume malice. I will explain what chimerism is, and why you should stop going around implying it "causes issues in every species."
Chimerism is when a single individual is comprised of cells from two or more fully fertilized zygotes. There are two BROAD types of chimerism;
Artifical chimeras are common with the advent of modern medicine. Ever had a blood transfusion? Organ transplant? You are a chimera. Or at least were for a while.
THIS can lead to complications and can cause disability, but it's not what Moonpaw is. She would be a type of natural chimera, which in and of itself has THREE subtypes;
Micro chimerism
Blood chimerism
Fusion chimerism
Microchimerism is so common that I could make a Your Mom joke out of it. It's caused by the passage of cells between the fetus and placenta during pregnancy. Everyone who has ever been pregnant is a microchimera.
While it can lead to complications, it can also be beneficial. Pregnancy could be considered a type of temporary disability, but no one would expect disability rep from every character who had ever given birth.
Blood chimeras are common in species whose twins typically share a placenta, such as cows and marmosets, but very rare in animals like humans and cats which usually don't. It occurs when tissue between two twins is exchanged through the umbilical chord. This type of chimera often ends up with a mixed bloodtype, hence the name.
This is the cause of freemartinism in cattle, when fraternal cow twins cause a sister to share her brother's hormones and act more like a bull. A type of intersex condition, not a disability-- so I sure HOPE you aren't trying to imply THIS should be "disability rep."
And even in the other case, would you automatically expect disability rep from a character that has two blood types?? No. Just like you wouldn't automatically expect disability rep from every character that had ever been pregnant, or every character who had ever needed a blood transfusion
And lastly, the one that Moonpaw ACTUALLY is. A fusion chimera. These are created when two fully fertilized zygotes fuse into a single individual.
These are extremely rare because you can't usually TELL when an individual is a chimera. There is no obvious physical difference between the "halves," with some cases of doctors insisting that patches are just weird birthmarks. They live their entire lives with normal health problems like non-chimeras. It mostly causes complications when DNA testing results in a false negative-- because the offspring of a fusion chimera occasionally end up being their genetic nespring.
Or, the two "halves" are male and female, causing gonadal differences. These people aren't disabled, there's nothing wrong with their bodies, but they're subjected to unneccesary cosmetic surgeries as children because they are intersex.
Can some intersex conditions cause disabilities? YES. Are intersex conditions inherently disabilities? NO. Even when you're discussing infertility as a disability, tread VERY CAREFULLY because intersex people are fighting very hard to lift the stigma over their bodies.
Speak with care. Do not equate being intersex with being disabled. They are two different things.
You can be both and sometimes one could contribute to the other, but BEING intersex IS NOT a disability.
VERY rarely, even MORE rare than standard chimeras which are already very very rare and massively underreported because they are so unremarkable, a fusion chimera will happen LATE in utero. THIS can contribute to a chronic autoimmune condition where the cells reject each other, which is a disability.
And by rare I mean one case. Literally one. Of the 50 reported fusion chimeras in the review I'm referencing, Taylor Muhl was the only one with this. 4 were discovered via congenital abnormalities (unknown if connected to the chimerism b/c they were only tested because something was already wrong), 17 had fertility issues, and the remaining 28 didn't report immune conditions or birth defects but INTERSEXUALITY.
ANOTHER condition is often lumped in with chimerism, by people who do not know what chimerism is, which is mosaicism. Mosaicism, when there are two different sets of genes resulting from the same zygote, is NOT chimerism. MOSAICISM can be a cause of disability. CHIMERISM is usually not.
(Read the review in depth, as it includes mosaic cases for the sake of completion.)
They can both be fertilization errors, but are not the same thing. Follow me, I'm only going to woefully simplify a complicated topic once,
CHIMERA = Two zygotes in one body
MOSAIC = Two bodies in one zygote
CHIMERA = usually fine
MOSAIC = usually bad
And the last possible places you could be getting the idea that chimerism "causes disability" from, to my knowledge, is 1. This study that says the loss of a twin in early pregnancy increases the chance of congenital defects in the survivors (has barely anything to do with chimerism, this link is tangential, vanishing twin syndrome does not necessarily mean it was absorbed by its sibling)
Or, 2, this study of several animals where they correlated rates of benign tumors to % of chimerism based on SPECIES. BLOOD chimeras. It's COWS AND MARMOSETS AGAIN. The study ITSELF calls for further targeted research of chimerism cause of susceptibility to cancer.
It couldn't even link new growths or malignant tumors to chimerism in the mammals of its study. WE'RE mammals.
Correlation does not equal causation. Statistics 101.
So no. That's not "a big thing." Chimerism is fine, they're just very likely to be intersex if they're a fusion chimera of a male and a female zygote. Do not imply intersexuality is a disability. Please get mad about the actual ableism in the series, not the team being clueless about tortie patterns.
Also everyone say you're sorry to intersex Moonpaw. I better see you people making intersex Moonpaw pride flag edits as penance IMMEDIATELY.
UPDATE: Anon apologized! Growth! I still think this is an important post, especially in the context of the wider fandom conversation, so I'm leaving it as-is. Please feel free to reblog.
UPDATE 2: Clarification on infertility as a disability because I didn't word myself very well in one section!
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ok, if you can stomach absurd amounts of gore, horror, death, i think i should say gore twice, body horror, religious trauma, implied s/a and post apocalypse i need you to go read hell followed with us rn. best book i have read in fucking years. i literally just got it last night and finished it that night. here are the pros:
what if body horror was related to the trans experience. what then.
the gore is described so naturally. cant describe it perfectly but god the gore feels as natural as weeds sticking up between cracks in the sidewalk.
this is also a case where imo body horror is used properly and it isnt just "what if.. deformities!! ooh spooky!!" its the horror of being changed against your will and the horror of pain and the horror of loosing yourself and the hope of taking that back.
two seperate characters who use neo pronouns!!!
erin, trans girl!!!! love her
love interest is autistic and shows symptoms of autism and thats ok and good, actually.
they represent the feeling of being loved/worshipped in a way thats too much so so so good it made me physically sick. having them who you dont know grab at you, like you are so beautiful they can only plea to touch you, to have you. looking at you like you are the most beautiful cattle.
set in future but politics feels.. chillingly similar to what were experiencing rn. genuinely thought some quotes were real or this was based off a real group for a moment till i saw the date 2025. only difference is that its more ecofascist.
the body horror never makes anyone inherently unloveable. even with flesh tearing and teeth nashing and too many eyes and blood where organs once were you can be human. you can be loved.
terrifying but hopeful. they are dead but we are alive.
HYSTERICAL insults to kalvin garrah in this shit. make an entire character to say fuck him.
the inherently disabled horror of having your body and mind fail on you against your will and the hope of never being the same but surviving.
also the disabled horror of having your body taken from you and changed and twisted for others betterment. to be a martyr by sake of suffering.
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xenonentity · 7 years
identity ask - all of them (unless there are questions you don't want to/aren't comfortable answering ofc)
if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
read my writing probably (lol as if i ever finish anything) or my blog, watch nature documentaries and cartoons, listen to sara bareilles 
have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
never really found someone who thinks just like me, but lots and lots of things have inspired me and made me think. but that’s kinda the fun of it, and why i want to pursue writing. i get to put things out there of my own. 
list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
how the fuck am i supposed to list every single fandom i have lmao 
mass effect: nakmor kesh, most krogan, suvi 
undertale: alphys 
pokemon: generic pokemon trainer/researcher with a noivern
my little pony fim: fluttershy 
i can’t think of any more characters i relate to which is ridiculous because i know there are way more??????????
do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better?
i actually do like my name, and think it fits me. well, my first name at least. 
do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?
i don’t really even think of my self as a human being on good days im a bat or krogan and on bad days im a human wasting of space 
are you religious/spiritual?
spiritual yes. religious, ???????????? it’s complicated 
do you care about your ethnicity?
im white as fuck and the only person who really had much of a connection with their nationality was my grandma (who even then was american born) who made pierogies and kielbasa so not really. but i do love some pierogies holy shit 
what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
sara bareilles means everything to me. like a good 25% of the reason i keep living right now is because sara once tweeted at me to keep going and i can’t disappoint her you know?? owl city and taylor swift were also really helpful for me during middle/high school. also, disney and broadway/musical soundtracks. 
are you an artist?
yes! i consider myself a hobby artist as far as visual art, but i love to write and hope to be a published author. 
do you have a creed?
i dont think so??
describe your ideal day.
i wake up without anxiety, and i go outside and explore the woods, or a meadow, or a large, open cave. afterwards, i go home and play video games or write or draw for a while, before eventually going to sleep with at least one (probably many) animal(s) on my bed and maybe also my spouse who knows 
dog person or cat person?
inside or outdoors?
in theory, outdoors. but i tend to stay inside lmao 
are you a musician?
no man i have 0 musical talent 
five most influential books over your lifetime.
inside the animal mind by george page 
percy jackson series and kane chronicles series by rick riordan
guardians of ga’hoole series by kathryn lasky 
warrior cats series by erin hunter 
and also a mention to @thesylverlining​‘s chameleon moon series- working with these books is a big deal to me and i’m so glad i’ve been able to be even a small part in making them happen
if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
i think that loving animals is part of me, and autism is genetic so that would be there too. but otherwise, uhh, yeah definitely lmao 
would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?
probably, i don’t really act as guarded here lmao 
what’s your patronus?
i can’t remember what i got when i took the ~official quiz~ but it would probably be a big cat. alternately, a bat or a crocodilian. maybe a bird. 
which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?
i like to think ravenclaw but im definitely a hufflepuff. huffleclaw?? also im pukwudgie-horned serpent cusp at ilvermorny (chose serpent) 
would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
if anything, probably the pokemon world. or in the mass effect universe, as a krogan. lots of places would be better than here though...
do you love easily?
YEP YEAH probably too easily, platonically at least. romantic feelings are harder for me to pinpoint. 
list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
worrying, procrastinating (latently), procrastinating (actively), normal human functions i guess
how often would you want to see your family every year?
don’t have the spoons to tackle that shit right now lmao 
have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone?
um im a krogan not an asari?? 
could you live as a hermit?
i’d like to think so but probably not 
how would you describe your gender/sexuality?
gender is cis female. sexuality is panromantic asexual with a slight question mark noise at the asexual part 
do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?
on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
it depends... like someone tapping their pencil against the desk for two seconds will make my sensory overload kick in but like about actual Things i tend to be fairly lenient because i don’t like conflict. i tend to be friends or acquaintances with everyone 
three songs that you connect with right now.
cassiopeia by sara bareilles (mostly bc of my ryder), she used to be mine by sara bareilles, a future for the krogan from the mass effect 3 soundtrack 
pick one of your favorite quotes.
“I am not perfect, but I have purpose.” (from the tank-born krogan on grunt’s loyalty mission in mass effect 2) 
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recentnews18-blog · 6 years
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16 Funny Audiobooks To Get You Through All Those Chores You Don't Want To Do
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Is it just me or has 2018 felt like the longest year in the history of humankind? Now that the days are getting shorter, the nights are getting colder, and the realization that Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson’s love wasn’t meant to be is sinking in, you might need some cheering up or some entertainment as you “winter clean” (that’s a thing, right?) and funny audiobooks are the perfect things to do it.
Whenever I am feeling down or whenever I have a lot to do, I can always trust an entertaining book to get me through it. The only problem? I have been so busy and so tired lately that I haven’t had the time or energy to sit down and read a physical novel. That is what makes funny audiobooks the perfect cure. No matter how exhausted you are, no matter how over-scheduled you are, no matter how crazy life seems to be, there is always enough time to listen to something that can make you laugh. Getting a head start on holiday shopping? Bring your audiobook to the mall. Stuck shoveling the driveway all morning? Don’t forget to pop your headphones in before you go outside. Stuck in traffic after work? Sit back, relax, and let the soothing sounds of funny people make your commute that much more enjoyable.
Whether you are heading off to your morning gym session, taking a long trip home for the holidays, or just sitting at home and looking for a fun way to relax, turn on one of these 16 humorous audiobooks and get ready to LOL.
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‘The Shakespeare Requirement’ by Julie Schumacher, read by the author
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‘Severance’ by Ling Ma, read by Nancy Wu
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‘I Might Regret This’ by Abbi Jacobson, read by the author
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‘Everything’s Trash, But It’s Okay’ by Phoebe Robinson, read by the author
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Source: https://www.bustle.com/p/16-funny-audiobooks-to-get-you-through-all-those-chores-you-dont-want-to-do-13099943
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