#Epic Mickey 3 Fanfic
therealdaisytdm · 2 months
(I noticed in the re-brushed that a few of the bunny children we're looking a little pink in the trailers And I just knew they took the old concept of multicolored bunny children and brought it back back, so I'm gonna say this right now, this incorrect quote is canon to the fanfiction, enjoy) Mickey: hey Oswald. Oswald: what is it? Mickey: I have a question about your kids. Oswald: what about them? Mickey: if all of them are boys except one why are some of them pink? Oswald: because despite being rabbits such as myself, most of the inherited traits of the pink ones are from their mother, even my first born son looks exactly like her down to the last detail, you can tell it just by looking at the both of them side-by-side. Any more stupid questions? Mickey: no no no I was just curious.
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knuckles-junior · 14 days
Epic Mickey Magic AU Chapter 12: Clear Water Beach Party
Yesterday, Mickey and Oswald discovered new cards that can help their fellow toons and new ways to prepare themselves for future battle. Not only that, but Oswald and Ortensia were introduced to Francine Cottontail, or as she prefers to be called Fanny. We've discovered what she had to go through in her past, and now she is seeking revenge on them, especially Ortensia. It looks like Mickey has no idea what has happened on that night nor anything about the mysterious forgotten toon.
As Mickey and his friends arrive at their destination in Tortooga, they meet up with Jamface and the group of gremlins. Since it is summer, they all wore short sleeved jumpsuits. Gremlin Patxi was there as well.
"Mornin' Jamface!" Oswald greeted.
Jamface smiled at the brothers, Ortensia and the star sprites. "Good morning, leader! And good morning to you all as well."
Mikey flew to Jamface. "We saw you and the gremlins on the news this morning. Something about a solution to getting rid of that weird green water."
"Oui. That 'green water' you're referring to is the thinner ocean."
"And we have indeed found a way to get rid of those bloody waters once and for all. But I suggest we use those magical abilities of yours." The voice came from Patxi as he was flying towards Mickey and Oswald.
"Our magic?" Oswald asked, raising an eyebrow.
Jamface scoffed. "I forgot Patxi said something about that."
"From what I heard, the magic you use helps toons, does it not?"
"Well, of course it does." Mickey said. "I'm not sure if we have any specific cards that we can use. We used an ice card yesterday to keep Paulie's ice cream from melting."
"I don't think Ollie and I  have a card to clear out thinner. Sorry..." Mikey apologized.
Oswald sighed. "Darn...It would take a miracle to get all this thinner cleared out."
Kira's brooch suddenly glowed and it made her giggle. Then, everyone gasped when a light bursted with magic coming out of her brooch. It was headed directly towards the thinner waters.
"What's happening?!"
"Everyone, look!" Mickey pointed to the magic slowly removing every single piece of thinner from the ocean. The thinner was now gone and turned the water to a crystal blue color. It was a miracle!
"Whoa! I didn't know Kira had that kind of magic!" Camila looked at Kira's brooch. "Oswald might've said something that made that brooch react to it."
"Way to go, little sis!" Kyle hugged Kira. She giggled.
"Looks like all wishes do come true." Patxi chuckled.
Oswald happily puts his arm around Mickey. "Well, Mickey, looks like we're having that beach party after all!"
"Awesome! Come on! Let's get decorating!"
The toons and the sprites continued cheering before they could start decorating the beach for their party. They put up balloons, streamers, and many summer decorations to place around Tortooga. The toons also brought in many inflatable pool floaties, enough for all of them to use. By the looks of things, it's going to be an amazing party that Wasteland will have!
Mickey continued to look at all the hard work that he and his friends have done, and Mickey suddenly thought of something. "Gosh, I wish I had my swimsuit. All of my clothes are stuck at home."
"I don't think any of us have swimsuits either. Heck, I don't think I ever wore one!"
Mickey and Oswald turned to Ortensia coming from behind with something behind her back.
"I bumped into the Mad Hatter a moment ago, and he told me to give you these." Ortensia shows the boys two pairs of swim trunks. One was red and the other was blue. She first gives the blue swimsuit to Oswald.
"Sweet! We'll make sure to thank him later." Oswald also takes the red swimsuit and gives it to Mickey.
"Oh, and he made some for the sprites too!" Ortensia showed the boys the smallest swim trunks from her palm. She was also holding three more swimsuits for Kyle, Camila and Kira.
"Aww! Those will look adorable on them!" Mickey chuckled.
As they were looking at the swimsuits, Patxi was peeking out from behind. "Have fun all you want, fools. But soon, your happiness will be gone before you know it." He said to himself before he teleported back to Dark Beauty Castle.
Meanwhile, Fanny and Small Pete were hiding behind by the projector screen where the entrance to Tortooga was. Prescott paired them up so that they can come up with a plan to steal Mickey and Oswald's communes, and to also go after the new sprites that leads to the power of the miracle bracelets.
Fanny groaned."Why am I paired up with the dumbest of those cats?"
"Hey! I'm not that dumb! You haven't seen my powers yet, runt!"
"I won't bother to stick around just to see what you can do. I can take care of this myself." Fanny jumps away from Small Pete.
"Get back here, Ms. Know-It-All!" Small Pete growls. He calmed down and got a good view of Tortooga. He slowly started to grin and gave out a mischievous chuckle. That does not look good.
And so, the beach party has begun! Mickey and Oswald now have their swimsuits put on and ready to run to the water! They jumped off of the boardwalk and took a dive. Ortensia walked to where Mickey and Oswald jumped off from with her swimsuit being worn as well. She watched the boys swimming together and splashing around in the water. Kyle, Camila and Kira have also put theirs on and followed Ortensia.
"The boys are having so much fun." Ortensia giggled. "Now everyone can enjoy the waters of Tortooga, and it's all thanks to your little sister!"
Kira giggled as well.
"It just suddenly happened! It was almost like a miracle happened." Camila said.
Oswald waved at Ortensia and the sprites to get their attention. "Hey, guys! Join us! The water's great!"
"Coming, honey bunny!" Ortensia hops in the water.
"Take us with you, Ortensia!" Camila flies to Ortensia while carrying Kira.
"Don't forget about me!" Kyle takes a dive.
Ortensia swims to Mickey and Oswald. The sprites proceed to follow her.
"Hey wait for us!"
Ortensia and the sprites turned around to see Mikey and Ollie in their swimsuits flying to the water with two floaties that were being held by their stubby hands. They all watched the red and blue sprites lower themselves to the water. Mikey puts his floatie down and sits on it, and then Ollie pushes Mikey towards Mickey and Oswald to join in on the fun.
"Wow! The sprites look so cute in their swimsuits!" Mickey chuckled.
"They really do." Oswald said.
"Does the water feel good, Kira?"
Kira happily squealed as a yes.
"I never thought I'd be able to swim in these waters. This is amazing!"
"It sure is, Ozzie! Everyone's having fun!"
Everyone was indeed enjoying themselves. Mickey and Oswald saw the toons splashing around in the water, happy to see that they don't have to worry about the thinner getting in their way. Other toons were hanging out with their friends, dancing to music and eating ice cream that Paulie was handing out to on this beautiful sunny day. Everything was so peaceful. So...perfect.
Sometime later, Ortensia decided to take a break from swimming. Kyle, Camila and Kira wanted to come with her. Meanwhile, Mickey and Oswald were relaxing their backs in the water as they had their eyes closed. Mikey and Ollie were also relaxed as they were floating around in their floaties next to their holders.
"Ah, this is the life, eh, Mickey?"
"It sure is."
"I could stay here forever."
"Me too."
An hour passes and Mickey and Oswald are out of the water and take a break as well. They covered themselves in towels as they were having a picnic with Ortensia by the boardwalk. Kyle, Camila and Kira are sleeping in the Starlight Commune.
"It's so nice that we were able to make this party happen!" Ortensia said.
"Yeah. I never thought we would ever touch this water again ever since the thinner disaster." Oswald takes a sip of water.
"Tortooga sure is looking amazing." Mickey got a good look at the place. The sky was looking pretty. The seagulls were flying by in the sky. Mickey felt like going out for a stroll, so he stood up.
"I'm gonna go for a walk. Maybe talk to some toons."
"I'll go with ya, Mickey!" Mikey flew next to his partner.
Mickey smiled and nodded.
"Ooh! Do ya think you can bring us back some ice cream while you're at it?"
Mickey chuckled. "You got it, Ozzie."
Mickey walked around Tortooga and greeted some of the toons that were attending the party. They all gave him and Mikey a warm welcome. Some thanked him for bringing up the idea of a party in Tortooga.
Mickey was surprised by the sudden yet familiar voice. It was Gus who was flying towards him. Like the other gremlins, he was also wearing a short sleeved jumpsuit.
"Oh! Hey, Gus! How have you been?"
"I'm doing well. My word, Tortooga is looking more fascinating than ever!"
"It sure is! Say, ya wanna look around and see what we've been doing?" Mickey asked.
Gus smiled. "Of course!"
So Mickey shows Gus all the decorations that he and Oswald have put up for the beach party. They even greeted Paulie and gave them some ice cream to enjoy on this sunny day. Mickey just reminded himself about getting some for Oswald and Ortensia. He also wanted to get some for the sprites. All except Kira, since she's still a baby and can't really handle frozen treats yet. Mickey wanted to give the ice cream to his friends real quick before continuing to show Gus around. Afterwards, Mickey felt like going for another swim. Gus just stood and watched him.
"One of our new sprites was able to have the ability to get rid of all the thinner. She's a baby, yet she has really strong magic!"
"That's interesting. The same three new star sprites that gave you and Oswald the Miracle Bracelets?"
"That's right! They're gonna be a great help to fight the bad guys!" Mikey said.
"You're not gonna jump in, Gus?" Mickey asked.
"No no. It's alright. I'm not that much of a swimmer."
Mikey flies up to Gus. "Aw, c'mon! The water's nice!"
"Mikey, leave him be. It's ok."
"Why is he so afraid of water?" Mikey asked.
"It's because he can't swim." Mickey answered.
Gus chuckled nervously and blushed a bit. "It's true. I do have a fear of water."
"I didn't know. Sorry." Mikey apologized.
Mickey turned around and noticed a toon from a distance. "Hey! Is that a toon over there?"
The three decided to investigate who was standing by the ocean all alone, away from the party. They walked closer and closer. The one that was more curious was Mickey who was stepping the closest.
"Who...is that?"
It appeared to be a girl.  She had the appearance of a rabbit. She had long hair that was being held with a ponytail, and was also wearing makeup. Her swimsuit was a one piece with a red color. She heard their presence and turned around at them, not saying a single word.
Mickey slowly waved at the girl. "Uhhh...Hi there."
"I don't think we've seen you around here before. What's your name?"
"Faith? Well, It's a pleasure to meet ya, Faith. I'm Mickey. This is Gus, and this is my star sprite, Mikey."
Mikey and Gus kindly waved.
"Why don't you join us? We're having a party here and all, and we don't want anyone being left out."
Faith turned away from them. "I don't know if I want to. This forgotten world...it's all new to me."
"And that's why we're here to help you. It's what friends do."
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a vine grabs Gus and throws him into the water. Mickey gasped and ran to where Gus was thrown into.
"Oh no! Gus!"
"Those vines definitely belong to Small Pete!"
Faith looked around in the sky and spotted Small Pete laughing while riding on his man eating plants, wearing a girly swimsuit.
"Small Pete?! That idiot!"
"SOMEONE!!! HELP!!!" Gus shouted.
Faith watched him struggle to get to shore. "He'll be alright. Right?"
Gus sinks.
"He can't swim!" Mickey exclaimed.
"It's a good thing I tagged along with you, Mickey! Here! Take this card!" Mikey gives Mickey an Aquatic Card. It had a picture of a mermaid tail on it. Meaning it can give him a pair of fins, and mermaids can breathe underwater. "This will definitely save your friend. Now go!"
Mickey swipes the card onto his commune and gains his aquatic form. Meanwhile, Gus continued to sink lower and lower into the sea and was beginning to lose consciousness. He was out of breath, and hopeless that he'll never make it out alive. After passing out, Mickey swam with such speed as he picked up his gremlin friend, and quickly returned to the surface.
"Gus?! Gus! Wake up!" Mickey exclaimed.
Mikey flew next to Gus' chest. Thankfully, he heard breathing.
"He's breathing!"
Shortly after, Gus began to gain consciousness and started coughing up water.
"Gus! Oh, Thank goodness!"
"..Mickey? Mikey?"
Mickey hugs Gus. He felt surprised. "I was so scared! I thought you were a goner!"
"Mickey, you saved me! Thank you." Gus hugs Mickey back. He suddenly thought to himself how Mickey did it. He looked down and noticed Mickey's red fish tail. It caused him to yelp and push himself away.
"Gosh, Gus. What's wrong?" Mickey asked.
"This?" Mickey showed Gus his mermaid tail. "I used some card Mikey gave me to save you. Now I have turned into a mermouse!" Mickey chuckled. "Isn't this great?"
Gus gagged. "Indeed. I'm very proud of you." He said sarcastically.
Mikey flew up to Gus. "Hey, be grateful that Mickey saved your life. Oswald has that card too."
"You are kidding..."
"No I'm not."
"Hey! That girl! Where did she go?" Mickey suddenly asked as he was looking around to find Faith.
"We can look for her later. Right now Tortooga is in trouble!" Mikey exclaimed.
"Got it!" Mickey dives into the water.
"Why do I find that tail of his disgusting?" Gus asked himself. "Just thinking about it is making me sick."
Back at the party, toons were running around in panic. The screaming caused Kyle, Camila and Kira to wake up.
"Oswald! These vines are everywhere!" Ollie exclaimed.
Oswald was already transformed into his wish form trying to slash every vine he could, but more continued growing from the sea.
"There's too many of them! And toons are getting trapped from them!"
"Hurry, Camila! We have to help Oswald!" Kyle charged up his fire wish magic and attacked Small Pete's vines.
"My vines will help the toons!" Camila uses her wish magic to summon her lovely looking vines on land.
"Wha- Those are..."
"Those are the vines we saw before!"
"So that's Camila's wish magic. I better use my Honor Bound ASAP!" Oswald dashed to slash all the dark vines. "Guys, grab onto Camila's vines! They're the safe ones!"
The toons nodded and grabbed onto Camila's vines.
"Hurry and climb down! That wish magic is incomplete! They're gonna wither any second now!" Ollie explained. As soon as he said that, the toons noticed the vines beginning to wither, but they were too late to react. They started falling down! Oswald acted quickly, but he needed something to stop time. Sure, a time sketch would come in handy, but it wouldn't last long.
"Oswald! Grab this! This card will stop time without a time limit!" Ollie quickly took out the Time Stop Card. "Hurry and activate it!"
"Thanks, Ollie!" Oswald slashed the card and time has completely stopped, giving him all the time in the world to save all the toons.
This card will only let Mickey and Oswald run in real time while everything else is slowed down. Once that was dealt with, he quickly destroyed the rest of Small Pete's vines and noticed Small Pete in the sky. He wasn't moving, so he felt like kicking him to the sun again. Once time was normal again, Kira huffed and her bow began to glow, using her wish magic to revert everything back to how it was before. Toons started to cheer! There was no need to use the miracle bracelets since it is Small Pete.
"Yeah! We did it!" Oswald cheered as he transformed back to his toon form.
Oswald sees Ortensia running towards him. They also heard the sound of a gremlin teleporting. It was Gus who was flying to Oswald and Ortensia. He also had a towel around him.
"Honey bunny, That was incredible! Those powers of yours are becoming stronger!"
"I could've done it without Kyle, Camila and Kira." Oswald suddenly heard panting coming from the three sprites. They were extremely tired from using their powers.
"We showed those plants...Right, girls?"
Camila nodded. "Yes..."
Ollie suddenly remembered something. "Oh, that's right! Camila, you have to be very careful when you're using your magic. You don't have a holder to control it yet! Not to mention that your powers are incomplete. Same goes for you too, Kyle."
"I see..."
"The only thing you guys can do for now is to bring us the miracle bracelets when we need them."
"We got it..." Kyle said before the three poofed into their commune and passed out.
"Did I miss something?" Gus asked.
"Kyle, Camila and Kira used their powers, but they're incomplete. We need to find holders for them, so that we can train them." Ollie said.
"New holders, eh?"
"Gus, why are you wet? What happened?' Ortensia asked.
"Small Pete's vines tossed me into the water."
"Oh dear! Are you alright?"
"Yes. Mickey was the one that saved me."
A splash was heard. It was Mickey who was still a mermouse, but he returned back to having legs once he reached dry land.
"Thank goodness that tail is gone."
"Mickey??" Oswald ran to Mickey.
"Hey, guys!"
"Did you just have a fish tail attached to your body?!"
"Yeah. It was a card Mikey gave me. You have it too, Oswald."
Oswald's eyes widened up. "REALLY?? Awesome! I always wanted to be a merrabbit!"
"It looks like you were able to manage taking care of all the damage."
"Yeah. We'll give you the details later."
Mickey frowns and sighed. "Sorry if I couldn't catch up to you. I was trying to find Faith."
"Who's Faith?" Ortensia asked.
"A girl Mikey, Gus and I met a while ago. We didn't get to talk a lot, but she seemed nice. I hope she's safe. If I run into her again, I'll introduce you all to her."
Oswald nodded. "Sounds good."
Everyone looked up to the sky as the sun was setting. From the top of the building where Fanny was, she watched them from above. Her eyes then turned to Mickey, the toon that she met today. Prescott has also told her about the mouse as well. About how famous he is. But the main focus was to gain control of his strongest wish magic along with Oswald's. She also witnessed the new wish magic from Kyle, Camila and Kira. She needed to report it to her master at once.
It was already nighttime, and the party was still ongoing. Oswald was sitting down, lost in thought. He was still not getting over what happened last night with Fanny, or where she is now.
"Oswald, what's wrong?"
"Oh, It's nothin'."
Mickey smiled at Oswald. After hearing that, there seemed to be no problems for him. He stood up and began to walk. "I'm gonna get some fruit punch. Ya want one?"
"Sure. Thanks again."
Mickey took off. Oswald continued to think in his head...If Fanny really is a villain or not.
"Fanny...who even is she?"
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weepbly · 5 months
Hii you can call me riff!! Made this account bc my last one is shadowbanned lmaooo
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here are some things about me:
queer!!! (questioning)
i nerd out lowkey kinda sad
Fandoms im in:
-Master Detective Archives: Rain Code (FAV RN!!!)
-Your Turn to Die
-Danganronpa (also literally every fangan (bonus points if its a multifandom fangan!!!!))
-Little Nightmares
-Ayakashi Akashi
-Epic Mickey
-Sweet Tooth
theres probs more but i forgt
also follow my au fanfic @dangan420 😝
uhhh yea:3
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imacaprisun · 1 year
I have a feeling Disney will never make a third Epic Mickey game, let alone a remake of the first two. So, I decided I want to try my hands at writing a fanfic in order to quench my thirst for more EM content. To give you an idea what I'm planning, the story would be a more mature and horror-based retelling of the games (check my last post for more context). I've got loads of ideas for stories, characters, settings, etc… but I need feedback. Should I try to rewrite the first two games (this means Prescott does not get kidnapped at the end by the Petes, thus, no build-up to a third game), write only the third game, or both?
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maki-matsurra · 1 year
Emergency Writing Commissions
Hello everyone! 
As of recent, things at my house has been pretty rough money wise, so because of how many people love my writing, I am deciding to start up writing commissions! 
The commission sheet is down below! 
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Paypal link: [email protected]
You can contact me either on Tumblr or my email ([email protected]) with details of your commission! 
These are EMERGENCY commissions, I have the right to deny any request! I prefer to be paid upfront. I have 5 slots available (this may or may not be subject to change)
OneShot #1
Oneshot #2  That's What It Takes To Be Infinite
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(Disclaimer: The completion times will vary depending on what you ask of me as well as my personal life) Prompts: $5
One shot: $20-40
Custom fanfic: $60
3-5 chapters: $70
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(Disclaimer: If you have an OC, I need a reference image of said OC so I may describe them properly)
1-3 characters: $5
4-5 characters: $10
6-10 characters- $20
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Slice of Life
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Adult x Minor Character
PWP (Porn without plot)
Incest (anything pro-ship related)
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(Disclaimer: If you want to request a fandom I don’t know, you can! Just be patient as I do my best to research it.)
 Sonic The Hedgehog (Including Movie-verse) 
 Guardians of the Galaxy (Movie-verse & Game-verse) 
 Uncharted (Including Movie-verse) 
 Red Dead Redemption 
 Kingdom Hearts 
 How to Train Your Dragon 
Rise of the Guardians 
 Love Live! (Including Sunshine, Nijigasaki, & Superstar) 
 Aikatsu Stars 
 Black Butler 
 Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid 
 South Park 
 Sly Cooper 
 Spies in Disguise 
Gravity Falls 
Disney Fairies 
 Detroit Become Human 
 Life is Strange (Only first game, Before the Storm & True Colors) 
 No Straight Roads 
 Team Fortress 2 
 Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 
 Steven Universe Future 
Resident Evil (Only 2 & 4) 
 Looney Tunes 
 Ratchet & Clank 
 Sam & Max 
 Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach 
Sing (The Movies) 
 Genshin Impact 
 Ever After High 
 Monster High 
 Criminal Minds 
 Over The Hedge 
 Epic Mickey 
 God of War Ragnarok 
 Peanuts (Charlie Brown Media) 
Honkai: Star Rail 
Good Omens
BBC Sherlock
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night-waker · 2 years
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I posted 4,402 times in 2022
8 posts created (0%)
4,394 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,027 of my posts in 2022
#five nights at freddy's - 193 posts
#sonic the hedgehog - 127 posts
#epic mickey - 96 posts
#tf2 - 78 posts
#sonic movie - 66 posts
#hlvrai - 63 posts
#disney - 53 posts
#nintendo - 52 posts
#spongebob squarepants - 47 posts
#star wars - 47 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#imagine they use the og for a flashback where shadow finds maria dancing around and loudly singing along before she gets him to join in
My Top Posts in 2022:
How has it already been 10 years??
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24 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Do you like Destroy All Humans? Do you want to interact with other Destroy All Humans fans? If so...
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Join my Destroy All Humans discord server!
We have:
- Multiple channels for fandom related things! Fanart, fanfics, AUs, etc.
- Many off-topic channels
- Color and pronoun roles
- LGBTQ+ friendly!
- Equally as friendly members!
And more! :D Feel free to reblog, even if you don't want to join, to spread the word!
24 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
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I've made my own Epic Mickey server!
I've seen a few people asking about one, and the ones I'm in are all dead, so I've decided to make a new one! If you want to:
- Meet and discuss the games with other EM fans
- Share fanart, fanfic, aus, headcanons, etc.
- Talk about any non-EM thing you're currently into in the designated channels
Then join today! :D
38 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
(NOTE: I'm reposting this bc the original didn't show up in the tags due to Tumblr being Tumblr)
Okay, but what if SB had included more interactions between the animatronics? Like, imagine you overhearing them discussing how to catch Gregory, or - if there are multiple in one area - every now and then you hear them go, "Have you found him yet?" "Not yet, but he's gotta be here!" You could even take it a step further and have them check in with Vanessa sometimes (ala that one cut line where she asks them all to report in). If you're inside Freddy and walk past one of them, there's a chance they'll say hi and stuff. Imagine these random encounter events you can stumble across, where you see two of them just talking and being buds. Overall, I think it would help flesh the Glamrocks, and their relationships/dynamics with each other, out a bit more.
Then on the flip side... there's the POTENTIAL FOR ANGST AND DRAMA! Imagine seeing and/or hearing their upset/horrified reactions to their friends being taken out one by one, and having their parts stolen.
Okay, now take all that angst and drama... AND APPLY IT TO THEIR INTERACTIONS WITH FREDDY AND HOW IT WOULD CHANGE AS THE GAME GOES ON!! At first they assume he's also helping them hunt down Gregory, but as the game goes on, they begin to grow suspicious... At one point you overhear them going back and forth abt whether Freddy is hiding something, with at least one of them (maybe Chica? Idk) trying to defend him.
The doubt and suspicion towards Freddy continues to grow until one of them confronts him directly (Monty perhaps? Again idk??) They tell Freddy they know he's helping Gregory somehow, and demands he tell them where he's hiding him. Freddy of course denies all of this, but it's clear the other isn't convinced, and maybe even feeling a little betrayed and angry he's seemingly choosing some random kid over his own friends (bonus points if Gregory was hiding in Freddy's stomach during this). While Freddy doesn't like having to lie to his friends, he knows there's something wrong with them, and refuses to let them hurt Gregory.
Afterward, there would be a lot more tension between Freddy and the band, since by now they're almost certain he's helping Gregory, but they don't have any solid proof. It's only when Gregory starts taking them out, and upgrading Freddy with their parts, that they finally turn against him and become openly hostile. Idk how that would work gameplay wise, buuuut yea. Anyway, my point is having more chances see the Glamrocks being friends, how the virus would affect that, and all the drama that could bring, would've been nice.
42 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Happy Sonic 2 day
4,132 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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waltsluckyrabbit · 7 years
[Ch. 1] - Epic Mickey 3: Sealed in Ink
(a collab by waltsluckyrabbit and 09alih [on DeviantART])
“I don’t get it, Ortensia,” Oswald muttered as he leaned against a wall. “I can tell something’s bugging him and I’m tryin’ to help, but every time I bring it up, he acts like I’m threatenin’ to punch him in the nose. And frankly, I’m gettin’ close.”
Ortensia smiled at him as she herded a group of bunny children outside to play. She knew he was just concerned, even if he wouldn’t admit it. “Now, Oswald, I don’t think you’ll have to do that. Why don’t you just ask outright?”
The rabbit looked up in surprise. “Huh?”
Ortensia rolled her eyes. Of course he wouldn’t have thought of that. “Ask him outright what’s bothering him. If I know Mickey, he’ll admit it eventually.”
Oswald looked at her, then smacked his head. “Why didn’t I think of that?”
Ortensia giggled and playfully tugged his ear. “Because you’re too macho, hunny bunny,” she purred.
Oswald blushed a little and chuckled as she gave his cheek a kiss. “Thanks, hon.”
“My pleasure,” Ortensia giggled. “I’ll see you later.”
Oswald couldn’t help smiling as he headed toward Mickey’s house. How had he ever survived without her?
When he got to the door, he knocked a few times. “Hey, Mickey! You there?” He waited, tapping his foot, but no one answered. Letting out an impatient huff, he knocked again. “I haven’t got all day, ya know!” Still no answer. Finally, Oswald opened the door and stepped inside. “Mick?”
Across the room, the phone chimed in greeting. “No one home! Want to leave a message?”
Oswald smiled. “That’s okay. Ya know where he is?” 
The phone sighed. “He hasn’t been back since this morning. No one to talk to.”
Oswald frowned in thought. “Huh… okay, thanks.” Seeing the phone’s sulking look, he smiled and patted its head. “If ya want someone to talk to, we can send some of the kids over.”
The phone stiffened in alarm, then put on a casual look. “Oh, thanks, but that’s fine! I think I, uh… I’ve got some calls to make, anyway…”
Oswald smirked and headed back out. “Alright, take it easy.”
After jumping through the projector to Mean Street, Oswald saw Gus talking to Markus near the Penny Arcade. He hopped off the platform and walked over.
“Hey Markus, Gus,” he said. “Is Mickey still around here? I was lookin’ for…” He dropped off when he noticed the gremlins’ concerned looks.
“Not anymore,” Markus said. “He was here, but he left about a half hour ago. Last I saw, he was heading toward the Underground.”
Oswald scratched his head. “That’s weird… he should’ve been in OsTown. Thanks, Markus.”
As him and Gus walked toward the entrance to the Underground, Oswald looked over at the gremlin. “So, what were you talking about? Is somethin’ wrong?”
Gus shook his head, still frowning. “Not exactly, it’s just… has something about Mickey seemed, well, odd lately?”
Oswald stared at him in surprise. “It’s not just me?” he asked. Gus shook his head. “That’s actually what I’m lookin’ for him about,” Oswald said as they entered the tunnel. “So I can—”
He stopped in his tracks; something was lying on the ground in the corridor ahead. Oswald squinted, then his eyes snapped wide open as he realized what, or rather who, it was. “Mickey!” He ran over with Gus close behind and knelt down.
Mickey lay still on his back, eyes closed. He was breathing in slow, heavy breaths like he was hurt, but there was no sign of any injuries. Oswald noticed something in his hand and frowned. Why did he have the brush out?
“What happened?” Gus exclaimed, more to himself than anyone else.
Oswald shook the mouse. "Mickey? Hey, Mickey! Wake up!" Just then, he saw something that made his stomach twist. Small black drops were detaching from the mouse’s body, floating up into the air before disappearing. He looked up at Gus to see the same shock on his face. Shaking it off, Oswald took one of Mickey’s arms and hoisted him upright. “Gus, give me a hand! We gotta get him to the Doc!”
Gus immediately flew over and helped Oswald lift Mickey up. Working together, they carried him out of the Underground and to the new lab the Mad Doctor had set up on Mean Street.
“Doc!” Oswald called out. “We need your help! Somethin’s wrong with Mickey!”
The Mad Doctor looked up from the sparking wires he was about to cross. “Something wrong, you say?”
“Yeah, we found him like this in the Underground and he’s not waking up!” Oswald said.
The Doctor abandoned his project and hurried over for a closer look. He frowned when he noticed the drops and caught one, rubbing it between his gloved fingers. “Hmm… I see…” He nodded. “Put him on the table, quickly.”
Oswald and Gus set Mickey down on the lab table and waited as the Mad Doctor began doing routine checkups, listening to his heartbeat and breathing, then pulling back an eyelid to check his eyes. After that, he turned and punched a button on a nearby control panel. A device on the ceiling whirred to life and a large machine with an eye on the bottom lowered from it. The Mad Doctor grabbed the handles on its sides and pulled so it was positioned over Mickey.
Oswald frowned. “Uh, Doc?”
The Mad Doctor gave no sign of hearing as he looked through the viewport on the machine, muttering to himself as the eye clicked and whirred. Gus glanced at Oswald, who shrugged. Finally, the Doctor pressed the button again and the device whirred back up to the ceiling. His face was unreadable as he lifted Mickey off the table and placed him on one of the small cots against the wall.
“So, what’s goin’ on?” Oswald asked, tapping his foot with impatience.
“It’s very strange, my friends… very strange indeed.”
Oswald resisted the urge to roll his eyes; the Doc had finally stopped singing everything, but he still had a flair for drama.
“As you may have suspected, the Blot inside him has reawakened.”
Oswald stared in disbelief. “But… how? And why’s he so out of it?” 
Gus frowned with worry and nodded at the rabbit’s words. “I saw the effects after he absorbed it. They never got this extreme.”
The Mad Doctor frowned and tugged at a glove. “How it happened, I may be able to explain. Dark feelings like anger and sadness were very strong influences on the Blot. In large enough quantities, they certainly would have been enough to reawaken a smaller part. Why it happened… that, my friends, is unclear.”
Oswald looked at Mickey, a realization coming to him as he considered their recent conversations. “I think I know,” he said quietly. “Missing people you love… well, that’s about the darkest feeling there is.”
Gus glanced at Oswald in surprise, then let out a heavy sigh as he rubbed his neck. “I should’ve known. Ever since I told him about the device… but how did he get like this? It isn’t even the whole Blot, and…”
“Ah, and that, my friends, brings us to the real mystery,” the Mad Doctor said. “The reawakening wasn’t what caused his current condition.”
Gus and Oswald glanced at each other in confusion before the Doctor continued.
“A portion of the Blot inside him seems to have been…” He paused, then narrowed his eyes. “Forcibly removed.”
Oswald felt his jaw go slack as he stared at the Mad Doctor. “Ya mean... somethin’ sucked it out of him?”
The Mad Doctor drooped and sighed; it sounded nowhere near as dramatic put that way. “…In layman’s terms.”
Oswald looked at Mickey again, his ears twitching with unease. “So, is he gonna be all right?”
The Mad Doctor nodded, adjusting his gloves. “Fortunately, it hasn’t caused serious damage. He simply needs time to recover.”
Oswald let out a sigh of relief, but Gus still looked worried. “Will he wake up soon?”
The Mad Doctor nodded. “It shouldn’t be much longer.”
As if to prove his point, a faint groan came from the cot. The small group turned to see Mickey slowly lift a hand to his head. “Unh… wh-… what…”
Relieved, Oswald and Gus hurried over to his side. Mickey blinked, looking groggy and confused. “Wh-… Oswald? Gus?” He looked around with dazed eyes. “Where am I?”
“The Mad Doc’s lab,” Oswald replied.
“We found you collapsed in the Underground,” Gus added. “You had us worried for a while.”
“Oh… sorry…” Mickey murmured.
Gus smiled and patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry about it now. Are you all right?”
Mickey winced and grunted as he sat up and touched his chest. “Y-Yeah, I guess. But I…” Just then, a few small drops of ink rose from his arm. He froze, staring at it.
“That ol’ Blot inside ya’s actin’ up,” Oswald said.
Mickey’s face went blank with shock. Apparently, he’d assumed it was gone, too. “What?”
Oswald glanced at Gus, who looked just as uneasy. Before either could figure out the best way to explain, the Mad Doctor stepped up and cleared his throat.
“I’m afraid it was only dormant, still feeding on your negative emotions. It seems they were strong enough to reawaken it…”
Noticing the guilt filling Mickey’s face, Gus and Oswald glared at the Mad Doctor, who realized his lack of tact and stuttered. “Er… o-of course, it was bound to happen sooner or later. And I very much doubt it could have been avoided.”
Oswald nodded. “Mick… ya do know ya can talk to us, right?”
Mickey looked at him in surprise, then at Gus, who nodded. Shame quickly replaced it as he looked away. After a moment, he let out a heavy sigh and spoke. “I didn’t mean for this to happen again. I tried not to, but… I just miss everyone so much. And… Minnie…” Tears filled his eyes and he closed them. His voice began breaking as he continued. “I… I might never see her again. I can’t even tell her I’m okay, know if she’s okay…” He trailed off, letting out a soft whimper as he buried his face in his hands. He looked so heartbroken that even the Mad Doctor had to blow his nose.
“Mick, why didn’t ya just say so?” Oswald said as he put a hand on Mickey’s shoulder. “I’ll make sure you find a way home, promise.”
Mickey slowly looked up, then smiled a little. “Thanks, Os.” He glanced back down at his feet. “I guess I was afraid that… I was being selfish.”
Oswald shook his head. “Nah, Mick. There’s way more selfish things than that.” Oswald’s voice then lowered to a near-inaudible volume, as if voicing an unconscious thought. “Hah… I would know.”
Mickey seemed like he was about to say something when Gus suddenly hovered up to him, looking concerned.
“I’m afraid there’s something else,” the gremlin said. “The Mad Doctor says that some of the Blot in you was… well, pulled out.”
The Doctor nodded, stroking his beard. “Indeed, indeed… and judging from the circumstances, it was not by something or someone very friendly.”
Mickey’s eyes grew wide as he listened, raising a hand to his chest again. “Pulled out…” he muttered, a distant frown on his face.
Oswald glanced over at the Mad Doctor. “Wait, but shouldn’t gettin’ that inky mess outta him be a good thing?”
The Mad Doctor pulled down a small screen and turned it on. A white outline of the mouse’s body appeared on the blue backdrop, with a black blob floating near it. “If done the correct way, yes.”
Gus crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. “Correct way?” he repeated.
The Mad Doctor gestured to the screen; the black shape moved into the body and began breaking up as it swirled around. “You see, over time, the Blot began to merge with his own ink. Removing it safely would be a very careful process requiring time and patience. This, however…”
A portion of the black suddenly tore out of the body outline. Even in this crude form, it made the viewers wince.
The Mad Doctor shook his head. “This was the exact opposite. Fortunately, the shock wasn’t too severe… his body was able to recover in time to heal itself.”
Oswald snuck a side glance at Mickey, ears twitching with slight concern.
“In the meantime,” Gus said. “Perhaps, we should try to find out what did this. It could be very dangerous.”
The Mad Doctor nodded and turned to Mickey. “Do you remember anything?”
The mouse closed his eyes. “It happened real fast,” he said slowly, frowning. “But I remember seein’ some kind of a… a dome with a flat bottom. And there was a whirrin’ noise… it kept goin’. It sounded kinda like a Beetleworx.” His body tensed as he continued. “It knocked me down before I could do anything. Then somethin’ metal latched on my chest and started… pullin’. It felt like it was… rippin’ something out of me. That’s when I must a’ passed out. Next thing I know, I’m wakin’ up here.”
The Mad Doctor scowled as he rubbed his chin. “Strange… strange indeed,” he muttered. “It certainly must’ve been a machine. You don’t suppose it could be some kind of rogue Beetleworx? It’s unlikely, but certainly not impossible…” He glanced at the monitors nearby. “I’ll have to run some calculations to find if any disappeared from the grid recently.”
Oswald glared at the Mad Doctor with obvious impatience. “Well, what’re ya waitin’ for? Get to it! If it’s one of your machines, I want it shut down right away!”
The Mad Doctor jumped and started typing rapidly on the keyboard. Mickey placed a hand on Oswald’s shoulder, looking concerned. “Oswald, calm down. Whatever it was, we’ll find it.”
Oswald sighed. “I sure hope so. I don’t want this happenin’ again—to you or anyone else.” He then waggled a finger at the mouse. “So, don’t go off on your own again until we get this sorted out, got it? No more of that wanderin’ dark alleys nonsense. There’s a reason that never goes well in the movies.”
Mickey grinned sheepishly as he rubbed his neck. “Got it.” He touched his chest and sighed. “Believe me, I don’t plan on runnin’ into that thing again soon.”
Gus smiled and nodded before hovering upward. “I should probably tell the other gremlins on Mean Street, so they can keep an eye out for it.”
“Keep me updated,” Oswald said.
Gus nodded and teleported out of the lab.
“Hmm…” the Mad Doctor muttered, looking at the monitor. “This is troubling.”
He turned, frowning as he rubbed his chin.
“What’s wrong, Doc?” Mickey asked. The Mad Doctor started and looked up, as if he’d forgotten the two were there. He then cleared his throat.
“It seems that all the Beetleworx are accounted for, and none have displayed any serious defects in their programming.”
“Are ya sure?” Oswald asked. “Maybe you should double-check…”
The Mad Doctor pouted, looking a little offended. “Quite sure, but I can certainly run another check.”
“Sorry, Doc, I just wanna make sure we find it before… anythin’ else happens.”
The Mad Doctor’s frown softened and he nodded. “I’ll also perform some scans on different areas of Wasteland for unusual activity… the Blot portion may be detectable. The results will be ready by tomorrow.”
“Okay, thanks, Doc.” Oswald turned back to Mickey, a worrying thought crossing his mind. “Ya know, maybe it’d be best if you stayed with Ortensia and me for now, in case they or it tries to… well, we have a guest room ya could use.”
Mickey frowned, shifting in his seat. “Well… I don’t wanna impose, but if ya really think it’s a good idea…”
“It’s no problem,” Oswald said, then smirked. “Besides, the kids’ll be tickled.”
Mickey cringed a little. “Was that supposed to be encouraging?”
Oswald couldn’t help chuckling at that. Mickey grinned back and hopped off the cot, stumbling a bit on the landing.
Oswald steadied the mouse. “Easy… you sure you’re up to this?”
The mouse rubbed his head and nodded, still wobbling a bit. “Yeah, just kinda dizzy.”
Once he was sure Mickey was steady, Oswald let him go and they walked together toward the exit.
Ortensia looked up in surprise as Oswald walked in with Mickey following. “Oh… hello, boys,” she said, then noticed their looks. “Is everything okay?”
“Well…” Oswald said. “It’s kind of a long story, but is it okay if Mickey stays here for a while?”
Ortensia cocked her head, looking concerned. “Well, yes, of course. But… is something wrong?”
Mickey and Oswald glanced at each other, but just then, the Bunny Children hopped in excitedly.
“Daddy! Unca Mickey!”
Oswald cleared his throat and smiled. “Hey, kids, guess what? Your Uncle Mickey’s gonna be stayin’ with us for a while!”
The bunnies squealed and began leaping up and down with excitement. “Yay! Unca Mickey’s sleepin’ over!”
Mickey smiled, but he was buried in a heap of cheering blue bunnies before he could say anything.
“I’ll explain everything later,” Oswald said quietly to Ortensia before wading through the swarm of bunnies. “All right, kids, you can play with your uncle later,” he said as he grabbed hold of Mickey’s arm, pulling him out of the crowd.
He then led him upstairs to the guest room, which was full of antiques and old family photos. “Well, I know it’s not much, but make yourself at home.”
Mickey smiled gratefully as he looked around. “No, it’s great. Thanks a lot, Os.” Suddenly, a sharp ache throbbed in his chest and he couldn’t help wincing.
“Mick?” Oswald asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You okay?”
“Yeah, sorry…” Mickey said, rubbing his chest. “It’s still kinda sore.”
“Well, ya better get some rest,” he said, grabbing Mickey’s shoulders from behind and leading him over to the bed. “Just take it easy.”
Mickey slowly sat down; suddenly his body was aching like all the pressures of the past few days had caught up with him. “Thanks, Oswald,” he said.
The rabbit smiled reassuringly. “No problem,” he said. “Hope ya feel better.”
He turned to leave, but Mickey suddenly spoke up again. “Hey, Os…” Oswald stopped and looked back to see Mickey giving him a slight smile. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think you were selfish either.”
Oswald stood there for a moment, startled. Slowly, he smiled. “Thanks, Mick.”
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Epic Mickey 3 Heart of Stone Prologue {{ Promo kind of thing, hope you enjoy. }} {{Reposted from my main blog to this one!~}}
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     “Hey fellas, lookie what I got! I found daddies remote!” One of the bunny children held up their father’s remote like it was a golden trophy they had won in a competition. They were standing on a shelf above their siblings, looking down at them. “Come on we should shoot off some fireworks!”
   “Uhhh I don’t know Benjamin it sounds kinda dangerous.“ One of the little sister bunny siblings said up to her brother. She looked very nervous, she was actually the youngest of the children. She was also the runt of the bunny litter too.  
    “Oh come on Briar Rose, this is gonna be a BLAST!” Benjamin snickered, giving his siblings a mischievous grin. “This could be our only chance to shoot of fireworks just like dad does, come on let’s get going everyone!” He hopped down onto barrel and then down to the floor, making a small dull thud when he landed on his tiny small hind legs. “Alright everybody, here we go! Let’s go find daddy’s stash of fireworks!”
“Oh how’s about we play follow the leader?!”  
      “That sounds like a splendid idea Bandit old buddy!” Benjamin took in a deep breath and began to sing in a lively tune, “Following the leader, the leader, the leader! We’re following the leader, wherever he may go.Tee dum, tee dee, a teedle ee do tee day, tee dum, tee dee it’s part of the game we play!” He hopped along his eagerness showing clearly with his bouncing steps. “I am the leader, the leader, the leader! So follow me along! And sing our silly song!”
      “Tee dum, tee dee, the words are easy to say, just a teedle ee dum a teedle ee do tee day! Tee dum, tee dee, a teedle ee do tee dum! We’re one for all, and all of us out for fun! We march in line and follow the other one, with a teedle ee do a teedle ee do tee dum!“ The other bunny children harmonized as their brother Benjamin lead them around the house searching for the fireworks.  
      It was lucky for the bunny children because today their parents were out celebrating their anniversary together. Thankfully since it had been peaceful since the Mad Doc had become a good toon, there was no need for a baby sitter. So they could search without the risks of being caught by their parents.
       “Following the leader, the leader, the leader we’re following the leader, wherever he may go. We’re out to find the works, the works, the works, we’re out to find the works! Because he told us so!”
    “Look there!” Benjamin gasped as they came across a safe in their father’s room. Their brother handed the remote off to Briar Rose. “Come on fellas and ladies, let’s see if we can open this safe!” He went over and place his ears against the cold metal of the safe.  
     Three of his other siblings, Bea, Bernie and Bianca placed their paws on the safe’s lock and began to turn it. They went slowly so Benjamin could listen for the tumbles and vibrations of the lock.
     “Okayyyyy let’s see…..the combination issss…..” Benjamin closed his eyes and concentrated. It only took him five minutes to crack the combination. “It’s mom’s birthday! The lock combination is mom’s birthday, quick let’s put the number in!”
    Briar Rose watched her siblings, she didn’t know why but she had a bad feeling about all this. She really didn’t want to be shooting off fireworks without parental supervision. There were so many things that could go wrong.
        Someone could get hurt, a building could catch fire, they could break something! This was serious and all her bigger siblings didn’t seem concerned at all. Maybe she was just being far too paranoid?  
      “Yes! We’re in, come on let’s grab some fireworks and go!“ Benjamin went over and swiped the remote from Briar Rose and patted her atop the head. “Come on sis, don’t be so nervous, fireworks are pretty right? You love pretty things! Like those delicious blossoms mom grows in her garden!” He could sense she was nervous, so brotherly reassurance was in order.
    "Well…” Briar Rose began, sounding very nervous and unsure as she fiddled with her paws. “I dooooooo like pretty things.” She gave him a sheepish grin.
     “That’s my favorite youngest sis!“ Benjamin patted her on her shoulder and then looked over his. "Bernard, Beatrice and Bandit you guys carry the fireworks since you all are very strong lifters!” And with that the bunny siblings filed out in a bouncy line. All of them chattering in excitement, all of them trying to decide where they should set the fireworks off.
     "Sayyyy why don’t we set them off near the Walt Disney, statue! It’s been recently remolded and we can have a little fireworks celebration in its honor!“ Bandit gushed out, hopping next to Benjamin. He was carrying three fireworks with him, red, blue and green, they were lifted over his head.  
     "Ohhh right! Daddy added uncle Mickey on the other side of Walt Disney!” Benjamin replied, his voice whimsical and jolly. “Yes, we shall do that! I’m sure that everyone who sees it will love it!” The bunny children all excitedly bounced to their destination, keeping a watchful eye out for the other toons. They had to sneak around like little thieves, as though they were escaping into the night.
      Which actually wasn’t far from the truth, it was evening now and getting darker. But it was still light enough out for the bunnies to know where they were going. As soon as they reached the Walt Disney statue, they set up the ten fireworks they had smuggled out of the house. They had made sure that their fireworks were set up a great distance away from the statue, that way none of the fireworks would hit it.
      “Alright let’s light up the sky!” Benjamin held his dad’s remote up and pressed it. All ten firework fuses began to light and the sparks made their way to destinations. “Everyone stand back a little!” He moved back, using a waving gesture with his hands so his siblings would do the same.
      They waited and watched eagerly as the first firework launched itself into the air. It spiraled as it flew like a majestic bird into the sky. Then it exploded in an array of brilliant oranges, purples and reds. The bunny children all cheered as firework after firework went off. They were all having a blast and as they bounced, they didn’t notice one of the fireworks became slightly undone from its holster.
          All save for Briar Rose whom was the only one paying attention to the last firework which was a rose pink. “G-Guys?” She tried speaking over the ninth firework that was crackling in the sky. This was one of the fireworks that exploded and then exploded into smaller fireworks that exploded into even smaller ones until they vanished.
        "Guysssss!“ She cried out again just as the ninth firework faded from the sky. That was when the tenth firework shot out and zipped past over the top of the Walt statue head. Then it hit a sign, and bounced back and the children.  
      "LOOK OUT!’ Benjamin screamed as he grabbed Briar Rose and pushed his siblings away. The firework smacked into someone’s house and then bounced back again like a deadly boomerang of exploding death.  
      The firework collided with the pedestal of the Walt Disney, Mickey and Oswald statues. "HIT THE GROUND!” The bunny children all ran and jumped, pinning themselves to the ground. Benjamin had thrown himself over Briar Rose to protect her.
      The firework exploded and the ground shook furiously like an earthquake. As soon as the crackling stopped the bunny kids all hopped up, Benjamin helping his younger sister up. They stared at the statues with worry.
         Benjamin let out a relieved sigh when he didn’t see any damage. “Well that’s a relief, all we have to do is clean it up a little.” Benjamin went over and jumped on the statue and began using his tail as a cotton swab. He hopped back down when he was satisfied, “There it’s good as new and polished! No more powder! I wonder what dad made these statues out of…titanium?”
       “Hey uh we should really get going.” Bea spoke up, looking around nervously. “We need to get home before we get caught and with all that noise other toons might come out to see what happened.”
      “Right come on let’s go!”
     They all began to head back, but one little bunny was staring intently at something. She could see a small crack on the pedestal, the crack traveled from the ground, up the side of the pedestal and near the shoe of Walt’s statue. “But guys…” She said, her voice squeaky because they had left a crack in the statue.  
    “No buts Briar Rose, come on we don’t wanna get caught!” Benjamin called out to her as he lead his siblings away. “Come on let’s get home and act like nothing happened!” They all agreed and hopped along home.
     "But….but…“ Briar Rose watched her siblings leave before she glanced over her shoulder. "But what if the statues break and fall on someone?” She muttered worriedly to herself, she went to follow her siblings only to see out of the corner of her eyes as she turned away from the statue, something dark and inky bubbling from the crack.  
     But when she looked back the dark ink bubbles were nowhere to be seen. Briar Rose looked around fearfully, she suddenly felt overwhelmed with fear for some reason. She crawled over to the statue on her four paws, like a cat pinning herself low to the ground. She hesitantly reached over with her front paw and patted at the crack, tilting her head. “Huh…that was weird.”
   Briar Rose jumped with shock coursing through her. “Coming big brother!” The little bunny scampered off. This time she didn’t see the dark bubbles swelling to the surface of the crack. Nor did she hear the soft cackles that followed.
         “Once again Wasteland would face danger, an old enemy would rise and make itself known. Wasteland needed their heroes Oswald their leader, and my apprentice Mickey Mouse once more, to save the day.
            However they won’t be able to do it alone, new heroes will rise up in the face of this calamity. They needed all the help they could get, especially since a certain mouse was feeling under the weather…”
                                                                                                                                                                                 - Yen Sid  
{{ Author’s Note:  I headcanon the bunny children do have actual names but they all start with B. This is my story and my head canons and I’m not gonna have every poor little bunny child be called Oswald Jr lol. I love Ozzy but…..seriously…just no X’D }}
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Your thoughts about this prologue would be appreciated. You can leave them in my ask box, or in the comments below or in my pms!
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TWST Addams Family AU (Remastered)
The Show must go on! / Melodic Misconceptions 02 (AU created by @/starry-night-rose)
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The Inheritance Games
❐ “I wouldn't marry me, Either.” || Alisa x Nash fanfic
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「❐」 。。。 My Interests!
My beloved moots &lt;3
|| Moots List (TBA) ||
|| Twisted Wonderland || Genshin Impact || Honkai Star Rail || Epic Mickey (Rebrushed) || Love and Deepspace || Reverse 1999 || Library of Ruina ||
|| Percy Jackson and the Olympians || Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard || Six of Crows || The Lunar Chronicles || The Inheritance Games || The Hunger Games ||
|| Spy x Family || Jujutsu Kaisen || Sailor Moon || Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler || Twisted Wonderland: Manga Anthology ||
|| Winx Club || SheRa and the Princesses of Power || Totally Spies || DuckTales 2017 || Avatar: The Last Airbender || The adventures of Mickey Mouse ||
|| The Remarried Empress || The Blind Prince || Marionetta || Cursed Princess Club || Villain with a Crush || Who made Me a Princess || Villains are destined to die || The Villainess is a Marionette || The Villainess reverses the hourglass || Morgana and Oz || Marry my Husband ||
|| Taylor Swift || EPIC: The Musical || Chappell Roan || Laufey || Lyn Lapid || MARINA || Britney Spears || Newjeans || Mamamoo || Phantom of the Opera || Les Míserables || Lady Gaga || AESPA || (G)-IDLE || NMIXX || Arctic Monkeys || Lana Del Rey
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dreamylyfe-x · 3 years
I think you're right that Ian isn't intending to give Mickey an ultimatum (although their plotline in that episode description on amazon prime is literally "Ian gives mickey an ultimatum", lmao) but I do think it has the same effect, at least how mickey is interpreting it. I do think Ian is clearly manic in that episode, the way he slams his hand on the table when he says "because!", for instance, feels very in line with how Cam had been portraying him for the rest of the season. And because of that, and the eagerness with which he beats up Terry, I think we could interpret Ian as asking mickey to come out at the bar that night, consequences be damned. Or it could just be him laying down a boundary. What he wants from mickey in that exact moment is completely open for interpretation. Season 4 is so brilliant because in contrast to season 3b, where all of their relationship was told exclusively from Ian's perspective, in season 4 Ian's story is told from mickey's perspective, as he and the audience puzzle over why his behavior is so dramatically different. We can't really know what he's thinking.
So what did Ian expect from Mickey exactly in that moment? It's a question I think about a lot in terms of the wedding too. Ian is so optimistic it hurts after they have sex in that episode - I really can't even imagine what Mickey refusing to get married and/or coming out at the wedding would have looked like. Couldn't put my finger on why I get this instinct, but I think chances are much greater that they would have died. (Ian isn't great at picking moments to dramatically confront Mickey, but Mickey never really gives him much choice, eh?) Both characters had to experience season 3 to get to 4x11. Ian's fear all throughout season 3 has given way to rage, rage that fuels him to run towards terry beating mickey in 4x11 where he ran away from it in 3x06. And Mickey being unable to get Ian to stay, having to confront his feelings for him through the pain of losing him, made him completely unwilling to go through that again. Regardless of what Ian expected from Mickey in that scene, it's clear how mickey is choosing to interpret it. Ian's just going back home, but to mickey he might as well be leaving for the army the next day.
So I think only the prospect of losing Ian again enables Mickey to come out the way that he does, in this extremely dangerous situation. I guess my question to you is - would he have come out at all if Ian hadn't established that boundary? Did he need to be forced to choose, or would Ian have eventually been able to keep gradually coaxing him? I think Mickey seeming to accept that Ian's family is pretty much on to them is encouraging, but you're right, what the hell was he planning on doing about Terry? I'd love to read an alternative coming out scene fic some day, but that scene is too good and the alternatives probably too depressing for anyone to want to write it.
Hey! These are all great points. You’re right, the “because” is really jarring... I do think Ian might always be pretty eager to beat up Terry. 
The same effect element... Yeah, and that’s why I understand the use of the word “ultimatum” -- but at the same time, when you have this kind of crisis in a relationship where something is a dealbreaker for one party it just functions that way. I am a little addicted to Reddit relationship advice subs and that fight rages in the comments all the time. “She’s giving him an ultimatum” “She’s telling him what her expectations and boundaries are!” -- and all of that has me a little intense about the term. Conventionally, ultimatums are bad and boundaries are good. But a boundary definitely suggests there is an expectation that, if not met, means the end of the relationship. I do think intent matters a lot and one thing that I feel is not talked about much is how unwilling Mickey is to actually engage the conversation. So I get why it escalates. it’s hard to talk critically about Mickey’s side without it being interpreted as an attack on him -- but I do think Ian’s reactions are fed by the fact that Mickey isn’t willing to engage any conversation about what’s happening. He just wants to go “do this thing” and then pick up where he and Ian left off. 
Which is *exactly* what he was saying when he got married. And Ian didn’t say “don’t get married or I’ll join the army” but he did beg Mickey not to do it and when he did... Ian left and joined the army. 
That key question -- does Mickey come out without this pressure -- is a good one and I’d love to hear what other people think. But for me? That answer is “probably not. Or not for a good long while.” -- The ask that sparked this whole thing (I think) was me considering what happens if Mickey doesn’t come out, and my answer was “if Ian is around, he comes out.”
And if Ian isn’t... Then I think he doesn’t. There’s no carrot. This is why I said a few times that Ian loving Mickey is key to the whole equation. not in a “saviour” way, but as a part of Mickey’s journey. If being gay -- For Mickey, whose father has literally pistol whipped him and forced him into being a husband and father over the issue -- is JUST about who he’s attracted to, I don’t see why he WOULD come out. It’s like when people advise kids whose parents will disown them over their sexuality to wait until after college to come out. For Mickey, he should come out when he gets out of the dangerous situation. And when the heck does that happen without Ian? 
Being with Ian is the reason to come out. Ian can't stand a half-measure with Mickey (and I do think that’s very sincere. I don’t think Ian can stand to watch Mickey be someone else’s husband) and Mickey doesn't want to lose all the things that his relationship with Ian gives him. Sex he can get -- but he wants the friendship, the affection, the connection and the love he gets from Ian. Enough to literally risk his life. 
I had a conversation with @whaticameherefor a few days ago about how The Alibi is kinda the safest place for Mickey to come out. Because he has witnesses and Kev is there to call the cops. There really is no safe place for him while Terry isn’t in prison. Which again, doesn’t mean this isn’t all the things about it that are problematic, but Mickey survives this because the cops show up and haul Terry off again. 
Anyway! I actually have two fanfic plans that involve this question so I can’t say much more without getting spoilery. But I am so interested in this question and love hearing from people about it. Loved everything you had to say. In the end, Mickey’s coming out scene is EPIC. Raise your hand if you can recite the entire “Guess What We’ve Been Doing Daddy?” scene by heart. 
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therealdaisytdm · 5 days
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random spooky background art because why not
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Introduction Post!!!
Hey everyone! I figure that now that I have a Tumblr account, I should introduce myself to my fellow Tumblr users. Because why not??
First of all, I don’t think it’s too hard to ask to not be a douchebag, so don’t be one. Plain and simple. Secondly, I am staying away from politics on this blog, because I (as well as many others) use Tumblr for escapism. I don’t want to bog Tumblr down with real life stuff. 
Okay, now the fun stuff!! :D
Reading - I've been a big reader since I was 2/3 years old. When I was younger, one of the biggest things you could do to piss me off was to not like reading (TBH, it still pisses me off a l’il if people don’t like to read, but I’ve been working on trying not to get as annoyed by it - after all, respect people’s opinions). Have a book rec for me? Want a book rec from me? Let me know! WE COULD FORM A VIRTUAL BOOK CLUB
Musical Theater - in love with Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Heathers, and Six (which is criminally underrated, BTW). I’m kinda mixed on Be More Chill. 
My friends actually deterred me from musical theater because they quoted/sung/talked about Hamilton NON-STOP (I promise I’m not this annoying) - Cut to Hamilton dropping on Disney+, and now I’m Hamiltrash
Dear Evan Hansen was the first musical I actually got obsessed with after reading the novelization.
Saw a “Candy Store” and then “Beautiful” animatic & now I’m part of the Heathers fandom
Heard Annapantsu’s cover of “All You Wanna Do,” thought Six sounded interesting, heard the Aimie Atkinson version, fell in love. Then heard “Don’t Lose Ur Head” on Spotify - Became a hardcore fan after hearing those two songs 
I wanted to like Be More Chill because out of all the musicals, the plot of BMC sounded the most interesting. I like some of the songs (mainly “Be More Chill Pt. 1,” “A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into,” “Michael in the Bathroom,” and “The Smartphone Hour [Rich Set a Fire]”), and everyone’s (both OG Cast & Broadway) vocals are great, but a lot of the songs aren’t doing it for me
Musicals to get into: Beetlejuice, Mean Girls (I enjoy “Meet the Plastics” though), Hadestown
Animation (too bad I can’t draw) - say what you want about Disney not putting in any effort with their movies anymore (live-action remakes and garbage sequels, I’m looking at you), Disney TVA is still as great as ever (and other non-Disney animated shows are obviously great as well) Animated fandoms:
Kim Possible
Phineas & Ferb
Gravity Falls
DuckTales 2017
Tangled: The Series
Mickey Mouse (2013)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Dragon Prince
The Amazing World of Gumball
Wanna get into Hilda, BoJack, She-Ra, & Amphibia
Other TV shows! - currently watching Community (which is like my comfort show) and Middleditch & Schwartz. Also started Anne with an E (it’s better than books, which I already thought were pretty awesome?? That almost never happens??). Wanna get into the Schur-verse as well (Parks & Rec, The Good Place, Brooklyn 99)
Mythology!! - gotta be honest, not a huge fan of Greek (feel like I’m overexposed to it), but Aztec mythology, Incan mythology, Norse mythology, and differing myth systems of Africa/Polynesia/Native Americans? Yes please! And since I’m Hindu, I’ve been raised on lots of Hindu epics & myths, so I’ve got kind of a bias towards Hindu mythology as well. Know any fun myths? Lemme know! Let’s chat!!
Random stuff/misc. - trivia (love Trivia Crack, part of Scholastic Bowl); recently started writing short stories (both fanfic and not fanfic); also Disney (hate the company’s policies, but I still follow literally everything regarding their upcoming projects and find easter eggs/trivia in/about each of their movies); podcasts (listening to The Darkest Timeline with Ken Jeong and Joel McHale - same with the books/myths, if y’all got any more podcast recs for me, let me know!); Among Us; chocolate
Okay, so.
I was gonna do a dislikes section, but that’s no fun. Also, this post is long enough, and it’s a quarter till eleven right now and I have to get ready early tomorrow. So, I’m just gonna post this as it is - I hope you got to know me better! Hopefully I can come back and edit it, lol, because knowing me I definitely forgot a lot of stuff
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livinginsunnyhell · 4 years
Ask game for fanfic writers! ⌨️🖊📓📝
1. What fandoms do you write for?
2. What pairings do you write for?
3. What is your most popular fanfic?
4. Do you write original stories as well?
5. What fanfic of yours should everyone have read?
6. What is a fandom you will never write for?
7. What is a ship you will never write for?
8. Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.net, Wattpad, Tumblr, etc. which platform do you prefer?
9. What are your favorite fanfics?
10. How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started?
11. What’s your longest fanfic?
12. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
13. What is your planning process?
14. What have others criticized about your fanfic?
15. OCs or no OCs?
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
17. Do you use/follow advice from writing blogs/posts?
18. What is your favorite writing prompt?
19. Dead or overused tropes?
20. Can we get a list of all of your current available fanfics?
21. What’s your shortest fanfic?
22. Do you listen to music during your writing process? What music do you listen to while you’re writing?
23. Long chapters or short chapters?
24. How many WIPs (work-in-progress) do you’ve got?
25. How many WIPs will you finish?
26. First-person-narrative or third-person-narrative?
27. Do you take requests?
28. I will name you three things (drunk Ian — shared bachelor party — Gallavich): write a paragraph or two!
29. What’s more difficult? Fanfics or original work?
30. What writing software do you use?
31. Do you use beta/sensitivity readers?
32. Past or present tense?
33. Do friends and family know that you write fanfics?
34. How did you find the magical world of fanfics?
35. What is your favorite review?
36. Did you ever delete a work of yours?
37. Did your work ever get plagiarized?
38. Do you partake in any fanfic/writing events? (Big bangs, zines, NaNoWriMo, etc?)
39. Collaborations or working solo?
40. Do you have any rituals before uploading a fic?
41. What is something you don’t like about your writing?
42. Rudest review?
43. Guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
44. Does fanart of your fanfic exist?
45. Do fanfics of your fanfic exist?
46. Few long essay reviews or many short reviews?
47. What fanfic of yours is truly underrated?
48. What is your favorite sentence that you’ve used in a fanfic?
49. Where do you draw inspiration from?
50. Can we get a teaser for an upcoming chapter?
(Don't feel obligated to answer. Thought if you're into these kinda things, that'd be a nice ask. ;))
Oh this is so nice!! Thanks for sending this @annansmith
I chose a few of them to do. 
1. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I’m writing for Shameless (Gallavich) but I’ve written for:
Veronica Mars (LoVe), Veep (Amy/Dan), Arrow (Oliver/Felicity), Once Upon A Time (Hook/Emma), The Old Guard (Joe/Nicky), That 70′s show (Hyde/Jackie), Sons of Anarchy (Tara/Jax), Vampire Diaries (Klaroline), Hart of Dixie (Zoe/Wade), Gilmore Girls (Rory/Jess), X-men (Rogue/Pyro), One Tree Hill (Haley/Nathan), and a few others.
2. What pairings do you write for?
Now I write Gallavich. 
But I’d say my top ones I love writing for now (my fanfiction writing has spanned about 14 years) are Dan/Amy, Veronica/Logan, Klaus/Caroline, Mickey/Ian.
3. What is your most popular fanfic?
My most popular fic on Ao3 is The Course of True Love (Arrow) and on FF Of Bloodshed, Babies, and Epic LoVe (Veronica Mars)
4. Do you write original stories as well?
Yes, I do. I’m working on a book, well, two books. But it’s going very slowly. The first is a memoir of my travels from around the world and the second is a vampire urban fantasy one. We’ll see how it goes, but I’d like to finish them by next year and see if I can get them published, but it’s hard so who knows. 
10. How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started?
Well, recently I’ve really been trying to finish everything I write. I have a lot of WIPs from years and years ago and even within the the last year, so this answer is pretty new. Basically, I focus on one fic at a time and write a little every day to stay motivated. Now, I try to update once a week on a certain day. I think comments/reviews and kudos and people being genuinely encouraging helps though. It’s also what’s gotten me considering finishing my older fics.
11. What’s your longest fanfic?
Of Bloodshed, Babies, and Epic Love (over 165k)
13. What is your planning process?
Now, it’s different. I have a doc of ideas and I wait to see which one I can’t seem to shake. Then I plan out each chapter with a few sentences and I have a list of things I want to focus on in the story. Usually, each story now has a kind of theme to it and a main focus. I sometimes will just want to write a certain situation/scene/focus and the story is born from there. But what really helps is writing down chapter 1, 2, etc. and having a sentence or two for what I want to happen. It doesn’t always go according to plan, but I never get writers block or forget what happened in previous chapters now.
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
Probably a mixture of fandom (or my personal) headcanons. I don’t start with prompts unless it’s a challenge or sentence starters. Usually, I have a scene I already want to write in my head and then I sit down and write it.
17. Do you use/follow advice from writing blogs/posts?
Yes, I’ve read several books on writing. My undergrad was creative writing too, so I learned a lot there. I also follow writing instagram accounts which are helpful. I take everything I learn with a grain of salt and I see what is best for me. The best advice I heard recently was short sentences and so now I’m experimenting with that.
20. Can we get a list of all of your current available fanfics?
There’s a lot from many different fandoms. I used to be on FF.net as Psyc0gurl0 and now I’m ProstheticLoVe on a03. I like writing on ao3 better cause it’s easier and I love the tagging process. Plus the gallavich fandom on there is unreal. So to think about going back to ff.net to finish my WIPs seems like such a process now. 
Currently though, I’m writing an Ian’s POV 5 chapter fic called Chocolate. It’s not out yet, but it’ll focus on Ian from 1x06 to 1x09 or so and how his feelings for Mickey change and evolve. It’s the second part to a series called Chocolate and Cigarettes. Mickey’s POV was Cigarettes.
22. Do you listen to music during your writing process? What music do you listen to while you’re writing?
Yes, I listen while writing but I need silence while editing. I have a Love (lol) playlist. It’s basically all the love songs that remind me of couples I ship. So for example, The Acid is in there a lot because their music is great, but also Basic Instinct is so haunting. Overall, I like all music except country, so sometimes I’ll listen to my larger playlists while writing. 
23. Long chapters or short chapters?
So this has changed over the years. Initially, I wrote short chapters, then when I got back into fanfiction while writing klaroline they got a lot longer and now it’s just basically where the chapter has a natural ending. So the chapters are between 4 - 10k words depending. I try to get over 4k though. Right now, once I’m done with my current fic, I really want to write something over 100k.
24. How many WIPs (work-in-progress) do you’ve got?
A lot...none in Shameless though. Well, I guess my current one, but I haven’t posted that yet. I’d say I probs have about 10 WIPs spanning different fandoms. I know. But my goal for 2021 is to pick two and finish them. 
25. How many WIPs will you finish?
Not all of them. Some of them are from years and years ago. But I’d like to finish the ones that I still get reviews on. So there’s a SOAs fic I want to finish cause that fandom is so lovely. I also want to finish a klaroline one cause that was fun to write. And my Amy/Dan ones I’d like to finish. I would like to finish my Veronica Mars ones (I have two) but they need a lot more attention, so when people message me about them I tell them the planned ending.
28. I will name you three things (drunk Ian — shared bachelor party ��� Gallavich): write a paragraph or two!
“Fuck, Mickey, I probably shouldn’t have had the third Hot Toddy,” Ian grimaced as the world around him spun. 
Mickey laughed at him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Ian wanted to think his future husband just wanted to pull him closer, but he had a feeling it was to steady him.
“Probably should’ve cut you off earlier,” Mickey said tugging Ian closer. 
Ian wobbled and plopped down on the back steps of the porch. Mickey followed suit a moment letter and they both looked out toward the backyard where the Gallaghers, Balls, and a few of the Milkovich cousins were alternatively huddling around a fire, drinking, and dancing.
“I blame Lip for making us have this stupid shared bachelor party in the first place,” Ian grumbled.
Mickey kissed him on the forehead as Ian lay his head on his shoulder. “It’s Sandy’s fault too.”
Ian hmmed in response and Mickey knew he was going to fall asleep any moment. He ran his hand up and down Ian’s arm and watched as Debbie bounced over to them.
“Jesus, you aren’t even married yet and you two are like an old married couple. Are you going to come dance or what?” she whined.
Mickey looked down at Ian, whose eyes were already closed, and then back up to Debbie. She was watching them with knowing eyes.
“We’ll dance at the wedding. Go grab Lip, I need his help to get Sleeping Beauty upstairs.”
Debbie turned to go get her eldest brother and Mickey looked back down at Ian. In his sleep, he nuzzled Mickey’s shoulder, breathed deeply, and a gentle smile appeared there. 
3 more days and they’d officially be husbands. 
34. How did you find the magical world of fanfics?
I was about 10 and my cousin used to write a buffy the vampire slayer zine. There was a link to a site called buffyworld.com or something like that. And I found fanfic that way. There was a link on the site to ff.net and that’s how I stumbled across that. I stayed there for many many years until my second time in the veronica mars fandom around 2014 when I was lead to a03 and then I’ve been there ever since. On and off, my writing has fluctuated through the years based on my personal life.
49. Where do you draw inspiration from?
Everywhere! omg. It’s insane. Gallavich I love writing for. There’s so many different facets to them, but truly everywhere I find inspiration. I have a whole doc of gallavich ideas that have stemmed from other fanfics, headcanons from me and other people, rewatching episodes, what’s going to happen in s11, cute moments i’d like to see happen, holidays, and just general life. I saw a pic of WW2 vets who were in a long term relationship and i was like mickey and ian! another idea is born.  
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
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The Nanny Affair
Chapter 12.) The Gala. Part 4.
Author’s Note: This little fanfic rewrite of chapter 12 was a challenge thrown down by a skilled writer/sister friend. I accept! (Contains MAJOR Spoilers! If you don’t like to be spoiled or haven’t read the chapter; do NOT continue!) (All Characters and some of the dialogues are property of Pixelberry. This is just a fun little fanfic rewrite of chapter 12.). One more thing: this was written entirely on my iPhone.
***Rated: Mature 18+. Contains sexual content, nudity and strong language.
***Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters.
***Characters: Sam Dalton (LI), Krystal Parker (MC), Mason, Mickey and Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton (Side Characters).
Part 4 not only picks up where Part 3 left off but; it ends our story.
And I wrote this finale in one day! Yay me! 😁💃🏾👍🏾🙌🏾👏🏾
Current Word Count: 2,128 words.
It finally happened. Sam finally got Krystal right where he wanted her.
He’s been dying to fuck her, ever since the day she walked into his office. That damn interview. That’s what did it. That’s where it all started.
The black dress and jacket she wore that day; framed her delicious curves. The heels she wore that day, drove him insane. Her bright smile sends chills down his spine. Her brown eyes hypnotize him. He wanted to suck on her lips whenever she pouted. Her chocolate skin was incredibly soft. He’s not so secretly obsessed with her. Wherever he is; she HAS TO either be by his side or within close proximity to him; just for him to function properly.
She is this tall beautiful black woman. She had to be 5’9 or 5’10, he wasn’t exactly sure which.
And she loves his boys. Maybe even more than he does. She’s patient, loving, silly and caring with them. Even when they mess up or when their many “experiments” go HORRIBLY wrong; she never yells or gets angry. She simply shakes her head; then explains to them why they can’t do that again even though; there have been times that he just knew she’d quit; because they drove her past her breaking point. But no, she didn’t.
She tries to teach them as much as she can. He’s watched her and them stand in the driveway with the boy’s telescope; and gaze at the stars and point out constellations, or they’ll run around chasing and catching fireflies in mason jars. There have been days where he’s come back from the office; and the boys are curled up with her on the couch binging on whatever is on Disney+ and eating popcorn. She’ll smile, wave or throw the peace sign up and say, “pop a squat!”, beckoning him to sit with them and join in on the movie and popcorn.
He knew she wasn’t their mother; but he knew she definitely had that maternal feeling and instinct. She protected them. She nurtured them. She loved them. And that’s what he loves most about her.
Yes. You read that correctly. Loves. No, not likes; loves. To Sam Dalton; she’s everything he could’ve ever wanted in a woman. There’s just one problem. And no, it’s not his arranged engagement to Sofia.
It’s the fact that; he’s fallen in love with her. His feelings for her; weren’t something he was ready to acknowledge yet; much less confront. They terrify him like nothing else. Not because of her. But because of his wife Samina.
The last time he felt this way; was when she was alive. He locked his heart and feelings like that away, after she died. He just knew that he’d never love that way again. Hell; he convinced himself that he would never open his heart to another woman; the way he did with Samina. He convinced himself that, he would never be as vulnerable with another woman; the way he was with his wife.
Which made being engaged to Sofia, slightly more bearable.
There was no love involved. It was all business and vanity. She’s really just a means to an end for him. Harsh as that sounds; that’s the core reason why he agreed to her marriage proposal. He didn’t have to love her to be married to her. He certainly didn’t have to have sex with her. And he was fine with that. He was fine with never loving another woman ever again.
Until he met Krystal Parker. And everything he convinced himself that he’d never do again; went out the damn window. Because the minute she walked into his office and especially his life; he changed.
So why would an engaged billionaire businessman; be in an hotel suite fucking his nanny’s brains out? Answer: pure selfishness. He’s thinking that; if he gave into his lust for her then, whatever feelings of love that he’s developed for her and whatever she feels for him, will just simply go away and they can get back to some semblance of a normal life.
But he’s about to find out; that it’s not that simple nor easy.
So there he was; in a bed with her feet to the ceiling and him going deep inside her. His Krystal. His kitten. She belonged to him. And he confirmed it with every thrust of his hips, into her. Hearing her moans drove him insane. Because that’s what he wanted. He wanted to please her. He wanted to feel her vaginal muscles clenched around his throbbing dick; as he slammed into her again and again. He wanted her nails digging into his back. He wanted her cries of pleasure. And he wanted revenge for her nearly ruining him.
“That’s it kitten! Take it! Take this dick!”, he growled in her ear.
Jesus Christ! He felt good! He was hitting her G-spot with EVERY stroke. He started out slow, which she silently hated but; once they both got comfortable, it was on. He was 10X better than either one of her exes. And that’s saying something.
“Yesssssssssss! Fuuuuccccckkk yesssssssssss! Fuck me! Give it to me! Give it to me!”, she shouted back. When it came to GOOD sex, Krystal was not shy about being vocal about it.
Hearing her scream like that; made him shudder. She wanted him and it. And he was going to make extra sure that; she got both. This was going to be the biggest night of passion they’d both ever had.
With his right hand on the headboard; he snaked his left into her hair and pulled back gently. Doing so, once again exposed her neck to him. He couldn’t keep his lips off her skin. He HAD TO taste her. And to be honest; she loved it even more than he did. He dragged his tongue across her neck; which caused the fire inside her to burn hotter. Every stroke made her dizzy yet; always left her craving more. She needed him. She wanted him. She craved him. He turned this poor girl out and didn’t even realize it.
He realized that he wouldn’t last long; well at least not in this position anyway. So; he wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned back, which pulled her into his lap. He wanted her to ride him. Because; why not? Before she knew it; she was straddling his lap with her arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
Her riding on top; was a dream come true for the both of them. For him; he had unlimited access to her nipples, which he felt that he’d been neglecting and it meant leaving more handprints on her ass. And for her; what woman doesn’t like to ride a man’s dick? Being able to bounce up and down on him; was a pleasure was more than anything she could’ve ever imagined.
Between feeling him crashing into her, his mouth all over her breasts and his hands full of her ass; she was in heaven as the heat between them continued to rise.
“God you feel so good!”, he hissed against her skin. He was drunk off her. Her smile. Her skin. Her scent. And she was so close. Her body was hot and every time he touched her; she shivered. Not to mention; her orgasm was about to break her in half.
“Sam! I’m so close!”, she told him in between shaky breaths.
“Good! That means I can do one more thing to you…Shit! Before I make you pass out!”, he responds. He wasn’t too far behind her in terms of being close.
He wanted their combined climax to be as hot as it was about to be epic. So, what does he do? Simple! He switches to one last position. The one he loved best: doggystyle!
Sam figured that if he was gonna go out; might as well go out with a bang! Besides; having her on all fours is what wet dreams are made of. And there she was, face down, ass up and desperate for him.
“I am going to thoroughly enjoy this!”, he whispers in her ear.
“You know you talk too much, right?”, she snapped back.
“Ooh…kitten likes being feisty, I see”, he says.
“No…kitten has a bite! And if you don’t hurry up…”, she hissed.
After leaving a small kiss on the back of her right shoulder, he lines himself up with her very hot entrance, he closes his eyes and dives in so to speak. With his left hand planted firmly between the crease of her hips and the right one holding her wrists behind her back; Sam was indeed about to thoroughly enjoy her.
“Fuck! Yesssssssssss…”, he hissed.
In order to really savor the moment; he went slow at first. Which she absolutely hated.
“Sam please don’t go slow!”, she begged. But, with her wrists restrained behind her back…there wasn’t much she could do to make him go faster. This was like a game to him. And he was going to play it his way.
“Now, now kitten! I told you, I am going to thoroughly enjoy this and I meant that! Now you’ll get what you want. I promise. You know that I would never leave you unsatisfied.”, he replies as he continued his slow stroke.
She cried out in both desperation and protest but eventually after him not doing what she wanted; she gave in. That’s when he knew he truly had her. He wanted her submission and now that he had it; he could give her what she wanted.
When she felt his speed start to increase; she let out a groan of contentment.
“Does my kitten like that? Does it feel good?”, he asked her.
“Yesssssssssss…”, she moaned.
“Good! Very good! I told you, you’d get what you want kitten.”, he said as he let her wrists go and anchored his hand to her shoulder, “now I think it’s time to end this, don’t you?”
“Sam…finish me please!”, she begged.
He could tell she was getting tired. Exactly what he wanted. You see, when it came to sex Sam loves mind games. But even he was getting tired.
“Your wish is my command, kitten”, he whispered in her ear.
As his speed continued to increase; Krystal was going crazy. Not only was he giving her the best fuck she’d ever had in her life but; he was continuously hitting her G-spot with precision. She wasn’t going to last much longer.
“There! Right there! Ohhh God! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”, she cried out.
“Yeah! That’s it! Keep saying that you want it kitten!”, he replied.
The sound of their bodies coming together; gave way to the richest form of pleasure that either one of them had ever had. Her shrieks soon turned into screams; once he started rotating his hips with each thrust in.
“Ohhh God yesssssssssss! Do it again! Do it again! Yes! Yes! Yes!”, she screamed.
That’s all he needed to hear her say; before he started to truly pound her. She was truly at his mercy. She was getting dangerously closer and closer to her edge but; couldn’t seem to go over it.
“That’s it kitten! Cum for me! Let it all out! Cum just for me!”, he whispered encouragingly in her ear.
That was it. That’s what did it for her.
“Oh God…I…I…Yes! I’m about to—“, was all she could say; before her body took over, she shuddered, stars burst in her eyes and her juices began flowing like a waterfall.
And that, was all she wrote for him as well.
“That’s it! Oh fuck I’m about to cum! It’s all for you kitten! Just for you!”, he said before he plunged deep inside her and let out a roar that was both primal and carnal.
He shivered while holding her in place as he emptied himself inside her. All she could hear was their combined ragged breathing. They were both sweaty, exhausted and completely satisfied. He laid with his back to hers and within minutes he was fast asleep.
What’s done was done. But she couldn’t pretend that; she wasn’t effected by that night she spent with him. This went way too far. And she was responsible for it. She couldn’t erase the memory of their night together. But; she does have to face a VERY HARD reality; at the end of the day: he’s still engaged to be married to someone else.
“What the hell am I supposed to do now?”, was the question her brain kept asking as she silently cried herself to sleep.
Because as much she tried to tell herself that she wouldn’t fall in love with one Sam Dalton…that’s exactly what happened.
She had fallen madly in love with him.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my humble rewrite of The Nanny Affair Chapter 12. And I sincerely hope; that it’s inspired you to get out there and write your story or stories! Stay tuned for other stories from yours truly!
@txemrn @choicesficwriterscreations
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thelillykane · 4 years
thank you @nevertothethird for tagging me in the fic rec tag game it was so fun and also so fucking hard to find fics that matched the letter (and yet somehow i had to leave out so many faves??? tell me suzanne what word are we gonna spell out next!! lets do: fuck rob thomas and also leo should’ve died because i’m petty) 
Rules: Spell out your user name using titles of fics you like and/or love -  any fic that you enjoy for any reason whatsoever. Then tag at least one fandom friend to do the same.
Bonus option! Give it a 1-5 knowledge rating (KR) in terms of how well you need to know canon to enjoy the fic. 1 meaning “no previous knowledge necessary” and 5 meaning “need to be well-versed in all of canon.” (sidebar: i fucked this up big time because i will read any fanfic. for any fandom. because i am lawless and don’t give a fuck) 
Tagging -- @maggieoconnell, @sabersighted, @fatherjerusalem, & @rogue-rook & what the hell one more @mysilverylining oh! & @jessicajoned bitch doesn’t go here anymore but she will if i bully her and she’ll want to play ok i’m done 
Third Rule of Fight Club by aperfectsong (Veronica Mars, Season 1 AU, Logan/Veronica) -- KR: 3 
Happy is what happens when your dreams come true by KiaraSayre (MCU, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Steve/Bucky) -- KR: 3-5
Everything in Time is either titillating or epic by Carlier36 (Veronica Mars, AU, Logan/Veronica) KR: 2/3
Lost In Translation by Shamelessquestions/KagekitsuneXXX (Shameless, AU, Ian/Mickey) KR: 1
Interrupt Us by BryroseA (Veronica Mars, post TTDTL, Logan/Veronica) -- KR: 2
Love is Just a Four-Letter Word by bigboobedcanuck (Veronica Mars, Post Series AU, Logan/Veronica) KR: 2
Living Without by cerise (Veronica Mars, Season 2, Logan/Weevil) KR: 3
You’ll find me crashing by Ghostcat (Veronica Mars, Season 2, Logan/Veronica) KR: 4
(a) Kind of Merry War by blithers (Life With Derek, uh Season 3 maybe, Derek/Casey) KR: 2/3
All Life is Yours to Miss by Saras_Girl (Harry Potter, Post Deathly Hallows AU, Draco/Harry) KR: 3
Necrosis by sinaddict (Veronica Mars, Season 2 AU, Logan/Duncan/Veronica) KR: 4
Enemies with benefits (not dental, though) by coalitiongirl (Once Upon A Time, Season 2 AU, Emma/Regina) KR: 0 -- i have never seen this show
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jj-lynn21 · 5 years
list of stories as of Jan 30, 2020
Thanks for following ….find updated list by clicking here
Warnings 18+ lots of smut, angst, fluff. X-reader, mostly AU Bill Skarsgard & his characters but a few stories include other Skarsgard brothers, Deadpool, Tom Holland and other actors. Feel free to send requests & reblog. 
Early home coming:  Bill & X-reader warnings: angst, slight smut, fluffy. Bill comes home early after an annoying work issue forces him to leave a project. You attempt to help him get over it all before he has to go promote another project. 
The Dress: Just because I like writing the continuing story of Bill & Princess. This is her first time at an awards show. Also includes Alex Skarsgard, Scarlett Johansson and a few others. ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5
The Island: various fandoms, Its a continuation of The Charity. ch1 ch 2 ch3 ch4
Moroccan Sands: This is Bill Skarsgard and Tom Holland with x-reader. It takes place on a movie set for the most part. Ch1, ch 2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch 6 ch7 ch8
The Charity- various fandoms & x-reader This a AU mystery piece that includes most Avengers actors and skarsgards plus a few others I love. Some chapters are  very smutty. used suggestions from readers who wanted to be with Bill, Tom &/or Scarlett.  ch 1, ch 2, ch3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch7, ch 8
A story of friendship: Roman Godfrey & X-reader AU Hemlock Grove. I was in a Roman mood so this is what came out  ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4 ch 5
A Castlerock New Year’s Eve party: The Kid & X-Reader This plays off some talk of who the Kid really is in the Steven King Universe. ch 1 ch 2 ch 3
Assassination Nation Mark and X-reader: Merry Christmas ch 1 ch 2
Assassination Nation Mark and X-reader AU Mark survived his town going nuts and is now in college where he meets you.  ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 ch7 ch8
Borrowed time: Mickey & X-Reader . This is a continuation of Villains in a AU. Something like this should happen. ch 1��ch2 ch3 ch 4
Prequel Villains: Mickey and Jules Celebrate Christmas
Deadpool Presents: Once upon a Zeitgeist this is in and AU after all the stuff in Deadpool 2. ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4
Santa’s fav ELF Bill & X-Reader You are an extra in one of Bill’s movies and you you get a long very well. ch1 ch2 ch 3 ch 4
It is all in the eyes :Roman & X Reader , A crazy Hemlock Grove alt reality fanfic part 1  part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
Bill & X Reader: Jealousy,  You are dating Bill Skarsgard & get invited to a ex’s party. 
Joy and The Angel This is a Castlerock fanfiction
Snow in Hollywood This is a reimagining of Snow White starring all Skarsgards Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Red and the Full Moon This is a reimagining of Little Red Riding Hood incorporating the lyric to the 60s song Little Red Riding Hood. Featuring Bill Skarsgard and Alex Skarsgard. 
A  Little Extra for the Extra This is extremely loosely based on my recent time working as an extra in a Tom Holland and Bill Skarsgard movie filming near me. It was great fun. Tom was cool to the extras if you were at the right place at the right time. I only got to see Bill from afar but maybe that was a good thing LOL. In place of Bill & Tom you can easily put in your favorite actor or actress in your mind.
VEE This is an epic kind of Vampire Romance crap that came about after a dream I had. It features Bill & Alex Skarsgard as brothers but Alex is more like Eric from True Blood. This story doesn’t have warnings on the top but the tags have any warnings you might need. Although Vampire romance should give you a good idea of what you are getting to with this one.  Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5  Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14  Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 
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