#Epic Foreshadowing!
rochichan · 3 months
its amazing what the brain can do when ur fav character is going through a character arc
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Listening to Epic: the Musical again while I'm writing and I cannot help but fixate on the fact that there are a lot of hard-hitting lines in "Keep Your Friends Close" but they do not all hit with equal force.
Emotional experience of listening to this song:
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vengeance-is-sworn · 3 months
Listening to the horse and the infant again after listening to the thunder saga (specifically thunder bringer) and uhhhh
“The blood on your hands is something you won’t lose. All you can choose is whose.”
“Tell me, Odysseus, if I were to make you choose. The lives of your men and crew or your own. Why do I think they’d lose.
Both sung by Zeus 🤔
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tapeworrmart · 1 year
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Of all the men to cheat, you pick John Kramer? 🐷🦷
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dootznbootz · 24 days
Do y'all ever think about how it's possible that Zeus' first verse in Thunder Bringer is about Penelope and his second is about Odysseus?
She's a "Damsel in Distress" (She's cool af, she just needs some help and misses her idiot), the suitors are prideful and hope to do what Zeus is singing about to her. Pressuring her to choose. Her "true nature" is revealed when her trickery with the shroud is found out .
The 2nd Verse about how Zeus is also the God of Justice and punishing them for the crew's crime of slaying the cattle. Odysseus saves himself to see Penelope again, meaning his crew/people will die. They died for touching Helios' cattle. Odysseus also saves himself AND Helps Penelope by killing all the suitors for their crime of flirting with/bothering Penelope and making her cry, while also bullying and eventually planning to kill his son. Many of Ithaca's men are killed for their pride too. Thinking that they're worthy of Penelope when Nobody is. Flirt with the Wife, you get the knife.
Penelope and Odysseus DO take each others' suffering away when they reunite as well. 🥹
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unsightlythinker · 5 months
I see a song of past romance
I see the sacrifice of man
I see portrayals of betrayal
And a brother’s final stand
I see you on the brink of death
I see you draw your final breath
I see a man who gets to make it home alive
But it’s no longer you…
*insane strings*
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mickedy · 1 year
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it has been quite a while since i last updated vantablank :0 but i finally had a free weekend to sit down and work on it..
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froggydoddles · 5 months
So let’s talk about No Longer You from Epic: The Musical
I just finished listening to The UnderWorld Saga from Epic and even though it’s the shortest saga out of the musical the amount of lyrical symbolism and foreshadowing from this saga is incredible but I specifically want to talk about No Longer You and how this song uses foreshadowing to its advantage but also to show the inevitable character growth and development that Odysseus will actively go through in Act 2. Tiresias, when Odysseus first meets him and gets his prophecy pretty much not only tells Odysseus how his journey will end but how to do it. First is, ‘’I see portrayals of betrayal, and a brothers final stand’’ now to Odysseus this seems like he is going to lose another member of his already dwindling crew however to the audience and those who know of the myth know that this is to show Eurylochus’s mutiny that will/is happening, its hinted at in the opening verse of Puppeter that Eurylochus was going confess to Odysseus that he’s the reason why the wind bag was opened, so this was pretty much a warning by Tiresias for Odysseus to be very careful of those around his crew, so this might come into play in Act 2 about Odysseus being a little more apprehensive around Eurylochus and his crew. Second is, ‘’I see you on the brink of death. I see you draw your final breath. I see a man who gets to make it home alive but it’s no longer you’’, these lines are the most important in the entire musical cause it show that at some point on Odysseus’s journey back home he will go through such a change that the ‘’final breath’’ is to show that the Odysseus we knew since the beginning of the story will ‘’die’’ and a new Odysseus will emerge to do what ever is necessary to get back home and will accept ruthlessness, I also find it interesting that Tiresias says the exact same words to Odysseus when he first got his prophecy it’s as if Tiresias is almost telling him ‘hey, this is what’s going to happen to the exact dime, change your way of thinking now or you will not live long enough to get back home’ and in Monster, Odysseus finally accepts ruthlessness and at this moment I believe is the old Odysseus’s ‘’last breath’’ and in Act 2 we will see how this new Odysseus will use what ever tools he has to get back to Penelope and Telemachus. No Longer You is an excellent use of foreshadowing and how it can be used to show a character’s growth and development and this song should be studied for writers to help better use clever foreshadowing in there stories just, aaarrrghh it’s so good!
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pipperdoo · 2 months
The reprise of Luck Runs Out in Mutiny is heartbreaking and all...
But who else caught that both the Siren and Eurylochus reprise parts that Zeus sang all the way back in The Horse and The Infant?
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sera8273 · 2 months
Song 19 No Longer You is such an amazing song because not only do we get introduced to Tiresias the blind prophet, we also get more hindsight of the future. Like Ody, we’re trying to piece together the puzzle:
I see a song of past romance = Suffering. At first, he’s talking about Odysseus and Penelope. But when he repeats, he’s talking about the Siren who cosplayed as Penelope singing to Odysseus to lure him in as he played along.
I see the sacrifice of men = Scylla. This one was obvious, Ody was gonna sacrifice his men to try and get home or something. But when it repeats it shows the actual horror and fear they went through because they went through with it unknowingly and in the most gruesome way possible.
I see portrayals of betrayal and a brothers final stand = Mutiny. Eurylochus once again questions Odysseus’s actions and they fight for it. When repeated. Not only is it the betrayal of getting stabbed by his own crew (literally for Perimedes) but also for killing the Sun Gods Immortal Cows.
I see you on the brink of death I see you draw your final breath = Thunder Bringer. This one was a bit tricky but when repeated, it means the choice that Zeus gave Odysseus, it was either him or his crew. And he gives out his final breath when he practically drowns.
I see a man who gets to make it home alive but it’s no longer you = ??? At first it’s talking about how Odysseus came back whist losing apart of his humanity but also shows that when he does return home that he is under a disguise.
I see your palace covered in red faces of men had long believed your dead = King. It’s been 20 years and finally the suitors who get prepared to infiltrate the castle get killed off one by one with a sword by Odysseus.
I see your wife with a man who is haunting a man with a trail of bodies = Would you Fall In Love With Me Again. At first it seems like Penelope is with another man, willingly or not. But than it’s clear that it’s Odysseus that Penelope is with haunted by the actions he has done.
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“What about Tolya? Aren't you worried about how he'll find us now?” “Unless he starts reciting epic poetry to Zoya, he'll be fine.”
Lewis Tan as Tolya Yul-Bataar & Sujaya Dasgupta as Zoya Nazyalensky
Shadow and Bone season 2 (2023 ) | E05
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So we've seen everything from Just A Man has been fulfilled.
When does a comet become a meteor.
Comets were omens of things to come, almost always bad things. A meteor is piece of rock that falls to earth. So, an actual bad thing. The prophet foretells bad things like a comet used to, and Odysseus becomes the bad thing.
When does a candle become a blaze.
This is a bit more of a stretch, but Aoleus said that she gives the fire enough to stay burning and has her little wind spirits tell the crew that there was treasure in the bag, just as they were about to let their curiosity.
When does a ripple become a tidal wave.
Poseidon. Need I say more?
When does the reason become the blame.
Okay yeah I do. Specifically when he offered an insincere apology that lacked the respect and reverence that a Greek god expected even when they weren't angry.
The reason he keeps going is to see Penelope and Telemachus again. The reason he's changing for the worse is to see Penelope and Telemachus again.
When does a man become a monster.
Umm, also pretty self explanatory.
Edit: I just re-listened to Remember Them and he says, "we're the ones who carry on the flames of those who've gone." They start the musical with just a few flames to carry, but then Poseidon kills most of his men and the candles become a blaze.
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fluffypotatey · 8 months
i am in love with your mind, Jorge Rivera-Herrans
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blindhades · 7 months
i don't know if this is already said somewhere but
what was Eurylochus trying to say at the beginning of Puppeteer ???
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forestfullofberries · 7 months
danger motif in luck runs out. i repeat there's a danger motif in luck runs out
edit: i was Probably wrong? idk anymore
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batteryneutral · 3 months
" *sigh.* The things I do for you."
yEah. mHm. Yup yup yup you sure do many things for her ody
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