#Enzo Jr
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favouritehell · 1 year ago
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Minors DNI
✮ indicates smut
Harry Potter
Marauders Era
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
James Potter
Regulus Black
Barty Crouch Jr
Lightning Era
Mattheo Riddle
Blaise Zabini
Theo Nott
Lorenzo Berkshire
Teen Wolf
Stiles Silinski
Scott McCall
Isaac Lahey
American Horror Story
Michael Langdon
Dean Winchester
The Umbrella Academy
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
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lacharapita · 6 months ago
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Matias Recalt x leitora
Fluff Y smutizinho - dedada curtinha e sexo de três linhas😍😍. Num geral isso aqui é só um relacionamento extremamente confortável com um Matias x CBJR. Amo responsabilidade afetiva; leitora tem cabelo cacheado [se vc n tiver tá tudo certo]; breve menção de mainha issues.
N.A - isso aqui foi crueldade pura comigo mesma kkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Leiam ouvindo Dias de luta, dias de glória do CBJR. Oi @lunitt tudo bem? Lembra que eu falei que oq era teu tava guardado? Não tá mais😍😍
Dias de luta, dias de glória.
Matias!ficante que apesar de não ter um título oficial com você agia como se vocês fossem um casal de idosos que foram casados a vida inteira. Sempre feliz quando estava contigo por você era o motivo da felicidade dele.
Matias!ficante que não entendia porque você brigava tanto com sua mãe. Um dia, em um momento delicado seu, ele te pegou chorando no quarto, cansada dos gritos rudes de sua mãe. Entrou pela janela e sentou do seu lado, te abraçou e ficou em silêncio porque sabia que mesmo que ele falasse, nenhuma palavra sairia de você. Se manteve daquele jeito até que você quisesse falar. — "'Tô cansada, Mati. Quero ir embora daqui. Nada que eu faço é bom o suficiente. Nada." — Te abraçou com mais força enquanto deixava um carinho no seu braço. — "Tudo que você faz é extraordinário. Vou te tirar daqui, a gente vai ter uma casinha só nossa. Eu prometo." — Disse e pelo resto da noite deixou que você derramasse todas as lágrimas necessárias, se dependesse dele aquela seria a última vez que você choraria.
Matias!ficante que um dia apareceu na frente da sua casa às cinco da manhã e te arrastou p'ra praia, montando um pequeno piquenique p'ra vocês comerem enquanto assistiam o sol mostrar seus primeiros raios. Mas ele te olhava mais do que olhava para o sol, já que a visão da sua pele brilhante e os cabelos esvoaçantes era tudo que ele realmente queria ver quando foi te chamar.
Matias!ficante que te levou para uma loja de anéis por pura curiosidade e te pediu para provar um daqueles anéis. — "Prova, sei lá, no dedo de colocar anel." — Coçou a nuca, disfarçando mal. — "Só p'ra ver né? Não que eu esteja planejando algo." — Riu sem graça. A moça em uniforme preto ria enquanto olhava para vocês dois, admirando o jeito nada sútil de Matias e sorrindo para você dizendo em um sussurro "acho que ele 'tá querendo te pedir algo." Te fazendo rir enquanto provava os anéis de diferentes tamanhos até achar o seu. — "Mati, me espera aqui. Vou fazer xixi." — acenou com a cabeça, observando você se afastar e então correu para o balcão. — "Moça, qual o tamanho do dedo dela? O do anel. Só por curiosidade."
Matias!ficante que te pediu em namoro duas semanas depois. Te levou para a barraquinha de cachorro quente mais badalada da cidade e, enquanto você ainda estava com a boca cheia e suja de molho, se ajoelhou na sua frente. — "Será que esse pitelzinho aqui na minha frente aceita namorar comigo? Só se 'cê quiser." — você engoliu a comida e abriu um sorriso enorme, o melhor que você tinha segundo Matias. — "Porra, teu sorriso vale mais que qualquer diamante do mundo, gatinha." — Você acenava desesperadamente com a cabeça enquanto esticava a mão, observando atentamente ele colocando o anel em seu dedo anelar. — "'Tá sujo aqui oh." — Levou o polegar até o canto da sua boca e limpou o molho vermelho, fazendo vocês dois rirem antes de darem um beijo meigo carregado do amor puro de vocês.
Matias!namorado que disse que tinha um surpresa para você, algo grande que ele estava planejando a alguns meses. Te levou de bicicleta até a pequena casinha azul e te deixou confusa. — "É nossa. Quer dizer, não literalmente. Não consegui comprar ela mas adiantei três meses de aluguel. Se você vier comigo aí nós vamo' adiante, morena." — Quando viu lágrimas de formando nos seus olhos ele imediatamente segurou seu rosto, te fez olhar para o céu e pediu para você segurar as lágrimas. — "Não não, sem choro. Vou pegar o carro do meu tio e a gente vai trazer nossas coisas p'ra cá e começar a ajeitar tudo, tá show?" — Você acenava com a cabeça, um lindo sorriso nos lábios enquanto ele olhava para o seu rosto sorrindo.
Matias!namorado que naquele primeiro dia na casinha nova te amou a noite inteira. Beijou cada cantinho do seu corpo, se apaixonando mais um vez por cada pedacinho da pele quente. Se empurrou para dentro de você devagar, mantendo um ritmo calmo enquanto admirava o sorriso em seu rosto. Olhava pensando na paz que teria sabendo que acordaria todos os dias ao seu lado, que todos os dias estaria vendo você.
Matias!namorado que numa sexta feira no final da tarde, depois de um dia cansativo de trabalho para vocês dois, ia te buscar no trabalho de bicicleta para que vocês pudessem ir no mercado juntos. Compraram as coisas necessárias para um hambúrguer e voltaram para o mundinho colorido de vocês. Matias grelhava a carne enquanto você cortava as saladas e abria os pães, o cigarro de palavra pendurado nos lábios dele e as histórias toscas dele te fizeram rir a noite inteira. Sentaram no sofá e colocaram em algum programa ruim, comendo enquanto ouviam e riam das piadas horríveis que os rapazes na TV faziam.
Matias!namorado que se desesperou em um mês que as coisas se apertaram um pouco e acabou faltando uma parte do aluguel. Você passou a noite acalmando ele, dizendo pacientemente que essas coisas aconteciam e vocês iam resolver. Segurava o rosto dele e sorria, limpando as lágrimas que insistiam em sair dos olhos dele. — "Vou ligar pro Seu Tevez, relaxa, coração." — Você disse enquanto pegava o celular e caminhava até a entrada da casa, ligando para o senhor de idade que havia alugado a casa para vocês. Viu a calma de Matias voltando quando você começou a rir no telefone, agradecendo profundamente o senhor antes de se despedir e desligar o telefone. — "Ele disse que 'tá tudo bem, coração. Entendeu completamente a situação e disse que nós não precisávamos nos preocupar com a parte que falta. Não precisa ficar nervoso, essas coisas são normais, Mati. Lembra do Chorão? Dias de luta, dias de glória." — Matias respirou fundo antes de abrir um sorriso e te abraçar com força. — "Procurei a vida inteira por alguém como você, puta que pariu! Eu te amo muito." — Você riu alto, devolvendo o "Eu te amo.".
Matias!namorado que não passava uma única noite sem dizer "Te quiero." Antes de dormir. Empinava a bundinha para você esperando que você o abraçasse, sussurrava baixo um "te quiero" e dormia como um bebê de barriga cheia e fralda limpa. Agarrava seu braço e só soltava quando o despertador acordava vocês dois.
Matias!namorado que não te deixava tomar banho sozinha. — "Matias nem vem, quero lavar o cabelo em paz." — Te olhou e ignorou completamente suas palavras, entrando no chuveiro e abraçando sua cintura enquanto deixava beijos no seu pescoço. — "Depois a gente lava nossos cachinhos." — Os beijos dele continuavam quentes pela sua pele molhada, a mão direita descendo por sua barriga e logo encontrando lugar entre suas pernas. Tocava suavemente os lábios úmidos antes de escorregar um dedo para dentro de você, te fazendo gemer e deitar a cabeça sobre o ombro dele. — "Mati..." — Ele apenas dizia um "shh" baixo enquanto movia o dedo lentamente para dentro e para fora de você.
Matias!namorado que não podia te ver de costas para ele. Acordou um dia e te viu na cozinha vestindo uma camiseta dele e uma calcinha? Tapa acompanhado de um aperto firme na bunda. Tava aspirando a casa e se abaixou para pegar algo no chão? Tapa seguido de um aperto. Tava colocando o lençol na cama e se inclinou um pouco? Tapa mais aperto. Segundo ele era vingança, e você não podia sequer contestar já que a bundinha dele também não podia dar mole se você estivesse por perto.
Matias!namorado que pelo menos uma vez por semana te levava para ver o nascer do sol na praia, mas ver o nascer do sol só você via, Matias ficava te olhando. Para ele, não tinha nada no mundo que ele trocaria por te olhar em qualquer momento. Apesar das lutas, já eram gloriosos todos os dias só por terem um ao outro lado a lado.
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depressedcoffeeobsess · 2 months ago
I need you guys to give me requests! Wether you are a writer or not. Cause I'm literally sulking in the corner , with my blankets on my body , eating fresh oreo icecream , watching Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban like the loner I am for the 12th time. Pretty please with a big cute strawberry on top for Joy? 🍓 🍰 🍓 🍰 🍓 🍰 🍓 🍰 🍓 🍰
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leclercskiesahead · 7 months ago
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So many things going on here
Carlos is glued to his bike
You can see who is bothered by the rain and who isn’t
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tldr77 · 4 months ago
CS55 - Fathers and Sons
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✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•๑┈•✦ A disclaimer: Carlos Sainz does not have his birth time public, therefore the house placements are all based on different astrology methods and may in no way be accurate. But astrology is predictive and I used that to bring this little piece today. Also, I'm not a professional just someone whose been learning and interested for years! ✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
As I mentioned in my initial post his relationship and dynamic with his father is intriguing to me, honestly all the father-son relationships within the Formula racing series are. Firstly, since we do not have his birth time, I want to read the dynamics for both a night and day chart since we do not know his rising. Then we can see from each description which dynamic we see most.
𖤓 If he were a day chart (Sun in Houses 1-6) we would look at the Sun to see the father-son relationship.
ִֶָ࣪☾. If he were a night chart (Sun in Houses 7-12) we would look at Saturn.
Carlos has his Sun in Virgo and a Saturn Pisces. Using the Pullen Astrology method, it housed his Sun in the 11th house and his Saturn in the 5th. Making his first house - Scorpio like Leclerc. (Is Carlos a Scorpio rising though?). So because of this I'm feel more pulled to the night chart aspect first.
For this part 1, I will speak on his Saturn placement.
°.🪐.ೃ࿔*:・ Saturn in Pisces in the 5th House Retrograde (Rx) .ೃ࿔*:・
Firstly, What/Who is Saturn? Saturn within our charts is a generational planet so, the sign it is in does not weigh as heavily in importance as much as where it's housed in. This placement lets us know where we may see lessons (karmic or otherwise) and restrictions in our life. Hence, why where Saturn is stationed we see delays as we traverse through our lessons. It also gives insight to our relationship and dynamics with our fathers/ authority figures. I believe this is due to the nature of Saturn, he is teaching us lessons here so until we are confident in ourselves we defer our authority to another. But as each Saturn Return nears and passes, if we have put in the work we see a slow reclamation of our authority back. Many claim Saturn subtracts so depending on the house it's in, it may be beneficial or harmful. But in my experience, wherever it is stationed in your chart is where you need discipline within yourself. Because there are many aspects and placements within our chart that mitigate the malefic ones we have and vice versa, there is no one placement that's the culprit of your circumstance. Please keep in mind a natal chart is an energy map of what we are given to work with in this life and, once you're aware you can use it to your advantage by working with it than against.
What does Saturn Retrograde (Rx) mean? Typically, a retrograde planet brings a more introspective dynamic to it. The native turns the planet's energy inward rather than out. But Saturn Rx indicates issues with the father. This is not emotional or physical absence that we see when Saturn is in the 8th or 12th house. But more so, a conflict or a falling out with one's father that may come later in life. It does not have to be severe but there may be conflict from which a change arises. ex. Changing your relationship dynamics with your Dad if they're overbearing - you may set boundaries and take back control or your father falling out of favour in your eyes due to cheating/an action etc.
Saturn in the 5th House? The 5th house is all about fun, creativity, and children. With Saturn in Sainz’s 5th house, there’s likely a sense of restriction around fully embracing these areas. It can feel like an internal battle to let loose and express joy or creativity, as if he had to grow up too quickly or take on more responsibility early on. Saturn, often seen as the father, may represent his actual father’s legacy, making it harder for him to feel free in his self-expression, as if he needed to be more of a man than a child to live up to his father's expectations. This placement may bring partners who are emotionally unavailable, prone to substance abuse or other tendencies that may create a toxic relationship. People with this placement often feel they must prove themselves worthy of love, creativity and joy, holding back until they feel secure, which can lead to imposter syndrome. This may manifest as hiding their creative endeavours from others until they feel confident in its or their success in it to share with others. This placement may also suggest wanting fewer children or waiting until later in life to start a family. There are so many more interpretations because this is a joyous house, but I'll keep it until here for now.
Saturn in Pisces? Here, we see an interesting contrast between Saturn and Pisces. Saturn is all about authority, rules, and structure, while Pisces is more fluid and free-spirited, with one foot in reality and the other in a dream world. Pisces doesn’t follow strict boundaries like Saturn does—it prefers to blur the lines and go with the flow. Think of it this way, where Saturn sees and imposes fences, lines and boundaries, Pisces is aware there is nothing which can keep it in within any 4 walls. It will traverse where it desires, and must go.
When you mix Saturn with Pisces, especially in retrograde, it softens Saturn's usual strictness. Instead of rigid rules, this combination brings a more flexible and intuitive approach to responsibility. It’s still Saturn, but hazy, allowing for a deeper, more fluid pervasiveness of being in one's life.
So what does this all mean for Sainz Jr.? Carlos seems to have known restraint from a young age, whether it was controlling his desire to play, managing his temper, or staying disciplined with his responsibilities. Saturn in his 5th house speaks to this internalized self-control, which he has likely carried throughout his life. In an article even the writer clearly sees this as he explains, "In fact, the impression is that Carlos is more reserved about everything, including his frustrations.” Now, if other planets, like the Moon, were present in this house, it could highlight specific dynamics—like wanting to indulge in fun and parties, but ultimately feeling content alone. But Saturn is alone. When it comes to his father, I see him as a constant, yet subtle, force. His father’s presence seems to envelop all aspects of his life (this is the nebulous nature of Pisces)—personal, familial, and professional—blurring the lines between Carlos as an individual and Carlos Sainz Jr., the son of a legacy. This isn’t a harsh or domineering relationship, though; rather, it’s a responsibility Carlos feels he’s accepted. He’s not just a boy carving his own path but someone who will naturally grow into the man his father is, possibly surpassing him, without getting distracted by unnecessary pleasures. His father, being represented by Pisces, likely expresses love and kindness, but still serves as an authority figure—a guiding hand that never fully lets go.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨🪐୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Okay now to the fun part! This is where if anyone doubts astrology or the power of a saturn return have them read this.
Up until late 2023, Sainz's journey through F1 was solid and well-paced. From Toro Rosso to Renault, then McLaren, and finally landing a coveted seat at the Prancing Horse, it was clear his trajectory was always on the rise. With multiple podium finishes and his ability to support his teammate’s success while securing his own, Ferrari had every reason to keep him on board until they were ready to promote talent from their feeder leagues. His strategic thinking, demonstrated again at Monza, and calm under pressure made him a key asset. Yet, despite his strong performance, Sainz found himself without a seat—at the very moment when he’s achieving greater heights.
So what happened? His Saturn Return.
This turning point coincides with Saturn’s return to his natal Pisces, signaling a time of transition. Saturn's transit through the 5th house is often marked by endings—whether in relationships, careers, or personal chapters—as it challenges the individual to find their limits and redefine them. For many, this transit brings about a painful but necessary breaking point, especially in long-term relationships or roles. It's as if Saturn strips away what no longer serves, forcing growth through struggle and laying the groundwork for your next 6 to 17 years.
In Sainz’s case, the signs are unmistakable. Since Saturn re-entered Pisces on March 7, 2023, he has experienced a series of shifts—breaking up with his long-term girlfriend, Isabel Hernandez, who, fittingly, is a Pisces herself. His search for a seat in a series he's been in since 2015. Alongside these changes, Sainz quietly ventured into new endevours, like the opening of his burger restaurant, suggesting he is planting seeds for life outside of racing. He had appendicitis around March 6-8, 2024. while Saturn Rx in Pisces opposed his Virgo Sun and Mercury (Virgo's planetary ruler is mercury). There was also a pluto cross to his uranus which typically in medical astrology foretells a medical emergency/ailment to watch out for and pluto was crossing his mercury too.
Essentially, areas where things were easy before have become exponentially harder for him. And, Carlos during this time may find himself measuring his worthiness to allow joy or fun by how much he's accomplished or got done so far.
There’s undoubtedly more going on with Sainz, but this is the nature of Saturn’s return. Saturn continues to demand to see if you have mastered his lessons, and at every turn there is a new question, you must answer to satisfy him. To which I think so far Carlos has.
Carlos Sainz’s move to Williams in 2025 feels like the start of something new, both for him and the team. In that famous GQ piece by Tom Lamont, Ferrari was compared to Saturn, the god who “devours his own sons,” a haunting reference to the tragic deaths of Ferrari drivers under Enzo’s leadership. The parallel with Carlos is hard to miss—his father’s influence always looming, and now he’s stepping away from Ferrari, which in many ways has been F1’s Saturn. (Is this a foreshadow of what's to come with his own father?)
After eight years of working his way up to Ferrari, this shift to Williams begs the question: has Carlos mastered his Saturn return, breaking free to carve out his own path, or has Ferrari, like Saturn, consumed him in the process? Moving to Williams might be his chance to break free from the pressure of legacy and expectations, and find a new, more personal direction in his career—one where he can build something fresh. But this too carries the weight of Saturn’s lessons, where the struggle and loss lead to eventual mastery—or the acceptance of limitations.
⋆⭒˚.⋆🪐 ⋆⭒˚.⋆
I have never met Sainz and probably will not in the future. But he reminds me of a bull, resolutely toiling away, responsible and accountable in his role of what he must do. It is quite melanchlonic because I want to ask are you happy, or are you happy because this is all you know...all you've ever done?
‎‧₊˚ Thank you for reading, I know it's a long read but I hope it was worth it! If you have any drivers you'd like me to do a piece on or any aspects, please send me an ask or even on this post. And, I will be happy to research. ‎‎‧₊˚
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weclassybouquetfun · 10 months ago
Oscars tonight,
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but while the awards are preparing to be handed out, who are the red carpet fashion winners?
Spoiler Alert: Disappointingly, not Colman Domingo who has been killing all awards season. This is too moderate for me.
He still looks tremendous, though.
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It's Eugene Lee Yang of NIMONA!
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Ryan Gosling (with sister and parents)
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(Ken) Kingsley Adir
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(Ken) Ncuti Gatwa
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(Ken) Scott Evans
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(Ken) Simu Liu
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Cillian Murphy
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Robert Downey Jr.
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Double dating with Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky
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Bradley Cooper - I love the flared pants
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Matt Bomer
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Omar Rudberg (in Prada)- hate, hate, hate, hate. You don' have your tits out at the Oscars. That's a Golden Globes thing!
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Sterling K. Brown (love the sash effect)
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Teo Yoo (Past Lives)
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John Magaro (Past Lives)
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Ramy Youssef
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Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
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Dominic Sessa in Tom Ford
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Christian Friedel (Zone of Interest)
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Milo Machado Graner (Anatomy of A Fall)
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Mamoudou Athie
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Taylor Zakhar Perez in Prada. Love the cornsilk.
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kevjrr · 2 years ago
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If you’re Argentine then you most probably love Neymar~
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seedlessmuffins · 2 years ago
footballers as flowers i see on my nature walks pt 2!
this is for my favourite astrology prof, @cherishlaluna! han you are so wonderful, you deserve all the good things today and always 🫶 you are such a ray of sunshine (a beam of moonlight?) here and i’m so glad we met!! have the absolute best day lovely 🫂
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stuff-diary · 18 days ago
Paddington 2
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Movies watched in 2024
Paddington 2 (2017, UK/France/Luxembourg)
Director: Paul King
Writers: Paul King & Simon Farnaby (based on the books by Michael Bond)
I watched the first Paddington movie years ago and loved it, so it was high time I looked up this sequel. And, just like the first one, it's a perfect family comedy. The film showcases an inimitable sense of wonder and whimsy, which makes the entire experience super fun. The character designs and effects for Paddington are delightful, and the sets and costumes are as gorgeous as it gets. I also love the way the cast is filled with stars who are clearly having the time of their lives with these roles. There's just so much to like in this movie! Tbh, I would never trust someone who hates this franchise; it's too well made and lovely for that to be possible.
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chrissybrown1127 · 5 months ago
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Lothario Family and Roseland family
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cherryxcadbury · 2 years ago
hey besties. to the 5 people whose requests I have not finished (and in all honesty, haven’t started), I deeply apologise
however, I really really need some inspo rn, to write as much as I can bc I have exams next week. so I’m just looking for any footballer requests you have to help stir my imagination
as a reminder, I’m basically cool w any footballer besides certain ones who you guys probably wouldn’t request anyways.
and I do not write smut!
I also am v in love w mbappe atm so feel free to give me some requests for him…
hugs & kisses
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also can i pls get a Neymar request. I really want to try writing for him
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timmyholland · 1 year ago
VALENTIN BARCO Y VALENTINA CABALLERO en "ESCÁNDALO" | Colo Barco (wattpad) - noe-stylers.
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Valentín y Valentina siempre se odiaron por sus diferencias en el fútbol y también porque no se soportaban el uno al otro, ni bien se veían a la cara y ya andaban discutiendo entre sí.
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Él es hincha y jugador de Boca Juniors y ella viste los colores de su vida con la camiseta de su club; River Plate.
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La rivalidad y bronca que se tienen es tanta que los termina abrumando y llega a un punto que se empieza a confundir con una tensión sexual que crece de sobremanera cuando están juntos.
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Entre besos, sábanas, momentos juntos, cargadas, discusiones sobre fútbol y las ganas que se tienen; los sentimientos se empiezan a mezclar y la necesidad de estar con el otro fue en aumento.
Sin embargo, no es tan fácil porque los hinchas de ambos equipos se odiaban a morir y es inaceptable que un jugador suyo esté con otro públicamente...
Para la sorpresa de todos, a los Valens les terminó chupando un huevo y no le dieron tanta importancia a lo que opinaba la gente.
Historia disponible en wattpad: ESCÁNDALO | COLO BARCO.
Escritora: noe-stylers
Link de la historia:
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izztreme-art-n-stuff · 1 year ago
Day 13 - Adventure
You know, this whole being lost thing doesn't seem half bad. There's a whole world wide web to explore, and I'm ready for it! What do you say, guys?
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youjustwaitsunshine · 1 year ago
the amount of fittipaldi grandchildren in motorsport is so fascinating
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kevjrr · 2 years ago
Help 😭😭 how do they think Neymar is not a huge bbg!
@hattrickprincess & her nonny sorry besties but I don’t agree with y’all on this!! I won’t say anything more I’ll just leave these here
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kenjikishimotoswifey · 2 months ago
Smoking is terrible.
Unless it's dead gay wizards from the 70s.
Then it's fine.
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