#robbie gee
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mayonnaise8995 · 7 months ago
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Snatch characters younger + headcanons :3
Im so ill
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oceanusborealis · 3 months ago
Paddington in Peru - Movie Review
TL;DR – While it has not reached the heights of its predecessors, it was still a joy to be back in this world. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There is a mid and end-credit scene.Disclosure – I paid to watch this film. Paddington in Peru Review – Few films series have hit such high expectations as the Paddington series, especially after just two films. Paddington 1 will always…
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stuff-diary · 3 months ago
Paddington 2
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Movies watched in 2024
Paddington 2 (2017, UK/France/Luxembourg)
Director: Paul King
Writers: Paul King & Simon Farnaby (based on the books by Michael Bond)
I watched the first Paddington movie years ago and loved it, so it was high time I looked up this sequel. And, just like the first one, it's a perfect family comedy. The film showcases an inimitable sense of wonder and whimsy, which makes the entire experience super fun. The character designs and effects for Paddington are delightful, and the sets and costumes are as gorgeous as it gets. I also love the way the cast is filled with stars who are clearly having the time of their lives with these roles. There's just so much to like in this movie! Tbh, I would never trust someone who hates this franchise; it's too well made and lovely for that to be possible.
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klc-archive · 12 years ago
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The Count dancing. Gif by divinecoma.
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helmstone · 1 year ago
Diane Morgan's Mandy starts filming series 3
Diane Morgan's Mandy starts filming series 3
The BBC reveals Diane Morgan’s Mandy is currently filming series 3. Diane writes, directs, and stars in the series, where she will be joined by faces old and new, famous and not famous, tall and short. The nation’s hero of the zero-hours economy Mandy returns for another series of micro-aggressive adventures, in which she battles her own personal cost-of-living crisis in a number of short-lived,…
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randomrichards · 17 days ago
Search for Aunt Lucy
Sends the Browns on adventure
Greed consumes captain
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jeremiekroubodagnini · 1 year ago
SMALL AXE de STEVE MCQUEEN au Festival du Film de Belfort - ENTREVUES
Cinéma et Histoire
Small Axe de Steve McQueen
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« Small Axe » est à l’origine le titre d’une chanson de Bob Marley, produite et enregistrée en 1970 par Lee « Scratch » Perry, pionnier du reggae et du dub. Elle contient une double lecture, dénonçant d’une part le monopole du marché du disque jamaïcain par les trois grands producteurs de l’époque et d’autre part, la domination des puissants sur les opprimés.
C’est une métaphore sur la manière dont la petite hache (« small axe ») peut abattre un grand arbre robuste et oppressif. Chanté pour donner confiance aux exclus dans leur combat pour la justice sociale, ce morceau est en définitive une allégorie de cette collection de films éponyme réalisée par Steve McQueen, premier cinéaste noir oscarisé pour son film, Twelve Years a Slave (2014). Né à Londres en 1969 de parents originaires des Petites Antilles, le réalisateur voulait depuis longtemps proposer une visibilité pour sa communauté, dont le récit a trop souvent été occulté du cinéma britannique. C’est donc chose faite avec ces cinq films indépendants qui explorent l’histoire tourmentée des Afro-Caribéens dans l’Angleterre des années 1960-80, dressant un portrait relativement exhaustif et nuancé du racisme endémique qui gangrénait les différentes sphères sociétales : l’emploi, le logement, la police, la justice pénale, l’éducation ou encore les relations sociales. Le tout chapeauté en filigrane par une monarchie aussi impassible qu’immuable, représentée par cette photo de la reine Elisabeth II qui surplombe à plusieurs reprises les institutions que traversent les personnages. À ce propos, certains sont réels, d’autres fictifs, mais là encore, le ton est toujours direct, juste et éloigné des clichés. Et un troisième type de personnages s’invite dans cette mini-série, la musique : omniprésente, chaude, envoûtante, sensuelle, hypnotique et incontestablement noire, synonyme alternativement, parfois simultanément, de divertissement, de refuge, d’exutoire, de résistance et de révolte. C’est le battement de cœur de Small Axe. Le meilleur du calypso, du reggae, du dub et de la soul rythme ainsi tambour battant cette anthologie en cinq actes, à regarder et à écouter sans modération ... JÉRÉMIE KROUBO DAGNINI
Un cycle accompagné par Laurence Reymond (programmatrice), Jérémie Kroudo Dagnini (spécialiste des musiques populaires jamaïcaines) et Léna Momène.
Pour plus d'infos: https://www.festival-entrevues.com/fr/retrospectives/2023/small-axe-de-steve-mcqueen
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saintzenni · 11 months ago
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Dominic Keating as Tony in Desmond’s Episode 3x01 “The Head Hunter” (1/2) original air date: 28 Oct 1991 (more here)
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what-a-messek · 7 months ago
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gothamgrrrls · 2 years ago
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this barbie is … a tattoo flash sheet?
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paldean-ranger-brandy · 2 years ago
Hello yes I’d love a Hal and Brandy interaction! Maybe Hal’s on a research trip to Paldea and they’re just having some downtime/swapping Ranger stories
//Hal, my buddy Hal! Hal time. Let's go. @pokebiologisthal Quick note: This is in response to my 100 followers event. Requests for character interaction ficlets are now closed. I'm sorry the last few are coming out so slowly - it's been tough getting onto my actual computer lately.
Brandy was having a, frankly, uncharacteristically productive day. She had finally caught up on her mission reports, organized meetings with 3 different ranger stations to discuss their concerns about paradox pokemon, and she had less than 50 unread emails in her inbox. At a certain point her base leader, Joel, swung by to peer over her shoulder at her work.
“Well I’ll be, Grovehurst,” he commented, adjusting his glasses as he leaned in to get a better view of the screen. “Is that a double-digit number in your inbox? You’re really getting the hang of riding a desk, huh?”
Brandy paused at this, and seemed to snap somewhat out of the focused state she had been in. She, too, looked at the shockingly low (43) number of emails she had left to reply to. “Shit,” she said. “You’re right. I gotta slow down. If I get too good at this head office is gonna start coming by to take a golf club to my kneecaps anytime I’m late with a report.”
“No, they won’t. But I wouldn’t worry about it, your shift ends in a half hour anyway. Maybe you’ll make this the day you actually go home on time, hm?”
“Eh, nah. I’ve got nothing to do tonight, and my apartment is too depressing to do anything other than sleep and eat in.”
Just then Brandy’s musings were interrupted by the buzzing of an incoming text notification. They glanced at their phone to see a text message from their friend Hal.
‘Hello Brandy, I’m sure you’re quite busy but I wanted to let you know that I will be in Paldea for the next few days and was wondering if you’d be free for us to get together for a little hang out :)’
Brandy grinned, leaning forward in their chair to respond.
‘You’re free tonight. I get off in half an hour, take a taxi to Tagtree Thicket.’
‘There’s this hangout spot by the river. We’re going to have snacks and drinks there.’
They sent the final of the three texts to Hal and, without waiting for an answer, put their phone down. She gave Joel a playful flick on his nose, who was clearly trying to sneak a peek at her phone screen. “Scratch that last,” they said. “Mark your calendar in commemoration. Today is the day I was productive with my paperwork AND left on time. Turns out I do have plans tonight.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
That evening found Brandy and Hal sitting underneath by the river that cuts through Tagtree Thicket. There was an assortment of ciders, beers, soft drinks, fruits and veggies, crackers, homemade jam, and a small bit of cooked meat bits that Brandy refused to disclose the source of, but which Hal very strongly suspected might be murkrow. The two were talking back and forth in Fiorean, though Brandy seemed to be getting notably frustrated.
“It’s nice to see you, Brandy,” Hal said, speaking slowly and making sure to enunciate each word.
“It is happy to see you.” Brandy replied, their accent very heavy.
“’I’m’ happy to see you.” Hal corrected, smiling a bit.
“Bah, this is embarrassing.” Brandy gave up, switching back to Galarian. “Wait, do you speak Hoennese?” She asked, switching to her own native tongue.
“I speak just a little bit of Hoennese.” Hal responded, prompting a laugh from Brandy.
“Oh, that was very formal. Don’t worry about it, let’s just stick to this. But man, I used to be nearly fluent in Fiorean. I’m gonna practice some with Joel, you’re gonna be so impressed next time we talk.”
“Speaking of – I can’t believe Joel is here in Paldea with you. The four base leaders in Fiore just seemed so…established.” Hal relaxed back against the tree, twisting the cap off of one of the ciders.
“You think? The only other leader I ever met there was Spenser, and honestly he was a bit of a ding dong. The only thing I know about the other two is that there was some kind of scandal around Cameron and weed, and that Elita was a massive bitch who wouldn’t let her team go to the holiday party.” Brandy cracked open her own drink, the sound of which seemed to summon Michael out from behind a bush. The mightyena happily trotted over, wasting no time in sniffing out the spread of food around them. “Hey bud, not too much. Hal and I gotta eat. Hal, I don’t suppose you have a buddy Michael can play with?”
“Hmmm…” Hal pulled out a pokeball, which immediately caught Michael’s attention. He bounced up and down out of a play bow, excitedly waiting for Hal to release his soon-to-be friend. “I have Jet, but I don’t think Michael is going to…enjoy Jet. Long term. The little guy can be a bit much.”
“Pfffft.” Brandy waved him off. “No such thing. Trust me. Michael has boundless energy for playing. He is without bound, completely.”
“Okay,” Hal said, and then quickly retracted his hand when Michael began impatiently nipping at the pokeball. “Hey, hey! Easy. Here you go.”
The ball was opened, and in a flash of light a small dreepy appeared. Jet made eye contact with Michael, and then froze. Michael was similarly stock still except for a slowly wagging tail. The still silence was held for one beat, and then another, and then without warning Jet exploded out and away from the group. Michael was hot on his tail, yipping excitedly and chasing after the zig-zagging dragon.
“See? They’re fiiiiine,” Brandy said, turning her attention to the poochyena puppy in her lap. “And now lil Mac doesn’t have to worry about her annoying big brother.”
“Sure, sure. We’ll see how long that lasts.” The two seemed to be having a blast at the time, at least. Hal turned his attention back to Brandy. “Anyway. I can’t believe Elita was still doing that by the time you got there. I thought she got enough flack for it that it was just that first year.”
“Wait…were you there for her first year as a base leader?” Brandy asked.
“Yes? That was my first year as a ranger up in Wintown.”
“Hal, I was there for that first year. Her and Joel got promoted at the same time. Are you fucking kidding me?” Brandy was clearly excited now, gesturing with the bottle in her hand and giving Hal a playful slap on the shoulder.
“Wait, so we were rangers in Fiore at the same time?”
“We were! Holy shit, we could have even been friends back then if Elita wasn’t an actual massive cunt!”
“Wow I- well, I wouldn’t use those words exactly, but that is something to ponder. If not for her pettiness and insistence on running drills all year long, we could have had history.” Hal absent-mindedly runs his hand through his hair, apparently preoccupied by thoughts of this alternate timeline.
“Man, I made out with so many people at that party.” She smiled slyly, giving Hal another playful shove. “Coulda been you.”
Hal’s face immediately reddened. “I- well you know- you don’t- we didn’t…” He didn’t seem to quite know what to do with that information. Thankfully, Brandy cut him off with a laugh.
“I’m just teasing. Wanted to see how easy you blush.”
“Well, I hope you’re pleased to have your answer.” Hal muttered, taking a sip of his cider to compose himself. “Even still, that is so strange to think about.”
“Eh, don’t think on it too hard, bud. We’re both here now.”
“Yes, I suppose we are.”
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my-life-fm · 1 month ago
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youvebeenlivingfictional · 16 days ago
Mrs. R Part Three
Part Two | Part Four
Notes: Not beta-read.
Warnings: This...Got a lot more angsty than I meant it to. Whoops.
Summary: Robby had sent a 💡 text two days ago—his new shorthand to ask if he could come over. You'd declined, cited previous plans, and proposed tonight instead.
So here he is, and there you are with your head full of muddled feelings and unasked questions.
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"I don't know what changed, and I don't know how you did it, but he seems better."
You want to tell her that it isn't you—that you haven't seen Robby since you went to the ER, that whatever's changed about him, you had nothing to do with it—but that would be a bold-faced lie.
Though, at moments, you don't think that you have had much to do with the shift in his mood. But over the last few weeks, he's seemed a little lighter. It's been noticeable to you.
And, apparently, it's been noticeable to Dana.
She wouldn't accept the lie, anyway—you can see that in the way she grins at you over her pint of beer, daring you to disagree.
So you just shrug and offer, "Sometimes he just needs someone to talk to—outside of work, you know."
"So he is telling you about work?"
"God no, I don't think he'd ever..." You trail off, mind dipping dangerously into the past. He used to. A long time ago, he'd come home with tired but warm smiles, with a funny story from his shift on the tip of his tongue, chasing the kisses that he showered you with the second he was in the door. But the pandemic, Adamson, the dwindling staff, the slammed ER, the administration, the occasional rat—it's a constant, Sisyphean uphill push for all of them.
You clear your throat, shaking your head. "I mean, sometimes he needs to talk about something that isn't that. I used to think talking about work when he was home would help him process it, but maybe he needs a bubble to shut that part of his mind off. I don't know, it's weird," Your brow furrows. "I feel like I understand him so much more now that we aren't married."
"Speaking of which."
"What's with the name?"
You take a long sip, biding as much time as you can as heat rushes your face.
"Name?" You do your best to play dumb, but Dana's laugh tells you that she isn't buying it for a damn second.
"Yeah, Mrs. Robinavitch, the name."
You let your eyes scan the bustling bar around you, unable to take the knowing way that Dana watches you.
"You don't have to call me that, you know."
"Oh yeah? What should I call you?"
"Gee, I don't know Dana," You lean into it. "Maybe my first name?"
"Doesn't make you squirm like your last name does. Come on," She chuckles again, "It's been almost a year. What gives?"
You consider, eyeing the chipped wood grain of the table.
"Cone of silence?"
"Cross my heart."
"...I can't..." You struggle for the words as your feelings flood into your chest, making each breath feel heavy. Your sweating palms flex, nails pressing into your skin, prickling the still-raised scar on your dominant hand.
"It just feels like giving up on us. On him. And I know that sounds so stupid, we're divorced, but letting go of his name feels like letting go, really letting go of all of it, all of the good stuff, and lately things feel..." You shake your head, squeezing your eyes shut against the embarrassment. "It's like the door isn't completely closed. Like he's opening up to me again, and if I change it now, it's like I'll—Jinx it? Or—?" You groan, tipping your head back and scrubbing at your eyes with the heels of your palms. "What the fuck is wrong with me?"
Dana doesn't answer, and when you finally get a good look at her again, you just find a warm, soft smile there.
"Oh, sweetie," She shakes her head. "There's nothing wrong with hope."
You bite the inside of your cheek to try and push back the swell of tears that threaten to spill over.
"Goddamnit," You laugh shakily. "How much would I have to pay you to quit the hospital and just run my life full-time?"
"You couldn't afford me."
"You're quiet."
It isn't accusatory, you don't think, but it's paired with a speculative little glance across the kitchen able that makes you want to fold into yourself and disappear.
"Just following your example." You manage to make it a tease, and when Robby's lips tip up in a small smile, you feel the relief of knowing that you hit the mark. He huffs a soft laugh, shaking his head and turning back to his food.
You should've sorted this morose shit out before he turned up. You'd known that he was planning on stopping by.
He'd sent a 💡 text two days ago—his new shorthand to ask if he could come over. You'd declined, cited previous plans, and proposed tonight instead.
So here he is, and there you are with your head full of muddled feelings and unasked questions.
You haven't been able to stop thinking about your conversation with Dana. The fact that you let your truth hit the air for the first time since the divorce, to admit not only to yourself but to someone else that you're hopeful that your relationship with Michael could still change—that you're still holding on to the likely misguided belief that one of you or both of you will come back together with the understanding that this whole divorce was one big, stupid, expensive mistake—
"What'd you get up to the other night?"
"When I wanted to come by."
You shrug, reach over and pluck a fry up off of his plate. "Just some stuff."
"What kind of stuff?"
"Well clearly nothing that landed me back in the ER."
"That leaves a lot of possibilities."
You pop the fry into your mouth, take your time chewing, and raise your brows when he dips his head a touch, catching and holding your gaze.
"Come on," He plies, "Gimme a hint."
"Why does it matter?"
"Why do you care?"
"...I don't."
And you may've bought that—if he hadn't hesitated. Your eyes narrow a touch, a playful smile pulling at your lips.
"Well what do you think I was doing, Dr. Robinavitch?"
"Any number of things, Mrs. Robinavitch."
And you know that he doesn't mean to break it, this light and delicious mood, but goddamn did he pop your balloon. The words make your stomach lurch. You hurriedly push yourself up from the table, avoiding his eye and rounding to the fridge.
"You want another beer?" You ask, and force yourself to keep your eyes on the fridge's contents when he doesn't answer right away.
"Haven't finished my first one," He finally says, and you nod a bit, pulling one out for yourself and cracking it open. You lean against the counter, toying with the pull tab.
"You have a date?"
It feels almost like a trap of a question, and you know that you'd be wise to answer quickly, but his tease is still ringing through your ears.
"You can tell me if you did," He tacks on, "Not like we're—"
"No, I know."
"Why would you think that?"
"Why not? You're single, you're gorgeous—"
"—More skilled at evading questions than an ex-KGB agent."
"CIA, please."
"It'd be fine if you were. You're free to do whatever you want."
You don't think that he's trying to twist the knife, don't believe that he even realizes he's holding it, but the fact of the matter is what you want is this, right here—in the kitchen with him, but having almost any other conversation.
"Thanks for the permission."
"Just making sure you don't think you need it, considering you still have my name."
He still thinks you're both joking, that's the problem. And maybe you should be joking, but Mrs. Robinavitch. Goddamn, when's the last time he called you that? Must've been your last anniversary—or the one before—?
"Hey." His hands cupping your cheeks takes you aback, and you draw in a deep, stunned breath. When did he get up? "What's going on up there?"
You shake your head, avoiding his eye as you take a deep draw from the beer can. He plucks it out of your hand once you lower it, setting it onto the counter beside you. You curl your arms around yourself, trying to ignore the fact that you're pouting like a petulant child.
"It wasn't a date," You finally offer.
"Okay. It wouldn't matter if it was."
Maybe that's half the problem. You want him it to matter, but to him it just—doesn't. Unless he's bluffing.
Since the two of you started...Whatever the hell this is, you've laid your cards on the table, in some measure. You told Michael that you wouldn't be okay if he wasn't okay. But you're starting to worry that Michael doesn't have any cards to lay on the table. You thought this was high-stakes poker, but it's starting to feel a helluva lot like solitaire.
But if he didn't care, then why change your light bulb? Why kiss you the way he did? He'd fallen asleep on your couch, back in your bed, he remembered where your mugs were—
But maybe you're not the safe space for him—maybe it's your home. Maybe you're just its custodian.
You raise a hand to scrub at your rapidly heating face, fighting back pinpricks of tears as you clench your jaw.
"Headache," You insist before he can pry, and it's not entirely lie. This is beginning to make your head spin.
"You should take something."
"I'm alright." You slap on a thin, unconvincing smile and nod back toward the table. "Your food's gonna get cold."
"You sure you're okay?"
You don't even grace that one with a response, just smile and insist:
"Let me know when you get home."
You can see him pushing down another prying question as he straightens his hoodie and takes up his backpack. He gives a small nod and leans in, dropping a kiss to your forehead.
"Drink some water, take something before you go to bed. You don't wanna wake up with it."
"Good night of sleep will clear it." As if you'll be able to sleep tonight.
"Maybe." He reaches out, gently chucking under your chin. "Seriously, don't wait for it to get worse."
"I won't! Crying out loud."
He grunts, turns to the door and opens it.
"Oh, and for the record," He adds, smiling widely at you over his shoulder. "Dana said she had a good time."
You manage to keep your smile frozen in place, and nod. You hold it until he's shut the door and you've locked it behind him. You rest your forehead against the cool wood, drawing a deep breath in through your nose and pushing it out between your lips. You draw in another, and as you push it out, the tears come.
If he'd known what you'd been up to the other night why put you through that song and dance? Just to see what you'd say? If you'd lie?
Your face twists as the tears flow faster, sorrow and anger and nerves twining together as you plop down onto your couch and let the sobs come freely.
If there's nothing wrong with hope, then why the hell does it hurt so much?
Next Part
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psychicreadsgirl · 8 months ago
Pick a Novel: Keywords/prominent themes in your life
Pick the novel that draws your attention the most. If you can't decide between two, then look at the 2 readings. This is a general reading, so not everything will apply. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't behind!
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Keywords: love, lust, passion, fun, temperament, cafe, sweet, bicycle, pen, books, music, loyalty, winter, sofa, furniture, thoughts, light, intuition, soulmate, art, obsidian, cake, carbonated water, skincare, socks, cooking
Celebrities/Public Figures: Audrey Hepburn, Min Yoongi, IU, Claude Monet, Angela Merkel, Andrew Carnegie, John Johnson, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Howard Schultz, Sam Walton, Amancio Ortega, Queen Elizabeth I, Jane Austen, Jennie Kim
Countries: Italy, Canada, South Africa, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Greece, Madagascar, Qatar, Sweden, Zambia, Taiwan, Solomon Islands
Numbers: 11, 1, 5, 9, 80, 888, 6
Brands: Hermes, Tiffany, Apple, Instagram, Taobao, Lamborghini, Deloitte, Microsoft, Chopard, Givenchy, Patek Phillipe, Chloe, Alaia, Kraft,
Kpop songs: Young Forever by BTS, Shine by PENTAGON, Me Gustas Tu by GFRIEND, Run to You by DJ DOC, Love Lee by AKMU, Deja vu by TXT, Back Down by P1Harmony, Love shot by EXO
Keywords: economy, job loss, new opportunities, play, drama, anger, frustration, lost, compass, computers, battery, feet, head, brain, summer, pearl, avocado, junk food, fried chicken, challenge, frugal
Celebrities/Public Figures: Grace Kelly, Billie Eilish, Keanu Reeves, Rosé, Jung Hoseok, Salma Hayek, Pablo Picasso, Princess Diana, Thomas Edison, Sergey Brin, Mary I, William Shakespeare, Lee Nayeon
Countries: New Zealand, USA, Maldives, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Lithuania, Nepal, Portugal, Poland, Lebanon, Mali, Netherlands
Numbers: 4, 99, 101, 33, 13, 14, 0
Brands: Masion Margiela, Amazon, facebook, Shein, PWC, Missoni, Moschino Couture, Toyota, citi bank, Chaumet, Polene, Pizza Hut,
Kpop songs: Love Dive by IVE, Shangri-la by VIXX, Sweety by Clazziquai, I NEED U by BTS, The Chaser by Infinite, Magnetic by ILLIT, My House by 2PM, ICY by ITZY
Keywords: tales, gossip, lies, funny, movies, theatre, cell phone, cool, kpop, magenta, ancient, history, claws, cats, tiger, fall, jealousy, games, aquamarine, lemons, makeup, pencil, groceries
Celebrities/Public Figures: Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Morgan Freeman, Kim Seokjin, Jang Wonyoung, Matt Damon, Napoleon Bonaparte, Shinzo Abe, Steve Jobs, Voltaire, Kim Jisoo,
Countries: Ethiopia, France, Russia, Ireland, Argentina, Afghanistan, Libya, Rwanda, Nigeria, Pakistan, Morocco, Malta, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Iraq,
Numbers: 2, 7, 69, 25, 55, 79, 1182
Brands: Saint Laurent, miumiu, Starbucks, Mercedez-Benz, Nestle, Oracle, Tod's, Bulgari, Rolex, KFC, SUBWAY, Carrefour, Kellog's
Kpop songs: Supernova by aespa, Maestro by seventeen, Not by the moon by GOT7, Alone by Sistar, Hip by MAMAMOO, Good Day by IU, Bite Me by ENHYPEN, Work by ATEEZ, The Feels by TWICE
Keywords: foreign, spicy, peppery, rice, no, objection, resistance, control, storms, thunderstorms, shower, tension, crush, pop, paper, mango, legs, fragrance, emerald, clothing rack, tomatoes, defeat,
Celebrities/Public Figures: Judy Garland, Margot Robbie, G-Dragon, Jeon Jungkook, Pharrell Williams, Emmanuel Macron, Bill Clinton, King Charles, Warren Buffet, Cleopatra, Kim Mingyu
Countries: South Korea, Philippines, Scotland, Spain, Albania, Guatemala, Malaysia, Iran, Romania, Honduras, Georgia, Croatia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Gambia, Guinea
Numbers: 31, 75, 412, 43, 486, 640
Brands: Chanel, Prada, Bentley, Gucci, Samsung, Disney, BMW, Hyundai, cisco, Van Cleefs & Arpels, Dior, Loro Piana, Shake Shack
Kpop songs: Gee by SNSD, If you by BIGBANG, Antifragile by LE SSERAFIM, Up and Down by EXID, OMG by NewJeans, Lion by (G)I-DLE, Hello by TREASURE,
Keywords: death, mystery, mirror, reflection, shadow, black, grey, white, funeral, video, sprint, pool, gym, streets, metro, subway, chocolate, broken, knees, moon, ruby, surgery, teeth, race
Celebrities/Public Figures: Marilyn Monroe, Barack Obama, Kate Winslet, Kim Taehyung, Aamir Khan, Marie Antoinette, Elon Musk, Robert F Kennedy, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Edward VIII, Charles Dickens, Abraham Lincoln, Park Bogum,
Countries: North Korea, China, Vietnam, Brazil, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Germany, India, Israel, Laos, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Congo, Cuba, Egypt, Mongolia
Numbers: 3, 97, 17, 19, 52, 98
Brands: Ralph Lauren, Celine, Ferrari, Huawei, Uber, intel, UPS, Calvin Klein, Piaget, Guerlain, Berluti, Pepsi, Cadbury
Kpop songs: Shut down by Blackpink, Seven by Jeon Jungkook, God's Menu by Stray Kids, Love Love Love by Epik High, Very Nice by SEVENTEEN, Birthday by Jeon Somi, Psycho by Red Velvet,
Keywords: travel, toxic, break away, departure, memory, dreams, truth, unveil, diary, journal, coffee, jacket, shoes, hands, social media, news, competition, autumn, diamonds, electricity, TV, cheat, fashion
Celebrities/Public Figures: Jane Birkin, Kim Jiwon, Gigi Hadid, Charlize Theron, Park Jimin, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Maximilien Robespierre, Bill Gates, Queen Elizabeth II, Vladimir Putin, Henry Ford, James Joyce, Lalisa Manobal
Countries: Japan, Australia, Mexico, Iceland, Finland, Eritrea, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Bolivia, Botswana, Bahamas,
Numbers: 8, 646, 152, 37, 49, 22
Brands: Louis Vuitton, Lexus, Tesla, Fendi, Walmart, Nike, Siemens, Google, Cartier, Burberry, Ferragamo, Burger King, Unilever
Kpop songs: ROCKSTAR by LISA, Cherry bomb by NCT 127, Move by Taemin, Dramarama by MONSTA X, Love Scenario by iKON, Get a Guitar by RIIZE, Replay by SHINee, Candy Sugar Pop by ASTRO, Mr. Simple by Super Junior
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helmstone · 2 months ago
Mandy series 4 starts filming
Mandy series 4 starts filming
The BBC has announced series 4 of Mandy is filming. Bigger, bolder, and more brilliantly absurd – the BBC Comedy is back and one person in particular is thrilled. This series Mandy continues to live hand-to-wonky-mouth, cooking up enough dodgy side hustles and trashy cash hacks to hopefully climb up into the squeezed middle and out of the squashed bottom. Constantly harassed, pursued and…
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messymindpalace · 15 days ago
i can not put into words how angry i am about Robby's "you may have ruined this kid's life forever" speech to McKay
a boy has a list of girls he wants to harm and you just think to yourself "oh gee, that's just teenage shenanigans"??????
it sounded eerily familiar to what people say about women who report sexual abuse and it really really triggered a deep anger in me, not gonna lie
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