#Enid gets jealous as hell
usiel21 · 8 months
Wednesday: (inhaling deeply) ah smell that Enid? It's the rancid smell of death
Enid: Wednesday!
(A grumpy old grandma in the corner sticks her middle finger up at them)
Later that night.
Enid: I swear to god Yoko I nearly died when she said that!
Enid: I love her so much ! 😭
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lunajay33 · 8 months
Not Enough?💔
Summary: you and Carl try and make friends and Ron gets jealous and says cruel things about you, will Carl protect you?
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You’ve been friends with Carl since well forever, you were Shane’s daughter and when the apocalypse hit he took care of you Lori and Carl, and you’ve been inseparable from Carl since everything went awry
When your dad died you went into a deep depression but Carl was there he brought you back from that ache black pit of despair, and you did the same for him when he had to kill his mom
But now you were all finally in a safe place, well as safe as things could get in a world where there were brain dead people trying to rip your flesh to shreds
Everyone had stayed in two houses next door to eachother, you chose to stay with Daryl, Rick michonne Judith and Carl in the first house you all stayed in as the others moved over to the other house
You were sitting in your room, which was right next to carls when there was a knock
“Come in”
The door opened and it was Carl
“Hey wanna go talk to some of the kids of the town, try and fit in a bit” he asked leaning against the frame
“Sure” you said as you got up and you both left the house
You were walking around town when you saw a few of them you learned to be Ron, Enid and some others
“Hey guys, mind if we join?” Carl asked as we approached
“Sure we were just talking about our first kisses” Enid said laughing
You sat down with them as they continued around the small circle until it got to you
“Well aren’t you gonna tell us?” Ron asked kinda pushy
“Ummm” you looked at Carl nervous so he spoke for you
“We were each others first kiss, I mean we’ve known eachother since birth it was bound to happen” he said laughing off the jitters
You and Carl weren’t offical, you guys never discussed anything but you both knew there were feelings, strong feelings between eachother that ran deep
You both looked at Ron as he scoffed he looked disgusted but honestly kinda jealous for some reason
“Really? You kissed her, even in the apocalypse that’s pretty desperate” your chest felt tight at his words
“What the hell do you mean?” Carl asked you could hear in his tone he was fuming
“Dude come on, she’s not easy to look at, Enid is way prettier” Ron said laughing right at you
You got up and ran back to the house sitting on the porch, that heavy feeling weighing on your chest as you felt that burning in your throat rising as you tried to hold back the tears that inevitably fell down your checks……and they kept coming
You had never really been insecure, growing up with Carl and his reassuring words and the sweet people you grew up around made you feel good, made you feel like you were enough but that all changed when you came to Alexandria
You saw the way Enid looked at Carl and that’s how you started to compare yourself to her, the way she looked, her nose, her body it all came like a blow to you since you never really experienced envy before
As you were deep in that mind numbing toxic state Carl came up to you on the porch stairs as sat beside you as he rubbed your back soothingly
“He’s an ass, don’t listen to him, he’s just jealous”
“Jealous? Jealous of what, he’s right Enid is way better why waste your time with me” you sighed as you looked up at Carl
His heart broke seeing your red puffy face
“Y/n what are you talking about you’re beautiful, you know you’re the only one for me, with your h/c, and your gorgeous e/c eyes, and how you’ve always been my number one supporter through everything”
“Of course I…..I love you y/n, more than anything so stop worrying no one can compare to you” he said brushing you hair back behind your ear
Your heart speed up feeling like it was gonna burst
“I love you too Carl, always”
After that you slowly realized you’re beautiful in your own way and stopped comparing yourself to Enid, and Carl made sure to show you how beautiful you really are
How did you guys like this story, I’m new to doing stories for Carl for lmk!!:)
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams x OFC/Fem!Reader
Summary: After the talk, things were going well, or so Wednesday assumed. You've been distancing yourself and Wednesday is forced to sift through her past behaviors to see why and comes to a realization that makes her violently ill.
Warnings: Angst. Jealous!Wednesday. Enid, has to spell it out. Thing, wants more dew drops. Xavier, rip.
Series Masterlist | Library Blog | AO3
Reminder there’s no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Note: we're making waveEees (slow burn mode) 🥺💘
Part Four
Agnosthesia: Noun. The state of not knowing how you really feel about something, which forces you to sift through clues hidden in your behavior, as if you were some other person—noticing a twist of acid in your voice, an obscene amount of effort put into something trifling, or an inexplicable weight on your shoulders that makes it difficult to get out of bed.
You've been distancing yourself from Wednesday.
"Not quite, Henry. Try crushing the seed instead of chopping it; you'll get more juice out of it that way."
You've been distancing yourself from Wednesday.
"Yes, use the flat side of your knife, just like that—careful."
You've been distancing yourself from Wednesday.
"Well done, Henry!"
Wednesday slams her textbook down on the desk.
"Ow!" Xavier yelps, the tips of his fingers caught under the textbook. He yanks them out. "Jesus fucking Christ, Wednesday, my fingers!"
"Quit blubbering," Wednesday unapologetically tells him. "They are still attached to your body, are they not?"
"For now," Xavier grumbles, rubbing his bruised fingers. "What the hell is your problem, anyway?"
"I don't have a problem," Wednesday's eyes briefly look at him before looking back at her own flask. "Why would you think that?"
This was her third time re-making the elixir. 
The textbook had said to cut the seed to extract the juice inside, but after Xavier nearly lopped off his finger the first time, Wednesday took over the second time. The only issue was that despite her flawless knife work, they could hardly squeeze any of the juice out from the seed's hard shell. 
Xavier was plucking at her last nerves with his suggestion to try again—as if the seed would suddenly get softer. 
Wednesday clenches her jaw. She should've declined to be Xavier's partner. Even Bianca would suffice better because at least she would feel no inclination about holding back on murdering Bianca when they finally got fed up with each other. 
But this was only an issue because—
"Because tooth fairy has refused to be your lab partner, like, what, 3 times now?" Xavier whispers.
Wednesday doesn't say anything, but her expression gets more contemptuous, her mouth pinched, and Xavier doesn't say anything more. She doesn't even comment on Xavier's horrible epithet that he's been sticking to despite your immediate veto. His only reasoning was that you had a nice smile, which Wednesday was inclined to agree with reluctantly. 
But it was true. It was a rather new development when you began growing closer to Wednesday, especially after they resolved the tension regarding Wednesday not asking questions. It was going well, or so Wednesday had thought. 
Now, you jumped at making sure someone else was your partner before the teacher would even finish telling everyone to partner up.
Looking up, Wednesday stares at the back of your head, willing to burn a hole through it so you'd look at her. 
You don't.
"That guy has been hanging around her often," Xavier comments, his eyes narrowing a little. "Pretty sure he's a legacy. His dad went here—Henry Morrison? Can’t believe he named his son the same name."
"Why are you telling me this irrelevant information?" Wednesday cuts in before he can say anything else. 
"Is it irrelevant?" Xavier smiles, though the corners of his mouth don't make it too far up. "Thought you, of all people, should know this: know any potential rival—lest you want someone else to swoop in."
'Rival?' Wednesday thought with confusion. She looks at the boy next to you. 
There was no way this lanky, pitiful, stuttering boy could be her rival. If she were to look at anyone as a rival, it'd be Bianca. 
The siren looked way too smug and haughty every time you spent time with her. Every time Wednesday caught a glimpse of you two, Bianca would have this aggravating smirk that would send Wednesday into a burst of rage that Thing would have to suffer through while she ranted. 
"How's psychitect going? Getting better?" You ask.
Henry nods eagerly. "I-I can almost make a fully functional mindscape. You should come to see it," Henry says with a shy smile. "Y-You have a free period during that time, right?" 
You nod with an easy-going smile. "Sure, I don't have much else to do, and it sounds pretty cool."
Wednesday purses her lips unhappily, stabbing the seed with the tip of her knife precisely, and Xavier moves his hands away just in case. 
"You haven't even heard what I'm about to ask—"
Enid exaggeratedly pouts, clasping her hands together in front of her. "Wednesday..." she pitifully drags.
"Enid," Wednesday grits her teeth, holding firm. "No."
"C'mon!" Enid continues to plead. "One of the girls broke her arm! We're short a girl again this year."
"How tragic," Wednesday says without care. "But that, unfortunately, wasn't my fault. I applaud your efforts to torture me but I have no inclination to join the boat race this year."
"But don't you remember that satisfying feeling of beating Bianca?" Enid tries to entice Wednesday instead. "What was it that you said last year? A dark, vengeful spirit."
Wednesday raises her brow. "I have no additional quarrels with Bianca this year. I get my satisfaction from beating her in fencing."
Enid lets out a groan. She knows she's running out of options, and she's about to give up when something pops into her mind, and a mischievous smile that Wednesday doesn't like appears.
"Oh, well," Enid says with a dramatic sigh. "I guess we'll just have to ask someone else and risk losing to Bianca."
Wednesday narrows her eyes. "It appears so."
"And with Fae watching in the crowd, I bet she'll be so impressed with Bianca taking that trophy," Enid continues, astutely turning away as she says it, a smirk on her face. "Man, how embarrassing. I can't believe I'll have to explain to Fae that we lost because my roomie didn't want to get into the whole school spirit thing."
Enid sighs one last time as she sits on her bed, looking at Thing, who sits beside her. "Oh, well. I'm sure Fae will be thrilled to celebrate Bianca's victory."
Wednesday clenches her fist. She's not unaware of Enid's horrible attempt at manipulating her. It was tragically embarrassing on Enid's end but what was more embarrassing was that it was working.
The idea of you celebrating Bianca's victory was making Wednesday more sullen than she already was. 
So, for the second time this year, despite Wednesday's reluctance to win the Poe Cup again as it made her more similar to her mother, she was going to make Bianca burn with the taste of utter defeat. 
"Enid," Wednesday scowls. "It would be wise to sleep with both eyes open after the competition is over."
"I love you, too, Wednesday."
Wednesday is at a loss. 
Despite her attempts to ask more questions and discover what could possibly be the reason why you've been distant, you've stonewalled her. 
It is a very sickening feeling. 
"How could she do this to me, Thing?" Wednesday seethed at the disembodied hand as it was just the two in her room. "This is the second week she's cut our time short. That's 14 days, Thing. Our usual 38 hours a week have been cut down to a mere 15 hours."
Thing taps and signs.
"Why are you asking if I did something?" Wednesday glares.
Some more tapping.
"It's a fair assumption," Wednesday concedes. "But I haven't done anything out of the ordinary as of late. You must know how painful it is for me right now to admit I am at a loss."
Thing taps.
"And she has said nothing to you?" Wednesday glares suspiciously.
Thing taps more firmly, and Wednesday lets out a sigh through her nose and lets it go. Checking the time, she finds you'll be here any minute now.
As of late, you've been insisting on meeting Wednesday in her room at night instead of your fae studio realm. Enid seemed to catch on and was happy to hang out with Ajax or Yoko for an hour or two until you left.
It only served to remind Wednesday that it used to be four hours at your studio. Wednesday bitterly thinks you've done it on purpose because it was easier for you to leave her space than to make her leave your space. 
There's a knock on her door. 
Right on time.
Wednesday looks at Thing before glaring at the door.
"I will not accept defeat tonight," she ominously declares as she walks towards the door. 
When she opens it, Wednesday finds you smiling at her but there’s something about it that makes her feel disgruntled. 
“Hi, Wednesday,” you say in the exact same way you’ve said hundreds before. “Enid out again?”
“Of course,” Wednesday deadpans since not even Enid knows about your wings.
“Cool,” you reply before looking out the window. “Can we open the window? It feels a little stuffy in here.”
Wednesday looks at Thing, who scuddles to the window and cracks it open. There’s a slight breeze that makes you sigh with ease as you take off your sweater and sit down on the floor at Wednesday’s bed. 
There’s a momentary pause as Wednesday stares at the familiar sight of your back before your opulent obsidian wings slowly grow out, stretching as much as they could with a ruffle. 
They were healing quite well, Wednesday notes. Soon, you won’t need to meet with her every night for treatment. 
You still need to meet her now but you’re already distancing yourself. 
Wednesday feels self-pity, rage, and dour. She won’t admit it, though, as she pulls out the tub of salve and sits behind you. 
Your wings trill as Wednesday moves her fingers through the feathers.
The way you won’t even tell her it tickles anymore. 
“Did you enjoy your day today?” You ask conversationally and Wednesday clenches her jaw.
“No,” she grits out.
“Oh,” you seem surprised at the admittance. There’s a delay and Wednesday knows you’re debating on inquiring further, but you make up your mind. “Why?”
“Why do you think so?” Wednesday asks instead, her voice flat and unimpressed that you’d sink to playing stupid. It was beneath you.
You remain silent.
“I don’t know,” you eventually say, your tone even and unassuming. “Has Xavier finally tried to hug you?”
You’re lightly jesting to avoid the confrontation but Wednesday won’t have it. She applies the salve slowly, knowing full well it was making you antsy. Wednesday was going to drag out tonight so painfully slow, you were going to regret having ever been the reason for Wednesday’s dreadful days. 
“No,” Wednesday answers, “And I doubt he ever will if he wants to live.”
You laugh but it’s not very sincere. “I guess he could always ask Enid to pass along a hug for him.” You’re jesting again but there’s something in your tone that sounds bitter.
Wednesday doesn’t know what to make of the comment, so she ignores it since it’s not like you can see her glare right now.
“You’ve been partnering up with the lanky boy lately,” Wednesday shifts the subject, sounding flat as if it were just a mere observation.
“Henry?” You say confusedly but Wednesday doesn’t confirm or deny. “I mean, I guess,” you shrug.
“Why?” Wednesday demands, asking what she really wants to know.
“I mean,” you say slowly. “Why not? You and I are some of the people with the top grades. It’s obvious we’re adept and Henry needs help.”
“So, why must you be the one to help him?” Wednesday clenches her jaw.
It’s a miracle how gentle she’s still applying the salve despite how uncomfortably irritated she feels. 
“Why? Are you offering to help him instead?” You ask wryly.
“I think if he’s destined to fail, then we should not interfere,” Wednesday bluntly and callously reasons. “Is he not the same boy who first saw you and could barely get a word out, leaving you with such a dull sobriquet?”
“It’s just a class, Wednesday,” you dryly say, awkwardly shifting. 
Wednesday’s jaw is set tightly in place, and she feels utterly humiliated right now.
“I heard you’re joining The Poe Cup race again this year?” You say, changing the subject as the atmosphere was tense. 
Wednesday feels her body relax ever so slightly at the new subject.
“Yes, at Enid’s relentless and piteous begging.”
“Oh,” you say softly.
Wednesday feels uncomfortable and she’s unsure why. 
“Have you considered joining the race?” Wednesday spits out to keep the conversation moving. 
“No,” you answer softly again. “Even though there are no rules preventing sabotage against other teams, Principal Weems and I agreed that my powers would be a very unfair advantage to fight against.”
Wednesday’s curiosity rules over all other emotions. She wants to ask exactly what powers you’re talking about when you suddenly stand up and Wednesday realizes that you could feel when she’s finished applying the salve to the end of your scars. 
“Thanks again for helping me,” you tell her softly as you turn around, making your wings disappear with an uncomfortable grimace. You put your sweater back on and zipped it up. “I have some assignments with my other project partners I have to meet up with. Catch you later?”
Wednesday is left sitting on the floor, seething with rage and defeat as you walk out the room, shutting the door with a resounding, sickening click. 
Enid returns home from her date with Ajax, feeling joyous and charmed. She immediately spots Wednesday at her desk on her typewriter.
“Hey, Wednesday,” Enid sing-songs. “Did you have a good night?”
“It was fine,” Wednesday says sharply, which has Enid looking over to Thing, who signs to not ask. 
“O-kay,” Enid replies, taking off her jacket before sitting on her bed. 
Wednesday is typing aggressively on her typewriter, each push so hard it sounds punishing. 
“Not now, Enid,” Wednesday icily cuts in, continuing to type as if she wanted to break her typewriter. “I need silence.”
Enid doesn’t reply, only letting out a soft sigh as she puts her headphones on and rests in her bed. She opens a magazine and Thing shuffles over to her to look along with her. The sad thing is that Enid can still hear Wednesday aggressively typing, but she ignores it knowing her best friend and roommate needs the time to cool down before attempting to talk.
The only problem is an hour and half passes and Wednesday is still typing as if the typewriter has personally wronged her.
Enid yanks off her headphones, closing her magazine before she slams both down on her bed. She frostily looks at Wednesday.
"Wednesday, this was cute and funny to watch the first two weeks, but now it's getting sad," Enid purses her lips at her roommate. "Stop moping and go fix it. And don’t play stupid, I know you know what I mean."
"Enid," Wednesday says with thinly veiled anger, her typing coming to a stop. "Whatever it was between us has clearly taken a nose-dive and hit solid concrete and died. It was nothing and I'm not affected by—"
"Wednesday!" Enid snaps, and it makes Wednesday close her mouth. Her bright roommate rarely snapped. "Stop dismissing your own feelings."
"I'm not sure what you're—"
"Oh, yes you do," Enid cuts in, and Wednesday wants to remind her that it is a rude habit. "Maybe your big brain hasn't caught on yet, but if you spent time looking at your behaviors and actions of late, you'd be able to get on the same page as the rest of us."
Wednesday frowns, glaring at her roommate, who glares back.
"I implore detective Wednesday to make an appearance and annoyingly obsess over the clues she's given to herself," Enid scrunches her nose. "I'll be at Yoko's and when I'm back, I expect you'll have come to the correct conclusion. I'm taking Thing as well."
Enid doesn't wait for Wednesday's reply as she turns and leaves the room with a resounding click of the door shutting. With her alone in her room, Wednesday initially ignores Enid's words, going back to sit at her desk and placing her fingers on her typewriter, but nothing comes to mind. 
After sitting in frustration for 10 minutes, Wednesday curses her blonde roommate as she contemptuously gets up and goes to lie down on her bed, staring at the ceiling. 
It's almost embarrassingly easy to think back to the beginning. Wednesday remembers seeing you for the first time and thinking nothing of it. It was only two weeks of your friendly smile and greetings, despite having yet to be formally introduced, that she noticed you more. And then she couldn't stop noticing you because you never endeavored to say anything more to her than hello, even though you were diligent in getting to know everyone else. 
Then, it was the slow desire to know every single thing there was about you. Wednesday was still mostly ambivalent about her phone, but she had wanted your number. It was the gruesome butterflies, the discovery of your secret place, and your wings that began to make this year thrilling.
Wednesday had never suffered through so many hypothetical conversations in her head—she had considered admitting herself as a patient to a mental ward rather than being the usual enthused visitor. 
It was easy to admit that, on some level, she thought of you as hers to protect and would carry out any revenge needed. 
But this was normal, wasn't it? Wednesday bargains. This could all be construed as friendship, the same as whatever she had with Enid—just with more curiosity. 
The foundation of that reasoning was pathetically shaky, she knew.
It was the smaller things that Wednesday analyzed. 
Wednesday thought back and reluctantly admitted there were too many times she's felt jealous and sullen because of you. She thinks about how she would take the long way to her class just to bump into you down the halls. 
The way she would ensure her nightly plans were left completely free to spend with you. Quite frankly, Wednesday planned her days around you, and if there was something she could not put off, then she was sure to include you. 
It was coming horrifyingly clear. Wednesday has always told herself she wasn't sure how she felt about you to give herself plausible deniability. But her own actions and behaviors have ratted her out. 
And it was such an outrageous revelation. 
Damn it all. Wednesday Addams was romantically interested in someone. 
How unfortunate. 
The door jiggles before opening, revealing her blonde roommate returning with Thing on her shoulders. Wednesday looks at the time and finds she's been lying in bed for an hour.
"So?" Enid drawls. "Did you figure it out yet?"
"Yes," Wednesday tightly replies, looking at Enid briefly before glaring back at the ceiling.
"And how do you feel?"
"Enraged?!" Enid's in disbelief but then sighs. "But of course you'd be."
Wednesday suddenly sits up. It's well past midnight, but she doesn't care.
"Thing," Wednesday writes a quick note, folding it before giving it to Thing. "Go deliver this."
Thing grabs it and scuddles off while Enid stares at her roommate with curiosity. "Are you going to go meet up with her?" Then, excitedly. "Are you going to confess?"
"The only thing I will ever confess to is a murder," Wednesday flatly says. "But yes, I will be meeting up with her and I will make her suffer as I have."
Enid winces, looking doubtful. "Really?"
Wednesday is silent for a moment before she says, "No. But I will be getting to the bottom of this, and I will come out victorious."
Wednesday puts on her boots and sweater.
"Are you sure she'll even meet up with you? What did you say in your note?"
Wednesday grinned wickedly. "I told her to meet me, or I would set fire to her forest until it was nothing but ash."
Enid sighs, turning to get ready for bed. "Good luck."
Wednesday doesn't reply, walking to the door. It is pathetic she's romantically engrossed in someone, but as it happened, she couldn't undo it. 
Therefore, as the object of her affections, she could not allow you to distance yourself without a sound, robust reason. 
Wednesday makes it to your studio before you do, but she can hear your footsteps heavy with annoyance. 
"What the hell is wrong with you, Wednesday?" She hears you huff. "Why the hell would you send me a note that you're going to burn down—"
"You've been avoiding me," Wednesday turns around and hisses, anger written all over her face. "Why?"
You’re stunned silent, shocked at the sudden confrontation and venomous tone from Wednesday. For a second, Wednesday thinks you won’t answer and turn around to leave, risking your little haven burnt to a crisp.
"I have not," you say slowly, rising to the challenge as you raise your brow at her. "We still see each other every night, don't we?"
"But we don't..." Wednesday pauses. "You don't..."
"What?" You tilt your head. "Spend all my time with you?"
Wednesday remains silent, her blood silently burning inside her. She's so filled with disgruntlement. It's always better to suffer the truth than to be blissfully unaware, but Wednesday wishes this entire realization wasn't her truth. 
"Should I start prioritizing you?" You say with no inflection, but it feels almost malicious. "I'd have never thought Wednesday Addams would demand so much of my time."
Wednesday would never, ever admit that something as silly as words could hurt her. They were just words, and she'd have to care enough to let them affect her. Even Enid's rare spiteful words were more of something she used to reflect on rather than let them dig at her. 
Yet, here she was, clenching her jaw and feeling her throat constrict. 
Wednesday clenches her fist. "This was a mistake." She turns around and starts walking away, feeling violently ill. She only gets a few steps away before you're chasing after her.
"No, Wednesday—wait," you grab her hand, and Wednesday absolutely detests the way it soothes her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Your tone is full of regret and sincerity.
Wednesday stands still in her spot a moment longer before she slowly turns back to you. You don't let go of her hand, and she doesn't pull away.
"Then, why?" Wednesday asks, even though she isn't in a position to accuse you, as she's the exact same when lashing out.
"Because..." you let out a deep sigh, holding Wednesday's hand more tightly. "Because I'm jealous."
Wednesday's eyebrows furrow. She is thoroughly at a loss. "Jealous?"
You shrug and then nod. "Jealous, upset, lamenting—whatever you want to call it."
"Of what, exactly?" Wednesday frowns. 
"Enid?" Wednesday is even more confused. "Why would you be envious of Enid?"
"It's not necessarily Enid as a person. I know she's your best friend," you sigh. "It's more of Enid as a concept."
"As a concept?" Wednesday raises her brow, prompting you to continue on.
You stare at Wednesday, studying her entirety with a focus that begins to make Wednesday uncomfortable even if she doesn't show it. 
"Everybody talks about last year," you reveal slowly. "Since I wasn't here, everyone is excited to share last year in detail."
Wednesday nods. Even her group talked about last year's events when you hung out with them from time to time. 
"The only thing I can think about when people talk of it is how different you've become," you say quietly. "Which isn't a bad thing, but I'm very aware of the fact that Enid was a big factor in your change."
Wednesday lets the words soak in, analyzing them before she nods in agreement. "Enid has left an enduring mark on me, and she continues to—do not repeat that to her."
You give Wednesday a wry grin. "Yes, Enid is..." you sigh. "She's warm like the sun—like basking under the rays. I can't blame you because I feel it in her presence too. She's genuine and bold. What you see is what you get, and you can't help but be charmed."
"I would say Enid is more like a fungus that grows on you and you have no choice but to be fond of, but continue on."
Shaking your head with a chuckle, you look at Wednesday, mirroring her impassive eyes. "I'm not like that."
Wednesday raises her brow. "And?"
You swallow, and Wednesday sees something dim behind your eyes. "I will never be warm like the sun, and what I show others will always be different—always a mask. Wednesday, despite you being grim, solemn, and interested in all morbidities, you're enticed by the sun and moved by its warmth." It was such a miserable smile. "And that will never be me."
You drop Wednesday's hand, and there's something so hollowing about it that Wednesday wants to tell you that you're such a fucking moron because the lack of your warmth is upsetting her. 
"Did you fall on your head when I wasn't watching?" Wednesday snaps at you, and you merely stare back at her. She grabs your hand back, almost crushing it to punish you. 
"Basking in the sun is only tolerable when you're sitting under the shade," Wednesday follows your ridiculous metaphors. "I will admit that Enid's warmth has taught me that while I enjoy solitude, it is a choice—not a condemnation."
"I will also admit that Enid has her whims indulged by me more," Wednesday rolls her eyes but looks at you sternly. "But so do you. I could argue I let you get away with more."
"Do I?" You ask with a tilt of your head.
"If anyone consumed my thoughts and put me through such self-pity and suffering as much as you do, I would have already turned them into the next true crime documentary."
You can't help but crack a smile.
Wednesday looks at you, her eyes softening, and she evenly says, "It is easy to adulate the light." Her thumb brushes over the back of your hand. "Show me your darkness."
You squeeze Wednesday's hand gently, and the tension in your fades, your shoulder becoming relaxed.
The anger subsides within Wednesday, quelling as she knows this stupidity is coming to its end and you will no longer be avoiding her. 
It comes to Wednesday suddenly how much emotional labor you put her through, and she's in disbelief that you think you aren't capable of changing her.
"You are..." Wednesday huffs with frustration. "Unpleasant."
You can't help but laugh. "You are, too."
"You already knew that," Wednesday plainly says. "I told you I would devastate you at some point."
"I wouldn't say I'm devastated," you smile amusedly at Wednesday's dramatics. 
"Nevertheless, this is still a mistake."
"And what a grand mistake it would be," you muse. 
"We clearly don't know what we're doing."
"I guess we just have to keep going until we do."
"Quite frankly, even if we do, we will still both needlessly suffer," Wednesday warns.
You hum, drawing Wednesday closer. Wednesday looks a little wary, but she allows your proximity. Her eyebrows are slightly tense as she gazes at you. 
"I heard your mother named you after her favorite poem," you say softly, your hand grazing Wednesday's fingers before you entangle them together. For someone who enjoyed the cold so much, her hands were warm. "Wednesday's child is full of woe."
Wednesday only nods slightly because moving too much would make her lips graze yours. 
The tension is so thick, Wednesday could suffocate in it. How lovely. 
Your lips graze against Wednesday, and she tightens her hands against yours when you pull away. You look at Wednesday's eyes so vehemently, and she experiences opia all over again. 
"But did you know?" 
Wednesday can feel your breath on her face.
"Love is suffering—and we get the honor of enduring its torment."
Your lips press warmly against the corner of Wednesday's mouth, and she finds you're veracious. What torture it is—and Wednesday takes delight in it.
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videovamptramp · 2 years
love’s never been much to me (but i’ll come with you if you’re sure that’s what you need)
// wednesday hates the new girl. //
warnings: minor character death (not that important) wednesday being mean, wednesday being a jealous asshole, sensitive reader, crying, harsh words. angst but happy ending <3
when your parents first sent you and your sisters to a boarding school in vermont, you tried your hardest not to be upset about it. you understood your mothers death impacted your father in ways you couldn’t imagined. you were sure it impacted you in ways he could never fathom as well— but you couldn’t help but feel like an outcast on the first day. your older sister elise was fitting in great, as soon as she showed up. her high grades put her in honors classes, and her contagious smile along with that charming, intelligent intellect caused people to migrate to her quickly. your younger sister sabrina was no different, she was beautiful, and had the best style out of anyone you’ve ever met. it wasn’t hard for either for them to make friends.
you however, tugged at the longsleeves of your tight black cropped top, and you kept your eyes open and aware of your surroundings. everyone at the school looked like they were either rich, or smart as hell. “hey i really like your jeans.” a tall, dark haired brunette tells you as she approaches you. you smile, “thanks! i love your cardigan.” you compliment her, and she smiles back at you. “i’m yoko. i think your my new roommate.” she admits, and your eyes widen. “oh shit, seriously? i haven’t even gotten a chance to see my roommate yet. i just put my stuff on the empty bed… but the rooms nice. you’ve kept it clean!“ you begin to ramble, and yoko laughs. “you seem nice. i think we’re gonna get along great.” she proclaims, flashing you a grin.
yoko was your first friend at nevermore academy. she was bright, generous, gave great fashion advice, and was someone you knew you could trust right away. it didn’t take long for you both to become nearly inseparable. that’s when you begin getting close to enid, divina, and even bianca; some of yoko’s other close friends. you and enid have the most in common. you find yourself hanging out with the blonde whenever your roommate is busy with nightshade society. it isn’t until you and enid have plans for the mall one afternoon, that you end up in her room. that’s when you see her. wednesday addams. her long braided black hair, her long lashes, and that all black outfit. you had barely seen her in the halls, but had no classes with her at all.
“i hope you and your friend aren’t planning on staying here. i’m working on my novel.” wednesday states, barely looking up from her typewriter. you look at her with pure interest, “you’re a writer? what are you writing about?” you ask curiously, and she rolls her eyes. “things a peabrain like you wouldn’t understand.” she mutters, and you giggle at her cattiness. “ignore wednesday, she’s allergic to color and all things nice. let’s go y/n, the mall closes at 6 today.” enid says, as she grabs her coat. “okay! sabrina’s tagging along, she said she needs some new shoes.” you explain, and enid smiles, “that’s fine! i love her! i heard she has a crush on joey from physics.” enid admits, and you gag. “ew! he looks like one of those guys that doesn’t wash their ass.”
enid bursts into fits of laughter as you both make your way to the door, “bye wednesday, it was nice officially meeting you.” you wave at the raven haired girl, who doesn’t even spare you a glance. “i wish i could say the same.” she grumbles, and you can’t fight the smile that tugs on your lips as you and enid make your way out. as you two walk down the hall, and towards sabrina’s room, enid pipes up; “hey, don’t take anything wednesday says personally, she’s like that with everybody.” enid explains, and you shake your head. “oh it’s fine! she’s pretty cute.” you admit with a blush, and enid shakes her head in disbelief. “wednesday and cute don’t belong in the same category. maybe violent, or irritable; even sassy fits.” enid jokes and you laugh. “well, she’s still pretty. even if she doesn’t quite like me.” you say as you walk into your younger sisters room.
“who doesn’t like you?” sabrina asks, as she looks away from the mirror where she was fixing her make up in, and over to you and enid. “wednesday.” you say, and sabrina furrows her brows, “who?” she asks. “my roommate. she’s in our grade, super grumpy, wears all black.” enid explains bluntly as she takes a seat on sabrina’s bed. “is she short?” sabrina asks and enid nods eagerly. “yup that’s her!” the blonde exclaims. “oh god, y/n/n, you like her? she’s emo.” sabrina points out, and you pout, “what’s wrong with that?!! she’s totally cute!” you declare, and enid flashes you a pointed look. “and totally hates you.” she reminds you, and you blush sheepishly. “hate and love are two very similar things.” you joke causing enid to groan and throw a pillow your way.
you start seeing wednesday a lot more after that. you always go out of your way to say hi to her, or even talk to her. even though she never seems excited to talk to you, she doesn’t ignore you, and you take that as a good sign. sabrina and you have always been the closest out of your siblings; she was only a year younger than you, yet you two were more like best friends than sisters. that’s exactly why she’s the first person you confess to about having a crush on wednesday.
“you can’t be serious, y/n/n. she hates your guts!” sabrina points out as you two eat lunch under the old oak tree. you had just admitted it to her, and the brunette was staring at you as if you had three heads. “i know! but she’s so hot! and have you heard her voice? ugh… i got it bad, the other day i asked her if she came her often… to school!!” you groan, and she shakes her head, chuckling softly. “damn… i for sure would have thought you would’ve fell for yoko… or even enid. but wednesday? seriously? have you guys even had an actual conversation that didn’t involve you trying to awkwardly flirt with her?” sabrina asks, and you nod.
“i was talking to her about her novel the other day… she’s a smart ass, but she’s definitely smart. like probably smarter than elise.” you admit, and sabrina laughs. “damn, maybe you should ask elise how to tutor you in the art of being a bitch.” she jokes, and you giggle. “maybe. she’s definitely too busy with jake. have you seen the way she gets when he texts her?” you inquire as you eat a cookie off your sisters tray. “yeah, it’s disgusting.” the younger girl says after rolling her eyes. “she still hasn’t talked to me because i stained her flannel. i got her a new one and said i was sorry!” sabrina exclaims, and you laugh. “she’s taking it personal. you’re gonna have to gravel. or just buy her food after her debate club. she’s always hungry after arguing.” you retort, taking a sip of your chocolate milk.
“ugh, she was made for debate. i’m thinking about joining the soccer team.” she reveals, and your eyes widen. “awww that would be awesome! you’d be great!” you say honestly, and she flashes you a smile. “thanks y/n/n.” she says softly as she finishes her sandwich. “hey that reminds me! my friend xavier was saying something about a book club on thursday’s at the library. you should check it out!” she says as she opens her backpack and pulls out a flyer. she hands it to you, and you take it, skimming over it. your eyebrows raise slightly, “huh, i actually think i’m gonna check it out. i need new book ideas. i’m tired of re-reading ‘black house’.” you tell her and she beams. “i thought of you as soon as he showed me the flyer!“
unbeknownst to you and sabrina, wednesday also received the same flyer from xavier. that’s how the two of you both ended up in the library on tuesday. you’re a bit early, and so is she, along with a few other students. you take a seat right beside her, and she glances at you. “are you lost? this isn’t the romance novel book club. they meet on tuesday’s.” she cattily remarks, and you chuckle. “i didn’t even know they had a club for that.” you admit, ignoring her comment. wednesday can’t help but continuously glance at you; you’re wearing baggy jeans, a tight fitted top, along with a pair of gray converse. wednesday is wearing an oversized black knitted sweater, fishnets, and a pair of black doc marten boots. her hair is braided and she looks gorgeous as ever.
“i actually don’t enjoy romance novels. it makes me feel like i’m reading really cheesy fanfics. my little sister gave me the flyer for this club. i need new book recommendations.” you say simply, and wednesday purses her lips, “this is a book club for thriller and horror novels.” she points out, and you nod. “i know. i read the flyer, addams.” you joke, and she looks at you. “what’s your favorite book?” she asks, and you blush sheepishly as you reach into your bag and pull out your old copy of ‘black house’ by stephen king. “i know it’s a bit basic but he really does have wonderful novels. i really enjoyed ‘she’s gone’ by david bell as well. the ending was a plot twist. poor girl.” you ramble slightly, and you blush as you realize she’s staring at you. you tuck a strand of curly hair behind your ear, your eyes meet hers, “what’s your favorite book, wednesday?” you ask her, sounding genuinely curious.
“the original frankenstein book is unmatched. but i suppose the haunting of hill house is good as well.” she answers curtly and you smile at her as she avoids your sweet gaze. “i too carry a copy of frankenstein around because it’s my favorite.” she confesses, making you grin. “you’ll have to lend it to me sometime. if that’s okay of course.” you say so gently she nearly grimaces at how soft your voice is. she reaches into her backpack, and pulls out the old copy, before handing it to you. you reach for it, but she pulls it away abruptly. “black house. i’d like to read it.” she declares, taking you by slight surprise. you nod vigorously, “sure! here!” you say happily, as you shove the copy of your favorite book into her free hand. you gladly take the original ‘frankenstein’ copy, and flash her a smile that makes her nauseous.
“hello everyone. i see we have quite a few eager readers. i’ve picked out a few good reads, and we’ll all have a vote on which one you all wanna read this week.” one of the teachers you hardly know interrupts your moment with wednesday, as she sits down in front of the group. wednesday doesn’t say a word to you during the rest of the session. though, she cannot seem to stop thinking about you as she reads ‘black house’. the little side notes you wrote— the highlighted parts you thought were important. she finds herself enjoying the book, and she can’t believe someone like you actually has good taste. perhaps wednesday misjudged you.
she’s pulled out of her thoughts one evening by your giggling. you’re laughing at something sabrina and her friends were saying. that’s when wednesday sees you take a hit of one of their wax pens, blowing the smoke in your younger sisters face, and giggling wildly. she shakes her head, prying her eyes away from you. nope. you’re still an idiot, she thinks. an idiot who seems to be interested in good books. but that’s your only redeeming quality in wednesday’s opinion.
“hey wednesday, are you enjoying the book?“ you ask as you approach the raven haired girl. wednesday looks over at where you were just sitting with your group of annoying friends and little sister. they seemed to have scattered, and she hadn’t even noticed you making your way up to her. “it’s not terrible. i truly enjoy the way he doesn’t shy away from the gruesome details and thoughts.” she explains, and you nod in agreement as you sit next to her. she doesn’t tell you to get lost even though she should. your girly perfume fills her senses, and she sticks her nose in the air as she looks away from you. “yeah, stephen king is already not afraid to cross any lines, but peter straub is totally fucked in the head. i like it.” you confess in a dorky way that makes wednesday turn her head and stare at you for a second.
“what?“ you ask curiously, wondering what she was staring at. “how did i never notice how much of a dork you are?” she asks, and you roll your eyes, blushing deeply— you pull your knees up to your chest, and you stare at your shoes. “maybe because you’ve never bothered to get to know me.” you joke, before looking at her. the sunlight is hitting your hair, and the way your bangs falls just above your eyelashes— wednesday never noticed how brown your eyes are. they change in the sun and she’s never noticed that about anyone. “well, you are insufferable… but i suppose i don’t mind speaking to you.” wednesday mutters, and you smile widely. there’s that nauseating feeling again. she wants to kiss wipe that smile right off your face.
“oh! i finished frankenstein! it was so fucking good but so fucking sad— i almost don’t want to read ‘black phone’. i know i’m gonna end up crying again.” you admit, and wednesday shakes her head. “you cried? i understand frankenstein is tragic, but crying is a bit dramatic don’t you think?” she asks, and you shrug. “i’m a sensitive person. here’s your book, thanks for lending it to me. if you have any other book recommendations i’d really appreciate them.” you confess shyly, and wednesday takes note of the rosy pink blush coating your cheeks and nose. she doesn’t understand why you’re so adamant on getting to know her and talk to her. shouldn’t she have scared you off by now like she usually does with everyone else?
“thomas harris. silence of the lambs. i have a copy in my room, i’ll lend it to you tomorrow.” she states, and you smile widely. god she wishes you’d stop doing that.
wednesday begins to notice everything you do. the way you laugh, or mess with the holes in your jeans when you’re bored. you heart your ‘i’s’, and chew on your bottom lip when you’re nervous. you’re kind to everyone, and she hasn’t encountered a single person who has spoken badly about you. wednesday finds herself at a loss because she actually wants to talk to you, but she realizes she never wants to talk to anyone. she can’t for the life of her figure out what’s so different about you. or how she went from hating you, to thinking about you nearly every hour of the day. she even catches herself thinking about your giggle in the middle of class.
in december wednesday finds you sitting alone in the garden; a spot she enjoyed coming to be alone. just when she was about to tell you to get lost, she got closer, and heard the sniffling. “y/n?” wednesday’s voice causes you to jump a bit. you weren’t expecting anyone to be here and see you like this. you look up at her; those bambi eyes are red and full of tears, and your cheeks were stained, as if you had been crying for awhile now. wednesday forgets who she is and immediately feels concern wash over her. did somebody make you cry? was she going to have to commit murder? “what happened?“ she asks demandingly, before she takes a seat on the bench beside you. “i-it’s my moms birthday today…” you trail off, trying to hold back tears but failing miserably. “oh. did you call her?“ wednesday questions, and you shake your head, “she— she p-passed away last year.” you explain, and wednesday looks at you intensely.
“i’m sorry.” she sounds sincere, and it takes you by surprise as you stare at her with those vulnerable eyes. “she probably misses you as much as you miss her.” wednesday adds, and you feel your heart flutter in your chest. “y-you’re sweet. thanks for sitting with me.” you thank her gently, and she responds with an eye roll, “i’m not sweet, and if you tell anyone i sat with you, i’ll cut all your pretty hair off.” she threatens, and you sniffle as you blush, an inevitable smile creeping onto your face. “you think my hair is pretty?“ you ask, and for the first time since you met wednesday addams, the heat rises to her cheeks causing them to turn a shade of crimson red. “shut up, y/n.” she says warningly, shooting a murderous look your way. instead of lookinh terrified like anyone else would, you stare at her with an expression of pure adoration.
things change after your encounter with wednesday in the garden. you catch her staring more than she normally would, and whenever you approach her, you notice she doesn’t seem as annoyed as she used to. sure, she’s still as grumpy as ever, but your presence didn’t annoy her anymore, and that was strange. she normally gets irritated with everyone, but you somehow have become an exception. wednesday was not only okay with you coming up to her and talking her ear off, she was also looking forward to it. thoughts of you and even your voice would plague her mind. she thought of you before she fell asleep, and as soon as she awoke, there you were on her mind like clockwork.
it isn’t until wednesday sees you talking to aaron from botany, he seems to be staring at you with a glint in his eyes. you’re smiling at him in that way that always makes wednesday’s stomach flutter. but you’re directing it at him instead, and that nauseating feeling she usually gets, turns into a burning sensation in the pit of her stomach. suddenly she has never hated anyone more than aaron jeffery. she glares at him; she’s certain if he notices he’ll probably shit himself. but he doesn’t notice; you do. you turn your head, and your eyes lock with wednesday’s tenebrous orbs. you light up at the sight of her, and now your smile is directed at her. you wave cutely, “hey wednesday!” you greet her from across the courtyard before looking at aaron. “i’ll see you next period!” you exclaim, and he nods with a smile as you rush over to the raven haired girl.
“hi.” you giggle as you tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. wednesday tenses up, “hi. what were you talking to jeffery’s about?” she asks, trying to sound as uninterested as possible. “we got assigned to be partners earlier this year in botany class, and we just sort of became friends that way.” you shrug, and wednesday has an uncomfortable knot in her stomach. “oh.” is all the shorter girl responds with, causing you to furrow your eyebrows. “is there a problem between you and aaron? like some sort of secret beef i don’t know about?” you ask half jokingly, and she shakes her head. “i don’t like him.” wednesday answers quickly. “he stares at you like he’s never seen a girl in his sorry little life. don’t get me started on the way he dresses.” wednesday rants a bit, and all of your confusion seems to dissipate as a wave of realization washes over you. wednesday addams is jealous of aaron, because she thinks he likes you.
“but aaron is crushing on stacey mathew’s.” you remind her and wednesday scowls. “i don’t care. since when does that stop boys?” she mutters, and you tilt your head to the side, like a confused puppy. “wen… are you jealous of him?” you ask her, and the way you’re smirking makes her shoot a murderous glare your way. she’s not an idiot. she’s completely aware she’s jealous of that tall boy and his kind smile that wednesday doesn’t have. but to admit she’s envious of him, would be to admit how she feels about you. wednesday would rather die before admitting that your voice is something she looks forward to hearing every single day. or even how every time she reads a stephen king book she thinks of you.
“jealousy is a feeling, y/n, and we both know i don’t do feelings.” she declares trying to sound serious. you raise your eyebrows, “then you wouldn’t care if i said he was cute?” you question, clearly just trying to get a rise out of her, and it obviously works because she glares at you. “he looks like a burnt chicken.” she hisses, and you giggle wildly. “no feelings my ass.” you retort sarcastically, and the raven haired girls expression stays firm. “i don’t have feelings, y/n! much less any regarding you and that fried roach.” she snaps in that usually harsh tone she always saves for other people, and never you. yet today her stare is harsh and it’s directed towards you. the trace of softness you usually see in her big brown-black orbs is gone; instead there’s something inscrutable in her gaze and you can’t quite figure out what it is.
you frown, “no feelings regarding me at all? is that your polite way of saying you don’t care about me whatsoever?” you ask uncertainly, and she rolls her eyes. “i don’t care about anybody. everybody at this school is a dimwitted, supernatural moron with no concept of reality or the real world. if that bothers you, maybe you should just go run along and follow aaron jeffery around everywhere like a lost, pathetic puppy. the same way you follow me around.” her tone is so cold, and so unlike whenever she speaks to you. she sounds the same way as when you first met her. you blink a few times, and then, something terrible happens to wednesday. not the good kind of terrible that she loves— no, the terrible that makes her stomach twist and churn… your bottom lip begins to tremble and the heart she’s been so intent on hiding from everyone, falls into the pit of her belly.
tears well up in your eyes, and suddenly she’s replaying every cruel word she just said. they were all because you were right. she was jealous of aaron. “you could’ve just said you didn’t want to hang out with me. or that you don’t like me… you don’t have to be so cruel just because you know how i feel about you.” you manage to say while your voice shakes and wednesday can see the look of hurt in those chocolate brown eyes. you turn around and rush off, leaving wednesday alone with her thoughts and unwanted emotions. that interaction hadn’t gone as she planned, but what could she do about it? chase you and beg for forgiveness? admit that what you said was not only true but spot on? she was jealous, and she did know about the way you feel about her. though you weren’t aware of what she was feeling for you. the more she got to know you, the more she realized she liked. even the things she was supposed to hate, she found made those dead butterflies in her stomach resurrect and flutter around with pure life.
she found herself having to pretend to dislike your presence, but it seemed as though you could see right through wednesday and her grumpiness. you even dealt with it just to hang out with her. though, there were undoubtable moments where you just knew wednesday returned all those feelings she claimed she didn’t have. you would ramble on and on about a book or show, and when you’d look up her eyes would be on you, taking in every word. even when she wasn’t looking at you, she was listening. you knew because she remembered every detail, down to the silliest thing. though it was never silly to you, it always made your heart skip a beat. almost everything wednesday did for you, made your heart rate pick up. you noticed everything when it came down to her; the way her gaze would soften up whenever looking at you, or how she let you hug her and hold her hand.
yet, wednesday’s words sounded so serious and cold. you couldn’t help but wonder if maybe, wednesday addams has hated you this whole time. maybe everything was in your head, and she really didn’t like you or anyone else at this school for that matter. maybe wednesday really was as heartless as she claims to be… but you don’t believe that. you can’t. there’s too many things she does that prove her wrong, yet if you ever called her out on them, she would most likely deny everything. if she didn’t want to like you, wasn’t that just as bad as not liking you? she knew she liked you, and she still didn’t want you. that hurt you more than anything else regarding your love life has.
when enid sees you crying she rushes in your direction, excusing herself from ajax and their mutual friends as she follows you towards your dorm. “y/n, what happened!?” she asks in pure concern as she follows you into yours and yoko’s shared bedroom. “did— did wednesday make you cry?” she asks cautiously, and you sniffle, nodding. enid feels a wave of nerves hit her. if wednesday was in a bad enough to mood to snap at you, maybe that meant everyone should stay clear from her today. there’s no telling what she’d do to people she actually hated. “what happened? did she say something to you?” the blonde asks patiently, and you look down at your converse. “dimwitted, supernatural moron… and a pathetic puppy. that’s what she thinks of me.” you whisper, and enid frowns.
“you’re none of those things, y/n. you’re a great friend and i know wednesday didn’t mean what she said. she’s just a grump.” enid points out and you shake your head. “i think she did, enid. i can’t keep trying so hard for her to like me. i should’ve taken the hint a long time ago and just left her alone.” you mutter, looking up and meeting enid’s eyes. her eyes are empathetic and sincere, “no, y/n, wednesday loves you! she just doesn’t want to admit it! she’s changed since she started hanging around you… she’s been nicer in her own little wednesday way. there’s less threats, and hate towards color or people. it’s because of you.” she insists, and you look at your fingers that you’re playing with nervously.
“i’ve seen the change, but until she apologizes or tells me how she feels herself, i think it’s best to keep my distance from wednesday…” you trail off, and enid can see the words hurt you to say. she frowns, but nods, “i understand and respect your decision, even it means i will have to deal with a very grumpy wednesday.” she murmurs and you flash her a sad smile. “sorry, enid…” you trail off, you thoughts immediate going to the raven haired girl you’re so helplessly in love with.
wednesday notices the change right away. it’s been a week since she said those mean things to you, and she couldn’t stop thinking about you. wednesday went from being the only person you’d seek out to talk to, to being the only person you’re avoiding. she feels like she’s been hit with the plague, because you won’t even look at her anymore. it drives her crazy when sees you and you don’t light up the way you used to, or even smile in her direction. she never thought silence (one of her favorite things), would drive her this mad when it was coming from you. she hated to admit she missed your voice, and all the things she thought she hated about you… like the way you talk too much, and practically shower in that girly perfume that tickles wednesday’s senses in the worst way. when she smells it in the halls her belly burns.
“she’s been miserable without you.” enid cuts into wednesday’s thoughts one lunch period, as she notices her roommate staring at you from the other side of cafeteria. you were sitting with elise and her friends today, looking absolutely miserable. it was no secret your older sister often was one of your biggest bullies, though it came from a place of love, the things she said still affected you. much like wednesday, she said things bluntly and honestly, not caring if she hurt anyones feelings. “she’s the one that decided to stop sitting here.” wednesday says back, her tone harsh and abrasive. enid rolls her eyes, “because you called her a dimwitted, supernatural moron, wednesday!” enid points out, causing everyone at the table to look at the two.
wednesday shoots daggers at the blonde, “i said it in regards towards everyone at this school!” wednesday hisses, and enid shakes her head in dismay. “it’s the same thing. not to mention you called her a ‘pathetic puppy’, don’t you have any idea how much your words hurt? especially to someone who has feelings for you.” she states sternly, and the raven haired girls careless expression falters. a trickle of silence passes, and wednesday speaks. “i didn’t mean it.” the shorter girl mutters, and enid raises a brow as she reaches for her fruit cup. “then why did you say it?“ the werewolf questions curiously, causing the short girl sitting beside her to sigh in frustration.
“because she was gushing over aaron jeffery!” wednesday snaps and enid raises both of her eyebrows in amusement. “and why did that bother you? i thought you and y/n were just friends; didn’t you say you hated the idea of love and romance because of your parents?” enid inquires, and wednesday grips the edge of the table so tightly her knuckles change in color. “this isn’t romance or love, i merely believe that y/n can do better than someone like that gross ogre.” she declares simply, and enid smirks, clearly not believing wednesday. “she can do better? as in someone like you?” enid asks with a shit-eating grin on her face, and wednesday glowers at her roommate.
“you may be my roommate, but i wouldn’t think twice about ripping your tongue out with my bare hands.” wednesday threatens the blonde, causing enid to giggle. “oh my god! you really do have feelings for y/n!” enid whisper/yells excitedly. “you have to tell her!” she exclaims, and wednesday keeps a straight face as she looks back down at her open book, deciding to simply ignore enid’s presence. “i mean, sure, you may have royally messed up by saying those things to the only person who’s genuinely not afraid of you, but she’s a sweetie. she’ll understand if you just tell her you were jealous.” enid rambles, and wednesday snaps her book shut, glaring at the blonde.
“call her a ‘sweetie’ again and i really will rip your tongue out.” she hisses as she stands up and walks out of cafeteria. enid gulps, and she looks over at you who’s watching wednesday walk away. wednesday’s head is plagued by thoughts of you. she goes to her room and tries to work on her novel, but she can’t concentrate long enough to get anything done. her homework got done later than usual because of how much she’s thinking about you. the raven haired girl sighs in frustration as she looks over at thing who’s sitting on the corner of her desk.
“i messed up.” she says aloud, making thing perk up at the sound of her voice. he makes his way towards her, and she looks at him with eyes of vulnerability. she’d never let anyone see her like this, but thinking about you and your face of hurt makes her feel enormously guilty. “what did you do?” thing taps, and wednesday purses her lips. “i… god this is embarrassing… i was jealous of aaron jeffery.” she says his name with disdain, curling her upper lip in disgust. “i know, i know. why should i, a superb young woman, who is by far the most amazing person at this awful place, be jealous of a burnt chicken like him? well, because y/n thinks he’s cute. can you believe that? she thinks he’s cute.” thing is silent while wednesday rants, finally allowing all of her feelings to come seeping out in her rushed words. “what was i supposed to tell her? that i think she has the most soul crushing smile on the planet and i would die to see it over and over again? that when she smiled at him it made me want to add him to the list of murders? she makes me sick every time she looks at me, like there’s a bunch of moths in my stomach that are about to fly out of my mouth. i can’t tell her any of that.” wednesday hisses, and thing taps, “you are in love.”
wednesday viscously glares at thing, “love is for morons!” she snaps, “you are a moron.” thing taps back, and wednesday goes silent. “yes. i suppose i am. i mean, i did let her get a way.” she whispers, and thing taps again. “talk to her. say sorry.” he insists, and wednesday purses her lips. “i’m not saying i’m going to, but hypothetically if i were to apologize, how would i do that?” she inquires curiously.
you rub your temples tiredly after you finish revising your essay for botany class. you had been doing homework all evening and were finally done. though, your homework was slightly prolonged due to the way your thoughts would trail off towards a certainly pig tailed addams. you would think about the way her eyes would pour into you, or the way her lips would twitch into the faintest of smiles as she would listen to you go on and on. yet, you can’t help but think about what she said. truthfully, you wouldn’t be so angry if she’d just apologize. sure, the words hurt, but you’d forgive her if she just said she’s sorry.
but she hasn’t even tried to speak to you, and that’s what hurts the worst.
*knock, knock*
the light knocks on your door cause your head to snap in its direction. an envelope flies under your door, and you furrow your eyebrows as you stand up and make your way towards it. you pick it up, your name is written on it and you recognize that handwriting anywhere. wednesday. you open the door, but there’s no one there; you can see thing thumping down the hall towards wednesday’s room. you can’t fight the smile that tugs at your lips as you open the envelope, and pull out the letter inside.
please excuse how late this is. i understand if you don’t read this, but if you do, would you do me the favor of coming to my room whenever you can? i wish to say a few things to you in regards of our last conversation. if you don’t come, that’s alright too. i’m deeply sorry for what i said. you were right, and i was jealous. you aren’t a moron, or pathetic. you aren’t like anyone at this school. — w.a”
your heart flutters in your chest as you read the letter. wednesday wants to apologize? was this some kind of trap to hurt your feelings again? you chuckle at the absurdity of this, but you can’t help but feel your cheeks heating up at the sincerity of the letter. you take a step out of your room, and close the door behind you. you hold the letter in your hand the entire way to wednesday’s room. when you knock the door flies open, and there’s wednesday standing in front of you with an unrecognizable look on her face. “you came.” she states observantly, had she really thought you wouldn’t? you were crazy about her after all. “you asked me to.” you respond softly, and there are those butterflies in her belly again
“i didn’t mean what i said. i’m sorry i hurt you.” she says, and her usual monotone is laced with vulnerability. your eyes often as you pull her in for a tight hug, “oh wednesday.” you gush as you squeeze her tightly, and she feels a wave of heat wash over her. she immediately feels okay as soon as you embrace her. “do you… forgive me?” the raven haired girl asks carefully, and you pull away, nodding eagerly. “of course! i… i guess a part of me knew you didn’t mean it. i know you’re not good with feelings, and that’s why i try my hardest to understand your reactions to everything i do. but i really hope from now on, you try your hardest to understand my feelings as well.” you explain timidly and she reaches for one of your hands cautiously. you gladly accept and interlock your fingers with hers.
“i promise i’ll do better. i’m barely starting to understand my own feelings for you, and they’re a bit overwhelming.” wednesday reveals, causing you to blush. “well, if you ever need help sorting them out, you know i’m here right?” you ask, and she looks at her for a moment. thing taps on the desk, “invite her in, moron!” and wednesday blinks as the back of her neck gets coated with a crimson blush. “would you like to come in right now and help me sort through them?” the goth asks smoothly, and now it’s your turn to blush. “i would like that.” you respond and she lights up as she steps aside, allowing you entrance into her shared bedroom. a wave of relief hits her, as she realizes you’re back and she doesn’t want to ever lose you again. that’s when wednesday realizes she may be in love with you, and that terrifies her.
though, losing you terrifies her even more… so if making you hers and keeping you by her side forever is what you need, then she’ll be content with doing so.
a/n: this was my first fic on here!! i’ve never seen the netflix series so excuse me if i get anything wrong, i’m just crushing sooo hard on jenna ortega rn 😂
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caitlynscat · 1 year
Wednesday talks to the new girl at the Nevermore plaza.
Enid and the girls watch them from a distance.
Enid: Uh, who the hell is that?
Yoko: Oh that’s Luna. She’s new here.
Bianca: I heard she’s a psychic.
Divina: Oh great. Another one.
Wednesday and Luna continue talking. Though the girls can’t hear what they are saying, they can see Wednesday’s enjoyment talking to the new girl.
Bianca: She made Addams smile? Wow that’s a first.
Yoko: Yeah, nobody can do that. Other than our werewolf of course.
Divina: *looks to Enid* Wow, it looks like your girl is getting soft, huh?
Enid fidgets with her hands, ignoring Divina. She watches as her ravenette talks to Luna. It seems like the goth girl is enjoying the conversation.
Enid: *through gritted teeth* Wow she’s really talking to her. For a long time. I have no idea why she’s taking forever.
Bianca: What’s wrong, Enid? Jealous? That you’re not the only girl who can make Wednesday feel any type of emotion?
Enid: No I’m NOT. I don’t care who Willa talks to! I’m glad she’s talking to another person since she’s always with me all the time.
Yoko: *under her breath* More like you’re always with her.
Wednesday and Luna walk over to the girls.
Wednesday: Ladies. This is Luna. she came from the barren, violent wasteland of Canada.
Luna: Hello, babes!
Bianca: Hi, I’m-
Enid: *stepping in front* Hi, I’m Enid! Sinclair! I’m Wednesday’s girlfriend.
Luna: *stepping back nervously* Oh I can tell.
Enid: *smiling* Aw, did she talk about me?
Luna: No, it just looks like you’re about to slit my throat.
Enid looks at her hand she unknowingly raised
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Enid throws her hand behind her back: Oh uh. Bad habit.
Luna smiles and turns to talk to Bianca, Yoko and Divina. Wednesday steps next to Enid.
Wednesday: *whispering in her ear* Is my little pup upset?
Enid: *face red as a cherry* What?! No?! What the hell, why would you ask that?!
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zombiigrll · 4 months
Could you make a fic for Carl where he’s kind of yandere-like? You can get creative with it, but just something creepy like that. It’s okay if not! 💛
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BLOODY VALENTINE. ⋆。°✩ yandere!carl grimes x reader .ᐟ WORD COUNT .ᐟ ⭑ 1.5K ꩜ .ᐟ WARNINGS ⭑ use of y/n, gore mention, blood, murder, 'yandere-like' carl (i hate using the word yandere but i don't know what else could be used T_T), crying, vomit, takes place in alexandria .ᐟ SUMMARY .ᐟ ⭑ it was pretty obvious you and carl had liked each other for a while. but after you started getting close with ron, carl started to change. ꩜ .ᐟ A/N .ᐟ ⭑ thank you so much for the request anon! i've never really written something like this before so i hope its to your liking <3 also this ofc isn't in character for carl, so i know some of the writing isn't gonna seem like him n stuff :p
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────────────────────────────────────── you had known carl since the prison. michonne found you on a run and took you in. and ever since then, you and carl would always hangout together. you were practically inseperable.
...that was until you guys arrived at alexandria and you met a boy named ron.
you and carl met him together when his mother and rick decided it'd be nice if the two of you made friends with people your guys' age. "you guys have video games?!" you immediately took interest to the moving characters on the television in front of ron and the boy named mikey.
"yeah, you want a turn?" ron asked, moving the controller toward you.
"yes, please!" you beamed, reaching to grab the controller from his hand when your finger grazed his, making you flinch a bit in embarrassment. "oh, sorry."
carl instantly noticed this interaction and walked over, ripping the controller out of your hand.
you frowned. "hey-"
"we're leaving." carl looked at you, then back at ron angrily.
"uh, why?" ron raised an eyebrow, squinting at carl.
carl scoffed, throwing the controller back to ron and aggressively grabbing your hand in his, practically dragging you out of the house.
"dude, what the fuck?" you shoved carl away from you once the two of you got outside.
"i don't like him. he's weird." carl blankly said, staring down at you as if your reaction was unnatural.
"he didn't even do anything! all he did was give me a controller, what's so weird about that?"
"he just met you and he's already trying to make moves-"
"no, carl. he wasn't. he was being nice." you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms together. "if anyone is being weird, it's you. what's wrong with you right now?"
carl looks at the ground and laughs before bringing up a hand to the side of your face. "nothing is 'wrong' with me. i'm fine."
"obviously not. you've never acted like this before." you shoved his hand away, shaking your head.
carl looks at you, upset, but at the same time, furious. "whatever." he walks away, shoulder-checking you as he passes.
you look back at him, confused. carl was the sweetest boy you've ever met. he's always been there for you through everything, so what is the matter with him right now?
you brushed the thoughts away and walked back into rons house, trying to clear your mind from whatever the hell is happening with carl right now.
the two of you hadn't spoken to each other in a while. you've been spending your time becoming acquainted to the people of alexandria, and he'd been off doing whatever.
you haven't really seen him at all, except for when you'd go home. he'd be on his porch, shaking his leg with his arms crossed. every. single. day.
he was scaring you, and you weren't confident enough to ask him what's wrong. especially not after the way he shut you down last time.
you were sure it was just him going through puberty. you never knew how boys developed, so you assumed all boys acted like how carl was acting. jealous and insecure.
you didn't even like ron, not like that. he was dating enid, and you liked carl, even if he was being weird. you just wanted to make new friends.
but today felt awful. you woke up with a sick, eerie feeling laying in your stomach. something felt wrong, but you didn't know why. you put your clothes and shoes on and stepped outside, and alexandria was silent.
"...hello?" you called out loudly. no answer.
you looked around your surroundings and noticed that some cars were missing, which you assumed was due to rick and a few others going out on a run together.
'maybe ron is here?' you thought as your gaze went towards his house. you started walking closer to the dimly lit building. as you stepped onto the porch, you rung the doorbell twice. "hello? is anyone home?" you asked through the door.
you heard a voice from the other side. "shit." a raspy, distressed voice spoke.
"are you okay?" you knocked on the door loudly as that sound.
"i'm coming in." you quickly opened the door, a disgusting stench filling your nose. "what the hell..?"
you looked around and the living room and it looked normal for the most part, despite some oddly moved furniture and some glass on the ground. but that smell. it was nauseating.
"who's there?" you asked, looking around at your surroundings as you stepped closer to the hallway, which was also closer to the strong stench. "i know someone's in here, just answer-"
you froze as you looked ahead through the doorframe and into ron's room.
there was blood everywhere. and a figure facing away from you wearing a very familiar sheriffs hat.
"oh, my god." you gagged, covering your mouth with your hand as your eyes widened at the scene.
a clinging sound was heard, a bloody knife falling to the ground. right besides ron and mikeys bodies.
you were about to pass out. you brought up your arm to hold onto the doorframe for support.
"...what did you do?"
the boy didn't respond. instead, he turned to face you. there was blood stained all along his face and body, and his eyes looked dark. he stepped closer to you, which made you step away in fear.
"i'm not going to hurt you." he softly spoke, reaching out a bloody hand in your direction.
your eyebrows furrowed in fear as you looked him straight in the eye. "are you kidding me..?"
carl brought his bloodstained hand up to your cheek, resulting in the fresh blood spreading along your face and a shiver rolling down your spine.
"i love you."
as he spoke, your faces were inches apart, the smell of iron filling up through your nose. your eyes widened further and you shook your head away from his hand. "you.. you killed ron, you killed mikey, and... now you're saying you love me in a room splattered in their blood?" you laughed fearfully.
he stayed silent, taking in your terrified expression.
"you told me you'd always keep me safe. you'd always make sure i would never feel afraid again." you reminded him, stepping further back. "you failed. miserably."
"don't." you cut him off. your eyes focused back to the bodies, and you fully processed everything. your body jerked up and you threw up right by your feet. "..holy shit."
"i just.." carl shook his head. "i didn't want to lose you. i didn't want you to leave me."
"so you fucking murdered ron and mikey?!" you yelled, wiping your mouth off with your sleeve. "do you hear yourself?"
carl stayed silent, staring down at the ground with clenched fists.
"i liked you, carl. only you." your voice softened as tears began glazing over your eyes. "there wasn't any competition. it was only you."
carl looked over at you, wide eyed and confused, more guilty than before. "..what?"
"you didn't have to.. to kill people to show you love me." you pointed behind him, reminding him of what he did.
he was speechless. guilty as ever. he was shaking frantically. tears flooded his eyes as he brought a hand up to his face, which only resulted in more blood spreading across his already bloodstained face.
you laid your head on the wall, recollecting your self. carl just stood by the doorframe spacing out.
"...what do we do now?" he finally spoke, his voice wobbly and quiet.
"i don't know!" you snapped again, raising your hands over your head. "it's your mess."
"please, y/n." he begged, running a hand through his hair. "what can i do to fix this?"
"i..." you trailed off, staring at the whole scene again. "shit, carl."
you walked into the bathroom at your side and threw a towel and bucket of water out to him. "clean it up." you said before turning around to walk out of the house.
"wait." he called out.
"are you going to tell anyone.. what i did?" his voice sounded scary, but terrified.
"not if you don't get caught." you sighed. "forge a note, hide their bodies, whatever. i'm not apart of this anymore."
carl nodded somberly. "i'm sorry."
you left the house.
things weren't normal at all after that day. i mean, why would they be? carl hid what happened the best he could, actually taking your advice to forge a note. you kept your word and stayed silent. jessie was a mess after that day, unsure why her boy and his best friend 'left alexandria.'
you didn't know how to feel about carl anymore. he loved you still, as far as you could tell, but you couldn't understand your feelings for him.
you knew you still loved him despite everything. but you felt as if you couldn't forgive him for taking away the first friend your age you'd made, and taking jessies son away from her.
he was basically just some sort of bloody valentine to you.
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caitlynskitten · 3 months
Enid getting jealous when Wends comes home smelling like another dog
Wends tries and tell her it was just a dog she meet at the park but Wends still ends up sleeping on the couch (until Enid gets lonely and lets her back in)
Wednesday isn’t a dog person but when she walks through the park to get back home she encounters a playful and active dog. Wednesday tries to ignore him but keeps barking and running around him. Of course Wednesday gives in and pets the dog and even says “good boy” She hoped that Enid wouldn’t smell the dog on her. And she was dead wrong.
Wednesday: Hello my love.
Enid: Mon Coeur!
Enid: *sniffs Wednesday all over* HOW COULD YOU?!
Wednesday: How could I?
Enid: You touched that dog at that park!
Wednesday: How the hell did you know?
Enid: I’m a werewolf! Of course I can tell! How could you do this to me?!
The blonde werewolf runs upstairs and closes the door immediately. Later that night Wednesday is preparing her couch to sleep in until Enid comes downstairs.
Enid: I’m scared. Come cuddle with me. But don’t talk to me I’m still mad at you!
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smutinlove · 4 months
fem reader
*dad figure glenn♡♡
Reader and carl fight because of y/n got jealous of him and enid always being toghether ( or y/n feels like hes slipping away from her)
anyways u choose the ending, ty:)
enjoy (not proof-read though)
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
It was unbelievable. Ever since you and the group had gotten to Alexandria, you and Carl had sort of been slipping away from each other.
Carl had adjusted quicker than you did. You always stayed away from most of the Alexandrians, you only ever communicated with them when you needed something.
But other than that, you despised them. They were always "sitting pretty" and they obviously did not know a thing about hardwork and survival.
Carl had also made an odd friend. A friend which you did not like. You hated her. Her name? Enid. She was oddly close with him, always clinging to his shoulder. It pained you. And you loathed Enid.
After pushing your thoughts away, you heard the door to your bedroom open. When you looked up, your eyes met a mesmerizing azure. It was Carl. "Hey, love," Carl said, making you roll yours eyes.
"Carl, it's almost midnight. Where have you been?" You asked, anger slowly seeping into your words. Carl chuckled. "Sorry. I was hanging out with Enid and the guys."
Enid and the guys, huh?
You let out a breathy laugh. "Enid and the guys?" you questioned. "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" asked Carl.
Carl hung out with everyone except you. Hell, he even hung out with Carol. You were worried about him. But you were also mad at him.
"Carl, I can feel you slipping way from me. I love you, you know? You're my best friend and my lover. You're the one, Carl. But I can't stand it! I can't stand you pushing past me all the time!" Tears streamed down your cheeks.
"Y/N, please. I love you too! But I want a life even in this monster-infested world. That doesn't me I'll stop loving you just because I want a life." Carl explained.
"Carl, what the fuck? What about me? You're slipping away from me because of that Enid! And you're losing me." You yelled. You hated saying these things to him, but he needed to know how you felt.
Carl stared at you in disbelief. "Y/N, she's just a friend, I swear!" You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. "She's flirting with you!" You yelled. "Why can't you understand that? She is fucking flirting with you. That bitch has a crush on you and if you can't see that, fuck you. Talk to me when you've come to your senses!"
You ran out of your bedroom and went downstairs, only to realize that everyone was awake. It was midnight, why were they awake? Then it hit you. They'd all heard your fight with Carl.
And there stood Glenn Rhee. The man that saved you. The man who gave you your life back. He was like a father to you. He cared about you.
And now you found him staring at you with pure pity in his eyes. "Y/N, dear..." And something in you shattered, your heart was in shambles now.
Hearing his voice ended it for you. Tears once again fell down your cheeks. Everyone took it as a sign to leave, making it just you and Glenn downstairs. You ran to him and hugged him.
"It's okay, Y/N, I'm here for you." He let you cry out your frustrations into his shoulder.
After a few minutes, you pulled away from him. "Thank you, Glenn, for being there for me. You're amazing." You sniffled.
Glenn smiled softy. "You're a brave, sweet, and wonderful person. If Carl can't see that, then he's the one missing out." You nodded at his reassuring words.
It had been a few days since your fight with Carl. You had avoided Carl and tried not to think about him. But whenever you thought you'd gotten rid of him from your mind, he'd suddenly appeared in front of you and beg for your forgiveness.
It was getting old.
Now you sat at the edge of your bed, tying your shoelaces when you heard the door creak open. You looked up, your eyes met a pair of azure blues. "Carl, please, leave."
He shook his head.
"No, not until you hear me out, Y/N," you knew it wasn't gonna end unless you listened to him. "Hurry up."
He got close to your and squatted on the floor.
"I'm sorry, okay? I know how you feel around Enid and I should've listened to you. But the thing is, she likes you, love," your eyes widened.
"Yeah. I guess... maybe I should be worried." Carl joked, causing you to smile. "I love you, okay? I would kill everyone for you. You're my family. I don't know how I'll live without you."
You blushed. "You definitely know how to make a girl smile."
───── ❝ authors note ❞ ─────
anyway send more reqs!!! i had so much fun writing this <3
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ok but imagine reader being like rivals/enemies w xavier and finds out that xavier is going on a date w someone and reader gets jealous and drinks alot and she confesses to xavier yk
ok yes!
parings: Xavier Thorpe x Fem!reader summary: you confess to Xavier while drunk Warnings: swearing, drinking, jealousy
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"you are so annoying" you chuckled sarcastically
"and why do you think that?"
"because you're a dick" you snapped at him
"how?" he stuffed his hands in his pockets, lifting his shoulders as he looked at you
"all you do is torment me and tease and make fun of me, you think you're so much better than everybody else but guess what? you're not. you're an asshole and you need to fucking grow up because it's getting sad" you ranted
"you think you're much better?" he scoffed
you laughed at him "I don't need to be better than you"
"then why the hell are you still here?" he glared at you
"why are you still here?" you replied "it's like you want to hear how much of an ass you are"
"just stay away from me, alright? you seem to be around me a lot for someone who hates me" he requested
"you hate me too" you stated
"never said I didn't" he clenched his jaw
you started to walk away from him but you heard him speak softly "what a fucking bitch"
"oh fuck off" you flipped him off
3rd person
Enid talked on and on about the new gossip of the the school as the girl who sat next to her yawned in boredom.
the bubbly blonde rambled on about Xavier allegedly going on a date with one of the Vampire girls
"oh yeah, I heard about that!" Yoko said
Y/n groaned in annoyance "can we change topic now"
"we know you don't like Xavier, Y/n but we're just talking gossip. wouldn't you want to know about it?" Enid asked
"No, I don't want to know that. I could not care less about what he does" you rolled your eyes
"I can't even say his name?" Enid asked
"that would be perfect, actually" you nodded
Enid and Yoko sighed, raising their eyebrows as they looked at each other
"ok, so what are your plans tonight?" Enid quizzed awkwardly
"probably getting wasted and falling asleep on a bench somewhere" you shrugged
"why, exactly?" Yoko questioned
"I don't know, feel like it" you yawned
"please don't hurt yourself" Enid pleaded
"I'll be fine, Enid. I always am"
you watched Xavier go up to the girl, hugging her and kissing her cheek. she seemed to giggle at his actions, looking up at him with longing
they talked for a bit before they walked off to somewhere you didn't know.
you rolled your eyes at the two before getting up. going up to your dorm where you threw your things around, looking for the alcohol you stashed.
you opened a bottle of liquor, chugging it down at an unholy rate, finishing it just as soon as you started it.
you dug for another bottle of beer, you yawned as you twisted the cap, leaning against your bed as you drunk it slowly.
soon enough you were laying on the floor with multiple empty bottles on the floor next to you as you stared up at your ceiling, feeling dizzy at how drunk you were.
you felt horrible but so alive at the same time
you scrolled on your phone, squinting to see the screen properly
you clicked on Enid's story, seeing that she reposted a photo from another girls account. clicking on it, you saw it was tagged Xavier's account.
you coughed and threw your phone on your bed. leaning on it to help you get up.
you walked to the door and trailed to the boy's dormitories, stumbling a few time on the way. you still had a bottle in your hand that wasn't quite finished but still you knocked on the door harshly
"open up! you yelled, waiting impatiently for him to open the door
you heard footsteps coming to the door and it soon opened, revealing Xavier.
"you" you poked his chest
"me?" he asked nervously
you looked past him and noticed she was still with him, hanging on his bed
"you are an asshole" you hiccupped
"that's the third time today" he rolled his eyes
"yeah well you deserve to know" you slurred
"enlighten me" he sighed annoyed
"you know what? how could you. go on a date when you clearly know I like you" you confessed, holding out the hand with the beer
"that's it! you're drunk" he cheered sarcastically
"who is it?" the girl asked from Xavier's bed
"doesn't matter right now, don't worry about it" he assured her
he turned back to you and only just realised the state you were in
"just because I'm drunk does not mean I don't know what I'm saying" you almost tripped over your feet
"that's exactly what drinking does, there's no way you would like me. you make it very clear that you hate me every second of the day" he furrowed his eyebrows
"it's only a cover up." you whispered
"how drunk are you?" he chuckled lightly
"I'm sober enough to know what I'm saying" you stated
"I'm kind of on a date here, Y/n, can we talk about this another time?" he suggested
"No! this is the only reason I'm even here" you complained with another hiccup
"why are you here?" he wondered
"to tell you that you're- you're making a mistake" you said, choking up on your words
"a mistake? what's a mistake?" he shook his head confused by the interaction
"you should be on a date with me right now" you paused as you coughed violently "that should be me in there"
"and why's that?" he licked his lips
"because I like you! I've liked you for ages. I am basically yours! I've been yours since you ended things with Bianca" you confessed
he nodded his head slowly, running a hand through his hair
"you're really fucking drunk right now, Y/n. I think you should go to bed" he pointed out
"I don't need sleep, I need you!" you admitted loudly
"what's going on?" the girl came up behind Xavier
"you're ruining everything! I loved him first" you admitted with a cough
Xavier looked down at his feet as he sighed deeply
"pardon?" she tilted her head
"you can't tell me you don't like me too" you pleaded to Xavier
"you're drunk" he muttered
"that didn't answer her question" the girl turned to him
"what? I'm not going to answer her!" he huffed
"so you like her?" she crossed her arms
Xavier stood there silent for a second before the girl scoffed, getting her things and pushed past to leave
"bye, asshole"
"I'm sorry" you apologised
"no you're not" he breathed heavily, he slowly took the bottle off you and set it on the table next to his door
"I like you, Xavier" you repeated yourself for the third time
"you're going to forget about this tomorrow and go back to hating me" he chuckled
"no I'm not" you shook your head
"you're so stubborn" he smiled
"you already knew that" you blinked
you tripped over thin air and fell backwards, a little squeal coming out of your mouth
Xavier caught you and held you in his arms as he helped you back onto your feet
"you alright?" he questioned
"never better" you giggled with a hiccup.
"you're not going to make it back to your room, are you?" he laughed
"I'll probably just sleep on the stairs" you replied with a yawn
"come on"
he lead you inside his room, taking a deep breath as he smelt the alcohol in your breath,
"what are you doing?" you asked quietly
"you're sleeping here tonight. I won't let you sleep out there" he responded
"are you sure?"
"again, you're too drunk to think right now" he repeated himself
"I can think" you said as he got you into his bed, covering you in his blanket
"can you?" he raised an eyebrow, amused
"yeah, you wanna know what I think right now?" you smiled drunkenly up at him
"what are you thinking?" he played along, fixing the pillow below your head
"I think I want to kiss you" you admitted
he stayed silent for a second, not wanting to do anything wrong
he was leaned down above you as he tucked you in, his face so close to yours. so your drunken mind lead you to lean forward, pressing a soft kiss on lips, and just as he started kissing you back, he stopped himself, pulling away.
"I'm not going to do this, you're drunk" he shook his head in denial.
"can you promise me something?" you asked
"sure, why not" he sighed, making sure you were comfortable on his bed
"promise that when I'm sober, you'll remind me of tonight"
he took a second before a agreeing "I promise"
he stood up and put a blanket on the floor
"where are you going?" you questioned
"sleeping on the floor" he stated the obvious
"no, no please sleep up here" you patted the space beside you
"no, that seems wrong" he turned it down
"I won't let you sleep on the floor" you replied bluntly "besides, I'm cold"
he looked skeptical
"we can have a pillow wall" you suggested and he gave in. taking a few pillows, putting them between the both of you as he laid down on the other side of his bed.
he never reminded you of that night, because you remembered it when you woke up, snuggled up to his chest with pillows thrown on the floor with a massive headache.
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Pairing: Enid Sinclair x fem!reader
Summary: You've had a crush on Enid for the longest time, but she was with Ajax. Ajax, who was boring and uninspiring and not thoughtful at all. You couldn't help but feel jealous, knowing you could treat her better than him.
Warnings: unrequited love, jealousy / envy, Ajax slander
Words: 910
Part Two // Part Three // Part Four
Enid Sinclair.
The perfect girl.
She's bubbly, loyal, easygoing, funny, and not afraid to stand up for what's right. She's gorgeous, inside and out. Her cute dyed hair, her pretty blue eyes, her smile- God her smile.
She's everything.
And he's just... him.
He's... a loser. Just some Stoner kid with the personality of a wheat thin. Him and his stupid hoodies, him and his stupid dumb smile and stupid laugh. Why, why, why did Enid like him? He was rather boring, not much to offer conversationally. He was attractive you supposed, but not that attractive. Maybe he was a good kisser? God, you really didn't want to think of him kissing Enid.
It was all so unfair. Why couldn't she see him for what he was? He's just a loser. Some kid, with nothing special or particularly interesting about him. Hell, on their first date he stood her up, and didn't even bother telling her why! You would never have done that to her.
If only she saw you. She'd maybe realize....
You'd do anything for her- move heaven and earth- anything she asked. You'd get her flowers every week, make sure to get her favorites and not just red roses like Ajax. You knew Enid was partial to peonies. You also knew she didn't like dark chocolate, unlike Ajax who always bought her assorted chocolates. You knew she hated pineapple on pizza, you knew her favorite artist was Lana Del Rey, you knew her favorite color was pink but she also favored yellow. She preferred gold jewelry, she only liked her coffee sweet, and she never ate pancakes for breakfast ever since she had the stomach flu when she was twelve.
But Ajax- that stupid boy- didn't know hardly any of these simple things about his own girlfriend. He buys her silver jewelry, Taylor Swift albums, dark chocolate- all the little things he should notice he just doesn't.
But you do.
And yet.... Enid sees Ajax and not you.
You suppose that makes you bitter and jealous. Probably toxic to some degree as you glare at them during lunch, while Enid sits in Ajax's lap, telling him about her day as he gazes at her with glazed over eyes. 'Is he even listening?' You think bitterly as you clench your jaw, suddenly losing your appetite.
"Jeez, I'm not a fan of Ajax either, but you look like you're trying to blow him up with your mind. You good, girl?" Yoko asks as she takes a seat next to you, stealing a french fry off your tray. You push your tray towards her, no longer hungry as you see Ajax and Enid begin making out.
"Yeah I'm just peachy." You say drily as you pry your gaze away from the two to look at Yoko, who looks unimpressed. She heaves a sigh and rubs her forehead wearily.
"Listen, I know you've had a thing for Enid for like, years, but you really need to let it go. She has a boyfriend and it doesn't look like they're breaking up any time soon. There's so many other girls too! Don't miss an opportunity just because you're so hung up on Enid." Yoko says, her voice slightly uncertain as she speaks, a hint of worry in her tone. You knew somewhere in the back of your mind Yoko was just trying to be a good friend, and you knew she was probably right. Your heart however didn't care, bitterness and envy swelling in your chest like acid.
"I don't want other girls. I don't care about other girls. Enid is just- she's different. There's nobody like her, shes so sweet, and pretty and smart and warm. And loyal! I mean look what she did for Wednesday last year!" You huff angrily as you look back towards Enid, seeing her and Ajax now standing and saying their farewells, Enid giving Ajax a big hug and a kiss before happily skipping away. 'I wish she hugged me like that.'
"I know... but still it's not healthy to keep pining after her like this. She just... doesn't see you like that." Yoko said gently, her gaze soft as she tried to catch your gaze. You felt a familiar squeezing in your chest at her words.
"I know but... I don't think I can help it." You say softly as you look down at your tray. standing up and taking it with you, dumping the rest of your food in the trash before heading to your next class, ignoring the lump in your throat.
How could you think such cruel things about Ajax anyways? Why must jealousy burn you up from the inside? Why couldn't you just be happy for Enid? She seemed pleased enough in her relationship. So what if she wasn't with you, so long as she was happy, right? You just couldn't help but feel she would be happier with you. Such a selfish thing to think.
In the end, Ajax was with Enid, not you.
Perhaps you were the one who was a loser.
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extinctspino · 2 years
can i do a request where the reader gets jealous of wednesday for seeing her tending to tyler's injuries so the reader ends up punching tyler and walks away ignoring wednesday going so far as to give her the silent treatment so the reader asks wednesday why she never takes care of the reader like that and wednesday ends up not answering this question so the reader decides to ignore her for a few more hours but the two make up (reader and wednesday are already dating)
Pairing: Wednesday x GNreader
Wordcount: 680
Warnings: Cursing
Author’s note: Maybe reader is being a lil dramatic but I think it’s alright.
Seeing your usually uncaring girlfriend tending to Tyler’s wounds like that made your blood boil. Out of every other person in the room SHE just HAD to do it. And why was his shirt open all the way?! He could’ve just unbuttoned a few of the top buttons but no, of course not, why would he.
It wasn’t even that bad of an injury, you were sure Tyler would be able to plaster it up by himself. But this isn’t the first time anything like this happened.
Just Wednesday and Tyler in general. You knew Wednesday was loyal, but you also knew Tyler was interested in her, yet she was still hanging out with him if you could even call it that.
You balled your hands into fists and took a deep breath, but you lost it all when Tyler spoke, “Thanks doc.” 
Who knew something so small could ignite the beast inside you. But since you kept your anger inside you for so long, it had been building up so there was no stopping you now. 
You stomped your way over to him and stood there a good second before absolutely smashing the shit out of his face. He practically flew off the chair he was sitting on. “What the fuck!” He hissed in pain and blood began running down his nose.
Just after you had hit him the door opened, “What the hell happened?” The sheriff - Tyler’s father - walked into the room, but you straight up ignored him.
“Go burn in hell, Tyler.” You turned around and walked past the sheriff, leaving through the front door.
Everyone in the room was shocked at what just happened. “What was that for?” Enid asked no one in particular. Xavier didn’t make a single sound, he was trying his best to not laugh. He wasn’t really fond of Tyler either so... win-win.
Wednesday wanted to go after you, but she needed a few words with the sheriff first. Besides, maybe you needed to cool down a bit before you and Wednesday talked.
The next day, Wednesday couldn’t find you anywhere around the school. She even asked Enid, but she didn’t have an answer either.
She only spotted you when she saw you leaving Xavier’s room with a wide smile on your face. 
She furrowed her brows and marched up to you. “Y/n, why did you do that to Tyler.” You kept walking as if you didn’t hear her.
Wednesday was shocked although she didn’t show it. She had never been ignored like that before. She was always the one ignoring not the other way around. She brushed away the slight hurt she felt when you plainly walked further.
She followed you,” Don’t ignore me.” Her deadly voice always made you give in but not this time. 
You halted your movements and looked at her. Your neutral facial expression faltered and your true emotions appeared. “Why?” You were angry and sad at the same time. 
“What do you mean?” You wished Wednesday was pretending she didn’t know what you were talking about. Unfortunately, she wasn’t.
“Why do you not care for me the way you do for Tyler?” You knew Wednesday cared about you, but your jealousy overruled any other thoughts. 
“You know he’s into you, but you’re still around him! You probably even cleaned up that bloody nose for him after I left!” You looked away from her, ashamed of your sudden outburst. 
“I absolutely adore your personality and understand that you’re a bit hesitant about physical touch, but why does that only apply to me? You didn’t seem hesitant when you were patching him up.” Your words died down at the end of your sentence.
“I-I’m sorry for overreacting like that...” You wanted to slap yourself for letting your jealousy get the best of you. But that thought immediately disappeared when Wednesday took your hand in hers. 
“Don’t apologize. I should be the one apologizing.” She said sincerely. 
You locked your eyes with hers and smiled at her. 
“Now tell me, why were you in Xavier’s room?”
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
your probably gonna get tired of this fiction but I need a part 3 to the ones where wednesday thinks yn is woth xavier and Enid makes her ask yn out and now they're dating can we get a part 3 where Wednesdays still jealous of xavier
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This extension of the story shouldn’t exist, this extension shouldn’t have even been taken into consideration; Following the basic structure of a three part act- much like how most of modern story telling was formatted - Wednesday’s story started with her craving a forbidden fruit just out of her grasp. Then later came to it’s thrilling conclusion when you happily accepted her as your girlfriend. After all no one wants to read about what happens after happily ever after for the harsh realism of not all relationships are built last, no matter how well matched the lovers might be; for it only servers as a great reminder that nothing was meant to last forever.
People tend to actively choose to live in ignorant bliss as to avoid accepting the notoriously worst aspects of humanity. They subconsciously refuse to use the cognitive thinking abilities because it meant to not only to evaluate the way things were but to evaluate their own actions and beliefs also; To some, this would be considered too much work whilst to others, it’s all they’ve been doing their entire existence. So why was it that in this moment did Wednesday wished to become blissfully ignorant to the way you and Xavier walked within unnecessarily close proximity to one another as you both entered the quad.
She has long accepted that you and Xavier were inseparable friends but did he really have to be sat so close to you to the point that his shoulder was permanently attached to yours? It made her skin crawl with the thought of him tainting your skin. To make matters worse for Wednesday, Xavier rested his head against your shoulder with a pout as though exhausted from the walk over to her table; That wasn’t the worst part for her, the worst part for Wednesday was the fact that you laughed at his actions. “I’m sorry babe, doofus over here lost sleep because he was too preoccupied with the projects within his private paradise,” you turned to stare down at his head, “again.”
Xavier whined as he burrowed his head deeper into your shoulder; Wednesday wanted to craft his luscious golden brown hair into a basket of which would serve to carry his severed head should he continue the way that he has. “Where’s the snooze button on this thing.” He joked as he pretended to act as though he was attempting to turn off an alarm, making you laugh which in turn made him smile upon result. You and Wednesday weren’t necessarily open about your relationship, preferring to keep pda to a minimum, unless behind closed doors; The only person aware of your relationship was Enid, so to the rest of Nevermore instead of her being the one you were actively dating it was Xavier.
You never had qualms about not being able to parade your girlfriend around as you respected her wishes; Wednesday on the other hand was internally seething at her own idiocy for not foreseeing the detrimental effects of this predicament. Her black heart only grew darker when you playfully shove Xavier off of your shoulder and act offended of being compared to that of an obnoxious alarm clock. “The next time you wish to fall asleep in class, do so on your bag or sketch book because your shoulder privileges have been revoked.” Xavier gasps, hurt, as he turned to look at Wednesday. “You hearing this?” He asks.
“My ears are fully functional the last time I checked.” Wednesday replied shortly which no one took to heart considering that this was just how she socially interacted. However you could differentiate when she was being hostile and when she was just being her usual self. You were well aware of how your close friendship with Xavier was affecting your girlfriend, hell way before you and Wednesday were dating you would utilise your close friendship in hopes of making her jealous; Which worked they way you intended but fear that it had seemed so far into her that it soon became an insecurity.
An insecurity that only told Wednesday that due to her emotional stump and refusal of partake in grand gestures of PDA outside the dorm room, you would sooner or later search that fulfilment elsewhere; primarily in Xavier. However Wednesday knew of your loyalty to her, to your friends and in her assuming such a thing of you would put her into question of whether or not she actually knew you. “Xavier,” you placed your hand on your friends shoulder, “would you mind giving me and my girlfriend a bit of space for a bit.” You asked of him as he stared into your eyes in gauging your emotions. Xavier and yourself built a method of checking in on one another without the use of words; You’ve known each other long enough to be able to get a good read on what the other was feeling at certain moments.
So afterwards a brief moment of silence Xavier smiled softly, patting you on the shoulder before muttering a small ‘okay’ before leaving you and Wednesday to have the whole table to yourselves. “Why’d you send him away? I thought you were content with having your best friend around all the time.” Wednesday asked, feeling slight relief that she didn’t have to compete for your attention anymore. “You wanna know why?” You laughed as you reached over to grab her colder hands in yours, squeezing them in hopes that a drop of your warmth would bleed into her palms. “I sent Xavier away for his own safety. You were on the precipice of murdering him out of jealously.”
Wednesday almost flinched away at the accusation but your hands held her steady that she found herself squeezing your hands almost out of instinct. “I don’t see why you protect him like you do, can he not protect himself all of a sudden?” She asks bitterly, remembering how you’d go out of your way to have Xavier’s back whenever the normies of Jericho got a little headstrong with their ‘pranks.’ He was in fencing for fucksakes. You found humour in her perception of the artist and decided to let her in on some first hand experience. “Wednesday, Xavier is the equivalent of a damsel in distress. He needs me to protect him from doing stupid shit.”
You felt immense pride when you saw the edges of her lips quirk upward, tightening your grip on her hands, “You on the other hand,” you continued, “can handle yourself quite well and besides I find your verbal beatdowns attractive.” You winked, making your girlfriend scoff at your blatant flirting. Whatever it was that you were doing, it was working it’s magic on her. The jealously and insecurity she had felt prior were now a thing of the past when you smiled lovingly at her. Wednesday knew you didn’t look at Xavier the way you looked at her, you looked at her with love, admiration and caring; Whilst with Xavier, it was purely platonic. Your eyes may shine for him but they glowed for her every. Single. Time.
It reminded her of where your heart truly lied at the end of the day despite it’s sheer size to withhold both her and Xavier in it. However Wednesday had a tendency to be selfish and the inability to share the things she held of priceless value within her bleak life. She may not have trusted Xavier had he said there was nothing between you; but she trusted you indefinitely to go as far as to believe when you say that theres nothing short of platonic feelings between you and Xavier. “As much as i despite to admit but you’re right I can hold my own whilst Xavier on the other hand cannot despite talking big of himself.” Wednesday said as she found the inside of her chest tickling when your lips turned upward into a smile.
“Oh believe me, Xavier is as pathetic as they come.” You mused, finding hilarity whenever the boy would hide himself behind your back whenever he was being a little shit. It was an endearing trait when it was posed against others but when it was used against you, that’s when you found Xavier at his most annoying. “However, I believe we’ve talked enough about that knobhead for one day, how about we head off to garden and prick our fingers on rose thrones just to feel something?” You raised your brows as in a silent invitation. Wednesday didn’t say anything other then stand from her chair with your hands still in hers before effectively dragging you to the school gardens.
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cultofdixon · 1 year
Good Ol’ Dixon Advice
Daryl Dixon [PLATONIC] | Carl Grimes [ROMANTIC] • He/Him Pronouns • Crushes are weird and Daryl may not have the golden standard advice. But he’ll do his best • ANGST/SFW • TW: PTSD / Nightmares / Scars / Messy Confessions / Self Harm Mentioned
Requested by: Anon
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“Hey uh…dad? You’ve got a minute?”
Daryl looked up from the bike frame noticing his son standing at the garage door extremely anxious. He stopped what he was doing to give Y/N his attention.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing! Or I don’t know. I just. Uh….” Y/N tried his best to be blunt about it, but he doesn’t know how Daryl would react to such. So might as well just… “I’m gay”
The archer blankly stared at his kid watching his tense shoulders relax when he shrugged before turning back to the bike frame.
“So? Love who yea want”
“Oh. Okay cool, so how do I do it”
“Huh?” His full attention returned in a split second as Y/N brought himself more into the garage to avoid anyone listening in. Both being paranoid individuals about eavesdroppers even if most aren’t around. “What do you mean ‘how do I do it?’ There’s no handbook to being gay”
“No! I know…like that much. I’m talking—-talking to your crush. Shit like that”
“Language, bud” Daryl scowled, asking for a certain tool for Y/N to grab as he did. If he’s going to be there, he’s going to learn and help with building the bike. “I don’t know how to deal with that that well”
“Seriously? You and Carol aren’t something alre—-“
“What! She’s not here! Aaron and Eric aren’t here! NO ONES LISTENING”
“WHOLE TOWN MIGHT AS WELL IF YEA YELLING” Daryl snaps, ultimately regretting it when Y/N retracted as he takes a deep breath. “Sorry. Shouldn’t have yelled. But again, I ain’t the best with crushes either. Hell, I only talk to yea most”
“Clearly. But you do grunt for every other sentence” Y/N states listening to him grunt in response, only proving his point.
Daryl handed off the tool for Y/N to put back as it dawned on him. “Who do yea like?”
“Uhhhhh. Not important”
“Y/N, bud…if yea want advice. I might wanna know”
“Or you don’t gotta and still give me advice that you won’t take for yourself and your own crushes”
This kid’s obvious statements is gonna piss Daryl off soon.
“Imma start guessin’ if yea—-“
“Carl!” He snaps hoping to then drop it as he was starting to stress himself out thinking about it. “But it’s like…fuck I don’t know” he got up about to leave the garage but stopped at the exit/entrance.
“Seriously I may cuss a lot. Don’t mean you gotta” Daryl gets up from his seated position, tossing the rag that he wiped his hands with on the work bench watching Y/N tense at the thoughts he was getting. “What’s stopping yea from just saying how yea feel?”
“Don’t you like…gotta know first if they like or don’t like the same gender…”
“Mm. From what I learned growing up, people just take their chances and if they ain’t? You move on”
“There’s nothing to move onto”
“That…sounded bad. But if you have a crush on the kid, then why not take the risk?”
“Cuz there’s also the chance of this Enid girl”
“Have you heard of bisexuals?” Daryl questioning only to receive a glare from Y/N as he held his hands up defensively. “I’ve never seen this Enid girl anyway. Heard of her but not seen her”
“Yeah well she’s on Rick’s good side for the most part. The dude doesn’t know she climbs the walls…and that Carl follows her and I just. Stay in here”
His kid was jealous, he could sense that instantly. But again, he doesn’t know until he just says something.
“Either take the risk or be disappointed, bud” Daryl pats him on the back as Y/N gave him a saddened look.
“I’m scared though”
“It’ll be alright. Whatever happens. It’ll be alright, son”
The next day, Daryl went to talk about such with Rick without his kid knowing that he was doing so. Since to Y/N’s surprise, everyone knew about his crush on the Grimes kid…except the kid himself.
Rick stopped watching a certain someone from the window when he heard the front door open. “Who is it?”
“Were yea expecting someone other than me?” Daryl scoffs shutting the door behind him watching his friend move away from the window. “No seriously. Who were yea expecting?”
“Just doing my job. Keepin’ an eye on people” Rick brought himself into the kitchen to get a bottle ready for Judith as it was almost time for her to wake from her nap. “What’s up, Daryl?”
“It’s about our boys” He says in a calm manner when joining him in the kitchen, but even with the calmness it still lead to worry coming on Rick’s face.
“What happened to our sons? Did Carl fight that Ron kid? Or did Y/N try leavin’ again”
“No to both of those. But it’s mainly about Y/N’s feelings”
Rick froze a moment as he screwed on the bottle cap before letting the confusion continue on his expression.
“Gonna have to explain more”
“Everybody knows Y/N likes your son”
“Okay, who doesn’t like Carl? He’s a great kid”
I’m about to lose my shit Daryl squints trying to read the oblivious expression on his friend’s face. “Rick. Seriously?”
“Seriously what?”
Guess the Grimes have that in common, being fucking clueless to things like love. Daryl wasn’t going to have it and would have to bring this type of conversation up again.
But in the mean time, Y/N was slowly building up the courage to talk to Carl. He climbed over the wall to follow after him wherever he was going and it didn’t take long to find the young Grimes…and what he was doing.
The archer flinched from his spot by the window which was a habit of his, Rick did it for different intentions earlier. He mainly reacted to the front door shutting harshly, immediately noticing Y/N running into the house.
“Hey! What’s wrong?!”
“Nothing! The world is a terrible fucking shithole that I don’t want to be apart of” Y/N yells back only for Daryl to get annoyed and ignore the boundary his son has where if he was upset, then Daryl can’t just barge in on the matter he has to approach it gently. But given he almost broke the front door, he wasn’t having it.
“What happened? Seriously. You can’t just shut out and curse”
“Why can’t I just fucking internalize my feelings for a fucking night! I don’t want to talk about it” Y/N snaps about to shut the door to the basement apartment the two stayed in under the Grimes’s residence. But Daryl caught his foot in it.
“Nah. We’re either talking about it or I’m stickin’ with yea until you calm down”
“I’m not going to fucking hurt myself!”
“STOP CURSING” Daryl snaps. “And how do I know you won’t when that’s what yea used to do back in the prison after we found yea”
He didn’t know he knew. But honest? How can you hide something that serious in the apocalypse? Even the old world there would be an anxious aura whenever something as serious as that happened. Or at least Daryl isn’t blind to stuff like that.
“I’m…I’m not gonna do anything…I just wanna stop thinkin’ about it” Y/N frowns pressing his back against the wall and slumping to the floor. “I wish I didn’t see it”
Daryl frowns bringing himself to kneel to his level and not asking, but gave his kid a look to tell him at his own speed.
“Can we just…talk about it in the morning”
“As long as I know you’re not gonna do anythin’, bud.” Daryl sighs. “And that if anythin’ during the night yea come and get me”
It didn’t take long for the anxiety to consume Daryl during the night. He already has issues sleeping and now this? He didn’t want anything to happen to his kid and given their conversation from the other day…it could only be revolved around that. Or something REALLY bad happened that has nothing to do with it.
But the next morning, without the usual having breakfast with the rest of their group. Y/N leaned up against the wall as Daryl stood in the kitchenette.
“Did yea sleep?”
“No…I should’ve just known” Y/N frowns bringing his attention to his feet. “Like. Why did I even bother trying to build up the courage to tell him if I was just gonna see what I saw”
“You told Carl?”
“No, but I saw him and Enid kiss”
“Oh…oh, I’m sorry kid” Daryl didn’t know what else to say as Y/N didn’t know what he wanted to hear frankly. “Somebody will come”
“Oh like that’s possible”
It is. Given Daryl and Aaron are recruiters and there are other fishes…in this apocalyptic sea. But this was recent and he wanted to feel his feelings in private.
Even if he doesn’t know the other side of the story.
The two hide within a tree trunk to avoid walkers and whoever else was outside the walls. Enid brought herself close as Carl tensed slightly when looking her in the eye to try and read what she was instigating.
Then when her lips pressed against his and the sound of shuffling happening, Carl pulled away giving her a confused look.
“Oh. Shit I overstepped”
“No—Well. Yes. Sorry I just…don’t like yea in that way”
“Oh okay…” Enid wasn’t entirely surprised, her being in a similar situation as another where you have to take the risk and either be disappointed never knowing or at least knowing feeling either way. “So…this is a bit awkward”
“Yeah. But like. I care about you and I don’t want this to like. Ruin the chance of being friends”
“It’ll be awkward yea. But no I agree.” Enid reassured him with a smile. “Just friends”
As they exited the tree once the coast was clear, the two started to head back toward the wall they scaled and Enid had to know.
“Who…do you like?”
“Do I have to like someone?”
“Well I do. I just had to make sure”
Enid rolls her eyes followed by a laugh as Carl drops down beside her. “Imma guess if you don’t say anything”
“I’m not gonna be surprised if you get it on the first guess”
“Oh, so it is Y/N? Cuz that’s who I was thinking of. Ron doesn’t seem like your type…whatever that is”
“Clearly Y/N”
“Daryl, we need to talk”
The archer is always disturbed when working on his bike and there’s only two people he doesn’t care for the disruption, Rick ain’t one of them.
“I’m busy”
“It’s about our sons”
Daryl sets his tools down giving Rick his undivided attention, noticing the tense expression on his face which lead to his worry but he was better at masking it.
“What happened?”
“Carl just told me he likes your son”
Holy shit Daryl instantly stood to his feet when he heard such and thought how did Rick find this out or what more could’ve happened that didn’t involve either of them. “Okay?”
“Like. Fuck how do I go about this?!”
Oh. Great. “Rick, are you like. Upset by it or—-“
“NO! NO NO NO.” Rick scrambled a bit before taking a deep breath. “No. Just surprised is all. I don’t know what to do about the information I was given”
“Be happy for our kids? But…Uh. Wait. What did Carl tell yea exactly?”
“That he likes both males and femal—“
“About Y/N”
“That he likes Y/N a lot and that he’s been avoiding him. Asking me what he should do but I don’t know!”
Part of Daryl wanted to smack Rick given he has more parenting experience than the archer but he’s this clueless. But another part worried about his kid.
“You’ve seen Y/N today?”
“No, neither has Carl or frankly anybody”
Not like Y/N would go very far since when they first brought him in he was a bit skittish, sure. But as Daryl took him in and the group made him feel like he was a part of something…he never wanted to leave that. He simply has his moments he would rather be alone but he’ll always come back.
And he does.
Daryl waited by the gate for most of the day thinking about the route he’ll take to go find Y/N if he doesn’t come back soon. But when the gates were pushed open, letting said individual in as he was instantly met with a glare.
“Uh. I brought game?” Y/N tried to soften the tension looming as he held up a rabbit that he caught.
“You gotta go talk to Carl”
“Why?” Y/N scoffs carrying his rabbit toward their home as Daryl grabbed his shoulder carefully pulling them back. “What! Why do I have to?! His answer was loud and clear”
“His answer wasn’t loud and clear. You gotta trust me and go talk to Carl.”
“Okay…and what do I get if I do it?”
A boyfriend what fucking else do yea want?! Daryl thought as he knew where Y/N was about to go which made him a tad annoyed.
“You tell Carol.”
“Do I have to go fucking first?”
“No, and language” Y/N grins deviously before tossing the rabbit at him and making his way to the Grimes’ residence but up to where Carl’s room was.
The time from the gate to the door of Carl’s room, made him anxious. He didn’t want to talk about it with him. Didn’t want to be rejected face to face…but right before Y/N knocked on the door, he heard his name being called from the stairs…noticing Carl had gotten home right after he did.
“Oh uh. This is awkward”
“But good. I gotta talk to you”
Huh? Y/N brought himself close but enough for distance even if Carl did take a step forward to break it and some part of Y/N kept him cemented.
“You’ve been avoiding me…and it’s got me thinking about what happened recently with uh. Me and Enid”
“Oh I—“
“I knew someone had ran off in the distance. Too fast to be a Walker or at least we don’t know any variants that can run uh…Just. I knew you saw what you saw”
“Oh…and I’m guessing you’re confirming—-“
“No!…No. it’s not like that at all…I do like Enid. But it was never in that way” Carl started to become a bit bashful as the rise of a pink hue came to his cheeks. “Really never was”
Now Y/N was feeling a bit of the heat rise to his cheeks as he thought this was his window. It is! Just say—-
“I like you”
“I like you”
That left the two to laugh at the unison as Carl instantly brought Y/N into his embrace, feeling him tighten his grasp on the Grimes. The two held onto each other for a while…until the time felt right to take that next step. Even if for the time being it was a kiss on the cheek from Y/N to Carl because they might not know, but the two knew the dads looming on the first floor.
“You think he confessed”
“Yeah they are definitely sucking face right about now if they ain’t talkin’”
“Calm your tits, Rick. They’re young love let them enjoy themselves…” Daryl starts as it started to get a bit too quiet. “BUT NOT TOO MUCH”
“FUCK OFF DAD” Y/N yells downstairs as that was their cue to leave the two alone for a bit.
Enjoy their happiness for themselves
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fangirlies · 2 years
AGREEED i love jealous xavier too 👀 what about ajax tired of his bff being tormented around reader that he pretends he has a crush on her so xavier would make a move on her faster
There you sat, cross-legged as you took a bite of your breakfast. Xavier eyed the way you body gently rises as you took in a fresh breath. He watched as you graciously greeted your friends. He noticed how your hair fell almost too flawlessly on your school blazer and you, as usual, played with the ends of it.
"You know, now that I'm really looking at her... she's kinda sexy," Ajax muses. Xavier shifts his gaze from your seated body across the quad to his best friends sitting beside him. It wasn’t like Ajax didn’t know how bad Xavier drooled at the mere thought of you. The gorgon was becoming irritated, hearing and seeing Xavier nearly fall at his feet for you but never doing anything about it. Hell, it wasn't even 8:00 a.m yet, and Xavier already seemed to be in a trance. Ajax noticed his best friend tense up, but Xavier brushed aside his comment. Ajax had him exactly where he wanted him. But to Xavier’s dismay, that wasn’t the last of it.
“She acts all innocent but I’d bet fifty bucks she’s into some kinky shit.” The beanie-wearing boy and the tortured artist sat there and watched you laugh innocently at something Enid said. They watched as you batted your eyelashes and leaned forward, your skirt riding up your thigh.
“Shut up dude,” Xavier said through gritted teeth. He was now tapping his fingers furiously and clenching his jaw to the point of nearly snapping. Ajax realized he was getting to him and still pushed further.
“Shit, if you don’t make a move, I might-”
Xavier jerked up before Ajax finished his sentence, nearly spilling his half-eaten breakfast. He didn’t want to hear it. He couldn’t hear it. The very thought of Ajax getting to you first drove him insane. You were his, even if you didn't even know it yet. Xavier glared at Ajax, who was now fighting back a mischievious grin.
“Y/N” Xavier zeroes in on you, his voice persistent, but hesitant with the impending question. “hey, can we talk?” Xavier interrupted your groups conversation while shoving his hands deep into his sweaters pockets. You were taken aback, but flashed your sweet smile like you always did. The one that made xavier melt each time. When he noticed your friends were paying close attention to the words that were about to depart his lips, he pulled you further away. Away from prying eyes.
“What’s going on?” You inquired. Your expression of worry caused his heart to swell.
“Do you uh. . .” When it finally dawned on him that he was speaking to you, he became a bundle of nerves. As he danced around his words, a small bead of sweat formed on his brow. You stood in front of him with your warm eyes and rosy cheeks, and a worried look plastered on your face. His knees practically buckled. "Would you want to uhm maybe. . . have a coffee some time? With-with me.”
Your sweet smile grew larger, which he didn’t know was even possible, and your rosy cheeks turned into a shade of crimson. “Is Thorpe asking me out on a date?”
“Ye-ah, I mean if, if that’s what you want to call it. If not, it’s cool. I don't want to make you uncomfor-"
"I'd love to go on a date with you, Thorpe."
Ajax’s jaw was left hanging and to say he was speechless would be an understatement. He knew it would drive Xavier crazy, but he never imagined it’d drive him to the point of asking you out. If he had known that, he would have tormented his best friend ages ago.
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caitlynskitten · 3 months
The first time Wednesday gets fucked by Enid after they successfully send Young Morticia back to her own time, Enid finds her oddly frantic during it.
It’s like she’s pushing herself to blow Enid away. She’s going the whole nine yards (not that Enid is complaining). She’s taking her in her mouth, riding her, letting Enid pound her, letting Enid use her ass. By the end of it, Enid is exhausted even by werewolf standards. Wednesday looks dead on her feet, but she still pushes Enid onto the bed and takes her into her mouth, cleaning their mess off Enid’s knot.
As Enid nears her climax again, Wednesday releases her from her mouth, stares her dead in the eyes as she jacks her off and simply says ‘tell me I’m better.’
Enid is all like ‘whuh?’
‘In bed!’ Wednesday clarifies, ‘tell me I’m better than my mother, Enid! Did my mother let you do all these things to her when she was here? Did my mother let you knot her in the Wethervane toilet? No. So tell me I’m better.’
And that’s when Enid releases her love all over Wednesday’s face, moaning out ‘oh god, so much better.’
Whilst Enid lies there, delirious, Wednesday stands on shaky legs and grabs her robe, heading for the dorm door. When Enid asks where she’s going, Wednesday turns to her and says ‘I have your confession. Now I must get the same from Yoko, Bianca and Divina. Don’t wait up for me.’
And when the girls all go to the Addams manor for the school break, Wednesday looks her mother dead in the eye and simply states ‘they have all told me I am better, mother. I win. We shall not discuss this again.’
Oh my GOD! Not Wednesday getting jealous 😭😭😭 but oh she’s so do that becuase she’s narcissistic and petty as hell. Wednesday would torture the girls in a way of getting back at them for hooking up with her mother. Wednesday would look dead in Enid’s eye as Enid cums all over her face. Wednesday just smiles like “Yup, I’m better. I’m better.” And this goes for the rest of the girls. She asks them who’s better right before she gives them an incredible orgasm.
Disgusting bonus:
While Morticia casually drinks their tea, Wednesday just walks by quickly and casually throws her some Polaroid pictures. Pictures of herself with all her girls love on her face. Morticia is disgusted and asks what this is for for Wednesday to reply simply “because I’m better than you.”
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aceofsages · 1 year
Prompt: Jealous Wednesday
written for @hotmesslovesickcrackhead : I'm sure this wasn't what you had in mind when you gave me this prompt, lol, but this is where my mind went
find on ao3
cw: angst, ambiguous ending, fantasizing of torture, references to cannibalism
Something festers inside Wednesday—a gaping chasm of roiling emotions that Wednesday, for all means and purposes, should like, but doesn’t. Something green that makes her breath fast, her hands twitch, and it seems to happen every time she sees Enid with Ajax. A rage overcomes her, a boiling wrath, and Wednesday often fears that if she had less control than she does, she would behead all of Ajax’s snakes and feed them to him.
But doing so would mean losing Enid worse than she ever had her.
“Someone’s jealous,” says Barclay as she takes her seat next to Wednesday on the quad fountain.
Wednesday takes her eyes off of where Enid sits on that insipid boy’s lap, giggling with Yoko and Divina, to glare at her. The siren just smirks infuriatingly, lazily weaving water between her fingers.
“Just saying, I know that look. Hell, I used to wear it when you spent time with Xavier.”
Wednesday doesn’t do something as mundane as roll her eyes, but it’s a near thing. “That was your own insecurity, Barclay. There was nothing going on between Xavier and I.”
“Maybe,” she says, shrugging. “But there is something going on between Ajax and Enid.”
Wednesday’s hands clench without her consent and Barclay raises a brow. “Oh, you’ve got it bad.”
“Shut up Barclay.”
The thing is, Barclay still had a right to be jealous, however irrational. But Wednesday doesn’t, because there was never anything between her and Enid, there will never be anything, because Enid deserves everything Wednesday can’t give her. She deserves colorful dates and soft kisses, hand holding and public displays of affection. She deserves to be cherished, but with Wednesday she will only have cuts disguised as caresses.
None of this reasoning soothes what she now knows is jealousy.
It gets worse. It gets to a point where Wednesday can’t be trusted to stay in the same room as Enid when she’s with Ajax, can’t be trusted not to gaze at her and wish to break Ajax’s arms and put hers around her instead, can’t be trusted to even open her mouth without spewing something that would undoubtedly be vicious and cutting and absolutely nothing that Enid deserves. The feeling makes Wednesday breathless, makes her worse than she thought she could be and the worse part is she knows she needs to mitigate it before it gets out of her control.
(Addamses love only once, and they love fierce, unyielding. A person can break themselves against its tide, and drown the object of their affections too, and Wednesday will kill herself before she lets that happen to Enid.)
“What is this? I knew you and Bianca were getting close, but not changing your room close!”
“We’re not.”
“Then why?!” Enid steps towards her, crossing the line that Wednesday’s viscerally aware remains no more.
There is no rational why, Wednesday thinks, only you who I can’t have. Only you who I can’t hurt just because I’m jealous.
She’s aware of how much her recent behavior has been hurting Enid—thinks that a clean break is what they need from each other before Wednesday snaps and strips the hide from Ajax’s snakes and proceeds to skin him while electrocuting him. She’d leave Nevermore altogether, but that would mean admitting to her parents, to her Mother, that she has fallen for the same foley every Addams before her has.
“It’s temporary,” she says instead, steadfastly not looking at the only color in her life. “Only until my manuscript is done.”
“What? Is the noise still bothering you? I’ve been putting on my headphones and trying not to giggle when I text!”
That’s the problem.
Look what I’m doing to you, my love, in my green-eyed rage, she doesn’t say. I'm smothering you.
“It’s only temporary, Enid,” she says again, as if doing that would make it reality. She hopes it will, but she knows this curse—has seen mightier Addamses than her fall prey to it. Richie Addams had been the worst of them all. A depraved Addams that fell prey to the curse in the 1800s, he had brutalized his love’s husband with his own bare hands in front of her; done the same to his love, twisted her into something beyond recognition and then eaten her—rumor has it while she was still alive and coherent, that he’d kept her alive to watch him eat her. He had killed himself shortly after.
(It features all too often in her dreams.)
She will not unleash her brutality upon Enid, would turn the knife against herself before she would.
“Oh come on! Just tell me what’s wrong, Wednesday. I thought we were past this!”
Wednesday doesn’t reply; folds the last of her clothes into her trunk and snaps it shut. She goes to move it from her bed but Enid snags her wrist and makes her face her. Wednesday can’t help it—it’s instinct to flick the knife out and press it to her assailant’s wrist. Blood wells up and Enid winces.
(isn’t this a metaphor—isn’t this a forewarning?
enid touches wednesday and gets hurt, seconds after wednesday vows to turn her knife against her own self before it touches enid’s skin.
there’s a lesson here, a horror story in the making.
there’s a lesson here, a love story in the making.)
“Sorry! I shouldn’t have touched you.”
The warmth of Enid’s palm still lingers on Wednesday’s wrist even after she removes it, a handprint printed on Wednesday’s bones. Wednesday stares at Enid’s wrist, at the blood that stains it, at the cut she put there and wonders what it would be like to put her lips to it, to taste her beloved’s essence on her tongue, to deepen the cut till she reaches bone and can leave her own mark on her.
(she has to leave, she has to leave, she has to leave—
it’s getting worse, it’s already gotten worse and it hurts.)
“I have to go,” she says and leaves without a backward glance. If Enid calls after her, Wednesday pretends not to hear.
(Wednesday’s name goes down in history.
Enid’s is written next to her.)
(was it a horror story, they ask.
perhaps, others say. perhaps it was a love story gone wrong; a twisted romeo and juliet, an orpheus and eurydice.
idiots, it was always supposed to be both.)
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