#Enhancing User Experience with Randomization
trendingnow3-blog · 11 months
Day-4: Unlocking the Power of Randomization in Python Lists
Python Boot Camp 2023 - Day-4
Randomization and Python List Introduction Randomization is an essential concept in computer programming and data analysis. It involves the process of generating random elements or sequences that have an equal chance of being selected. In Python, randomization is a powerful tool that allows developers to introduce an element of unpredictability and make programs more dynamic. This article…
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I'm an A-Level student and so many of my classmates use ChatGPT for essays in Law and RS and stuff - like, they sound proud of themselves, as if they're cheating the system and being clever? Just makes me feel very bleak. What are we doing man
Well, the unfortunate news for them is that they are going to struggle if they make it to uni.
This is the big problem with AI - it cannot analyse a single thing. If I were to say to you "What are the features Tumblr users would most want and why?", you are a human being with a brain and experiences and decision-making skills, and you could probably sit and come up with an answer. You would base that answer on things you personally find lacking, or want to see; you would also base it in things you have seen others bemoaning on the site.
For example, I reckon I'd say something like:
The permanent ability to boop people with a cat paw, which is implemented as opt-in. Also customisable, so you can choose whether you want a random cat paw to appear on your screen each time it happens to you. Also a different animation for super boop/evil boop, and maybe more boop options than those two, and maybe also different paw colours.
Actual enforcement of hate speech rules. We all agree to them when we join, so it's perfectly legal to delete someone for spouting Nazi shit AND YET.
No more banning or censoring queer folks' accounts
More ability to adjust the interface for disabled bloggers, e.g. colour and contrast, font, layout, switching off moving GIFs or other animations by default, etc.
Tag editing, it's frustrating having to delete whole tags.
Tag memory! Where have my tags gone??? For a year now I have slightly better luck on desktop, but for the most part, which of my tags are remembered by autofill and which are never, ever offered to me has been wholly divorced from how often I've used them. And my tags are often lengthy and odd, so it's become much harder to use mobile.
No data scraping. This is the anti-cap site thank you. Also on that note, get rid of the For You section and any other algorithmic tracking, because it's just as likely to show you a Nazi blog as an anti-Nazi one as long as you have spent any time at all discussing Nazism.
Better blocking ability, on that note.
Better search function
I could go on, but you get the idea. That's analysis that I've done, based on discussions I have seen and taken part in, and my own experiences.
I just asked ChatGPT. Here's what it had to say:
"Tumblr users have diverse preferences, but there are several features that many users would likely appreciate: 1. Improved Content Discovery: Tumblr is known for its vast array of content, so improving content discovery mechanisms such as personalized recommendations, trending topics, and enhanced search functionality can help users find more of the content they enjoy. 2. Enhanced Customization Options: Tumblr users value the ability to customize their blogs extensively. Providing more themes, layout options, and customization tools can empower users to express themselves creatively and make their blogs unique. 3. Integration of Multimedia Formats: Tumblr is a platform where users share various types of multimedia content, including images, GIFs, videos, and audio. Enhancing support for different media formats, improving media upload and management features, and optimizing the viewing experience can enhance user engagement. 4. Improved Mobile Experience: Many Tumblr users access the platform via mobile devices. Therefore, optimizing the mobile app for better performance, usability, and feature parity with the desktop version can greatly enhance the user experience. 5. Community Engagement Features: Tumblr has a vibrant community, so features that facilitate interaction among users, such as improved messaging, reblogging, tagging, and commenting functionalities, can foster a sense of community and increase user engagement. 6. Content Moderation Tools: Given the diverse content on Tumblr, providing users with robust content moderation tools, including options for filtering, blocking, and reporting inappropriate content, can help ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience for all users. 7. Monetization Options for Creators: Many Tumblr users are content creators who would appreciate opportunities to monetize their content. Introducing features such as ad revenue sharing, subscription-based content, or integrated e-commerce capabilities can incentivize creators to produce high-quality content and invest more in their Tumblr presence. 8. Accessibility Features: Improving accessibility features such as alt text support for images, screen reader compatibility, and customizable text sizes and color schemes can make Tumblr more inclusive and accessible to users with disabilities. 9. Privacy and Security Enhancements: Enhancing privacy controls, data protection measures, and account security features can help users feel more confident and secure when using the platform, which is especially important given concerns about online privacy and security. 10. API and Third-Party Integration: Opening up Tumblr's API and allowing for easier integration with third-party services and apps can encourage innovation and development within the Tumblr ecosystem, providing users with more options and flexibility in how they use the platform. Overall, focusing on improving content discovery, customization options, community engagement, and user safety while also providing opportunities for creators to monetize their content can help Tumblr retain and attract users in a competitive social media landscape."
It's possible that feels alright, on first glance. But take a closer look.
Every point made is vague, and disconnected from any real life examples. In the very first point, it thinks we want better search functions (yes!) but also more algorithmic recommendations (no!). It wants us to have personalised recommendations AND better security, in fact, which are incompatible - but an LLM doesn't and can't know that. Monetisation of the platform is something that has historically faced appalling backlash from users, and this thing is suggesting ad revenue sharing and subscription services.
Because, its suggestions are generic suggestions. These are not Tumblr-specific. No mention of queerphobia, no mention of Nazis, and absolutely zero understanding of what the specific users on this site actually want.
... all of which is to say...
It's what is academically known as descriptive work. It lays out some facts, but there's no depth, no analysis, no interpretation of those facts at all. Why would we want third party integration? What apps are we calling for? Give examples. Would that aid ad-blocking? Search functions? In that case, wouldn't third-party integration be tackling the symptoms and not the cause? Shouldn't we work better ad-blocking and search functions into Tumblr at a base level?
And in school - even up to A Level - that's okay. You won't get top marks for that, because it's all too vague and too descriptive, but it's fine. School-level assignments tend to be more broad and less applied, too, which LLMs fare better with.
But in university, you start with descriptive facts, and then you are expected to analyse. If you cannot analyse, you run a very real risk of failing. Which means if you've spent your GCSEs and A Levels not bothering to learn those analytical skills and letting ChatGPT do the work for you, you are going to face an extremely uphill struggle when the expectations of study increase.
So, to round off, try not to get too discouraged. You know you aren't doing it, which means you are the one actually learning and developing and growing. Others will learn eventually, and probably more painfully. You do you!
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iddybiddysquish · 1 year
I Regret Request: Aizawa x Yamada x Reader
Masterlist: Here
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Gender: AFAB
Warnings: Student x teacher! Oral (fem receiving), fingering, toys, anal penetration, marking, A/B/O quirk, arousal quirk, anal play, ass eating, oral sex, anal sex, creampie and sir kink - not good with terminology to let me know if I've missed anything!
Notes: Feedback is welcomed and I hope you have a good time reading! This is quite self indulgent and my first time writing smut so be gentle with me pls <3 Reader has the ability to copy and edit quirks! Not beta read, we die like men.
'I regret everything.' I whined as I laid in my bed, thighs heavy with slick as I came for the 12th time that morning. It has only been an hour or so since I'd awoken to an aching need in my cunt that was impossible to ignore and a fever so hot that I was starting to see stars. 
I was exhausted and yet nowhere near satisfied. I knew I was going to need to call in sick with how painful this arousal is. 
It took me a while to figure out what the cause was. At first I thought I'd been hit with an arousal quirk in my sleep, as impossible as that is. However the more I looked into the quirks I'd copied at random that took my interest, I discovered something that I didn't know when I copied the quirks. 
Quirk: A/B/O
This quirk gives the user characteristics of the A/B/O genre, including giving them a second gender. This gives them claws and fangs that can retract as well as basics such as enhanced senses and physiological changes such as scent glands and enhanced animalistic thinking. 
Quirk: Estrus
This quirk gives the user the ability to cast uncontrollable arousal in individuals who are touched or are within a 5 m distance. 
Apparently, this included heat and rut cycles as well as an estrus cycle, the latter of which is experienced because of the quirk with the same name - side effects of both quirks. It's not helped by the fact that I was weeping out of every hole - even my ass now had a uterus and there was a third uterus with a vaginal opening between my anus and normal vagina, both with slick pouring out of them, like male Omega’s get in the Omegaverse and it was killing me. Three vaginas was too much to contend with when all I had were handheld toys at my disposal.
'I don't have enough hands for this shit.'
What made things worse was that I was capable of experiencing a mating season as well as a heat or a rut despite not being an Alpha, which confused me. I was clearly an Omega - even having the male equivalent of uteruses.
To cum more readily I even activated a quirk that gave me both male and female genitalia but the friction, despite my slick, was starting to hurt my sensitive head and thick knot that had formed from my last orgasm, and I was nowhere near feeling satisfied. So I deactivated it and wiped my hands clean before searching for my phone with disdain.
I am irritable and whiny all whilst pining for an Alpha to be submissive towards. It's a weird concoction that I wasn't appreciating as I laid in what I now realised was a nest of blankets and pillows I'd created to house myself as I cried from over and under stimulation.
Everything was made worse by the fact that I had no clue how long this would last.
‘Is this monthly or annually?’ 
The more I looked into this quirk the worse I felt, especially as I discovered I would have an annual mating season, would go into heat monthly, would go into estrus biweekly and would go in a rut whenever someone else experienced either one of these phenomena - so I could experience all of these at once, as I was, on top of an estrus cycle that corresponds with my menstrual cycle. I would’ve breathed a sigh of relief if I didn’t remember that there are many other people who would go through heat, estrus and or mating season, meaning I would be triggered into a rut by these and could even be triggered just by using the Estrus quirk.
‘I blame Tokoyami’s mating season…!’ I groaned, ‘Then at least it would just be a heat, estrus and a mating season…’
I wanted to cry.
“I can’t take this any more.” I moaned, deciding quickly I needed to call the school and explain what was going on. I needed help with this; there must be someone with a similar quirk that they’ve known about. After all, I copied these things from someone else.
Much to my surprise, when I explained to the receptionist I needed to speak to Aizawa, I was passed to him relatively quickly.
“(L/N)-san.” he greeted, “Are you unwell?”
“Something like that.” I groaned, crossing my legs tightly, “I’m in a very… difficult situation and I need some guidance.”
“I can help you in class if you want?” he begged, “If you get here sooner we can discuss it before class.”
“I… I don’t know if I can come to class.” I basically whispered. Aizawa frowned at this on the other side of the line with concern.
“Should I be concerned, (L/N)-san?” I sighed.
“I don’t know.”
“Why don’t you tell me the problem first?” he begged, walking down the hallway to get away from people, realising quickly that this was a private conversation, “Then I can tailor my aid better.” I groaned.
“This is going to be super awkward, so I’m sorry.” I warned, earning a grunt which sent a painful zap towards my clit, making me flush, “I copied a quirk.”
“Uh-huh…” he nodded when I didn’t say anything else for a few seconds.
“It’s given me a clusterfuck of hormones.” I explained slowly, “I’m essentially experiencing a mating season, a heat and a rut simultaneously as well as an estrus cycle - they are different. And I’m a bit scared.”
“... I wasn’t expecting that.” he admitted, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “I assume you’re in halls?” I nodded.
“Yeah.” I laughed humorlessly, “I know, right? I only discovered this would happen today because it’s happening now.
“I didn’t think to look at the weaknesses when I copied the quirk. It just seemed so interesting I couldn’t pass it up. Even if I edit the quirks I can't get rid of what I'm experiencing right now.”
“Stay in the halls.” he confirmed, “I’ll do some research and see what strings I can pull. You won’t be the first to experience either one of those things and I doubt you’ll be the last.
“For now, remain in your room. I’ll explain to the class that you’re having some… complications with your quirk and not to visit you.” he hummed, looking over at the watch on his wrist, “I’ll try to contact you by the end of the day and recommend you stockpile some food whilst the others are gone.” I nodded.
“Thanks sensei. I appreciate it.” he nodded.
“I’ll talk to you later. Stay safe.”
“You, too.”
And just like that I breathed a sigh of relief and laid back down, hand drifting down to my painfully empty holes and clit, only to come away with heavy slick dripping from my fingers. I groaned, pulling my head into a pillow and screaming for a few minutes before going back to playing with myself, unable to hold on for much longer without some kind of stimulation.
To say that Aizawa was concerned was an understatement. One of his prized students was suffering as he walked towards the classroom pondering the best course of action. The reality was that he knew she needed relief but he also knew that he was her teacher and shouldn't approach her. He'd be abusing the situation and his position. 
Didn't mean he wasn't still tempted to pay her a visit to see her for himself. 
Her quirk had always fascinated him. The ability to copy other quirks wasn't necessarily unusual nor was it unsurprisingly powerful. But it was how she used it to her advantage that impressed him. She thought outside the box and adapted to new quirks so effortlessly that he couldn't help but be in awe. 
In all honesty it all went right to his cock. 
'Not now…' he cursed, shuffling his pants around to hide the growing chub before entering the classroom with the same enthusiasm as he did every morning.
“Good morning, students.” Aizawa greeted, catching everyone off guard, Denki and Kirishima running to their seats as soon as he entered the room.
“You’re here early, sir?” Yaoyorozu spoke up, raising her arm. Aizawa nodded.
“I have an announcement.” he confirmed, “As you know, Tokoyami is still off. However (L/N)-san is having some complications with her quirk.
“As a result it would be wise for you all to leave her be in her room and don’t communicate with her until it resolves. It’s likely to last for at least a week.”
“So we won’t see her at all?” Ashido begged, earning the shake of a head.
“But what about food?” Hagakure begged, “(L/N)-san eats a lot.” Aizawa removed some of his hair from his face, thinking about the response, before answering.
“We might need to ask one of you to deliver the food to her door.” he concluded with distaste, “It’s not ideal but it’s imperative that all of you leave her alone. It might be best to have one of the girls to deliver the meals…” he sighed, fingers to the bridge of his nose, “Although that might not help.”
“Is she well?” Uraraka begged, concerned. Aizawa nodded.
“She’s not sick. It’s just something related to her quirk.”
“Why do they have to be female?” Iida begged, raising his arm. Aizawa groaned.
“It’s not necessary. But it would be best that all the men stay away from her door.”
“Why?” Kirishima begged, “What would require only the men to stay away?”
“Is it the same reason as Tokoyami?” Asui begged, raising her hand before Aizawa could respond. He sighed.
“Wait, why is Tokoyami away?” Midoriya begged her way.
“Mating season.” Asui noted casually with a shrug. 
"Oh hell yeah!" Mineta cheered, causing Sero to cringe. 
"You are banned from that floor, Mineta." Aizawa warned, his hair flying all over the place as he glared, earning a gulp from the boy. His words caused everyone to turn back to Aizawa, who was rubbing his temples.
“It’s a private matter. That’s all you need to know.” Bakugou raised a brow at this.
“So who’s gonna feed her?” he begged with a glare. Immediately everyone turned to Bakugou, causing his brow to twitch violently, “Why me?!”
“You love cooking.” Todoroki stated as though it were obvious. Shinsou snorted and Bakugou ‘tched’ and looked away sharply, glaring ahead of him as Aizawa looked at his watch again before divulging into the remaining announcements, none of which really kept Aizawa's attention. 
He concluded he needed to speak to his friend and coworker about this issue. (L/N)'s recklessness was beginning to worry him and he knew he would need to be careful when he mentioned this to Yamada. 
Aizawa wasn't the only person to be almost infatuated with the girl. She was arguably Yamada's favourite student. She was studious, curious and, to top it off, she was attractive. 
'Not now…' he cursed to himself as he left the classroom to wait for his friend to turn up for English class. In his mind this issue couldn't wait. He was tapping his thigh as he contemplated the position (L/N) was in, writhing in desire without him there to help. 
It was becoming a common thought and problem for his trousers to contain. 
"Yo!" Yamada grinned, throwing finger guns at Aizawa. For once Aizawa seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, even if it was to help distract from his ever growing erection. 
"We need to talk." Yamada blinked, smile faltering as he took in Aizawa's appearance. 
He looked as exhausted as usual, but this time there was worry. It was clear as day that he was contemplating something and it worried the blond. Aizawa was antsy as his eyes flickered around to make sure they were alone before his tone dropped. 
"It's about (L/N)." He warned, the topic regaining his attention. 
"Sure thing. What's up, man?" He begged, leaning against the wall casually. 
Yamada attempted to look casual, but deep down he was concerned. (L/N) was rarely in trouble and fairly low maintenance as a student. So it had to be serious for Aizawa to approach him like this and risk making him late for class. 
"She took on a random quirk." Aizawa sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose in disdain, "A Quirk that gave her heat."
Yamada blinked. Once then twice. 
"You don't mean what I think you mean, surely?" Was all he could say, earning a dead eyed look from Aizawa that told him everything he needed to know. He sighed and shook his head, "Right. So she's not in class, right?" Aizawa nodded, "Damn that's a shame. 
"So what's up?"
"I am worried about her." Aizawa admitted, also leaning against the wall opposite the blond. Yamada raised a brow but thought carefully before he spoke. 
"She's alone, right?" Aizawa nodded. 
"Tokoyami is at home." Yamada nodded before rubbing his chin. 
"We should probably pay her a visit." Aizawa raised a brow, causing the blond to raise his hands, "To check on her. Make sure none of the boys get to her." The pair immediately thought of a certain grape-like fellow and simultaneously sighed. 
"Point taken." Aizawa nodded before pushing off the wall. With a grin Yamada did the same before slapping his hand on Aizawa's shoulder. 
"She's strong willed. She should be fine. Worst case scenario she has us to look after her." Aizawa smirked and nodded. 
With another nod Aizawa walked away and Yamada made his way to English class. And although they both felt better knowing they had each other's backs, they were still worried deep down. 
In truth both were attracted to the girl. And they knew it was irrational given tshe was their student, even if she was 18 and a legal adult - that was their only rationale they both held onto.  
Neither, however, felt threatened by the other. They had a mutual understanding that both cared for the girl and that if either had a chance, they could take it. But if they hurt her, they'd feel the consequences. 
I waited and waited until I knew the coast was clear. The only other person would’ve been Tokoyami two floors below, but he was staying at home, so for the first time I was on my own in the halls. Despite this, I was nervous to leave the safety of my nest to the point that I waited for far longer than I needed to. 
It just didn’t feel right.
Opening the door I went to walk forward, but found myself freezing in the spot at all the scents.
“Oh… my god.” I reeled, gulping.
It took me a good few minutes just standing there in order to get used to all the smells. Some were pleasant, some were repulsive. 
But others were tasty.
‘The strongest scent is…’ I realised quickly, mouth watering, ‘Bakugou’s…’ 
My scent-clouded mind wasn’t so surprised by this reveal. Bakugou smells like burnt caramel normally, so it’d make sense that I’d be attracted to it. It really was a no-brainer, even if I longed not to be attracted to the interesting scent, just glad that he wasn't here to witness this. It's not like I was actually interested in him beyond his tantalising smell.
The scent that I wasn't expecting to be drawn to, however, was that of Shinsou's. It was soft and tantalising. Like a comfortable cloud. It made me relax and feel like curling up and taking a nap despite my current circumstances.
What was more interesting was the minty freshness that was Todoroki’s scent I could detect from the elevator.
‘It’s almost spicy to the senses.’ I mused, feeling a wave of calmness wash over me.
Again, it didn’t surprise me that I felt myself drifting his way. Todoroki was very attractive and we had been getting closer as of late. It was almost predictable. 
However the scent that was most tantalising, surprisingly, was Aizawa's. It was the faintest since he was rarely here. But it was still there, teasing me and making my mouth water. 
'Does he know he smells that good?'
I had to slap myself to stop myself from following his scent and instead made a beeline for the kitchen and raided my pantry, grabbing every snack and unspoilable food I could before running back to my room. I was as quick as I could feasibly be. But as I went to close the door, I found myself peeking outside and down the hallway towards Aizawa's scent.
I shook my head.
‘I can’t go sneaking around like this.’ I scolded myself as my Omega whined at me, begging to investigate. I shook my head again as I felt my thighs clench and almost whined myself.
“No. I can’t.” But I didn’t move away from the door.
‘... Ugh why does he have to smell like that?!’ I cursed, looking back down the hall. Before I even realised what I was doing, I was sneaking towards the heavenly scent, as though I were about to be caught at any moment. I could feel Aizawa scolding me, but of course it never came since he was in class with everyone else. 
‘This would be so amoral of me…’ 
Despite knowing this, I found myself turning myself invisible as I stalked towards the teachers quarters.
However when I arrived I was smacked in the face with the scent of Yamada. And suddenly I felt my cunt clench as I took in the double scent of the pair that made my mouth water. 
'Lord save me…' I almost moaned as I thought about where I wanted to investigate first. 
'I came here for Aizawa…' I sighed, eyeing Yamada's door. But with only slight hesitation I made my way towards Aizawa's door with a small promise made by my Omega to visit Yamada's soon after. 
I cringed at the squeak as the door opened, checking there was no one else around, but I was quickly blindsided by the absolute raw stench of his scent and felt my Omega trill in happiness.
From there I had zero control of myself as I entered his room and closed the door behind me, sniffing deeply as I attempted to fill my entire lungs with his scent. 
Naturally, his bed smelt the strongest. And I couldn’t stop myself from lying on it and taking a deep breath of his pillow. With little effort I could fall asleep here and God did I want to.
However, I didn’t want to be caught by a cleaner or anything, so I regretfully removed myself from his bedding and skulked around his room with intrigue. 
It was fairly neat and tidy. Everything was neatly packed away - even his dirty clothes were in the hamper, none left in sight. There were a few personables, such as collectables and books. I was drawn to the books, noting that a lot of them were either fiction or textbooks for class, some of which were missing, before looking over the neatness that was his desk with little surprise.
I couldn’t help rummaging through his things as though I were searching for something. But I was careful enough to put everything back exactly as I found it before eyeing the exit with disappointment. 
However I trilled when I realised it wasn't over yet as I had Yamada's room to visit yet. 
‘I need to leave.’ I concluded, anxiously despite feeling safe immersed in his scent. Regardless, I needed to get back and the need to hide was strong.
I couldn’t force myself to leave quickly. I eyed the bed and whined before eyeing his dirty clothing hamper with a dangerous thought in my mind.
‘I can’t.’ I argued as I looked inside, moving things around a bit as I took in his scent further, ‘He’d so notice if I took something of his.’
As if that was the only reason not to steal his clothing like some kind of smell-pervert.
‘Man I’ve really stooped to a new low.’ I concluded as I pawed at a shirt of his that smelt the strongest. Instincts told me I needed it for my nest and no matter how much I tried to rationalise, I found myself stealing the shirt and running back to the hallway, only to freeze when I took in the delicious scent of Yamada. 
Shirt in hand I looked around carefully before skulking towards his room and quietly padding my way inside. I immediately jumped on his slightly messy bed and squealed to myself as I took in his warm scent. 
Both scents were different. Aizawa's was warm, like sandalwood and cedar. It was calming and inviting. Yamada's, on the other hand, was unusual. Partly because of his hair gel, but despite that he smelled sweet and juicy, like citrus. 
I enjoyed the polar scents greedily as I searched his floor for something he wouldn't miss if I took it. Finding a shirt with a hole in the armpit, I shrugged and took it before giving his room one last look over. 
His room was more messy than Aizawa's, though I didn't mind. There were posters and artwork around the room with photos and other personables. It was busy, but inviting. 
I knew I had little time left, so I spent it nosing through his things before leaving and using the invisibility quirk. I needed to leave despite my pouting and whining Omega and more importantly I needed to get back to my room to hide - from everyone and my shame.
I was grateful to Aizawa for warning off the rest of the class now that I’d committed a crime. But the way my Omega praised my decision left me feeling euphoric, especially as I snuggled the shirts and preened the den I’d created.
I spent most of my time preening, snuggling their shirts and masterbating. It was a simple routine as I stored my snacks carefully as though I was creating a proper den to live in. And I supposed I was, given I’d be stuck here for the next however long it would be before I could go back to normal.
When I started to hear the whirl of the elevator and the sounds of people talking that was my first clue that school was over. My next clue was the knock at my door.
"(L/N), it's Midoriya!" He whispered, making me blink and look over at the door. I immediately raised a brow but didn't say anything as I heard him shuffle on his feet, "Just wanted to let you know everyone is thinking of you. Try to hang in there. I'm sure Sensei will help you out!"
'I can think of a few ways he could help me…'
"Midoriya?" I blinked, tilting my head as I took in Todoroki's voice, "What are you doing?"
"J-Just checking something!" He squeaked before I heard his footsteps recede along with Todoroki's as their voices got further away.  
I felt myself swell with happiness even if I found myself growling at the intrusion. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything back though as the pair muttered to one another quietly before going to their individual rooms. I found myself on edge, listening intently to everyone returning to their dorms or going elsewhere as I hid in my nest.
I had no idea how anxiety-inducing it would be now that everyone was back. But now I knew: it’s very anxiety-inducing. 
I managed to fall asleep by burrowing myself with blankets and pillows. However I stirred when I sensed someone outside of my door, hearing them muttering something to themselves.
That’s when I realised it was Aizawa of all people.
I practically leaped out of my nest, thoroughly ruining it, and leaned across the door, taking in a deep breath of his scent. It was then I realised I smelt something else tasty and wondered if he’d made food for me.
My heart and Omega leapt at the thought.
"(L/N)-san." He spoke curtly, "Yamada and I will be delivering your food from now. Eat up."
'For me…?'
I had to claw at myself not to open the door and jump on him. Taking deep breaths I tried to focus on the smell of the food instead of the smell of Aizawa as I listened to his footsteps recede. And only when I was sure he’d retreated did I open the door and take the contents, eating quickly before leaving the bowl outside of the door as he had done.
This continued morning and evening for the next few days and sadly I wasn’t improving despite ordering new toys and other kinky tools to try and earn some relief. I was extremely grateful for Hagakure bringing them to me, oblivious to the contents, although I realised quickly she was hoping he’d get to see me when she knocked on the door. I heard her sit down outside of it as she began telling me about what I’d missed at school. 
It was sweet of her. 
"I had to run so fast for so looooong!" She whined, "How was I supposed to know her quirk? She kicked the crap outta me!" I giggled at this, though I felt immediately upset at the last thing she said, "But don't worry! Recovery Girl patched me right up!" 
I sighed with relief and relaxed again. 
I considered sitting by the door, but I was too desperate for a release, I worried I’d open it and ruin everything. And of all people, as wonderful as Hagakure is, my rational brain and Omega didn't want to have sex with her.
Only Aizawa or Yamada would work. They were my prime Alphas.
So I didn’t and waited for her to leave before taking the box and abusing its contents.
By the time I had finished it was dinner time, and I basically sat glued to the door with blankets on me as I listened for Aizawa or Yamada to arrive. 
The strength of the symptoms seemed to wax instead of wane as time went on and I realised I was starting to really struggle when I heard familiar footsteps coming towards the door. However much to my surprise I detected a second immediately and jumped out of my bed to take in the scent of who was approaching my room, greedily, once I realised who was approaching. 
"She hasn't said a word." Yamada uttered, stretching his arms up towards the air, "I'm worried!"
"She's doing what I told her to. We should be pleased." Aizawa shrugged as the pair got closer and stood outside the door, "Maybe she'll talk soon." Yamada sighed and nodded. 
"So as long as she hasn't spoken to any of the other students I can't complain." Yamada muttered, earning a low chuckle from Aizawa before he knocked on my door. 
"(L/N). Your food is here." 
I immediately began to purr and nuzzle the door, pretending it was them. 
"Alphas…" I muttered. 
However it wasn't the same. I wanted to be closer. I wanted them. 
"(L/N)?" Yamada begged hearing me. He leaned closer to the door and began to hear my purring. He frowned and eyed Aizawa, who raised a brow. 
"Are you okay?" Aizawa begged. I nodded. 
"Better now you're both here." I hummed, still nuzzling the door. 
Neither teacher knew what to make of that. But they both were happy to make her happy if nothing else. 
"How you doing, kid?" Yamada begged, crouching down to my level. Aizawa looked around before doing the same. 
I immediately whined. 
"Horribly." I almost cried as I felt along the door, "Need knot really bad…"
"Knot?" Yamada begged lowly earning a sigh from Aizawa. 
"You know we can't give you that, (L/N)." Aizawa explained, "You're our student."
"So?" I protested.
Yamada quickly realised what the pair were talking about and gulped. The thought hadn't just crossed his mind, but burrowed it's way deep into his brain. He could just imagine how her mouth would taste as he took her. 
He immediately shook his head, earning a raised brow from Aizawa, though he said nothing. 
"Please?" I begged, reaching for the doorknob. When the door clicked as I opened it, the pair sat back and looked in as I peaked my head out, giving my best puppy dog eyes I could muster, "Need you really bad, Sir."
Both men felt that go straight to their cocks, both twinging in their pants. 
The pair could see I was flushed. They didn't need to know the details to know that I'd been cumming all day - the smell of sex was evidence enough. It wasn't helping the predicament in their trousers, unfortunately. Aizawa had a stronger will than Yamada, however, who immediately reached out to cup my cheek. I pouted up at him. 
"You're burning up sweetness." He sighed, "We should get Recovery Girl to look you over." I shook my head. 
"I just need you."
Yamada's will was slowly being chipped away the longer he stared at his pretty girl, cheeks puffed up and body wanting. However Aizawa had more clarity as he stood up with a sigh. 
"I'll get you some paracetamol." He concluded, "Keep her in her room." 
Yamada immediately saluted him and turned back to me. I was pouting. 
"Don't leave me." I whined, opening the door slightly to peak out further as his body began to retreat.
"I won't be long." And with that he headed towards the elevator, leaving the pair of us together. 
With a sigh I sat back down and let the door open fully as I set my eyes on Yamada, who was desperately trying to look anywhere other than my hardened nippled through my shirt or the visible wet patch of my underwear. 
It wasn't an easy task. 
"How you holding up?" He begged as he looked around the room, noting all the blankets and pillows covering the bed and floor. He wasn't sure how she amassed that many but it looked cosy. 
"Desperate." I sighed, tightly holding my arms as I attempted to stop myself from jumping him, "Really need knot. Please, Sir." I begged, slowly unfolding myself and crawling towards him. 
Yamada jumped as I got closer and looked around panicked as though he were about to be caught. He knew this was inappropriate but he couldn't help the erection in his pants that jumped when he got a good look at my cleavage. 
I sashayed up to him, swaying my hips gently as I slowly crawled onto his lap even as he backed up and hit the wall. He gulped when as I put my hands either side of his face and tilted my head, a pleading look in my eyes. 
"I need you, Sir. I'll beg if you want me to."
"Uhh…" he stammered, "(L/N) we shouldn't be doing this-"
He didn't get to finish his sentence when I sat fully on his lap and pressed against his hardened cock, causing him to gasp and lean his head back. I smirked when I felt his hands grasp my hips. 
"We really shouldn't." He muttered with a groan. However when I rocked slowly I felt his hands move to my ass as he moaned. I mewelled as the tip of his cock pressed into my wet clit and couldn't help myself but to rock more readily against him, clawing at his chest and yanking on his shirt. He began to guide me, pulling at my hips and placing my hips in the best place to rock against his cock. 
It was then that the elevator doors opened, revealing an upset looking Aizawa when he caught sight of us. I smiled as he approached. 
"Join us, Alpha." I purred as I stood and pulled Yamada up and into my den. Aizawa blinked and followed, intent on trying to save his friend from my clutches. 
However when he entered and placed the pills on the table he saw that Yamada was already making out with me as I sat atop of him on the bed. 
Aizawa sighed. 
"You'll be in serious trouble if you do this." Aizawa concluded, calmer than he probably should be. Neither Yamada nor I knew which of us he was talking to. But I concluded it was likely both of us. 
I smirked.
"I'm a bad girl?" I begged, pulling away from Yamada as I sat up and moved towards Aizawa, like a predator stalking its prey. 
For once Aizawa felt uncertain as his resolve weakened. He took in my appearance with greedy eyes as Yamada grinned over at him and gave a thumbs up. I pulled Aizawa to me, placing my hands over his chest as I felt him up and leaned close to his lips. 
"Please, Sir? I promise to be good. I'll do whatever you tell me to." 
My words were thick like honey. He felt his cock jump to life again as her hands slowly glided closer and closer to his belt. 
With a sigh he made his choice and headed towards the door, severely disappointing me and confusing Yamada. However, to my relief, all he did was close the door before he grabbed me by the neck and forced his lips onto mine. 
I immediately mewled as Yamada came up from behind and pulled my hair to force my neck to be exposed to him so he could nip and suck at the delicate flesh. I moaned into the kiss as Aizawa felt along my stomach and slipped his fingers into my panties. 
It was no shock to Aizawa that I was practically flooding with slick - they'd seen it through my underwear after all. No, what surprised him was how readily my body was prepared for him as I sucked in his fingers tightly. He almost groaned into the kiss as he slipped in a second finger. 
Yamada's hands, too, began to glide down my body, resting to grope my ass. However he paused when he noticed there was slick coming from my asshole as well and curiously decided to investigate with his finger, still keeping a tight grip on my hair. I moaned as both began to finger me as I let my underwear fall to the floor and rocked against them. 
"Well we don't need any lube." Yamada snorted, earning one from Aizawa. I bit my lip at the prospect of both taking me, wanting to both speed things up and slow it down so I could get to the good parts but also to experience it for a longer period of time. 
When both sets of fingers retreated I whined. 
“No, Sir-”
“Shhh.” Aizawa muttered, shoving his fingers in my mouth. I moaned as I sucked, cleaning them as best as I could with drool escaping from my mouth. Aizawa smirked down at me as he slowly pulled his fingers from my mouth, Yamada grinning behind me.
“Such a good girl for us, huh, (F/N)?” he whispered in my ear. Immediately I nodded. However, when Yamada pulled away from me I whined again. That was, until he climbed on my bed and reached his hand out for me, “Come over here, kid.” he smirked. 
Nodding, I followed his orders as Aizawa started to unbuckle his belt. Yamada then commanded me to get on all fours, so I did as requested, raising my ass into the air and face into the bed. To my surprise, however, he didn’t touch his belt. Aizawa, now naked, came onto the bed in front of me and watched as Yamada began to rub my ass and play with my slick that was leaking onto my thighs. 
It wasn’t long before he dived into my folds, eating me out with vigour, making me squeal. Aizawa chuckled, grabbing my chin and forcing me to moan out loud for them as he stroked himself. Before I realised what was happening Yamada began to move up past my taint and towards my ass, tonguing it. Aizawa took advantage of my open mouth and slowly shoved his cock in, making me groan. As Yamada encouraged me to buck as I hollowed out my cheeks and took Aizawa's full size down my throat, making me choke. He lovingly stroked my hair as he forced himself down my throat again with the same result. 
"Such a good girl." He muttered. Hearing the praise, Yamada broke free from his feast and slapped my ass hard. 
"Does she deserve a little treat?" He begged, wiping his mouth where all the slick had built up. Aizawa grunted as I attempted to take his cock down my throat right to the base but ended up choking again. Still he stroked my throat as I did, watching as tears slid down my cheeks. 
"I'll take that as a yes." Yamada chuckled, going back to eating my ass. However, he introduced his fingers, slipping two effortlessly into my aching cunt and using his thumb to play with my clit. On top of that he began to penetrate my asshole with his tongue, which added a whole different level of pleasure. 
Aizawa immediately chuckled as I moaned through his cock. He couldn't lie, the dirty noises that I strangled to make because of what Yamada was doing was a huge turn on. He never thought about having a threesome with the man but he was having a good time. 
Yamada on the other hand had always been more open to these sorts of ideas. Especially with his friend. And even more so with his favourite student. This was the sort of thing he fantasised about, albeit maybe not with Aizawa but he was happy with it nonetheless. 
As Yamada ate me out I continued my ministrations on Aizawa, using my hand to massage and grope his balls gently, earning a pleased groan, which made Yamada chuckle. It was enough to get Aizawa to begin lazily bucking into my mouth. Eventually he started to slowly pick up the pace as his thrusts got more serious. Simultaneously Yamada slipped in a third finger as I started to get close, my hips stuttering against his face. 
I was close and they both knew it. Yamada sped up his ministrations and I sped up my own. Aizawa gritted his teeth as he picked up the pace, grabbing the hair he was once delicately stoking and yanking it as he used my throat as a personal cock sleeve. It wasn't long before I came on Yamada's fingers. 
Aizawa wasn't far behind. His hips were beginning to stutter as tears streamed down my face with each thrust. When he finally was about to finish, however, he pulled out and came down my front. 
I coughed and groaned, falling to my side as I recovered once Aizawa let go of his vice-like grip on my hair. Yamada chuckled. 
"Oh c'mon kid, we both know you aren't done yet." I grinned lazily up at him and nodded. 
"Of course, Sir." 
"Good girl." Aizawa affirmed, pulling me over his lap. I squeaked as Yamada slotted himself undere from the front before he smeared Aizawa's cum along my breasts. When he reached my nipples he tweaked them, making me whine. 
"You ready?" Yamada begged as he lined himself up with my pussy. Aizawa grunted as they both waited for my go. I nodded almost immediately. 
"Yes Sir!"
"Very good." Aizawa muttered as he lined himself up with my asshole. 
I wasn't given any warning as the pair entered me quickly, simultaneously. I let out a loud moan as they both paused inside of me, having sheathed themselves down to the hilt. 
"God…" Yamada moaned, "You feel so good, kid. So good for us."
Yamada's grip tightened to a bruising grip on my hips whilst Aizawa's hand was on the back of my neck, forcing me onto Yamada and down on their cocks as the pair pulled out almost entirely before thrusting back in quickly again. My ass and breasts jumped with each thrust as they both started at a slow but sharp pace. It was piercing in the best way possible, sending zaps of pleasure straight through me, which was only intensified when my clit caught on Yamada's pubic hair. 
I felt full. And I realised I really liked that sensation. 
"Yes Sir! Please, right there!" I begged as the pair picked up the pace, slamming perfectly into those spongy areas that felt eye wateringly good, so much so that, as the pace quickened, I began to feel my orgasm building. 
"I-I'm getting close, Sir…!"
"Don't cum yet." Aizawa snarled in my ear.
"You don't cum until we say so. Right, kid?" I whined. 
"P-please, Sir!" I pled. However the pair looked at one another before stopping. I almost cried, "No, please-!"
"You don't cum until we say so. Right?" Aizawa affirmed. I nodded feverently. 
"Yes Sir…"
"Good girl." Yamada praised before they both started to fuck me again. As I got closer I panicked and quickly told the pair again, which ended in the same motion. This happened a few more times before I was literally crying from overstimulation. 
"P-please, Sir! I need it so badly!"
"Aw c'mon. I think she deserves a treat." Yamada grinned, "Don't you think, Aizawa?" I nodded furiously in agreement. I heard Aizawa sigh before he gave in. 
"You have been good so far…" he agreed, making me trill in happiness. 
"Thank you!"
And just like that the pair didn't hold back. Their only goal was to make me cum and damn I was close. Each thrust led to a zap of pleasure as they bullied their way inside of me, making space for their huge cocks. 
It wasn't long before I came undone, screaming at the top of my lungs as I clamped around them and locked up. From there the pair continued to fuck me through my high. And they just kept going, not giving me a chance to recover and instead building me up for another orgasm. 
It was when that hit that the pair began to grow sloppy in their thrusts as their cocks twitched inside of me. It was obvious they were getting close but I knew they wanted me to beg for it. 
So I did. 
"Please Sir! Please cum in me!" I begged. 
"Such a dirty girl." Yamada teased through gritted teeth, nails digging into my hips, "Knows exactly what I wanna hear."
"Such a good girl." Aizawa agreed, pulling me back to meet their thrusts. As I bounced on their cocks I felt myself building again and warned the pair. 
"Good. Cum for us. Be a good girl for us." Yamada encouraged. I nodded furiously, biting my lip. 
"Yes, yes!" I squealed as I came on their cocks for the third time. And it wasn't long before they both came inside me, first Yamada and then Aizawa. 
I slumped, the only support being the two men sandwiching me as we all laid on the bed, never pulling out. I felt safe, satisfied and full. 
"I feel so full." I purred, earning two chuckles. 
"You rest now." Aizawa muttered, delicately brushing my hair. 
"You did good kid." Yamada added, rubbing my back. I smiled. 
'This is what I needed. Thank you, Sir.'
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silent-sanctum · 11 months
The Part 3 Dilemma
I have one of this random thoughts of mine and it's about one of the complaints about Stardust Crusaders
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"I dropped at Part 3 because the plot dragged too long" "The Monster-of-the week trope made it boring"
Personally, I don't mind it (thanks to Jotaro's presence tbh). But I do understand why others feel that way. I feel like the reason Araki decided to stick with that set-up is because for one, it's a shonen series (a.k.a a manga who's targeted for young boys), and two that it's because it's his way of experimenting with a new power system.
So, you can't really blame a guy who wanted to test things out in the beginning rather than to focus on writing a more engaging story, more so when him knowing that the introduction of Stands and their powers was able to bring him the most commercial success.
But from a writer's perspective and someone who watches a lot of shows, I think what made SC such a sludge to get through is this part's lack of subplots.
What do I mean by that? Let me explain:
"A subplot is a narrative thread that is woven through the media to support the elements of the main plot. A subplot can build out the conflict in the main plot or it can be a vehicle for a secondary character's storyline."
Essentially, it's a method of fleshing out the story more by introducing the audience a side story to either tackle a theme that's related to the main plot or develop a character more to better understand their purpose in the story.
Now let's look at Part 3
The central point of this part is that a big bad has returned to wreak havoc on the Joestars and the world and it's the heroes' job is to get rid of him once and for all. It's odyssey-based where we get to see the guys go on this journey and fight the bad guys until they reach the final stage.
But because this part involves just that- the fighting bad guys part- for 40+ episodes, it bores the audience because of how repetitive it's becoming. There's nothing else it has going on for it to keep the audience engaged.
There's a significant lack of subplots to enhance their journey to Egypt.
Compare that to the other parts…
Part 4: A slice-of-life/murder mystery plot that focuses on the stories of its residents (e.g. Koichi's development, Okuyasu's family issues, Yukako's obssesion, Rohan's antics as a mangaka, Josuke's bond with Joseph), before tying them into the main plot in the second half (e.g. Reimi's murder, the involvement of the Stand arrow, focus on Kira's mind as a psychopathic serial killer) Part 5: Got to look into the past of each of Bucciarati's crew: Giorno and Bucciarati's childhood, Mista's pre-Stand user life, Abbachio's past as a cop, Diavolo and Trish's dynamic, Fugo's history with his anger issues. There's also the involvement of the Stand arrow, brief focus on La Squadra's perspective, etc. Part 6: Explores the characters of Ermes (seeking justice for the death of her sister), FF (their path of finding their identity), delving deep into DIO's psyche about "attaining heaven", Weather Report's history with Pucci and Perla, and the estranged bond between Jolyne and Jotaro.
This is Araki improving his craft but when we compare that to Part 3, we can see that P3 only got the "fighting enemies until we reach the boss" plot going on. And that's tedious to get past.
Sure we got one subplot going: Polnareff's quest of avenging the death of his sister.
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His purpose of joining the Crusaders in the first place was to find the killer. It's been tackled for more than one episode and in the process, we see him form rapport with the allies he made while still sticking to his mission, allowing the audience to connect to the Frenchman more (even to the point where they start to joke that he's the main protagonist instead of Jotaro)
But what of the rest? What of the development of the other Crusaders?
Kakyoin and his past as a lonely child born with a Stand?
How Avdol met Joseph, and what his motivation was to continue working with the latter?
Maybe a subtle foreshadowing of Joseph's infidelity or how he's doing in New York prior to the quest?
Heck maybe even a background as to why Jotaro turned to delinquency when in the past, he's seen or viewed as a regular happy child who does well and is active in school?
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Instead, what we got is Kak's past revealed as a last minute attempt to make us feel sympathy for him as he's dying, Avdol died without much going about him, Joseph is just there to be the secondary Jojo, and 3taro is most of the fandom's worst version of Jotaro because at a surface level, he's seen only as a rude standoffish teenager who does not emote for no reason.
We don't get to connect with the Crusaders as much or as deep because we don't know them outside of "we're here to defeat the big evil" and a bunch of fighting.
tldr: Not enough character development because there's too much of the "beat the bad guys and win"
I don't know. It's just my personal take because usually when I consume media, I tend to get hooked onto the story when there's mini stories that fleshes out the overarching theme.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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tsreviews · 4 months
AvatoAI Review: Unleashing the Power of AI in One Dashboard
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Here's what Avato Ai can do for you
Data Analysis:
Analyze CV, Excel, or JSON files using Python and libraries like pandas or matplotlib.
Clean data, calculate statistical information and visualize data through charts or plots.
Document Processing:
Extract and manipulate text from text files or PDFs.
​Perform tasks such as searching for specific strings, replacing content, and converting text to different formats.
Image Processing:
Upload image files for manipulation using libraries like OpenCV.
​Perform operations like converting images to grayscale, resizing, and detecting shapes or
Machine Learning:
Utilize Python's machine learning libraries for predictions, clustering, natural language processing, and image recognition by uploading
Versatile & Broad Use Cases:
An incredibly diverse range of applications. From creating inspirational art to modeling scientific scenarios, to designing novel game elements, and more.
User-Friendly API Interface:
Access and control the power of this advanced Al technology through a user-friendly API.
​Even if you're not a machine learning expert, using the API is easy and quick.
Customizable Outputs:
Lets you create custom visual content by inputting a simple text prompt.
​The Al will generate an image based on your provided description, enhancing the creativity and efficiency of your work.
Stable Diffusion API:
Enrich Your Image Generation to Unprecedented Heights.
Stable diffusion API provides a fine balance of quality and speed for the diffusion process, ensuring faster and more reliable results.
Multi-Lingual Support:
Generate captivating visuals based on prompts in multiple languages.
Set the panorama parameter to 'yes' and watch as our API stitches together images to create breathtaking wide-angle views.
Variation for Creative Freedom:
Embrace creative diversity with the Variation parameter. Introduce controlled randomness to your generated images, allowing for a spectrum of unique outputs.
Efficient Image Analysis:
Save time and resources with automated image analysis. The feature allows the Al to sift through bulk volumes of images and sort out vital details or tags that are valuable to your context.
Advance Recognition:
The Vision API integration recognizes prominent elements in images - objects, faces, text, and even emotions or actions.
Interactive "Image within Chat' Feature:
Say goodbye to going back and forth between screens and focus only on productive tasks.
​Here's what you can do with it:
Visualize Data:
Create colorful, informative, and accessible graphs and charts from your data right within the chat.
​Interpret complex data with visual aids, making data analysis a breeze!
Manipulate Images:
Want to demonstrate the raw power of image manipulation? Upload an image, and watch as our Al performs transformations, like resizing, filtering, rotating, and much more, live in the chat.
Generate Visual Content:
Creating and viewing visual content has never been easier. Generate images, simple or complex, right within your conversation
Preview Data Transformation:
If you're working with image data, you can demonstrate live how certain transformations or operations will change your images.
This can be particularly useful for fields like data augmentation in machine learning or image editing in digital graphics.
Effortless Communication:
Say goodbye to static text as our innovative technology crafts natural-sounding voices. Choose from a variety of male and female voice types to tailor the auditory experience, adding a dynamic layer to your content and making communication more effortless and enjoyable.
Enhanced Accessibility:
Break barriers and reach a wider audience. Our Text-to-Speech feature enhances accessibility by converting written content into audio, ensuring inclusivity and understanding for all users.
Customization Options:
Tailor the audio output to suit your brand or project needs.
​From tone and pitch to language preferences, our Text-to-Speech feature offers customizable options for the truest personalized experience.
>>>Get More Info<<<
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tajrummy23 · 5 months
How To Choose The Best Teen Patti App?
Choosing the best Teen Patti apps involves considering several factors to ensure a secure and enjoyable gaming experience:
Reputation and Reviews: Look for Teen Patti apps with positive reviews and a good reputation. Check user feedback on app stores and online forums to gauge the experiences of other players.
Security Measures: Prioritize apps that implement strong security measures, such as encryption for financial transactions and the protection of personal information. A secure platform will contribute to a safe gaming environment.
Game Variations: Opt for an app that offers a variety of Teen Patti game variations. This keeps the gaming experience interesting, allowing you to explore different formats of the game.
User Interface and Experience: Choose an app with a user-friendly interface and smooth navigation. An intuitive design enhances the overall gaming experience, especially for players of varying skill levels.
Bonuses and Promotions: Consider apps that provide attractive bonuses and promotions. Welcome bonuses, referral rewards, and ongoing promotions can add value to your gameplay.
Customer Support: Ensure the app has responsive and helpful customer support. In case of issues or queries, having reliable customer support can make a significant difference.
Payment Options: Check the available payment options on the app. A good Teen Patti app should support secure and convenient payment methods for deposits and withdrawals.
Player Base: Consider the size and activity of the app's player base. A larger player community often indicates a more engaging and competitive gaming environment.
Compatibility: Verify that the app is compatible with your device's operating system. Check if it supports both iOS and Android, and if there's a web-based version for desktop play.
Fair Play Certification: Look for apps that are certified for fair play. Certifications from independent auditing organizations ensure that the game outcomes are random and not manipulated.
Social Features: If you enjoy socializing during gameplay, choose an app with features like in-game chat, friend invites, or the ability to connect with players globally.
Educational Resources: Some apps offer educational resources for players to improve their Teen Patti skills. Consider apps that provide tutorials, strategy guides, or practice modes.
By carefully considering these factors, you can choose a Teen Patti app that aligns with your preferences and offers a secure and enjoyable gaming experience.
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leads-view · 6 months
How URL Structure Affects User Experience: Readability and Click-Through Rates
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Website URLs may seem insignificant at first, but they play a pivotal role in user experience (UX) and, indirectly, your website's click-through rates (CTR). The structure and readability of a URL can influence a user's decision to click a link. This blog post will uncover the importance of a well-structured URL and how it impacts readability, UX, and CTR.
What is a URL Structure?
A URL (Uniform Resource Locator), commonly known as a web address, is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on the internet. The URL structure refers to how this web address is formulated and organized. A clean, well-structured URL is easily understandable and provides a good user experience.
Importance of URL Structure in User Experience
1. Readability
A readable and understandable URL offers a better UX because users can anticipate the type of content to expect from the webpage. Descriptive URLs make navigation easier for the user, leading to a more positive user experience. For instance, `www.samplewebsite.com/blog/seo-tips` is more readable and informative than `www.samplewebsite.com/post12345`.
2. Trust Factor
A URL that is clear, concise, and indicative of the linked page's content can establish trust with the user. Users are generally skeptical about clicking on URLs that seem random and nonsensical.
3. Search Optimization
Though search engines like Google are getting better at determining a page's content without relying heavily on the URL, they still use URL keywords as cues. A well-structured URL with appropriate keywords can 'communicate' better with search engines, potentially improving the page's ranking, leading to an increase in its click-through rates.
Impact of URL Structure on Click-Through Rates
CTR is a crucial factor in understanding user behavior. The more users click and engage with your site, the more valuable and relevant your content seems to both users and search engines alike. A well-structured URL can heavily impact this metric: * Improved Visibility in Search Results: Descriptive URLs offer users a quick glimpse of what the page is about even before they click it. This crucial context makes users know what to expect and can significantly enhance CTR. * Increased Social Sharing: Readable URLs can stand alone as their description, useful for social media sharing where the title or meta description might not be visible. This clarity can improve social media engagement, subsequently increasing the CTR. * Enhanced Email Campaign Engagement: URLs serve as strong call-to-actions in email campaigns. A structured, readable URL can encourage more recipients to click, thereby improving the effectiveness of email marketing efforts.
URL structure, though often overlooked, has significant impacts on UX and CTR. A URL that is readable, trustworthy, and optimized for search engines can enhance user experience and increase engagement with your website. Day by day, as the internet continues to evolve into a more user-focused environment, the importance of understandable, well-structured URLs only grows. Make a point to scrutinize your URL structures, ensuring they are SEO-friendly, human-friendly, and primed for the best engagement possible.
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figitorynonsense · 1 year
Ummm hello
I’d like to hear about your Miniforce OC’s please if that isn’t a bother
hi!!! hello!!!!!!
id gladly talk abt them
this is gonna be a little long
so like stargazer isnt from earth but like the embodiment of some random star that fell to earth btu was found by pascal and managed some stuff including calling the villains and supplying him with dark energy and materials for the mechamons
stargazer’s initial name at this time was ‘Snake-eye’, aka the name the fanfiction theyre from!!!!!
soon when pascal was defeated they were a rogue and went into a dormant state in some mountain for quite a while before Zenos awakened
due to their exposure and connection to dark energy they were somewhat drawn to where zenos was and started serving him and basically helped call over aliens and helped keep the ship in shape
though bcuz zenos was a total bitch they started to hate him secretly and when he was defeated stargazer renamed themself to stargazer and decided to join the miniforce [they required little training due to them already having a lot of experience and all that random stuff balh blah blah]
so they ended up temporarily joining m03g for a while in a fanmade ‘show’: spirit of the dragons
theyre like a stylistic sassy bitch with a dash of trauma and fortune teller
they’re actually called ‘agent white’ instead of something like ‘agent violet’
its weird i know
also back to their history
before joining the miniforce some random villan [turns out to be the fanmade show’s main antagonist!!!] beat them up and nearly killed them
thus they lost some eyesight and has a scar across their neck that is hidden by their scarf
oh yea and for delusion form ; when the appear to have legs, the thing they use is called a ‘mirage pearl’ and for them it is embedded into their neck and also a collection of some space magic
it can break and crack which can lead to uh… questionable delusion forms
stargazer has purple blood btw
oh yea and ;
space magic is a type of magic where the holder can use various constellations to summon stuff like arrows and bullets
it does require a crap ton of charging, mental focus, and energy tho
space magic enhances X disks and the user’s sense of time
they can actually use a littleeee bit of mystical magic but they find it tiring
ha uh
he is tricky to explain
cerulean is like an anti-hero and basically ray but on a lighter level and wayyyyy more blunt
She is capable of flight [unlike SOMEONE] and teleportation
he can just kinda teleport anywhere [including into someone] and also can teleport others with enough mental concentration
he fights stargazer every other nanosecond but still ends up doing something good
kinda a loner but she did receive training but like dropped out at the last minute
one of his eyes got ripped out by — you guessed it, that random villan i brought up while talking about stargazer [their name is raven]
he does join the team for a while but disappears later
cerulean’s light blue ribbon things are embedded into his back and literally cannot be ripped out or he’ll fucking die
though it does help her with gliding down when he teleports on air
he is very sleep deprived and needs help and therapy
who let the cat out
raindancer is a little dumb idiot with more trauma thus the bandages on their stomach
they have rlly bad burns on there and their lower body is pretty much cursed so they mainly use magic to summon weather and stuff [thunderstorms… tornadoes… etc] which are all controlled
their lower body was cursed by ZENOS after an encounter and theyre glad hes fucking dead
theyre a cat btw :3
also they cant cook at all LMAO
overall pretti silly creechur
yes they use cat crutches sometimes
anyways they fought pascal in secret and so did they with zenos
they do not appear in the fanmade show sadlee
[update: they do and alot of the stuff on this post is prettyyyy inconsistent]
ye a thx so much for asking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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kalaplugin1 · 7 months
Audiomodern Chordjam Free Download
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Dive into the realm of innovative music composition with Audiomodern's Chordjam, a groundbreaking software that redefines the way you create harmonies and chords. This powerful tool opens up a world of possibilities, enabling both seasoned musicians and aspiring producers to effortlessly craft intricate chord progressions with just a few clicks.
Chordjam is designed to inspire and elevate your music production experience. Its intuitive interface allows users to explore a vast array of chord variations, scales, and rhythms, providing a dynamic platform for experimentation. Seamlessly integrating with your preferred DAW, this downloadable plugin gives you the freedom to shape your sound and unlock new dimensions of creativity.
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iddybiddysquish · 1 year
I Regret Request: Aizawa x Reader
Masterlist: Here
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Gender: AFAB
Warnings: Student x teacher! Vaginal fingering, marking, A/B/O quirk, arousal quirk, crampie, riding, biting, marking, unsafe sex, mild bondage, 69, oral sex giving and receiving, spanking, slight brat taming - not good with terminology to let me know if I've missed anything!
Notes: Feedback is welcomed and I hope you have a good time reading! Never written for Aizawa before so pls be kind! <3 Reader has the ability to copy and edit quirks! Not beta read, we die like men.
'I regret everything.' I whined as I laid in my bed, thighs heavy with slick as I came for the 12th time that morning. It has only been an hour or so since I'd awoken to an aching need in my cunt that was impossible to ignore and a fever so hot that I was starting to see stars. 
I was exhausted and yet nowhere near satisfied. I knew I was going to need to call in sick with how painful this arousal is. 
It took me a while to figure out what the cause was. At first I thought I'd been hit with an arousal quirk in my sleep, as impossible as that is. However the more I looked into the quirks I'd copied at random that took my interest, I discovered something that I didn't know when I copied the quirks. 
Quirk: A/B/O
This quirk gives the user characteristics of the A/B/O genre, including giving them a second gender. This gives them claws and fangs that can retract as well as basics such as enhanced senses and physiological changes such as scent glands and enhanced animalistic thinking. 
Quirk: Estrus
This quirk gives the user the ability to cast uncontrollable arousal in individuals who are touched or are within a 5 m distance. 
Apparently, this included heat and rut cycles as well as an estrus cycle, the latter of which is experienced because of the quirk with the same name - side effects of both quirks. It's not helped by the fact that I was weeping out of every hole - even my ass now had a uterus and there was a third uterus with a vaginal opening between my anus and normal vagina, both with slick pouring out of them, like male Omega’s get in the Omegaverse and it was killing me. Three vaginas was too much to contend with when all I had were handheld toys at my disposal.
'I don't have enough hands for this shit.'
What made things worse was that I was capable of experiencing a mating season as well as a heat or a rut despite not being an Alpha, which confused me. I was clearly an Omega - even having the male equivalent of uteruses.
To cum more readily I even activated a quirk that gave me both male and female genitalia but the friction, despite my slick, was starting to hurt my sensitive head and thick knot that had formed from my last orgasm, and I was nowhere near feeling satisfied. So I deactivated it and wiped my hands clean before searching for my phone with disdain.
I am irritable and whiny all whilst pining for an Alpha to be submissive towards. It's a weird concoction that I wasn't appreciating as I laid in what I now realised was a nest of blankets and pillows I'd created to house myself as I cried from over and under stimulation.
Everything was made worse by the fact that I had no clue how long this would last.
‘Is this monthly or annually?’ 
The more I looked into this quirk the worse I felt, especially as I discovered I would have an annual mating season, would go into heat monthly, would go into estrus biweekly and would go in a rut whenever someone else experienced either one of these phenomena - so I could experience all of these at once, as I was, on top of an estrus cycle that corresponds with my menstrual cycle. I would’ve breathed a sigh of relief if I didn’t remember that there are many other people who would go through heat, estrus and or mating season, meaning I would be triggered into a rut by these and could even be triggered just by using the Estrus quirk.
‘I blame Tokoyami’s mating season…!’ I groaned, ‘Then at least it would just be a heat, estrus and a mating season…’
I wanted to cry.
“I can’t take this any more.” I moaned, deciding quickly I needed to call the school and explain what was going on. I needed help with this; there must be someone with a similar quirk that they’ve known about. After all, I copied these things from someone else.
Much to my surprise, when I explained to the receptionist I needed to speak to Aizawa, I was passed to him relatively quickly.
“(L/N)-san.” he greeted, “Are you unwell?”
“Something like that.” I groaned, crossing my legs tightly, “I’m in a very… difficult situation and I need some guidance.”
“I can help you in class if you want?” he begged, “If you get here sooner we can discuss it before class.”
“I… I don’t know if I can come to class.” I basically whispered. Aizawa frowned at this on the other side of the line with concern.
“Should I be concerned, (L/N)-san?” I sighed.
“I don’t know.”
“Why don’t you tell me the problem first?” he begged, walking down the hallway to get away from people, realising quickly that this was a private conversation, “Then I can tailor my aid better.” I groaned.
“This is going to be super awkward, so I’m sorry.” I warned, earning a grunt which sent a painful zap towards my clit, making me flush, “I copied a quirk.”
“Uh-huh…” he nodded when I didn’t say anything else for a few seconds.
“It’s given me a clusterfuck of hormones.” I explained slowly, “I’m essentially experiencing a mating season, a heat and a rut simultaneously as well as an estrus cycle - they are different. And I’m a bit scared.”
“... I wasn’t expecting that.” he admitted, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “I assume you’re in halls?” I nodded.
“Yeah.” I laughed humorlessly, “I know, right? I only discovered this would happen today because it’s happening now.
“I didn’t think to look at the weaknesses when I copied the quirk. It just seemed so interesting I couldn’t pass it up. Even if I edit the quirks I can't get rid of what I'm experiencing right now.���
“Stay in the halls.” he confirmed, “I’ll do some research and see what strings I can pull. You won’t be the first to experience either one of those things and I doubt you’ll be the last.
“For now, remain in your room. I’ll explain to the class that you’re having some… complications with your quirk and not to visit you.” he hummed, looking over at the watch on his wrist, “I’ll try to contact you by the end of the day and recommend you stockpile some food whilst the others are gone.” I nodded.
“Thanks sensei. I appreciate it.” he nodded.
“I’ll talk to you later. Stay safe.”
“You, too.”
And just like that I breathed a sigh of relief and laid back down, hand drifting down to my painfully empty holes and clit, only to come away with heavy slick dripping from my fingers. I groaned, pulling my head into a pillow and screaming for a few minutes before going back to playing with myself, unable to hold on for much longer without some kind of stimulation.
To say that Aizawa was concerned was an understatement. One of his prized students was suffering as he walked towards the classroom pondering the best course of action. The reality was that he knew she needed relief but he also knew that he was her teacher and shouldn't approach her. He'd be abusing the situation and his position. 
Didn't mean he wasn't still tempted to pay her a visit to see her for himself. 
Her quirk had always fascinated him. The ability to copy other quirks wasn't necessarily unusual nor was it unsurprisingly powerful. But it was how she used it to her advantage that impressed him. She thought outside the box and adapted to new quirks so effortlessly that he couldn't help but be in awe. 
In all honesty it all went right to his cock. 
'Not now…' he cursed, shuffling his pants around to hide the growing chub before entering the classroom with the same enthusiasm as he did every morning.
“Good morning, students.” Aizawa greeted, catching everyone off guard, Denki and Kirishima running to their seats as soon as he entered the room.
“You’re here early, sir?” Yaoyorozu spoke up, raising her arm. Aizawa nodded.
“I have an announcement.” he confirmed, “As you know, Tokoyami is still off. However (L/N)-san is having some complications with her quirk.
“As a result it would be wise for you all to leave her be in her room and don’t communicate with her until it resolves. It’s likely to last for at least a week.”
“So we won’t see her at all?” Ashido begged, earning the shake of a head.
“But what about food?” Hagakure begged, “(L/N)-san eats a lot.” Aizawa removed some of his hair from his face, thinking about the response, before answering.
“We might need to ask one of you to deliver the food to her door.” he concluded with distaste, “It’s not ideal but it’s imperative that all of you leave her alone. It might be best to have one of the girls to deliver the meals…” he sighed, fingers to the bridge of his nose, “Although that might not help.”
“Is she well?” Uraraka begged, concerned. Aizawa nodded.
“She’s not sick. It’s just something related to her quirk.”
“Why do they have to be female?” Iida begged, raising his arm. Aizawa groaned.
“It’s not necessary. But it would be best that all the men stay away from her door.”
“Why?” Kirishima begged, “What would require only the men to stay away?”
“Is it the same reason as Tokoyami?” Asui begged, raising her hand before Aizawa could respond. He sighed.
“Wait, why is Tokoyami away?” Midoriya begged her way.
“Mating season.” Asui noted casually with a shrug. 
"Oh hell yeah!" Mineta cheered, causing Sero to cringe. 
"You are banned from that floor, Mineta." Aizawa warned, his hair flying all over the place as he glared, earning a gulp from the boy. His words caused everyone to turn back to Aizawa, who was rubbing his temples.
“It’s a private matter. That’s all you need to know.” Bakugou raised a brow at this.
“So who’s gonna feed her?” he begged with a glare. Immediately everyone turned to Bakugou, causing his brow to twitch violently, “Why me?!”
“You love cooking.” Todoroki stated as though it were obvious. Shinsou snorted and Bakugou ‘tched’ and looked away sharply, glaring ahead of him as Aizawa looked at his watch again before divulging into the remaining announcements, none of which really kept Aizawa's attention. 
Aizawa attempts not to get too attached to his students. The bonds are unbreakable of course, but he knows they only have three years to put each student through the ringer in order to make them become top heroes. That requires a lot of tough love and heartache as a teacher and guide. 
This was a lot harder with (L/N) than he had originally anticipated. He'd be lying to say it wasn't the first time he'd gotten attached to a student, but even he couldn't deny that this was different. (L/N) was particularly unusual as a student. She was kind hearted and wore her heart on her sleeve despite having a strong offensive quirk that normally would create a lot of narcissism in an individual. It didn't match her attitude to herself and those around her. 
Not that this was a bad thing in his eyes. It was just unusual. A diamond in the rough so to speak. 
However she was reckless. Copying quirks willy nilly was dangerous and now he was having to pick up the pieces because of it. He could think of ways to make her pay, but none of them were PG. 
'No.' he cursed mentally, 'I shouldn't think like that. She's my student.'
Still the dirty thoughts lingered. And they were with him the rest of the day as he contemplated how to fix the situation - (L/N)'s and his own that seemed to grow in his pants the more he contemplated the former. 
I waited and waited until I knew the coast was clear. The only other person would’ve been Tokoyami two floors below, but he was staying at home, so for the first time I was on my own in the halls. Despite this, I was nervous to leave the safety of my nest to the point that I waited for far longer than I needed to. 
It just didn’t feel right.
Opening the door I went to walk forward, but found myself freezing in the spot at all the scents.
“Oh… my god.” I reeled, gulping.
It took me a good few minutes just standing there in order to get used to all the smells. Some were pleasant, some were repulsive. 
But others were tasty.
‘The strongest scent is…’ I realised quickly, mouth watering, ‘Bakugou’s…’ 
My scent-clouded mind wasn’t so surprised by this reveal. Bakugou smells like burnt caramel normally, so it’d make sense that I’d be attracted to it. It really was a no-brainer, even if I longed not to be attracted to the interesting scent, just glad that he wasn't here to witness this. It's not like I was actually interested in him beyond his tantalising smell.
The scent that I wasn't expecting to be drawn to, however, was that of Shinsou's. It was soft and tantalising. Like a comfortable cloud. It made me relax and feel like curling up and taking a nap despite my current circumstances.
What was more interesting was the minty freshness that was Todoroki’s scent I could detect from the elevator.
‘It’s almost spicy to the senses.’ I mused, feeling a wave of calmness wash over me.
Again, it didn’t surprise me that I felt myself drifting his way. Todoroki was very attractive and we had been getting closer as of late. It was almost predictable. 
However the scent that was most tantalising, surprisingly, was Aizawa's. It was the faintest since he was rarely here. But it was still there, teasing me and making my mouth water. 
'Does he know he smells that good?'
I had to slap myself to stop myself from following his scent and instead made a beeline for the kitchen and raided my pantry, grabbing every snack and unspoilable food I could before running back to my room. I was as quick as I could feasibly be. But as I went to close the door, I found myself peeking outside and down the hallway towards Aizawa's scent.
I shook my head.
‘I can’t go sneaking around like this.’ I scolded myself as my Omega whined at me, begging to investigate. I shook my head again as I felt my thighs clench and almost whined myself.
“No. I can’t.” But I didn’t move away from the door.
‘... Ugh why does he have to smell like that?!’ I cursed, looking back down the hall. Before I even realised what I was doing, I was sneaking towards the heavenly scent, as though I were about to be caught at any moment. I could feel Aizawa scolding me, but of course it never came since he was in class with everyone else. 
‘This would be so amoral of me…’ 
Despite knowing this, I found myself turning myself invisible as I stalked towards the teachers quarters. It wasn't long before I arrived with only slight hesitation as I grasped the doorknob. I cringed at the squeak as the door opened, checking there was no one else around, but I was quickly blindsided by the absolute raw stench of his scent and felt my Omega trill in happiness.
From there I had zero control of myself as I entered his room and closed the door behind me, sniffing deeply as I attempted to fill my entire lungs with his scent. 
Naturally, his bed smelt the strongest. And I couldn’t stop myself from lying on it and taking a deep breath of his pillow. With little effort I could fall asleep here and God did I want to.
However, I didn’t want to be caught by a cleaner or anything, so I regretfully removed myself from his bedding and skulked around his room with intrigue. 
It was fairly neat and tidy. Everything was neatly packed away - even his dirty clothes were in the hamper, none left in sight. There were a few personables, such as collectables and books. I was drawn to the books, noting that a lot of them were either fiction or textbooks for class, some of which were missing, before looking over the neatness that was his desk with little surprise.
I couldn’t help rummaging through his things as though I were searching for something. But I was careful enough to put everything back exactly as I found it before eyeing the exit with disappointment. 
‘I need to leave.’ I concluded, anxiously, ‘I need to get back to my room.’ despite feeling safe immersed in his scent. Regardless, I needed to get back and the need to hide was strong.
I couldn’t force myself to leave quickly. I eyed the bed and whined before eyeing his dirty clothing hamper with a dangerous thought in my mind.
‘I can’t.’ I argued as I looked inside, moving things around a bit as I took in his scent further, ‘He’d so notice if I took something of his.’
As if that was the only reason not to steal his clothing like some kind of smell-pervert.
‘Man I’ve really stooped to a new low.’ I concluded as I pawed at a shirt of his that smelt the strongest. Instincts told me I needed it for my nest and no matter how much I tried to rationalise, I found myself stealing the shirt and running back to my room to hide - from everyone and my shame.
I was grateful to Aizawa for warning off the rest of the class now that I’d committed a crime. But the way my Omega praised my decision left me feeling euphoric, especially as I snuggled the shirt and preened the den I’d created.
I spent most of my time preening, snuggling Aizawa's shirt and masterbating. It was a simple routine as I stored my snacks carefully as though I was creating a proper den to live in. And I supposed I was, given I’d be stuck here for the next however long it would be before I could go back to normal.
When I started to hear the whirl of the elevator and the sounds of people talking that was my first clue that school was over. My next clue was the knock at my door.
"Uraraka-san!" Iida commanded loudly, gaining my attention quickly, "Sensei said not to engage with (L/N)!"
"I know but I just want her to know we support her." She muttered back before turning back to the door, "We're here for you, (L/N)! Stay safe!"
I felt myself swell with happiness even if I found myself growling at the intrusion. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything back though as the pair muttered to one another quietly before going to their individual rooms. I found myself on edge, listening intently to everyone returning to their dorms or going elsewhere as I hid in my nest.
I had no idea how anxiety-inducing it would be now that everyone was back. But now I knew: it’s very anxiety-inducing. 
I managed to fall asleep by burrowing myself with blankets and pillows. However I stirred when I sensed someone outside of my door, hearing them muttering something to themselves.
That’s when I realised it was Aizawa of all people.
I practically leaped out of my nest, thoroughly ruining it, and leaned across the door, taking in a deep breath of his scent. It was then I realised I smelt something else tasty and wondered if he’d made food for me.
My heart and Omega leapt at the thought.
"(L/N)-san." He spoke curtly, "I'll be delivering your food from now. Eat up."
'For me…?'
I had to claw at myself not to open the door and jump on him. Taking deep breaths I tried to focus on the smell of the food instead of the smell of Aizawa as I listened to his footsteps recede. And only when I was sure he’d retreated did I open the door and take the contents, eating quickly before leaving the bowl outside of the door as he had done.
This continued morning and evening for the next few days and sadly I wasn’t improving despite ordering new toys and other kinky tools to try and earn some relief. I was extremely grateful for Kaminari bringing them to me, oblivious to the contents, although I realised quickly he was hoping he’d get to see me when he knocked on the door. I heard him sit down outside of it as he began telling me about what I’d missed at school. 
It was sweet of him. 
“Bakugou kicked the crap out of him of course! The guy had a bloody nose for the rest of the day he hit him so hard!” he laughed, “I suppose that's what you get for messing with him.” I laughed, something he didn’t hear as I was hidden under the covers of my den.
I considered sitting by the door, but I was too desperate for a release, I worried I’d open it and ruin everything. And of all people, as wonderful as Kaminari is, my rational brain and Omega didn't want to have sex with him.
Only Aizawa would work. He was my prime Alpha.
So I didn’t and waited for him to leave before taking the box and abusing its contents.
By the time I had finished it was dinner time, and I basically sat glued to the door with blankets on me as I listened for Aizawa to arrive. 
The strength of the symptoms seemed to wax instead of wane as time went on and I realised I was starting to really struggle when I heard his familiar footsteps coming towards the door. I breathed in greedily when I was greeted with his scent and moaned at the delicious smell, feeling myself until he paused at the door and knocked. 
"Food, (L/N)."
I felt my mouth water - and it wasn't from the food. For once Aizawa didn't smell as much of his cologne and more of his natural, earthy scent and it was driving me wild. 
"Thank you, Alpha." I spoke up, not thinking as I reached for the door and creaked it open slowly. Aizawa looked surprised given I hadn't done this before. But as soon as I did he made his face remain impassive. 
It was difficult, however, because he could practically smell my aching cunt and desperation. Another thing that went straight to his cock. 
"How are you doing?" He begged reaching out to feel my forehead, wincing slightly at my temperature with a deep sigh, "You're burning up."
"Need knot." I whined as I leaned into his cool touch. Aizawa looked at me for a moment before sighing again. 
"You know I can't do that, (L/N)." He muttered as I pouted up at him. Opening the door fully I sat with my legs wide as I posed for him and gripped my thighs. 
"Please, Alpha." Aizawa blinked, realising I was soaked through my underwear. It was then he noticed the sheen of sweat glistening against my skin. 
I was a hot mess and it was driving Aizawa wild despite his cool and calm demeanour. It was starting to shatter his ability to hold back as I purred up at him and began to touch myself. 
"Pretty please?" I begged as I batted my eyelashes at him. 
Aizawa paused for a moment before breathing out haggardly. It felt like he'd run a hundred miles as he stared into my eyes. 
As if the wall collapsed, all his self control flew out the window as he crouched and crawled over me, shutting the door with his foot and immediately going for my lips. 
I moaned as his tongue glided across my lips, demanding entry. I gave in with little restraint and he forced his way into my mouth before sucking my lip and nibbling at it, eliciting more moans. 
I was putty in his hands as he pulled me into him, gliding his nails across my back and under my shirt, causing me to arch into him. I felt him smirk into the kiss as I returned the favour, nipping his lip and forcing my own tongue into his mouth as I tugged on his ragged locks. 
Hearing him moan was delicious and rare, I could tell. So when he did I felt my Omega trill with pride. 
My hands dived down to his pants slowly as I played with the buckle and tugged at it, whining when he did nothing to free the thick erection I could feel pressing into my pubis. Aizawa gave me a mocking smirk as I fumbled with the belt, having to bring my other hand from his hair down to help. 
"Eager, aren't you, (F/N)?" He chuckled. I pouted at his mockery, but grinned triumphantly when I managed to get the belt free and quickly put my hand down his trousers and pumped his cock once, then twice causing him to hiss. 
I started to pump at a steady pace, watching as he gave the occasional groan into my body. From there he pushed my shirt up and dived into my breasts, giving them small kisses and sucks before latching onto my nipples. Occasionally I could feel the reverberations of his moans through them, eliciting small sparks through my body. 
I had dreamed of this with Aizawa. For longer than I'd like to admit. He was a beautiful man with a drive I was in awe of. So I was a bit euphoric and dazed now that it was really happening. It means I also couldn't help but stare at him, which is when I realised he had been staring at me the whole time. 
It was incredibly intimate. Being able to watch his expression shift as he experienced the pleasure I was giving him was a huge turn on, not to mention a beautiful sight. 
'I'm the cause of that.'
However it wasn't long before he took control, taking my hands from his pants and pinning them above my head as he smirked down at me. 
"Keep them there." He warned, "Be a good girl for Daddy."
Wordlessly I nodded, leaving my arms exactly where he pinned them. Only then did he slowly move his hands across my body before lowering himself towards my crotch and took a deep breath. 
"Beautiful…" he muttered as he tugged on my underwear. However I made the error of trying to help with my hands, earning a glare. I froze. 
"What did I say?"
"S-sorry Daddy." I muttered as I put my hands back where they were. He sighed and shook his head. 
"Are you being a bad girl?" He begged lowly. I felt my cunt clench as he pulled me up and manhandled me into position on his lap so my ass was up in the air. I whined as I felt the cold air his my ass and vagina as he yanked my panties off, only to yelp when his hand came down on my left ass cheek roughly. 
"Are you not answering me now?"
"I-I'm not being bad, I swear-" I yelped again as his hand came down for a second time, then a third and a fourth on the other cheek. 
"I can't hear you." He muttered as he kneaded my abused ass cheeks gently. I felt tears prickle my vision at the sting but my slick only pooled out more as my cunt clenched with each wack. 
"I'm not being a bad girl! I promise!" Aizawa raised a brow at me. 
"You want to be a good girl again?" I nodded feverently. 
"I'm your good girl, Daddy." I promised, earning a satisfied chuckle from the man.
"Alright. Come here." 
Confused, I sat up and back onto my legs only for him to pull my legs towards him. It wasn't long before I realised he wanted to eat me out. However my mouth positioned so perfectly over his unexposed cock that I felt my mouth water. 
As soon as my hands dived down to expose his throbbing cock he chuckled, breath tickling my clit. 
"So eager." He mocked before pulling me down so he could sheath his face into my cunt. Immediately I gasped out and clenched around him, clawing at his clothes thighs as I bit back a lot of loud moans. 
His tongue was experienced and effortlessly glided around my vagina to take in the delicious slick I was producing before his tongue dived into my pussy for more. Aizawa knew I'd taste great but he want expecting something so sweet and divine. It was addictive. 
It wasn't long before his tongue finished it's pursuit and went straight for my clit as he encouraged me to rock on his face. 
I jumped and squeaked at the sudden stimulation before practically melting on his face. Only when I'd adjusted however did I pull his cock free and hollowed out my cheeks. Taking in the tip I felt him moan into my pussy, making me smirk. I bobbed slowly, teasing his head slightly before taking the entirety of him in. He was thick and long so it was hard, but I relaxed my throat and took him in as deep as I could. 
I felt his nails dig into my thighs as his ministrations picked up. After some trial and error I managed to match his pace as my head bobbed and my mouth drooled at the taste of his precum. 
I wasn't sure how long I'd been sucking on him for. But I felt Aizawa buck into my mouth as his pace picked up on my clit. I could tell he was getting close from the way his hips jumped and stuttered and quite frankly I was exactly the same despite his continued encouragement with his hands to keep me moving on his face. 
On a mission, I picked up the pace as I got closer and closer to my release. With time, however, I was soon unravelling on his tongue, moans and words of praise choked by his cock. Once I recovered I started sucking with the same pace and vigour as before, taking him deep down my throat as he began to deep throat me, hands pulling me down by the waist. It was a bruising grip but I didn't mind. It kept me grounded as he continued to suck me through and after my orgasm. 
Soon his own release followed as he forced his cock down my throat. I choked, tears welling up and falling as I swallowed and attempted to keep sucking as I guzzled his cum greedily. 
"Such a good girl." I heard him moan into my cunt before a slap to my ass sounded in the room, making me jump off of him. I was slightly dazed and my throat sore from the stretch, but I was still hungry for more. 
And Aizawa could sense this as I sat before him. He smirked down at me as he brushed my hair out of my face and pulled me in for a rough kiss. 
"Tell me what you want." I blinked. 
"You." He tsked. 
"What about me? Be more specific, (F/N)." I pouted, my cheeks reddening as I thought of all the lewd things I wanted him to do to me. Eventually I plucked up the courage and looked him in the eye as I climbed onto his lap.  
"I want to feel you inside me." I whined, "Please, Daddy? I need to fuck you." Aizawa chuckled before pulling me up and standing, taking me to the bed.
"See that wasn't so hard now, was it?" 
Aizawa immediately began to nip and suck at my neck, finding the most tempting of places that made me moan the loudest with little effort. Simultaneously he kneaded my breast with one hand whilst caressing my thigh with the other, hand gliding dangerously towards my clenching cunt. I began to get impatient with his teasing and growled at him, pulling his hand to my cunt demanding that he finger me. 
Aizawa didn't like that. 
Snatching his hand away, Aizawa glowered down at me dangerously before pinning my hands above the bed. When I wriggled in his grasp he grabbed his belt and quickly tied my arms to the bed. 
"If you're going to be a brat." He muttered, slapping my tit when I fussed, making me yelp, "I'll treat you like one."
As if to solidify his point he began to tease my entrance with his fingers, gently scratching at my thighs and ass, gripping and slapping them every now and then to keep me on my toes as I writhed below him. 
I wanted to protest. But with how he was sucking at my nipple, giving just enough pressure to stimulate me but not enough to get me going as he purposefully ignored my clit, I was second guessing my behaviour. Especially when he slapped my tit again from zoning out. 
"Eyes on me, brat." He glared. I gulped and nodded, realising that pouting like a child was ineffective on this man. So I went lax and let him use me at his own pace, even if it had me tearing up. It was a sad sight that led to Aizawa chuckling as he slowly fingered me, edging me close to my release before stopping, over and over again. By the time I'd almost climaxed five times, my body was beginning to shake from the strain and I was panting like crazy. 
"You're doing so well." Aizawa remarked as he pulled out his fingers at the last minute, for the sixth time, "I'll let you pick how we do this since you seem to have learnt your lesson." I blinked up at him. 
'I didn't expect that…' I blanked, but my heart soared at the thought of him finally knotting me. 
However I wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine. So with a small grin I pushed him onto the bed and climbed on top of him. Aizawa looked up at me with a surprised chuckle, but he allowed it, hands slotting into place along my hips as I slowly grinded myself against his rock hard head, earning a low hiss. 
Slowly I continued to grind, earning gritted teeth and nails dug into my hips. It wasn't exactly the reaction I wanted but it was effective. Deciding I needed more, I angled myself to meet him before slowly sliding his head into me, earning a small gasp. 
I grinned at this, thighs shaking as I slowly sheathed him in me partially, only to remove him entirely. I then would repeat a few times, earning a slap on the ass. 
"Are you trying to tease me?" He snarled as I slowly took him inside me again, the tightness of my walls slowly getting to him. I giggled, my only answer, "I can take back my gift to you and fuck you like the brat you are if you want?" He warned. 
I paused my teasing at that. I knew he wouldn't let me cum if I did that. But the idea of being railed sounded all too tempting. 
However I wanted to have some of my own fun, first. So my answer was to sit on him fully and roughly, causing a loud groan from both of us as I felt him smack my cervix. 
The stretch wasn't painful exactly. It stung a little but it felt good to have him inside me fully. It was like he was meant to stretch me out, make me his. 
So when I rocked I felt myself claw at his chest and grit my teeth with each thrust. 
"Daddy you feel so good." I purred, throwing my head back as I picked up the pace. Aizawa grunted below me, guiding my hips as he let me ride him. 
I whined when he hit that spongy spot deep inside me, which encouraged him to start fucking up into me as I rocked, hitting that area over and over again. It was enough to cause me to see stars and I was quickly approaching my orgasm. 
"Fuck…" he groaned before flipping me over, causing me to yelp. However when he sheathed himself deep inside me, I moaned. 
"Ugh Shota…!" I squealed when he pulled my legs up and over his shoulders, fucking me deeper and putting me in a mating press. 
It seemed to give him a better depth to hit my g spot because he was nailing that sucker with each thrust and I was a panting, squealing mess as I felt that tight ball in my stomach release. And with it so did my fluids, soaking his pelvis in cum as I came hard on his cock. 
"So messy, squirting for me like that." He commented as he continued to fuck my through my high, "It can't be helped." 
Aizawa wasn't even close, the slaps of wet skin on skin sounded throughout the room as he picked up the pace. I couldn't help but scream his name as I approached my second orgasm. I began to scratch at his back hoping to ground myself, however when I came Aizawa shoved his tongue in my mouth to silence me, but never slowed his pace even for a second. If anything he sped up, determined to fuck through the high again as he reached his own climax. And when he did, his brutal pace continued as he fucked his cum into me. 
The only indication that he'd came was him biting into my nape harshly, a deep, guttural almost growl sounding from his throat and the slight stutter of his hips as he slowed his pace gently.
I was still panting by the time his hips came to a halt. My body was on fire as every touch elicited a spark. So when Aizawa pulled me onto him, cock still thoroughly embedded inside me, I practically melted as I snuggled into his chest. 
"Are you alright?" He begged softly, moving hair out of my face as he checked me over. I felt myself nod and yawn as I burrowed my head into his neck. 
"Perfect, Alpha."
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kushitworld · 8 months
Elevate Your Fitness Business: Uncovering the SEO Benefits
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In the digital age, the fitness industry is booming, and competition is fierce. As a fitness business owner, it’s crucial to stand out and reach your target audience effectively. One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In this article, we’ll explore how harnessing the SEO benefits can help elevate your fitness business and drive growth.
1. Increased Visibility in Search Engines
The primary goal of SEO is to improve the visibility of your fitness business in search engine results. By optimizing your website and content, you increase the likelihood of appearing on the first page of search results when potential clients search for fitness-related services in your area. Enhanced visibility means more exposure to your target audience, leading to increased inquiries and bookings.
2. Targeted Traffic
SEO enables you to attract highly targeted traffic. Instead of casting a wide net and hoping for random visitors, you can focus your efforts on specific keywords and phrases relevant to your fitness services. For instance, you can optimize your content for keywords such as “personal training in [your city],” “yoga classes,” or “online fitness coaching.” By aligning your content with these keywords, you attract visitors who are actively seeking the services you offer, increasing the likelihood of converting them into clients.
3. Showcase Your Services
Your website serves as a digital brochure for your fitness business. It’s where potential clients get their first impression of your services. By optimizing your website with clear and detailed information about your fitness programs, trainers, and facility, you provide a comprehensive resource for visitors. Include high-quality images, descriptions, and pricing information to give a transparent view of what you offer. This transparency helps build trust and encourages potential clients to get in touch.
4. Client Testimonials and Reviews
Client testimonials and reviews are crucial in the decision-making process for potential clients. Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or Facebook, and prominently display them on your website. Positive reviews not only enhance your credibility but also improve your SEO. Search engines value user-generated content, and highly-rated businesses tend to rank better in search results.
5. Local SEO for Enhanced Visibility
Local SEO is particularly significant for fitness businesses, as clients often seek services within their geographic area. To enhance your local SEO, ensure that your business is listed on Google My Business and other local directories. Consistency in your business’s NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) information across these platforms is vital for local search engine rankings. This will help your fitness business appear in local search results, attracting clients in your vicinity.
6. Valuable Content
Creating informative and engaging content is vital for SEO success. Regularly publish blog posts, articles, and fitness tips on your website. This content can be related to workout routines, nutrition, wellness advice, or success stories of your clients. Besides providing value to your audience, it offers opportunities to incorporate relevant keywords, further boosting your website’s SEO.
7. Mobile Optimization
With the surge in mobile device usage, having a mobile-responsive website is essential. Search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their rankings. A responsive design ensures that your website looks and functions seamlessly on various devices, improving the user experience and enhancing your SEO.
8. Social Media Integration
While not a direct SEO factor, a strong presence on social media platforms can indirectly impact your online visibility. Share fitness tips, success stories, and blog posts on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Encourage your followers to engage with your content, as social signals such as likes, shares, and comments can positively influence your website’s SEO.
9. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation
SEO is an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring and adaptation. Tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console provide valuable insights into your website’s performance. Keep an eye on your rankings, the keywords that drive traffic, and the pages that are the most popular. Make adjustments to your SEO strategy based on the data you collect to stay competitive in the dynamic fitness industry.
In conclusion, SEO is a powerful tool for elevating your fitness business in the digital world. It enhances your online visibility, attracts targeted traffic, and establishes your expertise in the fitness industry. By optimizing your website, creating high-quality content, and engaging with potential clients on social media, you can leverage SEO to grow your fitness business and stand out in a competitive market. Remember that SEO is an ongoing effort, and staying updated with the latest trends is essential for maintaining your competitive edge in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.
Source: https://kushitworld.com/2023/10/31/elevate-your-fitness-business-uncovering-the-seo-benefits/
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authoritybacklinksp · 10 months
Landing High Authority Backlinks: Unveiling the Power of Link Equity
Welcome, dear readers, to a journey into the intricate world of High Authority Links. As we navigate through this comprehensive exploration, we will unravel the mysteries of link equity, understand how Google evaluates link quality, and unveil the crucial significance of these backlinks in today's digital landscape. So, fasten your seatbelts, for we're about to embark on a captivating voyage into the realm of High Authority Links.
What Are High Authority Backlinks?
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In the ever-evolving realm of SEO, one term consistently reigns supreme: High Authority Backlinks. These are not just mere hyperlinks connecting web pages; they hold the potential to elevate your website's prominence in the vast expanse of search engine results. But what exactly are they? High Authority Backlinks refer to those links that originate from websites with established credibility and prominence in their respective domains. Think of them as endorsements from reputable sources, vouching for the quality and relevance of your content. They carry a substantial weight in the eyes of search engines, acting as trust signals that signify your website's authority and reliability. The concept of link equity comes into play here, where the value of the linking site's reputation is transferred to your site, enhancing its search engine visibility and overall ranking.
How Google Judges Link Quality
In our digital age, where billions of web pages vie for attention, search engines like Google have refined their algorithms to meticulously assess the quality of links. Google's mission is to provide users with the most relevant and trustworthy results, and that's where link quality becomes a critical factor. The algorithms scrutinize various aspects, including the source's authority, the context of the link, and the relevance of the linked content. The higher the authority of the linking source, the more impactful the link becomes. Furthermore, the relevance of the content surrounding the link is a vital element; a link within contextually relevant content holds more weight than a random link. Link quality is an intricate balance of these elements, and as search engines evolve, so does their ability to distinguish between genuine endorsements and manipulative tactics.
Drawing from My Own Experience
Allow me to share a personal story that vividly illustrates the power of High Authority Links. A few years ago, when I was running a fledgling blog focused on digital marketing, I had a stroke of luck. An industry influencer stumbled upon one of my articles and was impressed by the depth of insights I had provided. This influencer, who held a high domain authority website, not only shared my article with their audience but also linked to it from one of their most popular blog posts. Overnight, my website's traffic skyrocketed, and the article became a cornerstone of my blog's credibility. This experience taught me firsthand the impact of high authority backlinks and the importance of creating content worthy of such endorsements.
Unleashing the Power of High Authority Backlinks
Welcome back, avid learners, to our ongoing journey into the realm of High Authority Links. In our previous segment, we explored the foundational concepts of link equity and Google's evaluation of link quality. As we dive deeper into this enlightening exploration, we'll uncover the importance and benefits of these prized backlinks in the modern landscape of SEO and content marketing. Buckle up, as we navigate through the intricacies of link building's impact.
Why Does Link Building Matter?
Ah, link building – the cornerstone of search engine optimization. If you've been venturing into the realms of digital marketing, you've undoubtedly heard the buzz surrounding this term. But why does it matter so much? The answer lies in its potential to catapult your website's search engine rankings to new heights. Picture this: every high authority backlink pointing to your content is akin to a vote of confidence from influential figures in your industry. These votes tell search engines that your content is not just valuable but authoritative. As a result, your website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) soars, leading to a surge in organic traffic. Moreover, the credibility you gain through these backlinks extends to your audience, enhancing your brand's reputation and fostering a sense of trust among your users.
The Benefits of Backlinks for Content Marketing
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Imagine this scenario: you've created an exquisite piece of content – a masterpiece that deserves to be showcased to the world. Yet, even the most remarkable content remains hidden without proper linkage. This is where backlinks come into play, transforming your content into a beacon of authority. When authoritative websites link to your content, they vouch for its value and accuracy, encouraging readers to explore further. The strengthened authority of your content propels it to the forefront of relevant searches, attracting organic visitors who are genuinely interested in your offerings. But the benefits don't end there. High-quality backlinks introduce your content to a wider audience, broadening your reach beyond your immediate circles. This influx of targeted traffic translates into increased engagement, longer time spent on your website, and a lower bounce rate. In the realm of content marketing, where engagement is a prized currency, high authority backlinks hold the key to unlocking success.
Link Building Quality: More Isn’t Always Better
As the allure of high authority backlinks beckons, it's crucial to acknowledge a delicate balance that must be maintained. While high authority links wield significant power, it's imperative not to become entangled in the web of quantity over quality. The pursuit of sheer quantity can lead to unnatural link profiles that raise suspicion in the eyes of search engines. A sudden surge in backlinks, especially from unrelated or spammy sources, can flag your site as a potential violator of link schemes. The path forward lies in focusing on context and relevance rather than chasing numbers. Each backlink should arise naturally within relevant content and conversations. By avoiding link spamming and manipulation, you pave the way for sustainable, white-hat link building success.
Mastering High Authority Backlinks: Proven Strategies
Welcome back, fellow explorers, to our ongoing quest to unravel the mysteries of High Authority Backlinks. We've delved into the realm of link building's importance and its profound impact on search engine rankings and online credibility. Now, it's time to take the plunge into the captivating world of strategies for acquiring high authority backlinks. As we navigate this landscape, I'll be your guide, sharing insights, anecdotes, and a treasure trove of tactics that can propel your website to new heights.
1. Become a Source For Reporters and Bloggers
Imagine being the go-to source for reporters and bloggers in your niche. It's not just a dream; it's an achievable reality through strategic media and PR opportunities. Sharing your expertise on industry trends, offering insightful commentary, and providing valuable data can position you as a credible expert in your field. This, in turn, can lead to high authority backlinks as reporters and bloggers cite your insights in their articles. I recall an instance where I contributed a guest post to a renowned industry blog. The backlink not only boosted my site's credibility but also introduced my content to a wider audience, leading to increased traffic and engagement.
2. Publish "Skyscraper" Content
Creating content that towers above the rest is more than just a metaphor. It's a strategy known as the "Skyscraper Technique." It involves identifying existing content in your niche that has garnered attention and then crafting a piece that surpasses it in quality, depth, and usefulness. Once your masterpiece is ready, it's time for outreach and promotion. Share your content with influencers, bloggers, and industry experts. If your content truly provides exceptional value, these high authority figures are more likely to link to it, enhancing your site's backlink profile. I've personally witnessed this technique catapult my content to the top of search results, attracting backlinks from prominent industry players.
3. Building Links From Outdated Resources
Ah, the treasure hunt for outdated resources – a strategy that combines detective work with link building. Start by identifying outdated content in your niche that's no longer relevant. Once you've unearthed these digital relics, craft personalized outreach messages that highlight the value your updated content can offer. Share how your insights and data can breathe new life into their articles. This not only positions you as a helpful resource but also increases the likelihood of securing high quality backlinks as they replace outdated links with yours. I remember a time when I stumbled upon a blog post filled with outdated statistics. After reaching out and providing my updated data, the author gladly swapped their old links for mine, resulting in a boost in my site's authority.
4. Use Content Formats Proven To Generate Links
When it comes to content marketing, the format you choose can make or break your linking success. Certain types of content are naturally inclined to attract links due to their visual appeal and shareability. For instance, an engaging infographic presenting statistics and data in a visually dynamic way can easily go viral, securing links as it spreads across the web. Similarly, a video tutorial that teaches complex concepts in a simple, digestible way tends to get embedded on other sites, each embed representing a backlink. Ultimate guides and comprehensive eBooks are link magnets too, thanks to the immense value they provide. Experiment with these formats, infuse them with value, and leverage their natural shareability to boost high-quality links.
5. Publish Ultimate Guides
Developing and publishing an exceptional, in-depth resource guide on your niche is a proven link building strategy. Unlike short blog posts that cover basics, a comprehensive ultimate guide dives deep into a topic, positioning your site as a leading authority. As your guide gains traction, other industry websites are prompted to link to it, allowing their own users to benefit from your insights. I published an expansive guide on copywriting tips once, and the wealth of actionable strategies it contained led to bloggers and websites linking to it in droves. Each new link enhanced my site's domain authority while allowing me to provide immense value to online communities.
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6. Use Branded Strategies and Techniques
In competitive niches dominated by authoritative sites, building links requires thinking beyond conventional tactics. This is where branded strategies come into play. Develop creative link building approaches that uniquely represent your brand. For instance, a fitness brand could launch a linkable content series titled "30-Day Fitness Challenges." Such branded concepts draw attention in saturated niches. Similarly, coin signature outreach techniques like sending "edutainment outreach" emails that educate prospects in an entertaining style. Building recognition for your branded strategies leads to word-of-mouth buzz and links.
7. Authority Resource Pages
Collaborating with niche authorities to create resources pages is an astute link building approach. Identify influential sites and propose ideas for comprehensive resource pages where experts like yourself can contribute advice and insights. The benefit is twofold: you gain exposure to an engaged audience while securing a link. For example, I once pitched the idea for a "Mastering Time Management" resource to a productivity blog. They loved the concept and featured my input along with other experts. The result was a strong backlink, amplified reach, and recognition as a thought leader.
Bonus Strategy #1: Turn Brand Mentions Into Quality Backlinks
Have you ever come across brand mentions that lack links? Each unlinked mention represents a missed opportunity. Use monitoring tools to identify such instances and then reach out, offering value and gently reminding them to link to your website. More often than not, they'll be happy to oblige, leading to a flurry of high authority links from relevant mentions. Just remember to incorporate value into your outreach by offering useful resources and insights first before requesting a link.
Bonus Strategy #2: Send "Feeler" Emails
Soft outreach through "feeler emails" is an effective way to gradually build relationships that yield links. Instead of directly requesting links, send emails introducing yourself and your content while gauging interest in potential partnerships. If you receive a positive response, find ways to collaborate that provide mutual value. This gradual relationship-building approach leads to organic linking opportunities as trust develops over time. The key is patience and avoiding overly salesy pitches in those initial feeler emails.
Building High Domain Authority Backlinks: Unlocking the Power
Welcome back, fellow seekers of digital enlightenment! As we continue our epic journey through the realm of High Authority Backlinks, we find ourselves standing at the gates of a formidable fortress known as "Building High Domain Authority Backlinks." In this chapter of our saga, we'll uncover the secrets of domain authority, explore the factors that shape it, and learn how to elevate it through strategic maneuvers. So, gather 'round, and let's delve into the heart of this captivating adventure.
What Is Domain Authority and Why Does It Matter?
Before we don our armor and set forth, let's first understand the essence of domain authority. In simple terms, it's a metric developed by the wise sages at Moz that predicts how well a website is likely to rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). Much like a crown worn by a king, higher domain authority signifies a website's noble stature in the digital kingdom. This metric is influenced by factors such as the number and quality of inbound links, the age of the site, and its overall popularity.
Factors Influencing Domain Authority
Just as a blacksmith hammers and tempers a sword to perfection, so too is domain authority shaped by various elements. The age of a website plays a significant role – the longer the site has stood the test of time, the more likely it is to be regarded as trustworthy. Yet, the age alone is not enough to ascend the ranks. The quality and relevance of inbound links also bear great weight. A link from a reputable and high authority site is akin to a knight vouching for your credentials. Additionally, the popularity and ranking of your site further influence domain authority. A site that attracts significant organic traffic and ranks well for relevant keywords establishes itself as a digital beacon of value.
Improving Domain Authority: Unveiling the Strategies
Like a guild of skilled craftsmen, we have a collection of strategies at our disposal to improve domain authority. First and foremost, crafting and publishing high-quality content is paramount. Valuable, informative, and engaging content draws visitors and encourages backlinks from authoritative sources. Engaging in online communities and forums relevant to your industry establishes your presence and reputation, both of which are reflected in your domain authority.
However, no stronghold is impregnable without the strength of alliances. Building relationships with other website owners, bloggers, and influencers can lead to collaborative opportunities and mutually beneficial backlinks. Don't overlook the technical optimization of your site as well. Implementing SEO best practices, improving site speed, and ensuring mobile-friendliness all contribute to a better user experience, which, in turn, can positively impact domain authority.
Pitfalls and Best Practices in High Authority Link Building: Navigating the Treacherous Terrain
Ahoy, fellow adventurers! As our expedition through the realm of High Authority Links reaches its crescendo, we find ourselves at the crossroads of wisdom and folly – the realm of Pitfalls and Best Practices in High Authority Link Building. In this final chapter of our odyssey, we will equip you with the knowledge to avoid treacherous pitfalls and the mastery to tread the path of ethical and effective link building. So, gather 'round, for the grand finale awaits.
The Problem with High Authority Backlinks
As the allure of high authority backlinks beckons, it's crucial to acknowledge a delicate balance that must be maintained. While high authority links wield significant power, it's imperative not to become entangled in the web of quantity over quality. The pursuit of sheer quantity can lead to unnatural link profiles that raise suspicion in the eyes of search engines. A sudden surge in backlinks, especially from unrelated or spammy sources, can flag your site as a potential violator of link schemes.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
In this perilous journey, knowledge of the common mistakes is akin to having a map through treacherous waters. Steer clear of the treacherous waters of link farms and black hat practices. These dark corners of the internet promise shortcuts, but in reality, they lead to a perilous downfall. Equally important is to never lose sight of the beacon of relevance and context. Placing links in contexts that are irrelevant to your content or niche can lead to confusion and dissatisfaction among your audience.
Ethical and Effective Link Building
Now that we've navigated the pitfalls, let's set our sights on ethical and effective link building – the North Star guiding us toward lasting success. White-hat strategies are the honorable code of conduct that not only bring sustainable growth but also establish long-term relationships. Engaging in relationship-building with other website owners and influencers fosters a sense of community and reciprocity. Remember, every link is more than a line of code; it's a testament to trust and collaboration.
As our epic tale of High Authority Links draws to a close, let us reflect on the knowledge we've amassed in our journey through the five realms:
In the realm of Understanding High Authority Links, we uncovered their significance and the role of link equity.
The realm of Importance and Benefits showcased the impact of link building on search engine rankings and our online visibility and credibility.
Within the realm of Strategies to Acquire High Authority Backlinks, we explored a diverse arsenal of tactics, from becoming a source for reporters to crafting ultimate guides.
Venturing into the realm of Building High Domain Authority Backlinks, we uncovered the enigma of domain authority and the factors that mold it.
And finally, in this realm of **Pitfalls and Best Pract
Pitfalls and Best Practices, we learned to navigate the terrain with ethical strategies and an understanding of the perils that lie ahead.
As you embark on your own quest for high authority links, remember that the journey is as important as the destination. Armed with knowledge, a sense of adventure, and a commitment to ethical practices, you're ready to make your mark in the ever-evolving landscape of link building. Safe travels, intrepid explorers.
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thevehszlegacy · 2 years
Exarch: Forta Gair
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Full Name: Forta Gair
Gender: Agender (she/they)
Faction: Eternal Throne
Rank: Knight -> Exarch
Star Fortress: Belsavis
Physical + Mental
Species: Human (cyborg)
Height: 5'6" (167cm)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Pale green
Notable Features:
-Freckles -Eyepatch -Cybernetic implants at temples -Small stature compared to the other Exarchs
Scars: Minor scarring scattering body, mostly as result of training and Exarch trials. Has scrapes to left side of face.
-Clever -Inhuman agility, even by Force-user standards -Very quick on her feet. Hard to keep up with
-Inferiority complex -Goes out of her way to be cruel -Lacks strength both physically and through the Force -Strong anger issues
Fears: Failure
Disabilities/Disorders: None known
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Pan
Status: Single
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: None
Usual Attire: Typical Exarch armor; dark green with black and gold accents. It's lighter than the other Exarchs' however, to allow her to use her agility more than they could.
Weapon of Choice: Typical Zakuulan Knight-grade lightsaber pike. Green blade. Shield attaches at right arm armor.
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Other Info
Exarch of the Belsavis Star Fortress, she started from the bottom and fought every step of the way to earn where she is now.
Alongside Exarch Zotar, Forta never attended the Academy to become a Knight and instead trained at his side from retired Knights who'd actually bother to give them the time of day. She was never the most powerful of her peers, physically nor in her Force abilities, so often felt the need to go above and beyond just to prove herself to her planet. She wasn't accepted as a Knight until Zakuul began expanding its reach into the core worlds and needed more soldiers; she remained planetside, acting as law enforcement while more experienced Knights were shipped off-world.
They volunteered three times for Project: Exarch before their tryouts finally landed them a spot in the experiments - both who'd been chosen before them perished as failures. But, once again, they felt the need to prove their worth to their people, and saw no better way than to succeed, or die, to the super-soldier Project.
Her Exarch enhancements didn't provide her with extra strength, and instead allowed her to move with more speed and agility than any human - Force-sensitive or not - should ever possess. She learned to fight dirtier than her peers, using her inhuman speed to reach weak points and bending her body in ways to avoid a blow that could break anyone else's limbs had they tried it.
They was put in charge of the Fortress over Belsavis, where they proceeded to make life for the planetside prisoners even more of a hell than it already was. Prisoners, or the Condemned now living peacefully in the Belsavis wilds, would go missing as she sent patrols planetside to grab people at random. She often had them experimented on, and would occasionally take part in toying with the scientists' tools when she grew bored enough. It's unknown what they did to her prisoners when they perished, the others only know that Tarso was pretty disgusted by whatever he saw through his connection with all the Fortresses and wouldn't speak a word of it.
It was only a matter of time before her actions would get her and her Fortress targeted - and earn her brutal death at the hands of a furious ex-Jedi-turned-serial killer -assassin.
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the-ml-vanguard · 1 year
Enhancing ChatGPT: Expert Strategies for Superior Chatbot Performance
ChatGPT, the advanced language model developed by OpenAI, has revolutionized the way we interact with AI. This powerful tool has found applications in various industries, including customer support, content creation, and education. However, to maximize its potential, it’s crucial to fine-tune its performance according to your specific needs. In this blog post, we’ll explore several tips and tricks for optimizing ChatGPT’s performance, focusing on fine-tuning its responses, implementing safety measures, and adapting it for industry-specific applications.
Fine-Tuning ChatGPT’s Responses
To ensure that ChatGPT generates relevant and accurate responses, you can follow these steps:
a. Customize Prompts: Design your prompts carefully to guide ChatGPT towards the desired output. Be explicit about the format and the kind of information you want.
b. Experiment with Temperature: Adjust the ‘temperature’ parameter to control the randomness of the generated responses. Lower values (e.g., 0.2) produce more focused and deterministic output, while higher values (e.g., 0.8) make the output more creative and diverse.
c. Limit Response Length: Use the ‘max tokens’ parameter to control the length of ChatGPT’s responses. This helps to keep the output concise and relevant.
Implementing Safety Measures
To prevent ChatGPT from generating harmful or inappropriate content, consider the following guidelines:
a. Use OpenAI’s Moderation API: Integrate the Moderation API to filter out content that violates OpenAI’s usage policies before it reaches the end-user.
b. Add Custom Filters: Develop your own content filtering system, incorporating a list of keywords or phrases you want to block or restrict.
c. Monitor and Review: Regularly review the chatbot’s performance to identify and rectify any potential issues or harmful outputs.
Adapting ChatGPT for Industry-Specific Applications
Tailor ChatGPT to suit the needs of your specific industry by following these steps:
a. Fine-Tune with Domain-Specific Data: Train ChatGPT on a dataset tailored to your industry to enhance its understanding of domain-specific terminology, concepts, and context.
b. Integrate External APIs: Connect ChatGPT with relevant APIs to access industry-specific data and resources, allowing it to generate more accurate and informed responses.
c. Collaborate with Experts: Work closely with professionals from your industry to ensure that ChatGPT’s performance aligns with the domain’s requirements and expectations.
Evaluating and Improving ChatGPT’s Performance
Regular evaluation and improvement are crucial to ensuring that your chatbot remains relevant and useful to users. Follow these steps to assess and enhance ChatGPT’s performance:
a. Track User Satisfaction Metrics: Monitor metrics such as user satisfaction scores, conversation completion rates, and average response times to gain insights into your chatbot’s performance.
b. Collect User Feedback: Actively seek feedback from your users through surveys or rating systems. Their insights will help you identify areas for improvement and better understand their needs.
c. Conduct A/B Testing: Experiment with different prompt designs, temperature settings, and response length parameters to determine the optimal configuration for your specific use case.
d. Iterate and Update: Continuously refine your chatbot based on user feedback and performance metrics. Regularly update the training data and fine-tuning process to ensure ChatGPT stays up-to-date with industry trends and developments.
Enhancing User Experience with ChatGPT
To create a more engaging and enjoyable user experience, consider these tips:
a. Implement Natural Language Processing (NLP): Integrate NLP techniques to improve your chatbot’s understanding of user inputs, allowing it to generate more accurate and relevant responses.
b. Develop a Conversational Flow: Design a structured conversational flow to guide users through various topics and tasks, making the interaction feel more natural and intuitive.
c. Personalize Interactions: Collect and utilize user data to personalize ChatGPT’s responses, creating a more tailored and engaging experience for each individual user.
d. Offer Multi-Modal Interaction: Combine ChatGPT with other interaction methods, such as voice recognition or visual interfaces, to cater to users with different preferences and accessibility needs.
Building a better chatbot requires a combination of fine-tuning, safety measures, industry-specific adaptations, performance evaluation, and user experience enhancements. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this blog post, you can optimize ChatGPT’s performance and create a powerful, versatile, and engaging tool for your users. As you continue to iterate and improve your chatbot, you’ll be better equipped to harness the full potential of AI-powered communication and deliver exceptional experiences across a wide range of industries and applications.
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letluigisaythefword · 2 years
oh actually being on web and seeing random users with varying amounts checkmarks enhances my experience so mugch
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llssddrr1 · 1 year
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