#English Teacher Gift
ibook4you · 4 months
There Are People Who Didn't Listen To Their Teacher's Grammar Lesson Funny Quote For Teachers And For Teachers Lover
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robinwoodsfiction · 2 years
Favorite Writer Gifts
As I update Christmas lists and unearth presents squirreled away in the depths of the closet, it got me thinking about my favorite writer gifts. Gift giving is definitely one of my love languages. I spend hours making gifts for others and I especially love combining thoughtful with practical. I make cheat sheets for myself for everything and I have friends and family who always reference them…
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andromaqves · 5 months
which fictional character was Emma Mountebank's gay awakening?
I was sitting here looking at this for like ten seconds and then my answer entered stage left at light speed and hit me like a brick to the face: she def didn't REALIZE it at the time but like, in hindsight... Emma's Gay Awakening was Lara Croft circa 2001. The Angelina Jolie!Lara era.
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Honorable mention to Evie's sai fight in The Mummy Returns (also 2001)
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when you have a teacher who actually believes in you, listens to you, talks to you, and actually notices and applies your accommodations instead of just using you as a behavior buffer or pretty much ignoring you bc you’re the smart, quiet kid >>>>>>>>>>>>>
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wittyworm · 1 year
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my crinum lily bloomed ^_^💚
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Someone insisting we don't learn language intuitively unless homeschooled...Did...did your parents put in you in school at 18 months of age? Did a teacher go around a room of toddlers with a dictionary saying, "This is what 'mama' means"? Because if the answer to that is no--and it is definitely no--you learned language intuitively, like everyone else. The finer points you learn in school, and later on your own, but even as you're doing that, you're still picking up words and phrases just by talking to people and reading.
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 @blackmonitor​ I think I found a substitute teacher for you. He's a student but he's native in English. He's still not fluent in Hungarian but he's really good in languages and will catch up soon if you could help him a little. What do you think, would that suit you? At least for the nearest future.
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"Hi Anna! Do you remember prof Thrawn? He told me you needed assistance with English and I volunteered. I'm Eli!"
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femmesandhoney · 1 year
my favorite teacher ever was my hs spanish teacher and they put this amazing woman in the basement of the school w no windows so i gifted her a fake flower arrangement i made after she mentioned wishing she could keep plants in there but again she had no windows or light and she loved it so much and still keeps it in the classroom years later, along w a handmade map of latin american i gifted her that i bought from an artisan map maker. can u tell i love to dote on women i love and find inspiring. i couldn't believe she still had it all up but she did 🥺
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Delenn, Satai of Denmark
it’s my Shakespearean AU and I’ll do with it I want
I have of late, but
wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth, forgone all
custom of exercises and, indeed, it goes so heavily with
my disposition that this goodly frame the earth seems
to me a sterile promontory, this most excellent canopy
the air, look you, this brave o’erhanging firmament , this
majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why it
appeareth nothing to me but a foul and pestilent
congregation of vapours. What piece of work is a man
– how noble in reason; how infinite in faculties, in form
and moving; how express and admirable in action; how
like an angel in apprehension; how like a god; the
beauty of the world; the paragon of animals. And yet to
me what is this quintessence of dust?
from Shakespeare’s Hamlet (act II scene II)
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desperatecheesecubes · 4 months
So back in the day in 7th grade our English teacher had the Gifted Kids in his class make read The Outsiders and then he wanted us to make a short movie based on it and all four of us (there were only four in our grade in the program) has to contribute. I was big into making AMVs at the time so I knew basic video editing and in an effort to not make a fool of myself I front of the other three who were all in the popular crowd I volunteered to edit it. Anyway I never heard of any plans to make this fucker until I came into class one day to see it being played and my name in the credits. I got an A for work I didn’t do because the other kids didn’t like me enough to work with me. I wasn’t even upset i was excluded that’s the easiest A I’ve ever gotten
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sweatermuppet · 2 years
'Eyes like yellow jaundice' is pretty bad, i don't care who tells you otherwise, they are probably laughing at you now.. Read Dylan Thomas, Sylvia Plath, two poets you've probably never heard of. or Eileen Myles.
everyone point & laugh
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english professor gives validation, 132 alive, 240 resurrected
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
a thing that irks me about wgxn as lsz's Best Parents Ever and lsz himself calling them his fathers iiiis that aren't... parents and basically ancestors... kinda important in chinese culture? yknow, like *gestures at some of the characters' complicated relationships w/ their parents, their legacy and last wishes*? lsz discovers he's a wen and doesn't immediately go "ah well, doesn't matter, they were Problematic and i feel more like a lan anyway", but rather goes to the nighless city with wn to bury the ashes of their family and build a cenotaph for wq. that means he still wants to honor his ancestry, especially since he's the last surviving member of his clan. would lsz just... conveniently forget about all that -- about his parents, whoever they were, who died in the war -- for lwj? hm
#there was a post or perhaps a thread or maybe even more than one#about how the juniors would SURELY mistakenly refer to their sect leaders as mom/dad and i was like. g#i think kids call teachers 'mom' because they're still young and don't have much contact with adults that aren't parents/their family#members. so when you want to call an adult and your brain malfunctions you either go mom or dad (so: the usual)#but if you're a disciple of a sect you have a Bunch of older people around you each of which has their own name -- sect siblings#teachers etc not to mention other sects' members -- so i feel like it would be much more difficult to make that mistake#especially since i'm not quite sure disciples at that age would see the sect leader a lot unless he's personally teaching them#but ig that doesn't happen very often if he's busy with other things. there are other disciples and elders who can pass their knowledge dow#idk it just seems kinda... western? american? i can't say. to assume an adult who's important has to be a parent/parental figure which is#ALMOST the same as parent really! and can be referred to as 'dad'/'mom'#like. no! not really! a 'teacher' is not just your ms smith who taught you english and always praised your handwriting!#it can very much be the person who pushed you to become the person you are right now because they saw your potential#and without them you wouldn't be where you are. this kinda person you send gifts and cards every year for decades after graduation#because you're this thankful for everything they've done for you.#shrimp thoughts#this is not to say that he doesn't feel grateful for everything lwj's done for him -- he saved his life -- but that still doesn't have to#equate to Being his father. wzl didn't call wrh his father either and look how dedicated he was
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navyhyuck · 9 months
ugh i love mark i can listen to him speak all day
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graphicsambassador · 11 months
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Personalized T-shirt For English Teacher. Funny Unisex Crewneck Shirt For English Class or Back to School Gift Idea for English Teacher.
Express your love for language with our personalized English teacher shirt. This witty tee is the perfect back-to-school gift for English teachers and language enthusiasts alike. Its unique design and clever message make it a surefire conversation starter among colleagues and students. Not only does it make a fantastic addition to your own wardrobe, but it also serves as a thoughtful English teacher gift. Show your appreciation for the educators who inspire a love for words and storytelling. So, gear up for the school year with our English teacher shirt that celebrates the beauty of language. Get ready to inspire minds and ignite imaginations.
Visit our 🔥 Etsy Shop to find out more!
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everyday I wake up and write sad little poems on my incredibly slow school laptop
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