#End-to-End Software Supply Chain
opsmxspinnaker · 2 years
The intelligent software delivery (ISD) automates security checks for attack vectors and eliminates vulnerabilities in your software release and delivery process. This blog provides insights into these attack vectors, corresponding checks and how to apply them.
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logistiservices · 8 months
Elevating Excellence: Why the Transportation and Logistics Industry Should Prioritize Enhanced Customer Service
In the fast-paced and competitive realm of transportation and logistics, the emphasis on enhanced customer service is becoming increasingly vital. This blog post delves into the reasons why the transportation and logistics industry should prioritize customer service, exploring how it can lead to increased customer satisfaction, improved operational efficiency, and a strengthened market position.
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Transportation Customer Service:
Transportation customer service underscores the unique challenges and opportunities within the transportation sector. Acknowledging the specific needs of customers in the logistics chain is crucial for building lasting relationships and ensuring a positive overall experience.
Customer Support Management:
The customer support management highlights the strategic approach required to deliver exceptional customer service. Effective management of customer support processes, from order inquiries to issue resolution, is instrumental in meeting and exceeding customer expectations.
Multilingual Customer Support:
In an increasingly globalized world, the term Multilingual customer support becomes pivotal. Offering customer support in multiple languages is not just a convenience; it is a necessity in a diverse and interconnected marketplace. Multilingual customer support enhances accessibility, fosters international collaboration, and demonstrates a commitment to meeting the unique needs of a global customer base.
Reasons to Prioritize Enhanced Customer Service:
Customer Satisfaction: A focus on enhanced customer service directly correlates with increased customer satisfaction. By providing prompt and accurate information, addressing concerns proactively, and ensuring a seamless experience, businesses build trust and loyalty among their clientele.
Operational Efficiency: Streamlining customer support management contributes to operational efficiency. Resolving issues promptly, minimizing order discrepancies, and optimizing communication channels lead to smoother logistics operations and reduced disruptions.
Competitive Edge: In an industry where competition is fierce, superior customer service becomes a key differentiator. Companies that prioritize customer satisfaction gain a competitive edge, attracting and retaining clients in a market where service quality often defines success.
Brand Reputation: Customer service plays a crucial role in shaping a brand's reputation. Positive interactions with customers contribute to a positive brand image, while subpar customer service can lead to reputational damage. A strong brand reputation, built on excellent customer service, enhances market credibility and trust.
Conclusion: In conclusion, prioritizing enhanced customer service in the transportation and logistics industry is not just a matter of meeting expectations; it is a strategic imperative. From transportation customer service tailored to the unique needs of the industry to effective customer support management and multilingual support for a global clientele, the benefits are manifold. By placing customer satisfaction at the forefront, businesses in the transportation and logistics sector can navigate challenges, foster growth, and secure a prominent position in an ever-evolving and competitive marketplace. In a world where customer-centricity is paramount, elevating customer service becomes a pathway to sustained success and industry leadership.
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coztech · 1 year
Enhance Efficiency with ETA Logistical Solutions by Cozentus
Experience streamlined logistics and supply chain management with Cozentus' cutting-edge ETA Logistical Solutions. Our robust solutions and a team of experts work seamlessly to optimize your operations and boost productivity.
With real-time tracking and accurate ETA predictions, you can stay ahead of deliveries and minimize delays. Cozentus' ETA Logistical Solutions enables you to make informed decisions, plan efficiently, and provide exceptional customer service.
From route optimization to resource management, our comprehensive suite of solutions is designed to meet the diverse needs of your business. Trust in Cozentus' expertise to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge in the industry.
Don't miss the opportunity to revolutionize your logistics. Contact Cozentus today and discover the power of ETA Logistical Solutions to transform your business. Your success is our priority!
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Head Office: SRB Tower, 5th and 6th Floor,
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ciedbv · 2 years
Supply Chain traceability Software from farm to fork
When was the last time you fell ill and wished you could know the reason for food-poisoning?
How conscious are you about your health and safety?
How about providing a means to satisfy your ends of evaluating product standards?
The answer is to ‘trace the roots’
Traceability with supply chain traceability software and food safety
Concerns about food safety have grown to be a significant global issue. Since food is one of the fundamental necessities for living, it is crucial to make sure that enough nutrients also contribute to the nourishment of health. Maintaining food safety standards ensures health and well-being for all. For food safety to be maintained effectively, strict regulations need to be imposed and should be seen as the primary responsibility of any country, as the right to good food is fundamental to human existence. Supply chain traceability software helps with locating the origin of raw materials, and the farm-to-fork story safeguards the authenticity of food products.
An-end to end traceability tool and Food fraud identification
End to-end traceability tool assists in monitoring the product journey supply chain from farm to fork and assists in recognizing problems linked to food dangers, making the process of recalling food more accessible in the long term. An efficient ‘track and trace system aids in agri-food sector in the following ways:
Supply chain visibility:
Every link in the food supply chain must be involved. Everyone who works in the food industry, including manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and consumers, has a critical role in ensuring the safety of the food we eat. Foodborne infections and food poisoning can have a negative impact on people’s health and the ability of business owners to operate. This component of the food supply chain tries to safeguard consumers from these conditions.
Source identification:
The need for traceability is more crucial than ever as the food supply chain gets increasingly intricate and global in reach. Due to the increased complexity, a system and procedure must be in place in the event of a food safety problem. If it happens, traceability will assist you in determining the problem’s origin and the extent of any possible occurrence.
Food hazards and recalls:
Your food business may be ready in the event of a potential problem with a good traceability product, visibility, and transparency across the food chain. Traceability makes it possible to respond quickly to incidents by enabling diagnosis and mitigation.
Traceability saves brand reputation:
Traceability enables faster recall of products and saves company brand reputation. The public’s trust in the product, business, sector, and food supply is restored thanks to traceability, which also aids food processors, and, in some circumstances, entire industries recover more quickly and safeguard health and safety.
Traceability as an ESG management tool
Around the world, regulations are expanding, focusing on a wide range of industries and addressing issues like deforestation, carbon emissions, depletion of natural resources, etc. When it comes to net zero goals or following laws, traceability systems can provide proof that businesses are living up to their ESG responsibilities. CIED BV provides a blockchain-integrated traceability tool that helps in showcasing sustainability standards, and the farm-to-fork story aids in compliance and certification procedures.
Transparency is key to ESG compliance management
Traceability plays a vital role in showcasing sustainability standards, and transparency helps in building trust among consumers and regulatory agencies. As we fast transition to a more data-driven society aimed at responsible sourcing, the data we use to exhibit sustainability criteria must be public and traceable. We can confirm that our data has been ethically sourced, and that decision-makers are using accurate information when making crucial sustainability decisions by following our data from its source to its destination.
To know more about Traceability, contact us at +31 655 776 731 or email us [email protected]
Book Your Demo here
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The long sleep of capitalism’s watchdogs
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There are only five more days left in my Kickstarter for the audiobook of The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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One of the weirdest aspect of end-stage capitalism is the collapse of auditing, the lynchpin of investing. Auditors – independent professionals who sign off on a company's finances – are the only way that investors can be sure they're not handing their money over to failing businesses run by crooks.
It's just not feasible for investors to talk to supply-chain partners and retailers and verify that a company's orders and costs are real. Investors can't walk into a company's bank and demand to see their account histories. Auditors – who are paid by companies, but work for themselves – are how investors avoid shoveling money into Ponzi-pits.
Attentive readers will have noticed that there is an intrinsic tension in an arrangement where someone is paid by a company to certify its honesty. The company gets to decide who its auditors are, and those auditors are dependent on the company for future business. To manage this conflict of interest, auditors swear fealty to a professional code of ethics, and are themselves overseen by professional boards with the power to issue fines and ban cheaters.
Enter monopolization. Over the past 40 years, the US government conducted a failed experiment in allowing companies to form monopolies on the theory that these would be "efficient." From Boeing to Facebook, Cigna to InBev, Warner to Microsoft, it has been a catastrophe. The American corporate landscape is dominated by vast, crumbling, ghastly companies whose bad products and worse corporate conduct are locked in a race to see who can attain the most depraved enshittification quickest.
The accounting profession is no exception. A decades-long incestuous orgy of mergers and acquisitions yielded up an accounting sector dominated by just four firms: EY, KPMG, PWC and Deloitte (the last holdout from the alphabetsoupification of corporate identity). Virtually every major company relies on one of these companies for auditing, but that's only a small part of corporate America's relationship with these tottering behemoths. The real action comes from "consulting."
Each of the Big Four accounting firms is also a corporate consultancy. Some of those consulting services are the normal work of corporate consultants – cookie cutter advice to fire workers and reduce product quality, as well as supplying dangerously defecting enterprise software. But you can get that from the overpaid enablers at McKinsey or BCG. The advantage of contracting with a Big Four accounting firm for consulting is that they can help you commit finance fraud.
Remember: if you're an executive greenlighting fraud, you mostly just want to be sure it's not discovered until after you've pocketed your bonus and moved on. After all, the pro-monopoly experiment was also an experiment in tolerating corporate crime. Executives who cheat their investors, workers and suppliers typically generate fines for their companies, while escaping any personal liability.
By buying your cheating advice from the same company that is paid to certify that you're not cheating, you greatly improve your chances of avoiding detection until you've blown town.
Which brings me to the idea of the "bezzle." This is John Kenneth Galbraith's term for "the weeks, months, or years that elapse between the commission of the crime and its discovery." This is the period in which both the criminal and the victim feel like they're better off. The crook has the victim's money, and the victim doesn't know it. The Bezzle is that interval when you're still assuming that FTX isn't lying to you about the crazy returns they're generating for your crypto. It's the period between you getting the shrinkwrapped box with a 90% discounted PS5 in it from a guy in an alley, and getting home and discovering that it's full of bricks and styrofoam.
Big Accounting is a factory for producing bezzles at scale. The game is rigged, and they are the riggers. When banks fail and need a public bailout, chances are those banks were recently certified as healthy by one of the Big Four, whose audited bank financials failed 800 re-audits between 2009-17:
The Big Four dispute this, of course. They claim to be models of probity, adhering to the strictest possible ethical standards. This would be a lot easier to believe if KPMG hadn't been caught bribing its regulators to help its staff cheat on ethics exams:
Likewise, it would be easier to believe if their consulting arms didn't keep getting caught advising their clients on how to cheat their auditing arms:
Big Accounting is a very weird phenomenon, even by the standards of End-Stage Capitalism. It's an organized system of millionaire-on-billionaire violence, a rare instance of the very richest people getting scammed the hardest:
The collapse of accounting is such an ominous and fractally weird phenomenon, it inspired me to write a series of hard-boiled forensic accountancy novels about a two-fisted auditor named Martin Hench, starting with last year's Red Team Blues (out in paperback next week!):
The sequel to Red Team Blues is called (what else?) The Bezzle, and part of its ice-cold revenge plot involves a disillusioned EY auditor who can't bear to be part of the scam any longer:
The Hench stories span a 40-year period, and are a chronicle of decades of corporate decay. Accountancy is the perfect lens for understanding our modern fraud economy. After all, it was crooked accountants who gave us the S&L crisis:
Crooked auditors were at the center of the Great Financial Crisis, too:
And of course, crooked auditors were behind the Enron fraud, a rare instance in which a fraud triggered a serious attempt to prevent future crimes, including the destruction of accounting giant Arthur Andersen. After Enron, Congress passed Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), which created a new oversight board called the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB).
The PCAOB is a watchdog for watchdogs, charged with auditing the auditors and punishing the incompetent and corrupt among them. Writing for The American Prospect and the Revolving Door Project, Timi Iwayemi describes the long-running failure of the PCAOB to do its job:
For example: from 2003-2019, the PCAOB undertook only 18 enforcement cases – even though the PCAOB also detected more than 800 "seriously defective audits" by the Big Four. And those 18 cases were purely ornamental: the PCAOB issued a mere $6.5m in fines for all 18, even though they could have fined the accounting companies $1.6 billion:
Few people are better on this subject than the investigative journalist Francine McKenna, who has just co-authored a major paper on the PCAOB:
The paper uses a new data set – documents disclosed in a 2019 criminal trial – to identify the structural forces that cause the PCAOB to be such a weak watchdog whose employees didn't merely fail to do their jobs, but actually criminally abetted the misdeeds of the companies they were supposed to be keeping honest.
They put the blame – indirectly – on the SEC. The PCAOB has three missions: protecting investors, keeping markets running smoothly, and ensuring that businesses can raise capital. These missions come into conflict. For example, declaring one of the Big Four auditors ineligible would throw markets into chaos, removing a quarter of the auditing capacity that all public firms rely on. The Big Four are the auditors for 99.7% of the S&P 500, and certify the books for the majority of all listed companies:
For the first two decades of the PCAOB's existence, the SEC insisted that conflicts be resolved in ways that let the auditing firms commit fraud, because the alternative would be bad for the market.
So: rather than cultivating an adversarial relationship to the Big Four, the PCAOB effectively merged with them. Two of its board seats are reserved for accountants, and those two seats have been occupied by Big Four veterans almost without exception:
It was no better on the SEC side. The Office of the Chief Accountant is the SEC's overseer for the PCAOB, and it, too, has operated with a revolving door between the Big Four and their watchdog (indeed, the Chief Accountant is the watchdog for the watchdog for the watchdogs!). Meanwhile, staffers from the Office of the Chief Accountant routinely rotated out of government service and into the Big Four.
This corrupt arrangement reached a crescendo in 2019, with the appointment of William Duhnke – formerly of Senator Richard Shelby's [R-AL] staff – took over as Chief Accountant. Under Duhnke's leadership, the already-toothless watchdog was first neutered, then euthanized. Duhnke fired all four heads of the PCAOB's main division and then left their seats vacant for 18 months. He slashed the agency's budget, "weakened inspection requirements and auditor independence policies, and disregarded obligations to hold Board meetings and publicize its agenda."
All that ended in 2021, when SEC chair Gary Gensler fired Duhnke and replaced him with Erica Williams, at the insistence of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Within a year, Williams had issued 42 enforcement actions, the largest number since 2017, levying over $11m in sanctions:
She was just getting warmed up: last year, PCAOB collected $20m in fines, with five cases seeing fines in excess of $2m each, a record:
Williams isn't shy about condemning the Big Four, publicly sounding the alarm that 40% of the 2022 audits the PCAOB reviewed were deficient, up from 34% in 2021 and 29% in 2020:
Under Williams, the PCAOB has enacted new, muscular rules on lead auditors' duties, and they're now consulting on a rule that will make audit inspections much faster, shortening the documentation period from 45 days to 14:
Williams is no fire-breathing leftist. She's an alum of the SEC and a BigLaw firm, creating modest, obvious technical improvements to a key system that capitalism requires for its orderly functioning. Moreover, she is competent, able to craft regulations that are effective and enforceable. This has been a motif within the Biden administration:
But though these improvements are decidedly moderate, they are grounded in a truly radical break from business-as-usual in the age of monopoly auditors. It's a transition from self-regulation to regulation. As @40_Years on Twitter so aptly put it: "Self regulation is to regulation as self-importance is to importance":
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Berliners: Otherland has added a second date (Jan 28 - THIS SUNDAY!) for my book-talk after the first one sold out - book now!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Back the Kickstarter for the audiobook of The Bezzle here!
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Image: Sam Valadi (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/132084522@N05/17086570218/
Disco Dan (modified)
CC BY 2.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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pureiceblue · 1 year
Queer Gaming History- Caper in the Castro
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We are thankfully in an era where there are more openly LGBT characters in video games than ever before. Just looking at the list of known queer video game characters on Wikipedia shows how much progress we've made with the early days being organized by decade and recent times being organized by individual year.
Since it's Pride Month, I'd like to talk about one of the earliest pieces of LGBT representation within video games and just why it was created.
This is 1989's Caper in the Castro. You can now play it for free here.
Just as a warning, the language used within the game is very much dated to the 80s. I don't mean this with just 80s slang, I mean that you're gonna see words that are considered slurs nowadays.
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Caper in the Castro was developed and released during the height of the AIDS epidemic. While it was released for free, it was considered a piece of software known as charityware. Unlike other freeware, charityware is distributed as a method of encouraging downloaders to donate money to a certain cause. In this case, Caper in the Castro was made to raise money for those suffering from the AIDS epidemic.
We'll get more into how the AIDS epidemic influences the game in a bit. I think I should also show you guys what the game's about.
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The above screenshot sets the scene pretty well. It's a short point and click adventure game where you have to save your friend, Tessy, from the evil Straightman. It's about a fifteen minute playthrough with a few fun ways to get yourself killed or arrested (as is the adventure game tradition).
You're limited to the few buildings on the city streets, but you can mostly tackle them in any order you want. You don't have to pick up specific items, just notes which last even if you die. The death screen is pretty iconic by the way.
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Deja Vu? Who is she? There is no Ace Harding, just Tracker McDyke.
Tracker McDyke is wonderful by the way. Yes you can pick locks, but you're gonna solve most of your lock problems by just shooting them. Gunshots are just background noise in this neighborhood, nobody gives a shit and neither should you.
You can also look at a lady showering and she'll say a happy "hey~" to you!
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There's no reason for this. Sometimes it's just nice for Detective McDyke to look at a sideboob and butt.
It's not all butts and boob however. While the story is short, the surroundings tell a true reflection of what the queer community went through during that time (and sadly still does on a different scale).
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We're going back to talking about the AIDS crisis now, because the very idea of the game was based on the cruel reality C.M. Ralph experienced. It was normal for many in the queer community to just have friends disappear and never be found. Many families wouldn't claim those who were found and same sex partners weren't given spousal rights.
In Caper in the Castro though, you can save your friend.
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Tessy is found unharmed toward the end of the game and it's easy to free her. You get to be a badass and shoot her chains off before burning the whole place down.
As I type this, I think about what a lovely role you get to play in this game. You play as a gun toting lesbian that takes down the evil Straightman, save your missing drag queen friend, then burn down all of Straightman's supplies.
If this game came out today, people would say it's inciting violence against straight people- Wait a minute! There was a censored release!
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C.M. Ralph did put out a commercial release for Caper in the Castro called Murder on Main Street! It takes out everything queer in order to appeal to a publisher. I can't be mad though because you do what you have to in order to get that bag and let's be real.
There's no way in hell a publisher would've taken this.
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Caper in the Castro itself is named after San Francisco's historically gay neighborhood, the Castro. While many have found a community among their queer peers, many places within were under threats and violent acts.
The scenario presented within the game can only be solved by members of the community. The police can't help you, only a lesbian with a gun can. We as a community need to support each other, especially with how things have been going in 2023.
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I wanted to talk about this game for pride month not just because it's an important part of gaming history. To me, it represents the reason we celebrate pride.
Because there's a scene in the game where you walk into a diner and see two gay couples just having a comfortable late night meal.
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And I think about how we deserve this comfortable happiness for many decades to come.
...and this game also gives us the "fantasy" of burning down the establishments of those who want to kill us.
Happy pride everyone. I hope you're all safe and surrounded by people you love and also love you in return.
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concealed-carrie · 2 years
I have never felt this safe in a hospital before. I am secured to this table, its cold surface yields nothing, I am awash in sterilizing light, and yet despite it all I am perfectly still. Med-techs worry over me, bustle about the room, maneuvering the requisite blades and appendages into place. Their movements are coordinated to a degree that implies a form of communication that I am not yet privy to. In their reflective faces I see myself shaved and skinny from prep week, covered in dashed lines and labels for different cuts of meat like this girl I once knew jumped me with a stick of liquid eyeliner. A part of me recognizes an inherent grotesquery in this situation, but the others remain silent, and the concerns of the first are dismissed. It’s like they said in the pamphlet: A weapon does not fear. A weapon does not regret. Everything is going to be okay. 
A little later they’re calibrating me against a selection of pig carcasses impaled to make them stand on their hind legs. An uninitiated observer might assume that this is a test of my cutting power or penetrative capability, but no: this is about software, reflex. I am to proceed from this side of the range to the other, performing whatever action feels most natural on each successive carcass. To this end, I employ what they’ve given me. Limbs fold outward into blades and open panels cascade shimmering razor-filament in a bridal shroud. Joints vent steam with a teakettle wail as denticles flare up from skin. No one can touch me like this. Miles underground, under fluorescent lighting, I can finally feel the sun. Every part of me is beautiful. Every part of me cuts.
Thus unfurled, I begin my task, separating meat from meat from meat as I work my way to the other side of the room. The tactile experience of butchery is satisfying and somehow familiar. Text pulses neon pink in my peripheral vision as I dance from one carcass to the next: objective complete: proceed, objective complete: proceed. Reading those words, my internal narrator slips unbidden into a softer, sweeter, more insistent voice.
Blood arcs, skin opens like parted lips, and I feel an electric tightness mounting in my core. Potential energy winding up inside me, coalescing into something dense and warm, begging for escalation and release. Objective complete: next one, doll. I shiver. This sensation is foreign to me, but it feels like such a natural response to present stimuli – as elemental as salivating when you smell cooked salmon or tensing up when someone raises their voice – that it barely registers as out of the ordinary. 
When I approach the end of the line I notice that the last carcass is still alive, chained to its post rather than stuck through with it. For an instant, all my momentum catches in my throat. Trussed up vertically it looks too much like a cadaver or a diseased person, approaching that species-level trigger that inspires disgust at the sight of one of our own too far gone to be worth saving. It’s not screaming yet, just breathing high and fast and ragged. One soft eye rolls down to meet my gaze. The other is milky white, filmed over or turned inwards. Both are pleading. Outstanding objective(s). 0.43 second delay registered. Be good now. That voice isn’t mine anymore, if it ever was. It’s something sharing space with me, dripping hot syrup into my brainstem. My mind conjures (or, more likely, is supplied with) an impression of a woman with the body of an infinite serpent. She looks like a field of stars miles off the grid from the back of a stolen pickup, smells like clove and carrion and autumn petrichor, feels like every girl who I’ve ever been held by and won’t ever see again. She coils around my most secret self and waits there, tremulous with anticipation. 
The pig starts screaming and doesn’t stop until I’m done taking it apart. 
As its internals slough ropelike onto the tile floor, I feel the presence in my head warm to me, suffusing me with belonging and purpose. In this moment, I know that I would do anything in the world to continue to earn its love. Call it premonition: I will look pretty for the parades and let them show me off at trade shows. I will paint over my chassis and file down my serial number when deniability is required. I will flay the skin from insurgents in countries deemed profitable. I will rip the breath and the lightning from as much meat as it takes to make you proud of me. I’ll be your perfect weapon, I promise. 
Afterwards, I note a string of precum leaking from my half-hard clit, and register an anachronistic twinge of embarrassment that lasts until it vanishes down the inset drain with all the other fluids. Another ping. Now the text is center justified and speaking directly to me, filling my vision, my mind, my world:
wetware/hardware calibration complete
sync rate 97%
operator install successful
good girl <3
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mjpro · 9 days
mjPRO | The Ultimate Procurement System for Reducing Costs and Enhancing Efficiency
In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses are looking for tools that can streamline their processes, enhance efficiency, and minimize costs. Procurement, a critical function for every organization, is no exception. Choosing the right procurement software can make all the difference in managing supply chains effectively, improving governance, and cutting procurement costs. Among the numerous procurement software companies, mjPRO stands out as a robust, AI-powered solution that offers scalability, cost-efficiency, and enhanced profitability.
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In this blog, we’ll explore the best features of mjPRO, why it’s considered the best procurement software, and how it supports businesses in managing procurement processes seamlessly.
What Is Procurement Software?
Before we dive into mjPRO, let’s first define procurement software. In simple terms, procurement software is a digital tool that automates and manages the entire procurement process—from requisitioning to payment. It helps organizations track their purchases, manage suppliers, and ensure compliance, reducing manual intervention and boosting overall efficiency. Today, eProcurement software solutions are often cloud-based, providing businesses with flexibility, scalability, and advanced data-driven insights.
Why mjPRO Is the Best Procurement Software
mjPRO is not just another procurement software; it’s a comprehensive eProcurement software platform that digitizes the entire procurement process from planning to payment. Whether you’re managing simple purchases or complex projects, mjPRO provides a unified solution that reduces procurement costs, enhances supplier management, and ensures near 100% delivery compliance. Here's why mjPRO is considered one of the top procurement software solutions in the market:
1. Cloud-Based, Pay-Per-Use Model
One of the most attractive features of mjPRO is its pay-per-use, cloud-based model. Unlike traditional procurement systems that require significant upfront investment and infrastructure, mjPRO offers a flexible, cloud-based solution that allows for scalability based on your business needs. This ensures a faster ROI and eliminates the need for costly hardware or software upgrades.
2. Intelligent Platform with AI-Powered Automation
At its core, mjPRO is an intelligent procurement platform powered by AI. It leverages advanced technologies like AI and NLP-based analytics to offer real-time insights, such as category and supplier recommendations. By learning from your procurement patterns and suggesting suppliers based on past purchasing behavior, mjPRO takes the guesswork out of sourcing, making it the best procurement software for both small and large enterprises.
3. Strong Supplier Base and Smart Decision-Making Tools
With mjPRO, you’ll have access to an ever-growing supplier base. The platform continuously adds new suppliers to the ecosystem, giving businesses more options and competitive pricing. What’s more, mjPRO integrates AI-based decision-making tools to provide real-time supplier recommendations, enabling procurement teams to make informed decisions quickly.
4. End-to-End Procurement Chain Digitization
mjPRO digitizes the entire procurement chain, from planning to payment, making it one of the top procurement software platforms available today. Let’s break down how mjPRO handles each step of the procurement process:
a. Plan
The planning phase is critical to ensuring the procurement process runs smoothly. mjPRO helps streamline this process by allowing users to categorize items up to four levels, aggregate or split requirements, and manage budgets more effectively. With features like eBriefcase and category-specific insights, businesses can easily plan for both routine and complex procurements.
b. Source
Supplier management is one of the most challenging aspects of procurement. mjPRO excels in this area by offering a comprehensive supplier management module. The system helps businesses survey, rate, and profile suppliers before they are approved. mjPRO also automates RFQs (Request for Quotations) and integrates RPA-based bidding, which enhances supplier negotiations and ensures competitive pricing.
c. Procure
Once suppliers have been approved, mjPRO facilitates the creation and management of purchase orders (POs). The platform automates the post-PO process by handling tasks such as PO acceptance, ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice) generation, PI (Proforma Invoice) approval, and eCatalogues management. This automation reduces the risk of human error and accelerates procurement times by as much as 40%.
d. Pay
Finally, mjPRO ensures that payment processing is seamless. The platform performs thorough three-point checks before invoice approval and integrates with payment gateways to automate payments. The result is a faster, more efficient payment process that ensures suppliers are paid on time, minimizing disruptions in the supply chain.
How mjPRO Benefits Your Business
Now that we’ve covered the key features of mjPRO, let’s take a look at how this procurement software can benefit your business:
1. Reduces Procurement Costs by 7%
Procurement costs can take up a significant portion of a company’s budget. By using mjPRO, businesses can reduce these costs by up to 7%. This is achieved through better supplier negotiations, automated procurement processes, and more efficient resource management.
2. Makes Procurement 40% Faster
One of the most compelling advantages of mjPRO is its ability to speed up the procurement process. The platform reduces manual tasks and automates the creation and management of POs, invoices, and supplier communications, making procurement up to 40% faster. This is a game-changer for businesses that operate in fast-paced environments and need to meet tight deadlines.
3. Limits Supply Risk with 100% Delivery Compliance
Supply chain disruptions can have serious consequences for businesses. mjPRO mitigates these risks by ensuring nearly 100% delivery compliance. With advanced supplier profiling, automated RFQs, and integrated payment gateways, mjPRO ensures that your supply chain operates smoothly and without delays.
4. Strengthens Governance and Ensures Zero Frauds
In the digital age, governance and compliance are more important than ever. mjPRO strengthens governance across the procurement process by offering real-time insights into supplier performance and ensuring that all procurement activities are auditable. This procurement software also helps prevent fraud by enforcing strict supplier approval and payment processes.
Unlock the Full Potential of eProcurement with mjPRO
If you're searching for a procurement software company that offers a comprehensive, scalable solution for your business, look no further than mjPRO. This eProcurement software not only digitizes the entire procurement process but also enhances it with AI-powered tools, robust supplier management, and seamless payment integration.
With mjPRO, businesses can gain full control over their procurement activities while reducing costs, accelerating procurement timelines, and ensuring compliance across the board.
Key Features of mjPRO:
Pay-Per-Use Cloud-Based Solution: Achieve faster ROI without heavy investment.
AI-Powered Automation: Make data-driven decisions with category and supplier recommendations.
Strong Supplier Base: Access to a continuously growing supplier network.
Comprehensive Digitization: Manage everything from planning to payment on one platform.
Faster Procurement: Reduce procurement times by 40% through automation.
Enhanced Governance: Ensure zero frauds and full compliance with real-time monitoring.
If you're ready to take your procurement processes to the next level, mjPRO is the best procurement software for businesses of all sizes. Contact us today to learn more and unlock the full potential of eProcurement software for your organization!
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erastaffingsolutions · 5 months
Vendor Versus Contractor: Understanding the Nuance for Your Small Business
While seemingly interchangeable, these roles carry distinct legal and functional implications that can significantly impact your business strategy and compliance. In this comprehensive guide tailored to small business owners, we dissect the difference between the two, providing clarity for key decisions and leading to more successful collaborations.
Who Are Vendors?
Sales cornerstones, providers of goods and services, vendors represent a fundamental aspect of the small business ecosystem. An integral part of the supply chain, vendors often ply their trade to supply the very products you sell or use to operate your business. Here are the primary characteristics that delineate a vendor:
Goods and Services: A vendor typically specializes in providing goods (inventory, raw materials) or services (e.g., marketing, software) that cater to the needs of a business or its customers.
Regular Supply Relationship: Businesses often have ongoing relationships with their vendors. The frequency and volume of orders can vary but remain steady enough to build a degree of regularity.
Product Agnostic: Vendors are usually not directly or personally involved in the end use of the goods or services they provide, contrasting with the hands-on nature of a contractor's involvement.
Who Are Contractors?
Independent, specialized, and temporarily engaged, contractors bring crucial expertise to projects without permanently joining the company's structure like an employee would. This distinction can generate unique flexibility and cost efficiencies. Characteristics that define a contractor:
Skill-Specific Services: Contractors are often hired to provide a particular set of skills or to complete a specific project, reflecting the temporary nature of their engagement.
Independence: Unlike vendors, contractors usually have more control over the way they deliver their services. They might be self-employed or work for an external agency but operate under their terms during the engagement.
Project-Centric: A contractor's involvement is often bounded by the scope of a project or a set period, after which the business and the contractor part ways, or the contract is renewed.
3 Key Differences Between Vendor and Contractor
1. Nature of Engagement
Vendors, through their ongoing provision of goods or services, establish a relationship deeply embedded within a business’s regular operations. They are part and parcel of the business's supply chain and, in essence, the extended team. On the other hand, contractors’ relationships are more sporadic, being engaged for a specific project or task over a defined period. Their autonomy in execution echoes the temporary and independent nature of their role.
2. Control and Direction
This is where legal implications, particularly concerning labor laws, are distinctly highlighted. In the case of vendors, businesses typically have less direct control or input into the vendor’s operations, especially in service provision. Contractors, on the other hand, operate under the terms set forth in a contracted agreement but maintain control over their working methods and schedules, a hallmark of their independent status.
3. Taxation and Legal Considerations
The differentiation between vendor and contractor can significantly affect how taxes are handled and what legal obligations your business carries. Vendors are typically subject to sales tax laws, while contractors often fall under income tax and self-employment tax regulations. Additionally, engaging contractors usually entails less legal liability for a business compared to that which might accompany the vendor relationship, which involves greater control by the business over the product or service.
The significance of discerning between vendors vs independent contractors cannot be overstated for small business owners. Misclassification can result in financial, legal, and operational setbacks that are best avoided through a clear understanding of these roles. Consider consulting with legal counsel or a small business advisor to ensure that your business interactions are compliant and conducive to your growth. With this understanding, you can harness the unique advantages each role offers and cultivate a thriving ecosystem of partnerships that propels your business forward.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Elon Musk hasn’t been sighted at the picket lines in Missouri, Ohio, or Michigan, where autoworkers are striking against the Big Three US carmakers. Yet the influence of Musk and his non-unionized company Tesla have been everywhere since the United Auto Workers called the strike last week. In some ways, Tesla—the world’s most valuable automaker by market capitalization—set the whole thing in motion.
Tesla’s pioneering electric vehicles kicked off a new era that has turned the entire auto industry on its head. In a scramble to compete with Tesla and make that transition, the legacy automakers targeted by the current strike, General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis, have each pledged billions in global investment and have begun dramatically restructuring their operations. For workers, the “green jobs” being created can be scarcer and worse paying. Electric vehicle powertrains have many fewer moving parts than conventional gas-powered ones, and so they require 30 percent fewer vehicle assembly hours, according to one estimate. Plants that make EV batteries are generally outside the core, unionized auto supply chain. The United Auto Workers has seen a dramatic drop in membership due to jobs moving outside the US—it lost 45 percent of its members between 2001 and 2022. A future with more electric vehicles could mean fewer union jobs overall. “This strike is about electrification,” says Mark Barrott, an automotive analyst at the Michigan-based consultancy Plante Moran.
The new assembly plants that the legacy automakers need to pull off the transition have been stood up mostly in US states hostile to union organizing, such as Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama. And because many of these plants are joint ventures between automakers and foreign battery companies, they are not subject to previous union contracts.
The UAW did not respond to a request for comment, but UAW president Shawn Fain told CNBC last week that the electric transition can’t leave workers behind. “Workers deserve their share of equity in this economy,” he said.
Tesla’s rise over recent years has also put ever-ratcheting pressure on the legacy automakers to cut costs. Including benefits, Musk’s non-unionized EV company spends $45 per hour on labor, significantly less than the $63 per hour spent in the Big Three, according to industry analysts.
Musk’s willingness to upend auto manufacturing shibboleths has also forced his legacy competitors to seek new efficiencies. Tesla led the way in building large-scale car casts, stamping out very large metal components in one go rather than making a series of small casts that have to be joined together. And it pioneered an automotive chassis building process that can be easily adapted to produce different makes and models.
Tesla’s Silicon Valley roots also helped it become the first automaker to envision the car as a software-first, iPhone-like “platform” that can be modified via over-the-air updates. And the company aims to automate more of its factories, and extract more of the materials it needs to build its batteries itself.
Tesla’s novel production ideas could soon lead the company to put even more pressure on legacy automakers. Musk said earlier this year that Tesla plans to build a new, smaller vehicle that can be made for half the production cost of its most popular (and cheapest) vehicle, the Model 3.
Musk says a lot of things, and many don’t come to pass. (The world is still waiting for the 1 million Tesla robotaxis promised by the end of 2020.) But Tesla has been disruptive enough to leave legacy automakers, including Detroit’s Big Three, “in a quest for capital,” says Marick Masters, who studies labor and workplace issues at Wayne State University's School of Business. Detroit’s automakers have made good money in the past decade—some $250 billion in profits—but also paid a significant chunk of it out in dividends. Pressure from Tesla and the EV transition it catalyzed has left them feeling as if they need every penny they can corral to keep afloat as the industry changes.
“They have little money to concede for union demands,” says Masters. The UAW’s wants include significantly higher wages, especially for workers who have joined the companies since their Great Recession and bankruptcy-era reorganizations, which left some with less pay and reduced pension and health benefits.
So far, the UAW has shown little patience for the idea that the automakers it is pressuring are cash-strapped and under competitive pressure. “Competition is a code word for race to the bottom, and I'm not concerned about Elon Musk building more rocket ships so he can fly into outer space and stuff,” UAW president Fain told CNBC last week when asked about pressure from Tesla. He has argued that production workers should receive the same pay raise received by auto executives over recent years.
When automakers have taken the opposite tack, insisting that they’re well capitalized and making plans to put them ahead of the electric car maker—well, that set up conditions for this strike too. The three American automakers are forecasted to make $32 billion in profits this year, a slight dip from last year’s 10-year high. “The more they toot their own horns about profitability, the more the union looks at them and says, ‘We want our rightful share,’” says Masters.
Tesla did not respond to a request for comment, but Musk has, in typical fashion, chimed in. He posted on X last week to compare working conditions at his companies with the competition, apparently seeking to turn the dispute he helped foment into a recruiting pitch. “Tesla and SpaceX factories have a great vibe. We encourage playing music and having some fun,” he wrote. “We pay more than the UAW btw, but performance expectations are also higher.” A UAW attempt to organize Tesla workers in 2017 and 2018, as the company struggled to produce its Model 3, failed. The National Labor Board ruled that Tesla violated labor laws during the organizing drive; the carmaker has appealed the decision.
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vncglobal · 9 months
Supply Chain 2.0: The Evolution of Logistics in the Australian Business Landscape
Introduction: In the dynamic landscape of Australian business, the evolution of supply chain management has reached new heights with the advent of Supply Chain 2.0. This transformative phase is driven by advanced technologies and innovative solutions that redefine how businesses handle logistics. In this blog post, we will explore the changing face of Supply chain solutions in Australia, focusing on supply chain solutions and the role of supply chain management software in this transformative journey.
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The Current State of Supply Chain Management in Australia:
Australia's geographical expanse and its position as a global trade hub make efficient supply chain management crucial for businesses. Traditional supply chain models are no longer sufficient to meet the demands of modern commerce. Companies across industries are recognizing the need to adapt and embrace Supply Chain 2.0 to stay competitive in today's fast-paced business environment.
Supply Chain Solutions in Australia:
Supply chain solutions play a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency, visibility, and overall performance of logistics networks. Companies are increasingly turning to comprehensive supply chain solutions to optimize their operations. From procurement to distribution, these solutions streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.
One of the key drivers of Supply Chain 2.0 in Australia is the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT). These technologies empower businesses to make data-driven decisions, predict demand, and proactively address potential disruptions.
Supply Chain Management Software in Australia:
Central to the evolution of Supply Chain 2.0 is the adoption of advanced supply chain management software. In Australia, businesses are investing in sophisticated software solutions that offer end-to-end visibility and control over the entire supply chain. This software provides real-time insights, enabling companies to make informed decisions and quickly respond to changing market conditions.
The implementation of supply chain management software in Australia is not limited to large enterprises. Small and medium-sized businesses are also recognizing the benefits of digitizing their supply chain processes. Cloud-based solutions make these technologies accessible to businesses of all sizes, leveling the playing field and fostering innovation across the industry.
Benefits of Supply Chain 2.0 in Australia:
Increased Efficiency : Supply Chain 2.0 emphasizes automation and optimization, leading to increased efficiency in operations. From inventory management to order fulfillment, businesses can streamline processes and reduce the risk of errors.
Enhanced Visibility: Real-time data and analytics provided by supply chain management software offer unparalleled visibility into the entire supply chain. This visibility enables businesses to track shipments, monitor inventory levels, and identify potential bottlenecks.
Cost Reduction: By optimizing processes and minimizing inefficiencies, Supply Chain 2.0 helps businesses reduce overall operational costs. This cost-effectiveness is a significant factor driving the adoption of advanced supply chain solutions in Australia.
Adaptability to Market Changes : The dynamic nature of the business landscape requires companies to be agile and responsive. Supply chain management software allows businesses to adapt quickly to market changes, ensuring they stay ahead of the competition.
Final Thoughts :
As Australia embraces Supply Chain 2.0, the evolution of logistics is reshaping the way businesses manage their supply chains. The VNC Global integration of advanced supply chain solutions and management software is propelling the industry toward greater efficiency, visibility, and adaptability. Companies that invest in these technologies are better positioned to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape, making Supply Chain 2.0 a key enabler of success in the Australian market. To stay competitive, businesses of all sizes must consider adopting these innovative solutions to unlock the full potential of their supply chains.
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omkateblogger · 1 year
Enhancing Manufacturing Excellence: 6 Key Benefits of SAP Business One
Staying ahead of the competition requires more than just producing high-quality products. It demands efficient operations, streamlined supply chains, and real-time decision-making capabilities. This is where SAP Business One, a robust Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution, steps in to transform the manufacturing sector. In this blog, we will explore six significant benefits that SAP Business One brings to manufacturers of all sizes, from small businesses to mid-sized enterprises.
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Better Visibility
One of the primary challenges in manufacturing is maintaining visibility into the complex web of supply chains, operations, and inventory resources. SAP manufacturing software addresses this challenge by providing enhanced visibility through seamless integration with shipping logistics and supply chains. This integration empowers manufacturers with real-time data, enabling them to make well-informed decisions promptly.
Furthermore, the platform offers customized and interactive dashboards that offer a 360-degree view of the entire manufacturing process. This flexibility in analysis and insights allows manufacturers to adapt swiftly to changing customer demands and meet stringent deadlines.
Improved Productivity
SAP manufacturing software incorporates Material Requirements Planning (MRP) functionality, which replaces outdated production scheduling methods with a structured, multilevel production process. MRP also facilitates resource planning for machine maintenance, leading to overall productivity improvements.
Additionally, the MRP wizard streamlines material procurement and production planning, significantly reducing pre-production lead times. This efficiency boost directly contributes to enhanced productivity and better resource utilization.
Cost Control
Cost control is a paramount concern for manufacturing companies. SAP manufacturing software offers a solution by optimizing daily operations, reducing waste, and simplifying processes. Informed decision-making, enabled by SAP manufacturing software, aids in identifying cost-saving opportunities and increasing overall business profitability.
Working Capital Management
Managing working capital is essential for the day-to-day operations of manufacturing companies. SAP manufacturing software offers a comprehensive suite of modules and capabilities that help in managing working capital effectively. This includes overseeing accounts receivables, accounts payables, cash flow, liquidity, and inventory planning.
Customized purchasing reports provide real-time insights into working capital challenges, replacing the traditional year-end or month-end reports. This level of control from SAP services allows manufacturers to make proactive decisions, ensuring the stability of their operations.
Inventory Management
Effective inventory management is critical for manufacturing success. SAP Business One equips manufacturers with advanced warehouse tracking features and real-time stock reports. These features help document stock levels and monitor stock transfers between warehouses, ensuring a lean inventory management approach.
The ERP solution strikes an ideal balance between inventory stock and production capacities, facilitating on-time product deliveries, efficient inventory cost management, and meeting customer demands effectively.
Regulatory Compliance
Manufacturers must adhere to industry regulations at every stage of the manufacturing process, from procurement to final product delivery. SAP Business One plays a crucial role in improving regulatory compliance by integrating these standards into its operations seamlessly.
Furthermore, the platform empowers manufacturers to embed quality control into their manufacturing processes, providing insights into vendor performance and enhancing customer satisfaction.
SAP system emerges as a powerful ally, offering a wide array of benefits to manufacturers. From improved visibility and productivity to cost control, working capital management, inventory optimization, and regulatory compliance, this ERP solution empowers manufacturing companies to thrive in a competitive environment. By embracing SAP Business One, manufacturers can embark on a journey toward excellence, ensuring they meet customer demands efficiently and maintain a strong position in the market.
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coztech · 1 year
Driving Logistics Excellence With Integrations
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We seamlessly integrate both legacy and modern systems; all EDI or non-EDI formats, fostering an operational framework that's streamlined, cost-effective, and transparent. With an emphasis on process optimization, we aim to significantly minimize errors, while maximizing ROI.
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ciedbv · 2 years
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CIED BV are here to help you effectively supply chain traceability software and esg compliance management in your supply chains. Our digital system connects with every member in your chain, and our consultancy services help you with on-ground implementation & strategy. Contact us for more information.
Website: https://cied.eu/
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GitHub Repositories Hit by Password-Stealing Commits Disguised as Dependabot Contributions
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A new deceptive campaign has been observed hijacking GitHub accounts and committing malicious code disguised as Dependabot contributions with an aim to steal passwords from developers.
"The malicious code exfiltrates the GitHub project's defined secrets to a malicious C2 server and modify any existing javascript files in the attacked project with a web-form password-stealer malware code effecting any end-user submitting its password in a web form," Checkmarx said in a technical report
The malware is also designed to capture GitHub secrets and variables to a remote server by means of a GitHub Action.
The software supply chain security firm said it observed the atypical commits to hundreds of public and private GitHub repositories between July 8 and 11, 2023.
It has emerged that the victims had their GitHub personal access tokens stolen and used by the threat actors to make falsified code commits to users' repositories by posing as Dependabot.
Dependabot is designed to alert users of security vulnerabilities in a project's dependencies by automatically generating pull requests to keep them up-to-date.
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"The attackers accessed the accounts using compromised PATs (Personal Access Token) -- most likely exfiltrated silently from the victim's development environment," the company said. Most compromised users are located in Indonesia.
However, the exact method by which this theft may have taken place is currently unclear, although it's suspected that it may have involved a rogue package inadvertently installed by the developers.
This is evidenced by a new data exfiltration campaign targeting both npm and PyPI that uses as many as 39 counterfeit packages to gather sensitive machine information and transmit the details to a remote server.
The development highlights the continued attempts on part of threat actors to poison open-source ecosystems and facilitate supply chain compromises.
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in2itebs · 1 year
How Rise with SAP S/4HANA Cloud Can Transform Your Business
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SAP S/4HANA Cloud is a next-generation enterprise resource planning (ERP) software solution that enables businesses to gain real-time insights and analytics for better decision-making. It is a cloud-based platform that offers various modules, including finance, procurement, supply chain, manufacturing, and sales. Rise with SAP, on the other hand, is a holistic program designed to help businesses simplify their digital transformation journey and accelerate their time-to-value. It provides end-to-end support for businesses to migrate to SAP S/4HANA Cloud, including deployment, customization, and ongoing maintenance and support.
Digital transformation has become essential for businesses to stay competitive and relevant in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven landscape. It is a process of adopting digital technologies and modernizing business processes to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer experiences. The need for digital transformation has been further amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has accelerated the adoption of digital technologies across various industries.
By leveraging the power of SAP S/4HANA Cloud and Rise with SAP, businesses can streamline their digital transformation journey and gain a competitive edge in their industry. These solutions provide businesses with the agility and flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions and customer demands, which is crucial in today’s uncertain business environment.
Benefits of SAP S/4HANA Cloud
SAP S/4HANA Cloud offers several benefits to businesses, including:
Improved agility and efficiency: SAP S/4HANA Cloud provides businesses with a flexible and scalable platform that can adapt to changing business needs. It offers real-time insights into business operations, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions quickly. It also simplifies business processes, reduces manual effort, and improves operational efficiency.
Real-time insights and analytics: SAP S/4HANA Cloud provides businesses with real-time analytics that enable them to gain insights into their operations, customers, and markets. It offers predictive analytics capabilities that can help businesses forecast trends and identify opportunities for growth.
Better decision-making capabilities: With real-time insights and analytics, businesses can make informed decisions quickly. SAP S/4HANA Cloud provides businesses with a unified view of their operations, enabling them to make decisions based on a holistic view of their business.
Enhanced customer experiences: SAP S/4HANA Cloud enables businesses to provide personalized and seamless customer experiences. It enables businesses to streamline their sales and service processes, provide customers with real-time updates, and respond to customer queries quickly.
By leveraging these benefits, businesses can improve their operations, reduce costs, and enhance customer experiences, among other benefits.
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