#Emma Davies
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nonogalego · 6 months ago
"Secret sister" wants to meet Liam and Noel Gallagher before Oasis Tour '25
Não tem nem um mês que o Oasis anunciou a sua volta com uma turnê no Reino Unido para o próximo ano, e várias histórias e boatos sobre a banda estão surgindo e ressurgindo todos os dias desde então! Uma dessas antigas histórias que voltou a tona foi a de Emma Davies, suposta meia-irmã por parte de pai de Paul, Noel e Liam Gallagher!
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Emma Davies em 2006, quando sua história foi publicada pela primeira vez pelos tabloides ingleses.
Emma seria fruto de um caso extraconjugal de Tommy Gallagher com sua mãe June, na época que Tommy ainda era casado com Peggy Gallagher. Emma teria nascido 11 meses depois de Liam!
Embora tenha crescido próximo a residência dos Gallaghers em Burnage, Manchester, Emma só descobriu quem era seu pai e irmãos quando sua mãe June viu que ela havia comprado o álbum (What's The Story) Morning Glory? em 1996 e resolveu lhe contar a verdade!
Emma guardou o segredo até 2006 quando resolveu procurar Tommy e divulgar a sua história na imprensa. Tommy a reconheceu como filha, porém ela nunca teve contato com nenhum dos irmãos Gallagher.
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Emma atualmente com 51 anos.
Com a volta do Oasis, sua história veio a tona novamente, e Emma cedeu uma nova entrevista ao Daily Mail. Entre os tópicos da entrevista, Emma afirma que ainda não conheceu Liam e Noel, mesmo tentando entrar em contato por anos e que isso a faz se sentir muito rejeitada pelos irmãos, e também disse que ela e seu filho não comprariam ingressos para a Oasis Tour '25 por conta dos altos preços.
Leia a entrevista completa de Emma aqui!
Me pergunto se ela realmente tentou entrar em contato com Paul, que mora a literalmente poucas quadras da casa de sua mãe em Manchester, ou se seu desespero é apenas para conhecer seus irmãos multimilionários e famosos...
E o hype do Oasis segue firme em nos trazer entretenimento diariamente!
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thamsesidevibe · 7 months ago
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receiptarchive · 7 months ago
Transgender woman posed as teenager online and shared indecent images
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TRANSITIONING sex offender who posed as a teenage girl online and shared indecent child images told a court, ‘that wasn’t me’.
Emma Davies, 60, pretended to be a 14-year-old to talk to girls of a similar age and shared an explicit image of a young girl she had received, presenting it as herself.The supermarket worker told Workington Magistrates’ Court she took responsibility for what happened but that person was ‘not who she is today’.Outlining the case, prosecutor Pamela Fee said police attended Davies’ home address at Moor Place in Frizington on August 31 last year.
Officers had received information that Davies, who was then known as Nigel, had been accessing images of children online.Police seized devices and a category C image was located on two devices. The image was of a 13-year-old girl and there were other images of the same child on the devices.Davies was first interviewed by police on August 31. She said she had been diagnosed as a ‘possible transexual’ and thought she could be a girl.
The defendant said she had never asked for sexual images. She said she had pretended to be a 14-year-old girl online and had talked to girls of a similar age.They talked about things such as music and depression, she said, and it ‘allowed her to be someone who is not me’.Davies was interviewed again in December 2023 and was shown the image that had been found on her devices.
She said she could recall the image but didn’t know who it was. She said they had ‘got talking’ and the girl had sent a topless image without her asking.Davies couldn’t remember which platform it had been sent on and said she believed the girl was 13 or 14. The defendant said she thought she would have been presenting  as a teenage girl when the image was sent to her.She said the image wasn’t for her own sexual gratification but was for the ‘persona of who she wanted to be’.Davies said she had then shared the image of the girl online, pretending it was herself. She said she was always in her ‘teen girl role’ when she shared the images. 
The defendant transitioned in February this year, the court heard.Ms Fee said: “There’s clearly a need for a sexual harm prevention order. There is a risk of further sexual harm.“She was presenting herself as a young girl to speak to other young girls of a similar age. She has used devices to speak to people before and then got rid of them.“A small number of images were found. She sent those images on to other people, presenting them as herself. That person is a victim of sexual abuse online.”Davies, who was not legally represented, told the court: “It’s quite a difficult period in my life. I have a little bit of concern about who I am today and what happened back then. That wasn’t me.“I have moved on with who I am. I take responsibility for what was happening. I didn’t distribute images, as far as I can remember. For anything that happened, I am sorry.“Over the last nine months, I have lost a lot. I made the decision to rebuild my life. I’m transitioning. I would like the opportunity to progress with that.“I’m the happiest I have ever been in my life. When I speak to probation, it’s distressing for me to go back to a person that I am not. I don’t like that person.“It was me but it’s not me now.”Davies told magistrates she was not a threat to the public and no longer goes online.She said: “I want to move away and start again because that’s not going to happen round here.“The person I was, wasn’t a very nice person, I suppose. I find it very distressing and unsettling to bring this person back into my life.”Davies, of Moor Place, Frizington, had admitted making two category C indecent images of a child and failing to surrender to court bail at an earlier hearing.Passing sentence, magistrates imposed a five-year sexual harm prevention order and a 12-month community order with 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days.Davies is required to present herself at the police station as a sex offender within three days.She was fined £120 and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.
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wornoutspines · 2 years ago
The People We Hate at the Wedding (Movie Review) | Losing the Handle on Things
We're right in the middle of #WeddingSeason so I figured why not watch #ThePeopleWeHateAtTheWedding on #PrimeVideo ? The cast is great #AllisonJanney #BenPlatt #KristenBell #CynthiaAddaiRobinson but boy was this a bit much. #MovieReview
Claire Scanlon (Director) Grant Ginder (Novel)CASTAllison JanneyBen PlattCynthia Addai-RobinsonKristen BellIsaach De BankoléKaran Soni Premise: Family tensions ramp up among siblings in the week leading up to their half-sister’s wedding in the country. Review: This movie is ridiculous, a little over the top but fun. It’s an enjoyable comedy about a dysfunctional family, the dynamic between each…
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panelshowsource · 3 months ago
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out of context taskmaster (4/∞)
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taskmastersource · 5 months ago
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taskhusbands · 4 months ago
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Taskmaster S18E08
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eesttm · 5 months ago
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love it when the contestants occasionally show complete lack of respect for Greg's authority and Greg is comically stunned –
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medusas-daughter · 6 months ago
I'm so here for fantasy shows starring middle aged or older women who get offended when you think they're young ("you don't look a day under 450" Lilia I love you so much) I'm here for fantasy shows where the youngest woman is in her late thirties (Jennifer and Rio my beloveds) I'm here for fantasy shows where the prophecy doesn't kick in until she's 28 (Emma Swan you will always be famous) I'm here for fantasy shows made for women I'm here for fantasy shows that don't worship youth and demonize aging I'm here for fantasy shows where women aren't jealous of each other's looks or competing for the crusty male main character's interest I'm here for fantasy shows where women are allowed to be unhinged (Agatha and Regina I will always defend your wrongs my queens) give me more please please please
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 8 months ago
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laurakearney · 1 year ago
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flip off the camera if your name starts with em, you wear a necklace and turtleneck, you have the best chase scene in your game, and are totally slay
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notnowsirimaddingup · 12 days ago
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This live task really hit home how tall Greg is...
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artverso · 4 months ago
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Davi Go - Emma Frost (White Queen)
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fofi42 · 4 months ago
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Taskmaster s18e08 SPOILERS
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taskmastersource · 4 months ago
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cloudberrylane · 3 months ago
iconic s18 lines
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