#Emily would embarrass him sooooo much
Headcannon that while Pen wants to know everything about Mark Emily just goes forget Mark I wanna know about Maeve. (Because Maeve is alive and their thriving as a couple.) Spencer is bright red like any other time Maeve is mentioned. Emily insists on meeting her so while they are in the elevator Spencer calls her, which is bad because he starts off the call with “hi sweetheart.”
“…. That was Emily she wants to meet you we are all going out to eat.”
“Tell me where and I’ll meet you there.”
“Ok., I love you.”
“Love you too Spence.”
Emily when Maeve shows up: I love your cardigan oh my god you two are matching that’s so cute, come sit I have a thousand questions.
Spencer: did Emily just steal my girlfriend?? *sits and pouts because he’s not getting cuddles while in Maeve’s presence.*
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nathanbatemanfucker · 3 years
16 on the kiss prompts? Maybe bar games with the team get a little out of hand? Or whatever you could imagine! 😘
Thank you for sending this! I’m imagining this is a little embarrassing for both reader and Hotch sooooo, I hope you enjoy (also feel free to keep these coming). I already have some idea for a part two (as well as some irate friends) so it’ll be in the works.
kissing prompt #16: kiss on a dare
pairing: fem!reader x aaron Hotchner
warnings: drinking, kissing
word count: 1k
It’s a rare weekend off and the team is at Rossi’s mansion, having dinner and drinking much more than they should. You were trying not to drink as much as the rest of your colleagues because of the crush you had developed on your brooding, professional boss, Aaron Hotchner. He was everything you could want in a man; insanely smart, superbly attractive, and a gentleman if you’d ever met one. You knew if you drank too much, you’d slip up and make a mistake. That’s why you’re not as eager to play truth or dare as the rest of your counterparts.
“Aren’t we adults here? Why are we playing truth or dare?” You whine, trying to push off your turn.
“Because we need to loosen up!” JJ nudges you in the shoulder with a wide grin.
“I think this team is loose enough.” You murmur jokingly, earning a laugh from everyone except for Hotch who gives out a smooth chuckle.
“Not you and Hotch, you both are always so professional.” Morgan says in a robotic voice in an attempt to mock you.
“That’s because Y/n has a thing for older men.” Emily can barely talk through the words because of the giggles bubbling out her throat.
“I do not!” You reach over the table to pinch her and she pushes you away, a playful smirk on her face.
“Okay, then I dare you to kiss the oldest man in the room.” Emily gives Rossi a pointedly look and he gives her a nod.
“I’m getting low on wine, I’ll be right back.” Rossi stands up and heads back into the kitchen.
While you clearly would prefer to kiss Hotch over Rossi you never thought you’d be presented with the chance. You were hoping that Rossi would’ve stayed so you could kiss him on the cheek and move on.
“There’s no need for this.” Hotch won’t look at you at all, his eyes fluttering around every member of the team.
“Hotch, you’re saying that because you have a soft spot for Y/n.” JJ chimes, taking another huge gulp her wine.
You flush at her words, but immediately go to defend him..“He does not!”
“You both are getting very defensive.” Reid finally pipes up, amused and happy to not be the butt of the joke.
“Is there a reason you don’t want to kiss her?” Morgan glances between you and Hotch, eyebrows raised.
Now it’s Hotch’s turn to blush, his cheeks almost as red as a tomato. “No, of course not, I mean, I, she-“ He stammers but you quickly cut him off.
“Hotch, it’s fine. Let’s just do it, we can prove them wrong.” You shrug and take a deep breath, trying to feign disinterest.
That’s what you intend to do. You intend to kiss him with self restraint and poise so that you can turn to your team and show them that they’re all wrong. Hotch plans on doing the same thing.
When your lips meet his that’s how it starts. The two of you are leaned over the table, hands flat on the glass surface. His mouth is warm and soft against yours. But then something happens. Without thinking you move your hand to rest on his chest. You’re on the tip of your toes as you try to lean further into the kiss.
Hotch can’t help but think about how sweet you taste. His tongue gently swipes against your lips, silently asking for you to let him in and you do. Now that your tongue is against his, he wants to know how you taste in other places; the crook of your neck, the spot just above your navel, in between your legs.
Your hand is no longer just resting against his chest, it’s knotting in his shirt, pulling him as close as possible with the table between the two of you. One of his hands has come to grip the back of your neck firmly and images of his hand wrapped around you throat flit through your mind. You start to kiss him earnestly, twirling your tongue around his, biting his lower lip gently. A low groan comes out of his throat and you bite down at bit harder before smiling into the kiss.
The team watch with mouths ajar and wide smiles as the two of you go at each other, completely forgetting that you’re surrounded by people. It isn’t until Rossi comes clattering back in with more wine and a couple bottles of beer that you realize what’s happened. You have to pull your lip from between his teeth to break the kiss and his eyes go wide at the loss of contact.
“I should go.” The words tumble out of your mouth before anyone can say anything. Everyone is speechless as the watch you wipe your lips and turn away to grab your purse.
“Wait, Y/n.” Hotch calls after you as you scurry out of the kitchen and down the front hall, but it’s too late.
Your legs continue to move, ignoring the persistent calls from Hotch, and others until you’re out of the house and situated in your car. Thinking you have some reprieve you sit in your car for a moment, trying to gather your thoughts. You kissed your boss? You kissed your boss. You kissed your boss. You kissed your boss.
There’s a knock on your window and you jump, letting out a yelp. It’s Hotch.
“Y/n, let the window down and we can talk about this.” He says softly, his eyes gentle and inquisitive.
Wanting to get this over with you roll your window down and start to speak before he can talk at all. “That was completely unprofessional and just a one time thing, I won’t try to jump your bones at work, sir.”
“Y/n, I’m not mad about what happened in there but I think that-“
“I think that we should just move on. I’ll see you bright and early on Monday, sir.” You say firmly, looking away from him intense gaze.
“Y/n, just talk to me.”
“Aaron, please.” You plead softly, your voice getting thick. You’ve used his first name for the first time ever in desperation. His head spins at the way it sounds on your tongue but it’s also a indicator that you’re distressed and serious.
There’s a silence that hangs in the air for an undetermined amount of time before he signs, resigned. “I’ll see you at work on Monday, Y/l/n.”
“Thank you, sir.” You mumbled before starting the car and driving away, not bothering to roll up the window.
read pt 2: here.
tagged:@ssahotchsbitch , @ssahotchie , @mrsh0tchner , @azenpal , @disgruntledchowchow , @chelseyjoyce , @hotchwhore15 , @hotforhotchner11 , @ssamorganhotchner , @choppa-style , @kuolonsyoja , @heliotropehotch, @averyhotchner
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raylangivins · 2 years
Your Top 5 favourite books ? Could be something that you've reread again & again or something so great that you read it once and would not go back to because it was so tragic etc?
Ahhh anon, I was actually already separately drafting a different list of books wot i like just because I feel I've been doing a lot of book hateratin' in my tags lately, so thank you for this!
In no particular order...
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel: I think everyone's read this because it's a bestseller, but it really is that good. It snuck up on me when I first read it. I didn't really process how much I loved it until it was like months after I finished it and I was still thinking about it. I love the themes of how art and humanity go hand in hand, and how the human nature to create will persist. It's a really lovely message from, and one that feels more realistic to the real world than the general trends in post-apocalyptic stuff (which I tend to read a lot). I re-read this during lockdown season 1 because, given the uncomfortable similarities between this book and the early pandemic, I really wanted to connect with that message again. The TV adaptation is also incredible in its own right too.
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier: I read this for the first time like last year and whether you know the story or not I cannot over-emphasise how much fun it is to read. The absolute adrenaline rush and second-hand embarrassment when Mrs de Winter gets ready for the costume party, and you know it's not gonna go well. Riveting! Horrible! No spoilers but when the reveal finally happened I felt like I'd just done a hit of cocaine. I've made a web-weaving post about this before, but elements of it reminded me so much of Phantom Thread. They're like the inverse of each other. Genuinely such a fun read.
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck: The only book I read in school that I actually liked. I remember I started reading the homework chapters on the train home from school one day and was so absorbed I kept reading it as I walked home like Belle in Beauty and the Beast, and then I kept reading it when I got home and didn't even eat lunch I was so enraptured, and then my mam came home and found me sobbing at the kitchen table because I'd just finished it, and she was panicking like "what happened?" and I'm like "Lennie just wanted to pet some rabbit 😭😭😭"
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak: My childhood favourite. This book is sooooo beautiful. Really brutal, but I'm really glad I read this as a kid, because I think, while adults can still appreciate it, childhood is when this one really hits. Absolutely gorgeous writing. The POV coming from Death Personified is still absolutely genius to me. Another one that I binged (at a sleepover at my childhood best friends house) only to be caught sobbing at the end.
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn: My fave of Flynn's that I've read. Gone Girl is fun but this one is just visceral. The sense of suspense and discomfort in every word of this is so palpable. Thee literal definition of a thriller. There were parts that genuinely made me flinch, but I simply could not look away.
Honorary mentions:
I always really love everything Jon Ronson writes, though idk if I'd ever call any of them my favourites. I think he has a really amazing way of getting horrific people to say the quiet part out loud, and not even realise they're doing it. His books are always so funny. Them and So You've Been Publicly Shamed are my faves among his work. His podcast series called The Last Days of August is also really good.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention them raven cycle books because Adam Parrish is my son. I raised him. Not my favourite books except for all the ways in which they are.
Territory of Light by Yuko Tsushima: I don't know if I'd call this a favourite either, but I always recommend it to people because it's short and easy, and I don't think many people have heard of it. I picked it up on a whim when I was in a reading slump, and I just loved the way the atmosphere is built up. It also plays around with how love and resentment can coexist within a relationship, which is a theme I personally love dearly.
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iruyohannes · 4 years
From being single, to being a wife, to being a twin mom
You would believe life can not change to 180 degrees? Well, think again. Just to prove it, I am the living example that you can go from single to a twin mom in just a matter of...1 year or so.
When I was totally giving up on love and maybe ready to date aliens, guess what? I met my husband and the father of my lovely twins. And as a shocker, the moment I met him I never, ever thought I met my soulmate. I mean, yes it was connection and for the first time I was feeling that I met a person who is really different. And when I say different, trust me I mean it. He started to surprise me more and more every day, proving me that gentlemen still exist and did not die in Jurasic era🦖🦕
Before we knew it we moved in togheter. And let me tell you something. Felt like the most normal and natural thing ever in my life. I was feeling like I was moving in with my best friend, my partner, the only person with who I could talk about absolutely anything. We got so comfortable with each other to the point where silly and embarrassing stuff- burping🙊 snoring😴 or even dropping a lil gas🤢- felt like the most natural thing in the entire world. And that was the moment when I knew that I finally met the love of my life, my one and only soulmate.
Now the part with us being parents is the least planned and expected thing of all. After our first anniversary, we got our most unexpected gift. We definetly planned on getting more of that honeymoon time togheter, except our plans didnt coincided with someone else's. So we found out we are expecting, which to be honest I could not believe it for good long months. So the question was: will we stay in our honeymoon phase or upgrade?
We decided we will assume the responsibilities and become parents and also wife and hubby- idk why this sound sooooo much better 🤣🤣. And as a shocker, guess what? At our first ultrasound got another surprise on the way. As I was strongly sure that I would finally met my baby, we got to meet not 1 but 2 babies. The moment when I was totally sure the ultrasound machine was completely broke and I kept telling the nurse to change it. So yes, when you think life can not flip over to 180 I would strongly recommend you to think again.
And I could not be more happier and blessed. Being a twin mom is definetly a challenge that comes with something different every day.
Life with twins Emily and Nathan to continue. More posts to come🙀
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pikartiste · 7 years
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Want to be like You
“Daddy, when I grow up I’ll be like you !”
Comfortably sat between her father’s hooves, little Matilda was in a great conversation with him, telling him what she wanted to do as an grew up mare. Reid chuckled :
“Aaaw Buttercup, I’m pretty sure you’ll be.” he said adjusting his big bowler hat in his daughter’s head to see her face. “And believe me, little one, you’ll be the best mare that Whinnychapel ver had.”
“For becoming whatever you want, you’ve to work hard for that, Sweetie.” said Emily who just arrived in the middle of the conversation.
Reid glanced at his wife, then his daughter. “Well, your Mom’s right Tilda. For that, you’ve to work well at school if you want to get a good job as I’d.”
“Oh yes, that’s why you used to send me love notes during classes or make me laugh before you were caught by the teacher.” The blue mare said teasing, while she took place in Reid’s back.
The brown stallion was suddenly embarrassed by Emily’s revelation about his “glorious” schoolarity. He blush and pulled out his tongue to her before whispering to Matilda : “Don’t listen to Mommy, she was just jealous I’d better notes than her.” 
Emily huffed which made the father and the daughter laugh.
“So Daddy, if I become the best pupil at school, I’ll be the best pony of Whinnychapel like you ?” Matilda asked loudly.
“Of course you’ll be my little darling Buttercup !” Reid said booping her snout with his big hoof. 
“As well as you, Mommy ?”
“Sure little Miss.” Emily said, leaning over her daughter to nuzzle her.
“Yeah !” Matilda cried out, rising in her back legs, taking support in Reid’s chest with her front legs. “So when I grow up, I’ll be the best pony of Whinnychapel like my Daddy and my Mommy.”
Once again, excuse the crappy improved dialogue. ^^
After a pool I made on Twitter, this is the Reid family who won. But I had many ideas and had difficulties with the poses. Finally I succeded with this one and, all I can say it’s I’m not disappointed of this drawing -^^- (it became one of my fav with the Sackson family). 
These drawings here and here helped me a lot with the poses. ;) (these artists belongs to my favsby the way ^^).
Sooooo in this drawing, Reid and Emily are still young (probably around in their late twenties) and Matilda is around 5-6 yo. Seriously who can’t be in love with this pure little filly (I do love her color palette, I’m proud of myself :D *cough*). As you can notice that it takes place looooong time after the mains RS events/story, they were a perfect little united family before everythings goes wrong...
Headcanon time folks ! :
- Reid and Emily know each other since long time ago, since they were 12 to be more precise. They used to go to school together. So yeah, Reid wasn’t a amazing pupil, but bad one neither, having good notes and not being a trouble maker.
- Both love teasing each other, telling embarrassing anecdotes or just “clashing” gently without reason. Of course this is for fun ! ;) (at the end they finished to recouncil under the blanket *cough* *cough* *cough*)
- Matilda, when she was a kid, loved stealing her Daddy’s bowler to try it. She saw her Daddy as her very true role model, so putting the bowler in her head made her feel like him. ^^ Moreover, she had this habit since she was a baby and used to chew it when her teeth began to grow. (to Daddy Reid IMMENSE disapproval of course ! XD)
Ahem ... by the way ... because I love drawing RS characters into ponies, I would like to create an AU called “Whinnychapelverse” (huge name I know). What do you think folks ?
Ah : Reid’s cutie mark : 
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I write too much lol 
Thatcher/Magda for next ! ( @corpyburd it’ll for you as I promise ^^)
Hope you like it ! :D
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