#Emily when Spencer finally gets to kiss Maeve: Reid let her breath god damn what are you trying to do kill her?
Headcannon that while Pen wants to know everything about Mark Emily just goes forget Mark I wanna know about Maeve. (Because Maeve is alive and their thriving as a couple.) Spencer is bright red like any other time Maeve is mentioned. Emily insists on meeting her so while they are in the elevator Spencer calls her, which is bad because he starts off the call with “hi sweetheart.”
“…. That was Emily she wants to meet you we are all going out to eat.”
“Tell me where and I’ll meet you there.”
“Ok., I love you.”
“Love you too Spence.”
Emily when Maeve shows up: I love your cardigan oh my god you two are matching that’s so cute, come sit I have a thousand questions.
Spencer: did Emily just steal my girlfriend?? *sits and pouts because he’s not getting cuddles while in Maeve’s presence.*
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ssa-sugar-tits · 4 years
queen of hearts // chapter four
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summary: y/n y/l/n was crushed when she found out about maeve donovan. heartbroken, she left her entire life behind. what happens when she becomes the most prolific serial killer the bau has ever seen?
prologue + series masterlist & taglist
content warnings: swearing, angst, implied/mentioned sex, restraints, blood, head injury, kidnap/hostage, alcohol, gunshot, murder
a/n: reader is a psychotic murderer. this is purely a work of fiction and if you or someone you know are experiencing homicidal urges, seek professional help immediately.
The room was filled with tension and an overwhelming sense of despair but no one said a word. No more hellish arguing, no irritatingly random facts, not even discussion to solve the case. Everyone worked on their angle of the case and despite the fact that no one would dare admit it, they all somewhat hoped that Y/N wouldn't be caught. Some hoped more than others but deep down they all felt a twinge of it. JJ walked into the room and spoke, startling the team and ripping them away from their thoughts and guilt.
"I've given a picture of her to the media, it's being circulated."
It pained her-- almost physically-- to have to hand over a picture of someone who'd been like family for so many goddamn years. She felt that she was betraying Y/N and that made her feel indescribably horrible.
"Now what? We just wait?" Morgan seemed to be the only one that really did want to stop her. Maybe he was angry that he hadn't seen the signs. Maybe he was angry that his best friend had just... left. Maybe he was angry that she lost herself so much. Maybe he blamed himself.
"What else is there to do Derek? Call me bad at my job- Hell, call all of us bad at our jobs but we can't profile her. Admit it, we're all biased. Too biased to think straight but there's no way we can give this case to another unit." Emily had always been so close to Y/N and was able to open up to her. Something she couldn't bring herself to do with most people. But you weren't most people, were you? Even with what Y/N could be doing, Emily doesn't have it in her to hate her. The sadness she was feeling must have shown because JJ squeezed Emily's hand and gave her a weak smile. And for the millionth fucking time, everyone stayed silent. Not even Spencer was saying anything and he is not the type to stay quiet this long. Believe it or not, that was actually one of the things Y/N had loved about him. Everyone rolled their eyes or cut him off but she loved to listen to him ramble. To everyone's surprise, she was always genuinely interested in what he had to say and that was one of the first things that made him fall in love with her. She never invalidated him or called him strange. Sometimes when she had a nightmare or experienced anxiety she'd even ask him talk to her about a random topic so she could focus on his voice until she calmed down. 
"Your voice is like... honey. In my ears." Spencer wanted to scream with emotional torture building up as he remembered how she'd laughed when she said that and how he'd had smiled at her with nothing but adoration and love.
"That seems unsanitary Y/N."
"You're such a smartass."
"Am I?"
"Definitely. But it's ok. I love that about you. I love you."
"I love you too."
She'd planted a sweet kiss on his lips before laying her head on his lap and listening to the rest of his topic rant. Still basking in the memory of Y/N, a sharp pain entered his hand and he realized he'd dug his crescent nails into the palm of his hand. And in that moment, he couldn't help but think about how much he'd love to be holding her hand right now.
They all turned to Garcia, the source of the exclaim, who was walking in with Hotch.
"A bartender downtown says he just saw a woman matching Y/N's description leave with another man."
"She's chosen another victim? Here?" Rossi asked with confusion written on his face. "Up until now she's only killed 2 people per state and knowing the BAU has been called in, why is she staying here?"
JJ stepped in,
"This place is special to her, she has history here. Y/N must have an endgame but what is it?"
"The profile says she'll take as many people as she can with her. Probably suicide by cop."
Derek had accepted the situation. So why did that hurt to say?
"Rossi will go to the bar and talk to witnesses. Reid and Prentiss, stay here with Garcia. JJ and Morgan, PD is surveilling the radius around the bar and setting up roadblocks, come with me to help them."
"There's no way I'm staying here." Spencer objected.
Stay here and do nothing? Like hell.
"Neither am I, what the hell Hotch?"
"Reid, Prentiss that's an order. You're not going."
They both started to argue again but Hotch had already left. JJ and Derek followed and Rossi stood up with to leave for the bar. Apologetic looks were shot at Spencer and Emily because they all know why they have to stay behind. They're the two closest to her, the two that wouldn't be able to keep their emotions from affecting them on the field. And with that, off they all went.
The second you get to his hotel room, your lips crash against the handsome stranger. Your next victim. He pushes you against the wall and you moan loudly. His hands roam your body and you pull back.
"Hey... Go lie on the bed and wait for me."
Panting and staring at you with lust, he complies. Of course he does.
For God's sake. This man doesn't even know your name.
To be fair, Spence didn't even know Maeve's last name. And he still chose her.
You walk over to the eager man on the bed. Your hot breath on his neck, you lean close and whisper to him.
"We're going to do things my way."
He moans and you fight the urge to roll your eyes at him in disgust.
"Yes ma'am."
Taking out a rope, you tie him up and you know he thinks you're just a kinky slut. That's what they all see, isnt it? Suddenly something roars inside of you. Forgetting your usual routine, you pick up the lamp on the bedside table and smash it against him. Crimson stains the bed and you drop it, shocked by yourself. Yes, you've done worse. But it isn't the act that's sending regret and nausea through your body, it's that you're devolving. You're losing control.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Starting to panic, you take the unconscious man and check for a pulse. He's still alive.
Giving him a shower (much to your disdain) and change of clothes, you put his arm over your shoulder and walk out of the room giggling as you pass one of the housekeepers.
"Baby, you're such a lightweight! Let's get you out of here."
The housekeeper barely gives you a second glace but when she enters the room of the man you've taken, she starts to scream and you know you're running out of time.
Run. Drag him. Just hurry the hell up.
Finally at his car, you take him to the small studio you own downtown. No one can find you here. It's been yours for nearly a decade and you aren't stupid enough to have told anyone about it or put it under your name. Granted, you'd never thought you'd have to use it to hide out from the feds, it's still useful. After taking a look at the brightly colored wall in your basement, you feel a sense of sudden pain race through your veins. You used to be normal. You used to have a life.
The man is chained up, gagged, and bleeding but you can't even remember doing anything to him. What you need is numbness. They thought the other bodies were bad? Wait til they fucking see what you do with him. Pain shoots through your skull again and you wince and fall to the ground.
"Fuck. I- I need a drink." you stammer to no one in particular but yourself.
A wig and sunglasses make you look different enough from the woman being circulated to take the bus to a nearby gas station. Walking down the liquor aisle of the store, you hum a song to yourself and let the AC blow on your skin. Vision blurred, you bite your lip and taste the unmistakable strong metallic taste of your own blood. Still humming that fucking song. The song you'd danced to with Spencer in your living room before you'd made love for the first time.
"You cannot be serious!"
"Y/N! I can't dance."
"Oh come on. How bad can you be?  Seriously, the songs going to end and it'll be too late."
"Yes, that's what I'm hoping for."
"Psh. Don't tell me Doctor Reid is scared to sway around a little."
"Shut up."
"Make me." you laughed.
With one playful look, you dared him to shut you up in the most passionate, sensual way he could. But instead he put his warm hands on your hips and swayed to the song. You melted into his touch and your breaths synced as you laid your head on his chest. His heart beat was steady and calming. One hand reached for yours and intertwined before twirling you and pulling you back in to dance. He'd held you until it was over and brought your chin up to his face. The kiss was so intense, so loving. He tilted his head and pulled you tighter to get as close as he could to you. His tongue met yours and your mouths bathed in each other's taste. Running a hand through your hair, you'd started to unbutton his shirt. He'd been taken aback at first but then picked you up and placed you in the bedroom ever so softly. Placing gentle kisses all over each other's bodies and undressing for the other, you made raw, breathtaking love for the first of many times.
"Hey lady! Get out of the way!"
"W-What?..." You tremble and realize you're crying on the floor of the aisle.
"I said get out of the damn way, some of us got places to be."
The man is clearly batshit drunk. Probably here to buy his next fix. Shaking and letting yourself actually feel your emotions, you stand and use the wall to balance yourself.  The man that yelled at you curses to himself as his phone rings and he picks it up.
"Hell do you want? Thought you were still mad about Andrea."
Andrea? Mad about Andrea. Another cheater. Another liar. Right? It has to be.
Before you can process what you're doing-- how irrational it is-- the gunshot rings through the store and everyone turns to see the man before you on the ground, screaming and spitting blood. A mix of a laugh and a sob escapes you and you scream.
"Everyone on the fucking ground! If I see any cellphones, I'll shoot you just like this dickhead. Got it?"
Frightened people drop to the ground and you start to yell, incoherent bullshit again. You smash the freezer glass behind you and open an expensive bottle of bourbon.
You practically whimper having to take deep gasps in between words, but in a somehow still confident, fearless tone.
"Now let's have some fucking fun."
But what you didn't know was that the cashier in the front had sent a text 5 minutes earlier.
Call 911! The girl from the news, the Queen of Hearts. She's in the store.
What you didn't know was that the woman that recieved the text had called immediately.
911, what's your emergency?
What you didn't know was that the BAU was on their way.
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