#Emily prentiss x gn reader
cumulo-stratus · 3 months
can i request an angst emily prentiss x reader fic
where hotch wants to use emily as bait for an unsub and reader doesn't agree and they fight over it (or smth like that (sorry im so bad at this 😭😭😭))
You and Emily were fast friends, both new to the unit. But friends and others fight.
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WARNINGS- angst, use of y/n
Emily Prentiss x gn!reader ][ angst ][ masterlist
a/n- thanks for the request anon! I had so much trouble writing this, so sorry it's kinda short but I needed to get It out of my brain 😅
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"Emily I'm not letting you go get hurt just to prove yourself to the team!” 
Your voice strained, almost cracking from the tears welling at the back of your throat. Emily gave a look, her furrowed  eyebrows pairing nicely with a death stare directed at you.
“Look y/n, I  don't think you know what i'm capable of,  don't baby me.” 
Her stone cold expression flickered for a moment when she spoke. Most people wouldn't have noticed it. But then you weren't most people, especially not to Emily. 
“Emily- i- I'm not trying to baby you I just care about you-”
You cut yourself off with a sigh, immediately noticing how Emily's look hardened at the expression of sentiment. 
Before either could make the argument worse, Hotch gave the pair a beckoning stare. You were the first to turn on your heal and make your way back to the rest of the group. 
Emily waited for a moment, staring regretfully at the back of your head. She knew why you had said what you had said- and it wasn't fair of her to respond like that. 
When Emily finally joined the team gathered around a conference table laying out the plans, there was an uncomfortable air of tension. The only one who wouldn't  look at Emily when she arrived was you. 
You diverted your eyes, busying them with getting your files in order. The whole team was blatantly aware, but said nothing. No one wanted to get in Emily's way, she was already scary enough. 
Hotch in his all knowing-ness was aware of the argument, and the almost palpable tension. But he wasn't going to interfere so he just continued on. 
“Alright Emily you'll be the client. We just need you to get close enough to pull a gun on him, he's too skittish and we need to draw him out.”
Emily and Hotch exchanged curt nods, before allowing everyone to disperse, and get ready for the confrontation. 
Emily lingered, gathering her paperwork. You lingered, watching Emily gather her paperwork. 
“Don't go, please.” 
Your voice was meak, and ever so heartbreaking. Emily was sure she could hear cracks forming in her chest. 
There was deep caring behind the words in the way your voice broke a tiny bit and how you stared directly into Emily's eyes,  especially now. But Emily couldn't look back, her walls building themselves higher with each glance you threw her.  
Emily gathered herself with a long sigh, she managed to give you a weak look. “I have to, you know this.”
“But you don't have to, Emily- you don't”
“I'm going.”
With that Emily turned on her heel and went to change into her ‘client’ outfit. 
This time you were left staring at her back as she walked away. 
The End
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Taglist- @spencers1wifey | @mvndfvelds | @mindfullycriminal | @luce-reid I@ferrjulie | @khxna | @ilovebeingdelulu | @lover-of-books-and-tea | @jaden-reid | @eli-chris | @multifandomsimp69 | @multiversejumper | @shadoesx
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v3nusxsky · 9 months
hey! :) im basically copy n pasting from my original request i hope that’s okay!!
could i request a smut of emily (cm) and a nonbinary (female body) reader who uses they/them pronouns? and it’s reader’s first time with someone sexually (bc they have body insecurities and never felt comfortable with anyone else - feel free to change that though!) and Emily just takes lead and spoils them! also reader has a mommy / praise kink n overstim ;)) dom Emily and sub reader if that wasn’t clear!
Princess Treatment 18+
*Authors note~ happy birthday to my darling girlfriend @just-your-casual-nerd !!!! I hope you're feeling 22 ;) a gift as simple as choosing your own Kinktober fic as we can celebrate in December.*
Authors note 2~ I kinda don’t like this and I’ve never wrote for gn r before so I’m sorry for my mistakes
Trigger warnings~ praise kink overstimulation kink dom Emily sub r gn (afab) r body confidence issues body worship oral sex sex toys
Prompt~ see ask^^^
Perfect is always such a strange concept for you. Really what is perfect? Just like the concept of normal. What would qualify? These questions were constantly swirling around your mind, but you were sure you didn't fit the answer for any of them. It's always so hard to see the models and celebrities, hell even the strangers on the street because to you, you didn't even come anywhere near close to them. And perhaps you never would. A fact you'd gotten use to, not really sure where you fit or in what box which had lead to deep rooted insecurities that would bubble away inside your heart and mind.
Emily, healed the pain in your heart. Especially on the bad days. She never pushed or got mad if you couldn't decide what felt you. Right even. Instead she'd sit with you and be your listening ear, guiding you through the waters of emotions that seemed to submerge you that day. Being Emily's partner was truly something you would've only thought could exist in dreams.
On the good and the bad days she was there, never asking for anything more than you were offering, and that helped for a while, but soon the fears of her getting bored by the lack of sex crept upon you. That's when you decided to work on feeling better, to be brave and attempt to make love to your girlfriend of almost a year. She was patient with you, only ever wanting your happiness even if that meant you never felt comfortable enough for her to touch you, it didn't matter, because she loves you for your heart and not just your body.
Today, Emily noted you were feeling a little more on the feminine sides of things, you would smile if she accidentally called you princess or her sweet girl, rather than recoil from those pet names and timidly inform her that today that just felt so wrong. And of course she respected your feelings and mostly stuck to gender neutral terms of endearments like "love, darling, sweetheart and baby." But today was the day, you wanted to finally let Emily have you, and for you to have her. To be finally one.
It all started with some drinks with the BAU to gain some courage before you started to get a little handy with the Agent. "My darling? Are you okay?" She whispered causing you to whimper and inform her you wished to hide in her neck. A small chuckle came from the woman as she resumed her conversation with Garcia and JJ. Soon enough you got bolder, simple kisses placed to her pulse point on her neck. The pure feeling and shock of the sensation had the dark haired woman choking on her drink. "My love" she murmured causing you to peak out from your hiding spot. "Mmm" you murmured, pupils dilating indicating to the profiler just what you wanted. "Are you alright?" Garcia was quick to ask you both. "We are okay arent we love? I just think they need to get some rest now, isn't that right baby?"
Following along with Emily's plan you bid your goodbyes, pleased at how everyone respected your pronouns of they/them, despite the slightly more feminine attire. "Emily" you whimpered on the drive back to your flat, you couldn't quite understand how you'd manage to survive so long without her touch. "Shush baby, almost back so you can change out of the clothes okay?" Change? No, she misread your signs, a slightly frustrated sigh left you. "I want to be yours properly not change" you whined quietly a beautiful blush covering your cheeks now.  Oh, the agent hadn't even considered that's what you were after, after all it wasn't uncommon for you to bestow kisses like you had in order to leave situations and keep up the pretence that you'd very much made love. "Okay my love, if your sure you want that. I want you to feel good sweetheart okay?"
That was how you found yourself, back up against the wall, as her lips roamed the smooth skin of your neck, biting sucking and kissing along their travels, Emily's hands trailing over your body as she murmured compliments for you. The woman had you feeling so good you couldn't wait for her to touch your bare skin. In fact you weren't below begging for it despite how much you didn't like your body, seeing Emily enjoying herself made you want, no need more. "Please Em, want you to feel good" you whimpered as she harshly sucked a nice sized hickey on your pulse point. "Oh darling, I feel fucking fantastic, let me please you? Please? I just wanna watch you so blissed out by my own hands. My perfect lover."
That was how you found yourself stripped bare on the bed, the self conscious feelings eating away at you now. But she chased them away. Hands and lips mapping your body as she spewed praise at every opportunity she could. "Please" you whined, now too far gone to care, just needing her. "Okay baby, just say the word purple and we stop okay?" She murmured and you nodded instantly. "I need words sweetheart" she chuckled still caressing your body. "Yes I will just for the love of god Em."
Emily's mouth was like no other, you weren't a virgin by any means, and you had your fair share of toys, after all you were human. But this with her was heavenly. Your own insecurities way to far gone to prevent you cumming on her tongue embarrassingly quick. "So good, you taste so good my pretty princess, so so sweet for me. My good baby" she praised licking her lips as you allowed your breathing to regulate, the brain function to be self conscious had been fucked away well and truly. "More?" You whimpered causing Emily's eyes to sparkle with delight. "Of course my lover. Anything for you my love, so Damn perfect; doing exactly as your told aren't you love?"
From here Emily introduced you to her toys, some were vibrators for your clit other dildos including a wireless controlled one, and did she enjoy telling you just how she planned to use it in you. Buy your favourite had to be her cum filled strap. Not something you were ready for, but the idea of soon was fuelling your intense arousal. Emily had you cum again for her by using her little clit vibrating toy, until you were screaming her name and your juices gushing from your core.
In the foggy haze you realised she hadn't cum, you hadn't touched her, yet she informed you that tonight's just for you. Her special love, and you can always touch her at a later date, right now she wants you to feel loved, wanted and so special. That's exactly how you felt falling asleep on her chest minutes after she finished cleaning you up and giving you some water. For once your insecurities were silent.
Word count~ 1314
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astrophileous · 8 months
Hmmmmm for Hotch maybe him lowkey coddling reader when she gets hurt shortly during a case shortly after they start dating? Maybe the team wasn’t aware until they saw him fret this much when he had never done it to this level in the past? 🥹
Thanks for the request babes!! My first Aaron fic ever, so hopefully it's not too bad for a first 🥺 I hope this is to your liking ❤️
Warning(s): gn!reader, established relationship, talks of traffic accident, mentions of injuries, protective hotch, mean words (hotch is just worried abt you ok??)
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
You heard him before you even laid eyes upon him.
Amidst the beeping machines and the moderate ruckus of the emergency room, Aaron's voice penetrated the air like a sword. The authority dripped like lava from his tone as he badgered Derek for your whereabouts, and before you could shuffle out of the hospital bed that had been your safe haven for the past hour, the cubical curtain surrounding you was suddenly yanked open.
Your movements ceased once you locked eyes with a frowning Aaron Hotchner.
"Are you insane?"
You looked at him dumbfoundedly.
"Do you have a death wish? Is that it? Or are you just stupid?"
A few feet behind him, you could see Derek and Emily exchanging silent looks between the two of them. Everyone knew that Aaron was notorious for being frigid, and he had a strong impartiality when it came to any of his team members doing something impetuous on the field, but the words seeping out of Aaron's mouth at that moment sounded overtly harsh to those who knew him.
"Hotch—" Derek took a step forward, trying to come to your defense, "—it's not (Y/N)'s fault."
"I'm not talking to you." Aaron's response was cutting and final. It baffled Derek enough for him to trace his step back.
"What's wrong with you?" you asked once the shock dissipated, returning your voice to its rightful owner once more. "Why are you being like this?"
"Me? You're asking me? I should be the one asking you."
Your eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "We were chasing the UnSub—"
"You went rogue," he cut you off. "Morgan told me everything. There's no point in denying it."
Derek raised his arms in surrender when your stare of betrayal slid his way. "Fine. I'm sorry I grabbed a random civilian's bike and crashed it against the UnSub's car. You don't have to worry about paying anything back, I'll figure something out."
"Is that what you think this is about?" Aaron pinched the bridge of his nose. "I could care less about monetary compensations. We can deal with that later. You could've been killed, don't you understand?"
It was his last admission that finally made the pieces in your head click into place. Beneath the anger inside Aaron's words was actually a hidden anxiety ready to break free. He was worried about you, even if he was showing it in the least hospitable way possible.
Your relationship with Aaron was young; green around the edges and blooming every single day like tulips in spring. Nobody else in the world knew about it yet, and the two of you wanted to keep it that way. At least, that was what you agreed upon after having that lengthy discussion following your first official date.
And yet, none of that mattered when your fingers opted to reach out for Aaron's hand. You pretended not to notice the gasp that Emily let out as you urged your boyfriend to look into your eyes.
"I know you're worried, but I'm fine. I'm right here with you, and I'm okay." Aaron's shoulders physically collapsed at your reassurance. Every other noise in the hospital seemed to drown out in the aftermath. "The doctor's gonna clear me in no time, trust me."
"It still doesn't erase the fact that what you did was reckless." Aaron stepped closer towards the bed, overcrowding your senses as his thumb swept over your left eyebrow, just below the wound you had obtained from the crash. "Does it hurt?"
You shook your head no. The injury to your head was relatively minor. Your arm, on the other hand, was sustaining a quite sizable gash from your collision with the car.
Aaron's eyes followed your gaze that had meandered towards the gauze covering your arm. "How many stitches?"
Reluctantly, you answered, "Seven."
You heard his sharp breath before he turned around to face Derek. "Where's the UnSub now?"
Derek jerked his head to the right, where you reckoned the UnSub was being treated for their own injuries from the crash. The words of protest died in your throat as Aaron began to saunter to the other end of the ER with Derek hot on his heels.
With the two men's departure, Emily was the only one who remained.
"So—" she smiled knowingly, leaning against the foot of your bed, "—you and Hotch? When did that happen?"
You slammed your head back on the pillow, muffling your groan with your uninjured arm. "Shut up."
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ralvezfanatic · 3 months
Emily: I like your top, Spencer!
Y/N: I have a name, you know.
Spencer: *sighs* Why. Why are you like this.
Taglist: @starch1ldz, @the-gregster, @jaden-reid, @lover-of-books-and-tea, @momut, @eli-chris, @ruby-d1amond, @multifandomsimp69, @fuckingstrange | Add yourself here !
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reidsdaisies · 4 months
i would love to witness emily go a lil feral if maybe the unsub punches reader or something. the things that woman makes me feel 😩😩😩 i wanna be held by her and have her kiss my tears away
‘𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐭’
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༉‧´ˎ˗ pairing; emily prentiss x gn bau!reader
༉‧´ˎ˗ content warnings; guns and typical cm case stuff, reader is shot in the shoulder but is okay, rephrasing of the iconic “I’ve got a Glock leveled at your crotch. What’s to stop me from taking you and the little ones out?” line, stressed emily :( and concerned emily, she blamed herself :(, you don’t blame her, kissingg<3.
༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 1k
༉‧´ˎ˗ a/n; i don’t think this is the exact situation you wanted, but this is the direction i took it. not proof read.
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“Honey, don’t.”
You gave a silent nod, pressing your lips together in an attempt to keep your mouth shut. Her hand was pressed against your chest, the chest protected by the bulletproof vest you were wearing. She gave you a light pat before drawing her gun and swiftly turning the corner.
Two shots from her Glock is all it took before the unsub was out cold. You all knew he would try to ambush the two of you, just like he did with his victims, and so Emily needed you to be quiet in order for the situation to go the right way. Fortunately, it was easier than you guys had anticipated, and as she bent down to confiscate the perpetrator's weapon, she was taken aback when she looked up to see you turned around the other way, standing beside her with your gun drawn.
“Drop your weapon!” You yelled to the unknown man, but it was too late because he had already fired his shot at you. Luckily, his aim wasn’t too great, and even though you were hit by the bullet, it was in your shoulder, nowhere where the damage couldn’t be undone. You yelped, pushed back slightly by the force, hitting the brick wall behind you, completely caught off guard.
He doesn’t have a chance to redo his shot, because Emily is on it, aiming her gun at a particularly low area on his body.
“I’ve got a Glock leveled at your crotch. Nothing is stopping me from taking you and the little ones out right now, so I’d advise you to listen to my partner and drop your weapon.”
The second unsub falters at that, clearly not wanting to sacrifice his private parts just for the opportunity to maybe shoot two FBI agents and have even more charges against him than he already has. With her words, he slowly lowers down to the ground, placing his weapon down and sliding it across the ground to her.
She stops the gun while still never taking her eyes off him. “Now, hands behind your back.”
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“Two unsubs? Two of them! How didn’t we know there were two of them?” She thinks aloud, pacing back and forth right in front of where you sit in the back of an ambulance. She runs a hand through her hair, sighing deeply.
“Em,” You drawl, looking at her with a look her brain, clouded by anger towards the man who hurt you, convinces her is betrayal, but in actuality is just concern.
“It’s my fault, you’re hurt and it’s my fault because I was so sure there was only one unsub.”
She winces at the memory of watching you get shot injury, her vision flashing back to the sight of you leaning yourself up against the wall, hand pressed over your shoulder, blood seeping through your fingers and down your sleeve.
“Emily, sit down and take a breath before you pass out and hit the ground and I’m no longer the only one sitting in the back of an ambulance, getting treated for a wound.”
“Right, you’re right, y/n,” she swallows, moving to sit down next to you on the edge of the ambulance. “It was just your shoulder, and we’ll be going back home soon. I didn’t mean to stress you out, it’s just I can’t stand seeing you in pain like how you were when he shot you.”
The EMT who’s treating your shoulder wound moves to your side, making room for Emily who’s now sitting on your left. You were shot in the right shoulder, so the EMT is still able to work on bandaging you up.
“I know Em, and you should know that it’s not your fault. None of us could have seen that turn of events happening, not even Reid, so don’t beat yourself up for it. And I also know you’re salty that Hotch won’t let you go over to the station to interrogate the man, but that’s most definitely for the best. I know what you’re like when you’re upset with someone for hurting the ones you love, and the guy seems like a pussy, I’m sure he would crap his pants.”
Emily lets out a small chuckle at your comment, the tension slowly dissipating from her features as she leans into your side. "You’re probably right, y/n," she admits, her voice softening with gratitude. "As much as I want to give that guy a piece of my mind, I know it's probably for the best if I leave it to Hotch, just this time."
You offer her a reassuring squeeze with the hand of your uninjured arm, a silent gesture of comfort and solidarity.
She meets your gaze, her eyes shimmering with unspoken emotion as she leans in to press a gentle kiss to your forehead.
She pulls back, smiling at you.
“You’re very strong, you know that y/n?”
You nod. “You remind me all the time.”
Emily breathily chuckles. “I mean it. You don’t let things like this phase you, and I admire that quality.”
This time you’re the one leaning in, pressing a kiss to her darkly-colored lips.
“Thank you for noticing, and for caring so deeply for me to the point that you get yourself all worked up about it. But also please don’t let your concern get to the level where you’re stressed like that, especially over something you didn’t have control over.”
“I can't make any promises.. but I will try, for you.” She seals her words with another kiss to your lips, the lips now tainted by her lipstick.
“All done,” the EMT says, pulling you two from your little shared moment.
“Let's get back to the station, y/n,” Emily says, hopping down from the vehicle and offering her hand to you, which you very gratefully accept.
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cupidddd-d · 8 months
you waste your time on daft pretty boys
in which spencer reid is so smart, but he's so dumb!
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if you had a quarter for every time you tried flirting with spencer reid and he obliviously rebuffed your attempts, you'd have enough money to buy a yacht.
at first, it started with you innocently brushing his arm when you had to walk past him. you'd make eye contact with him across the room. he thought nothing of it.
and then you purposely wore a pair of shoes that were practically falling apart, all so you could fall into his arms and bat your eyelashes at him as he caught you. he caught you, but he immediately set you back on your feet, almost as if he was afraid to touch you for more than a second.
"you should be more careful," he laughed, somehow still completely clueless to the fact that you were putting the moves on him.
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"i mean, i don't get it! i've been flirting with him all week, and nothing! why isn't he just taking the hint?" you complained to morgan as you slumped down in your cubicle.
spencer being late only ever happened once in a blue moon, but he was late today. and you needed to take full advantage of his absence to pester morgan for advice.
"honestly, you're wasting your time here. if you're not going to be direct with him, he'll never get the hint. the kid's like a robot," morgan shrugged, twirling his pen in the air.
"it's true," prentiss agreed as she walked by, overhearing your conversation. "his iq gets slashed to nothing when it comes to romance. you need to be upfront with him."
"but it's so embarrassing!" you whined, dropping your head on your desk with defeat. "what if he rejects me?"
"the answer's always gonna be no if you never ask," prentiss raised her eyebrows at you knowingly.
you groaned dramatically at her words, weakly slapping your desk a few times to further express your point. "fine, but if he rejects me, i'm changing my name and moving to costa rica. i'll start a new life, and you'll never see me again!" you threaten them both, pointing your index finger at them.
"yeah, yeah," morgan smirked smugly, interlacing his hands behind his head as he leaned back.
"shut up, baldie!" you retorted, just because you had to get the last word in.
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"so...spencer," you say awkwardly, standing over his cubicle. everyone except hotch had gone home, and you two were the only ones still working in the bullpen.
"yeah?" his smile was so sweet and so welcoming, but it had never intimidated you before the way it does now.
"um, okay. so basically morgan and prentiss were telling me to be upfront with you because i've been flirting with you like, this whole week, and you haven't gotten the hint yet. spencer, i think you're a great guy, and i really like being around you. do you maybe...want to go out sometime? as a date?" you rambled nervously, feeling a hot blush creep up your cheeks.
you watched spencer fumble for words for what seemed like hours. his mouth parted, then it closed again. he just blinked at you, a little squeaking noise coming out of his mouth as he blushed red, from his neck to the tips of his ears.
"y-yeah, i'd like that! l-like, a lot!" he squeaked, turning a lovely shade of fire engine red. "w-we could w-watch um, a movie! does f-friday work? c-cool, okay!"
he dashed off before you could say anything, but friday did work for you, so you just stood there in disbelief.
"yeah, cool, okay..." you echoed, a giddy smile on your face.
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temilyrights · 1 month
Summary:  Emily Prentiss x GN!Reader. Spencer helps you come to the realisation that maybe you've been looking in the wrong place for happy ever after all this time, and the person of your dreams is right in front of your eyes.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: References to drinking alcohol, slight sexuality panic.
A/N: hi it's been a year and a half since i posted anything but i read a half finished fic and suddenly got inspiration?! anyway i've missed you all and i hope you enjoy <3 (my one emily gif because i've lost all my gifs :D i want to cry!!)
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How were you meant to know? Sure, you’d watched the movies and heard the songs just like everyone else, but no one had explained to you what it felt like. 
Plus, it wasn’t as if the movies were great demonstrations. They were always so dramatic, with tears and rain and running through airports. 
Spencer was the one, out of everyone, to point it out in the end. 
The whole team was gathered in JJ’s garden, a family event to mark the beginning of summer. Will and Hotch were grilling food on the BBQ, while JJ handed out alcohol that Rossi consumed generously, the kids were playing on Henry’s swing set, and Penelope, Derek, and Emily all spoke boisterously, their voices and laughter filling the garden. 
You stood to the side with Spencer, watching in bemusement. You had no idea what they were saying as they shouted excitedly at each other, but Emily was grinning, her cheeks flushed, and looking more carefree than you had seen her in a long time.  She was wearing a gorgeous blue vest top and jeans. You loved the top on her, it made her glow, complementing her skin and hair in a way that you couldn’t put accurately into words.  
Your heart stuttered, something that had been happening with increasing frequency recently, but you hadn’t given it much thought.
“Can I ask you something?” Spencer said abruptly as his fingers drummed against the side of the cider bottle in his hand. 
You turned slightly to look at him, your brows furrowed at his thoughtful expression. You nodded, “Of course.” 
“Why—" He hesitates. You smile reassuringly at him and he takes a breath before continuing, “It’s not really my business, but I’ve watched the two of you and I guess I'm just confused as to why you’re not dating.” 
Your eyes widen in surprise but he continues. 
“I thought maybe you two were just keeping it a secret from the team, but it’s been years and neither of you have said anything, plus Emily gets this sad look in her eyes sometimes and I think if you were together she wouldn’t, and—”
“Me and Emily?” You stammer, “Why would you think…Emily and I-” 
Spencer’s brows shoot up. 
“She’s one of my closest friends. I don’t…I’m not…”
Your heart beat speeds up and you tug on the collar of your shirt to cool yourself down. 
You didn’t understand, Emily was your best friend. You knew she was a lesbian but you weren’t. You liked men. 
“But you don’t look at the rest of us the way you look at Emily.” Spencer says softly. “You look at her like she’s the sun. Like the world turns because of her.” 
You shake your head. 
“You love her.” 
No. No. No.
You didn’t. You’d know if you were in love, and okay, so maybe you’d never been in love before but loving a woman had never once crossed your mind. It’s not like you were against it, you'd just never thought about it. Why would you? You dated men. 
…you dated men and felt very little. Your relationships have always been short, and when the men would finally leave you’d feel nothing but relief as if the relationships were draining the happiness out of you. 
But you’d know if you’d like women, surely? Sure, Emily made your heart clench and your stomach swirl. Sure, every time you saw her you’d smile wider and maybe you thought about her often but that’s what friendship was, right? 
You gulp.
Spencer and Penelope were also your close friends, and you did think of them often and enjoy their company but it was different. 
You’d set Penelope up on a date with your friend just like week, but last month there’d been a detective flirting with Emily and you’d been in a terrible mood the entire time. The team had smirked and you hadn’t understood, only thought how unprofessional the detective was being and oh, oh. 
You loved her.
You didn’t know. 
You really didn’t know. 
No one had told you that this is what it felt like. You hadn’t known. 
A hand on your arm jolts you, and brings Emily’s concerned face into focus. “Hey, are you okay?” She asks, brows drawn together.
A couple of tears had made their way down your cheeks without your permission. Embarrassment burns through you and all that comes out of your mouth is an urgent, “I didn’t know.”
Her frown only depends, rightfully confused, and you don’t know what to say. Too many thoughts rushing through your brain all at once. 
Spencer and Derek stand together a few steps away, whispering hurriedly to each other. You catch your name and Spencer’s worried, “I didn’t think this would be the reaction.” Emily is only focused on you, and doesn’t seem to notice their conversation. 
“What do you need?” She asks, hand still touching your arm and it’s all too much. 
You shake your head, stepping away from the hand that burns your skin. “I just need a minute.” You say, already walking away and into the house where the world is a little bit quieter and there are no watchful eyes. 
You wipe away the tears and take deep steadying breaths as your heart beat slows down. 
You find a glass and fill it with water with shaky hands. You had no idea what happened to your cider. 
You lift the glass to your lips and take a couple of sips, feeling yourself steady even more as you focus on simple actions. You sense when Emily enters the room, able to pinpoint the tread of her boots against the others with ease, and really how had this ever come as a surprise to you?
How had you failed to notice something so glaringly obvious? Emily Prentiss. How many years have you wasted failing to notice her? Going on dates with meaningless men, running yourself in circles and feeling guilty for not feeling enough when that woman makes you feel everything. 
And you weren’t going to waste another minute. 
Your shoulders set as you come to your decision and you place the empty glass of water down on the counter. Emily, equally as tuned to you, notices the change in your stance and from the other side of the room asks, “Ready to talk about what happened outside?” 
You turn around to face her, and your breath catches in your throat slightly. Wow. 
The sun shining in through the window is lighting up half her face, making her dark eyes sparkle more than normal, and bringing out the silver tones in her raven hair. 
“Y/N?” She prompts, brows drawing back together in concern as she approaches you. 
You shake your head, dispelling the thoughts. “We can talk about what happened outside another time. I actually have something else I need to ask you.” 
Emily’s head tilts slightly, confusion masking her expression. “Okay?” 
You blow out a breath, and gathering all your confidence, ask, “How would you like to go out to dinner with me Friday night?” 
“Oh,” Emily smiles, shrugging, clearly still confused. “Yeah, of course, did you want to finally try that new sushi place?” 
You sigh, “No Emily. For a date.”
Her eyes widen, “Oh, oh, uh.” There’s silence for a moment and then “Yes,” As a massive smile spreads across her face and a laugh ripples from her mouth. “What? Are you serious?” 
You can’t help but laugh too, your cheeks warming. “Yes. I’d love to take you out for dinner, if you’re agreeable.”
Her eyes turn soft as her hand reaches out and squeezes your arm, causing butterflies in your stomach. “I would love that more than anything.” 
“It’s a date then.” You smile, eyes dropping down briefly to her lips. 
“It’s a date.” She agrees. 
It may be only five days away but god you would do anything to bend time and move it closer. You’ve waited years, what’s another five days…
taglist: @ry-kills-jemily @sapphic-stress @xrainydazeteax @mckennamayfairgoode @dalexandriag16 @enduringalexblake @augustvandyne @themoontaxi @prentissology @alexbllake @alexblakeswife @quinnharkness @ssa-sapphic @storiesofsvu @strongsassysexysloane (i have you all listed as being on my taglist but i know its been over a year so if you wanna be removed pls just message me/fill out the form linked on my masterlist and i can take you off <3)
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epilary · 1 month
a weekend off w/ emily | headcanon
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masterlist | requests are open
    "so i’m thinking a movie night, just the two of us, and then dinner?” your head rests in emily’s lap, 
  she looks down at you, fingers tangled in your hair. of course a night out with you is always enjoyable, but for her one weekend off in forever… “how about we do a sort of staycation? just you and me and awful rerun movies?” emily bites her lip, tilting her head in just a way that always makes you say yes.
  you roll your eyes, knowing all of her profiler tricks at this point. at first, you could never tell when her knowledge of psychology could be used recreationally. at least until you learned a couple tricks of your own when reading body language.
  “you’re doing that just to make me say yes, right? because i was going to say yes regardless.”
  “no.. me acting a certain way just so you’ll say yes to corny rom-coms and pizza? no, never,” emily’s face says it all as she tries to play it off, only making her more endearing. 
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heavenbarnes · 4 months
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All the below is 18+
DO NOT repost my work
Aaron ‘Hotch’ Hotchner:
Do not go gentle - Aaron Hotchner x reader
All roads lead - Aaron Hotchner x reader
You say it’s big but you take it - Aaron Hotchner x reader
Untitled daddy kink - Aaron Hotchner x reader
Spencer Reid:
Daddy handles business - Spencer Reid x reader
A lot of hard work - Spencer Reid x reader
Work for it - Spencer Reid x reader
Untitled threesome - Spencer Reid x reader x Emily Prentiss
Emily Prentiss:
Untitled threesome - Emily Prentiss x reader x Spencer Reid
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mismatched-sockss · 5 months
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» Pairing: Emily Prentiss x Reader » Warnings: just a little fluffy something for valentines day, readers first relationship with a woman (short mention of prior relationships, therefore implied bisexuality; but no gender for exes mentioned), anxious and nervous reader, mentions of alcohol and alcohol consumption, pet names (reader is called my love), » A/N: written with fem!reader in mind but I left out any mentions of gender for the reader, as well as skin-color
⚶ masterlist ⚶
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You felt sick. So incredibly sick. The heavy stone that had formed in your stomach for the last couple of hours just wouldn't go away and on top, your heart beat so hard and fast that it made you feel dizzy.
A glance at the clock told you that it was almost time for Emily to arrive. "Oh god, oh god, ohh my god...", was all you could mumble to yourself as you ran around your apartment like a headless chicken, to make sure everything was ready. That everything was perfect. You needed it to be perfect.
To be honest, you felt like you had no idea what you were doing. Not a single clue. None of your exes were big on celebrating valentine's day in any kind of way, and for the last few years you had been single. So not only had you never really celebrated valentine's day before, but more importantly: it was your first relationship with a woman.
It had only been about a month since you started dating Emily. After a couple too many shots of tequila on new years eve, the liquid courage had made you bolder than you could have imagined. So, when the countdown to midnight reached zero and the both of you hugged and exchanged a "happy new year!", you had cupped her cheeks and kissed her. You were so overwhelmed at the moment, that you left the party without another word to anyone and ran home. Literally ran home. The next day Emily stood in front of your door, fresh coffee and croissants from your favorite bakery in her hand and you talked about your feelings for each other.
A part of you wished, all of this would have happened on another day. Don't get me wrong, you loved every second you were able to spend with her. But it was all so new to you, and today seemed like such a big day for some reason. Maybe you wouldn't be as nervous if you would have been dating for longer than a month. Then, if you would have gotten more used to being with her romantically, you wouldn't freak out as much as you were right now.
I mean, this wasn't your first date with each other, nor was it the first time Emily came to your place and / or stayed the night. But there was something about days like this - birthdays, valentine's day, or other holidays like christmas for example - that felt even more special when you are in love and spend them with your partner. And even though the both of you had been friends for years beforehand, it just was different now. Especially so early on in the relationship.
You nervously gnawed on your bottom lip as you let your gaze wander around the place. The food - a recipe by the courtesy of one David Rossi - was in the oven and would soon be done; so, check. Plates and cutlery out on the table; check. Emily had said, that she would bring some wine; therefore, check. The dozens of candles you had placed all around the apartment were lit; check. Nice outfit; check. The bouquet of flowers you got for Emily; che-
The door bell rang so sudden it startled you and it was a surprise you didn't scream. Your heart threatened to jump out of its confinement as you walked to the door. Taking a deep breath you reached for the door handle, your hands trembling.
The first thing you saw was a big, beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers. Emily exhaled as if she had held her breath and fleshed you a big smile, her eyes shining and full of love as she took you in. "Hello, my love. Happy valentine's day."
"Hi", you breathed, your own lips stretching into a wide smile, "happy valentine's day." You took a step aside to let her in. After you closed the door behind her, you took the bouquet from her and buried your nose in the flowers, taking a deep breath. "Thank you, they are beautiful."
"I'm glad you like them." Emily smiled as you placed a kiss on her lips.
You hurried to put the flowers in a vase and placed them on the table in your living room, while Emily took off her coat. You were speechless for a moment when you saw her. The fabric of the red dress she wore hugged her body like a second skin, knee-length, with a slit on the right side that ended just centimetres under her hip.
Emily did little to mask her amusement when she saw you staring at her. But her amusement was quickly erased by awe when her gaze wandered around the room. Now, it was her time to be speechless, as she took in the scenery. The candles you had placed on almost every possible - and safe - surface, the rose petals that you had placed everywhere, the dimmed lights and the soft music that played in the background.
"Wow... That's...", she started, her brows furrowing as she looked for the right word. You grew nervous. Was it too much? Should you maybe had stopped at music and candles and leave the rose petals?
But before the little voice in the back of you head had any chance to get louder, Emily closed the space between you, reached up to cup your cheek with one hand and run her thumb over your cheekbone. The other found its place on your hip. "Beautiful. It's.." Again, she tried tried to find the right words, but not one came close to describe what she felt.
"So, you like it?", you asked shyly. Emily's gaze flickered between your lips and your eyes as she nodded. "Yeah", she breathed and kissed you.
You pulled her closer and melted into her kiss, into her touch. It didn't take long for Emily to softly nibble at your bottom lip and swiping the tip of her tongue over it. Your lips parted and a soft moan left your throat when your tongues met.
When the alarm clock you had set for when you had to get the food out of the oven rang, neither of you moved. All you did was whisper "Food's ready" in between kisses, but instead of pulling away you pressed your body closer to Emily's.
She smiled into the kiss. "Mmh, I think, I want some dessert first."
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mggsv · 10 months
RED (pt. 1) part 2 here
gn!reader x Emily Prentiss (18+)
summary: Emily reminds you on where you stand in your relationship.
warnings: dom!emily, sub!reader, teasing, hair pulling, Emily’s red tank top…ugh
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“You know what I don’t understand? How someone with such a chatty mouth has absolutely nothing to say when it comes down to this sort of thing.”
You glance up at Emily as best as she allowed you to. Your hair in which she gripped on, was tugged. She wore a smirk while she stared down at you. Your sex throbbed, god you loved her.
“Well, go on. What are you waiting for?” The tip of her foot taps your bare thigh. She sat in front of you while you were on your knees. Her nipples hard and waiting through the red of her tank top. You loved it when she wore red. It was her color after all. It turned you on, and she knew that, she also used it against you often.
How she would take you on the jet when no one paid attention…How she’d finger herself while she wore that red tank top in the hotel rooms you’d share on cases. Hell- she’d even send videos, always expecting something in return.
So when she gave you that warning look today after you argued at work you knew it was coming- this: Her legs spread wide open while her blue panties sitting perfectly on her hips, soaking from the core. Teasing you, showing you your place in your relationship.
Her hair messily fanning over her shoulders. You took a breath, leaning forward to kiss her thighs, your tongue darting out to lick afterwards. You groan softly, feeling her fingers message your scalp. She shifted just a bit, her legs spreading out further while one hiked upon your shoulder. There was a large dark spot in the center of her light blue panties. You swallowed, hungry.
“Now, you want to tell me what that was about today?” As you neared her sex she pulls your head back, making you groan. You stared down at you, expressionless. “You argued with me today-“
“I said I was sorry-“
“I didn’t give you permission to speak, did I?” She then chuckles, scooting closer to the edge of where she sat. You could smell her arousal. “Emily..” you breathed, looking at her with those desperate..desperate eyes. “please.” you whined, making her hum. “You’re talking much more nicely than you were earlier..” She slid up, her clothed sex resting against your nose. She stared down at you, smiling. “What, you can’t move my panties to the side yourself? Oh right…”
You mentally grumbled to yourself. Fucking hell. You were cuffed. “Em..please I’m sorry.”
“So you’ve said,” She lets your hair go, your face falling just inches away from her sex. She slides her panties to the side, immediately picking your hair back up afterwards. “Now, be a good little slut and eat me like I know you can.”
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luciferlokinox · 2 years
Criminal Minds Incorrect Quotes
~Reader Insert~
Reid: *Screams* Reader: *Screams louder to assert dominance*
Hotch: Should we do something?
Rossi, observing: No, I want to see who wins this.
Rossi: I think we’re missing something.
JJ: Teamwork?
Reid: Concentration?
Prentiss and Morgan: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Prentiss, setting down a card: Ace of spades.
Morgan, pulling out an Uno card: +4
Garcia, pulling out a pokémon card: Jolteon I choose you!
Reid, Trembling: What are we playing?!
I posted this while watching NCIS :)
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mrwxrldwide · 17 days
bau team x bau!gn!reader (platonic)
This is me practicing writing again ! <3
Summary : it’s reader’s birthday and the team surprise them
Warnings : swearing, mentions of neglect ?? Fluff fluff fluff !! I think that’s it ? Maybe mentions of abandonment and abuse ??? Idk. They/them pronouns. Second person.
Word count : 0.7k
Request : no
Also I think elementary is the same as primary but diff?? (Primary finishes at 12 years old) Idk I’m not American I’m just using what I think is right and I don’t feel like researching
“---“ in place of reader’s name / y/n
I apologise for any grammatical and spelling errors or if I’ve written anything wrong
My requests are open !!!
No proofread !!
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It was just like any other day. You got yourself ready for work, dressed in your usual attire, and had a cup of coffee for breakfast. Was that healthy? Definitely not. Did you care? No, not really.
After spending a total of fifteen minutes getting yourself ready, you finally made your way out of your apartment, closing and locking the door behind you. There was nothing special about today, at least, that’s what you had accepted as a fact over the years anyway.
It was your birthday today. But you stopped caring for those a few years ago, your birthday had just lost its spark after all this time.
Walking into the bullpen, you noticed something was off. Being the expert profiler you are, and just using your fucking eyes, you deduced that no one was in the area— and figured out that they were all in the briefing room.
Frowning, you place your bag down on the floor near your desk, standing up tall and making your way to the room where they probably planned to surprise you.
Why would they care for your birthday anyway? Your parents stopped caring when you finished elementary school, your siblings blew out your candles on the days you actually celebrated it, your birthday gifts came months late as Christmas presents. You were so sure that birthdays didn’t matter. Or, at least, yours didn’t.
Even though you expected a loud yell as a surprise, you still jumped once you opened the door and was greeted with a ‘pop’, as well as confetti blasting in your face and sticking itself to your hair.
“Happy birthday, my darling!” Penelope exclaimed, wrapping you in a tight hug before you could even get a word in. Her head was tucked in to snugly to the crook of your neck that you could smell her strawberry scented perfume, that sweet fragrance filling your nose and instantly calming you down. Penelope released you from her deathly tight hug before the others started crowding you with ‘happy birthdays’ and ‘see you in the nursing home, oldie’, the latter being a snarky comment from Morgan.
After accepting their birthday wishes with a smile (one you tried to fend off, but failed), you look over Reid’s shoulder, seeing a pink and yellow cake set on the table, unlit candles placed randomly on the colourful dessert. Nearly tearing up, you look between all of them and smile. Showing them a genuine smile they rarely saw from you, and this made everyone even more happier.
“If you like the cake, just wait til you see the gifts.” Rossi chuckles, “I’m not sure about all of you guys, but I wanted to go all out— not too all out, ---, don’t you worry.”
You chuckled softly at his little reassurance, but was glad. You didn’t really want them spending so much money on you.
They all laughed at Rossi’s little joke, before Emily ushered you into a seat directly facing the cake, forcing you to sit in it.
“This is all too much, you guys.” You confessed, hiding your actual feeling behind a grin. Though, the smile was a genuine one, you just weren’t used to this much attention all at once. And they didn’t look at you like you were a burden!
“Nonsense, ---, you are apart of our team— our family— and families celebrate birthdays.” Morgan scoffed at you and rolled his eyes, as if your thought that they spent too much time and effort on you was absurd. None of them thought that way, but you did.
After the singing of happy birthday and blowing out of the candles (which you got to blow out on your own), you guys ate the vanilla flavoured cake and opening gifts, smiling and laughing.
You couldn’t believe that this is what birthdays were like, that they actually bought you things and spent time on you. That was your favourite thing about your birthday.
Morgan, of all people, offered to take all of your paperwork. Which was strange. You accepted, obviously, but it was just unlike him. Maybe JJ out him up to it.
If this was what birthdays were like every year, you could sure get used to it.
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The end !!!
Thank you for reading this far, hope you enjoyed it and feel free to request or give feedback !!
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astyrial · 9 months
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taste better than dinner emily prentiss x gn!reader (fluff) synopsis: your girlfriend comes home for dinner word count: 520 warnings: kissing (lots of it) masterlist | requests are open
    a savory aroma fills the kitchen's air. the stovetop emanates a heat that battles that of your chilly apartment. you always consider it to be cold, meanwhile your lovely girlfriend can't help but turn down the heating. you love her, but standing in front of the stovetop as you cook is the only thing keeping you from setting it to ninety. 
  you watch as the sauce bubbles, noodles becoming the perfect texture as it simmers. steam carries up to the over-the-range microwave. music plays in the background, instrumental, upbeat and easy to sway to. your feet tap the ground so lightly as a spoon stirs the ingredients in the pan.
  "mmh what smells so good?" a beautifully calm voice echoes behind you, someone wrapping their arms around your waist. 
  you go to turn off the music, especially after realizing that you didn't hear your amazing girlfriend open the door to your apartment. "no need, i love how you look when you're cooking and listening to music," her head leans forward, her lips pressing against your jawline.
  "but i couldn't even hear you enter the apartment, besides, i'd like to be able to have a coherent conversation with you babe," you turn your head, kissing emily's lips, a smile stretching across your lips into the kiss. 
  she reaches one hand up, caressing your cheek. "you taste better than whatever food is in that pot," emily whispers before kissing your jawline once more, flurries building up in your stomach. 
  no matter how long you've known emily, or how long the two of you have been dating, you always get butterflies around her. from her loving to a fault nature to her ability to hold her own, she's always been extraordinarily beautiful to you. 
  you raise your eyebrows, shaking your head a little, "terrible thing to say to the cook."
  emily leans back, her one hand holding onto you. her lips parting as if she didn't know what to say next. you widen your eyes a little, as if to say 'watch what you say next'. she gives you a wide smile, crinkling her nose and forehead. 
  "sorry, just as good as the food in front of you. i mean i think it's better because you're so intoxicating, but to each their own i guess," she lets go of your waist, taking a few steps away from you. 
  you turn around, grabbing her hand with a smile on your face, "mmh i think i'm the one getting drunk on your love, not the other way around gorgeous," she laces her fingers with yours.
  emily brings them up to her lips, kissing each of your knuckles before moving back to your own lips. her breath lingers against your lips as she takes a moment to relax. you search her eyes, watching as the light behind you brings them to a beautiful hazel color. 
  "if you keep staring at me like that dinner may burn. and then it definitely will taste worse than those lips of yours," she shrugs, leaning forward and kissing your nose before walking around you and stirring the food.
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cumulo-stratus · 10 months
BAU autism headcannons
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(male reader)
CW: possible swearing, mentions of meltdowns and overstimulation, lemme know if theres anything else!
A/N: sry i havent rly posted in a while, i started a school recently and its been a rly big change for me so ive just been emotionally/mentally exhausted like all the time, but i dont wanna abandon u guys so i decided i would get something up, even if its not super good, thanks for y’all’s understanding <3
i think both JJ and Emily would become sort of mothers to reader
(not that they werent already mothers to the rest of the team but reader especially)
like JJ would totally have a motherly instinct for readers needs (like a sort of spider sense)
like if your ever nervous about something being too much or being overwhelming, jj would kinds know this and either make arrangements for accommodations or make sure you know you dont have to go if you want to.
and like she definitely wold put herself in charge of keeping your safe foods stashed on the jet and at the office
emily is more of a mother in a protective way than jj is
like this girl will not hesitate at all to go off on someone for maybe being disrespected to about stimming your chair while thinking
or like if you dont want to shake a police officers hand when your being introduced, and you get dirty/weird looks for it, or anyone comments on it? BOOM this girl will stare at them with so much animosity they’ll be scared of her shes so hot oml
anyways i thinks he team would be super accepting of you, especially if you joined after reid like they would already have some experience with autism
and like if you weren’t ent comfortable telling anyone other than hotch(i feel like it would be like a in ur file thing idk how the government works tho) spencer would defo be able to tell and confront u privately abt it (our respectful king <3)
and if you are comfortable telling the team, everyone would be respectful
i think like rossi/gideon would be a little clueless but like trying their hardest
like rossi would have no idea what stimming is but understands that like you move in certain ways or make certain noises when ur excited
and like with all his money he wouldnt hesitate to spoil u with any fidget toy u need/want or like a rly nice weighted blanket (its insane how expensive those things are)
and like gideon despite his profound understanding of others (hope yall got that ;)) he wouldn’ t get why sometimes you dont feel like/cant talk but totally respects it
omg garcia is our autism ally QUEEN im telling you
always has a big basket of fidgets/stim toys sitting on her desk and when your having a rough day shell leave you a little goodie in a brightly colored and decorated bag
i firmly believe that she is the queen at finding brands with clothes that not only fits your style perfectly but is also sensory friendly
i think she would definitely say that if she never ended up working in the FBI she wouldve started a clothing shop for sensory friendly clothing/accessories
spencer would totallllyyyy be your best friend when it comes to being under-stimulated
he will totally info dump on you and vice-versa
spencer (like penlope) would totally recommend clothing brands that are sensory friendly, but sock brands in particular
and everyone makes fun of you for nerding out over everything
also spencer would definitely get in the habit of grabbing your hands in his when you start to pick a t your nails and cuticles
like he didnt even realize what he was doing the first time but now he does it without thinking about it and for the team its normal
“hey,” and he would gently grab your hands to stop you from picking at them
”youve nothing to be sorry for” (with that little reid smile oml rf[osifjgturhv)
and i also firmly believe that morgan is the best people to go to if your having a meltdown
he would stop you from harmfully stimming
“hey sugar, unclench those pretty little hands for me. there we go… good job kid.” he would have the softest smile and voice
and when he takes your hands to stop you from hitting yourself his grip is rly firm but gentle
but hotch is the best to go to for when your overstimulated
like he would make sure you know his office is always a quiet place you can go to with out questions
and he would secretly have a stash of like stimm toys in his office that he stole from garcia
his couch is always open to you, especially like late at night if you are really tired his fatherly instincts will kick in and force you to come to his office for a break
he would would hand you and blanket and a stim toy
”sit. sleep”
thats all he would say in his cute little stern but actually caring voice <3
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reidsdaisies · 3 months
You wanted requests for Emily Prentiss, so what about an Emily Prentiss x gn!reader where Emily finds some of her clothes going missing. She asks reader but they say they don’t know. She ends up catches reader stealing and wearing her (stolen) clothes, finding it adorable.
Something nice and fluffy!
Hope you’re having a great day/night!
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༉‧´ˎ˗ paring; emily prentiss x gn!reader
༉‧´ˎ˗ content warnings; clothes sharing (stealing).
༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 0.6k
༉‧´ˎ˗ an; i love this request sm! thank you for sending it in <3 i hope you’re also having a great day/night!
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cm masterist ; main masterlist ; request guidelines ; inbox
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“Honey, have you seen my sweater?” Emily called from the bedroom, sifting through the closet, looking for the sweater in question.
“Hm?” You cluelessly hummed, peeking your head out from behind the bathroom door, toothbrush in hand.
“I’m repacking my bag, but I can’t find my sweater anywhere,” she explained to you as she continued to look lower in the closet, seeing if maybe it fell down from the hanger.
“Which one? You have a bunch.” You laughed, wetting your toothbrush under the faucet.
“My gray cardigan. Are you sure that you have no idea where it is?”
When you shook your head, she gave up her search, instead just picking out a different sweater. She leaned over to give you a peck on the cheek before allowing you to resume the process of brushing your teeth, going back to working on fitting her clothes in the bag.
The next day at work, Emily was pulled into the conference room almost immediately. Another case, one word. Florida.
Upon hearing JJ name the state they were traveling to, she sighed, shaking her head and following the blonde upstairs.
After finishing going over the main details of the case with the team, she made it a point to text you, letting you know she wouldn’t be home tonight, or the next few nights. You replied a little while later, wishing her a safe travel.
The case was grueling, and the unsub’s motive was tricky to piece together, so they had to go out on a limb, but thankfully the call they made was the right one. Emily was able to make it home in one piece, back to you.
As she tiptoed to the bedroom, socked feet pitter-pattering down the hall, she could hear a faint sound coming from your shared room. She took it as a sign that she didn’t need to tip toe, assuming you were awake, and pushed the bedroom door open.
She walked in, the first thing catching her eye being you, laying on your stomach on the bed, feet kicking back and forth in the air as you watched something on your laptop. She smiled, immediately engulfed by feelings of warmth and contentment being in your presence. Something else she noticed, however, was your attire. Or, actually, her attire that you’d seemingly stolen.
“Hi sweetheart,” she greeted softly, removing her sweater and tossing it in the hamper. “That wouldn’t be my gray cardigan that you’re wearing, would it? The one I told you I couldn’t find the other week.”
You just smirked, chuckling a bit as you hit the pause button on your show, rolling back over onto your back.
“Nope, definitely not.”
Emily quirked her brow at you, shaking her head lightly, a breathy laugh coming from her. “Yeah, sure it isn’t.”
She turned around, stripping off the rest of her work clothes and picking out something comfy to wear for bed. As she pulled her shirt over her head, she muttered, “next time you want to wear my clothes, just ask me.”
“Hm?” You hummed, looking back over at her.
“I think you look adorable in my sweater, but you should’ve asked.” She said, walking over to your side of the bed.
“Sorry.. I just wasn’t sure if you’d be alright with it.”
“Of course I’m alright with it, I mean look at you. I might just have to give that cardigan to you permanently.”
You snorted, but her words did put a smile on your face.
“No, that’s okay. I’m good with sharing, especially if that means I get to wear your clothes.”
“Sounds like a deal. But just so you know, this means I’m also going to be stealing your sweaters too. All the time.”
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