#Emergency Backup
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unicelautotech · 1 year ago
Efficient Generator for Rental Services | Power Up Your Projects
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Are you in need of a reliable generator for rental? Look no further! Our generator rental services provide top-quality power solutions for your temporary energy needs. Whether it's for a construction site, outdoor event, or emergency backup, our generators are ready to deliver consistent and uninterrupted power. Get the peace of mind you deserve with our generator rental options.
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dipnots · 2 years ago
Portable EV Chargers: Charge Your Electric Vehicle Anywhere, Anytime
Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular due to their environmental benefits, lower running costs, and technological advancements. However, one of the main concerns of owning an EV is finding a charging station when you’re on the road. This is where portable EV chargers come in. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of portable EV chargers and how they work. EXPLORE…
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writing-with-olive · 2 years ago
On October 4, at about 2:20pm Eastern Standard Time (EST), FEMA is doing an emergency alert test. This means that all phones, regardless of if they have been placed in do not disturb will go off with that beeping noise. If you have a secret backup phone that you need the people you're with to not know you have, set a reminder to turn it all the way off.
For apple phones, this means holding the power button for five seconds and swiping the "power off" switch that shows up on the screen. Same with androids and early google pixels, except you'll be tapping a button. For google pixels 6 and later, you'll hold the power button and the volume up button at the same time. To turn on for all phones, you'll hit the power button and wait a sec.
Remember that the alert will still come through when you turn your phone back on, so make sure that you are in a place where that noise is safe.
Note that, for whatever reason, if they can't put out the alert, the backup test date is October 11th.
The link below is to the official press release with the information.
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magpie-murder · 2 months ago
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already on pinterest, do not reupload
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aerinfrankellove · 3 months ago
Ok. See I’m sure this is entirely knowable but! I’ve always wondered what would happen if two EBUGs were needed in one game. That is, both teams by whatever chance need an emergency backup goalie. From my understanding there is only one, so here’s my non comprehensive list of suggestions of what should happen in that case, in no particular order:
1. Dress a regular player as a goalie - there are varying levels of meanness to this one, you could have the player be from the team who’s already used the EBUG as a sort of payback, or have it have to be someone dressed for your team. If it’s extra mean, make it random so you could either have a defenseman who blocks so many shots he practically is a goalie or a playmaking forward who hasn’t worn the pads since peewee, or anyone in between.
2. Cabinet style order of succession - like the list for the presidency in order of murder, before each game a list of everyone present at the game for each team is generated and put into an envelope to be held solely by the assistant coach until needed. When a team needs an EBUG, but one is already in use, the envelope is opened and the first person on that list needs to gear up. Could be anyone present in the organization, from the GM themself or a random intern.
3. Hunger games reaping style from the crowd - you bought a ticket for the game? Cool you now have to pray your name isn’t called to be put in the net. Could potentially be made more interesting by a similar volunteer system to the hunger games
4. Both teams go empty net - I think this one speaks for itself. It would be entertaining at the very least
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cxlandine · 1 year ago
arthur created grix to be a perfectly lawful, responsible principal should aguefort be under investigation. arthur had a legal failsafe in case the feds came around. and he fucking shoots kids with nets and awakens sex robots to attack them-
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babyboywilson · 14 days ago
what do you think happens when wilson gets home and house is just standing ominously in the doorway looking like he has horrible news only to say: i need another prescription (is this too weird someone please stop me)
wilson’s had a long day. a day of complicated surgeries and upset families that left him feeling drained. house had left the hospital hours ago, and wilson hated those kinds of days where they couldn’t leave together. he’d expected to come home and collapse on the couch next to house, share some leftover pizza and beer with some monster trucks on the tv, and then get laid. what he wasn’t expecting when he opened the door was house standing in the doorway of the bedroom with a look on his face that sent a racing shiver of fear down wilson’s spine. something was wrong. really wrong. “what’s happened?” wilson asked without preamble, dropping his bag by the front door. with the way his day had been going, he expected the worst. cuddy had finally had enough of house’s shit and had fired him. one of their friends was hurt or even dead. house was about to break up with him. his brain jumped to worse and worse scenarios as he took in house’s posture against the doorframe; how he was slumped against the wood with a pained hunch to his shoulders and he was shifting all his weight off his bad leg. house didn’t answer immediately, and wilson moved closer. “house, what’s wrong?” wilson pushed. house hesitated for a moment before reaching into his pocket and motioning for wilson’s hand. wilson reached out on instinct, palm outstretched towards house. an empty pill bottle was deposited into wilson’s hand. “i need a new prescription,��� house said. glancing down at his hand, wilson eyed the empty bottle then flickered his gaze up to house. “that’s it? no one’s died. you’re not breaking up with me. you just need more vicodin,” wilson scoffed, raising an eyebrow at house. “that is an emergency. i’m in pain,” house hissed, limping over to the couch. shaking his head, wilson moved back to his bag, picked it up, and reached inside for the extra bottle of vicodin he kept in there for instances like this. shaking out 2 pills, he deposited them into house’s waiting hand, lingering for a couple extra seconds with his fingertips grazing against house’s wrist. “i’ll write you a script tomorrow.” house quickly swallowed the pills and seemed to settle back against the couch in relief, offering wilson a genuine half-smile. “thank you,” house said, closing his eyes and patting the spot on the couch next to him. wilson sank down next to house with an exhausted sigh, dropping his head back against the couch cushions and closing his own eyes. “i ordered pizza. extra pepperoni and bell peppers for you. it’ll be here in 5,” house said, his hand settling on wilson’s thigh. wilson cracked one eye open, a smile of his own tugging at his lips as he dropped his head against house’s shoulder. “thank you,” wilson said, echoing house’s gratitude from earlier with a kiss against house’s jawline.
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kraymerman · 4 months ago
I wish grown-up Tessa was legit, especially since she seemingly acts so "out of character" between episodes 3 and 7. It shows just how much the destruction of Earth affected Tessa as a character. It's character development. Trauma changed her for the worse.
I imagine Tessa feels extreme guilt for her hand in what happened. She brought Cyn home, she gave her room to grow into the monster she is now, and near the end, even though she absolutely saw the warning signs, she was too stubborn, too eager in her vision of what Cyn could be that she became blind to what Cyn was. I can absolutely see a timeline where Tessa feels personally responsible for not only Cyn's rise to power, but for the utter destruction of her home and the death of her entire species. For all she knows, she is the last human in the entire universe (and thus the last human that will ever exist, humans are going to die with her and she knows it) and it's all her fault. She isn't worthy of being the last human to exist, at least in her eyes.
That is a mindset I can absolutely see driving Tessa to the dogged determination to kill Uzi that we see in episode 7. She's so desperate for redemption and to avenge humanity, to prove that she's worthy of being humanity's last torchbearer, that she's unwilling to accept any solution other than the complete destruction of any possible method Cyn could use to come back. Any less and she'll have proven herself to be the traitor of humanity that she already believes herself to be.
That's an absolutely heartbreaking turn for a character that was, before, so bright-eyed and optimistic, and I absolutely love it. That's the Tessa I wish we got.
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feelingtheaster99 · 11 months ago
“GOTTEM!” 🤣 Fabian FLEXING to killing the principal at a school assembly is fucking WILD
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remidyal · 1 year ago
FHJY New Names over-analysis post
We're a few days past an episode that introduced a lot of new npcs and ideas and all, and I figured I'd dig into some of the names and references and all that I noticed to see if any hints might have been snuck in there for the rest of the season.
Interim Emergency Backup Principal Arcturus Grix: A couple of different things in here, but I'll just get what I think is the most likely one out of the way: Arcturus is a star that is part of the constellation Bootes (a herdsman in various myths), and the name translates to 'guardian of the bear'.
Or, perhaps, guardian of the owlbears.
Brennan absolutely seems like someone who would have at some point been way into constellations and their stories so I'd put money on this being an intentional stealth-ish pun.
I think Grix is just supposed to sound machine-y but I might be missing it.
Terpsichore Skullcleaver: Back on the Greek mythology theme, Terpsichore is one of the Greek Muses, and specifically is the Muse of Dance. Obviously a wildly appropriate name for a dance teacher who is hopefully going to actually inspire Fabian.
Skullcleaver presumably means she is of some relation to Katja, of course.
Lucillia Lullaby: I mean, this one is pretty obvious; a Lullaby is a type of song, and from what she saw she seems to be a pretty calming presence to suit attempting to get a toddler to sleep as that song type does. This name was actually, unlike the two above, on the payroll list from freshman year so it's a lot more directly on the nose (because, frankly, Brennan was coming up with like 30 npcs who would probably never appear).
Tiberia Runestaff: Runestaff similarly is just kind of obvious and also was on the freshman year list; Tiberia as a name literally just means born near the river Tiber, and so I think was chosen mostly because it sounds kind of severe and wizard-y.
Yolanda Badgood: Also from the freshman year list, and I suppose it would take someone both bad and good to teach students of both 'good' and 'evil' divinities. Brennan's gotten better at his NPC names over the years, or just it's hard to do a freaking list. I sympathize, as someone who keeps a random name generator tab open while GMing. Also, on a random note, the freshman year list has a driver's ed teacher (one Alphonse Doublefist) and I NEED a scene of Fig having to take driver's ed because she's been driving without a license for two years.
Mazey Phaedra: Mazey is such a groanworthy name for a minotaur-adjacent person that I'm surprised they didn't throw things at him for it; Phaedra is another Greek myth name, this one of the daughter of Minos (of building-the-maze fame) and also a whole other thing we don't have time to get into because it might start Discourse and that probably isn't relevant because it's really just another Minotaur reference.
CUS Dabus: One of the universities Riz looks at, I mostly want to call it out because of being a reference to my personal favorite official DnD setting. It's mentioned as being in the City of Doors, which is the nickname of course of the extra-planar city of Sigil. The Dabus are a race that are the entourage of the mysterious Lady of Pain, the very-definitely-not-a-god who loosely rules over that city. I doubt we ever really visit Sigil, but who knows, we've been to the Nine Hells and the cosmological stuff seems to largely conform to traditional DnD.
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iceisslipperypod · 27 days ago
Looks like our favorite old man trapped in a young man's body is headed to Boston in case another Team Canada dman goes down! Obviously don't want anyone to get hurt, but proud of our dude for getting recognized.
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the-elder-polls · 1 month ago
totally sorry if this isn’t the right place to send this but I was wondering how you’ve been recovering from all the damage the hurricane caused?
tis fine to send it here!
there's still two houses in my neighborhood that are uninhabited due to being collapsed/destroyed by the storm (walls and roof were torn off and caved in on both) and the gas station nearest to me only recently (within the past month) managed to get its electricity fully repaired.
there are still a ton of downed trees that we kinda just shoved off to the sides of roads. you can still see evidence of the destruction everywhere (like the destroyed houses) but y'know.
overall we've recovered well. i've noticed we get much antsier about storms and the power now, because being without it for days was nightmarish, especially when it meant watching our phone batteries slowly die while we tried to get updates on the power situation. (we never got any updates btw. amazing communication skills from the power companies.)
i also have a newfound fear of buying much refrigerated food since i went grocery shopping days before the hurricane struck and then had to throw away hundreds of dollars worth of food. thankfully y'all were kind and donated and it meant i was able to buy food again when the stores were safe to get to.
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rqg179 · 1 year ago
very funny to me that this is the second time a principal of the aguefort adventuring academy has died because of the bad kids
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cinemaocd · 2 months ago
So glad that Wayne Goss hits back at Rephyr for undercutting his sales and produces a couple pencil brushes, remarkably similar to their #3 brush for his new $500 brush collection. He's right to do it.
Rephyr is the supposedly crowd sourced brush and accessory company, that distributes free brushes to youtubers and offers deals for you to review their products and receive them for free. You are charged for shipping, so they come out to about 50% of their (in my opinion) slightly inflated value. They are famous for reproducing cult fabvorites of the youtuber community, many that are discontinued.
It's all well and good but what about when you are presenting brushes that clearly imitate cult favorites still on the market? Rephyr made several close copies of Wayne Goss brushes, in fact his entire "eye set" from his first collection, down to the brush. They were still being sold on Beautylish, so that at the discounted price Rephyr ws undercuting beautylish by $1-2.
I own many rephyr brushes and they are good. I've no complaints about the quality but I've never thought rephyr brushes were as soft as the Wayne Goss and Sonia G brushes they clearly copy. I do appreciate the shapes and the fact that they specialize in discontinued brushes. One wonders though, when it's a couple of small businesses you are targeting, whether it's a chicken or the egg thing: we knock off your brushes, your brushes are discontinued...
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delinquentbookworm · 1 year ago
i love how much disdain the Bad Kids already have for kipperlily copperkettle, because she hasn't even done anything yet. she's just some random kid they bumped into for like ten minutes and she's managed to inspire this pure venomous frothing-at-the-mouth level of hatred, based entirely on vibes.
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moodr1ng · 1 month ago
good morning everyone 🌞 my laptop stopped turning on again yesterday except this time it didnt fix itself overnight and its still dead. gonna give it some more time bc i would like to not have lost all my files haha. but one way or another im gonna have to buy a new one which really sucks bc my savings already got so decimated by having to pay my shops taxes. so thats how its going
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