#Ema The Boy
burnt-venus · 11 months
Twitter users saying this little old guy from the credits is Armin disturbed my peace of mind (there wasn't)
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He could be just a random man, but following the theory, this is him visiting Eren and Mikasa's grave, Mikasa was buried next to Eren, and Armin would be the last one to reach the tree, just like when they were kids.
It also makes me think about the "out of his friends, Armin will be the last one to die" headcanon, waiting for the rest to end the long lives Eren wanted for them.
Anyway, I'm rotting here in my sadness, join me.
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doctorsiren · 6 months
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Part 10
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grondds-and-roses · 1 month
My favourite thing about AOT is that when Eren first met Armin and Mikasa, he scared the hell out of them
Like imagine this: You just had the worst day of your life. A bunch of kids beat you up/ you watched your parents get killed then you got kidnapped and out of nowhere a creepy little kid in a red scarf shows up and he is like “yo, wanna tatakae and be my bestie forever :)”
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exaltedfuzz · 3 months
What do you think was emas fave game to play on her pink DS? I love ur art <3
Really glad you like my art! Honestly I can see Ema liking lots of games...
I think she'd love Pokemon, because she likes cute things and stats. She'd go nuts shiny hunting. And she'd be super into EVs and IVs, I fear.
I can also see her liking Warioware, specifically the DIY one, because I can picture her trying to make forensic mini games. (Like, the command DUST! And then you have to tap the screen to reveal a fingerprint. Basically just her in game minigames.)
Probably the Layton games as well, actually. That's the kind of thing I can imagine Lana buying for her and getting just as into as Ema does. The puzzle sisters...
I have a feeling she'd have some weird ones too though...
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Also, she would tell people how remarkably easy it is to hack your DS all the time. I just know the homebrewing on that thing is insane. Case in point:
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Thanks for your ask!
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curarems · 1 year
Vimes hears nice music and his first thought is 'must tell wife. wife likes music'. And he sprints to get her. He doesn't stop to think. He interrupts her afternoon gossip circle. He is vibrating as he waits for her to come. His head pulled out a huge flashing sign with 'wife's special interest!!! she would like this!!!' and that was it for him
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olessan · 2 days
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eamons-redguitar · 9 months
i made a silly spoon edit what do yall think
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drawsmaddy · 2 years
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[ID: A digital illustration of Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, Maya Fey, Mia Fey and Dick Gumshoe from Ace Attorney. Phoenix and Edgeworth stand in the centre, back to back but looking over their shoulders to smile at each other. Maya leans around Phoenix, grinning at him and Mia stands behind Maya, smiling at her and Phoenix. Gumshoe stands behind Edgeworth, grinning with his eyes closed and looking a little sheepish. Behind them all is the courtroom and various pieces of evidence and items from the first Ace Attorney game fill the space around them along with confetti. In the middle, behind Phoenix and Edgeworth, are a defence attorney's badge and a prosecutor's badge. End description.]
Happy 21 years of Ace Attorney!!! (and 21 years of me in two weeks!)
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morgana-lefay · 6 months
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That night, at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2005, in Lisboa (Portugal), there were also some fashion crimes committed... 📷 1 - George Pimentel | 2 - Toni Anne Barson Archive
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lucawio · 10 months
I honestly think I could fix ema skye and what I mean by that is shed still be the exact same and girlfail nothing would even change but what I would do is hype her up so hard everytime she walked in the room and be like hey guys if you don't clap for my lameass girlfriend I'll blow up this building and Id have confetti too btw. She would hate me
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britishassistant · 5 months
An Act of Infinite Optimism
Apollo notices it quickest.
Some might say he could have been quicker on the uptake, which, okay, rude. He’d like to see this hypothetical some do any better, considering the circumstances.
He thinks he can be forgiven for being somewhat distracted given he and Trucy found Lamiroir unresponsive inside an instrument case.
So no, he doesn’t notice while he’s sent Trucy to get help, staying to make sure Lamiroir keeps breathing, that whoever hurt her doesn’t come back to finish the job.
(Every time he blinks, Mr. LeTouse’s face swims in front of his eyes, gasping his last terrified breaths as Apollo can do nothing. He’s not letting that happen again. He won’t.)
But once help has arrived, after Ema’s let them ride in the squad car with her to the Hickfield clinic, and they’ve received the news that Lamiroir is going to be all right?
Things fall into place fast enough to give him whiplash.
It’s the first time Apollo’s seen her without her mantle, is the thing. And his brain, in between being desperately glad she’s okay and dutifully recording her account of the attack, absentmindedly notes that she has the same stickity-up cowlick Trucy gets whenever her top hat is removed.
It must be a thing that people with that kind of wavy hair share, he assumes, as they have the same pseudo-curls framing their faces and fighting to escape the confines of their respective hair ties. True, Trucy’s hair is a much darker shade than the singer’s, almost verging on black, but apart from that, she could have a career as a Lamiroir impersonator later in life. It may not pay as well as magic, but she’d be able to pull it off. Especially with how similar their noses are.
In fact, call him crazy, but Lamiroir’s eyes and Trucy’s are practically the exact same shadOHMYGOD.
“I’MFINE!” Bursts from the Chords of Steel before he can stop it. “I, uh. I stubbed my toe!”
Trucy cocks her head to the side, squinting at him. “How? There isn’t anything to.”
“I stubbed it. On my shoe.” Apollo lies.
Trucy’s squint only gets more pronounced, but thankfully Lamiroir’s real doctor comes in with the chart that corroborates her testimony.
She doesn’t bring it up as they head back to Sunshine Coliseum to see if he can get anything more out of “Uncle” Valant, but Apollo’s mind keeps darting between the evidence for the actual court case which is his job and the evidence for this completely insane hypothesis that‘s probably a product of stress. Or sleep deprivation. Or both.
He just needs proof that this is nothing but a delusion. Then it’ll stop bugging him.
Which is why he awkwardly asks, “So, if Valant was partners with your father, was he friends with your mother too?”
Trucy freezes.
Only for a moment. To anyone else, it looks as though she’s smiling bright as usual as she follows along beside him.
But even without his bracelet tightening around his wrist, he can spot her fingers pinching the folds of her cloak.
“I dunno! I mean, she musta been, since Uncle Valant and Daddy were best friends and partners!” It’s almost impressive how she deflects the question.
“But you’re not sure?” He probes gently. “Trucy, if you don’t wanna tell me, it’s okay. I trust you, I just wanted—“
“No, it’s fine!” She grins, a brilliant performance. “I can’t really remember Mommy too well—Daddy always said when I was really little, one of her tricks went wrong and she vanished! Somewhere where even Daddy, who’s the best magician of all time, couldn’t find her! Unlucky, huh?”
“Yeah,” Apollo says, screaming internally. “Unlucky.”
Spotting Ema spraying for blood in the hall where Lamiroir said she was attacked is so great a relief Apollo thinks he might faint.
“Trucy, do you think you could try to find Valant for me?” He leans against a wall in what he hopes is a casual way, crossing his legs. “I’m kinda worn out from…everything, and you probably have some magician experience that lets you know where he’ll pop up, right.”
Trudy gives him that suspicious, squinty look again, before she snickers.
“Really, Polly, I’m not that delicate! You can just say, ‘oh I need to go to the bathroom’, you don’t need to dance around it all the time!”
“WH—!” Apollo sputters, “No, I—!”
“Feel free to take your time, Polly!” Trucy sing-songs as she skips away. “I’ll bring Uncle Valant to the stage when you’re done!”
An aggravated groan drags itself out of Apollo’s chest. He cares about Trucy, but he’d really appreciate it if she stopped trying to kill him with embarrassment.
“If it’s that bad, you could always use the staff bathroom.” Pipes up the detective behind him. “It’s down the hall and—“
“I DON’T NEED TO!” The Chords of Steel interject.
At Ema’s disapproving glare, he clears his throat, focuses on his volume modulation. “I just, uh, needed to talk to you about something. In private.”
Ema lowers the spray bottle. “About the case? But why send Trucy away?”
“Not…about the case, exactly? But it’s not unrelated, per se…”
“I haven’t got time for riddles, Apollo.” Ema says, folding her arms. “Just spit it out already!”
Apollo exhales.
“I think Lamiroir might be Trucy’s birth mother.”
Ema stares at him.
“This isn’t just because they have brown hair and blue eyes, is it?” One hand begins to rifle through her satchel in a now familiar search for Snackoos. “Because I have brown hair and blue eyes, Apollo, and last I checked the only family member I’ve got is coming up for parole upstate—“
“No, thAT’S—?!” Apollo focuses on forcing his voice down to a harsh whisper. “Okay, fine, it was kind of based on that, but your eyes aren’t the exact same color as Trucy’s. Lamiroir’s are. And the similarities don’t stop there!”
At Ema’s doubtful gaze, he persists. “Plus, Trucy said her mom ‘vanished’ when she was little, which lines up with Lamiroir saying she can’t recall any of her past before she and Machi got their start—even if she did, Lamiroir may not recognize Trucy now she’s gotten older, especially since she only has Trucy’s voice to go on! Trucy herself admitted that she was so young, she had very little memory of her birth mother! And, she introduced herself as Trucy Wright, not—!“
“Okay, okay.” The sharp munching of Snackoos cuts off his tirade as Ema continues. “You have a lot of talk. But that doesn’t actually prove any relation between the two suspects here. Could just be a whole load of weird coincidences.”
“Suspects?” Apollo mouths to himself.
“No, what we need is definitive evidence.” Ema shakes her head, popping one last Snackoo into her mouth. “Decisive evidence.”
She flips her glasses down over her eyes. “And the only way to get that, is through Science.”
Apollo blinks at her, overcome with a looming sense of foreboding. “We?”
“Yes, Apollo.” Ema grins victoriously. “We.”
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cyber-seaweed · 6 months
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what does she mean by this
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today: klapollo week day four (family)
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zombolouge · 9 months
no one out here doing it like prosecutor Nahyuta Sahdmadhi. He meets Ema for one trial and she defies him to say Trucy is innocent and repeatedly tries not to testify about the case. Then at the end he tells her that was so hot of her (paraphrasing).
Then he immediately is like "I need your help with important science things on my cases. Obviously." and drags her personally to another country to work directly with him as his special investigator. Like I know it's his religion but that man drank so much respect women juice he met one that stood up to him and was like. That's it, that's the one, I love her immediately and forever. Please step on me. For science. This is a normal way to pursue affections. *stuffing the royal disaster he's trying to suppress back in the closet because he's being blackmailed by an evil queen.*
Everything is great and fine. I'm just gonna pretend I didn't just meet my adopted brother and experienced 78 different unintelligible emotions because I'm busy not fucking up this precarious and secret hostage situation. And staring at the hot girl. Apollo I can't talk to you right now I've found my future wife. EMA, LOOK, SCIENCE! *fails to produce science because he didn't plan that far ahead*
like motherfucker had NO idea this shit was gonna work.
mans is having the biggest identity crisis at all times and STILL recognizes that he needs to snap Ema up for the goddess she is and HE WAS RIGHT. 99 wrongs but failing to recognize the real shit ain't one.
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moonknightproductions · 2 months
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