alexversenaberrie · 2 years
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Where is Ellé in E3? (Cut Scenes)
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samthepotterhead · 7 months
I thought I was only gonna make a review at the end, as this is a standalone, and I wasn't super into it at first, but this chapter has been the most thrilling so far. which is a pity since it's only a flashback chapter. but even in this chapter, it feels like I'm reading an introduction still. there is so much worldbuilding still going on and I'm still a little lost and every sentence has five lore words, so I have to look into the glossary every 2 secs. I do have to admit that might also be bc I know zero south-east asian languages. but I'm also having a bit of a hard time with the world itself. I thought this was gonna be high fantasy but it's kind of sci fi too?
on a positive note though, I do like this chapter for its action scenes. it's giving auror/order duty and crows mission/heist. I generally have this weird thing where I have to imagine a fantasy magic story is set in a world that I already know well but like an au or future version /in this case), in order to motivate me lol. I imagine the theonite world as a modern grishaverse, it also makes sense bc of the "races" and the elemental magic for the most part. it's essentially about tidemakers and misaki is a corporalnik too (more heartrender than healer) and there are two inferni in this scene including robin, and elleen (who is kaelish "coded") is something akin to a sun summoner (the holographic thing she can do is really cool) and koli is a materialnik etc. to me it fits even more than it did with the grishaverse as a wizarding world au. also, they call misaki shadow, like hello wraith. but at the same time they are basically superheroes, especially with the firebird symbol printed on robins back. (I also just realized the misaki flashback plot is basically the plot of miraculous ladybug?)
to summarize, I'm a nerd (and autistic) and just like to know the ins and outs of a magic world and dislike stepping into a new one. so, interesting that I chose to read a fantasy standalone this time... I guess I just wanted to try it out. I feel like its gonna leave me unsatisfied though. but we'll see.
also very interesting to me is that this is called adult fantasy, since I can't see much of a difference to YA yet. I do see how GOT and e.g. the grishaverse are different, but that's also bc one is high fantasy and the other one is idk, something else. so far in this book there is as much gore as in the grisha books (think soc and oomen's eye), and even as in hp if I recall correctly. I think it's generally funny that hp is considered a middle grade series bc by dh it's at least YA. also, in this book the protagonist (or one of the two) is literally a 14 year old. and misaki is an angsty teenager in this chapter, they even have a romance trope. it also makes me kinda angry bc I recently saw a post about how YA writers are just too bad to write adult fiction and it's so untrue?? of course there are badly written YA books, but so are adult fantasy ones? and not to mention those two series again, but hp and the soc and kos duologies are objectively well written? ok, not objectively maybe, but a lot of people would agree. and I am well out of the main YA target group, I'm in my mid 20s and I honestly still love those books (even if I haven't read any new good series in a while). I mean reading YA at that age does say something about me, but still... ok, rant over.
anyway, I'm starting to enjoy this book even though the writing style is not teribbly great imo (not bad but it could be better), but I hope the main story gets a bit more exciting in a bit. I personally would've put this chapter right at the beginning. btw, I really can't tell how far I am in this book bc I'm reading it as an ebook (as it seems not to be available in europe in english, only off of amazon u.s. with really long delivery), but I feel like I've been reading this quite a bit.
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vtgbooks · 2 years
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MISSION OF THE SECRET SPY SQUAD Twistaplot 10 1984 Vtg Choose Your Own Adventure
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keplercryptids · 8 months
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[image description copied from alt text: text that reads, "She felt a grin spread across her face as she realized that they were going to end up arguing. If not today, then the next day, or the next, they were going to fight again. To most people, that might not have seemed like the sign of a happy marriage, but Misaki never felt so viscerally connected with someone as she did in the middle of a confrontation. She had fought with her father and brothers, with Koli, Elleen, and Robin, with everyone she had ever really loved."]
- The Sword of Kaigen, by M.L. Wang
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edlboetie · 1 year
“Misaki had spent years trying to belong with these people. They weren’t like her friends from her school days. They weren’t scrappy visionaries like Elleen, or geniuses like Koli, or unstoppable forces of energy like Robin. They would never change the world, nor understand why someone would want to, but they loved her. She could laugh with them, and that was enough. There were days Misaki could convince herself that it was enough.”
- The Sword of Kaigen: A Theonite War Story, M.L. Wang
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mercuryspit · 11 months
Sabédala Pride and Prejudice AU
I made this au after watching P&P 2005 for the first time so (I ripped this from a pride and prejudice summary then changed some things around and rewrote some bits)
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The news that a wealthy young gentleman of the Chiss Eighth Ruling Family has temporarily moved to their manor in Otoh Gunga causes a great stir in the nearby village of Naboo, especially in the Amidala household. The Amidala’s have five unmarried daughters—from oldest to youngest, Eirtama, Tsabin, Rabene, Dorra, and Suyan—and Mrs. Amidala is desperate to see them all married. After Mr. Amidala pays a social visit to the Chiss nobleman, the Amidalas attend a ball at which the gentleman is present. He is taken with Eirtama and spends much of the evening discussing art in with her. His close friend, her Ladyship Padmé Naberrie, is less pleased with the evening and haughtily refuses to engage with most of the guests, which makes everyone view her as naïve and self-centered.
At social functions over subsequent weeks, however, Padmé finds herself increasingly attracted to Tsabin’s charm and intelligence. Eirtama’s friendship with the Chiss fellow also continues to burgeon, and Eirtama pays a visit to the Mitth mansion. On her journey to the house she is caught in a downpour and catches ill, forcing her to stay in Otoh Gunga for several days. In order to tend to Eirtama, Tsabin hikes through muddy fields and arrives with a spattered dress, much to the disdain of the gentleman’s snobbish brother, Clovis. Clovis’ spite only increases when he notices that Padmé, whom he is pursuing, pays quite a bit of attention to Tsabin.
When Tsabin and Eirtama return home, they find Tonra visiting their household. Tonra is a young clergyman who stands to inherit Mr. Amidala’s property, which has been “entailed,” meaning that it can only be passed down to male heirs. Tonra is a pompous fool, though he is quite enthralled by the Amidala girls. Shortly after his arrival, he makes a proposal of marriage to Tsabin. She turns him down, wounding his pride. Meanwhile, the Amidala girls have become friendly with militia officers stationed in a nearby town. Among them is a beautiful young woman related to one of the soldiers named Sasheh, who is friendly toward Tsabin and tells her how Padmé cruelly cheated her out of an inheritance.
At the beginning of winter, the Mitth Family and Padmé leave Otoh Gunga and return to Chiss, much to Eirtama’s dismay. A further shock arrives with the news that Tonra has become engaged to Elleen, Tsabin’s best friend and the poor daughter of a local knight. Elleen explains to Tsabin that she is getting older and needs the match for financial reasons. Elleen and Tonra get married and Tsabin promises to visit them at their new home. As winter progresses, Eirtama visits the city to see friends (hoping also that she might see the Chiss nobleman). However, Clovis visits her and behaves rudely, while his brother fails to visit her at all. The marriage prospects for the Amidala girls appear bleak.
That spring, Tsabin visits Elleen, who now lives near the home of Tonra’s patron, Lord Sheev Palpatine, who is also Padmé’s caretaker. Padmé calls on Lord Palpatine and encounters Tsabin, whose presence leads her to make a number of visits to Elleen and Tonra’s home, where she is staying. One day, she makes a shocking proposal of marriage, which Tsabin quickly refuses. She tells Padmé that they cannot be married because they are two women, then scolds her for steering the Chiss gentleman away from Eiertama and disinheriting Sasheh. Padmé leaves her but shortly thereafter delivers a letter to her. In this letter, she admits that she urged the Mitth nobleman to distance himself from Eirtama, but claims she did so only because she thought their romance was not serious. As for Sasheh, she informs Tsabin that the real cause of their disagreement was Sasheh’s attempt to elope with her older sister, Sola Naberrie.
This letter causes Tsabin to reevaluate her feelings about Padmé. She returns home and avoids Sasheh. The militia is leaving town, which makes the younger, rather love-crazy Amidala girls distraught. Suyan manages to obtain permission from her father to spend the summer with an old colonel in Coruscant, where Sasheh’s brother’s regiment will be stationed. With the arrival of June, Tsabin goes on another journey, this time with the Sorunas, who are relatives of the Amidala’s. The trip takes her to the North and eventually to the neighborhood of Lakeside, Padmé’s estate. She visits Lakeside, after making sure that Padmé is away, and delights in the building and grounds, while hearing from Padmé’s servants that she is a wonderful, generous Ladyship.
Suddenly, Padmé arrives and behaves cordially toward her. Making no mention of her proposal, she entertains the Sorunas and invites Tsabin to meet her sister. Shortly thereafter, however, a letter arrives from home, telling Tsabin that Suyan has eloped with Sasheh and that the couple is nowhere to be found, which suggests that they may be planning to illegally marry. Fearful of the disgrace such a situation would bring on her entire family, Tsabin hastens home. Mr. Soruna and Mr. Amidala go off to search for Suyan, but Mr. Amidala eventually returns home empty-handed. Just when all hope seems lost, a letter comes from Mr. Soruna saying that the couple has been found and that Sasheh has agreed to not illegally marry Suyan in exchange for an annual income. The Amidalas are convinced that Mr. Soruna has paid off Sasheh, but Tsabin learns that the source of the money, and of her family’s salvation, was none other than Padmé.
Now ‘close friends’, Sasheh and Suyan return to Naboo briefly, where Mr. Amidala treats them coldly. They then depart for Sasheh’s brother’s new assignment in the North of the country. Shortly thereafter, the Chiss gentleman returns to Naboo and resumes his courtship of Eirtama. Padmé goes to stay with him and pays visits to the Amidalas but makes no mention of her desire to court Tsabin. The Mitth gentleman, on the other hand, presses his suit and proposes to Eirtama, to the delight of everyone but the Chiss’s haughty brother, Clovis.
While the family celebrates, Lord Palpatine pays a visit to Naboo. He corners Tsabin and says that he has heard that Padmé, his charge, is planning to court her. Since he considers not only a woman, but a poor woman, an unsuitable match for Padmé, Lord Palpatine demands that Tsabin promise to refuse her. Tsabin spiritedly refuses, saying she is not engaged to Padmé, but she will not promise anything against her own happiness. A little later, Tsabin and Padmé go out walking together and she tells her that her feelings have not altered since the spring. She tenderly accepts her proposal, and both Tsabin (renamed Sabé to mirror her wife’s name) and Padmé are secretly married.
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from American, French and German forenames, including the letter sequence "Ll"
Adoll Alilley Alillmutte Allay Alleangeona Alleene Alleona Alley Allia Allie Allied Allievaleen Allin Alline Allmard Allmunie Allory Allri Allrie Allyne Allynniquel Amelle Amelliste Amill Angerylle Angillie Annellie Aphillene Arryllion Aulillia Aumell Aurellie Aurollin Aximmellen...
Bearlella Belgellen Bellestind Bellia Bellian Belliecla Bellm Bertomelle Betallie Betchellaf Bielillas Billena Billis Boniffaelly Callenzel Callich Cariedwayll Carrelle Charicilla Cheill Chell Chellanne Chellew Chellexan Chellyd Chellynn Chermadelle Chille Chrille Cillachel Cillendyl Cistella Claudrolles Cliedilhell Cobelly Colla Collangene Colle Collend Collessimin Colliquelo Collis Collyn Couille Curedgell Cécillyd Daille Dallane Dalle Dalley Dallina Dallinee Dallyndix Dardolle Davichille Deanmillian Delille Delle Dellermail Delley Dellill Dessille Dille Dilly Dusiellio Dwill Dwilley Dwillyd Dylley Ebhandyllex Edellie Edennellex Edristelly Edwally Edwille Elille Ellach Ellasha Ellaurt Ellaves Elleah Elleen Elleene Ellence Elleody Ellesus Ellex Ellia Elliant Ellie Elliencly Ellierryann Ellin Elline Elling Ellipp Ellis Ellixie Ellory Ellrisabeat Ellyd Ellyn Ellyne Emarall Erollyditte Ershella Esephillrie Estiangelle Evallyne Evièvellar Faella Fella Fellikay Flouilley Fraltell Frichella Frégillan Gannellen Gaëllee Gaëllys Gelistelly Gellan Gellangren Gelle Gelleore Gellie Gericellen Ghiellendy Gillevine Giselle Gorgainelle Guella Guellaulipp Guisall Guisallodys Halle Halleitz Haëll Haëlley Haëllie Heillainale Heillaurik Heillexin Heillyd Heillyden Heilouillyn Heiltelle Hella Hellan Hellaud Helle Hellen Hellenée Helleon Heller Hellexan Helline Hellis Hellmar Hellourt Hellra Hellyn Herrettelle Herwill Heryanuelly Hilla Hillex Holgaill Holle Hollyntond Holphillis Huguillmard Illeanmic Illee Illystaber Ircillyd Jachell Janiquella Javellien Jaymoll Jilley Jillia Jillis Jimmillarla Joantalley Jodylla Joellenjanz Johaëlleid Johaëlli Johaëllyd Joscoraille Josella Josellie Joëllanster Joëllydie Judell Jupethilley Juthillrie Jürgilleild Karcecill Kathell Kaëlla Kehancellar Kellanley Kellar Kelle Kelleath Kellenny Kellestanny Kelliellen Krillmari Laellano Lancellet Lellannique Lillip Lilly Liscolle Llaig Lleandy Llistriano Lolla Lorgaëll Lorgellen Lorill Lorthelles Lottell Lucill Lucillah Lucillanner Lucilles Lucillinz Lucillivide Luisbelleo Lukarcille Maeliell Maellew Maelley Magmuelly Mally Mannelliann Mannelly Marievellin Maryll Maxellie Meilly Mella Melle Mellia Mellie Mellinadord Mellindy Melline Melly Mellynet Mildelle Millane Millar Millashenny Millaud Millaur Mille Milleacody Millen Millene Millenn Milleorie Milleta Millexim Millia Milliney Milly Millynne Miracellann Mollae Moraquelle Nellaud Nicillesse Nitabell Nollen Olfralleene Olillastita Olleanne Olleene Ollentz Ollia Ophillie Ossabillin Othelleenny Pallia Pallie Pamaelle Phill Phillah Phille Phillyn Prillyn Quellea Quellie Raille Ranuelleon Reillyn Rethelle Rewinelle Richellaf Robillie Rolle Rollianditz Rollied Rollin Rolly Romelle Ronifell Rookell Rookellanie Roselle Rucilly Rudell Rudoll Rudoreillen Rélisabilly Sabilline Samellex Selilley Sella Selle Selleene Sellew Sellia Sellie Sellydien Sephillilly Shazelly Shaëlliane Shaëllouisy Shaëlly Sheilla Shell Shellia Shellianny Shellmie Shillaul Shilly Sillane Simella Sollyn Sonathelle Stinevelle Suell Suelle Suliell Sylla Tachellyne Tallene Tallynne Telmilly Telsell Terwillied Theighilly Thell Thelle Thill Tinzelle Todillette Tolla Tylaelly Urémelhelle Vallaudia Valles Vallio Vallyne Viollria Virlellyn Vivally Wallaurtin Walle Wallis Wenthellma Whillier Whillipp Wigill Wiguellelan Willa Willar Willaureil Wille Willencella Willenet Willenne Willeon Williandy Willin Willorgaril Willrice Willy Wolismiller Wollauran Wollicharla Wollie Wollyd Wollyndrich Xannelley Xellerwina Xellianda Xelosellen Yolle Yolliany Yvellie Yvellyntorg Élieldelley Élilleene
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machinn · 8 months
Et plus seulement
Faune de la Sénégambie /. Paris :O. Doin,1883-1887.. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/34755805 Et soudain les rémigeset toutes les autres plumesde son corpsse sont mise à boire la lumière En se réfugiant à l’ombred’une feuille elleen a pris conscience presque transparenteson coeur telle une bille de verrea roulé parmi ses artères et celles du ciel un chant est sorti de sa gorgeet plus seulementce…
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saulcastillo · 1 year
mucho más » semana DCIII (15My)
Ha llegado una vez más el domingo y eso significa en inconsolata que es hora de la sección «Mucho más», donde repasamos de forma cronológica todas las infografías publicadas a lo largo de la semana. Arrancamos tras el salto:
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Trabajo: Hallan océanos capaces de albergar vida en cuatro de las lunas de Urano | Autores: Julio Loyola, Roberto Alvarado y Luisa Ortega | Medio: La Razón (México), del 15 de mayo | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: La tensa relación histórica entre India y Pakistán | Medio: Le Fígaro, del 15 de mayo | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: Síntomas de peligro del ictus | Autora: Janet Loehrke | Medio: USA Today, del 15 de mayo | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: El consumo de pesticidas en el mundo no flaquea | Medio: Libération, del 16 de mayo | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: Cómo funciona el escudo antimisiles Patriot | Medio: La Vanguardia, del 17 de mayo | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: Una guía práctica ante las caóticas políticas fronterizas de EE.UU. | Autores: Natale Kitroef, Christine Lhang, Miriam Jordan y Elleen Sullivan | Medio: The New York Times, del 17 de mayo | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: Cómo actuar si nos encontramos con un oso | Medio: El Comercio, del 18 de mayo
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Trabajo: Los extranjeros compensan la caída de la población autóctona en España | Medio: El Mundo, del 19 de mayo | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: Cómo sucedió la persecución de los paparazzis a Harry y Meghan | Medio: The Times, del 19 de mayo | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: Coldplay, una gira récord por cuatro continentes | Medio: La Vanguardia, del 21 de mayo | Alta resolución »
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@ the moment: behind the digital canvas
An interview with Elleen, 10, the youngest participant.
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dreamdifferentitem · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Maxine Elleen Red Tie Dye Bodycon Dress Size S.
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dustyzippo · 7 years
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i cant sleep
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grande-caps · 3 years
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Avengers Grimm: Time Wars (2018) Quality : BluRay Screencaptures Amount : 1986 files Resolution : 1920x1080px
- Please like/reblog if using!
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girlzzangs · 5 years
oii, turo bom? então linda eu queira saber qual são os filtros que você usar na fotos, amei as fotos que você editar
eu uso psds, vida! você pode encontrar vários na tag do tumblr /tagged/psd also!! eu tenho um tumblr de psd juntamente com a @smoakedits, o @nebulies :> espero que você goste dos psds que a gente posta lá!
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noona-la-la-la · 7 years
Hey I was wondering if you knew of the writer "1honeypot"? They wrote amazing content. I was wondering if you knew if they deactivated or changed their username? Many thanks :) have a good day 💗💗
I’m so bad with name recall.  1honeypot sounds familiar and in my brain I’m thinking “yeah... I read something about them... but I don’t remember what it was...”  I’m not being helpful, I know.
As a side note, I always find it a little strange that so many writers decide to delete their blogs completely when they want to take time off or quick tumblr.  I totally get the urge to just dump the tumblr writing blog because it really does take an enormous amount of time and energy to write and sometimes it feels like it isn’t worth it for any number of reasons (sacrificing all your personal time, lack of appreciation, some people get abuse from anons, etc...)  But I can’t ever imagine putting in all that effort to create a story only to remove it from ever being seen again.  It would be too painful to destroy what you created.
When the time comes for me to stop writing (and I have no idea when that will be) I will probably go in and take out all the “read more” cuts from my stories so they can be reblogged in their entirety and then walk away without deactivating.  But that’s just me.  I guess everyone has their own reasons for what they do.
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lyrasaeberry · 7 years
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