#Element Wine
cadelgrevino · 11 months
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foxyou-too · 6 months
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Shumi Love Design - 5 ELEMENTE
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bijoumikhawal · 8 months
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Another cherub drawing
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nocentis · 4 months
⚶ ┆ Between his teeth and beneath his nails, an airy fruit light as love is bitten down to the rind. Even with his mouth full of pulp he finds himself desperate for her taste.
A sigh echoed and swallowed, kept locked in his chest like a secret. He held his breath until it burned; savored every hitch and every hum of her sacred song. Each curse spoken like a prayer, like praise; wept like gratitude wrenched raw from the soul — raked clean and spit out like the pit of a cherry. When he's forced to breathe, she is the hallowed riptide, and he would be blessed to drown in her lush.
Ripe as a peach at the crown of her cheeks; soft red flush so sticky sweet. Another of her colors comes to life in his mind. One shade closer to the divine.
⚶ ┆ Woven together like lace under the pale light of a waning moon. He can't be sure where he ends and she begins. She pierces straight through him like he belongs to her, and in some capacity, he knows that he does. There is no room left in his heart for desire of this nature. It has reached its bounds and collapsed inward on itself — a singularity the size of her that takes of these moments and stretches them infinitely, ever deeper, ever denser; inescapable.
Too much would never be enough and yet he counts every falling grain of timesand, tallies them up, and says his Hail Mary's in correspondence. Blessed is he for these hands to hold her, for these eyes to view her, for this mouth to speak her name. Blessed is he for the breath and the bread, the water, the whine.
Under his breath, to no god in particular, he issues his thanks.
"You're still awake." Her voice is strained by the small hours. The calm is sweeping her away and yet she remains afloat, waiting for the rise and fall of his chest to slow before she sinks into sleep. "Your train leaves early. You should rest."
His own voice is gravelly, thick with syrup, when he attempts to quell, "There will be another train. There is always another train."
There is nothing more important than this — her head on his chest and his fingers in her hair, scarlet as the sun's kiss and softer than silk.
She shifts so that she can look at him, and the nightglow catches the honey of her eye. "You should rest," she reiterates, and though she aims to chastise, he can feel her care bleeding through her touch.
"I will," he promises, though he chooses not to specify when. "I'm not ready for tomorrow."
He feels her hum before he hears it. Gentle as a lullaby, it dims his vision, and he finds a brief reprieve inside his eyelids.
"You're ready," she assures, succinct as ever.
"You're right," he concedes through a sigh, "I don't want this to end."
"Then don't end it," she slides her hand into his, weaves their fingers together in an airtight knit, "Water it. Let it grow. Keep it alive while we're apart."
He responds first through a light squeeze, a bit of humor trapped in his chest, and he can't deny that, "There are some things even I can't kill."
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checkuu · 1 year
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the-witchs-cafe · 2 months
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xxcherrycherixx · 10 months
Milf blondie lockes
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stormwaterwitch · 6 months
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The Obsidian Emperor
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nothingunrealistic · 2 years
this is a delight… obviously the production values aren’t the highest but many fun acting and staging choices here, especially the four evans, and i’m impressed that they managed to incorporate the anonymous ones and hiding in your hands without cutting songs
#is that legal? probably not but i doubt any other element of this is. think they also ripped some ywbf projections right from the movie#dear evan hansen#don't know spanish well enough to comment on most of the nuances of the translation but i can tell they cut some dialogue#e.g. the “nothing unrealistic” lines from sincerely me; the lines about dana p from evan and alana's act 1 conversation;#some of jared & evan's dialogue about the connor murphy memorabilia market; squip connor dissing jared;#alana offering jared the role of treasurer or secretary; “great idea evan” / “thank you jared” / “no sweat”;#cutting off sincerely me reprise after the first four lines??? and cutting some dialogue there and in the following heidi scene;#the lines about evan's dad in to break in a glove; evan and zoe joking about a kegger; “wonder of wonders miracle of miracles”;#heidi & cynthia & larry's wine discussion; the chicken milanese; the sulu/sula confusion; some of evan and heidi's pre-gfy fight;#alana's comment about evan dating zoe; a few lines in the scenes around for forever reprise and words fail; & the pottery barn discount#evan & jared's spanish project becomes an english project quite appropriately; heidi now says “fuck” after the gfy fight which i love#and zoe's line of “i didn't realize you were actually capable of saying something that wasn't nice” gets turned into#something that ends in “politically correct” instead of “nice” which is a fascinating change#don't love the audience laughter at the dialogue around the anonymous ones given that it's not supposed to be funny#but it sure does speak to the quality of that dialogue compared to the text of the original stage show#also there is clearly a tumblr post in the ywbf projections lmao. may make this the only version of the show to acknowledge tumblr
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bitseventimes · 1 year
can't be bothered to make actual dimmer so I'm having a handful of nuts accompanied by a glass of what's left of my cherry nalewka, a dash of cheap wine and sparkling water. I'm calling it the gatherer meal
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queenlua · 2 years
@queenlua this is to be fair how pheonix's brain works. he forgets shit for weeks months and or years and then at the last possible moment remembering that information could be helpful he spits it out and everyone is like WHY DID YOU NOT SAY THIS SOONER (i believe it's too much exposure to larry)
catchaspark said: phoenix feels like he apologises only slightly less than a normal amount but actually he has possibly never said the words “i’m sorry” outside of the sentence “i’m sorry, okay?!”
tyty phoenix wright scholars in my notes, you are so right & this fic is now a whole four hundred entire words thanks to viewers like you
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I read a while ago that you were reading 'our wives under the sea'. I've also recently finished the book and was wondering what you thought of the ending?
*Feel free to ignore this ask if you haven't finished it yet! I'm just curious ☺️*
ahh thank you for asking! i was a little disappointed with the ending, but i don't think it was bad, i just think it was different from my expectations of it
i loved the concept of the book, but i come from a background of reading more traditional science fiction and i think that was what i was expecting/hoping for from that premise. idk about you but i REALLY wanted to know what the hell was going on!! shady organisations sending marine biologists to some mysterious part of the ocean, and when they come back they're like. possessed or something and then they turn into water? or into fish or something? absolutely intriguing!!! and of course my gut reaction to that mystery was to want to see it solved, so i was a little disappointed when the ending left so many questions unanswered
BUT i do realise that that is simply not the story that armfield was intending to tell. the sci-fi/fantasy elements are just a vehicle to tell a deeper emotional story about love and grief, and to that effect it doesn't actually matter that they're not 'solved', since the central conflict of the novel is miri's inability to let go of the past/of leah, rather than the mystery of what the hell was going on in the first place
i read a book last year called the first time lauren pailing died, and it was about this girl stuck in this weird time loop where every time she died she was reborn into another version of herself, which sounded FASCINATING, but it took a similar route to our wives under the sea in that the time loop was a fairly unimportant device to tell more important stories on interpersonal/emotional themes, and the time loop/multiverse situation was never really explained or solved in any way
and i do 100% think that's a valid narrative choice!!!!! but also as a reader who loves sci-fi i think it's possible to still include those themes AND solve the mystery, and so both books left me feeling slightly unsatisfied despite being really good overall
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🚨 FoD Ch53 is up! 🚨
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Text: FoD53
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Work Feed: Go and see!
Text: 95% chance of FoD54; 5% chance ceremonially reserved for the whims of fate.
Audio: 50% chance of FoD49; 50% chance of wild card.
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indiatrendzs · 4 months
A Modern-Vintage Mix: Creating a Playful and Stylish Home
Incorporating a playful mix of modern and vintage finds can transform a home into a stylish and inviting space, full of character and charm. My home showcases this design philosophy throughout, where each room tells its own unique story through the thoughtful combination of different eras and styles. https://www.facebook.com/mogulinteriorr https://www.instagram.com/moguliteriorr An Antique…
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aeroargonic · 9 months
He is. Considering I have been building that lore for over two years now, I hope it’s a lot of info
My Shade info is pretty much the same across AUs and nowhere near as angsty as yours. But as much as I love soulmate AUs. I love angst.
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marialeto · 10 months
Saturday December 16 🤎
Thankful and Greatful
Second powerful day at planet fitness. Appreciative of divine timing, assistance, and guidance. Physical, mental, emotional, soul wellness. Always starts within. I have always felt it was good to end the year on a good note. Not excess, and not lack. Shakespeare poetry * (April) Stratton Von Avon 
Morning meditation morning routine. Yoga, peaceful, wellness breakfast, walk outside in nature, treadmill and light therapy, lovely evening meal. 
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