#Electrician Charlotte
Different Types of Electricians
Specialization options for individuals aspiring to become electricians are numerous. Installation, maintenance, and repair of electrical systems are all within your reach. You can work as a trained electrician on residential and commercial properties, workplaces, and more. Here mentioned are the different types of electricians:
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Residential and Domestic Electricians
A household Electrician Charlotte is a good place for someone who wants to work in the electrical industry to start. It is the most common career. A residential electrician installs, maintains, and repairs electrical systems in homes. Domestic appliances, security systems, and air conditioners are all installable and repairable. A formal education setting and an apprenticeship are required for training as a residential electrician.
The Electrician for Maintenance:
Commercial, industrial, and residential settings are all home to maintenance electricians. They examine the electrical systems' safety and ensure proper operation. Testing, troubleshooting, and diagnosis of electrical issues are all under the purview of the maintenance electrician. Electrical equipment is repairable and reusable. Before they may operate freely, maintenance electricians must complete a formal apprenticeship and obtain a license.
Automotive Electrical Professionals:
An automotive Charlotte Electrician specialty is installing and maintaining many car electrical systems. If necessary, these electricians can finish a job using computer-based repair tools. Workers must thoroughly understand motor vehicle systems, performance electronics, drivetrain diagnostics, and other related topics.
Wind Turbine Electrician
Wind turbines are another alternative energy source. As an electrician for wind turbines, it is your responsibility to assemble, maintain, repair, and swap out wind turbines. In commercial, industrial, and residential settings, you will install the wiring system and link them to electrical devices. Assembling, maintaining, and repairing wind turbines require ascending more than 200 feet above the earth.
Bottom Line:
Those mentioned above are the different types of electricians. You can get various options by clicking electrician near me charlotte nc.Hiring a professional electrician will be the best option for a better job. So, decide wisely to have the best wiring system for your space.
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touchstoneus · 1 year
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Charlotte NC Electrician
Need electrical services in Charlotte, NC? Our licensed electricians provide top-quality professional electrical services including installations, repairs and maintenance for all your electrical needs. Contact us today.
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kaitaiga · 1 year
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COD MW OC: Damien Whitlock
Full Name: Damien Whitlock
Nickname: Damo
Birthday: 7th March 1996 – Sydney, Australia
Face Claim: Zane Phillips
Affiliation: 2nd Commando Regiment (2CDO REGT), Tactical Assault Group East (TAG-E), SOCOMD.
Rank: Sergeant
Call sign: Bravo 2-6 (2CDO)
Height: 186cm (6’1)
Weight: 90kg
Blood Type: B- (B NEG)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Languages: English, Arabic (conversational), Indonesian (conversational)
Father: Arthur Whitlock
Mother: Audrey Mae Whitlock
Older Brother: Thomas Whitlock
Older Sister: Sienna Whitlock
Younger Sister: Zoe Whitlock
2nd Commando Regiment
→ Captain Lachlan Jones
→ Sergeant Daniel Greenhill
Task Force 141
→ Sergeant Major Hannah “Sparrow” Cayton (@revnah1406)
→ Sergeant Annabelle “Kit” Pham (@applbottmjeens)
→ Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin @sleepyconfusedpotato
→ Captain Price, Gaz, Laswell
Los Vaqueros
→ Alyssa “Aly” Martinez (@alypink)
Para SF
→ Captain Arjun Dhingra, LT. Aditya Tripathi (@welldonekhushi)
Warrior Task Force (@islandtarochips)
→ Tiala "Shark" Toa
→ Agnes "Blast" Falagi
→ Nigel “Squirrel” Harrison
Urzikstan Liberation Force (ULF)
→ Farah Karim
→ Alex Keller
→ Jackson Wyatt (1CDO, Warcom)
→ Benjamin “Otter” Lee (SAS)
Hair: blond, short mullet.
Eye Colour: blue/grey
Build: tall, muscular
Scars: Bullet wound (left shoulder)
Beauty Marks: Right jaw, above and below the left eye.
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Personality and Traits
Damien comes across as a very laidback and open guy, very easy to approach and talk to. He is a pretty big jokester, likes to crack a few jokes here and there to make people laugh or lighten the mood.
Though in the heat of battle, he has known to be brutal towards his enemies, sparing no mercy and absolutely no time - getting a job done quickly and efficiently. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind when needed, even if it may be more emotionally driven.
Nevertheless, towards those he likes, he is a very caring and loyal person. Ride or die buddy. It’s pretty damn obvious too, he’ll never stop bugging someone he cares for no matter where they are in the world. He can read their emotions like a book too; he can tell when someone’s feeling down and will try his best to cheer them up.
Damien’s also the sort of guy to take care of others but not himself. Truthfully, after he lost Daniel, he found it very hard to cope. Thus, he took on Daniel’s role of looking after others.
Damien is also really good with any sort of trade work which he learned whilst growing up on his family farm. You need an electrician, mechanic, or welder? He’s your guy.
Like any other commando, Damien has undergone a multitude of training, preparing him for anything and everything. Alone or with his squad. A few of these include:
Demolitions and Breaching
CQC/Melee Attacks
Wilderness Survival
Long Range Recon
HALO / HAHO (including water insertion)
Roping (aid climbing)
Hostage Rescue
First Aid
And so on. In his own time, Damien frequently trains in Jiu-Jitsu, earning his purple belt, further enhancing his CQC.
Coming from a family of farmers, Damien spent most of his childhood living and working out on his family farm in rural New South Wales. Throughout his younger years, he was constantly harassed/bullied by his drug addicted older brother, Thomas. Young Damien was no match for him but luckily enough, his older sister had his back at all times. Thomas would eventually runaway and was never seen again – presumed dead.
As he grew up, Damien attended an all-boys boarding school in Sydney where he met Daniel Greenhill – his best friend for many years to come. He never really excelled at any subjects other than wood/metalwork and P.E., so when it came down to his final ATAR exams he absolutely flunked them. Not wanting to continue studying or returning to farm life, Damien worked the odd job here and there to make ends meet.
Whilst working one of his jobs alongside his buddy, Daniel had dropped that he had met a special forces operator by the name of Jackson Wyatt and suggested that he should meet with him.
After hearing all about Wyatt’s career as a Commando, Damien was sold on the idea; so much so that at the age of 19, he enlisted into the Australian Army after being trained by Wyatt himself much to his parent's disapproval. He served two years as an infantryman within 3RAR before completing the Commando selection course and earning his green beret, where he was placed in Lachlan’s B Company. Turns out he had a real knack for this sort of thing as he continued to undergo a range of further Commando specialist courses after initial Commando training.
 Since then, he’s done multiple tours to Urzikstan, Afghanistan and Iraq where he was introduced to Captain Price (via Lachlan) and Benjamin “Otter” Lee (via Wyatt).
Damien has since then worked alongside Captain Price closely thanks to Lachlan’s close connection to him, particularly in Urzikstan, but isn’t opposed to flying out to lend a hand wherever.
Modern Warfare I
During 2019, Damien is first seen in the UK on a training exercise with the SAS before he is swiftly sent to London’s Piccadilly Circus to assist against AQ’s terrorist attack, alongside Gaz. Afterwards, he joins the SAS Anti-terror wing along with Price and Gaz to clear a house in Camden, full of AQ affiliates in search of any information related to the Piccadilly attack and The Wolf.
Damien returns to Urzikstan alongside 2CDO REGT, where not long after he is called to assist Captain Price, Gaz and the others at the US Embassy, also aiding to save the Ambassador’s Assistant, Stacy. Following this, he follows the rest of the team back to the ambassador’s residence only to find the Wolf had been extracted by AQ forces already. Furthermore, he is seen briefly helping SAS and CIA on the night raid to locate The Wolf at his compound.
After the events of MW19, Damien spent this time on rotation in TAG-E, though was later sent back to Urzikstan on an emergency deployment to help aid in the assassination of an AQ leader. This proved to be a struggle. They were given little to no information and thus were subsequently ambushed, leading to the death of best friend, Daniel Greenhill, who tried to pull an injured Damien out of enemy fire.
After the funeral, Damien spent his time spiralling down. He became depressed, not leaving his Sydney apartment for days at a time and ultimately almost being discharged from his duties. Though thanks to his Captain and two close friends - Lachlan, Sparrow and Aly - they helped him find the means to work towards getting better and soon enough, he was ready enough to go back to his duties.
Modern Warfare II
In 2022, Damien is first seen undercover at Café Gracht alongside Captain Price where they wait for representatives from both AQ and Las Almas Cartel to show up. After seeing Gaz tranquillise the cartel member, they all move to enter Laswell’s vehicle and leave the area swiftly.
Later on he returns to Urzikstan, where he is again enlisted for help by Price to rescue Laswell from AQ along with ULF fighters.
Modern Warfare III
Damien spends this time going home to Australia for a little while before being sent on another tour around the Middle East. It is in Urzikstan that he (and 2CDO REGT) work alongside Phillip Graves and his Shadow Company, unaware of the events in Las Almas concerning Los Vaqueros and TF141. He is only made aware when seeing his friend Sparrow again, where she rips the SC patch off of him and promptly has a go at Damien for wearing that thing around them, explaining the full story.
EDM and rock/metal music is what he listens to most.
He is a Mclaren F1 fan, as well as being a big fan of the AFL team: Collingwood Football Club (Magpies).
Absolute gym junkie. Has an extensive collection of pre-workout, protein powder and creatine stored in his apartment (and snuck onto base). If he wasn’t a Commando, he’d probably be a bodybuilder or athlete of some sort.
Damien keeps a scrapbook that he fills with stickers, trinkets, thoughts or drawings from various places he has visited.
During his downtime in Sydney, he likes to go café-hopping! He’s a big foodie. Also likes to take long walks during the night, overlooking the Harbour Bridge and generally just taking in the city lights. It's one of his favourite things to do to ease his mind.
Thanks to Daniel, Damien is pretty good at speaking Indonesian and really enjoys Indonesian food! His favourites are nasi campur and soda gembira. He’d mix Indonesian and English together to gossip about something to Daniel. After they both graduated high school, Daniel took Damien to visit Jakarta for the first time and he loved it! Also owns a couple batik shirts.
Drives a 79 series Landcruiser. His number plate is “WHITLOCK”.
Does jiu-jitsu and is currently at a purple belt.
Frequently visits Daniel’s grave when he has the time. He sits there for hours just catching him up on every little event or thought that has happened, as if he were there to listen like the old times. Frequently catches up with Daniel's family too, they've taken him in like he's their son.
In the past, Damien has never had a good relationship - they’ve all either cheated on him or ghosted him. He gave up looking for a partner even though he longed to have a family of his own.
Moodboard + Playlist
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yourmangogirl · 1 year
MMFC robot masters in my AU real names, age and personalities when they're were humans:
(warning: angst)
Experiment 01, AKA Fire Man - Fred Reed
He was a normal 40 y.o. human man who worked a firefighter in Silicon City. He was considered the best firefighter in the city. He had a daughter who he loved the most, but she died in a fire incident.
Experiment 03, AKA Drill Man - Dustin Bailey
He was a 45 y.o. human man who worked a miner in Silicon City. But he was very interested in music, but his work did never give him time for it.
Experiment 04, AKA Hypno Woman - Mary Gweneth
She was a normal 40 y.o. human woman who worked a psychologist guidance counselor at Aki's school. She was always ready to help everyone solving their problems. Even thought she was always feel herself overwhelmed by that...
Experiment 05, AKA Wave Man - Winslow Brooks
He was a 45 y.o. human man who was obsessed with interest in maritime affairs, cute things, and the most, alligators(he loved animals very much). He had a sensitive and gentle heart..
Experiment 07, AKA Ice Man - Isaac White
He was just a 14 y.o. human boy who was studying at Aki's school. He was very cheerful and pure-hearted guy. And also naive and too trustful...
Experiment 08, AKA Blasto Woman - Becca Taylor
She was a 41 y.o. human woman who worked a tour guide at the museum in Silicon City. She was a soul woman with a good sense of humor. Also she was Mary's(Hypno Woman's) best friend.
Experiment 10, AKA Air Man - Archie Miller
He was a 35 y.o. human man, a little bit arrogant. He had a great passion for flying, dreamed of becoming the greatest helicopter pilot.
Experiment 11, AKA Chemistry Man - Cameron Hall
He was a 40 y.o. man who worked a chemistry teacher at Aki's school. He had a difficult times working a teacher as kids did not listen to him during classes. But he was never give up. Until one awful day...
Experiment 14, AKA Guts Man - Greg Baker
This man was a 44 y.o. man who worked a main head chef in a cooking TV show. His show was popular all over Silicon City until it was overshadowed by another cooking show..
Experiment 16, AKA Elec Man - Elmer Price
He was a restless 30 y.o. human man with a big sense of humor, he worked as an electrician, but all the employees considered him somehow useless and annoying, which of course made him feel sad..
Experiment 18, AKA Wood Man - Woody Perry
Was a normal 35 y.o. man, a big lover of plants. He was absolutely a pure-hearted man. He even wanted to grow a tree, but due to an accident, nothing came of it..
Experiment 24, AKA Cut Man - Chauncey Wright
Oh, he was just a 15 y.o. human boy who was a perfectionist, lover of growing a plants. Was a student at Aki's school. He also was very emotional and sensitive to insulting
Experiment 36 (last experiment), AKA Chaotique - Charlotte Hayes
Charlotte(Chaotique) was a little silent, calm and very shy 14 y.o. girl that was also a student at Aki's school. She was practically inconspicuous, almost no one didn't pay attention to her. Except one girl at Aki's class with glasses and dramatical nature, but a good heart. Too bad these two hadn't spend last time together in happiness...
Alright, that's all! Hope you understood everything here, that's was, so to say, a short description of MMFC robot masters when they're were humans.
Who was your favorite? Waiting for your opinions(and questions, if you have)!
Have a good day or night!!💖💙😸
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mxalexgeorge · 1 year
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Little Sally in Urinetown: The Musical at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, November 2022
Urinetown, The Musical Mark Hollman, Music and Lyrics Greg Kotis, Book and Lyrics
November 3rd- 12th 2022 Colwell Playhouse
Photo credits: Darrell Hoemann
Production Team Director: J.W. Morrissette and Lisa Gaye Dixon Music Director: Justin M. Brauer Choreographers: Joe Bowie and Lisa Gaye Dixon Scenic Designer: Emilia Consalvi ,Katie Owen Costume Designer: Wesley Price Lighting Designer: Yingman Tang Sound Designer: Madison Ferris Dramaturg: Melissa Goldman Technical Director: Capri Agresta Properties Head: Sammy Boyarsky Production Manager: Terri Ciofalo Stage Manager: Kaitlyn N. Meegan Fight Director; Zev Steinrock Vocal Coach: Diane Robinson
Cast OFFICER LOCKSTOCK: Grania McKirdie PENELOPE PENNYWISE: Charlotte Howard-Check BOBBY STRONG: David Stasevsky LITTLE SALLY: Alex George DR. BILLEAUX: Noah Smith MR. MCQUEEN: Josh Graff SENATOR FIPP: Josiah Zielke OFFICER BARREL/BOBBY UNDERSTUDY: Anthony Maggio HOPE CLADWELL: Julia Clavadetscher OLD MAN STRONG/HOT BLADES HARRY: Patrick Jackson TINY TOM: Paddy Berger SOUPY SUE: Courtney Mazeika LITTLE BECKY TWO SHOES: Gabrielle DeMarco ROBBY THE STOCKFISH: Jonathan Kaplan CALDWELL B. CLADWELL: Jaylon Muchison BOY COP/UGC EXECUTIVE/OFFICER BARREL UNDERSTUDY: Jimmy Cone GIRL COP/UGC EXECUTIVE/HOPE CLADWELL UNDERSTUDY: Sophia Pucillo JOSEPHINE STRONG: Mary Jane Oken MRS. MILLENNIUM: Guinevere Brown BILLY BOY BILL: Jamal Turner Production Team continued Scenic Charge: Emma Brutman Hair & Makeup Coordinator: Chantel Renee Hair & Makeup Supervisor: Becky Scott Assistant Technical Director: Tara Kisacanin Assistant Costume Designer: Chantel Renee Assistant Lighting Designer: Sarah Goldstein Assistant Sound Designer: Jack Pondelicek Head Electrician : Nicolas Sole Audio Engineer: William Mixter Assistant Stage Manager: Mary Lewis, Shuyu (Tom) Zhang Assistant Dramaturg: Anishi Patel Assistant to the Director: Melissa Goldman, Maci Mitchell, Jacqueline Moren Head Carpenter: Hanna Bowen Production Assistant: Hadas Goldberg, Isabel Wang Costumes Craft Supervisor: Emily N. Brink Costume Crafts Technicians: Katie Greve, Mark Muir Wardrobe Supervisor: Chantel Renee Crew DECK CREW: Felix Crim,Morgan Lin, Avery Luciano, Heraldo Magana ,Jordyn Montgomery PROPS CREW: Mikail Herrera, Ashanti Norals WARDROBE CREW: Kashara Bennett, Gabriel McNabb,Luke Russell, Julia Trenary, Isabel Wang HAIR AND MAKEUP CREW: Fatma Ali ,Kara Howie SWING: Hadas Goldberg A2: Noah McLeod QLAB OPERATOR: Leoni Reilly SPOTLIGHT OPERATOR: Dajion Anderson LIGHT BOARD OPERATOR; Brian Runge AUTOMATION OPERATOR: Bronwyn Garrett STUDENT DRAPER: Carlee Ihde 
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pregcule · 2 years
Silly Little Pinned Intro Post
Hi! Though all of us have SFW personal social media, we decided it would be fun to create a Tumblr account to chronicle our pregnancy journey as a polycule including the sexy aspects of it since we all have pregnancy kinks of varying sorts. Here we are introduced in alphabetical order!
Guess I’ll be starting this off. I’m Charlotte, I’m 32 and I’m a trans woman who uses she/her pronouns. I’m a stay-at-home mom who also runs an Etsy store selling LGBT-themed fibercrafts.
Glenn. 31. He/they. Butch. I’ve only started dating these folks recently but I already feel very valued and loved. I’m not currently pregnant but I had a child with a previous partner.
Name’s Frankie. I’m 29 and I use she/her and he/him pronouns, just be sure to mix them up. I’m the resident girlboy fagdyke and I’m currently pregnant with twins. I work as a tattoo artist and I’ve also got a lot of tattoos and piercings myself.
I’m Horatio. I’m 27 years old and I’m a pan trans guy who uses he/him pronouns. Even though I’m pregnant I’m still hard at work pursuing my PhD in English, and considering that I had my first kid while I was still in grad school I think I can get through this. I’m married to Judah.
Jo. 37. She/they. Trans butch. Probably won’t be posting here much. I work as an electrician.
I’m Judah. I’m 26 and I use he/him pronouns. My husband likes to call me “cis+” because I went through the process of questioning my gender before coming out the other side still identifying as a man. I met Horatio in college and I knocked him up while he was in grad school, oops. I’m a stay-at-home dad.
Sup. I’m Nadia and I’m 24 and I use she/it pronouns. I’m a trans girl and I got a super cool surgery that means that I can carry a child. I’m currently pregnant with my first kid and I’m nervous but mostly excited and grateful. I also stream on Twitch.
I’m Roxxi! I’m 27 and I use xe/xem and it/its pronouns, but you can basically use any neopronouns for me as long as they’re fun :3. Cringe culture is dead and I killed it myself, I’m a scene kid who’s all grown up now and, unsurprisingly, I’m pregnant :3.
Heyyy I’m Spencer. I use they/he pronouns and I’m 22. I met Nadia at a con and the two of us hit it off pretty quickly and well the rest was history. Just a hairy pregnant trans guy cosplayer I guess.
Some of us may end up posting on this blog more than others. Feel free to send us asks and we’ll try to answer all of them in a timely manner.
[Disclaimer: this is a pregnancy kink roleplay blog. All the characters and events that are depicted are entirely fictional.]
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datascraping001 · 2 years
Electrical and Roofing Contractor Data Scraping
If you’re looking for an electrical and roofing contractor online, it’s about to be much simpler. That’s because many of these contractors usually have information on their websites about the services they provide. It’s important to find a Contractor Data Scraping Service or software that can help you get everything you’re looking for in one place.
Electrical and Roofing Contractor Data Scraping Services
This offer is perfect for any contractors looking to collect data from local businesses. We will provide you with the most up-to-date information about your industry and save you time in the process. Updates come out weekly, and we make it easy to order custom reports. Moreover, this offer provides an automated system that scrapes data from Home Advisor's directory, so it's easier than ever to get accurate information.
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Contractor Data Scraping
The DataScrapingServices team employs a variety of techniques in data scraping, including web scraping, third-party services, and APIs. Our top priority is customer success, and with this in mind, you’ll find affordable rates for every budget. You can also rely on us for support when it comes to gathering key contact information about those in your network or for individual use. We know that accuracy is important when recording key contacts, so we utilize our data-scraping expertise to collect this information quickly.
List of Data Fields
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corporateleaders · 16 days
Factors to Consider When Hiring an Electrician
When it comes to electrical work in your home or business, hiring a qualified Electrician Charlotte NC is essential for safety, efficiency, and peace of mind. Whether you’re planning a major renovation or simply upgrading a few light fixtures, finding the right electrician can make all the difference. Choosing a professional with the necessary expertise ensures that the job is done correctly and prevents future issues that could arise from poor electrical work.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Unable to find her runaway son, a woman deceives two of her ex-lovers from her youth, a mild-mannered teacher and a tough journalist, that each is the real father in order to obtain their help. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: François Pignon: Pierre Richard Jean Lucas: Gérard Depardieu Christine Martin: Anny Duperey Paul Martin: Michel Aumont Tristan Martin: Stéphane Bierry Milan: Philippe Khorsand Ralph: Jean-Jacques Scheffer Jeannot: Roland Blanche Verdier: Jacques Frantz Raffart: Maurice Barrier Mrs. Raffart: Charlotte Maury-Sentier Louise: Gisèle Pascal Stéphane: Patrick Blondel Michèle Raffart: Florence Moreau Patron of “Star Trek”: Patrice Melennec Hotel Receptionist: Robert Dalban Internal: François Bernheim …: Bruno Allain Man in garage blocked by car: Philippe Brigaud …: Pulcher Castan …: Luc-Antoine Diquéro Journalist who flirts with Lucas: Natacha Guinaudeau …: Sonia Laroze Thug: Patrick Laurent …: Jean-Claude Martin …: Guy Matchoro Julien: Jacques Maury Toilet attendant: Jacqueline Noëlle …: Christian Bianchi …: Gérard Camp …: Patrick Le Barz …: Philippe Ribes …: Claude Rossignol Michelle (uncredited): Florence Mancini Film Crew: Original Music Composer: Vladimir Cosma Producer: Francis Veber Director of Photography: Claude Agostini Editor: Marie-Sophie Dubus Producer: Pierre Richard Costume Design: Corinne Jorry Production Design: Gérard Daoudal Assistant Director: Francis de Gueltzl Casting: Françoise Menidrey Sound: Bernard Aubouy Producer: Gérard Depardieu Production Manager: Jean-Claude Bourlat Script Supervisor: Colette Crochot Boom Operator: Sophie Chiabaut Electrician: Richard Vidal Makeup Artist: Thi-Loan Nguyen Stunt Coordinator: Guy Di Rigo Location Manager: Jean-Yves Asselin Stunt Coordinator: Antoine Baud First Assistant Camera: François Amado Movie Reviews:
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ewingelectriccoo · 6 months
Ewing Electric Co
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Phone: 704-804-3320 Address:7316 Wallace Rd STE D, Charlotte, NC 28212 Business email: [email protected]
Navigating the intricate world of electrical systems requires a knowledgeable and experienced Charlotte electrician, and that’s exactly what you'll find at Ewing Electric Co. Serving the Charlotte, NC area with professionalism and expertise, our commitment to safety and customer satisfaction stands at the forefront of every job we undertake. Whether it's precise electrical repair or meticulous electrical installation services, our skilled electricians are equipped to handle your residential or commercial needs with unmatched diligence. At Ewing Electric Co., we value your trust, ensuring that every project is completed efficiently without compromising quality. Our team understands the importance of maintaining a fully functional electrical system in your space. By choosing us as your dedicated service provider, you are selecting a steadfast commitment to exceptional workmanship echoed through each task we perform.
Hours: Sunday :Closed Monday :08:00 - 18:00 Tuesday :08:00 - 18:00 Wednesday :08:00 - 18:00 Thursday :08:00 - 18:00 Friday :08:00 - 18:00 Saturday :Closed
Visit our Social Profiles: Ewing Electric Co  | Facebook Ewing Electric Co | Twitter Ewing Electric Co | Instagram
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Finding the Best Electrician Charlotte: Your Guide to Top Electrical Services
If you're searching for a reliable Charlotte electrician, you're in the right place. Whether you're facing a sudden electrical issue or planning a new project, having a skilled electrician on hand is crucial for safety and efficiency. The growing city of Charlotte, NC, is home to many experienced professionals who can handle everything from minor repairs to major installations. When looking for an Electrician Charlotte, it's important to choose a licensed and insured professional. These experts are equipped with the knowledge and tools to handle residential, commercial, and industrial electrical needs. They can help with wiring, lighting installations, electrical panel upgrades, and even smart home automation. For those searching for an "Electrician near me Charlotte, NC," consider factors such as customer reviews, availability, and pricing. A local electrician who understands Charlotte's building codes and regulations will ensure that all work is done up to standard, saving you time and potential headaches down the road.
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From South End to North, and everywhere in between, finding the right Charlotte electrician is easier than ever. Many companies offer 24/7 emergency services, ensuring that help is available when you need it most. So whether you're dealing with a faulty outlet or planning a home renovation, trust a qualified Electrician Charlotte professional to get the job done right. Remember, when it comes to electrical work, safety should always come first. Choose a reliable electrician near you in Charlotte, NC, to keep your home or business powered safely and efficiently.
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ewingelectricco · 6 months
Ewing Electric Co
Ewing Electric Co, nestled in the heart of Charlotte, NC, is a premier provider of electrical services catering to a vast range of neighborhoods including Concord, Davidson, Eastover, Matthews, Cornelius, Pineville, Harrisburg, Weddington, Indian Trail, Belmont, Huntersville, and the bustling districts of Dilworth, Steele Creek, SouthPark, and Ballantyne. Our proficiency as an Emergency electrician Charlotte ensures that when unforeseen electrical issues arise within these communities – whether by day or night – our team is ready to respond with urgency and expert precision.
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Our suite of services is comprehensive and designed to address every facet of electrical need. This spectrum includes dedicated circuit installation for your specialized appliances; meticulous electrical troubleshooting that digs into the root cause of persistent challenges; and dependable lighting repair to keep homes bright and businesses shining. For homeowners feeling the surge of modernity through electric vehicles (EVs), we provide adept EV charger installation that symbolizes convenience fused with innovation.
Contact Us:
Ewing Electric Co
Address: 7316 Wallace Rd STE D, Charlotte NC 28212 USA
Phone: 1 704-804-3320
Website: http://www.ewingelectricco.com
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
External Link:
Creativemarket Tuffsocial Twitch.tv Band.us Caliberforums
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simondsilva1203 · 11 months
Looking For EV Charging Station in Charlotte NC - MLS Electric is your trusted EV charging station installation service company in Charlotte, NC. Experience efficient, eco-friendly charging options for your EV needs. They provide the Best EV Charging Station in Charlotte NC. For more information visit m-lightingsolutions.com.
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soylazaro · 1 year
Jacquemus | Champagne? from Pantera on Vimeo.
Directed by PANTERA for @jacquemus
Creative direction @kevintekinel and @charleslevai Creative studio @maybe Creative producer @josephinebungener
Executive producer Evan Djenki @_djenki_ Line producer @RémiFarkas Production coordinator @tiny_p Tiny Pham Production assistant @cohengabrielle Gabrielle Cohen
1st Assistant director Mark Zarka 2nd Assistant director Anna Lichtenberg
DOP Patrick Golan @packdrawn 1st AC Arthur Chassaing @chass_1 2nd AC Nathalie Dziedzic 3rd AC Mazarine-Marie Michon
Stylist coordinator Anatole Blancato Stylist Tom Guinness 1st stylist assistant Archie Grant 2nd stylist assistant Lina Velasquez 3rd stylist assistant Manvi Bhatnagar Seamstress Charline Gentilhomme Seamstress Alizée
Make-up artist Vanessa Beliini Make-up artist assistant Clémentine Roy Make-up artist assistant Xiaoyuan Yang
Hair stylist Ramona Eschbach Hair stylist assistant Alan Antoine Hair stylist assistant Romain Duplessy
Set designer @tillduca Set designer assistant Cinthia Fortin Set designer assistant Samuel Begis Set designer assistant Guillaume Ypreeuw Set designer assistant Thomas Lelong Set designer assistant Antoine Robin Dog wrangler Flamine Chesnoy
Casting Nohmad Casting Directeur de casting Antoine Guthmann Directeur de casting Michael Illel Directrice de casting Charlotte Martin
Storyboarder Eric Nosal Sound engineer Simon Farkas
Gaffer Quentin Ameziane Electrician Thomas Duprez Electrician Yannick Azzano Electrician Julien Mastoras Electrician Quentin Play
Key Grip Jean-Marc Dupuis Grip Guillaume De Bollivier Grip Fabien Veillas
Location manager Kim Shewy Location scout Cédric Freni Location manager assistant Syrielle Monnoyer Location PA Stéphane Thomas Location PA William Loiseaux Location PA Alexis Thomas Location PA Robin Broussier Location PA Max Zaccai Driver Maxime Dumenil Driver Marie Desmarais Driver Florian Hista Driver Maxime Seguin
Post production house FIRM Editor Nicolas Larrouquère @collectiv.paris Grading Julien Alary Sound design Kouz Sound design Grégoire Cousinier
Many thanks to RVZ, FIRM, Edouard Chassaing and Nicolas Tiry.
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maslue90 · 1 year
Standby from Charlotte Regan on Vimeo.
Gary and Jenny share the same cramped “office space” as all beat cops: the front seat of a patrol car. Their evolving relationship is an emotional rollercoaster ride that stands in often-comedic contrast to the procession of thugs and criminals filling the back seat.
Written & Directed by Charlotte Regan Produced by Jack Hannon
Cast - Andrew Paul, Alexa Morden, Leon Cunningham, Margaret Towner, Richard Sherwood & John Layton Director Of Photography - Bradley Stearn 1st AC - Ellis Doig 2nd AC - Lucas Campain Spark - Sal Redpath Electrician - Graeme Condon
Production Manager - Alice Groves 1st AD - Jared Peysner Sound Recordist - Nick Grant Sound Design - Michael Ling Editor - Charlotte Regan Colourist - John Layton Credits - Asad Denova Production Designer - Elena Muntoni Hair & Make-Up - Rose Redrup Music - Skepta 'Shutdown'
BAFTA Nominated Winner of Sundance Ignite Winner of BFI Future Film Festival Lab Award Winner of BFI Future Film Festival New Talent Award Winner of Lifetime Shorts competition Winner of Excellence In Women's Filmmaking at ECU Film Festival Winner of Best Director at ASIFF Winner of Best Screenplay at ASIFF
Official selection Toronto International Film Festival Official selection London Short Film Festival Official selection Whistler Film Festival Official selection Foyle Film Festival Official selection LOCO Film Festival Official selection ASIFF Film Festival Official selection ECU Film Festival
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huntsvillehq · 2 years
(Tenoch Huerta) [The Electrician]. Please welcome [Ignacio Orozco-Rosales (he/him)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [42]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [THE COMMUNE]. You may see them around working as a [Electrician]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. 
(Hannah Waddingham) [The Performer]. Please welcome [ Charlotte ‘Lottie’ Finch (she/her)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [48]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [owner of Auntie Em’s Antiques and Oddities]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. 
(Mark McKenna] [The Wild Card]. Please welcome [ Eagan Connolly (they/she)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [24]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [Freelancer]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. 
WELCOME TO HUNTSVILLE, WV, ignacio, charlotte, and eagan. Please follow this checklist and submit your account within 48 hours. Do not stay out after dark, and beware the whispers calling you into the woods at dusk.
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