pregcule · 2 years
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THE PYR REVIEW episode 01  Please enjoy a short history of the Great Pyrenees breed… a PYR-story, if you will :) 
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pregcule · 2 years
That sounds very nice. Since I’ve moved between pregnancies 1 and 2, I’ve had to find a new obgyn which was a bit bothersome but the one I’ve found is super nice and is willing to also treat the other members of our ‘cule.
Maybe a weird question, but since you’re pregnant so often, do you have a steady obgyn?
Yeah! I managed to snag a doctor who was extremely chill about everything even when I came out as trans in the middle of my teen pregnancy, so I’m holding on to her for dear life. She’s been great for both me and Vee! Though, of course, she’s definitely not too happy with the amount of baby-making I’ve been up to. She keeps getting annoyed when I’m perfectly healthy because she can’t use it as evidence that I should stop 😂
Let me tell you though, it’s so embarrassing every time I’ve come back after giving birth. My first pregnancy wasn’t great and I talked with her all about how I was going to be super careful and go on T as soon as the baby was weaned and look into top surgery and all that, so imagine her surprise when I came back within a year with twins on the way. And god, her face when I went for my first check in this time… A part of me wants to beat my own time getting pregnant again after this one literally just to see what she says.
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pregcule · 2 years
Today was a rough day TAing but herbal tea and belly rubs from hubby make it all worth it.
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pregcule · 2 years
Silly Little Pinned Intro Post
Hi! Though all of us have SFW personal social media, we decided it would be fun to create a Tumblr account to chronicle our pregnancy journey as a polycule including the sexy aspects of it since we all have pregnancy kinks of varying sorts. Here we are introduced in alphabetical order!
Guess I’ll be starting this off. I’m Charlotte, I’m 32 and I’m a trans woman who uses she/her pronouns. I’m a stay-at-home mom who also runs an Etsy store selling LGBT-themed fibercrafts.
Glenn. 31. He/they. Butch. I’ve only started dating these folks recently but I already feel very valued and loved. I’m not currently pregnant but I had a child with a previous partner.
Name’s Frankie. I’m 29 and I use she/her and he/him pronouns, just be sure to mix them up. I’m the resident girlboy fagdyke and I’m currently pregnant with twins. I work as a tattoo artist and I’ve also got a lot of tattoos and piercings myself.
I’m Horatio. I’m 27 years old and I’m a pan trans guy who uses he/him pronouns. Even though I’m pregnant I’m still hard at work pursuing my PhD in English, and considering that I had my first kid while I was still in grad school I think I can get through this. I’m married to Judah.
Jo. 37. She/they. Trans butch. Probably won’t be posting here much. I work as an electrician.
I’m Judah. I’m 26 and I use he/him pronouns. My husband likes to call me “cis+” because I went through the process of questioning my gender before coming out the other side still identifying as a man. I met Horatio in college and I knocked him up while he was in grad school, oops. I’m a stay-at-home dad.
Sup. I’m Nadia and I’m 24 and I use she/it pronouns. I’m a trans girl and I got a super cool surgery that means that I can carry a child. I’m currently pregnant with my first kid and I’m nervous but mostly excited and grateful. I also stream on Twitch.
I’m Roxxi! I’m 27 and I use xe/xem and it/its pronouns, but you can basically use any neopronouns for me as long as they’re fun :3. Cringe culture is dead and I killed it myself, I’m a scene kid who’s all grown up now and, unsurprisingly, I’m pregnant :3.
Heyyy I’m Spencer. I use they/he pronouns and I’m 22. I met Nadia at a con and the two of us hit it off pretty quickly and well the rest was history. Just a hairy pregnant trans guy cosplayer I guess.
Some of us may end up posting on this blog more than others. Feel free to send us asks and we’ll try to answer all of them in a timely manner.
[Disclaimer: this is a pregnancy kink roleplay blog. All the characters and events that are depicted are entirely fictional.]
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