#Electric Town
fortwitchprincess · 3 months
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Actually, Lisa, I know from experience that Electric Town/Akihabara is a great date spot, you jerk. I no longer feel bad about making out with my boyfriend in front of your cishet ass.
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emaadsidiki · 10 months
Akihabara Electric Town 📷🔌📹
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moriwanderer · 1 year
Akihabara (also Tateishi and Sarushima)
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Akihabara! Tokyo's Electric Town! The city of neon lights, arcades, multi-story doujin shops, and a plethora of other wonders! The otaku paradise!!
Or... not? But first, we take a trip to the seaside, and then a trip to an island of monkeys! (sans monkeys, because reasons.)
Tateishi park, where my sandals became salted!
Across the peninsula there's a small park on the other coast called Tateishi. It's a pretty long walk from where I'm staying, but there's a nice sidewalk the whole way and it's pretty well shaded. It mostly features a beach somewhat protected by a rock that has a small shrine built-in. The whole time I was wandering the shore, my sandals were sitting up out of harm's way. After I was walking back out, a large wave came up and soaked them. I guess I didn't pray at the shrine hard enough, or something!
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The Tale of Sarushima
A long time ago, someone was lost in Tokyo Bay until the ghost of a monkey appeared and led the poor soul to the safety of the island. It has been called Sarushima (Saru - Monkey, Shima - Island) ever since. Or so the story goes.
It's.. not as impressive as I had hoped. Most of the neat historical aspects were off-limits, the beach was closed for the season, and the route to the cave was closed off as well. One might have better luck in August. That said, the trip was totally worth it just for the ferry ride over, with the seemingly endless amount of moon jellies visible just beneath the water nearly the entire way.
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The otaku mecca was... disappointing? There were a tonne of things to check out, but the main areas seem to have been primarily taken over by used cell phone and laptop shops. Like, everywhere. Then there's the fact that everything seems to carry an Akiba tax (ie, things there are about 2x-3x more expensive than elsewhere, outside of general food). I found plenty of neat things that I couldn't afford, and honestly very little that I could get to say, look! I've been here!
There was a small shop FULL of retro gaming goodness whose name I sadly don't remember; it was to the side of one of the many alleys located in the basement. It would have all of your PC-FX and Towns Marty needs, if they didn't cost your first born. Still, wonderful to be able to see them in person and play with them.
It was also an overcast, rainy day and we arrived late, so we got to see maybe a quarter of the area. We didn't even get to Gamers! This of course means that I have to go back.
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Sega, where'd you go?
See you next time!
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highsummonertemptress · 8 months
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秋葉原、東京・January 2024
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milkteateeth · 1 month
for my feline friends: this purr generator is my favorite thing on the internet, you can adjust the timbre as you wish and it's so warm and calming
for my canid friends: these generators for wolf pack howling and sled dogs running are by the same sound engineer on a different website, also adjustable, the sound quality is great and they never exactly repeat
overall i really recommend the site mynoise.net!! it's got so so many different noise generators and you only have to donate like $5 once to access them all there's no subscription or anything. some of my favorites are northern woodland, sailing ship, japanese garden, mr. rhodes, distant thunder, and dreaming nautilus <3
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gummi-ships · 8 months
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - Thundaja
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manitapaleta · 8 months
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Art for @nark-week day 1: adrenaline/discipline
Larks first time flying Nicholas Air™️ lol
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A Rising Phantom
Summary: danny died, and no one knows. He is a full ghost, and only thanks to his dual obsessions can he “live” a normal life and pretend that nothing happened.
I aim to make this a multichaptered fic! Hopefully, the first fic I post on AO3!
no one knows! AU
full ghost! danny
eventual everlasting trio
dual obsessions inspired by this post, which are protection (Phantom) and space (Fenton)
my own headcanon: danny's death is inevitable, a single point in time that cannot be avoided or changed.
Danny died on a Saturday.
He was too young to have been left alone; any other house would’ve be fine, but everyone in that town knew, even then, that the Fentons' house was to be avoided by a wide berth.
His parents had rushed out in a frustrated fit, leaving him and Jazz by themselves for the weekend, just like so many before. They were always an afterthought to their parents, long before he was 14.
Danny didn’t intend to go down to the lab that night. But Jazz was out with her friend Kyle, and he was bored. And something down there called to him, though he didn’t know it.
He didn’t know that forces beyond his comprehension were leading to this point, this singularity.
If Danny had known the fate in store for him, he would have begged his parents for them to stay that night, or take him with them. But he didn't know, he couldn't have known... because that's how it was always going to be.
He didn’t know that a man with a clock in his chest, who changed between ages in the blink of an eye, was watching as he walked down those lonely steps.
He didn’t know, as he pulled on a white hazmat suit hand-sewn just for him, far too flimsy for what it was meant to protect him against, that a sentient dimension was pushing against the veil, straining for him.
He didn’t know, as he stepped through the gaping metal maw, that it had already called his name, and death had claimed it.
And afterwards, while he curled up on the cold basement floor, clutching his chest for a pulse, he still did not know that even if he had known... he would have had no choice but to do the same.
Danny died when he turned the portal on, alone in his parents’ lab.
Standing inside, fifty million Watts of electricity coursed from his palm to his heart, searing its path into his skin. It had no exit route. It cooked him from the inside, lighting all of his nerves on fire, and doused him in an infinite realm’s worth of dimensional energy. After what seemed like hours of screaming, panicking, burning- he somehow managed to crawl out of the portal.
He died then, lying flat in front of the machine that ended him, as the intense pain faded into a dull throb that replaced the beating that used to be in his chest.
And as he sat up, feeling both sore and feather-light, he looked down upon his body, and realized that he had died that day, and he was not coming back.
Danny panicked. And he did the only thing he could do. He decided to run away, afraid of what he was, confused and scared and feeling very not himself.
But the main anxiety that drove him to hide his accident was a rather juvenile one.
…He was afraid that his parents would be upset that he had gone into the lab without their permission.
He had messed with their stuff, and turned something on… something he definitely shouldn’t have.
He had just opened a portal to a realm full of the very things that kept him from sleeping at night, of “unfeeling monsters” that his parents had drilled into him about for years.
A portal to ghosts… that were now free to come through.
That thought made something inside him solidify, and a low hum began to emanate from him as he worried about his family. About the ghosts and the portal and how they were going to manage without him…
He couldn’t just leave like this. Not when he was responsible. He couldn’t let a whole realm of monsters hurt his family. At that thought, dread filled him, and that same something inside his chest ached.
But it occurred to him that he still had to leave. Not just at the thought of his parents stumbling in on his body.
No, it was about him. For he was one of them now, wasn’t he? A ghost. And he was a monster now, too. Despite not feeling like one. Despite knowing that there was clearly something wrong with what he had been told and what he knew was intimately true of himself in this new form.
But something inside him whispered at him that he couldn’t take the chance, if he did turn into a monster. He couldn’t let himself hurt his family.
So with fears on his back and a tingle fading from his fingertips, Danny pulled himself up onto unsteady feet. He took his body outside, to the woods where no one would know. And he buried it, alone, surrounded by trees and the sky.
He sat there, at his fresh grave, and cried.
Holding his arms around himself tight, he mourned the loss of warmth, of blood pumping and his heartbeat, so loud in its absence.
Surrounded by nothing but silence, he mourned that he’d never made close friends, nor really had the chance.
Looking up at the stars, he mourned that he could never fulfill his dream of being an astronaut.
He mourned for himself because no one else could.
And as his last cry petered off into the night, the sun broke the horizon.
A different something tugged at his chest, and he let it pull without resistance, worn ragged as he was.
And he was grateful he did. For a soothing light washed over him and transformed him into something similar, but not quite as he was Before.
But he felt warmth, and he felt a pseudo-beat in his chest, sluggish as it was. And suddenly he realized that although he was dead, he was alive in a different way.
He was still there.
He didn’t have to give up on life.
He was not going to be a monster.
Danny walked back home. He washed the dirt away from under his fingernails. He swept the lab until it looked like no one had been there. Minus the massive swirling vortex.
And when Jazz got home from her sleepover, Danny hugged her with a smile.
He was going to be fine.
They would all be fine, he would make sure of it.
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mewtwoandme · 7 months
My town's power has been out since this morning and it doesn't look like it's gonna get turned back on anytime soon, going on nearly 11 hours so far without lights, water or heat, so that's been fun, gonna drop down into the 20°s tonight :V
Just hoping they resolve this tonight or if worse comes to worst, maybe tomorrow morning.
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maskleo · 4 months
Why did no one tell me Edgar (Electric Dreams movie) existed? I made him in pony town, just because i don't feel like drawing rn. (but I might)
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wraithsoutlaws · 1 year
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"What do you think? Trash the place?" "Trash the place."
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emaadsidiki · 1 year
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Anime streets of Akihabara 🎎
HEY 💎 💻 ⌨️ 🎮🔌 Akihabara Hirose Entertainment Yard 😊
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fieriframes · 2 years
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[Electricity is humming. You hear it in the mountains and rivers. You see it dance among the seas and stars and glowing around the moon. But in these days, the glow is dying.]
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Richard Papen’s Snow Trauma (1984, colorized)
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raineedayss · 4 months
asking just because im curious-
would it be possible in botw/totk for a zora to survive in/near gerudo village or the surrounding desert? of course they would need extremely protective gear for all the electricity stuff going on near there in both games, but could they survive with less water? how little is too little for them to survive? what about the sand surge in totk?
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scorchrend · 11 months
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