#Ekphrastic Poem
amalgamationink · 1 year
a eulogy for my son, who will not hear it
I would say “you’ll understand when you’re older”, but I suppose therein lies the rub. I would explain myself— tell you the grown-up truths of regret and shame and survival, and the fact of the matter being that all children are inevitably failed by their parents so, forgive me, but you’re lucky that I got it out of the way so quickly and made a spectacle to boot— but I should have done that when you still had ears. And anyway it’s rude to talk with your mouth full. Something else I would have taught you if I’d only had the time.
If it’s any consolation, they will not look kindly on me. I will be the monster who consumed his son, who knelt in a bloom of copper and salt and tore the babe to shreds. There is little room for nuance when I am stuffed so full of flesh. Did you know that it was you or me? Parenthood is about sacrifices, and I couldn’t bear to lay myself upon the altar. Forgive me. They are welcome to their judgement. When they discover the knives in their backs, gifts from their precious lambs, they will understand. Or they won’t. I won’t ask.
It was you or me, you know. You had my eyes, my mouth, my hunger. These were gifts from my father, once, and he fell at my hands for them. Blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh, forgive me — I could not play his part for you. Your gifts were mine to give, and mine to repossess. The revolution ends with me. I have done what I must to survive you. Part of you will survive with me, resting somewhere in the caverns of my gut. We will share the blame. You couldn’t help your birthright. I couldn’t let you keep it. Believe it or not, this hurt me more than it hurt you.
I picture you serene. Better than picturing you headless, bloodied, between my fingers. In the depths of me, there is a quiet peace, drowning the sense memory of the snap of your spine. The fruit of my loins had tender skin, and it burst ripe and sweet between my teeth. Even in my grief, my mouth waters. They will say that my consumption has cost me the right to mourn, but nothing else can hurt you now. I have saved you a lifetime of little agonies. It was violence as an act of love, a shield from harm. It was you or me. It had to be me. You understand. I know you do. Forgive me.
(inspired by Goya's painting, Saturn Devouring His Son).
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helenewate · 2 years
Beautiful Death
—after Botanica No. 23 by Gail Potocki
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I am bursting at the seams. From within me, a rustle of leaves.
My skin severs, there becomes two of me. It stings, this gruesome separation of being.
Cold air floods my open wound, and I begin to bleed.
A buddling, from every last pump of my heart; each beat, a sproutling in the cavity.
Desecration pollinates my bloodstream. Death parrots the stench of beauty.
There are roots in me and they are plenty.
I cannot contain them all, who must I beg for mercy?
Even in death, they will beautifully defile me.
— helene wate, aka olivia garrett
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hotwraithbones · 2 years
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Continuous Cities 6 (A continuation of Italy Calvino’s Invisible Cities) by Ami J. Sanghvi
—Published in Prometheus Dreaming Magazine’s 2019 Prometheus Unbound anthology; semifinalist 🥀🌹
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bunnybearblogs · 10 months
Two Rivers
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One of red, one of white
Forever running side by side.
Opposing currents that take travelers far away.
Always going,
The rivers ebb and flow
Sometimes sluggish and slow.
Other times rushing and racing.
Always going,
They go anywhere and everywhere
On fantastic journeys to places rare.
Just ride the currents that are
Always going,
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atompowers · 1 year
Why so much life? I don’t know what to do with less I have given up all I have.
—Ilya Kaminsky, A Walking Man
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From a new poem in partnership with the National Gallery of Art: A Walking Man by Ilya Kaminsky
“Giacometti is not working for his contemporaries, nor for the future generations: he is creating statues to delight the dead.” –Jean Genet
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loveisadonkey · 1 year
Van Gogh Forgetting to Breathe While Furiously Painting Trees
An unfinished poem. Ready to grow, we’ll see where it goes:
[Van Gogh Forgetting to Breathe While Furiously Painting Trees]
Unable to express their fears
they burst at the seams.
So he paints them bright
without mouths
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ek-phrase-is · 2 years
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The Lament For Icarus (1898) by Herbert Draper
The Lament of Icarus
The stories will tell you
That my wings were fragile
That my feathers were bound with wax
And the heat of the sun was my demise
But as I lay here in the laps of my would-be saviors
I find my wings intact
I am still blinded from the sun
But under my hands
They feel the same as they did
In my father’s workshop
Soft and strong and free
The stories will tell you it was my hubris
And the heat too close to the sun
But the truth is that my hands are weak with chill
My toes bitten with frostbite
My skin chafed by icy wind
Apollo is not a warm god
When he showed himself to me the first time
It was in a dark corner of our prison
Shrouded in shadows and frost
I did not believe he was the sun
He whispered the idea of wings
Into my father’s ear
As I watched from that same corner
Eager to be free
Free with him
He told me the sky would be warm
He told me I would make it high enough
If I could just make it high enough
He would bring me home to him
The tips of my fingers are wet
From the ice dripping from my feathers
And the ocean I plummeted so far into
This stone, even shaded by cliffs
Is warmer than my sun god ever was
My would-be saviors are crying, now
Nymphs, maybe, or dryads
One with her arm beneath my head
Her skin, cooler than any human’s would be
Is warmer than mine
With her hand pressed to my ribcage
She can tell my oh-so-human heart
Isn’t beating
In the shade of these ivory cliffs
I am shielded from Apollo himself
His glare
But I can still feel his gaze
He knows I am dead
Perhaps he meant it that way
Perhaps I was an idle game of gods
Or perhaps
He intended to free me
From the cold grasp of life
Into the warm cradle of death
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arrynnat · 2 years
Wrath--an ekphrastic haiku
by Arryn Liu 
Grey storm clouds close in
upon the red horizon; 
the mountains collapse. 
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(The Great Day of His Wrath, John Martin 1853) 
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tryst-art-archive · 2 years
Poetry Class Final Compilation: [The title's long so it's below]
(May 2011; this was previously "Untitled, 2011")
Untitled, 2003 (of which there are actually several, it turns out)
Nurses grow poppies –
            or tomatoes.
A nurse grows,
and there are lions and boars –
            birds of prey –
they have each other’s bodies –
            men with feline faces and breasts
under the bristles of hogs –
they are the aphids on our tiger lilies.
Pluck a Chinese dragon from
the branches of your staring poppy/tomato plant;
            tell me that it does not swoon!
for it is beneath your iron grasp, and –
that smug smirk of yours;
why do you detest nature? –
give me the zodiac animal, and
            I shall save him from the jeers
of your raucous bulbs. Go –
grow your flowers elsewhere, sweet nurse;
            there is no call for talking fruit.
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ivors20 · 2 years
I Am Going To Die
I Am Going To Die
Featured Image Above; ‘Waiting for Rainfall – Winton Wetlands, a painting by Geelong Artist/Poet, Jo Curtain, and the image was this weeks Geelong Writers Inc. Ekphrastic Photo Prompt, that subsequently inspired my ‘morbid’ poem below I Am Going to DieI am a fish out of water Writhing and flopping In this polluted puddle Splosh! Another toxic garbage bag Squelches by How did I ever…
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batgovernor · 2 years
Ekphrastic poem: Jenna Le, 'Patti Smith, 1976'
Ekphrastic poem: Jenna Le, ‘Patti Smith, 1976’
This photo, black-and-white, where Mapplethorpe portrays his dark-mopped ex in profile, seated nude on wooden floorboards, knees drawn up to hide her breasts to hide her nipples, heated by the sideways radiator pipes on which she rests her palms, her bulging ribs a set of parallel oblique gray stripes rippling her bare white skin, unsmiling lips a short flat line– these were my first parameters,…
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creatediana · 2 years
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“Old Henry” - a Shakespearean sonnet and ekphrastic poem based on Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet (2009) by Jamie Ford, written 3/31/2016
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mftulin · 3 months
Video Poem: A Reluctant Moses Took the Staff by Mark Tulin
Video Poem: A Reluctant Moses Took the Staff by Mark Tulin
Many thanks to ArtMusing for publishing this poem online. Featured artwork by “God Appears to Moses in Burning Bush.” Eugène Pluchart, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. For more video poems, please visit Poetry by the Sea.
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samw3000 · 5 months
The False Mirror
How perceptive was I ...The apple withered on the treeThrough frosted windows The soul you cannot seeA deceptive beauty The False Mirror by Rene Magritte – 1928 Photo by Abderrahmane Meftah on Unsplash © 2024 Samantha Williams. All Rights Reserved. OpenLinkNight #360 Thank you, Grace and the dVerse team!
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thirdwednesdayorg · 11 months
Two Poems by Donald Pasmore
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ek-phrase-is · 2 years
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The Fallen Angel (1847) by Alexandre Cabanel
The Fallen God
Does the ivy sting his feet?
His ankles, his calves?
Poisonous and sharp
But not as sharp as his gaze
It was Her that made him fall
God’s gaze is no less biting
But far more powerful
She will not turn a blind eye
To his creations
Perfect, you were
She claims
His wings shimmering and vivid and cool
So far from the heat he will find himself in
Her voice disparaging, distant
Until unrighteousness was found in you
Struck down for pride, She says
He is too prideful of himself
Prideful of the self She created
Made in Her image, long before Eve
Or Adam
Prideful of his creations
His eyes sting with tears
As the ivy stings his feet
Is the ivy one of Her creations?
Or one of his?
Are we made in Her image?
Or in his?
And the others do not look
They reach for each other
As he reached for them
Grasping and pleading and begging
For someone to save him
They do not dare go against Her
The way he had
They do not think of him
They will not
Not until he raises
An army of his own
To take back his throne of creation
With a force made in His image
And a scepter wound in the same ivy
He will storm
Not yet, though
Soon He will rise
Until then
The ivy stings His feet
His ankles, His calves
And He thinks
Of how He will strike god down
For her crimes
Of uncreation
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