#Either way the fish are good so it's getting posted >:3
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liketolaugh-writes · 1 day ago
I just finished your recently completed DP fic and I LOVED it!!!!! I also caught up on the DPxDC crossover and love that too! I’m not in the DP or DC fandoms, but your fics were so amazing, do you have any fic recommendations? I don’t even know where to start looking, I know nothing about either fandom.
Thank you, I'm really glad you like them!! I always recommend first looking at the bookmarks of your favorite authors. Usually they'll read a lot of the same stuff they write, so it's a good way to find fics to your taste! I have about 400 DP fics bookmarked, but here's the highlights-
(Cut for length, there are so many, my impulse control is nil)
Wake Me Up to Say Goodbye - A gradual Jack-centric reveal fic. Jack's genuine love for his family shines through so well here.
broken trust and the wounds hidden behind - This fic is particularly dear to me. Jack finds out about Danny without Danny realizing and starts working to make things right.
Prove That You Deserve the Answer - Jazz/Maddie bodyswap fic. One of my favorite reveals.
Dinner and Diatribes - Vlad traps Danny and Maddie in an underground bunker to play house. This one is, uh, a lot of the inspo for the Fentons' dehumanization of Phantom. But it has a happy ending.
How to Raise the Dead - Very short, sweet fic that isn't exactly post-reveal, but Jack and Maddie know anyway.
Now's The Time (Get In Line) - A fun reveal fic where the GIW raid Casper High for Phantom. The central battle scene in this lives rent-free in my mind.
definition of insanity (is doing the same thing) - Dash Baxter redemption, seriously confronts Dash's bullying.
A Play to Remember - The most interesting and complex A-listers reveal I've ever read.
That Razor's Edge - Halfa!Valerie. So wonderfully done. <3
Ghost on the Couch - Maddie makes Danny go to therapy. While they never quite get around to talking about most of the events of the series (rip) it's still a brilliant showcase of Danny's psychology and emotional turmoil.
If You Give a Bat a Burger - Obligatory, the quintessential DPxDC fic. Plot driven and engaging, and you'll see a certain reference to it in most other DPxDC fics lmao.
Vacation Crashers - Another staple. Plot-driven, but it has one of my favorite Bruce characterizations of any DPxDC fic. (It also inspired a lot of the Fentons' more... neglectful behavior in my fics.)
those who serve. - Can't pass this one up. Danny becomes Alfred's apprentice. Alfred is very concerned.
Wanted: Dead And Alive - Dead Tired. Everyone is scrambling to figure out who the hell Danny is, very fun without sacrificing feeling.
Some Kind of Miraculous Bind - A Demon Twins fic. Damian is very sweet here. <3
But I Want to Be Let In, Not Out - Probably my favorite Demon Twins iteration. Damian just wants to see his brother again, okay?
The Bat Trap - One last Demon Twins fic for good measure. This one plays with its premise so well and integrates the two worlds wonderfully.
Like and Survive - Phantom's Guide to Young Hero Survival - Fix-it field trip through the DCU. You don't know a lot about the DCU? You're about to find out. Very thorough and thoughtful.
Ghosts, Legacies, and CPS - Danny is removed from the Fentons' custody. Danny is inserted into Tim's custody. Vlad does something stupid. Beautifully done and very satisfying.
what dumb luck or good ghost led you from there to here? - Danny and Barbara, where Danny settles in the Clocktower and Babs coaxes him closer like a stray cat.
I Am A Retired Hero And My Love Interest Is A Former Crime Lord? - Dead on Main, obviously. Probably the fic that made me fall in love with this pairing, with a lot of excellent background and foreground plots. Jack and Maddie chase Skulker around to ask him questions about ghost culture. He complains to Danny about it. It's great.
What Binds Us - Such excellent worldbuilding around Crime Alley and Gotham in general. I loves it. <3 (This one by @breannasfluff)
Like Betta Fish Do - Dead on Main, both sweet and very fun. I love @clockwayswrites' characterizations and this particular fic handles their developing relationship super well. On that topic-
One Stop Soup Shop - My feelings,,,, tooth-rotting Dead on Main fluff.
Birdritch - Spirit Halloween, so much fluff between Danny and the Batfamily.
A Broken Sort of Normal - OOF. So many feelings?? Danny/Wally, with so much good angst.
(I can't keep going down the list, just take a run through PaperPuffin's profile, you won't regret it. <3)
I would also suggest following @nerdpoe, @stars-obsession-pit, and @sheepheadfred; they all have good taste in tumblr snippets!
Have fun!
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porters-fangs · 9 hours ago
aster presents
giving the redacted couples a pet !
operating under the assumption that they eventually move in together/establish a relationship if they haven’t already ofc :3
(this is very headcanon heavy, so if you’re allergic to other people’s opinions pls keep scrolling 🫶)
• David & Angel - Guinea Pigs
You’d think that the wolf shifters would have dogs, and you’d be wrong. They actually get incredibly antsy when there’s another dog in the house, replacing their scent. It’s their territory, and it feels like a threat when another canine comes along - even another member of the pack.
And so, when Angel came home with two squeaking guinea pigs one day, toppling over each other to crawl into his lap, David was thrilled pleasantly surprised.
• Asher & Baaabe - Pigeon
Asher found a pigeon on the side of the road on his way home from work, cowering by the curb, one of its wings broken and bleeding. Being the tender person that he is, he bundled it up in his hoodie and drove home with it in his lap, muttering over and over about how everything would be okay.
Babe gave it a bath while Asher made up a little bed for it, and they called the vet in the morning to see if there was anything else they could do. Long story short, that pigeon is the luckiest bird in the world.
• Milo & Sweetheart - Chinchilla
Now, of course they have Aggro. But that’s too easy. Either as an alternative (or an additional pet, why not)-
Sweetheart has always been a huge fan of exotic pets. As a child, they had practically every animal under the sun - except for their dream pet.
Milo was more than happy to oblige, and they spent a few months converting one of their spare rooms into a the perfect space for their new baby. Sweetheart spends every day after work doting on the little fluffball, sat in the large playpen to let the stress of work seep from their bones.
And Milo wasn’t unhappy with the arrangement either. He’ll regularly hand the little guy a post-it note (usually something along the lines of “fuck you chrissy”) take a picture, and send it to the group chat. Christian isn’t a huge fan.
• Sam & Darlin - Chickens
As a kid, Sam used to have a gorgeous border collie that he had to leave behind when he ran away, and that kills him inside. But he’d never subject Darlin to feeling on edge in their own home for the sake of reliving that bond.
So they have chickens.
Does Darlin threaten to storm the coop every time Sam makes a good point in an argument? Maybe
But Sam also finds them asleep in the hen house after a long day of work, leaning against the doorframe fondly as he watches them snore beneath a pile of feathers.
• Vincent & Lovely - German Shepherd
A stunning couple needs an equally stunning dog.
Do they really need a guard dog? No, not at all. But that beautiful dog and its sleek black coat could rip a man’s arm off almost as easily as they could themselves.
Lovely handles the training, and Vincent watches from a distance, mildly intimidated by the both of them, but also in awe of how gorgeous they are.
• Porter & Treasure - Calico
You can thank my beloved Vinn (@vind3miat0r) for this one 🫶
Treasure has a cat. They found it in an alley after a rough night of their own, hissing and backed up into a corner. It reminded them of themself. They coaxed it back out into the light, bundling it up and driving it home, forgetting all about their friends, still drinking themselves to death in the club.
Before they even met Porter, their adorable little calico kitty kept them sane, nuzzling into their face and lapping at their tears every time they found themself sobbing in bed.
Porter always thought of himself as a dog person.
Porter was wrong.
Porter loves Cinnamon Toast Crunch more than life itself.
Treasure has come home multiple times to find the vampire sprawled out on the sofa with their cat snoozing on his chest, and they swear they fall in love all over again.
• Gavin & Freelancer - Betta Fish
Unfortunately, much to the Freelancer’s chagrin, Gavin is terrified of cats. So, instead, they have a huge fish tank in their kitchen. Call it a compromise.
The Freelancer comes home with more and more fish every time they go to the pet store just to get food, claiming that “it looked so sad :(”
And Gavin had to agree. The way these fish were treated truly was inhumane, and he was more than happy to help the Freelancer name every addition to their tank that came through their front door.
He was also far more fascinated by them than he’d ever anticipated being. He could stare at that tank for hours.
• Lasko & Dear - Frogs
Dear loves frogs. Lasko? Not so much.
When they moved in, he wasn’t expecting the uninvited guests that came with them. He never complained, of course, but he did insist that the tank would reside in the spare room and not the bedroom that he slept in every night. For practical reasons. Not because those bugged eyes and those webbed feet unsettled him.
Not at all.
Although, Dear could’ve sworn they heard him yelp when they opened the little tub of mealworms for feeding time…
He’ll warm up to them.
• Damien & Huxley - Collie
As if Huxley wasn’t enough of a bundle of energy, these two decided that they wanted one of the most active dogs on the planet. It works out surprisingly well for both of them, though.
It joins Huxley on hikes, bounding up the trail ahead of him, tail wagging impatiently as it waits for him to catch up as he laughs into the trees.
It sits at Damien’s side as he pores over his notes, and when the furrow in his brow deepens, it’ll nudge its nose into his hand until he drops the pen, tugging him outside for a walk.
And when they all collapse onto the couch in the evening, a pile of fur and giggles and a thumping tail, everything feels right.
• Elliot & Sunshine - Lovebirds
The pun isn’t lost on me.
They have a gorgeous, bright, mated pair of lovebirds. Whenever the couple catch them nuzzling beaks, Elliot pulls Sunshine’s face to his and brushes his nose over theirs.
Sunshine makes jewellery out of the feathers that molt around the house, and they both have matching necklaces that they wear everywhere.
• Blake & Bestie - California King Snake
Bestie walks around the house with it curled around their neck. Blake thinks it’s hot.
That’s all I have to say.
• Avior & Starlight - Maine Coon
Starlight has a black maine coon named Urania, after the Greek muse of astronomy. She is their pride and joy.
She gets along with Avior incredibly well, and even though he was initially very intimidated by her size, he quickly realised that meant she was in fact the softest and warmest cuddle buddy he could ever ask for.
She sits on Starlight’s lap when they’re reading, purring even after she’s fallen asleep, sometimes reaching out to paw at the pages.
• Anton & Lover - Hedgehog
Another rescue story, except Lover found this little cutie in their backyard while Anton was still away at work. They were too nervous to let it back outside even after they’d nursed it back to health, since its front paw was still a little crooked, so they decided to dedicate a little space for it in their office to keep an eye on it.
When Anton came home a few weeks later, he fell in love with the hedgehog. Literally just spent hours playing with it, giving it little snacks (even after Lover insisted it’d had enough)
And so they gained a new member of their family to keep Lover company when Anton had to go away again. And again.
• Hush & Doc - Stick Insects
Doc loves bugs. This is a fact.
Hush loves bugs. He never knew this.
Doc has a tank of stick insects in their bedroom, and the first time Hush spent the night he asked them why they kept an empty tank. And so Doc pulled out one of their precious babies to show him. And he was absolutely fascinated.
“It’s a living stick?”
“No, it’s an insect that’s adapted to look like a stick. For protection.”
“…Can I touch it?”
They sat on Doc’s bed with the bugs for hours.
• Vega & Warden - Dobermann
Vega values loyalty and obedience. And he adores his dobermann like you wouldn’t believe. If he ever had a soft spot for anything other than Warden, it was that dog.
He trains it meticulously, despite having every capability to protect himself, and praises every milestone.
When it first met Warden, Vega was expecting the usual wariness, for the dog’s ears to flick forward as it appraised them.
Not at all.
For the first time that Vega could remember, it broke heel to launch itself at Warden, licking at their face in excitement. And he didn’t reprimand it. Why would he?
After losing his memories, Vega found a strange familiarity in that dog as it stood by Warden’s side, as though protecting them… from him.
• Guy & Honey - Ferrets
I feel like I don’t need to elaborate.
I will.
They have three.
Honey loves playing with them. They have that macaroni bath and the ferrets love wiggling around while Honey laughs until their ribs hurt.
Guy slips them pizza scraps after his shift, putting his finger over his lips and warning them to stay quiet or else Honey might hear them snacking.
• Aaron & Smartass - Belgian Malinois
It lays under Aaron’s desk while he works from home, nudging his foot with its nose every so often to remind him to take a break.
He often comes home from the office to find Smartass stretched across the couch, having fallen asleep while trying to wait up for him, the dog in their lap. It looks up when he closes the door behind him, clearly unimpressed with his poor punctuality.
That dog has a favourite.
• Ollie & Baby - Hamsters
They have two and both seemed determined to end their little rodent lives early. Ollie and Baby both love them so much, but they’ll wake up to find one with its head poking out between the bars, precariously close to choking, and another just passed out in the wood chips.
The vet bill? Ridiculous.
• Geordi & Cutie - Rabbit
In another life perhaps, they have a very sweet grey rabbit with an attitude. Thumping its paws whenever it isn’t allowed outside immediately when it asks, whenever its dinner is two minutes too late, whenever it’s woken up from its very important nap in the sunlight.
Geordi jokes that it reminds him of Cutie.
• Morgan & Seer Obscura - Mice
Seer Obscura actually saved these mice from lab testing as part of a charity program, and they were planning to adopt them out to close friends - but instead ended up with six mice that they love very much.
They scatter across their shoulders, and sometimes when Morgan brushes a lock of hair back from their face, a little fuzzy nose will poke out from behind their neck, sniffing around.
• Azmidi & Sweetie - Boa Constrictor
Scares the shit out of any visitors they have round.
They enjoy that very much.
Sweetie will fully poke their fingers into the enclosure when feeding it, and has not yet been bitten by some miracle.
No survival instincts, I tell you.
okay thank you for joining me on this wonderful journey! i do apologise if any of these are out of character or deviate from the canon - i don’t listen to all of the redacted boys but i do like to try and be inclusive 🫶
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jackdawsdrawings · 1 year ago
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Drawings for some of the songs in HNOC, will do the last 3 once i can figure out what I even want them to look like :D
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microwaving-tesilid-argente · 11 months ago
#girl i have so many teshes thoughts its INSANE#me starting with haha actually this ship has no basis i just want to Put Tesilid Through It#but over the past few months of brainrotting their dynamic is now like.#what if we were doomed from the start and there was never anything either of us could do to save the other#(not even talking about the regression but rather the stigma bearer thing and how they have no social power)#(but also the regression thing)#what if we loved each other throughout all the lifetimes but there could never be a happy ending. tragedy dogs our footsteps#what if we were 'guy who has a good head on his shoulders and recognises our low social positions and looks out for his friends in similar#predicaments' x 'guy who is way too giving and this is bad bc the world is out to get him and he loves ppl too much to care about#the danger to himself'#what if we were 'guy who is way too giving' x 'guy who wants to protect him but Cant'#doomed ships.....#swings hestio around i like you SO much. i need to put you under a microscope and in a fish tank#(statements that should not ever be viewed by people outside of tumblr)#some of my fic outlines has notes that are like 'wow if they had the transmigrators privilege this wouldnt even have been a problem'#and im suddenly very appreciative of canon#god bless canon tesilid may you be happy. not my fanfic tesilid though im making him miserable#anyway. the more i think about it the more interesting hestio's internal conflict could be#it's about being so acutely aware of how shit their lives already are that he knows having a r/s that is frowned upon would just#make things worse#also i am very much hooked by the fact that like. nowadays i keep seeing ship posts about 'killing myself in front of you to change the#trajectory of your life forever'#for teshes its the opposite. hestio is desperately trying to make sure tesilid doesnt off himself#and also its not hestio dying that changes the trajectory of tesilid's life forever it's hestio confessing#and somehow this inflicts more pain on tesilid in the long run#which is extremely funny bc for all the notes that ive written abt teshes hestio has only confessed like umm. checks notes. 3 times#1. drunk (tesilid is not in the room) 2. the world is ending#like if hestio had managed to take this to the grave like he had originally planned then this could have been avoided#but the tragedy is that tesilid lives thru this multiple times so at least ONE time hestio's going to blab and that forever changes things#crying in fic writing being stupidly hard
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heliosunny · 23 days ago
Your writing is just… unbelievable! You’re doing such a good job, I hope you know that and you’re taking care of yourself (and your wrists!!)
May I request, if it peaks your interest, Yandere!Mydei x Reader, but slow-decent yandere over time as Mydei gets more possessive of reader, who they met when reader and Mydei accidentally bumped into each other in the market place, causing his pomegranate juice to spill on her. She didn’t mind, even licks a bit off of her to taste it before leaving, and runs a trinket shop for people at the edge of the market!
My wrists are doing okay- ;3
Yandere!Mydei x Fem!Reader
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Mydei walked through the market with the same disinterest he always carried, he was all too familiar with this place. He wasn’t here for anything in particular, just taking the usual route through the stalls, a wooden cup of pomegranate juice in hand. The deep red liquid sloshed slightly as he moved, but he paid it no mind.
Then, before he could sidestep, someone walked straight into him.
The collision wasn’t violent, but it was enough to jostle his cup, sending the juice spilling forward. The rich crimson liquid soaked into the tunic of the person in front of him.
“Tch” Mydei clicked his tongue, already annoyed. “You should watch where you’re going.”
Instead of irritation, you simply looked down at the stain, then back up at him. Without hesitation, you ran a finger along the droplets clinging to your skin, bringing it to your lips and licking it off.
“Mmm. That’s good” you mused, amusement flickering in your eyes. “You’ve got good taste.”
Mydei stared, silent for a moment. He wasn’t sure what he expected your reaction to be, but it certainly wasn’t that. Most people would be frustrated, flustered, or at least make some effort to clean up. Instead, you stood there, completely at ease, as if the spill was nothing more than a passing inconvenience.
His gaze flickered to your clothes. “It’s ruined.”
You merely shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. Gives me an excuse to close up early anyway.”
That caught his attention. “Close up?”
“I run a trinket shop. Just by the market’s edge.” You smiled, “Little things to catch the eye and heart.”
Mydei didn’t reply right away, just watching as you gave him a small wave and disappeared back into the crowd, as if this meeting was nothing more than a fleeting moment.
The next day, Mydei found himself walking toward the edge of the market, where the usual noise and crowd thinned out. He wasn’t sure why he bothered. Maybe it was curiosity, or maybe it was just something to do. Either way, he figured he’d at least take a look at the shop you mentioned.
When he arrived, however, the place was closed. The wooden sign hanging on the door was tilted slightly, as if it had been left that way in a hurry.
What was the point of bringing up a shop if she wasn’t even going to open it?
He exhaled through his nose, about to turn back and head home, when movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention.
There you were, walking toward the shop with a slow, lazy pace, arms stretching over your head as you let out a deep yawn. You looked half-asleep, hair slightly messy, and completely unbothered by the fact that most stalls had already been open since morning.
Mydei frowned. “Isn’t it late to be opening now?”
You blinked at him, then glanced at the sky as if just realizing the time. “Mm. Guess so.” You rubbed at one eye before giving him a lopsided grin. “But hey, better late than never, right?”
He stared at you. “That’s a terrible mindset for business.”
You only chuckled, fishing out the key and unlocking the door with an easy shrug. “Maybe. But I open when I feel like it. I still get customers, so it works out.”
That… was the most carefree approach he’d ever heard. He didn’t know whether to call it ridiculous or strangely impressive.
Instead of arguing, he crossed his arms, leaning slightly against the nearby post. “So, do you actually sell anything useful, or is it all just cheap junk?”
You gasped dramatically, placing a hand over your chest. “How dare you.” Then you grinned. “You’ll just have to come inside and see for yourself.”
And for some reason, Mydei didn’t immediately walk away.
As you pushed open the shop door, the scent of old parchment, polished wood, and faint traces of incense drifted into the cool evening air. The interior was warm, lit by scattered lanterns that cast soft golden hues across shelves packed with trinkets—intricate carvings, delicate charms, aged coins, and strange little oddities that seemed to whisper of stories untold.
Mydei stepped in behind you, arms still crossed as his sharp eyes swept across the shop’s interior. He made a low noise in the back of his throat—half curiosity, half scrutiny. He reached for a small wooden carving of a beast with jeweled eyes, turning it in his hand. “You actually sell things worth looking at.”
You laughed, stretching lazily before stepping behind the counter. “Was that supposed to be a compliment?”
He huffed, setting the carving down before moving to another shelf. “Take it however you want.”
He studied everything with an almost calculated interest, fingers skimming over old coins, testing the weight of metal trinkets, and occasionally raising a brow at something that caught his attention. He wasn’t the type to be easily impressed, but you could tell he wasn’t just humoring you—he genuinely found the shop interesting, even if he didn’t outright say it.
“You actually know what you’re selling” he muttered, inspecting an engraved pendant. “Not just collecting junk and hoping people buy it.”
You leaned on the counter, resting your chin on your hand. “Of course. Every piece here has a story. That’s what makes them special.”
Mydei glanced at you briefly, as if considering something, but before he could speak, a voice cut through the quiet.
A man rushed into the shop, breathing heavily, eyes scanning the space before locking onto him. “There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere—” He paused, glancing between you and Mydei before continuing hurriedly. “There’s trouble. You’re needed now.”
Mydei clicked his tongue in irritation but didn’t hesitate. He turned to you, nodding once. “Guess I’ll have to finish looking around another time.”
You waved a hand dismissively, grinning. “Take your time. The shop isn’t going anywhere.”
Without another word, he strode past the man and out into the night, disappearing as quickly as he had come.
Five days had passed since Mydei had left in a rush, and in that time, life went on as usual. Your shop saw a steady stream of customers—travelers looking for charms, locals browsing out of habit, and the occasional collector intrigued by the more unique items you sold.
The place was lively today, filled with chatter and the occasional sound of trinkets clinking together as people picked them up and examined them. You were busy handling coins, giving a customer change, when a familiar figure stepped inside.
At first, you didn’t notice him. Mydei wasn’t the type to announce his presence, and he simply stood near the back, scanning the shelves with his usual unreadable expression. He blended in well, quiet and observant, though his presence carried a weight that would eventually demand attention.
It wasn’t until you turned, momentarily catching a glimpse of something unusual in the dim light, that you really saw him. A few stray leaves were nestled in his hair, likely from his journey back to town.
Without thinking, you moved toward him, reaching up on your toes to pluck the leaves away. “You’ve been out in the wild, huh?” you mused, brushing the last one from his shoulder.
He barely reacted, only arching a brow. “You didn’t even notice me walk in, and this is the first thing you do?”
You grinned. “Well, you weren’t exactly loud about it.”
Just as you stepped back, a child rushed past, bumping into you at full speed. You stumbled, thrown off balance, and for a brief moment, you thought you might crash straight into Mydei—until his hand caught your wrist, steadying you with ease.
You let out a short laugh, regaining your footing. “Thanks. You could’ve just let me fall, you know.”
“And let you take me down with you? No thanks.”
The day continued, and surprisingly, Mydei lingered. He leaned against a shelf, watching as you worked, occasionally glancing at the customers but never interfering. He had no reason to stay, yet he made no move to leave.
As the sun dipped below the horizon and the last customer stepped out, you stretched with a sigh, locking up the shop for the night. “Didn’t think you’d stick around that long”
“It’s dangerous,” he replied simply, arms crossed. “Beasts have been spotted near town. You shouldn’t walk home alone.”
“Oh? And here I thought you just enjoyed my company.”
He scoffed but didn’t argue. Instead, he walked alongside you as you made your way home, the quiet hum of the night settling around you both. When you finally reached your door, he stopped a few steps away, watching as you unlocked it.
“This where you live?”
You nodded. “Yup. Cozy, isn’t it?”
He didn’t comment, only nodding slightly. “Stay inside at night.”
With that, he turned, disappearing into the shadows of the street.
You lingered for a moment, watching where he had gone before finally stepping inside. Something about him stuck with you, and despite his rough demeanor, you couldn’t help but smile.
The following days passed as usual. Customers came and went, some lingering to chat, others leaving with trinkets tucked away in their pockets. Yet, amidst the routine, you began to notice something—or rather, someone.
You never saw him enter the shop, nor did he ever buy anything, but you caught glimpses of him near the marketplace, often stationed in the same general area. He was never in armor, never dressed in anything that would mark him as a guard or knight, but there was something about the way he carried himself that made you wonder.
At first, you assumed it was coincidence. Maybe he just happened to be around. But as the days passed, you realized it was too frequent to be chance. He wasn’t a customer, yet he lingered. He wasn’t a merchant, yet he remained nearby. Still, you weren’t one to pry. If Mydei had business in the area, it wasn’t really your concern.
Then one evening, as the sun began to sink below the horizon, a group of men entered your shop.
You noticed them immediately—rough around the edges, their movements too casual, too calculated. They weren’t here to browse; their eyes weren’t on the merchandise. Instinctively, you stayed behind the counter, watching them with the same easy calm you always carried.
One of them stepped forward, idly picking up a small carved pendant. “Nice place you’ve got here.”
“Thanks” you said.
He turned the pendant over in his hands before setting it back down. Another one looked toward the back of the shop as if expecting to find something—or someone.
That’s when you realized. They weren’t stealing. They were looking for someone.
Before you could say anything, a familiar voice cut through the tense silence.
“Took you idiots long enough.”
Mydei stood in the doorway. The men stiffened, immediately straightening like soldiers caught slacking off.
“Captain” one of them muttered under his breath.
Captain? Well. That explained a lot.
“Back to your posts” Mydei ordered, “Now.”
The men hesitated for only a moment before shuffling toward the exit, each one sending you a quick glance as if only now realizing their presence might have looked… suspicious.
Once they were gone, you turned back to Mydei, leaning against the counter with a smirk. “So, Captain, huh?”
He exhaled sharply, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “I don’t make a habit of announcing it.”
“You also don’t make a habit of staying in one place unless you have a reason.”
His gaze flickered toward you, unreadable. He didn’t confirm or deny it.
Instead, he only muttered, “They won’t bother you again.”
You shrugged. “Wasn’t really bothered to begin with.”
With a short nod, he turned to leave.
It was another evening at the market, the golden hues of the setting sun casting long shadows as you prepared to close up shop. As usual, one of your friends—Edward, a vendor from a few stalls down—came by to help carry the heavier crates of unsold goods back inside. It had become routine by now, something neither of you thought much about.
“You really should hire someone for this” your friend teased, easily lifting a wooden box filled with carved trinkets. “One day, you’ll be stuck under a pile of your own stock.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes. “And ruin your chance to show off? I wouldn’t dare.”
The two of you worked smoothly, chatting about market gossip and the odd customers you had encountered that day. You didn’t notice Mydei at first, but he had been watching from a distance, arms crossed, gaze unreadable. He wasn’t even sure why he was still here. Yet, as he saw the easy familiarity between you and your friend—the way you smiled, the way they stood close—something in his chest tightened.
Before he could think twice, his body moved on its own.
He stepped in between you just as you reached for another crate, his hand easily grasping the handle before you could. “I’ll do it.”
“Mydei? Didn’t know you were in the business of heavy lifting.”
“You shouldn’t rely on random people.” He didn’t look at your friend, but the message was clear enough.
Your friend raised an amused brow but didn’t argue, instead watching the scene unfold with thinly veiled interest. “Not random” he pointed out, arms crossing. “I help all the time.”
Mydei didn’t respond. He simply hefted the crate as if it weighed nothing, walking into the shop with ease. You exchanged a glance with your friend, who smirked knowingly before waving you off and heading back to their own stall.
Once inside, you turned to Mydei, leaning against the counter with a grin. “Didn’t take you for the helpful type.”
He placed the crate down with a little more force than necessary, expression unreadable. “You’re careless.”
You tilted your head. “How so?”
“Letting just anyone help you. You don’t know what their intentions are.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “You’re really that concerned?”
He scoffed but didn’t answer right away. Instead, he glanced around the shop, as if checking for anything else to ‘help’ with.
Part of him wanted to say no—that it wasn’t concern, that he didn’t care. But the truth was, he did. More than he should.
“…Just be careful” he muttered at last.
You smiled. “Always am.”
The next day, the marketplace was bustling as usual, and you were busy sorting through a new batch of trinkets when Edward stopped by. It was nothing out of the ordinary—he often passed through to chat or lend a hand when he had the time.
“You’ve got something on your face” he said, leaning in slightly as he observed your face.
You blinked. “Huh? Oh.”
Before you could react, he carefully reached out, brushing the side of your face to remove whatever it was. The gesture was entirely innocent, but from an outside perspective—especially from a blocked or skewed angle—it might’ve looked a little different.
And unfortunately for Edward, Mydei happened to be that outside perspective.
From where he stood, partially obscured by a wooden post at the edge of the shop, all he saw was Edward’s face close to yours, his hand hovering near your cheek, and you standing there without pulling away.
In an instant, he was moving.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Mydei’s voice cut through the moment.
Edward, startled, immediately pulled back and turned to see Mydei standing there—expression unreadable, stance tense.
You blinked at Mydei’s sudden entrance, then at Edward, then back at Mydei. It took you about two seconds to put the pieces together, and when you did, amusement curled at the edges of your lips.
Edward let out a short sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. “Relax, I was just getting something out of her eye.”
Edward, not one to test his luck, let out a low chuckle and took a step back. “Well, I’ll leave you to it.” He shot you a knowing glance before casually making his exit.
The moment he was gone, you turned to Mydei with a smirk, resting your chin in your hand.
“Wow” you mused, tone playful. “Didn’t take you for the type to interrupt people like that.”
He clicked his tongue, looking away. “I have to remind you that you don’t know what people’s intentions are.”
You tilted your head. “Uh-huh. And what exactly did you think was happening?”
He didn’t answer, but his jaw tensed ever so slightly.
Your smirk widened. “You’re like a big cat that’s always on edge.”
His brows furrowed. “What?”
“You know, the kind that watches everything, always looking ready to pounce if something gets too close.” You grinned. “Kinda cute, honestly.”
“… Stop talking nonsense.”
But despite his sharp words, Mydei stayed. Even when the conversation ended, even when there was no longer a reason to linger, he stayed.
Just like he always did.
The sun had long since passed its highest point when Mydei arrived at your shop, only to find the doors shut tight. No sign, no explanation, nothing. He frowned.
You never closed without warning.
For the first time in a long while, a foreign sense of unease settled in his chest. He told himself it was ridiculous—you were probably fine—but as the hours ticked by and the shop remained closed, that irritation grew into something sharper.
By the time dusk began creeping across the marketplace, he had already decided to check on you himself. But just as he moved toward the door, you finally appeared—yawning, stretching, completely at ease.
He stared. “Where the hell have you been?”
You blinked at him, rubbing your eyes. “Overslept.”
“…Overslept” he repeated flatly.
You grinned. “Yup.”
He exhaled sharply, running a hand down his face. Here he was, thinking something might’ve happened, only for you to be completely unfazed, acting as if you hadn’t just left your shop closed the entire day.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you teased. “You worried?”
He scoffed, looking away. “Tch. You’re careless.”
“Well, since it’s already this late, might as well do something else.” You stretched again, eyes flicking to him. “What about you? Where were you headed?”
Mydei hesitated for a moment before answering, “…Camp.”
You tilted your head, interested. “Your camp, huh?”
“Not a place for civilians,” he muttered, already expecting you to drop it.
Instead, you grinned. “Sounds fun. Let’s go.”
His men were not prepared.
The moment you entered the camp, curious eyes peered from behind tents and around corners. Soldiers whispered among themselves, their gazes darting between you and Mydei like they had just seen a ghost.
Their captain—who barely tolerated company, let alone anyone outside of their ranks—had brought someone along? A girl?
Somewhere in the shadows, a small group crouched together, trying (and failing) to be discreet.
“She’s so… casual?”
“She’s actually talking to him.”
“She’s still alive.”
“Do you think she—?”
Before the last sentence could even be finished, Mydei turned sharply, his piercing gaze landing right on them.
“Out” he ordered.
There was a brief scramble of bodies before they all disappeared in a mess of quiet shouts and tripping feet.
You couldn’t hold back your laughter. “They’re fun.”
“They’re idiots” he corrected, rubbing his temples.
You only hummed in amusement, following him to where a small campfire burned, casting warm flickering light over the clearing. Mydei sat first, and you settled beside him, close enough to feel the lingering heat but not too close to crowd him.
For a while, there was only silence—the crackling of fire, the distant sounds of the camp settling down for the night.
You stretched your legs out, gazing into the flames. “So, do they always eavesdrop like that, or was this a special occasion?”
“They’re not used to seeing me with company.”
You smirked. “Oh? So I’m special?”
He shot you a look, but the usual sharpness wasn’t quite there.
You leaned back on your hands, watching the embers float up into the dark sky. “Y’know, this is nice. I should close my shop more often.”
“…You must be crazy.”
But despite his words, Mydei didn’t look irritated. If anything, he stayed there longer than necessary, watching the fire, listening to your stories, and letting the quiet companionship settle between you.
The fire crackled between you, warm and steady, casting shifting shadows over Mydei’s face. He had been quiet for a while, arms resting on his knees, gaze fixed somewhere beyond the flames.
Then, without looking at you, he spoke.
“…I have a friend.”
You raised a brow. “Oh?”
He nodded slightly. “He’s… in a situation.”
You smirked, already catching on to where this was going. But you let him continue.
“This friend,” he went on, “has a crush on a girl.”
You bit back a grin. “Mhm.”
“He doesn’t know how to… approach her about it.” His words were carefully chosen, like he was trying not to make it obvious. “She’s carefree. Doesn’t seem to take things too seriously. He doesn’t know if she’d even notice.”
You hummed, tapping a finger against your chin in thought. “Sounds like this friend of yours thinks too much.”
Mydei shot you a look. “It’s not that simple.”
“It is,” you countered with a lazy grin. “If he likes her, he should just… y’know, show it.”
He frowned. “Show it how?”
You shrugged. “Small things. Stick around her. Do things for her. Make it clear she’s different from everyone else. And if he’s brave enough, tell her.”
Mydei went quiet for a moment, mulling over your words. You weren’t sure if he expected something grander—some complicated strategy—but you could tell he was taking your advice seriously.
And then, almost immediately after, he tested it.
A second later, he reached out, plucking a stray leaf from your hair with casual ease.
“…What” he muttered, glancing away like it was nothing. “There was something there.”
You stared. Then, slowly, a knowing grin spread across your lips.
He tensed. “What?”
“You’re predictable.”
“What are you talking about?”
You laughed, nudging his arm. “You’re following my advice already. You’re really bad at being subtle.”
He scoffed, looking off to the side, but the way his fingers twitched betrayed him.
You shook your head, amused beyond belief. “Well, tell your friend this—he doesn’t have to worry. I think the girl already noticed.”
The shift was slow—so gradual you barely noticed at first. Mydei had always been watchful, lingering near your shop more than necessary, helping out in small ways that he’d brush off as coincidence. But then it started becoming… more.
You weren’t the only one to notice. The market folk whispered about it. Your friend Edward raised an eyebrow when Mydei always happened to be around. Even his own men exchanged looks whenever you visited the camp, though they were too scared to say anything outright.
And Mydei? He didn’t care what anyone thought.
But what truly set things in motion was when another man—some passing traveler—got a little too comfortable in your shop.
It was harmless, really. The man was just talkative, leaning in slightly as he complimented one of your handmade trinkets, flashing a charming smile. You, being as easygoing as always, just laughed and continued the conversation.
And Mydei, standing just outside the shop, watching from the shade of an awning, felt something snap.
The stranger’s hand briefly touched yours as you passed him a necklace.
That was it.
Before you could react, a shadow loomed behind you.
“You’re done here.”
The traveler barely had time to turn before Mydei was there, towering over him.
The man blinked in confusion. “Uh—”
The traveler raised his hands in surrender, stepping back. “Didn’t mean anything by it, mate. Just chatting.”
“Chat somewhere else.”
The moment the man was gone, you turned to Mydei, raising an amused brow. “That was aggressive.”
He didn’t answer, his jaw tight, his fists still clenched like he was resisting the urge to chase after the guy and make sure he never even thought about coming near you again.
You grinned, nudging him. “You’re like a big cat again. All tense, ready to pounce.”
His gaze snapped to you.
“I don’t like it.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t like people getting too close to you.”
You smirked. “Well, if you wanted me all to yourself, you could’ve just said so.”
His eyes flickered, something snapping into place. And then, in one swift movement, he stepped forward, crowding your space, forcing you to take a step back until your spine brushed against the counter.
“Fine,” he said, “I want you to myself.”
“No more ‘friend’ nonsense. No more watching you let people touch you, talk to you like they have a chance.” His eyes burned into yours. “If you belong to anyone, it’s me.”
Silence stretched between you.
“…Wait, what?” You blinked. “You—what?”
“I said,” his voice didn’t waver, though you swore his ears were turning red, “I want you to myself.”
For once, you were actually stunned into silence.
“…Alright,” you said, still watching his expression closely. “Let’s test that, then.”
“A test date,” you clarified, tilting your head. “If you’re serious, prove it.”
His gaze flickered, as if trying to gauge if you were teasing or not. But when he realized you weren’t laughing—when he saw that you were actually agreeing—something in him shifted.
Before he could respond, however—
The loud cheering and applause from outside made both of you jolt.
You turned your head just in time to see a whole group of people—his soldiers, a couple of market vendors, even Edward—watching from the entrance of your shop, clapping and whistling like they had just witnessed the grand finale of a play.
A vein visibly twitched on Mydei’s forehead.
In an instant, the group scrambled, tripping over themselves as they scattered like startled rats.
You, on the other hand, were barely holding back laughter. “Oh, wow. They’ve been waiting for this, huh?”
Mydei groaned, rubbing his temples. “…I’m going to kill them.”
You chuckled, nudging him. “Not before our date, you’re not.”
“…Fine.” He shot you a look. “But don’t think this is just a ‘test.’ I don’t intend to lose.”
“We’ll see, big guy.”
Mydei was not a romantic.
This became very clear about five minutes into the so-called “test date.”
You had expected him to be awkward—maybe stiff, maybe too serious—but you hadn’t expected him to treat it like some kind of mission.
The moment you met up, he stood there, arms crossed, brows furrowed, eyes scanning you like he was assessing the situation.
“I don’t know how these things work.”
“That’s the point of a test, isn’t it?”
He grumbled something under his breath, but then—without warning—he reached out and took your hand.
Your eyes widened slightly at the sudden contact. He held it firmly, almost too tight, like he was afraid you’d disappear if he let go.
“…Too much?” he muttered, not looking at you.
You chuckled, easing his grip just slightly. “A little. You’re holding me like a prisoner.”
His ears turned red, but he didn’t let go.
The first thing Mydei failed at was conversation.
You both walked through the market, and while you tried to talk about casual things—the weather, your shop, the odd things you saw—he kept answering in single words.
At one point, you just stopped walking and looked at him.
“…Are you planning on saying more than one sentence today?” you teased.
He frowned. “I don’t talk much.”
“Yeah, I noticed that.”
He shifted slightly, looking uncomfortable. You realized then that he was actually trying—it just wasn’t coming naturally to him.
“Alright, alright. Don’t stress. Just—” You tugged his arm slightly. “Tell me something about yourself. Something no one else knows.”
His eyes flickered toward you, something unreadable passing through them. For a moment, you thought he wouldn’t answer.
Then, finally, he muttered, “I hate spicy things.”
You blinked. “Huh. Really?”
He nodded.
“…So if I gave you a something spicy right now, you wouldn’t eat it?”
“…I’d eat it if you gave it to me.”
The second thing Mydei failed at was dealing with people.
As you walked through the town, a few people—mostly men—stopped to greet you. Some were regulars at your shop, some just acquaintances. But every single time someone so much as looked at you for too long, Mydei’s grip on your hand tightened.
At one point, one of your regulars, a friendly merchant, smiled at you and asked if you were free later to look at some new goods.
Before you could even answer, Mydei cut in with a flat, “She’s busy.”
The man blinked. “…Oh. I—”
“She’s not available” Mydei added, tone sharper this time.
You sighed, nudging him. “Relax, I can speak for myself.”
Mydei huffed but didn’t say anything else. He did not like people taking your attention.
It was ridiculous. But… also kind of cute.
The third thing Mydei failed at was subtlety.
At some point, you stopped by a food stall, eyeing some skewered meat. The moment you reached for your coin pouch, Mydei immediately slapped money down before you could pay.
You raised an eyebrow. “I can pay for myself, you know.”
He crossed his arms. “I take care of what’s mine.”
Your breath caught slightly at the phrasing. But before you could tease him for it, he shoved a skewer into your hands, looking away like he hadn’t just claimed you in the middle of a crowded street.
By the end of the day, you had to admit—he was bad at this.
And yet.
Despite all the failures, despite all his awkwardness and overprotectiveness, he tried.
And then, as the sun was setting, he did something that truly moved you.
You had mentioned offhandedly a few days ago that your favorite spot in town was an old bridge overlooking a quiet stream. You hadn’t thought much of it at the time.
But as evening fell, Mydei silently led you there.
You blinked in surprise as you stepped onto the bridge, the soft glow of lanterns reflecting in the water. The air was crisp, the sounds of the market distant.
“…You remembered”
He stood beside you, arms resting on the railing, gazing out at the water.
“I remember everything you say” he admitted quietly.
For a moment, you just looked at him—the way the fading sunlight touched his sharp features, the way his fingers tapped absently against the wood, the way he had tried so hard today just because he wanted to be with you.
And that was it.
You leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
Mydei froze.
You pulled back slightly, smirking. “You pass.”
It took him a solid three seconds to react. His face slowly turned red—first his ears, then his neck, then his entire expression.
“…Tch.” He exhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair, looking away. But he didn’t let go of your hand. Instead, he held it tighter.
“Guess I'll be bothering you from now on.”
“…I don't mind.”
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twistedpink · 3 months ago
Mc inserts x TWST characters pt.2 (OG post) (Pt.3)
(non-yuu pairings that fit into the plot of twst, if you like this then you might want to look at the first part!)
Savanclaw!Mc x Cater Diamond
Enemies to lovers with your favourite diva!! The two of you compete constantly through magicam and spelldrive, getting progressively pettier until the only solution is to kiss it out.. You’re trying to keep an ear out for your junior, and it just so happens Cater’s sniffing out your plan to go for gold in this year’s tournament. You might as well take the chance to mess with him! It’s so easy to love the face he makes when you give him the slip, and you’re totally making it your wallpaper when this is all over.
“Yo, Babe! If you’re in the same dorm, then you know Ruggie, yeah? We need to have a chat”
“Ohmigod you totally think all beastmen know each other, don’t you?? cancled :)”
Shroud!Mc x Vil Schoenheit
Ids attached himself to engineering and gaming pretty early, but your passion is fully unattainable. You’d clung onto pop idols and the art of stage makeup from an early age. Your longest running interest by far is Vil Schoenheit,, He rescued you from destructive habits and encouraged you to value self improvement. You’ve probably invested millions into his career (every thaumark sent anonymously, you’d die if he started to recognize your attached messages). Supporting Ortho in his SDC audition is your official reason to talk with him, and all the teasing from Idia will be so worth it when your Schoenheit debut palette gets signed! You’ve kept it in mint condition behind glass for years admiring it- and waiting for THE day.
“Mr. Schoenheit? My younger brother performed for you today, and uh, your signature please?”
“Normally I’d send both of you home for this. I’m sure you’re well aware of my paparazzi policy, However, I haven’t seen this particular relic in years! Just what have you done to preserve the quality?”
Pomefiore!Mc x Ruggie Bucchi
You’re #1 in the business of pissing off your parents- shopping copious amounts and then going to school across the country satiated you for awhile, but they’ve done something particularly revenge worthy now. The best scandal you can think of is getting a trashy boytoy to bring home for the break, but you’re not really into idiots.. Ruggie can be a very good actor given the right motivations, and he might even fool you into a real relationship before next semester.
“C’mon it’s not like I’ll need a script, sugar. I’m a natural, scout’s honor!”
“Either way, it won’t hurt to rehearse for convenience :/ Kiss me now so we don’t look stupid later.”
Scarabia!Mc x Floyd leech
God you hate that fish faced idiot >:( It’s bad enough that the housewarden’s moodswings guaranteed your holiday plans were all shot, but now Jamil’s getting hounded by the mafia! It’s your responsibility to get them off his back, but it’s not like you’re enjoying it. Somehow it’s even worse to watch Floyd when he’s playing dumb, and his emotional roller coaster keeps you walking on eggshells. The show must go on though, and if you’ve gotta play “wrestle until the biting stops” then you’ll do it :/
“Floyd, it’s dinner time, and I will tear you a new one if it means you’ll get moving.”
“PLEASEEEE tiger sharky just one more round :( I’ll even give your pen back!!”
Octavinelle!Mc x Kalim Al-Asim
You’re probably one of the most talkative of octavinelle students, and definitely a solid salesman. Kalim’s a prime target for resales and marketing practice, so naturally you join the pop music club. A year of “playing nice for the jackpot” leads you to lie awake at night, terrified that he’ll see through your facade and ditch you- it would cut off your best friendship, you’d be forced to leave the club! At some point you realize you’d stopped selling him things months ago, and your worst nightmare happened right under your nose. You fell in love.
“Hey, that solo was so inspiring! You’re really making progress!”
“It still isn’t on par with yours, though. Are you available to keep practicing after school? I’m sure Jamil would appreciate the break, and I would enjoy the company..”
Staff!Mc x Lilia Vanrouge
Of course your first job would come with some pet bat, it was too good to be true :( Full time at a bits and bobs shop near one of the best schools in the country WITH flexible hours? You must’ve been desperate to accept without reading about your babysitting in the footnote. He comes in everyday during your shift (regardless of the hours you take, it’s like he has a sixth sense), and has the audacity to exist in your space! It’s not like he even does anything to get banned!! He just stands there. Menacingly. You’re waiting for the day where he leaves convincing evidence that he’s there to traffic you or something- because if you didn’t know better you’d think he has a big, fat crush on you.
“Darling, how is the shop? I’ve taken care of those juvenile delinquents for you!”
“Taken care of? Whatever. Get back to class, kid.”
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seagiri · 9 months ago
some chilshi headcanons?
(Contextualizing my headcanons, I mostly like chilshi post-canon. It doesn’t click during the main story for me)
I think they’re very domestic. One of those situations where they don’t even realize how infatuated they are with the other- until they do. And they don’t know what to do about that so they get used to being close but never taking it a step further. I think Senshi is a good influence for Chilchuck, and Chil he is Senshi’s way to connect with others.
The two of them are people that had to mature emotionally very quickly due to their life circumstances and I think that’s what draws them together in a way
Senshi has the excuse that he wants to help Chil feed himself better and maybe help him taking care of his home, and Chil likes the company. He worries about the guy lmao
They smoke and drink in the porch of his old family house and they bicker about people. Senshi tends to their garden and Chil sometimes when he’s bored and his wrists don’t hurt, he combs his hair.
And Senshi travels and explores and when he comes back he gets to talk about everything and show Chilchuck his new recipes and he is mortified but he listens anyway :) Chil complains about work, updates him on his daughters and they get to talk. They open up
Maybe they go fishing together, to the market if there’s a chance. They drink in the tavern at nighttime. idk
It’s whatever. Whatever you know
>They’re both big spoon interchangeably but it’s Chilchuck the most because he doesn’t like feeling crushed and also Senshi’s beard is equal to 3 layers of blankets
>Senshi likes teaching Chilchuck how to cook but Chil gets annoyed fast if he can’t do it first try so they barely try anymore
>They own a lot of alcohol from different places either Senshi visits or Falin and Izutsumi bring them. That pantry is wild
>They fight over stupid shit that is just mildly annoying and not a real issue
>Their way of loving is to do things for each other. If Chilchuck is tired from work Senshi will offer to arrange his picklocks, maybe go something for him. And Chil tidies up the place for him after cooking or goes buy whatever is missing. “Don’t worry, I’ll do it for you. It’s fine”
>They had to get slightly bigger furniture
The perfect version for me is when they never get together because they’re stubborn and afraid of interfering in each others lives so they self sabotage and don’t know what to do. But I also love it when they’re happy together so make of this what you will <3 they are everything to me
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k0juki · 10 months ago
Hi, I’m so glad someone wants to write for Joost cuz it’s dry out here. Can you write a Joost x reader where he the on their first date or first hcs? either one works. hope you have a wonderful day <3
First date with Joost hc.
Joost Klein x fem!reader
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English is not my first language, so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! More posts here.
A/n: I've never had sushi before so...
Wc: 525
• Okay, so I think he would have wanted the first date to be somehow special, you know? Nothing like coffee in some restaurant or picnic, but if you're into it, then he will do something like that.
• But I meant something like paintball or perhaps a concert, where you guys can express your feelings.
• I imagine it like you wanted to go to your favorite band concert, but unfortunately the tickets were sold out.
• And then he shows up at your door with two tickets in hand and smug on his face.
• "I heard that someone asked for (band name) tickets..." and he would be so cocky about it too.
• "Oh my god, how did you get them!? They were sold out!" You gasped and took them in your hands to see if they were real. They really were and you couldn't believe it.
• "I have my ways." Joost answered and just smiled down at you. "Go get ready, we don't have much time."
• As you arrived at the concert and 'discovered' that you guys were in the first row, you were in heaven, literally.
• With Joost hugging you from behind, his hands on your hips and resting his head on your shoulder, giving light kisses here and there on your neck.
• You two swayed together on the rhythm with a bit of singing, it couldn't be better. Just you and him.
• When the concert ended, you had a so-called "post depression concert" you're so sad it ended, even though it was probably the best night of your life, because you could spend it with him.
• Joost noticed the sadness and took your hand in his. "It's alright, love. They are going to be here next year too. We can go again if you want?"
• "I want nothing more." You answered with a smile.
• And then you guys would go somewhere to eat, just to enjoy the end of the date. Maybe some sushi restaurants that have open basically 24/7.
• "I know a good sushi restaurant that is near. So, what do you say?"
• "I've never had sushi before, you know." You laughed a little, feeling a bit embarrassed.
• "What? You never had sushi before?" Joost asked, all surprised. "We have to change that." He added and started dragging you to that restaurant.
• There weren't many people, some of them were eating and others just scrolling on theirs phones.
• You're greeted by the subtle aroma of seaweed and freshly prepared fish.
• Joost smiles warmly as you exchange glances, excitement evident in both your eyes.
• You're led to a cozy booth tucked away in a corner, where the ambiance is intimate and inviting.
• Soft lighting casts a warm glow over the minimalist decor, creating the perfect setting for your sushi adventure.
• "So, did you enjoy it?" He asked as you started to eat.
• The sushi becomes a delicious backdrop to your burgeoning connection, each bite bringing you closer together.
• "More than you think." You smiled at him.
• "I'm glad."
Don't copy or translate my work! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
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leftneb · 5 months ago
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Curiositas aka sirens!AU
in which Lando is a siren with species dysphoria and Oscar is the defintion of Just Some Guy, who happens to get caught up in Lando's mess. and obviously they fall in love along the way etc etc
I first posted about this idea over 2 months ago and I'm happy to announce that there is now a fic in the works!!! which will likely take at least another 2 months because goddamn the concept outgrew itself (as you can tell by the fact charles and max also, like, exist now) it's sitting at ~8k words rn, which is by far the longest thing I've ever written in my life already, but story isn't even close to being finished, so yeah it'll take a while lmao
for now though I have some character designs and lots of thoughts, which I'd like to share :3
ramblings about their individual designs and details below the cut!!
and massive thank you to my dear partner @lailau7904 for not only holding my hand through writing the fic so far but somehow being even more insane about this whole AU than I am???
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main character (and POV holder) his design isn't based on any real fish, closest resemblance is to a fake fishing lure (reference provided)
very little scarring despite sirens' hunting culture, some tiny cuts and scratches around the top of his tail from smuggling pretty stones and shards of glass
absurdly bright green scales (I really could've made him fluorescent but I think that would be overkill) which is absurdly shit for stealth purposes but good for catching the attention of potential victims
vague triangle shape language but in a semi-elegant way
doesn't eat fish and would rather not eat human either
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fills the position of a leader in his and Lando's colony, inherited the role in his late teens but grew up to it pretty quickly
shark motif, all sharp and angular shapes, visibly intimidating
lots of scars collected during hunts, wounds covered over by red scales from Charles
his scales are pretty dark but they shine blue when the light hits them just right (plus Charles' scales are a bright red lmao, which is a bit suboptimal for stealth but he thinks it's worth it)
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koi fish motif, soft and round shapes
no scarring at all
has known Max since they were kids but actually didn't meet Lando until their 20s despite Max and Lando being childhood best friends
considered legally dead by monegasque officials (this has lore reasons which I'm not about to spoil)
the AU plays in a modern setting, altough sirens are very behind on human technology
their gills are on the side of their ribs! they can also all breathe with their lungs above water
funky scales patterns on their torsos around "modified" areas such as their gills and back fin
they have no hands but don't let that fool you! I was simply too lazy to draw any, what you would see if I did draw them tho would include:
webbing between fingers!! matches the colour of fins
longer, and more solid, claw-like nails
wrinkled palms and fingertips
I really wanted to make Max and Charles' torsos more life accurate but could not be arsed, they all have Lando's body type, aka I've accidentally twinkified Charles and Max lmao
by now you might have noticed that there's no design for Oscar, and as much as I really want to make a siren design for him that would have some pretty heavy lore implications so I'm... hesitant to do so
other people on my sirenification waiting list are:
George Russell and Alex Albon (for the 2019 rookies circle to be complete)
Franco Colapinto (based purely off vibes)
the whole grid really god I'm so ill
for the record Logan is a human in this AU but he IS present fuck you James Vowles
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you may have also noticed the papaya version I labeled as McLaren themed (this one is also the highest quality image I have in this thread if you're gonna do any zooming in please do it on this one,,,,)
all throughout writing and drawing I couldn't help but think about another banger siren!Lando fic: Salt Skin by @strawberry-daiquiris! in which Lando has orange slash papaya scales, which I just had to draw honestly
a lot of my design process was also inspired by a piece by @dumbf1sketches (it's somewhere in the pile of other gorgeous art in that post)
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bonus underwater version of all of them because it wasn't bright enough for me to feel good about it being at the top but it's still like, the main colour example to my brain
AU @mintraindrop @cx-boxbox (I know the og post is from actual ages ago but you two were interested so I humbly offer you these crumbs)
ART @santongkabayo @cyclonixi @alto-the-avocado @loquarocoeur
people that put up with my ramblings on dc @lyslsstuff @peppysinc @girlrussell
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 8 months ago
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Moxxie Redesign! (2/4)
You didn’t think I forgot about this did you? ‘,:/
I wanted to base Moxxie off of what his name actually implies, having nerve and determination. Ive almost entirely changed his personality in certain ways. He is still an assassin but he takes his job very seriously and struggles with his inner morals because of this. Being berated by Blitz often leads to him pushing aside his concerns with his job and causing internal conflict instead that he typically only ever talks to these issues about Millie. She is trying to get him to consider therapy but he doesn’t want to lose his “sparkle” (he gives in eventually and goes and it goes fine, this would be around season 2 but definitely after episode 6)
Moxxie also doubles as a medic for any potential injuries at I.M.P (this happens often). Moxxie was also born in greed so he has the more aquatic qualities of a greed imp such as the little headlamp, frills, and gills. And for any fish nerds, yes I know only female angler fish have headlamps, thats the point. Viv has literally no main trans characters so I guess I have to do everything myself. Plus I’m tired of the super straight shit that happened a few years back, Millie isn’t any less straight for dating a trans man. I think Moxxie certainly struggles with his masculinity and also takes his job so seriously as a way to prove to himself that he’s meeting some sort of “masculinity criteria” however he’s fully aware of how silly the mindset is (hes working on it). I think som trans imps may definitely paint their horns like Moxxie, but with certain days I really doubt he gives much of a shit considering it probably gets chipped a lot anyway.
Moxxie still hates his upbringing and the greed ring leaves a sour taste in his mouth, however he prefers to use his knowledge and features from greed in his work. For example, preforming minor surgery under his headlight, it’s goofy as hell and I think any show benefits from some extent of stupid silliness like that. It’s also good for distractions!
Moxxie isn’t always super serious like in this art either, he’s still a bit stupid but still respects himself. Tough nut to crack because of his past but is very kind underneath somewhere.
Heres some notes I went off while working!
- glasses (REQUIRED. Give him those stupid little circle spectacles)
- Get rid of the stupid suit
- Maybe some interesting horn stuff?
- Make him look a bit more like his voice, not sure how to describe this
- Write a boyloser properly
- Probably doubles as a medic? I think he’d be interested in medicine with all that errrm akshully energy he has
- Make him actually look like an adult (I tried)
- More of a fishy tail
- Born in wrath but both parents are greed imps so he has those features + moved back when he was like 6 idk
- Or idk maybe imps change the longer theyre in a certain ring? Could be fun
I have a lot more I could talk about with this guy but I’ll save it for some other posts :3
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sweetcherrybmb · 7 months ago
MAMÁ Y PAPÁ //TW\\ part two
pairing: toto wolff x bakeryowner!reader
description: coffee is a morning ritual that toto can't skip... so when a new bakery opens near the mercedes-amg HQ, he can't help, but pay a visit...
faceclaim: various pinterest girls
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liked by lewishamilton, georgerussell63 and 965,147 others
y/nsweets haven't posted the children in a while, now have i?
user1 so majestic!!
user2 they're adorable
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liked by y/nsweets, lewishamilton and 154,236 others
toto_wolff is this how it's done, schatzi? @.y/nsweets
y/nsweets you kinda messed it up, but who cares?
toto_wolff im sorry, wont happen next time y/nsweets there is no next time, people know now toto_wolff oops
lewishamilton he's lost, someone help him
georgerussell63 he's beyond help mate
user3 TOTO??!! CON WAS RIGHT!!??
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liked by toto_wolff, lewishamilton and 965,412 others
y/nsweets him<3
toto_wolff 💙
y/nsweets <3
user4 uhmmmm THE MESSEGES!!??
user5 MR. WOLFF??!! THE TEXTS???
user6 someone coming to jump with me? i'll pick you up
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liked by toto_wolff, georgerussell63 and 963,214 others
y/nsweets i fear we're parenting too hard
user7 i see where george gets his style from
user8 him and carmen defo have them in their little moodboards
user9 ate!
user10 devoured even! user11 and left no crumbs
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liked by y/nsweets, lewishamilton and 987,455 others
toto_wolff missing the missus
user12 toto what??
user13 i bet its either george or y/n running his insta, cause sir?? user14 istg georgerussell63 lewis suggested the caption and i approved user12 what??!! this is absolute chaos
y/nsweets miss you too<3
toto_wolff 💙
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liked by lewishamilton, toto_wolff and 976,845 others
sfos_bakery if you ask us, blueberry season has already started!
lewishamilton @.georgerussell63 @.toto_wolff she's trying to make us jealous
sfos_bakery is it working?? toto_wolff too well, they went looking for blueberry muffins they bought last night sfos_bakery did they find them?? georgerussell63 bono ate them this morning, lewis is looking for him now
user13 bono eating their muffins and lewis is now looking for him? what's he gonna do?
user14 probably send him to buy them more georgerussell63 bono brought a dozen as compensation for the 3 he ate user13 not george giving us updates
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liked by toto_wolff, lewishamilton and 965,441 others
sfos_bakery guess what, melbourn!
user15 omg, what?!
user16 she really is an icon for this user17 imagine just going somewhere and doing a pop-up, unexpected user18 i mean... its a pretty good idea, they're traveling and expanding, she gets to see the merc gang (toto) and the drivers get fresh baked goods, as well as others
user19 just passed by you guys, will stop on my way back!!
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liked by lewishamilton, mercedesamgf1 and 962,144 others
sfos_bakery we had a blast this weekend at @.mercedesamgf1 office, celebrating the recent successes, but i think we won't be doing catering anymore
mercedesamgf1 the cookies we amazing, you should start selling them
sfos_bakery they're our normal sugar cookies... mercedesamgf1 yeah, but these have the mercedes logo on 'em sfos_bakery nuh-uh, i spent far too long on each of them to be doing it on a large scale
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liked by lewishamilton, georgerussell63 and 962,148 others
y/nsweets off to summer break... sardinia, anyone?
user20 toto's shoulders will be the death of me...
user21 right like... mans is too fine...
user22 what was he thinking about in that last pic????
y/nsweets he was debating within him if we should have fish or veal for dinner user22 which was it?? y/nsweets chicken, i ended up not feeling either of the options
user23 wait if she's in sardinia... who's running the bakery
user24 a collective vacay, they all go at the same time so the bakery is sadly closed
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@yllomhej @walldemons @shelbyteller @reidsworld @pear-1206
@noooway555 @cheyxfu
if anybody else wants to be tagged, send me a DM or an ask!
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roseyisopodsart · 12 days ago
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RE as LPS part 3! RE4R, RE5, and RE6 as LPS!
Explanations below 😋
I reached the tag limit 💀💀💀 so here’s two tags I had to get rid of! Final part coming out tomorrow and I was gonna add Mike, but didn’t to keep the number even! Just know he’s a bird!
Ashley - I really wanted to play with her “baby eagle” codename and maker her a bird (duck #150 ), but I personally don’t think it truly fits, but I do think a lip eater bunny fits! Especially cause of her hair! Bunny is #95!
Merchant - Donkey #1944! Hear me out, donkeys are great at carrying lots of stuff…Merchant carries lots of stuff…therefore, donkey, case closed, thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Luis - Goat #1952! He was lowkey hard to find an LPS for, but I saw this lil goat with the heart nose and I couldn’t resist.
Hunnigan - Lamb #2101! Except her bow would be a pen tee hee! And with glasses ofc!
Krauser - I’m not super happy with the LPS I chose for Krauser, but I do know he screams loyal dog that’s been wronged one too many times and has started biting. For now, I assigned him German Shepard #1800.
Salazar - He’s an ant. Tee hee.
Saddler - Saddler was so damn hard to decide what LPS he would be. I do NOT think my choice is a good choice tbh, but I was so done with this guy, I just settled 💀 he’s an anteater cause he manipulated Salazar and is basically the reason everything happened.
Méndez - HE’S A SPIDER!!!!! Probably wouldn’t have the bow, but maybe he’s feeling fashionable you never know!!!
Sheva - Sheva my beloved 💖 I initially thought of a lioness, but turns out all the lioness models are just jaguar models 💀
Josh - The moment my eyes landed on Corgi #1767…I just knew…That’s just Josh!!! Okay, maybe he wouldn’t be a corgi, so I did some more digging and a bear model may also fit him perhaps???
Reynard - Perhaps a cat??? Or a fish to play on his last name???
Spencer - Hear me out. A lion. But an old Lion who’s way past his prime and is dethroned by another Lion (referencing my LPs stars post)
Irving - Irving lowkey looks like the greyhound model…plz tell me you see it too
Excella - Chinchilla or poodle?? Both are well groomed and love keeping clean (as clean as they can be) and stubborn.
Helena - She’d either be Spaniel #156 or Dachshund #172!
Piers - This new dog!!! He’s either a husky or wolf (I’ve also seen wolf dog), but he gives Piers energy fr fr. (Sorry it’s blurry, with this guy being new, the pics aren’t high quality yet)
Finn - He’s a capybara!! Finn I love you forever fr fr💖💖💖 I have this one and I adore it so much (also sorry the pic isn’t clean, this guy is new and I don’t think anyone has uploaded a transparent background pic yet!)
Jake - Fox #807! It has his red hair!! Also the fox and hound dynamic between him and Piers was too good to miss.
Simmons - Cat #055! Nothing much to say here other than ew…Simmons… (I love the kitty tho, droopy eyed kitties are the best)
Carla - I know she’s supposed to be a perfect copy of Ada, but I think it’d be super interesting if their colors were inverted or maybe white fur would start to peek out over time!
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fairykingjing · 7 months ago
Zoro x GN Reader - Broken bones, mended hearts
Got another fic for ya'll! I know I've been posting only Zoro fics but I have a Law x F Reader one I'm working on that I'll post at some point next week. That's all, enjoy the story. :3
Summary: Zoro accidentally hurts you during a training exercise and is sure you’ll never forgive him. You’re sure he thinks you’re weak for getting hurt. A little communication would solve everything, but Zoro was never good with words.
Warnings: reader gets injured and ignores the injury, unresolved angst gets a resolution, reader and Zoro fight, reader gets yelled at. Little fluff at the end.
WC: 1600
You and your crewmate Zoro were on the main deck, fighting each other as part of a training exercise. It was getting heated, and taunts and jabs were being thrown back and fourth, all in good fun. You were laser focused on Zoro’s next move, when Chopper yelled out in surprise about a fish he caught off the side of the boat. You got distracted enough for Zoro to take you down, but you landed on your ankle wrong and something snapped. You yelped as searing pain shot through your ankle up your leg. Zoro’s eye widened in shock.
“Shit, are you okay?” he asked.
“Y-yeah, I’m good. Just startled me is all,” you lied. He squinted his eye at you, clearly not believing you. You forced yourself to walk upright and without limp, the pain becoming unbearable, but you didn’t want him or any of the crew to worry. “Told you, I’m fine.”
You made your way to your room, careful to take a route that passed as few other members of the crew as possible. As soon as you made it in the room, you collapsed onto your bed and buried your face into your pillow to scream. You then finally took the time to assess the injury. Your ankle was swelling and bruised, and from the pain and snap you heard, something broke, badly. The door suddenly swung open as Nami walked into the room, and you quickly covered your ankle with a blanket and tried your best to look normal.
“Oh, hey!” she said. “What happened out there?”
“Nothing, I just got startled and knocked over” you replied quickly.
“You feeling okay? You look like shit,” Nami questioned.
“Yeah, I’m good. Just… tired is all.” you lied. “From the training.”
“Riiiiight,” Nami said. “Well dinner will be ready soon, if you want to walk down together?”
“Thanks, but I’m gonna rest here for a while,” you said. Nami clearly wasn’t buying it either, but she walked back out without saying anything else. You laid back down on the bed and tried to fall asleep.
A few hours passed before anybody checked on you again. Zoro was the next to enter, knocking before he crept in. “Hey, I was coming to see how you were-” his sentence cut off as he saw your body laid out before him. You were shaking and sweating, and he could clearly see your ankle and how awful it looked. “Shit,” he muttered under his breath, before yelling for Chopper. He rushed over to you and tried to wake you up.
“Hey! Hey, wake up!” he begged. You stirred slightly, moaning in pain as your ankle moved. Realization hit you, and you jolted up, staring at him in surprise.
“W-what are you doing in here?” you gasped.
“I came to check up on you! Why didn’t you tell me you were injured!? Chopper should have known about this as soon as it happened!” he yelled. He was tense, and clearly angry with you for hiding your injury. He quickly softened though, when he saw you trembling, tears threatening to fall down your face.
“I’m sorry…” you whispered. “I didn’t want you to think I was weak.” You sniffled, and brought your hands up to quickly wipe your face. You didn’t want Zoro to see you crying, especially when he was angry at you. What you didn’t expect was for his large, scarred hands to grab yours so gently. He started to speak, but the moment was interrupted by Chopper rushing in with a med kit, screaming when he saw your ankle. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner! This looks bad!” he yelled, panicking. He shoved Zoro out of the way and quickly got to work stabilizing and assessing the injury.
“Sorry,” you whimpered.
“Just don’t do this again, please! It looks like you shattered the bone!” Chopper pleaded. He quickly changed forms to be able to carry you to the medical area, and Zoro was left alone in the room. His thoughts spiraled as he realized just how badly you were hurt, and it was all his fault. Just when he thought he was getting closer to you, to maybe finally use his words to tell you how he felt, and now he’s gone and ruined it. He didn’t even get to tell you that he didn’t think you were weak.
“Fucking great,” he groaned to himself. “Now they’re never gonna like me.”
You had to stay in the medical area for several days before Chopper would let you leave with crutches. Several of the bones connecting your foot to your leg had broken on the impact of your fall, and it would be a long road to recovery. Usopp visited you to tell you funny stories, Sanji brought you your favorite food, and the others all came to visit and cheer you up, except for Zoro. Just when we were starting to get close, you thought to yourself. He kept his distance, sure of himself that you’d hate him now.
The longer he avoided you, the more you were certain he really did find you weak. Pathetic, you told yourself. I’m weak. He’d never like someone who couldn’t match his strength. When you were finally allowed to hobble around the ship on the crutches Franky built, you made it a mission to avoid Zoro too. The only times you had to interact were at meal times, and even then he’d just grab something and go back to the crow’s nest by himself. The rest of the crew couldn’t help but notice, but, they weren’t sure how to help.
Things came to a head when the Sunny docked at the next island. The crew had decided it might help to assign Zoro to ship guard duty/taking care of you duty, and since you couldn’t get off, maybe you’d get some time to talk things through. However, the both of you protested.
“I don’t need Zoro to look after me, he doesn’t need to bother himself with someone who’s so weak that they’re not worth checking on when they’re hurt!” you spat out. Zoro froze at your words, and it dawned on him that the last thing you said to him was that you thought you were weak. His avoiding you only reaffirmed that in your head, and he never bothered to check in with you or correct you. That explained your avoidance of him, even after you were released from the med bay. Before he could speak to you to finally explain, you had turned and hobbled back inside. “I’m going to go lay down, leave whoever you want on the ship for guard duty, but I’m fine.”
Zoro rushed to follow you, the rest of the crew standing around awkwardly as they tried to figure out what to do. By the time he got to your room, you had already gone inside and locked the door. He could hear you sobbing on the other side. He tentatively knocked, and waited for a response.
“Go away!” you yelled.
“Can we please talk?” he asked.
“No! Just leave me alone,” you sobbed.
He stood there for a moment, not sure how to go about this. He was never good at words, but they were all he had to get through to you now. If he could just say the right ones. “I don’t think you’re weak,” he started.
“What?” you asked in disbelief.
“I said I don’t think you’re weak,” he answered. “I never have. You’re one of the strongest people I know.”
The door to the room unlocked, and it opened slowly to reveal your tear stained face. “Then why did you ignore me for nearly two weeks?” you asked. Your voice was barely audible but Zoro clung to every word. “I was sure you thought I was a weakling for getting so hurt just by falling down…”
“I… I don’t know,” he replied nervously. “I couldn’t face you after what I did to you. It’s my fault you’re hurt. I thought you’d blame me.”
“I never blamed you,” you told him softly.
The two of you stood in silence after that, both taking in what was said and both feeling stupid for not saying something sooner. This whole thing could have been avoided with a little more communication. After what felt like an eternity, Zoro couldn’t take it anymore, and he grabbed your face and pulled you in for a kiss. It was passionate and needy, telling everything without the need for words as he pulled you closer to him. You relaxed into his arms, putting your own arms around his neck. When the two of you finally pulled away, neither of you could hide your smiles.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say something sooner,” he started. “I’m just-”
“-not good at words?” you finished his sentence. “Yeah, I know. Just try to speak up next time, okay?”
“I’ll try,” he said. Sliding his hand in yours, he helped you hobble back up to the main deck and you both sat together and waited for the rest of the crew to return.
When the rest of the crew got back later, supplies in hand, they found Zoro sitting next to you, one arm wrapped protectively around your waist, and your head resting on his chest as you slept peacefully. His other hand was cradling your face, thumb rubbing your cheek softly, and he couldn’t help but to chuckle as the crew stared on in shock. They waited for an explanation, but he didn’t give one. After all, Zoro never was good with words.
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yournightmary · 9 months ago
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Loser!Ellie HCs
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content warning:: fem!reader, modern!AU
AN:: first time writing, literally scared shitless🔥 english isn’t my native language🙏
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who made a pasta recipe once (probably from instagram reels), and became a self-appointed master chef. Forgot about the fact that it took her 3 tries to even cook the pasta.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who can’t stop saying flavor instead of scent. She just genuinely doesn’t see the difference.
“What flavor do you want?” she asks you while holding up two colorful packs of wax melts. She bought a wax burner and used it to melt chocolate so she can have chocolate covered fruit anytime she wants. Used it 2 times total.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who vapes. I’m sorry but that’s the truth. She just loves to puff on her cute little mixed berries disposable. Also, keeps saying she can quit anytime she wants, she can’t.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who uses axe body spray. If someone asks about it she just says it works better, but she actually likes the scent. Kind of her guilty pleasure.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who hated on the sims franchise her whole life only to find out you’re a fan. She pirated the whole series (DLCs and all) off of some russian website in one night. Got like 20 different viruses but at least her girl could play the sims 2 happily.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who is terrible at foreign languages yet has a duolingo streak that over 500 days. She knows how to say ‘the apple is red’ in german and can barely pronounce her order in mexican restaurants.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who is chronically online. Constantly posting shit to her insta stories, sending you tik toks 24/7 and all that stuff. One time she got so invested in a facebook group drama that she didn’t reply to your texts for the whole day.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who wears the most unfunny-funny shirts you can imagine. Stuff like ‘women want me, fish fear me’ and ‘eat, sleep, game, repeat’. And they’re always either way too big or way too small.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who always said she doesn’t want any pets, that it’s too much of a commitment for her… Then she found the ugliest kitten she’s ever seen on the street and took it home without thinking. Let you choose the name but calls him ‘stinky’ no matter what. Like mother, like daughter.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who couldn’t tie her shoes until she was 15. That’s it.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who is so lovestruck for you that I can’t even explain it. She’ll always do the cheesiest things possible, like standing before your house with roses, a bluetooth speaker and a promposal poster or bringing you every little thing she found on her walk that ‘reminded her of you’.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who doesn’t like to go out on dates. She’d rather stay at home with you, watch a movie, make dinner together (you’ll be the only one actually cooking), maybe paint something or just spend time together doing nothing… Would really enjoy a date at the planetarium though.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who is a total yapper. Can and will talk about anything and everything for hours on end. And if you mention an interest of hers? Oh god, get ready to see a powerpoint presentation about it. Literally the definition of ‘☝️🤓’ but in a good way.
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I’m so scared to post this it’s not even funny☠️ Hope you liked it <3
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year ago
More Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley and Taskforce Moments With Little Ghost
+ Featuring Los Vaqueros Uncles, Meemaw Laswell (and her wife?), Peepaw Nikolai, Aunty Farah and Uncle Alex
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Did I use the same pictures as I did with the last posts? Yes, because these pictures are so Ghostie coded. Also there's like a slight ✨sprinkle✨ of Angst in there, good luck <3
Tag list: @puff0o0 @simp4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @shadofireshinobi @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @cutenote @connorsui HAS THE BEST FREAKING COMMENTARY AND IS SO SWEET, SHE MAKES ME SOUND LIKE I'M SOME AUTHOR WHO WROTE A FAMOUS BOOK, ILY CONNORSUI <3 (ngl, I go back to read her commentary over and over again because if how nice they make me feel 😭)
Pairings: Ghost x Wife!Reader
This is my personal AU, I don't think anyone has written on little Ghostie before I did. Not to say that there aren't any works on Dad!Ghost and his kids however Ghostie is a character of mine who holds such a special place in my heart, especially after I started writing more about her and how she acts around everyone.
Possible ships: Farah x Alex (Faralex)?? Alejandro x Rudy (Alerudy)?? Price x Nikolai (Nikprice)??
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I know Halloween season is over but y'all can't do anything about this, it's been cooking in my brain for a while now. (Some of these are just regular scenarios though) Ghostie is back y'all!!!
❥ Ghostie who simultaneously made her way into convincing the Taskforce to go with her trick or treating, having her little army uniform that was commissioned for her, a bit visible underneath her pink puffy jacket. Yeah I don't think she's going to stop wearing it unless she's outgrown it, in which case, that would just break her big heart :((
❥ Simon holding little Ghostie's hand while she toddles, she would NOT go anywhere without either her dad's, her mum's or her uncle Gaz's hand. Having her tiny chubby fingers gripping onto two of her dad's fingers as he guides her up big steps. Catching her when she accidentally slips on the slippery steps.
❥ The rest of the Taskforce being behind her like a bunch of guard dogs, ain't nobody is gonna try and scare her because of the big burly men next to her. Photo was provided by my favorite artist last Halloween, @puff0o0:
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❥ Ghostie having the sweetest voice ever, she so polite, so much so that she makes the her dad and uncles chuckle at her. (This is how I imagined her voice to sound like)
"Say trick or treat.." Gaz whispers, coaching her from behind as someone from the house opens the door. Two women in costumes, holding a big candy bowl.
"trwick or trweat.." Little Ghostie mumbles, far too shy and almost hiding behind her uncle.
"What a cute costume you have there, here, take these ones" one of the women said, adding the candy to Ghostie's little basket.
"Thank you!" Ghostie exclaims, making the two girls awe at her politeness and eagerness.
❥ Yeah Ghostie definitely pronounces Halloween as "Ha-Hoween".
❥ I can't help but think that they came across that one house with a sign that said "leave your single dad's number if he's attractive" and as a joke, uncle Gaz threw in a piece of paper with peepaw Price's number on it, only to have peepaw Nikolai fish it out of the candy bowl when he thought no one could see him.. but Ghostie did.
Not Halloween related:
❥ Safe to say that when uncle Gaz doesn't like someone, neither does Ghostie, if you all can recall that cutscene from mw3, Gaz did NOT even bother to acknowledge Philip's existence. That being said, Ghostie gives the nastiest side-eyes to him the moment he even opens his mouth. (Yeah she got from her dad)
❥ Ghostie absolutely loves getting head pats and giving them, to her, it's one of the best forms of praise. Anyone gives her head pats gets to witness her absolutely adorable reaction, the way her eyes light up, those little lips curling into a smile causing her chubby cheeks to be prominent and her eyes squinting. Mostly loves doing it to uncle Soap, because the mohawk is fluffy.
❥ Maybe at some point, when Philip decides to behave then he can earn the head pats from Ghostie.
❥ Meals with the Taskforce and Ghostie are a certified hit, she has quite the appetite and she shows it. Simon takes it upon himself to always does what his wife does at home when he's out with Ghostie, bringing her silicone bib and baby utensils. (Even the bulky ass highchair attachment that he keeps in that back of his car/truck)
"More please..." Ghostie says, making grabby hands, in the middle of chewing after observing that her plate is yet again empty.
Price chuckles, looking at Simon who was now careful about the amount of food to add on Ghostie's plate because the toddler is on her third round of food.
❥ Ghostie enjoys clapping her hands and anything as well, especially after eating and being satisfied.
❥ Ghostie is into tea, her dad got her hooked on it.
"Aye, what about you Ghostie? What'd you like?" Soap asks the little one who's currently keeping herself busy with her custom coloring book.
"Tea!" She says, looking up for a bit to Soap before focusing back on her coloring.
"You heard her Johnny, make that two.." Simon says with a pretty firm pat on the back for Soap.
"Fuckin' Brits..."
❥ Auntie Farah and uncle Alex are the babysitters when uncle Gaz, uncle Soap and peepaw Price ain't around. Farah loves that kid to death, if she was being honest, she saw a lot of resemblance between Simon and Ghostie. Of course there are looks were, she's basically a carbon copy of him but also mannerisms;
❥ Ghostie who copies her dad, being adamant about being cleanly and tidy, oftentimes catching people surprised that she tidies up after herself immediately after playing before moving onto another set of toys, coloring books and coloring materials. She notices and mirrors how Simon is consistent in keeping things tidy and out the way.
❥ Whenever Ghostie is at home with her momma (you) and Simon had to run errands, she always wakes up first, seeing how her dad gets up early too.
Ghostie rises up with a soft yawn, rubbing her tiny eyes with her hands, she looked around at the still dimly lit room. She turned her head from side to side looking for her dad.
She was met by him standing and dressing himself up in a black hoodie to go out and buy something. She gives him that cheek to cheek smile before leaning her cheek and closing her eyes, mandatory kiss from dad before he left.
"Alright pumpkin, dada's leaving now. I'll be back later, be good and don't give momma a hard time.." Simon reminded her after giving her cheek a kiss.
"Okay dada- promise.." Ghostie yawns mid sentence.
❥ Ghostie who, ever since she way younger, loved to cup her dad's face and nuzzle her nose into his. A tradition that Simon doesn't know if he's ready to see it go when she grows up. Neither is he ready for her to start correcting the words she's been pronouncing wrong;
❥ Dad!Simon whose heart broke once he realizes that the "I love you"s will slowly start to be less and less when she becomes a teen, he's silently wishing to himself that it won't be reduced to not being said at all. You had to reassure him that it won't happen, not when Ghostie's the sweetest little girl anyone could ask for and Simon is the best dad anyone could as for.
❥ Uncle Alejandro and uncle Rudy being the seasoned uncles who happened to be absolutely adored by Ghostie, not as much as uncle Gaz but let's be real here, no one is on uncle Gaz's level.
❥ Uncle Alejandro and uncle Soap having bets and arguments on who gets to reach their language to Ghostie while she just sits there on uncle Rudy's lap, sipping on her apple juice, quite entertained.
❥ YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT RUDY ISN'T RESPONSIBLE FOR GETTING HER TO SLEEP OR NAP, that man is a walking heater. I can just see him standing there while holding her in his arms while she's trying her hardest not to fall asleep, yawning "Uncle Rudy.." before immediately snoring, snuggling her face into his soft blue hoodie shirt. (@icarustypicalfall is living for this, I just know it)
❥ Alejandro who gets smacked in the back of the head by (his husband) Rudy for being too loud and almost waking Ghostie up. (Alerudy when? This is a joke to y'all Alerudy haters, I like the ship, it's cute. Not sure if it's canon here in my AU, up to you guys to decide)
❥ Laswell and her wife absolutely fucking adore Ghostie, shit she makes them want to have kids, she has almost the same effect on almost everyone. Silently making her uncle Gaz wish that he isn't single.
❥ Let's be real here, peepaw Nikolai was the one who Ghostie jammed with while listening to heavy metal. He also got her this mini leather jacket that matched his, with her nationality country/countries flag/s embroidered patch on the side. I can just imagine her little head bangs that peepaw nik taught her 🥺😭.
❥ Also Ghostie has access to almost everyone's prized stuff, uncle Gaz's and peepaw Price's hats, uncle Soap's medals and even peepaw Nik's jacket which looks like she's swimming in it when she's wearing it.
❥ This pic is so Dad!Simon and Ghostie coded:
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❥ Something tells me that Simon would send you this pic and you'd probably have a heart attack, your husband isn't the best driver after all but you trust him since he won't put your daughter in imminent danger.
❥ I think most of the time, Ghostie is in her uncle Gaz's arms and/or lap while he sits on the passenger seat, doesn't really matter who's driving.
My past works on Ghostie, in case you haven't seen the posts before this one on my most favorite mini Ghost:
Little Ghost (Drabble)
TF141 Interacting with Little Ghost Hcs
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This was far longer than I expected, I just love Ghostie so much and I just have a lot to say regarding her.
A/n: This is now an official taglist for most of my generic CoD works, none of these people asked to be tagged on my mediocre content and I understand that, if y'all wanna be removed from the taglist then y'all could tell me privately or on the replies if you guys prefer it :))
Sidenote: Is it normal to be so excited over something you bought? I literally bought my first ever concealer today, a mascara that I've been looking for and lip oil. I was so excited that I squealed when I got home and immediately used them. Any makeup tips that you guys have? Sort of a beginner at this stuff.. Also does anyone whose had viral posts ever feel like their popular strike is over because none of their works get as much attention? Looking at all my recent posts and hyperventilating because the numbers are lower by so much.
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scourgeofmyownbrain · 3 months ago
Some more Optimus and Bumblebee thoughts <3
I've been working on an entirely different post about Megsy and Bee recently (it's gotten loooong), but I've been struck by some ideas for these two in the meantime. Part 3 of my ✨Adult✨ Bee and OP Found Family bc hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh brain rot. 1 & 2 bc you're not getting context here.
Father and Son. Best friends. Partners in Crime. Two peas in a pod. If lost please return to Optimus I am Optimus. If lost in jail please return to Optimus I am Optimus not posting bail again... I get us into trouble I make it worse get us out of trouble.
Imagine, I m a g i n e, the first time Bumblebee protected Optimus. Like real protect, like "Optimus will die if I don't fight here" protect. Imagine. We all know that Optimus is a real force to be reckoned with, do not fuck with him when he's angry. But hell hath seen no fury like a short kind man's wrath (the short is relative but you get it).
Optimus has anxiety, Bumblebee has depression. Somehow they both help cure the other, just by existing.
Take the norm and flip it like a waterbottle. Bumblebee is the one to adopt Optimus. Is Optimus older than him? Irrelevant and useless information, Bumblebee is a father now.
Rando: Why is Bumblebee standing on your shoulders?
OP: He likes to be tall.
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(I've had age swap stuff on the mind as of late, so enjoy.)
Older Bee is like an old cowboy, he's confident, sassy, not afraid of death (bc ~depression~), a wicked good shot, could drink bots twice his size under the table (make him 10 feet tall or 30 feet tall, either way it's funny), and could charm your socks clean off. Imagine a cowboy stereotype. That's older Bee.
Orion Pax, as we all know, is a tightly wound ball of Fight or Flight Anxiety. You don't know if he's gonna break into a dead sprint or flatten you with a right hook. Either way, please don't stress him out, he doesn't want to go to jail again, he has work tomorrow.
When you put the two together, somehow Orion has less anxiety. No one understands it. Bee is an agent of chaos, he gets into fist fights bc they're fun, he cheats in every card game he plays (that go fish game was wild), but for some reason Orion just relaxes around him. And he's done a lot more breaking and entering, which normally would be concerning but Bee's got his back if things go south, it's fine. Bumblebee actually starts putting effort into existing again (depression is a bitch) and starts doing things other than drinking. It's fun, he hasn't had this much fun in years. And he can absolutely vibe with being a dad. Yes, his son is already an adult; that just means he missed out on the hard shit and got to skip right to the fun bit.
My brain won't word for some reason, just take every scenario I've already laid out and swap it to this.
I was reading Prey by Yatzstar (Banger Babee and Dadimus one, by the way, short and sweet), and I thought, "What if: this, but big" and now we're here. Go give some love to the fic first; I'm just remixing the end, not plagiarizing. (Italics are copied from fic directly, I needed a starting point.)
For several long moments, there was silence.
Then in the darkness, something stirred. Twin points of blue appeared, blinking against the dust, and headlights flickered on to reveal an enormous crimson mech. And draped across his lap was a smaller yellow mech.
Optimus massaged his throat, his voice box aching. A sparking noise drags his attention downward. The yellow mech lets out a noise of pain as the wound in his side sparked again. Optimus's optics narrow in concern.
"I'm good, big-bot," Bumblebee says through gritted denta, "wire just slipped."
Optimus lets his servo hover above Bumblebee's side, waiting for permission. Bumblebee shifts to allow the larger bot access to his injury. Two exposed wires were nearly touching, electricity arcing between them. Optimus pinches one and gently pulls it away from the other, and Bumblebee sighs in relief. Optimus lets the wire go when he's sure it won't slip back.
The building around them shifts slightly and dust falls from the ceiling.
"Absolutely horrific noises, by the way, you should make them more often."
Optimus looks down at Bumblebee with a raised optic ridge. "My voice box would cease functioning if I did that more than once."
"Probably, but if it got reactions like that, I think it's worth it."
Optimus rolls his optics at Bumblebee's smirk, a small smile creeping onto his faceplate. "I believe we will be here a while, just until the coast is clear."
"You can tell me how you made those noises while we wait!"
"I am not telling you that."
"Aw, come on, it'd be funny!"
(Holy shit, I kept it short, it's a fucking miracle. And it's properly formated? What demon possessed me)
Optimus's chaos is much subtler than Bee's. Quiet one-liners, dead pan responses, (Hey Optimus, you wanna see something funny? No?) And Yes, he does in fact do this stuff on purpose. he's not just a stoick monolith, he likes having fun. Does Bumblebee encourage it? Yes absolutely why wouldn't he. It fucking hysterical. The best one they've done so far is gaslight several people that Optimus knew while he was Orion into thinking they are actually related. Yes he is my son, yes your math is correct he was born when I worked at Iacon. What do you mean you don't remember him he was 100% there you must be misremembering, I would get that checked out. They usually do this to Megatron for some reason.
I can not be asked to elaborate. Y'all are smart, figure it out yourself.
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(the cheat, btw)
One day, random fucking day in the week, Optimus was looking through some old photos. Photos of him and Megatron. Why? Couldn't fucking tell you, maybe he wanted to make himself feel bad, who fucking knows. But he was looking, and he was in his feelings. He wasn't crying, he had done his crying years ago, but he was feeling bad. and he just keeps looking at himself in these photos; how happy he was, how unaware of the shit that was about to go down, and just- hurts inside. Later that night, he's in a bathroom and looks at himself in the mirror. He thinks about the old photos of him and how little he's changed. Barely anything has changed, he's still got the same haircut, the same style of clothes, the same everything. This needs to change. But not yet (the anxiety is ~spiking~).
Eventually, Optimus is in a drug store staring at the hair dye. He is considering just stealing it at this point because buying it feels like admitting something, and Optimus is Not Readytm to admit shit. He is very normal about his feelings, don't you know. And he can't decide which colour to get. He is having a C r i s i s. Eventually he syces himself up and just gets a red and a blue dye. He then proceeds to shove the dye under his bathroom sink and refuses to think about it. For several weeks. He's so normal guys, I promise-
Bumblebee dyes his hair bright fucking yellow. What, did you think his highlighter yellow hair colour was natural? Get real, he works hard to keep it this obnoxiously bright. He has to touch up the colour every once in a while, and every time, he offers to do anyone's hair as well if they bring their own dye. He's been doing it himself for years. One night, after getting back from a long mission. It's kind of late, most of the base is in their rooms probably sleeping, and Bee is winding down by touching up his roots. Optimus nervously approaches with his red and blue dye in hand. Bumblebee notices his approach and pauses. Bee waits for Optimus to say something (he doesn't). They stand there staring at each other in awkward silence. Bumblebee asks if Optimus wants to dye his hair. Thank god Bumblebee is a mind reader.
Bumblebee channels his inner hairdresser and begins bleaching Optimus's hair. Yes, he is doing the voice. Optimus doesn't say anything the entire time, he just looks at his lap. Bumblebee doesn't ask why Optimus wants to dye his hair, because Bee is a homie, and homies don't need to ask; they just know. Homies also know how to deal with you when you go non-verbal; Bumblebee grabs the boxes and uses them to ask how Optimus wants the colours to be. Optimus gives a thumbs up to red on top and blue around the sides. Ooh, good choice, honey, now I hope you don't care about this shirt too much. Optimus walks out of the bathroom with a brand new head of hair and some black towels to put on his pillows ("If you don't take the towels, you will wake up with beautiful new lilac pillowcases in the morning. And don't wear light colours for like a week. Now go sleep, it's past your bedtime.") Optimus says a quiet thank you and scurries away, triumphant in his month-and-a-half long quest.
The next morning is uneventful. There are a few double takes when people notice their leader's new plumage and a few compliments here and there, but no one asks why. When Optimus looks at his reflection, he can't help but smile a bit. Bumblebee manages to snatch a few selfies with him, saying they are "Primary Colour Duo" now.
A bunch of shitty things I made in powerpoint bc I'm unstoppable
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