#Eino Leino
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amatesura · 3 months ago
Vesa-Matti Loiri - Höyhensaaret
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Nocturne Poem - Eino Leino - Finland
Translator: Keith Bosley (Finnish)
The corncrake's song rings in my ears, above the rye a full moon sails; this summer night all sorrow clears and woodsmoke drifts along the dales, I do not laugh or grieve, or sigh; the forest's darkness breathes nearby, the red of clouds where day sinks deep, the blue of windy hills asleep, the twinflower's scent, the water's shade- of these my heart's own song is made. You, girl as sweet as summer hay, my heart's great peace, I sing to you, O my devotion, tune and play a wreath of oak twigs, green and new. I have stopped chasing Jack-o'-Lantern, I hold gold from the Demon's mountain; around me life tightens its ring, time stops, the vane has ceased to swing; the road before me through the gloom is leading to the unknown room.
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tissitpoispaita · 2 years ago
ma Ukawina o!
ma Ukawina o kalama suli! tenpo suno pona sin li kama. wawa sina en olin sina li ken wile e, pali e ma pona a. ma Ukawina o anpa ala, o awen e tenpo kama pona. o awen pona, o weka e ike, o kepeken wawa seli sina.
ma Ukawina li suwi li wawa li pali e nasin tawa mi ale. ma ante mute li lon poka sina lon pimeja ike mute mute. ma Ukawina o, sina anpa ala, sina ken lawa e sina sama. kalama musi wawa pi ma ale li pana e wawa lon utala.
ma Ukawina li musi li suli. suno li musi lon telo ona. pona li tawa ma pi ma Lusi, kasi loje laso sin li kama. tenpo li kama. mi mute li ken pakala e lawa pi ma Lusi. ma Ukawina o suno e nasin pi lawa sama pi jan ali.
This is Finnish poet Eino Leino's century-old poem about Ukraine.
Ukrainian version
Another composition sung by protesters at the Russian embassy in Helsinki a year ago
Here are Finnish lyrics and an English singable version. And here's what I aimed my Toki Pona version to sound like, with some notes on the translation:
Ukraine, cry out loud,¹¹ for a peaceful new day is dawning! Your strength and love can demand and build¹ a free² country.³ Ukraine, do not falter, wait for a good future.⁴ Hold steady/stay free, banish the evil, use your fiery power.
Ukraine is beautiful and strong and showed⁵ the way for us all. Many other countries⁶ are by your side in this terrible darkness. Ukraine, you are not lowly, you can be your own master. Grand singing of all the world gives you strength in the battle.⁷
Ukraine is fascinating⁸ and great. Sunlight dances on her waters. Freedom² is coming to the nations of Russia⁶, new purple flowers are growing. The time has come. We can smash Russian rule.⁹ Ukraine, light up the road of democracy.¹⁰
¹ 'wile e, pali e' may be a little nasin nasa.
² Since there is no dedicated word for freedom, I just put pona. It can mean any positive thing here, not just freedom, the meaning won't change much.
³ The original poem rhymes with rhyming lines alternating. Since TP has such a tiny vocabulary, rhyming is hard. I made my job easier by only making half-assed one-vowel rhymes half of the time.
⁴ Upcoming dawn of the nations = good future. Yeah I know, boring.
⁵ I didn't know how to say show, so I used pali, as in 'paved the way'.
⁶ Naming all the same countries as the original would have taken too much syllable space.
⁷ Original is "Can you hear the choir, that is grand and graceful like a sea of fierce nations?" The video I linked translated kauhtuva as fading, but that doesn't make sense in this context, so I trust that torillatavataan's translation (fierce) is more correct. I didn't know how to say more or less the same thing, so I took the music (choir), grandness and nations and made some lines about the world cheering for Ukraine. Hopefully that isn't too far off.
⁸ Can musi convey enchantment or fascination? I hope it doesn't come off as 'silly' or 'frivolous'.
⁹ The original looks like it's mainly about abolishing the monarchy, but tsardom is hard to explain in few words and ending Russian rule also works.
¹⁰ 'lawa sama pi jan ali' sounds more like direct democracy than a republic with representative democracy, but I needed a rhyme with Lusi.
¹¹ Edit: earlier I wrote 'sing loudly' but it sounds wrong actually. Idk how to say in English what kalama suli here means to me
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noitatoukkis · 12 days ago
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slrmagazine · 8 months ago
Vermilia Premiere New Single & Video For ”Nocturne”
Vermilia Premiere New Single & Video For ”Nocturne”. #vermilia @Vermiliaofficia
Finnish pagan metal artist Vermilia is now streaming her latest single, ”Nocturne”. Song is a cover version of the old Finnish classic song ”Nocturne”, which Vesa-Matti Loiri made known in 1978. Nocturne is written originally as a poem by Eino Leino, who is one of the great figures of modern Finnish poetry. Music is composed by Perttu Hietanen and Taisto Wesslin. Song links the long days of the…
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disorqer · 1 year ago
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discolesbo · 6 months ago
Terve Ukraina (Hail Ukraine), a 1917 poem by Eino Leino
Eino Leino is a national poet of Finland and is also from the same area as me so I am here to flex, of course.
Terve Ukraina! Kunnias soikoon, [Hail Ukraine! May your honour ring,] Huutona huomenen valkenevan! [As a cry of a breaking morning!] Voimasi, lempesi leimaus voikoon [May your strength and love's fire] vaatia, laatia maan vapahan! [demand and create a free land!] Uljas Ukraina! Nyt älä horju! [Valiant Ukraine! Don't falter now!] Kerran se koittaa kansojen koi. [Once, the dawn of nations will arrive.] Tyynenä, vankkana vaarasi torju, [As calm and sturdy, fend off your dangers,] tai jos on tarpehen, niin salamoi! [Or, if need be, strike with lightning!]
Kaunis Ukraina, kansojen suola! [Beautiful Ukraine, the salt of nations!] Sulla on lippu ja meillä on tie. [You have the flag and we have the way.] Myötäs on myrskyssä Suomi ja Puola, [With you in the storm are Finland and Poland,] Myös Viro, Lätti ja Liettua lie. [And it seems Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well.] Eespäin, Ukraina! Et ole orja, [Forwards, Ukraine! You are not a slave,] itse jos toivot ja tahdot sa sen. [If you yourself wish and want it so.] Kuuletko kuoron, mi suur' on ja sorja [Can you hear the choir, so big and graceful] kuin meri kansojen kauhtuvien? [Like a sea of fading nations?]
Uusi Ukraina, tenhoisa, uhkee! [New Ukraine, charming and grand!] Väljinä välkkyvät virtasi suut, [The mouths of your streams glimmer so wide,] Vapauden purppurakukkihin puhkee [Into the purple flowers of freedom blossom] Mordva, Grusinia, Permi ja muut! [Mordovia, Georgia, Perm and others!] Hetki on Venäjän heimojen nousta; [It is time for the tribes of Russia to rise;] katkoa kahlehet tsaarien yön. [Cut the chains of the night of tsars.] Loista; Ukraina! Jännitä jousta, [Shine; Ukraine! Steady your bow,] valkaise tie tasavaltaisen työn! [And light up the road of republic work!]
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tuulikannel · 8 months ago
That poll I reblogged, about having another name than your birth name, led me to think about my online nick... I can't remember for sure when it was, but I think it might have been around the year 2000 when I discovered fanfiction.net and started reading fanfics. And then I figured I should come up with some consistent nick to sign my (anon) reviews.
I've never really had any nicknames, so at first I didn't have a clue what to use. Then I thought that maybe something from Finnish mythology would be nice, and in the end ended up with Tuulikki. Tuuli means wind, -kki is an ancient ending for female names. It was also my mother's middle name, and I think this was relatively soon after her death (which means it'd have been in 2001). That made the choice pretty obvious to me.
Honestly, back then I had no idea I was picking a name I'd be using for years to come, everywhere online. ^^; I just wanted something with which to sign my reviews... After a while I dropped off the -kki ending (Tuulikki is very prone to being misspelled by non-Finns, I noticed ^^;;) and so I ended up with Tuuli. As both Tuuli and Tuulikki are often taken, I sometimes use other variations, like tuuli-chan (heh) back in the old days of LJ, or tuulikannel (wind harp) here on tumblr. That latter one's fitting also in the sense that I play kannel (or kantele as it's more commonly called. A Finnish traditional instrument.) Sometimes I've also used tuulentupa which literally means wind's cottage and figuratively, castle in the air. (We're not that fancy here, we just have cottages, no castles XD)
Another reason I like the name tuulikannel is that there is a poem by Eino Leino by that name. It made a great impact on me when I first read it, and only way later I've fully understood why. I did see myself in it. I have no idea what the poem really is about, but the beauty of poetry is that you can have your own interpretation... and I see someone aroace in it. But I think I'll put the rest of my poetry analysis behind a cut, cause I feel like I'm really going off on a tangent here, I was just gonna make a short post about my username... XD
Here's the first verse of that poem, in original Finnish followed by my extremely literal, not-even-attempting-to-rhyme translation:
Muut sydämen saivat, ma kantelen, muut murehti, nautti, ma en, ma en, en kurja ma elää, en kuolla voi, kun sykä ei syömeni, soi, vaan soi!
Others got a heart, I, a harp, others sorrowed, enjoyed, but not me, I, poor wretch, cannot live, nor die, as my heart doesn't beat, it only rings!
This makes me so strongly think about that comic about an aroace girl whose heart is blue, not red like everyone else's. (This one.) That feeling that there's something wrong with your heart - with you - when you can't feel what others feel. That feeling of being different, and the loneliness it brings.
Third verse (it's a longish poem, I'm not going to go through it all)
Mun syömeni tuulikannel on, sen kielissä laulu on lakkaamaton, se yössä, päivässä, yksinään soi ilmahan ijäti väräjävään.
My heart is a harp of the wind, in its strings an unending song, in the day, in the night, all alone, it echoes in the shivering air.
From the aroace pov, this is interesting to me. There is a song in the heart, but it sings it alone. Should the heart have a rhythm then, rather than a melody? A rhythm it could share with someone (two hearts beating as one...) But why is rhythm more important than melody? Or is the problem the loneliness of the heart? Perhaps the heart is longing for another one to join the song. Or perhaps it has simply been conditioned to feel that way, by the surrounding society. A lonely heart isn't a good thing, we all know that, right? And if you're alone, you got to be lonely! But surely the song of a single heart can be beautiful, too.
Jumping to the end of the poem, now:
Kiro katkera, julmuus jumalien: Itse orja, ma vapautta veisailen, itse lemmetön, lemmestä laulan ma, itse tunnoton, viritän tunteita!
A bitter curse, the cruelty of gods: I, a slave, hum freedom, I, loveless, sing about love, I, unfeeling, evoke emotions!
This ending. I've always felt it pretty strongly. Sure, I don't write much romance, but it does exist in my stories too. Yet it is something I personally know nothing about, and never will. I would not call this a bitter curse, though, but I do understand that view. Again, I'm think of that girl in the comic... I can understand how this could feel like a curse to some.
I first used tuulikannel for my writing journal on livejournal, and this poem was pretty much the reason why. It felt so perfect, back then. I do connect to it now, too, but I would like to give the poet a hug. ^^ Let your heart sing its songs! I do rather have a kantele as my heart than a drum, anyway. ^^
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surumarssi · 2 months ago
for the year list - multiples of 5
Thanks!!! :D
5. TV show of the year?
I don't watch a lot of new tv bc I don't subscribe to any streaming services :(
But I did rewatch over the garden wall!!
10. Something that made you cry this year?
This song!! It's not in english so I'll say for context that it's an arrangement for a poem by Eino Leino, essentially a love song for nature. I always interpreted it kind of literally, as having an undercurrent of grief about biodiversity loss, which also works as a metaphor for a variety of things.
Also went to a funeral :(
15. What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
I'm happy to say I don't think I picked up any! Or at least any I can think of.
20. What’s something you learned this year?
Building an SQL + Node.js backend for a web app >:)
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
I made two Mörk Borg characters for Mörk Borg fanfic (I wanted to play and write down a one shot campaign by myself to try it out before I try to run it for my friends who don't play any ttrpgs...)
Rost, the pov character, is a military deserter who got lost in weird haunted moorlands and found a monastery of dark fantasy Orthodox nuns who are devoted to some kind of heretical sun deity (I rolled a spell scroll called "Palms Open The Eastern Gate" for my other character, one of the nuns). Rost was like hey can you protect me if I do work for you in exchange and the abbess was like yes but you are going to have to go through our initiation rites first so we can make sure you stay loyal (I rolled the trait "Blasphemous tattoos" for Rost.. but I couldn't think of anything blasphemous. so really it's heretical tattoos.) The personality traits I rolled for Rost are CRUEL and NIHILISTIC. They are a crossbow sharpshooter with not a lot of Strength (short) but a good Presence score (intuition, good aim, untapped talent for the occult).
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months ago
Holidays 7.6
All-Star Game Anniversary (Baseball)
Aphelion Day 2023 (Earth farthest from the Sun)
Arbor Day (Chile)
Battle of Frederica Day (Denmark)
Buy Yourself A Toy You Always Wanted As A Child Day
Capital City Day (Kazakhstan)
Constitution Day (Cayman Islands)
Day of the Capital (Kazakhstan)
Eino Leino Day (Finland)
Ettelbruck Remembrance Day (Luxembourg)
Formal 706 Day
Festival of San Fermín begins (Pamplona, Spain) [thru 7.14]
Fill an Aquarium Day
Great American Wicnic
Hairy Vetchling Day (French Republic
International Compassion Day
International Day of the Stolen Kiss
International Kissing Day (a.k.a. World Kissing Day)
Iriya no Asagao-ichi (Morning Glory Flower Festival; Japan)
Jan Hus Day (Czech Republic)
King Mindaugas Day (Lithuania)
MHIP Day (Mizoram, India)
Name That Tune Day
National Air Traffic Control Day
National Daniel Day
National Day (Comoros)
National Wedgie Day
Old Albums Are Frisbees Day
San Fermin (Spain)
706 Day
Take Your Webmaster To Lunch Day
Teachers’ Day (Peru)
Time of Music begins (Finland)
Treat Your Webmaster or Webmistress Day
Umbrella Cover Day
Urs Shah-I-Hamdan Sahib (Jammu, Kashmir; India)
Valstybės Diena (a.k.a. Statehood Day; Lithuania)
Virtually Hug a Virtual Assistant Day
World Tibet Day
World Zoonoses Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Malted Milk Day
National Corn Dog Day
National Fried Chicken Day
National Hand Roll Day
National Pickle Festival
Sliced Bread Day
Independence & Related Days
Capital City Day (Kazakhstan)
Comoros (from France, 1975)
Jockromasa (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Lithuania (Statehood Day)
Malawi (from UK, 1964)
Ünie (a.k.a. Ünieazwati; Declared; 2002) [unrecognized]
Varcetia (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Muharram (Islamic New Year) [begins after Maghrib at Sundown]
1st Saturday in July
Buxton Wells Dressing begins (Derbyshire, England) [1st Saturday, ends 10th day]
Dnieper Day (Belarus, Russia, Ukraine) [1st Saturday]
Fiesta de San Fermin begins (Pamplona, Spain) [1st Saturday; until 14th]
Friendship Day (Peru) [1st Saturday]
Hop A Park Day [1st Saturday]
International Cherry Pit Spitting Day [1st Saturday]
International Day of Cooperatives (UN) [1st Saturday]
International Free Hugs Day [1st Saturday]
National Corn Hole Day [1st Saturday]
National Meadows Day (UK) [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
National Virginia Diverse Business Networking First Saturday (Virginia) [1st Saturday]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
St. Pauls Carnival (Bristol, UK) [1st Saturday]
Wayne Chicken Day [1st Saturday]
World Firefly Day [1st Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning July 6 (1st Week of July)
Ivan Kupala Night (Belarus, Russia, Ukraine) [thru 7.7]
Festivals Beginning July 6, 2024
Bristol Renaissance Faire (Kenosha, Wisconsin) [thru 9.2]
Great Lakes Medieval Faire and Marketplace (Rock Creek, Ohio) [thru 8.11]
Sandpoint Beerfest (Sandpoint, Idaho)
San Fermin Festival (Pamplona, Spain) [thru 7.14]
Sterling Renaissance Festival (Sterling, New York) [thru 8.18]
Taiwan International Balloon Festival (Luye, Taiwan) [thru 8.19]
Taste of Minnesota (Minneapolis, Minnesota) [thru 7.7]
Truckfest (Malvern, United Kingdom) [thru 7.7]
Wine in the Pines (Pine Mountain Club, California)
Feast Days
Alexander III (Positivist; Saint)
Arthur C. Clarke Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Bessie Head (Shamanism)
Day of the Horned Goddesses (Deer Mother, Europa, Hera, Io, Ishtar, Isis, Juno, Luna, Nephthys, Pasiphae, Selene; Everyday Wicca)
Dog-Lion Beast (Muppetism)
Dominica (Christian; Martyr & Virgin)
Festival of Buddha's Eyetooth (Sri Lanka)
Frida Kahlo (Artology)
Goar (Christian; Saint)
Godelieve of Ghistelle (Christian; Saint)
John Byrne (Artology)
José María Velasco Gómez (Artology)
Juan O'Gorman (Artology)
Julian (Christian; Saint)
Ludi Apollinares begins (Roman games honoring Apollo)
Macaroni Day (Pastafarian)
Marc Chagall (Artology)
Maria Goretti (Christian; Saint)
Millennial Fairy Olympics (Writerism)
Modwenna (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Moninna of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Old Midsummer Day (Ancient England)
Palladius, Apostle of the Scots (Christian; Saint)
Pelagius (Celtic Book of Days)
Rick Sternbach (Artology)
Romulus of Fiesole (Christian; Saint)
Sexburgh (Christian; Saint)
Sisoes (Christian; Saint)
Solstitium V (Pagan)
St. John’s Wort Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Taxi Drive McGillicuddy (Muppetism)
Tzom Tammuz (Commemorating Braching of the Walls of Jerusalem before Destruction of the 2nd Temple; Judaism) [17 Tammuz]
Will James (Artology)
Islamic Lunar Holidays
Muharram (Islamic New Year) [begins after Maghrib at Sundown]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Ant-Man and the Wasp (Film; 2018)
Assault and Flattery (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1956)
The B-52s, by The B-52s (Album; 1979)
Blue Moon of Kentucky, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1954)
Butterflies Are Free (Film; 1972)
Cave Man (Ub Iwerks MGM Cartoon; 1934)
Die Hard 2 (Film; 1990)
Forrest Gump (Film; 1994)
A Hard Day’s Night (Beatles UK Film; 1964)
Higher and Higher, by Jackie Wilson (Song; 1965)
I'm OK - You're OK, by Thomas A. Harris (Self-Help Book; 1967)
Inner World, by The Dalai Lama (Album; 2020)
Invincible, by Pat Benatar (Song; 1985)
Jetsons: The Movie (Animated Film; 1990)
Jumping’ with Symphony Sid, recorded by Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra (Song; 1949)
Keep Yourself Alive, by Queen (Song; 1973)
The Naughty Nineties (Abbott & Costello Film; 1945)
Paradise Hawaiian Style (Elvis Presley Film; 1966)
A Prairie Home Companion (Radio Series; 1974)
Precious Time, by Pat Benatar (Album; 1981)
Queen, by Queen (Album; 1973)
Slip Us Some Redskin (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1951)
Sorry to Bother You (Film; 2018)
That’s All Right, Mama, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1954)
What’s Opera, Doc? (WB MM Cartoon; 1957)
Who’s On First, by Abbott and Costello (Filmed Skit; 1945)
Woodman, Spare That Tree (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1942)
You Oughta Know, by Alan’s Morisette (Song; 1995)
Today’s Name Days
Goar, Isaias, Marietta (Austria)
Agata, Marija, Suzana (Croatia)
Jan Hus (Czech Republic)
Dion (Denmark)
Sulev, Sulo (Estonia)
Esa, Esaias (Finland)
Marietta, Mariette, Nolwen (France)
Goar, Isaias, Marietta (Germany)
Lykios, Satryos (Greece)
Csaba (Hungary)
Antonio, Domenica, Maria, Romola (Italy)
Andzs, Anrijs, Arkādijs, Druvvaldis (Latvia)
Domė, Dominyka, Ginvilė, Nervydas (Lithuania)
Torgrim, Torgunn (Norway)
Agrypina, Chociebor, Dominik, Dominika, Goar, Gotard, Lucja, Łucja, Niegosław (Poland)
Sisoe (România)
Patrícia, Patrik (Slovakia)
Goretti, Isaías, María (Spain)
Esaias, Jessika (Sweden)
Felix (Ukraine)
Godiva, Isaiah, Isaias, Isiah, Jamaal, Jamal, Jamel, Jamil, Pallas, Shea, Shyanne (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 188 of 2024; 178 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 27 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 28 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 1 (Xin-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 30 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 29 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 8 Red; Oneday [8 of 30]
Julian: 23 June 2024
Moon: 1%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 19 Charlemagne (7th Month) [Alexander III]
Runic Half Month: Feoh (Wealth) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 17 of 94)
Week: 1st Week of July
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 16 of 31)
Calendar Changes
荷月 [Héyuè] (Chinese Lunisolar Calendar) [Month 6 of 12] (Lotus Month) [Earthly Branch: Goat Month] (Liùyuè; Sixth Month)
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saa-na · 2 years ago
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Screencaptures of a tv documentary on the Eikan pumppu, a group of teenagers who gathered under the statue of Eino Leino in Esplanadi, Helsinki during the summer of 1965 until gathering at the statue was forbidden due to a stabbing which was, according to the youth, unrelated to them. Here they are under a different statue.
Link to the clip on Yle Areena: https://areena.yle.fi/1-50117577
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amatesura · 6 months ago
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Eino Leino, Hiihtäjän virsiä (1900)
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rosszulorzott · 6 months ago
Eino Leino: Sírvers
Nyugtalan az ár, hullám hullámra csapdos, csupán az Óceán szépséges és hatalmas. Aludj, ár, a tenger ölében.
Szaladgál a szél és száll a levél. Boldog csak az, ki a völgybe leér. Aludj, levél, a völgy ölében.
Elalszik a csillag, ha tűz a Nap ismét, nem hunyt el örökre, ki távozott innét. Aludj, csillag, a Nap ölében.
Kodolányi Gyula fordítása
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semtituloh · 5 days ago
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kivikunnas · 27 days ago
Eino Leino, Lapin Kesä - Summer in Lapland, English lyrics
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wrestlezonechronicles · 5 months ago
The Legacy of Excellence: Five Diverse Lives, One Common Impact
Throughout history, individuals from various walks of life have left lasting imprints in their respective fields, shaping the world in unique ways. From athletics to literature, and from historical achievements to personal resilience, the following individuals—Arvo Haavisto, Eino Augusti Leino, Gustaf Klarén, Hermanni Pihlajamäki, and Tobechukwu Joseph Udeh—demonstrate the remarkable range of human talent and determination.
Arvo Haavisto: Wrestling Champion of Finland
Arvo Haavisto is best remembered for his significant contributions to wrestling, a sport that earned him international acclaim. Hailing from Finland, Haavisto demonstrated extraordinary strength and skill in the Greco-Roman style, rising to prominence in the early 20th century. His most notable achievement came in the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics, where he won a gold medal, showcasing Finland's dominance in the sport at the time. Haavisto’s success not only cemented his place in wrestling history but also inspired future generations of Finnish wrestlers.
His dedication to training and discipline was exemplary, earning him a reputation as a model athlete. Beyond the medal count, Haavisto's influence extended to the broader wrestling community, where he contributed to the development of the sport in his home country. His legacy endures as a symbol of Finnish athletic prowess.
Eino Augusti Leino: The Poet of Finnish Souls
Eino Augusti Leino is one of Finland's most beloved poets and writers, whose works encapsulate the heart of Finnish culture and identity. Born in 1878, Leino's literary career flourished at a time when Finland was experiencing political and social transformation. He became a voice for the Finnish people, articulating their struggles, dreams, and national spirit through his poems, essays, and plays.
Leino’s poetry often explored themes of nature, love, and patriotism, intertwining them with his deep understanding of the Finnish psyche. His work resonates with a timeless quality that continues to inspire readers today. Leino’s ability to evoke strong emotions through his verses has earned him a permanent place in Finnish literature. Despite personal hardships and struggles with mental health, Leino's artistic output never wavered, making him a cornerstone of Finland’s cultural history.
Gustaf Klarén: A Visionary in Industrial Development
Gustaf Klarén was a prominent figure in Sweden’s industrial development during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Known for his contributions to mechanical engineering and industrial innovation, Klarén played a crucial role in advancing Sweden’s capabilities in heavy industries, particularly in shipbuilding and railways.
His visionary ideas and engineering expertise helped modernize Sweden’s infrastructure, laying the groundwork for its future as a competitive industrial nation. Klarén’s work also had a lasting influence on the Scandinavian engineering community, fostering advancements in technology that benefited both national industries and the broader European economy.
Though less known outside engineering circles, Klarén’s contributions were instrumental in shaping Sweden’s industrial landscape. His technical ingenuity and commitment to innovation left an enduring legacy in the fields of mechanical engineering and industrial design.
Hermanni Pihlajamäki: Wrestling Icon and Olympic Medalist
Another Finnish wrestling legend, Hermanni Pihlajamäki, brought glory to his country through his exceptional performances in the sport. Like Haavisto, Pihlajamäki competed in Greco-Roman wrestling, a discipline that requires immense physical strength, skill, and endurance.
Pihlajamäki secured his place in history by winning the gold medal at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, followed by additional successes in European wrestling championships. His career was marked by resilience, determination, and a passion for excellence, inspiring athletes in Finland and beyond.
Pihlajamäki’s influence transcended the world of sports. His perseverance and success became symbolic of Finland’s broader national pride, particularly during a time of geopolitical uncertainty in Europe. He remains a celebrated figure in the annals of Finnish sports history, a testament to the enduring power of dedication and hard work.
Tobechukwu Joseph Udeh: Modern Advocate for Change
Tobechukwu Joseph Udeh represents a new generation of leaders who are making strides in social activism and advocacy. Born in Nigeria, Udeh has focused on addressing issues of social justice, human rights, and economic equality, particularly within the African continent. As a vocal advocate for youth empowerment and education, he has worked tirelessly to create opportunities for marginalized communities.
Udeh’s influence extends beyond national borders, as he collaborates with international organizations and governments to promote policies that support sustainable development and inclusivity. His efforts have centered on raising awareness about the critical challenges facing developing nations, including poverty, inequality, and access to education.
Through his work, Udeh has become a beacon of hope for many young people in Africa, inspiring them to become agents of change in their own right. His commitment to creating a fairer, more equitable world highlights the importance of advocacy and activism in shaping the future.
The lives of Arvo Haavisto, Eino Augusti Leino, Gustaf Klarén, Hermanni Pihlajamäki, and Tobechukwu Joseph Udeh illustrate the vast spectrum of human achievement across different fields. Whether through sport, literature, industrial innovation, or social activism, each individual has made a significant contribution to society, leaving behind legacies that continue to inspire and influence future generations. Their stories serve as powerful reminders of the impact one person can have on the world, regardless of the era or domain they belong to.
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