#Eduardo: I thought you did
alexjcrowley · 2 years
I thought for a moment about The Banshees of Inisherin but with Mark and Wardo and my head exploded
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shootingstarwritings · 4 months
A Beta makes, an Alpha takes
TW: homophobic slurs
Eduardo Garcia was a content creator who, like many others in his field, lived in the SolCal area. He was a self-described ladies man and an amateur pick-up artist. Most of his videos and livestreams focused on giving life advice for men. That night was the same as it always was, with Ed saying his catchphrase, “A beta makes, an alpha takes,” to his impressionable audience.
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Once the stream ended and he counted his donations, Ed made his way to the bar. It didn’t take long for him to find another girl to screw. His type was always the same: eager young women new to town and looking for something deep and steady.
After a long and sensual session, the girl whose name he forgot asked if what Ed wanted for breakfast that morning. She had wanted to cuddle, but Ed’s protests kept her at bay. Ed pretended to think for a while before saying, “I’ll treat ya. It’ll be a surprise,” before kissing her.
Around five the following morning, Ed snuck out of her apartment having lost zero winks of sleep that night. ‘Not my fault there’s so many suckers in this town,’ he thought to himself, grinning the whole way back to his apartment. ‘They wouldn’t fall for fellas like me if they had a lick of common sense. I just do what I do. If they don’t wise up then it’s on them.’
That morning should’ve been like all the other ones for Ed. He was in a fantastic mood to grab a quick bite and then spend some time in the gym after scoring as hard as he did the night before. However, just as he reached the floor his apartment was on, he caught sight of his neighbor standing unusually still.
Carlos was exactly everything that Ed hated about the SolCal area. They were in the same field as influencers, but Carlos focused more on “Affirmations of the self,” and “Queer rights,” and other stuff Ed had long-since forgotten about. Carlos had gone to great detail to explain, but Ed had mostly tuned out whatever didn’t relate to Carlos’ follower count or the cash he was making. Knowing the two would never get along, Ed preferred to avoid Carlos altogether, even if he did secretly wish the two would collab so that Ed’s follower count would grow.
Yet, on that morning, Ed couldn’t take his eyes off of Carlos. He stood in front of his apartment door, staring blankly ahead. A few moments passed, but the man didn’t even blink. Ed knew he should just leave him along and mind his own business, but a nosy part of him urged him forward.
“Hey man,” Ed called out, “You okay? You’ve been standing there for like an hour or something.”
Carlos’ head immediately snapped towards the direction of Ed’s voice, causing the latter to nearly jump out of his skin. “I was unable to court another female,” said Carlos in a stilted, unnatural tone. “I was reviewing what I did wrong. Forgive the intrusion.”
‘Court another female. So the fag’s trying to get with chicks, now?’ thought Ed before being struck by a genius business idea. “Good on ya, man!” Any prior concerns about Carlos’ odd behavior were discarded to the wind as Ed wrapped an arm around his shoulders and squeezed. “Good to see ya swinging for the right team. ‘bout time you dropped all that fag shit,” he said, pointing a thumb to the pride flag hanging on Carlos’ door.
“Fag shit…?” echoed Carlos, but he didn’t offer any resistance as he was guided to Ed’s apartment.
“You came to the right place, my friend. Nobody knows how to pick up the ladies quite like this lady-killer.”
“You kill them?”
“Ha-ha! Aw, ya crack me up, big guy. C’mon, I’ll give ya a few pointers.” For Ed, giving Carlos several of his lessons and even showing him the streaming setup was an investment. He was gaining much money from doing this, but all he needed was to win Carlos’ trust over and he’d be swimming in new subs and a brand new market to sell. There just had to be guys who played for both teams on Carlos’ faggy audience, he assured himself.
After about half an hour of coaching, Carlos repeated Ed’s lessons like a college student cramming for a final. “A beta makes, an alpha takes.” For whatever reason Carlos seemed particularly fond of that phrase.
“We’re the men. The providers! That’s why we gotta remind this pussified society who’s really in charge. The alphas,” said Ed, flexing his bicep to punctuate his point. His body was one of the few things he had worked honestly for. Steroids and diets were a frequent topics in his online rants. To Ed, if one couldn’t get a body like his naturally, then they couldn’t call themselves a real man.
“And this has worked to acquire mates?”
“Mates? Bro, I’m swimming in pussy. And soon you will too,” said Ed. He lightly tapped Carlos’ chest. “With a bod like this? It’ll be even easier. Stick with me and I’ll get you laid. Just, uh, don’t forget ‘bout that collab I mentioned.”
Carlos, after what seemed like an eternity of stone-cold stoicism, finally cracked a smile. “Yes, I would love to collaborate with you.”
“Awesome! Lemme get something to celebrate.” It was still early in the morning, but it was always five o’clock somewhere, right? Ed made hi way over to his fridge and pulled some of the quality beer. The cheap stuff was reserved for those rare moments he had a girl over. “We gotta celebrate this new friendship of ours, my man. I got--!”
Carlos tackled Ed as he walked back to the living room. The two crashed onto one of his couches in a mess of struggling limbs. “Yo, what the fuck, man?!” cried Ed. He tried to push Carlos off, but froze as he saw Carlos’ body convulsing and his eyes rolling up, showing the whites. Seizure? Stroke?
Before Ed could reach for his phone in his pocket, Carlos leaned forward and locked lips with him. As soon as the two made contact, a slimy creature flowed from Carlos’ mouth into Ed. Once the substance made contact with Ed, his body began unresponsive. He tried to struggle and push Carlos off of him, but his arms remained heavy and limp. More and more of the slime pumped into Ed until Carlos’ body, unconscious yet still convulsing rolled off of the couch.
Ed couldn’t move but he could still feel a chilling sensation spread throughout his body, filling him up. The slime crawled down his throat and began to expand inside of him. Most of it traveled down his esophagus and began to assimilate his core, arms, legs, and toes. Each limb seized and shook as it became corrupted by the invader.
Ed tried to scream as it fell the creature fill his head and coating his brain, yet he could do nothing but endure the sickening yet pleasurable feeling. It was filling him up, and for whatever reason, Ed couldn’t help but enjoy the way the creature dominated him. His body, still unresponsive to his pleas for help, merely humped the air and sensually moan as it was taken over.
Eventually, Ed blacked out. The last thing he perceived was his hands touching his face and his own laughter.
‘Please, give me my body back,’ whined Ed.
“Give it a rest, Ed,” the creature possessing Ed said, grinning to himself. “Thank you for providing this impressive specimen, by the way. I quite enjoyed the takeover.” He tilted his head as he read the magazine. “Hmm, you are well-endowed, indeed. Perfect for my mission.”
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A few days had passed since the creature slithered into Ed’s body. Ed had woken up to see his body piloted by some kind of foreign invader. Despite Ed’s pleads, it refused to give up control, saying, “I’ve been needing a strong and virile specimen to breed and spread.”
‘You can’t fucking do this to me! It’s not right,’ Ed begged from the recesses of his own mind. ‘I’m a human being. I don’t deserve this!’
“Your mind is intact, is that not enough for you?” the creature said as he jerked Ed’s cock in the couch. “You could have ended up like my previous experiment. Right, Carlos?”
“Right you are, my alpha,” said the thing inside of Carlos. Ed tried to look away from Carlos’ naked and puppeted body, but the creature didn’t have the decency to give him that.
Carlos was not the creature’s first victim, but it was the first that didn’t suffer massive brain damage from the creature’s invasive efforts. However, the creature still hadn’t quite managed to access Carlos’ memories and personality. It had managed to figure out the basics and just needed one more attempt to do a proper possession. Ed was the creature’s first success, and it wouldn’t be the last.
“What else do you wish, my master?” said Carlos as he eagerly marched over to Ed, swaying his hips and sticking his ass out as he spoke. “Do you want to breed me once more? Fill me up with more of your spawn so I may go and spread?”
While Carlos hadn’t suffered brain damage, but the trauma of the invasion caused him to become catatonic. To remedy this, Carlos was the first one to received the creature’s spawn. The creature, riding high thanks to Ed’s disgust at the homosexual act, fucked Carlos’ body and let one of its children pilot the still-living husk.
“Please, act a bit more like your host would. Keep reviewing the videos.” Ed mentally screamed to himself as his invader forced him to say that. Even if the creatures had little idea as to how to blend in society, the sheer amount of content that Carlos and he made would guarantee that they had plenty of references for impersonating them. “Later, I’ll pump you full. I just… need to explore this body of mine a bit more.”
Carlos cleared his throat before giving a sweet, nonchalant smile. “No prob, my man. Later we should go out, though. Get familiar with the area.” He winked and said, “Later,” just as Carlos always did.
‘Please, let me go,’ Ed tried once more. The idea of the creature doing this to his friends and family, acting like him the whole time, was a hell he couldn’t bear. ‘I-I’ll even hook you up with another better. Better bodies, just please let me go…’ Ed internally sobbed.
“You’re quite pathetic,” the creature sneered as it violated Ed’s body once more. “Where’s your bravado, Eddie~? You were swimming in pussy just a few days ago. Now you’re pounding men and craving cock.” Ed’s body let out a malicious laugh as ropes of cum erupted from his stolen dick. “It’s like you always said. A beta makes, an alpha takes.”
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pdriesta · 13 days
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“i want something that i know is real”
genres — fluff, slow burn, workplace romance (she’s a pt)
warnings — sexual themes (minors dni)
word count — 9k
summary — y/n, a rising physiotherapist, has just been promoted to work with real madrid's men's team. after a difficult breakup, she's determined to keep things professional. but when jude bellingham, the club's charming new star, sets his sights on her, maintaining boundaries becomes harder than ever. can she resist the pull, or will she risk everything for a love she swore she’d never fall for again?
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the afternoon was unusually quiet in the physio station, the usual hum of activity replaced by the soft buzz of conversation between y/n and eduardo camavinga, who was stretched out on one of the treatment tables. aurélien tchouaméni and brahim díaz were also there, leaning against the counter as they talked about everything from the upcoming match to their plans for the weekend.
y/n was focused on camavinga’s leg, her hands working to massage out a knot in his calf, when aurélien suddenly grinned and nudged brahim, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "so, y/n," aurélien started, his tone teasing, "where's your boyfriend today?"
the question caught y/n completely off guard. she felt her heart leap into her throat, her hands freezing mid-motion as she processed the words. boyfriend? she blinked rapidly, trying to piece together a response. she and jude hadn’t really discussed labels, and they definitely hadn’t told anyone about their… situation.
"i—uh…" she stammered, her face heating up as she struggled to find something to say. her brain seemed to have short-circuited. she could feel all three pairs of eyes on her, waiting for her response, and the weight of their attention only made her more flustered.
seeing her struggle, brahim chuckled softly and shook his head. "relax, y/n. we're just messing with you," he said, though the curious glint in his eyes made her wonder if they knew more than they were letting on.
y/n let out a nervous laugh, trying to brush off the comment as she resumed her work on camavinga’s leg. "right," she murmured, though her mind was still reeling from the question. did they know? had they noticed something between her and jude? the thought made her heart race even faster.
before she could dwell on it any further, the door to the physio station swung open, and jude walked in, a warm smile on his face. "hey, baby—" he started, his voice soft and affectionate before he caught himself, his eyes widening in panic as he realized who else was in the room. "uh, y/n," he corrected quickly, his tone awkward as he tried to cover up the slip.
y/n’s eyes went wide as saucers, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. she shot jude a panicked look, feeling her heart pounding as the tension in the room skyrocketed. jude’s sudden shift in demeanor only made things worse, and she could see the wheels turning in aurélien, eduardo, and brahim's minds as they exchanged knowing looks.
"something happen between you two?" aurélien asked, his voice innocent enough, but there was no hiding the amusement in his eyes as he looked between them.
"nope, nothing at all," y/n blurted out quickly, her voice a little too high-pitched as she tried to keep her composure. beside her, jude seemed perfectly calm, a small smile playing on his lips as he casually leaned against the doorframe.
"yeah, nothing," jude echoed, his voice smooth and unbothered, but the glint in his eyes told y/n he was enjoying this way too much. he didn’t even bother looking away from her, his gaze steady and reassuring, like he was silently telling her to just play along.
the room fell into an awkward silence, the air thick with unspoken questions and mounting tension. y/n could feel her heart racing, her mind scrambling for a way to diffuse the situation, but nothing came to her. it was as if all the words she needed had vanished into thin air, leaving her completely helpless.
finally, jude seemed to take pity on her. with a soft sigh, he took a step closer, his hand brushing against her back in a way that was almost imperceptible but sent a jolt of electricity through her body. "you sure everything's okay?" he asked, his voice quieter, more concerned now, but still with that infuriatingly calm demeanor.
the small gesture didn’t go unnoticed by his teammates, and y/n could practically see the lightbulbs going off in their heads. aurélien raised an eyebrow, a grin tugging at his lips. "you two seem awfully close," he teased, his tone light but his eyes sharp.
"we're just… friends," y/n said quickly, her voice shaky as she tried to maintain the facade. but even as she said it, she knew it was a lie. there was nothing "just friends" about the way she and jude had been acting around each other, and she was pretty sure his teammates could see right through her.
jude, for his part, didn’t seem bothered at all. if anything, he looked amused by the whole situation, the corners of his mouth twitching up in a barely-contained smile. he moved even closer, his body pressing gently against hers as he leaned in, his voice low and reassuring. "it’s fine, y/n," he murmured, just loud enough for her to hear. "they’re just messing with you."
y/n felt her face flush even hotter, her heart pounding so loudly she was sure everyone in the room could hear it. but jude’s calm, steady presence was grounding, and she found herself leaning into him, just a little, grateful for his support.
"you guys are really bad at this," camavinga finally said, breaking the silence with a smirk. "like, seriously bad."
"i don’t know what you’re talking about," jude replied smoothly, his hand still resting on y/n’s back as he met camavinga’s gaze without flinching. "we’re just here for treatment."
"right," aurélien said, clearly unconvinced. "because you’ve definitely been acting normal all week. especially at the club last weekend, right, jude?"
y/n nearly choked at that, the memory of jude’s possessive behavior flashing through her mind. she could still feel the heat of his hand on her waist, the way he had kept her close the entire night, not letting anyone else get too close.
"we’re just… friends," she repeated weakly, but even she didn’t believe it at this point.
"sure," brahim said, his tone dripping with amusement as he exchanged a look with aurélien and camavinga. "but hey, it’s none of our business, right guys?"
aurélien and camavinga both nodded, though the amused grins on their faces suggested they weren’t going to drop this anytime soon. jude finally managed to take a step back, though he stayed close enough that their arms still brushed against each other.
"right," jude echoed, his voice softer now, his eyes still locked on y/n’s. "none of their business."
but as they all continued to talk, the conversation shifting to lighter topics, y/n couldn’t shake the feeling that their secret was hanging by a thread. every time she glanced at jude, she could see the same thought reflected in his eyes: they were playing a dangerous game, and it was only a matter of time before someone else figured out the truth.
and yet, despite the risk, despite the almost certain knowledge that they were going to get caught, y/n couldn’t bring herself to regret it. because every time jude moved closer, every time his hand brushed against hers, every time his eyes met hers with that look of longing and desire, she knew that whatever they had between them was worth it. and she wasn’t ready to let it go, not yet.
as the conversation flowed around them, jude finally leaned in, his voice low and meant only for her. “i can’t stay away from you,” he admitted, the words a quiet confession that sent a shiver down her spine.
“you don’t have to,” y/n whispered back, her heart swelling with the truth of her words. it didn’t matter if they were almost caught a dozen more times; being with jude, even in secret, was worth every risk.
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the evening air was cool as y/n walked beside jude, the city lights casting a warm glow over the cobblestone streets. madrid was alive with its usual energy, but tonight, the world seemed to narrow down to just the two of them. jude had insisted on taking her out, saying he had a special surprise planned. despite her curiosity, y/n had learned to trust him, knowing that whatever he had in mind would be nothing short of thoughtful and meaningful.
they strolled hand in hand, their fingers interlaced, as they made their way towards a small, hidden garden that y/n had never noticed before. the entrance was covered in ivy, the leaves twinkling with tiny fairy lights that seemed to dance in the gentle breeze. jude paused before the entrance, turning to her with a soft smile, his eyes sparkling with something she couldn’t quite place.
“close your eyes,” he whispered, his voice tender and full of excitement.
y/n hesitated for a moment, but the warmth in jude’s gaze melted any doubts she had. she closed her eyes, feeling his hand squeeze hers gently before he led her forward, guiding her into the garden. the sound of rustling leaves and the faint scent of jasmine filled the air, heightening her senses as she wondered what he had planned.
“okay,” jude murmured, his breath warm against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. “open them.”
when y/n opened her eyes, she was met with a sight that took her breath away. the garden was bathed in soft, golden light from dozens of lanterns hanging from the trees, casting a warm glow over everything. a small table was set up in the center, adorned with delicate flowers and a candle flickering gently in the middle. around them, the trees seemed to form a protective cocoon, making it feel like they were the only two people in the world.
“jude…” y/n breathed, her voice barely a whisper as she took in the scene before her. “this is… incredible.”
jude smiled, his expression tender as he watched her reaction. “i wanted to do something special for you,” he said softly, leading her to the table. “you deserve it.”
they sat down, the conversation flowing easily between them as they shared a meal. jude had thought of everything—her favorite dishes, her favorite flowers, even her favorite music playing softly in the background. it was as if he had taken all the little details she had ever mentioned and woven them together into this perfect, magical evening.
as the night wore on, they finished their meal and moved to a cozy bench nestled under a large oak tree. jude wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close as they gazed up at the stars twinkling above them. the world felt still, peaceful, as if time had slowed down just for them.
“y/n,” jude began, his voice unusually serious, drawing her attention back to him. his eyes were soft, filled with a vulnerability she rarely saw from him. “there’s something i’ve been wanting to tell you… something i’ve been feeling for a long time.”
y/n’s heart skipped a beat, her breath catching in her throat as she waited for him to continue. the intensity in his gaze, the way he was looking at her like she was the most important person in the world, made her chest tighten with anticipation.
jude took a deep breath, his hand reaching up to cup her cheek, his thumb brushing gently across her skin. “from the moment i laid eyes on you,” he began, his voice low and full of emotion, “i knew there was something special about you. i couldn’t explain it then… but there was this pull, this feeling that i had to know you, had to be close to you.”
y/n felt her heart swell, her eyes searching his as she listened to his words. she could see the sincerity in his eyes, the way his feelings seemed to pour out of him like a dam breaking after being held back for too long.
“at first,” jude continued, his thumb still tracing soft circles on her cheek, “i thought it was just a crush… but the more i got to know you, the more i realized it was so much more than that. you’re unlike anyone i’ve ever met, y/n. you’re kind, strong, and so incredibly resilient. you make me want to be better… you make me want to be someone worthy of your love.”
y/n’s breath hitched at his words, tears welling up in her eyes as she felt the depth of his feelings. jude’s hand slid down to her neck, his touch gentle as if she were something delicate and precious. “i know you’ve been hurt before,” he said softly, his voice laced with a tender understanding that made her heart ache. “and i know you’ve built walls to protect yourself… but i want you to know that i’m here, and i’m not going anywhere. i want to be your second chance at love, y/n. i want to prove to you that not all love has to end in pain.”
he paused, his eyes searching hers, as if he was trying to convey everything he felt through that gaze alone. “i don’t just want to be someone you care about, y/n,” he continued, his voice trembling with the intensity of his emotions. “i want to be the person who helps you heal, who shows you that love can be safe, and beautiful, and something you don’t have to be afraid of.”
y/n felt a tear slip down her cheek, her heart overflowing with emotions she didn’t even know how to put into words. jude gently wiped the tear away with his thumb, his eyes never leaving hers. “every day i’m with you, you make me a better person,” he whispered, his voice barely audible as he leaned closer, their foreheads almost touching. “you make me want to be the best version of myself, for you, for us. i’ve never felt this way about anyone before… and i don��t want to lose you.”
there was a moment of silence, the world around them seeming to hold its breath as they sat there, wrapped up in each other. jude’s hand slipped down to hers, his fingers interlocking with hers as he held her gaze, his eyes full of so much love and hope that it took her breath away.
“so, y/n,” jude finally whispered, his voice trembling slightly, but full of sincerity and love. “will you be mine? will you let me love you the way you deserve to be loved? will you let me show you that i can be the one who makes you happy… every single day?”
y/n’s heart felt like it was going to burst from the sheer intensity of her emotions. everything jude had said, every word, resonated so deeply with her that she could hardly breathe. for so long, she had been afraid to open herself up again, afraid of being hurt, of letting someone in. but with jude, it was different. he was different.
from the moment they met, he had been there for her, understanding her in ways she didn’t think anyone could. he saw her—truly saw her—and he made her feel safe, cherished, and loved in a way that she had never experienced before. he had taken down her walls, brick by brick, with his kindness, his patience, and his unwavering support. and now, as he sat there, his heart laid bare before her, she realized that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.
with tears streaming down her face, y/n nodded, her voice too choked with emotion to speak. she squeezed jude’s hand tightly, her other hand coming up to cup his cheek as she leaned in, pressing her lips to his in a soft, tender kiss. it was a kiss filled with all the emotions she couldn’t put into words, all the love she felt for him, all the hope for their future together.
when they finally pulled apart, jude was smiling, his eyes shining with tears of his own. he rested his forehead against hers, his breath warm against her lips as he whispered, “thank you, y/n. thank you for trusting me with your heart… i promise i’ll take care of it.”
y/n smiled through her tears, her heart so full of love that she thought it might burst. “i know you will, jude,” she whispered back, her voice thick with emotion. “i know you will.”
but there was something else she needed to say, something she had been thinking about all night, even before he had asked her. she took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to gather the courage to speak.
“i… i was actually going to ask you the same thing,” y/n confessed, her cheeks flushing with warmth as she looked into his eyes. “i’ve been wanting to ask you for a while now, but you beat me to it… as you always do.” she laughed softly, the sound tinged with affection. “you’re always doing these incredible things for me, always showing me how much you care. and i wanted to do something for you too… to show you that i want you in every way, jude. that i’m ready to take this step with you.”
jude’s eyes softened even more, if that was possible, his expression filled with so much love that it made her heart ache. he pulled her closer, his arms wrapping around her as he held her tight, like he never wanted to let her go.
“y/n,” he murmured against her hair, his voice thick with emotion. “you don’t have to prove anything to me. just being with you, just knowing that you want this too… that’s more than enough for me.”
y/n buried her face in his chest, her heart swelling with love for the man who had come into her life and changed it in ways she never thought possible. she knew, without a doubt, that this was where she was meant to be—with jude, in his arms, ready to face whatever the future held for them, together.
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as the evening settled in, y/n and jude made their way back to his apartment, the day's adventures leaving them both feeling blissfully content. they had spent hours exploring, laughing, and sharing moments that deepened their connection. now, as they entered his cozy apartment, the air was filled with a comfortable intimacy that made it feel like their own little haven.
jude had prepared a simple but delicious dinner—his way of continuing the celebration of their new relationship. they ate together, their conversation light and full of affection. the evening seemed to fly by as they talked about their favorite memories, shared dreams for the future, and made each other laugh until their sides ached.
after dinner, y/n excused herself to use the bathroom, but what she had really planned was a playful surprise for jude. she slipped into his bedroom and, with a mischievous smile, grabbed one of his jerseys from the closet. it was oversized on her, and she decided to wear it with nothing underneath, the soft fabric draping over her body in a way that felt both comfortable and teasing.
when she emerged from the bathroom, she found jude lounging on the bed, scrolling through his phone. the sight of her in his jersey made his eyes go wide, his mouth dropping open in surprise. the jersey hung off her shoulders, hinting at her bare skin beneath, and the way she moved with a playful confidence made his heart race.
jude’s eyes went wide as he took in the sight of her. “baby—” he muttered, his voice a mix of shock and awe. “you’re killing me here.”
y/n smirked, teasingly, as she strutted over to him. “thought i’d give you something to think about.”
before she could react, jude was on his feet, a wicked grin spreading across his face. with a swift motion, he picked her up effortlessly and tossed her onto the bed. y/n landed with a surprised squeal, her laughter bubbling up as jude followed her, his eyes alight with playful intensity.
“you think you’re funny, huh?” jude said, his voice low and seductive as he leaned over her. “you’re really pushing your luck.”
“maybe i like pushing my luck,” y/n replied, her voice teasing as she looked up at him, her heart racing with excitement.
jude’s eyes locked onto hers, his smile wide and mischievous. “well, in that case, you better be ready for whatever comes next.”
with a playful growl, jude lowered himself to her, his lips brushing against hers in a tender kiss that promised more than just teasing. the room was filled with their laughter, their whispered promises, and the sweet intimacy of their shared moments. for y/n and jude, the night was a celebration of their love, their commitment, and the joy of being completely and utterly together.”
jude’s eyes widened when he saw her, his breath catching in his throat. “y/n, are you trying to kill me?” he said, his voice a low murmur full of awe and amusement.
y/n gave him a playful look, her eyes sparkling. “maybe I’m just making sure you know how much I care,” she said, her tone teasing but soft.
jude's gaze wandered over her with a mix of disbelief and adoration. “you’re something else,” he murmured, shaking his head with a smile. “seriously, how did I get so lucky?”
“you tell me,” y/n replied, leaning closer. “i’m the one who’s been swept off my feet.”
jude’s smile grew as he leaned in, his breath warm against her skin. “well, if this is how you’re going to tease me, I’d say I’m in for one hell of a night.”
jude followed her onto the bed, his eyes sparkling with playful intent. he hovered over her, his hands finding her waist as he leaned in close. “you know,” he said, his voice a soft murmur, “i’ve been thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life.”
y/n looked up at him with a smile, her fingers trailing along his arm. “and I’ve been thinking about how perfect this night has been,” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. “but I think you’re the one who makes it perfect.”
jude’s expression softened, his eyes filled with a deep, loving gaze. “you’ve made me so happy,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “I’ve wanted this—us—for so long. and now that we’re here… I just want to show you how much you mean to me.”
he leaned in, capturing her lips in a tender, lingering kiss that left them both breathless. the warmth of his body against hers, the way he held her so close, made her heart flutter with happiness.
when they finally pulled apart, jude’s hands continued to explore her waist, his touch gentle and affectionate. “you’re incredible,” he said, his voice filled with admiration. “and I want to be the one who makes you feel as amazing as you make me feel.”
y/n looked up at him with a loving smile, her eyes shining with adoration. “I feel the same way about you, jude,” she said softly. "being with you feels like coming home.”
jude’s heart swelled at her words, and he couldn’t help but lean in for another kiss, his hands caressing her face as he deepened the connection between them. the room was filled with the soft sounds of their love, the intimacy and affection they shared creating a space that felt safe and perfect.
as they lay there, wrapped up in each other’s arms, the world outside seemed to fade away. all that mattered was the love they had found, the connection they shared, and the promise of many more nights like this—filled with love, laughter, and the joy of being together.
in that moment, as jude held her close and whispered sweet nothings into her ear, y/n knew that she had found something truly special. and with jude by her side, she was ready to embrace whatever the future had in store for them—together.
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after another long day at the physio room, y/n and jude were cocooned in the soft, intimate setting of her apartment. the living room was dimly lit, the gentle glow of the lamps casting a golden hue that bathed the room in warmth. y/n had prepared a cozy night in, and with a playful smile, she decided to add a bit of pampering to their evening.
“come here,” she said softly, holding up a face mask. “let me take care of you for a bit.”
jude chuckled and sank into the plush couch, his eyes following her as she moved with a graceful ease. y/n positioned herself between his legs, her bare thighs brushing against his shorts. the warmth of her skin and the closeness made jude’s breath hitch slightly.
“you sure you’re okay with this?” jude asked, his voice a low murmur, as she gently spread the mask across his face.
“of course,” y/n said, her fingers lightly gliding over his skin, smoothing out the mask with careful precision. “i love taking care of you. just stay still or you’ll mess it up.”
jude’s gaze softened as he watched her, his hands instinctively resting on her thighs. his touch was gentle, but the way his fingers traced slow, deliberate patterns made it hard for y/n to focus on her task.
“it’s hard to stay still when you’re on my lap like this, baby” jude teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief. his touch was warm and electric, sending tingles up y/n’s spine.
“you’re impossible,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady despite the heat rising to her cheeks. “stay still, or i'll move.”
jude’s laughter was low and warm, a sound that seemed to fill the space between them. “okay, okay. i’ll behave. but you know, it’s hard to keep my mind off you when you’re so close.”
“is that so?” y/n asked, her voice teasing as she continued to apply the mask. “maybe i’ll have to come up with more ways to keep you distracted.”
jude’s eyes sparkled with affection. “i think i’d like that. you’re full of surprises, and every one of them makes me fall for you even more.”
y/n felt a rush of warmth at his words, her heart swelling with happiness. she finished applying the mask and sat back, looking at him with a mix of tenderness and mischief. “you know, jude, there’s something i’ve been thinking about.”
jude raised an eyebrow, his expression turning curious. “oh? what’s on your mind?”
“it’s about us,” y/n began, her tone becoming more serious. “i’ve been considering telling work that we’re together.”
jude’s eyes widened in surprise, a mix of shock and hope flickering in his gaze. “you want to tell them? i thought… well, you have more at stake than i do.”
“i don’t want to hide anymore,” y/n said, her voice steady with resolve. “you mean so much to me. i’ve spent so much of my life trying to fit into other people’s expectations, but with you, i feel like i can just be myself. i don’t want to keep us a secret.”
jude’s gaze softened, a warmth spreading across his face. “are you sure? it’s not like we’ve been perfect at keeping things under wraps anyway,” he said, his voice tinged with playfulness. “remember how we’ve snuck around the physio rooms or stolen kisses in the hallways?”
y/n laughed softly, her cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and affection. “oh, i remember,” she said, her voice filled with fondness. “those moments were fun, but they weren’t enough. i want to be open about what we have. i want us to be seen together without any pretense.”
jude’s eyes shone with admiration. “i get it. i want that too. i want everyone to know how much you mean to me. i want to show you off, because you’re the most amazing person i’ve ever met.”
“then let’s do it,” y/n said, leaning in closer, her heart racing with a blend of excitement and nervousness. “no more hiding. let’s be honest about us.”
jude reached up, his fingers gently brushing her cheek with a tenderness that made y/n’s breath catch. “i’m with you, y/n. whatever it takes, we’ll face it together. i want everyone to see how incredible you are and how much we mean to each other.”
y/n leaned in and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to his lips, her heart swelling with the truth of her words. “good,” she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity. “because i’m not letting go of you. not now, not ever.”
jude pulled her closer, his arms wrapping around her with a sense of completeness and protection. “neither am i,” he murmured, his voice warm and full of promise. “we’re in this together, all the way.”
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y/n’s footsteps echoed softly as she walked down the hallway to gerard’s office, the usual hum of the club’s activity now a distant murmur. her heart raced with each step, a nervous flutter that she couldn’t quite shake. she took a deep breath and straightened her shoulders before knocking gently on the door.
“come in,” gerard’s voice called out, warm and inviting.
she pushed the door open and stepped inside, her hands clenching and unclenching around the strap of her bag. gerard looked up from his desk, where papers and a few football magazines were scattered, and his eyes widened in curiosity.
“hey, gerard,” y/n began, her voice trembling slightly. “i hope i’m not interrupting. i wanted to talk to you about something important.”
gerard’s brow furrowed in concern. “not at all, y/n. what’s on your mind?”
she took a hesitant step forward, her gaze dropping to the floor as she struggled to find the right words. “well, it’s about me and… um, jude. we’re… seeing each other, and i wanted to let you know. i didn’t want it to come as a surprise or cause any problems.”
gerard’s eyes sparkled with understanding, and he leaned back in his chair with an easy grin. “oh, is that all? y/n, you’re worried about nothing. i actually had a feeling about this for a while.”
y/n’s head snapped up in surprise. “you knew?”
“oh, yes,” gerard said, chuckling softly. “it’s pretty obvious to anyone who’s paying attention. the way he looks at you, how he talks about you—it’s clear he’s completely smitten.”
y/n’s cheeks flushed with a mix of relief and embarrassment. “i didn’t want it to affect my work. i love working here, and i didn’t want any issues.”
“y/n,” gerard said, his tone gentle and reassuring, “you’ve dedicated so much to this club. if this relationship makes you happy, then that’s all that matters. you deserve to enjoy your life and your happiness. if jude is part of that, then good for both of you.”
y/n shifted uncomfortably, her hands wringing together nervously. “i just wasn’t sure how to handle it. i mean, we’re still figuring things out, and i didn’t want it to be… complicated.”
gerard’s smile widened as he stood up from his desk, walking around to stand beside her. “it’s okay to be uncertain. relationships are complex, and it takes time to figure out what you both want. but what’s clear to me is that you care deeply for each other. and sometimes, it’s better to embrace that and not let it be overshadowed by fears.”
y/n’s heart fluttered at his words, and she looked up at him, her eyes reflecting a mix of vulnerability and hope. “i didn’t expect this to happen. but… being with jude has made me really happy.”
“that’s wonderful to hear,” gerard said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You’ve always worked hard and given so much to this team. It’s only fair that you get to enjoy your personal life too. You deserve to be with someone who makes you feel special.”
y/n bit her lip, a shy smile spreading across her face. “thank you, gerard. it means a lot to me. i didn’t want to hide it anymore. i want to be open about it, about us.”
gerard’s gaze softened as he studied her. “you know, sometimes, it’s easy to hide behind work, to avoid dealing with personal matters. but seeing the way you are now, it’s clear to me that jude means a lot to you. and you’re braver than you think for wanting to be open about it.”
y/n’s eyes shimmered with emotion. “i didn’t know if i was ready for all of this. but i can’t ignore what i feel for him. he makes me so happy, and i want to be honest about that.”
gerard’s smile grew, and he gave her a supportive nod. “It’s clear you have strong feelings for him. and even if you’re still figuring things out, that’s part of the journey. just know that you have my support, and if you ever need anything, I’m here.”
as y/n left gerard’s office, she felt a profound sense of relief and liberation. the weight of her fears and uncertainties had been lifted, replaced by a newfound confidence. she couldn’t wait to share this sense of freedom with jude and embrace the next chapter of their relationship.
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jude’s hand gripped y/n’s with a mix of excitement and mischief as he led her out of the physio room, his stride confident and eager. his smile was a beacon of pure joy, and y/n couldn’t help but feel a flutter of nervous anticipation growing in her chest.
“jude, where are we going?” she asked, trying to keep her tone light despite the unease building inside her. the way his hand fit so perfectly around hers, warm and reassuring, made her pulse race in a way she wasn’t sure she was ready to acknowledge.
“you’ll see,” he replied, his voice low and teasing, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. “trust me, you’re gonna love it.”
y/n gave him a mock glare, crossing her arms as she followed him down the hallway. “jude, we just had our fun earlier. don’t tell me you’re already planning round two? honestly, you’re unbelievable.”
jude looked back at her, feigning a look of hurt. “unbelievable? i’m just trying to make sure my girl is happy. you never complain when i’m taking care of you and making you feel good.”
she rolled her eyes, trying to hide the smile tugging at her lips. “yeah, yeah, but can’t you ever get enough?”
he grinned, slowing his pace to walk beside her. “with you? never.” his voice dropped to a playful murmur, “and let’s be real, you’re not exactly complaining when i’m the one pleasing you.”
y/n playfully bumped his shoulder. “okay, you’ve got a point. but still, you’re insatiable, bellingham.”
“only because you’re worth it,” jude teased back, his eyes gleaming with affection. “and admit it, you love every second of it.”
y/n tried to keep up the act, but the warmth in jude’s eyes made it impossible to stay annoyed. “maybe i do,” she admitted, letting a small smile slip. “but that doesn’t mean you get to be take me out of work all the time to seduce me.”
jude chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer. “just trust me on this one. it’s not what you think. you’re gonna love the surprise.” he leaned in, his breath warm against her ear. “and if you don’t, i’ll make it up to you later.”
“trust me, it’s worth it,” jude said, his grin widening as he squeezed her hand. “and besides, i promise it’s not what you’re thinking.” he shot her a wink that made her heart skip a beat, leaving her wondering what exactly he had in store.
as they made their way through the facility, y/n couldn’t ignore the way jude’s excitement seemed to bubble over. his energy was infectious, and despite her nerves, she found herself smiling, caught up in his enthusiasm. every so often, he’d glance back at her, his eyes twinkling with an affection that warmed her from the inside out.
finally, they reached the parking lot, and y/n’s heart leapt into her throat when she saw the group waiting for them. jude’s family—his mom, denise, his dad, mark, and his brother, jobe, who towered over the others but shared jude’s striking features—stood there, their faces lit up with welcoming smiles.
“here we are,” jude said softly, his hand still intertwined with hers as he led her toward them, the warmth of his touch steadying her nerves.
y/n felt a pang of shyness as she approached, suddenly acutely aware of the fact that she was still wearing the club’s training kit—a simple shirt and shorts—which now felt completely inadequate in the presence of jude’s family. she glanced nervously at jude, searching his face for any sign that he’d noticed her discomfort.
“I am back,” jude said, his voice full of warmth as he introduced her. “this is y/n. my girlfriend.”
her heart nearly stopped at the word, and she glanced up at jude, her eyes wide with surprise. he’d never called her that before—at least, not out loud. but hearing him say it now, with such ease and confidence, made something in her chest tighten.
denise’s eyes sparkled with genuine warmth as she stepped forward, pulling y/n into a hug. “hi, y/n. i’m denise. it’s so nice to finally meet you.”
y/n managed a shy smile, feeling a little overwhelmed by the woman’s kindness. “hi, mrs. bellingham, it’s nice to meet you too.”
jobe, with a grin that was all too familiar, gave her a playful nudge. “so, you’re the one jude’s been talking about. he’s been going on about you none stop, hasn’t he?”
y/n felt her face warm at the playful tease, and she glanced at jude, who was blushing slightly. “i guess you could say that,” she said, trying to sound casual even as her heart raced.
mark extended his hand with a welcoming smile. “nice to meet you, y/n. we’ve heard a lot about you.”
“nice to meet you too, mr. bellingham,” y/n said, shaking his hand. “and mrs. bellingham, of course.”
denise chuckled softly. “oh, please, just call me denise. we’re not formal around here.”
y/n’s cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red as she looked down at her feet. “i’m sorry, but my mom would have a fit if i called anyone but ‘auntie.’ it’s a cultural thing.”
denise laughed heartily, pulling y/n back into a hug. “well, then ‘auntie’ it is. i’m happy to have you as part of the family.”
jude’s face lit up with pride as he looked between y/n and his family, his heart swelling with a sense of contentment he hadn’t felt in a long time. “let’s head to a nearby café. i’m buying everyone coffee.”
as they walked to the café, the chatter was light and filled with laughter. y/n felt herself slowly relaxing, her initial anxiety fading away as jude’s family made her feel welcome. denise’s warmth, mark’s easygoing nature, and jobe’s playful jabs made her feel like she was already a part of their world.
as they settled at a table, jude reached for y/n’s hand under the table, his fingers brushing against hers with a gentle caress that sent a shiver through her. she glanced at him, her heart fluttering at the tenderness in his touch.
“don’t worry about them,” jude murmured softly, his voice low and soothing. “they’re great, really.”
y/n tried to muster a smile, but her anxiety was still there, gnawing at the edges of her composure. “i just want to make a good impression.”
jude’s eyes softened as he looked at her, his thumb tracing circles on the back of her hand. “you’re doing amazing. they’ll like you as much as i do.” his words were so sincere, so full of warmth, that y/n felt her heart skip a beat.
as their conversation continued, jude couldn’t help but steal glances at y/n, his gaze filled with affection. he leaned closer, his lips brushing her ear as he whispered, “you look stunning, by the way. even in that kit, you’re the most beautiful person in the room.”
y/n’s heart raced at his words, her cheeks flushing with a warmth that had nothing to do with the summer sun streaming in through the windows. “stop, you’re going to make me blush.”
jude’s playful pout returned as he tried to pull her closer, his hand sliding to the small of her back, the touch possessive but comforting. “come on, just one kiss,” jude pleaded softly, his eyes shining with a mix of mischief and tenderness that made y/n’s resolve weaken.
y/n glanced around at his family, who were absorbed in their own conversation, and sighed, knowing she wouldn’t be able to resist him for much longer. “okay, but only for a moment.”
jude’s face brightened as he leaned in, his lips capturing hers in a tender kiss. y/n melted against him, feeling a rush of warmth and love as he pulled her closer, his hand cradling her face with a gentleness that made her heart ache. when he finally pulled back, his eyes were soft, filled with a quiet adoration that made her feel like she was the only person in the world.
“see? not so bad, right?” jude said softly, his voice low and intimate, as if the moment they’d just shared was something precious, meant only for them.
y/n smiled, her eyes twinkling with affection. “you’re incorrigible, you know that?”
“and you love me for it,” jude said with a grin, his heart swelling with an emotion he was only just beginning to understand.
as they finished their coffee and prepared to leave, jude’s family expressed their delight at meeting y/n. “we’re really glad to have you with us,” denise said, giving y/n a warm hug. “you’re a perfect match for jude.”
y/n’s heart swelled at the sincerity in her words, a warmth spreading through her chest that made her feel like she was exactly where she was meant to be. “thank you. i’m really happy to be here.”
when jude walked her back to her car, he wrapped his arms around her in a comforting embrace, his chin resting on top of her head. “i’m really glad they liked you.”
y/n looked up at him, her eyes shining with a mix of relief and affection. “me too. i was so nervous, but they were wonderful.”
jude kissed her forehead, his lips lingering in a soft, loving gesture that made y/n’s heart skip a beat. “you’re going to fit in perfectly with my family. i couldn’t ask for anything more.”
they shared one last, lingering kiss before y/n got into her car, the taste of his lips still lingering on hers as she drove away. jude watched her go, a contented smile on his face, the approval of his family just another step in their journey together. as he turned to head back to his own car, a thought struck him with a clarity that took his breath away: he was in love with her. truly, deeply in love. and as terrifying as that realization was, it was also the most exhilarating thing he’d ever felt. because he knew, in that moment, that he never wanted to let her go.
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the early morning light filtered softly through the curtains of jude’s bedroom, casting a warm, golden glow over the room. y/n had woken up a little earlier than usual, slipping out of bed as quietly as she could, careful not to wake jude. she padded softly through the apartment, her bare feet making almost no sound against the cool floor. she couldn’t help but smile as she noticed jude’s shirt hanging off a chair, an old jersey that still carried his scent, and she quickly pulled it over her head. it was oversized, the hem brushing against her thighs, and she felt a small thrill at wearing something so inherently his.
with a quick glance back toward the bedroom to make sure he was still asleep, y/n set about making breakfast. she moved around the kitchen with practiced ease, cracking eggs, buttering toast, and brewing a pot of coffee that filled the space with its rich aroma. once everything was ready, she carefully arranged it all on a tray, adding a small vase with a single flower she’d found on the windowsill, just for an extra touch.
y/n set the tray on the nightstand and climbed onto the bed, leaning down to press soft kisses along his jawline, her lips grazing his stubbled skin. “wake up, mi amor,” she whispered, her voice sweet and coaxing as she continued her trail of kisses over his bare skin.
“mmm, i could get used to this,” he murmured, his voice thick with sleep. his gaze drifted down to the tray she was holding, and his smile widened. “breakfast in bed? you’re spoiling me, baby.”
“you should,” y/n teased, pressing another kiss to his lips, lingering there for a moment longer. “breakfast in bed could be a regular thing, but only if you behave.”
as jude started to eat, y/n perched on the edge of the bed, watching him with a fond smile. “just don’t get into any more fights today, okay? you’ve got enough on your plate without adding a black eye to the mix.”
he glanced up at her, raising an eyebrow in mock offense. “me? fight? never.”
y/n rolled her eyes playfully, nudging him with her foot. “don’t play innocent with me, jude. i’ve seen you out there, always getting in someone’s face. just remember, i’m the only one who gets to do that now.”
jude grinned, reaching out to pull her closer, his hand slipping under the hem of the jersey she wore, fingers brushing lightly against her thigh. “oh, i know, baby. and i wouldn’t have it any other way.”
y/n looked at her boyfriend and couldn't resist scolding him a little more, her tone playful but firm. “and seriously, jude, no more fighting on the pitch today. i mean it. you might think it’s all fun and games, but i’m the one who has to patch you up afterward.”
jude smirked, leaning back against the pillows, his eyes glinting with mischief. “i love it when you’re bossy, baby. it really turns me on, you know.”
y/n rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled up. “oh, please,” she said, her tone light as she reached out, gently turning his face away from her with two fingers, like she was playfully dismissing his flirting. “stop trying to charm me this early in the morning. eat your breakfast.”
jude chuckled, grabbing her hand and bringing it to his lips for a quick kiss. “i’m serious. you’ve got this whole ‘no-nonsense, take-charge’ thing going on, and it drives me wild.”
she shook her head, still laughing softly, but her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and affection. “you’re impossible, jude.”
“yeah, but you love it,” he teased, his voice dropping to a low, suggestive murmur.
“maybe i do,” she admitted, leaning in to press a quick kiss to his lips, “but don’t let it go to your head, bellingham.”
jude grinned, his eyes sparkling with affection. “too late for that, baby. you’re already stuck with me.”
they fell into a comfortable silence, the kind that comes easily to people who know each other well. jude continued eating, but his gaze kept drifting back to her, as if he couldn’t quite believe she was there with him, like this. after a few minutes, he set the tray aside and turned his attention fully to her.
“do you remember that time i was sick, and you took care of me?” jude asked suddenly, his tone thoughtful.
y/n blinked, surprised by the question. “of course i do. you were a mess, all grumpy and feverish.”
he smiled, a little sheepishly. “yeah, i was. but you were amazing. i remember you calling me ‘amor’ when you thought i was too out of it to notice. it was the first time i’d heard you say it, and it just… it stuck with me. i liked you before that, a lot, but that day… i don’t know, it felt like i got to see a part of you i hadn’t before. it made me realize how kind-hearted you are, how much you care.”
y/n’s cheeks flushed a deep pink, her heart skipping a beat at his words. “i… i didn’t know you remembered that.”
jude reached up, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, his touch gentle and reassuring. “how could i forget? it was one of the moments that made me fall for you, even if i didn’t fully understand it at the time.”
her breath caught in her throat, the weight of his confession making her chest tighten with emotion. she didn’t know how to respond, overwhelmed by the tenderness in his gaze, the sincerity in his voice. before she could find the words, jude leaned in, his forehead resting against hers.
“y/n, i…” he started, his voice thick with emotion, but before he could finish, her phone buzzed loudly from the bedside table, shattering the moment.
they both jumped slightly at the sound, and y/n groaned softly, reaching over to grab her phone. “sorry, i should get this,” she murmured, her heart still racing.
jude nodded, his expression a mix of frustration and understanding. “yeah, of course.”
as she answered the call, jude leaned back against the pillows, watching her with a thoughtful look. the words he hadn’t said hung in the air between them, heavy with unspoken meaning.
as she hung up, y/n turned back to him, her expression apologetic. “i have to go in early today. there’s been a last-minute change in the schedule.”
jude nodded, but the disappointment was clear in his eyes. “of course, work comes first.”
she leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “we’ll continue this later, okay?”
he smiled, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “i’ll hold you to that, baby.”
as y/n quickly got ready, jude watched her with a mix of affection and longing. the words he’d almost said echoed in his mind, and he knew with a certainty that both thrilled and terrified him that he was falling in love with her. he just hoped that when the time came to tell her, he’d be able to find the right moment, the right words, to let her know how much she meant to him.
but for now, all he could do was wait, his heart heavy with the weight of his unspoken feelings.
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the stadium was alive with energy, the crowd’s cheers reverberating through the air as the match pressed on. y/n sat in the locker room, focused on treating a player with a minor injury, but her mind kept drifting back to this morning. waking up next to jude, the way his sleepy smile lit up his face when she kissed him awake, and the easy domesticity of making him breakfast in bed—all of it swirled in her thoughts. she had never felt so content, so utterly wrapped up in someone, and it scared her to realize that she was in love with him.
her hands worked automatically, applying bandages and checking vitals, but her heart was still with jude. every moment they’d shared replayed in her mind—the way he looked at her when he thought she wasn’t paying attention, how he always found some way to touch her, whether it was holding her hand, brushing her hair back, or resting his head in her lap. the thought hit her like a tidal wave: she loved him. she loved him with a depth she hadn’t expected, a depth that terrified her.
but before she could fully process the revelation, the sound of hurried footsteps and urgent voices tore through her thoughts. the door to the locker room burst open, and an assistant coach appeared, his face pale and strained with worry.
“y/n,” he called out, his voice tight, “it’s jude. he’s down.”
her heart seized, the words slamming into her with brutal force. “what? where is he?”
“they’re bringing him in now,” the coach replied, the grimness in his tone sending chills down her spine.
y/n’s mind spun, fear clawing at her insides as she hastily finished with the player in front of her. she tried to keep her composure, but the thought of jude hurt, of him lying on the ground in pain, made her chest tighten with panic.
as she rushed toward the medical area, every step felt heavy, the hallway stretching out endlessly before her. the sound of the crowd outside became a distant roar, replaced by the deafening beat of her own heart. she had to stay professional, had to keep it together, but all she wanted to do was run to him, to see for herself that he was okay.
when she rounded the corner, she saw them—jude being carried in on a stretcher, his face ashen, twisted in agony. her breath caught in her throat, and for a moment, everything around her blurred. she wanted to cry out, to push through the medics and throw her arms around him, but she knew she couldn’t. not yet. she had to be strong, had to do her job.
the head physio and the medical team quickly surrounded jude, their movements efficient and precise. y/n hovered on the edge, her eyes locked on jude’s face. their gazes met, and in his eyes, she saw the same fear, the same unspoken connection that had been building between them for weeks. he looked at her, and despite the pain etched across his features, there was something else—something that made her heart clench even tighter. 
before she could decipher the look in his eyes, they were moving him again, carrying him toward the treatment area. y/n followed, her pulse pounding as she trailed behind, fear gnawing at her with every step. she couldn’t lose him—not now, not when she was finally beginning to understand just how much he meant to her.
as the door to the medical room swung shut behind them, blocking her from jude’s side, y/n stood frozen in place, a silent promise echoing in her mind. whatever happened next, she would be there for him. she would fight for him, just like she knew he would fight for her.
but the fear lingered, a dark cloud in the pit of her stomach. she didn’t know what was coming, didn’t know if jude would be okay, and the uncertainty gnawed at her, leaving her on the edge of a cliff, waiting for the ground to give way beneath her.
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taglist — @sinners-98-world @stephiii29 @kcharlyy @landosgirlxoxo @judesthighveins @ilovelifes-world @cinderellawithashoe @imnyt @miniemonie2001 @lunamelona @treble-snot @
96 notes · View notes
shitsndgiggs · 16 days
I loved the Jobe fic, I'll probably request something with him later on, but now, I have a request with Arda similar to that fic
Arda and the reader have been friends for long and the team knows who the reader is. But Arda and reader are secretly dating. One day, the team finds them fallen asleep on the couch, cuddled closely.
Thank you very much! I hope you'll feel better soon <3
Your relationship with Arda gets revealed in a unusual way
Arda Güler x fem! reader
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The day had been long, filled with training sessions, meetings, and endless drills. I had come to see Arda at the training facility like I always did, slipping in between practices to catch up or just hang out.
The team had gotten used to seeing me around; they all thought we were just close friends.
Little did they know that behind all the friendly smiles and casual conversations, there was something more—a secret that Arda and I had managed to keep under wraps for months.
Today, however, had been exhausting for both of us. Arda had looked drained, his usual spark a little dimmer after a tough match the day before.
I could tell he needed some downtime, a chance to recharge, and I had been feeling the same way.
So, after everyone had finished up, we snuck away to the lounge area—a small, cozy room with a big, comfortable couch that had become our secret spot.
We’d just planned to rest for a bit, maybe watch some TV or talk quietly until he felt more like himself.
But it wasn’t long before the soft hum of the TV, the warmth of his body next to mine, and the weight of exhaustion pulled me into a deep, peaceful sleep.
I didn’t realize just how tired I was until my eyes began to droop, and I felt Arda’s arm wrap around me, pulling me close against his chest.
I woke slowly to the sound of hushed voices and soft chuckles. Blinking my eyes open, I realized I was still on the couch, my head resting on Arda’s shoulder.
His arm was draped protectively over me, his face relaxed and peaceful in his sleep. I felt my heart flutter at the sight of him, so calm and serene.
But then I heard it again—the whispering. I turned my head slightly and noticed that we weren’t alone anymore.
The entire team was there, gathered around the couch, their phones out, taking pictures and laughing softly. Panic surged through me as I realized what this looked like—what they were seeing.
“Guys, shhh… they’re gonna wake up!” I heard one of them whisper, stifling a laugh.
“Too late,” another replied with a grin, nodding in my direction. “She’s already awake.”
Arda stirred beside me, blinking his eyes open as he came to. It took him a second to realize what was happening, but when he did, his eyes widened, and his arm tightened around me instinctively.
“What…?” He muttered sleepily, still half-asleep, but then he saw the team standing there, and his face turned from confusion to realization in an instant. “Oh… crap.”
I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped me at his reaction, even though I was feeling just as caught off guard.
The team’s expressions ranged from amused to downright gleeful, clearly enjoying the spectacle of their two teammates being discovered in such a compromising position.
“Uh, hey guys…” I said awkwardly, trying to untangle myself from Arda, but he held me tighter, almost as if he didn’t care that we’d been caught.
“Oh, don’t mind us,” teased Viní, holding up his phone with a grin. “Just getting some evidence for the group chat.”
Eduardo chimed in, “You two look so cozy! Who knew you were this close, huh?”
Arda sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, but I could see the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Alright, alright, you’ve had your fun,” he said, his voice still a little rough with sleep. “How about you all give us a little space?”
But the teasing didn’t stop. “So, how long has this been going on?” asked Aurélien, waggling his eyebrows. “And how come none of us knew?”
I glanced at Arda, wondering how he’d handle this. He glanced back at me, and I could see the hint of amusement in his eyes despite the situation. “A few months,” he finally admitted with a shrug. “We didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.”
The room erupted in playful jeers and cheers. “A few months?! And you didn’t tell us?
Come on, man, we could’ve thrown you a party or something!” Jude joked.
Arda chuckled, still keeping me close. “Yeah, well, we wanted to keep it to ourselves for a while. Didn’t think we’d get busted like this.”
I blushed, hiding my face against his shoulder for a moment before looking up at the team. “Can you guys just… delete those pictures, please?” I asked, trying to sound stern but unable to keep the smile off my face.
There were a few grumbles and reluctant nods, but eventually, they all started putting their phones away, the teasing still going on but now a bit more good-natured.
One of the senior players, Luka, grinned at us. “Hey, don’t worry, your secret’s safe with us,” he said, winking. “But you owe us a story or two.”
Arda laughed, finally sitting up fully and helping me to do the same. “Deal,” he said, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.
As the team slowly started to disperse, still chuckling and shaking their heads, I turned to Arda, unable to keep the grin off my face. “Well… I guess the secret’s out.”
He smiled back at me, his expression warm and tender. “Yeah,” he said, leaning in to kiss my forehead softly. “But you know what? I’m kind of okay with that.”
I nodded, feeling a wave of relief and happiness wash over me. “Me too,” I whispered, leaning into him, feeling his arms wrap around me once more.
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simpfordemetri · 4 months
The guards with a sleepy mate?? Would they be soft and gentle or would they be normal uhhh i need it so bad😚😚
Volturi guards X Sleepy Mate
✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧
He didnt expect himself to react like that just by the figure of you sleeping
But he did
He found himself totally in awe with you ,more than ever
And for the first time he didnt want your bite date to arrive
Even if the Volturi decided they could wait two more years to change you,in that moment he felt like two years werent enough,he needed more nights to feel this warm sensation that your sleep causes him
But he is not a creepy Eduardo Cullenardo(sorry)
He will actually sit next to you in bed,hand on your back caressing it softly and just enjoying your warm.
At first it was nothing special
A human sleeping,i mean yeah her human but it was sleeping,nothing surprising that humans do.
Until one day you had a really bad week and asked her to stayed with you while you napped for a bit as she was off dutty
What she didnt realise all this time is how relaxed she feels next to you,hearing your hearts beats and your slow breathing
And when out of nowhere you grabbed her hand while sleeping?
She had a brain stroke and she swear that not even possible to happen to vampires
She just concentrates on your breath and heartbeat while you sleep,and she feels nothing but a bit human
Adding that she also needs to at least hold your hand or your pinky while you sleep,she prefers that rather than cuddling tbh
He becomes so so so soft
I mean he already becomes soft at the minimun thing you do because he is just so enamored by you
Like you could lift a finger and he will celebrate it tbh
He makes sure to be next to you whenever you sleep,it can be a simple nap or night time,he is there
And he is all over cuddling you,prefering to be the big spoon ans having his head resting on top of yours
Cause then he is able to kiss your forehead everynow and then
Now,if you mumble something or talk in your sleep he gets so excited cause can humans do that?
And the first time that happened he for sure thought you were awake and started to have a conversation with yoj until he realised you were talking in your sleep and got so confused
Homeboy loves when you sleep because is a form of making sure that for a brief moment of the day you are calm
But he is afraid of getting into bed with you and cuddling you because he does not want to fuck up by even moving accidentally a bit and waking you up
He knows its facts that when humans are suddenly wake up we get really mad
And the last thing he wants is you screaming at him in the middle of the night (if its not because he is making you scream of an orgasm)
So he just stick to sit on the sopha next to the bed reading while you sleep
You know he is there and he knows you are sleeping well and no nightmares are happening so you both are content
However if you two have sexy segss the of course he will spend the night in the bed cuddling you,or if you ask him he will too
He is a gentleman i love him my pookie bear
Like i dont have anything mire to say but i must so here i go
Firstly she is all over buying matching pjs and wear them to bed as if she were going to sleep to
Actually she likes pretending she can sleep
She will like to be the little spoon and gets a bit sad when you get too comfy in your sleep that you turn around and stop cuddling her
The first times that happened she almost woke you up to ask you why did you do that
So she have to remind herself you are sleeping and she might as well be the big spoon now cause Heidi my love its your turn
Loves playing with your hair while you sleep and scratching your head
Hi pookies i tried to make the title a bit more cute do you all like it 🥹🥹
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munson-blurbs · 30 days
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Argyle x Pregnant!Reader
Summary: literally just Argyle being the sweetest during sex with his pregnant girl.
WC: 820
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI!), pregnant!Reader, Argyle calls Reader "mama" (but no mommy kink), allusion to daddy kink
A/N: shoutout to @chatteringfox for being the most feral over Argyle with me--not only for this fic, but also 24/7. Also, happy birthday Eduardo Franco. Sorry that we want to have your stoner babies.
Argyle was always gentle during sex. He held you as though you were the most precious thing to him, pressing soft kisses down the column of your neck. Even when you were on top, he’d languidly roll his hips upwards to meet yours, never once rushing through or chasing his own orgasm until he was certain you’d gotten yours.
Part of that could be attributed to the marijuana haze he kept himself in, but the primary reason was simply because he loved you so much and wanted to savor every moment.
Now, he braced his arms on either side of your body, groaning as he slid inside you. You were so wet for him, so eager and ready, a regular occurrence since you’d entered your second trimester. The nausea had subsided and had been replaced with an influx of hormones that had you craving his touch every second of the day. 
“Fuck, princesa,” Argyle murmured, sucking in a sharp breath. “How do you always feel so goddamn good?”
You could only whimper in reply, relishing in the way his happy trail brushed against your bump. Your fingers dug into his back, drawing him even closer. His raven curtain of hair draped over one side of you and tickled your bare arm.
Now fully seated within you, Argyle lifted one hand and let his thumb graze over your left nipple, his tongue swiping over the right. It was too much; the feel of him playing with your breasts was overstimulating on its own, but then adding in the additional sensitivities of pregnancy…
“A-Args,” you whispered, your breath hitching in your throat as he kissed you.
“Yeah?” The word, said against your lips, sent vibrations through your body.
It was impossible to concentrate with him filling you so perfectly. Every thrust was both lazy and intentional, the kind of movement that simultaneously said ‘I’m safe with you,’ and ‘I’ll take care of you.’
“S’too much.” Your eyes met his, and all at once he understood. This wasn’t you being a brat or teasing him for more. 
The hand on your breast moved to your side and caressed your bump with a tenderness you’d only ever imagined before Argyle. You relaxed into his touch and allowed yourself to be immersed in all of him. 
Argyle would always be Argyle, true to his core. The whites of his eyes were tinged pink from smoke. His fingers were strong and perfect for massages (a back massage was, ironically, how you’d ended up pregnant). The scents of cologne, weed, and flour mingled together and created an aura so utterly and uniquely Argyle. 
“‘S that better, Mama?”
And, oh, did that denomer do it for you. 
Your half-lidded eyes widened, your own movements temporarily stalled as you processed what he said. 
The corners of Argyle’s mouth curved into a gentle smile the moment he clocked your reaction. “Such a beautiful Mama, having my baby. Y’know,” he nipped at your bottom lip, “I always thought you were beautiful, from the moment we met. But now? Holy shit, s’like I didn’t even know what beauty was until now.”
Wrapping your legs around him, you pulled him in even deeper, eliciting a groan from both you and him. 
“Little faster,” you urged him. “I’m so fucking close.”
Argyle tucked his lips into his mouth, focusing solely on giving you what you needed. He thrusted into you faster than before, each movement sending a ripple of pleasure through your body. 
“C-Can’t hold out m-much longer, Mama.”
You nodded and threaded your fingers through his hair. “S’okay. I’m right—right—oh my god, yes!”
Your orgasm wasn’t gradual; it crashed into you with unfounded speed. You could feel every inch of him, the ridge between the head of his cock and the shaft hitting your sweet spot and making your toes curl. 
“Baby—Princesa—I’m c-coming,” Argyle panted, his breath warm against your neck. “That’s it, fuck, take it. Take my cum. Take it all…unngh.”
Argyle spilled into you with everything he had. His grip tightened around you as though he was grounding himself, lest he wake up and realize it was all a dream. 
Lucky for both of you, this was reality. 
He flopped down on his back, his bare chest heaving as he came down from the high. Perspiration darkened the thatch of hair between his pecs. 
“So.” Argyle turned his head to look at you. “Being called ‘Mama’ really does it for ya, huh?”
You gave him a wry grin. “Apparently.”
“Good to know.” He breathed out. “Good to know.”
“Why, you plan on using that to your advantage?”
He laughed and pulled you closer, letting his hand rest on your tummy. “I would never,” he said mockingly, pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
“Good.” You shifted so you were facing him, mischief dancing in your eyes. “Because then I just might have to see how you’d react if I called you ‘Daddy.’”
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theresamouseinmyhouse · 8 months
tim + brentwood characters as boys i was legitimately friends with in high school and think of every single day:
Buzz- Jake (fake names for all of my friends bc privacy reasons) who complained about hanging out with nerds, got into a fistfight with someone else on his football team bc they called us nerds, was thoroughly convinced he'd run laps faster if he was hopped up on pixie stix (i held his backback while he got sick in the bathroom👍👍), he tried to hit on my older sister and she laughed at him, he was so put out he contemplated becoming a monk for a week
Wes: Max, who i helped sneak an entire bottle of orange juice on to the bus to our choir competition, but was unaware he brought a full bottle of vodka as well, ended up crying on our choir teacher for the three hours after the comp and i bought him a box of donuts after school, he did not stop doing this and had severe beef with a kid he knew in 5th grade and hadnt seen since but also hadnt forgotten their name and last i knew, was still awaiting for a dreaded confrontation to eventually come
Kip: Eduardo, who we all thought was studying during lunch but was actually filling his notebook with weird facts he observed about us and also managed to chew several packs of gum at once throughout our math class before the teacher noticed him, didnt know the plot to the clockwork orange so i lied about it for 5 weeks before he read it and called me just to tell me "you lying frog" befire he hung up
Ali: Ángel, who lied several times on separate occasions to the campus security about where people smoked, forgot what chihuahuas were twice, and almost drowned when he was swimming except his older brother got him and he immediately called me while waiting for the ambulance to tell me he almost fucking died, randomly sang a song about crabs he made up throughout the day
Danny: Ben, helped me with my biology homework because i helped him with essays, once released a live rat into the computer classroom because he had beef with the teacher, once texted me at 11 p.m. because he was having a mental breakdown over his chem work before he realized he was actually looking at trig and i told him id shoot him with a tranq gun if he woke me up like this again, kept forgetting how to tie his shoes
Tim: Teddy, he catfished 6 men over the age of 30 by pretending to be a 13 yr old girl and lured them to the part of town where there is an absurd amount of wild dogs that evade animal control and are known to maul humans, i watched him lockpick the english teacher's door so he could take back an essay he wrote bc it was actually a slash fic he printed out and turned in by accident, we hung out at a dennys once and he accidentally put his hand in syrup, looked me dead in the eye and said "i did that bc im gay" and wore pastel pink for a month bc it pissed off the hall monitor, his dad, and also six teachers he didnt even have class with
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featguler · 3 months
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🖤 ─── nsfw, do not engage if under 18
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♡ ─── SERIES BUZZ : anthological real madrid series based on niki's album, 'buzz'
♡ ─── ARDA GÜLER a home in your mind : one-shot i thought you loved me ? : one-shot we don't talk about it : one-shot why do you do this to yourself ? : one-shot
♡ ─── AURÉLIEN TCHOUAMÉNI comin' at you : social media!au one of those things : one-shot 🖤 talk so pretty : one-shot 'till there's no tomorrow : one-shot
♡ ─── BRAHIM DÍAZ i'm being for real : social media!au waited your whole life : one-shot
♡ ─── EDUARDO CAMAVINGA calling it fine : one-shot guessing every gaze : one-shot
♡ ─── FEDERICO VALVERDE love is fast asleep : one-shot
♡ ─── JUDE BELLINGHAM better half : social media!au did you like her in the morning? : one-shot ( a part of 'BUZZ' )
♡ ─── KYLIAN MBAPPÉ baby steps, baby : one-shot can i come over ? : headcanons heard the risk is drownin' : one-shot held my bluff this time : one-shot our hearts are free : headcanons
♡ ─── RODRYGO GOES all we've been talkin' about : one-shot
♡ ─── VINÍCIUS JÚNIOR a walking contradiction : social media!au does he know !? : one-shot getting caught up : one-shot hope they caught us : social media!au i just wanna say : one-shot 🖤 wound up with a purpose : one-shot
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will80sbyers · 7 months
part 001 (a new masterpost with the dates in order and more organized)
Before filming started:
We know that "The crawl" is the title of episode 1 of season 5 !
( posted on Nov. 7 /2023 ) The first scene is this one with a child's voice singing a familiar song (probably Will singing Should I stay or Should I go)
April 29 / 2023
Casting was looking for two kids 8-10yo (April and Derek - probably fake names)
August 17 / 2023
David (Hopper's actor) says the season is going to start a bit after the final scene on the hill and the finale is ''moving'' and the characters will have a pay-off.
September 19 / 2023
First pictures of the Hawkins set, they were building it still.
pictures and drone footage
September 29 / 2023
The STRANGER WRITERS account on twitter posts a pre-vis of a scene in episode 1 where Jonathan and Steve are doing something together.
October 20 / 2023
Pre-vis animation of the scene of Dustin, Jonathan and Nancy falling down a tunnel in a car while screaming. Happens in episode 4 at the McCorkle farm.
October 30 / 2023
Ross and Matt Duffer post a video of them preparing one of the scenes- Robin, Nancy, Joyce, El and Will are in it.
You probably have some sort of straight on with Joyce…we're seeing them kinda parading and then we'll probably have some rakes, you know? Yeah. But then we need to get to Will, though. Well, what, isn't it Joyce ???? Well, we'll start from Eleven and then, cause Eleven says ''There's not enough.''. Oh she says ''There's not enough.'' either ''too many'' what if we just pull back like, Eleven says '' There's too many'' and then we land on Will and he's looking nervous… and then we could zero-in on him like that… is that weird to pull and then move in. I don't think so.
November 26 / 2023
BTS of some posters inside the Hawkins school make us think the season will start or take place around november 21, 1987. There is a project for the fair for ''Energy conservation'' from the Department of Energy. There is also a poster aboout Christmas.
November 29 / 2023
Ross Duffer was on the Wheelers home location
November 30 / 2023
Scouting the locations. New bts of the posters at Hawkins high, the crew is preparing the locations- pictures from Ross.
December 7 / 2023
Cara Buono posts a ''back to work'' selfie and we have some more pictures from the Hawkins high set.
December 8 / 2023
Ross posts some bts pictures, they are doing camera tests for the show before they start filming.
December 17 / 2023
Confirmed that STRANGER THINGS 5 will be 8 episodes long, video interview to the Duffer brothers. They already did the table read of the first 6 episodes (which makes me think it was the day Cara posted the selfie on dec. 7)
January 5 2024
atlanta_filming on instagram says that Nancy, Steve, Jonathan and Robin were filming.
January 8 / 2024
New bts pictures of the Hawkins set with the militay in town.
The Stranger Things production begins officially with a picture of the cast. Linda Hamilton is interpreting a new character in s5 as previously announced.
January 9 / 2024
Ross Duffer posts a series of bts pictures from Day 1: FIRST LOOK AT ROBIN AND STEVE IN COSTUME. BTS pictures of the background, Nancy and Jonathan were filming too, Pink Floyd the movie poster etc
January 11 / 2024
Eduardo Franco says Argyle will not be back in s5 (HE COULD BE LYING)
More bts pictures of Dustin in costume, the scene seems to be him at the cemetery visiting Eddie's grave that has been defaced with hate writings on it. LINKS: 1 / 2 / 3
January 17 / 2024
Paparazzi pictures of the filming at Hawkins high, the Bully with the hat from s4 (or Dustin???) in costume?
Bts pictures with the military near the school
FIRST LOOK AT MIKE IN COSTUME paparazzi picture at Hawkins High / 2
New pictures of Dustin on set, his shirt is damaged, there's probably been a fight at school with the bullies (initially I thought it was with Mike but it makes no sense lmao), he's being harassed because of what the town believes about Eddie. LINKS: 1 / 2
The Stranger Things channel on instagram posts a bts video of the set with books about electricity.
Some details from the video
January 18 /2024
Prod. Spoilers on twitter posts a picture of the Bradley's big buy supermarket saying it will make an appearance.
New pictures that show the Radio station WSQK where they are filming, the truck from Bradley's is there so maybe they took it in a scene.
January 19 / 2024
Ross Duffer posts bts pictures from week 2 of filming: FIRST LOOK AT MIKE in his room (finally a good picture ❤️ ) / A bike in the Hawkins school field, Will's bike with the shoes that Noah was wearing there so it's a scene with Will probably having a vision/dream because it's at night with the fog. / A sticker that says the Halley's comet is coming nov. 1985 - apr. 1986 / Mike's basement ? / A hellfire drawing inside one of the lockers. / El and Mike in a field going to the radio station.
Bts pictures of a scene with El and Mike at the radio station talking to each other, Hopper and Joyce were there too. / 2 / 3
Picture of Hopper
Picture of Joyce
My lip reading of the video (it could be wrong!!!!)
January 24 / 2024
The Hawkins mall will be back?
Pictures at the Hawkins new hospital with a blue and a yellow bike there
Video of Karen on set filming ep. 2
A new video of the scene between El and Mike on the radio station roof seems to indicate it's an emotional scene.
January 25 / 2024
They are filming at the Stone Mountain park location, new bts pictured of the weeks before at the radio station etc
Little curiosity about the radio station and the inspo for it.
January 26 / 2024
The Stranger Things channel on ig posts new background pictures at the school with the decorations inside the school: 1 / 2 / 3 /
The lockers at school: 1 / 2
January 27 / 2024
New bts paparazzi pictures from the day they filmed at the hospital in Hawkins / 2 / 3
January 28 / 2024
Filming at Browns Lake in Georgia?
January 29 / 2024
Bts pictures of the Upside down vines in the woods and at Hawkins Lab
February 1 / 2024
Probably old - pictures of the night shoots at the radio station
Maybe a song is involved?
Bts pictures of the Wheelers car and Steve's car at the radio station with the WSQK blue van / 2
A good picture of the WSQK blue van
February 2 / 2024
Prod. Spoilers says that Nancy, Mike, Will, Jonathan, Murray and Joyce and Steve were on set.
New pictures from the radio station
ROSS DUFFER BTS PICTURES OF WEEK 3-4 / El at the radio station, background decoration with '' A wrinkle in Time'' and '' Why start a life under a cloud?" - the old bus from s1 at the place where they went to hide, a bloody shoe (probably Joyce's) and a scene in a room with blue walls (?)
BTS paparazzi pictures near the Bradley's truck, Jonathan, Nancy, Steve, Robin and Murray were involved. / 2
Filming in Stone Mountain Park probably on the train tracks like in s1
February 3 / 2024
Prod Spoilers posts a drone video of the radio station with some info
FIRST LOOK AT NANCY AND JONATHAN (from behind…) paparazzi pics / 2 / 3 / 4
February 5 / 2024
BTS pics from the Mc Corkle farm / 2
Continues in -> 002 and 003
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jazzymarie1006 · 8 months
Re-watched the episodes again and I realized something else!
While Eduardo didn't appear in the episode "Kid Kree", he’s fully aware of how close Marvin's gotten to Lunella in the short time they've gotten to know each other. Clearly there was some off screen jealousy.
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In "Wish-Tar" (the episode right after "Kid Kree") look who Eduardo's seen hanging out with!
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The same girl who insulted Lunella's hair in "Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow"!
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While Eduardo did go to the dance with this girl in the episode "Dancing with Myself", this doesn't stop him from still having feelings for Lunella...
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Or being jealous of Marvin. So he clearly isn't romantically interested in this girl!
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Of course I've got questions!
- While we all can OBVIOUSLY see why Lunella would hang out with Marvin, why would Eduardo hang out with this girl? The only things they seem to have in common are the latest trends.
- Will we get a name reveal for this girl in a future episode? Seriously! She's maybe the only side character with lines whose name HASN'T been revealed!
- Did Eduardo ask her to the dance (because he thought Lunella wouldn't be interested), or did she ask him because she didn't wanna be dateless (she obviously didn't seem into Eduardo at the dance)?
- Since we're getting more of Eduardo this season, will we be seeing more of that girl as well? Maybe that Hater Symbiote will return!
I'd love to you what you guys think!
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marisol-larosa · 27 days
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The evening air in Ibiza was warm, with the scent of the sea mingling with the aromas of grilled seafood and fresh herbs from the restaurant kitchen. Marisol sat at the dinner table, her fingers idly tracing the rim of her wine glass as she stole glances at her brother, Eduardo. He hadn’t said much since they arrived, a stark contrast to his usual easygoing, lively self. Instead, he seemed distant, his responses clipped, his gaze often drifting off toward the horizon where the sun had dipped below the sea, leaving a twilight glow in its wake.
Elliot, ever perceptive, had tried to engage Eduardo in conversation, asking about the latest happenings back home in Grenada, but Eduardo had offered little more than monosyllabic answers. Marisol had noticed the furrow in Elliot’s brow, the way he glanced at her with concern, but she simply gave him a reassuring smile. She didn’t want to ruin the evening by addressing whatever was bothering Eduardo in front of Elliot.
But as dinner wore on and Eduardo’s silence became more pronounced, Marisol’s patience began to fray. She could sense the tension radiating from him, could see the way his jaw tightened each time the conversation veered toward her and Elliot’s plans to move to Austin. It was unlike Eduardo to hold back his feelings, especially with her. They had always been close, sharing everything from their childhood secrets to their deepest fears. So why was he holding back now?
As the waiter cleared their plates and offered dessert, Marisol shook her head politely and glanced at Eduardo. “Do you want to take a walk?” she asked, trying to keep her tone light.
Eduardo looked up at her, his dark eyes unreadable, and then nodded. “Sure.”
They left Elliot at the table, assuring him they wouldn’t be long, and stepped out onto the cobblestone street. The night was alive with the sounds of music and laughter, but Marisol barely noticed. She led the way down a quiet path that opened up to a view of the moonlit ocean. They walked in silence for a few minutes before Marisol couldn’t take it any longer.
“Eddy, what’s going on?” she asked, stopping to face him. “You’ve been quiet all evening, and it’s not like you. Did I do something to upset you?”
Eduardo exhaled slowly, running a hand through his dark hair. “No, Mari, it’s not that.” He paused, his gaze dropping to the ground before meeting hers again. “It’s just… you’re planning to move to Texas, and I can’t help but feel like you’re leaving us behind.”
Marisol blinked, taken aback. “Leaving you behind? Eduardo, you know that’s not true. Elliot and I—this move, it’s what we need to start fresh after everything that’s happened.”
“I know,” he said, his voice tight. “But what about us? What about Papá? He’s been asking about you every day since Mamá died. He doesn’t say it, but I can see it in his eyes—he’s worried. We both are. We thought… we thought you might come back to Spain.”
Marisol felt her heart clench. She hadn’t realized how much they had been holding on to the hope that she would return. She had been so focused on finding her own way through her grief, on starting a new life with Elliot, that she hadn’t considered the impact her decisions were having on her family.
“Eduardo, I…” Her voice faltered as she searched for the right words. “I didn’t know you and Papá felt that way. I thought you understood why I needed this change, why I needed to be with Elliot.”
“We do understand,” Eduardo replied softly. “But understanding doesn’t make it any easier. We’ve already lost Mamá, and now it feels like we’re losing you too. Papá wanted me to talk to you, to see if you’d reconsider moving back home. We need you, Marisol. Spain is where you belong.”
Marisol stood there, torn between the life she wanted to build with Elliot and the pull of her family, who were still struggling to find their footing after her mother’s death. She looked out at the ocean, the waves crashing against the rocks below, and felt the weight of the decision she would have to make.
“I love you, Eduardo,” she finally said, her voice thick with emotion. “And I love Papá. But Elliot he’s… he’s my person. The one. I can’t just walk away from that. I don’t want to.”
Eduardo clicked his tongue in disappointment, shaking his head as he pushed away from the wall he leant against. “Good luck with that,” He murmured, disappearing into the streets of Ibiza, leaving her with only a lump in her throat and the bill.
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ask-the-neighbores · 2 months
For all of you! Did you guys have any pets growing up? Do you all have a pet now?
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Mark: Awwhh.. Well I'm glad you asked because I remembered my childhood family dog! Her name was Dahlia, la flor favorita de mi abuela. Me and my brother just loved her...
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Jon: We've always had a fishtank at my house growing up! I remember I gave each and everyone of them names, but I can't remember them all today. I also had a hamster when I was a teenager. His name was Oswald, he loved sitting on my shoulder :).
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Eduardo: Never had pets growin up. Ma didn't like pets. Which y'know, probably coulda used a little companion like that.
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Eduardo: But... We've had a recent addition to THIS family. And man I just.... I never thought it would make me this happy.
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tailsdollr · 8 months
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some funny guys I'm deciding to talk their significance because I definitely need to share more about this au!-
firstly if you ever wanna ask anything about leftbound, go ahead. I understand I'm not exactly the best at sharing and may leave things vague. (´゚ω゚`)
Phonie is a copy of Tord that can be found within most areas of the labyrinth albeit rare. It is made off the thought that perhaps everything Tord did was fake all along, and there was nothing between him and Edd.
It has no halo and just wings. Tho they are black like a ravens. It has an outline around it's face where the shell of it will pop out, revealing that it's completely hollow except for eyes. Or at least.. Appears empty.
It will randomly appear and follow you or just full on replace Tord if you are with him. It's appearance is unnoticeable and silent. It will perfectly mimic Tord but in way that is mechanical. Only being able to sag phrases that he has said before.
It can open doorways like how Tord can but instead of leading to a random area of the labyrinth, it leads to nothing but an empty black space.
The Dead
Due to the reincarnation and how Edd, while not on purpose, keeps certain things alive, the dead are in an idle state. Not entirely dead but there as an unused asset to recall.
Reincarnation makes a new body. So all of them are stored here. They are stuck in whatever state they are left in, unable to die. They cannot talk. While most can still sleep and eat in the labyrinth, they cannot do either. Whatever they have that is remnant of their body will try to stabilize into something to mobilize them.
Jon is a special case. Being content with with death. Although he seems to be withering like the others in a shriveled burning paper like way. He can sometimes summon limbs for himself, although not attached. Jon cannot talk like the others, and instead tries to use his limited expression of SL.
Laurel is somewhat an abnormally too. She also has her conscious left and can feel it through the pain. Her goal is to use their new chance at something resembling life and try to find Eduardo. She will be ok knowing he's okay. It'll be a proper goodbye to him, and something hopefully will help him be okay with her death.
Most of the other dead through the state which they have died can only coing onto what's near them for any semblance of hope.
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strangegutz · 2 months
There was a drawing from sometime back where Eddie says that he named himself. Was Eddie given another name by the people who originally owned him or is that info outdated now?
Unrelated thought, he looks cute in a suit! You draw some very nice looking men and it reminds me of how attractive men are LOL
He did rename himself. Eddie's assigned name was De Leon. CompanDroids were modeled after various celebrities, his face-sake was an actor, and De Leon was the name of one of that actors roles (the one Eddie is styled as). He named himself Eduardo/Eddie shortly after gaining independence
And thank you!! I like men :)
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joequinnisgod · 2 years
Rumors (Requested)
Pairing: Joseph Quinn x co-star!reader
Request: Hi there!! I loveeee your stories and I wanted to know if you could possibly do one about Joseph x reader where she was a part of st4 and everyone shipped them, but they never confirmed it. The reader is spotted wearing one of Joseph’s blazers maybe to dinner or something. You can decide how to frame the story and how it ends! He’s just been looking so scrumptious lately and I need this to find peace 😭🤍 you’re amazing!! (Also take your time. I know you’re probably drowning in requests!!)
Warnings: established relationship, implied smut, fluff, somewhat secretive relationship becoming public
Word count: 2,2k
A/N: Thank you for requesting and for being patient dear Requester, I got a tad carried away..hope you’ll find peace after reading this <3
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Trying to keep your relationship private while being in the spotlight was definitely one of the most challenging things you've faced in a while. People and cameras are around you at all times, the world's always ready for the latest gossip and celebrity drama to chew on. They make assumptions based on the smallest, most meaningless things and words.
When you got a call from your agent, telling you that you got the role you auditioned for on Stranger Things, you were absolutely thrilled. You never thought you would actually get it.
On the first day of the shooting you felt extremely nervous and anxious. Knowing that the people on the set had been co-workers for a while now made you feel like an outsider. Meeting the cast, however, was definitely a positive experience; they were all so welcoming and understanding. It only made it easier that it wasn't only you who was new to the show. You managed to connect with Joseph, Jamie and Eduardo way faster than you had expected.
For nearly a year, you were pushing your limits with the endless hours of hard work on set, the many sleepless nights and the memorisation of the script. Every once in a while – when your schedule and energy let you – you managed to escape from reality and your responsibilities for a night out either with old friends or with members of the cast.
Throughout the long months you grew the closest with Joseph. He was a really charming, funny, attentive guy and he was definitely one of the most handsome man you had seen in your entire life. After about two months you exchanged phone numbers and started texting back and forth more and more, with phone calls becaming more frequent and longer as well. The inside jokes between you two developed quite quickly as you shared the best stories of your childhoods and teenagehoods, but thoughtful, deep conversations were also spoken. The more you got to know him, the more you started liking him even though you didn't want to admit that to yourself.
The other members of the cast witnessed your friendship develop and it became pretty obvious to them that it wasn't just friendship. They saw what neither of you two did: the way you would blush and become shy when Joseph complimented you, the way his smile grew wider when you were trying really hard to explain something and the way you always hugged each other for a little longer. They loved to tease the two of you about it.
"Get a room, love birds." Yelled Jamie with a smile when you were about to go home, being done with your part of the scenes for the day. You gave everyone elbow or fist bumps – due to covid, since you didn't want to risk anyone's health –, but each time when it came to saying goodbye, Joseph and you could never resist a hug.
"Fuck off." Joseph laughed at him as his cheeks turned a solid shade of red. You jokingly rolled your eyes, your face also reddening at Jamie's comment. "Text me when you get home."
"Okay. Hang tough, you'll get home in a few hours, too."
"Wish we'd be there already."
You hugged him quickly again, rubbing his back softly before saying a final goodnight to everyone and heading home.
After a while you and Joseph settled into a comfortable routine of going out sometimes to quiet places, choosing to avoid crowded locations so no rumours would be started about the two of you. In the beginning, these meet-ups were mostly friendly, though occasionally a few concealed and shy flirty gestures were made as well. Over time you grew cosy with the thought of being with Joseph and you often found yourself not being able to stop thinking about him whenever he wasn't around.
On one of these evenings you spent together, you were sitting on his couch, eating the meal he had prepared before you got there. On the TV some silly reality show was playing but it was functioning more as a background noise.
"You got some of it on your face." He interrupted your sentence as he pointed at the right side of his lips. You wiped where he showed, looking at your fingers to see if you got it. "No, the other side." He giggled.
"Is it gone?" You wiped your lips again, raising your eyebrows as you looked at him.
"Come here." He reached to your face, his thumb tracing the outline of your lips. It would be a lie to say you didn't get a warm, fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach, which you were sure showed on your cheeks a tad. It took you by surprise when he simply just took his thumb between his lips, licking his finger clean. "So, what were you saying?" He took the fork in his hand again.
"I, uhh..I forgot."
The rest of the evening went by rather fast; too fast for your liking. You were standing by Joseph's front door, putting on your shoes while he took your coat from the hanger, holding it open for you. You slid your arms in the sleeves and turned back around to face him.
"Drive safely. 'Kay?"
"And text me when you get home." You deepened your voice, mocking him.
"Like you don't tell me that all the time, too." He smiled at your childishness, pulling you into a hug. You stood in each other's embrace for a few moments before he started rocking you both side to side. You laughed while pulling back from the hug.
"Good night, Mr. Ramsay."
"Good night, Miss Red Cheeks."
"What?" Your eyes widened a bit at his comment.
"Don't think I didn't notice." He grinned as his gaze fell on your lips. "I..kind of want to try...something, though." He lowered his voice as he got closer to you. He placed his hand on your cheek softly, his action making your breath hitch in your throat. He slowly leaned in, first just tracing your lips with his own, testing the waters. When you had enough of his teasing, you pressed your lips against his, stilling them for a few seconds, then starting to move them. The kiss was shy and intimate as your lips moved in sync but when you felt his tongue gently poke your lips, you pulled away.
"Shit, sorry." He apologised right away.
"No, no, it's okay, just..just not so fast."
"Okay...well..good night. And sorry."
"It's okay, seriously. Good night, Joseph." You pressed one last kiss on his cheek before opening his door and walking out to your car. After getting in an starting the engine, you looked at his front door, him still standing there. You waved to him and drove off, trying to focus on the road instead of the kiss.
A few months later he asked you to be his girlfriend. You never confirmed your relationship to the public eye, only friends and family knew about it. During the press tour for season four of Stranger Things, you had quite a few interviews together and the fans definitely noticed the chemistry you two had; it was actually quite hard to miss. There were a few people amongst the fans who were jealous and mean, however majority of the fans couldn't help but ship you. Even interviewers pointed out what you had going on, making you blush each time. The assumptions were never denied by neither of you, you just tried to laugh it off or change the subject quickly.
However, one day some fans didn't fail to notice when you wore one of Joseph's blazers to a business dinner. You were a bit late so you were running around the house while getting ready; from the bedroom to the bathroom back and forth, stopping at the closet a few times as well. Joseph was laying on the couch, watching TV but mostly enjoying the show you put on. It entertained him how you were struggling to put on your clothes and how you couldn't find anything.
"Babe, have you seen my grey blazer?" You yelled from the bedroom as you were roaming through your clothes.
"You put it in the dryer last night." His voice echoed through the hallway. The realisation hit you hard when you remembered.
"Fuck, I forgot to take it out! No, no, no, no.." You hurried towards the laundry room, already suspecting the state you would find the balzer in. When you took it out of the machine, it was covered in wrinkles. All over it.
"You found it?" Joseph poked his head in from the hallway.
"It's wrinkly as shit. I don't have time to iron it." You eyed the blazer as you tried to come up with a solution.
"Wear one of mine."
You tossed the coat on top of the dryer and hurried to the wardrobe in the bedroom. Joseph followed you to the room and watched you run your hands through the hanging clothes, looking for a blazer that would match your pants. Upon finding one, you basically ripped it off of the hanger and slid your arms through the sleeves, adjusting it as you eyed your reflection in the mirror.
"Does it look weird? Do I look okay?" Your eyes found his in the mirror as he stood by the door, leaning on the wall for support.
"You look magnificent, doll." He walked up to you and kissed your neck again and again. "Especially in my clothes."
"Don't start anything, Quinn. I really don't have time. But if you wait for me, you might get a surprise." You pressed a quick kiss on his lips and walked towards the bedroom door to head out.
"Do you want me to drive you?" He asked as he slapped your butt while you walked past him.
"I'm good, thank you. I'll be back in like two hours."
The dinner went smoothly, it even ended sooner than you thought, letting you go home to Joseph half an hour earlier. When you opened the front door of your home, the house was mostly dark. You took your shoes and coat off quickly and went straight to the bedroom. As you entered the room, you saw Joseph sprawled out on his side of the bed, soft snores escaping his mouth in a steady rhythm. You smiled at the sight and went to take a shower as quiet as possible. After brushing your teeth as well, you put on one of Joseph's T-shirts that you used as your pyjamas. You got under the covers carefully and cuddled up to him, falling asleep quickly.
The next morning you woke up to the feeling of soft kisses being pressed on your cheeks, jaw and neck. A smile creeped on your face at his gesture and the somewhat ticklish sensation.
"Good morning, baby." His rough morning voice heavy with sleep sounded across the room as he continued showering you with kisses.
"Good morning." You opened your eyes slowly, squinting at the brightness.
"I fell asleep last night, while waiting for you.." He pouted when he lifted his head, searching for your eyes. "But all is not lost that is delayed." He wiggled his eyebrows.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You tried hiding the small smirk that began forming on your lips.
"You said if I wait for you, I can get a surprise." He looked at you like a disappointed child who was told they can't get ice cream, but a smirk spread across his face when he noticed your smile. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." He started kissing you again, moving onto your chest.
"But you fell asleep, and I'm not wearing the surprise anymore." You looked at the small pile of clothes on the floor that you were too lazy to put in the laundry last night. The lingerie that was laying on top of the pile caught Joseph's eyes immediately.
"Fuck." He whispered as he silently cursed himself for falling asleep so early.
The continuous buzzing of your phone finally caught your attention and you turned onto your stomach to reach for it. Joseph laid on top of you, his bare chest to your clothed back as he pushed you further into the mattress. You laughed at his childlike behavior as you read the notifications that were flooding your phone: messages from friends and hundreds of mentions on twitter and instagram.
"What happened?" He eyed the screen from above your shoulder, growing more and more curious. Your eyebrows furrowed as a million thoughts raced through your mind. A few seconds later you were knee deep in tweets about last night's dinner – about the blazer to be more exact.
"Is that Joe's blazer??? I knew itttt, finally!!"
"She's wearing Joseph's clothes!!!??"
"They're finally together, I'm so happy for them!!!"
"Umm...I think we're caught."
"How the hell do they even recognise my clothes?" He laughed.
"Well then..I guess we don't have to be so secretive anymore."
"At least I can hold your hand when we're out from now on. Let's go somewhere tomorrow, eh?"
"Why not today?" You put your phone on do not disturb before placing it back on the bedside table.
"Because today, we're spending the whole day in this bed." He murmured into your ear.
Feel free to leave feedback or to request something (disclaimer: I write at the speed of the internet explorer)
Have beautiful day / night, take care!! <33
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dxwnfxll · 1 year
Heyy!! How are you?<3
I just found your blog and I'm so happy I did! So I decided to leave a request for some hc's of the main 4 eddsworld boys finding out the reader is a stoner? Like they'll just get into the house and see the reader faded af and just being extra chill abt everything??
If you don't do multiple character hc's, then the same premise but only for Tord. Thank you lovely :))
Hiya !! I'm doing swell ! Hope ya are to :) !!
And awesome HC idea totally gonna write it out
Hope ya enjoy it ! (And sorry for the wait i've been busy busy !!)
The eddsworld boys with a stoner reader
(gender neutral reader)
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- So Tord is DEF a stoner, you can't tell me other wise. So when he casually arrives home one day a lil earlier than the others and finds reader faded as hell he just fucking laughs.
- He def gets high with reader, he has a collection of funny lil bongs including a anime girl one he spent a shit ton of money on.
- Reader got munchies? He's got ya, he's got his own lil munchie stash in his room.
- Readers first time getting high? He'll call you stupid but help you through it, make sure you don't freak tf out
- You and him probably sit on the couch looking like idiots laughing at the dumbest shit (probably a dumb commercial Tord keeps rewinding back over and over)
- I don't see Edd as a stoner but he's okay with the 'lifestyle', though when he came back after a cola run and found Reader staring at the ceiling snickering here and there he's very concerned
- " Did Tord give you something from his stash? TORD !! "
- When he figures out YOU are ALSO a stoner he's like " oh "
- He's kinda curious about what it's like sometimes, especially since he's been casually watching you/Tord getting high randomly and looking like y'all are having the time of your lives.
- Careful if you actually let him get high with you, He's gonna freak tf out and get some bad munchies
- If he never gets high with you though he just kinda keeps an eye on you to make sure you're okay
- He's not a stoner, doesn't even know what a stoner is. So when he comes home and smells something 'bad' in the air he thinks it's a damn fire
- Idk why he thought it was a fire he just did, he sees smoke coming under your door and grabs a bucket and before you even know it he's thrown water in your room...on you.
- He killed your vibe
- He does apologize though at least
- He used to be a stoner, he kinda stopped after he got into Smirnoff and didn't wanna be juggling both y'know?
- When he comes home and sees you on the couch he just holds in a lil laugh and goes " i know that face, someones tripping balls"
- He MAKES you give him a hit on the blunt/bong/whatever (or an edible if you prefer edibles)
- He's a pro at this shit so he's chilling, and hopefully you are too. But a few mins in he'll get up and grab some snacks for you two.
- He isn't a very giggly high when y'all two are high but he's more 'idiotic', he'll find random photos and think they're the funniest shit known to man kind. He's also very hungry and thirsty when he gets high
- Tord is NOT allowed during y'alls high time
- He takes big breaks when getting high, so if you're a stoner that does it daily or day after day he's not gonna smoke with ya every day. He smokes like maybe once or twice a week? It really depends
- He judges you, but when he sees how chill you are when high he decides to take a hit. He gets mad when he doesn't get high from one hit
- Excuse him he's a lil dumb, you tell him it takes more than one hit and he just grumbles before taking another hit
- Once he's high with you he just sits there, you probably gotta check on him to make sure he's okay
- After that time he gets high with you whenever he can, dude probably needs it tbh
- He doesn't really understand but he's cool with it ! :D
- Mark prefers to not be around whenever you get high, it's not that he hates you being a stoner he just isn't into smoking and all that. He does warn you about the bad stuff with smoking though womp womp
- Dude doesn't care, he probably finds you high in the barracks at the red army base. He probably sits with you and smokes his own cigarettes just chilling with you
- " everybody needs a break every now and then, just don't be high while your work yeah ? "
- If you ask for anything to help get you down from your high so you can work he'll usually help (if he's in a good mood)
- Judging
- He doesn't like that you're high during work, doesn't like the smell and doesn't like how you act while high
- gets a lil annoyed if he has to help you walk around or anything
- def never getting high with you, but he's def had a contact buzz before
Yippe ! Hope you enjoyed sorry if it seemed rushed at all
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