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ironcladfoundry · 10 months ago
For the MynameisByf ultimate lore video, I drew nearly every race from the lore of Destiny. So enjoy some headcanons.
The Precursors
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The Lubraeans
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The proto worms
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The Krill
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Kaharn Atol
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The Ammonite
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The Qugu
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The Noesis
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The Ahslid
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The Ecumine
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mrsmiagreer · 1 year ago
So who the hell was gonna tell me that ETS stood for Ecumine Technology Solutions
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thelancer27 · 1 day ago
< L1 Grey: I am apprehensive to make contact with an agent of Union—even so, my concern overrides my fear.
Have you determined the status of Cal’yaa? Are you engaging the Ascendancy forces responsible for his abduction? If so, I wish you luck and highly incompetent enemies. >
( @luna-wing-cns274 )
Working on it. Me and Sevak have tracked a few scouts down to this old SecCom era flight base. Seems their picking up a bunch of Ecumine cigs, and are planning to ship them off to god knows where.
Indeed, however, we seek to stop such cruelty. However we have not identified the precise whereabouts of our friend.
We’ll find him though, and when we do. We’re tearing these Ascendancy assholes a new one.
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ankiravasanti · 7 months ago
Introduction Post~!
Hello, i'm Ankira Vasanti, but most people just call me Kira. I'm a (mostly) dark type pokémon trainer who was born in Hoenn and now resides in Unova.
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My pokémon team consists of:
Frossy the Frosmoth
Pogo the Sableye
Phobos the Corviknight
Ecumine the Malamar
Aspic the Hydreigon
Solar the Absol
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And that's pretty much it. Feel free to ask me questions in the box, and don't hesitate to say hello. I don't bite... at least not literally.
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catholic-saint-tournament · 2 years ago
Unsure if I can vote more than once, but I have more St Charles de Fouclaud propaganda!!
He really was such an interesting guy, and to me, he kind of falls into modern mystic territory? Like the prayer of surrender (Father,I abandon myself into your hands; Do with me what you will. Whatever you may do, I thank you:I am ready for all, I accept all) Hooo, mama! I miss how often saints used to talk about fully surrendering yourself to God!
I think his philosophy of preaching through example instead of through sermon is especially relevant in our current day, when a lot of Christians worry more about making sure they say they're Christian than about extending God's love to the marginalized. He also treated the cultures around him with so much respect and dignity, and he was quite the ethnographer! He cared so much about loving people, regardless of if they were interested in converting or not, which was a very Christ-like thing to do. He also shows that doing your job well and with dignity is another way to glorify the Lord.
He took a vow of poverty, not just to prove his devotion, but to truly live among the less fortunate. He inspired the Little Brothers and worked for the Poor Clares. His dearest desire was to be a brother to all, even taking the name "Brother Charles of Jesus." He once said that he hoped to die alone, like Christ. His friendship with the Muslim community around him was so deep and genuine that they were the ones who buried his body.
His second miracle was the protection and healing of a carpenter who had fallen and gotten impaled while fixing up a church-- which feels so perfect for a man who dedicated himself to common, working class, easily abandoned individuals.
I've adopted him as an unofficial patron, doesn't matter how new he is!! His writings are endlessly fascinating and inspiring, and he played a role in the reinvigoration of my faith, showing me that you really can reject the world and give your life to Christ, even when that means rejecting things the church/christians are doing. We've got to drum up a patronage for him-- maybe ecuminical friendship or reconversion or poetry translators or people whose organs should have exploded, idk!!!!
He IS the moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, the persistent widow is a parable for a reason, right?? This isn't a major election. This is all of us banding together and bothering each other until we pick a saint. Get your votes in!!
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calyaa4990 · 4 days ago
Oh hello, Ashlyn did speak to me of this yes.
You wish to know of Metat’Aun? Well, I will speak all I can to such a Topic.
If you were to ask the Ascendancy, and those in the ruling class of Dawn Throne, Metat’Aun is the physical body hanging over our homeworld. They see it as undeniable proof of the existence of a physical god, and soul in our space.
The Ecumine saw differently, but we lost, and are hunted by our militant brethren.
To us, Metat’Aun is not a physical being, neither is the soul. The great being above Dawn Throne is not god, it is not Allah, Metat’Aun, or any of the many names ascribed to it. It is simply a miracle, and a majestic gift from Metat’Aun. For such a great god does not exist on our planet of life. To do so is to be imperfect, and to walk the path.
Metat’Aun does not walk the path, it is both the path itself, and the end goal, and the journey. It is the peace and the grace earned through the travels endured.
I pray for your safety in travels. May the path you walk be ever clear of danger. And the travelers you find most kind.
Ashlyn says people make open posts to introduce themselves. So, Hello. My name is Cal’Yaa, I am Aunic. I live on Mest’Ist, a very nice planet.
I like to cook, and garden. I do not “pilot” like many other people here do. But, I am eager to learn about the rest of the galaxy, and the other people out there.
Did I do this right Ashlyn?
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“Well! I think this has been a very good experience for all of us, eh? Spiritually. Ecuminically. Grammatically.”
— Frank
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cycnsw · 8 years ago
What are your views on Ecuminism in our Church?
What a great question, thanks anon! 
Our youth committee stands by the official position of the Greek Orthodox Church, which is pro the Ecumenical Movement. When guided by the Holy Spirit, the Greek Orthodox Church believes we can strive towards a communion of love for God’s glory.
Let’s define Ecumenism for those who don’t know: simply put, “Ecumenism refers to efforts by Christians of different church traditions to develop closer relationships and better understandings.” 
To dig a little deeper, its all about sustaining a dialogue between Christian groups with the goal of restoring unity among all Christians. It’s a pretty idealistic goal, but anything is possible with God on our side. Unity can only take place through understanding, mutual respect and toleration, and through practical cooperation in areas of common concern (such as care for the poor, sick, and needy). 
The Ecumenical Patriarchate, in an encyclical addressed to all Orthodox churches in 1902, invited the Orthodox churches to move towards more dynamic inner communion, conciliarity and cooperation, in order to work with other Christian churches and communions towards the visible unity of all Christians. 
Although the CYC is run under the Australian Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, we often have pan-Orthodox events and dialogues with other Eastern Orthodox youth groups. If we are a united front within Eastern Orthodoxy, we can then have dialogues with other Christian denominations with clarity and unity. 
We are obviously very supportive of the Ecumenical Movement because it is the desire of our Lord Jesus Christ (John 17) and the prayer of the Church in her liturgy. For this reason, we’re completely open to uniting with others who share a faith in Christ, even if our traditions may be different. The only way we can unify is if we can come together in understanding of our differences, while celebrating our similarities.
For further reading, you can check out this link.
The Orthodox Church and the other Christian churches
We’re living in a time where, as Christians, we need to band together more than ever. Hopefully with the Grace of God and with the Holy Spirit guiding the Church’s efforts, we can move in the direction towards unity :) 
Thanks again for this great question and God bless you.
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disregardcanon · 8 years ago
Yorkie's been gaining all kinds of new ecuminical insights into the spiritual ecstasy of St. Teresa of Avila. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
*waggles eyebrows* 
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thelancer27 · 2 days ago
Well, while Lemon learns how to code, I suppose I’ll simply wait for the time to come for you to come around. I wish you luck in all to come. And a date in the boundary Garden? Be sure to come to a safe Place. Mest’Ist is on the border of the Garden and the 11th Ring, but there’s a couple other worlds out there with a large Ecumine presence, that aren’t still sweeping up Ascendancy forces.
I think we’ve almost cleared them out though, soon enough Mest’Ist’ll be a safe world once again.
Ashlyn, I regret to inform you that while playing with cybersecurity I found a data fort containing Cal'Yaa's activities.
Nothing particularly incriminating (yet)
However that data makes it laughably easy to access nearby devices.
Please encrypt this stuff in the future.
Oh also-
This, of all things, has a backdoor installed.
Styx honey sweetie baby I thought we were friends? I thought we could’ve worked together.
But alas, you’ve exposed me as a massive fucking lesbian who loves her Karrakin Yuri. All bets are off, guess I gotta go digging myself. I’ll be back!
{There’s an image of Lemon sitting at a terminal, smile bright and sharp as ever, currently reading “Cybersecurity for dummies”.}
PS when you coming over! Or if, if you do still want to?
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calyaa4990 · 4 days ago
I cannot simply point to one point in your chest and say “Yes, this is your soul.” If you wish for evidence of a physical soul, speak to the Ascendancy. The Ecumine see the soul as an idea, and an abstract. We lead our soul down the path, hoping for the grace earned, through faith and compassion. This is what Metat’Aun wishes for us.
It is raining on Mest’Ist. The rainy season is a long one here, and I can only wonder how strong it will be this year.
Ever since I’ve gotten access to this Omninet, I’ve found there is so much music I’ve never heard. Personally I’m partial to one “Radio Free Sanjak”
If only I had any idea what they were talking about. What is the house of stone? Aren’t most houses made of stone? Or wood?
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calyaa4990 · 3 days ago
Should my memory serve me, we were all children of Armstrong at first. The Rihla was lost I believe? Eventually we were blessed with Apollo, and those she carried.
Some Aun are deeply misguided, led by the miracle of Metat’Aun into believing that there can only be one thought, and only one truth. They wish for war, fighting on my homeworld, and cornucopia, while chasing down strays and the “heretic”. I pray for a change of tides, for the Ascendancy to change its ways towards the Ecumine, and others. Union is a government that has sheltered us after the Ascendancy began its persecution.
Do tell, what ship did your people hail from, if not Armstrong, Rihla, or Apollo?
Ashlyn says people make open posts to introduce themselves. So, Hello. My name is Cal’Yaa, I am Aunic. I live on Mest’Ist, a very nice planet.
I like to cook, and garden. I do not “pilot” like many other people here do. But, I am eager to learn about the rest of the galaxy, and the other people out there.
Did I do this right Ashlyn?
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styx-class-nhp · 2 days ago
【Artemis subroutines engaged】
【Query: Ecumine=prey?】
Ashlyn, I regret to inform you that while playing with cybersecurity I found a data fort containing Cal'Yaa's activities.
Nothing particularly incriminating (yet)
However that data makes it laughably easy to access nearby devices.
Please encrypt this stuff in the future.
Oh also-
This, of all things, has a backdoor installed.
Styx honey sweetie baby I thought we were friends? I thought we could’ve worked together.
But alas, you’ve exposed me as a massive fucking lesbian who loves her Karrakin Yuri. All bets are off, guess I gotta go digging myself. I’ll be back!
{There’s an image of Lemon sitting at a terminal, smile bright and sharp as ever, currently reading “Cybersecurity for dummies”.}
PS when you coming over! Or if, if you do still want to?
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