#Earl elkins
acaplaya-musings · 2 months
Voiceplay Visuals - Mission: Jingle Bells
(This post almost definitely won't be super long, but there was no way I was not gonna make a post for this video!)
Mission Jingle Bells was released on the 22nd of December, 2018, and as you all obviously know, it's a fusion between the Mission Impossible theme music and the song Jingle Bells, and it was legit sponsored by Paramount Pictures! Good for you, VoicePlay! The music was arranged by Layne, but we're not here to talk about that, we're here for the video! (Which was done by both Layne and Eli). So let's get into this!
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'Hey you know how we got kidnapped for the Panic Medley videos? What if we got kidnapped again?' 😂
(Seriously, the Panic Medley videos were released just 5 months earlier, in July, and the Queen medley video, where Earl had to take on deities of death to get the chance to live again, was in November! 2018 was A Year)
Also I like that the camera feed says that the date and time is two minutes to midnight on Christmas eve, it's a nice touch.
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Get that sponsorship money! Get that exposure! (Also it's kinda funny how VoicePlay has had ties with Disney, Paramount, and Universal! Getting a whole variety of connections there!)
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Obligatory "man he looks so good here" 💜
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Fun fact: The voice of "Creepy Evil Santa" was actually done by Eli! As for who actually physically portrayed him, I'm not entirely sure. I think I've seen people saying it was Kathy? But I can't remember if they were joking or not
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A small thing, but I like how before Villain Santa tells you that the collar things actually control the guys' voices/vocalisations, the video actually kinda shows you! Villain Santa's presses a button on his device panel thing (see previous image), and then Geoff suddenly "kicks into gear", like starts doing exactly what is requested, no hesitation, as if he really is being controlled! It's neat!
(Follow me for more overexplanation of miniscule details /j)
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And yes of course I am going to mention the bow in Earl's beard. It's hilarious and adorable, 10/10, no notes
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And yes, their hands/wrists are all bound to the chairs with wrapping paper, with bows on top!
(Also I thought Geoff was the only one not wearing a tie but Eli isn't either!)
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I am kinda interested to know what the collars were made from actually (there isn't any BTS stuff for this video sadly - I checked)
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"What fun it is to ride and sing a-"
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"-sleighing song toniiight"
*grabby hands* Gimme the controls, GIVE ME THE CONTROLS! 😂
(Seriously Evil Santa dude, you could've done so much more!!!)
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J killed it with the rap part of course! (Who wrote that bit? Was it the same dude who wrote bits for VoicePlay's covers of Superstition and Valhalla Calling?)
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Kinda looks like J is giving Layne hope/encouragement/reassurance here and it's kinda sweet!
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Geoff! You're not supposed to be enjoying this! 🤣
(But also his head bobbing is kinda fun/amusing - I guess when he can't sing with his hands like he usually does, moving his head will just have to do!)
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Now there's a freeze-frame bonus for sure! 😍
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Also just noticed Geoff is moving his fingers a little bit in this part! He cannot be fully stopped! XD
(Also hey are Eli's shoes the same ones that he wore in Creep and In The Air Tonight and maybe one or two other videos? He seems to like black sneakers with thick white soles on them)
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When the video started, the time on the camera feed was two minutes before midnight, and two minutes later... it's still two minutes before midnight! What kinda Polar Express time nonsense is this? 😂
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"I'm so pleased, you may leave now! Merry Christmas, VoicePlay!"
"Thank you, mister evil... supervillain guy... but can you untie us now? ...Someone's coming to untie us right?"
(Lol rip)
I remember this was one of the videos I watched not too long after I first discovered VoicePlay in 2019, and I'm pretty sure that I wasn't entirely certain who was speaking at the end, but of course now I know it's Geoff! (Though his typical speaking voice nowadays is an octave or so lower, lol)
Okay so not too short of a post after all (3 more images than my post for Baby Its Cold Outside, actually!), and definitely well worth it! But the next post I have in store? Well, there might be a solid chance of me hitting the image limit on that one, lol. See you again soon!
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haethealhell · 2 months
Something I've noticed:
Whenever Geoff is taking the lead in a song, he tends to look around.
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Moana Medley, he's looking at Earl. He also looks around at the others.
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Hellfire, first image is him looking at Cesar, and second is him looking at Eli and Cesar. Also, right before the second image, he seems to look at JNone and Layne.
Also, I just noticed this:
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All of them are trying so hard to be serious.
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Then most of them crack.
I know there are more examples of Geoff doing this, but I'm quite lazy.
Anyway, I think Geoff looks around at the others in the group to make sure that he's not taking the character too far and being scary, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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nerdhappenings · 8 months
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Boy Bands in 5 Minutes - Voiceplay
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jules-has-notes · 2 months
interview — head/voice podcast with Earl, Eli, & J.None from VoicePlay
Shortly before their trip to the SoJam A Cappella festival in North Carolina in the fall of 2018, some of the VoicePlay fellows sat down with the hosts of the head/voice podcast. Their conversation covers a number of topics, including the origins of the group and changes that lead to its membership at the time, how they approach live shows, Sing-Off memories, shifting hair styles, their song selection process, advice for aspiring artists, and personal favorites. Take a listen.
release date: 31 October 2018 (uploaded to YouTube on 21 February 2019)
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playvoices · 2 years
'Cause I'm Mister Oogie Boogie, and you ain't going nowhere .ᐟ
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thehappysorceress · 2 years
Something Just Like This | The Chainsmokers & Coldplay | VoicePlay Feat. J. None
Their music lives in my happy place.
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eve-to-adam · 1 year
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I’m longing for you
"Is that all you have to say?" asks Roesia, clinging to the Earl’s neck and forcing him to look her in the eyes. "Didn't you miss me, my lord?" Until he felt his wife's touch, he didn't even realize how much he wanted her. During all this time - this long and cruel time - all he did was look for a way through which he could be with her. Meetings that seemed more like a coincidence, furtive glances that remained unanswered, small, protocol touches - all these remind Jarlath of the fact that all this time, all he wanted was to find a gate that would lead at her. Something to make her anger pass. And when he was ready to give up, now this gate was wide open, with a fragrant invitation waving at his nose. As if nothing had happened. As if Roesia wasn't about to kill him some time ago. As if her sister, the baggy, proud and insolent Brenda, had not caused a huge scandal. No wonder Earl of Elkins was so shocked.
Her embrace is so firm that it slams Jarlath against the carved wooden door. Her dress rubbed against his velvet jacket, crumpling it. Her sweet perfume captures all his senses and the neckline of her dress deepens with every movement she makes. It would be a miracle for him to resist the temptation and truly a sacrilege to refuse it. He longed for her, he admitted to himself, as strongly as a fire whose flame burns, this time even stronger than before, and as he took her in his arms, he was ready to show her that. And this time nothing can stop him.
(Volume I, Part 2)
( © Jarlath and Roesia Elkins are my original characters and they are part of the project that my good friend @teodoraioana221  and I are working on together. )      
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 1 year
Okay, yes. It turns out I'm an actual fan of a music group...
What with everything going on in my life (mostly my aide of over 25 years telling me she's quitting by the end of the year, and giving me until then to figure out alternatives solutions), I've been finding emotional escape through finding first-time reacions to VoicePlay. ... It's my personal game of "Today's lucky Ten Thousand:"
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[Transcript from ExplainXKCD.com in the alt text]
I'm picky, though. It truly has to be either: one of someone's first three reactions to VoicePlay, itself (not just a first reaction to a particular song), or: an in-depth analysis that shows an insight to things I don't know about.
...Not just someone expecting to be wowed sitting there going: "Wow!" Either I'm watching someone learn something new, or I'm learning something new.
Anyway, these truly first-timers will often request recommendations for more songs by them (I realize this is often done to milk YouTube's engagement algorithm as least as much as it's honest curiosity). And that got me thinking of my own "VoicePlay Defined" recommendation list. So I thought I'd post it here.
These are not all necessarily my faves, but illustrate the group's artistic evolution, and breadth of styles, which is at least as impressive as any individual songs.
Road Trip (May22. 2014) a comedy skit from "The Sing-Off" live tour, of friends fighting over the car radio. Arranged by the bass singer, Geoff Castellucci.
Phantom of the Opera Featuring Rachel Potter (November 18, 2015) Warning: Flashing / strobe effects. Their first experimentation with cinematic storytelling along with their singing. Arranged by the vocal percussionist, Layne Stein.
Queen in 5 Min (November 23, 2018) Warning: Flashing / strobe effects. Tells the story of their high tenor, Earl Elkins Jr., contending with the various gods of Death, as told through the lyrics of Queen songs. With a cameo from Earl's husband. Arranged by Layne Stein and second tenor Eliezer (Eli) Jacobson.
Just Sing (May 15, 2020) Filmed during the first round of quarantine, a stitched-together collaboration with former group members, family, and colleagues. The closed captioning is given over to the names of all the participants, and their connection to the group. This is the last video before Earl Elkins left for private reasons. Arranged by Layne Stein.
Man in the Mirror Featuring D.J. Young (May 28, 2021) J. None's last video as their baritone, before leaving for a five-year stint singing in the U.S. Navy Choir. though he has since come back to sing with them, when he's on leave. Arranged by Geoff Castelucci.
Wicked A Cappella Medley | A Chance To Fly Featuring Rachel Potter and Emoni Wilkins (November 25. 2021). Arranged by Geoff Castelucci.
Dragonborn Comes Skyrim Featuring Omar Cardona (February 4, 2022) An example of their Gamer Geek side. Arranged by Geoff Castelucci.
And finally: Seven Nation Army Featuring Anthony Gargiula. (May 12, 2023). In this one, they really leaned into adding effects (or filters?) on their voices in post production, to give a more textured, instrumental feel. Also, you can clearly see how Eli Jacobson has matured from second tenor to first tenor with a hard rock belt. Arranged by Geoff Castellucci.
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diminuel · 2 years
Reaction to The Winchesters 1x09 under the cut!
The very first thing I had to think about was the fact that John said that he thought vampires were extinct in the US because they had been hunted (by the likes of Elkins etc). It seems like at least back in the earls 70s vampires were still around.
Haha, Mary and John discussing Dean’s car and what he is. Eeeey, Mary! But she’s right, Dean’s a good looking hunter ;3
Oh no, omega man is back. *squints at him* Why are you here, that’s very suspicious.
Narrator!Dean is aware of that what he did had consequences beyond what he expected when he interfered for whatever reason. So how does he know? From what point is he telling this story? And what was the “first domino” he tipped over? Did he come to the past to give John that letter because he decided that people should have their fates within their hands instead of having to follow some prophecy that is kept secret from them? Or is he there for another reason (something Akrida related maybe? Something Cas rescue related even though I know that’s my wishful thinking?)
Betty’s here! Was that her name? I don’t know if I trust her, but at least she’s doing her job asking who the people asking questions at a crime scene are.
John! You’re just grabbing an object that you must assume to be supernatural with your bare hands??? At least now I know where Dean’s got it from X’D
I wonder why they named this lore expert character Diana when there’s already a Deanna in the show? Or should be. We haven’t met her yet, which I still find a bit odd. Samuel didn’t even ask about her? Conveniently absent mother that nobody seems to be worried about? Strange.
Vampires and holy water? Is that new? Did I just forget about vampires having a weakness against holy water...?
Now that I know omega man is an Akrida I have more concrete reasons to fight him. :P But interesting to know that he’s putting Betty on Mary et al’s trail. I’m not sure what he hopes to accomplish by going this route, considering that he is a monster and has other means to sabotage/ destroy them.
Anway! Interesting episode! We see Sam and Dean’s recklessness well within their parents here. The apple certainly didn’t fall far from the tree with them.
(Though I’d say the kids are a bit too casual going into monster fights. The stakes don’t seem very high because they seem to be able to fight everything off. Maybe they’ve got the narrative hero boost. They can’t die, not when God’s watching I guess. Not that they know.)
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sunskylegacy · 2 years
Mini maps minecraft 1.7.10
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You can also set waypoints and remember deathpoints.
Indication of slime spawning chunks (Does not work in multiplayer after minecraft 1.2).
Automatically generate the block colors from your texturepack.
Expression of dynamically changing lighting.
Video Feature: Opening Night: Altar Boyz at Broadway.Rei's Minimap Mod 1.7.10 adds a minimap to minecraft! With this minimap you can easily find caves, mobs, and set way-points! Screenshots:.
Video Feature: In Rehearsal: Altar Boyz at.
^ " 'Charmed' Casts Jimmy Tatro and Scott Porter (Exclusive)".
^ "The 'Parenthood' Love Story You Didn't See: The Scoop on That Surprising Finale Cameo".
^ "Scott Porter Welcomes Baby Son McCoy Lee Porter".
^ "Scott Porter Marries Kelsey Mayfield".
"Several Pilots Remain In Contention With Cast Options Extensions Pickup Decision On CW's 'HMS' Expected Next Week".
^ "Miss Tv Girl: Scott Porter Joins "The Good Wife "".
^ "Scott Porter's account info on a Heroclix player's website".
Scott Porter profile, accessed April 23, 2010.
^ "Scott Porter on Not Partying in College, His Advice to Aspiring Actors".
At the height of the 1990s boy-band boom, an a cappella group called 4:2:Five (featuring a young Scott Porter of NBC's Friday Night Lights) met with Sony, but when the executives suggested adding backing tracks and choreography, the members walked. "Cappella Dreaming: 10 Voices, One Shot". Called 4:2:Five, the five-member group is made up of Geoff Castellucci, Earl Elkins, Michael Kilgore and Layne Stein of Lake Howell High School and Scott Porter, a recent Lake Howell graduate who now attends the University of Central Florida.
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^ Edwards, Jennifer (December 3, 1998).
" 'Completely Different': A Cappella Band Discovers Harmony In Natural Voices". Much love to all my virtual friends out there! Thank you!" (Tweet). "Just wanted to say I'm overwhelmed with all the birthday wishes. Peter Quill / Star-Lord, Scott Summers / Cyclops Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series Their daughter, Clover Ash was born in August 2017. In May 2015, Mayfield gave birth to their son, McCoy Lee. One of his groomsmen was screenwriter and director Jamie Linden, a schoolmate at Lake Howell.
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In April 2013, Porter married casting director Kelsey Mayfield, a former University of Texas cheerleader whom he met on the set of Friday Night Lights. In 2017, Porter portrayed Colton "Colt" Cruise in the EA Sports game Madden NFL 18 's Longshot mode. Porter also voiced another main character, Lukas, in Minecraft Story Mode by Telltale Games and Mojang. In 2013, he debuted in the second season of the video game series of The Walking Dead by Telltale Games as Luke, one of the main characters in the series. The series debuted on The CW in September 2011. Porter played a lawyer in the medical dramedy series Hart of Dixie alongside Rachel Bilson. BuddyTV ranked him #10 on its "TV's 100 Sexiest Men of 2010" list and #34 in 2011. Also in 2010, he starred in the pilot of the television series Nomads, which was developed for The CW, but it was not picked up by the network. In 2010, Porter joined the cast of CBS's legal drama The Good Wife as Blake Calamar, an investigator for Lockhart & Gardner, a law firm. Porter portrayed "Randy" in the 2010 film Dear John, which was adapted from the novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks. He eventually performed for Off Broadway with another a cappella band, Toxic Audio. He was part of his high school's choral department and was a founding member of the groups 4:2:Five and Mosaic. Porter performed and sang the song "Someone to Fall Back On" in Bandslam, and his song "Pretend" was included in the soundtrack. He is a fan of HeroClix, filming unboxing videos of upcoming sets for the WizKids Facebook page. Porter is a fan of comic books and has auditioned for several comic book hero roles. That same year, he was paired with The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants star Alexis Bledel in the romantic comedy film The Good Guy, which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival. He played Bobby in the remake of Prom Night and Ben Wheatly in Bandslam, released in August 2009.
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Porter also played the character Rex in the film Speed Racer (2008), which was directed and written by the Wachowskis. Porter also played the role of Colin Thompson, the more visible part of the duo that fronts the fictional band PoP!, in the movie Music and Lyrics (2007). In 2006, he temporarily took over the role of Casey Hughes in the soap opera As the World Turns, a role originally performed by Zach Roerig. Prior to joining the cast of Friday Night Lights, Porter played Matthew in the original cast of the Off-Broadway hit Altar Boyz in 2004.
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0 notes
auxiliarydetective · 2 years
10, 20 & 37? 👀
10. When did you realize you weren’t cishet?
Pretty early, actually, at least when it comes to sexuality. While most of my classmates where talking about how hot some guys were, I was just like... Yes... pretty... but like... You want to have what with them? Also, I've just never liked the idea of having sex at all. I've come to terms with it by now, like, I'd do it for my partner but I'm not into it. It also became pretty clear pretty fast that I didn't only like boys. Gender identity is a more recent thing. I've always felt different and alien-like because I function so differently compared to others my age and sex or just to people in general. I never really understood "what it meant to be a girl" and hardly got to explore the traditionally girls side of me. So with all of that adding up, I now identify as a demigirl which also coincides with me having a chosen name. Female, but not quite and not really cis.
20. Are you out of the closet IRL?
Yesn't. If someone were to ask me, I'd tell them. But nobody cares. I'm out to the people in my dorm and two or three other people. Not to my parents though, at least not fully.
37. Do you have any LGBTQ+ idols?
I don't think so. I don't pay much attention to whether someone is LGBTQ+ or not. Maybe some of my idols just so happen to be if I even have idols at all. Is Melanie Martinez LGBTQ+ or is she just an ally? Someone who I know is gay and I'm a fan of is Earl Elkins Jr, former VoicePlay tenor. Speaking of VoicePlay, their new baritone Cesar De La Rosa is gay too, I think? I don’t know. But for a bi idol: Kirstie Maldonado from Pentatonix. Another thought that came to mind: Was Thomas Mann gay? German mutuals, do you know? Because he wrote some very gay things, my friends... If he was: There’s your definitive answer! I love his writing style...
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acaplaya-musings · 7 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Queen In 5 Minutes
This is one of those videos where I'm gonna have to remind myself to not talk about the music, because Queen is awesome, I know quite a decent amount of their songs, and this arrangement/performance is really freaking good. But the video itself certainly isn't boring either (Freddie would be proud), and I'm very excited to talk about this one, so let's go! (Yeah this one's a long one, you have been warned)
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Apparently this video (released on the 24th of November, 2018) was at least in part inspired by a health scare that Earl had while touring with Voiceplay, which no doubt was very distressing for all of them, but he obviously was fine or got better, which I'm glad about, and this video is creative as heck!
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Won't talk about their appearances just yet, but of course I gotta point out the iconic Bohemian Rhapsody diamond configuration thing!
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Cool necklace! I don't know the exact meaning of it, and whether or not it was just acquired for the video, but I do know that the album/track image for this cover on Spotify takes inspiration from it!
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(Also this song is split into two parts on music streaming platforms, idk why)
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*(clapping my hands together)* character time!
I have no clue what mythological being Layne's character is meant to be based off of, if any - "Guardian" is a bit of a vague name after all - and the main thing that popped up when I typed "mythology sentinel of the underworld" into Google was Cerberus, the three-headed guard dog from Ancient Greek myths. And well... it'd check out actually. Layne doesn't talk/sing in this video (not counting vocal percussion of course), he's wearing a big furry grey coat, and none of the other 3 are from Greek (or even Roman) mythology, so it's entirely possible that "Guardian" could just be a human-form Cerberus (minus the two extra heads).
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Apparently "Yama" is the Hindu god of death and justice, though he was also adopted into Buddhist, Chinese, Tibetan, Korean, and Japanese mythology as the king of hell, so-
A 19th-century painting of Yama on his mount depicts him as completely blue, so Eli's blue face paint definitely fits.
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("Dark angel" definitely sounds fitting)
Geoff is based on Baron Samedi, who is a spirit (Iwa) of the dead in Haitian Vodou, as well as of course the more well-known Louisiana/New Orleans Voodoo. Fun fact: Dr Facilier in The Princess And The Frog is partly inspired by Baron Samedi!
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I'm sure most if not all of us have heard of Anubis, but regardless, Anubis is the Ancient Egyptian god of funerary rites, and he's also a protector of graves, and of course, a guide to the underworld. He can take both human and animal form, and in artwork is often depicted with the body of a man and head of a jackal/canine animal (which Voiceplay subtly refers to in this shot here with the little Anubis Shrine statue sitting next to J)
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Cool and Normal! 😆
(Also really love that jacket/blazer)
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"Anubis" is of course weighing Earl's heart against a feather to see whether or not he is worthy of ascending to the heavenly afterlife. And since the heart appears to be slightly lighter, he's good! (Not that he's actually ready to pass on, though)
(Also, from a production viewpoint, I'm guessing they had some small stones or counterweights hiding underneath the feather?)
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...Not gonna say anything, just putting this here
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Love how "Baron" glances at his cane as if to check for any dirt or smudges from Earl 😆
(Geoff still has that cane I believe; when he did a few Q&A/"how to sing low" videos on his channel back in 2020, the cane was just chilling in the background, behind where he was sitting in his home office/workspace)
(Also obligatory he's so handsome/pretty aaaaaaa)
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The body language of "Anubis" here when Baron starts talking (i.e. when Geoff starts singing), and the way that he, "Yama", and "Guardian" are all at one end of the stage, while "Baron" is on the other, says so much in such a small way! (Geoff once again getting to be Special(tm), love that for him)
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"I've done my sentence, but committed no criiiiiiime!"
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Cool necklace! (Also really love the subtle red edging/trim on his blazer/coat, very cool and gives me Crowley vibes)
While I'm talking about Geoff, time for another hair study!
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(This one I actually used separate screencaps for the outline and for the colour grabs)
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Wasn't even trying to pause in this shot but pfft Eli/Yama and J/Anubis doing the 🤏 thing
(Also kinda sorta another Eli Eyebrow raise?)
Baron: *(evil laugh)*
Anubis: OHKAY it's getting a little tense in here, time to lighten the mood a little bit!
Baron: wow rude
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Anubis: here hold this for me thanks!
Guardian: wait what am I meant to do with this?
(Though I'm pretty sure that's meant to be his sword anyway?)
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"Nooo time for looosers"
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Fight! Fight! Fight! (Eli/Yama: "I'm three ounces of whoop-ass")
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Love the facial expressions here, Anubis/J looks like he half-wishes he had popcorn! 😂
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Thumbnail moment! (Or close enough anyway)
Yama singing "I don't need you" to Baron and Baron doing a sort of sarcastic "haha very funny" head motion in return, love it
Not talking about the arrangement but I'd like to thank the Good Omens fandom, because I wouldn't have recognized/known the bridge of Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy in this medley otherwise (I didn't first see this video until like a year or so after it first came out)
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If you ever wind up in hospital, don't actually try to rip out IV drips or cannulas or any other tubes connected to your body!
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If I had a nickel for every time a different member of Voiceplay played air guitar in a video, I'd have at least four nickels! (Earl here, Cesar in Hellfire, Eli in Top 10 Sitcom Themes, and Geoff in at least three or more videos (maybe 5 if we count J None in the Frozen 2 Medley))
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Full-body group shot! (Also Eli, those shorts and those shoes are... an interesting combination that's for sure 😅) Also check out the body language of Baron/Geoff and Guardian/Layne!
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There's a comment or two that sums up "Guardian's" body language as "I don't actually want to hurt you, but I will if I absolutely have to"
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Love "Yama's" expression right before he's turned into a puff of smoke 😆
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Baron was on Earl's side the whole time!
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It would have been cool to have Baron bow out himself and be like "you did well, you can go on living now", rather than being poofed away like the others, but eh I'm sure Voiceplay had their reasonings
I would post a pic of the final shot, but Tumblr isn't letting me (I'm guessing I hit an image limit, rip). But still, it's very cute and sweet.
There's a reason why so many people adore this video/cover. The arrangement is stunning, the vocals are great, the costumes are cool, the makeup is really well done, and the whole plot/direction of the video is such a creative and original concept! Shoutout to Layne and Eli, who were in charge of both the video and the arrangement!
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haethealhell · 24 days
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nerdhappenings · 8 months
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jules-has-notes · 9 months
Fun Times with Layne & Earl — snacks on the road
Traveling musicians need to stay fueled and healthy. Join Earl and Layne in their home studio for hydration tips, fast food hacks, food production musings, and answers to some of your burning behind the scenes VoicePlay questions.
release date: 6 October 2015
The dachshunds are Layne's dogs, Pepper and Melo (short for Melodyne, what a nerd (affectionate)).
The girl who gets huffy about the guys eating her snacks is the eldest of Layne's then-fiancée's daughters.
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playvoices · 2 years
You're as sweet as strawberry wine .ᐟ
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