bronzebtch · 1 year
something something abt rhea actually being lowkey insane bc she would find the thought of getting the attention of any targaryen thrilling, getting their attention when they're angry? even better.
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amitiagailec · 3 months
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Wowie what's this? Me active in Tumblr (and Discord again??)
I am still uncertain how I want to go with this but I am motivated by the idea of making an AU in CRK. Look if you want content you gotta make em yourself.
Not much is decided but here's the idea so far:
Fragment!AU. SM is named Ternate Milk Cookie/Fragment!SM
•Inspired from how a part of WL (or WL herself now) "survived"/stayed lingering despite DE, I just decided maybe the Beasts will have a manifestation of their own, be it just remnants/manifestations of them that continues to walk Earthbread despite their true selves being sealed.
Just as how the soul jams can kinda imitate and preserve the will of their holders it seemed, I think they'd be somewhat like that in that regard, in the middle of the Darkness and Light of the Virtues.
•TM Cookie as manifestation of SM is often at Ghost City and Blueberry Yogurt Academy, because of connection to his past, a continuation of what he started as the Virtue, and the source of power/dimension of this place.
•There's also SM's territory in Beast Yeast. But he doesn't always do so.
•This decreased after PV inherited the Light of Truth, but not completely.
•Every headmaster of the academy is aware of TM. From every predecessor to a new one he is to be regarded as a "guest" providing him things when he needed it, and only be cautious when he is displaying...tendencies. Every once in a while, some professors would find an unknown Cookie wandering the school and disappearing before they could find him. Most times they'd forget but the quiet rumor of a ghost lingers from time to time.
•Students when familiar are very much warned when they were found to have seen or interacted with him for there have been a few cases of...luring.
•Despite the wariness, TM still provides support every once in awhile. Correcting formulas for spells and potions by professors, returning books to the library when someone forgot and often arranging them, making suggestions to the headmasters themselves, and teaching young cookies when they passed by him. The last one be how he will bond with a certain Cookie.
•As a manifestation, TM cannot interact with anything in his surroundings unless he puts his effort into it, drawing from what energy and magic he can, another reason why the place is important. Appearing alone draws a lot from him if he were anywhere else.
•He can recall what knowledge he still has from before, but anything related to Beast Yeast, his comrades, and his own deeds are always blocked from his mind. Any trigger makes him uncomfortable. He'd eventually forget that happened.
•TM is still connected to his real self SM, who would often show when his attitude changes. Just another way of SM to interact and spectate outside of his prison, mostly showing when his expression darkens. What TM forgets, SM remembers very well.
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broken-clover · 3 months
It's eternally a little funny whenever I see someone say something along the lines of 'everyone in Strive is so happy now! Everyone's stories are getting resolved! It'll be hard to make a new game when everyone's retired and living peacefully and resolved their problems' and then there's a haunted semi-sentient mecha corpse in the corner constantly screaming from being trapped in limbo
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kagooleo · 6 months
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@ultra-zine digital orders are now up, go get em now!!!1!1!!!
here’s my piece for vol. 3! my piece was on haruki and zett, styled like the access card used in the z-riser!
chant their names!! <o/
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mournfulroses · 7 months
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Kōtarō Takamura, tr. by Hiroaki Sato, from Chieko & Other Poems; "The Snow Has Piled White,"
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nigesakis · 2 months
finally watching BoB
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ww2yaoi · 1 month
i’m very liebgott minded with webster like I can’t call him david THAT’S WEB his ass is named web who the hell’s david
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ghostdrinkssoup · 1 year
idk how controversial this is but I’m actually such a big fan of s3a. it’s the exact kind of phantasmagorical bullshit that makes me kick my feet and grin like a fool. the whole show goes haywire and completely abandons the generic structure of the police procedural, and it totally gets away with it because at this point the narrative has unravelled so much that the show can safely let go of whatever conformity it was barely hanging onto in s2b. and on a metafictional level the shift in external genre strangely parallels the progression of the two main characters: just as will and hannibal have changed each other, the show too has revealed its true nature
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hungrydolphin91 · 8 months
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Talestober day 23: Eggbear/Gentleman
So there's this easter egg enemy in Tales of Vesperia... may I present to you the secret third Scion of Lorelei 😂
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awhoreintheory · 1 year
Done with no redemption
Lance heard him before he saw Keith, not because he was loud or anything, but because Lance was expecting him. His footsteps have always been annoyingly light like a ninja. Lance tensed, a sour frown taking over his previously good mood. 
“Lance, I—” Lance rolled his eyes, turning around with the fakest smile in his arsenal. 
“You what, Keith?” Lance asked pleasantly, cocking his head to the side. Keith paused for another moment, his eyes awkwardly averted to the ground as he fidgeted. 
“I ran away from you.” Keith sighed, hands dropping and finally looking Lance in the eyes. Lance felt it wasn’t adequately remorseful enough. 
“I’ve had a lot of time to think about it, and, yeah. You were right.” 
“You were right.” That single sentence seemed to just echo in Lance’s brain. Because— because his Keith didn’t just come out and admit something like that. Ever. You had to fight him tooth and nail for a half confession. (And Lance had evidence. He had to throw down with Keith just to get an answer to Lance’s real life, actual, love confession. Stubborn prick.) To say Lance was too shocked to speak would be an understatement. The shock gave way to an odd mix of amusement and seething hot anger.
“I was just running because I was afraid to face my feelings— actually, no. I was afraid of you.” Keith gnawed on his lip, thinking his words through. (Good, he’s learned his damn lesson about that.) “Because I tell you things I can’t even tell myself. Around you? My… walls are about as effective as paper is to fire.”
“Is that so?” Lance hummed, turning around and going back to folding his laundry. “Glad you’ve had some time for self discovery in the past 11 months that you’ve ghosted the team.” —and me, went unsaid, but the message was just as clear as though he had. 
“I’m proud— really! Congratulations, dude!” Lance's grin only got bigger, throwing one of Keith’s t-shirts at him. He caught it and unfolded it with a hurt expression. 
“Lance, please—” Keith’s eyebrows creased, like they always do when he’s hurt or confused. 
“Don’t “Lance, please” me, Kogane. It’s not like you ever listened to a single please from me. In fact, I don’t even think it ever even made you pause.” Lance calmly stated, wrapping up doing his laundry and storing it in Red. On the trip back to Earth with minimal supplies, Lance barely had any supplies— no moisturizer or anything! But he was making do in these trifling times.  
Keith was silent for a long moment as Lance continued cleaning up his Lion, throwing trash away and clearing out things he didn’t need as though Keith weren’t there in the first place. 
“...Is this not fixable?” It was a quiet, feeble question. 
“It was.” Was Lance’s simple response. It ignited a hope in Keith, but left him feeling uneasy. 
Lance straightened up, standing chest to chest with Keith, leaning in as though he were whispering a secret. “”I just don’t want to be stuck here for eternity with Lance.”” 
“From— from the game show? Seriously?” Keith asked incredulously, eyebrows now furrowing in anger and confusion. 
“Hmmm…” Lance tapped his finger to his chin contemplating. “Yep! From the game show. You and the team made it quite clear how you felt about me, ya’know?” 
Lance spun on his heel, plopping down and grabbing his armor to polish. “So, on that note; I need you to be civil until I leave the team.” 
“Leave the team?” 
“Yes, that’s what I just said.” 
“You can’t just— you can’t just leave, Lance! What about Voltron? What about us?” Keith’s temper was steadily rising, stomping towards Lance before he stopped and recollected himself. 
“One, yes, I can. Why would I stay somewhere I’m clearly not welcomed or appreciated? I’m going home after this shit-show. Two, there's six paladins, Keith. Simple math, even I can do it. Since, ya’know, I’m too stupid and should just leave something that complex to Pidge. Shiro can take Black back, you never wanted the position anyway, right?” Lance’s sugary sweet words were practically dripping in anger, Lance’s grin starting to annoy Keith. He knew just how hard he was hitting, and if he was honest? Lance was amused. 
“Of course we want you here! And— and, um…” Keith’s shoulders slumped, he was too flustered! He couldn’t think of an argument, yeah. He just didn’t see this coming— Lance was just confused! Keith reached for Lance’s wrist, brows furrowed and eyes oddly wet. 
“You can’t leave us, please. We need you.” 
“Well I don’t.” Lance yanked his wrist back with a disgusted turn of the lips. 
“Now get out of my lion.”
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soultiio · 1 year
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day 2: timeloop au + see you in hell
"there's nothing you can do about it. you will kill me over and over until you have to do it again. you can't wipe my blood in your hands, in your mouth. it's yours now, too. see you in hell"
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fairydrowning · 1 year
"I laughed and said, Life is easy. What I meant was, Life is easy with you here, and when you leave, it will be hard again."
– Miranda July, No One Belongs Here More Than You
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– Picture is from Pinterest, Kdrama Name: "Youth of May"
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suolainensilakka · 28 days
Mortifying ordeal of being perceived vs the burning itching need to talk about the lingering will. Woe, tag ramble upon ye
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soircieres · 2 months
‘A sudden slant of bluish light across the floor of a vacant room. And I knew it was not the streetlight, but the moon.’
— Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Diaries of Sylvia Plath, July 1950.
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persephonediary · 1 year
But if the devil were to see you, he would kiss your eyes and repent
Farouq Guwaidah
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shatterthefragments · 3 months
Work. School. Avoided things. Shopped for more vegetables. Made vegetable soup. Ate my leftover lunch. Looked up ring splints again bc my fingers have been hurting so bad. Sang along too much while driving. Packed up some food that needs eating that I can’t get through and gave it to a coworker (he’s a teenageish boy so he can eat it all). Picked up the mail. Kinda sliced through part of my finger with the vegetable peeler oops. I’m okay. It’s tightly band aided. To be fair. I was up for A Long Ass Time by then and should’ve been getting ready for bed rather than dicing veggies for soup but ah well it’s done. Washed laundry. Tossed most in dryer and hung some up. Took compost out and garbage out.
And mum asked if I have plans tomorrow?!?
Maybe Stardew Valley or hopefully reading some fanfic if I get a chance to.
But I’m. Crashing hard.
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