#luka kissing hyunas poster too........
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knightzp · 1 month ago
miki the. the new alien stage
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 1 month ago
what did you think about wiege miss raven …
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It was cute 🥰
BRO 💀 LUKA IS SO HOPELESSLY IN LOVE AND DOWN BAD FOR HYUNA… He’s smiling like a kid in a candy store and blushing like a schoolgirl with a crush when a GUN is pointed at his head??? Wanting to run to her and embrace her anyway, with zero regard for his own situation or how she might react negatively to him??? Kissing her missing poster (even though kissing isn’t really a thing in their society?) He’s literally SO mentally ill and obsessed with her… This is toxic and codependent het, I KNOW IT IS 👁️👄👁️
The song this time was admittedly not my favorite, honestly (its tone is sort of haunting)—but I love what it represents… A pure lullaby, holding all the hope for a peaceful and happy future. It’s probably one of the few songs Luka ever sang without intent to manipulate or harm his duet partner.
I loved seeing more gaps in the story being filled in!! Mizi after being rescued and Hyuna trying to calm her down, Hyunwoo’s presence in general, Hyuna competing in Alien Stage, Luka and the other children in Anakt Garden… Ooogh, and those flashes to an alternate universe where everyone is alive, well, and involved in their passions… Luka and Hyuna with their matching rings (not sure if they’re promise bands, engagement rings, or wedding rings)?? It was nice but I feel like I might not be as invested in their relationship if that AU lacks the ✨ spice ✨ of being enemies.
LITTLE LUKA WAS SO PRECIOUS BUT ALSO SUCH A LONER LOSER OTL Laying his head against her… Him sitting under that tree alone and huddled up, counting his fingers to pass the time… Hyuna casually joining him… The pure joy that brings him… Hyuna going in for what seems to be a hug, only for the scene to cut to her body slumping on his AFTER BEING SHOT WHILE PROTECTING HIM 💀 That was absolutely FOUL…
TILL, MY BELOVED SON… He didn’t show up a lot this song, but I loved seeing him having so much freedom and creativity. Spray painting, drawing, just acting like a Normal Human Being and not constantly lashing out and being violently subdued 💦 I always feel like I’ve been punched in the gut myself when he’s harmed. Poor guy… He deserves all the happiness in the world.
dhjsvajFagfDah DONmT yhINK i FORgoT MIZI eiThER. Girliepop is fr going through it??? Still having trauma visions of Sua… LOSING HYUNA NOW… and now she’s left with that fucker whose ass she beat in a fit of rage 😭 which does NOT bode well. THE MURDER IN MIzi’S EYES AT THE ENd, HOLY ShIT. I am half expecting the next installment to just be her wailing on Luka, maybe blaming him for what happened to Hyuna and still holding a grudge for using Sua’s death in such a despicable way.
Hyuna’s final words to Luka were so 👌 It wasn’t too long, it wasn’t too short… It was the perfect length and it conveyed everything she needed to tell him. How important he truly is to her, how she hates him because she loves him; he is and always was her one and only weakness, how all she wishes in her final moments is for Luka to live life to its fullest—even the ugly bits. That he should forgive himself and love himself no matter what…
“Luka, live with love. Embrace the pain, the frailty, and the moments so unbearably shameful. Forgive yourself… Again and again, endlessly. Because everything… begins from there.”
P.S. I feel like I definitely got lost on some parts of the story 😅 I wasn’t sure how to interpret that scene where Luka was covered in blood and there were a bunch of his dead clones (?) in tanks?? Is the implication supposed to be that the aliens were trying to make the perfect performer and the Luka we know now is the ideal test tube baby…? I see his hand on what appears to be a control panel of some kind?? So did he accidentally kill the clones?? And I’m not sure why the random gunman tried to shoot Luka. Isn’t Hyuna the leader of the resistance? Why didn’t she command them to stop? Why did she throw herself in harm’s way instead? Was it a spur of the moment or adrenaline fueled move? Did the gunman really dislike Luka or what he represents + want to kill him so badly they disregarded orders to let him go?
P.P.S. Sorry to Ivan fans… I do not have much to remark on other than the opinion I have always held, which is “Man has killer eyelashes.”
P.P.P.S. I actually didn’t cry! 👍 vxjsneksksk I live for angst like this, so I was eating it all up like a bag of chips.
Really looking forward to seeing where things will go from here on out! The resistance is lacking a leader now; will Mizi step up?! What’s going to happen to Luka, is he going to be taken as a hostage and slowly come around to join the resistance? How are the aliens going to retaliate? Will the competitor even continue at this rate? So many interesting questions!
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cepheusgalaxy · 25 days ago
So. Luka should wear glasses/has vision problems. Like Mizi. But Luka doesn't get glasses. Nor Mizi, for that matter, when she is on stage. Most times we see Luka he is on stage. But we do see him in flashbacks at Anakt Garden. Or kissing posters of Hyuna in his room. Unlike Mizi, he never has fucking glasses on.
Guess his owner thought they were too unsightly.
Option A is that they give Luka contact lenses. Option B is that they don't really care if he can't see much.
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archivistoflazydreams · 1 month ago
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obligatory pre-wiege release predictions post, SPOILERS FOR TEASERS AHEAD
its 2am and wiege releases in 7h exactly (at time of writing). obviously wiege is about to retraumatise every alien stage fan ever and so many will switch up on luka—till stans, i see you—so i figured i should finally make a post after my 3 month disappearance, i forgot i had tumblr. i'll definitely make a bunch of follow-up analysis posts tomorrow and for the next week.
broad: (and also quite-obvious)
hyuluka backstory—how hyunwoo met luka (probably by helping him count, which luka considered a 'game' since he could play it on his own since he had no one, not like mizi & sua or ivan & till)
how hyunwoo actually died
wiege is a flashback
a timeskip due to hyuna wearing different clothes and not appearing to have her major stomach wound
LUKA BACKSTORY, he is not loved at all in this backstory, wiege translates to cradle
hyunwoo died because hyuna pushed him NOT luka which helped fuel his obsessive feelings for her due to her protective nature and his desire as a child to be cared for and belong somewhere—he also could believe that it means hyuna chose him over hyunwoo and, if this happens after he tries to kiss her, it could feel vindicating for him. he looks happy and smug at first but then his eyes widen, possibly because he saw that hyunwoo was actually dead and that was the first person who ever saw him as his own person and wanted to know him
luka is a clone—he's the 'successful' one out of all the lukas created and will be cloned in the future to create more 'perfect' humans even though hyuna outperforms him in all aspects except visuals—hyuna is too rebellious and luka is the poster boy of alien stage
hyuna vs luka flashback from season 49 final round where luka won and hyuna lost her leg in her escape
hyuna vs mizi as a special guest round, after wiege (more specific prediction below)
hyuna having conflicting feelings about possibly shooting luka and mizi wanting him dead
hyuna's reaction to luka's attempt to kiss her—her collar was orange/yellow in All-In, so she was more confused rather than genuinely emotionally unstable about it and this occurring before hyunwoo's death
very specific:
till being alive teaser, i haven't made a "till is alive" post but could even though blink gone released a while ago
luka crashing out after beating hyuna in season 49 and having no idea if she survived or if he killed her—becomes part of the reason he uses people's loved ones against them (besides the fact that it's easy to manipulate someone grieving into becoming more unstable) because if he can't have hyuna, then no one can have their 'hyunas' and he'll make them see that painfully
hyuna watching luka on tv, parading around after winning season 49 and posters etc, and getting drunk about it
mizi thinks about happy memories of sua (and they get overshadowed by her death?) while hyuna reflects on her memories with hyunwoo and luka (same process as mizi)
ends with hyuna and mizi being forced to sing against each other in the next 'round' and the implication that the winner may possibly be cloned alongside luka to create more genetically perfect human beings
then there's a few scenes that i would just like to see, lol.
i just want to see this:
luka being genuinely happy for a little while and then everything comes crashing down on him (i am not a luka hater, i just want to see his character development)
jacob finding hyuna half-crazed and crawling towards anakt garden
anyway, that's enough for now, i can't think of anything else off the top of my head without staring into the teasers for hours. good luck alien stage fans! i hope at least some of you survive today/tomorrow!!! (i need to talk about alnst with people PLS PLS PLS)
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noridayo · 29 days ago
my little alien stage rant I said I would do yesterday
spoilers obviously
Hyuna x Luka is such an interesting and complex ship.
Luka was pretty much cloned to "perfection". His many clones all had some sort of defect(s). Like missing limbs for example. Then finally they created "LUKA", his defect being how weak/fragile he was. He has a heart condition (I think), which is the reason why his fingertips are purple. Also, at some point he tries to sort of "free" his clones, . His (disgusting, filthy, ugly, abusive) owner Heperu put him in Anakt Garden where a lot of children are raised to later compete in the ALIEN STAGE.
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Hyuna was also put into the garden with her brother Hyunwoo. I sadly know a lot less about Hyuna's past, but I do know her owner was (probably) shit too.
Luka was always alone in Anakt, usually fiddling around with his fingers to pass the time. Until Hyuna approached him one day. Counting his fingers as he was before for him. Smiling and giggling, there was an instant connection. That was life in Anakt now. Luka clinging onto Hyuna while Hyunwoo joined them. Luka's perception of love was weird, to say the least. It's like he had (and has) no eyes or feelings towards anyone but Hyuna. The only person he wants to be with is Hyuna. He only wants Hyuna. This eventually disrupted the dynamic of Hyunwoo, Hyuna and Luka in Anakt as Hyunwoo eventually loses his cool towards Luka. With that Hyunwoo attacked him. Luka's response of course is to fight back. He pushes him onto a rock, accidentally killing Hyunwoo. After pushing him down onto the rock, he looks over to Hyuna, smiling. Nothing was nor could be in the way of the two of them now. Luka's intention was never to kill Hyunwoo. I'm pretty sure he didn't even realize what he had done. Hyuna looks back at Luka, terrified.
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[kinda a plot hole here cause idk what happens in between so im gonna go to the first competition luka won in]
Luka and Hyuna participate in ALIEN STAGE for the first time. Luka wins and Hyuna runs away after losing. Hyuna loses her leg in the process. Wanted/missing posters of Hyuna are plastered around Luka's room. As he's fully aware of the cameras watching him in his room, he kisses the poster above his bed.
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[to the current ALIEN STAGE competition taking place]
The song Ruler of My Heart is a song Luka wrote about Hyuna. "Make me your god- I can give you everything". It's like an obsession for him.
The song Love and Peace is a song from Hyuna about her love for Luka (I think, not entirely sure pls correct if wrong)
In the competition, Luka is clearly not very empathetic towards his opponents. He knows how to win and what strategies to use.
[skipping to wiege sorry gangalang]
But once everything's over and he sees Hyuna, his world is suddenly brighter. She's alive. She's not dead. She's okay. His ear piece starts blinking red, showing that his heartbeat is out of control after seeing her.
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Suddenly his charismatic persona melts away. It's like looking at a child. Deep down inside Luka is just like a little kid. Excited to see his crush again. Yet he doesn't understand the word "love". He just seeks the high of being with Hyuna.
So, like a little kid, he runs towards her arms open. Even though there's a gun pointed to his head he doesn't care. All he can think and see is Hyuna.
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She runs in, prioritizing his safety and takes the shot.
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Yes this was an action out of love, but not only love. Revenge. She knows Luka loves her more than he loves himself. She knows how much he cares about her and she can't bear it. Nor can she accept (until her death) that she loves Luka.
This isn't only out of love, but revenge for taking her brother and causing all the pain he had done to her.
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Hyuna tried so hard to keep moving forward, to forget Luka and what had happened. On the outside it looked like it worked, she always seemed happy and cheerful. But truly, her mental state was in shambles.
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"I resented you so much. I had to keep moving forward in every moment... But you were always my one and only weakness. That's why I resented you so. LUKA, live with love. Embrace the pain, the frailty, and the moments so unbearably shameful. Forgive yourself... Again and again, endlessly. Because everything... begins from there."
As she speaks, Luka can't even bear to look at her.
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He was truly, her only weakness. The only one she couldn't overcome.
If it makes anyone feel any better Luka ends up hugging her back
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Anyway this rant is DONE sorta
might yap about the au where they get married and shit later idk
extra fun (not really) fact: Wiege directly translates to "Cradle" from german. The song has a lullaby nature. Wiege is literally Luka and Hyuna comforting each other through a lullaby..
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