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clockworkreapers · 2 months ago
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Tales From The Gas Station Vol 3
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lepetitdragonvert · 1 year ago
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The Brownies and other Tales by Juliana Horatia Ewing
George Bell & Sons
An Idyll of the Wood
Artist : Alice B. Woodward
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doctorwyvern · 2 months ago
something bad, it’s coming
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babe wake up it’s kydron
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vertigoartgore · 9 months ago
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2024's Immortal Thor Vol.1 #6 (LGY : #767) variant cover by artist Julian Totino Tedesco.
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ultrameganicolaokay · 5 months ago
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The Immortal Thor #19 by Al Ewing, Jan Bazaldua and various. Cover by Alex Ross. Out in January 2025.
The All-Father had a journey to make to a far star – and so, for a time, the Golden Realm was left to rule itself.
Yet even in the absence of the King, the story continued – and each Asgardian had their own drama to play out.
These are the TALES OF ASGARD…
A cavalcade of artists including Jan Bazaldua, Valerio Schiti, Juann Cabal, Martin Coccolo, CAFU, Steve Skroce, Gavin Guidry and many more!"
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drearygenie · 7 months ago
have some old art
from before I got into tftsd and my ocs were in a modern setting and when I liked digital art
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buildingabetterfuture · 3 months ago
I'm Romantically Attracted To You.
And I'm not! Go bugger off!
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year ago
If you ever feel useless, just remember that Karai was in the When World Collide episode.
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alannah-corvaine · 6 months ago
I kind of forgot how cute Alannah's little Ishgard apartment is. It still needs a couple small homey touches like a few more plants and a throw rug or two, but it's a lot more done than I remember it being.
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zackieboyo · 1 year ago
I just wanna point out Tom Eddsworld is the only of the main 4 to have never shown attraction to a human being canonically. The only attractions Tom has a ever canonically had are all objects. acearos will often joke about their romantic attraction being toward only objects(ex: the "aces love garlic bread" joke).
I rest my case.
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camelspit · 1 year ago
visibly clenching my jaw and shaking with rage. why are all the newer barbie movies trash.
#been clenching my fists getting through them with my brother#big city big dreams and princess adventure are the ones we watched and EW#the most horrendous crime is definetely the outfits. they are genuinley a nightmare to look at.#but also the plots ?? ass. the music ?? forgettable#there is no magic anymore do you understand#and it all takes place in the same shit ass world now to promote the barbie viog channel or something#AND they dropped rainmaker entertainment im pretty sure#since they havent been in any of the credits#i think they stopped being good after dolphin magic. if i have the timeline right.#about to watch mermaid power and from what i saw in the trailer the outfits are HIDEOUS#like how did you go from pearl princess and mermaid tale to this. yikes.#barbie the full blue hair is NOT a look and it does NOT match your outfit#god.. i could rant for ages about this you dont understand#its so incredibly awful. what happened to the barbie magic <- capitalism. capitalism happened.#god.. dont even get me started on the sister focused movies ??#chelseas lost birthday and skippers babysitting adventure ??#like oh my god.#tell me why fucking barbie butterfly diaries is better than the newer movies#at least it had heart !! at least it wasnt a cash grab and nothing more !! at least the music kind of slapped#at least it was endearing..#and we actually had good barbie movies fairly recently ??#one of my favorites ever starlight adventure came out in like 2016#the animation was insane and the outfits were incredible#and now we are.. here
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lepetitdragonvert · 1 year ago
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The Brownies and other Tales by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing (1841-1885)
London, G. Bell & Sons
Artist : Alice B. Woodward
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britneyshakespeare · 3 months ago
You know you're a good auntie when you're combing someone else's boogers out of your hair
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kingstealer · 1 year ago
v'tchos tia's fingers close around the haft of the spear he's just been handed, and he is home in a way he's never been holding a staff.
the spear is nothing special--a piece of filed metal, lashed to a weathered piece of wood. but it's familiar in his hands, and as he goes through the motions of driving it through hapless wildlife, it comes alive.
his skill is praised, his aptitude for the lance extolled. but he knows in his bones and at the base of his skull that he's done all this before, and is just remembering it.
when he's offered a position as the pupil of ishgard's former azure dragoon, it takes no effort to accept--a skill that is quickly put to the test as he is driven out of the only place he's ever known into the brutal winters of coerthas, to end a neverending war.
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as the snow, and the war, thaws, v'tchos stumbles upon a corpse in a forgotten alley in the slums--a corpse that offers him a sword.
"i've only got the one," he says, with a flash of a smile in his glowing red eyes. "take it. it's yours."
a stone tumbles from the corpse's pocket as he stands, and the ache at the base of v'tchos's skull flares. he fumbles through the hallowed halls of the heavens' ward, shaking from the weight of the sword, fingers drenched in blood and darkness. and something at the bottom of his soul curls into a smile.
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he had picked up a grimoire, joined the arcanist's guild, on a whim--etrii had said something half-seriously about how little he knew about magic, back when the pieces of the war were still being picked up, and his contrarian streak reared its head. with whispers from a voice he would swear was familiar echoing through his skull, he traces runes and sigils in the book, puzzling through it. trying not to think about how his friends lay a few rooms over, chests barely rising and falling, and how little he knows about anything that could be done to save them.
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not for much longer. he will figure this out.
v'tchos is in ul'dah when a passing stranger offers him a job. he is barely surprised when it turns out to be a ruse, and curiosity leads him back to where the lemures keep their court. the woman in charge hands him a crystal, the pain in the back of his skull stabs, and--
a haunting hooded figure hangs in the air over her desk.
something deep within him opens an eye.
hands barely shaking, v'tchos accepts the scythe he is offered. it's familiar in his hands the way the spear was--which should probably scare him, but he doesn't think to be afraid.
he stands over the defeated body of a voidsent, watching it dissolve into ash. coerthan winds flutter his coat and ruffle his hair.
the voidsent he has come to regard as his own creeps up at his feet, like a coerl seeking attention. we could do that, it seems to whisper. we could be that.
the thing deep in his soul, steeped in blood and shadow, cracks open a second eye.
no, it says, echoing across the ancient stone.
no, you won't.
something shatters inside him, a cage thrown wide. for half a terrifying heartbeat he's convinced it's the Light from the Wardens finally killing him.
a flurry of movement whirls across the ground. a piteous scream sounds silently before it is choked off, and there is the wet crunch of snapping bone.
v'tchos draws a shuddering breath--and is enshrouded in darkness.
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a familiar darkness, he realizes. a darkness he walks alongside.
that's better, fray murmurs.
and he agrees.
the first time he calls forth bahamut, drawn from the aether that tore through him all those years ago, g'raha smiles. there's enough joy in that expression that he can ignore the flinch alisaie almost manages to hide, across the courtyard. the demi-primal swoops across the sky, and the former exarch's eyes are alight with wonder.
"that one's from you," v'tchos says, arm draped over the other miqo'te's shoulders. a grimoire faced in allagan gold and blue dangles from the fingers of his other hand. "and those old books in your tower."
g'raha just grins, eyes fixed on the sky.
v'tchos startles awake from a catnap at the sound of books dropping onto his desk. he blinks the sleep from his eyes to see g'raha standing triumphantly in front of him, his expression only slightly marred by guilt at having interrupted a well-earned rest.
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"i found something new--well, old--in the Tower," g'raha blurts, fixing the immaculate tie on one of his armguards. "there aren't many references, not to the machi, but. this codex survived." he picks up one of the books.
"they didn't used to be just summoners. they could heal, too."
any remaining thoughts of sleep are stolen from v'tchos with that turn of phrase. he pushes himself to his feet, reaches for the codex, and begins to read.
the first real interaction v'tchos has with the viera who showed up half-dead to their confrontation with elidibus, after pouring half his blood back in his body when he insisted on helping fight the warrior of light personified, is with a blacksmith's hammer in hand. helios takes a cursory look at him, polishing a botanist's scythe, and says: i wonder what you could do with a firearm.
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and while he proves himself more than capable at the marksmanship, where v'tchos really feels at home in machinistry is the tinkering. he drags cracked and broken allagan constructs from the depths of the crystal tower and remodels them to fight for him, alongside him.
that doesn't stop him, however, from standing at g'raha's side in the bozjan resistance. while they always have more things to do, curing tempering and all, there's plenty of time to for one catboy from corvos and one who at this point might as well be to spend fighting garleans on dalmascan soil.
and of course, there's no keeping helios from a cause. helios, who quickly proves himself as capable with a gunblade as with a rifle.
so it is that in the trenches of the bozjan southern front, at the gates of castrum lacus litore, and finally storming the dalriada, it is helios leading the charge with his gunblade, with g'raha and v'tchos at his heels--g'raha armed with his fragment of the crystal tower, light and dark magic at his fingertips, while v'tchos takes careful aim with a custom-built firearm, ready to throw a repurposed allagan construct into the fray.
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ewdenimjeans · 2 years ago
Tales from the Cave Update
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image of siren Tom is from the wonderful whyareyoureyesblack here on tumblr ~my inspiration~
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lady-protector · 1 year ago
29. contravention
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Aymeric shifted in his seat, gritting his teeth briefly against the spike of pain in his still-healing abdomen as he regarded the man seated across from him. One of the Vault’s more moderate cardinals, Father Vallastin was ostensibly an ally against the likes of the True Brothers – but the uneasy look on his face called that position into question.
“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Lord Commander, even though your injuries have not yet healed. I assure you, I would not have called on you were it not a matter of grave import.”
“Of course, Father. What can I do for you?”
The thin elezen man leaned forward in his chair, unease blooming into full-on distress. “It concerns the Warrior of Light, my lord. The assault you led on the Vault has proved true without a shadow of a doubt one of the most insidious rumors about her – she is a dark knight, in direct contravention of Halonic doctrine. A heretic of the highest order. And yet she continues to walk free.”
Suppressing a sigh, Aymeric folded his hands in his lap. He had known for moons that this conversation would eventually come, but he had hoped that Kaede’s deeds in the Holy See’s defense would be enough to see her above suspicion. An absolutely foolish notion, if he was honest with himself.
Fortunately, his pragmatic side had ensured he had an argument for just such an occasion.
“I will not argue the fact of the Warrior of Light’s choice of martial discipline – as you say, it has been proven. However, I will ask you this: which is the greater heresy? To walk in darkness, yet serve the light; or to wear the robes of the highest office of the Fury and yet plot the subjugation of Her people and supplant Her as our protector and patron? Perhaps, when the Fury’s own mouthpiece betrays Her, She must send an unconventional champion in order to see justice done and Her order restored.” In other times, his words would themselves be heresy, but with the archbishop’s seat empty and a knife wound in his gut, he found himself fairly uncaring of the letter of the law at the moment.
The cardinal’s eyes widened. “Are you saying that you believe Halone is responsible for this?”
“Who else? Do you truly believe that She would allow the Archbishop’s actions to go unchecked? And the Warrior of Light’s performance in the trial by combat in defense of Alphinaud Leveilleur – against members of the Heaven’s Ward, no less – is irrefutable evidence of the Fury’s favor, is it not?” His voice shifted from mild and persuasive to steely as he leveled a look directly at the cardinal. “In any case, I believe that perhaps instead of looking outwards for heresy, the Church should spend its time in reflection, looking inwards, so that a travesty like what happened with the True Brothers does not happen again.”
“I – of course, Lord Commander. I apologize for the interruption.” Cowed, the man lowered his head, and Aymeric felt a brief pang of guilt over causing grief to a good man, but gods, he was tired.
Reigning in his frustration, he forced a small smile onto his face. “Think nothing of it, Father. I am grateful that you came to me with such concerns, rather than the inquisition. Merely try to remember that no matter how she appears on the surface, we would all be dead or tempered if not for the Warrior of Light’s intervention. She has ever proven herself a staunch ally to Ishgard’s people, and I would repay her in kind.”
Cardinal Vallastin nervously returned the smile, nodding as he stood, bowed, and left.
Their world was changing rapidly, and Aymeric only prayed they would all be able to keep up.
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