#ESPECIALLY writters
theslimestar · 8 months
Im so sorry for all my mutuals that followed me for another interests and then got hit with my rc9gn brainrot....
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mahvaladara · 10 months
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"I have this nagging feeling I should be somewhere Deus-Ex-Machina solving something. But I cannot remember where."
"Hmm. Must be the plot. "
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loren1psum · 8 months
Once scene
The continuity had been reset not even a month ago, so I had no way to know what was in store for me in the next few minutes during my meeting with The Temptress. This was the second reset I have been through, but too much had changed too recently, and I hadn’t had a chance to get my bearings yet. Biggest among these changes was the fact that I was a metahuman now, and apparently a POV character to boot.
Normally I would be freaking out with worry about what might happen, but I couldn’t do that right now, the POV was on me, and I was on a schedule. It was more than a little uncomfortable, to have concerns other than my own appear on the edge of my thoughts… influencing me slightly. I had agreed to the meeting off-screen, a little reluctantly, a little coerced, but had agreed nonetheless. I always maintained that metahumans made up or at least exaggerated the effects that being in focus or being the POV had on their decision making to avoid repercussions. Experiencing it first-hand... well I can say that at least now I understand how it can be tempting to make such excuses, but I reassured myself that I was still in control of myself and accountable for my actions.
Uncomfortable as I was as the POV I did not miss the dithering and anxious pacing I would have subjected myself to if I had made my way there off-screen. There were risks involved in meeting The Temptress, but there where risks in everything in the post reset uncertainty, and the Temptress was an old character. Not literally, of course, her age was always vaguely young, especially after this continuity reset. But she was one of the first, she was old in the sense that she was experienced, well established, well respected, probably had more than a little plot armor, though unless I’m mistaken it takes more than a little skill to acquire and maintain that.
That was why I had agreed… I couldn’t know if she was a villain now, she had been everywhere on the spectrum before. I couldn’t know if I was going to be introduced as a joke and never be taken seriously, if I would be made painfully endearing before being even more painfully killed, or any of a number of fates beyond my control. The only thing I knew for a fact, was that she knew much more than I could ever hope to guess about the position I currently found myself in, whatever this meeting turned out to be in-focus, the chance to talk to her off-screen was one I simply couldn’t pass up. The knowledge she might share was my best chance to quickly regain some control over my fate after the reset.
We met at a café; in streetwear mercifully. No matter what iteration of her super outfit you picked from the line-up she’s had over the continuities, I could never get over how impractical and demeaning they were. I was all for empowerment, but to me her outfits never shook off the initial sense of gratuitous indulgence to the male gaze… which to be fair was likely on purpose. Still, you would never catch me dead wearing anything like it, my own outfit had not been revealed yet, but apart from being a little form fitting, it was much more practical, especially for meta-women standards. Though not for that was it any less than mortifyingly embarrassing. I still wasn’t over the fact that I was metahuman now, still had no chance to reconcile it with how much I had criticized and made fun of them during the last continuity.
Sarina Vidal now sat across the table from me, staring behind designer sunglasses and pristinely dressed in an understated coat, white top, black pants and platform heels. It had come as a shock to me when I learned over the phone that Sarina Vidal was The Temptress, shock that lasted all of half a second as the realization of how obvious it was took over me, but that was simply how it was with the big names, their secret identities simply never occurred to anyone outside conspiracy theorists who no-one ever took seriously and there was never a consensus among them either.
Understated as her outfit was now I couldn’t get over how stunning she made it look, how underdressed it made me feel, how expensive it looked, how despite all of that, no-one recognized her as either of her personas. We were sitting at a table in the open, right by the sidewalk, she got plenty of stares alright, which she seemed impervious to, but there was no recognition in them.
She must have seen the disbelief in my expression, the direction of my gaze, she smiled an amused little smirk. That was all we could share of our off-screen thoughts to each other while in the scene though, and the show was about to get going.
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hellboys · 2 years
your Hearts Beat Loud gifset single handledly got me to watch the movie so thank you for that, it was delightful
d'awww thank you! it's a very sweet and heart warming film. plus it's a treasure to see nick play a different character trope than what he is usually type casted for. and plus plus, he's an absolute babe in it too! every offerman fan should see it at least once
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hanafubukki · 4 months
Ok, I just can't get out of my head, big brother Silver and Malleus. Maybe MC and Lilia having their own child and it's a baby girl. She'd be the most beloved little girl in the Valley. I can imagine this is Silver's first time meeting a baby that young and he'd be so soft uwu. Like, he'd be her perfect prince and he'd be more than happy to live up to her image. He takes his role as being her big brother as seriously as his role as Malleus' knight. Malleus, meanwhile. I mean, the child is the product of his favorite human and his father figure. Say no more. Man would basically ignore a royal counsel meeting if it means going to one of her tea parties. Super duper important meeting... Yeah, that's a tomorrow problem. Man has a tea party to go and a messily writter invite in glitter ink is basically on top of his paperwork so he won't forget it. Ok, sorry for the rant. It's just nothing makes me softer than Lilia being a dad again and getting another member in his beloved family. Thank you.
Hello Anonie 🌺🌷💚
First of all Anonie, *grabs you by the shoulders* never be sorry about sending me these! I love love love fluff, especially domestic fluff! And adding on babies?! Ahsjsjjdd Anonie???? I’m the one who suffers from baby fever constantly ansjsjjdjfd believe me, I adore it. (My first fic was a lilia x reader who had a child together ahhhh💞💞💞). This is some of my faves to see in fics 💚💚🌺🌺
One of my fave ideas is a little girl being born into the Diasomnia family. I can see it change their dynamics but also not change it. Certain aspects will remain the same: teaching self defense/training, escaping Lilia’s food (unless she’s the rare one that likes it, to the detriment of everyone else haha), the pranks, etc.
But also, she’ll have these four overprotective figures in her life. Can you imagine when she dates? The sheer panic??
Malleus will eventually have to take a spouse, Silver might too, and now Lilia’s little girl? Papa is going to have a meltdown. Everyone is getting married and leaving him! (Ironic lmfaoo) But, relax, she was just born Lilia! She’s still a toddler! MC out here looking at this ex-general turned drama papa and enjoying the chaos in a fondly exasperated way.
Sebek, Sebek honey, you are so lucky not to deal with this 🤣🤣 that’s a Baul problem 😂😂
As we seen with Silver and the kids durning the bunny event, Silver is trying his best to be the best brother and Prince Charming figure to his little sister. He just…has trouble at times 🤣 But she knows her big brother Silver well just like she knows big brother Malleus, in her eyes, no one is as charming as them.
He’s going to take her and his animal friends to the meadows nearby. They’ll make flower crowns and talk about what’s for dinner as they forage for ingredients. I can see Silver teaching her to dance as Malleus taught him and Lilia.
She’ll sit on his shoulders and pick from apple trees. He’ll teach her how to pick berries. He’ll teach her about animal tracksand hunting. Of course, for now, she’s too young. But no one is too young to learn survival skills right? ✨✨
She can even train with him and he’ll carry her back when she’s tired. All tucked into him, safe in his arms.
As for Malleus? What meeting? His only meeting is this tea party that he’s been invited to. Don’t you see this messy yet glitter filled invite? How dare you try and stop him? Jkjk but at the same time I’m not. 😆
Big Brother Malleus is not going to miss out. He was late once, stupid councilmen, and the sad look he saw then had him almost burning the castle down. Lolol jkjk …maybe.
I can see Malleus getting busy with work at times, maybe so busy he late to dinner. Next thing he knows, there’s a tiny person peeking over his paperwork, giving him a look that can rival Lilia’s cute pout. (It’s even better than his in fact, no one tell Lilia but I doubt he’d mind. He’ll gladly give that mantle to his baby girl)
His baby sister asks him when he’s coming for dinner and it’s late, won’t he take a break? The way this Fae King folds? It would astound the masses. 💞
On the days where Malleus says he can’t join, oh my dear king, this baby girl is as stubbornness as her papa and brothers. She will pout and sit there, threatening not to eat until her big brother does. How can you deny that?
You know that phase that all little girls go through? The one where they want to marry the ones they really love? Watch these three just try their best to get her to choose them. 😂🤣
The winner is MC, of course, no one can beat Mama 💞💞 laughing at the thought of the three depressed in the dark corner.
Ahhh this was so cute! Thank you for sending this in Anonie 💞💞💚💚
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nyx-is-missing · 9 months
Could u write one for clarisse where she's impressed with femR bc of how good she is at fighting and all and clarisse finds her incredibly attractive bc no one has challenged her the way R does?
And like a bit of pining until the two confess
Thank you!!
Breathtaking or taken
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Clarisse la rue x fem!reader
Summary: when Clarisse finds a opponent worth of her, she is breathtaken.
Warnings: none really, just fluff, not a descriptive fight scene on sight cause mama dont know how to write that, so just fluff fluff, and mutual pining fluff
(Do i need to say its not proofread? No? Thank you)
Here is one of the main benefits of being a daughter of Athena, you'll know.
DIfferent from other gods, Athena will let your parent know it is her who they are talking to.
And if letting them know beforehand isnt enough, she will let them know when the baby is brought to them, and if your parent is smart enough to live up to her choice, you'll have time to learn a thing or two before being thrown into this world.
If your parent cares enough about you, you'll have time.
And sure as hell my mom cared.
Always the intelectual woman, historian, researcher, writter, my mom knew many things about ancient greece, she knew all the stories by heart, and she, of all people, knew what she needed to do, to preserve her only daughter, her sacred gift.
She teached me all i needed to learn without compromising myself, stories, languages, art...and fight.
Little girls my age were doing dance classes, were trying to be good enough for drama club, were playing tea party with their dolls or making a mess with their mom's make up.
Well...i.. i was doing martial arts, i was fencing, i had my face in a book every free time i got.
I always asked her about it, why was she so strict about never missing a fight leasson, her answer always made sense, there and now.
"The world is cruel, especially for little girls, someday i might not be all the time with you, someday, you'll fight your own battles, you need to be ready"
Every word, every single word is true.
And that is how i ended up here, in a arena of camp half blood, sparring with Clarisse, and winnig, by two points, yes, but winning.
It is clear nobody expected that from me, neither did she actually, i can see in her eyes.
Understandable, they expect Athena kids to be calm, find a solution, not fight her way out.
Honestly their looks dont bother me, i dont even think much of it, but Clarisse's looks, they got something more to them, like a kid who finally got the dog she really wanted.
"Aaand break time Clarrise, we'll continue this tomorrow, id like to enjoy the rest of my afternoon thank you"
I dropped the sword down and started to undo my armor while walking close to the exit.
"Wait wait wait, now? Already? C'mon i didnt even had time to figure out how do you do that... all of that"
She stood next to me, still holding her sword and honestly.. she was beautiful, yes she was sweaty now and yes she was mean to everyone but.. now...right now, she was beautiful, shining, in her element really, flushed cheeks and a smile she only had when with a sword in hand.
"I practice, ever since i was a kid, everyday, well expect in weekends but yeah, almost everyday... how do you do all that? You are good...-want some water?"
I offered her my bottle also motioning for her to walk with me, both wich she gladly accepted.
"I practice too...and i never said this to anyone but, you are good, great even, and look breathtaking"
We stop walking, we stop all actually.
"I look what, Clarisse?"
"Breathtaken- you look out of breath, do you want the water back?"
Weeks later i found myself in the same scenario, sparring with Clarisse again, actually that is all i do when it comes to training, be with Clarisse
"C'mon curls, thats the best you've got? No need to go easy on me"
"Im not going easy, i already told you, you caught me distracted thats all- GIRL WIll YOU SUSH?"
She tried to block you with her sword, thankfully for her, a succeded attempt.
"How could i? You're so fun to mess with, gets all red n all"
"Oh you want to talk about getting red?"
In a moment i was on the floor, Clarisse on top of me, and i couldnt speak, all i could do was stare into her big brown eyes, who looked right into my soul.
"Cant speak anymore huh? Oh if you could see the red im seeing-"
Now this my ladies and gentlemen, this is what i call a shot of faith.
I raised my head a little and just..i kissed her, it was quick but I did it, and her face went blank.
"Now you are breathtaken Curls, how about that?"
"And you are still breathtaking"
"You...like me Clarisse?"
"You didnt knew?"
"Would you walk away if i kissed you this time?"
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fraudulent-cheese · 5 months
Actually no, i want to expand on my relative dislike of WT. Because when people talk about this season's faults, i BARELY see people mentionning the complete flatterning of like half it's cast!
Oh sure, people are super willing to throw shit at TDA and especially TDAS for it's flanderisation of characters, but outside of some rogue posts by mutuals, i don't see ANY OF YOU pointing the finger at World Tour when i'd argue it's especially eggregious.
Owen's the easiest example of this, and while it didn't start this season it got so much during it. Nearly all of his lines revolve around food, his aerophobia, or Izzy for a single episode. His relationship with Alejandro is also super indicative of this; im willing to accept the HC that he was aware of Alejandro's dislike of him and just wanted to win him over, but that's absolutely not what the writters intended, no way in hell. He's just completely oblivious to his shitty behavior when he seemed at least somewhat aware of Heather's shifty behavior back on Island, or at least able to stand up for himself (shoutouts to that one Action episode). It's not fun to watch, either.
Bridgette too had her personality reduced to one or two traits, for either comedy reasons (because apparently people making out 24/7 is funny) or story reasons (establishing Alejandro as a threat who uses flirting and his general attractiveness to advance his strategy) and it suckssssss because she was! an actual character! and World Tour especially benefits from having a 'straight man' type character that can look at the other's weirdness and react to it like a normal-ish person! That and she could be an interesting presence to have on Team Victory, with her friendships with Leshawna and Courtney for instance.
DJ too is a BIG victim of the flanderisation thing; his personality is dumbed down to just being a huge scaredy cat, and his character is just The Curse. That's all he does and that's all he is, all he talks about. And that sucks because he too, was an actual person in Island and even Action! Sure, he was sometimes a pushover and had an accident-prone bunny, but he was also kind and could actually go out of his way to play pranks on people! But all of that is just gone in WT.
There's also the characters that weren't flanderised, and more just. Written entirely out of character. Outside of the entire Love Triangle (which i will get to) the biggest example of this is Leshawna to me. The writters straight forget the episode in Action where she's entirely dsitrustful of the Pizza they were offered (which did turn out to be tampered with) due to Chef being uncharasterically nice to them. Guess what Alejandro was doing. Being overly nice to her out of nowhere. Frankly she fell victim to the same thing Bridgette did; needing to be sacked for Alejandro's villany to be better established.
Ok fuck i need to mention the Love Triangle too because while people complain about it alot i don't think they complain about the correct stuff. i'll go rapid fire because it's been talked to death however; Gwen's liking of Duncan is a retcon, her acting like this is out of character for her frankly, Duncan's out of character by trying to emotionally manipulate his ex and the lore established to justify it makes it worse (remember the "At least im straight with people" line?), Courtney is villanised from even before this point which while her anger might've been targetted at the wrong person she was justified in being upset imo, Courtney's entire character is thrown out of a window in general this season, blah blah blah.
I'll end on the whole "the writters forgetting entire character traits/arcs" Cody still hitting on Gwen this season makes no goddamn sense and is super uncomfortable to watch. He's really such a nothing character man. Sierra deserved better than being a manic pixie stalker girl.
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i was never a writter, but the lack of geo content is killing me so here we go
Before you read; i tried to make this as versatile as possible, make it fit for different types of readers and wether or not it follows cannon storyline! The only thing about this is that you and crowe have no romantic interest in eachother and are just friends. (If crowe and geo were pinning for the same person that would be messy and too complicated for me to think of)
geo x reader hc:
• its known that geo is rich, and from deryl's account, has bodyguards armed with katanas. while its unclear how often he is accompanied by these bodyguards. He wouldn't heasiitate to have them accompany you too, especially after the movie theater / arcade incident (depending on the route you choose) or if anything similar happened. Especially when he isnt around.
• if you are a shy / quiet person, he will be by your side, not saying much, but the fact that he is willingly spending his free time with you, shows how much he cares about you.
- he will push you out of your shell, he wants the best for you what holds people being too scared to take action. Your shyness could hold you back and he doesn't want you to be hurt by it. When your too scared to speak out he will nudge you to do so, giving you confidence and reassurance, of course he usually ends up speaking up for you anyways. He wont allow others to disrespect you.
• if you are more loud and rambunctious he would pretend to be annoyed with you, but you are close enough to know he genuinely cares about you.
- even though he dislikes rowdy places, he will endure your shenanigans. somtimes you get too out of hand, and this is when he brings you back to earth.
• surprisingly, hes a tad bit better at showing affection through words, he seems— unsure about physical contact. He has daddy issues and his relationship with his mom and hyugo are unclear, but i have a hunch that hes touch starved and never really received affection through touch (or at all).
• he isn't the best at showing affection overall, however it feels as though he does it through acts of service best. If you have an issue, he would try and fix it or help it for you— he can, and will get physical.
• while he is stubborn, and finds it hard to vocalize his admiration for you, he is decent with words of affirmation, of course at the start before you get closer hes silent. He doesn't say lovey dovey things directly, its more in how he speaks. Once he warms up to you, he will speak to and about you with love. He also teases you, just like he does with deryl, your reactions, and laughter mean the world to him. he cares about you— and the rest of his friends.
• I think quality time is a another strong means of affection for him. He’s very busy (at least— I think). He will decline going to the hallows ball even if his friends are going because he has "better things to do". His time is valuable, he will put time aside just to be with you because he loves you, you give him energy and refuel his mental state when he needs energy. Wether it be a date, cuddling, listening to music together (Japanese opera and whatever you like), looking at potted plants, or just being next to eachother, its the highlight of his day.
• speaking of cuddling, he enjoys it, while hes stiff and unsure at first, he will warm up to it. He finds comfort in having you in his arms and making sure your safe. (And later, will enjoy being in your arms). While "i love you" is too hard for him to utter, holding you close to him as a reminder of his love and protection is what he does.
• hes horrible, horrifically terrible at comforting. He wasn't comforted as a child (at least thats what i think...). So its no surprise he doesn't know how to console you, he feels awful seeing you in a depressed state. He would likely seek out one of his friends for advice on comforting you. However, times like these is when he finds it easier to voice his love for you. Even if it isnt really that comforting— "why are you so sad / crying? Was it ____— do you want me to beat their asses?"
🔖 : i was going to add another section about sol and how geo would deal with that, but i just got too impatient and just had to post it!!! So ill write that later ヽ(≧∀≦)ノ
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pantr0art · 4 months
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It was a great pleasure to participate for the first time in a fan-zine, especially paying tribute to this anime version of the warner siblings !!!
It was a lot of fun to collaborate with many artists and writters that also see their amazing works, check out their page which was made by @weeb-warners who has done a great job in presenting this zine✨💕🤌
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brielledoesastrology · 11 months
asteroid Jane Austen (39415) in your astrology natal chart
By : Brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
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asteroid "Jane Austen" code number : 39415
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It is obvious we know what this asteroid is named after 😉📙✨.
Jane Austen was an English novelist known primarily for her six novels, which implicitly interpret, critique, and comment upon the British landed gentry at the end of the 18th century.
Austen's plots often explore the dependence of women on marriage for the pursuit of favourable social standing and economic security.
Her works are an implicit critique of the novels of sensibility of the second half of the 18th century and are part of the transition to 19th-century literary realism.
Her deft use of social commentary, realism and biting irony have earned her acclaim among critics and scholars.
(source : wikipedia)
her works, she showcases the significance of genuine love, effective communication, navigating societal expectations, personal growth, integrity, and achieving a balance between emotions and reason.
In astrology the asteroid "Jane austen" (39415) could indicate : your experience in having romantic connections with very upper class or very lower class people (especially having actual genuine love for them), handling or going through societal expectation, having some sort of personal growth or intergrity in your life story, having balanced between emotions and reasons on the final of your story or experience, could also indicate where jane austen works resonates or relates soo much to you, where other people try to interrupt your love connections, where you are a really great or good writer especially in romance, where you could be a famous or well known writter especially in the romance theme.
⚠️ Warning : i consider this asteroid as prominent or brings the most effect if it conjuncts ur personal planets (sun,moon,venus,mercury,mars) and if it conjuncts ur personal points (ac,dc,ic,mc), i use 0 - 2.5 orbs (for conjunctions). For sextile, trine, opposite and square aspects to asteroids i usually use 0 - 2 orbs. Yes tight conjunctions of planet / personal points to asteroids tends to give the most effect, but other aspects (sextile,trine,square,opposite, etc) still exist, even they produce effects. If it doesn't aspect any of your planets or personal points, check the house placement of the asteroid, maybe some stuff/topics relating to this asteroid could affect some topics/stuff relating to the house placement . ⚠️
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tw1l1te · 6 months
Heyy you fabulous writter! You've had me hooked ever since I first found a post of yours and I don't know if you're taking writing requests but if you are...I'd like to humbly request you to write this idea?🙏
Essentially I think it'd be really cute having a small one-shot of the LU boys in twilights hyrule and them meeting his S/O. His S/O can either be a simple farmer who grew up in the same area or the idea of someone he met on his journey who also had animal turning 'abilities'/features comes to mind so they understand each other more than most. IDK if it's a silly idea or not I just thinks the boys reactions (especially time teasing twilight and such) would be Hella cute! Anyways thanks and keep the good work up! 🫡
- Anon🧋
Yesyesyesyes living out my cottage core dream with mr. cowboy teehee
Twilight was getting giddier by the second as he approached Ordon, and the boys could tell. He was clenching and unclenching his fists, trying the keep the nervousness at bay, but how could he do that when he was about to see you. His beloved.
"I don't think I have ever seen you this jittery before, Pup. What's wrong?"
Twilight was about to answer him when they hear a loud gasp.
Twilight turns to see you on a tree above them, clad in what seems to be.... his old tunic? You jump down, hopping down branch by branch before landing inches away from Twilight.
"Oh by three- you're home! I missed you so much-"
He shuts you up, by pulling you in for a kiss, months of love and desperation melting onto you.
You had to pull away to avoid creating awkwardness for the others, "Alright, easyyy cowboy. Now why don't you tell me about your lil' friends?"
Time raises an eyebrow at him, clearly interested in your character.
"Oh! I completely forgot t' introduce myself! I'm Y/n, mister hero's partner."
Time nods, holding out a hand to shake.
"I'm Time, a... friend of Link's. We all met on his recent adventure."
You nod, squinting a bit at him, then eyeing the rest of them. You walk around them slightly, eyeing their garb and equipment a bit before nodding back at your boyfriend.
"They're Links too, aren't they?"
Legend jumps slightly at that, "How did you-"
You smile at him, "I gotta good nose."
Twilight shakes his head, chuckling "Alright, lets go back to the village before you start figuring everyone out."
You jog up to him, animatedly waving your hands, rambling about Colin and how good with swordsmanship he's become. Before you could continue rambling, Wind asks, "How'd you two meet?"
You and Twilight pause, looking at each other before responding.
"Oh, y'know, I met him on his quest during the Twilight Era. Stinky do-wait, they know, right?"
"They're too nosy for their own good."
"Right, so. I met him while I was in my alternate form. Fell on top of me from a brittle tree-"
"-Wait, you have a wolf form too?!" Wind exclaims, running up to you.
You snort, this kid's funny.
"Nah, that's hero's spirit and all. It's better if I show ya."
You focus for a moment before you feel the shift, still uncomfortable but so much less painful than the first time it happened, oh so many years ago.
Opening your eyes, you can feel your senses sharpen, everything intensifying tenfold.
"A fucking fox???!?!! Twilight, your wife is so cool."
"Not my wife yet, but thank you."
You walk up to Wind, cooing at him. He hesitantly pets your fur on your head, earning him a soft purr from you.
You walk up to the rest of them, just looking at them. You give a few extra sniffs to the pink-haired one, him smelling like hare.
Shifting back, you walk back to Twilight, your fur coat retreating back into your skin. You give him a peck on the cheek, continuing your way back to the village.
"Y'all coming or what?"
Twilight breaks out of his lovestruck trance, following you. Time walks up to Twilight, muttering to him,
"I can tell you've got a thing for foxy personalities."
"Oh, shut up."
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hiiiiii reinna i love ur work it makes my day everytime i read it lmaooo <333
i was wondering if u could make a fic abt sunoo like youre the 8th member of enhypen and since youre not that girly or act cute like the other female idols instead kinda tomboy and baddie sunoo finds you annoying cos hes not used to it but the other members r fine. one day after dance practice (y/n and jungwon r roomates) saurrr jungwon told yn the tea abt sunoo hating her but yn secretly likes sunoo. So after jungwon left to go somehwere idk shopping?? Yn cried n cried n cried and u can basically use ur creative imagination for the rest 👻👻 pls make it smut at the end tho i love it 👻👻👻
Thanksssssss miss bestest ever writter everrrr!! 1!111!1 ❤️❤️❤️
@reyna-ohno - I hope i did you justice ;)
Warnings: unprotected smut, fingering, gossiping, enemies to lovers trope, some minor angst, cursing's, a little bit of hate sex....and i think that's it. to make it more believable, Y/n has her own room but is close with the members and allows them to come hang out. I wrote majority of this while i was on bedrest recovering, so i apologize this is not proofread.
"She's really not at all like the others..." Jake remarks as he sits next to Heeseung, noting that your behavior on camera, was very much genuine as you were no different than how you were off camera.
"Yeah she doesnt seem to be into that whole cutsie thing. Kind of refreshing actually."
"Yeah man, i think so too."
Everyone could relatively agree, to see you be yourself, it was new and fresh, and a delight to see. For Sunoo, it was an abomination.
While you were filming alongside Jungwon, while you were chic and stylish in your own manner, you opted for casual and simple flares of fashion rather than the traditional girly and fancy type. With a loose pair of jeans on, a fitted tee shirt with a matching baseball cap, you displayed your smile and laughter by having a good time being the only girl member in the band.
Watching from aside, Sunoo glares and rolls his eyes. Next to him, Sunghoon pops over and gives him a slight side bump to break the silence after noting the look of irritation on his face. "Whats got you all worked up?"
"Why can't she just be like the rest of the girls in the industry? She's not at all doing well on these weverse lives, people want to see cute girls being....cute...not relaxed and chilled."
"give her a break, she's just being herself man. Can't be mad at that."
"I'm not mad i just.....i just dont get it." Sunoo shakes his head as he turns and walks away with his arms crossed, obviously irritated by your lack of enthusiasm when it came to attempting to be adorable, much like your counterpart, Jungwon. For a young man to be far more agile in being cute in his mannerisms, more than you, that usually was an indicator that you were someone who was far too much of a hopeless cause. Truth of the matter, Sunoo knew what the public liked, he knew that fans liked it when idols did silly and cute things like finger hearts, squinting eyes while displaying a cat like smile, or making high pitched sounds. You didn't do any of that, nor did you attempt it, which caused him to wonder if you were going to be the downfall of Enhypen.
Finishing the live stream, you and the boys all made your way back home to the dorm where you nestled yourself in you room, conveniently next to Jungwon's, who had developed a close bond with, much like a sibling. Since receiving your room assignments, being the only girl, you got your own room, yet it was nice to have Jungwon right next to you, since it was easy for him to come in and out to visit all throughout the night to hang out or watch tv together. Tonight was no different, especially with the new episodes of your guys favorite tv show coming out.
*Knock knock*
"come in." you softly call out, and as expected, you watched as Jungwon brings in a plate of fresh hot hotteok, and tea.
"did you start it?"
"no not yet, was waiting for you."
settling in as he places the plate and two cups on the table, you both prepared to watch the latest episode. As the opening credits rolled, Jungwon took the opportunity to talk about the vlive from earlier.
"Hey so......only because i'm the leader.......but......does it bother you that Sunoo.....well....you know...."
Raising your eyebrows in confusion as you munched on the honey filled treat, you looked up and shrugged your shoulders slightly. "What do you mean?"
"You dont know?"
"Know what?"
Jungwon sighs as he curses himself for opening a door that he wish he hadn't. "nevermind."
"Nooooo...dont be like that....tell me."
"its just....well....he really doesnt like you......and he makes it obvious."
Stunned, your eyes grew wide as you felt your heart drop. "Oh....he does?"
"yeah......do you want me to talk to him about it?"
Shaking your head, you kept your composure as best as you could. "No...its fine.....i'm sure he'll get over it."
Jungwon smiles in return. "yeah, i'm glad you're not too upset about it."
But the fact of the matter was, you were upset....deeply. No one would know of it, since you were very much strategic in keeping it hidden, but you were quite fond of Sunoo....you actually liked him even....so much, that you caught yourself dreaming of him, fantasizing on what it would be like to snuggle up with him, going on dates, or just being in his embrace and smelling his cologne.
You held it all in and the entire night, one episode after another, you felt as if your heart was punching your chest outward.
"Well, i'm gonna go to bed. we got an early morning tomorrow, so dont stay up too late."
"Okay." you feigned a smile as you watched him walk out. The moment you left the room, you hid yourself into the dimmed lighting in your room and began crying. You felt hurt. Did Sunoo really not like you? Why? You both hardly shared any words to one another. Yet it all started to make sense, for all the times you though back when you tried to make conversation, only to watch him side eye you as he would get up and leave the room. There were other moments too, such as whenever you would sit right next to him, and he'd let out an exhausting sigh, and get up to walk across the other side of the room to sit in a different seat. Initially, you didn't think much of it, you had thought he merely was just shy or just was not used to being around female idols. But now......it all makes senses. The man who you really wanted to be with....the one you admired from afar, day dreamed...the one you would do anything for, actually disliked you.....hated you......
Sobbing away into your kneecaps as you held your legs to your chest, you failed to notice that Jungwon had mistakenly left your door cracked open, not shutting it all the way through. With the bit of the dimmed lighting peeking out from the crack, the hallway remained pitch black with just a strip of the orange and yellow hue coming from your room.
Walking up after grabbing a bottle water from the kitchen, Sunoo strolls through the same hallway, all to reach his room at the end of the corridor.
hearing the faint sounds of your sobs, he takes a swig of his water and gulps it down as he sides eye the slivers crack in the door.
“is she….crying? What is her deal?”
sighing out in frustration, he took the chance to enter and see if he could get you to stop, considering your room was across from his. With all that sniffling and whimpering, it would be hard for him to get some sleep with your cries echoing in the hall. Walking into the dimmed room, he gently shuts the door behind him and walks further in. Breaching the opening of your room, he stands straight and leans against the wall while watching your pitiful state. Taking another gulp of water down, he rolls his eyes as he breaks the silence.
“you know if you’re going to cry, you can at least have your door shut all the way through so you don’t wake anyone.”
jolting out of your fetal position, you look up him with your tear stained face. Shocked, your eyes were wide and glossy, pieces of your hair remained plastered on your face and you softly whimpered out a few sniffles before stuttering out an “s-sorry….”
eyeing you down, he takes yet, another gulp from his bottle. Switching his gaze to the floor as he screws the cap back on, he crosses his arms before asking you the big question, merely because he grew curious after seeing your face.
confused, you sat there in silence and looked off to the side before turning back to him. “……um….s..sorry?”
sighing out as he rubbed his temple, he finally speaks out. It was soft yet firm, with a low tone….much lower than what he normally dispelled.
“bitch why are you crying?”
taken aback, your eyes became overflowing with the stinging of tears once more when you heard his harsh tone. Whimpering into your kneecaps again, he rolled his eyes in defeat as he regains composure and attempts this once more.
“okay okay look….just tell me why you’re crying. Can you do that? Hmm? Can you just stop and talk for a second? I’d like to eventually get some beauty rest.”
you shifted over and turned your back towards him.
“just go sunoo…….you’re not going to be the solution to any of my problems right now.”
gaining width in his widened glare, you heard his foot steps and thought he was walking in the opposite direction to exit the room. It wasn’t until you felt his weight plopping beside you that you realized he was sitting right next to you. Not only that, but the moment you heard his careless whisper, how his hot breath touched your ear, you knew he was far closer than he had ever been with you.
“Why is that?” He whispered into your ear. you shuttered as you felt an electric shock travel up and down your spine.
“stop! Why are you here? Why do you even care or try? I know you hate me…..just….leave me alone.” You broke down and began to sob as you lashed out the truth.
he didn’t deny it, nor did he try to argue with you on your statement, he did in fact, borderline hated you. Though hearing you say it aloud made him feel a certain type of way about it.
“you’re right….I do hate you.”
“could you please just go……..I….I don’t understand…I’ve never done anything to you….I’ve tried to be nice and I’ve always been helpful…..I’ve……I’ve don’t everything I could to make you see how much I care…” breaking down, you sobbed as you curled your body in.
“I know.” He admitted, nonchalantly at that, as if he knew all this time yet still found it suitable to hate you. But that’s as all about to change….
feeling his hand grasp your shoulder and turning you over, in a rather forceful nature, you gasped out in shock as you witness his frame hovering over you. His feline eyes staring right into your iris and a soft, very faint smile appeared on his pouty lips.
his pupils shift in random direction as he takes in y the sight of your face. Releasing a soft chuckle, he calmly speaks out.
caught off guard, he blinked in shock before uttering an “excuse me?” Bidding him to clarify.
“I said, ‘cute’. Does crying make you deaf too?”
“why are you being this way? I don’t get it…..”
“welcome to my world."
"What is your problem!?" you snapped. you've about had it with his cocky attitude and the lack of sincerity in his tone. Yet the moment he pinned you down as he leaned further in, with his nose pressed against your cheek and his hot breath grazing against your lips, you were shocked still.
"you know, you put on that act to behave like one of the guys. you act cool and casual, and you treat all aspects of being a girl as something that is beneath you. yet look at you now.....crying and looking so adorable......so soft....all your feminine features coming out with each tear drop you cry out."
"ar.....are you toying with me?"
"Maybe.......is that bad?.....is that something that bothers you?"
Shrugging from left to right, you try to break free from his grasp as he began to hold on to your wrists. "huh....you're even cuter when you struggle."
"stop it! get off of me!"
"I will.....if you can get me off." he smirks with that sly smile that he was known for. You gave in as you break down from feeling the immense different in strength. Despite being the carefree and adored idol he was, Sunoo was indeed still, a man.
"Why .....just why....?"
Smirking once more, he leans further in and pauses just before his lips are met with yours. "ddeonu" he whispers.
You raised a brow in annoyance as you whispered back. "is that supposed to be funny? like a joke?"
Once more, he whispers back "ddeonu....you tell me...." smiling and smirking against your lips, you faintly smile back as you feel his grasp loosen and soften up, with his finger tips stroking your skin.
"do. you really hate me?" you asked.
Before he could answer, you softy whispered and cut him off. "let me guess.....ddeonu?"
His eyes widening for a moment, he whispers firmly and tells you, "say it again."
Leaning slightly upward, you softly tell him......"ddeonu....."
His lips lock yours in. His hands eagerly roam up and down your body. Your hands rest on his broad shoulders as you feel his grope slightly shift your body upward from the overwhelming sensation of his soft skin traveling all over your stomach, your breasts, and your ribcage. breaking the kiss to catch his breath, ultimately allowing for you to do the same, he breathes out his gasping words as he rips your buttons apart.
"Whine for me....little girl."
"No Sunoo...."
"Do it."
Kissing you, he shoves his hand down your shorts and flickers his two fingers against your clit. Just as he wanted, you whimper into his mouth as he holds your wrists down with one hand. "Whine some more." he breathes out.
Meshing his lips with yours, he rubs your slit up and down and presses his palm on it as he clams a grip and shoves his tongue deeper into your mouth.
Breaking free for a moment, you turn your head and gasp out. "God!.....I hate you i swear."
"Do you now? Tell me how much you hate the fox." he mumbles against your lips, as. he pulls down your shorts and panties, rolling them down past your kneecaps.
"Sunoo....." you whispered out.
Hovering over, he props his frame on his knees and pulls his shirt off, loosening his sweatpants, he leans back in and props his chest to remain heightened just above your exposed breasts as he uses his arm to stilt himself up. His hair loosely draping down as he eyes you with an intrigued glare.
"you look so cute when you cry...."
"........you're crazy."
"every sly fox is." he smirks as he kisses you once more, this time it was tender, and more gentle. Leaning all the way down, you relished as his body melts into yours, your arms wrap around his neck as you feel him probe your entrance. Gasping for air, you grip on to his shoulders and dig your fingers in as you feel him slide the remaining length inside you.
"Y-you...you're not wearing a condom." you breathed out, wincing your eyes shut as you felt the sting of him inserting all the way through.
"Don't worry.....i know you're a good girl....and you know i'm clean.....considering we're with each other all the time." he heavily breaths out upon feeling the pressure of your entry squeezing him as he bottoms out inside.
It was true, since you always had feelings for the man to your right, you never once paid any mind to all of your fans, the other idols, or staff that showed interest. You remained faithful to a dream that you never thought would have come, yet you stayed hopeful. The dreams alone, were enough to get you by, now that you were in this moment, it all felt surreal.
"Ah! You...you're too big!"
Kissing you tenderly, he begins to thrust slowly and deeply. "Yeah?....It might be because you're super tight." wincing at the last part, he grits his teeth slightly as he pulls out yet kept the tip nestled in before shoving himself all the way back in through.
"Fuck.....you're really tight......" breathing in deeply into your ear, he caresses both sides of your head and twirls his fingers with your hair as he softly kisses your helix, nibbles on your lobe and licks the inside of your ear canal.
"Ugh! ugh! Sunoo!" you gasp out as you release each pleasurably moan and bite your lip. Remaining in the missionary position, Sunoo props himself up as he lifts both your legs and rests them over his shoulders. "S...sstop." you shyly utter out as he positions you to be fully exposed and in his view. "Shhhh......be a good girl." breathes out as he reaches around one of your thighs and circles the pad of his thumb on your clit. With your hips dipping high and low with each thrust, he picks up the pace upon seeing how delectable your breasts looked as they jiggle up and down from his momentum.
"Oh.....shit....move like that some more baby girl...." he gasps as the sweat beads drip down and his hair glistens and becomes slick wet. "Move...baby....move some more...." thrusting in faster and faster, you lose breath as his bumping thrust instilled a raging sense of pelting pleasure that penetrates deep into your chest.
"Oh.......oh my god...fuck.......what.....what are you doing??...." you gasp out as you bite on to your finger as you shift your face off to the side, your body drenched with sweat as you take in thrust after thrust. Feeling him easily sliding in, you felt your body leaking the bit of moisture onto his lengthy shaft as his thrusts and friction caused it to thicken and cream up on the base of your opening, with a reside ringing around his length.
"Shhhh......take it cutie....fuck.......take it all." he gasps out as he thrusts in deeper, leaning back in as his chest rests atop your breasts, locking your lips in once more. Your moans started to pick up volume, so he swoops a hand and gently covers your mouth while planting his lips on your forehead, taking in the feeling of your face jolting up and down as he pelts you with his hip thrusts. "Oh you're so fucking good.....you know that?" he whispers as he kisses your sweaty brow line as you moan out your muffled answer into his palm. "keep taking it.....just......shit....little more......r-...right there...." gasping out a deep breath, he pulls out his shaft and watches as the slime of your body's lubricant and his pre-cum lines a bridge between your entry and his tip. Aiming for your breasts, he holds his shaft steadily in his palm as he releases and paints your chest with his seed. Chuckling as he catches his breath, he kisses your face tenderly as you whimper out, trying your best to calm your heartbeat.
"Can't get you pregnant....not yet.....staff and company wouldn't like that....." with a tender kiss, he softly rolls his tongue around, massaging the inside of your cheeks as he continues.
"but maybe.....a little later......maybe we'll make something as cute as you.....hmm?"
Tired, breathless, weakened and limp, you whispered out "ddeonu...." to which he laughs as he keeps his lips planted on your cheek.
"I do...."
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Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️  ☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/reinbow
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wingamy24 · 4 months
Controversial community take: I don’t find the Britta and Troy plot line all that bad
First of all, I'd like to link 2 short videos about Troy and Britta as a couple and why they don't work explained in much, MUCH more detail than I did. Part 1/ Part 2
Britta and Troy are bad because they're so underdeveloped and ignored by the writers. They were like "so, they're dating now." And left it there.
Even though they had some mildly romantic moments in earlier seasons before S4, it seemed like they were teasing something that wouldn't happen. It felt like they just randomly remembered them from time to time and made them have a "moment", but then it got usually got completely obscured by the actual plot of the episode. Sometimes it just felt like they were trying to pair up Troy and Britta to make both Jeff and Annie single, which was kinda... no...
In short, they were a very forgettable and poorly written attempt of a couple. They aren't that bad per se, they were just ignored by the writters. Even when they WERE a couple, we barely even got to see them... y'know... being a couple.
I just think their relationship is way cuter and more heartwarming when they're friends who support each other. Especially because they're both the most gentle and caring people of the group.
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aetherdoesthings · 8 months
hello! good night! i was scrolling down and i saw your post about requests... and i was going to ask if i could do one even though i didnt follow you before realizing you were the luffy angst writter!!! that i follow for that series/three-shot!!! anyways;
could you do something about a reader (f! or gn! reader, the one you prefer) getting a tattoo? (a tramp stamp to be more specific, if you can) with robin, shanks, luffy and crocodile? it can be platonic or romantic/suggestive! i had the idea of getting one for a little while and i couldnt resist the temptation of having some thoughts w/them...
thank you very much! i love your writing! 💖
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elo aequarea! thank you for the compliment 🫶🏻🫶🏻! unfortunately i've put the luffy angst fic on hiatus until i decide to finish off y/n fate.
forethoughts: sickness update- i can breathe through my nose now! but i got a stupid cough and sore throat still :(. yes i'm still sick and writing with a migraine. thanks for all the wishes and lovely messages you've given me <3! going back to sleep after posting this.
notes: this is my first time writing for shanks and crocodile, so apologies if inaccurate or not good. all gn!reader, smut-ish for crocodile and robin.
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When you told Robin you wanted a tramp stamp, she didn’t make any comments, and only wanted to know your reason behind it. She saw her fair share of tramp stamps back at her time in Baroque Works; she wasn’t shocked at the concept of it. She was rather intrigued at your desire to have one.
After learning why you wanted one, she grabbed her stuff, and took you to the tattoo shop to get one for you.
She knew you weren’t that good with pain, so the entire time you were getting your tattoo, you squeezed her hand, while she nonchalantly read a book. 
Robin didn’t care that her fingers were turning purple, she was reading her book.
She’d occasionally smile at you and give you some words of encouragement, squeezing your hand back before getting back to her book.
Once you were done, she’d coo you and help you recover, making sure it doesn’t get infected or smushed, giving you the best tattoo aftercare ever.
Once it was fully healed, she’d use it to tease you, brushing a finger over it, knowing you’re sensitive in that area. She’d tease the living daylight out of you in bed, making you cry out her name to stop the teasing.
Shanks would first be confused by what a tramp stamp is, but once he digs into his memory, he remembers what it is and what it means.
He’d 100% want to choose the design or be a part of choosing the design because if he’s going to stare at it all day, he’d want it to be a beautiful sight.
As you’re getting your tattoo, he’s by your side, telling you a bunch of stories about his days on sea, trying to distract you from the needles poking into your skin. 
He ignores your cries and screams and his fingers turning purple simply by raising his voice over your screams.
Once you were done with your tattoo, Shanks immediately turned into a father figure, caring for you and treating your tattoo until it was fully healed.
Once it was fully healed, he’d always make sure to make a comment about it, especially in bed. He’d show it off to his crew and friends, boasting about how his partner got a tramp stamp for him (you did not get a tramp stamp for him).
All in all, Shanks adores the tattoo and loves it on your body, and maybe if you convince him with two bottles of alcohol in his system, he might get one too.
100% when you tell Luffy you want to get a tramp stamp he’s gonna get it with you.
Boy doesn’t even know what it is, he just wants to match with you and get the same tramp stamp.
When it’s time to get it, he sits on the chair next to you, holding your hand to comfort you as you were both getting the tramp stamp. 
Little did you know he’d be the one squeezing the blood out of your fingers when the tattoo started.
For someone who’s fought a warlord and the World Government, he was squirming in his seat, waiting for the tattoo to end. 
Once it did end, he was thrilled and hyped, since the two of you got matching tattoos.
Oh, the poor Straw Hats who had to listen to Luffy yap about the tramp stamp and how it matches with yours.
Crocodile really didn’t care when you told him you wanted a tramp stamp. He was busy with his work, still trying to take down Alabasta and making sure it was a foolproof plan. 
He wasn’t also a fan of getting a tramp stamp, since he knew what it meant and he didn’t want the world to know his partner was associated with promiscuity.
He relented eventually, after you brought Miss All Sunday to join the argument, as Crocodile had no choice but to let you get the tramp stamp.
You went to the shop with Miss All Sunday, since Crocodile didn’t want to be seen with you inside a tattoo shop getting a tramp stamp, but he didn’t want you to go alone with you would be in danger, so he sent Miss All Sunday to go with you.
You got the tattoo with the woman, talking about some random things to pass the time. 
Once you were done,  you showed Crocodile, who initially had a strong reluctance in the tattoo.
But now that you got it, he was in love with the tattoo. He loves to use his hook to grab your waist, running the hook against your tattoo, loving your reaction and how it looked against your skin.
Yes he will use his hook to grab your waist while he’s pumping into you from behind and calling you a whore and living up to your tattoo.
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Was aaron ehasz wife a zutarian or is it just made up
Do you think the comics and lok are so messed up because aaron is misding or was it a great team work of all of them 3
I don't know what Elizabeth's thoughts on the ship, assuming she had any, but I know she wrote The Southern Raiders and I think on the script she did use the word "zutara" instead of saying "Zuko and Katara" during one of the action scenes. It does not surprise me if people took it as confirmation that she liked the ship, and who knows, maybe they're right.
She wouldn't be the first writer on the team she said she liked it - it's surely way more believable than the idea that Aaron was fighting to make Zutara a thing but evil Bryke stepped in, like it was in the infamous "interview" zutarians still quote even though he has repeatedly said that shit is fake.
While I think Aaron was a part of why the original show worked so well, and his job as lead-writter meant he had a HUGE impact in it, it's not fair to pretend he was the only one who truly mattered. Bryke were the ones to come up with the very concept of the show and they were pretty heavily involved in it, and the other writers (like his ex wife) deserve credit too for developing the story. And we gotta remember, Aaron also approved of bad parts of the show. Nobody is perfect.
So no, I don't think he alone could have saved the comics or Korra - especially since Bryan and Mike would still have the final say on the matter and they were clearly more than okay with all the awful creative decisions that ruined these projects, including letting Yang project his daddy issues onto Zuko's plot, accidentally reverting his character to the point that I'd argue he became WORSE than pre-redemption Zuko.
I consider both the comics and Korra to be bad storytelling - that had POTENTIAL to be good. It's why you have little moments of good writting, or funny bits, or even good ideas that were simply not handled well but are not inherently bad. Hell, the newest Azula comic was THE best thing we got since the original show, and not in a "it's the best of terrible content" way but in a "this is genuinely good and mostly coherent" way.
Is it possible that maybe Aaron would have noticed some, or maybe even ALL of the major issues with the comics and Korra? Sure. And is it possible that maybe he could have made Bryke change their mind about SOME of the things they were about to give the greenlight to? Yes.
But that's the issue. MAYBE he'd notice. Or maybe he wouldn't. MAYBE he'd do a good job of explaining it to the people calling all the shots. Or maybe he wouldn't.
There's too many maybes to say "Aaron would have made the comics and Korra be great." Personally, I'd say he would have at most made them decent, but not genuinely great like the original show because his presence/abscense is not the ONLY factor that changed.
He was not the only one who left and there were new people around. And nearly 20 fucking years have passed. Aaron changed, Bryke changed, everybody changed. Putting all the old team in the same room is impossible because they're not the same people they were in 2005.
And in my opinion there's another factor here: while ATLA still had storylines that could be turned into a sequel show/comics (what the hell happened to Ursa, what's gonna happen to Azula, how will the Gaang help rebuild a world that spent 100 years at war, is Toph ever going to confront her parents, the dropped idea for an episode centered on Aang's parents, etc) I just don't think Avatar could EVER be turned into this big franchise that keeps going on and on for decades that Bryke wants it to be.
First they made the mistake of not giving that show the fourth season it clearly needed even though it fucked up the pace of book 3, and now they're making the mistake of not letting the story end even when they don't seem to have anything left to say. Ehasz can't fix that.
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fairykery · 2 years
If not canon, then why flashy?
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Eyesex and a smile?
The guy that hates physical contact is smiling as kohaku hugged him? Not only that but he also looked into her eyes tenderly? LIKE? The other girl going "it wasn't that type of hug" was just referring to the fact that they aren't gf and bf because technically THEY AREN'T and the one girl still assumed that they were. So when they got touch- feely and the girl covered her eyes thinking they were a couple(thanks to the kiss situation) the other girl calmed her down saying they weren't really a couple sharing a hug; but two people that care about each other hugging. While Senku did not return the hug because he is never/and has never been forward about that type of situation, Kohaku is the first he's smiles at, lets hug, and has had people wonder the state of their relationship when being hugged by. She is also the only girl he is close with, that has been hinted at having feelings for him.
Sorry, No I get it. It was too soon for this to be a romantic moment. I get it. It was for the sake of comic relief. But if you pay attention. The context of the scene didn't necessarily have to be written romantically, NOT EVEN for the sake of the plot. Cause them kissing had nothing to do with the situation; BUT the mangaka STILL specifically chose to go THAT route with the scene. He, HIMSELF, chose to use a romantic excuse(even if a comical one) as a plot device to move the story forward. And on top of that made them kiss(even if they were both uncomfortable by it still at this point in the manga). With that, making Kohaku the girl he's closest to who he has had the most physical contact with and even shared a kiss with(even if it was just a chin kiss and they both were practically uncomfortable for being forced to do.). No but seriously, the mangaka using SenHaku as a plot device to move the story forward WHEN it is NOT needed should provide some insight of what he thinks of the pairing. Which is that: "it is fun to write about" and "he likes to write about it".
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I like how he reponds with something that implies. "Maybe i'll blush later....not rn we gotta find a way out of here". Can we also take a moment to realize the mangaka/writter interrupted this moment before Senku could respond to the: "and the way i see it that is so very-" from kohaku? Subtle behavior on his part. Is there something on Senku's mind he doesn't want fans to know for the sake of avoiding ship wars? I wouldn't be surprised if this was what was stopping him from making the ship more explicit. Cause shippers get kind of crazy with the wars and MOST mangakas KNOW this and dont want that to affect the sales.
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He specifically chose one of the most romantic tropes to draw them In? Sorry no. This has nothing to do with their dynamic; but he still drew them like this? In THIS pose? Mangaka definitely shipped them.
Nah; but like never have i ever seen him so touchy feeling with anyone?
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idk idk they remain sus. Especially with all of his guy friends hoping him to experince romantic love.
SenHaku also kinda parallel His adoptive dad and his lover(maybe not in the sense of dynamic; but in color aesthetic and how they are portrayed in the covers)
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[also look at them being bride style like the senhaku cover lol]
I don't know why people say this ship is impossible because Senku says he isn't interested in romance. Like he also hinted at the fact that he has sex drive, just not a crazy active one where he would attack a female for, especially one stronger than him.
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And if you ACTUALLY pay attention every time that topic of romance comes up is not that he COMPLETELY dismisses it. It is more because he does not prioritize it or care to look for it, especially considering that he is so goal-driven. At the same time, it is already revealed that not everything he says(especially when it comes to relationships/bonds)does he mean. He only, like i said, likes to remain goal-oriented and doesn't want anything to distract him.
He also acted pretty detached towards his own father and rejected his overly affections of love. So much so, that Byakuya tried to adapt to his own love language of science. But at the end of the day,it is not that Senku is 100% against those concepts(of romanticized bonds) it is just that he finds them to be waste of time. But despite that, he is still human. He still feels despite how much he doesn't allow himself to do so:
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And Riri herself pointed how Senku only acts tough and detached when it comes to relationships/bonds(when talking about his care for the village) but a part of him does care. This is because she is the only one whose seen him cry at his father grave, despite how detached he acted about his father dying at the beginning. But again, he remembered that he had a goal, and wiped his tears; because for him "there's no time for that". It's all about prioritizing his goals, especially when about science.
And there's ALOT of emphasis on THAT.
Even so, so many characters in shounen have ended up marrying/having feelings despite saying/or there being no indicator that they are interested in romance. It is a common trope of it. So even if it were because Senku is not into romance it wouldn't sink the ship. I mean look at Sasuke(another goal-oritented character) said that romance had no place in his revolution; but at the end of the day married sakura and even gave her a ring to ward off insects
[note: is important to note that sasuke was not rejecting sakura here. More like trying to convince kakashi that romance had no place in his revolution. Because he was goal oriented, like Senku(that and the fact that he was still struggling with his darkness). In fact Sakura said that she wanted things to go back to the way they used to be and he assumed that was romance, without anyone saying anything of that sort. And Sakura had already left it clear that she wanted team 7 back; but then sasuke mentioned romance lol]
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Something else worth mentioning is the fact that Senku hates clingy overly-romantic girls or the girls that fall in love too fast with him, as we've seen him cringe or act annoyed with those type of acts. But still, he was able to manage to say something about a type, despite his dismissive behavior. Even tho it was just to brush the conversation off, the fact that he answered his type of girl with "someone that could bring him materials" and then calls Kohaku a lioness, and him as a scientist knows that usually a lioness is one to provide their mates with food from hunting. I don't know. It seemed like a sweet nickname to give her. Especially when in his time period, that type of nickname is considered flirtatious. What is more, is that he initially brought Taiju back because of his usefulness in strength(and the fact he knew he could trust him) & Senku himself noticed the exact same quality in Kohaku.
So someone that could fit his description of his type would definitely be kohaku and seeing that she is the girl who he is the closest, and HAS brought him materials before so i dont see why not. I mean he was already pretty impressed with her first meeting her. Even after having worked with her, he was still impressed by her strength, and doesn't stop talking about it:
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There's also people who always dismiss Kohaku's feelings. I mean i think it's already pretty clear
His physical aspect she seems pleased with
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And well he already fits the EXACT description of her EXACT type. So it is 100% safe to say that she has feelings for him. It may not be explicitly stated but it was just the right amount of sublte. Similar to Mikasa Ackerman/Touka Kirishima, whose feelings were never explicitly stated; but were always quite obvious. That was the type of subtlety the mangaka was aiming at. And i think there's a reason for that.
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Because Senku hates fast paced relationships/love at first sight/mushy girls. Building Kohaku's feelings in a slowburn manner makes Kohaku stand out from all the other girls that have feelings for him/have flirted with him/felt attracted to him. Because, as i said, he doesn't like that kind of stuff. And since he is still sciency I don't think he would ever fall for a romantic type of girl; but rather a useful one that can serve as his partner. The way I see them happening would be by Kohaku being accepting of his anti-romantic nature, and Senku seeing her as worthy Mate that he could reproduce with so that the sciene can live on and keep developing. While he did teach Chrome alot, Chrome also says he wants Senku to live. I think he also meant it in a metaphorical way. Chrome, next to his other male friends kept pushing for or looking for an indicator of him feeling attraction for a girl/or at least want him to understand romantic love so that he doesn't keep downplaying the feelings that they have towards their crushes. Even Gen seemed pretty excited at the thought of him kissing a girl lol. So it's safe to say that the mangaka writing this was him rooting for the same thing for Senku; but not in the way that we exepect.
Again, if he ever did develop a relationsip with kohaku to another level. I dont think he would confess/or admit his physical attraction to her, if he did feel any. I think he would find himself content that he has found a useful girl, that can bring him materials, and doesn't ask much of him(in a romantic light). This would push Senku to allow Kohaku as his partner. I don't think Kohaku would mind it either as long as she knows Senku is willing to reciprocate in terms of just the right amount of romantic gestures/or sexual entanglement(when senku finds the time for her)
Because as he has stated he does not NOT have a sex drive(just not active) nor is he COMPLETELY against chivalry (which is rooted in romance).
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So i think if he did develop feelings for Kohaku he will not do much to figure out the why and would instead only try to rationalize it by saying Kohaku is the perfect partner. He would agree to a wedding for the sake of his friends and act like he was peer pressured to doing it, and would probably ONLY compliment Kohaku's looks by saying something like "You know, according to the symmetrical proportions of your face, you'd be considered to be living up to the beauty standards of my time" and Kohaku would be fine with that thanks to the reassurance of her sister about how "he is not the type of guy to be completely against the tradition of bonds/feelings. He just doesn't prioritize them". So kohaku would be fine with that. Especially because she herself has been swayed by his way of living.
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As long as she knows that Senku considers her his mate, partner, and important person, I think she'd be okay with that. Especially since Senku is logical enough to understand that he needs to put effort into the relationship with his mate. So he'd do soft gestures for her that will keep her happy in order to maintain their relationship, even if she doesn't ask for it. And that will be enough because by the end of the day that's what most relationships are, Senku just doesn't feel the need to romanticize them, unless it's for the sake of following through with a logical situation. And well him maintaining his relationship with Kohaku would be logical as it would avoid conflict and prevent him from seeking a mate elsewhere. We all know Senku doesn't like to bother with those things. He just goes with the flow of whatever is convenient.
I also think that even though he doesn't like physical contact he'd probably do soft things like touch her hand in reassurance,(he's held her hand), smile at her(as he has done so before), look tenderly at her with pride(has looked and felt proud of her) and lean on her when he is tired(they have leaned on each other metaphorically). Those would be indicators.of him caring for her, but he won't ever stop to think about them, even if his heart rate actually does start to raise he will only rationalize it with talks about "dopamine/serotonin" and Kohaku being his chosen partner; but overall, he'd be most ecstatic about having a partner by his side, and the fact that he cares for such partner. Kohaku won't ask for more and will come to understand that she has what any other girl has(when it comes to romantic relationships), and she SIMPLY has a partner that tends to rationalize everything and dislikes romance; but is willing to do it for the sake of logic.
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