#EMF Health Risks
organicbeing · 6 months
Illuminating the Hidden Perils: How Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Could Impact Your Health
In the hustle and bustle of our modern world, we often overlook the invisible forces that surround us. Among these, radiofrequency radiation, emitted by ubiquitous technologies like Wi-Fi routers and Bluetooth devices, permeates our daily lives. Could this “radiofrequency pollution” be silently wreaking havoc on our health? At first glance, the notion might seem far-fetched, even absurd. Yet, as…
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darkmaga-retard · 24 hours
A recent scientific study on the specific absorption rate (SAR) values in the brain and body from electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) emitted by modern electronic devices indicate that certain tech devices, such as Wi-Fi routers, should not be in the same rooms that people spend much of their time in, such as living rooms and bedrooms.
Note what the researchers are likely referring to as ‘wireless modems’ are likely ‘Wi-Fi routers’.
“The SAR values created by the broadband electric field measurement values in the living room and entrance area where the modem is located, are well above the limit values determined by ICNIRP for general public environments and accepted by FCC and CE, FCC corresponds to 293.12% CE corresponds to 234.5%, and these values appear to pose health risks,” the study said in the ‘Conclusion’ section. “It turns out that the wireless modem is a significant high frequency electromagnetic emitter and should be away from the livingroom and bedroom where a lot of time is spent.”
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thainutmeg · 3 months
The Dr. Ardis Show | EMF's, Bird Flu, and Elon Musk AI Warnings with Clay Clark | Episode 06.05.2024
This episode is a conversation revolved around the future of humanity and AI, with Dr. Ardis highlighting the importance of understanding the relationship between the human brain and AI. Clay Clark and Dr. Ardis discussed various technological advancements and their potential risks to national security, including artificial intelligence, gene editing, and brain control weapons. Dr. Ardis and Clay Clark discussed the recent bird flu outbreak, emphasizing the effectiveness of natural remedies in curing the virus. The conversation also touched on the potential health risks associated with cell phone radiation and EMFs, with Dr. Ardis emphasizing the importance of grounding oneself to neutralize their deadly effects.
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world-healt · 5 months
A Shield in the Digital Age: My Experience with the Defense Pendant
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In today's world, we're constantly bombarded by electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted from our smartphones, laptops, Wi-Fi routers, and countless other devices. While technology has revolutionized our lives, concerns about the potential health risks of EMF exposure are rising. That's why I decided to try the Defense Pendant, a product designed to offer protection from harmful EMF radiation.
Taking Control of My Wellbeing
I've always been health-conscious, and the idea of mitigating potential risks from everyday technology appealed to me. The Defense Pendant's focus on creating a shield against EMFs resonated with my desire to take a proactive approach to my well-being. While extensive research on EMFs is ongoing, I felt empowered by the chance to potentially reduce my exposure.
Stylish Protection
The first thing that surprised me about the Defense Pendant was its design. I envisioned a bulky or clinical-looking device, but the pendant is surprisingly sleek and stylish. It comes in a variety of finishes, allowing me to choose one that complements my everyday attire. Now, I wear it not just for protection, but also as a conversation starter. It's a subtle way to show I'm taking charge of my health in the digital age.
Science-Backed Innovation
The Defense Pendant's website emphasizes its use of cutting-edge technology and scientific research. While I'm not a scientist myself, the explanation of how the pendant utilizes a blend of natural minerals and shielding tech to harmonize EMFs resonated with my desire for a solution based on sound principles. It gave me confidence that the product wasn't simply a gimmick.
A Noticeable Difference
Since wearing the Defense Pendant, I've noticed a subtle but positive shift in my energy levels. I used to experience occasional headaches and fatigue, especially after extended periods using electronic devices. While I can't definitively attribute this change solely to the pendant, the decrease in these issues has been a welcome development.
Peace of Mind in a Digital World
Perhaps the most significant benefit of the Defense Pendant is the peace of mind it offers. Knowing I'm taking a step towards mitigating potential EMF risks allows me to embrace technology without unnecessary worry. It's a small but impactful change that has demonstrably improved my overall well-being.
In Conclusion
If you're concerned about the potential health effects of EMF exposure and are looking for a stylish and user-friendly solution, the Defense Pendant is definitely worth considering. It combines innovative technology with a sleek design, making it a valuable addition to your everyday life. In a world saturated with electronics, the Defense Pendant offers a shield of protection and a sense of control over your well-being in the digital age.
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This Common Thing Could Be Affecting Your Health!
In this video, Dr. Osborne and Nick discuss the potential health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiofrequency radiation from devices such as cell phones and cell towers. Did you know that exposure to EMFs may impair sleep quality, impact brain function, and increase the risk of behavioral issues, allergies, and autoimmune diseases? Researchers who have found associations between EMF exposure and adverse health outcomes, particularly in pregnant women and individuals with autoimmune conditions
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Deadpool x Y/N Kind of a crack fic, but also sorta serious. I honestly just want an excuse to write Deadpool smut soooo. Pt 2 coming soon-ish, maybe tomorrow or the day after. Anyways, Y/n uses they/them pronouns and has very minimal corporeal being at the moment (they have no lips, how will they get a kiss kiss??)
Life is boring. Y/n wished their current reality would shift into something more…exciting. Although they thought they should be grateful their life was boring. They had a stable job making good money and didn’t often experience life-altering hardships.  “Monotony is better than disaster, I suppose.” Just as they speak those words aloud an earth shaking crash booms outside their apartment.
Y/n runs to the window and looks into the street far below. It’s hard to tell through the gloom but rubble is scattered across the asphalt. Had a building collapsed?? Down the street to their left it’s much more concentrated. Y/n almost swears they see movement there through the dust cloud. Turns out they did. Something lumbers out of the dust cloud. Something big. Y/n throws themself to the ground out of sight and presses their fist to their mouth.
Holy fuck.
Not daring to risk peeking through the window again Y/n scurries along the ground to the other side of the room. Just in time it seems because the apartment window shatters as something is hurled through it. They scream.
“Hey, hey, hey, let’s not do that.” The crumpled..thing in the corner speaks. Not that it does any good, if anything Y/n screams louder. “HEY! You need to shut the fuck up if you don’t want us to die! Because I’m pretty sure you won’t come back if you get eaten.” The man, y/n had determined ‘it’ was most definitely a man crawled over and used his one arm to shush them.
“What the fuck?” The words were barely audible.
“You need to shut up,” he whispers back.
“Who-emf!” The man puts his hand over their mouth, staring alertly out the window. Or at least, they think he is. He’s wearing a mask. That aside, the thing that alarmed Y/n more is his strength and alertness when he should be in shock or dying. In fact, if Y/n couldn’t see the damage they would assume he was in perfect health, if a bit stressed.
After getting the message Y/n tugs on his shoulder and jerks their head towards the door behind them. The masked man tilts his head, releases Y/n, and raises a finger to his lips in a “shh” motion. “Bathroom.” Y/n mouthed, then shimmies across the floor and opens the door as quietly as possible. 
Almost as soon as the bathroom door clicks shut the noise outside stops completely. Y/n reaches again for the handle of the door but is stopped by a hand on her wrist. When they look at him he shakes his head very slowly, eyes wide and holding his breath. Slowly he releases Y/n’s hand and pulls up the bottom of his mask. The destroyed skin underneath doesn’t strike as much fear as the words he mouths, “It knows.”
So Y/n huddles against the opposite wall of the bathroom, hand against their mouth and wide eyes staring at the door as if it would come alive and attack them both. After several long minutes of listening to their own heartbeat Y/n hears a gurgly growl. It’s inside the apartment. Just as Y/n is about to say fuck it and make a break for it the man grabs their wrist again. He pulls them back so that they’re sitting between his legs with their back to his chest then presses a finger to their lips and moves his hand down to their waist to hold them in place.
It felt like an entire eternity before he released their waist. Y/n pushes away from him to the opposite side of the bathroom. “Little help.” He rasps, head slumped sideways. Thinking fast Y/n snatches towels from the cupboard and press them against the stump of his arm. Weird, it seemed shorter before.
“Deadpool.” The man whispers.
“Before I made you shut up before you were going to ask who I was. I’m Deadpool.”
With that he slumps to the side, dead.
“Oh, fuck.” Y/n backs away from the body and looks to the door. Is it safe yet?
Y/n curls up against the wall and stares at the door. After a while they hear footsteps stumping along in her apartment. The door handle shakes, then the door opens. Another masked man stands there, this one smaller. He stares down at Y/n, then glances over at the body. For one horrible moment Y/n considers that he might blame them for this. Then he speaks “God, he’s an idiot. C’mon, let's get you some tea.”
They recoil from the masked man, but he doesn’t seem phased. Instead he helps them up and to the kitchen where he makes them a cup of tea. “Don’t worry about him, he’ll heal up just fine. Honestly he’ll probably be out here and annoying us both in fifteen minutes.”
“You didn’t s-see? He’s dead!”
“Yeah, Pool does that sometimes. Honestly, don’t worry about it. Just drink your tea. Oh, and I’m Spiderman. Sorry about your window.”
In favor of keeping their sanity Y/n decides to change the subject. “What happened?” they ask, sipping on their tea and throwing worried glances at the bathroom door.
“I-uhh, well I don’t really know. Strange is smarter with all this interdimensional space fabric stuff. The jist of it is some shit happened that opened a rift between our universes. Big baddie came here. Avengers–and Deadpool–came here to clean that up. Pool got thrown through your window and I’m assuming crawled into your bathroom to die.”
“We were hiding..that thing was in my apartment.”
“Nah. It can project its voice. It was waiting outside your apartment for a while. Probably waiting for you to come out of the bathroom. It was weird, like everything went completely silent for just a few seconds.”
“Oh..” Y/n fell silent. Thinking back to the corpse in the bathroom that had saved her life not that long before. They wondered if what this ‘Spiderman” had said was true.
A low groan came from the bathroom. Both Peter and Y/n perk up and look back to the door. The door handle jiggles but the man behind it was clearly struggling to open it fully. Y/n stumbles off their stool and runs to the doorway then flings it open.
“Honey, I’m home!” Deadpool sang, propping himself up on the doorway, “Did you miss me?” He smirks at them, his mask still up halfway. “I totally saved your life, be tee dubs.” The change in his attitude almost gave Y/n whiplash. This guy was absolutely nothing like the serious, gravely injured man who’d saved them. “Take a picture, sweet cheeks. It’ll last you longer.” He drew out the last word in a sing-song tone.
“You’re..not dead?”
“Of course I’m not dead. I would never die. Well, I would die but I wouldn’t stay dead.” He slings an arm over their shoulders and leads them back to the kitchen.
The men only stayed a couple minutes longer before both of them jumped out Y/n’s still broken window. For a long while Y/n thought that was it. Life moved on, the window was fixed. Everything was back to monotony. Then for the second time Y/n’s living room window shattered as a full grown masked man was hurled through it.
“I’m baaack!” He sang, jumping to his feet.
“What the hell, man?” Y/n clambers up after falling off their chair, “Why would you do that??”
“Hey! I didn’t have any control over it. My guess is the author needed some convenient way to get us back together so we can have some totally awesome sex.” Deadpool waggles his eyebrows. Weird that Y/n could see it over the mask.
“Listen, uh, man. You need to leave.”
“What,” he shouted, “You would just abandon me and kick me out in the cold after I saved your life??”
“It’s ninety degrees out!”
He plops himself down on the couch and crosses his arms, “My point stands.”
“No, it doesn’t. Your point fell over and died.”
“So you don’t want to have totally awesome sex?” He leans his head on the back of the couch and looks up at them. “You look funny upside down.”
For a moment Y/n pauses. This whole thing had started with them lamenting the monotony of their life. They honestly couldn’t think of anything less monotonous than fucking a spandex clad crimefighter than couldn’t physically die.
“Bedroom is that way.” They said whilst pointing. “Go lay down. I need a tylenol.”
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verydreamchild · 1 year
Introducing EMFDEFENSE™ Negative Ions Sticker – Your Shield Against Electromagnetic Radiation!
In today's tech-driven world, we're constantly surrounded by electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted from our devices. These invisible waves have raised concerns about potential health risks. That's where EMFDEFENSE™ Negative Ions Sticker comes into play.
EMFDEFENSE™ is a revolutionary product designed to protect you from the harmful effects of EMFs while embracing the power of negative ions. Crafted with cutting-edge technology, this sticker emits a stream of negative ions, which not only neutralize harmful radiation but also offer a myriad of health benefits.
Here's how it works: simply attach the EMFDEFENSE™ Negative Ions Sticker to your electronic devices – smartphones, laptops, tablets, or even Wi-Fi routers. As it goes to work, you'll experience reduced EMF exposure and the calming, rejuvenating effects of negative ions.
But EMFDEFENSE™ doesn't stop there. It's sleek, minimalist design ensures it won't interfere with your device's aesthetics. Plus, it's incredibly easy to apply and doesn't leave any residue when removed.
As an affiliate marketing partner, you have the unique opportunity to introduce your audience to this game-changing product. Join us in promoting a healthier and safer digital lifestyle with EMFDEFENSE™. Start earning commissions while making a positive impact on the well-being of your followers today. Don't wait; become a part of the EMFDEFENSE™ movement now!
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emfdetectionleeds · 1 year
EMF Surveys - Specialised electromagnetic radiation surveyors for Substations and Pylons offering ‘No Risk’ assessments across the whole of the UK
Website: https://substation-health-risks.co.uk
Address: 6/5 Stratford House, Stainbeck Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS7 3PJ
Phone Number: 0113 262 0953
Contact Email ID: [email protected]
Business Hours: Monday - Saturday : 08:30 AM - 06:30 PM
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Are EMF’s safe? (come, child, ruin your night)
y’all ready for this? I’m not anti-5G, btw turn your wifi off before bed and maybe stop keepin’ ya phone so close all the time
But like... why, though?
I've had my suspicions about cell towers being hazardous to health for a few years now and felt convinced enough to not bother researchin' it for confirmation. Now that I'm blah blah blah, I decided to actually bother. Since it got kinda heavy, I had to ask myself if I should put in hella more effort creatin' a damn research report of sorts for y'all asses present the info for others like it's a damn PSA. And my conscious won. T~T
But like... what, though?
A base station (aka: cell phone tower) is that shit you see everywhere but never notice. It's usually tall af and has panel antennas on it. It's "used for the transmission and reception of the radio signals between the mobile phones and the network." The problem with 'em is the electromagnetic field (EMF) their equipment can give off... for half a mile. 😐
In short, they've been found to cause health problems. Like cancer. 🤷🏿‍♂️
Fun fact, panel antennas can be installed on the roof/side of buildings that may be directly across the street from someone's workplace... with the antenna at their elevation. 🤷🏿‍♀️
Real Quick
For those who don’t trust EMF-Portal, it (sometimes) has links to the study/article. Full-text PDF can be requested directly from the authors on ResearchGate.net’s article for the study. Full-text PDF can (usually) be found online in English and German with the right search.
5 Studies
V/m = volts per meter 7191 cancer deaths were selected according to the above mentioned criterias out of a total of 22,493 cancer deaths. The most significant causes were lung cancer (19.6 %), stomach cancer (14.1 %), prostate cancer (12.6 %), and breast cancer (11.5 %). The mean electric field intensity of the measurements in 2008 was 7.32 V/m, varying from 0.4 to 12.4 V/m. At a distance of up to 100 m [328.08 ft], the absolute number of deaths was 3569, (49.6 % of all deaths), the mortality rate was 43.4 persons per 10,000 [0.43%] and the relative risk was 1.35 in relation to the mortality rate of 32.1 per 10,000 [0.32%] inhabitants of the entire Belo Horizonte municipality [in Minas Gerais, Brazil]. A mortality rate of 34.8 per 10,000 [0.35%] inhabitants was observed for the residents living within 500 m [1,640.42 ft] of the base stations; this rate decreased for residents living farther from the base stations.
—Mortality by neoplasia and cellular telephone base stations in the Belo Horizonte municipality, Minas Gerais state, Brazil; Science of The Total Environment (2011); EMF-Portal
ResearchGate.net’s article
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The result of the study [of 967 permanent residents] shows that the proportion of newly developing cancer cases was significantly higher among those [320] patients who had lived during the past ten years at a distance of up to 400 metres [1,312.34 ft] from the cellular transmitter site, which has been in operation since 1993, compared to those patients living further away, and that the patients fell ill on average 8 years earlier. In the years 1999-2004, ie after five years' operation of the transmitting installation, the relative risk of getting cancer had trebled for the residents of the area in the proximity of the installation compared to the inhabitants of Naila[,Germany,] outside the area.
—The Influence of Being Physically Near to a Cell Phone Transmission Mast on the Incidence of Cancer (original title: ‘Einfluss der räumlichen Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen auf die Krebsinzidenz’); Umwelt · Medizin · Gesellschaft (2004); ResearchGate.net
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9 cancer cases were observed in the first period 2000 - 2004 and 14 cases in the period 2005 - June 2007 among [1,283] residents living within a radius of 400 m [1,312.34 ft] to a mobile phone base station [in Germany (Hennen, suburb of Iserlohn, Westfalia)]. The mean age of disease onset was 59.2 years in the first period and 59.3 years in the second period in comparison to the expected value of 66.4 years evaluated from the Saarland Cancer Registry. The authors concluded, that a statistically significant increase of cancer incidence was observed 5 years after the base station has been started operating.
—[Incidence of cancer adjacent to a mobile telephone basis station in Westfalia] (original title: Krebsinzidenz von Anwohnern im Umkreis einer Mobilfunksendeanlage in Westfalen - Interview-basierte Piloterhebung und Risikoschätzung); Umwelt · Medizin · Gesellschaft (2009); EMF-Portal
Area A: ≤ 350 m / 1148.3 ft from base station Area B: > 350 m / 1148.3 ft from base station Of the 622 people of area A, 8 cases of different kinds of cancer were diagnosed in a period of one year (from July 1997 - June 1998). The cancer incidence rate was 129 cases per 10,000 [1.29%] persons per year in area A compared to 16/10,000 [0.16%] in area B and 31/10,000 [0.31%] in the town of Netanya [in Israel]. Relative cancer rates for females were 10.5 for area A, 0.6 for area B and 1 for Netanya. The authors conclude that the study indicates an association between increased incidence of cancer and living in proximity to a mobile phone base station.
—Increased incidence of cancer near a cell-phone transmitter station; International Journal of Cancer Prevention (2004); EMF-Portal
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Took forever to get this damn infographic just right. >.>
A long-term study was conducted in Germany to investigate the influence of a mobile phone base station on neurotransmitters under true-to-life conditions. µW/m² = microWatts per square meter 24 out of 60 participants were exposed to a power density of < 60 µW/m², 20 participants to 60 - 100 µW/m², and 16 participants to more than 100 µW/m² . The values of the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline grew significantly during the first 6 months after starting the GSM base station; the values of the precursor substance dopamine substantially decreased in this time period. The initial condition was not restored even after 1.5 years. Due to the not regulable chronic difficulties of the stress balance, the phenylethylamine levels dropped until the end of the investigation period. The effects show a dose-effect relationship and are situated far under the valid limit values.
—[Modification of clinically important neurotransmitters under the influence of modulated high-frequency fields - A long-term study under true-to-life conditions] (original title: Veränderung klinisch bedeutsamer Neurotransmitter unter dem Einfluss modulierter hochfrequenter Felder - Eine Langzeiterhebung unter lebensnahen Bedingungen); Umwelt · Medizin · Gesellschaft (2011); EMF-Portal
ResearchGate.net’s German article EMF:data page (German)
While I did find 17 different figures for it, I’mma save myself the bother of describin’ dat noise and not include ‘em thanks~.
But what does the FCC say?
FCC.gov’s conclusion seems to be that they’re generally safe for civilian life as long as you don’t get close and aren’t directly in front of the antenna’s trajectory (don’t climb a fuckin’ tower or enter those rooms/buildings). A very “it’s fine” set of conclusions tbh. Hella contrasted by other sources.
Nonetheless… below is the index...
FCC’s RF Safety FAQ Index:
What is "radiofrequency" and microwave radiation?
What is non-ionizing radiation?
How is radiofrequency energy used?
How is radiofrequency radiation measured?
What biological effects can be caused by RF energy?
Can people be exposed to levels of radiofrequency radiation and microwaves that could be harmful?
Can radiofrequency radiation cause cancer?
What research is being done on RF biological effects?
What levels are safe for exposure to RF energy?
Why has the FCC adopted guidelines for RF exposure?
How safe are mobile phones? Can they cause cancer?
How can I obtain the specific absorption rate (SAR) value for my mobile phone?
Do "hands-free" ear pieces for mobile phones reduce exposure to RF emissions?   What about mobile phone accessories that claim to shield the head from RF radiation?
Can mobile phones be used safely in hospitals and near medical telemetry equipment?
Are wireless and PCS towers and antennas safe?
Are cellular and other radio towers located near homes or schools safe for residents and students?
Are emissions from radio and television antennas safe?
How safe are radio antennas used for paging and "two-way" communications?   What about "push-to-talk" radios such as "walkie-talkies?"
How safe are microwave and satellite antennas?
Are RF emissions from amateur radio stations harmful?
What is the FCC's policy on radiofrequency warning signs?  For example, when should signs be posted, where should they be located and what should they say?
Can implanted electronic cardiac pacemakers be affected by nearby RF devices such as microwave ovens or cellular telephones?
Does the FCC regulate exposure to radiation from microwave ovens, television sets and computer monitors?
Does the FCC routinely monitor radiofrequency radiation from antennas?
Does the FCC maintain a database that includes information on the location and technical parameters of all the towers and antennas it regulates?
Which other federal agencies have responsibilities related to potential RF health effects?
Can local and state governmental bodies establish limits for RF exposure?
Where can I obtain more information on potential health effects of radiofrequency energy?
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) prepared a [2012] report of its investigation into safety concerns related to mobile phones.  The report concluded that further research is needed to confirm whether mobile phones are completely safe for the user, and the report recommended that the FDA take the lead in monitoring the latest research results.
Professional Opinion...
Safe Distance from Cell Towers…
It is also difficult to predict a safe distance from cell towers.  For example, cell towers are designed to transmit most of their radio frequency (RF) energy horizontally.  Some areas below the tower may have lower levels than locations farther away that are more in line with the vertical height of the antennas. The exposure from a cell tower will depend on the type of antennas, the number of antennas, how much the antennas are actually being used, the time of day, etc.  The distance needed to reduce exposures down to the General Public Precautionary Level of 100 microwatts per meter squared (μW/m²) is often around a quarter of a mile (1320 feet) or more.  Due to the uncertainty, on-site testing with a broadband RF test meter is strongly recommended. A German study reported that people living within 400 meters (1312 feet) of cell towers had over 3 times the normal rate for new cancers (City of Naila 2004).  In an Israeli study, the relative risk for cancer was about 4 times greater within 350 meters (1148 feet) of the cell tower (Wolf et al. 1997).  Based on findings like these, a minimum safety distance of 1/4 mile (1320 feet) might be considered prudent. (...) The suggestions for safety distances in this chart are generally based on Michael Neuert’s [engineer, licensed electrician, and health educator] professional on-site testing of the various EMF sources in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1992.
—What Distance is Safe? By Michael R Neuert, MA, BSME, ©2023
helpful table if you want all that info: What EMF Level is Safe? By Michael R Neuert, MA, BSME, ©2023
i know what i said
Based on the accumulated evidence, we recommend that IARC [the International Agency for Research on Cancer] re-evaluate its 2011 classification of the human carcinogenicity of RFR [radio-frequency radiation], and that WHO [the World Health Organization] complete a systematic review of multiple other health effects such as sperm damage. In the interim, current knowledge provides justification for governments, public health authorities, and physicians/allied health professionals to warn the population that having a cell phone next to the body is harmful, and to support measures to reduce all exposures to RFR.
—Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices; Front Public Health (2019 Aug 13); NCBI
Lookup (or pull out) your cellphone’s manual and search for the sections on “radio frequency exposure” and “Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information” to see how close the phone can safely be kept near your body… and that it should be kept away from “the bellies of pregnant women and for teenagers, away from the lower abdomen.” 😐
For an informative giggle, here’s the “Harmful Cell Phones” segment from season 7 of The Colbert Report.
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do-foryou · 2 years
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5G AirWave Defender - How to protect yourself from EMF radiation? - 5G AirWave Defender Review
✅There are all sorts of crazy airways from technology all around you that could have disastrous long-term effects on your body and there's no real way to know for certain which ones are some research and independent studies so it's important to be vigilant about protecting yourself from potential exposure want to know how to find out for yourself
✅The airwaves are everywhere, and they're carrying more and more data every day. 5G cell waves are the latest and greatest technology… But they come with a potential downside… We don't yet know what kind of health effects they could have.
With more research, we'll eventually have a better understanding of the risks involved. Until then, it's better to be safe than sorry. There’s a way to keep yourself and your family protected when you’re at home…
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chicagocatholicman · 4 hours
Less Cellphone Use Helps Lower Your EMF Exposure
Another key benefit of taking a break from the digital world is reduced exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Exposure to radiofrequency EMFs from cellphones and other sources poses a substantial health risk. For instance, a controlled study found cellphone radiation causes acute cell death and disrupted cell division in cheek cells, with a 57% increase in cell death indicators after high exposure.16
A systematic review and meta-analysis also revealed that using a cellphone for over 1,000 cumulative hours in your lifetime — equivalent to just 17 minutes per day over 10 years — increased tumor risk by a striking 60%.17
Several studies have also found that EMFs have a deleterious effect on the reproductive systems of both men and women. Research published in Fertility and Sterility found that men who used their cellphones more than 20 times a day had significantly lower sperm counts than those who only used them once a week or less.
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darkmaga-retard · 17 days
Story at-a-glance
A 70-year study found that eating a high-quality diet from childhood through middle age leads to better cognitive function later in life, potentially warding off dementia
Participants with high-quality diets, rich in whole fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains, maintained better cognitive abilities into their 70s compared to those with poor diets
Gradual introduction of complex carbohydrates is recommended for those with compromised gut health, starting with fruit juices and progressing to whole fruits and cooked starches
Epigenetics research, including studies on the Dutch Hunger Winter, shows that dietary choices can have multigenerational impacts, affecting the health of future generations
Improving mitochondrial function by avoiding linoleic acid, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and EMF exposure can help protect cognitive function and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like dementia
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How does Merci Dupre Clothier protect you from EMF radiations and 5G?
In today’s fast-paced world, technology is everywhere; from the smartphones in our hands to the invisible waves of Wi-Fi & 5G that surround us. But while these advances make life more convenient, they also come with unseen risks. Constant exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) & 5G radiations is becoming a growing concern, with many wondering how to stay protected without disconnecting from modern life.
Merci Dupre Clothiers, a brand redefining fashion, is here with its luxury eco-friendly collection that keeps you looking fabulous and protects you from the invisible threats of EMF radiations and 5G.
The invisible threat of EMF Radiations and 5G-
As technology evolves, so does our exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). These low-frequency waves come from everyday devices like phones, routers and cell towers. With the rise of 5G networks, these waves are becoming even more prevalent, sparking concerns about potential long-term health effects.
While research is still unfolding, some studies suggest that EMF exposure may lead to issues like sleep disruption, headache and increased stress. It's a modern problem that can feel overwhelming but, Merci Dupre Clothier is here with a solution that doesn't require you to ditch your devices or challenge your lifestyle. Instead, they offer clothing that protects you while keeping you on trend.
Merci Dupre's Nano Biotech Skin Coating Technology
So, how exactly does Merci Dupre Clothiers protect you from EMF radiation? The answer lies in the nano biotech skin coating technology; a cutting-edge innovation that is woven into the fabrics of every piece. This technology acts as a shield creating and invisible barrier between your body and harmful radiation.
Imagine wearing an elegant fashion-forward jacket that doesn't just look incredible but also helps protect your health. Whether you are at the office surrounded by Wi-Fi or navigating a city with 5G signals buzzing all around you, Merci Dupre's clothing forms the protective layer, allowing you to go about your day confidently and safely.
The new face of luxury: Protection as the ultimate style statement
Luxury fashion has always been about more than just looking good; it's about how you feel when you wear it. With Merci Dupre, that feeling extends to a deeper sense of security and well-being. In a world where invisible environmental threats are becoming part of daily life, the brand has refined what luxury truly means.
Gone are the days when you had to choose between style and safety. Merci Dupre seamlessly blends both, offering high-end fashion that protects against modern hazards without compromising on aesthetics. This fusion of protection and luxury is what sets Merci Dupre apart, making each peace in the collection more than just clothing; its a lifestyle choice.
Revolutionalising Fashion's Role
Beyond beauty; Merci Dupre is about offering something that goes far deeper. There enviroware collection is where science meets style, taking fashion to a new level. Each piece is meticulously designed with attention to detail and craftsmanship that you would expect from a luxury brand but the added bonus of high-tech protection.
This is a new kind of fashion evolution where what you wear becomes more than just statement of personal style; it becomes an investment in your health. It's functional, yes, but it's also stunningly crafted, proving that clothing can be both practical and beautiful.
A Step Toward Safer Living
As technology continues to evolve, our exposure to EMF radiations and 5G will only increase. But in the face of these challenges, Merci Dupre offers a solution that fits seamlessly into our modern lives. Their clothing is designed to protect, elevate and give you peace of mind; without making you sacrifice your personal style.
Each garment becomes a protective layer stylish yet subtle defence against the unseen threats we face daily. And this new era of smart fashion, Merci Dupre is leading the way, creating a collection that addresses modern challenges head-on, with elegance and sophistication.
In today's world, fashion is about to be more than just about appearance; it's about function innovation and protection. Merci Dupre is leading this shift, offering clothing that acts on your personal fashion sense against EMF radiations and 5G.
By blending to-notch nanobiotic technology with luxury design, Merci Dupre ensures you never have to choose between safety and style. So, when you slip to into a Merci Dupre piece, you are not just putting on clothing; you are embracing the future of fashion where health protection and high and style meets and perfect harmony.
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safeconnectplus · 8 days
Is EMF Powerlines Safe Distance Important?
When considering the risks associated with electromagnetic fields (EMFs), it's crucial to understand the safe distance between emf powerlines safe distance. Powerlines emit EMFs, which are invisible areas of energy. These fields are often generated by electrical devices and wiring. Maintaining a safe distance from powerlines can help mitigate the potential health risks posed by prolonged EMF exposure.
Is EMF Powerlines Safe Distance Important?
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defensependantemf · 9 days
EMF Protection With Defense Pendant
There are an affiliate link of this product I hope its use for its may make profit for me EMF Protection With Defense Pendant (WITH VSL)
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1. Introduction
In a world where our daily lives are interwoven with technology, the invisible yet potent presence of electromagnetic fields (EMF) is steadily growing. Whether we are aware of it or not, our homes, workplaces, and public spaces are bathed in a sea of electromagnetic radiation, thanks to the proliferation of devices that power our modern existence. The increasing awareness surrounding EMF exposure has led many to seek out protective solutions, a necessity in the digital age.
2. What is EMF (Electromagnetic Field)?
At its core, electromagnetic fields are areas of energy that are created by both natural and artificial sources. Naturally occurring EMFs, such as those from the Earth and the sun, are generally harmless and have always been a part of life on this planet. However, man-made EMFs—produced by power lines, Wi-Fi routers, mobile phones, and countless other electronic devices—are much more intense and pervasive. These artificial EMFs, particularly at higher frequencies, have raised concerns about their effects on human health. The science behind electromagnetic radiation reveals that the human body, being an electrical system in itself, is susceptible to disruption by these external energy fields.
3. Health Risks Associated with EMF Exposure
The human body, though resilient, is not immune to the continuous barrage of electromagnetic radiation. EMF interacts with biological tissues, leading to potential disruptions in cellular processes. While the immediate effects of exposure might not be overtly noticeable, the long-term consequences are more alarming. Studies have suggested links between prolonged EMF exposure and a range of health issues, including headaches, insomnia, cognitive impairment, and even an increased risk of certain cancers. The pervasive nature of EMF has made it impossible to escape, making the need for protective measures not just a preference but a necessity.
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4. The Search for EMF Protection
As awareness of EMF dangers has grown, so too has the search for viable ways to mitigate these risks. From shielding paints to grounding mats, the marketplace is flooded with solutions that claim to protect against electromagnetic radiation. Some have sought refuge in more traditional methods, such as reducing screen time or distancing themselves from electronic devices, while others have turned to cutting-edge technologies. Amid this sea of products, personal EMF shields have emerged as a popular choice due to their convenience and ease of use.
5. Introducing the Defense Pendant
One such solution is the Defense Pendant, a small but powerful device designed to shield the wearer from harmful EMFs. Unlike many bulky or impractical solutions, the Defense Pendant is a wearable accessory that combines both functionality and style. Engineered to neutralize electromagnetic radiation, it acts as a barrier between the body and the constant barrage of EMFs in the environment. This compact pendant offers a level of protection that’s not only effective but also convenient, allowing individuals to go about their daily lives with peace of mind.
6. The Technology Behind the Defense Pendant
At the heart of the Defense Pendant lies advanced technology that goes beyond traditional EMF shields. The pendant harnesses scalar energy, a form of energy that is believed to have a harmonizing effect on the human body. Scalar energy, when infused into materials, can disrupt harmful EMF waves and render them less harmful. By balancing the body’s energy field and neutralizing incoming EMFs, the Defense Pendant helps maintain the body's natural rhythm. Embedded with elements designed to absorb and transmute EMF waves, it provides a robust shield without interfering with the normal functions of your electronic devices.
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7. How the Defense Pendant Compares to Other EMF Shields
Many products claim to protect against EMFs, but not all are created equal. The Defense Pendant distinguishes itself through its unique combination of scalar energy and frequency harmonization technology. Unlike bulky EMF shields that may only block radiation partially or require complicated setups, the Defense Pendant is both portable and aesthetically pleasing. This makes it a far more practical choice for everyday use, as it doesn't require users to make significant lifestyle changes to benefit from its protective qualities. Moreover, its subtle design means it can be worn without drawing attention, blending seamlessly into any attire.
8. Real-Life Testimonials and Success Stories
Those who have used the Defense Pendant often report profound changes in their overall well-being. Users frequently mention feeling more energized, experiencing fewer headaches, and enjoying better sleep quality after wearing the pendant consistently. One particularly compelling case is that of a teacher who, after years of struggling with daily migraines—believed to be linked to the heavy EMF exposure in her classroom—found relief after adopting the Defense Pendant. Another user, a tech professional surrounded by devices all day, testified to improved mental clarity and reduced anxiety. These success stories highlight the tangible benefits that come from taking EMF protection seriously.
9. Who Should Use the Defense Pendant?
While EMF exposure affects everyone, there are certain groups who may be more vulnerable to its adverse effects. Pregnant women, for example, may want to take extra precautions, as developing fetuses can be particularly sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. Similarly, children and the elderly—whose immune systems may not be as robust—are also at heightened risk. But the Defense Pendant isn’t just for these vulnerable groups. Anyone who spends a significant amount of time in environments filled with electronic devices, such as office workers or students, can benefit from its protective properties.
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10. Conclusion
In a world dominated by invisible waves of electromagnetic energy, it is essential to take proactive steps to protect our health and well-being. The Defense Pendant offers an elegant solution for those seeking to shield themselves from the adverse effects of EMF exposure. With its scientifically backed technology and numerous real-life success stories, this pendant is more than just a piece of jewelry—it’s a safeguard for the modern age.
The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While the Defense Pendant and other EMF protection products may offer benefits, the claims regarding their effectiveness are based on individual experiences and user testimonials. Scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of these products may vary, and they should not be used as a substitute for professional healthcare advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making decisions related to health concerns, including EMF exposure and protective measures.
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heavenlyheatsaunas · 14 days
Heavenly Heat: The Ultimate Experience in Sauna and Therapeutic Heat
Heavenly Heat is a renowned brand in the world of saunas, known for its high-quality, low-EMF infrared saunas that offer numerous health benefits and a unique, relaxing experience. Infrared saunas have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their ability to provide a range of therapeutic benefits without the intense heat levels of traditional saunas. Heavenly Heat saunas stand out for their craftsmanship, focus on health, and commitment to using non-toxic materials, making them a preferred choice for wellness enthusiasts. This article explores the features, benefits, and applications of Heavenly Heat saunas and why they are considered one of the best investments for a healthy lifestyle.
What Sets Heavenly Heat Apart?
Heavenly Heat saunas are distinct in their design and construction, catering to users who are health-conscious and concerned about environmental toxins. Here are some key features that set Heavenly Heat saunas apart:
Non-Toxic Materials: Unlike many mass-produced saunas that use plywood or particle board containing formaldehyde and other harmful chemicals, Heavenly Heat saunas are constructed using untreated poplar wood. This wood is naturally hypoallergenic, ensuring that users are not exposed to any toxins during their sauna sessions.
Low EMF (Electromagnetic Field) Exposure: One of the significant concerns with infrared saunas is the level of electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure. High EMF levels can have potential health risks. Heavenly Heat saunas are designed to produce minimal EMF, providing a safe and therapeutic environment for users.
Efficient Infrared Heating: Heavenly Heat saunas utilize far-infrared heating technology, which penetrates deep into the skin to provide a more effective and comfortable heat therapy session. This deep heating helps in promoting better circulation, detoxification, and pain relief.
Customization and Quality Craftsmanship: Each Heavenly Heat sauna is handcrafted, ensuring attention to detail and high-quality construction. Customers can choose from a variety of sizes and designs, allowing them to select a sauna that fits their specific needs and space requirements.
Health-Centric Design: Heavenly Heat saunas are specifically designed for those with chemical sensitivities, allergies, and other health concerns. The saunas are free from synthetic glues, stains, or sealers that could release harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs), making them a safe choice for sensitive individuals.
Health Benefits of Heavenly Heat Saunas
Infrared saunas, such as those from Heavenly Heat, offer a range of health benefits that go beyond relaxation. Some of the key health benefits include:
Detoxification: Infrared heat helps to detoxify the body by promoting sweating. Sweating is one of the body’s natural ways to eliminate toxins. The deep penetrating heat helps flush out heavy metals, chemicals, and other impurities, supporting overall health and well-being.
Improved Circulation and Cardiovascular Health: The deep heat generated by far-infrared saunas helps improve blood circulation and increase heart rate, similar to the effects of moderate exercise. This can help reduce blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, and enhance overall blood flow.
Pain Relief and Muscle Recovery: Infrared heat therapy is known for its effectiveness in reducing pain and inflammation. Whether it’s joint pain, arthritis, or sore muscles, the heat from a Heavenly Heat sauna helps relax muscles, reduce stiffness, and promote faster recovery.
Weight Loss and Metabolism Boost: Regular sauna sessions can help increase the metabolic rate and burn calories. As the body works to cool itself down, it burns energy, which can contribute to weight loss over time.
Stress Reduction and Relaxation: Heavenly Heat saunas provide a calm and relaxing environment that helps reduce stress and anxiety. The warmth of the infrared heat promotes relaxation of both body and mind, making it a great way to unwind after a long day.
Enhanced Skin Health: Infrared saunas can help improve skin tone and texture by increasing circulation and promoting the removal of toxins through sweat. This can lead to clearer, healthier-looking skin.
Applications of Heavenly Heat Saunas
Heavenly Heat saunas are versatile and can be used in various settings, including:
Homes: For individuals who want the convenience of a sauna experience in their home, Heavenly Heat saunas offer several models that can fit different spaces, from small apartments to large homes.
Wellness Centers and Spas: Many wellness centers and spas incorporate Heavenly Heat saunas into their offerings due to their health benefits and safety features. These saunas are ideal for clients looking for detoxification, pain relief, and relaxation therapies.
Health Clinics and Holistic Centers: Medical professionals, especially those focusing on holistic and natural therapies, often recommend Heavenly Heat saunas for patients dealing with chronic pain, detoxification needs, or chemical sensitivities.
Heavenly Heat saunas provide a safe, effective, and eco-friendly way to enjoy the benefits of infrared heat therapy. With their focus on non-toxic materials, low EMF exposure, and health-centric design, Heavenly Heat saunas are an excellent investment for anyone looking to improve their health and well-being. Whether for home use or in a professional wellness setting, Heavenly Heat saunas offer a heavenly escape to relaxation, detoxification, and rejuvenation.
For More Information :
infrared saunas for home
Traditional Sauna
heavenly sauna
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