literallymikewheeler · 2 months
sometimes i wish that the hunger games movies were casted a little differently. do not get me wrong, i absolutely adore jennifer lawrence and josh hutcherson !! their acting was perfect and felt so incredibly real !!! however, i feel like it was harder for people to truly understand what the entirety of the games were, with how much older they looked compared to their actual age in the book. most people in the cast were in their 20s/30s during the filming of the movie, while in the book they were a lot younger. as seen in the "if it werent for the baby" scene; as humans, we sympathize a lot more with the younger people are. specially babies, kids and teens. yes, the movies did show how disgusting and horrible the games were, however, they did not exactly tap into a lot of peoples "they are just kids" mindset. one of the most memorable parts of the movies, however, is rue (and prims) death, which is one of a kid played by a kid. aka: the "they are just kids" mindset. if katniss, peeta, and gale were casted as they were in the books (16, 16, 18) they (being both the movie writers and the audience) would have focused more on the horribleness of it all, rather than the "love triangle" the movie tried to create to get more viewers. this also goes to show about the fact that people seem to dislike katniss' character for being too "mean" and "rude". in the books, we see a scared, traumatized kid, while the movies see a scared, traumatized adult (yes, i know she was a kid in the movies too, but a lot of people see her as jennifers age at the time, which was in her 20s) and as much as we should treat trauma equally, many people tend to show more sympathy, and understanding of the actions for kids with trauma then adults. this goes for gale as well. in the books, even if you dont like his character, you will be able to somewhat sympathize with him and understand how complex he is (+ this only applies you have common media literacy !!) while in the movies, we see an adult making all of his "mistakes", and think "well, he should know better!" if it were an 18-year-old boy in the movies who had just watched almost all of his district die, having to choose who to and who to not save, and then immediately get manipulated by coin (all while struggling with his grief, and anger towards the world) people would have understood him a lot better. while in the movies we get "prim reaper !! haha !!" "peeta is so much better ! i hate gale !!" (i was going to end this rant here, but i have one more thing and im done, i promise !) a lot of people will only watch the hunger games to talk about how hot, or attractive they find the characters, completely missing the point. these are kids. they are not some character whos whole point of being is for your visual approval. i will see an edit of finnick (i know he isnt a kid, but the point still stands) and the caption will be something like "i need him so badly" "on my knees for this man", and all i can think about is how many of you guys are just proving suzannes point. especially when it comes to finnicks plot, and what he went through because of snow at only 16. i will see people talk online about how much they love this ship, or about how attractive they find this character, but i rarely see anything talking about the actual point of the games (this is mainly only the nonreaders though) the movies completely went over half the audiences head, and i think that is similar as to what happened with tbosas too ("omg ! president snow is so hot !!") suzanne is just going to keep writing books and keep making them in movies, until everyone can finally understand the point of it all.
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Oh my gosh, I am shaking my head and just laughing. I have no idea where to start writing this, but it's gonna be damn fun to pick this episode apart.
Because of the clues that Jojo Tichakorn (below) and Ninew Pinya dropped before and during the episode's airing yesterday, my mind was totally on Freddie and Queen. I captured the tweet below and couldn't help but think of lyrics.
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And the episode was titled "Save Me"!
Before I go on, I have a little personal note. During my watch of MAME's TharnType, I talked a bit about the bigotry against the queer community that I grew up with in my Indian family. During my childhood, Freddie Mercury was -- everything. He was everything to me. A part-Indian man who blasted past any obstacles that could have held him back to become a superstar, while leveraging unbelievable talent. My dad often wanted to snap my Queen CDs in half to keep Freddie out of our house. Up until I went to college, when a new world of music awaited me, Queen was MY BAND. I'll never forget watching his memorial concert on television in 1992, watching Axl Rose destroy "We Will Rock You," and subsequently watching Axl host a Queen documentary on MTV that got repeated for years and years. This shit was formative to my childhood, and I'm gonna guess, to Jojo's and Ninew's childhoods as well. We be old bags in here.
I'll get back to Freddie in a few minutes. but besides all of the Queen themes (quick note: the dude that Sand was about to make out with was wearing the same costume that Ninew caught in his IG stories, as Freddie sang "Love of My Life"), oh my fucking god, did this episode ever touch upon ephemerality, highs and lows, change, and a resistance to change that people have unto others.
Top and Cheum -- especially Top -- were clutching their pearrrrrllllsss at Mew's changes.
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Top and Cheum notice that Mew's trying on a new suit. And Mew admits it! He says to Ray in the bookstore -- after the most BRILLIANT call-out to a BL trope if I ever saw one, the CRACKING of the romantic memories montage, which, omg, are we EVER seeing in Dangerous Romance, like three times a bleeping episode, LMAO -- "I'm bored with myself."
I love -- I hate it, but I love that this episode calls it out -- I love that Top and Cheum are calling this behavior out as if it were a bad thing.
Is it?
.... is it not okay for university students to take a bump of coke if they're curious about it? Barack Obama did it -- and Obama admitted it, AND wrote about it, AND became president, twice. Judge him, I dare ya.
On another side, Nick susses out Boston, and wants to check in with him. Boston wants Nick to go bye-bye. Nick tries a guilt pull. And Boston ain't having it.
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Fuck. (Side note, Boston was my man this episode.)
I'm shaking my head in wonder for Mew and Boston to be addressing Top, Cheum, and Nick in this way. We've established (here and here, cc @ranchthoughts and others) that the kind of toxicity that this OF group of friends exhibits is just -- common, and pedestrian, and awful to think about existing, but in part, it's so awful for us to be thinking about it, because actually, it's ever-present in our lives, and so many of us survive dealing with other people on a daily basis by using means by which to ignore or avoid that toxicity, like our addictions to our phones, or addictions to other vices, like sex and drugs -- which takes us right back to Only Friends.
The dynamic I saw happening in this episode was like vultures (the friends) circling their prey (their friends), but instead of the friends eating their friends -- what some of the friends are doing is trying to correct the behavior of their other friends. Top and Cheum want Mew to... go back to being the old Mew, maybe. Nick wants Boston to know -- morally, I think you're a bad person. And Boston says, I paraphrase, "see. if. I. fucking. care." and literally creates the NeoTitle ship before our eyes, lmao, all while walking silently and ignoringly away from Nick.
Top, to Mew, says, "Are you sure?" Are you sure you want to be like this now, Mew? Cheum shares with Top her concern about Mew's changes, and literally teams up with Top to bring Top back to Mew to, what, straighten Mew out?
Last time I checked, Mew's a big boy. Mew's made his decisions to be with Ray, to drink with Ray, to snort coke with Ray. Are those behaviors questionable? Sure. Are they normal behaviors for a university student who is bored with himself, and wants to try something new? 100%.
I have written before, in my review of Theory of Love, that while behavioral change can oftentimes be massively difficult, there's another side to change that needs to be considered. When one person changes -- there are many others within that person's sphere that do not want that specific person TO change. If one individual changes, within a worldview of a group -- that changes a group dynamic. People like Top and Cheum are unsettled that Mew and Ray are dating, and that Mew's getting wasted and high. Are they rightfully concerned for Mew's health? For sure. But what about Mew's agency and happiness? Are the friends understanding that this is actually Mew's choice to do these things, regardless of how the friends judge his specific actions?
The fact that Top and Cheum are questioning Mew's agency, to me, is a ROOT, a FOUNDATION of the awful toxicity of this friend group, BESIDES the general drunkenness of the group, and Ray's particularly contradictory and dangerous behavior. THERE IS NO TRUST IN THIS GROUP.
Top and Cheum do not TRUST Mew -- an adult young man!!!! -- to make his own decisions. Cheum doesn't trust Boston with her little bro (oh, woops on that, big sis). Almost no one trusts Ray, although I'm not sure about Mew on that. Boston doesn't trust Nick. The list goes on.
Without trust, without a foundation of love and respect, without an acknowledgement that individuals within a group have agency to live their lives independently -- what you get in a group dynamic is UTTER mush, just a bucket of vomit like what we're seeing here in Only Friends. I am OBSESSED that Jojo and team are picking this apart SURGICALLY, and asking US to question OUR, the viewers', judgement of all of this. These friends are contradictory as fuck. Boston was SO right to ask Nick: "who are you to judge?" Nick acted as filthily as Boston in violating Boston's privacy and rights -- TWICE, bros, TWICE.
And Top.... @lurkingshan said it the best yesterday when she made sure the girlies knew that what Top was doing TO (NOT FOR, TO) Mew at the end of the episode was not consensual. Welp. Tie up Mew's agency with a bow and throw it out into the fucking dumpster, Top.
I haven't touched as much on the Sand/Ray dynamic in this post, but of characters that are acting at least consistently to their... what, their moral judgements or ethical structures, at least Sand, Ray, and Boston remain consistent in my eyes. Anyone who was surprised at Ray's behavior in this episode -- it was bad and icky, and the episode laid it on thick, but I found his behavior to be expectedly toxic.
This was a two-steps-forward-and-one-step-back episode for Sand, as I see it, as he stepped in to try to keep Ray from going to jail (and how interesting was it that it was Top who ended up sealing that deal). One other note about Sand: the show HAS to be making fun of First's inability to sing, right? That guitar practice in 2/4, oof. And to have Sand dress up as Freddie, one of the most magnificent singers in rock -- ironic. We know that Sand doesn't aspire to be a singer; he just wants to go to festivals, and... that's the right decision, my dude.
Anyway. To bring this back to Freddie and Queen. Talk about shapeshifting. In his 20s in the 1970s, Freddie Mercury started out with long hair and flowing, robe-y costumes. As the 1980s progressed, he took on an identity of a mustachioed, slightly muscular man -- very, very closeted, but clearly gay to anyone who caught the signal.
The dude that Sand was about to make out with at the party? He made a reference to Mary Austin, Freddie's longtime companion and best friend. They were lovers for a short period, before Freddie came out to her. And they remained friends all of the rest of his life. While Freddie died with a longtime lover by his side in Jim Hutton, Mary was always present and devoted to Freddie. Mary's presence often caused consternation with Freddie's lovers, especially after his death, what with inheritance controversies. But no one ever questioned Mary's loyalty, and her commitment to keeping Freddie's identity secret and safe.
Freddie and Mary's friendship was in part a protective arrangement for his life in the closet. He only revealed he had AIDS the day before he died. But Freddie claimed the friendship, claimed agency to it, and wanted it in his life. The friendship was steady, and never wavering.
Quite the opposite of the devotions, or lack thereof, in this group. These young folks are demonstrating NORMAL resistance to watching each other change. But while that resistance is normal... it doesn't make it all the less toxic. I'm afraid that as of right now, I read that all of these friends want to sell each other out for the sake of their own selfish desires, and for the benefit of their own worldviews alone.
HAPPY SUNDAY, Ephemerality Squad, if we can be happy after this demonstration of toxicity, ha! @slayerkitty @ranchthoughts @chickenstrangers @lurkingshan @twig-tea @distant-screaming @clara-maybe-ontheroad @neuroticbookworm @elizabethsebestianhedgehog @thatgirl4815
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good-beans · 1 year
hiii ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ i've always loved your milgram posts and was hoping to hear you talk about them more. it's a bit of a vague question but i was hoping to hear your thoughts about the characters or songs? or really anything that's been on your mind! apart from that i hope you've been having a good day (or night!)
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!!!!! Omg thank you so much?? This made me so happy ;----; I’m sorry if this is more than you bargained for LMAO, I planned on jotting down a few ideas and then I just kept on writing..... I hope you’re having a lovely day/night as well!✨
So, I’m actually not that great with coming up with crime-logistic theories (timelines, cause of death, etc), but I’ve been really interested in the insights we get on characterization from the visuals – specifically looking at the image of the self each prisoner creates. The videos come directly from inside their minds, so these self-portrayals aren’t biased with any manipulation, or how they want Es to view them. I’ve been bouncing these around in my head for a while, so thank you for the reason to actually put them down somewhere! So here are details I’ve gathered on each of them: (And as with everything in Milgram, this is just how I understood the symbolism – if people have other interpretations, I’d love to hear them!)
I've been adding edits as the videos come out, it's through Double now 👍
Haruka: In T1 he definitely views himself as guilty and dangerous. Though it’s dulled with crayon/mixed media, he conjurs a version of himself that’s committing acts of violence even in his suffering. The fact that his younger self takes place as the victim is huge to me. I know it could mean a lot of different things, but my personal interpretation is that Haruka sees his younger self in his little sister. He’s been in her shoes, at a time his mother loved him best. He believes he is the reason she stopped loving him, so he hates this younger version of himself. And this leads him to hate her now that he’s seeing the similarities. I believe the crimes happened extremely recently, so it’s interesting that he portrays himself as a child in much of AKAA. He’s not trying to gain any sympathy with it, he still genuinely feels like a child because of how much he struggles with everything. I don’t know what it means yet, but I’m really interested that despite all the water imagery he creates, he visualizes himself sinking, but never actually drowning/short of breath.
Yuno: Between both her videos, we only ever see her, her, her. This is because her motivations start and end with herself. I know her situation relies heavily on her clients, but in her mind, the one who was in control the whole time was only her. She’s the only one she can trust to take care of her and show her real love. She got into her line of work to benefit herself, and she went through with the abortion to benefit herself. She's taking the ultimate responsibility for everything that happened to her and everything that she did. Though it makes me happy to see it framed as all self love, it’s also clear that she’s unhappy with her decision. And, when everything revolves around versions of herself, there’s only one person she has to hate... 
Fuuta: His self-imagery makes it really clear how his mindset changed between trials. In T1 he genuinely saw himself as the hero, the perfect knight-in-shining-armor. Once doubt started to creep into his mind, though, he suddenly portrays himself as a criminal hiding/running in dark areas. It also emphasizes what he was saying about he and Es being the same: the girl that he accused of being guilty turned to ash after being sprayed with his paint, and he starts turning to ash along with Es’ accusation and paint spray. I know people took that as his suicidal intent, (and while that’s still a thing he does express in Backdraft,) I actually think his burning is just his fear that he’ll die at the end of Milgram. Another little detail, but someone mentioned Fuuta only lowered his mask in BIO while he’s looking at his phone, showing that he was comfortable being his true self online. Meaning, he had to hide some part of him in the rest of his life. The original post said it was his sexuality, but I feel as though it’s just his general paranoia of living around warriors for justice who are constantly evaluating everyone’s behavior. 
Muu: Like I said, the mvs are unaffected by how the prisoners want Es to see them, soI was confused when people accused Muu of lying in T1 – that’s really how she took the situation! In her mind, that pain and mistreatment made up everything in her. Her being a bully didn’t matter then, because it was her being a victim that led to the murder. In T2, it becomes obvious that she does harbor guilt. No innocent person would imagine themselves as a monstrous, destructive creature like that. If she really saw herself as ‘queen bee,’ her self-image would be flawless and lovable. INMF also showed she wasn’t exaggerating when she said the murder was to free her: we see her self-image undergo a full metamorphosis and sprout beautiful wings to fly away after she committed her crime. Though she feels guilty, she still believes it was necessary to free her and is grateful for it. 
Shidou: I’m still working on something more solid for him, but it’s neat that T1 he’s expressing so much guilt, yet his self-image is engaged in very abstract activities (like gardening and eating). In T2 he’s chilled out a bit, but that’s the video that death is literally following everywhere he goes (flowers dying behind him, ghosts surrounding him). It’s also worth noting he has his doctor’s coat on for most of Throw Down, and then the only time he has it in Triage is at the very end when he’s vowing to help the other prisoners. I’ll get back with a more solid conclusion on his soon…
Mahiru: Like Yuno (and semi-Haruka), the fact that she’s the only one to appear in her T1 mv means all her turmoil at that point was focused inward. She saw herself as the center of her story, which isn’t necessarily a selfish thing. It means she didn’t blame her boyfriend for anything that happened, even though we know it was likely both of their behaviors that led to the crime. Still, she’s taking all the focus on herself, showing off all the things she did and failed to do for him. The fact that everything is styled like magazine pages hints that she genuinely sees their relationship as the picture perfect example of love. After all, she was just “being herself” when she got him killed. Even that deep in her heart, she’s convinced love makes everything glossy and perfect. T2 is an exaggeration on both if these concepts -- she still places all the blame/responsibility on herself, but with the doubt creeping into her mind, she now paints herself as a villain who's actively causing harm. She still believes love can make things seem perfect, but you get the sense she's become more aware that love wasn't transforming her, it was blinding her.
Kazui: So this is an interesting one. I know that the performance aspect in Half is obviously taken as him acting that he loves his wife when he’s fallen in love with someone else. However, the fact that he’s singing the song about how he doesn’t love her, while still on stage/in costume, gives me a different idea. His emotions are so incredibly repressed and fucked up that even in the privacy of his own heart, he feels like he has to act sad about her death when he actually has more complex emotions than that. Not that he’s happy about it per se, but the feelings are too complex for him to show even himself. (We’ve all been there, where even in our private thoughts it’s embarrassing to be excited about something terrible and we pretend we aren’t.) That’s why I think he sounds so different in Cat – he’s able to start processing that he may be relieved, or freed that she’s gone. Or maybe he’s just realizing the murder was indirect, and he’s allowed to mourn her without feeling personally guilty for her death. So I agree the costumes represent hiding his emotions, but I think it symbolizes him lying to himself rather than just lying to his wife. Now with Cat out, he also shows a shift of seeing himself more guilty. Rather than a passive character, his self appears as someone known for manipulation/deception/trickery -- someone in charge of the situation. He's coming to terms with his active role in Hinako's death. There's also a lot of his vices shown explicitly, like his smoking and drinking. He's painting himself in a much worse light as his guilt gets to him. (There's also something to be said about the whole thing appearing under a filter of advertisement/magazine style, but I have yet to form a conclusion I'm happy with on that)
Amane: The major thing I took away from Magic was the idea that Amane really felt isolated in her cult. She saw herself as a normal girl, but no one else is like her. The other children are all animals, and the adults in charge are animalistic or robotic. There’s such a divide between her and everyone else. She’s not living up to their religious standards the way that everyone else seems to be. With the adults, it could be the general feeling that they never listen to or understand her because of her age. In T2, she presents a new idea: she's struggling with how complex and contradictory the self is. The human psyche has so many parts and motivations, all represented by the marching band members. She wants to be good. She's flawed. She wants to help. She's hurting. She knows she's made mistakes. She thinks she deserves punishment. That punishment is killing her. The adults around her make behaving look/sound so easy, but at her age it's so difficult to be a good girl! She wants to show this to Es, since she believes her own misbehavior + following the rules is what led to her murder.
Mikoto: He’s got So much going on with identity and sense of self, but I don’t have a ton on him that hasn’t already been said lol. I’ve joked that the reason Meme got the most views is because it’s the mv that shows the most skin, but on a serious note I think it’s really telling that there are so many bathing/showering/teeth brushing shots. Those are the stereotypical times we’re completely alone with ourselves – cleaning off everything external so that it’s just us in our purest form left when we’re done. An interesting switch I've noticed in Double is that the two major alters never appear beside each other -- there's the reflection in the mirror at one point (and I think they're face to face in the last shot?) but we never see both onscreen at the same time. This is because each one wants to distance themselves from the other: Bokukoto wants to show he's far from a killer, and Orekoto wants to make it clear he's the one who was violent. Neither wants to be mistaken for the other, but it's much easier to do so since they look exactly the same in this video (no color-coded clothes or eyes or lighting.) A minor detail, but the fact that his own mind conjured up quotes around the word "savior" makes it clear that Orekoto is slowly realizing his actions may have gotten Bokukoto into more trouble than they saved him from...
Kotoko: I don’t have too much on her at the moment since a lot of her scenes seem to be memories of her actual life and are already in line with what she’s admitted about herself. Still, I think the running-alongside-wolves scenes reveal a lot. She very clearly works alone, but wolves are known for hunting in a pack. Does she have a pack we haven’t seen yet? Is there a reason she’s no longer with them? Does she just dream of running with one because she craves that belonging so deeply? @tokyogruel pointed out that wolves are known for caring for weaker pack members, and that there have been analyses of the Harrow wolves being Kotoko's family members. This is revealing a more prominent focus on family than she's made known so far. She doesn't see herself as an elevated hero -- she always views herself as part of a team, which can be seen in her 'deal' with Es and all her T2 commentary of their partnership (despite being their prisoner). She's always been working with and for others.
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Daily ask №16!
A mashup of random questions edition!
I've seen screenshots from a discord server with all of the fault characters in your posts. Is it like a private rp server where you roleplay? Do you roleplay with friends? Am confusion
What is each character's and yours favourite weather?
Headcanoning that Evil english would just be slang. From all centuries combined. So like. "Hii, how goes't doing? We sh0ulda sl@y on dis mew1ng rendezvous cuz YOLO n me fam iz gonna bee there. Omg did ya 1nv1te that anti-skibidi loose woman with negative rizz 2?? Damn, ur a real hater." (Hi, how is it going? We should try our best at this gym session because you only live once and my friends are going to be there. Oh my god, did you invite that childish ugly prostitute too? Wow, you are a real asshole.). Like, can you just imagine Wilbur actually speaking like that? Just.. casually? Sounds great to me. (I dare you to try and write a sentence in that style.)
Which any characters from Fault would you want to have as plushies? What types of plushies would they bee, do you think? (Tommy as a weighted plushie because of that drawing on him sleeping on Phil and them both being in denial about his size?)
Are you going to participate in the artfight this year? If yes, then account link maybe?
1.It’s from a small scp server with irl friends. The plot lines were crazy. It’s been dead for over a year, but I’m the funniest guy alive and wanted to share the highlights.
2. I personally like the wtnv weather, and thunderstorms. Tubbo hates rain and wind and cold for bee reasons. Actually I think all of them hate the rain, Tommy gets worried about contamination, The Blade takes forever to dry and smells awful, Wilbur rarely had a roof over his head. Phil’s probably fine since he can just evaporate it and has nice wings for umbrellas. But he personally likes when it’s scorching, since he likes sunning himself like a lil lizard. The Blade likes the wind, how it ruffles through his fur and allows him to smell really far which is good if Foundation goons are coming. Wilbur goes for overcast days, since too bright can sometimes limit the effectiveness of the void. Also a very slight wind, not too much to move its hair from blocking the void but also enough that movements beneath can be handwaved as a breeze. Tommy prefers colder weather, since he wears sleeves a lot.
3. Oh God. Yes I think Wilbur could deffo speak like that, since I think a component is distinguishing between modern and archaic terms since otherwise it would have a very different speech pattern. Wilbur would know what skibidi means even if I don’t. Let’s see.  
“Okay bit of a red flag but an oomfie of mine was rbing from someone who’s moots with the F*und@t10n. Like do they NOT know they’re my opps w straight up ohio level rizz ifkyk. Kinda sus ngl. I’m going to unal1ve them since I’m in my villain era and quirky like that.”
Poor Phil is completely and utterly lost. Tubbo could keep up a little because they have grandkids.
4.I want a The Blade plush sooo much. So incredibly fluffy. I think he’s one of the reversible plushies where the other form is a blood splattered Blood God. Tommy should be a little chibi head with the weight to it so kids can chuck him at each other and get in trouble with their mom. Tubbo too and they have little charms attached, like some bees and little representations for the Hive. Phil is in dragon form, super long, and has a wire so you can position him in loops and what not. Wilbur is frowning in a cute way and the void is a pocket where you can store snacks and whatnot. 
5. I’m not really sure what art fight is! :D
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m1ckeyb3rry · 15 days
THE BIBLE VERSE FORMAT I’m done imagine he makes his own “Bible” of sayings and it’s like “book of aiku, book of Oliver, aikulations, women” LMAOAOA
Actually wait reuniclus does give me nagi hype man vibes now that you mention it like fr just chilling and being Nagi’s cheerleader even if the decision is bad LMAOOO kinda like Shidou energy but like, not to that extent obv
PLEASE I mean if you HAVE the material I will never say no….but PMG WAIT the one from the mini smau you made too right??? Omg guys tullia reader reveal!!! I’m crying THE AUDIO ok who’s gonna hit reader up and say the “YIPPEE” LMAO and I forgot to mention I’m still slowly watching the dub and I just past the “don’t disrespect soccer” scene and I relived the cringe all over again LMAOAOA that scene is forever iconic though also SHIN AH WAIT HES SO CUTE
BAROU YAYOI EXES omg…wait??? Ok but anyways where was all this pokemon info when I was actively breeding stuff….wtf why did I never know some of these things
ORPHANED BABY KANGASKHAN so many potential routes…or post main plot he just ends up being the go to sitter first Tullia sends over her baby pokemon and then Hiori sends over some orphans and then baby pokemon just gravitate to him like he just wakes up one night to that munna at his door or like nibbling on his hair…LMAO real losercore it’s fr either flame or be flamed for him
LMAOO FR chigiri would so be like “wtv I don’t wanna put up with whatever shit they give me later” wait actually I don’t know the meme?? Do enlighten me LOL
“Interesting way of inhaling” has me cackling LMAOO real he would do that BACK ARCH IS ICONIC OFC IK IT hes jumping up chest bump the ball and hioris marking him and we see feathers and stuff how could I forget!! But REALLL LMAO yuki Reo Karasu sleeper build /j but yeah barous just ginormous it’s like putting otoya next to nagi and he looks short as hell then you realize Nagi’s just a skyscraper and otoyas pretty tall still
LMAOO first maid then stripper what’s next for fanon Barou
SHAHSHS “if my parents don’t get to divorce neither do you” HAAHAH the dynamic is fr so funny
Yuki back to being the opp FR but wait fwtkac bestie in the pokemon verse…guys…its all interconnected this truly was our miraverse multiverse
Me I just auto filter it out and enjoy the art LMAO
LMAOOO SELL THE PRINCESS side note but Nagi looks so cute like that HSSVSJSB the audio also has me laughing wait the yuki edit is kinda majestic esp with the eye blink fade to the flower bg???
I was gonna type LMAOO here but I look up and see like three LMAOOs stacked on top of each other so I’ll refrain ig but ok no if you’re just casually reading there’s no way you’d be able to tell (I think I’ve mentioned this before but before I put two and two together and realized you wrote peregrine too I read some of your other works including cherry tree and I fr had no idea I would’ve guessed that you were a Rin enthusiast considering how good it was) so I don’t think you need to worry LOL AHAHAHA the Isagi ones crack me up they were still fire though but considering the context and our convos I still find it funny bfb Karasu is my Roman Empire but anyways back to the point yeah I don’t think anyone would be able to guess because tbh even your works for characters that (I know now) you don’t rlly care for are more thought out than a good number of works I see floating around (no hate ofc but when I read your work I can FEEL that there’s been a lot of consideration put into it)
- Karasu anon
LMAOOO NAH BECAUSE HE WOULD BE THE ONE pls i’m going to have to take a break from the oaeu for a bit just to stop thinking in the aiku mindset before starting pursuit i cannot be writing such an insane plot and be dropping in aikulations midway through
LMAO NO LITERALLY all of nagi’s pokémon gas him up sm except for i think his snorlax (why do i always forget he has one) is lowkey his opp for some reason HAHAAH like it’s giving ash and charizard i feel
YES from the smau!! LMAOAOA PLSSS READER SEARCHING FOR THE “YIPPEE” TO HER FORTNITE UND COLA technically since she only sees kaiser and ness again in NEL and she’s on pxg (technically on their bench but yk) there’s a few options…either charles chimes in to be problematic, shidou does it for the same reason, karasu does it because he’s always matching her vibes, or rin deadpans it because he wants to impress her but he also thinks it’s stupid 😭 DON’T DISRESPECT SOCCER IS INSANE WORK the way nagi and reo were so unamused too it’s truly such an embarrassing scene idk how isagi nation recovered…look ik nagi’s going through it but that panel of his ego leaving him was GORGEOUS so we are always up!!
HAHAAH OFCCC i love making silly two second drawings!! maybe not EVERY ask but i’ll def sprinkle them in w some frequency!! here’s pursuit reader (post written by karasu tbh)
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i was a smogon LURKER that’s why i know so much random stuff LMAAOAO anyways barou yayoi exes…barou who knows he’s dying and can’t bear to break her heart when he finally passes so he pushes her away but she doesn’t let him…yayoi who still waits by the door hoping he’ll come back one day and wondering if she did something to push him away but he’s actually just dead…nah because the karasus and the barous (technically reader is an l/n but ykwim) are so intertwined so paralleled it’s just soooooooo ahem anyways okay but then karasu finding reader is even more cute because it’s not just reader thinking “my cousin sent someone to look after me when he no longer could” it’s YAYOI thinking “barou sent his cousin to love my brother because he couldn’t love me” STFUUUUUUU i’m crying sobbing screaming shitting tears (love in this sense is platonic of course…ha ha…)
HELP KARASU JUST ATTRACTING BABY POKÉMON it all started w him accidentally adopting hiori and reader and everything spiraled from there okay wait lowkey instead of being a gym leader (i’m not mega attached to the idea because his goal in the story is proving himself to yayoi and after that he just hangs around to help reader and co out so his ending could be whatever) imagine karasu becomes the pokémon daycare owner 🥹 in an au where the daycare isn’t where pokémon breed it’s just meant for raising younger pokémon while the trainers are out battling or exploring dangerous ideas LOWKEY THIS COOKS IMAGINE HIM AND HIS BIRDS LOOKING AFTER THE EGGS 😭😭😭 or garchomp and lucario teaching the babies how to fight…dare i say an epilogue change is in order…
i don’t even know if there’s an actual meme it’s just whenever someone’s slaying in an unexpected way you just say “this diva” or “these divas” idk it just gives karasu/otoya
ok this is the only example i could find online that fits the vibe LMAOAOAAO i promise i didn’t just have this on hand
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BACK ARCH TOP THREE KARASU PANELS AND IT’S NOT TWO OR THREE!! KDFJISJDSJ he’s just such a hater at heart he cannot stop himself…no because i always joke about isagi and otoya being short because compared to nagi karasu barou they ARE but they still are much taller than ME so i need to cool it w the clowning 😭 but agreed yeah barou is just massive bro his HANDS?? his thumb is like the size of isagi’s wrist good lord (lowkey karasu’s hands are also really big like in the panel of him waving to hiori they look magnificent)
MIRAVERSE MULTIVERSE might as well make hiori’s love interest his childhood bff who only ever wanted to take care of pokémon and not battle them and when he runs away he doesn’t tell her so she can’t find him until she realizes he’s at the safari zone waiting for her in the exact house she dreamed of as a kid (white butterfree/beautifly asf) HAHAHA
THE YUKI EDIT ACTUALLY ATE AGREED!! and omg the nagi video had me cackling okay these two videos [1] and [2] aren’t edits they’re from an artist but the sae one had me cackling because that’s exactly how we believe he should be written and the tabieita one is tabieita so ofc it goes hard HAHAHA
IT’S OKAY I’M A LMAO WARRIOR i try to add in a HAHA and a key smash every now and again but when you’re texting there’s only so many things you can add in yk 🤔 ANYWAYS idk why but i read that as you JUST figured out i wrote peregrine and i was like ??? how did you take this long to realize??? HAHAHA please the isagi ones are so lighthearted tbh maybe i just don’t like writing him because nobody is making me make him SUFFER like i’m excited to write him in pursuit because he’s interesting and weird and has odd dynamics w the characters instead of being mega ultra green flag plus (isagi treating reader the way he’d treat barou but she’s not barou and never will be and sometimes that frustrates him because barou was his rival and best friend and he’ll never get him back and reader won’t even TRY [not that she should this is just the mindset] yet at the same time he also treats her very kindly when he can because she’s barou’s most beloved and whenever he upsets her he can feel barou’s disapproval and he wonders why he’ll never be able to live up to his rival’s expectations and questions if maybe the wrong one of them got to live…) LMAOOO okay but yeah bfb karasu is just that guy JFSKDKDS i’ve seen a revival in bfb interactions i’m expecting more people to find it now that s2 is coming out AHHAAH and yeah i always try to put some effort into everything i write!!! i mean i managed to cook for kiyora and i barely knew anything abt him i truly do think my wc is super prompt dependent more than anything!! like i was in the kitchen w white butterfly and i did NOT gaf abt hiori the prompt was just vague enough that i could infuse my own style into it so the wc naturally expanded 🤩 same w the instrument/seabird/cherry tree…not that i mind more specific requests it just means i’m more likely to be able to write less since there’s less avenues for me to explore ig 🤔
anyways uhhh idk if you’ll see it before you read this or not but 1k event post dropping posthaste 😏‼️ i decided to do the pokémon theme after all since soooo many people do food/drink themed ones might as well be #different #miraverse LMAOAOAO
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celestie0 · 2 months
🪷 I have been summoned. ℑ 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔠𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲.
These guys will never give up on the horny agenda will they 😭 it's been months wallahi I still remember the last time you got asks like these and like..okay I get it everyone gets horny occasionally but there's several stories that will cater to your needs of the moment. Hell just search up the tags #(insert character) smut and you'll get that shit.
I don't think the anon meant it in a pushy way but seriously on your end I can't even imagine the pressure it must put on you. Like imagine tens of people sending you stuff like this, then on top of that the cunts who send hateful, catty asks over STORIES and HEADCANONS. I'm actually so sorry dude. Forget about touching grass these people need a shot of chlorophyll injected straight to their bloodstream.
I think so much of this brain rot is because as a reader the effort isn't that significant on our end. 15-20 mins of reading and maybe a like or comment if necessary and that's all. As the writer on the other hand? So many hours spent in just coming with ideas, even more hours trying to articulate said ideas and make it coherent and fun to read, even more hours editing that stuff. Whew bitch. I remember why I gave up on my blog now 😭 but back to the point it's a major imbalance of effort and time put into the work from the parties. And after a point these people start feeling like they are owed their own specific fantasies and needs and it's just..girl I get it it's a self insert y/n fic but dj your kitty and go back to sleep instead of pestering an already tired and anxious writer.
You're god's strongest soldier Elliebear we love you. You and all the writers who put so much love and effort into your work only to get stuff like this in return.
HIIIII lilypad anon omg hope you’re doing well <33 also every time i read one of your asks i’m always reminded of how fucking funny you are 😂 the chlorophyll line sent me to the moon bahhaha. tysm for always coming to my support n rescue 🥺💕
AAA yea ikk like the fuckin kickoff smut asks too like bruh. i understand that i get new followers periodically that haven’t seen my posts addressing my issue w these types of asks, but like?? is it not also just basic decency? lol. i’ve been reading fanfics since i was like 12 y/o and i’ve never sent an author a rude asf ask or pushy comment like that…i can’t always keep giving these ppl the benefit of the doubt.
yea i mean i felt really awful when i responded to that ask about an hour after all my anger subsided lolol, because i can acknowledge that it’s not just the anger towards that particular anon, but also just a combination of all the asks i’ve gotten that just want smut. like, i’m ALREADY self conscious about writing smut, and i’m ALREADY self conscious about the lack of smut in my fics. these asks just make those feelings of anxiety increase ten-fold, and then i become too paralyzed to write anything.
yes i 100% agree w you, there’s definitely an imbalance of effort and i think the way you put it is perfect lol i could never put that thought into words the way you did haha. although it’s ultimately my decision to write and i’d never pressure ppl to interact w my work, i think because there is inherently such an imbalance of effort, some entitled readers suddenly think that they are OWED my time and OWED their hyperspecific fantasies to be included in my fics.
idk i’m like kinda getting carried away here i’m also pms’ing so bad i think that’s why this whole situation is messing me up more than usual 😂 but anywho thanks so much for supporitng me lilypad bb :(( i’m so grateful to have you as a reader. and yes! i’ve seen similar situations w my writer moots as well, so all the love extends to them too. i think writers really need to stand up for ourselves more often so these ppl fuckin learn n don’t do the same shit w other authors or in other fandoms
much love <3 ellie 🐸
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yagamisdiary · 2 months
I have a love hate relationship with the fact that you enjoy making us suffer throughout the entirety of your books and making us think they will have a bad ending just to give us the best possible endings ever 🥲 ugh i love you so much youre my favorite author ever, while im here i apologize for the incoming paragraphs but i just need to say it:
1. Idk how you do it but the book covers you choose are always so perfect like?? Idk if im explaining myself but i feel like they capture the vibes of the books perfectly
2. Ok now this is kinda personal and i dont mean to sound like im venting, but have you ever read a fic that impacted you so much to the point where you find yourself still thinking about it to this day 😭 bc that's how i feel about both of ur books, they're so beautifully written and i'm always thinking about the characters or going back to read random parts of the books (edit: i had this paragraph written way before parasite was removed okay but i started rereading eldia yesterday because im truly heartbroken, devastated, downcast, miserable, dejected and inconsolable by the fact that its finished)
I discovered you in july-ish 2021 during parasite era but didnt actually read it until june 2022, i was devastated when i finished it but also had to cleanse my soul cause i accidentally burnt my self out during the last few chapters (i mean it in a good way lol, it was rlly hard to read the last 2 chapters 🙇‍♀️ they were written really well and i felt unsettled while reading the beginning of y/ns whole breakdown, i could feel the gloomy depressed vibe it had if you get what i mean), so anyway i moved on to Eldia. At that time, it was fairly new so there were only like 10 or 11 chapters, ive been keeping up with Eldia ever since and its truly bittersweet to see it end like i was literally full on sobbing for no reason 🥲 probably the sentiment of being a reader for 2 years idk lol. Anyway what im trying to say is that your books were one of the only things that helped me escape reality in 2022, i didnt really find joy in anything and hated my life, however ive definitely improved ever since, so im honestly rlly thankful for you Amara 💕
Edit: i just know it sounds stupid and youre probably tired of hearing the same thing over and over, but i've had this written out for like 5 months and was kinda scared to send it because i felt like it was corny, but with Eldia's resolution i felt encouraged seeing all these people tell you what they think :P so sorry for the long ass paragraph lmao, i just needed to say it because i know in 10 years ill be a grown ass woman and still thinking about these books, theyre attached to my brain forever (like a parasite, ironic)
Ok so i doubt ppl will read this (or that you'll even read all of it) so if you reached the end i must say that you actually ate with the baby names in Eldia 🤭 im saying it here to avoid accidentally spoiling anyone but Andromeda 😪 i remember in early july i sent you an anon ask saying that i pictured you as a girl mom and even listed a few names, i was gonna list Andromeda so its kinda funny to me 😭 and Elrose?? Andromeda is my fav name but Elrose grew on me and i actually rlly like it, idk why it just sounds and looks so satisfying OMG DAMN I JUST SCROLLED UP AND DID I REALLY WRITE ALL OF THAT?? IM SO SORRY AMARA 😭😭 i definitely had way more to say but i feel bad now, it was gonna be an anonymous ask but atp i'll just let it be public
to conclude i must say that whenever someone asks me what my favorite books are, i hate that im not able to say "Oh my favorite books are parasite and eldia" because they're considered fanfics and not 'real books', i think thats really stupid, not only because fanfiction is just as valid as what ppl consider 'real books' but because there are so many fanfictions turned into real books or movies?? Ok im done (for now) but as you can tell im not really good at going straight to the point sorry for writing about 10 paragraphs love you queen vivan las escritoras latinas 🤞
1. honestly i find a pic that fits the vibe i want the book to give before i even write the story then i just somehow find a way to incorporate the cover
ex) eldia’s cover is jean with wine all over him, iykyk there’s an exact scene in eldia that references the cover
2. thank u so much 🥲 the ppl who have stuck around the longest always say the most sweet stuff bc yall really have been alongside me for so many years now and were like growing together which is kinda cool
3. i wanted a name that had ambrose and elijah both in it and it was either elrose or embrose but i ended up liking elrose more, embrose was too similar to ambrose
4. i don’t mind the length of the message at all! i love love love reading all the stuff i receive and the ones that are the longest stick with me the most. 🫶🏼
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rockyroadkylers · 7 months
thank you for the ask and the low-level anxiety (you'll see what i mean)
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
i mean, it's not my favorite part of the process, but i don't mind it. i like being able to fine-tune to make sure everything is just right.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
hmm... can i go for an easy out and say the mods at @thebrownstone? 😂 i do genuinely appreciate them, they work really hard to keep that server running, which is so admirable because it is a HUGE server.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
perhaps not unpopular, but certainly not common: june is a lesbian
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
ok i do have. an actually unpopular opinion. but i don't want people to unfollow me for sharing it, because i do think everyone is entitled to their own, this is just mine 😩
i think junopez was an unnecessary addition, and it's kind of annoying how fixated the fandom is on it... please don't unfollow me - threesomes in general just aren't my cup of tea, which is apparently a minority opinion in this fandom and i'm not trying to hate on anyone else for liking those things, i just kind of groan internally and duck out of the conversation whenever it gets brought up because i think it's overrated
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
depends on the nature of the surprise 😅
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
learn to end a sentence 😂
🐝 ⇢tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
well. my best friend, first of all, but she's a private person and probably wouldn't appreciate me tagging her 😂 she does not wish to be perceived. that's not the nice thing though !!! the nice thing is that she's not even in any of the fandoms i write for, but she'll still read most of my writing anyway to encourage my interests.
i'm also gonna tag @user-anakin because bec is always there to yell at me when i share a new snippet <3
and @gayrootvegetable too because i cry every time they say they're rereading my fic
EDIT: I FORGOT TO TAG MY BETA/SIDEKICK IDK HOW but omg @44whispers is always there to yell about my WIP with me and help me iron out the kinks, ily muah <3
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
bad grammar/the whole fic being published as one paragraph/clunky characterization
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
i don't really use my notes app for writing purposes… the last time i did was to keep track of all the overly-pedantic google searches i made while writing It's Nice to Have a Friend, including but not limited to:
whether or not the cowboy emoji existed in 2011 (it did not)
the difference between MI5 and MI6 (national vs international)
how long does a wedding reception take (up to 10 hours depending on the planned activities 😳)
line dancing (i spent over an hour going down this rabbit hole)
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theresthesnitch · 7 months
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Thank YOU for the full questions! The pictures are cute, but there's also soooo many of them.
Send me a Truth & Dare ask!
How did you get into writing fanfiction!
Pandemic, baby! In Fall 2020, I reread the HP books. I'd never really been into fanfiction as a kid [cue side story about my repressed childhood and ultra religious conservative parents that I do not have the spoons to get into at this time of the night] and so I didn't really get that fandom was a thing the way I know it is now. But I finished the books and was so unsatisfied with the end of the story being there. So I started reading post-canon HP stories (mostly Hinny) and then branched out into the marauders. I found fandom like October 2020, and my first FIRST thing I wrote was early January 2021. Had AO3 by April or so (omg, am I at my anniversary yet? going to check after this) and then the rest was history. my AO3 History, specifically. 😉
2. Share a link to a playlist you love
This is my... well, Songs I love 💞playlist, lol. It's a wild mix of things. every time I come across a song that I like the feel of, it gets added here. On shuffle, always, because I have the worst habit of finding an artist and adding every song by them in a row.
3. Scale of 1-10 on how much I enjoy editing, and why.
UGH. 2, most of the time. Usually, by the time I get dwn to editing, I've been in the fic so much that I'm just done with it. I hate editing so much right when I finish writing, but I'm also usually impatient to post. However, I've found that if I let things sit for a bit, going back to reread it is very refreshing, and editing is much more like a....6. I mean, it's still not the best thing ever.
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episode 9 reactions hdhhskfhshfhd (spoilers!!!!)
the cicadas
i'm like 99% sure julie won't die so i'm not worried about her but omg tabitha is going through so much right now with her child in pain/danger and being unable to help... T_T
i felt really bad for mari when she said she doesn't want to be like this 😔 she deserves to get better and to get to be fully herself. she's getting a lot of hate in the fandom that i feel is unwarranted, we've only seen her being really sick and even then she's always been trying to help the others
this should be its own post but i'd like to see a jade and marielle friendship, she would probably get REALLY serious with him if she hears him casually joke about how much he's into party drugs like he did around kenny, and tell him that he should count himself lucky to still be able to just get away from all that consequence-free. i also want a boyd and marielle dynamic, he's good at adopting troubled girls
team tabby
i don't need a lot to be happy. jade sitting as autistically as possible on the kitchen counter means everything to me. he's just so easy to love, like a cat. also i really appreciate the way the show moved heaven and earth to make jade and tabby end up alone together for the night. the matthews house getting demolished + the new horror making it so that no one can be alone at night + jim leaving his family to go on his crazy adventure at the RV... im grateful i truly am
jade really took the supportive role to tabby's lead in the investigation and i love that for them. there's something so special to me about this dynamic, we're so used to genius guy detective + layman sidekick, seeing it flipped is so special to me. tabby is so awesome that the rich genius guy is actually her sidekick! love them sm
victor, tian chen, julie and ethan were so so sweet i'm literally heartbroken about what ethan said to victor!!! now that jade just learned to be normal istg this poor man can't catch a break???? he's a kid and he's scared i obviously don't blame him but i bet victor was so hurt T_T still im really happy to see him be more social. he's in good hands with tian chen. i swear the new "can't be alone at night" horror was engineered in a lab to socialise the loners against their will like feral kittens and i'm so down with it LMAO like yes you can bet i'll write jade fanfic about this
jim... jimmy... jimbo...
what is he doing!! what is he doing!!!!!!!!!! fighting the rifle guy at colony house istg this man LMAOO tabby did the same thing when she just arrived they're so like that... like now you wanna get back to your family i get it but if you go out there you're gonna die. he looks so cute in that jacket btw now i'm officially simping for both tabitha AND jim just like jade
kenny and sara
im really enjoying these scenes even if i'm suffering so much for kenny and i just want to yoink him out of this depressing plot they got him in, he belonged in that room playing board games with victor the kids and his mom istg!!! but all the sara scenes are extremely compelling and omg kenny is just so !!! i need to hug him. he went through that to keep everyone else safe SIGHS
sara's got a... way of dealing with the whole thing that's for sure. she brought up like the worst possible conversation topic when looking at the map LMAO i just couldn't believe it was possible to screw up that bad. i kinda have a bit of paranoia specifically about going crazy and killing someone and then having to emotionally deal with that (just my brain being my brain dont ask) so her plot fascinates me because i've mulled over how i'd feel and how i'd deal with a situation like that so much. but i draw the sympathy line at hurting kenny and she's still hurting him so !!!!!!!! girl just shut up when he asks you to shut up it's not that hard arghh
really good insight about the place and peoples fears though. was she saying that the place gets stronger the more people it manages to kill? thats a really nice explanation for all the mix-and-match weird horror stuff going on together at the same time tbh, i like it a lot if it's like that. if khatri was afraid of god's punishment or something like that then i guess they're royally fucked (some of victor's drawings showed the place getting flooded...)
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somanywords · 1 year
20 Questions For Fic Writers
huge hug to @spookyklaine for the tag! <3
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1. How many works do you have on AO3?
11 right now, but i aim to get at least one more out before new years!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
187,762! i am a baby fic writer ;)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
marvel (stevebucky, clintasha, and 1 ant man fic), newsies (javid), and six of crows
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Another Song, Another Spring (stevebucky)
Marry Me (stevebucky)
say it soft and it's almost like praying (stevebucky)
Misplaced Pencils (stevebucky)
Like a dream I could reach but not quite hold (javid)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do my best to! i adore each and every one of them <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
omg all my fics end happily, me in my attempt to give the characters what they deserve ;) i hope to work on some more soon and maybe will have the heart to end them a little more heart wrenchingly...
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
gosh. i mean, all of them. lol
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i'm not popular enough to have attracted hate yet (niice)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
haven't written any yet! but not ruling it out for the future. some people are such craftsmen with writing smut, they inspire me :D but man, the fics where you're feeling all kinds of emotions and they're barely even kissing? that stuff is like cocaine to me so i'm happy where i am right now :)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i am so boring--not yet!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
man, not to my knowledge...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not yet <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not yet either! i've talked about it with a couple of friends, and it's definitely something i'd be interested in later on, but the stars haven't aligned as of now ;)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
oh gosh noooo. i mean, i think it's pretty obvious which ships are my favorite, cause the fics don't get finished if i'm not motivated and unhinged about them (stevebucky and javid). that being said, shoutout to percabeth, who even though i haven't written fic for them, still live in my head rent free and can be activated for free any time of goddamn day
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hmmm. there's a newsies one i've got--sort of my very first idea, and this is a trend with me--to get so many ideas and try to cram them into one story only to never come back and write several smaller stories--but it's a post strike jack and davey exploration, and i'd really like to finish it one day, because it has a lot of good ideas in it :D we'll see!
also i've got a stevebucky roadtrip literally based on a roadtrip i did once. would love to finish it someday. if i could just. finish. it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think realistic dialogue and adding nuggets that bring characters to life? i've also been told a few times that i write kids well, and i'm flattered ;)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
setting and sensory 😖 (and sometimes plot but we won't talk about that) at least i'm good enough to recognize it most of the time? then i can go back in during edits and pace the paragraphs differently, add smells and description...onwards and upwards...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
yes yes yes, especially where it really enhances character who come from different backgrounds/are multi-linguals. unfortunately i am not a multi-lingual 😭 (i'm working on that), so i rely on friends and google translate for it now...
19. First fandom you wrote for?
actual first fanfic i ever wrote was definitely about the weasley siblings. first on ao3 was stevebucky ;)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
that's so hard!!! they're all so different in my head. i'll go with Another Song Another Spring, simply because it's so fun and really was written for me, so when i go back to reread it, i have a blast :D
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no pressure tags for any writers who see this, and also @turtle-steverogers @zenaidamacrouras1 @hipsterdiva @tessabennet @voylitscope @greyhavensking @t4tstevebucky and anyone else who writes and wants to share!
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staryscorner · 1 year
Thank you
Itadori x reader
Y/n was found in a terrible state when she was found in her room.
Her parents locked her in that room for so long trying to control her powers she killed her little sister she didn't mean to….it was these powers she can't control them
She hates them…
Present time
"Wake up sleepyhead"
A voice came from next to you
"HEY I know you're awake"
*Such an annoying voice* I thought
I opened my eyes to be greeted by a pink haired boy
"Morning seems like you had a long sleep" "itadori hummed
"AH itadori when did you get into my room"
"Well duh Gojo sensei told me to wake you up because we have training" Itadori said
"I FORGOT! tell him I'll be on my way" I said stumbling off the bed to my closet
"Sure me,Megumin,and Nobara are gonna be on the field so hurry up" he said giving be a thumbs up
He left
Which also left me with my thoughts
I just sat on the bed wondering how I shouldn't even have friends.
I killed my sister almost lashed out on my parents
That room which I was almost rotting in
Why was I saved
Why was I still alive
Why couldn't I've not been born
Those questions just ran around in my mind I didn't know if I was meant to exist
"Y/n hurry up we're about to be done-"
"Y/N ARE YOU OK" Itadori said rushing to my side
You wiped the tears that came down your check
"YEA total fine" you lied
"Y/n no your not your crying" he said concerned
"I'm sorry I was just thinking back to my past.."
"Itadori do you think I should still be alive"
He looked at you stunned
"Y/n what type of question is that"
"Yes you did but that's all in the past you don't have to keep punching yourself for those powers you couldn't control before now you can because you're here at jujutsu high think about the present your head with me…"
I looked at Itadori stunned
He then kissed me and hugged me
"Y/n I love you"
I cried on his shoulder he never let me go until I stopped
He looked at me with those warm eyes
"I bet your sister has forgiven you"
"I hope she did" I said looking up at the clear blue sky
OMG BACK WITH ANOTHER ONE phewww took an hour to write this one imma have to come back to edit it a bit. Time to go back into hiding to figure out more stories to write heheheh~
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papermint-airplane · 2 years
List 3 of your favorite sims from other simmers you enjoy and explain why (Send this to 10 other blogs 💖💖)
Gaaaaah, you're really making me work here. 😅 Three? Only three? But I love so many!!! 😫
In no particular order:
Noel IcantrememberhislastnameplsforgivemeIamsuchabadfriend from @happy-lemon and if you've ever seen her No Rules Legacy, he's waaaaaaaaaaaay back there in the generations. He wasn't an heir but he was the husband of Kana the...gen 2? heir. I am horrible with numbers, but I think she was immediately after Nara. Anyway, he had such a wonderful laid back vibe to him. I always lovingly referred to him as Dumpster Boy because that's where Kana found him. In the dumpster. He was dumpster diving and she pulled him out of the trash, fixed him up, and he went on to become the cutest dad/husband/Sim you could ever want. Trish was kind enough to send him to me, for reasons I don't remember because it's been a while...I'm fairly certain I didn't beg on my hands and knees but who can say? It's lost to time. I turned the boy into a werewolf because I thought it would be funny to have a vegetarian werewolf and it was. It really was. Noel was just as sweet and laid back in my game as he was in hers and he was instant best friends with Duchess the dog. Those two were inseparable. It was so cute. 🥺🥺🥺 You knew he was going to be on this list, Trish. This was calculated lmao. 🤣
Nero Lieder from @getboolpropped and I think the reasons why should be obvious. Bad person? Check. Transformed into a toad for an extended period of time? Check. Absolutely hilarious in any form? Check. I had me a binge of @getboolpropped's blog recently and of course I fell in love. The style, the editing, the humor. 👨‍🍳👌💋 Literally immaculate. And while I will miss Nero's toad form, the schnoz is iconic.
Why are you only allowing me three? I can't believe you've done this. Ok ok I'll stop whining (lies, I'll never stop whining). Jonah from @gaiahypothesims I mean it isn't just Jonah but you did say a specific Sim but honestly all the characters are so interesting and the storyline is so good and Jonah is very very very attractive. 😁 He's rough around the edges but he loves his daughter and he's got layers to him. Idk I'm always reluctant to describe other people's characters because I start getting panicky like "omg what if I read the character wrong and I'm totally off base from what the writer intended and I'm just displaying my ignorance to the entire world and the writer is gonna see this and know I'm a dumbass" and this is the entire reason I don't write book reviews on Goodreads because I start wondering if I really understood what I read but like that's probably just me. Anyway, that's for my therapist to untangle. I'm a sucker for a tough guy who loves kids in any media. Go read the story and fall in love with Jonah and everyone else, too. It's very well-written. You won't regret it.
Ok I'mma send this other people but I always hate doing that because I'm like what if they don't want to do it and I'm just being a nuisance what if they secretly hate me what if--LAURA OMG call your therapist. Just my disclaimer: if you get this message from me, you are under no obligation to do the thing. I have no expectations. You are free. I love you. 😚
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Here’s something you all should know what I love to write and don’t want to write as a fanfic writer
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What I enjoy writing ✅
My fav seiyuus (Mamoru Miyano, Yuma Uchida, Aoi Shouta)
My favorite idols (Yuta Nakamoto, Sana Minatozaki, Mina Myoui, Rosé, Johnny, Jaehyun)
My favorite anime characters (One Piece, Bleach Vampire Knight, Black Butler, Sailor Moon, etc.)
My favorite band (the GazettE)
Crossover ships (Uruha from the GazettE x Rosé from Blackpink, I write them when they are the same age like High School students or college student to avoid age gaps!)
Crackships (Nami x Ace from One Piece and Sana x Yuta) [This doesn’t mean I don’t want Yuta and Sana to become a thing in real life, I am just bored and he did mention her in a radio show]
Idol x Idol (like Jaehyun x Yuta)
Yaoi (I take it slow like how Sasaki and Miyano were [I recommend that series. ITS SO SWEET!!!!])
LGBTQ stories ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Sometimes horror
Fantasy (Medieval, Adventures)
Funny stories
One-shots (easier than full stories)
Romance (not cheesy)
Fluff (I’m melting when I write that cute shit!!!)
Smut? Why not? (I do not write underage smut!)
I don’t write animal violence (it hurts my heart a lot and I love animals deeply. Seeing it in movies and shows triggers me a lot and animal abuse in real life…😭)
Rape of our favorite characters/idols (TRIGGERING AF)
Breakups (well to suit the story but I love the characters chemistry how I write them. But only the main character dumps the dumbass bf/gf)
Gore (just eyeball gore, maggots, and finger/toe nail gore.🤢 I CANT STAND IT EVEN THOUGH I LOVE HORROR! Goth horror)
Cannibalism (FUCK NO! I WONT EVEN SEE MOVIES WITH THAT GROSS SHIT. Well Sweeney Todd had something like that but not like weird disturbing)
I’m trying my best to not give characters major deaths if I feel close to them. (SPOILER ALERT! I WONT WRITE FANFICS WHERE ACE IS DEAD! I LOVE HIM TOO MUCH!!!! Even Eddie😭)
INCEST (GROSS!!!!!! OMG EWWWWWW!!!!!! WTF?!?!!!! WHY?!?!!!!! THEY ARE RELATED!!!!! SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!! VAMPIRE KNIGHT AT THE END OF SEASON 2 HAD THAT WITH THE MAIN FEMALE GIRL AND I HATE HER FOR THAT FOR LEAVING MY BOI ZERO! I watch that series because of Zero! Also Pseudo-Incest with Ace, Luffy and Sabo fanfics and fanart…NO THANK YOU!!!)
Weird Kinks (knife kink, pain kink, piss kink…more weird kinks I rather not say…WTF?!?!!)
I write how I want to write my smut scenes because I don’t know why I get uncomfortable while writing and to make it look good. But what matters the most that I’m enjoying what I love to write and it’s my story
If you don’t like my fanfics you can leave and unfollow. I got mean comments how I write idol x idol but hey you don’t own my story and account don’t tell me what to write and they won’t see it! I hardly doubt they will read fanfics of themselves since they have busy lives ahead of them. I don’t do photoshoot edits of idols like everyone does to make it look real! Rosé got mad for that when people though it was real.
I don’t write weird shit that I just explain right now!
I will update more what comes to my mind!
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thesungod · 1 year
but will isn’t scared of nico how did tsats show that? he was scared and weary of nico’s realm/home, but he’s never been scared of nico himself. yeah you can say the underworld is part of nico and it is, but will clearly didn’t see it as that. if that was true will never would have been drawn to nico in the first place or even be with him. and just because will has seen a lot of death doesn’t mean he has to be comfortable with it? and why does he have to be comfortable with it anyway? it’s DEATH! like you think medics and doctors in the real world are all comfortable with death? they aren’t!! it’s a terrible terrible thing to watch and experience again and again and that’s people with YEARS of experience meanwhile Will is 15 😩
no i agree that normally it would make sense for someone like Will to hate death (i did say i wanted him to be resentful of it)
but again, call me an idiot but i thought “will is someone who’s seen a lot of death so he’s not as scared of it, and therefore of nico, as other people” was their thing? i thought “normal dude who for some reason is the only bitch in the world that completely understand and support Nico and his crimes” was their thing? but will in this book is so… what does he even do, you get me😭
every fictional couple that an author wants to be liked needs to have something that appeals to the readers, and i don’t get what solangelo’s appeal is if it’s not that
and considering this + the fact that Will begged and pleaded to go to Tartarus with Nico + the way he was being built up in the preview as a character who would surprise us with his resourcefulness/versatility (“bring me nico i got this i can do this i’ll surprise you let’s go”), it was crazy to see him be literally useless and scared shitless the entire book. not the first half. not the first three quarters. the entire book😭
(yeah okay he made Nyx sneeze but c’mon)
and what you say about “they wouldn’t even be together if Will thought of Nico as part of the Underworld”… exactly
this book left me with the question “why are they even together?”, because their conflict wasn’t one that made sense for a relationship that has been going on for a year, if anything it’s the conflict i would expect from two people who are getting together. ya feel me? how does Will not know the Underworld is a silly crazy place. how does he not know darkness is in nico’s heart and whatever. what did he fall in love with? nico’s star wars jokes?
also if death is such a big part of his trauma (which i do believe) then isn’t Nico at the very least kinda insensitive for being like “um sorry baby but death isn’t bad open your mind <3” like ? ? ? but that’s not addressed on Nico’s part as something bad he said (correct me if i’m wrong)
i personally didn’t like any of this about tsats but i’m not saying it was completely wrong to write Will like that or that he’s out of character, because we knew so little about him i can’t possibly claim that. at the end of the day, he belongs to rick riordan. buttt. idk. considering how much people love the trope of the normal ken who’s crazy in love with the powerful, deadly barbie (she’s everything he’s just ken etc etc), i think they wasted an opportunity for will to be slightly cooler about this stuff.
not that he couldn’t be panicky and anxious (he is shown to be like that, even in ToA) but a scene like “omg nico you’re so cool when you raise the dead and commit crimes uwu uwu <3” wouldn’t have hurt my personal enjoyment.
*insert the THIS IS MY OPINION banner*
edit: i did like that Will was realistically super scared of stuff and absolutely did not want to go to Tartarus! that was cool to see bc we’re so used to fantasy heroes like percy and nico. i just wished it had led somewhere a bit more interesting (eg Lester in ToA who’s also scared shitless of everything but wins his fear every time)
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smalltownfae · 11 months
I was tagged by @lairn (thanks :D)
How many works do you have on AO3?
10 (I had no idea I had this many wow).
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
22,925 it seems.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Realm of the Elderlings and I have a single Nightrunners fic just for myself because not only is the fandom dead, but it's about a character people hate hahaha I do want to write for other books, but RotE is my passion.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Can You Feel the Skex Tonight? (*cue me pretending to be shocked that the Fitzloved porn is the fic with the most kudos* but omg it currently has 69 kudos XD please let it remain that way. No one do anything) 2. Letters from the Garden Girl 3. A TALE FROM THE MOUNTAINS 4. In the End You Are Beloved 5. Morning Routine
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. I might take a long time to reply, but I always do. If I don't it's because I didn't see it or I was busy at the moment and forgot and I'm sorry. But, I think that never happened.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably the In the End You Are Beloved fic (?)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hope, the Nightrunner fic hahaha I wrote it specifically to give a sort of happy ending to that character.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
My fics aren't popular enough to get hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Not really. I am never too specific. I did write some, but I write it the way I like to read about it which means it's either fade to black or stuff is hinted at, but I don't like to use many of the words people use to write smut so if I did it it would also be too repetitive, I guess.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No and I also don't like to read those so...
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
My fics aren't popular enough to be stolen.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
My fics aren't popular enough to be translated (do you see what I mean? XD).
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not really. A friend beta read one fic for me once, but to be honest I am more of a fan of doing my own thing and let the comments be the ones to criticize it or ignore it. I have more fun that way because I also seldom reread my fics more than once when editing. I am lazy because this is purely for fun. I would put more effort in serious original work, but with fanfic my main goal is to have fun.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Fitzloved. Unbeatable so far and I doubt it will ever be overtaken. I don't have that many ships to begin with and my usual reaction is "oh this is cute" and move on. I feel very strongly about Fitzloved though, but it used to be worse when I was reading the books.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Some RotE fanfics I have started,but I feel like I need to reread the books in order to continue. I hate to be the kind of fanfic writer that must fit the fic into the work according to my interpretation and my vision, but it's just the way I am. I can read stuff that deviates a lot from the original, but I cannot write it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I haven't been writing much so I feel like I have to relearn it again. The thing is I am more intuitive than objective. I write how I feel it's right and sounds good instead of doing research about grammar or anything. That is a flaw though oops. I have no idea. This is a question for the readers.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
See above. I seldom look up grammar hahah because again I do very little when it comes to editing fics since editing isn't fun to me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't do it. I write in english and portuguese, but I don't mix the two.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Realm of the Elderlings. I never wrote fanfic in my life before that. I used to write some original stories as a kid and a teenager, but my first contact with actual fandom happened very late for me and my first fic was that unfinished Jek x Amber one on AO3.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
A TALE FROM THE MOUNTAINS because it was the one I put some effort into editing haha I think I reread three times. Also, it is no coincidence that my favourite is the one I took a lot of liberties with since I could do anything with the scraps Hobb gives about Fitz's mother in the series. I do prefer to write original works. That is no secret. I put more effort into it and I like creating something from nothing instead of having to go reread another author's work to see if I am being loyal enough to the source material. Fanworks and original works demand different skills even if some of the work done is similar.
tagging: @whatevsbla
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