#Durga Ma
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shivaom · 9 months ago
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🌺 HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY 🌺 💥 Jay Durga Maa 💥
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h0bg0blin-meat · 10 months ago
Bastet: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess.
Sekhmet: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to?
Durga: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit.
Parvati: Guys-
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vizthedatum · 1 year ago
When someone gets to know me, they’ll know that I worship Kali Ma. I get very touchy about it sometimes (I used to be perpetually mad about her depiction in Spelunky (the game)).
Now that I’m fully decorating my apartment, my worship of her is very external (in addition to internal). I have depictions of her and her forms all over the place. I have an altar that’s primarily dedicated to her (and Durga Ma and everyone else).
With every passing day, I relinquish more control (but not my self worth or anything like that) of my destiny to her - it’s part of how I am religious and spiritual.
I used to not be so spiritual. It’s been an on and off journey my whole life. I used to be super upset by the misogyny and bigotry that my culture and religion would stand for. And I was confused as to how the gods could allow for such human evil to exist in the world.
Ever since leaving my ex-spouse, my spirituality has brought me an immense amount of peace. It’s helped me reconnect with who I am - and it’s helped me make more sense of the evil in the world. And the, of course, shadows that reside within me.
Do you know what Kali Ma stands for… in my eyes? (I mean, she’s everything but that’s not what I’m alluding to here)
She stands for ego death and renewal. She reminds me that with every single life challenge that gets thrown my way, I have the opportunity to GROW, to DESTROY, to make ANEW. She gives me hope, where sometimes I feel like I have none.
And I love her. I’m so glad she’s here protecting me like this. I’m so glad she’s helping me tap into my own power.
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hindunidhi · 10 months ago
नवरात्रि में माता का पूरा आशीर्वाद लेने के लिए त्यागें ये गलतियां
नवरात्रि का पावन त्योहार साल 2024 में 9 अप्रैल से शुरू हो रहा है। नवरात्रि के दौरान माता के भक्त व्रत रखते हैं और माता को प्रसन्न करने के लिए उनकी उपासना करते हैं। नवरात्रि से जुड़े कई नियम भी हैं जो भक्तों को ख्याल में रखने चाहिए। साथ ही कुछ ऐसे कार्य हैं जिनको करने से माता की कृपा दृष्टि से आप वंचित रह सकते हैं। नवरात्रि के दौरान क्या कार्य करने से आपको बचना चाहिए, आइए विस्तार से जानते हैं।
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नवरात्रि के दौरान न करें ये गलतियां
नवरात्रि के व्रत रख रहे हैं, या फिर नौ दिनों तक माता की पूजा-आराधना करने वाले हैं तो आपको तामसिक भोजन का त्य���ग कर देना चाहिए। इसके पीछे वजह यह है कि, तामसिक भोजन यानि ज्यादा मसालेदार भोजन, गर्म तासीर का भोजन आपके विचारों को नकारात्मक रूप से प्रभावित कर सकता है। कहा भी जाता है कि, जैसा खाएंगे अन्न वैसा होगा मन्न। इसलिए नवरात्रि में व्रत नहीं भी रख रहे हैं, केवल माता की पूजा करने वाले हैं तो भी सात्मविक भोजन करें ताकि माता की भक्ति में किसी तरह का खलल न पड़े। नवरात्री में दुर्गा चालीसा का पाठ जरूर करना चाहिए।
नवरात्रि के दौरान आपको मांस-मदिरा और शराब का सेवन करने से तो बचना ही चाहिए साथ ही लहसुन-प्याज भी भोजन में नहीं डालना चाहिए। मान्यताओं के अनुसार, लहसुन-प्याज की उत्पत्ति राहु-केतु के रक्त से हुई थी, इसके साथ ही ये पदार्थ तामसिक प्रकृति के भी माने जाते हैं। इसलिए नवरात्रि के दौरान इन्हें खाने की मनाही है।
नवरात्रि के दौरान न पहनें ऐसे कपड़े
माता के नौ रूपों की कृपा प्राप्त करने के लिए आपको नवरात्रि के नौ दिनों में सात्विक भोजन के साथ ही सादे कपड़े पहनने चाहिए। काले कपड़े पहनने से आपको बचना चाहिए, ज्यादा चटकीले कपड़े पहनने से भी बचें और चमड़े से बनी वस्तुओं से भी परहेज करना चाहिए।
ये गलतियां भी पड़ सकती हैं भारी
नवरात्रि के दौरान महिलाओं, कन्याओं और बुजुर्गों का अपमान करके आप माता की कृपा से वंचित हो सकते हैं। दुर्गा माता की पूजा के दौरान जितना आप महिलाओं का आदर करेंगे उतने ही अच्छे परिणाम आपको प्राप्त हो सकते हैं। नवरात्रि में दुर्गा सप्तशती या फिर दुर्गा चालीसा का पाठ करने वाले हैं तो इसके उच्चारण में गलतियां न करें।
नवरात्रि में व्रत रखने वालों को बिस्तर पर नहीं सोना चाहिए। जमीन पर अपना बिस्तर आपको लगाना चाहिए। जमीन पर सोने से अनिद्रा की समस्या दूर होती है साथ ही तनाव से भी आपको मुक्ति मिलती है। आप तरोताजा रहते हैं इसलिए माता की भक्ति में आपका मन लगता है।
नाखून, दाढ़ी और बाल भी नवरात्रि के दौरान न कटवाएं। शारीरिक संबंध बनाने से बचें। उच्चारण नहीं जानते तो माता के बीज मंत्र का जप करना भी पर्याप्त रहेगा।
अगर इन सभी बातों का ख्याल रखते हुए आप नवरात्रि के 9 दिनों में माता की उपासना करते हैं, तो आपको मानसिक शांति का अन���भव होता है और माता की कृपा आप पर बरसती है।
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 11 months ago
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“Mother Meera’s message of peace and love has touched me profoundly.”—Ringo Starr
Mother Meera ~ Ma Durga Pahimam ~Jai Uttak
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achyutapriya · 10 months ago
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अयि गिरिनन्दिनि नन्दितमेदिनि विश्वविनोदिनि नन्दिनुते
गिरिवरविन्ध्यशिरोऽधिनिवासिनि विष्णुविलासिनि जिष्णुनुते ।
भगवति हे शितिकण्ठकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकृते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते।।
Salutations to the goddess, Who is the darling daughter of the mountains, Whose presence brings happiness to the entire world, For whom the whole world is a divine play and who is praised by nandi, Who resides on the peak of the vindhyas, Who gives joy to Lord Vishnu, Who is praised by Indra. Who is the consort of the one who has Blue Throat (Lord Shiva), O the slayer of demon Mahishasura, For whom all the creation is one big family, Who does all the great things in the Universe(creation, preservation, and destruction), Victory to you, Victory to you, The one with beautiful braided hair, Who is the darling daughter of the mountains
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blue-lotus333 · 9 months ago
Hindu goddess Worship-guide thingys (?) I made
(inform me if I got smth wrong :P)
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intellectual6666 · 6 months ago
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মা মেয়েটা যেনো বিচার পায়
(Ma, she must get justice)
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randomlyblue · 1 year ago
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বাঙালির দূর্গা পুজো
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vizthedatum · 1 year ago
In spirituality, there is that notion of the “feminine” and “masculine” energies… which is present in Hinduism in many ways (downwards triangles and upwards triangles, for example!).
I truly and strongly believe that these do not correspond to gender or biological sex.
Many spiritualists agree that both these energies are present or can be present in anyone.
The “feminine” is all about receiving or being receptive.
The “masculine” is all about giving or being able to give.
And a balance struck between the two energies helps you be in alignment with yourself and in your relationships.
As someone who was socialized as a “woman” and now identifies and presents as a non-binary genderfluid femboy (in Western queer terms), this has been something I’ve thought about a lot.
I worship Kali Ma derived from Durga Ma. I know that Kali Ma (Sati/Parvati) is a part of Shiva. They are intrinsically intertwined - and sometimes both are even considered a unified being in their own right.
Gender fluidity has been present a lot in Hinduism but has often been covered up or not discussed due to colonialism and conservative values.
But presentation of gender was very much considered a social construct whereas your energy could be tied to many deities of different anthropomorphic gender constructs (sometimes I just wonder if Kali is her own entire gender - she’s just a force… sometimes she’s not even considered a being but more of an ENTITY that cannot even be perceived).
But anyway, I always have more to say, but I really vibe with Kali Ma obviously… and Krishna always (who honestly is such a gender trickster - he really doesn’t give a fuck, and he’s an amazing femboy). Did you know that one time, allegedly (he’s allegedly done a lot lmao), he turned into Kali (I think he probably channeled her) so that he and Radha wouldn’t be caught by Radha’s husband.
Fuck I’d be poly for Krishna - I mean I am poly, that’s not the point, I’m just saying… idk I’m falling into gay territory here over Krishna.
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h0bg0blin-meat · 2 years ago
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atomicpeanutshepherdknight · 10 months ago
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One who earns the grace of Bhairavi
neither has to live in concern...or fear of life or death or failure.
All that human being considers as well being will be his , if only he earns the grace of Bhairavi !
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manibolly · 8 days ago
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Ma Durga: "Michael I need you to do something for me."
Michael goes and brings Buffy down from paradise. Preventing Willow from killing an innocent baby deer, Buffy from clawing her way out of the grave and a baby from dying because the angel of death must take someone with them. Also Isis wasn't pleased that Willow used the cup of Osiris.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer fanfiction.
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fangirlwithasweettooth · 4 months ago
Me? Using this fic as a way to infodump about my favorite Indian holidays via my OC while also getting to write my OC’s love interest absolutely eating 👏 it 👏 up 👏??? It’s more likely than you think 😇
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sidrashakti · 4 months ago
Navratri Messages from the Navadurga (नवदुर्गा) 🪷
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Day 1: Messages from Ma Shailaputri (शैलपुत्री)
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Ma Shailaputri tells us that obsession with the material world challenges the spiritual, she calls us to go beyond it now. She acts as Sri Chamunda, the protector, and Sri Visyaharam Pada, the destroyer of attachments for us, calling on us to surrender our attachment to the material and to outdated beliefs. She is all around us, enveloping us as the sky does and welcoming us to the crossroads this Navratri. 
Quan Yin the Turquoise Mother:  An old pattern is finally ending. You are to be lifted from your struggle. It is time for relief and release. 
Vaginal Canal: I am open 
The vagina is the connection point between the outer world and the inner world of sensitivity and magic. Enter into the unknown to find your endless potential, and experience bliss and usher in a new life. 
Hekate: I Hekate, shall light your darkest hour. 
Nut: I will connect you with the infinite eternal. 
Mantra of Shailaputri:
ॐ देवी शैलपुत्र्यै नमः॥
Om Devi Shailaputryai Namah॥
Prarthana or Prayer of Shailaputri
वन्दे वाञ्छितलाभाय चन्द्रार्ध कृतशेखराम् ।
वृषारूढाम् शूलधराम् शैलपुत्रीम् यशस्विनीम् ॥
Vande Vanchhitalabhaya Chandrardhakritashekharam।
Vrisharudham Shuladharam Shailaputrim Yashasvinim॥
"I pay my obeisance to Devi Shailaputri, who bestows upon the choicest boons to the devotees. The moon in the crescent form is adorned as the crown on her forehead. She is mounted on the bullock. She holds a trident in her hand. She is Yashasvini."
If you’d like a personal message from the Navadurga: Link
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intellectual6666 · 4 months ago
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There she is, looking at us for the last time before she bids us a final goodbye for this year. She heard everyone's cries, everyone's pain, everyone's sorrow and she will solve all of them. All we have to do is wait. I know, she is going back way too fast this time, but she will come back fast too.
And she will get justice too.
আবার এসো মা ।
Shubho bijoya everyone 🙏
Picture credit : Me
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