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fan-of-the-cave-bear · 9 months ago
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Some fanart I found on Reddit by JayMD
"The left scene depicted in the first piece is Ayla saving Broud's child from the cave hyena with her sling and in turn revealing that she uses it
The one on the top right is her meeting the Neanderthal woman and her hybrid child at the Clan gathering"
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xenglitch · 8 days ago
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theserpentsadvocate · 1 year ago
I’m still working on that fic and
Vorn: We're best friends! :) I love my new job.
Broud: *breathes in Durc's direction*
Vorn: Actually, never talk to me or my new son ever again.
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shwoo · 5 months ago
Ooh, that's good too! I was thinking that the earthquake at the end of the first book could also be time travel related (Because now there's two people with future DNA), but that one's depicted more realistically. Ukraine is pretty tectonically stable, but I think Crimea, where the story is set, is somewhat more earthquakey than the rest of it.
So you know Clan of the Cave Bear? It’s a 1980 novel by Jean M Auel about a little girl in Paleolithic Ukraine who is raised by Neanderthals. The Neanderthals call her Ayla, which is their best attempt at pronouncing her birth name, and by the end of the book she seems to have forgotten what it originally was.
We see the disaster that orphaned her in the beginning of the book, but she gets amnesia soon after, and her birth family never appear on the page. We know that she lived with her mother, that her mother was blonde, that at least one other person lived with them, and there’s one line that implies she also lived with her father. And she could swim well, because they had to cross a lot of rivers, and bridges weren’t really a thing yet.
So anyway my not-totally-serious theory is that her family is from the future. Here’s my reasoning, sorted in ascending order by how convincing I think they are!
Note: I refer to modern humans as just “humans” here, because the only other way I can think of to distinguish them from Neanderthals is calling them H. sapiens sapiens, and that takes too long to say, and also sounds pretty clinical. So when I say humans, I specifically mean modern humans, not anything in the Homo genus.
-Ayla has blonde hair and blue eyes thousands of years before those traits seem to have evolved in humans. That argument works really well for the first book, before any other humans have appeared, but it falls apart the second Jondalar appears and the narration won’t shut up about his blue eyes, and to a lesser extent, his blond hair. Giving humans of that time period blond hair and blue eyes probably seemed a lot more plausible in 1980, when the book was published. Still, though. It got me thinking.
-One of the small bits of information we do get about Ayla’s birth family is that after they died, “She had nowhere to go and she had no one who would come and look for her.” Why do they have so little contact with the outside world that the narrator knows nobody will look for them? They live in a lean-to, so there’s not very many of them, so where did they come from, and why don’t they have ties to their parent group anymore? Also, I’m sure I remember reading a line where one of the Neanderthals talks about how humans don’t normally come this far south, although I can’t find it at the moment. Even if I made that up, the closest humans do appear to live several months travel to the north, based on the second and third books. Ayla’s family lived in the middle of nowhere, with no other people to turn to, for no explained reasons.
-Ayla doesn’t have anything to eat after her birth family’s deaths. She tries eating a leaf, but it’s bitter, so she spits it out and doesn’t try anything else in the days she’s wandering alone. I don’t expect a five-year-old to be an expert at foraging or anything, but it’s weird that she doesn’t recognise anything at all as being potentially edible. Did her family never take her on gathering trips, or prepare food where she could see, or give her anything recognisable as something that grew out of the ground? They didn’t have to be actively teaching her or anything, especially since it turns out she’s super smart at foraging when she does start paying attention. It’s almost like she’s never had any reason before to associate the edible plants in the area with food.
-One of the most memorable thing about the later books, other than all the sex, is the way Ayla invents a ridiculous amount of new technology. She invents surgical stitches, the sewing needle (in different books), animal taming, horseback riding, the travois, the spear thrower (with Jondalar), the fire striker, and the idea that sex makes babies. She also has a great memory, allowing her to learn foreign languages and customs very quickly. This is explained as being something she had to develop to keep up with the Neanderthals and their genetic memories, but I have a different theory. Towards the end of the Clan of the Cave Bear, Ayla participates in a genetic memory ceremony led by her adoptive father, Creb, who is so good at having genetic memories that he can psychically guide other people through theirs. She obviously has them as well, or it wouldn’t have worked, but she can’t consciously access them like the Neanderthals can. So maybe she invented all those things because her ancestors already knew about them, and what Creb did allowed her to remember on her own sometimes? It’s a stretch, but I still find this more believable than Ayla inventing everything and learning languages in a week because she’s just that amazing.
-When Ayla is five, Creb shows her how to count, something the Neanderthals see as a special magic that only super genius shamans like Creb could grasp. Ayla not only understands immediately, she also does some simple arithmetic. That’s a lot of abstract concepts to understand at once without training, especially for a five-year-old. Modern kids spend so much time learning basic mathematical concepts for a reason. And in the sequel, it’s mentioned that Jondalar’s culture also consider counting to be magic, and usually leave it to their shaman, although Jondalar is also capable of doing some arithmetic with difficulty. Jondalar is twenty-one at this point and used to be in a relationship with the shamaniest shaman in all of Ice Age France, so that makes a little more sense. Who is teaching five-year-olds about arithmetic in Ice Age Ukraine?
-Ayla likes it when her half-Neanderthal son calls her “mama”, because it reminds her of something that makes her want to cry. This implies that she called her own mother “mama”, like in a lot of Indo-European languages, including English. It’s not totally unbelievable, because it’s pretty common for languages to have words for parents that babies can easily say, but it’s still very strange that it was that combination of sounds in particular.  And it doesn’t feel like in the second book when Ayla is learning Zelandonii and it’s rendered as English. It’s just a sound Ayla and Durc make that the Neanderthals don’t, that seems to be the same way she referred to her mother.
-I mentioned the genetic memory ceremony with Creb earlier, but I didn’t go into detail: Basically Ayla took some drugs, (She’d made too much and didn’t know how to safely dispose of it without upsetting the spirits or something), and wandered into the shamanistic ceremony it was meant for. Creb notices her, and uses his psychic powers to give her a mental tour of human evolution. Right at the end, after Creb has had to stop guiding her because they don’t share their more recent genetic memories, she briefly sees the present day. It’s described as accidentally overshooting, but that’s not really consistent with the rest of the book. How can Ayla remember things that haven’t happened yet? There must be a physical basis for the genetic memories, because their accumulation is given as a reason for why the Neanderthals had bigger heads than humans. So it can’t be an entirely spiritual thing. If Ayla saw planes and skyscrapers as part of her genetic memory drug trip, it’s because her ancestors saw it. This could also tie into why Creb was so depressed after this, and what made him so sure the Neanderthals had no future: He’d seen enough of Ayla’s future memories to understand that they basically didn’t, except in the form of hybrids like Ayla’s son.
So here’s what I think happened, based on not very much: A married couple went back in time to study the Neanderthals, which explains why they were in Neanderthal territory, and either had a daughter or took their daughter with them. The earthquake that killed them was not a normal earthquake. Normal earthquakes don’t open up fissures large enough to be described as an abyss, they don’t close again afterwards, and I don’t see any reason for them to smell like rot, or to burp after swallowing people. That was a supernatural event brought on by things existing in a time they weren’t supposed to be in. Probably doesn’t bode well for Ayla, or for Durc or Jonayla.
All this kind of ruins the “Ayla as the future of humanity” theme the Clan of the Cave Bear has running through it, but it’s fun to think about.
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anchesetuttinoino · 5 months ago
Da oggi tutte le aziende dell'edilizia che hanno intenzione di lavorare, anche quelle individuali, dovranno ottenere una patente, la patente edilizia. Si tratta di un sistema a punti, analogo a quello della patente di guida, messo in campo dal Governo Meloni per agevolare il rispetto delle norme anti-infortunistiche nei cantieri.
"Bene - dirà qualcuno - la sicurezza sul lavoro è fondamentale!"
Giusto, è fondamentale, siamo d'accordo. Peccato che questa trovata non abbia nulla a che fare con la sicurezza di chi lavora: le condizioni materiali nei cantieri non vengono neppure lontanamente sfiorate. Ciò che cambia davvero sono le forche caudine della burocrazia a cui vengono sottoposte le imprese, specie quelle più piccole per le quali compilare le scartoffie per presentare DURC (Documento Unico di Regolarità Contributiva) e DURF (Documento Unico di Regolarità Fiscale) rappresenta un impegno decisamente gravoso. E non sia mai che si scopra di aver un contenzioso aperto con l'Agenzia delle Entrate: in quel caso niente patente e, quindi, niente lavoro.
Se si volesse davvero tutelare chi sta nei cantieri ci sarebbero decine di provvedimenti da prendere, a partire dal più ovvio: l'abbassamento dell'età pensionabile per chi fa questi mestieri usuranti. I numeri degli ultrasessantenni che si infortunano o addirittura muoiono sul lavoro in questo settore sono semplicemente vergognosi. E invece no, nell'Italia delle maestrine la sicurezza è la parola d'ordine e tale deve rimanere: una parola. Una parola buona da pronunciare mentre si sferra l'ennesimo colpo a chiunque provi a fare impresa.
Ludovico Vicino
Pro Italia - Segreteria Nazionale
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redrikki · 10 months ago
Mother's Day Master List
Avatar: The Last Airbender & Legend of Korra
Gather Up Every Wayward Lock - The girls do their hair (Katara, Azula, Toph)
Ten-Thousand Words (Which Won't See the Light of Day) - There are things they can't say. There are things they wont say. There are actions which speak louder than words. A series of short stories about the ladies of Legend of Korra. (Katara, Asami, Ikki, Pema, Lin, Senna, Zhu Li, Ginger)
Chips and Blocks - Lin called Toph 'Chif' for years before some well-meaning busybody taught her to say 'Mom' instead. Toph isn't sure what kind of mom she is, but she knows which kind she doesn't want to be. (Toph, Lin)
Sweep, Stir, Slow - When your daughter is the Avatar, motherhood is an exercise in letting go. (Senna/Tonraq, Korra)
Batman Comics
Mother of Pearl - Damian knew nothing about his grandmother aside from the manner of her death. It was time to change that. (Damian Wayne, Martha Wayne)
The Boys
Maybe It's Maybelline - Maybe she's born with it, or maybe it's Compound V. What kind of parent lets someone inject their kid with an experimental superpower serum? (Donna January)
Earth's Children
Only a Motion Away - But the mother and child reunion/Is only a motion away (Durc, Nezzie)
Ms. Marvel (Comics)
After Curfew - Disha Khan lay awake and wondered what she had done that Allah would give her such a daughter. (Disha Khan)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Shadow Over Mystacor - After Shadow Weaver's attack on Mystacor, Adora just wants to relax, but that's hard to do when it's all your fault. (Adora, Glimmer, Bow)
A Song of Ice & Fire
Strange Children In Our Bed - It had been seven long months since Catelyn's husband had been home and in her bed. Theon Greyjoy was the only thing spoiling their reunion. (Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
One Last Leap - Telling his parents he's Spider-Man is a leap of faith Miles can't bring himself to take. (Miles Morales, Rio Morales, Jeff Davis, May Parker)
Star Wars
May the Force Get With You - The night her son is conceived Shmi has the best sex dream of her life. Something with a krayt dragon or a bantha or maybe just a ray of light. Too bad that's not what happens. Turns out, the Force is a lousy lay and a worse father. (Shmi/The Force)
Pain Management - Anger can get a slave killed. Shmi teaches her son some coping strategies. (Shmi, Anakin)
The Force Is In The Details - Continuation of The Force is in the Details. Slavery is as much a state of mind as it is a bomb under her skin. The chance cube lands on red and Shmi struggles with being free. (Shmi, Anakin, Padmé, Qui-Gon)
The Anchor That You Can't Leave Behind - On the queen's yacht headed back to Naboo, Anakin and Padmé miss their mothers but Obi-Wan doesn't get why. (Anakin, Padmé, Obi-Wan)
Domestic Life Was Never Quite My Style - Despite her best efforts, Padmé is pregnant. Now she has a difficult decision to make. (Padme/Anakin)
Second Wind - Ahsoka takes the wrong exit from the world between worlds and ends up with a second chance to save her master. (Ahsoka, Shmi)
Red Fish, Blue Fish - Leia bought an aquarium for her child like her father before her. In a perfect world she could raise Ben to fill his grandfather's legacy. Too bad he had more than one. (Leia Organa, Ben Solo)
The Last Truce We Ever Came To - Darth Vader is dead but he won't leave Leia alone. (Leia Organa, Anakin Skywalker, Ben Solo)
White Collar
Eyes on the Target (The Solid Ground Remix) - Peter asked her to keep an eye on Neal for him while he's stuck in jail. It could be going better. (Diana Berrigan, Neal Caffery, Peter Burke)
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witchykittenkhe · 9 months ago
Starter for @galahadsrpboy
"Et mehc nid daâirucn, covni lurah tău soutseiam, durc."
Kheon softly chanted as he kneeled in the middle of the circle of candles, eyes closed while he leaned his head back, his muscled spread thighs keeping him stable.
"Sălășeiulșet în enim și dă-ți aeretup"
The wind began blowing faster and faster, causing the curtains to whip and his slender frame to be revealed again and again as the simple white dress shirt he wore floated up, revealing his lacy panties.
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nelfs · 3 months ago
I'm so surprised to see someone talking about Earth's Children, nobody believes me when I talk about the clan of the cave bear shit. but yeah you're absolutely right. the first book goes hard, the second is fine, and after that is just fucking hard to read. she should've stayed a horse girl living in a cave by herself
the first book was so good fr!! I am so disappointed in the direction it took once Ayla actually met her own people and started living with them. And yeah the second book was good too bc of the wilderness survival she goes thru and her first contact with the Others. even the mamutoi were more appealing than the zelandoni, I found the latter group really dull
AND we never see what happens to Durc and there’s really no interaction between the humans and the clan ever again which was the most interesting and driving part of the series. but hey at least we get to see Jondalar (stupid name) beat the shit out of someone because HE’S MAKING MY BABYYYY
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rabama · 1 year ago
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samanthamosher · 2 years ago
My current read 📖 🤓
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All her life, Jani has dreamed of Elsewhere. Just barely scraping by with her job at a tannery, she’s resigned to a dreary life in the port town of Durc, caring for her younger sister Zosa. That is, until the Hotel Magnifique comes to town.
The hotel is legendary not only for its whimsical enchantments, but also for its ability to travel—appearing in a different destination every morning. While Jani and Zosa can’t afford the exorbitant costs of a guest’s stay, they can interview to join the staff, and are soon whisked away on the greatest adventure of their lives. But once inside, Jani quickly discovers their contracts are unbreakable and that beneath the marvelous glamour, the hotel is hiding dangerous secrets.
With the vexingly handsome doorman Bel as her only ally, Jani embarks on a mission to unravel the mystery of the magic at the heart of the hotel and free Zosa—and the other staff—from the cruelty of the ruthless maître d’hôtel. To succeed, she’ll have to risk everything she loves, but failure would mean a fate far worse than never returning home.
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fan-of-the-cave-bear · 2 years ago
Thinking that maybe Jean m. Auel wanted really badly for Lumi and The Mother to line up thematically and aesthetically to Jondalar and Ayla a little bit too much. Bc Lumi.... Would not do That* to his mate...
(*That is being a jealous hypocrite btw)
The better parallel is Durc and Wolf tbh....
Bc did anyone else notice that the guy Wolf is Durk totem? And that Ayla kind of(?) got her son back, if only in a superficial way.
Edit: spelling whoops
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mournful-muse · 4 days ago
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Die feurige Lichtkugel stand hoch oben am Himmelszelt, als die Professorin für Herbologie bereits in dem Gewächshaus stand und sich ein letztes Mal um die Vegetation kümmerte, die sie über die Jahre mit ordentlich Fleiß, Mühe und auch etwas Magie in voller Pracht erstrahlen ließ. Abessinische Schrumpelfeige, Flitterblume, Malvenkraut, Flussgras, Diptam und viele weitere magische Pflanzen schmückten ihr Reich und dienten zur Bereicherung und Aneignung von Wissen der Schüler. Über die Jahre hatte sich auch Juliette wissbegierig ein breitgefächertes Wissen angeeignet. Wohlbedacht vermochte sie weiter über sich hinaus zu wachsen. Zaghaft streichelten ihre filigranen Fingerspitzen über einige Blätter, die sich vom morgendlichen Gießen noch klamm anfühlten. Ihr Blick haftete schon beinahe wehmütig auf ihre Schätze.
"Dies wird unser letzter Moment sein, meine Freunde. Wann ich wiederkomme, steht noch in den Sternen, aber ihr werdet anständig umsorgt werden. Dafür habe ich gesorgt."
Ein beklemmendes Gefühl breitete sich in ihrem Körper aus, als sie die weiten Flügeltüren des Gewächshauses hinter sich schloss. Es mag für den ein oder anderen sonderbar vorkommen, aber es schmerzte tatsächlich etwas, ihre Pflanzen dem Abschied zu übergeben. Auch wenn sie wusste, dass es nicht für immer war. Das Gefühl blieb bestehen und schien auch nach keiner Verbesserung zu streben, als die Schulleiterin höchstpersönlich in der Eingangshalle Juliette zur Verabschiedung in Empfang nahm.
"Danke Professor, dass Sie mir die Möglichkeit geben, mich weiter zu entwickeln. Ich bin mir sicher, dass mich diese Reise weiterbringen wird und ich mit neuem Wissen strahlen werde, wenn ich wieder zurückkomme."
"Sie waren schon immer voller Tatendrang. Geben Sie gut auf sich Acht und auf Wiedersehen, Professor Sawyer."
Nach der Verabschiedung fühlte sie die Aufregung in der Luft, aber auch gleichzeitig die aufkommende Neugierde, die in ihr wuchs. In diesem Moment der Freiheit beschloss Juliette, dem Ruf der Natur zu folgen und sich somit auf den Weg in die unscheinbar weite Welt zu machen.
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Zahlreiche Tage sind auf ihrer Reise bereits vergangen. Immerzu hatte sie neue Städte und Dörfer ausfindig machen können und verbrachte dort ihre Nächte, jedoch das Gefühl dort angekommen und willkommen zu sein, blieb ihr stets verwehrt, weshalb ihre Reise weiterging. Bis zu jenem Tag, wo sie bei klarem Sonnenschein, dessen Strahlen ihre rosigen Wangen kitzelten, eine augenscheinlich abgeschiedene Ortschaft fand, die idyllischer nicht hätte sein können.
Mit einer eleganten Anmut betrat die Brünette die ihr unbekannte Stadt "Old Hollow". Ihre Schritte waren leise und kaum wahrnehmbar, als wäre sie ein Schatten, der sich unhörbar über das Kopfsteinpflaster bewegte. Ihre langen, braunen Haare umrahmten ihr zartes Antlitz, während ihre Augen in einem tiefen haselnussbraun mit Faszination schimmerten. Ein Lächeln, ganz ihrer Natur getreu so liebevoll und charmant, spielte um ihre geschwungenen Lippen, als sie die Bewohner beobachtete. Die Professorin schien sich in der Menge förmlich aufzulösen und doch war ihre Präsenz spürbar. So bemerkte sie, dass einige ihr neugierige und verstohlene Blicke zu warfen und zueinander tuschelten. Das tat jedoch kein Abstrich von Juliettes gutem Eindruck. Ziellos und vollkommen gepackt von dem Charme der Stadt wanderte sie durch die Straßen und erhaschte beim Vorbeigehen verschiedener Schaufenster das ein oder andere Geschäft, dem sie sicherlich einen Besuch abstatten würde. In der Ferne türmte sich die Fassade eines Gebäudes in die Höhe. Schritt für Schritt überbrückte sie die Meter der Entfernung und das Schild jenes Etablissement wurde lesbarer. In geschwungener Schrift stand "Hollowtree Taverne & Inn" drauf.
"Das kommt doch wie gerufen", nuschelte die Brünette zu sich selbst und stieß ein erleichtertes Seufzen aus. Die Tür zur Taverne öffnete sich geräuschlos und nachdem sie über die Türschwelle schritt, wanderten ihre haselnussbraunen Augen durch die Räumlichkeit. Die Decken erstrahlten in ihrem Glanz und die funkelnden Lichtquellen tauchten den Raum in ein angenehmes Licht. Die Wände waren mit schlichter Dekoration geschmückt und das allgemeine Bild gab einen gemütlichen und stimmigen Eindruck ab. Hier fühlte man sich wohl. Zumindest konnte sie das aus den zahlreichen Gesichtern der Menschen ablesen, die die Angebote der Taverne in vollen Zügen genossen.
Wurzeln schlagen oder gar einen seltsamen Eindruck erwecken, wollte die Professorin keinesfalls, weshalb sie sogleich Fuß fasste und den Tresen anpeilte, hinter dem ein junger Mann stand. Er unterhielt sich derweil mit einem älteren Herren, wo Juliette definitv nicht dazwischen funken wollte. Stattdessen stellte sie ihren schweren Koffer ab, erhaschte erneut einen Eindruck von dem Interior der Taverne und ließ ein stets liebevolles Lächeln ihre Lippen pflastern.
"Guten Tag, wie kann ich Ihnen behilflich sein?" riss eine tiefe Stimme Juliette aus ihren Gedankengang. Ihre Seelenspiegel folgten der Quelle des Klanges und blickten direkt in das Augenpaar des Inhabers. Sein Gemüt wirkte vertraut und einladend. Sein Lächeln trug einen gewissen Charme.
"Guten Tag, der Herr. Ich würde gerne ein Zimmer reservieren wollen. Wäre noch eins frei?"
Auf ihr fülliges Lippenpaar spielte sich ein liebliches Lächeln ab und während sie ihm bei all seinen Bewegungen mit ihren braunen Augen verfolgte, schien ihr ganzes Auftreten so zart und anmutig, wie eine Rose zu sein.
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theserpentsadvocate · 4 months ago
rules: make a 24 hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received!
Tagged by @feeisamarshmallow. <3
Asterisks are working titles. W is Weevil, not Wallace, which is not to say I don't love Wallace.
Trying to keep it to chaptered fics that I have at least a chapter's worth of material for already or it would be 30+ options long.
rules: make a 24 hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received!
**'Universes Veronica didn't grow up in':
1-800-WHERE-R-YOU - Meg Cabot series where the protagonist is struck by lightning and develops the ability to find missing children
BtVS - Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Veronica is not the Slayer in this universe.
(other likelies include Animorphs, Circle of Magic, Percy Jackson, Jumanji (the recent one), and probably Twilight even though I hate it.)
***oneshot version here
Tagging anyone who wants to do it but throwing it out specifically (no pressure) to @copperarsenite, @allonsymiddleearth, and @iceberg-hootenanny.
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ungeheuerliches · 9 days ago
Solidarität mit der RAF? Berlin dreht am Tag vor der Wahl endgültig durc...
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umzugskostenvoranschlag · 19 days ago
📦#ButlerUmzüge🥇sichere Umzug in Berlin Wilmersdorf, Kostenübernahme durc...
🚛#ButlerUmzüge GmbH 💶günstig Umzug nach Berlin mit ...www.youtube.com › watch0:16Butler Umzüge GmbH bietet günstige #Umzüge mit möglicher Kostenübernahme durch die #Pflegekasse an. Pflegebedürftige Personen können einen ...YouTube · Kosten für Umzug · 13 Oct 2024 🚛 #ButlerUmzüge Umzug sicher 💶günstig 👉Kosten dafür sind ...www.youtube.com › watch0:22günstige Firma für Umzug in Berlin http://www.Butler-Umzuege.de Damit das Jobcenter Berlin die Kosten für einen Umzug übernimmt, ...YouTube · Butler Umzüge GmbH · 30 May 2024 🚛 #ButlerUmzügeGmbH 💶günstige Umzug nach🏰Berlin ...www.youtube.com › watch0:37#ButlerUmzügeGmbH günstige Umzug nach Berlin-Charlottenburg mit Kostenübernahme Jobcenter · Comments.YouTube · Butler Umzüge GmbH · 10 Sept 2024 🚛 #ButlerUmzügeGmbH💶günstige Umzug nach Berlin ...www.youtube.com › watch1:14Sie müssen vor dem Umzug eine #Zusicherung zur Übernahme der #Unterkunftskosten vom Jobcenter einholen. · Die Notwendigkeit des Umzugs muss ...YouTube · Butler Umzüge GmbH · 19 Sept 2024 🚛#ButlerUmzügeGmbH 💶günstig nach Berlin mit ...www.youtube.com › shorts0:10... Umzug: #Transportkosten Die Kosten für ... #ButlerUmzügeGmbH günstig nach Berlin mit Umzugskosten Erstattung oder direkte Kostenübernahme.YouTube · Butler Umzüge GmbH · 1 Nov 2024 #ButlerUmzüge🥇sichere Umzug ins Pflegeheim im Berlin ...www.youtube.com › watch1:03Um einen Antrag auf Übernahme der Umzugskosten durch die Krankenkasse zu formulieren und zu verstehen, wie die Kosten übernommen werden, ...YouTube · Butler Umzüge GmbH · 21 May 2024 🚛 #ButlerUmzüge 💶günstig & sicher👉zuverlässig Umzug ...www.youtube.com › watch0:06Umzug von Leipzig nach Berlin-Mariendorf mit ... #ButlerUmzüge günstig & sicher zuverlässig Umzug nach Berlin Mariendorf mit Kostenübernahme v.YouTube · Butler Umzüge GmbH · 18 Jun 2024 #ButlerUmzügeGmbH🚛Umzug in Berlin💶günstig👍mit ...www.youtube.com › shorts › UT-dJmOFhkQ0:54ÜbernahmevonUmzugskosten Übernahme von Umzugskosten UmzugsKostenübernahme refers to the cost assumption of a move in German.YouTube · Butler Umzüge GmbH · 1 month ago 🚛#ButlerUmzügeGmbH 💶günstig in Berlin mit Übernahme der ...www.youtube.com › shorts1:00Die Übernahme der #Umzugskosten durch das Jobcenter ist möglich, erfordert jedoch eine sorgfältige Vorbereitung und Antragstellung.YouTube · Butler Umzüge GmbH · 22 Oct 2024 🚛 #ButlerUmzüge GmbH💶günstig mit Kostenübernahme für ...www.youtube.com › watch0:30#ButlerUmzüge GmbH günstig mit Kostenübernahme für stressfreier Umzug in Berlin mit Pflegegrad. 7 views · 4 hours ago BERLIN ...more ...YouTube · Butler Umzüge GmbH · 4 days ago #ButlerUmzügeGmbH 🚛 Umzug in Berlin💶günstig👍mit ...www.youtube.com › watch0:29Ein Umzug in Berlin muss nicht stressig sein. Mit Butler Umzüge GmbH haben Sie einen zuverlässigen Partner an Ihrer Seite, der Ihnen hilft, ...YouTube · Butler Umzüge GmbH · 16 Nov 2024 🚛 #ButlerUmzüge sicher Umziehen💶günstig in Berlin Umzug ...www.youtube.com › watch0:28Wenn es darum geht, einen Umzug in Berlin von der Pflegekasse übernommen zu bekommen, sind bestimmte Voraussetzungen zu erfüllen.YouTube · Butler Umzüge GmbH · 1 Jun 2024
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axelknaus · 22 days ago
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