#Dunno where this one came from lmao
radiance1 · 10 months
Making another for the Interdimensional Mini Occult Detective au.
Tucker is very, very, very stunned by this new dimension. After he managed to settle himself down enough for him to actually start looking into this place, he realized that it is vastly different from that of his own.
There was heroes and villains, people called 'metas' that had powers that others don't, magic is just plain out in the open instead of hidden on the downlow and there's genuine aliens that both reside on and have tried to take over this planet.
This is, well out of his normal experiences, he would admit. Even with knowing Danny and being involved with ghost hunting when he was younger.
He questioned how that government branch managed to do what they did, and if they were a genuine government branch at all and didn't just, you know, mess with his own governments heads to make them one.
Safe to say, there is a lot he doesn't know about, and not knowing is something he doesn't like. Because facing an entire magical branch on his lonesome, knowledge and technology was the only way he could even the playing field somewhat between them.
But now, not only was his knowledge put into question, but his only other weapon has been reduced to-which certainly useful- a single arm bracer. Which is painfully lacking when compared to his usual arsenal that he equipped himself with.
Okay, this, this is fine.
Everything was fine.
He just had to gather information like he did before, but he doesn't have access to his various spybots, but it's fine he could just remake them.
But he doesn't have the materials to do so.
He regrets a lot of things.
Facing the magical branch alone wasn't one of them, but various mistakes surrounding them did he regret. People he failed to save, experiments he was too late to stop, magical artifacts he failed to get before them, failing to know regarding them and putting others in danger because of not knowing.
His biggest regret, as of right now, is that he couldn't have even left behind a note for his best friends. Or at least a video recording, he didn't even get to say goodbye.
Would he even get to see them again...?
Alright, that's enough of that. He's the Tucker Foley, one of the best detectives regarding the occult and the regular enemy to and a threat to the magical branch. He doesn't have time to just sit around and think depressing thoughts.
Who cares if he's been stranded in another dimension? He can just force his way back to his own! Who cares if he's a child? He's done a lot of things as a kid, and he sure as hell wasn't stopping now just because he's goddamn 10-years-old.
He made himself their enemy, and he'll keep being their enemy until he sees them extinguished.
Now that that's out of the way.
He hacked into a nearby source for wifi, and took to the wide web. First order of business, information gathering.
He needs to know and by the Ancient's sake he will.
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waiting-on-a-dream · 2 years
about the ask i wanted to send before you posted mayumi, i noticed that you don't really mention the relationship dynamics between your prisoner ocs that often meanwhile i have this whole like relationship chart somewhere and wow there's so much drama going on, so i was wondering, what kind of relationship they all have? are there any prisoners who are friends? are there any prisoners who hate each other? do they get along well in general or they don't like each other that much?
(also, does mayumi like haku the most because he's, like, the most well-behaved prisoner here? i wonder what she thinks about prisoners like ichiro or akane then jsdksklsl)
Ichiro ♡
He isn't close to any of my prisoners and hardly acknowledges them actually. He doesn't have any friends, and he doesn't have any enemies (though he secretly finds Rin's whiny personality annoying). For him, the rest of the prisoners are just...there.
Though he would classify Noa as his "favourite" prisoner per say, since she's the only one he can tolerate that will indulge his childish questions. Daisuke and Kiyoshi are more than willing to entertain him too, but he doesn't like them much.
Akane ♡
Ichiro is weird and creeps her out when he spaces out with his gaze trained on her corner of the room. Hey, she knows she isn't exactly the best kid around either, but Ichiro is a different breed on his own. Even so, she can't help but feel a protective urge wash over her whenever he makes his strange pouting face where his lips pucker slightly and his eyes widen. He looks like a lost, clueless puppy. Damn it! It's not like he's her younger brother or anything. Stupid feelings.
Other than Ichiro whom she denies having a soft spot for, she's fine with Suzume, Haku, and Noa as well because they mind their own business. If any of them tried to talk to her, she'd prefer it to be Haku because he's straightforward and concise.
All the other prisoners annoy her in their own unique, infuriating ways. Kiyoshi and Mayumi are nice towards her, but their polite and friendly personalities rub her the wrong way. She thinks they're faking being nice for a reason. Are they?
Daisuke ♡
He's friendly with everyone! But he isn't actually close with anyone...
He tries to be nice to Ichiro and Akane, striking up conversations and humoring them and such. But Ichiro ignores him and Akane ends up getting pissed more often than not. Is he doing something wrong? Maybe he's old enough to be out of touch with teenagers already? Haku and Rin aren't any better. They both mostly ignore him too. TwT
Suzume, Yui, and Noa aren't very comfortable with him either, despite his efforts to get along with them. Hey! He's just flirting playfully. He doesn't actually mean anything by it.
As for Kiyoshi... Well, Daisule avoids him because cops make him nervous. Isn't that how it is for everyone? And for Mayumi? She unnerves him, so he avoids her too.
Suzume ♡
She wouldn't say she's close to anyone? (Despite that, the women of Milgram seem to like her very much.)
Yui approaches her often and offers to do her skincare. She thinks Yui might just want someone to doll up, so she agrees because why not? And Noa likes to stick to her side, so they end up standing next to each other in silence most of the time. She doesn't understand why Noa does that, but she's not about to ask. Mayumi is really friendly with her too, and she doesn't quite know what to do about that.
Haku ♡
He's not close with anyone. He's just popular with the adults because he's a responsible child. Almost like a role model for the other teenage prisoners, though it's obvious they aren't interested in learning from him. He goes through the motions in Milgram lifelessly. No one here interests him much. He misses his brother.
Yui ♡
She likes to say that she's friends with everyone in Milgram! (Haruto will clarify that she's WRONG in a heartbeat.)
Suzume is the prisoner she's closest to. She likes to do her skincare for her! Suzume has such a pretty face, like a doll. She's doing her a favor by making sure her skin stays soft and supple. <3
She likes to approach Noa and Mayumi too. Girls should always support girls after all! (But they don't seem to like her very much...)
She has a special annoyance reserved for Daisuke and Rin. They have the ability to ruin her mood with their general existence just like that. That's certainly an impressive feat on it's own.
Rin ♡
He's not close with anyone, nor is he very interested in getting along. He acts like his usual self as always, nitpicky and demanding and hypocritical. The only one that can reign him in is Noa, because she's so nice and sweet to him and reminds him of a certain someone. Unfortunately, she doesn't like to spend much time with him.
Noa ♡
She's really shy and awkward, so it's hard for her to be close to anyone in Milgram. Suzume is quiet and doesn't seem judgmental though, so she feels comfortable enough to hang around her most of the time. Mayumi isn't so bad too!
Daisuke likes to flirt with her, along with every other woman in Milgram. But he unnerves her, so she avoids him.
As the somehow appointed big sister of Milgram, she finds the kids approaching her often (except for Haku). Ichiro likes to ask her questions about whatever has caught his fleeting interest this time, and Rin has been tailing her around like a lost puppy ever since she returned something that he'd lost. She doesn't know how to deal with them at all! But she's pretty sure pushing them away isn't going to do her any good, so she just goes along with their whims for now.
Kiyoshi ♡
He's friendly with everyone in Milgram! Not everyone seems to be as friendly to him though. Such as Ichiro, who likes to ignore him. And Akane, who thinks he's being suspiciously nice. Not to mention Daisuke, who has a tendency to cut their conversations short.
He's on good terms with just about everyone else (though he secretly finds Yui and Rin a little annoying). He enjoys his occasional friendly conversations with Suzume and Noa. Mayumi is the only prisoner he could truly call his friend though.
Mayumi ♡
Yep, yep! Mayumi likes Haku because he's the most quiet and well-behaved prisoner in Milgram. She's on good terms with with Suzume and Noa too. But they can't compete with Haku who sits quietly in a corner and does his chores without being asked to. XD
As for what she thinks of Ichiro and Akane... She's nice and polite with everyone, but judging by the thin smile she wears whenever she's around them, she's not very comfortable. Ichiro is...weird, to say the least. And Akane is always so jumpy and aggressive. They remind her of the children at the ward that would always act up (she always wondered what was going on in their lives to make them so distressed). She's not equipped to deal with them at all.
As for Daisuke, Yui, and Rin, she prefers not to approach them. If they come to her, she won't be so rude as to chase them away! But she isn't exactly excited to keep talking to them.
Ooh, I can totally imagine her being friends with Kiyoshi though! They both stick to their ideals and have (unfortunately stressful) jobs that center around helping people. I think they'd get along well! :D
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missiodine · 2 years
tfw you wanna try to play ttrpgs again, but ever since playing a few years ago during a certain two campaigns, you were bullied by people who you thought were your friends because you didn't know how to play and they made up reasons why they should dislike you irl. especially while you tried to be nice to them and give them space and tried to make steps towards interacting with them in rp too.
like no, it wasn't like "oh, it's just character interaction, these characters just don't like each other!" no it was "no joke, I absolutely hate your guts, Miss Iodine, fuck you and I'll be an arse to you in-game and irl. i will ignore everything you and your character say, i will attack your character because why not and say it's just what my character would do, and then start harassing my DMs"
love it when i tried for months to reach out for a proper sit down only to be given a sorry-not-sorry half-assed push the blame onto the victim apology
like yes this lives rent free in my head. you won, if that's what you wanted.
#autumn says stuff#vent#im still so fuckin salty even though its been so long#i just don't understand how people can treat others so terribly and not even think twice about it#never a moment of ‟maybe I did wrong?‟#nah. just tell Miss Iodine ‟You're a problem‟#yes that exact statement was said to me#maybe ‟bully‟ is a cliche word but i dunno what else to call it#like mate i've been nearly stabbed before during what i can only assume was an attempted hate crime. technically i did get hurt ig because#grabbed the knife by the blade as it was being thrusted towards me. i still have the said knife btw. wanna get free knife? just grab it#from your attacker. and then they'll run off because they're a little shit. actually don't do that. don't recommend that. okay so the point#is that yk ive been hurt physically many times but goddamn this situation still hurts emotionally#it was funny when said someone in this group told me i was 'appropriating neurodivergent culture.' mate. mate. wot. im how?#take it from me. im not neurotypical lmao. i thought that was obvious but no. no idea where this even stemmed from tbh because it really#came out of nowhere. also being called a fascist for years by these people for liking worldbuilding and star trek was cool. didn't realize#that fuckin reading old soviet books and playing papers please and minecraft makes me a fascist somehow. but you learned it here.#im still so fucking pissed about that accusation. love that their additional reasoning that im somehow a fascist was that#‟you're getting mad and keep insisting you're not a fascist‟ is proof that you're a fascist. what else am i supposed to do? you haven't#even given an ounce of some so-called mountain of evidence.#its cool that no one cared about what these people did to me. better to retain a friendship with them and never bring up what they did.#better to just alienate miss iodine from the friend group. better to never bring it up. better to forget any of this happened. better to#forget that miss iodine exists.#sometimes i wish i could know what its like to not give a flying fuck about other people. I wonder what it's like to be such a shitty perso#fucking hell.#thought i found home when i first met that group. instead it just reminds me of the home i grew up in.#My biological family (save two cool cousins) is probably a collection of some of the worst people in existence.
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lovegasmic · 7 months
Making satoru squirt and him making fem reader squirt. I'm dying for some switch content
mdni. mutual overstimulation, whiney Satoru my beloved. ( i had to pause writing at least 5 times to scream in my pillow ) please read the first two tags lmao
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“b-baby, p-plea-se, I can’t, not anymore, a-ah!” Satoru sobs quite loudly to be honest, his eyes are glossy and filled with tears, the rim of them slightly reddened and matching the color of his bitten lips from endless hours of overstimulation. you’ve probably sucked the strength out of him through his dick, since his hands weakly push against your forehead in a failed attempt to keep you away from his throbbing length, “j-just pull it out, ah-a!”
“how many so far?” you giggle, pulling his cock out between your lips with a loud pop and getting in return a grateful sigh out of your boyfriend, one that doesn’t last long as your palm comes to rub circular motions on his tip, smearing the remaining cum all over the swollen flesh.
“d-dunno... ngh! haa, it’s too much!” he chokes on his own sobs, arching against the couch backrest so his heaving chest glistens with sweat under the living room lightbulb, his thighs squeeze your sides tightly, kicking and fighting the intense mixture of pain and pleasure running through his flustered pale body from the tip of his cock. you’ve never seen your boyfriend so worked up and overstimulated, all whiney —more than usual if you had to admit— but he looked absolutely cute begging for mercy.
“just one more, c’mon, and i’ll let you go” you smirk pressing your lips to the underside of his messy cock, feeling the veins throb under your tongue and palm warm up from where it continues to rub on his tip.
“n-no! stop please, feels weird!” Satoru begs, his body curving so he hovers over your body, so close to your face you’re able to watch his eyes open wide in shock, panting loudly and holding onto your hair for support barely seconds away from half screaming and shooting a translucent and diluted cum-like liquid in hard jets that landed on your face and the floor.
“wha—” you mutter back, staring in surprise at how your boyfriend’s body flops back against the couch, breathing heavily as if he just ran a marathon, “Satoru... did you just squirt? ” it comes out as a giggle, still dumbfounded from what just happened.
he doesn’t reply, and you’re a bit worried that he might have fainted, deciding to sit on his lap and observe his unfocused eyes staring up at the ceiling.
“Toru?” you softly slap his cheek, biting back a grin “are you dead?”
your boyfriend is a box of surprises, that’s for sure, but something that never failed to amaze you, even though you’re well aware of, is his incredible strength and stamina, yes, he might look all brain fried right now, but you should have expected for him to flip you over in the blink of an eye, pushing you underneath his body and spread on the couch with one leg over the backrest and the other bent so far it almost touched your ear.
“i told you to stop” Satoru growls, hands hooking under your thighs, positively bending you in half with his fattening cock dangerously close to your dripping cunt.
you laugh breathlessly, pushing the damp hair out of his eyes and slicking it back to watch how his bright blue eyes are now slightly darkened and almost disappearing around his blown out pupils, “please..., that was so fucking hot”
“we’ll see if you say the same after I make you squirt and beg” his voice is erratic, deeper and a bit dangerous, barely giving you time to process his words before he’s plunging deep into your pussy with a broken moan, he might act all dominant now, but the way his thighs shook and cock twitch told another story.
“don’t exaggerate! it wasn’t t-that ba-ah!” you get to mutter, cut by Satoru’s hard and precise thrusts inside your sopping wet cunt, moving in frenzy while choked out sobs came out of his mouth, drunk in the feeling of your tight hole squeezing him.
“so good, oh my fucking god!” your boyfriend moans, caging your body underneath his by pressing almost his whole weight on top of you, allowing only his hips to fuck into you with a loud wet sound from where his balls slam against your slick coated ass, barely rising before he’s back deep inside your walls, continuously slamming directly against your g-spot.
“S-satoru, i’m sorry alright, b-but please! slow down!” you cry out, begs falling on deaf ears as the man thrusts never falter, continuously driving you insane, and himself into the border of crying from fucking his overstimulated sensitive cock inside your pretty pussy.
“ah, ah! i’m gonna cum again” he sobs, ignoring your screams and nails digging on his back, and instead wrapping his arms around your thighs, bending you in half as he mounted you with whines and whimpers coming out of his lips, “uh, feels amazing, i’m going insane” is the last thing Satoru says before digging his teeth in your neck and cumming drily inside your pussy, the position causing his cock to bump and twitch directly against your g-spot and forcing your own orgasm out.
a loud beep rang in your ears at the same time your eyes clouded, unaware of the force of your own squirt gushing out and dropping from Satoru’s toned chest and flushed cock, you couldn’t hear a sound, but were certain you screamed quite loudly, only a couple of minutes after, once he knew you were a bit more lucid Satoru dared exhale a soft “payback” directly against your ear.
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interstellarrisa · 1 month
I manifested money two times today
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a/n: hi everyone, ik i've been gone for 2 weeks but i'm back and with a success story and two mini ones lol. not the reason as to why i was gone but whatever :P btw this post is not proofread cuz im rlly tired
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I needed new clothes since school is starting soon for me but we didn't really have enough money to go "back to school" shopping and so going shopping would've been kind of difficult but instead of getting sad and just accepting that story i decided to use my knowledge of the law of assumption.
It was late at night and I was tired and as I was falling asleep I thought "Why not use this moment to manifest some money?" When we fall asleep our brain is in a very open-minded state (dunno if that's the right thing to call it). It doesn't try to fight back or question suggestions it just kind of accepts them, and so I decided to manifest money. To be exact 200$ when converted.
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Imagine it and accept it
As I laid there on my bed I kept on imagining how I had 200$. I would imagine my mom coming into my room and saying that she got 200$ or affirm that I had it. I even dared to get a bit bolder and start affirming that I would get more.
When any doubts would arise especially logical ones I would just go "Is logic really necessary?" and start questioning the logic. Like wdym "Where would you get that money from" or "It's impossible, there's no reason as to why I would just get money without any reason" I questioned the logic instead of making the logic question me.
Anyways, I just accepted that I had it and fell asleep. I did have a strange dream tho but nonetheless I fell asleep knowing I had it and that it was inevitable that I was going to wake up to the news of it.
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Whenever I wake up I am in a kind of daze for like 10 minutes where I'm awake but my eyes are closed and my mind is really foggy, almost like I'm between the border of the waking world and the dream world (just say hypnogogia girl). I've always thought that this state would be good for manifesting but I've never done it.
When I woke up and was in this daze like state I decided to take advantage of it and do the same thing I did before I fell asleep, after that I just continued on with my day occasionally thinking about I should buy. I wasn't even worrying about the money I just knew that I had it.
That morning my mom had gone out to buy some groceries and when she came home she just told me that she had gotten 250$ and what was my reaction to that you may wonder, it was just a simple "cool". I didn't even realize that it had manifested because I already knew it would happen but like on a subconscious level, so I was just thinking that it was nice and not like "WOWOWOOWOWOW WATAHECK I JUST MANIFESTED 200$"
It was not until 3 hours had passed and I was in the bathroom washing my hands that I realized that it was ME who was the reason for the money, and even then I just gasped really quickly and calmed down. Maybe I'm just that type of person who calms down fast? Anyways, the title did say that I manifested money two times right?
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Decide + Imagine it and accept it + Persist
As I was walking out the mall I was decided to change my mindset from that of a person who just spent a lot of money and is sad about it to a person who doesn't care because they know money goes round and round and they'll eventually get it back.
Essentially: poor person mindset → rich person mindset.
When I got home I talked to my dad and he was like "Blah blah blah... focus on your studies...blah blah blah...take care of yourself...blah blah blah I'm giving you 150$...blah blah blah...again focus on school..."
Again I only realized I just manifested it when I opened tumblr LMAO, and I guess my advice is stick with a mindset and know it'll happen, you don't need to affirm a thousand times or constantly think about not that doing those things don't work and will ruin your manifestation but relaxing is also nice I guess.
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a/n: what a yapfest lol anyways the other two mini success were manifesting a toothbrush and changing the weather to fog, bye for now !!
divider by @/anitalenia
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six-eyed-samurai · 2 months
Firstly congratulations on your followers! :) Secondly maybe the prompt R is for Romance from your yandere list with either reader and Rengoku or Dabi(from mha)? You don't have to do it if you don't want too, but I hope your day's good!
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SUMMARY: A drunken game on the rooftop was not how you imagined would be the reason you were suddenly locked into a basement by none other than Dabi himself A/N: TY TY! Sadly my Yandere Alphabet is actually for neutral characters, however I can still pull off the R is for Romance for you! I was having a good day, ty, my best friend came back today lmao WARNINGS: This is yandere, so MDNI and in no way do I condone this sort of relationship. Also alcohol, swearing, maybe OOC Dabi (I did my best I'm sorry) My inbox is still open if you would like to request for the event!
"Good Lord what letter comes after M?"
"O, stupid."
"Shut it Panda Eyes." You threw the bottle cap at your companion. He went cross eyed tracking it but maybe he was just drunk.
You both were, actually. Very much inebriated on top of some rooftop (how did you get up there again? Never mind it was going to give you an even bigger headache to try and remember) of some building in some place you had long forgotten during the alcohol binge you two were on. You wouldn't have pulled this sort of dumb stunt usually but after a successful night (successful...something. Ugh, what sort of damned drink had Dabi bought?) he had convinced you that it was good to celebrate. Just you and him, the after party.
An after party with lots and lots of alcohol. There was still more and you reached for another bottle, tilting it back. Then your eyes narrowed, turning to the turquoise pair staring at you. "Bullshit! You liar, it's N!"
"If you (beep) knew, why ask?" Dabi chucked his bottle cap at you. The caps littered the ground everywhere around you both, actually, as the both of you had agreed that it would be the punishment if the other was unable to continue the game.
The game, right. You had made a dumb joke about a team-building exercise and what a great time it would be to do it now even though the rest of the League wasn't here, then Dabi had followed it up with a sly suggestion of Eye Spy. You elbowed him and complained it was boring. He jabbed his finger into your side and in the end the both of you agreed to play a game of Word Association following the alphabet. Only problem was the both of you were idiots.
"I forgot! You got it wrong as well!"
Dabi rolled his eyes. "Just get the hell on with it."
"Okay! N for uh...nap?"
"Boring. N for...nonsense."
"You're boring. O for...obsession."
Dabi raised an eyebrow, taking another sip. "O for only."
"P for...platypus? Shit, what was that cartoon? The one where that duck thingy - platypus, sorry - wore a hat?"
"What the hell do you even watch?" Dabi snorted. "The first thing you think of is platypus?"
"You literally said M for magnesium just now," you grumbled, finishing your bottle and snatching his.
"After you said L for Bozo. That doesn't even make sense."
"I changed it off to L for love!"
"Once again, ew," Dabi sighed. "P for perfect."
"Q for...queue."
"So original. Q for queen."
"I hate you so much." You threw your head back. "R for-"
A beat of silence. Then you burst out laughing. "What in the actual-?"
"What? Your L got me thinking," Dabi protested, oddly defensive, going as far as to turn away.
“Thinking of someone?” You teased, crawling closer.
“Yeah.” Dabi smirked and you ignored the twang in your heart to widen your grin.
“Hmmm….anyone I know?” You blinked. “Actually, I can’t believe I never asked before. What’s your type? Tall, short, long hair, freckles, innocent, bratty, big ass?”
Dabi arched an eyebrow. “You thinking of somebody?”
“NO!” You flushed and blamed it on alcohol. “I’ll tell you my type if you do.”
“And what is your type, princess?”
You decided to ignore the nickname. “To be honest I don’t really mind as long as he’s…uh, nice? I dunno. Just someone who can show me a good time.”
“Had no idea you were into that.”
“I DIDN’T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!” You whacked his arm. “Like, I want a guy who’s gonna come over on time, pick me up, take me to a place not necessarily dinner. Maybe an arcade date, mall date, anything is fine. Just talk and listen, you know? And drive me back, walk me to the door, say goodnight and shit. ‘Cause dating for me is getting to know someone really well and…yeah, know them inside out.”
“I have no idea whatever the (beep) it was you just said. You’re so eloquent when drunk.”
“Shut up. Like you’re not. I just want a gentleman. Respects boundaries and all that shit but I want someone - oh god this sounds stupid - who’s gonna make the effort with me to be our first and last. Does that make sense now?” You flopped onto your back. “I need another drink.”
“That? That’s it?” Dabi snorted and laughed. “Your ideal romance?”
“At least I can pull!” You realized you both were out of bottles and groaned. “Your turn.”
Dabi paused for a moment, then suddenly his face loomed over you in another smirk. “I’ll sum it up in one word. You. Can I take you on an “arcade date, mall date, anything is fine” tomorrow?”
And somehow you wound up anxiously pacing around the entrance of the local arcade Dabi had said he’d take you to anyway. You had already purchased some tokens, thanked God you hadn’t overdressed in your panic earlier, taken a few sips of water and what else? Right, fret your brains out over whether or not this was just a horrible joke made while inebriated.
“What the (beep).”
Because you’d be lying if you said you didn’t fancy Dabi himself.
Ain’t no way he had basically just confessed like that. Nuh uh. He was probably just as out of it like you were and in the blurred haze made a mistake. A stupid mistake that was twisting your heart and insides hard.
Yet why were you here? Because you’re delusional that’s why. And because the way he had said it last night seemed so sincere.
“Well, well, looks like I failed in being the gentleman, huh?”
“You did,” you quip out of habit, but your tone’s shaky. “No pick up?”
“I have no idea where you live,” Dabi said smoothly. “It’s alright, I’ve got plenty of ways to make up for it soon enough.”
“I dunno. You’re not a gentleman.”
But he was and it was…insane. Absolutely amazing and flattering and oh good god you couldn’t even describe it but it was completely INSANE how much Dabi proved you wrong with this behavior over the next six months of you and him dating. Because he kept proving your wrong, each time, that in fact he COULD BE a gentleman when he wanted to.
He came to go pick you up and followed you home. He always knew exactly what you wanted on the menu after pulling out your chair. He listened.
Dabi made the effort to be your first and last, like you said, unlike the flings before. He said as much on the last date. You were utterly head over heels, besotted, infatuated with him even more so when he admitted he had liked you from the start but wasn’t sure when was a good time to tell you.
So of course he was the first one you called in a panic when you discovered the camera in your bathroom.
You couldn’t believe you never noticed it before - and it terrified more that it could’ve been watching the unsuspecting you for god knew how long. It was only pure chance that you had suddenly spotted a peculiar glint in the mirror when wiping off the fog, partially hidden by your shower curtain. Oh god, oh god, oh god-
“Yeah, princess?” The crack in your voice had been exceedingly audible, as was his concerned tone. “You good?”
“There you go again,” Dabi sighed, but his voice was placating, reassuring. “Slower this time?”
You took a deep breath. “I found a camera. In my bathroom. Some creep’s SPYING ON ME!”
“Get out of there right now and calm down, alright, sweetheart? I’ll be over in a minute.”
“You think the heroes put it there?”!”
“Doll, they’re horrible but they ain’t perverts. What’s so interesting in your bathroom besides you anyway?” Dabi’s joke came out tense and you heard a lot of background noise. “Look, like I said, get out of there. Don’t try to take it down-”
“I’ll be over soon,” Dabi repeated and hung up.
You steadied yourself before examining the camera in your hand, sitting against the ladder that you had used to get up there. It was an ordinary CCTV looking thing and you had used a towel to cover the lens before taking it down. The wires stuck out and pricked at your palms.
Who would be watching you like this?
You needed air - the bathroom was too cramped suddenly. You ran out into your bedroom and threw open the window, dumping the camera on the ground, dry heaving while leaning out. You finally calmed down sufficiently to slide down the wall with a groan, tilting your head back while you anxiously waited for Dabi to show up.
Shit. No, no, no-
There was another camera hidden by the curtains.
Hysterical tears began streaking down your face. How long you had been there in a sobbing panic attack you didn’t know, barely hearing your front door open and the footsteps thundering into your bedroom. You didn’t register anything until you were suddenly wrapped up in Dabi’s arms, head tucked against his chest as he awkwardly stroked your hair.
“Hey, calm down, alright?”
“I’m scared. I’m so damn scared that someone’s been watching me all this time. You know there’s another camera? I found another.” You hiccuped and exhaled. “Okay, okay, I’m calm now.”
“Great. Let’s get you a drink of water and we’ll talk.”
He led you to the kitchen and poured you a glass, the both of you seated at your small dining table while you fought to clear your head. Dabi watched you intently, tapping his foot on the ground.
So you had discovered the cameras, huh? A bad thing, but the fact that you had called him meant you had no idea it was him…just as well, really. Dabi could use this to his advantage - make you more dependent on him.
He internally chuckled. You hadn’t noticed the burn on your wall near the cameras then, when he had accidentally caught a wire aflame setting it up.
But outwardly he twisted his face into one of concern.
“We can’t report this to the police,” he started. “You’re a known member of the League.”
“Then what? I’m not staying here anymore!”
“You could live with me.” He caught your expression and rolled his eyes. “I didn’t mean it like that, but you sure are eager, huh?”
“Back to the point. Your stalker might’ve put up some other cameras, not just your bathroom or your bedroom window. You could live with me while we look for the bastard,” Dabi said, quite convincingly. “I’ll take care of you. Ideal romance, right?”
You snorted a half laugh at that. “You really do surprise me - wait.”
Dabi raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“The camera.” You felt yourself turning cold. Frozen. No way could it…”I didn’t tell you where I found the second camera’s location.”
“I found you crying underneath the window, princess. Sorry if I made the wrong assumption,” Dabi said apologetically. Inside he wondered if you were going to force his hand. His grip on the cup tightened. Stupid mistake.
“No…not only that.” You leapt your feet. “How did you get into my house anyway? I never took you here or gave you the key. You only ever walked me to the front door but I didn't tell you which floor I lived on or which apartment block. I locked the door, I’m sure. And how did you know where my bedroom was?”
“I could hear you weeping your eyeballs out from out there,” Dabi scoffed, getting to his feet as well. “I busted down your door.”
You backed away. “How did you know where I live then? And - and that day, when I nearly got mugged, you just showed up out of nowhere. Do you have a tracker on me?”
He said nothing.
“You put the cameras there, didn’t you?” Your whisper came out hoarse.
Dabi stepped closer and suddenly you realized exactly what a powerful presence he was as he leaned closer, trapping you against the table. “I did it all for us, y’know? For you. I had to know everything to keep you safe, be the perfect guy for you. Wasn’t that your ideal romance? Thanks for the tip, by the way, that night on the rooftop. It helped me realize exactly how to make you love me like I love you.”
“I don’t love a monstrous creep like you!”
His eyes flashed with hurt and heartbreak. “You will. Please.”
Dabi must’ve put something in your drink, you also realized; your knees buckled and you blacked out.
You awoke in a dark, stuffy room. Not like you were expecting anything less.
And he was right in front of you - that you didn’t expect. You would’ve lunged at your former love if you could, but the effects of whatever had knocked you out hadn’t left your body yet, making everything a blurry photograph and your limbs jelly. Something like cold metal bit into your wrists as well. Dabi just stared at you flatly.
“Why?” The word slipped out before you knew it. “If you say you love me, why? Why all this? Just for your sick idea of romance? You’re sick. You’re so sick I don’t know how I never knew it before. You…really are a damn villain.”
“You won’t let me protect you anymore. Keep watch.” Dabi shrugged. “I tried to do it your way, be your gentleman. Then you made me do it my way. You think I want this too? Rather see you happy and oblivious, really, but it’s not like you gave me a choice.”
“You never gave me a choice from the start!”
“I did,” Dabi corrected coldly.
You were grasping at straws and he knew it. “You think everyone’s not gonna notice if I just disappear?”
A warm hand suddenly clasped your cheek. Dabi really did look like a devil, you thought blearily, with all that staples and burns in the dark, with that expression.
“I faked my own death. I can fake yours.”
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aquarius-cookie-jar · 3 months
Right. I'mma just dump these ref sheets I made here because I'll be making some drawings with these guys, and I am bad at staying consistent within the design lmao.
I was inspired by these amazing designs, go check them out.
X || X || X.
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Ramble down here, where I try to explain the ""lore"" and my design choices:
So as mentioned above, the majority of the Dark Cacao kingdom is actually composed of kirins, mainly because Cacao was already a kirin in my older designs, and I wanted more of his citizens to match him. Maybe I'll draw the other Cacao NPCs mlp-ified and what I headcanon their species to be.
I ultimately decided to give Cacao a mane and replace his long hair with that. Ngl, I was always on the fence about Cacao and Choco's designs, but yeah, I think the mane works better than just getting rid of it. (Old design below).
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Btw, I dunno if I wanna give Cacao an actual crown, or just keep the additional horn things the leader of the kirins kinda have.
Dark Choco hasn't changed much, just in a different art style. I do however wanna say that he shaved off his mane out of shame and guilt for coming across the cursed sword not long after his banishment. Maybe when he and Cacao reconcile, he'll start to grow it out again, or maybe he'll keep it that way as a reminder of the past.
I actually drew (more like edited a screenshot) Caramel Arrow before, and she was originally just a pegasus, but honestly, the concept of hybrids and what they entail really intrigued me. I thought it would be fun if she were a hybrid kirin/pegasus.
Also, her horn doesn't exactly function, mainly because there's this headcanon I once came across a post that says faux alicorns do exist in the mlp canon. If you wanna know my full headcanon for this, feel free to shoot an ask, but to keep it short, for faux alicorns, either their wings are under developed, or their horn can't control the frequencies of magic that well or at all. Such is the case for Caramel Arrow. Though she has fully developed wings, she can't control magic with her horn, and if she tries to, it may cause a headache. But besides that, she's all fine and dandy.
Crunchy Chip, hm, I'd say when he was a little filly, he was found in the woods, either by Cacao, or Choco, and his horn was already broken by the time they came across him. When asked, the little guy said he was protecting the cream wolf pups from a monster, but he can't remember what else happened before he fell unconscious. As he grew older, his broken horn didn't really bother him anymore. He's adapted well, and picked up a thing or two about survival from his cream wolf pack.
Also, sidenote, the kirins' scales are actually very hard to dent, meaning their backs are usually safe from attacks. Crunchy once encountered... something when he was out on patrol, and he was out of commission for a week (to his incredible dismay + annoyance) because of how rare serious injuries to the kirins' backs occur.
Ah, Affogato. Actually, I really do like him as a character, I just tend to focus my attention towards the Celestia and Luna coded father-son duo a bit more. Oops. But anyway, I decided to make him a hybrid just like Carrow too, mainly to add both contrast and similarities between them. They're not too different, but their ideals and beliefs clash and cause conflict with one another, I just thought it was fitting. Also decided to give him a more elegant and curved horn design as a nod to his unicorn heritage. Unicorns in the Cacao kingdom (and maybe the Golden Cheese kingdom) have a curved horn, mainly because the east asian coded unicorns in the mlp canon have curved horns too, and I thought they looked beautiful. Affo is someone so elegant and refined in a land that's chaotic and holds danger everywhere.
And that's my unhinged thoughts for now. I think I'll design Licorice and the others next time, but no promises.
Anyway, thank you for reading.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 11 months
For ALL the yanderes you’ve created, those that are fathers, going to be fathers, or want to be fathers (intention to baby trap their wifey’s), how well of a father would each of them really be? Like on a scale of 1-10 (10 best, 5 average, 1 worst). And what’s their parenting style or just some tid bit info on their parental duties?
I don’t want to overwhelm you with this request, so hopefully this can be a simple headcanon list for just some of them like the sugar daddy, cowboy, politician, etc. of whorever else.
Thanks your stories make me so giddy to read and will you ever make ABCs for your OCs? (SFW/NSFW/mixture of both)
Yandere! Men and their Fatherly Capabilities
I've always wanted to do these types of questions! Scenarios are so fun to do and read so I hope I didn't mess up this one!
About ABCs, i'm probably going to do sometimes. It can be requested, although I don't know where to start with it. Kink ABCs, probably? I dunno, i've only read a handful of ABC drabbles. But it looks soooo fun.
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Arlen would definitely be higher than average. His emotions are not that twisted yet (LMAO YET). He was loved by his parents, and his grandmother. He knew what a healthy relationship with a child looks like, so he strives to do the same.
Although, he would be clumsy sometimes, but he knows what to do and what to say.
"Honey? Oh no, don't eat the paint. *Chuckles* you weren't? Ah, sorry. But you want to learn how to paint? Alright. Come here. Let's start easy. Okay?"
Vincent would be awkward. He's been for hundreds of years now, with no one to rely on, no family, no friends. Then suddenly, you came in. When you became his spouse, he was a little bit worried about your offspring. He doesn't know how to father at all. He hatched from his egg alone, so when your child got born, he's awkward, confused, and overly cautious. He's afraid to hurt the child after all.
He would probably shower the child with gifts, as compensation. Because you know, some parents, who cannot express affection in a physical and verbal way, would shower their child with gifts.
"Ah, child. Do you need something? No? Oh, hmm... Well, I found this necklace with a temperature controlled gem as a pendant. When you're cold, it will warm you up, if you're hot, it would cool you down. No need to thank me. It's my duty as your father, after all.
Horrible father. Well, not horrible-horrible, but the fact that he wants your attention on him and him only is already a major setback. If he suddenly had a mini me running around and hogging your attention, let's just say Ignatius wouldn't take that lightly.
He will take a vasectomy just to avoid having an accident. So no accidental pregnancies at all.
"Ugh. No children for me. I can't have your attention on somebody who is not me."
YAN! BUTLER: 10/10
No doubt about Zero. He will definitely be a great father. He's the best butler out there. A chimera also, so he's stronger than humans, maybe even select monsters. He's caring, cunning, smart, and loving.
He's devoted and loyal, so expect your child with him to be the most beloved child out there.
"Pumpkin! How are you? Hungry? Haha, don't worry, I already prepared your snacks and drinks. Of course, it's in the garden, in your most favorite spot. Come, your mother is also there."
GRR BARK BARK BARK AWOOO *Ehem* wait what who said that? Well, anyways, as much as Rowan is the most caring sugar daddy out there, he's still a mafia boss. So him being one is putting you and your child's safety in danger. But other than that, with his loaded money and insane protection from his men, your child will be one heck of a protected baby out there.
Although, it would take more convincing for Rowan if your child wanted to be the next mafia boss.
"You want to be like me? Dream on, squirt. This lifestyle is dangerous. So if you want to become like me, I better see you prepared for everything. So, not now."
YAN! JOCK: 6/10
Damon would be at most, average. Well, above average by only a bit. Remember, he's not exactly the most emotionally capable man out there. His himbo persona is the only one making him afloat in the social world. He's probably gonna go and act like his parents. After all, he already has a himbo persona. What harm could it be if he would develop a loving father facade?
Maybe the more time he spends with you and your child, he will become actually affectionate. And he will be, don't worry.
"Heyya champ! Want to play basketball with daddy? What? No, I didn't trip you on purpose. HAHA! Alright, you caught me. You gave your momma so much trouble, so I had to discipline you a bit."
NO! PROBABLY THE WORST FATHER OUT THERE! I feel bad, but technically speaking, he hasn't healed from his father's abuse. He's also already a violent man who would do anything to get out a reaction from you, and he won't stop until he did. So, imagining him with a child is a NO NO! He's that much of a bastard.
Once he healed though, then maybe? But definitely not current Azrael.
"A child? Angel, no. I do not want to have them. Period."
Lee is emotionally unavailable for people other than you. Even his own parents. You're the only one whose able to bring out such intense emotions from deep inside him. But he won't be that much of a pain to deal with, it's just that he's probably gonna be one of those awkward dads that only talks to you one or two sentences a day, and only does his best in providing for his family.
Don't worry, he's not an ass to just neglect his child, just, barely emotionally there.
"Hey kid, here you go. Your allowance for the week."
Knoxx is prideful, so he takes pride from his family also. He always dreamt of having his own child, teaching him the ways of the ranch, giving them their pony, and teaching them that once they set sights on a potential partner, they shouldn't let go.
Other than that, he's going to be a good dad. He will make his own father his role model, and rear the child to the best he can. Although not without a few bumps due to his personality.
"NO! Twilight! Stop! Don't scare the horse like that! Just easy petting, no sudden slaps-- TWILIGHT! NOW LOOK AT YOU, ALL DIRTY BECAUSE YOU STARTLED YOUR HORSE. What am I even going to say to your mother..."
YAN! EMO: 9/10
Ashton is surprisingly going to be an excellent father. He's in tune with his emotions, is not one to impose traditional views on his child. He will be very open minded about your child, and will be an actual strong pillar of support.
Along with you, your child with him will be a great kid, who's in touch of their emotions and is sensitive to feelings.
"It's okay to cry sweetie. If you want, you can embrace papa. There there... Just let it all out. You're big, strong, and amazing. Nobody should doubt that, even you."
Lyall grew up with his family, which is like a lot of them. It's like a compound where several branches of generations live in the same lot, so he knew how to take care of kids and play with them, and make sure they grow to decent adults.
Unlike his family though, he will make sure to teach his child the ways of a werewolf in an early age, so that they will not be lost in the dark if they shifted for the first time.
"Shifting will hurt, I can't deny that. But hey, focus on your wolf's voice, let them guide and soothe you. I am also here, and also your mother. Together, we will guide you until you finished. That's my pup."
Novel/OG Inigo will definitely be a 10/10 father, but for this version of Inigo, I only placed him a 7/10 due to him being an opportunistic asshat. In the novel, he genuinely wanted to marry Ykaidi for the children, but in this case, he wanted to marry you for you to come back in his arms, and is using the kids as a leverage to get you back.
Other than that, he's probably gonna be a great father. Allastor is one, so Inigo has a role model to look up to when it comes to amazing fathers.
"You two, what are you doing? Hmm? baking cupcakes for your mother? Well, isn't that amazing. Do you mind if I help? I can operate the electronics."
He's paranoid. So he's probably gonna be really strict with his child. Like, curfew time is 5pm kind of strict. He's not one to intrude in personal stuff though, so the only strictness he actually has is making sure his child is back home safe, and always at home, since home is the safest place to be.
Your child is probably gonna get sick of it though.
"What time is it? Yeah, 5:10 where were you? I was worried sick! School? I thought school ends at 4:00? You went out with your friends? I don't care about that but when I saw curfew is 5, it's 5!"
YAN! VILLAIN: 8.5/10
Eros is a lovable man. And unlike his current life, his modern past life was exposed to gentle parenting. He was an orphan, so he wants to give everything he can to his child. And in his current life, his father was absent, and his mother is a pedophile, so he definitely, definitely wants to break the cycle of being a bad parent.
He's the Duke after all, what can he not give his child?
"Happy birthday, my precious jewel! Wait, why are you mad at me? Oh? That? Well, gifting you a villa in the seaside is a good thing right-- ow! Ow! Okay! I shouldn't waste my money! Haha!"
Like I said with Maximus, he's also a traditional man. He provides, you take care of the children and the house. He's also a politician, so he's busy as a bee making a name for himself, taking care of the city, and providing for his family. Although, he does make sure to spend his holidays with his family.
Your children will be popular as hell, seeing as they are the children of THE Maximus. So, goodluck to them if they are introverted.
"Children! Papa's home! I bought Christmas gifts from the cityhall. Your aunts and uncles wanted to give you tons of presents, so do go ham in opening them! Don't worry, papa will be here until January."
He's the opposite of Rowan. He gets jealous easily. Like really easily. Same as Ignatius, if you have somebody that you put your affection into that was not him, it would leave a bitter taste in his mouth. Also, with him constantly filling up with wealth and expanding territory, it will be a horrible place to rear a child. Since he baby trapped you though, he has no choice but to provide for the kid. He's surprisingly decent, and his jealousy is more or less childish (Thank God).
SO, he just baby trapped you just for the sake of you being trapped. Hooray for the man who's NOT thinking of consequences.
"Boohoo, cry for your mom. I just stole your lollipop. What's that? You want this back? Well come and jump, tiny. Come on, jump-- OW! H-honey! OW! Okay i'll stop teasing tiny h-- OW! Okay I won't call them tiny!"
SO, ranking from greatest to DEFINITELY NOT
Butler > Emo > Sugar Daddy = Villain > Werewolf > Artist > Cowboy > Ex-husband > Hospital Chairperson > Jock > Politician > Mafia Boss > Ex-boyfriend > Dragon > Theater Actor > Assassin
There you have it! Our official ranking on who's the best daddies to the "I will not leave my child with them"
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devilart2199-aibi · 3 months
IDW collection reading update! :D 📖 (Fixed!)
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Phase 2 volume 4 done! This volume included: Monstrosity, RID issues 12-18 and MTMTE issues 14-16!
I ended up reading all the way to Phase 2 volume 6 before finishing this update so my notes are a bit scattered! Anyway! As usual my thoughts are below :3 ⤵️
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This story is set in the past, when Optimus has assumed leadership on Cybertron after the senate and pervious primes were killed.
This story is, I dunno... For some reason I can't really get into these?? It feels... edgy?? Idk, I feel like that's not the best way to describe it. But there's something about the vibe with these ones in the past (like Autocracy and this one).
Of course everyone is becoming the characters we know since this is in the past. So there is going to be a lot of fumbling and growing from them and things that seem out of character. But given their situation at the time, i can't be super harsh on odd decisions.
They have to deal with the senate and their corruption, as well as that from the previous primes, the Decepticons uprising and wanting to take over, Cybertron running out of resources aaaaand I feel like something else I can't remember rn 🤔 but a lot is going on!! Haha.
There is a scene that references the OG animated movie where they toss Megatron out of Astrotrain and he goes "I still function...!" Which was a pretty cool homage tho.
But this kinda felt like a whole way to just show how badass Megs is meanwhile Optimus is going through it on Cybertron 😂 It was entertaining and interesting at parts, but some things I was 'eh' about
RID: 12-16:
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Before i go on, I'm sorry, but... this Megs panel is giving me the same energy as that little alien guy that was in the news months ago 🤣 Now actually⤵️
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Megatron returns!! This story was very entertaining!! I feel like I can usually guess where something is going, but I was surprised by a lot of the twists here! There was so many!
The character deaths had me shook! 😭 Wheeljack ahhhh!!! Metalhawk!! Also everything with Prowl and the Constructions! O_O;
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I'm sorry Prowl 😔 I was pretty surprised when they started killing off the Decepticons at first, but then went: "Well, I guess he's being super ruthless now" I couldn't see you were brainwashed!! 😭🗿To my defense, him teaming up with Arcee and given Arcee's record, it kinda seemed like the natural progression of things lol 💀
Two things I kinda have mixed feelings about tho are:
1. Arcee just casually being part of the Decepticon gang and no one questioning her being there?? She then easily kills the guy controlling Devastator and that was like... Megatron's big plan. Why didn't she do it sooner? I imagine it was to draw out Meg's, but still it seemed weird.
2. Starscream killing Metalhawk after Metalhawk came to save Starscream. It's in his character and everything, and I'm happy that he did it bc it shows who he is. But OOF I thought he was leaning a different way for a bit and that I had Starscream wrong, But no, he's greedy boy. (I was starting to like Metalhawk T_T)
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Anyway! Good guy Swindle!! 🥹
MTMTE 14-16:
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💀💀💀💀💀 BIG SAD. But!!! It was a super interesting story!! I really enjoyed learning about Overlord and Chromedome.
Chromedome becoming Trepan's apprentice in the past was crazy!! :O And the whole scene with him and Prowl in Prowl's office. When Prowl asks/threatens Chromedome to go into Overlord's mind 😙👌 *chef's kiss* GET 'EM CHROMEDOME!! 💪👊🔪
The whole thing about how the Phase Sixers are made was very interesting too!! This frame ⤵️ Meg's saying this made me lmao 😂 I can now see the thing between him and Overlord better now.
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As for Overlord getting out and obliterating some of the crew... ughhhhh 😭😭😭 Pipes man!! Ratchet protecting the medibay was awesome. Best doctor 🚑😌
I was shocked during the fight with Overlord that Magnus got so injured!! I've read ahead already, but I was sweating it, I thought he was gonna die too 😭😭 Overlord goes right for your spark man 💀
Luckily they got Overlord back to his containment cell, but- 😭😭😭😭 LITTLE MAN 😭😭😭 Why'd he have to hop in there to get the sword??? OTL
Then Chromedome blowing it up once the cell disengaged from the ship 😭 It was a perfectly painful sequence! 👏
When I saw the scene with Whirl and the cannon/ blaster shooting asteroids, I knew it would come around 😔
Also!! Learning that Chromedome has had other deep connections with bots (idk if Brainstorm meant Conjunx' specifically) and given them his innermost energon before and that's why he's dry!! Excuse me as I sob ��🤧🤧🤧😭😭😭😭 and then he makes himself forget!!! UGHH OTL My heart man!
The tape that Rewind made too!! 😭🤧
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Drift taking one for the team too by getting banished 😔 he's a real one. Also pls come back.
RID 17-18:
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We got more Shockwave lore here and I'm a big Shockwave enjoyer so I was very happy!! More heartache of course tho 😢
Him pitching/making the Jhiaxian academy of advanced technology is huge. Then all the experiments he did once he was turned purple 💀💀💀
Him going to Dai Atlas and injuring him before the attack on the senate so that he would escape death was a cool surprise. He's still in there ;_; ahhhh.
There is another story that happens in current time where Bee gets turned into Goldbug, but I think he's called "Goldfire" here? 🤔 He really got injured during the whole thing with Meg's so they had to fix him up with pieces of his old earth form.
It was cool to see included in the story :3
Final Random Thoughts:
This volume had a bunch of great stories in it! And I learned quite a bit about characters I like!
Though it was sad, I'd say my favorite story was the mtmte one with Overlord (The Overlord arc?). The art is always fantastic and so is the story!
I look forward to reading more and I'll be making another reading update very soon since I'm already on volume 6!
I didn't want to lump them all together bc I like using images as the story breaks and Tumblr only let's you use 10 per post 😔 Also... I ramble quite a lot haha, so 3 volumes worth would definitely be too much! 😂
Anyway! See you next time! 👋
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what are some of your Octavian head cannons?
Hi glassssssss :D🌸
I have quite a few lol. I will resist only writing the crack ones. That deserves a post of it’s own lmao
He’s Korean Italian.
He can speak over five languages. Italian, Korean, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Latin, bits of Japanese.
His birthday is on the 8th of August. Hence his name.
Octavian is not his actual birth name. It is a second name given to him by the head of the family as per their tradition.
Only child (this I consider self projection, cuz I’m an only child and I dunno how to write siblings so fuck it) has a lot of cousins tho.
His mother is mortal, and is quite a famous model. But they are rather estranged.
He’s a daddy’s boy. Extremely close to his dad. His dad calls him August (only he can call tav that)
He’s Bi/Ace. But thinks exploring that aspect of himself is a waste of time.
Octavian has loose curly hair but he straightened it. He also bleaches his hair from time to time. His hair is very damaged.
When tav first came to camp he didn’t know English well so Micheal (who ho knew a bit of Spanish) helped him. They primarily speak Spanish with each other.
Octavian and Micheal actually arrived only three days apart. So they were assigned together. Which sort of was the start of their friendship.
Octavian was only 14 when he was assigned as camp Augur. And right after that he was assigned as Jason’s caretaker.
When Reyna first arrived he took her under his wing, primarily because of her abilities.
The three became quite close. Octavian genuinely loved his two siblings. Sadly that’s only because he thought lowly of them. So when they both were appointed Praetors, something in Octavian snapped and they were never the same again
He’s a bird dad. He has three birds at home. Sadly he couldn’t bring any of them with him to Camp.
He is also a legacy of Victoria.
Performing Auguries has left him with dry and strained eyes as he’s staring into the fluff for several minutes at a time.
The after effects of every augury reading and prophetic vision often takes a huge toll on him. Causing nosebleeds, nausea, migraines, fainting episodes.
He very occasionally sleep walks. It’s a camp inside joke that carrying him back to his room brings good luck and has become a sort of tradition. Octavian has no clue of it.
Everyone thinks he can glow. He can’t he’s just very pale.
The only time he actually does glow is when he’s getting prophetic visions.
Primarily his eyes glow. And also the prophecy itself that etches on his skin which leaves marks after the visions end. It’s a bit painful and itches a lot but they tend to fade after a few minutes.
The first time he went to karaoke with his friends he sang for ten hours straight. And he was perfectly fine, no vocal cords damage no nothing.
Octavian’s biggest insecurity is not having enough traits related to Apollo. But he constantly ignores and undermines the ones he has. He also has the most negative Apollo traits out of anyone.
He curses like a sailor, but the catch is that he curses in every language except English.
Octavian was forced to play the piano as a kid. He actually wanted to learn the drums but never could.
Octavian has a tattoo of the Camp logo. Left of his stomach. He got it at 16 thinking it would be so cool. He regretted it soon after.
He has a very high spice tolerance. Shocking but it’s very funny.
Was an ice hockey player but he quit so he could focus on his plan to become Praetor.
(This is a sort of inside joke HC) He plays COD, a lot. Die hard fan. Has posters and stuff. Micheal was the one who introduced him to the game. Totally has a secret art account where he posts his soapghost fanart PFFT AH-/jjjj lmao
Probably has like two boxes worth of yaoi manga hidden under the floorboards of his bed/jjjjj PFFFFT
I think I should stop here cuz like I have so much lore for this guy and the hcs are so specific😭😭 we’ll be here for days bro lmao 😭😭
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souperbloom · 5 months
5sos!reader is genuinely one of my fav tropes omg?? i would love it if you could do smth along the same lines for luke <3
omg i’m so sorry this took me so long to get out. i was pondering on ways to make it perfect since this was such a general request, (i wrote 3 separate stories and hated all of them) but i hope y’all love what i came up with !!! <3
crowd pleaser. [l.h.]
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omg i love this gif
bandmate!reader x Luke
in which the final show of tour calls for some ~celebration~
ended this one hella abruptly i’m sorry— i ran out of steam & wanted to get this out LMAO
CONTENT WARNINGS: smut!, pet names, unprotected sex, mentions of drinking, exhibitionism (kinda)
“How long until soundcheck?”
The disembodied voice gives you a fright, but when you snap around to see your boyfriend standing at the door frame of your dressing room, your startled face morphs into a smile.
“Scared the shit outta’ me,” you mumble, turning the pegs of your guitar until each string was in tune.
“I asked a question,” Luke chuckles, skipping past your chair to lean against the wall across from you.
“Dunno’. Maybe you should’ve looked at the clock before you came in here and bothered me.”
You bite back a smile, finding it hard now to concentrate on getting your guitar in tune. Luke steps behind your chair, anchoring his hands on your shoulders. He starts slowly massaging your neck, pressing his thumbs into the pesky knot that you can never seem to reach.
“Someone’s grumpy today, eh?” You could hear his pout, just by his voice alone.
“Not grumpy, no. Just— tryin’ to get shit done so I have some time to get my shit together before the show.”
Today was the final day of tour. Fifty shows, more countries and states than you could count; it felt surreal to say that you’d been traveling across the world to do what you loved most, let alone doing it beside four of your best friends.
The adrenaline level was high in everyone but yourself. You had decided that today would be the one day where you actually planned out your schedule, to allot some time for the emotions that are bound to flood when you realize that this would be your last time performing with your band for a while.
To put it simply, you wanted to lend yourself some time to cry. In a good way.
“You’re so tense baby,” Luke grumbles softly, digging his thumbs into your shoulder blades, “Want a drink or somethin’?”
“No, I’m good.” You give your guitar one final tweak before setting it down on its stand beside you.
“You sure? I’ll take a shot with you right now. C’mon. Let’s do it. One and done.”
“Luke, please,” you laugh, fully turning around in your seat to give him a good look, “It’s like, 3pm.”
“Hey, it’s five o’clock somewhere. Plus, the boys and I may have already ripped back a shot for some confidence.”
You roll your eyes, and Luke bends down to rest his elbows against the back of your chair. His lips are now level with yours and are just dying for a kiss.
“Confidence? Please. You boneheads would use anything as an excuse to get plastered. I swear, you and Cal would pregame a doctor’s appointment.”
Luke seems to read your mind, as he does quite often, and steals a quick kiss after your rambling is done with. His sandy blonde curls flop in front of his eyes, but you’re quick to tuck them behind his ear.
“Baby, come on. This is the finale. We’re supposed to be celebrating!”
“I think we both know that you and I have way different ideas of what it means to celebrate.”
You couldn’t help being so stubborn, it was instilled in you since birth. But Luke made it his mission, as your partner, to do anything in his power to get you to change your mind. And most, if not all of the time, he was quite convincing.
It takes you a few minutes to stand up, after Luke had kindly stepped in front of your dressing room door to basically block you from leaving. There was virtually no escaping his request for a pre-show shot.
But who says you can’t negotiate?
“Y’know babe,” you begin nonchalantly, twisting a lock of your hair between your fingers as you approach Luke’s large, lanky stature, “I have a proposition for you.”
His eyebrows quirk in challenge, “Alright, sure. Since you won’t do a shot with me— Let’s hear it.”
You take a moment to admire him in his silky black button down. The way his braided silver choker sat just above his collarbone and glistened beneath the overhead lamps was making you swoon. You were the one that got him into wearing jewelry, painting his nails, dousing glitter onto his cheeks and eyelids; a bit of self expression. You’d told him that it would help with his stage presence, which was some advice he definitely needed at the start of this tour.
And of course, he took a liking to it. The same way he did with you.
“What if we did something else to celebrate?”
You step closer to him and press your index finger against his chest, trailing it down and catching it onto the top button of his shirt. His eyes bounce between your wandering digit and your face, as he urges you silently to continue.
“Something else, hm? Like what?”
“We could— pass some time.”
His body tenses up the moment you make a sly effort to undo that top button. Short, staggered breaths begin to leave his throat as you continue to taunt him with your stare.
“I’ve always been intrigued by pre-show quickies.”
Luke’s eyes widened at your brutal honesty, ocean blue pricked with sparkling icy streaks that had undoubtedly shifted into something a bit darker. You bite your lip, he returns, and it takes everything inside of him not to pull you in closer.
“Really?” he stammers slightly, the back of his knuckles grazing your midriff, “Since when?”
“Since I saw how fuckin’ sexy you looked in that shirt this morning.”
Luke smacks his teeth, tilting his head to the side and reinstating that dominant air he holds over you so well, “Well, I’m not— opposed to the idea, baby…”
You hum in reply, the only thing you’re capable of thinking about is how his hands felt crawling down to your hips.
“…But just so you know, we only have about twenty minutes ‘till call time.”
“So you did know how much time we had, you fuckin’ liar.”
He chuckles quietly, before pulling you into him and pressing his body against yours, “I just wanted an excuse to come bother you. You should know me a bit better by now.”
It was getting harder to just stand there and stare at your boyfriend’s pretty face— his big cerulean eyes and deep set dimples that made you want to just grab him by his cheeks and tackle him down to the floor. But you’re stronger than that. You started this dance, so you might as well keep up.
“I think twenty minutes is plenty of time,” you try your best at sounding confident and sensual, knowing that if he were to move his hand an inch closer to your thigh, you’d fold like a wet paper towel.
“Really?” He muses, subtly stepping you back further into the room.
“You’re awfully confident.”
It was now a battle of who could keep the eye contact the longest without getting distracted. Now that there was a set time constraint, the stakes had raised ten fold.
“I think we could do better than twenty minutes. How’s fifteen? Maybe even ten?”
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself, gorgeous…”
In a daze, Luke spins you around and suddenly has your back pressed against the wall. You could practically feel the wind being knocked out of your lungs as his hand travels up your chest and loosely grips the base of your neck.
“…You know I like to take my time.”
A quiet moan slips past your lips as Luke begins a trail of sultry kisses down your jaw, to the base of your collarbone. He kept his grasp on you firm, yet still loose enough for you to slip out if need be.
“Mmmh, baby—” you chirp, your head angling back to give him better access to the sweet spot of your neck, “the door.”
He pops his head up for a moment, only to take your chin between his pointer finger and thumb, and stare you down with those cool baby blues.
“The door? Who gives a fuck about the door? Let ‘em hear it.”
You can’t really argue with that, so you just go limp in his arms as he continues to taunt you with his lips and tongue. He takes his free hand and grabs ahold of your thigh to prop it up against his hip.
What was once a journey of hickies and love bites had now transformed into a steamy make-out session. Luke groans into your mouth each time your hips swivel forward to meet his groin— you could barely contain the sounds that were echoing past your lips and bouncing off the walls of your dressing room.
You take a moment to catch your breath as Luke tugs at the hemline of your top.
“This. Off. Now.”
“Mmkay,” you sigh dreamily, following orders as it was now clear that Luke had taken the reins.
You manage to wrangle his lips off of your neck for a moment to allow you to peel your shirt over your head. But that split second felt like an eternity for Luke; for he had been dying to get his hands on you all morning and the last thing he wanted was to bother you.
But once you’d given him the signs that ‘bothered’ is the only thing you wanted to be, he didn’t think twice.
“Fuck, baby— been thinkin’ about you all morning,” Luke mumbles through his teeth, taking in the sight of your bare chest and simple black bra.
“Have you?”
“Mhmm. ‘Been thinkin’ about why my girl’s been so grumpy today. Guess she just needed a bit of attention, hm?”
Luke’s condescending words send a chill down your spine, along with that wandering hand of his. It had traveled towards your navel and hooked to the waistband of your skirt to pull you in even closer.
The only word you could muster was a simple curse word, a ‘fuck’, for good measure. But Luke didn’t seem satisfied with that reply.
“Is my girl gonna talk to me? Or am I just gonna stand here n’ talk to myself until she finds it in her to answer me?”
“Luke,” you whine his name yet still, his thirst isn’t quenched.
“C’mon baby— I know you can do it. You gonna’ beg for me? Like you always do?”
Your eyelids flutter closed in bliss, your hands on their own beating path towards the waistband of his skinny jeans. You could hear him tsk in disapproval before his hand is softly tapping against your cheek.
“Keep those eyes on me, pretty girl. Don’t think you can finish what you started?”
The moment you open your mouth to reply, you’re whipped out of this dreamlike state by a knock at your door frame.
“Ten minutes ‘till stage. We need everyone in the wings for a company meeting.”
The panic in your eyes immediately transfers over to Luke, who had flinched only slightly upon hearing your manager’s voice. You roll your lips inward, fighting a giggle yet still feeling vulnerable from the position Luke was holding you in.
“You got lucky, baby,” Luke leans down to whisper into your ear, “Saved by the bell.”
You eventually find enough confidence to tease, “Who says we can’t finish this later?”
He whines into your neck, his head hanging low and knocking against the wall with a disgruntled huff. You could tell by the way his body language changed that he was rather disappointed.
“Don’t whine, you sound like a child,” you giggle, playfully shoving his slouched body and sending him stumbling backwards.
With a bit of a fight, Luke groans, before picking up your shirt and handing it to you like it was the last thing he ever wanted to do. “Promise we’ll pick this back up later?”
You bite back a smile, and pull your shirt over your head. He physically winces once you fully put it back on.
“I promise. It’ll be like we never even left.”
After a moment of pouting and rolling his eyes, Luke fixes himself in your mirror beside you, gathering his thoughts and shaking his head clear as the two of you bicker about the impending final show.
“Maybe I’ll give you a little special something after the show tonight. My treat,” Luke announces proudly, fixing the collar of his shirt.
“Your treat? I’m intrigued.”
You let your mind run rampant as you sling your guitar over your shoulder, admiring your pretty boyfriend through the mirror as he fluffs his hair and double checks his eyeshadow.
“Mhm. But— only if you’re good. Gotta’ see you giving it your all out there.” Luke takes a wide step to tower over you, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear.
“Oh please Luke, I’m always good. Good to you, good to the band— I basically have sex with the crowd every night.”
“Don’t go making me jealous now, baby,” he muses, “I’ll see you out there.”
Luke’s flirty goodbye is topped off with a kiss to your cheek, before he’s saluting you and waltzing out of the door like nothing even happened. You can’t help but stand in his place in awe, fiddling with the neck of your guitar impetuously as the thought of him floods your mind even more so than before.
This was about to be the longest fucking show of your life.
It was just about eleven and the show finally had come to a close with an encore.
To say that the energy was through the roof was an understatement; the crowd was consistently feeding off of the band and the last thing you wanted to do was to leave it behind. But, of course, you were dragged away by the fall of the curtains and the eruption of colorful confetti.
You blew kisses, gave hugs, and even managed to find some time to toss a few guitar picks down by the barricade. But what you weren’t expecting was followed after curtain fall, when your boyfriend had decided to scoop you and your handful of picks up bridal style, and run you offstage like a bullet.
“Baby, you were amazing out there,” Luke whispers hurriedly into your ear, still holding you tightly in his arms as he barreled down the hall away from the wings.
“Luke, where are we—?”
Your question is cut off abruptly by him tipping you over and planting you back onto your feet. It took you a second to regain your balance but in the moment that you did, Luke had you pinned against the cinder block wall of the backstage area.
The gaze in his eyes was ravening, restless— his pupils were shaking and his once crystal irises had flitted to a deep indigo hue. Your breath catches in your throat as he tries to collect his own, still carrying the fatigue of running with you in his arms.
“I owe you— something special,” his words are chopped up by staggered breathing, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. You reach up between your temperate bodies to wipe it away.
“You could’ve at least given yourself a minute to relax after the show, Lu,” you console softly, but Luke shakes his head frantically.
“No, no— no. Had— had to get you here. Now. Want you— right here.”
“Right here?” You whisper back, glancing over his shoulder at the empty hallway.
“Yes. Right here. Please, baby. Been dying’ to get my hands on you. Got me so fuckin’ worked up out there… Felt like I was suffocating.”
You watch your boyfriend's face flash a plethora of different emotions; tired, hungry, desperate, lovesick. All of the things you were feeling throughout your little pre-show rendezvous.
“O-okay… If that’s what you wa—”
“Do you want to? We don’t have to, I’m just— I couldn’t wait to touch you, baby.”
His voice trembles as he whines desperately, leaning closer into your ear with each syllable. It’s hard to ignore his vehement pleading, especially since you’d promised to pick up right where you had left off.
As you’re about to give him the okay to proceed, he flushes his body against yours. You could feel the rock solid erection that was held captive by his restricting uniform skinny jeans, and the feeling of it almost brought you to moan.
“Feel what you do to me, gorgeous? Can you feel how fuckin’ hard I am for you? Want you— want you everywhere, baby.”
In a daze you’re nodding and in no time, his lips are on yours like a magnet. It had become a frenzied jumble of clumsy touching and groping in a matter of moments, a few excited giggles slipping past your lips and knocking into his.
“Fuck, baby— So good to me, y’ always are.”
“Luke, please—”
You give him the signal and soon enough, you’re being shimmied out of your panties beneath your skirt.
Luke makes a sly face, taking your lacy intimates and shoving them in his back pocket. “For safekeeping,” he whispers playfully, before pulling you back into that hungry kiss.
His weathered palms traversed beneath your shirt and slid up and down your sides; poor Luke couldn’t decide where to place his hands. But regardless of his indecision, his touch felt transcendent.
“Gonna fuck you so good, pretty girl,” Luke mumbles into your ear, making sure to nip at the nape of your neck and a bit of your earlobe to get your blood pumping.
You could already tell that you were wet. Soaked, even, just by the hurriedness of this all. The rush you were experiencing was feeding into that leftover adrenaline from the show. You truly had zero complaints.
“Oh my God,” you whine, as Luke takes his time to mark up your neck, “Please, baby? C-can’t wait much longer.”
“That’s my girl,” he retorts, taking his hands and cupping your cheeks delicately as your body language begged for the feeling of him, “So polite, like always.”
Your hands had made their way to unzip his jeans and caress his bulge above the briefs that held it, whining softly as your fingertips graze a wet mark left on the fabric.
“Mhhh, messy,” you bumble, slowly tracing your thumb across the spot of precum.
Luke hisses in pleasure, a smile forming at the end of his cry, “See what you do to me? I’m a fuckin’ mess for you, pretty.”
You couldn’t find it in you to respond coherently as he guided your hand to slip his cock from out of his underwear. On instinct, you wrap your fingers around his length and slowly begin to pump him between your bodies.
A moan rumbled through Luke’s chest and suddenly the wetness pooling between your legs was becoming an issue. Each touch of his dick and caress of his hipbone was becoming more and more despairing. Like your essence was simply falling apart beneath his fingertips.
“Gotta get my girl up here,” Luke grunts, moving his hands towards the backs of your thighs and gripping them tightly, “Jump.”
You do as you’re told, jumping up and locking your ankles around Luke’s back as he feeds into your desires with more love bites and bruises. Your back was flush against the wall, with just the right amount of space for Luke to line his cock up with your entrance.
“Look at you. My little rockstar. Put on one show and now you’re lookin’ for an encore?” He jokes with you tenderly, yet the bigger half of you was more desperate for him than anything else.
“What can I say, baby? I’m a crowd-pleaser.”
You steal his reply with a rough kiss, hoping to distract him enough not to let him notice the rips and tears that your nails were dragging along his silk shirt.
He pulls away from you, staring deeply into your eyes like the two of you were the last two living humans on Earth. Your boyfriend definitely had an affinity for eye contact, no matter the scenario.
The notch in his brow deepens as he adjusts your body, prodding your entrance with his tip and drawing a soft whine from your throat.
“So wet for me baby— just couldn’t wait to soak my cock, hm?”
Luke also had a thing for asking you questions, the call and response deeply feeding into his bedroom-dominant persona.
“Yes, Lu— fuckin’ soaked for you. Played the whole show thinking about you fucking me...”
“Is that right?” he quizzes, leaning in quickly to nip at your bottom lip and pull it away from your teeth.
You hiss at the sharp pain, tasting a bit of metallic on your tongue, “Mhm. Honest. Had to give you my all out there. Just like I promised I would.”
“God, you are too good to me, gorgeous,” he tosses his head back in bliss, still blindly teasing your slit, “Bet my girl’s looking for a reward for all this good behavior…”
Right as your lips part to reply, Luke is ramming his cock up into you. You gasp in shock, yet slowly mold around the feeling of him as he roughly bucks his hips against you.
“Holy fuck, Lu— oh my God!”
His teeth sink down into his bottom lip as he begins his jagged rhythm of snapping his hips, his eyes staying planted firmly into yours. It takes everything inside of you to keep your eyes on him; for you know that the last thing he wanted was for you to look away.
“Feels s’fuckin’ good, baby,” Luke groans, holding your hips tight enough to leave bruises in place of his fingertips.
The feeling of his cock pushing in deeper with each stroke had your body doubling over, the air in your lungs being knocked out in time with the tempo that he claimed.
Your body was pushing it’s limits, each direct hit to your g-spot forced low mewls from your chest and serenaded Luke’s desires. He was loving the adrenaline mixed with the overwhelming craving that he had been fighting all night long.
Your breathing in sync was like a symphony, music to Luke’s ears— he couldn’t fathom the thought of saving you for later until he was quite literally forced to. But with each buck of his hips and every single moan spilling from your lips, he soon realized that maybe the wait was worth it.
“Gonna’ cum soon, baby— keep those eyes on me, okay?”
You bite back frantic tears that pricked your eyes, nodding sheepishly as you let him fuck up into you. The only sound you were capable of making was a weak whimper, but Luke didn’t mind.
“Cum on my cock, baby… Fuckin’ soak me—”
“You look so beautiful. My fuckin’ girl.”
All of these silky-sweet nothings were hitting you like a freight train. You were nodding in time with the movement of his hips, your tits bouncing between your bodies and your eyes threatening to flutter closed at just how good he felt filling you up.
You moan again, as does he, and you’re able to read his expression before he’s even uttering the words:
“Gonna’ fill you up, gorgeous. Cum for me, baby?”
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peachhcs · 5 months
person A cheering on person B at one of their games wearing their number and person B couldn't be happier
person b is jacob fowler please!!
you, in the stands
jacob fowler x fem!reader
the love is in the air at the conte forum between you and your boyfriend, jacob fowler.
0.8k words
warnings: probably inaccurate hockey game writing lmao. i know what jacob's hair color is now! thank you middstape i appreciate it LOL
GUYS i'm sorry i haven't posted anything in a hot second. i've been busy with ending school and starting my summer job, but i have more time now, so i'm hoping to get through my inbox, work on my gabe au and will smith au! this was so cutie to write thanks so much for requesting!! :) gif is not mine btw!
700 celly masterlist
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the conte stands were packed with fans wall to wall, bleacher to bleacher. boston v. new hampshire had been the most anticipated game since the eagles played them a few weeks back and the boys were most definitely ready to show the wildcats what else they had up their sleeve. of course you were at the game. you’d never miss one of jacob’s games, so there you were tucked five rows up from the glass where you were far enough away to avoid being too close to someone getting smashed into the glass, but close enough where you still followed everything happening. 
your best friend stood beside you after taking the whole day to convince her to come. she was never a huge hockey fan, so dragging her along to games was more of a chore than anything. the two of you sported your eagles gear along with every other person, except yours was special. 
you and jacob had only been seeing one another for a couple of months—neither of you wanting to take things too fast, so for the first few games you showed up in a sweatshirt (or jacob’s). this time, however, jacob gifted you his jersey to wear. 
your eyes literally grew the size of watermelons when he proposed the idea last night. 
“coming to the game tomorrow?” jacob’s voice filtered into the bathroom where you did your nightly routine in front of the mirror. 
“of course. is that even a question?” you laughed. whether you and jacob were dating, you’d always be at the hockey games growing up a hockey fan yourself. 
your boyfriend’s laugh brought a smile to your lips, “just making sure. i like looking up and seeing you there in the stands every time.” 
he was so corny, but you loved it nonetheless. he smiled when you stuck your head out of the bathroom, “you’re adorable. i think i’ll drag y/bsf/n (your best friend’s name) along.” 
“i don’t know about that one y/n. remember last time you brought her?” the boy laughed again. 
“whatever. i’ll make her come,” you shrugged and disappeared back into the bathroom. 
when you came back out your boyfriend spread himself out on the bed with open arms for you to climb into. it was a miracle the two of you even fit on the twin xl together. shutting the light off, you crawled in beside him, snuggling into his side immediately. his arm wrapped tightly around your waist as you breathed him in and got comfortable. 
“any outfit ideas yet?” jacob asked into the growing silence of his dorm room. he knew you loved planning out your game day outfits and appreciated the numerous options you’d send him. 
“mm, i dunno yet. sweatshirt probably.” 
jacob hummed as the idea in his mind grew larger and hung on the tip of his tongue to propose it to you, “what about you wear one of my jersey’s?” 
your eyes popped open. “one of your jersey’s?” you repeated like you didn’t hear him the first time. 
his eyes searched yours in a slight anxious manner, worried you didn’t like his idea. your relationship was still so new, he didn’t want to force you into letting other people know you were his if you weren’t ready. 
“yes?” the red head squeaked out. 
“i-i yes. i’d love to,” your smile grew wider which sent relief through the boy’s system.  
so there you were in your usual spot sporting your boyfriend’s jersey proudly. his last name was etched across your back letting everyone around you know that you were fowler’s girl. 
the famous freshmen line—will smith, ryan leonard, and gabe perreault—flew down the ice towards the goal. everyone was on their toes watching the trio work seamlessly together to get the puck across the ice. it was nearly impossible to hear anything, but this was the atmosphere you grew up in. loud and noisy was your thing and ice hockey could never fail to bring a smile to your lips. 
jacob told you he loved that about you. he loved seeing how happy you got for him and his team on the ice. 
unh came back down the rink with the puck in possession. you watched jacob get himself ready for a block, the boys each shouting incoherent things to one another. the wolverines were tough players, but you weren’t worried. the boys have beaten them each time they played and it wasn’t looking like unh was closing the score anytime soon. 
jacob slid down, blocking the puck from entering the goal. the fans, including yourself, jumped up in excitement. “that’s my boyfriend!” you exclaimed excitedly. 
whether jacob heard you or not, he looked up at the stands, smiling beneath his mask, seeing you there so happy for him. you blew tiny kisses in his direction which he caught and pressed against his chest before refocusing on the game. 
your best friend nudged your shoulder, a knowing smile on her lips. everything was good, really good, when you had your boyfriend’s name across your back and his eyes on you in the stands when he wasn’t playing. 
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totallynotlx · 1 year
Take me with you
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A/N: I dunno why I wrote this. I dunno if this is supposed to make me feel better or worse but hey, I just wanted to let this out lmao. Also I'm still working on that other fic and that's where I'll be coping hard so enjoy this one (or not asdfkjasd) for now
Tags: Death, Greiving, Coping, JJK spoilers, not proofread so there's that
Word Count: 753
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All you see is an empty corridor devoid of any pop of color. All you hear is the soft tap of your shoes against polished wood. The numbness is there, yet you seem to feel everything simultaneously. Your heart felt like it was breaking with each step as if you were trampling over it. You suppress the urge to claw at your chest like it will ease your anxiety. The usual hallway you would pass by every day without any thought felt like it stretched on forever today. You take a right instead of going straight to the classrooms today. This is also different from your daily routine. You continue on your lonely journey through the quiet hallways and reach the end of the hall, where a staircase leads you to the basement where Shoko's lab is located.
With each descent you make, you can feel your resolve crumbling away. Death wasn't a new concept to you, not when you were in the Jujutsu world. Death is a concept that visits every once in a while. It's not a welcome one, but a common picture nonetheless.
You round the corner and see the usual silhouette in the lab coat. Shoko's head was downcast, looking at a lifeless figure on the table. You catch a glimpse of a familiar large hand and take a sharp inhale of breath before steeling your emotions. 
"Shoko." Your voice came out like a mere whisper. The woman's shoulder tenses up before turning to you. 
"Y/N." She says in acknowledgment of your presence. 
"Am I... Is he..." Your words were stuck at the back of your throat. They won't come out. "I'm sorry, I can't—"
"It's alright." She says but shakes her head almost immediately. Yeah, nothing is alright. "I'll be upstairs if you need me." She says as she taps your shoulder lightly. Without her blocking the view, you turn away from the lifeless figure before you. You nod silently, and she makes her way up, leaving you in the cold and silent room. 
Inhale. Exhale. 
You prepare to face him, slowly turning your head and seeing his hand in your peripheral vision again, only to turn away. You lean an arm against the table where the inanimate body lies silently. 
"I can't do this." You plead to nobody in particular, turning your head to the ceiling, focusing your eyes on the light, and fighting against the tears threatening to fall from your eyes. Your breathing hitches, and you slowly reach out a hand towards the hand that lay dormant on the table. It was cold. The usual warm hand that traced circles on the back of your hand was cold. Your other hand reaches to your chest and scrunches the shirt you wore like the movement can stop your heart from hurting. A silent cry escapes your lips as you hold his hand in yours. He usually returns the favor by pulling your hand towards his lips and kissing the back of your hand with a smile, but it is absent now. Your eyes trail over his hand, up to his arms, before finally settling down on his face. 
Eyes closed. Body eerily still. His disheveled, blood-soaked hair drooped over his eyelids. He was still the same Satoru you remembered. The strongest, the best, but now he lay here lifeless. You take note of the wounds that covered his body, and even though a white blanket was draped over his body, you could see the gap near his waist. 
He's gone. 
The fact hit you like a train. The thought alone made you lose control over your emotions. You wailed, letting out a deep-seated cry from within your soul as you threw yourself over to his chest, stone-cold and unmoving. 
"Satoru," you whispered his name like a prayer, "Satoru, I can't do this." You tell him as you cup his face with both hands. "At least take me with you, damn it." You chuckle, but there is no life in it. He'd probably chide you if he heard you say that, but you were only met with silence.
"You said you'd come back to me," you scream, "you said you'd win!" You continued to cry as you clung to him for dear life. "Satoru, please..."
Your voice trailed off, and as the room was filled with your cries, you were only met with more silence. You knew Satoru would like you to continue living for his sake, too, but is a life without him worth living?
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azulsluver · 1 year
Hey hi hello!!! I hope you're having a nice day today! If it's not a bother, I'll be leaving a request for your bully!au. Maybe with a reader who's a hot head? Like, the moment they start acting up, readers already in their face asking questions like "why the fuck are you being such a dick?" Normally, reader could conceal this if it was the normal twst, but the moment the twst guys start slipping, reader is already confronting them on why they are being such assholes. You know how narancia from jjba acts like when he's stressed or mad? Yeah exactly like that! Pulling out the knife out too. Reader doesn't care about their reputation, so they wouldn't care less if they were threatened by that. I love your writing too!!! I always look forward to it when I open Tumblr. Thank you for reading, and have a nice day!!
This is not gonna end well…BUT THANK YOU BEST COMPLIMENT OF THE BLOG!!! <333
Buncha rambles, dunno where this was gonna lead so sorry if this isn’t what you wanted 😅
tw. yandere, bully!characters, mentions of stabbing/murder, manipulative!reader for the win 🏆
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No one is gonna side with you. The bystanders do absolutely nothing till this point, reputation is very important and they don’t want it being dirty with yours (lmao ironic). Besides people like Lilia, Malleus, and Jade—they find your “hot-headed” personality attractive.
You’ll get picked on more yes, these students are much stronger than you by far, but you wouldn’t go down without them having a piece of your mind. Calling out on their schemes will make some embarrass— Cater, Ace, Epel. Others will be more aggressive or try to turn the situation around and blame you for overreacting.
Pulling a stunt as trying to knife one of them? May be successful if I’m honest. Depends on who you choose to do so, you won’t be alone in a group of two, they’ll always be another watching or tagging along. They’ll keep in mind to not let you be near any sharp or heavy objects, you clearly can’t handle being by yourself.
I can see a hot-headed reader making it far for themselves and not fall too deep into the victim pit. Standing up for yourself is already hard enough, you’re going against people who are training to become said mages. But at the end of the day everyone is still human no matter how cruel they are. They aren’t bullet proof nor emotionless. Get them to hurt, physically or mentally, with their guard down you can successfully have them under your thumb.
Reader who butts in first and steps up, show some respect around here. This will help you gain sympathy from bystanders and a little chance for them to befriend. That’s where Jack comes in. You’ve shown him you were worthy of helping and not just some runt who lets people walk all over them. This won’t be enough to overthrow any housewarden or powerful mage, but it’ll do.
People are not gonna enjoy your pushy and rude attitude for long, the pros and cons don’t weigh as equally. Especially when the cons lead to death.
“Oh but why don’t they get in trouble?”
Because they know how to clean up a scene and fast. Also who would believe you, a strange person who came out of the coffin when you weren’t supposed to be there. No one trusts you and won’t take your side, and since this is a bully!AU people tend to look the other way if murder is convicted. You aren’t all that important with little to no background, the perfect victim to get rid of.
And Idia gets rid of the evidence if there’s any camera involved.
You can’t just go around and stab people at random, let alone pick a fight. What you need is strategy. Be more self aware and focused, as difficult it is to talk to a brick wall, it’ll crumble if you stay long enough to experience it’s downfall. For those interested in knowing who can actually lose to a let’s say…neutral reader (fairly strong enough and a good amount of willpower), my take is on Riddle, Deuce, Ace, Azul, Jack, Epel, Rook, Vil, Idia, Malleus, and surprisingly last Sebek.
Should’ve switched the surprisingly for Rook because wow. Show them who’s boss babe, besides your cowardly counter part they are doomed if you’re more dominant. Not in a weird way lol, take the wheel of your life outta their greasy hands!
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sopuu · 7 months
I would LOVE to hear rambles and rants about your champion Jesse au! Your design and concept have really been picking at my brain!! (In a good way lol)
part 2 is out so I can finally get to this! im so glad you’re liking it so far ahh it means the world to me!! 🥹
and hmm au rambles... did you know one of the reasons why i started this was bc iii got really mad at the whole petra talking down on lukas and radar conversation in the ice palace? the rest is under the cut bc it got long as usual lmao
radar i can understand a little since she at that point didn’t know him that well, plus from someone who has been a warrior her whole life it mayy be hard to look at determining someone’s abilities to fend for themselves from a different, less swordfighting perspective (though I don’t agree with her at all). but LUKAS? the guy who fought the witherstorm and went through gruelling experiences in portals with her? the guy who she’s been good friends with even before s1?? girl what that just makes no sense to me. this coupled with the development side of things where lukas’ va had life stuff and couldn’t make it into several eps made me feel like their friendship had a lot of missed potential to be handled better? especially since the two didn’t exchange a single word throughout s2,, they’re like my fav platonic duo too :( soo i wanted to do some character exploration but didn’t know how yet at the time. (this became the catalyst for leadership w/o a leader where i wanted to tackle both their lack of interaction and the doubting)
i also had other scattered thoughts like the champion arc not getting enough attention, as in champion petra/jack post-prison fight had like one or two lines about how the experience was and that’s about it? there’s not much more info on what exactly happened or how much it affected the characters aside from instilling a few doubts in them- or maybe i missed something i dunno. so i wanted to do some exploration of that too.
i didn’t want to just rewrite the season my way bc that feels kinda wrong plus i still like it as is, and since i love canon-compliant aus I came up with CJAU to put all my thoughts and headcanons in :) it’s more like an alternate timeline than anything haha. there’s also other reasons for why i wanted jesse to be the champion but i can’t really say juust yet
hope you continue to enjoy the au! thanks for letting me go off for a bit lol
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nardos-primetime · 3 months
first thing that pops up on my for you page from your blog:
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i am so lost from where this guy came from. is this an au? also i am extremely jealous of their hair, i want it for no good reason. lmfao sorry for the weird question/ask.
He's from a newer au I haven't talked about yet! Don't feel weird for asking at all!
The whole au is like. Heavily inspired by Cyberpunk 2077 (a guilty pleasure of mine), it could technically be a crossover au, I guess? I dunno, but I'm lazy/like to do stuff for fun, so certain aspects are obviously going to be changed. I'm not totally settled on designs, but I think I'm gonna keep most of the design aspects from this drawing for the "finalized" concepts.
The main plot centers on Casey Jr being put under the care of the turtles by "Mother" soon after having a whole (unwilling) relic insert situation in his brain, leading to former star Lou Jitsu to be revived within his mind!
The issue is that all of the turtles aren't really. The best father figures. None of them even want anything akin to a child, and even if Casey is 19, these guys are Mercs. Outside of their own clubbing and shows they do gigs for cash, including dangerous ones, ESPECIALLY dangerous ones. Having this new guy is like, a total roadblock, especially because Casey still, somehow, despite Night City's clutches and the last group he was pressured into before this, has some morals about him. The only reason they didn't kill him and stage an accident is because Mother promised them financial compensation for caring for him.
So he's stuck with four new "dads" who mostly all hate him or find him annoying, and Lou is not any different, he also finds him naive but he dislikes the turtles as well because he's a jaded old fuck (major hypocrite, too).
While the turtles are baseline all mercenaries, they share some traits between each other instead of leaving it to a "one guy only" job in most cases.
Donnie has the most technical skill, falling mostly under Techie and Net/Edgerunner, he adores tech after all, he also has illegally dabbles in being a ripperdoc, primarily for his brothers.
Mikey is actually the fallback for general medical issues, including those involving backfiring implants. He's only better at this because he's dabbled in researching (and using) tons of remedies, mainly for pain. He's the guy who's helped Donnie when working on inserting implants in the others. He's even stayed awake during his own surgeries to help Donnie during his fuck ups and implants.
Leo, while not extreme netrunner levels, does hold some hacking knowledge, just what he needs to make things a little easier with anything but combat most of the time, as combat is what he enjoys the most within jobs. He also tends to be the one to make their deals with Mother.
Raph is mainly muscle. Not to say he's simple, it's just his main role and main focus, having grown much more protective over the years, often acting as a bodyguard for the others during their own shows (hence he has the least involvement with any of their music). He's the least of the bad influences for Casey, at least directly.
They used to have another member of the group a few years ago, a media. Or a media wannabe, at least.
They normally have some reference to her, even if small, hidden within their shows.
This is all, of course, not tapping into their mystics, which are a bit different in this au as well with how they work. Lets just say Mother allows them special permissions when it comes to mystic usage.
...at least those are some of the basic ideas I've been throwing around in my head for the story, lol. I like to throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks to me. The whole thing is technically a wip still but so are 90% of my aus tbh lmao, this onrs just a lot more wippy because it's mainly a "for fun" au and I also haven't been able to play cyberpunk for myself to brush up on things outside of research and sometimes a man is just... not up for that, especially lately with my attention span, I hope to brush up a little more again sometime soon and maybe even delve into some aspects from the og ttrpg perhaps, I'm not sure yet, though, haha.
Oops long post, huh? My bad </3
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