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🌺与那国島(どぅなんちま)がらぬ東盛あいかか゚作(っく)いわたる映画 『ばちらぬん』 や、十月(どぅーがち)迄(ばぎん)オンラインし見(ん)なりるん。▶ Bachiranun |JFF+ INDEPENDENT CINEMA 2023 (jpf.go.jp)
🌹Baciranun directed by Yonaguni islander Higashimori Aika is now available online (untill October). ▶ Bachiranun |JFF+ INDEPENDENT CINEMA 2023 (jpf.go.jp)
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Thinking more about how the Ryukyuan archipelago is more like many ethnic-cultural groups with similar histories rather than one ethnicity. There's no perfect word but I appreciate that for now, Shimanchu has been used more frequently in place of Okinawan.
As a marginalized group within the sphere of Japan, I feel that we often lean towards seeing our own history through a rose-tinted glass. But the history of our place and space is complicated and the Ryukyuan Kingdom had acts of colonization to islands outside of Uchinaa.
I do find it frustrating that Uchinaaguchi is often referred to as “the Okinawan language” when Shimayumuta, Yambaru-Kutuba, Myaakufutsu, Yaimamuni, Shikamuni, Mēramuni, Teedanmuni, and Dunanmunui also exist? And in contemporary times, what does Uchinaaguchi standardization mean?
I can't speak to how it is in the islands but in the diaspora, I do feel that [we] Uchinaanchu don't really give as much space or conversation to other islands or don't acknowledge how Loochoo/Ryukyu/Uchinaanchu is not an identity that is accepted-used across our archipelago.
I am still in the process of learning and I am grateful to those within the community for sharing their truths, struggles and thoughts in language, identity, and history.
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🌹Today was quite erratic.
🌹The north wind was very strong today.
🌺強(す)さる乱気流 / 風(かでぃ)ぬ為那覇(なは)んき戻たん。
🌹We had to return to Naha due to unstable weather conditions.
🌹I didn't make it to Yonagunijima today.
🌹The only memorabilia I got is this map.
🌹 Very disappointing.
#与那国語#与那国方言#yonaguni#dunanmunui#与那国#yonaguni language#どぅなんむぬい#okinawa#ryukyu#japan#沖縄の文化#沖縄#沖縄旅行#沖縄本島#与那国物言#与那国島#与那国町#與那國町#與那國語#與那國方言#與那國#與那國島#どぅなんちま#どぅなん#dunan munui#dunan#dunancima
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🌹I spoke some Uchinaaguchi at a そば restaurant today.
🌹I am glad that more and more people are promoting Uchinaaguchi.
#与那国語#与那国方言#yonaguni#dunanmunui#yonaguni language#どぅなんむぬい#okinawa#ryukyu#japan#uchinaaguchi#uchinaa#沖縄語#おきなわ#沖縄の文化#沖縄方言#うちなーぐち
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Japan’s forgotten language - Yonaguni/Dunan
The Yonaguni language (与那国語), better known as Dunanmunui (与那国物言), Dunan-munui, or Dunan language, often referred to simply as Dunan, is the indigenous language of Yonagunijima (与那国島), the westernmost island of Japan. As of 2013, it has approximately 400 speakers, the majority of whom are middle-aged or older.
In Japan, Dunan and other Luchuan languages (Ryukyuan languages) are often referred to as “dialects” despite being unintelligible to Standard Japanese or other mainland variants. This is becuause assimilation policies were introduced to Ryukyu Islands after the Imperial annexation, and speaking Japanese has since been mandatory. In the early 20th century, Hougen Fuda (方言札) or dialect cards were commoly used at schools in Okinawa to coerce students into speaking only Standard Japanese.
Today, children no longer learn Dunan as mother tongue in the home, and the language is at risk of falling out of use. In 2009, UNESCO labeled Yonaguni (Dunan language), along with 5 other Ryukyuan languages, as “endangered” in the UNESCO Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger of Disappearing. According to UNESCO, these languages that carry the culture of Luchu (Ryukyu) are on the course of extinction by 2050.
1) The Ryukyuan languages form a branch of the Japonic language family.
2) In terms of internal relationships, the Ryukyuan languages are divided into two groups: Northern Ryukyuan languages and Southern Ryukyuan languages.
3) Yonaguni language (Dunanmunui) belongs to the Southern Ryukyuan languages, and it has two dialects: dialect of Tumaimura (祖納村ぬ言葉) and dialect of Ndimura (比川村ぬ言葉). However, most written sources generally do not stress on the two dialects of Dunan simply because differences between them are not salient in perception.
・Writing system
1) Japanese Hiragana and Katakana are used to write modern Dunanmunui, but currently there is no standardized orthography.
2) The most common one for Dunan is full Hiragana writing.
3) Similar to Uchinaaguchi (Okinawan language), it is possible to write Dunan in Kana-Kanji mixed script.
#Japan#Ryukyu#Japanese#Hougen#Language#indigenous#minority#Yonaguni#Dunanmunui#Dunan language#Dunan-munui#与那国語#与那国#琉球#琉球諸語#どぅなんむぬい#どぅなん#沖縄#Okinawa#Uchinaaguchi
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#与那国語#与那国#与那国方言#三線#Yonaguni#Yonaguni language#yonagunilanguage#dunan munui#Dunanmunui#Dunan language#Japan#Japonic#Ryukyu#okinawa#Langblr
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A Glossary of Constitutional Terms in the Yonaguni Language
🌹Let's learn some new vocabulary from the Japanese constitution.
Yonaguni (Dunan) simply does not possess the vocabulary to express many modern concepts, but authors 宮良 作 and 宮良純一郎 managed to coined or developed new political terms by combining different existing words.
This methodology is, of course, very common in Yonaguni terminology.
語彙(ぐい)/ Vocabulary / 語彙
🌺道筋(みてぃすでぃ)- reason, principle 🌺睦まつぁん(むちまつぁん)- harmonious 🌺睦まさるん(むちまさるん)- to get along well 🌺人人間(っとぅにんぎん)- individual 🌺どぅぬ中(どぅぬなが)- society, world 🌺社会(しゃかい)- society 🌺関わり(かかわり)- relationship, relation 🌺企み(くるみ)- plan 🌺企び(たぐらび)- plan 🌺国(ふん)- country 🌺我達国(ばんたふん)- our country 🌺国ぬ民(ふんぬたみ)- the people, common people 🌺国ぬ形どぅきみひる力(ふんぬかたちどぅきみひるしから)- national sovereignty, the sovereignty of the people 🌺心んききみるん(くぐるんききみるん)- to make a resolution, to pass a resolution 🌺戦道具(いくつぁどぅく゚)- equipment, armed force, gear, weapons 🌺戦道具力(いくつぁどぅく゚しから)- war potential, force, strength, military power 🌺捨てぃひるん(かてぃひるん)- to give up, to relinquish 🌺国どぅ納みひる仕事(ふんどぅうさみるしかま)- national politics 🌺納みひる仕事(うさみるしかま)- politics 🌺意見(いきん)- opinion 🌺永遠(えいいん)- eternity 🌺強さる力(すさるしから)- authority, power, 🌺真高ぬ関係(まーだがぬかんけい)- equal relationship 🌺真丈ぬ関係(まーたぎぬかんけい)- equal relationship 🌺行ない(うぐない)- behavior 🌺確かとぅきみるん(しかとぅきみるん)- to define clearly 🌺使い働ぐん(かいはたらぐん)- to exercise power or authority
#与那国#与那国島#与那国語#与那国物言#与那国方言#与那国言葉#与那国ことば#どぅなんむぬい#沖縄#琉球#琉球の言葉#日本#日本国#Yoanguni#Yonaguni language#Dunan language#Dunanmunui#Dunan-munui#Dunan#dunan munui#yonaguni#yonagunilanguage#Yonagunigo
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🌹This trip has been amazing, I had a lot of fun.
🌹I visited so many places, talked to different people, and tried different foods.
🌹It is very memorable.
🌹I will definitely come again.
#与那国語#与那国方言#yonaguni#dunanmunui#与那国#yonaguni language#どぅなんむぬい#okinawa#ryukyu#japan#琉球#旅行#沖縄本島#沖縄の文化#沖縄旅行#沖縄
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🌹Architecture of Ryukyu resembles that of China and Taiwan.
Black clay soil from Okinawa that contains iron becomes red once it's oxidized.
#沖縄#建物#Okinawa#Ryukyu#ryukyan architecture#architecture#与那国語#与那国方言#yonaguni#dunanmunui#与那国#yonaguni language#どぅなんむぬい#okinawa#ryukyu#japan
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0:21 我(あ)か゚名(なー)やイチどぅない居(ぶ)る、小学校4年生
0:25 くまや同志(どぅち)ぬカイリとぅうとぅとぅぬセン
0:29 何時(いち)ん一緒(まどぅん)遊(あん)び居(ぶ)ん。
0:32 今日(すー)や祖納村(とぅまいむら)に居(ぶ)るイチや、何時(いち)ん与那国島(どぅなんちま)に何様(ぬーんに)ぬ暮(く)らしき居(ぶ)んでぃ一日(ひとぅい)たみ居(ぶ)んどー。
0:49 早朝(とぅむてぃ)6時(でぃ)に起(う)ぎ居(ぶ)んどー。未(ま)でぃ眠(に)んたんすや。
0:58 早朝(とぅむてぃ)かなでぃいる事(くとぅ)やラジオ体操。
1:01 与那国物言(どぅなんむぬい)し言(ん)でぃつるように習(なら)い居(ぶ)ん。
1:23 んー!あまてぃ目(みー)覚(さ)まん。
1:28 顔(っちら)洗(あら)いてぃ、早朝(とぅむてぃ)ぬ御飯(いー)食(ふ)ん
1:43 其(う)ぬ後(あとぅ)や、んーちみ歯(はー)磨(みが)きるん。
1:46 あさとぅあぶんき挨拶(あいさてぃ)きてぃがら、学校(がっく)んき行(ひ)るん。
1:52 学校(がっく)んき行(ひ)るんどー。
2:00 くみぬ早朝(とぅむてぃ)や、諸(むーる)しラジオ体操きるんどー。与那国物言(どぅなんむぬい)しゆ。
2:22 学校(がっく)終(う)わいてぃ、宿題きるん。
2:26 其(う)ぬ後(あとぅ)や習(なら)い事(ぐとぅ)。水曜日や空手(からてぃ)。
2:37 ウクレレ習(なら)い居(ぶ)ん。
2:45 休(だち)みぬ日(っちー)や、ひびだとぅ遊(あん)び。
2:51 チャンバラぬ竹(だぎゃ)遊(あん)び居(ぶ)ん。
2:56 大人(うぶっとぅ)がら習(なら)いてぃ、笛(ふい)ばぎん吹(ってぃ)知(っつ)ん。
3:13 あさ、あぶがら習(なら)い居(ぶ)る与那国物言(どぅなんむぬい)やあらーぐまち。
3:33 与那国物言(どぅなんむぬい)末(ま)びん上等(どぅーでぃ)ない欲(ぶ)さん。
3:39 夜(どぅる)7時(でぃ)に、まんぐるどぅさび御飯(いー)食(は)いてぃ、湯風呂(どぅふる)はやいてぃ、9時(でぃ)に眠(に)んどぅん。
3:52 明日(あった)や何(ぬー)きてぃ、遊(あん)ぶかや?憩(どぅぐ)いわり!
3:59 あらーぐ面白(うむっつぁ)る一日(ひっとぅい)あったえー。イチ、まーしくたみ取(とぅ)らし誇(ふが)らさゆ。まいふなあがみ!いた、又(また)明日(あった)がら意地(いでぃ)出(ん)でぃりゆ。
#与那国島#与那国語#与那国方言#与那国物言#どぅなんむぬい#どぅなん#與那國語#與那國方言#與那國#與那國島#Yonaguni#Yonaguni language#Dunanmunui#Dunan language#Dunan#Yonagunilanguage#langblr#language learning#endangered languages#language
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針突ち (ハディチ)
(舊字體: 此ぬはでぃ、沖繩にん、異國にん、針突ちぬぐとぅ話きる人か゚多ぐないどぅ居る。)
(ひらがな: くぬはでぃ、うんなにん、いくくにん、はでぃちぬぐとぅはなしきるっとぅか゚うぶさぐないどぅぶる。)
🌹We are seeing more and more people talking about Luchu's Hajichi (or hadiCi in Yonaguni) in both Luchu and abroad.
🌸最近無論是在沖繩還是在國外,關注針突 (沖繩刺青) 的人越來越多。
#与那国方言#与那国語#yonaguni#dunanmunui#与那国#yonaguni language#ryukyu#okinawa#どぅなんむぬい#japan#langblr#minority languages#endangered languages#language learning
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#与那国方言#与那国語#yonaguni#dunanmunui#与那国#yonaguni language#ryukyu#okinawa#どぅなんむぬい#japan#okinawan#Okinawa#indigenous#luchu#endangered languages#minority languages#language learning#language#langblr
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#与那国語#与那国方言#与那国物言#どぅなん#どぅなんむぬい#十五夜#yonaguni#yonagunilanguage#yonaguni language#dunanmunui#Dunan language
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Yonaguni Kanji for dummies
・The basics - Kanji used in Luchu (Ryukyu)
1) Kanji (漢字) are logographic Chinese characters that are used in the Japanese and Luchuan (Ryukyuan) writing system.
2) Shuri Uchinaaguchi (Okinawan), the official language of the Luchu Kingdom (Ryukyu Kingdom), was historically written in hiragana-kanji mix.
3) Luchuan languages are often labelled as dialects, and because of this kana-kanji mix used in Luchuan languages has become obsolete.
・Yonaguni kanji (Dunan kanji)
1) Similar to both Japanese and Uchinaaguchi (Okinawan), it is possible to write Yonaguni using mixture of kanji and kana.
2) Currently there is no standardized Yonaguni orthography, and the modern Yonaguni writing system typically uses only Japanese Kana.
3) The book 與那國島圖誌 published in 1926 provides the earliest written account of Yonaguni Kanji.
• There are three types of Kanji reading existing in Yonaguni:
1) 音読み (on’yomi) - Sino-Japanese words pronounced using Yonaguni phonology. These words are associated with Chinese sounds and meanings.
道理(どぅり), related to 道理 (dàolǐ)in Chinese.
異国 (いくく), related to 異國 (yìguó)in Chinese.
2) 訓読み (kun’yomi) - The native reading of Yonaguni vocabulary with borrowed Kanji from Modern Japanese that represent their meanings. These are not cognates with any modern Japanese words.
3) 琉訓 (ryu’kun) - Words that are cognates with Japanese. These words are also a type of kun’yomi because they are pronounced using Yonaguni phonology while they use borrowed Han characters to represent their meanings.
生ち虫(いちむし), related to いき and むし in Japanese.
町屋(みしや), related to まちや in Japanese
大和(だまとぅ), related to やまと in Japanese.
*It must be noted that since Yonaguni has no standardized writing system, sometimes a word may be written in more than one way. For example, 生ち虫 can be written as 動物 while they are both pronounced as いちむし. The latter one is, obviously, kun’yomi reading.
( ばただみどぅきりゃいさぬやんきいてぃてぃくたよ。 )
#与那国語#与那国方言#与那国#琉球語#琉球語の方言#どぅなん#どぅなんむぬい#沖縄#琉球#Yoanguni#Yonaguni language#Dunan#Dunan language#Dunanmunui#Dunan-munui#Ryukyu#Luchu#okinawa#Uchinaa#langblr#kanji#Japan
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ばちらぬん - Baciranun
Baciranun (Yonaguni: 忘らぬん, Kana: ばちらぬん, lit. I won’t forget) is a 2020 Japanese-Ryukyuan documentary film written and directed by Aika Higamo and starring Aika Higamo, Nami Sasaki, Kenta Ishida, Koudai Mitsui, and Sakura Yamamoto. It is the first contemporary feature-length documentary in Yonaguni language. The film is set on Yonagunijima and revolves around a group of young people exploring various aspects of life and traditional culture of the island.
Baciranun premiered at the graduation exhibition of Kyoto University of the Arts and online on the official website of D STUDIO in February 2021, and it is scheduled to be released at Sakurazaka Theatre in Okinawa in October of the same year. The film received critical acclaim for its cinematography and was awarded Grand Prize at PIA Film Festival 2021.
2022年四月三十日っか沖縄ぬ島ぬ桜坂劇場に上映きらりてぃ、五月七日がらや東京・K’s cinema、アップリンク吉祥寺、十三日がらやアップリンク京都、大阪・第七藝術劇場始み大和に公開きらりるん。
(あぬとぅ んだや とぅーん かばるん。)
🌹You and I are completely different.
(あぬや にんぎんに まりてぃ、ぬーん ばがらぬん。ない くみ いてぃぶる くとぅ、んだとぅ はなしきぶるくとぅ、ないがらぬ さてぃぬ あぬや うぶいぶるかや?)
🌹I was born as a human, and I don’t understand anything. I wonder if I will remember living here and talking to you in the future.
🌹Anywhere, eternally.
🌹Let’s go home.
(あみてぃにや、あなぷん いちぶぐてぃん あんでぃ うむり。)
🌹Think of the road with pits and pebbles.
(あぬや ばちらぬんど、ぬーにん くにん。)
🌹I won’t forget everything.
Baciranun. Directed by Aika Higamo, performances by Aika Higamo, Nami Sasaki, Kenta Ishida, Koudai Mitsui, and Sakura Yamamoto, D STUDIO, 2020.
法政大学沖縄文化研究所(1987)。琉球の方言: 八重山 - 与那国。東京都:法政大学沖縄文化研究所。
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(舊字體: 俺か゚一番增ちゃるうちなーぐちぬ語學資料。😍
🌹This is my favourite book for learning Uchinaaguchi (Okinawan). 😍
This book is designed for newcomers to communicate with locals. Even if you don't know the word, you can just point on the pictures in the book and show it to a native speaker.
But I personally don't think that Uchinaaguchi is a "dialect". 😐
🌸這是我最喜歡的沖繩語教材。 😍
但我個人不認為沖繩語是一門「方言」。 😐
#与那国語#与那国#与那国方言#琉球語の方言#琉球語#沖縄語#うちなーぐち#沖縄#琉球#どぅなんむぬい#どぅなん#日本#アジア#Okinawa#Uchinaaguchi#Dunan#Dunanmunui#Dunan-munui#Yonaguni#Yonaguni language#Yonagunigo#Dunan language#Ryukyu#Luchu#Japan#langblr#Taiwan#Taiwanese
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