#Duke of Alba
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lillyjalexander · 2 years ago
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Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, called Antonio Moro (Utrecht, Netherlands, 1517–Antwerp, Belgium, 1577), Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, Third Duke of Alba, 1549, Oil on wood, 108 × 83.5 cm, Signed, upper left: “Antonius mor faciebat / 1549,” Inscribed, upper right, on a cartolina: “Fernandes de Toledo Duke / of Alva, 1557” (from John Lumley’s ownership of the picture). New York, The Hispanic Society of America, A105
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roehenstart · 1 year ago
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Carlos María Fitz-James Stuart, 16th Duke of Alba (1849-1901).
He was the nephew of Empress Eugénie de Montijo.
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royalpain16 · 1 year ago
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Pictures of their wedding.
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Carlos Fitz-James Stuart and Matile de Solís (seen with her son) and heir apparent of the dukedom of Alba, wore full military regalia representing the Royal Calvert Armory of Seville for his wedding
Thank you @royal-confessions I've never heard of him before. I've heard of the Duke of Alba but knew nothing about them. A Spanish dukedom. Queen Margarita attended their wedding.
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“The Fitz-James Stuart are very good-looking but wearing your ancestor’s military uniform to your wedding is kinda creepy, it’s not the same as wearing your grandpa’s morning suit. Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think they even served in the army so I don’t get why they chose to wear that it looks so old and worn down like it’s seen actual wars.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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24kmar · 1 year ago
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dreamconsumer · 10 months ago
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James II as Duke of York. By Samuel Cooper.
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faguscarolinensis · 9 months ago
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Stokesia laevis 'Alba' / 'Alba' Stokes' Aster at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University in Durham, NC
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rawsmackdownnxtdivas · 1 year ago
Chelsea Green(c) and Piper Niven(c) vs Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail (with Andre Chase & Duke Hudson) - Women's Tag Team Titles:NXT Halloween Havoc ( Week 2) 10/31/23
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iconicpromo · 6 months ago
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Do you have what it takes to be ICONIC?
Then @iconicrp​​ is the place for you! We’re a longstanding RP group that has plenty of  popular roles still available and also accepts OCs, so check us out and  join in the fun!
Taken | Message | Apply
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years ago
The Bavaria weddings pics and couple are just *chef’s kiss* 😭 idk somebody make Bavaria a monarchy for a week or something.
it was GORG
I don't remember being this excited over a non-royal royal wedding in a while
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bkenber · 2 years ago
Adam Scott on Acting in 'A.C.O.D.'
WRITER’S NOTE: The following interview took place on September 26, 2013. “A.C.O.D.” is an abbreviation for Adult Children of Divorce and the movie stars Adam Scott as Carter, a man who suffered through his parents’ bitter divorce as a child. Now as an adult, he owns a restaurant and appears to be a well-adjusted person despite what he has been through. But then his younger brother Trey (Clark…
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fightinggamegirlfriend · 5 months ago
*shaking snk developers by the shoulders* hi can you stop with your SNK boss syndrome and actually let me have an interesting match with the final boss that feels fair and isn’t cheap bullshit?
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mypepemateossus · 9 months ago
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inky-duchess · 4 months ago
Fantasy Guide to Dukes and Duchesses
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This new series will offer an indepth view of each noble title in the standard European hierarchy of noble titles. Here we will discuss what they are, their lands, their jobs and everything you need to know when writing them.
What is a Duke exactly?
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A Dukedom is the highest rank in most noble hierarchies. The Duke rules a section of land within the Kingdom known as a Duchy, for example the Duke of Lancaster or can be a standalone title, Duke of Rothesay. A Dukedom is inherited through the family line, from father to so but the title is bestowed on the by the monarch. Monarchs can also give their children Dukedoms, and often do. For example the second son of the King of France would be the Duc d'Orleans.
Titles, Titles
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The Duke is the highest ranking in the land. They are the first among the nobility, among the wealthiest, with the most prestige. A Duke is referred to as 'Your Grace'. If one is meeting a Duke in a social setting, nobles would call them Duke whilst underlyings would call them "Your Grace". A Duke would also hold subsidiary such as an Earldom or two, a Barony or three. But would go by Duke as it is the highest title. Fun fact, Carlos Fitz-James Stuart (pic above) has the most titles:
He is: Carlos Fitz-James Stuart, Duke of Alba, Grandee of Spain, Duke of Berwick, Grandee of Spain, Duke of Huéscar, Grandee of Spain, Duke of Liria and Jérica, Grandee of Spain, Count-Duke of Olivares, Grandee of Spain,Marquess of Carpio, Grandee of Spain, Marquess of La Algaba, Marquess of Barcarrota, Marquess of Castañeda, Marquess of Coria, Marquess of Eliche, Marquess of Mirallo, Marquess of la Mota, Marquess of Moya, Marquess of Osera, Marquess of San Leonardo, Marquess of Sarria, Marquess of Tarazona, Marquess of Valdunquillo, Marquess of Villanueva del Fresno, Marquess of Villanueva del Río, Count of Lemos, Grandee of Spain, Count of Lerín, Grandee of Spain, Constable of Navarre, Count of Miranda del Castañar, Grandee of Spain, Count of Monterrey, Grandee of Spain, Count of Osorno, Grandee of Spain, Count of Andrade, Count of Ayala, Count of Casarrubios del Monte, Count of Fuentes de Valdepero, Count of Fuentidueña, Count of Galve, Count of Elves, Count of Modica, Count of San Esteban de Gormaz, Count of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Count of Villalba, Viscount of la Calzada, Lord of Moguer.
The Family of the Duke
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The wife of a Duke is a Duchess. If a Duke is married to a man, while there is no real world examples, I would personally say they would take one of those other subsidiary titles I mentioned above. Same thing with a ruling Duchess and her wife. However, a ruling Duchess's husband usually sticks with whatever title he came with. The heir of the Duke usually inherits their parent's next highest title, usually an Earldom. The other children are styled as Lord/Lady Firstname.
The Role of the Duke
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As the Duke is leader of the Duchy, which is a large section of the kingdom. They are in control of this section, the highest power in law and order, politics and all things in that section with only the monarch above. They handle administration at the highest level, raising troops from their duchy for the crown in times of war, see the collection of taxes and sometimes they might even advise the monarch if they are offered a place of the monarch's council. They would also attend the monarch at their coronation.
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Dukes like a lot of nobility would have multiple houses, manors, estates etc. Their homes would be the grandest in the land and the social hubs for the Duchy and even the country. A Duke would sometimes live at court when invited but would also have the homes in the capital. This vast portfolio can become a source of income as the Duke can rent them out or a handy way to shelf relatives who depended on them.
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liminalmemories21 · 8 months ago
WIP Wednesday
tagged by @orchidscript, @strandnreyes, @paperstorm, @whatsintheboxmh, @carlos-in-glasses,
@chicgeekgirl89, and @reyesstrand Thank you!
man, knave-verse Paris caper is really just going to be a long series of in-jokes with myself.
“So, what’s the plan?” Sara finally asks. “I know you have a plan.”
Caffrey doesn’t argue.  “The plan is we all play ourselves.”  Sara and TK both raise their eyebrows at him. Caffrey shrugs.  “He knows all of us.”  Looks at Carlos.  “Except you.”  He looks at Carlos thoughtfully.  “Tell me Detective, how’s your noblesse oblige?”
Carlos looks at TK and raises an eyebrow, because what on earth is the appropriate response to that.  TK looks dubious.  “You’re thinking the lost heir?”
Caffrey shakes his head.  “The Dowager Duchess’s cat.”  TK grin is a slow moving sunrise.  “With a side of the Emperor’s New Clothes.”
TK bounces on the balls of his feet, and Carlos waits for the feeling he’d had when TK did this with Jack - the feeling of creeping dread, the feeling that he was losing TK - but this is nothing like that.  Every conversation TK had had with Jack had been tinged with grief, with loss, with desperation.  There’s nothing but glee in TK’s expression now, a little boy with a shiny new truck to play with.  
“Baby,” TK says seriously, looking at Carlos and then sweeping a bow that Errol Flynn would have been proud of, “Or should I say, your grace, the Duke of Positano?”
Caffrey makes a noise.  “Duke of Alba, he won’t have to fake the accent.”
TK snaps his fingers.  “Good point.”  Swings back to Carlos.  “Your Grace, the Duke of Alba.”
Sara’s dry voice cuts through Caffrey and TK’s scheming.  “The current Duke of Alba is 76.”  She taps her finger on her mouth.  “Both of his sons are married, and too high profile - “  She hmms, “There is a persistent rumor that the Duke had an illegitimate son though, and that was why his marriage was annulled.”   Carlos sees her notice, and then carefully pretend she hasn’t noticed, and that she isn’t secretly pleased, by the look Caffrey is giving her.  Carlos pretends not to notice, because that’s just polite, but the degree of sexual tension in the room just hit eleven.
tagging @freneticfloetry (because I know you have something), @alchemistc (because I adore your Buck/Tommy), @theghostofashton (because Olympics AU, getting more timely by the hour), and @walkinginland (because I want that Chris story)
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crow-aeris · 11 months ago
I don’t think I’ve actually listed out character and their bird species before, but here it is!
Also, the best way to check the birds out is using EBird. just search the names/scientific name and high-quality pictures of these birds as well as their description, vocalizations, and range will all show up!
Characters and their Birds:
(Also, sorry in advance for the weird formatting, i couldn’t get it to work)
The Bats:
Alfred- Tawny Owl (Strix aluco)
This plays into how Alfred is able to just… Appear and can hear almost everything going on. Also, tawny owls are common found in europe, and alfed is british 😔
Bruce- Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja)
Harpy eagles are some of the biggest eagles in the world, feeding primarily on primapes and slothes. Now, take into account Bruce’s bulk… Our man is huge.
Damian- Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja)
Within the League, power is everything, so to be born such a “powerful” raptor would’ve been seen as a good sign, but after Damian “goes soft (stopped killing ppl)” he’s seen as “weak”, or a “waste of immense power”, especially in Ra’s’s eyes.
Duke- Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura)
Doves in general are seen as peacekeepers and pacifists in general (it might be sacrilegious, but I think Jesus Christ and Mary in this au would have been depicted as doves (aphrodite too), which would probably endear them to those who believe in the bible- I’m also an atheist, and this is just speculation— pls don’t kill me :,]) which leads a lot of people to underestimate Duke and drop their guards around him. He’s a nice person in general, but I think he’d use this to his advantage when undercover as Duke Thomas: Ditzy 2nd Wayne chick.
Also, since doves are the symbol of peace, he also acts as the promary peacekeeper and buffer between Damian and Tim, who’d constantly get into fights, especially once Tim becomes Shadow.
Cass- Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
Barn owls, since they have disk-shaped heads and displaced ears, have the best hearing of all owls. I think that was something David Cain took into account when he, uh, had Lady Shiva have his kid. And since she’s an owl, she’s perfect assassin material, and David Cain alongside Shiva trained Cass until she was perfectly silent both in the air and on land.
She also runs warm- courtesy of being an owl, and so her siblings (especially Jason and Dick) and Steph would huddle under her wings when watching movies and nesting, but if the arguments ever gets too rowdy, Cass would go to either Bruce, Damian, Duke, or Tim.
Tim- Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)
Being a peregrine falcon means he is well respected within the elites in gotham. His natural flight speed is also something he’s proud of, and as Shadow, Tim is capable of darting in and out of the fray and knock out criminals before they eve know he’s coming. His speed and skills are further honed later on, and he turns into a truly formidable oppendent.
Steph- Violet- backed Starling (Cinnyricinclus leucogaster)
While the males are really purple and flashy, the females are more neutral in coloration 😔 Stepha dyes her feathers while vigilante-ing, so ppl assume she’s a dude.
She and Duke looked after Jason while he was on the streets, and they would keep an eye out and make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble.
Jason- Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
When he was younger, he had duller coloration in his feathers. But as he grew older, more and more people looked at him weirdly when he was out on the streets- his mom having to shield him from their leers. Later on, he learns that the people staring had less-than-pure intent, and that incentivizes him to hind away his wings.
When Batman and Anubis go off their rockers in grief, helps protect who he can from their indiscriminate anger, and evenually, he gets dragged into the flock after getting caught inbetween two gangs and got injured.
Barbara- American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)
She was originally going to be a baltimore oriole, but making barbara wouldn’t make sense. Then I debated making her an owl for wisdm, but the I remembered Apollo was the god of prophecies- Oracle of Dephi- and Apollo’s sacred bird was a crow (lets ignore how he smited them) so I made barbara a crow to lay homage to her as oracle :3
Plus, crows are hella smart, and I felt like it fit
Dick- Fischer’s Lovebird (Agapornis fischeri)
I could’ve easily took the coward’s way out and just made him a robin, but Dick needed to be colorful and bright, and he needed to be the light that illuminates Gotham’s eternally-gloomy skies. So i went searching for the perfect bird before finding the Fischer’s loverbird. It matches perfectly with the Grayson family colors- red, green, yellow- and so i went with dick as a fischer’s lovebird
Other Characters:
Thomas- Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) Like father like son!
Martha- Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) She was a beautiful woman, and thomas won her over by trying to catch a fish for her. He failed, ofc, and capsized their boat, but she had fun and decided to marry that silly man. (they’ve tone this story to bruce like… 12 times, but what wouldn’t he give to hear them tell it again)
Selina- Eurasian mgpie (Pica pica) You’ve heard about magpies and how they like shiny things and how they love to take said shiny things… well, here it is! Plus, I just think pica pica is really funny
Gordan- Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) Red-tailed hwk is THE most american bird, what with their shrieks being used in hollywood in place of actual bad eagle sounds, and Commish Jim Gordan works as a police, so I thought it was funny
Talia- Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) She is an imperial eagle because not only are they eagles, imperial conveys royalty, so i thought it was befitting
Ra’s- Haast’s Eagle (Aquila moorei) Haast’s eagles were huge, and I mean they were larger than harpy eagles with wigspans capable of reaching 8ft. the thing is, these eagles went exticnct partially due to humans sailing and traveling all over the place with rats and stuff being the main reason. i think that would make ra’s al ghul pretty pissed that his aves species was wiped out, or smth like that.
Either way, the Haas’s eagle is really cool and I think you should check them out
Joker- Glistening Green Tanager (Chlorochrysa phoenicotis)
I hope you all know how monstrous this bird is, like it is PEAK joker green, like literally. I got the idea off of a different blog i saw a few days or weeks ago talking about how the joker would be THIS bird, and i cannot agree even more. Also, the joker gnawed and tore his own wings off or the acid he fell into made it so the wings had to be amputated, either way idk and my brain is mush. What I DO know is that losing ones wings is terrible, horrible, and the joker probably gnawed it off himself in a fit of madness and craze directly after being acidified, or something like that
Metas/More Characters (No descriptions cos it’s 1am and I’m TIRED and I have a driving test tmrw):
Lois Lane- Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis)
Clark- No Bird, he’s an alien
Jonathan- Like his mom, a Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis)
Conner- Like his mom, a Purple Martin (Progne subis)
Luthor- Like his son, a purple martin (Progne subis)
Flashes- All of them would probably be a humming bird or a sunbird of some sort, I feel like its pretty self-explanitory. It’s not that being a hummingbird garentees you to be a speedster, it’s more like the speedsters just coincidentally end up as hummingbirds.
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dreamconsumer · 1 year ago
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James Stuart, 4th Duke of Lennox, created Duke of Richmond (1641). By John Hoskins.
He was a cousin of Charles I and a loyal follower of the Royalist cause.
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