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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 6 months ago
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Vauxhall Chevette 2300 HS Rally Car, 1976. The Chevette was Vauxhall's version of the GM T-car, it became one of the first hatchbacks in its class in the UK. The fact that the T-car was rear wheel drive meant a fairly easy transition to a Group 4 rally car. Vauxhall's 2.3 litre 4 cylinder engine was fitted with a Lotus DOHC 16 valve cylinder head and a Getrag 5 speed manual transmission. The DTV HS proved to be a successful rally car achieving a number of wins for drivers such as Pentti Airikkala, Jimmy McRae and Tony Pond. For homologation purposes there was also a road-going version
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mashymilkiesinc · 10 months ago
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The secret project I worked on last year is secret no longer; this poster was spotted at Disneyland.
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lisa-dorina · 3 months ago
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For the Germans: Der dritte Band meines Comics "Grün&Gold" im neuen dtv-Katalog 🥰 Ich war zuerst enttäuscht, weil beim Covervoting nicht mein Favorit gewonnen hatte. Ich habe mich aber schnell mit dem Gewinnermotiv angefreundet und finde es jetzt famos. Band 3 erscheint am 13. Februar 2025! Könnt ihr jetzt wahrscheinlich schon beim Buchhändler eures Vertrauens vorbestellen. Unterstützt gerne einen kleinen lokalen Buchladen in eurer Nähe, wenn ihr könnt. 💛 Ich freu mich schon!
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skullislandproductions · 9 months ago
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Rough drawing for DVD cover art for “Daffy Duck’s Quackbusters.” With a new release on DVD, there was a request to “refresh” original poster art from 1988. Staying close to the spirit and layout of the original, I made adjustments to feature the characters’ faces and poses, to give a quick read in a retail setting.
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shinraelectricpowercom · 7 months ago
do we think Jack Manhattan and Cosmo Chase ever explored each other's bodies
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popculturebuffet · 2 months ago
The Little Engine that COuld: A Cinematic Trilogy of Train Madness (Commission for Lachey V
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Happy new year all you happy people!
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This year was rough and i'll get into it more in my best of the year lists but for now let's talk about Trains again. Once again Lachey has asked me to cover trains. Unlike Thomas though this one did have a part in my childhood, it's the Little Engine That Could.
The Little Engine that Could, for those who didn't grow up with this one, is a story that had been passed around some time, evolving and even getting a book in the 20's that didn't stand well as a folk tale about a little engine who thinks she can , she thinks she can.. and she's right. The story got popularized by a 1950 version that's been the standard since by publisher Arnold Munk, who wrote a bunch of stories under the pseudonym Walty Piper, one of many. It's a book I cherished as a kid, an inspiring story of not giving up and trains and the cover always stuck out ot me
So when Lachey asked me to cover the various adaptations of it, I was all aboard. So today we're covering the 1963 short, the 1991 tv special and the 2011 Movie. So get aboard for film strips, murder mountains, and nightmare trains, this is The Little Engine that Could
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The 1963 Short
Our first is also our shortest with each version ramping up in length and rediculouness. The initial short is just a 1:1 adaptation of the book, which was a nice refresher for me. The story is simple: An engine gets derailed while trying to deliver the birthday train, a train filled with sentient toys for the children
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None of the other trains will help him either because their too old or because if they were an ice cream flavor they'd be pralines and dick, the latter being consistent across all three versions. Thankfully a little engine happens by and thinks she can and despite her size and struggles she perseveres. I'ts a good story about overcoming your limitations. I could pick apart this aseop.. but I won't. While perseverance can be a BAD thing sometimes, see our current political state, it's not a bad thing to teach childern especially onces who might have confidence issues. It's a solid short with a good message and nice narration. Not much to say on it but a good time nonetheless.
The 1991 VHS Special:
The 1991 version is Lachey's faviorite, even having a cell from it and i'm happy to say out of the three it's mine too. This special oozes with charm, having a nice soothing tone to it, bright vibrant animation and and starring voice acting legend Kathie Sourcie as the titular engine, named tilly, a child train whose constantly told no to actually getting to haul cargo by the dickish water tower what runs the train yard.
This one nicely expands things, introducing the other engines first so we meet the one whose old, now cartoonishly sputtering and the one whose an asshole who refuses to help because it's beneath them who looks a LOT like a certain other asshole
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It's a nice bit of expansion and needed in a half hour specail without overdoing it. It simply gives the trains more fleshed out versions of thir persionalities; the train carrying the birthday train whose name i'd forgotten is kind, motherly and supportive to Tillie, the train whose too old is a milk train, and the train whose an asshole is a bully to tillie.
The entire world hates tillie in this one. That's not an exageration: the tower screams in a child's face no at her desires, and when she does finally sneak out to think she can, the entire world is determined to stop her. That's not hyperbole. A random eagle screechs at her ot turn back. The winds turn against her. A fucking mountain bellows at her TURN BACK TURN BACK. The entire world wants to make sure she can't.. and she proves them wrong. We even get a jaunty musical number that slaps
Also Frank Welker can fucking belt.. I do not understand why they didn't have him sing for the Scooby Doo Musical. But Nothing Can Stop Me Now is a belter, an adorable song that gets the message acrossed amazingly, written by the same chaps what made the ducktales theme. It's a fucking triumphant song.
And naturally after all the trials it plays again when our heroine wins the day, delvering the birthday train to a kid. As you can see not only are the toys fleshed out a bit, but we actually get a story behind the train: it's a train that delivers a ton of toys and good times to someone on their birthday as before but we now get a kid waiting for it while his sister mocks him because older siblings be dicks sometimes. I have a teenagerdom of being called stalin to prove it.
The 1991 special is a great adaptation, taking the general outline of the book and beefing it up into a charming little specail. 30 minutes is just about the right runtime: enough to flesh out the story but not so much you have to add a lot of weird shit to make this a full movie. I mean there is the eagle telling a child train to go back, but it's the normal amount of nuts. For our next one though....
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The DTV Full Length Movie (2011)
So in 2011 unviersal studios said "Quick we need a film to put out on dvd grandparents will buy for their kids not knowing better!' and thus the Little Engine that Could 2011 was spat into the world out of a stygian hole in the sky.
The Little Engine that Could has a BAFFLING array of talent behind it. The cast includes Phineas and Ferb's Alyson Stoner , Whoppi Goldberg, Patrick Warburton, Brenda Song, Jim Cummings, Charlie Schlatter and all around legend Jamie Lee Curtis. All fantastic actors who badly needed a paycheck.
LETC takes the bare bones of the main idea, an engine hauling a cart of toys, and makes it the story of Dream Haulers, trains who deliver dreams to children. A concept that could make a good show for younger children, have trains help solve their problems and such, but here is just a backdrop for a very by the numbers plot: A quirky determined underdog wants to live their dream but THE MAN won't let them, meanwhile a child is bullied and needs to learn a lessson or something so he ends up in a fantasy world but it's a BIIIIGGGGGGGG disaster for that world, so our plucky underdog takes him on a journey home with the help of a bunch of oddballs she picks up along the way. She looses faith after the villian tricks her but finds her courage again after a pep talk and everything's fine.
This film felt weirder watching it: you have big names doing this thing, a weird concept that's vaugely defined, usual so bad it's good stuff.. but the film is so bland. Looking back on it for this review it just.. exists. It was a slog to get through and the more I think about it the less it appears. The voice performances are good for the most part: Allyson Stoner, a veteran from Phineas and Ferb at this point, does a fantastic job, using a similar voice to isabella and giving the train a lot more character than the script, Whoopie Goldberg does her best as the stern yet well meaning control tower.. thing, Jamie Lee Curtis is a clown toy, one of may toys the engine fines because THE BOOK DID IT and has a lot of fun and Patrick Warburton is his usual fantastic self as the train's car/sidekick. He dosen't get to do much but that's more because the film is so paper thin. Every character is just... a bland description. The plucky hero, the snooty bully, the valley girl bully, the strict but well meaning boss, the worn out mentor who causes this whole mess and needs to be saved, the villian, the secondary mentor you find on the quest, the comic relief.
The exception to this.. is the most obnoxious character in the movie and sadly our Co-Lead, Richard. Richard is memorable.. because he won't shut the fuck up and won't stop complaning the entire film. He starts out being bullied, with the film giving the old cliche you should stand up to your bullies. That always ends well and surely dosen't still get you a cup of punch in the face. I'm not saying don't stand up, but the film treats it as a weakness of richards for not going back to get his grandpa's pocket watch they take. That he's cowardly. Him avoiding telling his grandpap is a bit but in fairness Richard probably dosen't want to have to bury the bodies. So he hops on a train which rusty, little engine's mentor played by Jim Cummings who tries his best, who taking a nap doesn't notice a child on the train which shatters the barrier between worlds and forces the little engine to take the long way. Just as a quick aside before I gripe about a fictional child... Rusty himself.. is a weak character. We're supposed to WANT him to get his job back, as little engine does.. but he's tired, falling asleep on the job and his negligience causes their tunnel to collapse. All the control tower does is demote him to moving shit around. She doesn't even fire him... if i'ts possible. It's sad.. but even Rusty admits this was his fault. Granted everyone ignoring his backup plan to go over the mountain as an ass saving lie is stupid, and they shoudl've at lest sent someone to scout to see if it was possible. But i'm giving too much credit to a film that is trying for the youngest audience possible as an excuse to fart out crap.. whcih it isn't. I mean i've reviewed 5 seasons of Thomas and Friends at this point: it may be bonkers due to things they didn't think through, but boy you can just feel the love and effort squeezed into every frame, the creativity, the pomp.
Here it's just a lifeless film that plops a troubled boy into it because ad executive law states if you make something with a girl protaganist kids won't love it.. which makes me giggle uncontrollably when I think the most popular younger ages show today not only has a female lead, but actually you know tries. But back in 2011 you had to staple a penis onto a project to get it made, and thus we have Richie who just whines the whole journey. now granted he is right to be a little sore, he's in another universe because he went in a train car to mope. No one would handle that well. But the way he just complains or whinges about the dreamland they pass through being "girly" and asks where all the superheroes are. Richard spends the whole film just not shutting up and only occasionaly lightneing up and is only really useful when there's either no other choice or it's the climax so he has to be. His character development is also weak as he just .. grows a spine because he went on a life threatning adventure?
It may also be because he threw pies at nightmarish simulcra of his bullies. Yeah this film suddenly takes a turn in the last act as for no decsrinble reason we get a proper antagonist. The bullies are just the setup and normally it'd just be the other trains and the tower doubting the engein..which really is enough. When she goes for their help they mocker her like assholes. The only notable one is Brenda Songs, who dosen't have a name, and even then she's just a typical airhead/brat character way bellow her va's paygrade and talents. Song hadn't done amphibia yet but she'd done enough suite life to show she had comedic chops that are never left out to thaw here.
Instead we get THE NIGHTMARE TRAIN, an evil train that tricks the engine into giving her it's cargo and plans to uh.. run around with it, do stuff. He delivers nightmares and.. is never brought up before this. He is intresting, the idea of this oppisite numbers, his plan to only deliver nightmares, he's a little creepy.. but like the rest they just don't do much. We just get the bully hullcinations because it's all production could afford and a chase scene once the little engine is encouraged by patrick warburton to go kick this man's ass.
So everything wraps up okay and this film... it.. sure did happen. That's about it. This film is bonkers but not enough to be so bad it's good, has a cast way too good for it. It exists and that's about all it does and it's questionable if it even does that well. Thankfully the perfect adaptation had only been made and as ravenous for IP hollywood is, this mess hasn't been attempted again. Maybe some day we'll get a tv show, a thomas and friends like affair. But for now i'm glad we got the terrible dtv half assed phase of adapting this joyous book out of our system. Remember i'm pulling for ya, we're all in this together.
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dtvhomeofhappiness · 2 months ago
An introduction, of sorts
Hello, my name is John Carmen and I am currently at the forefront of a local lost media search for a Rocky Horror Cable Channel exclusive to the Wilmington, Delaware area named
I am looking for information on this channel and if anyone aside from me and a few local friends remember it. I have created a google site for it and would very much appreciate you checking it out.
Thank you,
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askerrorchara · 9 months ago
I’m trying to meet other me, are you ok? I saw the comic…
*too lazy to box*
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They are confused. They are unsure of which 4th wall breaking shenanigans' you might be referring to.
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scullys-scalpel · 1 year ago
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sarahreesbrennan · 1 year ago
pick a cover, any cover! (These covers.)
Would you like to pick my German cover? I’m so thrilled LONG LIVE EVIL will be published in Germany after a pre-empt by DTV, who called my fantasy about for-real loving favourite characters and becoming villains ‘unique and exceptional.’ My wonderful editor Julia Kniep made me cry saying I’m one of her favourite writers. It’s a dream as DTV publishes such superstar fantasy writers as Tracy Wolff, Tolkien(!! No big deal though), Sarah J. Maas & maybe the MOST beautiful special editions of the fabulous Rebecca Yarros ever. So should the German cover of LONG LIVE EVIL be in classic purple like the US & UK (vote with a 💜) glamorous gold like the Irish special edition (vote with a 💛) or a whole new exciting graffiti style font like the wicked rock stars we are (vote with a 🖤). Please vote your favourite over at DTV’s Instagram as part of the #leipzigbookfair anytime between now and the 24th.
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mater-argento · 2 years ago
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mysharona1987 · 2 years ago
Halfway into watching the True Lies tv show. This is most “dad show” that ever existed.
That’s not a bad thing or anything.
But this is really only a show you recommend to your middle aged dad that likes 90s action films and Stevan Seagal DTV thrillers and insists Die Hard is *absolutely* a Christmas film.
Wife: “Husband, You have lied to me in our relationship for 15 years!”
Husband: “But now you understand I am CIA agent/international spy/ FBI guy you are turned on? For the first time in years.”
Wife: “Only as much as PG 13 lets us show.”
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mingos-commodoreblog · 1 year ago
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C64 DTV Graphic - Because! (AKA Because C64 is way too limited for wired graphics!!!) by Street Tuff, released at Wired AI Ninja Compo 2023
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philosophenstreik · 1 year ago
ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst, und das ist kunst.
sachbuch von jakob schwerdtfeger
erschienen 2023
in der dtv verlagsgesellschaft
isbn: 978-3-423-28375-5
(von tobias bruns)
kunst ist schon so ein thema... wie oft hört man menschen sagen, wenn sie abstrakte kunst betrachten, dass auch sie selbst ein solches werk vollbringen könnten... natürlich könnten sie, hätten sie die idee dazu und würden sie verwirklichen - aber eben das ist meist nicht der fall... weder hat diese entsprechende person die idee, noch führt sie die nicht vorhandene idee durch... doch warum ist kunst, bei der jedermann sagt, dass könnte ich doch selbst, tatsächlich kunst? das beantwortet jakob schwerdtfeger in diesem kleinen buch, welches versucht, die kunst verständlicher zu machen oder das interesse an kunst erst einmal zu wecken - beides schafft er in "ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst"...
natürlich kann man sich fragen, warum ein an kunst nicht interessierter mensch überhaupt dieses buch lesen sollte, doch eigentlich ist es ganz einfach: selbst menschen, die sich für kunst nicht interessieren, überfällt ein schauer, wenn sie von neuen rekordpreisen bei der letzten auktion hören, oder wenn man in den nachrichten von einem werk liest, dass nicht nur nichts darstellt, sondern tatsächlich nicht vorhanden ist - im physischen sinne... schwerdtfeger hat für alles eine erklärung, die nicht nur kunstgeschichtlich fundiert ist, sondern noch dazu amüsant - spaß erweckend könnte man sagen.
was haben die "mona lisa", ein pissoir und eine dose "glücksklee"- kondensmilch gemeinsam? sie alle sind kunstwerke, genauso wie ein geschredderter banksy oder ein block fett... wie kann all das gleichzeitig kunst sein? schwerdtfeger bringt auch einige fun-facts ein, gibt kunstfälschern ihren platz in dieser ungewöhnlichen geschichte über, um und "die" kunst.
"ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst, und das ist kunst" ist ein extrem unterhaltsames, extrem kurzweiliges werk über die kunst für einsteiger und eingefleischte im gleichen maß. eine große lesensfreude, die einen bei der lektüre überkommt und komplett in die materie eintauchen lässt. eindeutig klar wird hier, dass kunst eben nicht "elitär" ist, sondern ganz einfach menschlich.
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thoronris · 2 years ago
[Rezension] Leonie Lastella - Seaside Hideaway - Unsafe
Eine einzige Nacht zerstört Nevahs bisheriges Leben. Nachdem sie und ihr Bruder Miller Zeugen eines furchtbaren Verbrechens wurden, muss Nevah mit ihrer Familie untertauchen. Sie bekommen neue Namen, ein neues Zuhause und eine neue Vergangenheit. Niemand darf erfahren, wer sie sind – und vor allem, was sie wissen. Während ihr Bruder sich scheinbar mühelos mit der Situation arrangiert, kämpft…
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chadnapier · 1 month ago
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If you’ve ever dreamed of living in Thailand for a while, the Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) might be the perfect choice for you! Let’s explore what this visa is all about, who it’s for, how to apply, and some of the challenges you might face with the 6-month extension.
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